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A38405 Englands iustification for her religion Wherein it is maintayned to be the same our Saviour Iesus Christ hath taught us. Presented to the high court of Parliament. By a well-wisher of peace in the Church, and happinesse to the Kingdome. Well-wisher of peace in the Church, and happinesse to the Kingdome. 1641 (1641) Wing E2991; ESTC R218201 47,162 84

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against the Pestilence Feuer Toothach Gout Falling sicknesse and such like In their Letany and Masses they pray to Angels to the Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ to the Apostles to Martyrs to diuers confessors Bishops Doctors of the Church and to Saints of the Popes Cannonizing and saynting In their prayers to them they pray them to saue their sinfull soules to destroy their enemies to heale them of their diseases to deliuer them from all aduersities and all impediments of Soule and body at the howre of death to receiue their soules and to bring them to euerlasting life An infinite number almost of examples of such prayers might be rehearsed which they make vnto Creatures And to them likewise they offer their thanksgiuing vowes incense guifts and oblations yea they say the Lords Prayer beginning Our Father c. Before euery picture and Image of them in their Churches or houses so fulfilling that which was sayd to the old Idolaters that they say to the block and to the stone thou hast begotten me Esay 44.17 Hab. 2.19 But to the blessed Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ they doe more wrong in this kinde then to any of the soules of the faithfull that are departed out of this life for they magnifie her with the names of our Lady the Queene of Heauen the Lady of the Angels the mother of mercy the hope of the Church our life our sweetnesse our hope some of them say that God hath giuen her the one halfe of his Kingdome that is of mercy and hath reserued to himselfe the other which is of iudgment they say also vnto her By right of a mother commaund thy sonne they abuse the Salutation of the Angell beginning in latine with Aue Maria as a prayer vnto her o● to doe her honor with the rehearsing of it and ordaine that it bee sayd at a knell of the bell They vse Rosaryes in her honor that is saying Aues vpon their beades for euery ten of them one Pater noster that is in all 55 to a Rosary Of three such Rosaryes they made a Psalter for her wherein shold be 150 Aues according to the number of the Psalmes There hath also beene made a speciall Letany to her and a Psalter wherein throwout all the Psalmes the name Lord is turned into Lady and whatsoeuer is spoken to God in all the Psalmes is attributed vnto her But it were endlesse to rehearse all the meanes whereby God is robbed of this high p●rt of his glory of Prayers and prayses by such as are of the Church of Rome and namely by their psalters canonicall howres Letanies Collects antiphonyes missals and such like parts of their Liturgie and diuine Seruice This may suffice to shew how that which was intended that whereas in our diuine Seruice in England wee offer prayers and thankes vnto God onely according to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles they offer them to Creatures passing by the Creator blessed for euer Amen Wherein contrary to the Doctrine of Christ they haue not onely according to the number of their Citties multiplyed their Gods as it is sayd According to the number of thy Cittyes are thy Gods O Iudah but of townes streets Churches Chappels houses persons diseases and other occasions euen to praying to dumbe stockes and stones to the astonishment of heauen and earth as it is in the Prophet Ieremy O yee Heauens Iere. 2.12.13 bee astonished at this bee affrayd and vtterly confounded saith the Lord for my people haue committed two euils they haue forsaken mee the fountaine of liuing waters to dig them pits that can hold no water The other poynt is like vnto this For whereas in our English Church as Christ and his Apostles haue taught vs we haue but one God to whom wee pray and but one Mediator and intercessor by whom and in whose name and merits wee present our Prayers to God So on the contrary part the Church of Rome directly contrary to the doctrine of Christ and of all the Scriptures prayeth to men and Angels as hath beene declared so doth it likewise offer vp Prayers to God by the intercession of Angels and of men This appeareth in like manner in their Letanies Missalls Anthemes Collects and sundry parts of their Liturgie For in them they desire all the Angels and Arch-Angels to pray for them and by name Gabriel Michaell Raphaell They desire the mediation of all the Apostles in generall and of euery out in particular This petition they make also to all the Martyres in common and to di●ers by their proper Names to the Doctors of the Church to Confessors to sundry Popes Bishops Abbots and other Canonized Saints both men and women that they would pray for them to God that by their intercession yea and also by their merrits they may bee freed from their sinnes and the punishment due for the same and may obtaine all grace to euerlasting life In so many sundry sorts doe they dishonor the Sunne of God and rob him of that high glory and preheminence of his Priesthood which standeth in making intercession for his people in communicating it with so many others to whom it cannot in any sort belong For it is hee alone that was made the High Priest of the new Testament and that with an oath and the same for euer for which cause also his Priesthood is sayd to bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 such as passeth not from his owne person to any other Heb. Heb 7.23.24 Hee obtained this honor to enter into heauen to make prayer and intercession for vs by the shedding of his most pretious blood by the merrit whereof hee presenteth himselfe continually in the presence of God Heb. 9.7.12 Ver. 12.14 to obtaine all grace needfull for his Church which honor hauing beene obtained by blood it cannot agree to Angels which are only spirits neither haue flesh nor blood This blood whereby hee obtained this honor 1 Pet. 1.19 Iohn 1.19.36 Heb 9.14 is the blood of the Lambe immaculate vndefiled without spot or blemish that is of one perfectly innocent and righteous in the sight of God But such is not the state of any man whatsoeuer Esay 53.6 Psal 143.2 Wee haue all erred and gone astray saith the Prophet Esay And the Propher Dauid likewise Enter not into Iudgement with thy Seruant O Lord for no flesh shall bee iustified in thy sight Psal 14.1.3 Rom. 3.10 And againe There is none that doth good no not one Which is also the testimony of all the Prophets and Apostles wherefore all men are subiect to death by reason of sinne and are not able to procure fauour for themselues how then should they bee mediators and intercessors to procure fauour for others who themselues stand in neede to bee saued by the intercession and merrits of Iesus Christ But if there were any of them righteous yet the shedding of their blood could no more procure fauour for vs with
For these causes Polycarpus dyed as a faithfull seruant of Christ whom hee sayd hee had serued 86 yeares and hauing found him alwayes his good master and gracious Lord hee would not now deny him Attalus another Martyr was lead about the Amphitheater and a table borne before him wherein it was written This is Attalus the Christian It is written of one Saphyra a virgin of Antioch that as a faire Saphyre a Iemme a Iewell of great price carying hir holy profession without any staine being commanded to sacrifice to the gods of the heathen shee graciously answered that shee was a Christian and worshipped almighty God who had created all things and that the gods of the Gentils were no gods but diuels for which worthy profession shee was beheadded Happy Faelicitas according to hir name a matrone and widdow of Rome the mother of seauen children was accused to the Emperour Antoninus by the priests of the Idols that she worshipped not their gods but also perswaded others from doing them honor Shee was exhorted to spare hir selfe and to returne to the old Romane Religion and to forsake the new doctrine of the Christians and to testifie the same by the offering of Sacrifice But shee constantly professed that shee was willing to dye for the faith of Christ After being exhorted to spare hir children and to perswade them to redeeme and saue their liues by sacrificing shee answered the Magistrate Thy mercy is impietie and thy exhortation cruelty For if my sonnes should sacrifice to Idols they should not saue their liues but cast themselues into hell fire Then turning to hir Children shee said My dearest sonnes perseuere in the faith and confession of our Lord Iesus Christ hee expecteth you with all his Saints fight for your soules and shew your selues faithfull in the loue of Christ Thus for worshipping of Christ and refusing to worship Idols this happy mother hauing seene hir seuen sonnes first slayne with sundry deaths and dying seauen times in them at the last was also crowned with Martyrdome and receiued to euerlasting felicity These few examples of almost an infinite number may suffice to shew that the Martyrs which suffered vnder the heathen Romaine Enperours to the time of Constantine the Great which was 300 yeares and more suffered all for professing themselues to bee Christians and refusing to worship the Idols of the heathen Romaine Emperours Which being thus declared hereby is that proued for the first 300 yeares after Christ which was desired that is that the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church dyed for that faith which the Church of England together with all the reformed Churches of Christiandome doe professe For both these are in our Church so professed as wee hold it most honorable to dye in maintenance of the faith of Christ and refusing to worship any Idols either of old Rome that worshipped the Images of heathen men or of new Rome that adoreth the Images of Christian men For though the difference of a heathen and of a Christian man bee exceeding great yet in worshipping of them both religiously and much more in so worshipping their Images there is no difference but such Images are Idols alike and the worshippers of them are in like sort Idolaters But this disputation belongeth to another place That which is heere to bee debated is that seing our Church in England professeth the faith of Christ and abhorreth the Idols of the heathen as all reformed Churches doe that all the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church for the first three hundreth yeres after Christ dyed for the same faith and Religion which is now professed in England After the time that Constantine the Great had preuailed against his enimies the heathen Princes which were partakers with him in the Empire the persecution of Christians in the former manner ceassed in all the Romaine Empire excepting the short time of Iulian the Apostata for notwithstanding that there were grieuous troubles which the true Christians suffered also after especially by the Arrians and also by some other heretickes and schismatickes in their sundry Countries yet was there not any vniuersall persecution vnto death in any degree like the former for the causes aboue mentioned or by the heathen Within the Church there arose indeede great troubles generally by the authority of the Emperours that fauoured the heresy of Arius and by the Arian Bishops and other of that heresy soliciting authority with all importunacy against Athanasius and other that maintained the sound Orthodoxe and holy faith of the Godhead of Christ of one and the same substance with the Father In which worthy cause whatsoeuer was suffered by any and namely by Athanasius worthy to bee immortall and to haue his name preserued for euer in the Church with high regard and honour they and Athanasius suffered for that faith that is also professed by all reformed Churches and namely by our Church in England as may appeare by Athanasius Creede or confession of faith set downe in our booke of common prayer appoynted by publique authority to be openly read in all our Churches Other vniuersall persecutions for any matter of Christian faith wee reade of none And as for such particular troubles as were r●ised in the Church about any heresy condemned by any of the foure first generall Councels whatsoeuer those Councels decreed against such heresies is receiued and professed by our Church in England Thus it is proued that all the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church suffered for our Religion that is now professed in England And in all ages whatsoeuer true and right Martyrs there haue beene that is which suffered death for bearing witnesse to the word of God and to any part of Christian Religion deliuered by Iesus Christ and by his holy Apostles for it is the cause and not the punishment onely that maketh a Martyr they dyed all for some Article or other of the Religion which is professed in England And of this sort for some laterages especially in this wherein wee liue the barbarous Cruelty of the Romane Catholiques hath beene such as in this age both England in some former times and especially in the reigne of Queene Mary and many other kingdomes and countries of Christendome haue flowed with the Christian blood that hath bene shed by them They boast indeed of Martyrs that haue dyed for the defence of their Religion for which if our Christian Kings and States that haue restored the sincerity of Christian Religion had made lawes for that purpose and put them in execution vpon some turbulent Persons obstinately seeking to depriue vs of the true worship of God and to bring vs back againe to the blindnesse and ignorance superstitions and will worships errours and heresies Idolatries and blasphemies of the Sea of Rome who could iustly reproue such proceedings But it will bee hard to shew that our Christian Princes and States haue yet hitherto so proceeded Possibly in the warres and in the rage of battell and in the fury of victory some outrages may haue bene committed which we do not iustifie But that in time of peace when lawes might be obeyed the Iudges sit quietly vpon their benches it will not be easy to shew that there hath bin any such course Their shamelesse Legendaries report indeed that we haue put men into Beares skinnes and set dogges to worry them But they that wrote such things had neither truth nor modesty in so writing They complaine much also of some Iesuits Seminaries and other Romane Catholiques adiudged vnto death in this Land And it is true that some such haue beene executed but not any simply for any matter of Religion and diuine Seruice but either for Fellonies and Treasons and that some such as the like were neuer heard of in any age or for such erronious and hereticall poynts of Doctrine as directly impugneth the Soueraignty of the State and inforced a necessity of such Lawes and execution of them vpon some notorious Offendors and seditious practisers to seduce the subiects from their allegeance But this is cleared in many other places and heere it may suffice to shew that which hath beene proued That the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church dyed for that truth which is now professed in England Which hauing beene thus proued by this Treatise there hath beene performed whatsoeuer is desired Which God grant may be of as good vse to such as haue desired it as the writer from his soule doth pray God may vouchsafe them FINIS