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A61861 Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury wherein the history of the Church, and the reformation of it, during the primacy of the said archbishop, are greatly illustrated : and many singular matters relating thereunto : now first published in three books : collected chiefly from records, registers, authentick letters, and other original manuscripts / by John Strype ... Strype, John, 1643-1737. 1694 (1694) Wing S6024; ESTC R17780 820,958 784

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but to take the King and his Successors for Supream Heads thereof And he was perjured again in taking his Bishoprick both of the Queen and the Pope making to each of them a solemn Oath Which Oaths be so contrary that the one must needs be Perjury And further in swearing to the Pope to maintain his Laws Decrees Constitutions and Ordinances he declared himself an Enemy to the Imperial Crown and to the Laws of the Realm Whereby he shewed himself not worthy to sit as a Judg in this Realm This was the Sum of this excellent Letter of the Arch-bishop to the Queen He wrote another to her soon after wherein he plainly told her That at her Coronation she took an Oath to the Pope to be obedient to him to defend his Person to maintain his Authority Honour Laws and Privileges And at the same time another Oath to the Kingdom to maintain the Laws Liberties and Customs of the same He prayed her to weigh both Oaths and see how they did agree and then to do as her Grace's Conscience should give her For he was sure he said she would not willingly offend He feared there were Contradictions in her Oaths and that those that should have informed her Majesty thoroughly did not their Duties herein He complained that he was now kept from Company of Learned Men from Books from Counsel and from Pen and Ink saving to write to her Majesty at that time and as to his appearance at Rome he said if she would give him leave he would appear there and he trusted God would put in his Mouth to defend his Truth there as well as here These Letters of his one of the Bailiffs of Oxon carried up to the Queen Something else he wrote to her enclosed and sealed which he required Martyn and Story to be delivered without delay and not to be opened until it were delivered unto her own Hands These and other of his smart and learned Letters no question made Impression upon the Queen or at least upon those that read them for they were delivered by the Queen to no less a Person than the Holy Father Cardinal Pole himself who was advised to frame an Answer to them So he wrote to the Arch-bishop in answer to one of them a long Letter dated from St. Iames's Novemb. 6. Wherein he pretended a great deal of Compassion to his Soul which he told him was ready to be lost as well as his Body And that the Condemnation that was lately past on him was so horrible to him to hear that he testified to him before God and upon the Salvation of his Soul that he would rather chuse to be the Means of bringing him to Repentance than to receive the greatest Benefit that could be given him under Heaven in this World Which the Cardinal might say to take off the Odium of the Suspicion as though he hastened Cranmer's Death that he might jump into his Place And so the Cardinal proceeded to attempt to convince him in the two great Points of his Letter viz. concerning the Authority of the Pope and concerning the Sacrament of the Altar Especially because Cranmer had said in his Letter That he would not be perverse to stand wilfully in his own Opinion if any could shew him by Reason that his Doctrines were Erroneous But I refer the Reader to the Appendix if he be minded to read the Cardinal's Letter which I met with among Fox's Manuscripts By comparing of this Letter of Pole's with that of Cranmer's any one may see a mighty difference Strength Evidence and Conviction in the Arch-bishop's who had Truth on his Side but a Flashiness and Debility in the Cardinal 's made up of poor Shifts and weak Arguings and impertinent Allegations of Scripture and personal Reflections to help out a bad Cause To mention some few of this sort He charged the Arch-bishop with Covetousness and Ambition in affecting the Archbishoprick And then by and by not well remembering what he had said before in his Heat against the good Arch-bishop he gives a contrary Reason thereof namely That he might be in a capacity to reform the Church according to his Mind And that it was for the sake of that that he took an Oath to the Pope at his Consecration though he were fain to make a Protestation against the said Oath He said in this Letter That the Arch-bishop's fall into Error was not as the fall of others usually were by Frailty or Curiosity but by deliberate Malice And that the Arch-bishop by his Protestation that he made before he took his Oath to the Pope brake his Oath and was forsworn before he did swear Which methinks is pretty strange And concerning this Protestation he said It was a privy Protestation and that he had privy Witnesses of it Whereas it was done in the most open and publick manner that could be two or three times over before Publick Notaries and by them entred on Record on purpose that all might take notice of it And whereas the Arch-bishop had said That it was much more probable that the Bread and Wine should be a Figure than the real Body and Blood The Cardinal said The more probable it was the more false because the great Sophister and Father of Lies deceived by probability of Reason The Consequence whereof one would think should be the more improbable any Opinion in Religion was the more true But he said the true Doctrine was taught another way He represented the Arch-bishop as challenging them of the other Side to bring any one single Doctor of the Church that ever spake in favour of Transubstantiation leaving out For a thousand Years next after Christ which the Arch-bishop expresly had said And in fine every where he triumphed over the Arch-bishop's wilful Blindness and Ignorance and told him in much Charity That he was under the Vengeance of God a Member of Satan and damned This and a great deal more may be seen in Pole's Letter To which I might have added another Letter of the said Cardinal to the same Arch-bishop concerning the Sacrament a little after the Disputation at Oxford but that it would be too prolix being a just Treatise against Cranmer's Book of that Argument This Treatise bears this Title REGINALDI POLI Cardinalis Legati Apostolici Epistola ad Thomam Cranmerum qui Archiepiscopalem sedem Cantuariensis Ecclesiae tenens novam de Sacramento Eucharistiae Doctrinam contra perpetuum Catholicae Ecclesiae consensum professus est ac tradidit Qua Epistola eum nec Magistrum tanti Mysterii neque Discipulum idoneum esse posse Simulque unde hic ejus Error manarit ostendit E● ad poenitentiam hortatur CHAP. XXI He Recants Repents and is burnt HAving brought the Arch-bishop unto his Degradation and Appeal wherein he shewed so much Christian Courage Wisdom and Fortitude I must now represent him making a great Trip and a sad Fall and mention one of the
such men should be driven from them provided they do reside a good part of the year upon their Churches V. Since the Dispensation of two or three benefices hath been granted by former Princes to some Priests for the merit of their life and maners they cannot without injury be deprived of them Nor yet can they in al respects reside personally and perpetually VI. When many have designed their sons for the Universities and have been at no smal charges to give them learning because they have entertained good hope that they might hereafter be assistant to their friends and relations this hope being gone their care about this matter wil also grow cold otherwise of it self cold enough For as he said Where there is no honor there is no Art VII The houses of the Rectories in many places are either ruined or none at al or let out by Indentures Going to the Court of Rome Going to a General Councel Going to a Synod or Parlament Violent detaining Remedies That there be a les number of those that follow the Court who heap up benefices upon benefices That they who have many Benefices reside a certain time upon each That a way be found wherby such as live in Towns and Cities may be forced to pay Personal tiths Which being now almost quite taken a way the Benefices in such places are in a great part lessened When some of the Bishops by reason of the slendernes of their possessions cannot afford Stipends to the Priests their fellow laborers that they who serve them reside for a certain time of the year in their own parishes That Rectors who heretofore have payd pensions to Monasteries in ready mony be not now compelled to pay the same in bread-corn to Lay-proprietors That in Woody places where the custome hath alwayes obtained tith may be payd of Sylvae caeduae that is Wood that is cut to grow again especially when there is a great scarcity of corn in such places Parishes are not divided jure divino Whence followeth that as many Benefices may be layd into one so one by reason of the greatnes of it may be divided into two NUM LXXXIX Pole Cardinal Legate to Archbishop Cranmer in answer to the Letter he had sent to the Queen ALmighty God the Father by the grace of his only son god and man that dyed for our sins may geve yow trew and perfect repentance This I daylie pray for my self being a Synner but I thank God never obstinate synner And the same grace the more earnestly I do pray for to be geven to them that be obstinate the more neade they have thereof being otherwise past al mannes cure and admonition to save them As your open sayings in open audience doyth show of yow Which hath cawsed that those judges that hath syt apon the examination of your greviouse fautes seing no lykelod of ony repentaunce in yow hath utterlie cast awaye al hope of your recoverie Whereof doith follow the most horrible sentence of condempnation both of your body and soule both your temporal death and eternal Which is to me so great an horrour to here that if there were ony way or mean or fashion that I might fynd to remove you from errour bryngeng yow to the knowledge of the truth for your Salvation This I testifie to you afore God apon the Salvation of myne owne sowle that I would rather chuse to be that meane that yow might receive this benefyt by me then to receive the greatest benefyt for my self that can be geven under heaven in this world I easteme so moch the salvation of one sowle And becawse it happened to me to see your private lettres directed to the Qwenes Highnes sent by the same unto me wherein you utter and express such appearaunt reasons that cause yow to swarve from the rest of the Church in these Articles of the authoritie of the Pope and of the Sacrament of the aulter Concluding with these words That if ony man can show yow by reason that the authoritie of the Pope be not prejudicyal to the wealth of the realm or that your doctrine in the Sacrement be erroneous then you wold never be so perverse to stond wylfullie in your own opinion but shal with al humilitie submytt your self to the truthe in al things and gladly embrace the same Thise your words written in that lettre geveth me some occasion desyring your wealth not utterly to dispayr thereof but to attempt to recover yow by the same way that yow open unto me Which is by reason to show yow the error of your opinion and withal the light of the treuthe in both causes But whither this may healp yow indede or bring you to revoke the same with trew repentaunce this I know not and I fear moche the contrarie For that I see the ground and begynning how you fel into errour in both thise articles not to be of that sort that maketh men commonly to fall into errours and heresies Which sort and way is by medling with your wyt and discourse natural to examen the Articles of the faith Makeing your reason judge thereof which ought to bee judged and ruled by the tradition of the faith Which abuse causeth men dayly to fall into errours and heresies And the same also is in yow and is joyned with that yow have done But here standeth not the grownde of your errour nor yet in this other common maner of faulling from the trouthe which S. Paul noteth in the Gentiles and is in al me● commonlie that followeth their sensual appetites Qui veritatem D●i in injustitia detinent Which thing also hath been occasion of your ●rrour But yet not this is the very grownde thereof but a further sawte that you geveng your othe to the truthe yow mocked with the same as the Iewes mocked with Christ when thei saluted him saing Ave Rex Iudaeorum and afterwards did crucifie hym For so did yow to the Vicar of Christ Knowledgeng the Pope of Rome by the words of your othe to be so and in mynde entendeng to crucifie the same authoritie Whereof came the plague of deape ignoraunce and blyndnes unto yow Which is now that bringeth you to this greivous peryl to perish both bodie and sowle From which peril no reason can deliver yow But yow discovereng your self touching the entrie when yow shuld make the customable othe of al legitimate Busshops in Christendom which is the dore for you to entre to the service of God in the highest spiritual office withyn this realme and seeing you made the same but for a countenaunce nothing meaneng to observe that yow promised by the othe this is a dore that every thieffe may entre bye This is not the dore that thei entre by that mean earnestlie the service of God Wherein the Prophets sentence is playne askeng this question Quis ascendet in montem Domini aut quis stabit in loco sancto ejus And then answering to the same
meaning Thirlby Hethe Tonstal c. that they held their Peace for this Consideration though they knew this well enough Who if they had done their Duty to the Crown and Realm should have opened their Mouths at this Time and shewn the Peril and Danger that might insue to the Crown hereby Another Cause he urged to the Queen why he could not allow the Pope's Authority was Because he subverted not only the Laws of the Nation but the Laws of God So that whosoever be under his Authority he suffered them not to be under Christ's Religion purely For proof of which he gave these Instances God's Will and Commandment is that when the People be gathered together to serve God the Ministers should use such a Language as the People might understand and take profit thereby For God said by the Mouth of S. Paul As a Harp or Lute if it give no certain sound that Men may know what is stricken who can dance after it it is put in vain So it is in vain profiteth nothing if the Priest speak to the People in a Language they know not And whereas when he urged this to the Commissioners they told him That that Place respected Preaching only He told the Queen That S. Paul's words meant it not only of Preaching for that he spake expresly of Praying Singing and giving Thanks and of all other things which the Priests say in the Churches And so he said all Interpreters Greek and Latin Old and New School-Authors and others that he had read understood it Till about thirty Years past Eckius and others of his Sort began to invent this new Exposition And so he said all the best Learned Divines that met at Windsor 1549 for the Reformation of the Church both of the New Learning and the Old agreed without Controversy not one opposing that the Service of the Church ought to be in the Mother-Tongue and that that Place of S. Paul was so to be understood Again Christ ordained the Sacrament to be received of Christian People under both Forms of Bread and Wine and said Drink ye all of this The Pope gives a clean contrary Command That no Lay-man shall drink of the Cup of their Salvation So that if he should obey the Pope in these things he must needs disobey his Saviour Again He instanced in the Pope's taking upon him to give the Temporal Sword to Kings and Princes and to depose them from their Imperial States if they were disobedient to him and in commanding Subjects to disobey their Princes Assoiling them as well from their Obedience as their lawful Oaths made unto them directly contrary to God's Commandment that commandeth all Subjects to obey their Kings and their Rulers under them Then he spake of the Superiority the Pope claimed above Kings and Emperors and making himself Universal Bishop And how his Flatterers told him he might dispense against God's Word both against the Old and New Testament and that whatsoever he did tho he drew innumerable People by heaps with himself to Hell yet might no mortal Man reprove him because he is the Judg of all Men and might be judged by no Man And thus he sat in the Temple of God as he were a God and named himself God and dispensed against God If this were not he said to play Antichrist's part he knew not what Antichrist was that is Christ's Enemy and Adversary Now added he until the time that such a Person may be found Men might easily conjecture where to find Antichrist He took God to record that what he spake against the Power and Authority of the Pope he spake it not for any Malice he ought to the Pope's Person whom he knew not nor for fear of Punishment or to avoid the same thinking it rather an Occasion to aggravate than to diminish the same but for his most bounden Duty to the Crown Liberty Laws and Customs of this Realm of England and most especially to discharge his Conscience in uttering the Truth to God's Glory casting away all Fear by the Comfort which he had in Christ who saith Fear not them that kill the Body As touching the Sacrament he said That forasmuch as the whole Matter stood in the understanding those words of Christ This is my Body This is my Blood He told the Commissioners That Christ in those words made demonstration of the Bread and Wine and spake figuratively calling Bread his Body and Wine his Blood because he ordained them to be Sacraments of his Body and Blood And he told them He would be judged by the old Church which Doctrine could be proved Elder and that he would stand to And that forasmuch as he had urged in his Book Greek and Latin Authors which above a thousand Years continually taught as he did if they could bring forth but one old Author that said in these two Points as they said he offered six or seven Years ago and offered so still that he would give place Then he shewed her how fond and uncomfortable the Papists Doctrine of the Sacrament is For of one Body of Christ is made two Bodies One natural having distance of Members with Form and Proportion of Man's perfect Body and this Body is in Heaven But the Body of Christ in the Sacrament by their own Doctrine must needs be a monstrous Body having neither distance of Members nor Form Fashion or Proportion of a Man's natural Body And such a Body is in the Sacrament teach they as goes into the Mouth with the Form of Bread and entreth no further than the Form of Bread goes nor tarrieth no longer than the Form of Bread is by natural Heat digesting So that when the Form of Bread is digested the Body of Christ is gone And what Comfort said he can be herein to any Christian Man to receive Christ's unshapen Body and it to enter no further than the Stomach and depart by and by as soon as the Bread is consumed It seemed to him a more sound and comfortable Doctrine that Christ hath but one Body and that hath Form and Fashion of a Man's true Body Which Body spiritually entreth into the whole Man Body and Soul And though the Sacrament be consumed yet whole Christ remaineth and feedeth the Receiver unto eternal Life if he continue in Godliness and never departeth until the Receiver forsaketh him That if it could be shewed him that the Pope's Authority be not prejudicial to the things before-mentioned or that his Doctrine of the Sacrament be erroneous then he would never stand perversly in his own Opinion but with all humility submit himself to the Pope not only to kiss his Feet but another Part also For all these Reasons he could not take the Bishop of Gloucester for his Judg representing as he did this Pope But another Reason was in respect of his own Person being more than once perjured having been divers times sworn never to consent that the Bishop of Rome should have any Jurisdiction within this Realm
dispraise his obstinate stubbornness and sturdiness in dying and specially in so evil a Cause Surely his Death much grieved every Man but not after one sort Some pitied to see his Body so tormented with the Fire raging upon the silly Carcass that counted not of the Folly Other that passed not much of the Body lamented to see him spill his Soul wretchedly without Redemption to be plagued for ever His Friends sorrowed for Love his Enemies for Pity Strangers for a common kind of Humanity whereby we are bound one to another Thus I have enforced my self for your sake to discourse this heavy Narration contrary to my Mind and being more than half weary I make a short End wishing you a quieter Life with less Honour and easier Death with more Praise The 23 d of March. Yours I. A. All this is the Testimony of an Adversary and therefore we must allow for some of his Words but may be the more certain of the Arch-bishop's brave Courage Constancy Patience Christian and Holy Behaviour being related by one so affected In regard of this Holy Prelat's Life taken away by Martyrdom I cannot but take notice here of two t●●ngs as tho God had given him some intimation thereof long before it happened The one is that whereas his paternal Coat of Arms was three Cranes alluding to his Name K. Henry appointed him to bear in the room thereof three Pelicans feeding their Young with their own Blood The like Coat of Arms or much resembling it I find several of Q. Elizabeth's first Bishops took whether to imitate Cranmer or to signify their Zeal to the Gospel and their readiness to suffer for it I do not determine The other Remark I make is what his Friend Andreas Osiander in an Epistle to him in the Year 1537 told him Which was that he had Animum vel Martyrio parem A Mind fit or ready for Martyrdom And so took occasion to exhort him at large to bear the Afflictions that were to attend him as though God had inspired that great German Divine with a prophetick Spirit to acquaint this his faithful Servant by what Death he should glorify God and what Sufferings he must undergo for his sake He urged him To contemn all Dangers in asserting and preserving the sincere Doctrine of Christ since as S. Paul testified That all that would live godly in Christ Iesus must suffer Persecution How much said he ought we to reckon that you are to receive the various Assaults of Satan seeing you are thus good for the Good of many But Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito Yield not to these Evils but go on the more boldly And seeing you must bear Adversity remember that we are baptized into the Death of Christ and buried together with him that we may be once made partakers of his Resurrection and eternal Happiness I do not find who were the Queen 's great Instigators now Winchester was dead stirring her up not to spare this Prelat but by any means to put him to Death and that even after his Subscription nor for what Reason of State this Resolution was taken at Court notwithstanding his former good Merits towards the Queen who therefore certainly must have felt great Strugglings before She could yield to have him die But I am apt to suspect the Cardinal who now governed the Queen had no small Hand in it to shew his Zeal for the Papacy and to revenge the Injuries done it in K. Henry's Reign as well as to succeed in his Place For his Latin Letter to the Arch-bishop mentioned above savoured of a great deal of Malice and mortal Hatred towards him In this Letter it appears the Cardinal looked upon our Arch-bishop as a mere Infidel and Apostate from Christianity and so to be treated For in the very beginning he makes it a Matter of Conscience to write to him It being in effect as much as receiving him into his House Against which S. Iohn gave a charge speaking of Christians turned Heathens That they should not be received into our Houses nor bid God speed And therefore he wrote he was once in his Mind not to speak at all to him but to God rather concerning him to send Fire from Heaven and consume him And asketh the Question as though it could not be reasonably gain-said whether he should not do justly in this Imprecation upon him who had before cast out the King out of the House of God that is the Church He meant as he explained himself casting him out as Satan cast out Man from Paradise not by force but by deceivable Counsels That him the Arch-bishop had followed and by his impious Advice forced the King to disjoin himself from the Communion of the Church and his Country together with himself And wickedly betrayed the Church the Mother of us all to the opposing whereof he gave Satan all advantages to the destruction as well of Souls as Bodies That he was the worst of all others For they being beset on all sides with divers Temptations a great while resisted and at last indeed gave way But he the Arch-bishop of his own free accord walked in the Counsel of the Ungodly and not only so but stood in it and in the Way of Sinners and confirmed the King therein And moreover sat in the Seat of the Scornful That when he came first to the Episcopal Chair he was called to it to cheat both God and Man and that he began his Actions with putting a Cheat upon the King and together with him upon the Church and his Country This and a great deal more to the same purpose he tells the Arch-bishop plainly and expresly though under a shew of great Sanctity Which shews with what an implacable Mind he stood affected towards him And thus we have brought this excellent Prelate unto his End after two Years and an half 's hard Imprisonment His Body was not carried to the Grave in State nor buried as many of his Predecessors were in his own Cathedral Church nor enclosed in a Monument of Marble or Touchstone Nor had he any Inscription to set forth his Praises to Posterity No Shrine to be visited by devout Pilgrims as his Predecessors S. Dunstane and S. Thomas had Shall we therefore say as the Poet doth Marmoreo Licinus tumulo jacet at Cato parvo Pompeius nullo Quis putet esse Deos No we are better Christians I trust than so who are taught That the Rewards of God's Elect are not Temporal but Eternal And Cranmer's Martyrdom is his Monument and his Name will out-last an Epitaph or a Shrine But methinks it is pity that his Heart that remained found in the Fire and was sound unconsumed in his Ashes was not preserved in some Urn. Which when the better Times of Q. Elizabeth came might in Memory of this truly great and good Thomas of Canterbury have been placed among his Predecessors in his Church there
spirit from the body He means for a time And a sleep somewhat longer than the old custome The fear of it saith he is nothing else than the fear of Buggs and a childish fear of that thing that cannot harm thee Remember holy S. Ambrose's saying which S. Augustin lying on his death bed ever had in his mouth I do not fear to dy for we have a good and merciful Lord and Master Lactantius the great learned man confirms the saying of Cicero to be true which said that no man can be right wise which feareth death pain banishment or poverty and that he is the honest and vertuous man which not regardeth what he suffers but how wel he doth suffer Sedulius one of disciples defineth death to be the gate by the which lyeth the strait way unto reign and kingdom Basilius who as in name so both in vertue and learning was great thus he exhorteth us O! man saith he shrink not to withstand your Adversaries to suffer labors abhor not death for it destroyes not nor makes not an end of you but it is the beginning and occasion of life Nor death is the destruction of al things but a departing and a translation unto honors And S. Hierom the strong and stout champion of Almighty God saith declaring this saying of holy Iob the day of death is better than the day of birth that is saith he because other either that by death it is declared what we are or else because our Birth doth bind our liberty of the soul with the body and death do loose it The holy Martyr Cyprian saith he ought to fear death that would not nor hath no lust to go to Christ and that he hath no wil to God the which believeth not that by death he shal begin to reign with Christ as it is written The right wise man liveth by faith Wherfore saith he do not ask that the Kingdom of God may come if this earthly bondage do delight us c. With a great deal more al upon allegations II. An Exhortation to take sicknes wel and adversity patiently drawn out of Cyprian THis misliketh some men that disease of sicknes cometh to the Christen no less then to the Heathen As who should say that therfore the Christian believeth because he should be quiet from danger of Adversity and might have the fruition of this world at his own pleasure and not because that after he hath suffered adversity here he shal be reserved for the joy to come c. III. An Exhortation to take the pain of sicknes patiently Translated out of S. Augustin Lib. 1. De Visitatione Infirmorum THou wilt say I love God God grant saith S. Augustin that it be so indeed as thou promisest in words The proof and trial of the love of God is the fulfilling of his Commandments the fulfilling of his works willingly to love that God loveth with a fervent desire to embrace that the which God worketh Then if thou lovest God thou lovest that that God doth and if thou love that that God doth then thou lovest Gods disciplin When thou art chastened thou lovest Gods rod. Thou art pained with the cough the lungs faileth thee thy stomack abhorres his meat thou pinest away with a Consumption thou tastest not thy drink thou art vexed within thy body thou art grieved with many sundry and divers kinds of diseases But al these if thou have an eye to perceive if thou reckon God al these I say are the gifts of God Son cast not away the discipline of the Father There is no child which the Father doth not correct c. NUM XXXIII Interrogatories for Dr. London WHether he commanded Serles upon Palm-Sunday Even to write such Articles or Sermons as had been preached in Kent by those of the New learning Which Serles would have to be done by the Countenance of Cranmer Whether Serles brought the Articles upon Palm-Sunday Whether he required Serles to go with him to the Councel to present the said Articles or else to subscribe them with his hand And Serles refused so to do because they were not proved by Witnesses but only by hear-say Whether he threatned Serles because he would not set to his hand notwithstanding that Serles knew them not but by hear-say How Dr. London did find out Serles and how long he had enquired for him before he could find him Whether in the presence of Serles Dr. London did pen the Articles anew otherwise then they were presented Whether Serles said then to Dr. Willoughby whom Dr. London had persuaded to go with him to the Councel Beware what you do for you shall never be able to prove of this sort that Dr. London doth now pen them Whether beside the Book subscribed by divers Prebendaries and others of Cant. Dr. London made another great book of many more articles Where that book is and of whom he had his Instructions What matters he knew against the ABp of Cant. or others in Kent before Palm-Sunday last past when he had Articles of Serles And of whom he had such knowledg before the said day Dr. Willoughbies Confession and Submission as to his medling in the ABp of Canterburies busines under his own hand HE declared that he first met Serles at Dr. Londons house at London on Palm-Sunday coming to London to speak with the Chamberlain of London And then they opened the busines first to him That he was not able to say any thing against any one person mentioned in these Articles more then by hear-say That he and Gardiner had been gathering of matter a quarter of a year before That he knew nothing that they minded any thing towards his Grace til he saw it in writing By whom and whose devise God the Devil and they know he knew nothing for his part And that it was the most deceitful and disobedient country in the world As concerning their preferment of their Articles at the Sessions he knew nothing of that neither Nor was in Kent at that time nor knew of no Sessions as God should be his help Nor that he spake with any Justices of Peace in this matter or that he was privy that any of them did That he told Mr. Moyle and Mr. Thwaite two eminent Justices what Mr. London said to him that the Justices al would be shent because they suffered such preachings and contentions without doing any thing therin That he only consented to bear the name of putting up of these matters that is of preferring the Articles to the Sessions He acknowledged that he said he heard that it was in the Country in many places lying upon himself like a fool and yet that he never came before the Councel nor never minded But to avoyd the suspition he made much babling bringing himself into much slander And for this doing he submitted himself to God and my Lords Grace That by his Father a sort of oath he had no dealing with Pettit nor any other Lawyer or
al times What enemies be you to al Lay-men and to your selves also to refuse to drink of Christs cup which he commanded al men to drink upon saying Take and divide this among you and Drink ye al of it But need any more be brought for the reproving of this Article then your own first Article where you wil have kept al Decrees and Councels Now in the Decrees De Consecrat Di. 2. there is one Decree that commandeth al men to receive the Communion at the least thrice in the year at Easter Whitsuntide and Christmas Another commandeth every man to receive the same upon Shere-thursday The Councel Agathense saith that al Lay-men which receive not the Communion at Christmas Easter Whitsuntide shal not be taken for Catholics And the Decree of Gelasius that the receiving under one kind is great Sacrilege Then by your first Article you do not only condemn your fift Article but also you shew your selves not to be Catholics except you receive the Communion at the least three times in the year and that under both kinds Which is clean repugnant to this Article And yet I pray God you receive it worthily once in your life which you shal never do except you wonderfully repent this your misbehaviour and al your life time study to amend and redress that you have now offended Now to your sixt Article VI. Your Sixt Article is this WEE wil that our Curates shal minister the Sacrament of Baptism at al times as wel in the week day as on the holy day Who letteth your Ministers to baptize your child every day if any case of necessity so do require But commonly it is more convenient that Baptism should not be ministred but upon the holy day when the most number of people be together As wel for that the whole church there present may rejoice together of the receiving of new members of Christ into the same church as also that al men being present may remember and the better know what they promised themselves by their Godfathers and Godmothers in their own baptis●● and be the more earnestly stirred in their hearts to perform the same And also may altogether pray for them that be baptized that they may have grace to perform their Profession S. Greg. Nazienz as great a Clerk as ever was in Christs church and Master to S. Hierom counselled that children should not be christened until they came to three years of age or thereabouts except they were in danger of life And it was thought sufficient to our forefathers to be done two times in the year at Easter and Whitsuntide as it appeareth by divers of their Councels and Decrees Which forbid Baptism to be ministred at any other time than Easter and Whitsuntide except in case of necessity And there remained lately divers signes and tokens thereof For every Easter and Whitsun-even until this time the Fonts were hallowed in every church and many Collects and other prayers were read for them that were baptized But alas in vain and as it were a mocking with God For at those times except it were by chance none were baptized but al were baptized before For as Vigils otherwise called Watchings remain in the Calendars upon certain Saints Evens because in old times the people watched al those nights and Vigilantius because he speaketh against these Watchings was condemned of heresy but now these many years those Vigils remained in vain in the books for no man did watch Even so until this day the order and form of christening was read and kept every year at Easter and Whitsuntide but none was then christened Wherin it appeareth how far we be swerved from our forefathers And to conclude this Article shortly If you wil needs have Baptism ministred no more at one time than another then must you needs renounce your first Article Which willeth the Councels and Decrees of the forefathers to be observed and kept And this briefly sufficeth for the sixt Article VII Your Seventh Article is this WEE wil have holy bread and holy water every Sunday Palmes and ashes at the time accustomed Images to be set up again in every Church and al other antient old Ceremonies used heretofore by our Mother holy Church Oh! Superstition and Idolatry how they prevaile among you The very true heavenly bread of life the food of everlasting life offered unto you in the Sacrament of the holy Communion you refuse to eat but only at Easter And the Cup of the most holy bloud wherewith you were redeemed and washed from your sins you refuse utterly to drink of at any time And yet in the sted o● these you wil eat often of the unsavoury and poisoned bread of the Bishop of Rome and drink of his stinking puddles which he nameth Holy bread and Holy water Consider oh ignorant people the authors and intents of the makers of them both The water of Baptism and the holy bread and wine of the holy Communion none other person did ordain but Christ himse f. The other that is called Holy bread Holy water Holy ashes Holy Palmes and al other like ceremonies ordained the Bps. of Rome Adversaries to 〈◊〉 and therfore right●y called Antichrist And Christ ordained his Bread and his Wine and his Water to our great comfort to instruct us and teach us what things we have only by him But Antichrist on the other side hath set up his Superstitions under the name of Holines to none other intent but as the Devil secketh al means to draw us from Christ so doth Antichrist avance his holy Superstitions to the intent that we shou●d take him in the sted of Christ and believe that we have by him such things as we have only by Christ. That is to say Spiritual food Remission of our sins and Salvation First Our Savior Christ ordained the Water of Baptism to signify unto us that as the Water washeth our bodies outward y so be we spiritually within washed by Christ from al our sins And as the Water is ca led Water of Regeneration or New birth so it declareth unto us that through Christ we be born anew and begin a New life towards God and that Christ is the beginning of this New life And as the body that is new born altho it have life within it yet can it not continue in the spiritual life towards God except we be continually nourished with spiritual food And that spiritual food is Christ also For as he is the first beginning of our spiritual life so is he the Continuance and ending therof And for this cause did Christ ordain in the holy Communion to be eaten bread and drunken wine that we should surely believe that as our bodies be fed with bread and wine in these holy mysteries so be we out of doubt that our souls be fed spiritually with the lively food of Christs body and blood wherby we have remission of our sins and salvation But the Bp. of Rome invented new devises of
his own making and by them promised remission of sins and salvation that he might be set up and honored for a Savior equal to Christ. And so to be esteemed above al creatures and to set in the Temple of God that is in the Church of Christ as he were God And to bring this to pas he hath horribly abused holy Scriptures altering them to his purpose in the sted of Christs most holy bloud putting in his holy Water As it appeareth evidently in this Sentence of S. Paul written in the ninth Chap. of the Hebrewes If the bloud of Oxen and Goats saith S. Paul and the ashes of a yong Cow purified the unclean as touching the purifying of the flesh how much more the bloud of Christ which through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot unto God shal purge your consciences from dead works for to serve the Living God And for this cause he is the Mediator of the New covenant Consider wel this sentence of Paul and you shal find two purifyings one of the body and another of the Soul or Conscience You shal find also two Mediators One was the Priest of Moses law and the other is Christ. The Priests of the old Law with the bloud of Oxen and Goats and other their Sacrifices purged only the bodies of them that were defiled but the Soul or Conscience they could not help But our Savior Christ by his own bloud purged both body an● soul. And for that cause he and none other is the Mediator of the New Covenant But the Bp. of Rome to make himself also a Mediator with Christ hath taken upon him to purify the soul and conscience with holy water holy salt and other his holy creatures of his own devising to the intolerable injury of Christs blood which only h●th the effect And to bring this to pass hee hath most shamefully changed the words of the Scripture and wrested them to his purpose Some words putting out and only in the sted of Christs bloud putting in his own holy water and salt For wheras S. Paul if the blood of Oxen and Goats and the ashes of a Cow purified the unclean as touching the purifying of the flesh here the Bp. of Rome leaveth out these words As touching the purifying of the flesh And where S. Paul extolling the effect of Christs bloud in comparison of the bloud of Oxen and Goats saith How much more the bloud of Christ which through the eternal spirit offered himself being without spot unto God shal purge your consciences Here the Bp. of Rome extolling his water and salt puts out Christs bloud and in the place thereof puts his holy water and salt saying How much more water which is sprinkled with salt and hallowed with godly prayers shal sanctify and purify the people Oh! intolerable blasphemy against the most precious bloud of Christ Oh! shameles audacity and boldnes so to corrupt and pervert Gods holy word If he by his holy water presume to purify our souls as Christ did by his bloud what is that else but to make himself equal and another Mediator with Christ And what is it to Tread under foot the Son of God and to make the bloud of the N. Testament wherby he was Sanctified like other common things and to dishonor the spirit of grace if this be not And yet not contented with this blaspheming the bloud of Christ he preferreth his holy creatures far above the bloud of Christ promising by them many benefits which by the bloud of Christ be not promised For in the same place he promiseth by his holy ceremonies to take away from us dearth and scarcity of al worldly things and to multiply and encrease us with the same Also to defend us from the assaults of the Devil and al his deceits and to give us health both of body and soul. But al men se him so shamefully to ly in these worldly things that no man that wise is wil trust him in the rest Nor no man that is godly wil desire such things to remain stil which so much have deceived simple people and dishonored God and been contumelious to the bloud of Christ. But now to your Images which you say you wil have set up again in every Church What moved you to require this Article but only Ignorance For if you had known the Laws of God and the use of godly religion as wel before the Incarnation of Christ as four or five hundred years next after and by whom Images were at first brought into Christs church and how much Idolatry was every where committed by the means of the same it could not have been that ever you would have desired this Article except you had more affection to Idolatry then to true religion For Almighty God among the ten Commandments rehearsed this for the Second as one of the chief Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heaven above or in the earth beneath nor in the water under the earth Thou shalt not bow to them nor worship them This Commandment was diligently kept in the old Testament so long as the people pleased God For in their Tabernacle was not one image less nor more that the people might se. Although upon the Propitiatory were two Cherubins of gold by the Commandment of God And that was in such a place as the people never came near nor saw But when the people forgetting this Commandment began to make images and to set them up in the place of Adoration by and by they provoked Gods indignation against them and were grievously punished therfore The Church of Christ likewise in the N. Testament for the space of four or five hundred years after Christ's Ascension utterly refused to have Images in the Church a place of Adoration As it may plainly appear by al the old antient Authors that lived and wrot in that time In so much that above four hundred years after Christ when some Superstitious and ignorant people in some places began to bring painted images not into the Church but to the Church doores the great Clerk Epiphanius Bp. of Cyprus finding such a painted Image of Christ or some other Saint hanging at the Church door in a Town called Anablatha he cutt it in pieces saying that it was against the authority of scripture that in the Church of Christ should hang the Image of a man And the same Epiphanius wrot unto the Bp. of Ierusalem that he should command the Priests that in no wise they shou'd suffer such Images to be hanged in the church of Christ which were contrary to our religion But peradventure you wil mervail and ask me the question how it was brought to pas that of late years al Churches were so ful of Images and so much offering and pilgrimages done unto them if it were against the Commandment of God against the usage of al godly people in the O. Testament and also against the custom
pro Martyribus deprecatur fit ipse Martyr NUM LXXXVI Dr. Ridley late Bishop of London to West formerly his Steward who had complyed with the Romish religion I Wish you grace in God and love of the trueth Without the which truly established in mans heart by the mighty hand of Almighty God it is no more possible to stand by the truth in Christs cause in the time of tribulation then it is for wax to abide the heat of the fire Sir know you this that I am blessed be God persuaded that this world is but transitory as S. Iohn saith Mundus transit concupiscentia ejus I am persuaded Christs words to be true Qui me confessus fuerit coram hominibus I wil confes him before my father which is in heaven And I believe that no earthly creature shal be saved whom the Redeemer and Savior of the world shal before his Father deny This the Lord grant that it may be so grafted established and fixed in my heart that neither things present or to come high or low life or death be able to remove It is a godly wish that yee wish me depely to considre things perteinyng to Gods honor and glory But if ye had wished also that neither fear of death or hope of worldly prosperity shuld let me to maintein gods word and his truth which is his glory and true honour it wold have liked me very wel You desire me for Gods sake to remembre my self Indeed Sir now it is time for me so to do For so far as I can perceyve it standeth me of no les daunger then of the los both of body and soule And I trow then it is time for a man to awake if any thing wil awake him He that wil not fear him that threatneth to cast body and soule into everlasting fire whom wil he fear Oh Lord fasten thou together our frayl flesh that we never swarve from thy Lawes You say you have made much sute for me Sir God g●aunt that you have not in sueing for my worldly delivera●ce empaired or hindred the furtheraunce of Gods word and his ●ruth You have knowen me long indede in the which time it hath chaunced me to mislyke some things It is true I graunte For sodeine chaunges without substantial aud necessary causes and the heady setting furth of extremities I did never love Confession to the minister which is able to instruct correct comfort and enform the weak and ignorant consciences I have ever thought might do much good in Christs Congregation And so I assure you I do think even at this day My doctrin and my preaching you say you have heard oft and after your judgment have thought it godly saving of the Sacrament Which thing although it was of me reverendly handled and a great deal better than of the rest as you say yet in the margent you write warily and in this world wysely thus And yet methought not al soundly Wel Sir but I see so many chaunges in the world and so much alteration or els at this your saying I wold not a litle mervayl I have taken you for my trustie freynd and a man whom I fantasied for plainness and faithfulnes as much I ensure you as for your learning And have you kept this so close in your heart from me unto this day Sir I considre mo things than one and wil not say al that I think But what need you to care what I thynke for any thing that I shal be able to do unto you either good or harm You geve me good lessons to stand in nothing against my learning and to beware of vain glory Truly Sir herein I like your counsel very wel and by Gods grace I intend to follow it unto my lyves end To write to them whom you name I cannot se what it wil avayle me For this I wold now have you know it I esteme nothing avaylab●e for me which also wil not set furth the glory of God And now because I perceive you have an entyre zeal and desire of my deliverance out of this captivitie and worldly misery if I shuld not bear you a good heart in God again methynk I were to blame Sir how nigh the day of my dissolution and departure hence out of this world is at hand I cannot tel The Lords wil be fulfilled How soon soever it shal come I know the Lords words must be verified on me that I shal appear before the uncorrupt Judge and be countable to him of al my former lyfe Although the hope of his mercy is my shote ankor of eternal Salvation yet am I persuaded that whosoever wittingly neglecteth and regardeth not to clear his conscience he cannot have peace with God nor a lyvely faith in his mercy Conscience moveth me considering you were one of my family and of my household of whom then I thynke I had a special cure and of all them which were in my house which indede ought to have been an example of godlines to al the rest of my cure not only in godly life but also in promoting of Gods word to thuttermost of their power But now alas when the trial doth separate the corn from the chaff how smal a deyl it is God knoweth which the wynde doth not blow away This conscience I say doth move me to have fear lest the lightnes of my family shal be layd unto me for lack of more earnest and diligent instructions which shuld have been doon But blessed be God which hath geven me grace to se my default and to lament it from the bottome of my heart before my departure hence This Conscience also doth move me now to require both you and my freynd Dr. Harvy to remembre your promises made to me in time past of the pure setting furth and preaching of Gods word and his truth These promises although you shal not nede to fear to be charged with them of me hereafter before the world Yet look for none other I exhort you as my freynds but to be charged with them at Gods hand This Conscience and the love that I bear unto you byddeth me now say to you both in Gods name Fear God and love not the world for God is able to cast both body and soul into hel fire Cum exarserit in brevi ira ejus beati omnes saith the Psalme qui confidunt in eo And the saying of S. Iohn is true Quicquid est in mundo veluti concupiscentia carnis concupiscentia oculorum fastus vitae non ex patre sed ex mundo est Et mundus transit concupiscentia ejus Qui autem facit voluntatem Dei manet in aeternum If these gifts of grace which undoubtedly are necessarily required unto eternal salvation were truly and unfeignedly grafted and firmely stablished in mens hearts they wold not be so light so sodaynly to shrink from the maintenance and confession of the truth as it is now alas
sayeng Innocens manibus mundo corde qui non accepit in vano animam suam nec juravit in dolo proximo suo Haec est generatio quaerentium Dominum quaerentium faciem Dei Iacob So that yow now entryng to the mownteyne of God which was to that high Archbushoprick and to the Primacie in the realme by a cleane contrary way which is as yow confesse your self by a fayned othe by fraud and dissimulation what more playne sentence can be against yow if yow have a thousand reformations in your mynde then that al this doith not make that this shuld be the way to the trew service of god nor that yow useng a false othe shuld be of that generation which with their hart sought god but utterlye concludeth against yow that if those that absteine from al deceit with their neighbour speciallie in othe be blessed of God he that confesseth to have used such dissimulation in his othe not with one neighbour or twayne but with the hole realme with the hole church what can he receve but the malediction of god What can more evidentlie show that man to be none of that generation that seketh god As if there were none other proffe that followed in your acts such a deceitful and shameful entrie doith manifestly declare and most of al one of the furst acts yow did after this Which was to pluck the rest of the realme of whom yow had chief cure out of the House of God bryngeng them furthwyth into the Schisme And that we see now that the hole realm by the high mercy of God beyng brought into the House of God agayn there to receive his grace and benediction and this to be done by those princes and those ministers Qui non acceperunt in vano animam suam nec jur averunt in dolo proximo suo your person yet remayneng without deprived of the grace graunted to them what doith this showe but that it is the just sentence of god against yow for your deceitful entrie into his service and the mercy of God toward them that not wyllenglie went furth but by your traiterous means were thrust out So that here now I have told yow whither yow heare me or no the very cause of your blyndnes and ignoraunce Which is the vengeaunce of god against yow for your dissimulation and perjurie to him and to the hole church at your ent●eng to the high service thereof Wherby yow have deserved to be cast out of the howse of god which is the church in tenebras exteriores ubi est fletus stridor dentium Which is the place and state wherein I see ●ow now lye and the same I saw so evidently in your lettres from the begynneng to the eand as nothing can be more playne yow showeng your self in the same to be so ignoraunt that you know not those things which be evident to every man which everie man that hath any exteriour light by experience and knowledge of things past doith know Here much is wanting that be once of the church as dead bodies when the spirit is out But to al that be within the body of the Church this geveth comfort and liffe as the spirit doith to the bodie And this shal be sufficient to say for everie mans information of the truthe in this matter that will beleave other that old or late experience or the contynual doctryne of the hole church hath taught in everye christen realm Whereof none ever found this fawte that the Popes Lawes Spiritual were not to be exercised because the same could not aggree with their politick lawes but rather found fawte when the Pope himself or his Ministers did let the course of those lawes which aggreed with everie politick body as the Sowle of man with al complexions and forme of body And when they were stopped then semed to be stopped the breath and liffe of justice as no realme can gyve as I sayd afore greater or surer testimonye than ours For when the authoritie and lawes of the Pope did flourish in the realm al justice florished wythal and that stopped and cast out as it was thise latter yeares al good justice and civil maner of lyvyng was stopped and cast furth withal So that when you came furst to mervayle of a thing never seen nor harde of afore in this realm that a Busshop made by the Popes authority shuld not be deposed without his authoritie what doith this show but a deap blyndnes and ignoraunce of the use of the law in this realme ever continual and never broken of ony just prynce untyl yow your self were made Busshop Which healped them to break al good lawes and customes of the realme and then afterward to make this for a great reason that the Popes lawes shuld not be now agayn admytted for then yow say al the hole realm that cast out his authoritie must nedes knowledg themself accursed Which god yow say forefend And this yow show yow cannot abyde for nothing by ony maner that the realme shuld knowledg themself accursed Which they cannot yow say avoide if thei admyt the Popes law as good This word yow shuld have sayd afore the realm had cast furth the Pope's authoritie for to have let●ed them from their faull into the curse and this had bene the very part of a good Busshop But after that thei were faullen from the lawes which thei had admytted afore and therby ronne into the curse which you say cannot be avoyed of them that hath ones admytted them Then I with al good and catholick men do say god ●ore●end they after this shuld not knowledg their state to be accursed Which if thei dyd not thei could never be absolved from the curse And he that forbeddeth now the knowledge of the same doith in effect procure that being accursed indede thei remayne ever accursed This is your monstrous and blynde love yow pretend to bear to the realme being accursed your self and blynded in the knowledg of your state to have the hole realm remayne styl accursed But the true affection thise two Catholick princes beare to the realm with the bloode of those that resisted th● swarveng from the Popes authoritie hath obteyned of the high mercy of God that the hole realme hath with repentaunce knowledged their evel state thei stode in syneth the leaveng of the authoritie of the Pope in the realme and with repealing of those lawes made contrary have asked absolution and received it and be delivered of al curse received into the grace of go● and brought into the churches lapp again thei onelie left out that doith refuse this grace and hath not so moche grace to accept it Whereof if ony should be deprived none hath deserved it more by the just wrath of God to be deprived then he that was chief doer to make the realm lese it as yow by showeng your self in this to be the verie membre of Satan both then but most of al now Which deprived
what comfort could your flock loke for to have by yow But that which Christ saith to follow of those Qui non intrant per ostium ●ed aliunde to be stealers and thieffs Qui non intrant nisi ut mactent perdant as the effect hath shewed by yow But here yow deceive your self again and wold deceive other makeng your defence of your simulate oth that yow dyd the same so for the more service of God haveng in your mynd then to reform the church to the which being no way but to make that oth for a countenance this yow thought for such a purpose might be acceptable afore god and also entreng by the authoritie of the Pope called by hym that had authoritie to name yow then yow think it cannot be justlie of onie man objected unto yow that yow did not entre by the dore And this trulie if you could have kept your own counsil toucheng me I durst not object the same unto yow seeyng nothing outwardlie but as that yow were lawfullie called and institute Busshop And of your inward I wo●d not make my self judge More wanting here and see as is the furst poyncte in your lettres Where yow make a great mervayle sayng it to be a thing that was never seen in the realme that to condempne any subject thereof justice shuld be sought of a forreyn power as is the Popes How this is to be called a Forreyn power I wil declare afterward For this I do not mervel if yow do not wel know not being so open to them that lacketh spiritual doctrine nor of that ignoraunce I do not speak now but of that outward light and knowledge which is open to every man by experience The which yow not knoweng it may be wel said yow be cast In tenebras exteriores and that yow have lost both interiour and exteriour knowledge of things For so yow show in this case where yow say it was never seen in the realm that to condemne ony subject thereof to death shuld be required ony other sentence then that comyth from the Imperial Crowne of the realm and their temporal lawes Wherein that which I note furst is this that in that place yow seme to lament that being condempned alredie as yow say by the lawes of the realme of high treason this dilation is geven to your death not to suffre afore al such things as be layd to your charge were furst known at Rome this being natural unto al that be in jeopardie of liffe if they cannot hope by ony just de●eance to extue the same at the least to have tyme al desire followeng that proverb In space comyth grace The which natural affect being extinct in yow this followeth withal natural knowledge to be extinct as in the proheme of your lettre is more declared And now to come neerer to that yow say was never seen that onye subject to be condempned had nede of ony outward Iustice calleng owtward justice the Canon lawes that come from the Pope To this I say the experience and use of the lawes and justice in this realme doith show clene contrarie to your mervel that it was never seen in the realm afore the tyme of your malicious oth that there was ever ony man condempned for the crime of heresies by the mere justice that comyth from the temporal lawes but al were first declared to be such by the spiritual lawes of the Canons which yow call forreyne lawes And this beside I say afore that same tyme of al other crimes as treason and other there was never spiritual man put to execution accordeng to the ordre of the lawes of the realm but he were furst by the Canon Laws condempned disgraded and then gyven to the temporal hondes Wherof there be as menye examples afore the tyme of breakeng the old ordre of the realm thise last years as hath bene delinquents Let al the records be sene and speciallie this is notable of the Busshop of which being emprisoned here for high treason the king wold not procede to his condempnation and ponnishment afore he had the Popes bull geveng hym And this is the trade of justice which the King and Qwene use with yow at this tyme beyng condempned of treason being consecrate Busshop to have the Popes sentence from Rome afore yow suffre Which maner of proceding you say was never afore in the Realm and the practise and experience in like cases doith show never to have bene otherwise afore the tyme of your notable perjurie And so Catholick Kings as it pertayneth to the privilege of the See of Rome when they be crowned doith sweare And now look what ignorance is this to think that the like was never sene in the realme when it was never seen otherwise amongst those princes that were counted to be in the obedience of the Lawes of Christ and of the Church But now to come to that yow speak of the Popes law and power Which after a seditious maner of speakeng yow call A forreyne power this stondeth under such a fashion if God leave yow so moch sence to understond what I say that the Popes power can no more be called Forreyn power comyng not of man alone but of hym that is god and man that was secundus hom● de coelo coelestis then may be called a Forreyn power that the sowle of man comyng from heaven hath in the body generate in earth And so it is in the po●itick body of this realme ruled with politick lawes founded by m●ns reason that be called Temporal lawes To them comyng the Popes laws spiritual doith no other but that the sowle in the body to gyve liffe to the same to confirme and strengthen the same And this is it the Aungel speakeng in Christes conception and declareng what his authoritie shuld be signifyed saing he shuld sytt Super Domum Davyd which was a temporal reigne ut confirmet illud corroboret And so doith the spiritual lawes procedynge of his Spirit As be the lawes of the Church and canon lawes Which wheresoever thei be wel observed doith this effect ever to confirme and stablish the temporal lawes of the realm as no realm hath had more experience then this ever s●neth the tyme they received the faith and obedience of the Pope from whom came theyr doctrine of the faith There was never notable trouble in the realm of ony kynd if it dured ony space but it was ever lightly eased and the realm established by some Legate sent from the Pope and the See of Rome following the prescript of the Canons and the Spiritual Law Without the which no realme can wel be governed but al be like to the Thornbush Whereof it is written In libro Iudicum when the Sichimites had chosen a Tyrannie over them against the law of God then it was prophesied unto them what shuld come thereof which was that fire shuld come furth of that thorne which was their King that shuld devoure
the people and from the people to burne hym as it was and ever shal be where mere temporal lawes without spiritual doith rule Which state may be compared to be like such a thorne whereof fire doith come furth to the destruction both of the governour and the people And how the lawes of the realme might be wel likened to such a thorne after that the spiritual authoritie was cast furth the destruction of such a sort of men of al degrees both great and smal the great spoyles that were taken may geve sufficient proff to al them that hath ony sence or remembraunce of things so lately done And now comyng again to the spiritual authoritie and Law to joyn it self with the Temporal this is like to the fyer that Moyes saw In rubo which gave li●ht and dyd not burne nor never doith when it is wel used And if it be not wel used the faute is in the persons and not in the thing as the faute is not in the Temporal lawes when the Prynce doith abuse them howbeit of their nature they be tanquam s●inae as was also Moyes law sharp to which was mitigate● and so shal be in every when they be joyned with the spirituall ought not to be called Forreyne Lawes More here wanting Non in probabilibus humanae sapientiae verbis ne evacuetur crux Christi As it shuld be in this case For if this probabilitie were followed the sklaunder of the cross shold be voyd For this were no sklaunder to the Iewes to hear Christ honoured in a figure thei being ever used to the same Nor it wold seem so moch folyshe to the Gentiles and infidelles after we had accepted Christ for God to honour him in a figurative maner But this being the counsel of Christ to utter his great misterie in forme that he should have it sklander to both the Iews that seke signes and were used to be taught by figures and also the Gentiles that styck upon the judgment of reason The more probable you make it the further you swarve from the trew doctrin of Christ and verie trew maner to teach it And here may no new maner be taught What a haynous pride is this this doctrine passeng a thousand yeare and as menye hundred beside as hath bene syneth this Sacrement was instituted by the myddest of the Iewes and Gentiles with this sklaunder and appearaunce of folyshnes never being foun● fawtie in ony one of the Busshops and preachers of the word of God that they confessed the real presence of the body of Christ in the Sacrement of the aulter but al found fautie and condemned of heresie which denyed the same And ever the doctrine of the presence prevayling and triumpheng above mans reason or sence may be capace of the same Which both God wil have mortified and dye utterlie when this mistery and meate of li●se is spoken and taken For as that was the beginneng of the destruction of man when followeng the probabilitie of reason he wold feade hymself with meate prohibite unto hym So the counsil of God hath ordeyned this to be the begynneng of the liffe of man to take a sensible meat wherein nother reason nor sense can find ony probabilitie or make any judgment thereof But because I have entreated this part more largely in another epistle that I send unto yow wherein I show that stondeng as yow do without repentance of the maner of your entrie to the service of the church yow could never be nother good scho●ar of this doctrine and moche less a Master I wil now procede no further to reason with you herein knoweng al to be in vaine and no healp nor meane to recover yow but only prayer Which with al my hart as I wold for mine own sowle I wyl not fayle to use for yow to hym whom yow have so greatlie offended as I never redd of ony Busshop that ever was in the church But the founteyne of his mercie is never closed to them that wyl cal for it as myne own entier prayer is to the infinite mercy of God that yow may have the grace so to do sendeng yow for obteynyng of that his holy Spiri● Qui condemnat mundum de peccato de judicio de justitia that seeing furst your sore condempnation yow maye therewith be sturred with al humilitie and contrite hart to demaund some comfort Which cannot be hoped of without your former condempnation of your self Wherunto to bryng yow it hath cawsed me by wryting to set furth so earnestly some part of your grievous offences afore yow Wylleng yow no less comfort then I wold to myne own sowle And the same I say concludeng and eandeng as I began It may please the paternal love that God beareth unto al synners for his sake that being his only Son God and man dyed to pay their ransome for to forgeve yow and to deliver yow ex Ore Leonis which hath so devowred yow that if you be not plucked out as theProphet Amos saith of Israel Quomodo si eruat Pastor duo crura aut extremum auriculae I say if you be not plucked out by the eare yow be utterlie undone both body and sowle Which yet again and ever the infinite mercy of God may defeande yow from Wrytten in the coorte at St. Iames the vj. of Novembre 1555. Yowr very trew coumfortore in God yow not refuseng hys grace R. Pole Car. Leg. NUM XC Archbishop Parker to the Secretary desiring the Councels letters in order to his discovering of certain Writings of Archbishop Cranmer SYR Being here and wold be loth to be idle and thereupon havyng consideration as wel of these quarters for the common quyet among the people as respecting the common service of the better sort toward the Q. Highnes and her affairs I fynd them al in so good order that I do rejoyce therin As for my ecclesiastical persons I deal with them indifferently that I fynd also obedience in them Now Sir with spying and serching I have found out bi very credible enformation among other things in whose hondes the grete notable wryten bokes of my predecessour Dr. Cranmer shuld remayne the partyes yet denying the same and therupon despayre to discover them except I maye be ayded bi the Councells letters to optayne them I pray your honor to procure ther letters to authorise me to enquire and serch for such Monuments by al wayes as bi mi pore discretion shal be thought good whether it be bi deferryng an othe to the parties or veweng ther studies c. This opportunytie of enformation being suche I wold wyshe I coud recover these bokes to be afterward at the Q. Commandment I wold as moche rejoyce whyle I am in the countreye to wynne them as I wold to restore an old Chancel to reparation Because I am not acqueynted with the stile of the Councels letters in this case I send you no minute trusting that your goodnes wil think the lauber