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A19498 A holy alphabet for Sion's scholars full of spiritual instructions, and heauenly consolations, to direct and encourage them in their progresse towards the new Ierusalem: deliuered, by way of commentary vpon the whole 119. Psalme. By William Covvper ... Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1613 (1613) STC 5926; ESTC S108977 239,299 430

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the power of Grace preuailing but this comfort wee haue that at length Grace shall preuaile the power of corrupt Nature shal be captiued vnder the obedience of Christ. Quicken me Dauid being sore oppressed as I said and dead in himselfe doth now beseech the Lord to quicken him raise him vp againe for he knew that not onely the beginnings but the continuance of our life must come from the Lord. Thus we see how the children of God are wakened by their wants stirred vp by their falls and decaies to a greater feruencie in prayer And truely these changes of our life which this manner of waie wakens vs and prouokes vs to prayer we are to account them as the mercifull hand of God stretched out toward vs to drawe vs home to himselfe ●…et no man thinke euill of that trouble that chaseth him to the Lord. Yea I may say his falls which make him more humble and feruent in prayer are of Gods dispensation who when he will in most maruailous manner can bring light out of darknes But seeing hee was aliue how prayes hee that God would quicken him I answere The godly esteeme of life not according to that they haue in the body but in their soule If the soule want the sense of mercie and a heauenly disposition to spirituall thinges they lament ouer it as a dead soule for sure it is temporall desertions are more heauie to the godlie then temporall death According thy word This is a great faith that vvhere in respect of his present feeling he found himself d●…ad yet he hopes for life frō God according to his promise Such was the faith of Abraham who vnder hope belieued aboue hope And truly many times are Gods children brought to this estate that they haue nothing to vphold them but the word of God no sense of mercie no spirituall disposition but on the contrarie great darknes horrible feares and terrors Onely they are sustained by looking to the promise of God and kept in some hope that he will restore them to life againe because it is his praise to finish the worke which he beginnes VER 26. I haue declared my waies and thou heardest me teach me thy statutes THis verse containes a prayer vvith a reason after this forme O Lord I haue oft before declared vnto thee the whole state and course of my life my wandrings my wants my doubts my griefes I hid nothing srō thee thou according to my necessity didst alway hear me therfore now Lord I pray thee to teach me by thy light illuminate me that I may know thy st●…tutes receiue grace to walk in thē This is a good argument in dealing vvith the Lord I haue gotten many mercies and fauourable answers from thee therefore Lord I pray thee to giue memo sor whom he loues he loues to the end where he begins to shew mercy he ceaseth not til he crown his children with mercy And ●…o gratious is the Lord that he esteemes he●… is honoured as oft as we giue him the praise that we haue found comfort in him and therefore come to seeke more It is farre otherwise with men if they doe vnto vs any small good they thinke it vncourteous importunity to require them to do any more But as the Strand is easily emptied where the Ocean can neuer be exhau●…ted so mans liberality is soon dried vp but the goodnes of the Lord remains for euer who hath not the less because he hath giuen but stil delights ●…o giue more to such as are thankefull vnto him Next is to be marked how he saith I haue declared my wayes and thou heardst me these two go well together Mercy Truth Truth in the near●… of man confessing Mercy in God hearing forgiuing happy is the soule wherin these two meete together Many there are who want this comfort they cannot say God hath heard me ●…nd all because they deale not plainely and truely with the Lord in declaring their waies vnto him For the wicked neyther will nor dare manifest heir wayes vnto the Lord. As the eye which is ●…urt dare not look to the light so the conscience of him that doth euill dare not look to the Lord ●…ea they doe what they can to hide their wayes ●…rom him and to conceale the iniquity of their bosome against such the Prophet denounces a wo ●…o to them that seeke in the deepe to hide their counsell from the Lord their workes are in secret and they who sees it Their turning of deuises and flying to refuges of vanity in the infidelity of their hearts will no more auaile them then the figge leaues did Adam to hide his nakednes For the Lord will bring euery worke to iudgement Better were it for vs to iudge our selues in time and with Dauid to examin our harts in our secret chamber to declare truely our wayes vnto the Lord that if they be good he would by his grace confirm vs in them if they be euill he would diuert vs from them then that otherwise we should sleep securely in our sins tarry till our aduersary accuse vs and the Lord enter into iudgement with vs nay rather let vs tell our sins our selues that the Lord who is gratious may forgiue and Sathan who is a most shameless and malitious accuser may be confounded Qui se accusauerit vocem parati accusatoris excludit qui solet acer●…are peccata vniuscuiusque exaggerare ●…agitia obstruit ●…s eius qui de seipso fuerit ante confessus This is the great vantage we haue by declaring our own sins to the Lord Qui sua delicta non ta●…uit videtur in se doluisse quod fecit in diabolo prodidisse quod suasit that in so doing wee shewe our selues sorrowfull and penitent for the euill we haue done and therwithall also becom accusers of Sathan by whose subtile instigation we did the euill Last of all we learne here that then our life is well gouerned when we declare the course of it to the Lord lay open our harts nakedly before him This Dauid protests of himselfe Acta mea tibi Domine manifestani omnia and in another place that he set the Lord alway before him And this is it which is praised in Henoch that he walked with God Happy is the man whose wayes are so ordered that before his actions he consults with the Lord in his actions he remembers the Lord when he hath done presents them to the Lord if they be good seeking his approbation if they be euil seeking pardon forgiuene ●…of thē Teach me thy Statutes Now follows his prayer wherein he seekes light from God to direct him in his waies Non satis est vt confiteamur errorem verumetiam si corrigi volumus à Domino postulemus vt doceat nos iustificationes suas ne postea errare possimus It is
that they are carelesse of the grace of confirmation wherof it comes to passe that they end in the flesh who made a shew of beginning in the Spirit not considering these two distinct graces requisite to saluation Conuersion and Confirmation Let vs therefore still pray with Dauid that God would stablish and confirme vs. According to thy promise The prayers of the godly are poured out in faith they seek nothing but according to Gods promise Many do otherwise who pray neither looking to Gods promise nor leaning to the Mediator such prayers are vvords poured out into the ayre and carried away with the wind Yet others are more profane who pray not onely without a promise but against the commaund of God for either when they goe to doe wickedlie they pray GOD to prosper them or else in their perturbations they cry for vengeance on their neighbours where they should cry for mercy These praiers are the offring of strange fire to the Lord which is abhomination Yet are wee to remember that if wee vvould haue our prayers grounded well vpon Gods promises wee must also remember the condition whereupon hee hath made the promise Wee reade that when Israel was opprest by the Philistims and cryed vnto God at the first he gaue them a hard answere Goe to the Gods whom yee haue serued and let them deliuer you But beeing humbled by this answer they pray againe and with their prayer put away the salse Gods from among them and then it is subioyned that the soule of God was grieued for the miseries of Israel VVhereof wee learne that it is but a vaine thing to charge GOD with his promise where wee make no conscience of the condition he requires of vs. That I may liue But what life is this he craues Had hee not already the life of a King vvith worldly wealth and honour enough Hee had indeede but this is not the life which Dauid esteemes to bee life There is nothing naturall men loue better then life nor feare more then death yet knowe they not what is the life they should loue nor what is the death they should flee Sunt enim qui viuentes mortui sunt qui mortui viuūt for there are some liuing men who are but dead some dead who are liuing If this be life to grow well and wex strong frō infancie proceeding to old age wil not in this the trees of the field excell man who from little plants grow vp into most excellent Cedars Or if this be life to see to heare to smell c. will not in this the beasts of the earth excell thee for there is no sense wherein some beasts doe not far excell men some see better some heare better some smell better And generally all of them haue a greater appetite to their meat are more strong to digest it But if ye●…●…hou glory in this that thou art indued with reason then remember how many Philosophers and Ethnicks haue excelled thee in the vse of reason So that neither can thy comfort be in the vegetatiue life wherein trees excell thee nor in the sensitiue which beasts haue better thē thou nor in the reasonable life which many reprobates haue that shal neuer see the face of God If man haue no better life then these hee hath but a shadow of life and it may truelie be said of him that while he is liuing he is dead The life of a Christian stands in this To haue his soule quickned by the spirit of Grace For as the presence of the soul quickens the body the departure thereof brings instant death and the body without it is but a dead lumpe of clay so it is the presence of Gods Spirit which giueth life to the soule of man And this life is known by these two notable effects for first it brings a ioyfull sense of Gods mercy and next a spirituall disposition to spirituall exercises And without this pretend a man what he will hee is but the image of a Christian looking some-what like him but not quickned by his life And disappoint mee not of my hope That is in the time of need let mee feele the truth of thy promises to comfort mee as now I hope to find thy helpe in the time of trouble so I pray thee that I may find it It is the manner of the godlie to fore-thinke of that whi●… is to come and to prouide for trouble ere trouble come VVherefore Salomon describing a wise man saith that his heart is alway at his right hand and that his eye is in his forehead A prudent man seeth the plague and hideth himselfe in time hee knoweth that trouble and heauie tentations are before him and that hee must fight fore battels before hee enter into his promised Canaan and therefore prayeth feruently before hand that God would not be farre from him when trouble comes neere him It is on the contrary the follie of the vvicked They goe on saith Salomon and are snared they neuer fore-thinke what is to come they rest vpon present false comforts which disappoint them in the time of their need Others that stand by may bid them be of good comfort but what cōfort can they haue when outward comforts where-to they trusted faile them and inward comforts they neuer knew VER 117. Stay thou mee and I shall bee safe and I will delight continually in thy statutes THis verse contains a prayer in substance and effect one with the former and the repetition of the prayer sheweth that he was touched with a deepe sense of his owne necessitie which made him feruent in prayer and it doth greatly reproue vs who are cold in prayer We may haue store of grace for seeking and alas wee are carelesse to seeke If thou knewest thou wouldest aske and if thou askedst I vvould giue It is true our Sauiour forbids vs to make repetitions in praying like the heathen who thinke to be heard for their much babbling For to offer vnto the Lord multitude of words without spirit or affection is to offer a dead sacrifice to a liuing GOD but certaine it is that words doubled from a feruent and intended affection are euer gracious and acceptable to the Lord. Stay mee Like a man ready to fall hee prayeth God to hold him vp Three things made Dauid afraid First great tentations without for from euery ayre the wind of tentation blowes vpon a Christian. Secondly great corruption within Thirdly examples of other worthie men that haue fallen before him and are written for vs not that wee should learne to fall but to feare least we fall These three should alway hold vs humble according to that warning Hee that stands take heed least he fall Sure it is we are most strong when distrusting our owne weakenesse we leane to the Lord praying him to stay vs otherwise as Peter in his carnall confidence was
so cleerely that in regard of time they might haue been teachers of others yet are they but children in knowledge and vnderstanding But to whom doth the word giue vnderstanding Dauid saith to the simple not to such as are high minded or double in heart or wise in their owne eyes who will examine the mysteries of godlines by the quicknes of naturall reason No to such as deny themselues as captiue their naturall vnderstanding and like humble disciples submit themselues not to aske but to heare not to reason but to belieue And if for this cause Naturalists who want this humility cannot profit by the word what maruaile that Papists far lesse become wise by it who haue their hearts so full of preiudices concerning it that they spare not to vtter blasphemies against it calling it not onely vnprofitable but pernitious to the simple and to the idiots And againe where they charge it with difficultie that simple men and idiots should not bee suffered to read it because it is obscure all these friuolous allegations of men are annulled by this one testimony of God that it giues light to the simple Eos qui ignorantia tenentur infantibus similes sunt intellectu replet lex tua that is Euen to such ignorants who are like infants saith Basill non solum viris sed mente intellectu paruulis it giues not onely light to men but to such as in vnderstanding are children To this purpose notable is that saying of Irenaeus Vniuersae scripturae et propheticae euangelicae in aperto et sine ambiguitate et ab omnibus audiri possunt The whole scriptures both prophetical and euangelicall are open plaine not doubtfull but such as may be heard of all men And to this purpose saith Lactantius Num igitur deus mentis linguae vocis artifex disertè loqui non potest Imò verò summa prouidentia carere fuco voluit ea quae diuina sunt vt omnes intelligerent quae ipse omnibus loquebatur Shall wee thinke that God who is the creator of the minde the tongue and voice cannot speake distinctly himselfe No truly by great prouidence he hath propounded his word in so plaine a manner that all sorts of men may vnderstand that which he speakes vnto all Many other witnesses might be brought to this same purpose but I cease VER 123. I opened my mouth and panted because I loued thy Commandements BY this manner of speech Dauid expresses as Basile thinks Animi propensionem that the inclination of his soule was after Gods word For this opened mouth Ambrose thinks is Os interioris hominis the mouth of the inward man which in effect is his heart and the speech notes Vehementem animi intensionem a vehement intension of his spirit saith Euthymius yet shall it not be amisse to consider heere how the minde of the godly earnestly affected moues the body also The speech may be drawne from trauellers who being very desirous to attaine to their proposed ends enforce their strength thervnto and finding a weakenes in their body to answere their will they pant open their mouth seeking refreshment from the aire to renew their strength or as Vatablus thinks from men exceeding hungry and thirstie who open their mouth as if they would draw in the whole aire and then pant and sigh within themselues when they finde no full refreshment by it So he expresseth it Tanto desiderio legum tuarum flagrat cor meū vt subinde cogar haurire aerem propter ass●…dua suspiria How-euer it be it lets vs see how the hearing reading or meditating of Gods word wakened in Dauid a most earnest affection to haue the light ioy grace and comfort thereof communicated to his owne heart For in the godly knowledge of good increaseth desires and it cannot be expressed how vehemently their soules long to feele that power and comfort which they know is in the word and how sore they are grieued and troubled when they finde it not And happy were wee if we could meete the Lord with this like affection that when hee opens his mouth wee could also open our heart to heare as Dauid heere doth Christus aperit os vt daret alijs spiritum Dauid aperuit vt acciperet Opening his heart to receiue the spirit of grace when God openeth his mouth in his word to giue it For it is his promise to vs all Open thy mouth wide and I shall fill it let vs turne it into a prayer that the Lord who opened the heart of ●…dia would open our heart to receiue grace when he offers by his word to giue it VER 132. Look vpon me and be merciful to me as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name FRom praises Dauid now turns him to praier In our best estate we are farre from that which we should be our perfection in this life stands in the acknowledging of our imperfection Euen when the godly speake any thing to God out of a good conscience concerning their vpright affection toward him at that same time priuie to the conscience of their wants they take them to prayer and seek mercy Looke vpon me This prayer is vsed by the godlie in two respects first when they are vnrighteously iudged of men and charged with that whereof they are not guilty in this case they desire that God would look vpon them For sure it is vnlesse the conscience be sleeping no man dare present an euill cause to the eye of God but rather as Adam hid himselfe after his transgression so men whose consciences are euill flie the sight of God and dare not desire him to look vpon them And againe when they are vnder spirituall desertion and in their sense the countenance of God is turned from them whose fauour is better then life which after the manner of men turning their face from such as they are angry withall they take vp to be an argument of displeasure in this case also they pray that the Lord would looke vpon them that is as he expounds himselfe be fauourable and mercifull to them And be mercifull This is very well subioyned for God looks to some in his displeasure so hee looked to the Egyptians and vnloosed the pinnes of their chariots that they could not driue so he looked to Sodome and rained downe fire and brimstone vpon them The eyes of the Lord said Amos are vpon the sinfull kingdome to destroy it Dauid knew this and therefore desires the Lord so to looke on him as to be mercivnto him As thou vsest These words containe in effect a reason from Gods constant kindnes toward all his children Lord doe to me as thou hast vsed to doe to others that loue thee Or●… vt aequali cum illis sententia potiar The examples of Gods mercie are not only registred for our comfort but for our confirmation Wherein we
walk in is the path of GODS commaundements not anie nevv vvay but the old and pathed vvay vvherein all the seruaunts of GOD haue vvalked before him and for vvhich the Graecians as Euthymius noteth called it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi viam tritam But how-so-euer this vvay bee pathed by the vvalking and treading of many in it yet he acknowledgeth it is but one yea and a narrow and difficil path to keepe and therefore seekes he to be guided into it As to the broad way there are many rodes and pathed wayes into it although they meet all in one end all men goe not to hell by one way for we see many men abhorring a sinne in others who yet intertaine a farre more odious sin in themselues but the narrow way that leades to heauen hath but one path or road into it from which if we decline we fall incontinent into some roade of the broad way that leads to hell Let vs therfore vvalke circumspectly considering our naturall disposition to decline and the dangers and difficulties of the vvay let vs wait vpon our guide and follow his foot-steps Praecedit Christus vt sequamur nos hee hath gone before that we should follow he fasted and prayed to traine vs vp in the like exercises he suffred to learne vs patience Ascendit Crucem vt doceret mortem non esse metuendam he went vp to the Crosse that he might teach vs death is not to be feared By this way of innocence holinesse humility patience contempt of death let vs follow our guide nothing doubting but this path shall lead vs to his Paradise For therein is my delight Of this see Verse 47. VER 36. Incline mine heart vnto thy Testimonies and not to couetousnes THis prayer among the rest no doubt flowed out of Dauid his sense hee found his hart euill inclined at least tempted to bow a wrong way For we stand betweene two parties that seek vs the one for our weale the other for our wrack The Lord on the one hand allures vs My sonne giue mee thine hart and offers vs more for it then wee yea or tenne thousand worlds can be woorth and I shall be thy portion On the other hand Satan the deceiuer by faire but false allurements seeks to haue our hart drawne after him Happy is the man can consider this that hee may offer his hart to the Lord and seeke it as a grace as heere Dauid doth Vnto thy testimonies Gods word is called his testimonie because in it hee testifieth his vvill concerning his worship and our saluation and witnesseth also how he is affected to euery man For out of it to some men he speakes as a louing Father to others as a feareful Iudge Men neede not runne vp to Gods secret counsell to enquire how hee is affected toward them if they list they may learne it out of his word But as Achab desired not to hear Michaiah because hee prophecied not good thinges vnto him so many novv because they doe euill can not abide the light of the word they find no ioy in the hearing of it but are striken vvith feare and trembling as Felix was at the hearing of Paul But in truth the blame is in thy self Are not my wordes good to him that walks vprightlie saith the Lord. No doubt if thou wert good thy selfe the word of the Lord should testifie good things vnto thee And not to couetousnes Hee prayes in particular that his hart may be di●…crted from couetousnes which is not only an euil but as saith the Apostle The roote of all euill Dauid heere oppones it as an aduersarie to all the righteousnesse of Gods testimonies it inverts the order of Nature and makes the heauenly soule earthlie It is a hand-maid of all sinnes for there is no sinne which a couetous man wil not serue for his gaine We should beware of all sinnes but speciallie of mother sinnes VER 37. Turne away mine eyes from regarding vanitie and quicken me in thy way HAuing prayed for his hart now he praieth for his eyes also Omnia à Deo petit docens illum omnia efficere By the eyes oftentimes as by windowes death enters into the hart therefore to keepe the hart in a good estate three things are requisite First a careful custody of the senses specially of the eyes for it is a righteous working of the Lord Vt qui exterior●… oculo negligenter vtitur interiori non iniustè caecetur that he who negligently vseth the externall eye of his body shold be punished with blindnes in the internal eye of his mind And for this cause Nazianzen deploring the calamities of his soule wished that a dore might be set before his eyes eares to close them when they opened to anie thing that is not good Malis autem sua sponte vtrumque clauderetur The second thing is a subduing of the body by discipline And the third is continuance in prayer Euery creature of God is good and the beholding thereof should waken in vs an affection to praise God Oculi idcireo dati sunt corpori vt per eos intueamur creaturam a●… per huiusmodi mirabilem harmoniam agnoscamus opificem for this cause were eyes giuen to the body that by them we might looke to the creature and by the maruailous harmony which is among thē we might learne to know the Creator But since the fal the creature also is become subiect to vanitie in euery one of them hath the Serpent laid his deceiuable snare to entrap man and steale his affection from GOD so that now Inter tot passiones huius corporis inter tantas illecebras huius saeculi difficile est tutum intemeratum seruare ve stigium in the midst of so many passions of so many allurements of this world it is a dissicile thing to walke and not to be snared Hee that lookes on a woman saith our Sauiour and lusts after her hath committed adultery Behold in how short a time great guiltinesse is committed Malè sic vidit oculus videat ergo fungatur suo munere non lubricae mentis imperio dirigatur ad lapsum vt vitiū referat pro officio Dauid knew this hee found the euill of it by experience let vs learn of him to watch ouer our eyes that we may keepe the hart the better Quicken mee in thy way Man by nature is quick enough to walke in his owne waies and the works of nature he can doe them without a teacher but vnlesse the Lord put life in him keepe life in his soule quickning him at all occasions hee hath neither knowledge nor strength nor pleasure to walke in the waies of God Of this petition see ver 88. 145. VER 38. Stablish thy promise to thy seruaunt because hee feares thee HEere is a prayer with a reason The prayer is that God would make sure his
able to doe abundantly aboue all that we can aske or thinke Example hereof we haue in Zaccheus he desired but to see Christ and hee got not onely a sight of him but familiar speech of him yea Christ went to his house and dined with him and made him by grace the childe of Abraham So shall the Lord do to all his children he shall giue them more then eyther they desired or looked for at his hands For the heart cannot vnderstand those things which God hath prepared for them that loue him Thy commandements He saith not I haue done thy commandements but I desire to do them Let this serue as a Commentarie to other places wherein he makes protestation of his begun obedience so gratious is the Lord that in his children he accepts their will for a deed There is no man so wicked but he desires mercie but the godly doe so desire mercy that first they desire the way to mercy They know that without sanctification no man can see the Lord therefore all their care is to purge themselues euen as God is pure as here ye see for this end Dauid prayeth for the grace of obedience It was a preposterous desire of Balaam who wished the death of the righteous and would not liue the life of the righteous no better are the desires of wicked men Quicken me He acknowledgeth that his desires were nothing vnlesse the Lord gaue him life As a false conception which evanisheth and comes not to the birth so is the desire of man not quickned nor continued by the grace of God More of this see ver 149. 159. VAV VER 41. And let thy louing kindnesse come vnto me O Lord and thy saluation according to thy promise OVt of this Psalme we see how feruent and continuall Dauid was in prayer Euery third Verse hee turnes him to prayer No maruell he was inriched with a great measure of spirituall grace for hee sought it diligently Not like the colde professors of our time to whom a colde morning prayer is sufficient for the whole day and of that also oftentimes they are weary before they haue done it A lamentable euill that hauing all good for the seeking yet we should not seeke If we would consider how many sinnes we haue contracted which we must craue to be forgiuen would offer vp but one supplication for euery one of them and againe that albeit all our sinnes vvere presently forgiuen yet hovv readily should we fall into new sinnes if we get no grace daily to reforme vs and thirdly how difficil a thing it is against so many strong enemies as Principalities Powers and spiritual wickednes which with restlesse tentations pursue vs vpon the right hand the left to enter through them all into the kingdome of God and lastly how our time is short and when it is done no more place of supplication will be left vnto vs If all these with many moe wee did consider they would waken in vs a more earnest care to call vpon our God while we haue time This whole section consists of petitions and promises Petitions are two ver 41. 43. Promises are six This among many is a difference betweene godly men and others all men seeke from GOD but the wicked so seeke that they giue him nothing backe againe nor yet wil promise in sinceritie to giue Their prayers must be vnprofitable because they proceed from loue of themselues and not of the Lord. If so be they obtaine that which is for their necessitie they haue no regard to giue to the Lord that which is for his glory but the godly as they seek so they giue praise to God when they haue gotten and returne the vse of things receiued to the glorie of God who gaue them They loue not themselues for themselues but for the Lord vvhat they seeke from him they seeke it for this end that they may be the more able to serue him Let vs take heed vnto it because this is a cleere token whereby such as are truly religious are distinguished from counterfet dissemblers Let thy louing kindnes c. In his first prayer he ioynes these two Gods louing kindnes and his saluation and so it is they goe together inseparably As for the kindnes of man thou maist haue it and not be the better for it the friend may loue his friend and not be able to help him yea the Father may looke with compassion vpon his child in danger and not be able to relieue him but the kindnes of the Lord euer works saluation he can doe what he will and none is able to resist him All creatures in heauen earth are vnder his commaund health sicknes life death heauen and hell for he hath the keyes of both Let vs seek his fauour that we may be saued let vs feele his loue and none euill present nor to come temporall nor eternall shall make vs afraid According to thy promise As Dauid seekes his comfort in GOD onely so seekes hee it for Gods sake alleaging nothing in himselfe for which hee should obtaine it but that the Lord as of his mercie hee had promised so of his truth hee vvould performe And this is first for Papists who either doe seeke from others beside the Lord or if they seek from him they seeke for others sake then for his founding their prayers vpō the merits of others not vpon the mercie of God and merits of Christ onelie And next it giues this vvarning vnto all men that seeing the chiefest argument vvee can vse in prayer to mooue the Lord to pittie is his own promise vvee should remember alwaie to make conscience of our promise of seruice and obedience vvhich vve haue made to the Lord otherwise vvee can not vvith boldnesse seeke comfort in that promise which God hath made vnto vs. VER 42. So shall I make aunswer to my blasphemers for I trust in thy word SEe what great effects the sense of Gods louing kindnes works in the harts of his children hee feares no malice nor power of man vvho finds the Lord kind and mercifull to him This works gloriation against euill men a bold confession before all men as after followes and toward God an holy conuersation in all his obedience to the law For I trust Confidence in the promises of Gods word is the anchor of the soule vvhich holdeth it fast that it abide stable not driuen to and fro with the wind of tentations nay not with the feares terrors of death I know whom I haue belieued VER 43. And take not the word of truth vtterly out of my mouth for I wait for thy iudgements BY the word of truth Euthymius vnderstands the grace of prophecie by which Dauid comforted his owne hart and was able to speake to the edification of others and to stop the mouthes of his Aduersaries This grace
vndoubted truth to his promises Non est arr●…gans vsurpatio sed fidelis quia verū Deum non posse fallere confitetur It is no arrogant vsurpation but a faithfull depending for hee acknowledgeth that the most true God cannot beguile him And againe Non vsurpatoriè speraui quae vt sperarem ipse fecisti I haue not hoped by vsurpation bu●… it was thou Lord who caused me to hope Seruus sum expecto alimentum à Domino miles sum exigo ab imperatore stipendium vocatus sum postulo ab invitante promissum I am thy seruant and wait for nourishment from thee who art my Lord I am thy souldier and require wages from thee who art my Captaine I am called and seeke from thee who called me that which thou hast promised Let this serue for an answer to the aduersaries of the truth who say it is arrogance presumption for any man to affirme the certainty of his saluation Propter hoo da●…sunt digna quaedam indicia manif●…sta salutis vt indubitabile sit eum esse de numero electorum in quo ea signa permanserint For this cause some signes and manifest tokens of saluation are giuen to the end it may be out of doubt that hee in whom they remaine is of the number of the elect Non arrogantia est sed fides praedicare quod acceperis It is not arrogancy but faith to speake of that mercie which thou hast receiued To this purpose let vs remember that the promises made to vs are of Gods free mercie that the grace to beleeue which is the condition of the promse is also of himselfe For faith is the gift of God thirdly that the arguments by which he confirmes our faith in the certainty of our saluation are drawne from himselfe not from vs. As first from the nature of God He is faithfull who hath called vs to the fellowship of Christ and will also keepe vs blamelesse to the day of Christ. And againe He who hath begun that good worke in you will also perfite it against the day of Christ. Secondly from the nature of that life which Christ communicates to his members they liue in him or rather he liues in them Now in that I liue by the faith of Christ I liue yet not I any more but Christ liueth in me Now this is the nature of the life of Christ that it is no more subiect to dying as witnesseth the Apostle Thirdly from the nature of that seede whereof we are begotten for as the seed is so is the life which it giueth Now the seed ●…aith Saint Peter is immortall and beside that holy vnction by which the Lord corroborates and strengthens his children is called a permanent and abiding vnction All these proue a perseuerance of Gods fauour VER 50. It is my comfort in trouble for thy promise hath quickned me THis Verse containes a commendation of the word of God from the excellent effects and fruits thereof to wit that the comfort thereof vpholds Gods children in trouble when all other comforts faile them The lawfull comforts of nature such as meat and drinke recreation becom loath some to men in heauy diseases And as to the vnlawfull pleasures of sin they are so farre from helping our comfort that they encrease our terrour in the day of trouble only the word of the Lord sustains vs and assures vs that our light momentanean afflictions shal cause to vs at the length an infinite weight of glorie Facilè superant●… aduersa si sit spes quae consoletur quisquis enim meliora sperat leuioribus non frangitur In trouble He telleth not what kind of trouble he was in neither was it needfull for there is no sort of tentation can befal vs for which the word of God doth not furnish vnto vs sufficient consolation Prouiding alway we make conscience of it in prosperity otherwise it shall be a comfortlesse word to vs in our aduersity For thy promise hath quickned mee As the life of our soules at the first commeth by the Word so is it conserued by the same Word When tentations oppresse vs so that we faint and our life is gone it is the Word that reuiues vs Vt connexio ista animae corporis nostri spiritu vitali animatur alitur tenetur ita verbo Dei spiritali gratia anima nostra viuifi●…atur As the connexion of this bodie and soule is made and conserued by naturall breath so is our soule quickned by the Word and spirituall grace As therefore we loue our life let vs loue the word of the Lord. And if the promises of God render such ioy to the beleeuing what ioy may we looke for in the full performance of them VER 51. The proud haue had me excedingly in derision yet haue I not declined from thy law HEere is a protestatiō of Dauid his honest and constant affection toward the word of God That albeit he was sore tempted by the derisions of the proud yet he declined not from the Lawe of the Lord his God Let no man who is truely religious thinke that he can eschue the mockeries and derisions of the wicked this is a part of the crosse of Christ Iesus they railed vpon him they nodded with their head and fleered with their mouthes and mocked him but patiently did he suffer this contradiction of sinners Ismael was the first for any thing we reade who beganne this kinde of persecution but euer since Satan hath continued it in his cursed instruments like vnto him As he that was borne after the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the Spirit euen so is it now Let vs take vp the crosse of our Lord and follow him and be content to beare with him the rebuke of the wicked Concerning this stile of the wicked whereby they are called proude see ver 69. 78. VER 52. I remembred thy iudgements of olde O Lord and haue beene comforted MAny are the impediments of godliness for beside the corruption of our owne nature within vs we haue the corruption of other men fighting against vs. By their profane speeches they corrupt vs by their euill example they infect vs and if that way they cannot come to speede then they speake euill of vs they lye they rai●…e they mocke vs leauing nothing vndone that may disquiet vs in our selues and disgrace vs to others Against this impediment Dauid here shewes how he was sustained by remembring the iudgements of God which in former ages he had poured out vpon the like profane men If wee shall onely looke to the present time forgetting the by past iudgements of God not fore-thinking of the wrath to com vpon the wicked their present prosperity shall be witch us and we shall be in danger to be carried away with them after deceitfull vanity but let vs go with
be indeede religious euen in priuate hee presents his heart to GOD seeking it to bee approoued by him For his prayse is not of men but of God Againe this argueth his feruencie in religion for as else-where he protests that he loued the vvord more then his appoynted food so heere hee protests hee vvanted his nights rest that hee might meditate in the vvord But now so farre is zeale decayed in professours they will not vvant their superfluities farre lesse their needfull refreshment for loue of the vvord of GOD. And haue kept thy vvord Dauid vvas not a naked professor of the vvord but a practiser of it also his life declared that hee remembred the Lord Fides probitas innocentiae memorem probant VER 56. This I had because I kept thy precepts AS sinne is a punishment of sinne and the wicked waxeth euer worse worse so godlinesse is the recompence of godlinesse The right vse of one talent encreaseth moe and the beginnings of godliness are blessed with a growth of godlinesse Dauids good exercises held him in memory of his God and the memory of God made him euer the more godly and religious CHETH VER 57. O Lord that art my portion I haue determined to keepe thy word IT hath pleased the Lord to teach vs not by precepts onely but examples also in the one hee teacheth vs what we should doe if we would be saued in the other he lets vs see what the godly before vs haue done that they might be saued If wee were the first who haue entred into that narrow way that leads to eternall life our faintings fallings backslydings were somewhat excusable but that way is now Via trita in euery part of it we see the footsteps of our brethren who haue trode it before vs. All of them entred into Canaan standing on the other side of Iorden and calling vpon vs by their example who yet are i●… the wildernesse and on this side of Iorden Come forward feare not faint not the way indeede is hard and difficile but the end is sweet and ioyfull Wee haue felt with you the paines of the one come yee forward and enioy with vs the pleasures of the other Thus being compassed with so great a clowde of witnesses who haue trode the way before vs and by faith haue inherited the promise wee are altogether inexcusable if wee doe not follow Among many wee haue heere the Prophet Dauid who hath gone before vs and by his counsell and instruction teacheth vs how to follow him There is no doubt but as wee spake in the first Section if wee follow him in disposition wee shall also be partakers of his approbation Some part of his disposition wee haue seene alreadie let vs yet goe after him foot by foot neither turning to the right hand nor to the left not as Asahel followed Abner that was for euill and therefore in this course hee perished as many shall doe vvho seeke from Dauid a patrocinie for their sinnes but make him not a paterne to them of repentance But let vs follow him as the Prophet Elisha follovved his Maister Eliah vvhom hauing once found hee would neuer againe goe from him Let vs walke with Dauid in one way that wee may bee partakers with him of one happy and blessed end O Lord. This verse containes a two-fold protestation In the first hee protests that God was his portion In the second that hee had determined to keepe the word of GOD. And this hee conceiues in such manner that hee directs his speech to God Laying open his heart to God he dare make bold out of a good conscience that God was his portion It is a thing common to all sorts of men to speake of God but to speake to him is a grace proper to his children euen to them onely Either the vvicked dare not come vnto him their conscience beeing so euill that it is afraide to looke vnto the Lord no otherwise then a wounded eye which can not behold the light or if at any time forced by necessity they would yet they cannot come to him beeing voyde of faith without which there can be no prayer Accesse to the throne of grace that vvee may speake with God while wee are in the bodie is the first degree of eternall life hee shall neuer be afraid to goe out of the body and ascend to the Lord who when he was in the body went vp by prayer and got accesse to the Lord. This is the comfort of the children of God that sometime they get such ioyfull accesse to God by prayer that they wish and desire that their soule at that same instant might goe out of their bodie vvith their supplication 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vt simul egrediatur anima cum precatione But who is this that glories the Lord was his portion Euen Dauid a King of a most mightie people of a florishing kingdome and a fertile land flowing with milke and hony but in this hee reioyceth not all his comfort is heere that God was his portion This I marke to make those worldlings ashamed who haue lesse portions of the earth then Dauid had and yet reioyce so in them that they neglect altogether the Lord their God They brag with Nabuchadnezzer of their buildings Is not this great Babel that I haue built for honour of my Maiestie They talke foolishlie with Nabal Shall I take my flesh and my bread and giue away As if all that they haue were their owne And they glorie with that Glutton when their Garners and Barnes are full Novv my soule thou hast enough for many daies but a short time shall declare that they haue nothing at all who haue not the Lord to be their portion Now that wee may be mooued to make this same election which heere Dauid makes let vs first consider the louing kindnesse of the Lord our God toward vs who passing by all his creatures hath set his hart vpon man all things hee hath made for man and man for himselfe and for no other thing beside himselfe This is euident in the creation when hee had made his glorious works the first second third fourth and fift daies hee considered them all in their kinds and saw they were very good but still he proceeded to create more and could not rest till he had made man When man was created then is it said that the Lord rested No sight of the creature could content the Lord till hee had seen man all the thoughts of the diuine mind aymed at him When the Lord had created man as the perfection of his workes the compend of his creatures and the end wherevnto he looked in creating all other creatures then it is said that hee rested O man where-with shalt thou require the kindnesse of the Lord thy GOD but by resoluing with Dauid that thou wilt choose none for
are nothing different from the prayers of Turks for what shall ye heare among them but the like of these voyces God helpe vs God be mercifull to vs these are prayers which any Ethnique will make in time of his distresse but we must learne to frame our prayers another way when we pray wee must pray in the name of Christ and to be heard for Christes sake because he is the Mediator and peace-maker betweene God and man and in him the father is well pleased And againe wee must not take libertie to seeke what wee like out of our corrupt humors as the custome of many is but we must ground our prayers vpon Gods promises which in Christ Iesus he hath made vnto vs. And lastly seeing this is an argument which commonly we vse to moue God to be mercifull vnto vs Because he hath so promised if we wold haue this argument forcible let vs make conscience of those promises which we haue made vnto God Offree mercie hath the Lord made promises vnto vs but of boūd duty we haue made promises vnto him With what face can that man desire that the Lord should keepe his promise to him who had neuer any care to keep his promise vnto God More of this see ver 76. 116. 176. VER 59. I haue considered my waies and turned my feet vnto thy testimonies NExt vnto determination and supplication consideration would be vsed in all our actions to try and examine whether or no wee haue done according to our purpose and prayers Consideration is so necessary that without it no state of life can rightly be ordered The Mariner considers his course by his Compasse if he neglect it he runneth into remedilesse dangers The Merchant who adviseth not his affaires with his Count-book becommeth quickly a bankrupt The Pilgrim who hath proposed to himselfe an end of his iourney considers euery houre whether or no hee bee in the right way that may bring him to his proposed end and if he see many waies before him stat cogitat ipse secum vtram debeat eligere nec prius adoriendum iter quam animo definierit et pleniore mentis intentione deciderit hee stands and adviseth vvith himselfe which of them he should choose neyther will hee goe forward till he haue by inward consideration resolued what is best How much more should hee whose course is to the kingdome of heauen consider his waies and thinke with himselfe Non omnis via illò ducit non omnis via dirigit ad Hierusalem illam quae in coelis est that euerie vvay directs not a man to that Ierusalem which is in heauen Seeing no estate of life can be rightly ordered without consideration shall onely a Christian be so carelesse as to thinke he can goe from earth to heauen and not vse consideration But what is that which Dauid did consider I haue saith he considered my waies He was not like them who vse the eye of their mind as they doe the eye of their body for with it they looke vnto all things but not vnto it selfe so is it with many carelesse of themselues curious to censure others iudging of euery mans waies and not regarding their owne The godly indeede they looke into all things and make their advantage of all but so that first they looke into their own estate And heere is wisedom All men are naturally wise enough to looke vnto that which is theirs onely religion teacheth a man to looke to himselfe Take heed to your selues saith Moses to Israel the same said the Apostle to Timothie and in them the warning stands for vs all Aliud tu aliud tua there is a great difference betweene thy selfe and that which is thine but this is a pittiful folly that a man shall take a time to consider and take heed vnto all that is his his houses his fieldes his rents his garments and shall take no time to consider himselfe that hee may amend his waies vvhere hee hath gone wrong and repaire his decaied estate which before hee hath hurt by inconsideration And turned my feete vnto thy testimonies As oft as Dauid considered his waies he found alwaies some defect that needed redresse Who can ●…ay hee hath in such sort cleansed his hart that hee hath not neede to make it more cleane Quis ita ad vnguē omnia à se supersluà reseca●…it vt nihil se habere putet putatione dignum Who hath so cut away his superfluities that hee may thinke he hath nothing that needes to be cut away Crede mihi putata repullulant effugata redeunt reaccenduntur extincta Beleeue me when sinnes are lopped they grow againe when they are chased away they returne againe and their fire being once quenched kindles againe Sape putandū est imò si fieri possit semper quia si non dissimulas semper quod putari oporteat inuenis Wherefore we should often loppe our superfluous affections yea if it be possible alwaies if a man wil tell the truth as it is he findes alwaies something in himselfe that needs to be reformed Thy Testimonies Of this see ver 79. 95. VER 60. I haue made hast and delayed not to keepe thy Commandements HEere is another protestation of his earnest loue affection toward the Lord That hee delayed not to keep his commaundements It is one of Satans customable policies to tempt men with a delay of repentance hee dare not plainely say that repentance is not needfull onely to deceiue the simple he craues a delay and so after one hee steales away another till all the time bee past wherein man should repent And in this snare many one perisheth that where in their young yeares they will not repent but delay till they be older in their olde age they cannot repent the affection through long custome of sinne waxing strong euen then when the body is weake So that the day of death which they thought to make the day of their repentance becomes to them a day of fearefull perturbation by reason of the great debt of sinne which oppresseth their soules that would not take order with it in time Thus the miserable man for lacke of timely repentance ends not his pilgrimage in peace but in fearefull perturbation vnder this punishment that Moriens obliuiscitur sui qui dum viueret oblitus est Dei When hee dyeth hee forgets himselfe because when he liued he forgat his God In things perteyning to this life delay of good is dangerous If a wound bee not cured before it rotte it becomes incurable if the fire be not quenched in time it becomes vnquenchable and if flesh be not salted before it stinke it becomes so vnsauorie that it cannot be mended If a motefal in the eye or a thorne in the foot we take them out without delay but in things perteyning to the health of the soule delay is much more dangerous
them by the armour of the Spirit not meeting wickednesse with wickednesse and falshood with falshood For if we fight against Satan with Satans armor he shall soone ouercome vs but if wee put vpon vs the compleat armor of God to resist him hee shall flee from vs. See ver 69. VER 79. Let such as feare thee turne vnto mee and they that know thy testimonies AS he was troubled by the wicked so hee praieth that he may find help comfort in the godly God hath ioyned his children into one happy fellowship for his Church is a communion of Saints yet so that hee hath distributed his graces to euery one of them in so wise a manner that there is not one of them who stands not in need of the help comfort of one another where one doubts another hath light to resolue where one is grieued another hath the word of consolation to vphold him where one is weake vnder any temptation the Lord hath appointed the strōger to bear his infirmities and this is the benefit which here Dauid craues Basile so expounds these words as if Dauid for his sin had been separate from the congregation of Gods people as Miriam was for her leprosie and therfore now praies againe that he may be receiued into the communion of Gods people Which more clearly is expressed by the translation of Symmachus Conuersentur mecum timenteste Let such as feare thee haue conuersation with me and let me not be abhorred of them How-euer it be wee may see that the harts of men are in the hands of the Lord and that ma ny times godly men are made strange to other godly men Wherein the Lord hath no other respect but that our harts should not depend vpon the testimonie of man God is so iealous ouer his children wil haue their harts so wholly bound vnto himselfe that he cannot be content we shold put our comfort or seeke our approbation in any creature And in this sort did hee so humble Dauid that as hee protests Psalm 69. hee found not one to comfort him and all for this end that he might learne to comfort himselfe in the Lord his God In this description of the children of God we see how feare knowledge are required to make vp a godly man knowledge of GOD without feare breeds presumption and feare of GOD without knowledge breeds superstition as we see how the Gentiles fearing a diuinitie which they knew not haue fallen into most beastly Idolatry CAPH VER 81. My soule fainteth for thy saluation yet I wait for thy word DAuid beeing sore troubled by wicked men finding that God delaied to comfort and deliuer him was sore deiected cast downe in his owne mind so that his soule fainted his eyes failed and his body became like a bottle in the smoake All hatred and inimitie of man is easily comported where God shewes his fauorable face but when the godly are sore troubled by men and find not their soules comforted of God their strength failes them Euen as the body wanting naturall helps to refresh it becomes faint and falls in a swoune so the soule destitute of heauenly comfort languisheth For the godly liue by mercy and can no more endure to want the sense of mercy then the body can consist without those naturall means which increase and conserue the life thereof Yet doth hee neuer so faint but that some life remaines in him for he subioynes immediatlie I wait for thy word Waiting for comfort is an action of faith an effect of life As in the midst of Winter there is a substance in the Oake and Elme euen when it seemes to bee dead so is it with the Christian in his greatest extremities some spark of life remaines in him For the life o●… Christ Iesus whereby hee liues is of that nature that it cannot die it may be weakened but can not be extinguished For thy word In the first part of the verse hee protested that he waited for Gods saluation and now he saith he waited for Gods word Teaching vs first not to seek any thing frō God which his word warrants vs not to craue And next how we should giue such credit to the word of God as to belieue it euen then when in our sense there is no likelihood of the performance of it VER 82. Mine eyes faile for thy promise vvhen wilt thou comfort me IT is a customable manner of Gods working with his children to delay the aunswere of their prayers suspend the performance of his promises not because he is vnwilling to giue but because he will haue them better prepared to receiue Tardiùs dando quod petimus instantiā nobis orationis indicit he is slow to giue that which we seek that we should not seeke slowly but may be wakened to instancie and feruencie in prayer which he knows to be the seruice most acceptable vnto him and most profitable vnto our selues And for this cause continuance in prayer is commended vnto vs by the Apostle VER 83. For I am like a bottle in the smoake yet doe I not forget thy statutes HEe still insists in his former complaint declaring how the greatnes of his inward anguish had extenuated worne the natural strength of his body so that hee was becom like a bottle dryed in the smoak his skin contracted withered wrinkled with the greatnes of his griefe The like he hath Psa. 32. that the moisture of his body was turned into the drouth of Sommer The troubles of the mind affect the body distemper it and the best way in such cases to mitigate bodily diseases is to pacifie the mind But again when we see the great anguish of Dauids mind and how his beautifull body was now become but a withered skin let vs consider how how hardly the Lord deales with his children whom he loues most dearly He iudgeth vs in this world that wee should not be condemned in the world to come By the fire of affliction he burns vp the superfluities of our nature which in prosperity increase vpon vs to the great hinderance of the work of our saluation And againe that he may make vs capable of heauenly cōfort he takes carnal comforts away from vs for so long as we are delighted with the one we can neuer feele the consolation of the other This should learn vs not to be discouraged when in the same maner God deales hardly with vs. His rods may be sharp but his way is mercy He may doe to his children as Ioseph did to his brethren speak roughly to them and make himselfe strange toward them but his louing affection cannot euer be hid from them VER 84. How many are the daies of thy seruaunt when wilt thou execute iudgement on them that persecute me THis verse containes a supplication wherin Dauid craues that God would iudge between
who out of most wholsome hearbs gather nothing but poyson For all are thy seruants From the Angel to the worme all serue him he is the Lord of Hosts let vs also serue him and then shall they serue vs. But it is both sinne and shame that where the raging water and furious fire serue God at his commaund onely man made to his own image disobeyes him And therefore againe feareful is the recompence that where it is said The Lord reioyceth in all his works of man onely the Lord said It repents mee that I made man The Lord grant it may repent vs that euer we offended so good a God and so the Lord may be pacified toward vs in Christ Iesus VER 92. Except thy law had been my delight I should now haue perished in mine affliction HE now declares vnto vs what profit hee made of his former meditatiō to weet that the certaintie of Gods word kept him that he perished not in his affliction Sith he saw it was a sure and powerful word whereby other creatures were sustained he collects it could neuer faile him so leaning vpon it he foūd him selfe vpholden by it in his greatest afflictions Let vs learne of Dauid to seeke our comfort in time of trouble out of the word of GOD for all other comfort which is sought with neglect of this comfort brings two great euils First it encreaseth griefe how-euer for a time it seeme to mitigate it And next it leaues a man destitute when he hath most need of comfort Onelie the comfort of Gods word bides with vs when all other comfort for sakes vs. My delight The word signifieth delights in the plurall number Many were the sorowes of Dauids life but against them all he found as many comforts delectations in Gods word With such varietie of holy wisedom hath God penned his word that it hath conuenient comfort for euery state of life therfore the children of God account nothing so deere as it they preferre it to their appointed foode Yea as the body cannot liue out of the owne element of aire so cannot the soule of a godly man without comfort of the word Where if it be obiected to vs by worldlings Where are those manifold delights which ye say are in the word we hear nothing but one the selfe same thing repeated vnto vs The best answer to them is Come and see Taste and consider how gracious the Lord is and yee shal find that euery repetitiō of it brings new delight And this they may learne by their naturall affection toward bodily foode which is so great that the same kind of foode where-vpon they feede this day they long for it againe to morrow and with a new appetite long to haue renewed euery day And if they were as well acquainted with the spirituall life their affection would be in the same manner renewed euery day toward the word of God For the truth is that no Monarch in the world can furnish his table with such varietie of delicates as are offred to vs in the treasures of Gods word Perished in mine affliction Dauid was a godly man and deerely beloued of the Lord his GOD yet is hee sore humbled by affliction for euen those branches which are fruitfull God will purge to make them more fruitfull Our nature is so rebellious that without sore afflictions it cannot be tamed subdued Stones cannot be squared for palace-worke without strokes of the hammer gold can not be purged and prepared for work without fire neither is corne separated from the chaffe without wind We are Gods corne let vs abide the wind of tentation to clense vs from the chaffe of our corruption Wee must suffer the fire of affliction that we may be fined and made vessels of honour for the house of God And we must be content that the hammer of God strike vpon vs to beat away our proud lumps that so we may be squared and made ready like liuely stones to be laid in heauenly Ierusalem More of this see ver 50. 52. VER 93. I will neuer forget thy precepts for by them thou hast quickned me THis verse hath a protestatiō of his thankfulnes he had found life in Gods word and he resolues neuer to forget it Experientia edoct us iustificationes tu as producere vitā inextinguibilem illarū memoriā seruabo It is no maruel that they who neuer got life by the word of God haue no delight in it the excuses of men here auaile not Certain it is the cause of all contempt of Gods word is from this that men neuer found life nor comfort by it Whereof see Sect. 1. But it is worthy to be marked that he saith not the Word quickned him but God by the Word quickned him The Word was preached at one time by one Preacher S. Paul to many people assembled together at Philippi but many heard it who got not life by it onely Lydia by that Sermon had her heart opened Paul may plant Apollo may water but God must giue the increase Let vs thanke God for the word he hath giuen vs and let vs pray to God that grace may be ioyned with it so with the Gospell hauing the blessing of the Gospell it shall become the power of God to our saluation VER 94. I am thine saue me for I haue sought thy precepts MAny reasons hath Dauid vsed hitherto to mooue the Lord to bee mercifull to him but none more forcible then this I am thine A strong reason indeed where man in a good conscience can vse it for if we who are euill and weake haue a care of euery thing which is ours that we will not if we may suffer it to perish euen our garments and our houses and our cattell we haue a care to conserue them because they are our owne how great may we thinke is the Lords care toward his owne whom he tenders with greater compassion thē any earthly father can doe to his children But howsoeuer this seeme facilis vox communis Tuus sum as easie a voyce as it is common to say I am thine yet few are they who in a good conscience may say it Mentitur enim peccator si se seruum Dei nominet A man in his sinnes lies if hee say that hee is the seruant of God for to what-euer thing a man giues obedience vnto that same is hee a seruant O how many people and nations and wealthy men are there in the world Qui paupertatem putant Domino seruire who thinke it a pouertie to serue GOD Hee who is aboue all seemes nothing to them and they seeke other things with such insatiable affection as if the Lorde Iesus in whom are all things were not sufficient for them Can these men say to the Lord I am thine But these men are not the worst for yee shall finde now a bastard
So Dauid stiles the word of God because it iudgeth most righteously between right and wrong truth and falshood And secondly because according to the iudgement giuen therein God will doe Let vs take heede vnto it for the word containes a catalogue of such as shall not inherite the kingdom of God and another of such as shall dwell in Gods tabernacle let vs read and see in which of the two catalogues our selues are for according to that word will the iudgement goe VER 107. I am very sore afflicted O Lord quicken me according to thy word THe godly in al their troubles make their recourse to God in most homely manner pouring out their griefes in his bosome so that I may well say there are none in earth nay not the most deare vnto them to whō they can speake so familiarly as vnto the Lord their God Their wants their weakenes their griefe their sinnes whereof they think shame to speake to others they think not euill homelie to communicate to him But as Moses in all his troubles ranne euer to the dore of the tabernacle so they to the throne of grace and happy are they who close not this doore vpon themselues by their sinnes Againe we are still remembred that afflictions are no arguments of Gods hatred but rather of his loue A father that spares the rodde hates his child Nunquid non frequentius corripitur filius quam seruus Is not the son oftner chastised then the seruant It is the voice of our heauenly father Quos diligo castigo If yee be without correction ye are bastards and not sonnes Where the Physitian refuseth to giue medicine it is a token there is no hope of life where the Lord giues a man loose reanes liberty to goe where hee pleaseth not hedging in his waies with thornes as he promiseth to his Israel it is an argument of his great displeasure But seeing hee protested before it was good for him that God afflicted him how doth hee now complaine The answere is that there is a great difference between the sense of the godly in trouble and after it For no chastisement is sweet for the present but afterward it brings the quiet fruit of righteousnes to them who are thereby exercised Sore afflicted Two things should restraine vs from cōplayning of the greatnes of our trouble First if wee consider it is measured by the Lord who is faithfull and wil lay no more vpon vs then we are able to beare And next that our stripes are not according to our sinnes for if hee should beat vs with as many roddes as wee haue grieued him with sinnes he should adde yet tenne times more to all our greatest afflictions Quicken me Defatigatas vires me as restitue sicut pollicitus es Restore my decayed strength as thou hast promised Hee confesseth he was almost dead by the greatnes of his trouble But of this see ver 17. 77. 116. VER 108. O Lord I beseech thee accept the free offrings of my mouth teach me thy iudgmēts IT is a great grace that the Lord should accept any thing from vs if we consider these three things First who the Lord is Next what we are Thirdly what it is we haue to giue vnto him As for the Lord he is All sufficient stands in need of nothing wee can giue him Our goodnes extends not to the Lord. As for vs we are poore creatures liuing by his liberalitie yea begging from all the rest of his creatures from the sunne and moone from the ayre the water and the earth from fowles and fishes yea from the worms some giue vs light some meat some cloth and are such beggers as we meet to giue to a King And thirdly if wee well consider What is it that we giue Haue we any thing to giue but that which wee haue receiued from him and whereof wee may say with Dauid O Lord all things are of thee and of thine owne hand haue vvee giuen thee againe Let this humble vs and restraine vs from that vaine conceit of meriting at Gods hand Of my mouth Dauid at this time in his great necessitie hauing no other sacrifice to offer vnto the Lord offers him the calues of his lippes but no doubt when he might he offred more There is nothing so small but if it come from a good heart God will accept it the widowes myte a cup full of cold water yea the praise of our lippes although it haue no other externall oblation ioyned with it but where men may doe more and will not it is an argument their heart is not sincerelie affected toward him and their praises are not welcome to him And such as haue libertie to come to the holie assemblies and offer not there the praises of their mouth to God but sit as if they were dumbe as also they that offer naked words without the willing heart are here much more conuinced They were great beasts vnder the law that thought to please God by offring a beast vnto him keeping back themselues and they are greater beasts vnder the Gospel that will giue their hart to another and thinke to please God by giuing some other gifts vnto him Will the Lord be pleased vvith thousands of Rammes or with tenne thousand riuers of Oyle Shall I giue him my first borne for my transgression or the fruit of my wombe for the sinne of my soule Is it such sacrifices will please the Lord No if thou wilt not offer thy selfe vnto him hee will haue nothing that is thine VER 109. My soule is continually in my hand yet doe I not forget thy law THis verse hath a renouation of his former protestation with an amplification that he would keep it albeit he was daily in peril of his life and was also resolued readie to lay it downe For so this phrase imports when he saith he had his soule in his hand ready to giue when euer God should take it And this is to be obserued that there is no trouble so ready to take away the life of Gods children as they are readie to giue it As Elijah came out to the mouth of his caue to meet with the Lord and Abraham stood in the doore of his tabernacle to speake to the Angel so the soule of the godly stands readie in the doore of the tabernacle of this body to remooue when the Lord shall commaund it whereas the soule of the wicked lies back hiding itselfe as Adam among the bushes and is taken out of the body perforce as was the soul of that worldling This night they vvill take thy soule from thee but they neuer sacrifice their soules willingly to the Lord. VER 110. The wicked haue laid a snare for mee but I swarued not from thy precepts DAuid continueth his complaint to God against the malice of his enemies but
are alway to take heede that if wee would haue the argument effectuall toward vs wee make it sure to our selues that we are of the number of them who loue him VER 133. Direct my footsteps in thy word and let none iniquitie haue dominion ouer me AS before he sought mercy so now he seeks grace There are many that seeke mercy to forgiue sin who seeke not grace to deliuer them from the power of sin this is to abuse Gods mercy turne his grace into wantonness He that praieth for mercy to forgiue the guilt of sin onely seeks not that by sin hee should not offend God but that he may sin and not hurt himself but he who craues deliuerance also from the commanding power and deceit of sin seekes not onely a benefit to himselfe but grace also to please serue the Lord his God The first is but a louer of himselfe the second is a louer of God more then of himselfe And truly he neuer knew what it was to seek mercy for sin past who with it also earnestly sought not grace to keep him frō sinne in time to come These benefits cannot be diuided he who hath not the second howsoeuer he flatter himselfe may be assured hee hath not gotten the first My steppes These steps Ambrose restraines ad profectus animae to the progresse of his soule onely but we may very well thinke that Dauid here commends the whole course of his life to be gouerned by God both outward and inward conuersation The body is carried to good or euill by steps of the feet the soule by the motion of affections is caried either to the Lord or from him therfore he praies that God would direct them for according to our gouernour or directour so goes the course of our actions Thy word By the word of the Lord all creatures are ruled At his word fire comes downe contrarie to the course of nature the sun stands or goes back the moone and starres keep forward their course yea the raging sea abides within his prescribed bounds Strange is it that man makes it not the rule of his life but let this be an awe-band to him That by this word he must be iudged at the length And let none iniquitie haue dominion Dauaid takes vp very wisely the controuersie that is betweene Satan and vs hee seekes by sinne to haue dominion ouer vs. Wherein wee may consider what an vnreasonable Tyrant Satan is and what iust cause wee haue to wage battell with him The Lorde our God made vs hee redeemed vs hee conserues vs none but he can claime any title vnto-vs Is it not then most vnreasonable that Sathan should seeke superioritie ouer vs or that we should be so beastly as giue it vnto him Neyther is it onely against all equity but also most hurtfull vnto our selues for what wages can Satan giue to his slaues but the wages of sinne to make them partakers of his owne damnation Can he giue vnto others better then he hath to himselfe Besides this also he exacts seruice without rest or intermission Most cruell oppressors Turks and Pagans giue some rest to their captiues Satan giues none in eating in sleeping he abuseth them to serue him And which is worst of all where this Tyrant sends out sundry officers and seruants that is sinfull affections to exact seruice from thee they are all so insatiable that they may well consume thee spend all thy means and all thy daies but thou shalt neuer bee able to satisfie the least of them And therefore great neede haue we to seeke the helping hand of God against them praying with Dauid that iniquity may neuer haue dominion ouer vs. VER 134. Deliuer mee from the oppression of men and I will keepe thy precepts NOt one but manifold are the troubles of the righteous they haue not onely to wrestle against their owne corruption but against Satans malice the pride and enuy of all his wicked impes and instruments Against them the best armour we can vse is patience and prayer they are but like roddes in the hand of the Lord as our Sauior said to Pilat Thou couldst haue no power ouer me if it were not giuen thee from aboue The rodde is not able to moue but by the hand of him that holdes it let vs runne to the hand of God let vs pacifie him by prayer and wee shall not neede to feare what flesh can doe vnto vs. But aboue all things let vs beware we fight neuer against the wicked with their own weapons From the oppression The word is generall imports not only oppression by violence but by calumnies and any other iniury And they are well ioyned together for such as doe euill one way will not faile to doe it another They who loose their tongues to calumniate Gods seruants will not faile if they may to loose their handes also to oppresse them and such also who oppresse them will not spare to speake euill of them that they may iustifie themselues None of all the seruants of Saul would drawe the sword to slay the seruants of the Lord albeit their Master commanded them onely Doeg who before had calumniated Dauid and so by his tongue had begunne the persecution spared not to murther with the bloudie swords such seruants of God as for Gods sake had shewed fauour to Dauid Let vs not looke for better from them whose tongues are bent to speake euill of the seruants of God but that their handes also when they may haue the occasion will bee ready to shedde their bloud Of men The word he vseth is Adam this is the first name that God gaue to man after his fall signifying earth or redde earth and it sheweth how weake and silly a creature man hath made himselfe by his sinne The consideration of it confirmes Dauid against his enemies that they were but men of earth if we could remember we would neuer be troubled at their inimity Who art thou Iacob that thou shouldst feare a mortall man and all flesh is grasse And againe the consideration of this serues to humble the pride of man Sith they are but men of clay why waxe they proude to oppresse others It was a very worthie warning which a certaine Ambassadour gaue once to Alexander the great that flies and wormes at length would eate the flesh of Lions If proude men considered this That they are but earth and that shortly their beautifull bodies will become carcases to bee eaten by the wormes it would abate their naturall pride by which they trample downe others poorer and weaker then they vnder their feete And I will keepe The benefites or deliuerances of God obtained by prayer should not bee abused to licentiousnesse to nourish our selues in our sinnes and wonted security but the more wee receiue from him the more should vvee acknowledge our selues bound and obliged to him Otherwise if benefites
watered by the earth For the teares of the godly fall not to the ground the Lord gathers them like most pretious pearles vnto him and puts them in his bottell and they bring still increase of comfort to such as shed them They are sowen like good seede on earth the first fruite whereof is reaped on earth but the fulness thereof in heauen according to that of the Psalmist They that sowe in teares shall reape in ioy ZADE. VER 137. Righteous art thou O Lord and iust are thy iudgements HEere Dauid sore troubled with griefe for the wickednesse of his enemies yea tempted greatly to impatience and distrust by looking to their prosperous estate notwithstanding their so grosse impiety doth now shew vnto vs a three-fold ground of comfort which in this dangerous tentation vpheld him The first is a consideration of that which God is in himselfe namely iust and righteous the second a consideration of the equity of his word thirdly of his constant truth declared in his working and doing according to his word When we find our selues tempted to distrust by looking to the prosperity of the wicked let vs looke vp to God consider his nature his word his workes and we shall finde comfort Righteous art thou There is the first a meditation of the righteousnes of Gods nature he alters not with times he changes not with persons he is alway and vnto all one and the same righteous and holy God Righteousnesse is essentiall to him it is himselfe and he can no more defraude the godly of their promised comforts nor let the wicked go vnpunished in their sinnes then hee can denie himselfe to be God which is impossible Iust are thy iudgements The second ground of Dauids comfort is heere and in the next verse VER 138. Thou hast commanded iustice by thy Testimonies and truth especially AS the tree is so is the fruit From so righteous a God nothing can proceede but righteousnesse God forbid that the Iudge of all the world should doe vnrighteously This meditation of the equity of Gods command flowing from his most righteous nature confirmes Dauid in this sure conclusion It cannot be but well with them who walke after his word and by the contrary such as goe a whooring from it cannot but make a miserable end how-euer they prosper for a time And out of this we may further learn how the law of God expresseth to vs the liuely lin●…ments of his image for from his righteous nature flowe his commandements commanding righteousnesse This lets vs s●…e 〈◊〉 fearfull an euill sinne is sith it is a transgression of that holy law which flowes from Gods righteous nature it is a direct impugning violating of the diuine nature so farre as the creature may The lawes of Kings may be broken and their persons not touched farre lesse their nature violated yea oft-times their nature likes of that euill which their lawe forbids It is not so with the lawe of God it flowes from his righteous nature and God and his lawe are so straitly vnited that the breaking of his lawe is an impugning of his very nature so farre as the creature may as I haue said already By thy Testimonies The word of God is called his Testimony both because it testifies his will which he will haue vs to doe as also because it testifies vnto men truely what shall become of them whether good or euill Men by nature are curious to know their end rather then care full to mend their life and for this cause seeke answers where they neuer get good but if they would know let them goe to the word and testimony they need not to seeke any other Oracle If the word of God testifie good things vnto them they haue cause to reioyce if otherwise it witnesse euill vnto them let them hast to preuent it or else it shall assuredly ouertake them VER 139. My zeale hath euen consumed me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy word THroughout this Psalme we see that Dauid cannot satisfie himselfe in declaring the loue he had to Gods word for that comfort which hee had felt in it as likewise his insatiable affection crauing more comfort by it What he speakes of himself he speakes it not like that Pharise who boasted of his good not mourning for his euill nor yet longing for better Such presumption is farre from the godly If at any time they make mention of any good disposition in them they doe it to the glory of God from whom all good comes and to comfort themselues for the beginnings of Gods grace in them but still they know their wants and mourne for them Neuer contented in this life with the grace receiued with earnest affection they crie for more Three things haue we to consider in this his his protestation first the nature secondly the sorts thirdly the effects of zeale As for the nature of zeale It is a mixed affection of griefe and anger flowing from loue for what a man loues earnestly he is carefull to see it honoured and by the contrary grieued when it is dishonoured The sorts of it are many for according as our loue and griefe are so is our zeale If our loue be vpon the right obiects moderate in due measure it causes a zeale which is holy and spirituall otherwise if our loue be inordinate it begets a carnall or inordinate zeale Sometime the zeale is not vpon the right obiect and then it may be great but it cannot be good such is the zeale of Heretiques who compasse Sea and Land to make one of their owne profession Sometime againe the zeale is on the right obiect not in the due measure eyther too colde which is remission or too hote which is superstition Of these saith the Apostle It is a zeale but not according to knowledge Zelus ad mortem non ad vitam a zeale which tends to death not vnto life The effects of Dauids zeale he toucheth when he saith it had consumed him Affections of the soule are very forcible to moue the body A sorrowfull heart saith Salomon dryes vp the bones But men should carefully marke what spirit inflames their zeale and what zeale moueth their bodies There are som who vnder shew of zeale or at least because they thinke it zeale neglect the duetie which they owe to their bodies not remembring the seruice which God craues of the body is a reasonable seruice not vnreasonable Others with their zeale fight against the Gospell so did Paul before his conuersion Let vs try the Spirits and see that our zeale be according to knowledge For these two Knowledge Zeale are compared by Bernard to the two wings of a fowle the Bird that hath but one wing falleth the more that it mindeth to flie These are two excellent giftes Knowledge and Zeale but if the one be without the other it were better to want it And now sith zeale
hee a prophet to teach his brethren for vnto vs all stands that commandement Edifie one another in the most holy faith But alas yee shall see many Christians now who at their Tables and in their Companies can speak liberally of any subiect onely for spirituall matters which concerne the soule there they are dumbe and cannot say with Dauid My tongue shall intreate of thy word For al thy commandements are righteous The reason why among men hee will intreate of the word of God Because they are all righteous and so most forcible to reform the vnrighteousnes of men Non possunt homines reduci ad vitae reformationem nisi per verbum tuum there can be nothing among men but confusion in manners corruption in religion where the word of God is not reuerenced as a rule to the which the actions of men should be squared VER 173. Let thine hand helpe mee for I haue chosen thy precepts DAuid hauing made promises of thankfulnes seeks now help from God that hee may performe them Our sufficiency is not of our selues but of his furniture to will and to doe are of him In temporall things men oftentimes take great paines with small profit first because they seeke not to make their conscience good next because they craue not the helpe of Gods hand therefore they speede no better then Peter who fished all night and got nothing till he cast in his net in the name of the Lord. But in spirituall things wee may farre lesse looke to prosper if wee call not for the Lord his helping hand the meanes will not profit vs vnlesse Gods blessing accompany them and his hand-worke with them Paul may plant Apollo may water but God must giue the increase The Law was giuen by Moses grace comes by Iesus Christ. This is the cause why in this age few grow in grace notwithstanding they haue the meanes of grace in most plentifull manner because the hand of God is not sought to worke with the meanes There is preaching but for the most part without profit there is prayer but it preuailes not there is hearing of the word but without edifying Balme enough in Gilead and there is the Physitian also euen the great Physitian of our soules among vs yet is not the health of people recouered And all because in spirituall exercises instant prayer is not made vnto God that his hand may be with vs to helpe vs. VER 174. I haue longed for thy saluation O Lord and thy law is my delight IN this verse is a twofolde protestation first of the great desire he had of Gods saluation next of his delight in the law of God But how is this he longed for saluation was hee not euen now partaker of it doth he not glorie Psal. 27. that God was his light and saluation Both are true that hee had it and yet he longed for it We must distinguish betweene the beginnings and the perfection of our saluation the beginning we haue now by belieuing Gods promises whereupon wee haue receiued the Earnest of his spirit the perfection wee shall haue when all his promises shall be fully accomplished vnto vs. Therefore S. Peter cals it a saluation prepared to be shewed in the last time Wee see then the disposition of Gods children toward this saluation to be such that howsoeuer they haue comfort in the beginnings thereof yet no contentment This is expressed in holy scripture by the words of seeking waiting sighing panting braying hungring thirsting longing by all which a vehement desire of promised saluation is noted to them This condemnes both worldlings who haue set the desire of their soul vpon the perishing trash of the earth counting that their treasure which the spirituall man accounts to be but doung as also cold professors who pretend an hope of eternall life but long not for it Non desiderat patriam peregrinatio sine lacryma He that liues in his pilgrimage without teares declares that he hath no desire of his country Non satis futura gaudia nosti nisi renuat consolari anima tua donec veniant Thou knowest not well the ioyes to come if thy soule loath not these that are present and long for those that are promised To such terrible is that warning of our Lord Woe bee to you that are full for ye shall hunger And thy law is my delight In this other protestation Dauid shewes what it was that vpheld him in this time of delay of Gods promised saluation to weet the comfort of Gods word this is like Manna to Israell in the wildernes which ceased so soone as they entred into Canaan but sustained them in the iourney So shall the exercises of the word cease when we shall come to our heauenly Canaan in the meane time so long as wee are in the way let vs comfort our selues with it Againe wee see how Dauid alway conioynes these two saluation and the word of God This is to be marked for contemners of Gods word who liue as if God were to saue them by miracles and not by his owne ordinary meanes appointed in his Church They looke to bee saued and yet will not reuerence the word but they shall be deceiued VER 175. Lette my soule liue and it shall praise thee and thy iudgements shall helpe mee SOme expound this to bee a petition for the prolongation of his naturall life that he may liue and praise God This I knowe is lawfull to seeke and for it he prayeth Psal. 90. Oh spare a little that I may recouer my strength before I goe and be not But here I thinke Dauid stretches his affection toward that spirituall life which now in Gods children is the beginning of life euerlasting when the soule quickened by spirit of God is able to walke with God For as the bodily life is discerned by actions competent vnto it so the spirituall life is knowne by actions competēt to it Also where there is grace to pray and thanksgiuing with ioy delighting in Gods word and obedience giuen thereunto these are vndoubted arguments of a spirituall life But it is a pitie to see how many are liuing concerning their bodies lusty and strong who are but dead carrying a dead soule in a liuing body strangers from the life of GOD painted sepulchers pleasant without full of rottenness within hauing a soule which can no more pray nor praise the Lord then a dead body which can neither heare nor speake vnto men And it shall praise thee Much throughout this Psalme and in all the rest doth Dauid esteem of this exercise of praising GOD sometime hee prayeth for it as a grace sometime he promiseth it as a dutie sometime hee practiseth it in himselfe and sometime hee prouokes others vnto it The Lord so parts the fruite of all his benefits that he giues vs the profit reseruing no more but the praise vnto himselfe and the more praise
man Content but God 140. Contentment only in the ende though comfort before 391. Conuersion requireth Confirmation to crowne it 261. Couetousnes a mother-sin 98. A godly Couetousnes 172 Two Courses in the life of euery man the one seene the other secret 8. A Courtier of heauen made by prayer 385. Gods Curse is a secret Consumption 61. Our first Creation is without hope or Comfort 186. Creation is as a Mother Conseruation is as a Nurse 216. Goodnes of Creatures but a glimpse of the Creators to whom they direct vs. 140. T●…e Creatures cannot teach saluation but they confirme it 215. Other Creatures consist by Gods word how much more a Christian 218. All Creatures except Man and Apostate Angels are ruled by the word of God 304. A cursed Crosse and a sanctified discerned 180. The Crosse necessary to a Pilgrime and why 325. D DAuids disposition and approbation Page 3. Dauids affection to GODs word and why 4 Dauid compareth himselfe with others not to commende himselfe but Gods word 230. A double Deceit of sin 267. Delight in godlines a great argument of progresse 40. Delight in the Word a proofe of Godlines 118. 326. Delights diuers alwayes sweete from the same word 219. Deliuerance vnlooked for in dangers 256 Desertions finall temporall 25. 310. Desertions temporall more grieuous to the Godly then temporall Death 71. 209. Desertions spirituall doe much daunt and cast downe 198. Good Desires are of GOD. 84. 94. Desires accepted of GOD for deeds 106. Desires of the Soules saluation are the chiefe 278 Determination helpeth a Godly life 145. Detractions of men not to bee feared 103. Deuotion of these dayes colde 369. Diligence in keeping GODs lavv required for three reasons 18. Discipline doth good 167. A man must be a Disciple before a Doctor 232. Diuision of this 119. Psalme 5. They onely to expect Donations from God which are vnder Gods Domination 282. E THe whole Earth a place of banishment Page 55. The Earth founded without foundation 216. Edification must beginne at home in a mans owne heart 33. Edification may arise from euery thing 347. Our Election of Gods truth issueth from GODs Election of vs. 86. Our Election is sealed to vs certainely by our loue to God sincerely ibid. How to pray against Enemies 194. 202. The diligence and the cruelty of the iust mans Enemy 224. The Enemies of God are the onelie Enemies of the Godlie 286. 319. 336. Lightlie Esteemed of men highlie Esteemed of GOD. 322. Examples to teach vs godliness 136. 360. How to be followed how not ibid. Excellency of the Word 250. Experiences of Gods truth comfort excedingly 340. The Eyes death●… windowes to enter into the heart 98 The Eye of the minde and body differ and how 151. The Eyes right gouernement 311. F EVery Article of Faith is a wondrous mysterie Pag. 53. 296. Faith in Gods promises is the Anchor of the soule 111. The nature of Faith is in particular application of the generall promises 122. Faith required in prayer 148. Faith carrieth vs out of our selues 378. Falling to be feared and why 265. Familiarity of the Godly with God more then with Men. 245. It breedeth no contempt as with Men. 271. It commeth by a good conscience 343. Gods Fauour illuminateth the minde 310. Feare and trembling for repenting of sinne for preuenting of sinne 104. The Godly described by the Feare of God 162. The Feare of God in any assureth vs of good duties in such an one 163. Feare to the Wicked horrible 272. The Feare of God ouercometh the Feare of Mans displeasure 362. Felicity of Man is conformitie with God 6. Fellowship with God diuideth vs from wicked men 257. No Fighting against Satan in his weapons and armor 178. 196. First Fruits of our hearts to be offered to God 333. A godly man is euer Fruitfull either without or within 43. G GOds Gifts pledges of greater 165. Small Gifts accepted of God 247. Great Gifts are to bee asked of God 329. Gifts of Grace and Natue differ how 384. A Glory to the Godly to make others more godly then themselues 233. God the obiect of prayer 730. Gods dishonour more grieuous to the Godly then their own 354. True Godlinesse hath perseuerance with sincerity 94. Impediments of Godlinesse many both within without vs. 127. Truth of Godlinesse tryed by priuate exercises 133. Godlinesse is the gaine of Godlinesse as one talent begetteth another 134. The power of Godlinesse 188. The recompence of Godlinesse 188 A Godly man is more afraid of sinne that he may do then a Godlesse is for sin that he hath don 104. The Godly pitie the Wicked 128. The Godly in their life haue respect to God to themselues to their neighbours 188. The Godly silent teach others ibid. A Godly man described 370. His priuiledge 375. God sheweth his Goodnesse in being good to his creature 173. Worldly Goods are Gods Moueables 142. They that haue worldly Goods and God haue a double portion 143. The more Good a Godly man doth the more hee desireth and delighteth to doe 45. Good things to bee sought for good ends 77. Graces are linked together lose one lose all 46. Without Gods quickning Grace man is dead 210. Growth in Grace wrought how 230. H THe Heart the Godlies treasure-house why Page 34 It is kept by three things 98 Being well disposed it dareth present it selfe to God 105. A soft melting Heart an happy thing and an hard stony Heart a grieuous curse 179. God speaketh to the Heart 237. Hatred of sinne is a triall of our loue to God 291. Cold Hatred turneth to liking 367. Hatred of sinne is in him that loueth Gods Law 368. No Hearing of God by vs no Hearing of vs by him 293. 327. Heauinesse of the Godly continuall how outwardly happy soeuer 78 Heauinesse according to the tentation 79. One needeth the Helpe of another because of the diuersities of Grace dispensed seuerally 196. Gods Helpe the best 206. 389. God is neerer to helpe then any enemy to hurt 337. The Hiding of wickednesse is proper to the wicked 380. Humility in the godly 176. 298. Hypocrisie a vile sinne 147. It is farre from men who are truely Godly 380. I IEsus is our guide in the narrow way Pag. 96. Ignorance of the Worde cometh not from the Word but from our owne darknesse 52. Illumination Gods worke alone ibid. Illumination of the eyes and conversion of the heart goe together 53. Impunitie an argument of Gods anger 245. Inabilitie to God is natural 236. Instabilitie in the Godly 260. God giueth more grace by an Instrument then the Instrument hath 232. Good Intentions strengthened by prayer 259. Interruptions of prayers in Godly persons 382. The Ioy that commeth from Gods Word surpassing all 40. Ioy by the practise of the Word not by professing 41. The Ioy of a true Christian is onely in God as in his owne 259. Ioy and Griefe goe together in this life 311. 325. Ioy in the Worde inexplicable
great signe a sure fore-runner of a further and more fearefull iudgement to come if it be not remedied It is an enemy to grace it is the mother of presumptuous sins it makes smallest sins irremissible it makes a man Gods aduersary for the Lord resisteth the proud As two hard things when they encounter together the weakest of thē is broken in peeces so is it with man when with his hard hart he contends with the invincible God Let vs pray wee may be deliuered from this plague of a hard hart But my delight see ver 14. 16. 35. 76. 77. 174. VER 71. It is good for mee that I haue beene afflicted that I may learne thy statutes HEe renewes his former protestation which he madever 67. declaring how his afflictions made him more godlie then he was before Heereby may we discerne a sanctified crosse from a cursed the crosse which makes thee better then thou wast how sharpe so euer it be if it worke a correction of thee thou maist be sure it is a blessing It is commonly in the mouthes of many when they are in trouble We must thanke God for his correction But alas how can that be called a correction which corrects thee not If thou be not corrected with Dauid thou hast matter of griefe in thy trouble but none of ioy and so canst not say with Dauid It is good for me that I haue been afflicted Affliction as we said ver 67. in it owne nature is euill being a punishment of sinne but the Lord who changed the bitter waters of Marah and made them sweet vnto Israel hath also changed to his children the nature of the crosse that not onely they find comfort in it but most happy effects are wrought in them by it In trouble wee see three things better then in prosperitie First how prouident mercifull and true the Lord is Secondly how weake and miserable our selues are Thirdly how false changable the world is Beside all these it is an effectuall meane whereby the Lord beates downe the pride of Nature and humbles vs for our sinnes Hagar was proud and blind in Abrahams house but in the wildernesse she is humbled and begins to looke to the Lord. Israel learned not to mourn vntill they were sent into Babel Ionas sleepes in the shippe but wakes and prayes in the Whales belly Blessed is the man whom the Lord corrects therefore refuse not the chastisement of the Almighty For tribulation bringeth forth patience patience experience experience hope hope maketh vs not ashamed That I may learne Hee now condiscends in particular and shewes what good hee got by afflictions he learned Gods statutes by them He speakes not of that learning which is gotten by hearing or reading of Gods word but of the learning which he had gotten by experience that he had felt the truth comfort of Gods word more effectual and liuely in trouble then he could doe without trouble which also made him more godly wise and religious when the trouble was gone Wicked men are somwhat good whē they are in affliction but so soon as they are deliuered they return to their old sinnes as ye see in Pharao These are like Iron which is soft and will bow at the workmans wil when it is in the fire but soon after it is drawn out it returns to the old hardnes These men vse repentance as worldlings doe an old garment which they put about thē in time of a showre but cast it away so soon as the weather becomes faire It is otherwise with the godly the fire of affliction purgeth their drosse and makes them finer all the daies of their life so that with good Ezechia being once rightly humbled they recount their by-gone sinnes in the bitterness of their hart all their dayes VER 72. The law of thy mouth is better vnto me then thousands of gold and siluer DAuid at this time beeing spoyled of his kingdome by Absalom as Basile thinks reioyceth that hee found more comfort in Gods word then all the gold or siluer or treasures of Canaan could afford And indeede the lesse worldly comfort wee haue the greater find we the comfort of the word of God But heere his speech is to be marked for hee calls the word the law of Gods mouth Which leades vs to consider two things concerning it the authoritie of the word and so it is from Gods mouth the ministery of the word so it comes from mans mouth Sometime men looke to the ministery of the word and not to the authoritie of it and then it is no maruell they disesteeme of it euen as Samuel ranne to Eli when he should haue runne to God because hee thought the voice that called him had been but the voice of Eli. So many regard not the word because they take it to be the voice of man and not of God Then thousands Worldly riches are gotten with labour kept with care lost with griefe They are false friends farthest from vs when we haue most need of comfort as all worldlings shall trie to be true in the hour of death For then as Ionas gourd was taken from him in a morning when he had most need of it against the Sun so is it with the comfort of worldlings It is farre otherwise with the word of God for if we wil lay it vp in our harts as Mary did the comfort thereof shall sustaine vs when all other comfort shal faile vs. This is it that makes vs rich vnto God when our soules are Storehouses filled with the treasures of his word Shall we thinke it pouertie to bee scant of gold and siluer An ideo Angelus pauper est quia non habet iumenta c. Shall we esteeme the Angels poore because they haue not flocks of Cattell or that S. Peter was poore because he had not gold nor siluer to giue vnto the Criple No he had store of grace by infinite degress more excellent then it Let the riches of gold be left vnto worldlings wee haue to remember these are not currant in Canaan not accounted of in our heauenly countrey If we would be in any estimation there let vs inrich our soules with spirituall graces which we haue aboundant in the Mines and treasures of the word of God IOD VER 73. Thine hands haue made mee and fashioned mee giue mee vnderstanding that I may learne thy commandements THis verse hath a petition for vnderstanding and a reason with it I am tho workmanship of thine hands therefore giue me vnderstanding Nemo est qui operibus beneficus suis non faueat There is no man but he fauours the works of his hands And shall not the Lord much more loue his creature especially man his most excellent creature whom if yee consider according to the fashion of his bodie Nihil poteris in terra pretiosius iudicare ye shal find
nothing on earth more pretious then hee Sed in eo quod non videtur multo pulchrior est but in that which is not seene namely his soule hee is much more beautifull So ye see Dauids reasoning is very effectuall all one as if he should say as he doth elswhere Opus manuum tuarum ne deseras Te authorem conuenio te teneo conditorem aliena praesidia non quaro Forsake not ô Lord the worke of thine hands thou art my author and maker thine help I seek and the helpe of none other No man can rightly seeke good things from God if he consider not what good the Lord hath already done to him But many are in this poynt so ignorant that they knowe not how wonderfully God did make them and therefore can neither blesse him nor seeke from him as from their Creator and conseruer But this argument drawne from our first creation no man can righly vse it but he who is through grace partaker of the second creation for all the priuiledges of our first creation we lost them by our fall So that now by nature it is no comfort to vs nor matter of our hope that GOD did make vs but rather matter of our feare and distrust that wee haue mismade ourselues haue lost his image and are not now like vnto that which God created vs in the beginning Giue mee vnderstanding Dauid knew that a man without vnderstanding were hee of neuer so noble bloud or comely of personage he is but a companion of beasts and therefore the Spirit of GOD commonly giues the stile of a man vnto man eyther made or restored to the image of God But a man destitute of that image Aut serpentem aut equum aut vulpeculam aut iumentum vocare consueuit he cals either a serpent or a horse or a foxe or a beast That I may learne Hee sheweth heer what is the vnderstanding which he craued namelie that hee might learne to obey the commaundements of God It is not wisedome in Gods account for a man to knowe all other things and be ignorant of himselfe neither is this learning to haue knowledge of all Sciences and secrets of Nature and to be without godlinesse This is the beginning of all wisedome To feare GOD and the Art of Arts to practise pietie To this purpose said Ambrose Quid tam obscurum quam de Astronomia tractare profundi aeris spatia metiri relinquere causam salutis error is quaerere Where if saith hee it be obiected Was not Moses learned in all the learning of the Egyptians let it be answered So hee was but hee thought all this wisedom losse and foolishnesse in comparison and turned to seeke GOD with inward affection Ideoque vidit interrogavit audiuit loquentem Deum hee saw therefore hee asked and heard God speaking vnto him VER 74. So they that feare thee seeing me shal reioyce because I trusted in thee THe godly in ordering their life haue a respect first vnto God that he may haue glory Next to themselues that in conformitie with God they may haue peace and comfort And thirdly vnto his neighbour to giue vnto him that is godly matter of ioy and edification by his godly life according to that precept of our Sauiour Let your light so shine before men that they seeing your godly conuersation may glorifie your Father who is in heauen Beside this appeareth the great power vertue of godlines that euen the very sight of a godlie man ministers ioy to the godly terror to the wicked Plerisque iusti aspectus admonitio correctionis est perfectioribus verò laetitia to many men the sight of a righteous man is a warning of correction For they are admonished what neede they haue to amend their life that they may be like vnto him but to such as haue profited more in godlinesse it is alway a matter of ioy Quam pulchrum ergo si videaris prosis How excellent a thing then is this that as oft as thou art seene so oft thou doost good And againe there is such a fellowshippe and communion among all the liuely members of Christ his mystical bodie that they mourne together they reioyce together the grace of God cōmunicated to one is a cause of ioy to al the rest Bonis enim insitū est vt virtutes su as in alijs amēt It is the propertie of the godly to loue those vertues in others which either they haue or would in themselues to enuy the good of another and be grieued thereat is a diuellish thing Infirme Iosua may murmure when Medad and Eldad prophecie in the assembly of the people but meeke Moses shall reioyce and wish that all the Lords people did prophecie in like manner Because I trusted in thee Gods working with any one of his seruants is a confirmation of all the rest for what hee is to one that feares him he is vnto all that feare him So that mercy shewed to any penitent and promises performed to any beleeuing man should confirme vs in the assurance of the like fauour of God to bee found by our selues if we also repent and beleeue in him VER 75. I knowe O Lord that thy iudgements are right and that thou hast afflicted mee iustlie THis Verse consists of a thankesgiuing wherin he ascribes to the Lord the praise of truth and righteousnesse in afflicting him Many vse to praise God in prosperity who in time of trouble impatient of his heauie hand murmure against him but such as are truly godly do then blesse the Lord most heartily when he seems to deale with them most hardly giuing him the praise of equity and acknowledging that his greatest rodds are not so great as their sins as also the praise of fidelity that according to his word he afflicts his children for no other cause but to purge them and make them more capable of grace and consolation I know How is this seeing the Apostle saith Rom. II. that the iudgements of God are vnsearchable and his waies past finding out The answer is Dauid doth not so speake as if he were priuy to al the secret waies of God but that thus much hee knew in generall that all his iudgements whereby he strikes eyther the godly or the wicked were all right suppose the causes and particular ends of them were secret And this knowledge is learned out of the word The Lord is righteous in all his workes and holy in all his wayes And againe All the wayes of God are mercie and truth to them that feare him And againe All things worke for the best to them that loue him And it is the want of this knowledge that makes vs oftentimes to murmure or faint and be discouraged at the works of God apprehending in our ignorance that to be euill which in Gods working is good and directed to a good end For if