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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A32896 A Christian's journal, or, Brief directions for devotion and conversation 1684 (1684) Wing C3956; ESTC R43093 58,065 347

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Surfeit and Sin in the one as in the other Nor is the excess of Sleep without its particular evils being hurtful to Soul Body and Estate It robs us of the chief and principal part of our time the prime of the morning and makes the remainder less Serviceable by weakening our Body which by moderate rest is refresh'd and strenthen'd and making us heavy lazy and dull both less able and less active in any employment It improverishes the Estate as wise Solomon tells us Prov. 6.11 13.4 20.4 23.21 and brings the Soul also to Beggery and want of all saving Grace making us either utterly to neglect or else to shorten and hurry over our spiritual Exercise excusing our Selves with the importunity of our Affairs and the scantiness of our Time tho' our voluntary Sloth has brought us into these Streights Of Temptations DIvines usually distinguish Temptations into Three sorts Ascendent or such as rise or fume up from some stirred humour or lower faculty within us that borders next upon Sense or Affection Objected or such as reflect from some outward object baited and suted to the Organs Injected or such as the Tempter immediately affects the faculty itself with The danger lies especially in the two first As to the third the Devil can do little more than Trouble instead of Tempt Our Saviour tells us that the Wicked one came and found nothing in him and so could fasten nothing on him And his Apostle tells us if we could keep our selves the wicked One could not hurt us Joh. 14.30 His power however great is limited It seems little less than an invasion of God's prerogative and giving the Devil more than his due to allow him a power of immediate and impressive injection into our minds without the help of Object Organ lower Faculty or innate Corruption of our own There is not one hour of our Life in which we do not converse with some Temptation or other nor any condition without its peculiar Temptations In lawful Actions we are subject to the Temptation of immoderateness and excess In Religious to Formality and Vain-glory In Prosperity to pride and forgetfulness of God luxury intemperance and contempt of others in Adversity to unlawful means murmuring discontent and accusing Providence under Injuries to vindictiveness and immoderate Anger Under Comforts to security abatement of Love to God and setting up our rest and hope in this present World In Knowledge to vain and impertinent curiosity pride and self-conceit In Sickness to impatience In Health to presumption and forgetfulness of our latter end In our Callings either to negligence unfaithfulness and idleness or else to overmuch solicitousness and vexation In Company we are in danger of being misguided by evil perswasion and the example of others If Alone we are apt to be corrupted by evil suggestions either of our own hearts or of Satan We ought therefore earnestly to beg of God to preserve us from being overcome by the Temptations that do unavoidably occur in all Actions and Conditions and that he would shew us the danger we are in through the multitude power and subtlety of our Enemies and the vileness of our own nature which runs after Satans allurements and conspires with him to its own perdition and we should also frequently every day reflect with our selves what sort of Temptations at the present we are most obnoxious to what are most likely to assault us and how we are to withstand them A man may resist any Temptation of the Devil if he do but simply and purely will it without any mixture of unwillingness But to make such a resistance is impossible of a mans self or from any natural Power in him but from the gift of God and the help and assistance of his Grace for besides the Gifts of Graces and Virtues the Providence and Protection of God is necessary for Believers that they may resist Temptations and likewise those manifold helps wherewith God succours his Elect. The first of these helps is the driving away the Enemy whereby he is not suffer'd sometimes to tempt the Elect. Job 1. The second is the bridling him in not suffering him to tempt so much as he would Job 2. The third from the Tempter himself when ever the shape under which he tempts affords some help of Instruction So the form of the Serpent might have caus'd Eve to have suspected The fourth from the Temptation it self When it either stirs up Fear in us which is the best Keeper or stirs us up to fight and incourages us against the Enemy The fifth new Grace or increase of the former Math. 25 Luke 19. The Sixth a Cessation Peace or rather Truce from the Temptation The seventh Refreshment in the heat of Temptation as when the Tribulation is turn'd into a Solace The eighth a Strengthning Comforting and Lifting up the Heart by a promise of strength and Victory with a Demonstration of the weakness of the Enemy The ninth a Consolation or chearing the Heart in Troubles sorrows and Grief The tenth a bestowing Faith and Hope and confirmation of the same against the shaking Fear which arises from our own defect and Infirmities Again first an upholding them that are set upon that they receive no hurt tho' they are sore assaulted oft times that they are even ready to fall that they may acknowledge their own Infirmities and ascribe it to God's Mercy not their own Power that they are kept Secondly God's relieving of them that fly to him in which respect he is call'd the Hiding place of the Elect. Thirdly God's fighting against and overthrowing the Enemy Fourthly Outward Tribulation of which there are many profits this way Fifthly the Remembrance of the Last things Death Judgment Damnation and Happiness It is very difficult to overcome Temptations because no man fights with all his Strength against any one A Believer in Temptation is like a Kingdom divided within it self like an Arm'd Horseman that Sits upon a wincing unruly and unbroken Colt like a stout Warrior upon a Slippery Pavement Amongst the Most hidden Treacheries and most subtile Temptations of the Devil whereby the most wise and valiant Christians are oftentimes overcome the first is long and tedious whereby he wearies them and indeavours deavours to bring them not only into the Temptation but into Desperation also and a Perswasion that they belong not to God that God cares not for them This great Mischief arises from the Ignorance of that good which may be obtain'd by a long and a frequent Combating with Temptation It serves for the breaking of Pride for the discovering other Infirmities which else would never have been seen and for the preservation of Humility Secondly the strangeness of the Temptation and the unusualness of it so that a man becomes fearful whether he belongs to God because he cannot hear of any that have been Tempted in the same sort The third subtilty is when the Devil indeavours to make a man change
Rules we are to observe in our Apparel That they be for Health Honesty Comliness that we go rather with the lowest than highest of our Place and Quality That the Fashion be neither Strange Immodest Singular Ridiculous nor we the first in it That neither the making nor wearing savour of Pride Lightness Curiosity Lasciviousness Prodigality Covetousness but such as becomes Holiness Wisdom and Honesty following the Example of those of our own Rank that are most Sober and Discreet Directions for Closet Devotion And first for Reading HAving thus begun the Day that thou mayst walk with God the remainder of it it will be needful first to renew thy peace with God and then keep it To this end as soon as thou art ready if unavoidable necessity hinder not retire to thy Closet and there in a more solemn manner offer thy morning Sacrifice of Prayer and Thanksgiving according to the Command Matth. 6.6 And that these may be the better performed prepare thy self by Reading and Meditation for though these be distinct Exercises yet are they most properly joyned together since they mutually help and assist each other That day is lost whereof some time is not improved in searching Gods Holy Word those Divine Monuments other Books thou mayst turn over out of choice this thou must read out of Duty Luke 16.29 They have Moses and the Prophets let them hear them And John 5.39 Search the Scriptures And Deuteronomy 31.11 Thou shalt read this Law before all Israel that they may hear it that they may learn and fear the Lord God and keep and observe all the words of this Law So also the 6. and the 61. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy Heart and thou shalt rehearse them continually to thy Children and shalt talk of them when thou tarriest in thy House and as thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest down and risest up Thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand and they shall be as Frontlets between thine Eyes also thou shalt write them upon the Posts of thy House and upon thy Gates First therefore when you read this Word lift up your Heart to God for his Leave and Blessing for the Spirit of Understanding and Wisdome that your Mind may be more inlightned and your Heart more strengthen'd with Grace by it for this Word is Spiritual and contains the hidden things of God in a Mystery in which respect 't is a Sealed Book to those that have not the help of the Holy Spirit Then you read the Word aright indeed when you have the same frame of Heart as the Holy Pen-men had in the Writing of it Read the Word with Hunger and Thirst after Knowledge and growth in Grace and as the means ordained of God for this end Read it with a Reverend and Humble with a tractable and honest Heart trembling at the Judgments against Sinners rejoycing at the Promises made to the Penitent willing and resolving to obey the Commands This is the best help and Art of Memory for exceeding Joys Griefs Hatred and Desires c. do leave the deepest impressions upon us we do not soon forget the Sicknesses and Pains we have gone through and the shortest Wit can remember where he laid his Gold Compare your ways with the Word bring them to the Rule see how they and that agree be thankful for any Conformity humbled and grieved for any Failing fly to Christ to make your Peace and resolve to look better to your ways for the time to come Advise about and resolve upon the means to bring all into practice especially those Duties which are laid before thee in thy present reading Observe the very expressions of Scripture for they are very useful in Prayer and do often carry a secret Emphasis in them that will greatly comfort and affect the Heart that considers them In reading still keep Jesus in thine Eye as the End Scope and Substance of all the Scripture in whom they all are Yea and Amen Meditate on and strive to find out the meaning and mind of God in each particular Scripture and to prevent mistake and wresting of Scripture to your hurt get first a clear knowledge of the Grounds and Principles of Christian Religion and indeavour to frame your Life according to the more easie and known Scriptures Secondly Be much in hearing the Word read in Publick and Interpreted by a Learned and Faithful Minister Let not God's publick Ordinances be either condemned or neglected for the sake of Reading Prayer or any other private Duty This will rather bring a Curse than a Blessing And Lastly as above Cherish an humble and honest Heart resolved to obey when you know God's Will Joh. 7.17 If any man will do his will he shall know of the Doctrine whether it be of God There is not in the World such another Book as this Book of God no Word of like Authority Holiness Wisdom true Eloquence Power and Eternity no Book that aims at Gods Glory and the Salvation of Mans Soul like this It discovers our misery by sin with the perfect Remedy it propounds perfect Happiness to us and affords the Means to attain it 'T is mighty through God to prepare for Grace 't is the immortal Seed to beget us unto Christ the Milk and strong Meat to nourish us up in him and the only Physick to recover the Soul from all Spiritual Diseases By it Christ giveth light to the Blind hearing to the Deaf speech to the Dumb strength to the Weak health to the Sick yea by it he doth cast out Devils and raise Men from the Death of Sin This is that Book alone that contains all the rich Legacies bequeath'd us by our dying Saviour 'T is his last Will and Testament Sealed with his own Blood Heb. 9.15 This is the Magna Charta or Great Statute Book of the Kingdom of Heaven containing in it all the mighty Priviledges and Immunities of Gods Children 'T is the Hammer the Fire the Sword the Plow the Seed the usual Instrument the Holy Ghost makes use of to build up pull down to plant purge and cleanse by it we have an Inheritance among them that believe and are Sanctify'd and Presented to God without spot or wrinkle In short 't is the Perfect Rule of Faith and Manners Let any Man but seriously and impartially consider the Precepts contained in the word of God he shall assuredly find the best Direction in the World for all kind of Moral and Divine Wisdom There are not in all the other Books of Morality together so sound deep certain and evident Instructions of Wisdome yet most strictly joyned with Innocency and Godliness as in this one Book Of Prayer PRayer is a Religious representing of our Will and pouring out our Hearts before God 't is the Souls Pulse and shews the state of the Heart If Spiritual Life be weak in us our Prayers will be so too We do not pray to God that
may'st run through the whole Day In the next place consider your Religious Duties and carriage in them Your Calling and how you have perform'd the Duties belonging to that your Relations and carriage to them As a Husband Wife Parent Child Master Servant Your particular Corruptions and the Sins you are most inclin'd to together with your Temptations and how you have behaved your self in reference to them Your Talents whether you have wasted and mispent or improv'd and employ'd them for the end they were given Your Providences what they have been and how you have and ought to have carry'd your self under them In short whether you have lived by Faith that is have fram'd your Life according to the revealed Will of God the Object of Faith and whether you have been constant to your own Rules Having thus examin'd your self Reform that which you find amiss Rejoice or be griev'd as you find you have done well or ill and renew and confirm your peace with God committing thy Spirit Soul and Body thy Relations Name and Substance to his Tuition by Prayer and Thanksgiving who alone can keep thee in safety By this daily examination of our Selves we gain these two great Advantages First Our Repentance will hereby be more particular not only of clamorous and more crying Sins but multitudes of other particulars every branch and circumstance of every Action every Word Thought and Affection many Sins which otherwise would have been forgot will by this means be brought to remembrance and repented of by us And again when ever Death seizes us we shall have but one day of our whole Life to Account for The Christian Exercise taken out of a Learned Divine TO keep the Heart in ure with God is the highest Task of a Christian Good motions are not frequent but the constancy of good Disposition is rare and hard This work must be continual or else speedeth not If this Field be not Till'd every day it will run out into Thistles The evening is the fittest for this work when retir'd into our Selves we chearfully and constantly both look up to God and into our Hearts as we have to do with both To God in Thanksgiving then in Request It shall be therefore expedient for the Soul duly to recount to it self all the specialities of God's favour A confused thanks savours of carelesness and neither doth affect us nor win acceptance above Bethink your self then of all these External Inferior Earthly Graces and Favours That your Being Breathing Life Motion Reason is from him and that he hath given you a more noble Nature than the rest of the Creatures excellent Faculties of the Mind perfection of Senses soundness of Body competency of Estate seemliness of Condition fitness of Calling preservation from Dangers rescue out of Miseries kindness of Friends carefulness of Education honesty of Reputation liberty of Recreations quietness of Life opportunity of Well-doing protection of Angels Then rise higher to your Spiritual Favours tho here on Earth and strive to raise your Affections with your Thoughts Bless God that you were born in the light of the Gospel for your Profession of the Truth for the Honour of your Vocation for your incorporating into the Church for the priviledge of the Sacraments the free use of the Scriptures the Communion of Saints the benefit of their Prayers the aid of their Counsel the example of their Lives the pleasure of their Conversion for the beginnings of Regeneration any footsteps of Faith Hope Love Zeal Patience Humility Peace Joy for any desire of more Then let your Soul mount highest of all into her Heaven and acknowledge those Celestial Graces of her Election to Glory Redemption from shame and Death of the Intercession of our Saviour of the preparation of her place and there let her stay a while upon the Meditation of her future Joyes This done the way is made for your Requests Sue now to your God as for Grace to answer these Mercies so to see wherein you have not answer'd them From him therefore cast your Eyes down upon your self and as some careful Justice doth a suspected Felon so do you strictly examin your heart of what you have done that Day of what you should have done Inquire whether your thoughts have been sequesterd to God Strangers to the World fix'd on Heaven whether Just Charitable Lowly Pure Christian whether your Senses have been holily guided neither to let in temptations nor to let out Sins whether your Speeches have not been Offensive Vain Rash Indiscreet Unsavory Unedifying whether your Actions have been warrantable expedient comely profitable whether you have perform'd the particular Dutyes of the day in your Awaking Refreshing Calling Company Pleasures then see if you have been negligent in watching your Heart expence of your time exercises of Devotion performance of good Works resistance of temtation good use of Examples and compare your present State with your former look Jealously whether your Soul hath gain'd or lost lost ought of the heat of her Love tenderness of Conscience fear to Offend strength of Virtue gain'd more increase of Grace more assurance of Glory And when you find Alas who cannot but find either Holiness decay'd or Evil done or Good omitted cast down your Eyes strike your Breasts humble your Soul and sigh to him whom you have Offended sue for Pardon as for Life heartily yearningly injoyn your self careful amendment redouble your holy Resolutions strike hands with God in a new Covenant my soul for your safety Rules for the Night THERE 's not a moment of our time our own The Night brings it's Duties as well as the Day This is a proper Season for Meditation and Prayer as appears by the many Instances we have in Scripture Both of David Psal 42.8 The Lord will command his loving kindness in the Day-time and in the Night his Songs shall be with me and my Prayer unto the God of my life Isa 6.9 Cant. 3.1 And of the Church But 't is then especially our Duty when we are under any heavy and sore Affliction in deep Humiliation or in Suits of great Importance which we would solicite with the greatest earnestness and importunity Colos 4.2 1 Pet. 4.7 2 Sam. 12.16 Est 4.3 1 Kings 2.27 Joel 1.13 In such Cases it has been an ancient Custom for the Servants of God to abstain from their ordinary Sleep that so they might watch unto Prayer As to Dreams tho they are not much to be regarded in respect of any guess can be made by them yet we are not utterly to neglect them because we may gain thereby some knowledge of the temperature of our Body our natural dispositions and the Sins to which we are most inclin'd according to that saying The Night shall teach me what I am the Day what I should be Of Sleep IT is as impossible to give a constant and certain Rule for Sleep as to prescribe the measure of Meats and Drinks Tho we may as well