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A15000 A godlie treatise, intituled the view and down-fall of pride Wherein is declared the cause of Babylons destruction, and Nabuchadnezzars subuersion. Set forth by William Wheatley Maister of Art, and preacher of Gods word. Whately, William, 1583-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 25304; ESTC S113244 73,130 192

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will and so should death our life Therefore it is said Ecclesiast 7.36 Aug. lib. 2. de doctr Christ. Remember thy end and thou shalt neuer do amisse And so Timor de futura morte mentem necessario contulit quasi clauus carnis omnes motus superbiae ligno crucis affigit The feare of death to come of force fretteth or disquieteth the minde and as a naile of the flesh it fasteneth or pinneth all the motions of Pride to the stocke or altar of the Crosse But the forgetfulnesse of death and that woe that followeth together with the contempt of godly patience and long suffering maketh men forget that the bountifulnesse of God is to leade vs vnto amendment of life And therefore with the slothfull beast they are euen fatted against the day of slaughter wallowing in their sinne as the sow in the myer like the sluggard who rowles himselfe vpon his bed saying Yet a little sleepe a little slumber a little foulding of the handes to sleepe In like manner those that be proud with the vsurer the whore-maister the extortioner and oppressor c. say with themselues one day after an other Yet a little more Pride a little more vsurie whoredome extortion oppression c. yet a little more nay a little more yet So they haue neuer inough lyke Hell which cannot bee satisfied And as they thirst after sinne so Hell gapeth after them And deare bretheren bought with the blood of the immaculate Lambe of GOD without repentance destruction shall come vpon them and euerlasting death shall gnaw on them Then shall they see what a faire thred they haue spunne Nothing could content them but Hell will containe them Therefore aright remember thy ende and let that mooue thee to applie thy heart vnto wisedome Take the counsell of the holie Ghost Walke whilest it is called to day While ye haue the light beleeue in the light that yee may be the children of the light And behold now the accepted time behold now the day of saluation the night commeth when no man can walke And these may be causes why the time of death is not reuealed CHAP. VIII Of those that deferre to repent and think they shall not die yet BVt notwithstanding this heere is a certaine fellowe called Shall that all this while lyeth lurking in the text which carrieth along a great deale of filth and still he is at all hands readie and sets his foote before men to keepe them from this resolution And makes them thinke yet it is but a sleight of the diuel that if they may haue him their friend if they may haue that day giuen them then they will doo bad ynough You thinke I should say well inough But read the second Chapter of Wisedome and you shall see what these Atheists both say and doo And surely this same presumptuous fellow Shall or some other his bastarde brother vndoubtedly brings men into some one or into all these wicked opinions 1 With the foolish bodie to say in their heart Psal 14.1 There is no God 2. Or else neuer to remember or regarde death with the rich man in the Gospel who said to his soule Luk. 12.19 Soule thou hast much goods laid vp for many yeares liue at ease cate drinke the poore would if they had it and be mery or take thy pastime 3. Or else they thinke that after death there is no woe Wisd 2.5 And so they say desperately Surely wee will walke after our owne imaginations and doo euery man after the stubbornnesse of his wicked heart and practise it because our hand hath power 4. Or else they put farre away the euil day I. They thinke they shall not die yet and so approach to the seate of iniquitie Thus shewing themselues to be of the number of those mockers whereof S. Peter speaketh which say Where is the promise of his comming Such things do they imagine and goe astray for their owne wickednes hath blinded them But to answere this fellow and your backe friend Shall be ye well assured that he stands not in my Text to note the deferring or prolonging of iudgement but to shewe the certaintie and necessitie of an intollerable plague to come vpon Nabuchadnezzar and all such that are proud Therefore ô wicked man Be not deceiued that is Gal. 6.7 deceiue not thy selfe God is not mocked 1. Thou canst not mocke with God but Whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape This is true Thou shalt die thy time is set and it shall not tarry long though thou presume neuer so much vpon this Shall Which for to prooue the holie Scriptures are plaine And many men haue written long and large discourses heereof and daily experience doth manifest the same And a short Epitomie of all thus briefly may be shewed CHAP. IX What time men may account off to liue THe oldest men that euer liued in this world neuer sawe a thousand yeares Gen. 5. Psal 90.4 2. Pet. 3.8 And if they had Athousand yeeres with the Lord are but as yesterday seeing that is past as a watch in the night In agnitione diuinae virtutis Et preterita presentia Glos ord in Pet. ibid. futura aequaliter praesentia constant With the Almightie times past present and to come are all present alike And therefore it is saide onely of him Reu. 22.13 I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last And Christ saith Before Abraham was I am But come thou to thy selfe ô man looke of what time thou canst bee assured and of that thou mayest boast The time that is past thou canst not recall of that which is to come thou must not presume measure that that is present and take that for thine owne And this is the very instant and moment of time shorter then can be spoken of and therefore a short time will serue for to measure it But put all together and because thou shouldest not be imboldened to sinne neither expect by presumption any time to come the most sacred word of God sheweth that it is but short Holy Iob saith Iob. 14.1 Man that is borne of a woman hath but a short time to liue Which Paul confirmeth saying 1. Cor. 7.29 This I say bretheren because the time is short c. The shortnesse whereof is further made manifest by diuers Similitudes For mans life is compared to a Flower of the field To a grasse To a shadow To a vapore A vapore vanisheth a shadow fadeth grasse withereth the flower falleth all are soone gone and the dayes of man consume apace and passe verie swiftly Therefore they be compared vnto a thought To wind To a Weauers shittle To a poste To most swift ships and to an Eagle Then which what is swifter and then man what is britler Psal 39.5 Wherefore he is called an earthen vessell which is suddenly broken Therefore Dauid measuring out manlife he saith 2.
and whatsoeuer is vilde which shee once disdained should touch her shall now tread vpon her Yea stinke and rottennesse shall so preuaile against that bodie which was once so proud that none may abide it like Herods and Antiochus but all men readie to get her into the ground to auoyd her noy some smel which once abounded with Pomanders and must-balls Thus wee see a foule fall of filthie Pride neuer thought vpon before it come of the most Like Diues who neuer remembred hell vntill hee was in it Then he cried But if thou once be there Luk. 16.24 then neuer hope for helpe for Ab inferno nulla est redemptic thou shalt neuer come out Amend then before death come Ambr. lib. de bono Mortis c. 2. et in oratione de fide resur Aug. in Io. Tract 42. lib. Q. 2.65 32. Oreg in Epist ad Rom. lib. 6. Of death the auncient and learned Fathers haue gathered from the holie scriptures as the painfull Bees dooth hony from the flowers not only for themselues but for others Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra boues Therefore because that which is written is written for our learning I haue gathered from them both foure kindes of death 1 The death of sin generall 2 The death Mysticall 3 The death Naturall 4 The death Eternall 1 The death of sinne as Saint Ambrose calls it is the depriuation or losse or darkening of the Image of God in man like vnto which hee was creared Thus Adam dyed so soone as he had eaten of the forbidden fruit as God promised vnto him hee should And in Adam All die 1. Cor. 15.22 like as the braunches of a tree doo wither when the roote is dead Therefore the Apostle saith Rom. 3.23 All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God Ephe. 2.3 And were by nature the children of wrath and were dead in our sinnes Of this death many places testifie As Let the dead bury the dead Math. 8.22 Arise thou that sleepest stand vp from the dead c. See Galathians 3.22 Psal 14.1 Further search and thou shalt finde 2 Death Mysticall is to forsake sinne Quando quis peccato moritur deo viuit When one dyeth vnto sinne and liueth vnto God It is Qua a peccatis moriuntur whereby men die from sinne Of this Paule speaketh saying How shall wee that are dead vnto sinne yet liue therein Againe Ye are dead to sinne but are aliue to GOD in Iesus Christ our Lord. Of this death Christ speaketh saying The houre is come and now it is when the dead shall heare the voice of the sonne of GOD and liue Thus Paul dyed And so should we therefore hee saieth Mortifie your earthly members 3 Death Naturall S. Ambrose saith is Animae corporisque secessio The departing or seperating asunder of the body and the soule Thus Adam dyed and all we must die Only Elias those that shal be found aliue at Christs comming to iudgement die not thus but they shall be chaunged Which shall be in stead of death 4. Death eternall is the seperation of the soule and body from God and the kingdome of heauen and that for euermore Quae stipendium peccati nominatur Which is called the reward of sinne This Christ remembreth saying If a man keepe my word hee shall neuer see death Which the Euangelist calleth the Second death 1. The lake that burneth with fire and brimstone Into which the great Iudge of all the world will send all the wicked saying Go ye cursed into euerlasting fire Ioh. 8.51 which is prepared for the diuell and his angels Of these two last my text speaketh for Nabuchadnezzar and all the proud and abhominable of the world But know that wee all must to the first and third Math. 25 41. and they that come not to the second shall be sure of the fourth For the first the King cared not to the second he came not to the third hee was forced and in the fourth hee with all such shall neuer haue rest Cruciabuntur die ac nocte They shal be tormented day and night and that for euermore Now of these two last in order CHAP. IIII. What death is DEath naturall is described of many in seuerall maner but the sence or meaning is all one One saith death is Metoicesis tes psuches euthenthe eis allon topon A remoouing Translatio Abret ex Plat. Act. 7.59 Chrysos popu ad Antioch Hom. 7. Aug. in Iohn Ambr. li. de bono mort ca. 1 3. or translating of the soule from hence to another place An other Depositio sarcinae grauis An easing or vnlading one of a heauie burthen S. Ambrose saith death is Spirandi munere priuari To bee depriued of the benefite of breathing Againe Mors est absolutio animae corporis quaedam hominis seperatio Death is an absolution or discharge of the soule from the body and a certaine seperation of man It is like vnto a bill of diuorcement betwixt man and wife seperating that which before was one flesh Adultery is the cause of the one and the diuell sinne and thine owne consent thereto is the cause of the other But the most affirme that Mors aliud non est Aug. de cōso mort lib. 2. ca. 1. quam animae seperatio à corpore Death is nothing else but the seperation of the body and the soule It is like enuy that parteth friends asunder Therefore Ambrose vseth this saying of the Psalme he speaking of death Thou hast broken my bonds asunder Abr. li. de bono Mortis cap. 3. Because death breaketh open the prison of the soule Augustine saith That euen as famine is the defect of foode thirst the want of drinke and darknesse the absence of light c. euen so death is nothing else Aug. contra Pelag. Hyp. lib. 1. Nisi Nomen recedente vita But a name the life beeing gone To be short the Apostle Paul spake of death when he said I desire to be loosed So did Ionas when hee said Take my life from mee And Iob when he desired To be cut off This loosing taking away of life or cutting off is death By which the soule departing Paulatim saith Ambrose by litle and litle Ambr. de bono Mor. cap. 2. Soluat se vinculis carnis ore emissa euolat tanquam carcereo corporis huius exuta gurgustio She looseth her selfe from the bandes of the flesh and beeing got out at the doore of the mouth as the spies escaped through Rahabs windowe shee mounteth as being freed from the close darke dungion of the body as one bestirreth his heeles that is broke out of prison And this is death whither all must come But I thinke some scarce beleeueth it and therefore I wil proue it vnto them CHAP. V. That all men must die and when THat all men must die it is plaine for it is written Iosuah
2.15 What man liueth and shall not see death and shall hee deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue The woman of Tekoah hauing a sute to king Dauid the better to mooue him to graunt her request she put him in minde of his death saying Omnes We all must needs die c. for it is appointed vnto men that they shall once die Ortus cuncta suos repetunt Matremque requirunt The meaning is All things must to their mother from whence they were taken Gen. 3.19 Adam is earthy and therefore called Adam and must to the earth Eccl. 41.10 Coru. Gal. Aug. in Euch. ad Laur. cap. 93. de pecca Meri libr. 2. cap. 34. Aug. in Ps 38. as the wise man saith All that is of the earth shall turne to the earth againe Thnascomen homos hapantes Which the Poet doth well expresse saying Omnibus est eadem lethi via All die alike but seuerall meanes bring men to their end Of this thy very meate vpō thy table might put thee in mind For all things die for thy sustenance and thou shalt die for thy sinne The labourer is worthy of his hyer and the wages of sinne is death Rom. 6. Quo cunque te verteris incerta omnia sola mors certa Whatsoeuer thou shalt determin all things are vncertaine onely death is certain All flie at the sight of her whip as the dust before the winde She doth ransacke as wel the pallaces of Princes as poore cottages Both rich and poore young and old of what degree soeuer Ferentur shall packe with her there is no parlying about the matter But when shee comes as Iehu said to the messenger of Iehoram so will shee to thee Turne thee behinde me 2. Reg. 9.18 Follow thou me as Christ said to Peter Heu Heu quam surda miseros auertitur aure Boet. Et flentes oculos claudere saeua negat Which thus may be translated Alas ô woe from wofull men as deafe she turnes her eare And though they cry she doth deny any one of them to heare It is written of all Superiours Ps 82.6.7 I haue said you are Gods but a retreit is also sounded You shall die like men 1. Reg. 2.2 Cesar Hanniball Alexander Pompey many other the mightie Captaines and Monarkes of the world are dead King Dauid though the man after Gods owne heart said I go the way of all the earth 1. I die as all must Nay Iesus Christ was not exempted from this death Looke in the booke of God and you shall finde this the Period of life as well to the holy Fathers the Patriarkes and Prophet as to young babes Mortuus est and he dyed and the childe dyed Thus we see what death is and that all must die Now know this that none shall die before their time appointed of God but euen when theyr time is come which they shall not passe This some of the vely Heathen did consesse saying Stat sua cuique dies breue irreparabile tempus omnibus est vitae The effect is euery mans time is appointed short and vnrepaireable But the scriptures are plaine proouing the same Holy Iob saith Iob. 14. Are not his dayes determined the number of his moneths are with thee thou 1. God hast appointed his bounds which he cannot passe Which Caluin confesseth writing vpon the same place As Ioseph was cast into prison and kept in the stocks yet when his time came the King sent and loosed him euen so will God do by thy soule For as the Egiptians could not keepe the Israelites in bondage after their time was come to be deliuered no more can the body the soule nor the graue the body when God sendeth for their deiluerance Almightie God speaking by his Prophet of the destruction of the Egiptians saith They could not stand Ier. 46.21 because the day of destruction was come vpon them And for the death and destruction of all the enemies of Gods Church Daniel saith which also was reuealed vnto the Euangelist Iohn There is a time appointed Dan. 11.35.36 the determination is made You know many times the Iewes sought to kill Iesus Christ but when they would they could not as the Apostle saieth No man laid hands on him for his houre was not yet come And Salomon saith To all things there is an appointed time c. A time to be borne and a time to die The very minute or instant thereof thou shalt not passe as before is shewed And this is the ordinance of the Lord ouer all flesh CHAP. VI. Whether any die before their time BVt here some will obiect and say with Dauid Ps 55.24 25 The bloudie and deceitful men shall not liue halfe their dayes Againe God added fifteene yeares vnto the dayes of Hezechias And Ionas preached to Niniuie Ionas 3.4 saying Yet fortie dayes and Niniuy shall be destroyed Fortie dayes came and Niniuy was not destroyed Therefore to some their time is shortned for a plague and to some their daies are prolonged for a blessing as God hath promised And the time of death and certaine end of mans life is not determined First to the threatnings as also to the promises of the blessings of almightie God I answere that both containe alwaies a condition sometimes expressed in Deut. 28.2.15 Isa 1.19.20 Ezech. Sometimes not expressed as to Hezechiab 2. Reg 20.1 To Niniuy Ionas 3. And infinite other wicked people Gal. 5.21 Reu. 21.8 1. Cor. 6.9.10 And when God giueth grace to vs to do his will or leaueth man to his sin the condition is obserued or not obserued According vnto which the promise taketh place whether it be of a curse or of a blessing So that though we say commonly of them that kill themselues they shorten their daies or they die before their time indeed it seemeth so to the opinion of man yet in the decree of God it is not so But Gods iudgement was so determined vpon such a man and the like with Iob his children Malum paenae before the world was And his counsell shall stand for our instruction 1. Either to try or quicken our faith and expresse our patience to the example of other Iob. 1.22 as he did with the holy man Iob. 2. Or to expresse his owne power as hee did to him that was borne blinde The Disciples said to Christ Maister who did sinne this man or his parents that hee was borne blinde Ioh. 9 2.3 Iesus answered Neitther hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the workes of God should be shewed on him 3. Or else to shewe vs his high displeasure and punishment for sinne as he did against Nabuchadnezzar and the wicked of the world And with the Lord there is no shadow of chaunge So that through death punishments come vpon men by meanes ordinary and extraordinarie as Dauid effectually confesseth yet the time and houre and very instant thereof is
Cor. 4.7 Thou 1. God hast made my dayes as an hand breadth and my age is nothing in respect of thee Surely euery man liuing is altogether vanitie yea lighter then vanitie it selfe Now if I did shewe you what great consideration the verie heathen haue had of the shortnesse of mans life and the condition thereof I should not speake it without as great shame to those that do so lightly regard it as I may shew it to the praise of them that so truly thought of it Shall not they condemne thee They made account assurance of it but like a buble of water which is suddenly vp and suddenly downe Pindarus called man the dreame of a shadow And what is that Sophocles a breath and a shadow onely Horace Puluis vmbra dust and a shadow That this is true thou canst not denie and yet thy wilfull infidelitie thy deeds doo descrie For men liue as though there were no death or as though they cared not for any reckning to be had after death as if there were neither God to consume them in his wrath nor diuell or hell to torment them in the flame with Diues But thou mayest see that our time is short which to the glory of God should bee spent And no further assurance to bee made of any time temporall but that which is present and therein to prepare for the houre of death Which some dooing do ioy at death comming others omitting doo tremble and quake Now heare who these bee and why this is so CHAP. X. To whom death is fearefull ALl those men which are the wicked and abhominable from euery good worke reprobate may think in soule conscience that death comes vpon them as the watchmen in the Tower of Iezarell did see Iehu hasting towards the Citie marching furiously then they imagine with themselues sure it brings no good vnto vs as Ahab said by the Prophet of God I hate him 1. Reg. 22 8. for he doth neuer prophesie good vnto me but euill And when they see that death is come indeed then they say as the wicked King did to Elias 1. Reg. 21.20 Math. 8.29 Exod 10. Art thou come to torment vs before the time As the diuels said to Christ What haue wee to doo with thee Get thee from vs as Pharao said to Moyses Moyses then departed but death will not saying to the soules of such 28. Luk. 4.35 Hold thy peace and come out of him As Christ said to the diuell in one that was possessed Then they hang downe their heads their countenance is changed their thoughts are troubled and happily their knees trembling knocke one against an other for feare like Balthazers when he saw the hand writing vpon the wall against him Therefore well saith the wise man Eccles 41 1. O death how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liueth at rest in his owne possessions CHAP. XI Why is death bitter FIrst because men doubt of their reconciliation to God who in their life-time haue contemned his cousell and set his correction at nought So that neither the word of God preached his mercie and long suffering offered nor his iudgements powred vpon them haue taken any effect in them But they haue followed their owne waies and one after their owne wicked imaginations willingly refusing to know stopping their eares like the deafe Adder at the voyce of the wise charmer spurning forward their soule to iniquitie as Balaam did his Asse against the Lord. Numb 22.25 Such men are condemned by the Oxe and the Asse The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his maisters cribbe but Israel what if I said England nay Leweis hath not knowne my people hath not vnderstood Isai 1.3 The reason is for they would not O Ierusalem Ierusalem saieth Christ which killest the Prophets and stonest them that are sent vnto thee how oft would I haue gathered thy children together as the henne gathereth her chickens vnder her wings and ye would not Luk. 13.34 Math. 23.34 That is euen when ye might therefore ye shall not when ye would For it is written I will laugh at your destruction saieth God by Salomon and mock you when your feare commeth when your feare commeth like sudden desolation and your destruction shall come like a whirlewinde when affliction and anguish shall come vpon you Then shall they ca● vpon me but I will not answere they shall seeke mee early but they shall not finde me because they hated knowledge and did not chuse the feare of the Lord They would none of my counsell but despised all my correction Pro. 1.26 Therfore I will surely cōsume thē saith the Lord. Ier. 8.13 The consideration of this is a wounding woe which if thy conscience tell thee cannot be helped it forceth thee to this out-cry with Caine Gen. 4.13 My sinne is greater then can be forgiuē Then the diuell will be ready to perswade thy conscience that thou art partaker of that great offence which is if we sinne willingly that is Gloss ordin Ibid. Nobis in voluntate peccandi manentibus Wee continuing in desire to sinne and forsake Iesus Christ as Iudas Saul Arrius Iulian the Apostate did Geneua note Ibid. After we haue receiued the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes but a fearefull looking for of iudgement and violent fire which shall deuour the aduersary And this also know that as the candle stinketh more beeing blowne out then if it had neuer bene a light so they that once haue had the truth and wilfully reiect and turne away from the truth shal haue greater iudgement and are more odious in the sight of God then if they had neuer knowne the truth For it is written It had bene better for them not to haue knowne the way of righteousnesse then after they haue known it to turne from the holy commaundement giuen vnto thē 2. Pet. 2.21 This doubtlesse doth make men tremble quake to remember death when they consider how farre they haue gone into sin and can finde no way out Then perhaps they begin to flee and to runne like the Egiptians pursuing the Israe●es through the redde sea but the waters ouerwelmed them before they could get out Exod. 14.35.28 And so may death thee for it is written Thou hole this night will I fetch away thy soule from thee Luk. 12.20 Then remember this my deare brethren and forget not how plentifull Gods word hath bene among you and praise his name for it with prayer to cōtinue it and know how greatly it hath bene contemned Whoredome is haunted and be not some of those curres heere that do vse to this carrion the Saboath is polluted the name of God is blasphemed vsurie and enuy with such like abhomination is vsed and yet will you say Gods word is regarded Bee not blinde but see how God hath warned our Towne by fire fearefull to behold with the plague of pestilence beating at
first and also of the Gretian Reue. 2.9 O the fearefull trembling that these and such like truthes of Gods holy word doo bring to a desperate soule at the remembrance of death Of which in their life time though they haue no feeling yet at the day of death they may bring a wofull griping Thirdly I omit to speake of the vnsatiable care worldly men haue to get their greedie desire to keepe and their loathsomenesse to depart from theyr Mamonisme worldly wealth and pleasure All which doth make them sorrie to see death and quake to thinke vpon it Ecclesi 41.1 Mat. 19.21 The worldling in the Gospell was loth and sorrowfull yea more he would not leaue his worldly pelfe to walk with Iesus Christ though hee was promised treasure in heauen And how wil those that be such grieue when they see they must in spight of their teeth goe with death of whome they are perswaded it neuer bringeth good vnto them but euil 1. Reg. 21.8 as Ahab was by the holie Prophet or messenger of the Lord Fourthly I would if any of my paines could preuaile with you to wring sinne from you shewe what reare God may strike into the hearts of wicked men at the remembrance of death when they call to mind 1. how they haue caused many to blaspheme Rom. 2.24 Mat. 18.7 and to commit sinne by their euil example And 2. do know that therefore their punishment shall be the greater As 3. to consider that the fathers wicked life shall be cast in their childrens teeth as Rom. 18.8 what was thy father but an Vsurer Extortioner●● Drunkard Eccle. 41.7 Wisd 4 6. a whoremaster or such like Of which saith the wise man The Children complaine of an vngodly father because they be reproached for his sake Will not these thinke you with a thousand the like cogitations driue terrour and feare into wicked mens hearts at the sight of death Fift and lastly when such wicked men doo call to minde how they haue seen the poore to be afflicted many and sundry wayes and haue not comforted them but haue rather sought diuersly to vexe them and so haue brought the curse of the people vpon them And herewithall remember how the poore shall be comforted Luc. 16.25 Pro. 10.7 Psal and themselues tormented and that their name shall rotte and their remembrance shall be cleane put out And also do perswade themselues that they be of the number of them of whom it is said Woe be to you that are full for ye shall hunger Woe be to you that now laugh for you shall waile and mourne Luk. 6.25 Then they may turne their faces to the wall with Hezechias but looke for small comfort and say What hath our Pride profited vs or what profit hath the pompe of our riches brought vs We sometimes haue had many in dirision and in a parable of reproach We fooles we counted their life madnesse and thought their ende would be without honour But they are reckoned among the children of God Wisd and shall haue their portion among the Saints But with vs it is not so 1. Psal 1.5.6 Wisd 4.14 we are like the chaffe which the wind driueth away from the face of the earth therefore we shall not be able to stand in the iudgements neither in the congregation of the righteous O the consideratiō of these things to a distressed soule plunged in distrust is iust cause to sorrow and mourne Of such it may truly be said Nasci miseria viuere paena mori angustia est To be borne is miserie to liue is a plague and for to die is anguish and woe And thus much to shewe you some causes why death is a terror vnto the wicked people of the world CHAP. XII Who feare not death NOw there is an other sort of men vnto whom death is neuer terrible but most heartily welcome And these are those spirituall minded men the number whereof is but small Math. 7.14 which haue the seale of the liuing God in their foreheads Reue. 7.3 Whose names are written in the Lambes booke of life Which haue made their long robes white in the bloud of the Lambe These haue the spirit of the liuing God by which they are sealed vnto the day of redemption and are not in the flesh but in the spirit because the spirit of God dwelleth in them Which spirit beareth witnesse vnto our spirits Rom. 8.9.16 that wee are the children of God and heires annexed with Christ if so bee that wee suffer with him that we may also be glorified with him or else not For after death there is a seperation of the soule from God into hell onely Math. 7.23 Which the learned doo call the death of the soule and the Euangelist Iohn Luk. 16.26 The second death Quam omnes patiuntur qui periculorum metu fidem abnegant mundo sese conformes reddunt Gualt in Hos 14. Hom. 44. Mat. 10. 1. Ioh. 2.15 Which all soules do fuffer that for feare of daungers doo denie the faith and fashion themselues like vnto the worlde But the Saints of God are free being iustified by faith and are at peace with God through Iesus Christ our Lorde And they do shewe forth their faith by their workes being borne anew not of mortall seed but of immortall by the word of God who liueth and endureth for euer And these beeing strong in the Lorde and in the power of his might doo cast away the workes of darknesse and put vpon them the armor of light euen the whole armour of God by which they are able to resist in the euill day and hauing finished all things they stand fast For their heart as the Prophet saith beleeueth in the Lord and they are not afraid to meete with their enemie in the gate Therefore if death come or the diuel or whatsoeuer they feare not For who shall laie any thing to the charge of Gods elect Rom. 8.33 It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne And so these are as willing to welcome death Luk. 2.25.28 Colloss 1.21 Psal 120.5 as Simeon was ioyfull to imbrace Christ because death is to them aduantage Therefore the Princely Prophet Dauid said Woe is me that I am constrained to dwell with Meshech and to abide among the tents of Kedar And againe Bring my soule out of prison Ps 142.7 1. Reg. 2.2 And a little before his death quietly hee said I goe the way of all the earth that is I know death is at hand Iob. 6.8.9 Ien. 4.3 This holie Iob wished for and Ionas praied O Lord take I beseech thee my life from me for it is better for me to die then to liue Paul knowing the same Rom. 7.24 saide O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the bodie of this death And writing to the Philippians hee saith Phil. 1.23.24 To abide in the flesh was needfull for them but
their life time subiect vnto bondage Heb. 2.14 Well therefore say the learned Marl. ex Pet. Mart in 1. Cor. 15.17 Ipse bellum nostrum pugnauit nos victoriae illius per fidem redditi sumus perticipes Hee hath fought our battaile and through faith wee are made partakers of his conquest So that we may say and not vse the Apostles words much amisse Wee know that hee which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also 2. Cor. 4.14 Euen when Christ which is our head shall appeare then shall we appeare with him in glory Collos 3.4 Then Sciant fideles se ex mundo migrare Calu. in 1. Thess 4. vt tandem colligantur in regnum dei The faithfull doo know that they depart out of the world that at the last they may bee receiued into the kingdome of God And then God shall wipe away all teares from our eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine for the first things are passed Reue. 21.4 So that euen in this world Insultare morti licet Seb. Mai. in 1. Co. 15. tanquam subactae quia Christi victoria nostra est Wee may triumph ouer death as conquered because the victorie of Christ is ours Then to end this thankes bee vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord lesus Christ Therefore my deare brethren be ye stadfast and vnmooueable and alwaies rich in the workes of the Lord. Why shuld you tremble at the remembrance of death Further there may be added a sift consideration which may make death comfortable vnto vs and though it be here last in order yet see thou too it as to one of the first chiefe which must goe before the rest And this is in thy whole life time carefully to expresse the truth and soundnesse of thy faith by thy good workes Iam. 2.20 Which GOD hath ordained that wee should walke in them Ephe. 2.10 because the bloud of Christ hath purged our conscience from dead workes to serue the liuing God Heb. 9.14 Which seruice of good workes must be done not as causes but as fruites that follow iustification Quia opera bona ex ipsius iustificatione operamur Aug. de Gram. Nobi Test ad Honorat ca. 30. Aug. ad Simpl. li. 1. Quest. 2. because our good workes doo spring from our iustification as light from the sunne And whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne And without faith it is impossible to please God But if thou haue this oyle in thy Lamps of faith and keepe not thy conuersation in the lusts of thy flesh fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the mind thou shalt be redaie for the Bridegroome with the fiue wise Virgins and death can doo thee no harme Nisi peccatum habueris non est quod mortem timeas Stella in Luk. 12. Tom. 2. fol. 73. c. except thou haue sinne thou needest not feare death but when thou doost transgresse the commaundement of the Lord then doest thou arme death and make it able and strong to fight against thy selfe Stella in Luk. 12. Tom. 2. fol. 37. But Mors sinullum adsit peccatū imbecillis inarmis venit Death where sinne is absent comes weake and vnarmed as I hope the Spaniard will if we haue no Traytors at home Well Amb. de bono mort cap. 5. Qui vicerit non laedetur a morte secunda He that ouercommeth to wit by the blood of the Lambe shall not be hurt of the second death Therefore Quod eam timeamus quae animae nocere non scleat Why should we be afraid of her that vseth not to hurt such a soule Feare ye not them saith Christ that kill the bodie but are not able to kill the soule Can the Bee hurt thee haue lost her sting And can death wound thy soule without thine owne sin The sting of death is sinne Resist the diuel and he will flie from thee and keepe death from thine owne sword of sinne and she shall not hurt thee The fire flameth and fumeth like a tyrant whilest it hath matter and the Diuell hath great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time But as God hath set the sea boundes which it cannot passe though it rage and swell horribly and as the strong winde may shake off the leaues from the greatest Oake but the stocke standeth firme euen so death the diuel and the world may a little trouble nature experience heerein hath taught me something but they cannot beate downe faith As examples of many doo teach Of holie Iob Sydrach Misach and Abednego Daniel the Prophet the Apostles and holie Martyrs Therefore saith the Apostle Paul I am perswaded Rom. 8.38.39 that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde But flie thou from sinne as from a Serpent the matter of this sire the baite of the Diuel and the sting of death by which thy soule is so wonnded that without the mighty worke of God thou canst not be saued Then cease to doo euill learne to doo well Proue your owne workes take the brest-plate of righteousnesse the shield of faith and helmet of saluation c. and fight a good fight None is crowned except hee striue lawfully Non datur Nobilitati palma sed cursui There is no respect of persons with God he seeth not as man seeth Therefore so runne that ye may obtaine do well and haue well For God rewardeth euerie man according to his workes not of due debt but of his louing and free mercie This is briefe One droppe of the Sea dooth taste the saultnesse of the whole and by this thou maiest sauour the truth Which beeing not to be withstood what maner of men ought we to be in holie conuersation and righteousnesse Why do we not shewe forth our faith by our good works Ambr. li. de Nab. Iezr cap. 14. Qui dines est in misericordia diues est in deo He that is rich in the workes of mercy is rich in God and this sacrifice pleaseth him But he that hath this worlds goods and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion from him as the mysers of the world doo that will not abate one penny in a bushell of corne to helpe the poore how dwelleth the loue of God in them Euen as Christ abode among the Gargesens he departed out of their coastes Therefore let not your Religion be in words as of most it is but in deeds as of all it should For pure Religion and vndefiled before God euen the Father is this to visite the fatherlesse and the widow in their aduersitie and to keep himselfe vnspotted of the world This beloued is Comes defunctorum Ambrose A
But syr God is comming downe with the shout of an Archangell as hee did to view the Ci ie and the Tower which the sonnes of men builded (y) Gen. 11.5 and to see whether they haue done according to the cry which is come vp into his eares And therefore to conclude this part take the counsell of the Apostle those which thus in any point haue liued be ashamed of your former conuersation as Adam was of his nakednes (z) Ro. 6.21 and hide your selues vnder the tree of life Christ Iesus take of the water that he doth giue and liue for euer Learne of him for hee is meeke and lowly and you shall sinde rest vnto yoursoules And as S. Augustine saith Erubescat homo esse superbus propter quem factus est humilus deus Let man bee ashamed for to bee proud for whose sake God so humbled himselfe And decke your selues inwardly with lowlynesse of minde If you will not hearken what followeth 1. Pet. 5.5 Thou shalt be brought downe to the graue to the sides of the pit 1. To hell as after you shal heare And thus much for the first part or proposition You see how she will mount and be like God Now you shall heare how God doth allow it The second part of the text opened likewise in the Chapter following Thou shalt bee brought downe to the graue The text vers 15. to the sides of the pit And as Saint Ierom translateth it into the depth of the pit In profundum Loci 1. The bottome of hell Here I note two things First the fall of Pride Secondly the place whither shee shall fall In her fall I obserue first who threatneth her fall Secondly of what power or strength the threatning is Thirdly how God effecteth his threatnings or purpose vpon the proud The place heere appointed for the proud is first the graue and then the sides of the pitte CHAP. I. Who dareth to tame those proud before spoken off HEe that heere threatneth to bring downe the proud that rise vp against Gods Church Dent. 28.58 2. Esd 8.21 c. is the Lord God whose throne is glorious fearefull Whose name is inestimable and his glory is incōprehensible before whom the hoast of Angels stand with trembling And shall not his excellencie make you afraid Iob. 13.11 Who after in this Chapter as often in the scripture is called the Lord of Hoasts Isay 1.9.24 10.26 Ier. 11.28 29.8 because he hath all things in heauen and in earth and euery where else at his commaundement as souldiers vnder him And he saith to one goe and he goeth to an other come and he commeth and to his seruant doo this and he doth it as the Centurion told Christ hee did Mat. 8.9 Now consider if the commaundement of man were of such force the commaundement of God is greater If the Centurion were to be beleeued why should not God This God the Lord of Hoastes that planted thee ô man hath pronounced a plague against thee Thou shalt bee brought downe Paul the Apostle saith It is God that iustifieth who shall condemne And now it is God that speaketh who dares to withstand In the bat●●●● betwixt Israel and Ame-Iech when Moyses held vp this ha●d Israel had the better And when God taketh the matter into his hands he will preuaile For it is written Who shall bee able to stand before him when he is angry Euen none at all For at thy ●ebuke ô God of Iacob both the chariot and horse are falue This the proud Egyptians knew in spightfull en●ie pursuing Israel Therfore euery one said I wil flie from the face of Israel for the Lord fighteth for them And will not Priae and all sinne flie now God is bent against them When proud Haman had made ready his gallowes and was come to the Kings Court minding to get and take Mardoche the Lords seruant that he might hang him a contratie winde to Hamans expectation had hoyst vp Mardoche to fauour Hest 6.10 11. and Haman in stead of a hangman to shut his breath which hee intended became Mardoches footman and hera●ld to proclaime his honour which hee sore disdained and for which he was no lesse grieued then Ahab was when he could not get Naboth his vineyard Ahab came into his house heauie and in displeasure And euen so Haman hasted home mourning and his head cou●red and tolde Zereth his wife and all his friends all that had befalne him Then said his wise men his wife vnto him If Mard●che be of the seed of the Iewes Hest ● 12 13. before whom thou hast begunne to fall thou shalt not preuaile against him but shalt surely fall before him And indeed no more he did For Hamans head was a button for his owne hal●er and his body became the clapper of his own bell to ring his soule to hell To be plaine he was hanged vpon his owne gallowes Now beloued if Hamans wife and his wife men knew that he should not preuaile against Mardoche because he was of the seed of Israel Shall Pride thinke to rise and preuaile against the Lorde which is the God of Israel who casteth out the heathen before him and bringeth the counsell of Princes to nought and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect whose throne is the heauens and the earth his foot-stoole whose glorie is ouer all the earth who filleth all things with the power of his maiestie euen God in his holie habitation No no. It is in vaine for the pot to stri●e against the Potter When the King of Iuda threatened warre to the King of Israel Rom. 9.20 the King of Israel returned this answere again That it was but the Thistle against the Cedar So he made account of the King of Iuda and of his strength 2. Reg. 14.9 but as of a thistle in regard of himselfe But God is of greater strength against the wicked to destroy them then the Cedar is in respect of the thistle to breake it There was a battle in heauē Michael his Angels fought against the Dragon and the Dragon fought his angels But they preuailed not neither was their place found any more in heauen And the great dragon that old serpent called the diuel Ephe. 5.5 Reu. 21.27 and sathan was cast out and so shall Pride and proud men The Psalmist saith All the beasts of the forrest are mecked and tamed by man but the beasts of Pride God wil came Sequitur superbos victor a tergo deus Sen. in Her furiente Zeph. 2.11 God will be vpō the backs of them He will take their matter into his owne hands he wil deale with them himself whom none else can match or dares meddle with Therefore saith the holie Ghost God resisteth the proud And againe 1. Pet. 5.5 Iam. 4.16 The Lord will destroy she house of proud mē that is their posteritie Thogh Pride be so stout
our doores and the sharpe sword of samine and hunger with many other diseases one presently after an other What haue these wrought in our hearts where is any reformation of manners Pride encreaseth c. Christ told the Iewes when an vncleane spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through drie places seeking rest and finding none Then he saith 〈◊〉 wil return into mine house frō whence I came and when he is come he findeth it emptie swept and garnished The● hee goeth and taketh vnto him seuen other spirits worse then himself they enter in and dwell there and the end of that man is worse thē the beginning Euen so shall it be with this wicked generation Pharao his heart was hardned to his owne destruction Is yours think you to saluation You should not forget that Esau Heb. 12.17 when hee would haue inherited the blessing hee was reiected for hee found no place to repentance though he sought the same with teares But what may wee looke for among whom I feare for our sinnes teares are as plentifull as snow in sommer There are none Corazin Bethsaida Sodome Math. 11.20 Gomor with Tyre Sydon Capernaum c. are in the lake of torments that burneth with fire and brimstone for contemning the word of God Diues would haue had Abrahā when he could get no helpe for himselfe to send Lazarus to warne his brethren Least saith he they come into this place of tormēts But Abraham answered againe saying Luk. 16.23 They haue Moses and the Prophets with whom we haue Christ his Apostles also let thē heare them As if he should say if they will not heare thē for such is that place of torments and woe prepared Peraduenture thou dost thinke to haue repentance at thy call as the Centurion had his seruants Thou seest by Esau thou mayest be deceiued Can an Ethiopian or Blackmoore change his blacke skin or the Leopard his spots and can you do well hauing learned all the dayes of your life to doo euill Who can bow a full growne Oake And who can repent when himselfe list What might bee said here of this matter without wearinesse But I will onely send you to one place more Then consider with your selues what cause wicked men haue to tremble at the sight or remembrance of death when they shall bee plagued for abusing the time of saluation and repentance offered and the counsell of the Lord with his louing correctiō 1. Pet. 5 7 God at at all times carefully as before calamitie specially called Israel from their sinnes by his holy Prophets And whatsoeuer is written is written for our learning Zach. 7.11 But they refused to hearken and obey therfore God denied to heare help them though they cryed when destruction fell vpon them When thou thinkest that God will do so by thee O how fearefull will the rememembrance of death bee Secondly as the remembrance of death is terrible vnto vs when we think that God will not heare vs 2. Chro. 24.20 lying on our beds crying and howling because we haue despised to heare him when his holie maiestie cried called for vs so also to consider that God is true in his promises that to them that cannot repent he fulfilleth his threatnings that he therefore is iust that hee is the God of vengeance 1. vnto whom vengeance belongeth that as hee is crowned with mercie so he is armed with iustice and in truth he will shew himselfe to plead against vs and to plague vs. And when thou O man doest call to minde vpon thy bed of death that thy life hath bene spent in vsurie extortion oppression Pride couetousnesse whoredome drunkennesse malice enuie and such like sinnes for which the curse of God is due this will make thee say of death as Israel did to Moses of God saying Let not God talke with vs least we die Exo. 20.19 So thou Let not death apprehend vs least we goe to hell Here now we may see euen what the feare of death is Ludelp Sax. in Mat. 10. Idem Ex Chris ibid. Non dolor exeundi de corpore sed disperatio vitae post mortem timet Idest mortem qui non putat se viuere post mortem The feare of death is not sorrow to die but the dispairing of life after death That is He feareth death that cannot tell what will become of his soule after death And so Aug. de vera innocen Qui malae conscientiae est semper pucillanimis timidus est hee that is of an euil conscience is alwayes faint-harted and fearfull of death because they tremble to thinke Moriendo quo ire rogantur whither God in vengeance will sende them when they bee dead And beleeue me thereof is great cause For we reade that Esdras prayed Mat. 44. as we are taught saying Let it not be thy will to destroy them that haue liued like beasts and worse then beasts Esdr 8.28 Answer is made I will not verily consider the workes of them before the death before the iudgement before destruction As if it were saide But then God will Math. These are they that haue their portion in this life these are such like as of whom Christ saide Verily I say vnto you they haue their reward Math. 6.5 euen pleasure in this life for paine in the life to come Luk. 16. with Diues Then woe be vnto you O ye vngodly which haue forsaken the lawe of the most high God For though you increase yet shall ye perish If ye be borne ye shall be borne to cursing If ye die the curse shall be your portion Ecclesiast 41.8.9 Knowe yee not that the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome GOD Be not deceiued for neither fornicators adulterers vncleane wantons Idolators Witches they that liue in hatred debate wrath and enuie they that are proud emulators contentious seditious heretickes murtherers drunkards gluttons Infidels lyars buggerers Theeues couetous raylers extortioners backbyters haters of GOD dooers of wrong proud boasters couenaunt breakers disobedient to parents and such like These Gods word saith shall not inherite the kingdome of GOD. Rom. 1.29.30 1. Cor. 6.9.10 Gal. 5.19.20 Reu. 21.8.27 For they goe the way that leadeth to destruction Math. 7.13 Thus we see the workes of the flesh are manifest And if yee liue after the flesh ye shall die Ro. 8.13 Then feare for if the righteous scarcely shall be saued where shall the vngodly and the sinner appeare 1. Pet. 4.18 Whose iudgement long agoe is not far off and their damnation sleepeth not 2. Pet. 2.3 But euerie one shall receiue according to his workes Psal 62 12. When it shall be said Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Luk. 13.27 Ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels Math. 25.41 Where indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish shall bee vpon the soule of euery man that dooth euill of the Iew
for himselfe he sheweth his minde euen that hee desired to be loose hand to be with Christ which is best of all Thus holie men after they once beginne with Henocke to walke with GOD Wis 4.10 that is in godlinesse to please God as he did they iudge none blessed before their death Which the verie Heathen confessed Dicique beatus Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet Ouide li. 3. Met. The meaning is to be accounted blessed none should before their last end Thē though the righteous be preuented with death Wisd 4.7 Luk. 16 22 23.43 Luk. 2.28 yet shall he be at rest in Abrahams bosome in Paradice with Christ that is in the kingdome of heauen Therefore when death commeth these do say ioying with Simeon when hee had seene Christ Psal 4.8 Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace according to thy word Or with Dauid Psa 116.7 I will late me downe and sleepe in peace for thou Lorde onely makest mee dwell in safetie therefore returne vnto thy rest ô my soule Thus peaceably and ioyfully of such faithfull men death is louingly imbraced And euery day the Apostles desire to bee with Christ How death is and is not to be wished for is preferred to any worldly consolation or ioy Not as wishing the determinate decree of God concerning our end to be altered as those blasphemous people do who vpon euery occasion or crosse wish themselues out of the world or that they had neuer bene borne with such like like kinde of cursed speaking but expressing our choyse and loue betwixt life temporall and death 2. Cor. 5.8 and therein submitting our selues vnder the mightie hand of God Thus death is imbraced and louingly entertained of the children of God for diuers considerations CHAP. XIII Why death is neuer feared of the godly FIrst because with that aged Father the Patriarke Iacob Gen. 47.9 Heb. 11.13 1. Cron. 29.15 Ps 39.12 1. Pe. 2.11 Gen. 15.13 47.4 we make account that our life is but as a pilgrimage and our selues straungers Pilgrimes or soiourners on the earth as the seed of Abraham were in a land that was not theirs Straungers continue not in a place and we looke for a better home For as the Tabernacles of the Israelites were to be remooued euen so are ours Exo. 33.7 2. Cor. 5 5. Num. 15.2 2. Cor. 5.4 Their abiding place hoped for was the land of promise and ours is the kingdome of heauen figured by theirs where mortalitie shall be swallowed vp of life Therfore it is written Heb. 13.14 Here we haue no continuing citie but we seeke one to come For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God e●● an house not made with hands but eternall life in the heauens So that whilest we are strangers in the body 2. Cor. 5.1.6 we are absent from the Lord. Therfore we forget that which is behind Phil. 3.13 14. and indeuour our selues vnto that which is before and followe hard towardes the marke vnto which death guides vs as is before shewed Therefore it is called a Waye 1. Reg. 2 2. Iob. 16 22. Aretius de Morte that brings vs vnto God A quo in hunc mundum sumus peregrinatum missi of whom we are sent into the world to abide there as straungers vntill death come And then Anima ad caeleslia colligitur corpus suis restituitur elementis ad suū vsque tempus The soule is taken into the heauens and the bodie is dissolued into his elements vntill his appointed time An other writer saith that death Oslij instar est Gualt in Has 13. Hom. 44. aut viae per quam nos ex hac vita mortali in immortalitatem transire oportet is like vnto a doore or a waye through which wee must passe out of this mortall life into immortalitie And it may not amisse be compared vnto the starre Mat. 2.9 10. that guided the wise men till they came to the stable where the blessed babe Christ lay in the manger and death brings vs to behold Christ glorified in the heauens at the right hand of his father Ioh. 20.20 When they saw the starre they reioyced with an exceeding great ioy like the Disciples which were glad when they had seene the Lord. And shall we be sorrie to mee●e with death that brings vs vnto God Christ healing one lying vpon his bed sick of the palsie Mat. 9.6 said Arise take vp thy bed and goe to thine house Euen so when death commeth she may say to our soules in our bodies sick vpon our beds as the Prophet of God did to Israel in an other matter Arise and depart for this is not your rest Mich. 2.10 He that had bene sicke arose and departed to his owne house And beloued why should not we at the commaundement of God when he saith by death come Loue to remoue out of the bodie and to dwell with the Lord 2. Cor. 5.8 being here but strangers in a vaile of miserie One saith Vita quid est hominis nisi vallis plena malorum Principio medio fine dolenda suo What is mans life but a vaile of griefe still tumbled in strife His springtime's woe Autumne is so Winter hath sorrow as rife And therfore Mors pro remedio data est quasi finis malorum Ambr. in orat de fide resue Chris de popu Antioch Hom. 7. Death is giuen vs for a remedie as the end of all troubles it being A vitae curis absolutio The absolution frō the cares of this life And therefore carefully to be expected and willingly imbraced without any feare Secondly we haue great cause to reioyce at the comming of death because by it we passe from infinite troubles to the end of our faith euen the saluation of our soules long hoped for Which is an inheritance immortall and vndesiled that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for vs. 1. Pet. 1.9 c. Vnto the hope whereof wee are begotten by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead So that we account of death but as of an happy hauen wherin we do arriue and are at ease from infinite turbulent stormes which we haue suffred in the surging seas of this wicked world Morborum vltimus medicus mors Aret. Stella Chrysost vt ante tantum corporis tollit mala Death is the last Phisitian or helper of our paine● which onely riddeth away the griefes of the body Portus est mortalibus mors Of Chrysostome it is called Tranquillus portus Death a calme hauen for mortall men where they arriue to behold the faire beautie of the Lord and to visit his Temple In many places of holy scripture Death is called a Sleepe Because that euen as sleepe and quiet rest is to a painfull honest labouring man at night most sweete and comfortable so lkewise is Death to a
faithfull soule garnished with good workes like a Bride-chamber adorned ending all things with ioy like a Comedie And therefore why should she not bee welcome Thirdly death most willingly wee embrace because it being come we attaine to that perfection of knowledge which we do desire which in this life we cannot attaine vnto All men desire to be expert in their science or profession and the Saints of God in the true knowledge of their saluation and when death is come then this is obtained Euen then when we shall all meet together in the vnitie of the faith and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ Christ saith This is life eternall Ioh. 17.3 that they know thee to be the only very God him whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ Now this knowledge we haue being in the body and absent from the Lord by faith and not by sight Through which we all behold as in a myrror or glasse the glory of the Lord with open face Marl. ex Cal. in 1. Cor. 13 Fides ergo nostra deum nunc intuetur tanquam absentem Our faith therefore now doth see God yet as being absent For wee know in part and we prophesie in part But when that which is perfect is come then Id est post mortem After death that which is in part shall be abolished Which Paul the Apostle prooueth by a double argument one taken from the example of himselfe the other is a similitude Which is thus much briefly The vnderstanding of an Infant is far inferiour to the vnderstanding of a mā And through a glasse we cannot see so clearely as without This life is like to Infancie Amb. ibid. And the life to come is our perfect age then our knowledge shall be made perfect The glasse through which we now see God is faith which being done away we shall see clearely Which doth confirme this truth That not now but after death we shall see God face to face Marl. ex Pet. Mart. in 1. Cor. 13. O endlesse felicitie By which Denotatur perspicuus planus atque clarissimus diuinus aspectus is noted a manifest plaine and most cleare beholding of the diuine nature after death Of face to face see Aug. writing profoundly Epist 3. Epist 6. Tome 2. Moyses as the glory of the Lord passed by him sawe his backe parts darkly and imperfectly But after death we shal see euidently Diuinā essentiam The essence of God For by the face of God Manifestatio eius intelligenda est An open manifestation of him is to be vnderstood Which is the truth by Christ himselfe expressed who saith speaking of Gods deare adopted children See that ye despise not one of these litle ones Math. 18.10 Th. Aquin. in Heb. 11 1. Lects prima for I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels alwaies behold the face of my Father which is in heauen Then we see that Vltimus finis simpliciter ipsius fidei quam intendimus ex fide est beatitudo quae in aperta dei visione consistit The last end simply of faith which we expect by faith is the blessednesse which consisteth in the open and plaine sight of God Aug. de cinit dei ibid. Praemium itaque fidei nobis visio ista seruatur This sight therefore the reward of faith is kept for vs. And we shall know as we are knowne of God Note by the way that this word As Non importat aequalitatem cognitionis sed similitudinem tamen longinquam Lyra. Pet. Mart. ibid. doth not import an equalitie of knowledge betwixt God and vs but a certaine likenesse yet ours is far inferiour to his Marler ex R. ibid. Simplex ergo sensus est cognoscam sicut cognitus sum hoc est perfectissimè certissime The true meaning of this I shal know as I am known Ambr. ibid. is most perfectly truly I shal see my selfe to be present with God where Christ is This is that which the Euangelist Iohn hath saying We shall see him as he is This Then know beloued that now in this life wee haue many schoolemaisters to teach vs this imperfect knowledge of God that wee haue As. 1. Gods creatures The heauens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke Againe the Apostle Paul saith His eternall power and godhead are seene by the creation of the world being considered in his workes Psal 19.1 2. His punishments of the contempt whereof God by Salomon complaineth saying They haue despised all my correction Pro. 1.30 3. The holy scriptures Therefore saieth Christ Search the scriptures for in them ye think to haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of me Iohn 5.39 4. Faith of which saith the holy Ghost Faith is the ground of things which are hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene Heb. 11.1 Now all these shall cease to teach vs when death comes like the ceremonies of the lawe at the coming of Christ Heb. 10.1.9 For what needeth a candle in the cleare and open sunne light Then we shall not need to say one to an other know the Lord for all shall know him from the least vnto the greatest Therefore welcome death and come Lord Iesus come quickly Fourthly though death set vpon thee as thine enemie and do bring thee downe to the graue yet shalt thou not feare to buckle with her because in the end thou shalt get the maistrie of her as Michael did of the dragon Reue. 12.9 And triumph ouer her by the power of God Rom. 6.4 through faith in the death of Christ Who by his rising from death hath ouercome these thy most mightie enemies Sinne Death and Hell Rom. and thereby assureth thee of the conquest ouer them through him at the resurrection 1. Cor. 15.12 For in that hee suffered and was tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2.18 And that hee will the scriptures affirme plainely of Christ the seeed of the woman that he shall breake the head of the serpent Gen. 3.15 Hee shall destroy death for euer Isai 25.8 And the Lord God saith by the Prophet Hoseas I will redeeme thee from the power of the graue I will deliuer thee from death O death I will be thy death O graue I will be thy destruction And Paul saith Rom. 6.9 Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more power ouer him Who hath abolished death and hath brought life and immortalitie to light through the Gospell Againe it is written 2. Tim. 1.10 For as much as the children were partakers of the flesh and bloud hee also 1. Christ himselfe likewise tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the diuell And that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all
companion for the dead Their workes follow them Euen to testifie before the eternal Iudge how with Henoch they haue walked and pleased God If ye know these things blessed are you if ye do them Mat. 25.35 and 7.23.24 But the contempt of thus doing in deare yeares do send vp many greeuous groanes of the poore members of Christs body into the eares of God And thinke you that the crying of the poore shall goe for nought No no He that made him will heare him But I will lament and pray for that which I cannot helpe And though the waters would now flow yet I will stop their course and ende with an excellent sentence of S. Ambrose all one in effect with these of the holie Ghost Let vs cast away the workes of darknesse Ambr. li. de bea Mort. c. 5. that is Sinne that hangeth on so fast Abducamus nos a corporis nexu relinquamus omnia quae terrena sunt vt cum venerit aduersarius nihil in nobis inueniat suum The meaning is Let vs withdraw our selues from the bondage of the flesh let vs forsake all things that are earthly and full of sinne that when the aduersary commeth he may finde in vs nothing of his owne This if we doo then let death doo what shee may shee cannot hurt our soules Aug. de Ciuit. Dei lib. 1. ca. 11 So that Mala mors putanda non est quam bona vita praecessit Death it neuer to be accounted euill to him that hath liued well And therfore no cause at all why the seruants of God should once be afraid of it though it be most wofull to the rest And thus much to teach you for what causes death shuld be welcome vnto you CHAP. XIIII Whether Christians should mourne for their friends that are dead BVt now to correct a fault that may be seene among some if death be so ioyfully to be accepted of why should we mourne for them that are at rest nay is it lawfull to weepe for them that be dead I answere Gen. 23.2 when Sarai was dead Abraham mourned wept for her Whē the Patriarch Iacob thought Ioseph had bene dead Gen. 37.34.35 he sorrowed wept greatly And when this aged Father had blessed his children Learne this you parents and made an end of giuing charge vnto them to serue God he plucked his feete vp into the bed and gaue vp the ghoast Then his louing child Ioseph fell vpon his fathers face Gen. 50.1 and wept vpon him and kissed him Num. 20.29 When Aaron was dead all Israel wept for him thirtie dayes And so they did when Moses died Deu. 34.8 1. Sam. 16.1 I might shewe you how Samuel mourned for Saul and all Israel for Samuel Dauid and those that were with him for the death of Saul and Ionathan 1. Sam. 25.1 So did Dauid for Absolon So did the old Prophet for the man of God 2. Sam. 1.11.12 that was slaine of the Lyō What need I tell you of Martha and Mary 2. Sam. 18 33. 19.1 1. Reg. 13.30 and our Sauiour Christ that wept for Lazarus being dead And many other that made lamentation for the blessed Martyr S. Stephen As other widowes Ioh. 11.33 that mourned for that godly woman Dorcas with many other which for briefnes Acts. 8.2 as a thing needlesse here I omit All which may seeme to teach vs to mourne for the dead Now on the other side when Samuel wept for Saul Cyril being cut off from the fauour of God 1. Sam. 16 1. the Lorde as being angry with him reproued him for his sorrowing When King Dauid perceiued that his childe was dead for which hee fasted and sorrowed greatly whilest it laic sicke hee arose vp and mourned no longer Thē his seruants maruelled why hee so sorrowed when it liued and left off whē it was dead and they asked him the cause Dauid answered While the child was yet aliue I fasted wept for I said who can tel whether God wil haue mercie on me that the childe may liue But now it being dead wherfore shuld I fast Can I bring him againe any more I shall goe to him but he shall not returne againe to me And so hee did not mourne for his dead Christ comforting the widdow of Naim ouer her sonnes corpes which shee with her neighbours were going for to burie he said Weepe not Luk. 7.13 And Christ himselfe the Lambe of God going to be offered a sweete smelling sacrifice for the sinnes of the people euen to be crucified there followed him a great multitude of people women which women bewailed and lamented him euen because hee was going to death But Iesus turned backe vnto them and said Daughters of Ierusalem weepe not for me but weepe for your selues and for your children Luk 23.27 S. Aug. saith of Christs mourning for Lazarus Aug. de Cosol mort lib. 1 cap. 4. Fleuit plane dominus Lazarum iam sepultum non vtiquè vt flendi mortuos formam daret c. I know what Cyril saith The Lord wept indeed ouer Lazarus that was buried but not to teach vs how to mourne for the dead But either to shewe by his teares that he had a true humane body or else hee did lament of sincere loue to the Iewes Qui nec dei signo monstrato Aug. ibid. erant in cum credituri which would not beleeue in him though hee shewed them the mightie power of God And thus it seemeth that wee should not mourne for the dead Here now you see is a great controuersie what will you determine Who thinke you will haue the foyle or what dayes men shall wee finde to end the contention Let vs not goe to lawe for there the greedinesse of money will deferre our cause And the Goose will scarce be left whilest there is a feather on her backe And in the end the countrie must trie conscience To reconcile all and keepe peace without any great losse or harme to either partie our good neighbours at home which are the holy scriptures well marking the matter determine that in mourning for the dead there be two things to be noted That in mourning for the dead there be two things to be noted 1. What is to be obserued 2. What is to be auoyded That which must be obserued is 1. Faith 2. Charitie Faith to moderate vs Ne nimium doleamus sine spe resurrectionis That we mourne not too much as men without hope of the resurruction Therfore the Apostle Paul instructeth the Thessalonians saying 1. Thes 4.13 I would not brethren haue you ignorant concerning them which are a sleepe that ye sorrowe not euen as others which haue no hope That is of the immortalitie of the soule and resurrection of the body like Infidels For we looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ who shall change our vilde body that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious