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A27082 A seasonable warning to such who profess themselves members of reformed churches, into what forme soever gathered ... Bayley, Charles, 17th cent. 1663 (1663) Wing B1473B; ESTC R20749 60,761 76

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to shine as his own elect and chosen people as the Stars in the Firmament and many shall desire to be joyned unto you yea the day hastneth apace That ten shall lay hold of h m which is a Jew and say we will eat our own bread and drink our own drink only let us be called by thy name yea this and much more which is hard to be uttered either by tongue or Pen shall be the portion of him who is of the true circumcision which is made without hands who worships God in the Spirit a City and habitation is prepared for them whose builder and maker is God wherein the Lamb shall be their Light and they shall walk in it for ever and ever Therefore come all away to the light which is the true door into the new and Heavenly Jerusalem wherein no unclean thing can or ever shall enter thereby by the light must ye come to be cleansed which is the blood of the Covenant which is freely shed abroad for the cleansing of all the sons of Adam therefore trample it not under your feet as the blood of a dead man and count it not an unholy thing for by it alone were all the Saints of old cleansed and it did not serve them onely to talk of but were truly purged purified and made clean by it and so witnessed Justification and Sanctification in this life without which they never could for except you come to witnesse your souls cleansed from sin and sanctified with the blood of the everlasting Covenant you cannot be justified by God for God justifieth no unclean thing and remember it is written That without holinesse no man shall see the Lord and lay it to heart and there ponder these things in the coole of the day which if you do The grace of God will not be bestowed upon you in vain but through its pure teachings and vertue you will come to witnesse salvation to your souls and death swallowed up in victory and he that hath the power of it which is the Devil then will that saying be brought to pass O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory and will thank God with your souls bodies and spirits and serve him therewith as holy vessels sanctified to his use who hath given you the victory over all and living praise will issue out of your mouths not by constraint but willingly out of a pure heart for evermore to the living praise of him who hath redeemed your souls out of the horrible pit and set your feet upon a Rock even upon Mount Sion to live and Reign for ever And this is the true Salvation of God through Christ Jesus which thousands witnesse at this day in England and praise the Lord with one heart mind and soul continually which is their only joy and delight God only being witnessed to be their Judge King and Law-giver who hath saved them with everlasting Salvation from sin and uncleanness and are translated into the Kingdom of his dear Son and there live and delight only to walk to the praise and glory of the glorious God of all grace who hath thus bestowed his rich grace and mercy upon them which also is freely and richly tendred unto you O ye inhabitants of France therefore slight it not but draw nigh unto God and he will draw unto you for he is a God at hand and not afar off even unto them who call upon him with a simple heart and is a ready help unto such in time of need and you will witnesse him so unto you if ye embrace the riches of his grace mercy and goodnesse which is freely tendred to every individual of you without respect of persons Therefore call upon the Lord while he is neere least when you call he will not answer which is counsell of life unto you all which if you reject then hear what the Spirit saith ye shall have your portions with the wicked stiff-necked unbelievers and rebellious and your children shall enjoy the blessing for God of a truth will be glorified in many of them and you also if ye count not your selves unworthy of Eternal life which is richly and plentifully tendred unto you Therefore cease from all your Idol-shepherds and hireling-Priests which feed themselves and not the flock preach up sin as long as men live which shews they are imperfect Ministers and cannot make the comers thereunto perfect therefore I say cease from them in time least while the blind lead the blind ye both fall into the ditch for they are truly the Ministers of Satan and preach up his power to be greater than the power of God even to have more force to keep people in sin then the power of God hath to redeem from sin as hath already been said and so make the coming of Christ to be of no effect which was to redeem people from the Law which was added because of transgression up to God to live in his power which was before transgression was therefore saith the Apostle in what the Law could not doe in that it was weak God sending his own Son in the likenesse of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit Mark this was the true end of Christs coming not to destroy the Law because the Law is righteous and layeth hold on the transgressor but he came to destroy the transgressions and so he redeems all who come unto him from the curse of the Law by destroying the works of the Devil in people that so the righteousnesse thereof might be fulfilled in them by the power of Christ Jesus and so they come to the Spirits of just men made perfect the seed of the Serpent being bruised and wholly destroyed in them by Christ the seed of God in whom all the promises are Yea and Amen and they who witnesse this witnesse the end of Christs coming and the new birth which is incorruptible of God which sinneth not and they who come to witnesse this know that the power of Satan is not greater then the power of God in Christ Jesus who saves his people from their sins and this is the only true living Ministry which is to the salvation of the soul and all who preach any other doctrine then this though we our selvs or an Angell from heaven let them be accursed therefore consider your doctrine who preach against perfection and for keeping men in sin as long as they live and then the Devil knows he hath them sure enough afterwards for the wages of sin is death out of which there is no redemption if the creature dye therein for as the tree falls so it lyeth And this is the truth of God to all the inhabitants of the Earth therefore high and low rich and poor bond and free be ye warned and while ye have time prize it and if ye call upon God who
never able to come unto the knowledg of the truth which makes free all who come unto it as saith Christ Jesus if you know the truth the truth shall make you free And the Apostles were sent to turn people from darknesse to light and from Satans power to God which was the effect of the true and free Ministry of Christ even to open the blind eyes and make blind those which could see So they who come to be turned from Satans power unto God come to be turned from darknesse to light which is a turning from sinne to righteousnesse and here the people come to be profited but such hirelings who run and are not sent they neither bring the people to the light nor from sin to righteousness being Ministers of darkness themselves and Preach for filthy lucre sake and do in no wise profit the people as I have said if one come amongst them and their hearers and do but declare and speak of those things unto them wherewith Christ Jesus hath enlightned him then presently they fall upon him commonly by the command of their Priests and cry out he is a deceiver away with him though they have nothing to be deceived of but sin and uncleanness which sheweth plainly they are not of the number of the Elect of God for they need not to fear being deceived for it is impossible to deceive them For Christs sheep hear his voice and knoweth it and a stranger will they not follow But these like blind men instead of trying all things and holding fast that which is good stop their ears and furiously run themselves upon a poore simple innocent man who seeks not theirs but them And this their fruits manifests they are not in the nature of the true Christians but of the Jews who persecuted the Prophets and stoned them who were sent unto them and in this nature do they sing pray and the like which is no more accepted of the Lord Then if they cut off a Dogs neck or offer a sacrifice of blood for such was Cains sacrifice who was of the envious one who slew his brother And this is the fruits and effects of the hirelings Ministry which is a griefe unto the upright in heart to see And behold how poor people are kept in bondage and from the knowledge of God by them hearing and learning from their youth up untill they go to the grave and still in sin and pleading for it as long as they live O people it is high time to awake and consider these things and lay them to heart for the Ax of the Lord is a laying to the roote of every tree And every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire for the Lord hath long born with you and men have conceived nought but vanity and brought forth lies and every one is striving either by deceit or policy to uphold his own way by the arm of flesh and he that can get the power into his hand oppresseth all who will not bow unto his manner or forme of worship as though God were served in mans will or could or would be limitted by the sons of men while every one is crying up his own way to be best while they are all in the way of sin pleading for it as long as they live The Lords soul abhorreth these things for it is only the sacrifice of clean hands and a pure heart which he accepteth even of such who are of an humble and contrite spirit and trembleth at his Word and such he will in no wise despise But how far men are from this spirit which is onely accepted of by the Lord let the pure Light of Christ Jesus judge in all your consciences doth not envy reign still in their hearts and where that reigneth there is strife and every evil work which seperateth man from God and in this state should they sacrifice thousands of Rams and ten thousand rivers of Oyle the fruit of their bodies for the sins of their souls it would availe them nothing But wash you make you clean saith the Lord and put away the evil of your doings relieve the fatherless and the widdow and I will accept you and though your sins are as red as scarlet yet will I make them as white as snow Saith Solomon he which confesseth and forsaketh his sin shall find mercy and it is certain that none else doth or ever shall for the sacrifices of the wicked are an abomination unto the pure God For when the Jews were in the observation of sacrifices Sabbaths New-moons and the like the Lord said they were an abomination and loathsomness unto him and his soul did abhor them and the reason was because of the evil of their doings for in such things the Lord delighteth not but a body which is prepared to do his will in is only accepted for there he only takes delight to dwell which is more then all sacrifices offerings and oblations which David knew right well But this thing Satan and his Ministers Preach not to the people that he may keep his seat whole within them profess what they will in words he matters it not for he knows if once the creature cometh to the Covenant of God that then he will come to witnesse his body to be his Temple as he hath promised I will dwell in them and walk in them therefore Satan strives every way to keep people from the light which is the Covenant whereby men would come to know the teachings of God and would not need that man should teach them But this makes not for the hireling nor his profit therefore would he be Master as much as in him lieth telling people they must not look for God to speak unto men in these days and that revelations are ceased and such like stuff he filleth up his hours time with which sheweth he and his hearers know not the Son of God as the true Christians did And saith Christ unto those that come unto me I give eternal life and none hath eternal life but those who know the Father and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent So all Priests and people this is to you and sheweth that you are from the true Faith and to every good work reprobate for he that doth not witness all his works done and wrought in him by the vertue and power of God all his works are but as filthy rags which is self righteousnesse for if the just do not work in the creature it is self which can never be accepted of the Father for the true children of God came to witnesse that God did all their works for them and in them and so did witnesse in deed and in truth the Lord to be their righteousness and were called by that name So come and try your works and by whom they are wrought in you if not by Christ then it is self and so it will availe you nothing For without me saith Christ ye
what end they were created even for them to serve his body and his body to serve his soul and his soul to serve his Creator in the body and as he thus stood in the fear dominion and wisdome of his Lord all things were blessed unto him and all things were clean and pure and being guided by the pure holy Spirit of his maker is counselled as in the beginning and hath a law-giver as at the first but when once he gave ear unto the voyce of the Serpent who was more subtile than any beast of the field consented to eat of that which was forbidden him that he should not touch to eat even of the tree of knowledge of good and evil let him which readeth understand he had liberty to eat of every tree but that all being good and that also for all that which God made was good and blessed but for food it was not to be eaten of nor touched And as I said when man once had transgressed the righteous Law of his Creator he lost his glorious Dominion he had and the pure Spirit of the Lord by which he was covered departed from him so that he was naked without a covering then shame entred in upon him and so he went to make unto himself other coverings then those which he had in the beginning to hide himself but all in vain So all the professors in the world who are not covered with the holy Spirit of the Lord may read and see what they are doing for this is truely your state and condition feeding upon your own knowledge which is forbidden and feeding thereon are thereby set on work to make unto your selves other coverings then that of the holy Spirit of truth and righteousnesse So read and consider when Adam had once done so the Lord cast him out of his Garden and he lost his dominion which he had and God placed Cherubins at Eden gate which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life so that men could never enter again that way but through death even the death of that nature and wisdom which he fed on which was of the earth and is earthly sensuall and devilish So read and consider whether you witnesse this yea or nay And so man being drove out of the earth the curse entred and the Serpent became head in him and he that was the sonne of God before and was guided by him in all his actions became the son and servant of the Devil and a bondslave unto corruption and thus was the Lamb slain even the just seed of God became oppressed in him even as a Cart that is loaded with sheaves which before bore rule in him wholly yet the Lord having regard to the works of his hands and his bowels being moved with pity towards them his mercy being over all the works of his hands took not his holy seed from him but made a Covenant with man that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head which was become head in man then which promise was witnessed and fulfilled in Abel who was righteous and was accepted the seed of God bearing rule in him and the seed of the envious one was brused which reign'd in his brother Cain and so being one with the holy seed became a sufferer and suffered by the seed of the evil one in his brother and here was the first persecution and from that day unto this hath the just suffered by the unjust the seed of the Bond-woman persecuting the seed of the free-woman which kept the Commandements of God So here all men may read and see what stock and generation they are of and what seed is head in them for one of the two beareth rule in every individual man upon the face of the whole earth where the seed of the woman is head there is peace humility meeknesse long-suffering patience temperance love to all bearing and forbearing praying for enemies and suffering and enduring all things not having confidence in the arm of flesh nor yet a helper in the earth not seeking revenge but committeth its innocent cause to God knowing that vengeance belongs only to him praying for enemies doing good to those that despitefully use them and this this only is the life of the true christian for in him alone this holy seed of God beareth rule and hath dominion for they are the peace-makers but where the seed of the Serpent beareth rule there lust reigneth from whence cometh all warre strife contention and debate and this was Cains nature even to kill and murder who was a Vagabond drove from God yet he built him a City and called it by the name of his son and so from this stock hath risen oppression and murder and getting of possession in the earth and this was the fruit and effect of that seed which from him sprung for which cause the holy Spirit of God was grieved from day to day until it had repented him at the heart that he had made man which caused Noah to preach unto them righteousnesse but they rejected his counsel and would not be warned but they continued eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage all in the lust and unclean nature which crucified the just and so continued until the day of wrathful unresistable vengeance and flood of Gods indignation brake out upon them And thus in all ages have those in whom this seed of enmity hath borne rule provoked the holy God to wrath against them yet he forbore with them until they had filled up their measure of iniquity in which time he sent his holy servants the Prophets to warn and forewarn them of the wrath which was due unto the transgressors and still as they did reject the councel of the Lord and his tender reproofs they felt his heavy hand in the end for he hath said his Spirit shall not always strive with man though men may as they did then seek by their own strength policy and wisdome to build them a Tower to reach up unto Heaven but God confounded their design for neither by that way nor by that meanes could they ever bring their purpose to passe and from that stock came and sprung all the divisions upon the face of the earth one building this thing and the other that thing and all in the confusion being confounded and dispersed in their understandings by the wise God though vain man may think by such meanes to build him a Tower to reach up to Heaven but such are the thieves and the robbers which climb up another way then Christ spake of who came not in by the door which is the light the onely and alone true way to God and there is not another but men are so hardened and their understandings so darkned through the deceitfulnesse of sin that though these things are plainly written and spoken of in the Scriptures yet they cannot perceive them the book being become to them a book that is sealed which one
heart and while you have time prize it before it be too late And know ye Protestants that it is onely the true Jew which shall have acceptance in his presence in that day even they who are of the circumcision of the heart who are covered with his holy Spirit and not with a name to live and are dead as it is with you at this day Therefore this visitation of love is sent amongst you that you may read and consider your condition and how you stand that ye may not plead ignorance in the dreadfull day of account which is even at the door and remember If God spared not the natural branches but cut them off who sinned he will not spare you for the soul that sinneth shall dye but he that turneth from his sins and doth righteousnesse shall live and there is no other Covenant or promise of God then this Therefore let not your Preachers deceive you any longer by telling you it shall go well with you though you live in sin and uncleannesse but turn to the light of Christ which condemneth you for all sin and give up to be guided by it and it will lead you to forsake your sins so will you find mercy else you will perish eternally which is the word of the Lord unto you all therefore I say again and again prize Gods love which is freely tendred unto you For a famine of the word of the Lord hath been amongst men and the vision hath failed which hath been the cause people have perished even because of ignorance Therefore come to Christ the light the wisdome of God that you may learn only of him and receive wisdome of him who maketh all them truly wise unto Salvation who come unto him and hear him so then their souls come to live and not before And take not this as an idle tale or story for though my message is not adorned with inticing words of mans wisdome or as mans wisdome teacheth yet know assuredly that if ye reject it it will be your condemnation and you will be left without excuse as I said If God spared not the natural branches when they sinned even they who were once truly grafted into the true Olive Tree surely he will not spare you who were never yet grafted into any thing but sin and corruption as plainly appeareth by your fruits of lightness vanity and vain glory and the deportment both of you and your women who goe in plaited haire and in gold and silver which was never the ornament of the holy women of God nor of Sarah but their ornament was that of the heart even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is with the Lord of great price and is only accepted of God and your own habit is nothing differing from all the vain and abominable in your Nation which the true Christians were not to do nor fashion themselves according to the former time of ignorance but were to be renewed in their minds and to be carefull in all things and to walk answerable according to the holy calling wherewith Christ Jesus had called them who had left them a pure example that they should follow his steps And saith the Apostle Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ But how ye do those things let the pure just principle of the Lord Jesus Christ judge in all your consciences Were you truly what you professe your selves to be in words would ye not be a witness against all the vanities and wickedness of the Nation and bear your witness for God against it all and so would be a sweet savour unto the Lord in your generation even as lights which are set on a hill But instead of this ye are one with them in all manner of evill whatsoever onely you differ in some external things in your worship seeming to cry against Idolatry and covetousnesse is in your hearts which is as great Idolatry as can be named and if you should speak against respecting of persons you are as much in it as they and as partial in all your wayes and any other abomination which is committed in the land may be as commonly seen and heard amongst you as amongst any other people in the Nation as swearing lying vain talk and foolish jesting whoring whatsoever that may be named pride and vain custome and the like and for a cover for all this you say you are saved by grace for shame shame shame cover your faces Are any saved by grace who are taught by it to deny all ungodlinesse and worldly lust and to live soberly and righteously in this present evil world and doth not who live in wickeedness and turn the Grace of God into wantonness or rather turn from it hath not the free grace of God appeared unto all unto Salvation as well as unto you as if a bear talk of being saved by grace would serve turn why may not all be saved as well as you seeing your fruit differeth nothing in substance and then you say you are saved by faith in Christ Jesus but vaine men shew your faith by your works for if it be the living Faith which gives victory over sin the other may also be brought into it by good works which are the effects of the only true and living Faith and so be converted unto it and be saved but your profession without a possession doth but adde the more unto your condemnation as you shall witness except ye repent for if only a saying you believe in Christ Jesus will save you why may not those you esteem different from you be saved as well as you seeing they will in the particular say it and affirm it as well as you and both your fruits in respect of life and conversation varie nothing at all Read and consider these things seriously and repent knowing that as the body without the spirit is dead so is Faith without works also dead Again I say in love pity to your immortal souls prize prize Gods eternal love which is freely tendred unto you all least you cry when it is too late Oh how have I slighted the day of my visitation and it be said of you as it was of Israel of old Oh Israel thou hast destroyed thy self for it is only the sins of a people or Nation which separateth them from God and brings judgements upon them or any Land that the inhabitants may learn righteousness but if they refuse to be warned thereby and harden their necks then will the Lord sweep them away with the Bosome of destruction Therefore lay it to heart for the sins of this land hath surpassed the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah who were made examples of Gods just judgements that others might take warning Therefore my bowels is truly moved in me towards you that you may not slight the day of your visitation but diligently hearken to the Lord which if you do he will soon subdue all your enemies for you and make you
also witnesse it so upon yours if ye come and submit unto Davids humble spirit of prayer and repentance which was the cause God did so delight in him above many for the humble and contrite spirit which David was of God will in no wise despise for he even confessed his sin and forsook it and willingly submitted unto the judgements of the Most High for it by which meanes he had acceptance with God And thy word saith he I have hid in my heart that I may not sin against thee for that is the dayly care of the honest heart least God should take his holy spirit from him for he prayeth continually that God would renew his dayly countenance upon him which made Davids heart more glad than those who had all the encrease of the earth so all you who take Davids words to sing and talk of deal faithfully with your own souls and see whether you are come to his spirit yea or nay and until then his word and penitent heart is your condemnation which you shall eternally witnesse to be true in the day that by Davids spirit ye shall be judged who said depart from me all ye that do wickedly and was made the song of the drunkard Truly Friends the Lord hath made my bowels as an open fountain towards you that you may no longer be of that generation which Solomon speaks of who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not purged from their iniquity I shall as being truly moved of the Lord thereunto lay these following things before you to consider seriously of as being things which every one who dare professe the name of Christ and Christianity ought truly to mind to the end they may not be only Christians in name but in nature which will only stand you instead in the dreadful day of judgement wherein God will appear with flames of fire to render vengeance to the wicked which day hastneth apace Therefore read and consider Whether Christ Jesus when he spake unto his Disciples saying Be ye perfect even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect did not speak really as he meant And whether he would bid them be that which was impossible for them to be Secondly Read through the whole Scripture and see if you can read of any other Salvation but that which is from sin And whether or no that was not the promise of God unto Adam after he had sinned to wit that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head which seed was Christ And whether this is not to be witnessed in every regenerate man or woman yea or nay And whether the Serpent be not head in all untill this be witnessed yea or nay For seeing the Scripture saith we are saved by faith in Christ whether is there any true faith which saves but that which gives true and perfect dominion over all sin And whether there be any other true faith which justifieth before God And whether this faith only be not the true faith of Gods Elect seeing the Scripture saith that God justifieth not the ungodly shewing that no unclean thing is justified before God And can any in truth say that they are justified but those who witnesse this faith by which the just liveth and obtaineth victory yea or nay Whether the free grace of God hath not appeared unto all men And whether all those who receive it and are taught by it are not led and taught to deny all ungodly lusts And whether they who are not thus taught by it are not of those who turn it into wantonnesse And whether it will not be their eternall condemnation yea or nay Whether Christ according to Johns true and faithful testimony which he bare of him hath not enlightned every man which cometh into the world And whether this Light doth not judge righteously for God against all sin in the consciences of all men And whether if they reject its reproofs it will not be their condemnation yea or nay And whether God hath not so promised that he would give Christ his only son for a Covenant of Light that he might be his salvation even to the ends of the Earth And whether any ever came to witnesse salvation but those that thus witnessed Christ a Covenant of Light to be their leader and teacher yea or nay Whether God hath not promised that in his new and everlasting Covenant all his people shall be taught of him And whether those who are yet looking at man for teaching be not out of this pure holy Covenant yea or nay Whether God hath not promised that he will live and walk in his people And whether they who do not witnesse it even their bodies to be the Temples of God be not the Temples of the Devil yea or nay Whether any are or can truly be said to be the sons of God but those who are led by the Spirit of God And whether any are true Christians but those who have put on Christ yea or nay Whether any are Christs but those who have the Spirit of Christ And whether any can witnesse the true Baptisme but such who have received the Spirit yea or nay Whether there be any other Baptisme needful unto Salvation but this to wit by one Spirit into one body by the Holy Ghost and by fire And whether all other sprinklings are nothing but traditions of men yea or nay Whether the true Christians did not come to witnesse Christ in this life to be wisdome justification and redemption yea or nay Whether Christ in the Saints was not the onely hope of their glory even to live in them as he did in God and through which they came to have fellowship with the Father And whether they who came to witnesse this were not sanctified throughout in body soul and spirit yea or nay Whether Christ did not give himself for his Church that he might purge and sanctifie it and present it to the Father without spot or wrinkle or any such thing And whether any can come to be true members of this Church but those who come to witnesse a true purging in this life seeing the Scripture saith the Church is in God to whom no unclean thing can be united And whether all who say they are members of the Church of Christ and doe not witnesse this to wit a cleansing be not lyars yea or nay Whether the true Ministers of Christ Jesus do not preach freely as they have received freely And whether they who preach for hire gifts and rewards or yearly maintenance are not Ministers of Satan yea or nay Whether any can be truly said to be the Ministers of Christ Jesus but who are sent by him and called immediately by his voyce unto his work And whether all others are not of man and by the will of man who run and are not sent yea or nay Whether such men who say they can never be freed nor put off the body of sin as long as they live