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A19998 A treatise, intituled; nobody is my name, which beareth eueri-bodies blame wherein is largely laied forth the lawfull bounds of all buying and selling, according to the infallible like of the lawes of the Lord. Compiled dialoguevvise by Iohn Deacon. Minister. Deacon, John, 17th cent. 1587 (1587) STC 6437; ESTC S110928 77,403 192

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By making it loathsome to others and how No-bodie Verely when as by an vngodly continuance of those the former abuses the sellers disordered dealings are not onely discerned of all men but euen his whole bodie also it selfe and euerie member thereof is very fitly derided and most iustly detested as a most filthy and loathsome carryon Namely when his head is accompted with all men the very Cage of deceites when his eyes are no better estéemed then the very Scout-watches of wickednes when his eares are abhorred as the Ewes-droppers of destruction when his toong is no lesse distrusted then the poyson of Aspis when his handes and euery finger thereof are hated like the limetwigs of a lurching Cormorant when his féete are eschued as the craftie supporters of a pilfering Purloyner Briefely when him selfe with the whole packe appertaining vnto him are euen pointed at as they walke vp and downe in the stréetes for those who seeke to beguile and to deceiue no moe then haue any dealinges with them at all And in this respect those sellers them selues may fitly bée compared to a Snayle which neuer kéepeth in creeping about any ordinarie course but with windings and turnings conuayeth her selfe into her Cottage so surely such sellers as séeke onely for gaine they care not at all for kéeping a christian course in those their common affaires but séeke by windings and turnings to conuay themselues into the credit of their dayly customers not passing who lose so themselues may be sure for to winne No they make not any reckoning at all to deride a Iob. 12. 4. the simplicitie of the vpright and iust Yea they thinke that the wisedome of this worlde consisteth altogether in hiding their hart by subtill deuises in concealing the mind by coosining spéeches in making falsehoode séeme truth and truth to séeme falsehood And this wisdome also of theirs is found out of yong men by practize and of children likewise by paying some price for the same Loe these are the effects for the most part which folowing the former abuses doo both bring the whole bodie in bondage and make it also verie vglie and lothsome to others Ingroser These no doubt are most horrible effects But what I pray you are those other which drawe the bodie into danger No-bodie Surely 2. They drawe the body in danger either by their owne disordered dealings or by some outrage of others they are euen such as ensuing a carelesse and preposterous practise either of all or of any the former abuses do procure some present danger vnto the bodie it selfe And this also eyther by their owne disordered dealings or else by some outrage of other Pedler How first by their owne disordered dealings No-bodie When as those our fantasticall and foolehardie Chapmen 1 By their own disordered dealinges and how floating amaine beyond the vttermoste boundes of India and trudging about by Sea and by land by fire and water to foreshunne the prison of pouertie haue neither care of their health nor giue any regard at all to the abilitie and strength of their nature whereby their owne bodies doo either become subiect to sundrie perilous diseases or otherwaies are brought at vnwares to many strange and vntimely deathes Ingroser And how also by some outrage of other No-bodie Verely when as the seller by his vnconscionable hoording of coyne 2. By some outrage of others and how and his vncharitable withholding of help from the néedie do earnestly prouoke the common Swash-blades Make-shifts either to driue them for their purses into a very extreame and deadly feare or otherwise to bereaue them of breath and of goodes together And in this respect the sellers also themselues may againe be fitly compared vnto the creeping Snayle which being euermore drie on the out-side but yet very fat full of moisture and all greasie within is now and then compelled to plucke in her hornes hath her house by such as stand in néede of her grease broken ouer her head and her selfe without pitie depriued both of grease and of life So surely those sales-men who hoord to themselues without helping of others who when their compassion is craued of any are as drie on the outside as keckes though verie greasie within and fat for themselues and their owne a Iob. 20. 10. 11. they are often-times driuen in a deadly feare for their goodes haue their houses broken ouer their heads their coyne very cunningly conuayed from their Chestes and lastly themselues deliuered to death And thus much briefely for those perticuler effects which either doo defile the body or bring it in danger Eueri-bodie Vndoubtedly most fearfull effects and such as are able alone to make men amazed But these you say concerne onely the body what therefore are those other concerning the soule No-bodie They are such and so fearefull that I tremble to tell them for as those former effects which concerne only the bodie are of themselues euery way so vile and infectious that the Chapmen whatsoeuer hauing any participation therewith cannot choose but beare about with them in euery place the most vglie blots and staines of perpetuall reproche so surely those other concerning the soule are very horrible to heare too too monstrous to behold and most intollerable of all to endure being such as tend either to the hurt of the soule it selfe or else to the dishonour of God Ingroser How first to the hurt of the soule it selfe No-bodie When as the seller by those sinister dealings doth very carelesly suffer that liuely image of God in himselfe to be in a manner so fouly defaced 1. To the hurt of the soule it selfe being either most filthely distained with sinne or brought in to a carelesse condition deformed and obscured as no apparant token thereof may appeare to the world the same being either most filthely distained with sinne or otherwaies brought into a secure and carelesse condition Ingroser How first most filthely distained with sinne No-bodie When as the soule her selfe by meanes of those former abuses is brought to the participation of all outragious enormities 1. Being filthely distained with sinne and how As first to an vnconscionable desire of other mens goods Secondly to most strange and wicked imaginations which wayes that desire may be compassed Thirdly to most deuillish deuises how and by what meanes those imaginations of theirs might be brought to some passe And lastly to most pestilent practises for the spéedier accomplishment of those former most filthy deuises namely to cogging to cosinage to flatterie to lying to swearing and foreswearing it selfe with foure hundred such other vnspeakeable villanies Ingroser And how also by bringing the same into a secure careles condition Being broght into a careles condicion and how No-bodie Verely when as the soule being euery wayes ouerburdened with those beastly abuses is also verie dangerously drawne into such a continuall custome of sinning as not onely it is vtterly vnmindfull of God and his word but
not stand against the bloud of thy brother I am the Lord. Now least any should seeme to cauil against the equity of this law saieng why then we may not speak the trueth against our brother before a iudge especiallie when it may tend to his destruction hee addeth foorthwith thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine hart but thou shalt plainelie rebuke thy neighbour and suffer him not to sinne Giuing vs thereby to vnderstand that it is no lesse demonstration of a malitious mind for men to winke at the wickednesse of their brother before a iudge then with hatred to pursue his innocencie vnto the death For whereas by the one they wound but his bodie by the other they slaie both bodie and soule Ingroser But this is spoken as appeareth in the beginning of the chapter to all the congregation of Israell without exception shewing therein how one neighbour should friendlie and priuately admonishe another and not that you Priestes should in open Pulpit thus peartlie prate against all men at your pleasures No-bodie You could not in all the Bible haue brought an argument more directlie against your selfe For if the safetie and good estate of our bretheren must be so carefullie couched in all christian breasts that euery priuate and perticuler man is bound by the rule of charitie to be most carefull thereof How much more belongs it then to the ministers to be preciselie circumspect therein who not only by the self-same league of loue but also in a more special regard of their function calling are charged verie vigilantlie to watch a Heb. 13. 17. ouer the soules of Gods people as those that are sure to giue an accompt for the same Ingroser Tush a strawe for that is ment to reprooue them in generall tearmes but where can you warrant your particuler reprehensions by the woord of God No-bodie Besides this latelie alleadged law of the LORD the proofes which doe tend to that purpose are both pregnant and plentifull For first our Sauiour Christ intending to make a plaine description of a ministers office compareth b Math. 24. 45. him to a wise and faithfull steward Luke 12. 42. whome his Lord hath made ruler ouer his house to giue them their porcion of meate in due time If therfore it belongs to the dutie of a temporall steward to giue euerie seruant his portion of meate namelie foure peckes of meale for euerie moneth Donatus in Phormio as Donatus declareth or otherwaies for his vnfaithfulnes to be hewen in peeces Is it likelie think you the spirituall steward being with no lesse diligence bound to distribute iustly to euery one his portion of spirituall meat if hee bee found negligent therein that b Ezec. 33. 8. he should be brought to anie better estate of dignity Math. 24. 51. remaining as you see in a farre more miserable condition of sinne Luke 12. 46. Eueri-bodie Surelie sir you haue said something nowe to the purpose if comparisons prooued anie thing at all But seeing such shotte is of insufficient force to batter the enemies holde wee will bee the sooner perswaded in this point if you can avouch your assertiō by some euident precepts and rules of the holie ghost No-bodie That may easilie be perfourmed For the Apostle saint Paule to the end his scholler Timothy might more carefullie continu the integritie and credite of his calling he giues him herein a speciall exhortation saieng c 2. Tim. 2. 15. Studie to shew thy selfe approoued to God a workeman that needeth not to be ashamed deuiding the word of truth aright Pedler What meanes the Apostle I pray you by deuiding the woord of truth aright No-bodie Euen that selfe-same skil care which our sauior Christ required before in the faithful Steward namely a Exod. 29. 32. that both he know how Leuit. 9. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. also be diligent in giuing euerie one his portion of meat in due time Wherein also either he alludeth vnto the Priests of the olde law who in their sacrifices accustomablie gaue vnto God the portion of right belonging vnto him tooke their owne parte and deliuered also to him which brought the sacrifice his appointed share Or els it is a Metaphoricall borrowed speech transferred either from the vsuall manner of cutting of bread as wee see a father when hee feedeth his children deuideth the whole loafe in peeces and giues to euerie child his portion Or otherwaies drawen from the lopping awaie of superfluous things as the Physitions do practise who vse to seare to cut and to purge away the putrified and rotten parts for infecting the rest of the bodie Ingroser And what would you inferre vpon this No-bodie Euen the selfe same doctrine I deliuered before For like as a father beeing carefull to feede his children distributeth to euerie one that portion of meat which is properlie fit and belongeth vnto him And as a Phisition seeking soundlie the sauegard of hys patient spareth not to purge awaie and to cut of those superfluous and putrified parts which otherwaies would annoie the whole bodie it selfe euen so it befalleth especiallie for spirituall fathers to be carefull in feeding their flocke and for spirituall Phisitions to be prouident in cutting awaie with the sword of the spirit all such inordinate affections as a 2. Cor. 10. 5● doe raise them selues againste the knowledge of God and to bring into captiuitie euerie thought vnto the obedience of Christ hauing readie the vengeaunce against all disobedience when the obedience of the sonnes of GOD is fulfilled Ingroser Is this then that you say the meaning of Paule No-bodie Yea no doubt And this more plainelie appeareth by that platforme of reproouing which els where he prescribeth to Timothie for all degrees of people saieng a 1. Tim. 5. 1. 2. Rebuke not an elder rigorouslie but exhort him as a father the yonger men as breethren the elder women as Mothers the yonger as Sisters with all purenes shewing therein how he should distribute to euery one their portion of rebukes according as their age and calling required Ingroser Well be it that this was the meaning of the Apostle But where for all that can you name in the scriptures any one seruant of God which either practised the same or shewed themselues so sawcy in snapping at al estates of men as your selfe and such other haue done No-bodie Why thinke you then that the holie ghost who was so carefull in penning these precepts would haue men carelesse in practising the same or dare you call that holie seruice of God a sawcines of men Oh beware of the woe b Isay 5. 20. that is threatned against such an outragious blasphemie But where and when I pray you haue you seene me so sawcie for it seemes by your speech euen now that you were from the sermon to daie Ingroser I confesse I was from the Sermon indeede and yet notwithstanding I hard of your dealings therein
the rest of your wares in all the whole yeare besides very sure I am and dare boldlie affirme it that the Lorde by the onely meanes of those Merchandrize is more beastlie dishonoured in that one quarter then in all the whole year besides Eueri-bodie Which waie sir I praie you No-bodie Euen by dicing carding and such other vngodlie games wherewith all our carelesse ding-thrifts are sette daylie a gogge and whereof also ensueth couetousnesse theft lying swearing forswearing quarrelling killing with other like fruits of the flesh Eueri-bodie Why would you not haue men to bee merrie and driue awaye the time in good fellowshippe I peceiue you are one of those Puritanes who allow neither of pastime nor pleasure Surelie you are the straungest people that euer I hard of No-bodie It seemeth straunge vnto you a 1. Pet. 4. 4. that wee runne not togither with you vnto the same excesse of ryotte and therefore you speake euill of vs. Howbeit it is sufficient for you if you had the grace to consider it that you haue a Ephes 4. 22 1. Pet. 4. 3. spent the time of your life after the lustes of the Gentiles walking inwantonnesse lust drunkennesse gluttonie in drinkings and all abhominable Idolatrie b 1. Pet. 4. 2. and therefore from hence foorth shoulde learne to liue as muche time as remaineth in the fleshe not after the lustes of the fleshe but according to the will of God Eueri-bodie Why man thinke you dicing and carding to be a sinne now sure you speake you wot not what No-bodie I doe not onelie thinke it deare brother euen with my very heart but I coulde also confirme the same with inuincible reasons were it not beside the purpose which wee haue in hande Notwithstanding take this for the present as a generall aunswere to that your demaunde namelye that if Dice Cardes with other their appurtenaunces are suche infectious snares of Sathan as none may safelie either buye or sell the same vnlesse hee will desparatelie incurre the displeasure of GOD howe dare anie manne then so boldelie bequeath his eies eares hands and toong yea euen his whole bodie and soule as a sacrifice solde ouer to that vile seruice of Sathan wherevnto so many by those his bewitched baites are most beastlie allured Ingroser Nay now sir the pouertie of your cause too plainelie appeareth seeing you are driuen a begging for proofes to vnder-prop the same For what if it be aunswered againe that the sale of such things is not so sinnefull a matter as you woulde seeme for to make it are you not nowe as farre from your proofe as you were before from the point of your purpose No-bodie Well yet thus much your speech dooth seeme to insinuate that if the sale of such thinges be prooued vnlawfull then for any to abuse themselues with the vile practise of them is much more vnlawfull Ingroser Yea surelie I must needes confesse the same But whie do you deeme the sale of such things so horrible a sinne No-bodie Not onelie because they make so much to the dishonour of God and allure men so lewdlie to such a vaine mis-spending of their time as hath beene tolde you before but for that also they tend not to a publike profite one principall ende of all buying and selling Pedler Why but I tolde you also before what profite we gaine by the sale of such thinges No-bodie You did so indeede howbeit we speake not nowe of anie priuate but of a publique profite to the participation whereof all men are ordained Now then what publike profite I pray you is that where for the gaine of two ten thousande do loose Eueri-bodie Which way sir I praie you No-bodie First in bestowing their Lords treasures vpon such needlesse toies nexte by mispending their portion of time in such trifling vanities Dist 47. decretor Can. Omnes lastlie by hazarding that wealth in one houre which their forefathers had bene hoording vp for them many hundred yeares and all these by the occasion and meanes of those sugred baites of the diuell If therefore you woulde gladly imploy your seuerall trades to the glorie of God and the good of his Church it behooueth you especiallie to consider before for what purposes each sorte of wares are or ought to be prouided namely whether for the necessary prouision of this present life or for the seemely garnishing and bedecking of nature or else for an honest recreation and pleasure Necessarie rules for buyers and sellers And then nexte you must wyth an honest and christian care driue the prouision of all your wares as neare vnto the aforesaide purposes as possiblie you may wherein also these fewe rules following must in all your buying and selling of necessitie be duelie obserued 1. The first rule first that all those wares which you prouide for preseruation of life do in any wise tend so neare as possiblie they may to the publike profit and comfort of al men secondly 2. The second rule that al such merchandize as chapmen prepare for the adorning and bedecking of nature be such as are seemelie and may serue verye fitlie for euerie calling and thirdlie 3. The thirde rule that those thinges which are any waies procured for pleasure bee such as may in euery sort be made appliable to honest recreation But these foolish proud toys for prickma-deintie dames these dice and cardes for these careles ding-thrifts these hobbi-horses rottles painted boxes for boies with 1000. trifling toies besides do in no wise tend to any the aforesaid ends as experience too plainelye approueth and therefore the sale of such things is meerly vnlawful And thus much briefly for the abuses generally considered in the matter it selfe which is to be solde Ingroser Very wel now haue you next to declare with all what perticular abuses are more specially to bee considered in the matter also it selfe No-body The perticuler abuses ar those which more properly concern the matter 2. The abuses perticulerlie considered are either in the qualitie or quantity of the matter are as I tolde you before to be considered in regard either of the quality or els of the quantity of wares which are to be solde Ingroser Why what abuses are to be cōsidered I pray you in the quality of wares No-bodie First 1. In the qualitie of the matter either by an vtter want of goodnes or by a show of more then it hath there may be an abuse in the qualitie when wares which are to be solde do either vtterly want that quality of goodnes which naturally they ought for to haue or when hauing the same in som sort they are made by a glittering shew of more goodnes to seeme much better then properlie they are of themselues Ingroser Shew first I pray you when wares doe want that qualitie of goodnes which naturally they ought for to haue No-bodie They do vtterly want the same when either they are naught of themselues 1. By an
of people to begge or to steale and so consequently either to starue in the streetes or otherwaies to be cut off by vntimely deathes All which with sundry other most fearefull effectes can not choose but kindle some further mischiefes and that also to some further generall confusion except the same be more spéedely preuented For first it can not but foster a secret grudge in the minds of the rich men one with another which is in very deede the mother of all mutinies and ciuill dissentions Secondly it hardneth the harts of the poore against the wealthie and makes them in a maner so desperate they care not a dodkin which ende goeth forward Thirdly it weakeneth verie shrewdly the whole land it selfe by little and little and so consequently encourageth some one forraine enimie or other to giue the onset vpon it Ingroser And how also by procuring the Lord for to plague it No-bodie Verely when as these their outragious dealings together with the continuall cries of the poore whome they dayly oppresse shall awaken the Lorde out of sleepe 2. By procuring the Lord for to plague it and how Psal 78. 65. 66. like a Gyant refreshed with wine to strike his enemies in the hinder partes and to put them withall to a perpetual shame shall kindle his wrath and prouoke him to plague the whole land with sundrie sicknesses and diuers diseases namely with Famine with Pestilence with Sword and with Fire yea and shall further enforce him to whistle for the flies of Spayne or some other elsewhere hauing more deadly stings in their tayles to subdue and destroy to deuoure and a Isa 33. 1. to spoyle vp euen all those gréedie spoilers themselues which so gréedely had spoyled many thousands before And for further proof of this point I will at this present content my selfe with one Prophesie of Amos against the rich Cormorants and Cutthroates of that his age who forbore neither time nor place but with false measures and waights bought sold the poore people for shoes saying a Amos. 8. 5. c. When will the new moneth be gone that we may sell corne and the Sabboth that we may set foorth wheate and make the Ephah small and the Shekell great and falsifie the waights by deceite that we may buye the poore for siluer and the needie for shoes yea and sell the refuse of wheat The Lord hath sworne by the excellencie of Iaacob surely I will neuer forget any of their works Shall not the Land tremble for this and euery one mourne that dwelleth therein And it shall rise vp wholly as a floud and it shall be cast out and drowned as by the floud of Egipt And in that day sayth the Lord I will euen cause the Sunne to goe downe at noone and I will darken the earth in the cleere day And I will turne your feastes into mourning and all your songs into lamentation and I wil bring sackcloth vpon all loynes and baldnesse vpon euery head and I will make it as the mourning of an onely sonne and the end therof as a bitter day Behold the day is come sayth the Lord that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the word of the Lord and they shall wander from Sea to Sea and from the North euen vnto the East shall they runne too and fro to seeke the Word of the Lord and shall not finde it And in that day shall the faire virgins and yong men perish for thirst Loe héere you may see their sinne of crueltie and fraudulent dealing decyphered fully together with the fearefull effects which folow the same namely a common calamitie of the whole countrey or land concerning both bodée and soule And thus much briefelie for those generall effectes which either concerne all other occupiers besides or the whole Common wealth Eueri-body Oh fearefull effects and oh vnnatuall wretches whome the very hearing thereof doth not greatly amaze No-bodie It is surely so The Lorde make them héereafter more mindfull thereof Ingroser Well Sir hauing hitherto handled the general euents whatsoeuer you are now to declare in like sort those other perticuler effects which doo ordinarily folow the former abuses No-bodie With all my hart 1. The particuler effectes are those which either pertai● to the party him selfe or t● his posteritie Wherein you haue further to marke that besides those former most fearefull issues concerning all other occupiers else or the whole common wealth there are sundry other more perticuler effects which hauing a speciall relacion to some one or a fewe doo make the verie trade of Merchandrie to séeme much more filthie and odious then it is of it selfe And this also more plainely appeareth whether the same be seuerally considered in the seller himselfe or in that his posteritie and off-spring which he leaueth behinde him Ingroser What are those effects first which haue speciall relation vnto the seller himselfe No-bodie They are those 1. The effecte pertaining to him selfe are either such as concerne the body alone o● both bodie and Soule which more properly attend vpon the very person of him that maketh a practize of the aforenamed facultie without hauing further relation vnto any his posteritie or off-spring whatsoeuer And these also are of two sorts for either they are such as concerne the bodie alone or such as concerne both bodie and soule Pedler What are the effectes concerning the bodie No-bodie They are properly such as hauing some participation with all the seuerall members and parts thereof doo by a continuall custome and practize of that which is euill either most filthelie defile the bodie The effectes concerning the body alōe are either such as defile the same or draw it in danger or else verie desperately drawe it in danger Ingroser How doo they first defile the bodie No-bodie When as the Chapmen abusing themselues in buying and selling do giue ouer their bodies as weapons of vnrighteousnes to sinne 1. They defile the bodye either by bringing a loath some bōdage vpon it or by making it loathsome to others whereby also they either doo bring a lothsome bondage vpon it or otherwaies make it verie lothsome to others Ingroser How first by bringing a lothsome bondage vpon it No-bodie When the same is slauishly subiect vnto an inordinate desire of gaine 1. By bringing a lothsome bondage vpon it and how that it willingly suffreth it selfe and euery member thereof to be most beastly abused in seruing the insatiable affections As for example When the head is abused by mischeuous and craftie deuises the eyes by inordinate and suspitious watchings the eares by couetous and worldly enchauntments the toong by vntrustie and cosining treacheries the hands by deceitfull and disordered dealings the féete by cruell and vnconscionable wandrings abroade and all this to enrich himselfe with other mens wealth Eueri-bodie And how also by making it lothsome to others 2
is further so gréedie of pelfe that a Amos. 8. 5. it had rather all the day long be harping after one halfepenny gaine then to tarry one houre in hearing a Sermon that it remembreth not how b Deut. 25. 15. Pro. 11. 1. abhominable it is become before the Maiestie of God that it forgetteth c Iam. 4. 14. the vncertentie of this short and transitorie life that it considereth not how iustly it deserueth to d Ioh. 2. 15. be whipped out of the congregation and assemblie of Christians and lastly to be a Psal 15. 4. Apoc. 22. 15. barred for euer from the glorious Tabernacle and holy hill of the Lord. Pedler Surely how cunningly soeuer some other can cloake their dealings I for mine owne part doo knowe by experience all this to be true But Sir these being onely noysome to the soule it selfe what are those other I pray you which tend withall to the dishonour of God No-bodie They are vndoubtedly those which haue in themselues such a contagious infection 2. To the dishonor of God either by prophaning his name and religion or by promoting the religion of antechriste as not onely destroieth the verie soule it selfe but by consequence also doth vtterly ouerturne so much as lieth in them the glorie of the eternall God And this either by procuring a dishonour to his holy name and Religion or otherwaies by promoting to their vttermost power the accursed religion and seruice of Antichrist Ingroser How first by dishonoring Gods holy name and Religion No-bodie When as the seller 1. By prophaning his name and religion and how who professeth Religion himselfe being too apparantly infected with the contagion of those canckered enormities not onely causeth thereby a Isa 52. 5. Rom. 2. 24. Ezech. 36. 10. the name of God to be euil spoken of among the vnbeleeuers but his holy Religion also in a manner to be abhorred of all men as a Religion which tendeth onely to carnall libertie and all other licentious lewdnesse Ingroser And how also by promoting the Religion and seruice of Antichrist No-bodie Verely 2. By promoting the religion of Antechrist and how when as the Chapmens mindes are so beastly bewitched with the inordinate desire of worldly wealth that not onely they are not ashamed at all euen in open Markets and Faires to buy and to sell such Romishe Reliques as helpe to vphold the kingdome of Antichrist in the harts of the ignorant namely their Agnus Deies their Bulles their Beades their Crucifixes their Pardons with other such paltrey popish trash but also most highly commend that former golden world wherein so great gaines arose to themselues by the continual sale of Vestments Copes waxe Tapers with tenne hundred suche trifling toyes And lastly doo in most shamelesse manner very bitterly bewaile the present ouerthrow and want of that Popish Religion yea euen a Genes 19. 27. Apoc. 18. 11. with a sorrowfull sighing shedding of teares Ingroser Hauing hitherto handled those particular euents which touch the partie himselfe that selleth whether the same be considered in bodie alone or in bodie and soule together you are nowe next to discouer the other particuler issues also concerning his posteritie or off-spring No-body Very true as you say 2. The effectes concerning the posteritie are lothsome vnto him either by making restitution of those wrong gotten goods or by retaining thē in his proper possession Wherin you haue further to marke that the effectes which this waies do vsually follow the former abuses being also by meanes of such wrong gotten goodes more strongly confirmed are not onlye of them selues very dangerous but also most lothsome in nature whether the posteritie or offspring to whome they be giuen shall be moued in conscience to make restitution thereof to the owners themselues or otherwaies very vnconscionablie retaine them still in his proper possession Ingroser How firste dangerous to the ofspring by making restitution therof to the owners them selues Nobodie When as the posteritie or ofspring whether by yeelding some recompence or otherwayes by restoring that home which his Father before him had wrongfully gotten 1 By making restitution of them and how shall become the publike instrument a Iob. 20. 10. 11. of his Fathers perpetuall reproch in making his treacheries further knowne to the world through that so conscionable restitution of his The which notwithstanding it be very miraculously wrought by the spirit of God cannot be but greeuous to the ofspring himselfe Because the publike shame which thereby redoundeth to the departed Father is euerie wayes so lothesome in nature as naturally euery naturall child cannot choose but abhorre both in respect of that worldly reproche it selfe and also in regard of those terrible torments which his Father before him by those his vile and vnrighteous dealings did iustly deserue Pedler And how also by retaining those goodes in his proper possession No-bodie Verely 2 By retaining them 〈…〉 possess●… and how●… when as those same wrong gotten goodes shall be some speciall meanes to allure the posteritie or ofspring himselfe to follow and practize his Fathers former procéedings and so make them in the end the one as wicked as the other to the perpetuall destruction of both or when otherwaies those goodes of theirs hauing some a Ezech. 18. 12. 13 Isa 33. 1. secret cursse fastened vpon them shall be an occasion to moue the righteous God to deale with them for this their possession procured by bloud as b 1. King 21. 21 he dealt with Ahab and his for the like I meane vtterly to roote out the whole progenie of them and of theirs from the face of the earth for the bloudthirstie and deceitfull men shall hardly c Psal 55. 23. continue the one halfe of their daies And therefore those Fathers which so hoord vp for their children and ofspring do deale in this respect a thousand fold more cruelly with them then doth the venemous Spider with her naturall broode for she onely spinneth her Spiders nettes to entangle such Flies as fall in the same but these vnnaturall Fathers by their wrong gotten goodes do weaue the webs of destruction for themselues and their Children And thus much briefely for those effects whatsoeuer which either generally or perticulerly ensue the former abuses of buying and selling and whereby the verie trade of Merchaundrie becommeth vnlawfull Ingroser No doubt verie strange and fearefull effects yea such as are able to shatter an hart of flint And Sir howsoeuer the wicked will skorne thereat I assure you my selfe begins now to haue such sight in the matter as makes me both sorie and ashamed of many my former dealings And so I dare say for the rest Pedler Yea surely For mine owne part I finde now the abuses of buying and selling so many and the effectes which follow the same so fearefull withall that I wish a generall reformation thereof though I neuer bought nor sold any more