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A17158 A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence with a consolacion and comfort against death / newly corrected by Willyam Belleyn, the autour thereof. Bullein, William, d. 1576. 1564 (1564) STC 4036.5; ESTC S255 80,303 210

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shall alwayes doe you seruice and loue you with all my harte and bee at your Lordships commaundemente and to my power séeke to please you as my good lorde and Maister Mors. You are well ouertaken I am glad that we are met together I haue seen you sins that you were borne I haue thretened you in all your sicknesses but you did neuer see me nor remēbred me before this daie neither had I power to haue taken you with me vntill now For I haue commission to strike you with this blacke dart called the pestilence my maister hath so cōmaunded me as for golde I take no thought for it I loue it not no treasure can kepe me back the twinklyng of an iye from you you are my subiect and I am your lorde I will cut of your iourney separate your mariage but not cut of your yeres for thei ar determined when I should come this is your apointed time and when the time shalbe apointed me I will smite your wife childrē and seruauntes thei shall not bee hidden from me I will finde theim forthe be thei hiddē neuer so secrete or flee neuer so swift or far of for I am so swifte that in the momente of an iye I can compasse the whole worlde and am of so wonderfull a nature that I can be in sondrie places at ones and in sondrie shapes in flames of fire I oftentimes doe cōsume mankinde in the water I do kil thē I am marueilous in worke I spare nothing that hath life but I bring to an ende and to myne owne nature whiche is death Ciuis Sir I moste hūbly desire you to suffer me to retourne home again into the citee and let my goodes in order to thuse of my wife and children to paie my debtes then godly to depart this worlde I desire no more Mors. I muste dispatche and strike you with this blacke darte I haue moche businesse to doe with the other twoo dartes Ciuis Oh fearfull Death what is these two● other dartes in thine hande Mors. I will smite thee with this pestilent dart as I haue doen to many kingdomes citées and people bothe man and beast yong and old With this pale dart I will destroie infinite nombers with honger thei shall perishe for lacke of foode in destruccion of corne cattell wine oile fruit herbe grasse foule and fish I will make them eate their owne fleshe and make their own children to be soddē and rosted for them With this thirde dart I will in battaill slaie in nomber more then the Starres of heauen and bathe my self in blood I spare not one neither Prince nor Peasant against whom I doe cast this dart I haue no respecte of any persone be thei neuer so noble riche strōg wise learned or cunning in Phisicke thei shall neuer preuaill against me but I will ouercome theim I come into the Kynges chamber at the time appoincted in force of Phisike and cast my darte that none shall se but fele I often come into the counting house and sodainly kille the money teller I ouerthrowe the Daunser and stoppe the breath of the singer and trippe the runner in his race I breake wedlockes and make many widdowes I doe sit in iudgemente with the Iudge vndoe the life of the prisoner and at lēgth kill the Iudge also him self I doe somone the greate Bishops and cut thē through their rotchettes I vtterlie blemishe the beautie of al Courtiers And ende the miserie of the poore I will neuer leaue vntill all fleshe be vtterly destoied I am the greatest crosse and scourge of God Ciuis What is the cause O fearfull Death that thou doest scourge the face of y e yearth with thy Dartes and who hath sente thee for that purpose Mors. Neither is the saiyng of the Philosophers or Poetes true whiche compt that I come by chaūce to mortall thinges or inquiring the cause of the matter or Depriuatione in materia or of generacion and corrupcion And some other do affirme that I do come through the cōcorse of the starres infecting the aire poisonyng liuing thinges And therefore the Heathen in fearfull Tragidies and stories haue admonished the vain worlde to repent by setting forth of me Death Some of theim daily had the dedde heddes of their parentes broughte to their tables to mortifie their vanitees withall And al these men whom I haue slain wer Heathen men But I am the messenger of God his scourge and crosse to all flesh good and bad and am the ende of life whiche do separate the bodie from the soule I am no feigned thyng by the wise braines of the Philosophers but onely through the disobedience of your first parentes Adam and Eua through whose fault all fleshe is corrupted subiecte to me Death for through sinne came death Truly my maisters anger was so great in your parentes that he suffered me to plague with my hande the beste in his churche as Abell Esaic Ieremie Zacharie Ihon Baptiste and Iesus Christ his onely sonne whiche suffred me and seing that my maister hath commaunded me not to spare his onelie childe with his Apostles holy Martires Dooest thou think that I should beare with thée or suffer any in this wicked worlde He sent me to Sodome with his Angels to burne thē To droun bloodie Pharao And to slea the kinges of the Heathen Also I was at their endes although al fleshe doth abhorre me Yet Iudas and all desperate men did call vpon me Thus doe I ende bothe good and bad but precious in the sight of the lorde is the death of his sainctes and many bee the scourges of wicked men I am in gods hādes as the sworde is in the man of warres as it is written The lorde doeth kil quicken again And it is he that did create euil that is pain or death light and darkenesse And whereas he hath not set his strōg angell to bridle me I am mercilesse and will kill all where as the token is not set vp or his marke vpon them whom he doeth forbid me to touch And that is not vpon thee nor vpon many thousandes that liue most wretchedly Thy daies ar but a span long thou art like a flower in the field thy daies are passed like a shadowe Thou haste run thy race and thy daies are consumed like smoke and thou shalt scante liue to drawe thy breath I must destroie this thy ye● this mansion I am so commaunded haue here is thy rewarde suffer it paciently I muste goe presently to visite a gre●te nomber sodainlie that doe not remember me I will cutte them doune with my sithe like grasse and kill them with my three fearfull dartes The paines of helle doe followe me to swallowe vp all fleshe that dooeth not repent them of their wickednesse Ciuis Oh wretched man that I am whether shall I ●●ie for succoure Now my bodie is paste cure
in this tyme of my trouble with this holie consolacion in Christe in whom I dooe beleue renounsing the worlde the fleshe and the deuill beleuing all the articles of my Christen faithe acknowleging the blessed Sacramentes to bée the instrumētes to euerlasting life and saluacion in Christ by the whiche God doeth worke in his Churche to the worldes ende to theim that shalbe saued one Trinitee and three distinct persones coequall in vnitee in one essence being is my God the father created ne the sonne redemed me and the holy ghost sanctified me and inspired me wher by I knowe that I am his elected and one vndefiled mother the Churche hath thus taught me in that blessed booke of Patriarkes Prophetes Martyres and Iesus with his Apostles whiche is Gods worke now master Theologus my time is at hād I praie you saie some thing of the resurreccion and then lette vs praie in the name of God together that it maie please hym to forgeue me my sinnes whiche I haue cōmitted againste heauen and yearth and to receiue my soule into his blessed handes Theologus Good brother not onely the doctrine of Prophetes and the Euangelistes doe promise the Resurreccion to come of some to saluacion and some to damnacion but the same resurreccion is moste manifeste As for example Christ himself and other did rise and wer seen to many in Hierusalem and by the space of .xl. daies he taught the Apostles and was conuersaunt with thē and then ascēded into glory vntill the time appoincted to iudge the quicke and the ded when he shall sende his angelles to gather all fleshe vnder heauen from the .iiij. windes and sitte doune in iudgement saiyng come to me you blessed of the father and receiue the kingdome prepared for you frō the beginning Furder he saith this is the will of my father which hath sent me that all that doe see the soonne and beleueth in him shall haue euerlasting life and I will raise him in the laste daie and the holy Apostle saincte Paule moste heauenly doeth preache the resuraeccion to the Corinthiās Thy dedde shall liue saieth Esaie and thy slain shall rise again and those which slepe in the duste shall rise the yearth shall caste forthe their dedde bodies I will creat both heauen and yearth newe saieth the Lorde and put the old out of my remembraunce many saieth Daniel that lie a sléepe in the dust shalbe wakened again some to life euerlasting and other to reprobacion God saieth I will open their tombes and bring them forthe and the holy man Iob saith I knowe that my redeamer liueth and that in the laste daie he shall raise me againe out of the yearth and shalbe clothed again with my Skin and in my fleshe I shall see God whō I shall see with these same iyes and with none other These are comfortable and moste true places of holy scripture for the resurreccion of the dead you are assured in cōsciēce of this blessed resurrecciō life euerlasting in Christ Iesus our lord Ciuis Yea forsothe deare Theologus but my speache is almoste paste yet I thanke God I knowe you all and I beseche hym to blesse you and when my spirite is gone I praie you burie my bodie with comelines not with pompe and vse it as an instrument wherin the soule hath dwelled and whiche the soule shall posses againe in honour in that blessed resurreccion Theologus Lette vs moste humblie here vpon our knees with our hādes lifted vp towardes the heauen desire God the father for Christes sake to receiue your soule into his glorious kyngdome O dere citezen reioyce and be glad that thy labour is almoste past rest is at hande feare not the paine of death For it is impossible to escape that whiche can not bee fledde or auoided For it is written who is that man that liueth and shall not see death none no not one therefore suffer it my sweete harte pacientlie and that is an argumēt of good ronscience and of an heauenlie mynde Your wife mourneth immoderatly oh God all fleshe was borne to die This happened to our parētes as father mother c. And shall not faile to all that shall folowe vnto thende of the world or comming of Christ. For surelie sweete life was neuer without the excepcion of bitter death it is no noueltie therfore whē we doe heare tel of the departure of any of our frendes let vs not fall into a sodaine passion as onely the high priest did which hearyng of the death of his children felle doune and brake his necke But rather cōstauntlie with wise Anaxagoras whiche hearing of the death of his beloued sonne saied to the messenger this is no newe tidynges nor straunge to me as sone as he was borne I knewe that he should die for of natures lawe is learned life to be taken and resigned no man dye but he whiche haue liued Oh leaue your lamenting good maistres why rage you like one whiche haue no hope Be absent or vse moderaciō remember holie Iob thesame daies when the Lorde permitted Sathan not onelie to destroie his seruauntes and cattell but also before age in the lustie tyme of youthe in the feast daie at one table his dere children of his bodie were all broken in peces and slain with the violent fal of the hous What did he rende his heere or fleshe no no he considered who sent them and who did take theim euen the Lorde whom he moste obedientlie suffred and reuerentlie thanked Furder good sister remember S Hieromie taking GOD to witnesse of an holie woman whose housebande was ded ▪ whom he moste tenderlie loued by whom she had but twoo sonnes of singuler beautee wanting no gift of grace or of nature whiche bothe died the same daie wherein their father departed When this Crosse was saith s. Hierom who would not haue thought that she would haue fallen madd in rending her heere breastes clothes and skin running vp and doune wailing and criyng with pitefull wringing of handes What did she Firste she weeped not one teare but moste soberly with a womanlie countenaunce she humblie kneeled vpon her knees holdyng vp her handes renderyng thankes and makyng praiers to almightie GOD saiyng moste humblie I thanke thee good lord for that that it haue pleased thee to take me into thy seruice I am sped oh lorde for thou haste discharged me c. Take also for an example the most worthie constauncie of that paciente woman whiche without moche lamentaciō did with her own iyen behold her dere children slain their members cut in peces and boiled in caldrens Marke how constantlie of late yeres childrē did se the flesh of their fathers mothers c. burn in the fire moste pacientlie sufferyng And againe fathers beholding their childrē doe the like What did thei r●re like Lions c. No no but reioysed that God had of their blood stocke
aungell commaunde Sathan to departe make cleane his conscience with a gladde mynde to reioyce onelie in thy mercie for vaine is the helpe of man but thy mercie doeth endure for euer wee are thy people and the Shepe of thy pasture to thee wee shall geue praise for euer and euer Amen Ciuis Amen Amen Lorde receiue my soule into thy handes thou God of truthe Theologus THe mightie God of Angels and the former of al thinges visible and inuisible in whose hādes is onely life and death light and darkenes and all the mociōs of the soule and bodie without the moste mightie God all thynges had been nothyng and of nothyng all thynges are made by thee without thy Christ and thy blessed spirit whiche is one coeternall trinitée all fleshe were accursed all consciences molested and all soules vtterlie dampned From light into darkenesse from fredome into euerlasting reprobacion but by Iesus Christ thine onely sonne we thank thee dere father of all mercie that now it hath pleased thee to take to thy mercie at this present time our brother whom thou haste elected consecrated and now he shall by thy mercie and pitee bee sanctified vnto thee to be a citezen of eternall glorie now dode fleshe and bloode forsake him and all his worldlie strength faileth hym Now is the Orgaines yeldyng vp the heauenlie sounde his soule cometh now vnto thee good Lorde receiue it to thy mercie into thine euerlastyng glorie where as Abraham Isaac and Iacob are continuallie to thee oh heauenlie father be incessaunt honour and glorie AMEN ¶ The ende of the Dialogue A Copie of a letter to Frances Barlowe by W. B. WHē the time of trouble draweth nere good Frances Barlowe as death whiche shall separate the soule from the body if we be not ware and wisely prouident we shal stand in great daūger of losses first we shall lose our health strength and beautie wherein we haue delighted and all our censes as pleasure of sp●che ioye of harte and the cōfortable sight of the eies wherwith we do daily behold all the pleasures of this world c. we shall lose all our furder treasures laudes and substaunce and also our liues and as dung be cast into the earth and finally our soules banished from Gods blessed presence or resting place Therefore let vs call my Fraunces to our remembrāce the fearfull curses of almighty God agaīst our sinnes and the cause of our plagues whiche is our abominable liuing in sinning against God in thought worde and dede against heauen and earthe in pride wrath idolatrie fornicatiō swearing lust gluttonie stopping of our eares against grace and the woorde of truthe let vs call to remembraunce how that we haue doen wrong to eche other in woorde deede in flaūdring or in hindring by bargainīg c. Our brethren for whom Christ hath died whom we haue hated not pitied in their extreme sorowes and aduersities haue not paied their labours and trauels let vs repent and call for grace and restore now while we are in the waie of grace in that that we can not make satisfaction for oure sinnes by no merites of almes praiers oblations c. whiche are vncleane in Gods eine as cōcerning the remission of our sinnes as Iob saieth how can he be clene that is borne of a woman beholde he wil giue no light vnto the Moone and the starres ar vnclene in his sight how muche more mā a worme euen the sonne of a man whiche is but a worme which in beholding of his sinne hath no cause but to dispaire and to be dāpned what remedy in this case none but with al spede by faith lift vp your hed and beholde euen Iesus Christe on Gods right hande pleading our case excusing vs to his father whiche praieth to him for vs and is heard and Sathā beten doune and Gods Aungels set at our bedside with spirituall armour for vs in this battell of death against Sathan to conducte vs to that happie landerlet vs knele doune and firste saie whatsoeuer God doth sende to vs life or death his name be praysed his will bee done in earth as it is with his Aungels in heauen desiring him to be fed with his liuely worde and blessed sacrament the immortal fode for the soule passing al worldly treasures or phisick for the body that it would please him to pardon our trespasses and offences in thought worde and dede against his diuine maiestie euen as we doe forgeue our enemies soche faultes as they do here in earth against vs and that in the time of agonie or paines of death he suffer vs not to fall into temptation or bee ouerladen vnder our crosse but that his hande may helpe vs and deliuer vs frō this vile life full of miseries and bring vs into the lande of the liuing in doing this you shall be moste happie and blessed let vs submitt our selues to him that hath made vs we haue not made our selues we are his vessels and are in his sight can nat flée from his presence nor runne beyonde that rase whiche he hath appointed vs he bringeth death and restoreth again to life in the resurrection Oh be cōtent to render thesame talent which was but lent vnto you euen your body the giftes of nature and grace commit wife children and all to him He doeth no wrong he taketh but his owne Remēber he brought you in hether naked and how you doe liue but a smal time and ar ful of misery Like a flower for the time and shall passe away like a shadowe Alas we doe deserue great punishement but he plageth vs not according to the grauitée of our sinnes for then were we dampned or like vnto Sodome that perished without handes in the daye of Gods wrath and vēgeaunce Consider Fraunces that this is no newes or maruelous chaunce that you should change your life well it happened to al your forefathers from Adā to kinges and all the nobles of the yearth and to the poore also Al fleshe is grasse and wormes are the companions to the corse in darke graue or house of claye Yet there is a daie whiche God hath appointed whiche none can tel but himself in whiche he wil iudge both the quick and dead and call all fleshe before him both his very elect and the merriles reprobates and then body and soule shall remayne immortall together haue life euerlasting This hold fast dere Fraūces as an anker in this storme from death to life euerlasting Holde fast the .xij. articles of the Christian faith praie to the end onely to God the father by Christ remember his promises that at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent he will forgeue Cal he will aunswere vnto thy soule knocke and he wil open This time of your aduersitee and plague of the pestilēce doth make you forget all pleasures and delites paste
euen so remember this worlde is the more slippry and the pleasures doe compasse all vnderstanding to Gods elected Because I will conclude the time draweth at hande of our deliueraunce caste your care onelie vppon God almightie looke not backe again beware of by pathes either vpon the right or lefte hande but treade in the true path or very waie of Iesus Christ himself I praie you let Ambrose Barnes rede the xj Chapiter of saincte Ihons Gospell and the firste Epistle to the Corinthians Chapiter .xv. If the time had not been somoche spent and the venime so daungerous and the parties so weake and feble I woulde haue caused you to haue been letten blood and geuen you pilles contra pestem with cordials accordingly by Gods grace if that would haue doen you any good but take this cordiall in good part Thus God giue you the croune of life whiche Iesus Christ without our deseruinges hath purchased for vs in his precious blood His name bee praised Amen Your W. B. Fare ye well We must folowe when it pleaseth God To his louyng frende and brother M. Willyam Conscience Minister W. B. sendeth Salutacion IF the almightie God do take care for the foules of the aire and flowers of the fielde and prouideth nourishement for them how moch more for his beloued men that do faithfully serue him in the holy ministerie of his worde and sacramentes visiting the sicke and buriyng the dedde The Capitaine that doeth but serue a mortal Prince how so euer he spedeth life or death behauing himself wisely and valiauntly againste the enemie is worthy of worldly fame and honor moche more the Lordes armoured knight beyng his Aungel and mouth betwene him and his people that stande in daunger is worthie in Christe to bee noumbred crouned and placed emong his Aungelles immortall by this I knowe that you are no hireling but vnder Christe the true Shepeherde in that that you flie not from youre folde when that Wolfe Sathan with his companion Death dooe woorke their violence against the flesh soule In this case remember these wordes Nolite eos timere qui occidunt corpus c. Feare not thē whiche doe kill the bodie thei can not kill the soule In this we dooe sée what the power of death is not onely to kille in vs the fower Elementes whereof the bodie is framed by sworde fire water sicknes c. But the soule is not made of any of theim but the Creatour of al thing hath made it moste pure of nothing vpon whiche soule death hath no power because it is of nature immortall But so long as bodie and soule are together not deuided that is called manne And whatsoeuer thinges ar seen with bodily iyen are ordeined for the same bodie and the bodie for the soule and the soule for God The life of the bodie is the soule and the life of the soule is God so for synne the bodie is ruinated and shalbe in dust vntill the resurrection But in the fal or death of the bodie the soule dieth not but is deliuered whē the snare of this flesh is broked The fleshe with the sences are dedde but Anima cum ratione sua doe stil liue therefore I trust and knowe that you doe consider wisely thre thinges The first is the world with the wretchednesse therin worthy to bee despised The second our owne knowledge of our selues our synne our sicknesse and whereof wee are made euen of repugnaunte éelementes Thirdly is to laie hande of eternall blessednesse remēbring the mercifull promises of God As come to me all you that are heauie ladē either with affliction of minde pouertie in Christ sicknesse or death and I shall refreshe you This is the verie Phisicion of the soule euen Christe and the perfit quietnesse of conscience God hath geuen you a talent full godlie you doe lucrifie thesame and hide it not Therfore it shalbee saied moste ioyfully it is well dooen good seruaunt and faithfull thou haste been faithfull in little I wyll make thee ruler ouer moche enter into thy maisters ioie And againe he whiche doth continue to thende shall haue the croune of life Bee paciente my brother Conscience and settle youre harte for the commyng of the Lorde draweth nere and blessed are the dedde which dye in the Lorde for thei shall reigne with Christe in glory his name be euer praised and his will be fulfilled Amen Be of good comforte and caste awaye feare be merie let not the Pestilent corses nor the noyse of belles terrifie you Inter mortales te non mihi charior vllus Te plus quam verum diligo amoque fratrē Finis COLENDISSIMO FRATRI ▪ SVO IN CHRISTO MAG●STRO Richardo Turnero Theologo Guilhelmus Bullenus S. P. D. REuerendissime obseruandis sime frater puto te literas meas recepisse in quibus tibi scribebam regimen contra pesteē ac idcirco modo non ero prolixiori● febre pestilenti Nā omnis febris quam pestilentem vocamus prouenit e putredine quae fit ab excessum humidi Hac vero vt inquit Galenus febrē ex plurima humiditate putrefacta prouenire prutrefacta sine dubio potius quam a calore aucto fatendū est humiditas Ideo materia est putrescens in venis vnde calor naturalis valde afficitur vno die omnes virtutes decidunt vrinae sunt foetentes c. Galenus Auic Rafis Trallianus c. affirmant in febre pestilenti est multitudo obstructionum praecipuè vbi materia vrgit ad cutim caput Multitudo materiae cruditatum in causa est Cura est prohibere putredinē Obstructiones igitur sunt aperiendae cum humorū euacatione Sed si natura mouit tunc nihil mouendum est Hoc est autem remedium vt inquit Iohannes Baptist. Monta. Vironensis ℞ Syrup de Cichorio cū Rhabarbaro ℥ 1. ss aq●a Boraginis acetosae ℥ 3. in quibus citrum sit impositum decoctum deinde vnguentum pectorale contra pestē ℞ vnguenti Rosacei confortatiui mesues ℥ j. specierumcordialium ℥ j. Sandalorum alborum ℈ j. Rosarum siccarū ℥ ss misce simul artificiose fiat linimentū pro corde pro toto regione ventris Mirum est hoc remedin̄ cōtra venenum pestis Quod ad rationem victus attinet vbi est maxima putredo vt īquit Hyppo 17. Aphoris vbi coruptihumores putridi nihil perniciofius quam instituere tenuem victū quia inter exhibeas ius pulli ponas semper in tuo cibo praeter acetosam succū citri De reliquo velim tibi persuadeas quemadmodū legisti ī Galeno c. Vale vale iterum eruditis vir sisque bono animo Nunc literas cōcludo Nam plura non opus habeo scribere ne tuis optimis occupationibus in vi nea domini importune nunc obstrepere vi dear Martij
A DIALOGVE bothe pleasaunte and pietifull wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer Pestilence with a consolacion and comfort against death Newly corrected by Willyam Bulleyn the autour thereof ¶ Imprinted at London by Ihon Kingston Marcii Anno salutis M.D.LXIIII ¶ TO THE RIGHT VVO●shipfull and his singulare goo● frende maister Edward Barret of Belhous of Essex Esquier Willyam Bulleyn sendeth salutacions RIght worshipfull sir if any chamber haule galerie or any newe decked house were apparelled or hanged all in one mourning dark colour it would rather moue sorowe then gladnesse but no pleasure to the beholders of thesame Therefore the diuersitee or varietée of pleasaunt colours doe grace and beautifie thesame through the settyng foorthe of sondrie shapes and as it were to compell the comers in to beholde the whole worke Euen so I dooe commende vnto you this little booke wherein I write parte thereof in youre owne house whiche doe intreate of sondry thynges to you I doe hope not vnprofitable wherein I haue shortly described our poore nedie brother his pouerte● Callyng vpō the mercilesse riche whose whole trust is in the vain riches of this worlde intangled as it were emong Briers So that in the hower of death God is fardest from his mynde and the gooddes euill gotten are worse spent and come to nothyng at what tyme no Phisike can preuaile I haue also not forgotten the shamefull synne whiche raigneth in this worlde called ingratitude whiche linially came frō the loines of that false vilain Iudas neither the Sicophantes G●atos Liars and Flatterers of this worlde the verie poison of the soule Oh better saieth Salomon is the woundes of the frende then the kisses of the flatterer Furder how many meanes maie bee vsed against the Pestilence as good aire diete medicenes accordingly the whiche if it do not preuaile then commeth on the mercilesse power of death ouer al fleshe fearing no Kyng Quene Lorde Ladie bonde or slaue but rather maketh all creatures a like to hym Then dooe I conclude with the deuine Gods chief and moste beste instrument in the churche c. And as I dooe well consider a gentilmanne of your good nature can but take your freindes simple token in good parte Euen so I am sorie that it is no better to pleasure you yet geuyng GOD moste humble thankes for thesame who kepe you in good health worship This .xij. of Marche 1564. Yours euer William Bulleyn Nullus vnquam hominem mortalem beatumindicet antequam bene defunctum viderit ¶ TO THE Reader GOod reader when aduersitie drawethnere to any citee or toune and the vengeaunce of GOD appereth either by hūger sickenes or the sworde then ma●nes nature is moste fearfull but yet worldly prouidence to helpe thē selues whiche in the tyme of prosperitee or quietnesse is careles and forgetfull neither mindefull to fear God nor pitifull to helpe their neighbour in aduersitee And whē thei are touched by the fearfull stroke of the Pestilence of their nexte neighboure or els in their owne familie then thei vse medicines flie the aire c. VVhiche in deede are verie good meanes and not againste Gods worde so to doe then other some falleth into sodain deuocion in geuyng almose to the poore and neadie which before haue dooen nothyng els but oppressed thē and haue doen thē wrong Other doe looke frō their hartes Gods liuelie woorde and refuse grace offered by Christes spirite thinkyng there is no GOD. Some other are preuented by death in their flourishyng yeares whiche in the Crosse of death haue their onely consolacion in Iesus Christ. All this is discribed here in this plain Dialogue praiyng you pacientlie to take it in good parte From him that is yours to commaunde W. Bulleyn gloriosior est quam mala vita A DIALOGVE ¶ The interlocutours are twelue persones Mendicus Ciuis Vxor. Medicus Antonius Roger. Chrispinus Auarus Ambo dexter Mendax Mors. Theologus Mendicus GOd saue my gud Maister and Maistres the barnes and all this haly houshade and shilde you from all doolle and shem and sende you comforte of all thynges that you waud haue good of and God and our dere leddie shilde and defend you from this Peste Our father whiche art in heauen hallowed bee your name your kyngdome come your will bee doen in yearth as it is in heauen c. Ciuis Me thinke I doe heare a good manerlie begger at the doore and well brought vp how reuerently he saieth his Pater noster he thoues not GOD but you hynt Gods blessing on his hart I praie you wife giue the poore man some thing to his diner Vxor. Sir I will heare hym saie the Lordes praier better before I giue him any thing Ciuis What a reconyng is this Dame doe as I commaunde you he is poore wee haue plentie he is very poore and hongrie therefore dispatche him a Gods name Vxor. Soft fire maketh sweete Malte he shall tary my leasure Mendicus Maistres if you Ie angrie with the saiyng of my Pater noster in Englishe I wil saie it in Latin and also my Deprofundis But so God helpe me I doe not ken nene of theim beth Vxor. I thinke thesame soche Carpenter soche thippes your curate is some honest man I warraunt you and taketh moche paine in feding his flocke as seemeth by your learning I praie you what coūtrie mā be you Mendicus Sauyng youre honour gud Maistres I was borne in Redesdale in Northumberlande and came of a wight riding sirname called the Robsons gud honeste men and true sauyng a little shiftyng for their liuyng God helpe them sillie pure men Vxor. What doest thou here in this countree me thinke thou art a Scot by thy tongue Mendicus Trowe me neuer mare then gud deam I had better bee hanged in a Withie of a Cowtaile then be a rowfooted Scotte for thei are euer fare and fase I haue been a fellon sharpe manne on my handes in my yōg daies and brought many of the Scottes to grounde in the North Marches and gaue them many greislie woundes ne mā for man durst abide me luke I was so fell Then the limer Scottes hared me burnte my gudes and made dedly feede with me and my barnes that now I haue nethyng but this sary bagge and this staffe and the charitie of sike gud people as you are gud maistres ▪ ause I haue many of my sirname here in the citee that wade thinke no shem on me yea honeste handcraftie men Ciuis How gote you in at the gates my good frende Mendicus Deare sir I haue many cuntrith men in this faire citee that came of honeste stocke in our lande and some a little beyonde vs twentie or threttie miles that can make pure shifte in the citee and in the countres ause I came in ne place but either the persone Bailie Conestable or chief of the parishe is of our countrith borne and some pure men as myne awne self God ken Emong whem the Bedle of
euery man taketh parte with herbes trees and plantes The seconde parte of the soule is named sensible in this part man and beast are bothe a like in mouing c. The thirde parte is more whiche is racionall or hauing reason And this part of reason hath both acte to doe well and power to do euil And these ij are called Intellectiue whiche learneth deserueth and iudgeth in euery thing that maie be seen felt heard or vnderstanded but the power vnreasonable as sodaine raging criyng c. Is ascribed vnto the Lion Horse Hogge c. How like you this maner of talke yet here is no scripture but Aristotle I assure you Antonius Then it should appere that the soule hath vertues how many I praie you Medicus The first vertue is called Intellectual frō whiche springeth wisedome science prudence And the .ij. is called moral which is the mother of many good thinges as chastitee liberalitee humanitee good maners Antonius What is the cause of these twoo vertues in the soule Medicus The vertue Intellectual ingendereth and is nourished by learning of good tutours and men of experience or readyng of good bookes of Philosophie whiche is a secrets vertue in the soule And also the morall cometh by good custome and not by nature as if one manne had twoo soonnes the one brought vp in keping cattelle the other in daily learning good lessons although nature did frame their bodies like in shape yet thei should not bee like in condicions morall prouideth that naturall thinges in them bothe can not bee moued by contrarie custome For stones naturally though thei be cast neuer so high by arte yet must thei naturally fall doune againe Euen so of fire being driuen doune yet it will caste his flames vpwarde so vertue is not in vs by nature but onely by power to receiue theim for euery thing that is in vs by nature first it is in vs bi powers after cōmeth to acte as it commeth to the senses of mankinde For none can deny but first● manne hath power to heare see feele c. So the power doeth preuente and cometh before the acte in nature Antonius Then if power goeth before thacte then a man is called honest good or chaste before either nonestie goodnesse or chastitie appereth in him Medicus In thinges morall euermore the acte goth before the power An example a Schoole-maister is called a Teacher because of his learnyng whiche is the worke goyng before the power And the cause of a good mā is his good woorkes and so of the eiuill whose woorke is either dronkennesse aduitrie thefte c. thei make him euill Antonius Then it should appere that this thyng called Actus or woorke bringeth vertue and vice in man Medicus What els doeth not euery man that liueth eate But if he eate to moche or to little doeth it not bring sicknesse Euen so of to moche laboure or idlenesse of to moche boldnesse or cowardnesse are not these actes vicious and euill And dooeth not one meane moderate them bothe Extreames are euer hurtfull Antonius What remedie then I praie you Medicus Nothyng is better then a meane called temperaunce whiche is gouerned by prudence whiche is euer contente betwene bothe and reioyseth in it Antonius So then if a man felle into extreme aduersitie and sustaine it paciently in his sickenesse pouertie or cause of grief call you this a meane or no. Medicus In euery woorke or sufferyng there is pleasure or displeasure If a manne doe reioyce in trouble in chastitie in bearyng of cruell wordes or slaūder the same is a prudent manne and his suffering maketh it a meane to him but other men that are chastised and will suffer outwardlie and it greueth theim in so doyng thesame is vicious and lacketh meane or prudence Antonius Hath the soule any delites in her or no Medicus Yes trulie in three thinges The first● profitable wherof springeth housebandrie to nourishe the yearth as also Phisicke to help the bodie knighthod to go to battel c The seconde is delectable as taking pleasure in thinges doen which is chiefly nourished of the soule in whiche consisteth al● the pleasures of the worlde The thirde is called good that is to be vertuous louing sober paciēt and also to the soule or minde are enioyned habite power and passion Antonius Haue yong childrē the soule in al poinctes as womē haue or no in operaciō or elecciō Medicus Aristotle saieth that operacion of the will of the soule is common to children but the eleccion or choice be not in them to will Antonius What is will in the soule Medicus The will is the entente but eleccion is the antecedent to the entente for eleccion goeth before operacion or woorke and the worke doeth followe thesame as doyng of thinges buiyng selling and all the artes and sciences are so to be considered Frste by eleccion then by operacion as by art I doe proue you to haue the pestilence experience hath taught me whiche yong children can not knowe as Gramer Rethorike Musicke Phisicke before thei haue lerned thē or begun with their principles Antonius Now I will stoppe and laie a strawe and commen as yet no more of the matters of the soule but onely of the body and namely in this poinct of the pestilence What is the cause of thesame good Maister doctor Medicus That whiche we doe se we do testifie and ●hat which we do testifie is true Therfore no man ought in matters which apperteineth to the estate of life to write fables or lies but that which is of great aucthorite● and of good experience This pestilent feuer saith Hipocrates is in two partes cōsidered the first is common to euery man by the corrupcion of aire The seconde is priuate or particular to some men through euill diet replecion which bringeth putrifaccion and finally mortificacion And Galen in the diffrences of feuers doth affirme thesame saiyng Vnam aerem viciatum ac putridum alterā homoree corporis virioso victu colectos ad putrescendū paratos Auicen also Tractus quartus de febribꝰ pestilentialibus cap. i. Whē there doeth come a sodain alteracion or chaunge in the qualitie of water frō cold to heate or transmutacion frō swetenes to stincke as it chaunceth in waters through corrupted mixture of putrified vapour inf●ctyng bothe aire water whiche of their own simplicitie are cleane but through euill mixture are poisoned or when strong windes doe cary pestilēt fume or vapours from stinkyng places to the cleane partes as bodies dedde of the plague vnburied or mortalitie in battail death of cattell rotten fennes coming sodainly by the impression of aire creping to the harte corrupting the spirites this is a dispersed pestilence by the inspiracion of aire Also by replecion Uenus bathyng or openyng the pores rotten foode frui●t moche Wine or immoderate laboure or the time being hote and moiste These are greate
no Phisike can preuaile the sorowes of death doeth compasse me rounde about the policie of the worlde with feare bad me flie and vse Gods meanes as Lot did whē Sodome was a fire But now doe I se who so escapeth honger and the sword shalbe ouertaken with the pestilence I am at the pittes brinke now begin I to waxe weake in bodie I am verie drie my paine dooeth increase he is gone that did strike me but I doe fele his wound that he gaue me Alas woe is my vile stinkyng carkas and filthie fleshe conceiued and borne in sinne depriued of originall iustice compared to a beaste in Adam fallen as a rotten Aple from a liuing trée What haue I gotten my Lorde God by my fall nothing els but onely darkenesse care miserie affliccion sickenesse paine agues and now in myne harte Death moste painfull it self Now for all my pompe healthe wealthe riches and vaine pleasures of this worlde this my bodie whiche I haue bothe costl●e clothed well fedde and garnished with all delites for whose sake I haue been couetous and sinned against Iesus Christe to maintaine thesame bodie From hēceforth therefore now shall I bee tourned into a stinkyng carrion for wormes delite dust claie rotten moste vile forsaken of al mē poore without substaunce naked without clothing sowen in dishonour forgotten of my posteritee Not knowen from henceforthe vanishe like a shadowe wither like a leafe and fade as a flower Oh vncertain life but moste assured death fie on this filthie shadowe of this worlde and flattryng of thesame with all the instrumentes of the fleshe Oh Lorde although I be in this extreame trouble yet haue mercie vppon me according to thy greate mercie and louing kindnes For I doe make my praier in the tyme of trouble trustyng that thou wilt heare me Roger. Maistres the fearfull thing that talked with my Maister is gone Let vs go heare what newes with him Vxor. I am glad it is past thankes be to God I will go with spede to se my housebande for he hath been in greate daunger Roger. Sir I am glad that he is gone the deuill go with him hath he taken all your gold Ciuis No I haue my golde in store for in the worlde I founde it and in the worlde I muste leaue it it is but vaine and can not helpe in the time of this my trouble God hath preuented me and somoned me to appere before his seat This death hath smitten me I must dye Vxor. Alas my good swete housebande what aileth you Or what would you haue me doe for you to helpe you in this case Ciuis Helpe me into some house where as I might sende for some manne of God to be my heauenlie Phisicion teachyng me the waie to the kyngdome of Christe Roger. Here is a house at hande and here is your horse also we will helpe you vp and carrie you to this place Vxor. Now sir you be come here into this place for gods sake discōfort not your self I trust you shall doe well you shall want nothing that maie be had for mony gold and siluer I will sende for your own brethren and sisters You shall haue withal spede the best learned Phisicians in this Realme in the meane tyme drinke Dragon water Mithridatū mingled togither to put this passiō from your hart Ride Roger and seke a Phisician with al spede spare not the horse Ciuis Soft sirra and speake with me and doe what that I dooe commaunde you in the name of Iesus Christ. Roger. Sir looke what your maistership shall commaunde me to dooe that will I dooe with all spede and tary not Ciuis Go thy waies and praie moister Theologus to come to me that I maie haue his counsaille praie him to come with speede deliuer him this token Roger. I shall in the meane tyme good maister be of good cheare for Gods sake Vxor. Alas what shall I doe my poore childrē Ciuis I haue set my worldly thinges in order for so hath Gods worde taught me to do I thanke God and my debtes shalbe truelie paied and whatsoeuer any poor man doeth owe me I do forgeue them and restituciō shall I make with all spede to as many as I haue wronged And I shall leaue plentie to you and my children requiryng you to liue according to Gods commaundement obeiyng him all y e daies of your liues and remember death and to doe to all men as you would be doen vnto To liue chast either in Mariage or a life sole vse praier chast your bodies with abstinence Bee pitifully minded hate vice beware of wicked companie loue well the temple of god visite the prisoners and helpelesse this is good Religion in the iyes of God As nere as you can kéepe the commaūdementes of the almightie God and beware of idlenes and pride of harte lamente no more good wife For who can kepe that must nedes a waie me thinke I heare Theologus come Theologus Sir God the heauenlie Phisicion blesse you and geue you the perfite consolacion of conscience in Christ his sonne and geue you grace mekelie to beare this his crosse Ciuis You are hartely welcome deare Theologus I haue thoughte it long since I did sende for you Theologus Your man declared to me by the waie a pitifull storie which happened to you this daie Furder I had soner been with you but one maister Antonius sent for me but or I came he was dedde and Auarus and Ambodexter is in his house preparyng a solemne funerall for hym Ciuis Oh sir then I haue no cause to reherase the matter new again but seing my fleshe is nere the pit and in a maner my breathe faileth me beyng woūded with death and that I am of twoo partes bodie and soule the one paste all cure the other in hope of saluacion I desire if it please God that I maie liue to thende of your oracions Declare vnto me what is the cause of sinne Theologus The Deuill was the first cause of sinne as it is written in Genesis how with a lie he deceiued the woman and thei that committe sinne are of the Deuill for he hath sinned from the beginnyng of the worlde and is the firste aucthour of sinne The seconde cause was manne declinyng from God and credityng the Deuill by whiche man sinne entred into the worlde and all the calamities and crosses therein as sorowe dread feare pouertie sickenesse and death it self all to punishe sinne Ciuis Oh lord how I haue erred I had thought God had been the cause As when I rede these woordes Indurabo cor Pharaonis I will indurate y e hart of Pharao with soche like places his induracion was the cause of his sinne and who did indurate him but God And when it is said ne nos inducas ī tentationem neither lede vs into temptacion c. Here I gathered it was God that led
vs into temptacion for which cause we desire him not to lede vs into tēptacion c. Theologus You haue mistaken those places for God is not the aucthour or cause of sinne for he did so moch abhorre thesame that nothing could pacifie his wrathe vnder heauen no merite or woorke but onelie the blood of Iesus Christ his sonne And for this word I will indurate the verie worde in Ebrue is I will suffer Pharaos harte to bee hardened And so it was in the Lordes praier it is Ne sinas nos induci neither suffer vs to be led or fall into temptacion c. Therfore my brother it was the will of Sathan and man that caused sinne Ciuis Why hath not manne will to doe good again if he luste Theologus No if he had the eleccion to will as first he had he would doe the like therfore it is in a sure hande euen in Gods and not in ours As when men doe speake the truthe it is not of their owne will or power but the heauenlie spirite in them by almightie God are al the steppes of men directed though man fall into sondrie temptacions he shall not be cast of for the lorde putteth vnder his hande whiche is a greate comfort to vs in trouble when we are vnderneth the crosse Without him we can dooe nothing that is good No man can take any good thing vpon him except it bee geuē to him from heauen and no man dere brother can come to the sonne of God vnlesse the father hath drawen him not his wil whiche is moste wicked frō his youth vpwarde as appereth in our vile nature thought woorde deede And who so euer hath not the spirit of Christ is not of Christ but those which are led of the spirit of god are the soonnes of God and this commeth not by mannes will and power For the worldlie minded man dooeth not vnderstande or perceiue those thinges that are of Gods spirit without whiche he can not be saued bee he neuer so learned and can dispute of the soule makyng distinctions of knowlege and iudgemente callyng it the minde or intelleccion or reason or desire whiche is the will vnder whom the affeccion is gouerned whose spring is the hart All these make not to the heauēly purpose but rather stāding vpon soche trif●es doth hinder the waie to saluacion in Christ and robbe him of his passion when we doe attribute fredome or frewille to come of our selues but that we are in Gods handes as his instrumentes through him to woorke soche thinges as best maie please him and he withdrawe his holie handes we can do no good therfore submit your self to Christ and his wille for oure willes are malignaunt and dampnable in his iyes Forsake your praue will and humbly submit your self to Iesus Christ saiyng now before our death Our Father whiche art in heauen hallowed 〈◊〉 name thy kyngdome come Thy will bee dooen in yearth as it is in heauen c. And thus I doe conclude of free will in vs and faithfully looke for the reward not of workes but of mercie onelie onelie purchaced by the Sacrifice of Christe thankyng hym that he hath made you mercifulle to youre brethren in this worlde whiche was the fruictes of faithe by whiche faith in his blood we are saued and shall receiue our almose or rewarde and not our duetie for wee are vnprofitable when we haue doen our beste Ciuis What rewarde is that I praie you Or what promises are graunted by Christ Theologus The reward is the remission of sinnes and life euerlastyng graūted by the father for Iesus Christes sake frelie without our woorkes for there is none other saluacion vnder heauen geuen to menne but onelie Christ. In him we doe merite as whē wee are mercifull wee haue a promise of this presēt life and the life to come And in this worlde also an .c. fold and in the worlde to come euerlastyng life And who that geueth one of these little ones a cup of water for my names sake shall not lose his rewarde And he commaunded to geue promising it shalbe geuē to them again And further he saieth breake the breade to the poore and it shalbe to thee like a gardein He saith not let thin executors or assignes geue the poore when thou arte dedde but thou muste dooe it thy self in this worlde Now while it is lighte for the night is at hand I meane death when thou canst not worke Remember Diues lost the tyme could not call it backe again whiche waileth in hell hath no reward for he trusted not God nor rewarded any man Furder recōcile thy self to thy brother for els thou canst not please God though thou wrough test all good woorkes and gaue thy bodie to bée burned for charitee is so precious in Gods iyen that who so wante it can not reigne with Christ. Therefore forgeue frō thy hart and thou shalbe forgeuen Make not thy will vpon goodes gotten by vsury nor by any thing that falsly in bargening thou hast taken from thy brother for then thou shalte not dwell in Gods tabernacle Neither shal thy children prospere vpō the yearth but God will hate them to the .iij. iiij generacion for thy sinne examen well thy conscience death hath wounded thee whiche is common to al fleshe in thus doyng thou shalt passe from death to euerlastyng life by Christe and neuer taste vpon the seconde death emong the impious or castawaies Contesse thy sinnes from thy harte aske mercie be thei neuer so red and many in nomber Iesus hath washed thē in his blood and sprinkled them with Hysop and made thē as white as snowe now plaie the man in Christ feare not to depart this world Christ is gone before with his holie Apostles Prophetes Martyres Cōfessours and Uirgines penitente thieues and harlottes also there is the armie of angels before his throne with ioye incessantlie honouryng hym Hell gates are sparred sathan beaten doune thy ●innes rased the good Angell at hande to conducte thee to that blessed lande of rest here is nothing but labour daies of care sinne wretchednesse a thousande crosses the snares of the deuill and many vanitees the fleshe moste inconstaunte the worlde a place of miserie and sinne bid it farewell taking thy leaue with the badge of a christen man of Christ crucified remember that promise made in thy Baptisme arme thy self with the brest plate of faithe continewe to the ende and thou shalt receiue a croun of life thy crosse taken awaie cast thy hole care vpō Christ and he shall deliuer thee at hand and geue thee the holie resurreccion of bodie soule to dwell in one for euer with hym Ciuis Oh what comforte in conscience I haue receiued first I render thankes to God the father the sonne and the holie ghost secōdly blessed be the hower of your commyng hether
Incarnati 1564. Tuus ad o●a Guil. ●ullenus AMANTISSIMO AC PRObissimo viro magistro T. Gaylo Chyrurgo Guilihelmus Bullenus S. P. D. BOnam valetudinem cum corporis tum animi ▪ a deo opt max. tibi precor optime vir Nihil est hoc tēpore quod tibi scribam quàm quòd libellum quem mihi donasti legi et iterū legipro quo tibi ago gratias habe● vt pro sumno munere Nam ex eo intellexi amorem et animū quem erga me geris operam tuam perspexi nō solum mihi sed omnibus qui vbique sun● Anglis futuram vtilitati Nostrum eui●● omnim̄ haberi possunt amatores cultores libri tui insignissimi Quā obrem quid magis mihi gratū esse potuit hoc munere praesertim cum a tali Chirurgo mihi datū sit cuius rei nūquam me capiet obliuio sed quantum potero gratias referri libenti animo faciam Opto te bene valere ac interim me tibi comendo doctissimo viro magistro Bactero humillime meis verbis gratias agi meque plu rimum comendare desidero Martij 28. Anno incarnati 1564. Tibi deditissi●●● Gui●●helmus Bu. ¶ The Table of this presente booke A Poore manne seking relief Fol. 7. A wiues aunswer to the poore man idem A tale of the poore mannne against coueteousnes 2. ● 4 Antonius Capistranus the richeman 5. Antonius the Phisician idem A subtile marchaunt man 6. Antonies aungelles idem A swete texte idem A medler with no scripture 7. A good indifferent man idem An infidell idem A man of good religion 8. A papist a protestant idem A nulla fidian idem A fine garden idem A piller in a garden 9. Antonies armies idem A good obseruacion idem An exclamacion of Skeltō 10 A saiyng of Chaucer 11. An admonishion of Lidgat idē A young Courtier idem A saiyng of sir Dauie Linse to Englande and Scotland 12. A saiyng of the Phisicion 13. A●arus a pettie fogger idem Am●o dexter idem A blacke Sainctus idem Am●o dexter gapeth for Antonius deat● 14. A maidē in Antonius house 14 A simple practise 15. A craftie villaine idem A cousin made 16. A periurer idem A serpent idem A good companie 17. A lande where as no sicknesse is 18. America idem A dredfull case 17. A troubled conscience 19. A Pothicaries repētaunce idē A tyme to purge idem A yerely reward 20 A greate losse idem A knauishe lackey idem A mule loste 21. Aristotle de coelo mundo 22. A discripcion of the soule 23. Actus what it is 24. Aduersitee 25. Actr●● de rei medic● .26 Auicen noteth of the pestil 27. Anticedent of the pestilence 28. Aire infected idem Auicens counsaill 30. A pouder for the plague 31. A drinke for the pestilence idē A perfume for the pestilēce 32. A medicen for a carbuncle 34. A cauiat for a Chyrurgi●n 35. A lotion for a sore 36. A medicen for the plage sore 16 A Cicatrice moste best 39. A healyng oyntment idem A Cordiall idem An Epicures talke 40. A horsewoman 42. A nise cockney of London 43. A churle incarnate 53. A tale of Foxes idem An epitaph of a couetous 54. A young man well nurtred 56. A parler with many things 57 A taker a catcher 57. A wicked iudge 60. Note aduersitee 62. A lesson for a lubbar 65. A wretche which refused good counsaill idem A russen 67. Amber grice 69. A greate losse to England 70. A good common wealth idem A swimmyng lande 71. A praier in death 82 A letter to maister Willyam Aileward called Cōsciēce 85. A letter to maister Richard Tu●ner of Canterburie 83. A letter to maister Thomas Gaile Chyrurgian idem B Beastes did speake Fol. 45 Borders in a cloth 57. to 86 Barnit fielde 44 Byrdes of straunge shapes 68 Bankruptes 65 C Clisters ●● Closenes in vsury ●● Children sicke of the mother Fol. 59 Cruell women 70 Christes death 82 Carbo antrax 33 Causes of the pestilonce 27 D Dogges and women 45 Death killeth Fol. 78 Death worketh Fol. 78 Death horrible Fol. 78 Death wil not be intreated 75 Death what it is 76 Death endeth all 7● Death destroieth all 75 Death apereth with three dartes 74 F Flatterers of noble men ●1 Faire fieldes 73 Feare and dred ibi Fre will in man 83 G Gloses 17 God 23 Golden raake 58 Good ayre 29 Good obseruations 32 Gentle Roger. 75 Galen ad Pisonem 42 Gentleman what he is ●3 Galen de diffe feb ●● H Honest landlordes 9 His wiues councell 33 Honger 76 Hosteler 56 I Ingratitude 48 Iacke Drake ibi Ionge Renob 52 Iacke a napes played at tabies ▪ 69 Ionge and folishe 67 K Knauery 50 M Mony doth great mischief 60 Mulier a naughty worde 57 Many vsurers 55 Magus and Iudas 58 Makeshiftes 66 Mendax is described ibi Mendax kinred armes 63 Mendax hath ben in florida ●● Mēdax brīgeth good newes 8 Mixed bodies 22 N Newes from Florida 63 No w●nde but turne some to profite 45 No●e this well 48.50 P Phisitiō doth wel 25 vntil 40 Pirates vndoes 27 Promotion spirituall 59 Ponicamber 38 Perfu●● idem Peace and vnite 64 Prudence 25 Pestilence 2● Petty foggers 1● Purging the body 36 R Rasis de peste 2● Ruf. contra pestem 28 Rogers writing 46 Rogers pleasant talke by the waye 46. c. Rewarde in Christ no merit in vs. 83 Resurrection of the dead 84.85 T The iii. elementes 22 Trouble of mynde 29 The best remedy of y e plague 33 To know the Antrax 35 The tale of a Lion 46 The ●rutes of vsury 55 The Lorde Crumwell idem The discriptiō of Ro. prela 60 The Popes practise 61 The gretest crosse 77 The holy trinite 85 The holy churche idem W Weomē haue wormes in their tongues 7 Witchcrafte 75 What the soule is 83 We can cary nothing away 79 Wher it taineth double bere 74 Who shall shoe the mule 62 Who may not blede 30 Well fished ●● FINIS Psalm xv A constaunte manne by his gesture A blacke sanctus A craftie villaine Pettie Foggers sitte for the Pillerie Honeste felowes Gloses A good compaignie A dreadfull case A troubled conscience A great losse Aristo de c●l● mundo The fower Elementes Mixed bodies God The three partes of the soule Example Temperance Aduersitee Prudence Profite Pleasure Uertue First elecciō then operaciō Pestilence The cause of the pestilence Hypocrates de flatibus Gale●●● libri i. De differen●●●● ▪ Feb. Cap. v. A●tius de remedica libri v. Paulus libri ii ●afis ● li. de pest Gal● libri i. De diffe●●●● ▪ ca. iiii Hyp. 〈◊〉 xix Causes and signes of Pestilence Ruff. ●uict● Fatetur Actiu● Cap. xcv ●ibr v. viii Paulus Libri Cap. xxxv Primatime Antece lent Coniuncte Causes of the Pestilence Good aire Gale de ter i. ad Pi●o Cap. xvi Ptul li. ca. xxxvi Auicen de preser a peste f●u