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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26964 The nonconformists advocate, or, A farther account of their judgment in certain things in which they are misunderstood written principally in vindication of A letter from a minister to a person of quality, shewing some reasons for his nonconformity, modesty answering the exceptions of two violent opposers of the said reasons. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing B1318; ESTC R1328 72,144 90

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the Sign of the Cross You know not what remark to make on this but leave it to my self and every impartial Reader to think on it Though you do not know what Remark to make on my Objection yet I know what Remarks to make on your Confutation for plainly I observe in it falseness and weakness First there is a great untruth in it for though you say The Church of England has expresly ordered in that private form of baptizing to baptize Children without Godfathers and Godmothers or the Sign of the Cross yet there is no such thing expressed or mentioned in the Order but at the uttermost it is only supposed by a Mute and will you call silence expression Here I leave you to your self and serious thoughts so likewise to the thoughts of the impartial Reader how far you can stretch to bring in an Accusation If the Minister in private Baptism should sign the Infant baptized with the Sign of the Cross would he cross the intent of that silent which you call express Order yea or not I believe nothing at all which to do had it been an expressed or declared Order would have been a manifest violation of the same And then as to Godfathers and Godmothers they are both mentioned and interrogated and as clearly brought in for the Consummation of private Baptism as in publick Secondly There is a great weakness in our Confutation for my Objection lies against the manner of baptizing in ordinary and you answer me from the manner of baptizing in extraordinary as in case of any apparent danger of death What can only Parents whose Children are in danger of death have these scruples mentioned by me against Godfathers and Godmothers and against the Sign of the Cross and not multitudes besides them How shall the Children of these how scrupulous soever they be as you avouch they may come to their Christendom What shall these whether these Children be in imminent peril of death yea or not come with a lye in their mouths to the Minister and say Pray Sir baptize our Children according to the private order of Baptism for they are ready to die though they are not Well he comes and on the contrary sees their Children strong and well ought he now to baptize them according to the private or publick form Surely according to the publick because the pretended necessity of the private is found a falsity Here ergo the scrupulous Parents are at the same Bar as at the beginning and their Children as far from being baptized as ever and this too because the Minister will not and according to order ought not to baptize their Children without Godfathers and Godmothers and the Sign of the Cross Now what I have here spoken is not an idle Supposition and ● meer Imagination but I have reason to believe it a real truth i● matter of fact for I know the Person very well who has again and again been desired by Parents to baptize their Children and being unwilling and averse to intermeddle in that affair hath sincerely counselled the said Parents to have a recourse to their own Parish-Minister to do it for them whose proper office it was but they have replied He will not baptize our Children without Godfathers and Godmothers and we know not where to get them My last scruple was against the Order and Office for the Burial of the Dead wherein we have as much said as can well be signified and expressed by word or tongue concerning the most certain salvation and happiness of every one buried by the Minister though of the worst of men though of the most flagitious and facinorous persons so living and so dying What think you of S. Coleman the Traytor I am assured from an Eye and Ear-witness that he was buried in S. Giles's Church-yard by one of the Readers and by the Common-Prayer Book and so perhaps were the rest not of the Loyal but Liolan and lying Saints after him At every such Interment the Minister saith Forasmuch as it hath pleased God of his great mercy to take unto himself the Soul of our dear Brother here departed c. What can more plainly signifie the safety and bliss of such a Soul what can more fully declare the love and favour of God towards it and place it in Heaven You say It is no more than that of Solomon in the Ecclesiastes Chap. 12.7 Then shall the dust return to the Earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it But surely in my judgment God his taking to himself and this too in mercy in great mercy every such particular soul whose body is committed to the ground sounds and imports much more than Solomon intended by his returning of the Spirit unto God after death for the whole verse is but a general description of death and to give us to understand that after death the Body goes one way and the Soul another the Body to the Ground and the Soul unto God that is ad Deum Judicem unto God as unto a Judge before whose dreadful Tribunal the Soul immediately after death shall be brought to appear and there shall be sentenced according to desert either to weal or woe for ever and ever This is quite another thing from God his receiving of every Soul departed in great mercy to himself which implies the happy and setled state and abode of such a Soul in the place of Gods abode to all Eternity You say To return to God and to be taken to him signifies to be put in the immediate disposal of God and for your Authority and Vouch you quote one Mr. Falkner I see by your often quotations of him you securely rely upon him as if he were an unerring Oracle and an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an unanswerable demonstration nevertheless I know not the man nor ever yet set eye upon any of his learned Lucubrations and therefore how truly or how falsly you have quo●ed or perhaps transcribed him I can neither affirm or deny I freely grant him to be a Reverend Person of great Abilities according as you have reported him notwithstanding my Faith and Perswasion depend not upon his sense and judgment nor indeed of any mans else though otherwise the most Renowned for Learning in the Age but only upon the Infallible Truth of Gods Word and therefore will follow him and you also as far as ye follow that but no further He saith according to your quotation Our Church acknowledgeth to be an act of mercy in God through the Grace of Christ who hath the Keys of Hell and Death that dying persons do not forthwith go into the power of the Devil who had the power of Death but do immediately go into the hands of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ to be disposed of by him according to the promises and conditions of the Gospel-Covenant c. These are his words but can these be verified
it explained from the mouth of Peter Act. 2.38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins But notwithstanding what I have now answered I will yet acknowledge that true and real Gospel-baptism is for remission of sins but then we must well understand and find out what this true and real Gospel-baptism is and wherein it consists for John Baptist himself saith I indeed baptize with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire There is Baptisma flu●i●●● B●●tisma flaminis an outward and inward Baptism the one of Water and the other of the Spirit the one to purge away the filth of the body the other to purge away the filth of the soul Now there is a wide and vast difference between these two which are not only distinguishable but separable and often separated the one from the other The Baptism of Water is often without the Baptism of the Spirit and the Baptism of the Spirit without the Baptism of Water Where these two happily meet together in the same person there the blessed result and consequence hereof is sure pardon and remission of sins and the final issue undoubted salvation otherwise not But now who shall presume to tell as to hic nunc when this and another Child is baptized concerning the certain concurrence of both these who hath known the mind of God herein who can discover this inscrutable secret But yet let me not be mistaken when I said otherwise not for it is to be restrained only to the first Baptism for though this cannot seal unto us the pardon of sins without the last yet the last can do it by it self alone without the first All the Ancient Patriarchs and Prophets and holy Confessors and Saints before Christ's Incarnation had only the last Baptism and since that time all those Infant-Martyrs under the butchery of Herod had only this last Baptism thousands of the Seed of believing Parents some of them dying before they were born and some of them immediately after have had only this last Baptism that blessed Babe which brake out of the Womb while the Mother of it was now sacrificing her Body in the Flames for a testimony to the Truth against cursed Papists who most cruelly and unnaturally forthwith condemned this young Heretick to be burnt together with the old one had only this last baptism notwithstanding the sins of all these and of all others in the same circumstances were undoubtedly remitted and their souls undoubtedly saved Though they were not made partakers of the outward washing yet the inward washing was graciously vouchsafed to them unto life everlasting this therefore is that which I would call the true and real Gospel-baptism 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by way of Eminency whereas the outward Baptism of Water which is only in the power of man to administer can never do away sin neither can it assure us of the remission of the same He is not a Jew who is one outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew who is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the heart and in the spirit Rom. 2.28 In like manner he is not a Christian who is one outwardly neither is that baptism which is outward on the flesh but he is a Christian who is one inwardly and baptism is that of the heart and in the spirit this this only is the unerring infallible sign and seal unto us of our interest in the Covenant of Grace and the great blessing annexed to it I will be merciful unto their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more Heb. 7.12 But now who knows whether all and every one among the multitude of young children that have the baptism of the flesh have also the baptism of the heart and in the spirit This is thick darkness and we cannot pierce through it Since therefore here we are left at uncertainty though the said children be baptized and though they die before they have committed actual sin yet never the more can we be certain by Gods Word that they are undoubtedly saved Yet for all this the baptism on the flesh or washing with water is not an insignificant Ceremony but has its weighty and momentous ends according to the wise counsel of him that ordained it handing forth many general blessings to all that are baptized and besides these more special favours to every worthy partaker of it and this signal one among others Remission of sins And now why tarriest thou arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the Name of the Lord. But then we must carefully single out who are the worthy partakers there is therefore a double worthiness the one external and the other internal now these special blessings are imparted not to those who are only worthy with an external worthiness but with an internal also All they may be said to be externally worthy who have an outward call and are duly qualified according to the rules of the Gospel to participate of that Ordinance and among others the children of Professors or the children of believing Parents All they and only they have an inward worthiness who are the called of God according to his purpose and chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world now unto all these and only unto these the Sacrament does sign seal exhibit and convey the grace of the Gospel When I say exhibit and convey I mean only in suo genere according to the nature of the Ordinance as an Instrument in the hand of Omnipotency who worketh in and by and with whatsoever means he will and effecteth all his counsels and stupendious works in this way and manner with never failing success as when with the blast of Rams horns he tumbled down the Walls of Jerico or to come nearer to the matter in hand when with the waters of Jordan he healed the Syrian of his Leprosie You see therefore that it is not the Sacrament it self as it is opus operatum in the administration of it but the Omnipotency and faithfulness of God in the application of it conferring grace and yet not unto all but only unto the worthy Partakers and these also with an inward worthiness To conclude therefore as Baptism is for remission of sins so likewise the Lords Supper This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood shed for many for the remission of sins It was indeed for remission of sins unto the Eleven but not unto Judas though he drank of that Cup as well as his Colleagues yea and had a worthiness for it that is an outward worthiness and was rightly admitted unto it but wanted the inward To the inwardly worthy the blessing is communicated but from all others the blessing is suspended Among other things you say Children by Baptism are actually brought