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A56123 Truth unvail'd by scripture-light In three parts. Written for the sake of those that desire to behold it in its native beauty. To which is added, an appendix, which the author desires to leave as a legacy to his children. By a despised follower of the blessed Jesus, Robert Prudom. Prudom, Robert. 1699 (1699) Wing P3883; ESTC R218355 94,157 208

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experience and that is by leading a poor sensible Sinner to the Declaration of the Sufferings of the Blessed Jesus and conveying the Declaration into the Soul and with it giving the Soul an inward Glance of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ from whom the Soul by the help of the Spirit doth draw such Virtue as causeth an immediate removal of inward Guilt which the Soul hath contracted by Sin and under much Brokenness the Soul is brought to close with him Where this Closure is witnessed there doth an Intercourse with the Father attend it The Name of the Blessed Jesus is with this Closure engraven so on the Heart that the Injoyment of him becomes exceeding pleasant and comfortable 3ly I shall proceed to shew how the Holy Spirit doth break down Corruption in the Soul and carries on the Work of Sanctification 1. By discovering unto the Soul the polluting Nature of Sin that unless the Soul be preserved from it Communion with a holy God cannot be enjoyed It leads the Soul to watch against Temptations that draw into Sin and it leads the Soul through Christ to the Father for power to be kept from it The Lord Jesus Christ as Mediator is the Person upon the account of whose Worthiness the Soul craves help from God No sooner is the Soul come before God to seek him in its private Addresses but if Christ be enjoy'd by Faith the Outgoings of the Heart are to him and through him to the Father The Soul claims a Right of Relation or Kindred with him and so useth Plainness of Speech with him about its State and Condition and by beholding that its own nature in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ stands nighly related to the Father it puts him upon taking its Condition and the managing of it into his own hands as being able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him seeing he ever lives to make Intercession for them 2. The Spirit of God doth put the Soul upon seeking unto God for more light that so those Seeds of Sin that lie undiscovered in the Soul may not only be brought to light but likewise be rooted out as saith the Psalmit Search me O God and know my Heart try me and know my Thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting Such is the nature of Holiness in the Souls of the Saints that it would have the very Seeds of Corruption removed and as the Spirit of God doth put the Soul upon the using that means which God hath appointed for the subduing of Sin and Corruption so it likewise doth not only beget a Principle of Grace in the Soul by the Soul's Union with the Lord Jesus Christ but by its inward Supplies it puts fresh Vigor and Life into it by which the Heart comes more and more to be led forth unto God to seek after him and engaged more closely to follow him 3. The H. Spirit doth encourage the Soul to persevere in the Way that leads to Communion with God by letting the Soul feel the peaceable Fruit that it doth bear in it in this Life and likewise that eternal Happiness that it fits the Soul for in glory The Saints sow in Tears here but they shall reap in Joy they go on their way weeping bearing pretious Seed but at the Morning of the Resurrection then they shall appear bearing their Sheaves with them I come now in the third place to prove how all this is subservient to the Decree of Election and answers the designs of it Ephesians the first Chapter ver 3 4 5. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual Blessings in heavenly places in Christ According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the World that we should be holy and without blame before him in love Having predestinated us unto the Adoption of Children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his Will to the praise of the glory of his Grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved Compared with the first Epistle of Peter the first Chapter 2 3 4 5th Verses Elect according to the Fore-knowledg of God the Father through Sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ Grace unto you and Peace be multiplied Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant Mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an Inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for you Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time These Scriptures do fully prove the Truths of which I have been treating the Oneness of the Covenant of Grace and Redemption for here the Decree as it proceeds from God is eternal and passeth through Time into Eternity to the effecting or perfecting what was designed by it Can any Person separate the means comprehended in the Womb of the Decree to attain the End and not do manifest Wrong to the Decree it self Let the serious Reader judg Here is the Lord Jesus Christ the second Person in the Godhead set up by the Decree as the Head of the Elect all the Elect comprehended in him He appears in a State of Humiliation for the Elect they have the Offers of Grace by him and are brought to give Obedience to the Offers have his Blood applied to their Souls for their Justification and through him have the Spirit sanctifying them and by his mighty Power bringing them to the Glory which the Decree hath designed for them All these outward Acts which were transacted in time were but the gradual fulfilling of what was comprehended in the Decree which in it self was eternal which I hope doth prove that which was designed by the second Part of this Book that is that the Covenant of Grace and Redemption is but one Covenant For a Conclusion This Doctrine administers a great deal of Comfort to those that have the Marks of Election already wrought in their Souls to see their Salvation sixt upon such a sure Foundation and the Accomplishment in such a way as brings the greatest Motives with it to Humility and Thankfulness of engaging the Heart unto God And for those that are under the means which lead to attain the End it is not discouraging Doctrine to them because who are comprehended in the Decree is a Secret wholly reserved to God alone and we no otherwise know that our selves or others are in it but as we come under effectual Calling which is that which opens the Door into it Therefore it is in vain for the Creature to think to know what God at present conceals from him any other way but that which is of his own appointing Secret things belong to
of Darkness hath shined in our Hearts to give the Light of the knowledg of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 That is The way that God doth take to exalt his Grace and Mercy to his Elect is in a way that doth agree with his Justice He beholds the eternal Word Creator united to the Childrens Nature by it giving Satisfaction to Justice The stoppage of Grace being removed Grace doth shine down upon them The Spirit of Adoption which is the inward Witness meets Grace in the way that it comes forth The Soul admires the Wisdom and Goodness of God in appointing the way of its Salvation in such a way as exalts Grace and wrongs not Justice Grace being no less to us by making its way through Christ to us because it was the Father that appointed the Son this Work and it was to answer the Father's Will that he performed it This inward Witness incourageth a poor Sinner that is weary of Sin to go to Christ and to God through him For altho there seems a great distance betwixt a poor guilty Sinner and a holy God to behold each of them as they are in themselves yet this middle Person the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Reconciler or the maker up of the Breach betwixt them being inwardly discovered in the Gospel-Glass by the Holy Ghost working with it those who were far off before are brought nigh by the Blood of this blessed Jesus Divine Love descends Faith enables the Soul to mount up and with Wings to ascend We love him saith St. John because he first loved us This Light of the Holy Ghost is a distinct thing from the first Covenant-Principle That lays the Soul under Guilt for Sin but takes not in the way of Reconciliation The Holy Ghost takes in the way of Reconciliation and gives Evidence of the Souls Interest in it It is by the Apostle called the Spirit of the Son because it is by the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ that the Holy Ghost is sent and because it leads the Soul to pay the Tribute of Divine Honour to him as being the way to the Father It leads the Soul wholly in another way than the first Covenant-Principle leads in Its Motives by which it stirs up the Soul to watch against Sin are from Mercy and Goodness that is spiritual Mercies received by the Soul The first Covenant-Principle breaks the Soul off from Sin by shewing the Wrath and Misery that attends it The Holy Ghost stirs up the Soul to set a Watch against the first motions of Lust by discovering the loathsom nature of it which if the Soul joins with it will thereby be unfit for Communion with God As it is by the Holy Ghost that Sanctification is carried or in the Soul to prepare it for the Enjoyment of God in Glory so the Apostle seems to put the Cure of the Bodies of the Saints even when they are under a Dissolution upon the Holy Ghost in order to their recovery out of that state Rom. 8.11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you I have gone through the first Head and laid before you the dealings of God with me in bringing of me to the Enjoyment of himself by Faith and shall now proceed to the second Head Secondly The Counsel and Direction which I recommend unto you if I should be shortly removed from you 1st Endeavour to get imprinted upon your Hearts the thoughts of God in his Soveraignty over you and those outward Providences which he exerciseth towards you God is so incomprehensible in his Being that he cannot be fathom'd by the Creature What an Awe and Reverence of him hath the Consideration of his Incomprehensibleness made upon the Hearts of his dearest Children In his discovering of himself to them in the greatness of his Power how hath he treated them as Worms and nothing Creatures And they in their expressing of themselves before him their Language hath carried in it the Evidences of a humble Heart Psal 22.4 5 6. Our Fathers trusted in thee they trusted and thou didst deliver them They cried unto thee and were delivered they trusted in thee and were not confounded But I am a Worm and no Man a reproach of Men and despised of the People We see here the Psalmist David who is recorded to be a Man after God's owh Heart how he expresses himself before God First In acknowledging God in his Power to deliver And then secondly In acknowledging his Unworthiness to be delivered by him in these words I am a Worm and no Man The clearer Discovery that the Soul gets of God in the Absoluteness of his Power and that incomprehensible Greatness he is invested withal hath that Effect upon the Heart as to lay it in the Dust before him Remember my Children that in your Creation you were in the hands of the wise Creator as the Clay is in the hand of the Potter The forming and the fashioning of you lay wholly in his own Will and Pleasure Psal 119.73 Thy hands have made and fashioned me give me Vnderstanding that I may learn thy Commandments That there is no defect in the Members of your Bodies is a Mercy to you but that there is no defect in the Faculties of your Souls is a greater Mercy What great Obligations are you under to the great Creator seeing you have received your Being from him 2. Consider how the Creator has disposed of you and how his Providential Dealings are towards you Acts 17.26 And hath made of one Blood all Nations of Men to dwell on the face of the Earth and hath determined the Times afore appointed and the Bounds of their Habitation That is He hath determined the time that he allows every one in this World and their place for a Habitation in it How bountiful is the great Creator unto you that he should appoint you your place in England and not in India or some other dark place of the World that is full of the Habitations of Cruelty that your Lot should be hitherto to have a full supply of outward Necessaries whereas many others are attended by great outward Wants and Penury 3. Consider God's Providential Dealings towards you that your Parents have been hitherto continued and made a Blessing to you that they have not been wanting to your outward Man by their utmost care to provide for it But above all what a Blessing have they been made unto you as to your Souls if it be but sanctified unto you What proof have your poor Parents given of their Care over your Souls in giving you your Education in such a way as hath been a means to bring them under great outward Straits their Eyes being fixt upon the good of your immortal Souls in what they have done that you might not be exposed
secure to the Saints the certainty of persevering and of enjoying Heaven at last but was not able to reconcile them with other Scriptures where Promises and Threatnings were annex'd together and seem'd to stand upon terms with the Creature But he who hath been pleased to reveal his Son in me having brought me to see that the Children of Adam are distinguished as standing under the two Covenants of Works and Grace and standing in this different state the Scriptures speak a Language which meets the Experience of each of them I then with great pleasure beheld the Harmony that was in the holy Scriptures and having for many Years been trained in the School of the Covenant of Works I have taken it in my way to clear it before I entred upon that well-ordered Covenant by which all that are once enter'd into it are secured I wish thou mayst not be offended at the plainness of the Stile in which the Truths contained in this Book are laid down and so I rest a Lover of thy Soul Robert Prudom Truth Unvailed BY Scripture-Light c. PART I. CHAP. I. Of the first Adam the Excellency of the State and Condition in which he was created AFter God had made the World and all sorts of living Creatures in it he proceeds to make Man as the Perfection of this lower Region consisting of two Parts a comly Body more beautiful than the rest of the Creatures not attended with the least Infirmity and a rational Soul fitted to hold Communion with God and to bear Rule over the rest of the Creatures From a sight of the Creation and of Man as the Lord of it while he stood in his Obedience to his Creator the Psalmist David breaks forth into a holy Wonderment Psal 8.3 4 5 6. When I consider the Heavens the Work of thy Fingers the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained What is Man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of Man that thou visitest him Thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels thou hast crowned him with Glory and Honour Thou madest him to have Dominion over the Works of thy Hands thou hast put all things under his feet A curious Canopy over his Head and a furnished World for him to walk in all Creatures giving a willing Subjection to him And the great Creator that he might shew unto Man the Authority that he had invested him withal brings every Beast of the Field and every Fowl of the Air unto Adam to receive its Name and whatsoever Adam call'd every living Creature that was the Name thereof How great was the Happiness of Adam while he stood in that state in which he was created He knew no wants in his Body he had always a furnished Table before him the Earth affording him all the Varieties that Nature brings forth and that without any Toil or Labour he had a Garden and that of God's planting to walk in and furnished with Trees bearing Fruit of every kind What Gardener so skilful as the great Creator and what Fruit so pleasant as that which is of his own making He not only planted the Trees but causeth them by his own Power to bring forth and ripens them to the height of Perfection there were all sorts of Fruits that were pleasant to the sight and good for Food a pleasant River goes forth from this Garden to water it And to add to Adam's Happiness he is blest with the happy company of his Creator Stop a little my Soul and take a view of Adam before Sin entered and the Off-spring of the second Adam when wholly delivered from Sin and clothed upon with their glorified Bodies This beautiful Eden or Earthly Paradise is but a Type of the Heavenly Paradise into this Paradise did the Tempter enter into the Heavenly Paradise he cannot come this Happiness was but short but that which is to come is eternal In this God was enjoyed as Creator in the other God will be enjoy'd as a Father the Son as a Husband to us Thy Maker will be thy Husband the holy Spirit for ever tabernacling in thee the holy Angels and glorified Saints thy Companions O my Soul is this the happy Country that thy Lord hath provided for thee and hast thou indeed the clear Evidences of an Interest in it then surely thou wilt be pressing towards it and learn to live more and more above the things of this World CHAP. II. Of the Image of God in which Adam was created and the nature of that first Covenant-Light while in the state of Innocency THE Apostle John in the first Chapter of his Gospel and the 2d 3d and 4th Verses speaking of the second Person in the Godhead the eternal Word saith The same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made In him was Life and that Life was the Light of Men that is That Divine Life which was in the eternal Word Creator did give forth the Beams of its Life and Light in making of the Soul of Man Not that the Soul of Man did thereby become any part of the Godhead to think this is no less than Blasphemy but an Image of God Gen 1.26 27. And God said Let us make Man in our own Image after our Likeness and let him have Dominion over the Fish of the Sea and over the Fowl of the Air and over the Cattel and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth So God created Man in his own Image in the Image of God created he them This Image of God did not consist in the curious shape of his Body altho the Beauty of it did far exceed the rest of the Creatures for this were to make God to consist of Bodily Parts and so confinable to one place for a Body cannot be in two places as once but this glorious Image consisted in the Faculties of the Soul and the Impressions of the Law upon it The Faculties of the Soul consisted of a spiritual Substance which God breathed into that frame of the Body to give it Life it was not made of any earthly Matter as was the Body but of a spiritual nature like unto its Creator for altho it had not its being from Eternity yet it was to continue to Eternity and from the time of its Creation was never to come under a Dissolution it was not made like the Soul or Life of Beasts of the same Matter whereof the Body was made and therefore dieth with them but was created by God immediately out of nothing in which respect God is said to be the Father of our Spirits Heb. 12.9 Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of Spirits and live As it had Life in it self when it was join'd to the Body so it retaineth Life when it is separated from the Body and liveth for ever It consisteth of these five Faculties 1. The Vnderstanding
wherein consisted true Wisdom and heavenly Knowledg 2. The Memory a holy remembrance of such things as we ought 3. The Will a liberty of choosing or refusing 4. The Affections wherein lay the strength of the desire after God 5. The Conscience wherein lay Man's Integrity or Uprightness in walking with God And that the Soul might not be any ways deficient the Impress of the Law of the Creator was ingraven upon it which consisted in our Duty to God and to one another Adam wanted not Light to see the Excellency of the state wherein he was created which Light if followed would lead him to the Creator as the Spring from whence this his immortal Soul did come He was under the greatest Obligations that were possible of loving his Creator with all his Heart with all his Mind and with all his Strength and his Neighbour as himself both which parts of the Law he broke in going from his Duty to his Creator and by offering Violence to all his Offspring which were then in his Loins he being made their Representative and the Root from whence they were all to proceeed which I shall treat of more at large in the next Chapter and return now to speak of the Excellency of the Soul and of its immortal Nature 1. From the Scripture 2. From Experience in our viewing of dying Persons And 3. From the Sayings of many Gentiles First From the Scripture Eccles 12.7 Then shall the Dust return to the Earth and the Spirit return to God who gave it As it received Life from God without the Body so being separated from the Body it ceaseth not to be but goeth unto God its Creator to be disposed of by him see Phil. 1.21 I might also mention the Promise of Christ to the penitent Thief on the Cross I say to thee This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise and that of the Parable of the rich Man and Lazarus See also 2 Cor. 5.1 Secondly In our viewing of dying Persons How great Testimony have we of the Excellency of the Soul in its being immortal in that when the Body is languishing and under its last minutes drawing to a Dissolution the Soul is more active and quick than ever striving as it were to be gone from it Again the Excellency of the Soul in the Immortality of it doth appear in the dying Hopes of the Saints and the dying Fears and Terrors of the Wicked I my self have seen some who in their dying hours have carried the greatest Evidences of their Souls being immortal and that they were going to the eternal Enjoyment of God that was possible to be given enough to satisfy the most daring Atheist even a meeting of Death with the greatest sweetness and composedness of Spirit Give my Love saith one to me to such and such Friends and tell them by such a time my Soul will be in eternal Rest Their Souls have given forth the greatest Unconcernedness that was possible to part with those things that had been most delightful unto them by being brought to see into the Emptiness of all these inferiour things having received a view of the full Enjoyment of God to be had and that their Souls when separated from the Body were capable of such an enjoying of him Not many Months since I my self went to visit a dying Friend who at that time seem'd to me to be further from her Dissolution than she really was she seem'd to be exceeding chearful I said to her I hope you may recover you are better than you have been she answered I hope I shall not to which I replied Why do you hope so She answer'd My Evidences are clear for Heaven and I long to have the Enjoyment of it Again What an Evidence doth the dying Fears of unconverted Sinners carry with it of the Excellency of the Soul and of the Immortality of it for altho that part of the Image of God in their Souls which contained their Duty to God and to one another be defac'd and the Faculties of the Soul have lost that Rectitude and Order in which they were created yet the Evidences of the Excellency of it in being immortal and capable of an eternal Enjoyment of God have remained What Concernedness hath filled the Souls of dying unconverted Sinners about their eternal loss of God and how have they been seiz'd with the sad apprehensions of an eternal exclusion from him See Mr. Wadsworth on the Soul's Immortality and Dr. More Thirdly A third Evidence of the Immortality of the Soul and of the Excellency of it doth appear from the words of many famous Gentiles as quoted by William Penn in his Christian Quaker Chapter the 14th of Gentile Divinity of the Immortality of the Soul To which might be added the Sayings of divers Heathen Writers 1st Pythagoras The Soul is incorruptible it never dieth for when it goeth out of the Body it goeth into the other World the pure to God the impure bound by Furies in indissolvable Chains 2dly Heraclitus If my Body be over-press'd it may descend to the destinate place nevertheless my Soul shall not descend but being a thing immortal shall fly up on high to Heaven 3dly Socrates The Body being compounded it dissolved by Death the Soul being simple passeth into another Life incapable of Corruption The Souls of the good after Death are in a happy state united to God in a blessed inaccessible place the bad in convenient places suffering condign Punishment The same Socrates being condemned to die by Poison Crito one of his Followers ask'd him How wilt thou be buried As you think good saith he if you can catch me and if I give you not the slip Then with a smile applying himself to those that stood by him I cannot perswade Crito saith he that I am any more than the Carcase you will anon behold and therefore he takes care for my Interment It seems that what I even now told him that as soon as I have taken the Poison I shall go to the Joys of the Blessed hath been to little purpose From what hath been said it doth appear that the Soul of Man is of an excellent frame or make How happy was the first Adam while in the state of Innocency when every Faculty of the Soul stood in that Rectitude and Order wherein it was placed by the wise Creator and the Impressions of what was required of him ingraven upon his Heart For if that Law which is call'd the Law of Nature carry such Beauty in it now what Beauty had it in it before it was defac'd by Sin Adam while in the state of Innocency had no Corruption in him for to fasten the Temptation upon his Will was free and at liberty to join with or refuse the Temptation when presented to him and to incourage him in his Obedience he had the continuance in this his happy state promised to him for as the threatning if he disobey'd God carried Death with it so it must be
implied that his Obedience should continue Life to him But stop my Soul and take a view of what thou hast been treating in this Chapter Was Adam so happy in having his Soul created in the Image of God Did his Understanding consist in true Wisdom Was his Memory sanctified with the remembring or meditating upon divine things Was the Will at liberty of chusing or refusing Were the Affections taken up with the desire of enjoying Communion with the Creator Was the Conscience upright in walking with God Consider my Soul that the Children of the second Adam who are gotten to the Souls of just Men made perfect in Glory have this Image fully restored to them again and in many respects are in a better condition than the first Adam enjoy'd in Innocency for his State was brought to the trial whether he could be able to stand before a Temptation or not their Condition is eternally fixt and never more subject to trial by any Temptation O my Soul art thou interested by Faith in this second Adam Dost thou witness a recovery of the same Excellency of the Image of God upon thee in a good measure which the first Adam enjoy'd in his Innocency by the powerful workings of the Spirit of God upon thee Then wilt thou behold more and more of the Beauty of it the more thou experiencest of the recovery of this holy Image in thee the stronger will be thy Cries after a full recovery of it the more thou seest of inward Corruption by which this blessed Image is defac'd the stronger will be thy Cries unto God against this Corruption and that thou mayst be brought to that blessed place where the Souls of the Children of the second Adam are made perfect CHAP. III. Of the Fall of Adam The miserable change of his Condition by the Fall and how all his Offspring were included in it THE great and glorious Creator that he might shew forth his Soveraignty over that curious Creature Man whom he had created in his own Image and that he might shew unto Man that he did require a perfect Obedience from him was pleased to try his Obedience by prohibiting of him to eat of the Tree of Knowledg of Good and Evil for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die This Tree was to be as a warning to them of their Mutability for altho the state wherein they were created was a most glorious state nevertheless it was such a state as was liable to be lost the Creature enjoying of it upon the terms of a perfect Obedience not that the Tree could give Knowledg but by tasting of if the terms upon which Adam and Eve stood in the favour of God were broken on Man's part and so they came to have the experimental knowledg of Evil in themselves which before they had of Good only But altho God had no hand at all in Satan's Temptation or in Adam and Eve's Sin yet we may safely own God to be concerned in the Fall of Adam and Eve to far as to give them up into the hands of the Tempter and giving the Tempter power over them to try them whether they would willingly go from their Obedience to God or no he having afore by his eternal Decree determined to magnify his Power Justice and Mercy For being able to bring Good out Evil as Light out of Darkness he ordereth in his Wisdom the Fall of Man to the setting out of the Glory of his Mercy in those that shall be saved in Christ and of his Justice on those that shall perish for their Sins out of Christ Satan being fallen from a glorious Angel through his Pride into the depths of Ruin was fill'd with Melice against God and with Envy at the happy state of Adam and Eve and endeavours to bring them into the like Misery with himself and so is rightly call'd a Murderer from the beginning Joh. 8.44 He was a Murderer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth because there is no Truth in him When he speaketh a Lie he speaketh of his own for he is a Liar and the Father of it He gains upon Eve by first questioning her concerning what God had commanded Gen. 3.1 Yea hath God said Ye shall not eat of Every Tree of the Garden And finding by her Answer that he gain'd upon her she not answering to his Question as God had spoken that surely they should die but by a term of doubting lest ye die he proceeds in his Temptation to a flat denial of the truth of the Threatning Gen. 3.4 5. And the Serpent said unto the Woman Ye shall not surely die For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof your Eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil Hereby endeavouring to beget in Eve's Mind hard thoughts of God as if his prohibiting them to eat of that Tree was to keep a future good from them and begetting Pride in her Mind in not being satisfied with that happy state and condition that she was then in Thus through Unbelief in God and Pride to be like unto God did Sin enter into Eve and through Eve's Prevalency with her Husband Sin enter'd into him Thus we may see the nature of Sinners is to draw others to the same Condemnation they are in as Satan Eve and Eve her Husband even those who are nearest them whose good they should procure Having cleared up how Adam and Eve were brought into their fallen State I proceed to shew the miserable state that they were fallen into and how their Offspring were included in it and I shall treat of it under these three Heads I shall first shew the miserable change that was brought upon their Souls Secondly The miserable change that was brought upon their Bodies And Thirdly The miserable state they brought upon all their Posterity The Sentence threaten'd against Adam and Eve for their Disobedience in eating the forbidden Fruit did not reach to a Dissolution of the Soul as to its being for the Soul remains immortal after Sin enter'd as it was before but the Sentence reached to a Dissolution of that Union that was betwixt the great Creator and the Soul the Soul by Sin being changed from that happy state in which it was created into a state of Misery the Faculties of the Soul being put out of that Rectitude and Order in which at first they were placed The Understanding wherein consisted true Wisdom and the knowledg of heavenly things is now become blind and dark ignorant of God and of his Will 1 Cor. 2.14 But the natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned compared with Ephes 4.17 18 19. This I say therefore and testify in the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their Minds having the Vnderstanding darkened being alienated from the Life of
for it Besides all this Misery that is inflicted upon the poor Body in this Life if it be not brought within the compass of a share in the Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ at the morning of the Resurrection it must be reunited to the Soul and sentenc'd to share with the Soul in eternal Misery having been a sharer with it in a course of Sin in this Life Thirdly I shall shew the Misery that Adam brought upon all his Offspring by the Fall Adam stood not before God as a single Person but as one that had all his Offspring in him They being all in him and to proceed from him by Generation became sharers with him in that state which he fell into Gen. 5.3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years and begat a Son in his own Likeness after his Image and called his Name Seth born to the same Misery that his Father Adam was in and a sharer with him in it Adam received Light from the eternal Creator and a holy rectitude of Soul and was under no necessity of giving way to a Temptation there being nothing in him while in his state of Innocency to fasten a Temptation upon so that his Fall was a voluntary going off from God He receiving those excellent Endowments of Soul and Body as a publick Person by his Transgression Judgment came upon all Men to Condemnation Rom. 5.14 Nevertheless Death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them who had not sinned after the similitude of Adam 's Transgression For from Adam to Moses we do not read that after the Fall God ever treated with Adam or with his Offspring by an outward trial upon the terms of Do and live Besides Death then reigned and doth still reign over little Children whose Infant-state makes them uncapable of being put to the trial of their Obedience How doth daily Experience shew us that poor Infants are many times arrested as soon as gotten into the World by grievous Distempers as the Convulsions and such like which keep them in grievous Misery for several days together before the Soul be separated from the Body which is a sufficient Testimony that they have another's Sin imputed to them by which their very Nature is defiled upon which defiled Nature Death feeds until it hath brought it to Dissolution as to their Bodies but their Souls I desire to leave to that rich and free Grace which flows to Sinners through a second Adam the Lord Jesus Christ and to the Spirit 's applying of it to them without any outward means Having gone through this third Chapter which contains the misery of the first Adam and his Offspring before thou leavest it make some Application of it to thy own Soul Look back my Soul and see what thou wast in an unconverted state thou spentst twelve Years in gross darkness without the least knowledg of that God from whence thou receivedst thy being thou wast wholly given up to the ways of Sin without the least consideration what bitter Fruit it did produce that the way of it led to the Chambers of Death and the Pit of eternal Misery How many times wast thou while in this state nigh the Dissolution of thy Body the Grave both to thy self and others seeming to open its Mouth to receive thee What could have been thy state in eternity if thou hadst been then removed Dos not the holy Scripture fully declare that those who spend their days in Sin and in Satan's slavery shall he eternally miserable with him O my Soul tho thou couldst not pity thy self because of that gross darkness that was upon thee yet that God that gave thee thy being pitied thee and extended sparing Mercy to thee It is he that hath delivered thy Soul from Death thine Eyes from Tears and thy Feet from falling Thou now groanest in an unredeemed Body but thou viewst by Faith a redeem'd one Doth the Creation groan by reason of that weight of Sin that is upon it Thy Lord Jesus's Return draws very nigh his Coming will bring with it a removal of the Curse and times of Refreshing shall come with him he will renew the Earth and in it shall dwell nothing but Righteousness CHAP. IV. Of the Image of God that was upon the Heart of the first Adam how it discovers it self in the Hearts or Souls of his fallen Children The nature of the leadings of that first Covenant-light and the Condition of those that stand under the highest Attainment of it THat Adam was a publick Person and that the great Creator enter'd into Covenant with him upon the terms of Obey and live hath been proved in the foregoing Chapter and shall by the help of the Spirit of God be more fully demonstrated in this That all his Offspring as descending from him by Generation are under the same Covenant have some remaining Impressions of the same Law upon their Souls and Light from the Creator answering the terms of that first Covenant I shall First clear up from Scripture Secondly from the Sayings of many famous Gentiles Thirdly from common Experience of all Persons that do take notice of the dealings of God with their Souls And First to prove it from Scripture Deut. 30.11 12 13 14 15. For this Commandment which I command thee this day it is not hidden from thee neither is it far off it is not in Heaven that thou shouldst say Who shall go up for us to Heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it Neither is it beyond the Sea that thou shouldst say Who shall go over the Sea for us and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it But the Word is very nigh unto thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that thou mayest do it I have set before thee this day Life and Good and Death and Evil. Compared with Rom. 2.14 15. For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law that is in the outward letter are a Law unto themselves Which shew the work of the Law written in their Hearts their Conscience also bearing witness and their Thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another From which Scriptures it is evident that the Law delivered at Sinai and written in Tables of Stone was but a Copy of this inward Law which was ingraven in the Soul of Adam and on the Souls of all his Offspring It doth further appear that Adam's Offspring as they descend from him are under the same Covenant with himself from their dealing with God and his with them according to the terms of that first Covenant Gen. 4.5 6 7. But unto Cain and his Offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his Countenance fell and the Lord said unto Cain Why art thou wroth and why is thy Conntenance fallen If thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well Sin lieth at the
took he Counsel and who instructed him and taught him in the Path of Judgment and taught him Knowledg and shew'd him the way of Vnderstanding Behold the Nations are as a drop of a Bucket and are counted as the small Dust of the Balance Behold he taketh up the Isles as a very little thing The Majesty and the infinite Power that is in God when some glimmering of it is beheld by the Soul how doth it lay it in the Dust before him and make it willing to be resigned up unto him to be disposed of by him For as his own Pleasure and his own Glory was the moving Cause why he created Angels and Men so in disposing of them according to his own good Pleasure who shall say to the most High Why dost thou thus God will be honoured by all his Creatures in a way of Mercy or in a way of Justice That he secured part of the Angels in the state wherein he created them is infinite Grace to them that he gave up others that fell from him to follow the Counsel of their own Wills and to persist in a course of Rebellion against him that so they might glorify the Attribute of his Justice is no Injustice in him the Evil which they brought upon themselves being a voluntary Act of their own That part of the Offspring of Adam are rescued out of their fallen state by rich and free Grace whilst the rest are left to the Light or Law of the first Covenant under which the great Creator hath placed them determining to proceed towards them according to the Tenor of that Covenant which they stand under before him is his own good pleasure In clearing up the Soveraignty of God I shall proceed a little further and before I leave it open two or three Scriptures in Job Chap. 2.3 And the Lord said unto Satan Hast thou considered my Servant Job that there is none like him in the Earth a perfect and an upright Man one that feareth God and escheweth Evil and still he holdeth fast his Integrity altho thou movedst me against him to destroy him that is in his outward Estate without cause From hence I observe that Sin was not the moving cause why that great outward Calamity fell upon Job but an Act of God's Soveraignty over his Creature intending to bring Glory to himself out of the Misery of his Servant of whom he might dispose as he pleased without the least Injustice And Job beholding God dealing with him in a way of Soveraignty his Soul was kept in a right frame before him ver 9 10. Then said his Wife unto him Dost thou still retain thy Integrity Curse God and die But he said unto her Thou speakest as one of the foolish Women Shall we receive Good at the hand of God and shall we not receive Evil The best Support for God's Children when under Affliction is to look at the Soveraignty of God that so they may be kept from murmuring against him When we look up unto God as no ways bound to us but as he is pleased himself it makes us stoop before him and when the Soul goeth from its Duty here it goeth from that which should support it in Peace and Quietness An Example we have in Job when he begun to stand upon terms with God how was his Spirit unsettled as Chap. 31. from ver 1 to the 35th and then he breaks forth O that one would hear me Behold my desire is that the Almighty would answer me And in ver 37. I would declare unto him the number of my steps as a Prince would I go near unto him Look forward into Job 40. from ver 1 to 15. and we find that God doth come forth to answer Job but how doth he answer him Doth he give Job an account why he brought such Calamity upon him No he stands upon his Soveraignty ver 2. Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him He that reproveth God let him answer it Doth Job now make good what he said that he would declare unto him the number of his steps as a Prince doth he go nigh unto him No he falls under him ver 3 4. Then Job answered the Lord and said Behold I am vile what shall I answer thee I will lay my hand upon my mouth Here is the end of the Creatures standing upon terms with God and here is the safety of God's Children to endeavour to witness a humble submissive frame of Spirit to him I have treated hitherto of the Soveraignty of God I come now under the second Head to shew that Election proceeds from God as an Act of Grace and Goodness the advancing of his own Glory being that which is carried on in the Decree of Election Rom. 9.23 And that he might make known the Riches of his Glory on the Vessels of Mercy which he had afore prepared unto Glory For altho God was infinitely happy in himself yet so great is his condescending Grace to those whom he doth by his eternal Decree choose to be Vessels of Mercy that he is pleased to manifest of his Goodness to them and to take them into a state of eternal Glory with himself nothing foreseen at all in them being the moving Cause of God's choosing of them the only Cause being the good Pleasure of his Will 2 Tim. 1.9 Who hath saved us and called us with an holy Calling not according to our Works but according to his own Purpose and Grace which is given us in Christ Jesus before the World began Chap. 2.19 Nevertheless the Foundation of God standeth sure having this Seal The Lord knoweth them that are his This Doctrine administreth great Comfort to the Saints who feel the Work of Election upon their Hearts that their Salvation standeth by God's eternal Decree that cannot be changed and not in themselves that daily might lose it How doth this make the Saints love God to the uttermost who hath manifested so great Love to them How doth this serve to humble them that they had nothing of themselves for their Salvation but it freely came from God Thirdly I shall proceed to shew how the Lord Jesus Christ is made the Head of the Elect and the way through which electing Love doth pass to every elect Person I shall prove it by these following Reasons 1st Because that our Nature in him was fitted as a Tabernacle for the receiving of the eternal Word the second Person in the Godhead the Holy Ghost by his incomprehensible Power working his Conception supernaturally purifying that Matter of which his Human Nature was taken in the Womb of the Virgin so that his Nature had not the least Defilement in it The Divine Nature and the Human Nature became united in him to him run all the Promises and to all the Elect as they are united in him 2 Cor. 1.20 For all the Promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen unto the Glory of God by us that through him
come to partake of them the Promises run to him and fix in him as in an immoveable Rock that can never be shaken 2dly He is the Head of the Elect and the way through which electing Love doth pass to every elect Person because they are given to him as a Seed Psal 89.27 28 29. Also I will make him my first-born higher than the Kings of the Earth My Mercy will I keep for him for evermore my Covenant shall stand fast with him His Seed will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the days of Heaven Compared with Heb. 2.13 And again I will put my Trust in him And again I and the Children which God hath given me As the first Adam conveys natural Defilement to all his Seed and that which causeth the loss of Communion with God so the Lord Jesus Christ that conveys to all the elect Seed which removes that which hinders Communion and restores Communion to them John 6.57 As the living Father sent me and I live by the Father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me Here is three Livers here is 1. The Life of the Godhead 2. Here is the Man Christ living upon the Godhead 3. Here is the Believer living upon the Lord Jesus Christ as God-man in one Person the Divine Nature putting Life into the Manhood and conveying of that Life to the Elect. Gal 3.16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the Promises made He saith not To Seeds as of many but as of one And to thy Seed which is Christ Is Christ mystical here meant saith Leigh then the Elect are comprehended in him To Abraham and his Seed were the Promises made to Abraham in Christ and not to Christ in Abraham saith Kendal against John Goodwin 3dly It doth appear that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Elect and the way through which electing Love doth pass to every elect Person from the Experience of the Saints from Abel to this very day The Elect that were in the World before his appearance in the state of his Humiliation did all by Faith look at him and through him were brought to the enjoyment of God and upon him lay their hope of persevering with God Heb. 12.1 2. Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a Cloud of Witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the Sin that doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the Race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our Faith This Cloud of Witnesses that look'd unto Jesus were the Saints from Abel's time in the 11th Chapter The Saints that have been and are in the World in the times of the New Testament through Jesus do go to God through Jesus do enjoy Communion with God 2 Cor. 4.6 For God who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined into our Hearts to give the Light of the Knowledg of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ To sum up this Chapter Was the Lord Jesus Christ comprehended in the Womb of the Decree of Election Was the Union of the two Natures in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ comprehended in the Decree as the Head of the Elect and by the Decree appointed to be the Conveyer of Grace to every elect Person Then whatever was acted and done by him was subservient to the Decree and proves the Covenant of Grace and Redemption to be but one Covenant Joh. 4.34 Jesus saith unto them My Meat is to do the Will of him that sent me and to finish his work CHAP. II. Of the Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ in two parts First Perfect Obedience to the Law Secondly Satisfaction to the Penalty of it for the Elect subservient to the Decree of Election and leading to answer the great Designs of it THE great God that he might make good that threatning against Satan That the Seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents Head doth by the incomprehensible Power of the Holy Ghost first sanctify that Matter of which the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ was made and then without the help of Man's Seed did create or form it into the shape of Man to which a living Soul was given that so he might appear to be like his Brethren the Elect. To this second Man so wonderfully made was the eternal Word the second Person in the Godhead united in the Womb of the Virgin Mary and brought forth into the World our Emanuel the Mighty God the everlasting Father the wonderful Counsellor the Prince of Peace His Divine Nature being the express Image of his Father's Substance and in respect of it it was no Robbery in him to be the Father's equal and one with the Father That he might be one with the Elect he is wonderfully united to their Nature in the Womb of the Virgin and that he might figure out the Misery that all the Elect were in by Generation he is born in a Stable and laid in a Manger typifying out that by reason of their natural Pollution they were like their first Father Adam who was driven from the Presence of God amongst the Beasts He is put under the first Covenant that he might fulfil the Righteousness of it Gal. 4.4 5. Made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the Adoption of Sons And he is not only put under the first Covenant to give it a perfect Obedience that in that Obedience of his the Elect might appear before God but he is likewise put under the first Covenant to give Satisfaction to the Wrong done to it by the Elect as they successively come into the World Gal. 3.13 Christ hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for us as it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree Compared with Heb. 2.14 Forasmuch then as the Children are partakers of Flesh and Blood he the eternal Word also himself likewise took part of the same that through Death he might destroy him that had the Power of Death that is the Devil Those that stood in the Decree of Election as Children coming into the World in such a way by Generation as brought them under the defilements of Sin and so under the Penalty of the first Covenant the eternal Word takes hold of their Nature and by sanctifying of it in Death perfuming the Sacrifice by his Divine Nature the Penalty of the first Covenant is removed and a Pardon laid in for the Children as they shall successively come into the World and have it applied to their Souls by the Spirit They being interested in this Satisfaction the Penalties of the first Covenant are removed and the executive Power of it taken out of the hands of Satan Having now by way of Introduction opened the door into the Work of Redemption wrought by the Lord Jesus Christ I come in the next place to consider this Soul-amazing
tarry ye here and watch with me Mark 14.35 And he went forward a little and fell on the ground and pray'd that if it were possible the hour might pass from him Compared with Luke 22.42 43 44. Father if thou be willing remove this Cup from me nevertheless not my Will but thine be done And there appeared an Angel unto him from Heaven strengthening him And being in an Agony he prayed more earnestly and his Sweat was as it were drops of Blood falling down to the ground He prayeth for freedom from that Cup and Hour that is from the grievous Torments that were upon his Soul yea so great was the Sorrow wherewith his Soul was ready to be overwhelmed that he seeks for help by the Prayers of his poor drousy sleeping Disciples There is an Astonishment or an Amazement which falls upon the Soul two ways that is an Astonishment of Admiration and an Astonishment of Fear the latter is here meant He saw himself fallen on a sudden into such Distress as he knew he could not be delivered from it and being in an Agony he wrestles with Grief and Fear which pressed his precious Soul yea he struggles and wrestles with it that he might not be so far overcome by it as to bewray any kind of Impatience he vents his Grief and Sorrow in these words Not my Will but thine be done The first Adam had a Garden of Pleasure to walk in the second Adam hath a Garden of Sorrow to weep and mourn in The Garden in which Adam and Eve was placed had a pleasant River running through it to water it this Garden is watered with the Blood of the second Adam that is forced through his Veins by inward Grief and excessive Sorrow he not only is said to have sweat drops of Blood but as it were to have bedew'd the place Saith Jansen upon the words If we behold him upon the Cross he there complains of the withdrawings of the Divine Nature from him in these words My God my God why hast thou forsaken me I come secondly to speak of the Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ in his Body he experienced the fulfilling of the words of the Prophet Isa 50.6 I gave my Back to the smiters and my Cheeks to them that pluck'd off the Hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting Pilate who was his Judg pronounceth him innocent and as an outward sign of his Innocency washeth his hands when he pronounceth Sentence against him to clear himself of his Blood yet scourgeth him and deliver'd him to be crucified Mat. 27.27 28. Then the Souldiers of the Governour took Jesus into the common Hall and gathered unto him the whole band of Souldiers And they stripped him and put on him a scarlet Robe The putting on the Scarlet Robe was for two Reasons the first that the pain of his scourging might be increased upon him the second reason to shew their Contempt of his Kingly Power Ver. 29 30. And when they had platted a Crown of Thorns they put it upon his Head and a Reed in his right-hand and they bowed the Knee before him saying Hail King of the Jews And they spit upon him and took the Reed and smote him on the Head They would not only mock him with the putting of such a Crown on him but by the same also shew their Cruelty to him by fastening the Thorns into his Head Ver. 32. And as they came out they found a Man of Cyrene Simon by name him they compelled to bear his Cross It was a Custom among the Romans that those Malefactors that were to be crucified did bear their own Cross but such had been already the grievous Sufferings of this innocent Lamb that his Body was wearied and made unable to undergo it so a Stranger is laid hold of to carry it for him to the place of Execution Ver. 38. Then were two Thieves crucified with him one on the right-hand and the other on the left This Death of the Cross was a very painful and shameful Death the weight of the Body being born up by Nails struck through the Hands and Feet until they died by a languishing Death He was numbered with the Transgressors having a Thief on each hand that we might be reckoned amongst the Sons of God His Arms were stretched open to shew his willingness to receive poor returning Sinners with one Arm inviting the Jews with the other the Gentiles to flee from Wrath to come by taking Sanctuary in him O my Soul dost thou desire to behold the abominable nature of Sin Dost thou desire to know how hateful it is in God's sight Then take a view of thy suffering Lord. How was his precious Soul fill'd with Anguish How was his precious Body which was formd by the incomprehensible Power of the Holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin Mary wearied out by a painful Death Behold this Man of Sorrow that is acquainted with Grief The Vail of the Temple is rent at his Death to shew that he was plucking away that Vail that interposed betwixt God and poor Sinners The Sun was darkned being asham'd to behold the Rage of the wicked against him the Earth who had long groaned under the Curse for Sin trembles to behold what the Son of God indures to remove the Curse Thirdly I proceed to shew that the Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ was subservient to the Decree of Election and answers the Designs of it And I shall clear it up from these following Scriptures Acts 2.22 23. Ye Men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a Man approved of God among you by Miracles and Wonders and Signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye your selves also know Him being delivered by the determinate Counsel and foreknowledg of God ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain I shall pass by the Wickedness of these malicious Jews and only take notice of what is contain'd in this 23d Verse concerning the Decree of God his determinate Counsel and Fore-knowledg having determined it to be so that is that his Son should thus suffer which did not in the least lesson their Sin The reasons of our Lord's Death in reference to the answering of the Decree we have in John 17.19 And for their sakes I sanctify my self that they also might be sanctified through the Truth Compared with Heb. 2.11 For both he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one for which cause he if not ashamed to call them Brethren By sanctified and sanctifieth in these two Scriptures is not meant the sanctifying Work of the holy Spirit but his being set apart to the Work of Redemption performed by the Lord Jesus Christ being the Head of the Elect for their sakes he willingly submitteth to those Conditions his Father required to clear them from the Penalty of the first Covenant That the Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ is subservient to the Decree
sitting And there appeared unto them cloven Tongues as of Fire and it sat upon each of them And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other Tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance As their Commission was to preach the Gospel to all Nations so the Qualification for the Work was agreeable to the Commission Where Persons do pretend to the same Commission with the Apostles and that they have as large an extent of Power and Jurisdiction as they had and want the Qualification wherewith they were endued they carry saith the learned Dr. Owen the mark of Antichrist in their Foreheads That this Qualification for the first publishing of the Gospel did proceed from the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ as Mediator for the gathering of the Elect out of the World will appear if we compare these two following Scriptures one with another Acts 2.32 33. This Jesus hath God raised up whereof we all are Witnesses Therefore being by the right-hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear Compared with Acts 10.34 35 36 43 44. Then Peter opened his Mouth and said Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of Persons But in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him The Word which God sent unto the Children of Israel preaching Peace by Jesus Christ he is Lord of all To him give all the Prophets witness that through his Name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of Sins While Peter spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word In Acts 2.32 33. the Qualification is laid down without which Peter had been unable to preach the Gospel to those of Cesarea here is the Holy Ghost as a fruit of the Lord Jesus's Intercession attending the outward preaching of the Gospel and setting it home upon the Heart with Power the outward preaching of the Gospel being the instrumental means appointed to gather the Elect out of the World unto God Rom. 10.17 So then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God By the Word of God here is meant the Declaration of the Gospel The outward Declaration of the Gospel doth contain in it these Truths appointed by God for the Salvation of the Elect the Holy Ghost removes the Vail of Darkness from the Heart subjects the Heart unto the Truth and inclines the Heart to join with it I come in the second place to treat of the ordinary Qualification to preach the Gospel without which a Person can have no real Satisfaction to his own Soul that he is called of God to that great Work and Service The extraordinary Qualisication and the ordinary Qualification do not differ in a different Declaration of Truths delivered but in a different work of the Spirit upon the Heart in discovering one and the same Truth the one having it by the immediate impulse of the Spirit of God overpowering all the Faculties of the Soul and making it stoop to the leadings of the Spirit in the other the holy Spirit works not so powerfully but by giving in of Light to behold the Truth already delivered in the Word and sealed by Miracle gives a Gift of utterance to declare it unto others For the clearing up this Qualification I shall compare two Scriptures Ephes 4.7 8. But unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the Gift of Christ Wherefore he saith When he ascended up on high he led Captivity captive and gave Gifts unto Men. Which Gifts to Men he tells us in ver 12. are for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ the Body of Christ taking in the Saints until Christ's second appearance The Gifts here intended must be meant the ordinary Qualifications of the Spirit for the work of the Ministry as the means appointed by God to gather the Saints into one Body and to edify them when they are gather'd in until they be brought safe to the Mansions of Glory because the extraordinary Qualification did cease in a little time To clear up this a little further lock into 1 Pet. 4.10 11. As every Man hath received the Gift even so minister the same one to another as good Stewards of the manifold Grace of God If any Man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God if any Man minister let him do it as of the ability which God giveth that God in all things may be glorified through Jesut Christ to whom be Praise and Dominion for ever and ever Amen Here is contained in these words the Gift given from God the Father here is the Lord Jesus Christ through whose Intercession this Gift is given here is the nature of the Gift which is the Spirit 's inlightnings into the Oracles or holy Scriptures here is the twofold end God's Glory and the Saints Edification Where this Qualification is wanting the Soul can have no real Satisfaction that it is called of God to that Work and Service which I shall make appear by these following Rensons First Altho Learning be very serviceable in order to have recourse to the Original Text for the understanding the Letter of the Scripture in the Original for to stop the mouth of Gainsayers yet the Darkness which is upon the Soul by Nature is not thereby removed Neither can Learning of it self comprehend that inward Life and Virtue which breaths in the holy Scriptures The natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned Secondly Without this ordinary Qualification of which I have been speaking the Soul can have no real Satisfaction that it is called of God to the work of the Ministry of the Gospel because that altho by Learning many weighty Truths may be collected from the Writings of experienced Christians who have lived in the Power of Christianity yet the inward work of the Spirit being wanting in him that delivers them to others they give an uncertain sound there being a want of an inward sense of these Truths upon the Heart and often a great deal of Man's Corruptions mixt with them which they receive from the Vessel through which they pass Thirdly Without this ordinary Qualification of which I have been speaking the Soul can have no real Satisfaction that it is called of God to the work of the Ministry of the Gospel because without it the Heart is not engaged in the Work that such Persons take upon them neither are their Aims and Ends right in their entering upon this great Work nor in the carrying of it on the getting an outward Support in the World for themselves being the thing they are most concerned for Fourthly Without this ordinary Qualification of which I have been speaking the
Soul can have no real Satisfaction that it is called of God to the work of the Ministry of the Gospel because there wants a Union by Faith with the Lord Jesus Christ from whence fresh Supplies should be drawn for the discharging of that great Work besides there wants the knowledg of the worth of poor Souls accompanied with yerning of the Bowels after their eternal good But Learning being put under the Qualification of which I have been speaking and brought to be a Servant to it is to be prised as a very choice Jewel Yet so greatly are Christians degenerated from the Power of Christianity that Learning is made the main thing in this day and their Hearts are taken up more with the curiousness of the Stile of the Minister than with a serious search about the matter delivered and so their Faith stands in the Wisdom of Man and not in the Power of God Having shewed that the extraordinary and the ordinary Qualification to dispense the Gospel with the holy Spirit 's accompanying of it as the instrumental means to gather the Elect out of the World unto God do depend upon the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ as being their Head and Mediator I proceed in the second place to shew that the keeping of them in the way of Salvation until they be brought to the Manisions of eternal Rest is committed to him and dependeth on him And under this Head I shall endeavour to shew the nature of that Work which the holy Spirit carries on in the Hearts of the Saints In shewing that the keeping the Saints in the way of Salvation until they be brought to the Mansions of eternal Rest doth depend upon the Lord Jesus Christ I shall consider the Power with which he is invested as the Church's Head his Prevalency with his Father for them and his unlimited Power over all the Church's Enemies for the Church's good Acts 2.36 Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ The Father hath given him to the Elect to be unto them Christ a Saviour that by feeding upon his Person by Faith they should find that comprehended in him which should be sufficient to keep them for ever in the Love and Favour of God and a Lord to them as having an unlimited Power vested in him Mat. 28.18 And Jesus came and spake unto them saying All Power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth Compared with Ephes 1.22 23. And hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the Head over all things to the Church which is his Body by Church here is meant the whole Body of the Elect. For the good of these he is set over the holy Angels that they might be imploy'd by him for their good Heb. 1.14 Are they not all ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be Heirs of Salvation And gave him to be Head over all things to the Church not Head unto all things Neither Satan nor his Instruments have any benefit by this unlimited Power that the Father hath invested him withal but the Elect only yet his Power is of so large extent as to overturn all the Plots and Designs of Satan so as to make the issue of them end in the Church's good and his own Glory he countermines them and either takes out their Powder by which they designed to blow up the Church or in the springing of it makes the Ruin fall upon themselves In clearing up a little further this Soul-refreshing Truth I shall open the words of the Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 11.3 But I would have you know that the Head of every Man is Christ and the Head of the Woman is the Man and the Head of Christ is God In opening the words of the Apostle we are to understand the Head of the Woman is the Man where the Woman is joyn'd in Marriage-Union to the Man and by the Head of every Man is Christ must be meant every elect Person who comes to witness a Union with him and by the Head of Christ is God we must understand him as having his Human Nature join'd to the second Person in the Godhead and so brought into a nigh relation with the Father Now that I may-come to some discovery of this glorious Mystery I shall consider the Relation which the Woman hath to her Husband by this Marriage-Union and the Privileges that she is invested with by this Relation That her Relation is very great doth appear in that of two Persons they are so far made one that ever after this Knot of Marriage is tied he looks upon her as a part of himfelf she loseth her own Name and takes the Name of her Husband thereby shewing that she is become a part of him and so great is her Privilege by this Union that how mean soever her Extraction hath been before Marriage it is from that time forward forgotten and she is made a sharer with her Husband in whatsoever Honour he is invested and whatever is confer'd upon him she becomes a sharer with him in it This saith the Apostle it a great Mystery but I speak concerning Christ and the Church That is he was for typifying out the Relation that was betwixt Christ and the Church by it And this leads me to the second thing in the Apostle's words viz. to shew how every elect Person doth become one with the Lord Jesus Christ and a sharer with him in the Honour the Father hath invested him withal Every elect Person doth become one with the Lord Jesus by the free tendering of himself to them this must be to bring about the Marriage And O what Condescension is here in this excellent Person that he should stoop so low to take such unworthy Creatures into so nigh a relation with himself Persons that before they become related to the Lord Jesus Christ are under the Penalty of the first Covenant that is are under the Sentence of the Law whose Threatnings are no less than eternal Misery an eternal Exclusion of Soul and Body from the Presence of God being that which is comprehended in the Sentence That this should be the state that the Elect are in before the offers of these Tenders and that Embassadors should be employ'd to make Tenders outwardly and the holy Spirit sent from the Bridegroom to draw the Hearts of the Elect to condescend to this Marriage-Union O wonderful amazing Work if we consider the different state that these two Parties are in before Marriage The Hearts of the Elect being drawn to accept him upon the terms he is offered with what Cheerfulness is the Heart given up to him to be one with him and how do they look upon themselves ever after this Union to be concerned in his Interest as it is in the World Doth it call for a daily bearing the Cross With what willingness of Heart do they come to it
take it up They look upon their Lord to be at present absent from them and therefore they are greatly concerned for his Truths white he is absent from the World they are willing to sacrifice their Interests in the World to the Interest of Christianity That Person hath great cause to question his Interest in Christ whose Will is not so far brought over to the Lord Jesus Christ as to become a Martyr for him upon the account of his Truths The Power to enable to go through so great a Work must come from God when call'd to it but they do not find a drawing back of the Will from it if he shall see it good to call them to it Being united to him what Privileges have they in present Possession and what Privileges have they in Reversion At present they are brought into the state of Children John 1.12 But as many at received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his Name Through him they witness what it is to have recourse to God as a Father and to be owned by him as his Children In Reversion they behold by Faith an eternal Inheritance and a redeemed Body 1 Joh. 3.2 Beloved now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Compared with Rom. 8.16 17. The Spirit it self heareth witness with our Spirits that we are the Children of God And if Children then Heirs Heirs of God and Joint-Heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorified together The third thing is to shew how the Lord Christ is brought into Relation with God the Father and what those Privileges are that he enjoys by virtue of this Relation If I should speak of the Relation of the eternal Word with the Father which was from everlasting it cannot be declared by the Creature therefore to meddle with this were high Presumption I shall only speak of his Relation with the Father as the second Person in the Godhead join'd to our Nature and as so united he is stiled in Scripture the only begotten Son of God the Relation of his Divine Nature with the Father being not thereby dissolved but remaining firm and his human Nature taken in to share with the Divine Nature in this Relation And as so related he enjoys very great Privileges from the Father As first To share with him in Divine Honour Joh. 5.22 23. For the Father judgeth no Man but hath committed all Judgment unto the Son That all Men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father As we honour the Father as the giver of every good thing to us we honour the Son as the way through which it is given ver 27. And hath given him authority to execute Judgment because he is the Son of Man That is he shall externally sit on the Tribunal or Judgment-seat at the last day and shall sentence all Persons to their eternal state I come now to treat of that Work which the holy Spirit carries on in the Souls of the Saints The Children of God being brought by the Light of the first Covenant to see themselves under the Penalty of the Law do come to witness by inward Experience the truth of the Apostle's words Rom. 7.10 And the Commandment which was ordained to Life to the first Adam while in Innocency is to them the Messenger of Death Actual Sins which they have committed against God with the Penalty annex'd to them are in the Glass of the Law presented before them they are so far delivered from the Rock of Presumption that they are in danger of splitting upon the Rock of Desperation but that an everlasting Arm is put under to support them To these heavy-laden Sinners are the Tenders of Grace through a dear Redeemer presented outwardly and these doth the Spirit draw inwardly The Sins that they have committed outwardly and the Corruptions that they groan under inwardly are brought with them to the Lord Jesus Christ they have nothing to recommend themselves by to the Redeemer but an inward fight and feeling of the Misery that they groan under they see a real need of a Saviour and to these when laid hold of by Faith he is precious The Evidence of a real Closure with the Lord Jesus Christ and the acceptance of pardoning Grace through him doth manifest it self in a differrent manner All the Children of God have not alike Evidence of a Closure some come only to witness a Faith of dependance on him and upon Grace through him while others are taken into his Arms and imbraced by him and drink deep of the Enjoyment of God through him To each of these Conditions as having received through rich Grace some inward Experience of them upon my own Soul I shall treat And first Of the Faith of dependance which doth discover it self to the Souls of God's Children in this manner The Soul hath strongly born in by the holy Spirit some such absolute Promise as this John 6.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out They have the Evidences of the Father's giving them to him and of his driving them out of self-dependance to this Saviour they have the assurance in the Promise of his acceptance in these words him that cometh extended to every comer and they have the certainty of their Salvation that he will in no wise cast them out This or such like absolute Promises being not only born in but ingraven upon the Heart by the holy Spirit the Soul is inabled by Faith to feed upon and to rest upon for Comfort being throughly perswaded of the faithfulness of the Promiser and of his Ability to perform what he hath promised and from this doth the Soul draw inward Peace going a begging through the World for a more full discovery of their Souls Beloved to them and of the Fathers Love through him but are denied and many times do breath out their Souls unto God in words not much unlike their Lord's My God my God Why dost thou for sake me A Faith of dependance which knits the Soul to him is present but the Evidence of God's Presence with them is wanting It is upon an absolute Promise that I desire to close with Christ saith Mr. Cotton for if the Promise upon which thou closest be conditional there being a Failure through Frailty of the Condition the Comforts flowing from the Promise will thereby cease therefore saith he it is upon an absolute Promise that I desire to trust for Salvation 2ly I come in the next place to treat of that more full and clear Discovery of a closure with the Lord Jesus Christ and of the Father's Acceptance through him which the Holy Spirit doth bring some of the Children of God to
viz. an Entail of a particular Enjoyment of the Worship of God amongst them for many Generations together But this will fall under Consideration when I come to treat of the New Testament Church Thirdly Where internal Grace did accompany these Ordinances of Circumcision and the Paschal Lamb with other parts of the Old Testament Worship the Elect Seed were brought to have spiritual Mercies convey'd to their Souls through it Abraham hath that Honour conferr'd upon him to be a Father not only to a numerous Offspring who did enjoy an Earthly Inheritance by Covenant-right as descending from him but likewise a Father of the spiritual Seed both Jews and Gentiles who should share with him in the same Faith and so come to share in those precious Promises made to him as a Believer through the Lord Jesus Christ That he stood as a Father to this twofold Seed doth appear from the words of our Lord Joh. 8.37 I know that ye are Abraham 's Seed but ye seek to kill me because my Word hath no place in you That is ye are only of that Seed who by virtue of descent from him do enjoy the Privileges of Earthly Enjoyments Ver. 39. They answered and said unto him Abraham is our Father Jesus saith unto them If ye were Abraham 's Children ye would do the Works of Abraham That is if you were of his spiritual Seed and of the same Faith with him it would shew it self by its Works as Abraham's Faith did who saw my day of appearance as a Redeemer and rejoiced Of his natural Seed as such I have already spoken and the Privileges they enjoy'd I now come to treat of his Spiritual Seed that did descend from him who did not come to their Right by being the Offspring of believing Abraham but by being of the same Faith with him Rom. 9.7 8. Neither because they are the Seed of Abraham are they all Children but in Isaac shall thy Seed be called That is They which are the Children of the Flesh these are not the Children of God but the Children of the Promise are counted for the Seed That is as Isaac's Birth was not by the natural strength of the Parents but by virtue of God's Promise which bound his Truth to set his Omnipotency on work to perform what he promised even so it is with all the spiritual Seed Without the moving of the same Power upon the Heart to subject the Heart unto him none could come into that state which will give its Evidence according to the Scriptures that they are of the spiritual Seed As it was by preaching of the Gospel unto Abraham or a renewing of the Promise of a Messiah to come which had been given out in the threatning against Satan Gen. 3.15 that Abraham was brought into Covenant so it was by the means which the Wisdom of God did think fit to make use of to convey the knowledg of the Messiah to come unto the Souls of these Israelites who were to be Abraham's spiritual Seed and the ordinary means was that Worship appointed by God in the Old Testament Church to these that were of years The way that God takes to convey Grace to elect Infants in all Ages being a Secret which he is pleased not to discover unto us I desire to leave them to his rich Grace which flows to Sinners through a dear Redeemer and to his own way to apply it unto their Souls and shall return to treat of the matter in hand As Abraham was a Father to a twofold Seed and the believing Israelites were to proceed from him by Generation as well as the Unbelievers and as both these were to be imbodied together into one Nation and Church for many Generations so the natural Seed having the things intended for them by the Covenant sealed unto them it was necessary that his spiritual Seed should have their Covenant-Mercies sealed to them Abraham received the sign of Circumcision a Seal of the Righteousness of the Faith which he had yet being uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that believe The outward part of the Ordinance was not the Evidence of the Israelites being Abraham's spiritual Seed but that which was figured out by it unto the spiritual Seed was the Evidence which was the having their Hearts circumcised Corruption removed and Grace planted in the Soul for altho an outward Ordinance be the means leading to the inward where the Spirit concurs with it it is from the inward that the Soul receives Comfort being thereby brought into a condition to enjoy Communion with God and through Faith to behold the Heavenly Canaan before it As the Paschal Lamb was appointed to figure out to the natural Seed that God was accomplishing his Promise in bringing of them to an Earthly Canaan so where the spiritual Seed were led by Faith to behold that the Paschal Lamb was but a Type of the Lord Jesus Christ the great Passover they through Faith were brought to behold that God was upon the accomplishing of his Promise in bringing of them to the Heavenly Canaan The Apostle in Heb. 9.9 10. shews us that the Old Testament Church-state was but a Figure for the time then present in which were offered both Gifts and Sacrifices that could not make him that did sacrifice perfect at pertaining to the Conscience which stood in Meats and Drinks and carnal Ordinances imposed on them until the time of Reformation Not that the Ordinances were carnal in respect of the things typified by them and apprehended through the help of the Spirit by the spiritual Seed But saith Mr. Hildersam such as carnal Men might perform and very sutable to the Disposition of a carnal Heart God by his Wisdom ordering his Worship in this manner that so the natural Seed and the spiritual Seed of Abraham from the first setting up or forming that People into a Church might remain imbodied together until the times of Reformation that is the New Testament Church-state Their Privileges by fleshly right do then end and the natural Seed ceaseth from being counted any longer a Church or People to God but as they fall in with the spiritual Seed of Abraham and receive the Qualification which the New Testament Church calls for in order to be a Member of it Rom. 11.19 20 21. Thou wilt say then The Branches were broken off that I might be graffed in Well because of Vnbelief they were broken off and thou standest by Faith be not high-minded but fear For if God spared not the natural Branches take heed lest he also spare not thee These words I think do comprehend the whole matter of which I have been treating in this Chapter the Branches that are broken off are the natural Seed of Abraham or as Paul calls them the Children of the Flesh such as tho destitute of spiritual Grace in their Souls yet by virtue of Birth-Privilege did enjoy as a Branch from Abraham a right of Membership in the Old Testament Church
his first and second Appearance But as the Apostle saith Heb. 1.1 2. God who at sundry times and divers manners spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son whom he hath appointed Heir of all things The New Testament which was given forth by the Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles doth take off the Vail from the Old and as to that part of it which concerns the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ is an Exposition of it Our Lord tells the Woman of Samaria John 4.23 But the hour cometh and now is when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him Under the times of the Old Testament the Worship of God lay much outward the Body being greatly exercised in it they had killing of Sacrifices they had material Fire to burn the Sacrifice withal and material Salt to season the Sacrifice But under the New Testament the Worship most of all concerns the Soul it is so far spiritual that the Spirit of God must be the Unfolder of it and calls at the first glance for the Soul to apprehend the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Person held forth in it For without a Heart true unto him no acceptance of the Worship neither the Worshipper The Salt which our Worship must be season'd withal must be inward Sincerity the Fire inward Zeal engaging the Heart with God when exercised in the worshipping of him which will not fail to keep the Body in a decent Posture with it How low doth the Apostle go when he speaks of the Old Testament Worship Heb. 10.1 For the Law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very Image of the things can never with these Sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the Comers thereunto perfect By the Law the following words shew he intends the Ceremonial Law which was appointed by God during that Dispensation to typify out that which is with such Clearness presented unto us in the New Testament And in comparing of these together the Apostle doth not vouchsafe to grant unto the Ceremonial Law to be an Image of the other but a Shadow a Shadow is not so much as an Image nor an Image so much as the thing it self It is a Metaphor taken from Painting Painters are wont with Chalk or a Coal to draw out the thing which they propose to themselves to express Which rude Picture is call'd a Shadow for the obscure Representation Then with the Pencil they bring on the lively Colours that it may be a distinct and express Likeness of a thing which is properly call'd an Image There being so vast a Difference in the Matter of the Worship betwixt the Old and New Testament it is very strange to me to see holy Men run back to the Old Testament to warrant their Practice for such things which they want a Warrant for from the New Having found out the nature of the Publication of the Gospel under the New Testament it will not be very difficult to find out what fort of Persons are the visible Members of the Church which leads me to the next thing to be handled What is required to be admitted a Member of the Church according to the Rule laid down in the New Testament And that is a laying hold of the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith and of that rich and free Grace which is extended to Sinners from God the Father through him accompanied with an outward Profession of their Faith before those to whom they join themselves in Church-fellowship and an outward Declaration of their sincere desire to walk with the Church as Members of it according to the Rule of the Word They first saith the Apostle gave their own selves to the Lord and to us by the Will of God It is impossible but Hypocrites and Formalists should creep into the Church because Man judgeth only by outward appearance it is God alone that can behold the Heart However the admittance of them depends upon the Church's Judgment and the Church receives them as sincere and not as Hypocrites or Formalists for if either of these were discoverable before admittance the Church would not accept them Acts 8.13 Then Simon himself believed also and was baptized By believing must be meant an outward Declaration of his believing for it doth appear that his Heart had not laid hold of the Lord Jesus Christ for if it had he would not have been so ignorant how the Gift of the Holy Ghost was given so as to think to procure it by Mony but being discovered the Apostle Peter tells him Thy Mony perish with thee ver 23. For I perceive thou art in the Gall of Bitterness and in the Bond of Iniquity That is notwithstanding thy outward Profession of Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ thou art in a state of Sin and Impenitency which if continued in will at last bring forth the Bitterness of eternal Punishment To prove that the New Testament doth require a Work of true Conversion upon the Heart as that which qualifies or fits a Person to be a Member of the visible Church and that no pretence of fleshly right as being of believing Parents will do it I shall offer these following Reasons First Because the Entail which gave the fleshly Seed right of Membership to the Church ended with that Old Testament Church-state for altho the grievous and abominable Sins of the Israelites did cause the Lord to bring very heavy Judgments upon them and often to send them into Captivity before the face of their Enemies yet they were not unchurched neither was the Worship of God taken from them for their Wickedness and given to another People and the great Reason was because it was by an Act of Grace that this Favour was granted to the Seed of Abraham that they should be separated from the rest of the Nations and have the Worship of God set up amongst them And the same Grace that extended this Favour to them above the rest of the World was pleased that an Entail to secure the continuance of the Favour granted until the coming of the Messiah should be a part of the Grant it self as appears from the words of Jacob Gen. 49.10 The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Lawgiver from between his Feet until Shilo come He speaks it with a shall not to shew that altho their Sins might bring other Judgments upon them yet this Judgment was reserved to fall upon them for their slighting the Messiah The Lord Christ lays this before the Jews in the Parable of a Housholder planting a Vineyard Mat. 21.33 Hear another Parable There was a certain Housholder which planted a Vineyard and hedged it round about and digged a Wine-press in it and built a Tower and let it out to Husbandmen and went into a far Country This Housholder is God the Fathers this Vineyard
manifest it self it leads the Administrator unto a chearful administring the Ordinance to such Persons And he Peter commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord. Those that do lay aside the Supper-Ordinance do say that Christ is come and therefore the Supper-Ordinance is of no longer continuance But if such Persons would seriously consider what the coming of Christ is which they speak of they would do well for if by coming inwardly into the Soul and the Holy Ghost's manifesting him in the Soul by the Glass of the Gospel be meant this is the Qualification to come to the Ordinance and so he is come to every sincere Christian 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom having not seen ye love in whom tho now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoice with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory Compared with Ephes 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your Hearts by Faith This dwelling of the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith is the inward discerning of him in his Sufferings which being wholly wanting in those that do partake of the outward part of the Ordinance they eat and drink Damnation to themselves not discerning the Lord's Body But if by being come they intend such a coming as to exclude the Expectation of the second Personal Appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ Whom the Apostle tells us Acts 3.21 the Heaven must receive until the Restitution of all things then they destroy one of the Articles of the Christian Faith The Saints in this day do in a measure witness with the Apostles the inward Enjoyment of him by Faith and by the same Faith that they liv'd in do expect the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ The Apostle John speaks fully to this in 1 Joh. 3.2 Beloved now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is They could not be brought into the state of Children without the inward Enjoyment of the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith for this is the Evidence of Sonship and it doth not yet appear what we shall be in Eternity we do but as in a Glass behold the Glory that the Children shall there be made partakers of but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Not alone we know that he is ours but we know that he will hold and keep us till we enjoy eternal Glory with our Head the Lord Jesus Christ at his second personal Appearance then shall our vile Bodies be changed like his glorious Body and we be ever with the Lord. The next thing to be treated of is that the way of administring the Ordinances be kept to according to the Rule of the Word and that is as to the Ordinance of Baptism a burial of the Body in Water in the Name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Buried with him by Baptism into Death Leigh in his Note upon the words of Rom. 6.4 The Apostle saith he alludes to the manner in which Baptism was then administred which was to plunge the Baptized in the Water after which they put on new Garments whence those manners of speaking used in Scripture to put on Christ to put off the old Man and put on the new Mr. Perkins agrees with Leigh as to the manner of Administration of the Ordinance of Baptism in the Primitive Church and tells us that it was altered from plunging of the Body under Water to sprinkling in the Face by reason of the Coldness of this Northern Climate but from whence the Power is derived to make any alteration in the Ordinance from its Primitive Institution this that holy Man shews not as if the Elements were not subject to the Power of God and he were not sufficient to preserve his Children in their Obedience to him in his own Appointments Secondly The way of administring the Supper-Ordinance we have set down by the Lord Jesus who was the first Administrator Mat. 26.26 27 28. And as they were eating that is the Passover Jesus took Bread and blessed it and brake it and gave it to his Disciples and said Take eat this is my Body The Bread put for the thing signified by it which was the Body of Christ Ver. 27. And he took the Cup and gave Thanks and gave it to them saying Drink ye all of it Ver. 28. For this is my Blood that is a Sacrament or figure of his Blood poured forth of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of Sins This leads me to the next thing What the Ordinances do hold forth when administred according to the Rule of the Word I shall first treat of the Ordinance of Baptism which consists of two parts the one outward the other inward the outward part I have spoken to already which is a Burial of the Body in Water the inward part figured out by the outward is the Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 6.4 5. Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into Death that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of Life For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his Death we shall be also in the likeness of his Resurrection As the outward Declaration of the Gospel is the instrumental Means in the hand of the Holy Ghost to convey that which is held forth by it which is the Lord Jesus Christ unto the Soul so is the Ordinance of Baptism the Means appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ and made use of by the Spirit to convey that which is held forth by it The outward of it self conveys nothing it is only made use of by the holy Spirit to set before the Soul what is figured out by it The Burial of the Body holds forth the Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Benefits which we receive by it which is a discharge from the Penalty of Sin and our rising out of the Water his Resurrection and the Benefits which we receive by it which is to walk with God in newness of Life by Power received from the Father through the Intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ The holy Spirit accompanying the Ordinance doth let the Soul see what Christ hath gone through to free it from Hell and to procure for it the Enjoyment of Heaven which inward sight by Faith knits the Soul to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ The Apostle calls it a being planted into the likeness of his Death and into the likeness of his Resurrection The Believer is let into Christ so as to draw that spiritual Life by which he lives unto God from the Lord Jesus Christ he not only lives in the Enjoyment of the Father but doth likewise convey of that spiritual Life unto all his Members in a measure For
the further clearing up and confirming the truth of what is held forth by the Ordinance of Baptism I shall open the Apostle's words in 1 Pet. 3.19 20 21. By which also he went and preached unto the Spirits in Prison He the Lord Jesus Christ in his Divine Nature went by Noah's Ministry and preached Repentance while the Ark was building to those Souls who for their Impenitency were cast into the Prison of Hell Which sometime were disobedient when once the Long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was a preparing the Forbearance of God towards the old World continued and Noah preached Repentance to them wherein few that is eight Persons were saved by Water The like Figure whereunto even Baptism doth now save us not the putting away the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ The outward part which is Water and which puts away the filth of the Flesh by the burial of the Body in it is not that which saves but it is a Figure of that which doth save the Spirit accompanying the Ordinance when it is administred by the answer of a good Conscience towards God that is the answer of a believing Heart which by Faith lays hold of that which is figured out by it the Lord Jesus Christ in his Death and Resurrection The Lord's Supper hath likwise two parts an Outward and an Inward the Outward part is the Bread broken and eaten the Wine poured forth and drunk by the Believer the Inward part is his Flesh crucified and his Blood shed for the sake of his Members Luke 22.19 20. And he took Bread and gave Thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my Body which is given for you this do in remembrance of me Likewise also the Cup after Supper saying This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood which is shed for you The Martyrs being press'd by the Papists to shew how the Lord Jesus Christ was present in this Ordinance owned that as Bread and Wine was apprehended by the Body in feeding upon it to its Nourishment so the Flesh and Blood of Christ was apprehended by the Soul in feeding upon him to the nourishing of the Soul The Bread and Wine is not the Body but a Sacramental Figure by which the Body of Christ is represented to us 1 Cor. 11.26 For as often as ye eat this Bread and drink of this Cup ye do shew the Lord's Death till he come PART IV. Being an Appendix which the Author leaves for a Legacy to his Children GEN. 18.19 For I know him that he will command his Children and his Houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgment that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him WHAT I shall leave with you my Children I shall comprehend under these two general Heads First Lay before you the way that God hath taken to bring my Soul to the Enjoyment of himself by Faith Secondly The Counsel and Direction which I recommend unto you if I should be shortly removed from you First I shall lay before you the way that God hath taken to bring me to the Enjoyment of himself by Faith I was in my younger years exceedingly beloved of my Mother so that her very Life seem'd almost bound up in me and tho I do believe she had a Work of Grace upon her Soul yet her Love to me did not run in that pure Channel which it ought to have run that is to have made my immortal Soul the great Object of her Love and Care But her Indulgence to me in my tender years tended greatly to heighten Sin and Corruption in my Soul for I chose for my Companions the profanest Boys in Bridlington and altho I was not gotten to such a pitch of Profaneness as some of them yet I took delight to hear them belch out their Wickedness and frequently at our Meetings we had profane Ballads which I was as industrious to learn to sing as any of them my poor Mother did know of my Companions but I do not think that she did believe that they were altogether so wicked as they were for they generally appeared moderately sober before her I do think that it is one of the greatest Duties that belongs to Parents to endeavour to cast their Children among other sober Children for what avails all Admonition that can be given to a Child if as soon as we have done we deliver it up into Temptation I do not think that it is in Parents power to give a Principle of Grace to their Childen but it may be in their power to give a check to the outbreakings of Corruption which may greatly hinder its growth Prov. 22.6 Train up a Child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it When I was about seven years old and a Scholar at the Free School a wonderful Providence did befal me Being at play with about forty Scholars with me in the Green before the Church and a poor Woman at the Well-side drawing Straw I laid my Breast over the great blue Stones that lay about the Well to sail my Ship in it it being full of Water and so went head forward down into the Well neither my Play-fellows seeing me fall into it nor the poor Woman that was by but altho no Eye saw me yet the Eye of the Almighty was over me and his sparing pitying Love was towards me being very unfit to go into Eternity having no knowledg of God neither of the worth of my precious Soul and he by his Wisdom open'd a way to save me in such a manner that all concern'd in me might know that he had done it A poor old Woman whose Name was Alice Brown that liv'd right against the Well had hung on a Pan with Water to lay Leven but a lump of Soot fell down out of the Chimny which had been swept but three days before into her Pan so that she cast out the Water and came to the Well for more and seeing me gave a sudden skreek the poor Woman who was a common Harlot that was drawing Straw supposing it to be her Boy my Mother having a little before given her some of my old Clothes laid her hand upon the Stones and leapt directly into the Well which was up to her Breast in Water and catching me in her Arms handed me out with very little discovery of Life in me This amazing Providence had not the least effect upon me to frighten me out of my Sins but being well recovered I became more sinful than before and that which tended to heighten it was that I made this Harlot's Son who had been the Instrument in saving me my chief Companion In this course I continued until I was about thirteen years of Age. Being a dull Scholar and my Master churlish to me and
pardoning and renewing Grace hath been manifested inwardly in me 1. His Pardoning Grace hath been manifest in me I have many times come before God labouring under inward Guilt and have experienced a removal of the Guilt in the Gospel way For altho the Lord Jesus Christ did by his Death give a full Satisfaction to Justice for all the Elect that were given him of the Father yet while the Elect are on this side Eternity and through frailty liable to fall into Sin after Sin committed there can be no inward Peace enjoy'd until the Soul be led forth anew by a Renewed Act of Faith upon a suffering Jesus and a suing by sincere Repentance unto the Father for pardoning Grace upon the account of his Worthiness And as to the Praise of the rich Grace of God I have experienced his pardoning Grace so I hope to the Praise of the same Grace I can say it that I do experience Renewing Grace I do indeed feel my time to be a continual Warfare according to the words of the Apostle Gal. 5.17 For the Flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would Grace is often foiling Corruption but hath not destroy'd it the growth of it is hindered but the Seeds of it remain it 's an Enemy that lies continually lurking to watch for Advantage and altho it cannot regain such a Power as to destroy my Soul yet it keeps so much Power as to disturb it My Soul sometimes goes mourning before God under the sense of the remaining strength of this Adversary and how hardly is Grace put to it to quit the Soul out of its hands But here lies my Security I am brought within the compass of the Father's unchangeable Love within the compass of the Sons Intercession and under the Leadings of the Holy Ghost First I am within the compass of the Father's Love being one of the Seed given to Christ and according to the Tenor of the Covenant do I experience the Father's dealings with me Psal 89.30 31 32 33 34. If his Children that is the Elect Seed given to Christ ver 27 28. walk not in my Judgments If they break my Statutes and keep not my Commandments Then will I visit their Transgression with the Rod and their Iniquities with Stripes Nevertheless my Loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him nor suffer my Faithfulness to fail My Covenant will I not break Here is my Mercy that I do experience my Father's dealing with me to be according to the Tenor of the Covenant that his Providence towards me brings Frowns with it against Corruption and that he hath enlightned my Soul to see it Psal 94.12 Blessed is the Man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy Law Frowning Providences are not of themselves Mercies but the Spirit 's accompanying them and working by them upon the Soul to bring the Soul to a sensibility of its State and enabling the Soul to seek to God and to enjoy Comfort from him through Faith when denied Comfort from the World It 's this that gives the Evidence that they are sent in Mercy when corrupt Nature is subdued by them and inward Grace is stirr'd up to put forth the greater Fervency to God and for God in Duty that we may be serviceable to him in our Generation The Apostle in Heb. 12.8 lays this down as the common way of God's dealing with his Children and fixes Bastardy upon those that are not thus dealt with But if ye be without Chastisement whereof of all are partakers then are you Bastards and not Sons Mark it my Children I do not say God doth not give Prosperity to none of his Children in this World but where he doth give it he usually brings humbling Providences before it that so the Soul may not be prejudiced by it Joseph and David were both exalted to a very high state in this World but what great Afflictions did they go through before they were brought to it according to the words of the Prophet It is good for a Man that he hear the Yoke in his Youth And it hath been my particular Observation That where great plenty of this World's Goods are given to any of God's Children they have had a pricking Thorn put into some of their outward Enjoyments that they might not rest in these things as their Portion Secondly I am one of those for whom the Lord Jesus Christ is interceding and interested in him as a Member of his Mystical Body Father saith Christ keep through thine own Name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are He intercedes that we may be prepared for Glory and that we may be brought to the enjoyment of Glory Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me This Prayer saith a holy Man altho it was pray'd here on Earth by the Lord Jesus Christ in the state of his Humiliation yet the Matter contain'd in it doth sute his State of Exaltation and is a short Epitome of his Intercession as the Church's Head now at the Right-hand of his Father until every Member of his Mystical Body be brought to the Mansions of eternal Rest The Apostle in Heb. 6. from v. 13 to 20. having laid down the Unchangeableness and Immutability of the Father's Council concerning the Elect and how for their Encouragement he had bound himself not only by Word but by Oath for the performance of the things contained in the Promises and having shewed how the Flock do anchor upon their Father's Immutability as that which is both sure and stedfast and enters into that within the Vail Faith doth not content it self only with the Promises but pierceth into Heaven to God himself and the Soul there for its further Encouragement beholds the blessed Mediator interceding on its behalf ver 20. Where the forerunner is for us entred even Jesus All the Promises of God the Father being made to our Nature first as it is united to his Son the Eternal Word our Nature in him being brought to the Enjoyment of that Glory contained in the Promises doth on the behalf of the Elect intercede that every individual Person that belongs unto him may be brought to be sharers with him Your Father through Faith hath a well-grounded hope that he is one of the number for whom his blessed Lord is interceding and doubts not but in a little time to be a sharer in that part of his Intercession which leads to enjoy eternal Glory through him Thirdly I am one of those that are under the leadings of the Spirit of Adoption which is that inward Witness which the Scripture speaks of He that believeth in the Son of God hath the Witness in himself For God saith the Apostle who commanded Light to shine out
Work nor Device in the Grave If out of Christ when Death comes to you then miserable for ever if in Christ when Death comes happy for ever 6. Take care to get your Judgments throughly informd and settled in the Foundation-Principle of Christianity Other Foundation can no Man lay than that which is already laid which is Jesus Christ an all-sufficient Saviour Remember you must always go empty to him but have a care of returning empty from him Have the Saints in all Ages beheld such an Excellency in him and can you see none It 's a sign your Hearts are not right with him you talk of what you do not enjoy To you that believe saith the Apostle he is precious it 's such a Faith as gives a view of his Person in the Gospel-Glass 7. Endeavour to be much in the inward experimental part of Religion Have a care of sticking in the true Form without the Power and have a care of a pretended Power without the true Form If you stick in the purest Form without the Power you get no further than Formalists and are no better than a lifeless Image without Motion in God's account For Revealed Religion was appointed to bring the Heart to Communion with God and where this is not attained the great Design of God in giving forth Revealed Religion is lost Have a care of a pretended Power without the true Form for by this you will be laid open to the Transformings of Satan and to his Deceivings as an Angel of Light Lend not an Ear to that Spirit that gets above the holy Scriptures as a Rule and Guide How many Persons who have seemd to be in a hopeful way in the Truths of Christianity have been led into By-paths through Satan's Wiles and many sincere Christians have so far fallen as to lose much of their former Experiences 8. If the Lord in Mercy to you make you fit Matter of a Gospel-Church and afford you the Means of giving up your selves to other Christians that are gathered together according to the order of the Gospel upon a Profession of Faith and sincere Obedience neglect not so great a Mercy you may then be serviceable unto others by the exercising of the Gifts given you which may be for others Edification and Improvement to your selves and your Hearts may be warmed by the Gifts and Graces of other Christians Besides your Mercy will be very great in having the watchful Eye of sincere Christians over you to incourage you in your Christian Course and to be faithful Reprovers of you if they see that you do not walk orderly according to the Rule of the Gospel This is one of the great Privileges that attend those that are in Church-fellowship Gal. 6.1 Brethren if a Man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the Spirit of Meekness considering thy self lest thou also be tempted Two saith Solomon are better than one because they have a good Reward for their Labour for if they fall the one will lift up his Fellow but wo to him that is alone when he falleth for he hath not another to help him If two Christians may be serviceable one to another how much more to have a considerable number of sincere Christians watching over you 9. Endeavour to get imprinted upon your Hearts that the Life of a Christian while he is passing through this World is a Life of Prayer When God takes Persons into Covenant with him he pours out upon their Souls the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication Prayer is the Intelligencer betwixt the Saints here on Earth and their Father now in Heaven it is that which keeps God's Ear open to us and our Hearts open for him The blessed Jesus speaking of John's Ministry the effect it had upon sinners to bring them to a sincere Repentance and by strong Cries to lay open their state before God he tells us Mat. 11.12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence and the Violent take it by force He compareth these poor returning Penitents to a Company of Souldiers drawn up in Battel-array to force their Entrance into a Fort or Castle their Cries here on Earth piercing into Heaven Prayer made God use that familiar and condescending Expression to Moses concerning the People of Israel Exod. 32.9 10 11. And the Lord said unto Moses I have seen this People and behold it is a stiff-necked People Now therefore let me alone that my Wrath may wax hot against them and that I may consume them and I will make of thee a great Nation And Moses besought the Lord his God and said Why doth thy Wrath wax hot against thy People which thou hast brought forth out of the Land of Egypt You may see in these and the following words to the 15th Verse what prevalency Prayer hath upon God when it is put up on the behalf of others much more when it is on our own behalf In treating of this Subject I shall First Shew what Prayer is and the nature of it Secondly I shall shew the necessity of the continuance of it while we are on this side Eternity First I shall shew what Prayer is and the nature of it We may take Prayer according to Scripture under a twofold Consideration First As proceeding from the Spirit of Bondage And here the Heart doth not cry unto God from an inward sight and feeling that it is interested in God but by the light of the first Govenant It looks upon God as Creator and as having an Ability in him to supply Nature's Wants and to deliver from approaching Misery This Prayer is Nature's Cry and is oftentimes put forth with a great deal of Earnestness where there is no Evidence of an Interest in God or Communion with God But that Prayer which I design to lay open is the Work of the Spirit of Adoption upon the Hearts of the Saints and this consists in these three parts 1st In giving inward Light to see the things necessary to be prayed for 2dly In giving Life and Motion to the Faculties of the Soul that so the Soul may be engag'd in the Duty 3dly In leading the Soul in the way by which an Entrance is obtained into Heaven First I shall shew the nature of the Inlightnings of the Spirit in the Duty of Prayer how they are discovered in the Soul of Man 1. The Inlightnings of the Spirit are discovered in the Soul of Man by discovering the inward Frame that the Soul is in The Hearts of the unconverted World are always in an ill Frame and that which is their great Misery they want Light to see it but if the Saints be in an ill frame they are in Mercy brought to see it remaining Corruption is discovered deadness and dulness and wandering of the Heart from God is discovered the holy Spirit gives Light that the Heart may be rectified and made fit for Communion with God because therein
lies Man's chief Happiness Keep thy Heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of Life 2. The things that concern the outward Man are through the Inlightnings of the holy Spirit beheld as of less Concern and Worth altho they do lie next to Sense and the Hearts of the Saints have been inabled to get above them and to part with them when they stood in Competition with the sincere performance of those Duties which God call'd them to The Inlightning of the Spirit doth concern it self for the outward Man but it is that Nature may be satisfied and not Lust gratified it is that such a Supply may be given as Nature may be kept from Temptations not that we may run into Temptations Remove far from me Vanity and Lies give me neither Poverty nor Riches feed me with Food convenient for me lest I be full and deny thee and say Who is the Lord or lest I be poor and steal and take the Name of my God in vain While the Heart is without the Inlightnings of the Spirit it is made a Servant to those things that are most obvious to Sense Daily Experience shews us that the Heart of every unconverted Sinner doth place its Satisfaction in the enjoyment of these things altho they end in Death so that the Inlightnings of the holy Spirit are absolutely necessary in the Duty of Prayer 3. The holy Spirit gives inward Life and Motion to the Faculties of the Soul that so the Soul may be ingag'd in the Duty Rom. 8.26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it self maketh Intercession for us with Groanings which cannot be uttered That is the Spirit follows the Inlightnings with inward Life and Motion by which the Heart is set a working after God for the removal of that which stands in the way of Communion with him and for the obtaining of it there is an inward sensibility doth accompany the Matter which we present unto God in Duty not only the things we pray for are presented unto God as those we have need of but the Heart goes along with them that our Heavenly Father may see we are in earnest with him Psal 25.1 Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my Soul Compared with Psal 119.20 My Soul breaketh for the longings that it hath to thy Judgments at all times The holy Spirit draws out the Heart with such earnestness unto God as if there were a Separation going to be made betwixt the Soul and the Body 4. The holy Spirit doth lead the Soul in the way by which Entrance is obtain'd into Heaven We must distinguish betwixt the Spirit 's Intercession in us and the Son's Intercession for us The Spirit 's Intercession in us is that supplicating begging frame which the holy Spirit doth inable the Soul to express it self in when it appears before God yet this through the weakness of the Creature is attended with a great deal of Imperfection But the Intercession of the Son for us as Mediator the Church's Head is that upon which our admittance into Heaven is granted His Prayer is a perfect Prayer and carries Incense along with it to perfume ours Rev. 8.3 And another Angel came and stood at the Altar having a Golden Censer and there was given him much Incense that he should offer it with the Prayers of all Saints upon the Golden Altar which was before the Throne This Angel is the Angel of the Covenant the Lord Jesus Christ as Mediator and the Church's Head the Censer is his holy glorified Body the Man Christ the Incense is his Divine Nature the Perfume of which perfuming the Supplications or Prayers of the Saints and ascending with them before God gains acceptance That Spirit that would assume a right of giving Salvation by Man's Obedience to it its Work is as opposite to the leadings of the Holy Ghost as Light and Darkness For as the Declaration of the Gospel leads to the Lord Jesus Christ as God-Man in one Person our Emanuel as Redeemer and as Mediator who is able to save all those that come to God by him so with this doth the Holy Ghost agree in his inward Witness in the Souls of the Saints Joh. 15.26 27. But when the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father he shall testify of me And ye also shall bear witness because ye have been with me from the beginning This is that new and living way which the Apostle speaks of which gives Boldness in our approaching before God Heb. 10.19 20. Having therefore Brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his Flesh The Holiest that is into Heaven of which the Sanctum Sanctorum under the Law was a Type by a living way that enlivens the Person that walks in it boldness or a holy freedom being given to plead with God which yet causeth great Humility in the Soul its acceptance with God being grounded upon the account of another's Worthiness which by Faith the Soul is inabled to behold and not upon the account of its own Worthiness This is the Way that meets the Experience of the Saints that are now upon the Earth this is the Way that the Flock walk'd in who are gone to Heaven before us we may say we are compassed about with a Cloud of Witnesses The second part of this Head of the Duty of Prayer is to shew the necessity of the continuance of it while we are on this side Eternity 1st Because we have a multitude of Temptations attending of us outwardly And 2dly Because the Soul doth too readily join with the Baits that gratify corrupt Nature First I shall shew you that we have a multitude of Temptations attending of us outwardly The World is gotten to a very high pitch of Atheism and Profaneness Christianity as to the Power of it is not only removed but Persons have lost that Morality that former Ages did enjoy You can hardly deal in the World now but you are in danger every moment to be carried away with the Stream the Difficulties of getting an outward Support for the Body being great Satan takes the advantage of it to draw out the Corruptions of Mens Hearts after these things so as to hurry them forward in their Endeavours to keep and to gain a share in this fading World without any Consideration Where is the Person that hath the Fear of the Almighty before him and an inward Tenderness lest he should offend him Did David take up this Complaint Wo is me that I sojourn in Mesech that I dwell in the Tenths of Kedar My Soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth Peace What cause have we every day to take up the same Complaint if we look upon the
Immorality of the Times we live in most Persons being at Peace with the ways of Sin but unwilling to be brought to the Enjoyment of that Peace which the ways of Holiness do afford Surely my Children if God in Mercy to your Souls open your Understandings to see that great danger that your precious Souls are in you will see a great necessity laid upon you to keep close to God by the great Duty of Prayer that you may stand in his Counsel and that he may undertake to lead you in a safe way that so you may be kept from the Pollutions of the times you live in If the Lord be so gracious to you as by his Providence to open a door for you by which you may get daily Bread in a way that doth not expose you to those great Temptations that many are exposed to tho it be in a lower station in the World make choice of it before Greatness in the World with Temptations Consider the wise Man's words Prov. 28.22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil Eye and considereth not that Poverty shall come upon him It 's Corruption that insatiably drives him forward and suffers him not to consider how he is heaping Sin upon his Soul while he is gathering together these worldly things Altho God do let such Persons live out their days with the Enjoyment of these outward things yet what a heap of Guilt do such Persons carry with them into Eternity Remember what the Apostle saith 1 Tim. 6.9 For they that will be rich fall into Temptation and a Snare and into many foolish and hurtful Lusts which drown Men in Destruction and Perdition Another great thing that shews the necessity of the continuance of the Duty of Prayer as long as we are on this side Eternity is that till then Satan hath not his Power of tempting of us wholly taken from him It is the great Mercy of God's Children that the Rage of this devouring Lion is limited that he has not liberty to execute all that Rage against them which is in him But daily Experience shews us that the Father is pleased to give Satan so much Power against his Children as to vex and grieve them with those violent Temptations he at times suggests into them Now the only way to escape this Adversary and to be strengthened against his Temptations is to keep up Communion with God by Prayer for so long as God is inwardly injoy'd he cannot enter The Apostle in the first Epistle to the Thessalonians Chap. 5. v. 17. saith Pray without ceasing He doth not mean that we should be always in the exercise of that Duty but that we should endeavour to have our Hearts always in a frame for it But secondly The necessity of the continuance of the Duty of Prayer doth appear while we are on this side Eternity because the Soul doth readily too often join with the Baits that gratify corrupt Nature The Body is yet unredeemed and therefore desires to be gratified in those things that delight the outward Man the Senses are as Doors and Windows unto the Soul to let in those outward Objects which are as so many Baits and Snares to draw away the Soul after them There is no keeping the door of the Heart shut against these things but as the Soul is led up by Faith to Objects of a higher nature and the Duty of Prayer is one of the great means made use of by the Spirit to give the Soul a view of those things that are of a more excellent nature than these earthly things are Again Endeavour to get imprinted upon your Minds the necessity of an even composed frame of Spirit under the various changes of God's Providence You know what is past but you know not what is before you whether Prosperity or Adverversity be appointed for you Have a care that with the change of Providences there be not a change of your Hearts for the worse Doth not daily Experience shew us that changes of Providence to poot unconverted Sinners have this effect upon them What a change hath a sudden Advancement to a higher Condition in the World made upon many unconverted Sinners They have hardly known how to behave themselves toward those that were their Familiars while they were in a low Condition much less how to carry themselves toward God who advanced them in the World This change from a low state in the World to a higher hath been a means greatly to eat out that Life and Power that hath been in God's Children when in a low Condition What a Change did it make in Joseph that in discoursing with his Brethren he so far forgets himself as to make use of the Courtly Oaths that were then in fashion By the Life of Pharaoh ye are Spies Again What an effect upon Persons hath a sudden change of Providence had when they have been surprizingly brought down into a low Condition in the World while they have been in an unconverted state that they knew not the way to go to God that they might humble their Souls before him Through the strength of Temptations accompanied with their Corruptions they have been so overwhelmed that they have broken out in unbecoming Expressions towards God and in a desperate manner have laid violent hands upon themselves yea some of God's Children when they have been under dark Providences for want of a settled frame have shew'd too much of a fretful impatient Spirit and like the Israelites have been fill'd with Murmurings and Repinings O endeavour to learn the Apostle's Lesson Phil. 4.11 Not that I speak in respect of want for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content That you may learn this Lesson take these following Directions 1. Endeavour to get your Minds exercised with the thoughts of God as to that absolute Power which he hath over you and all his Creatures that to him belongs the right of disposing of you and the things that he hath for a time given you even as pleaseth him that to you belongs a humble submissive frame of Spirit as you are his Creatures much more if he have brought you into the state of Children 2. Endeavour to see if you cannot find some of God's rational Creatures and some of his dear Children in one respect or other exercised with greater Difficulties than you are having found some under greater Straits than your selves search into your Hearts and Lives and see if you can find any moving Cause there why he should not deal with you as with those that you behold in a worse Condition and so learn Submission to him 3. Look into the Scripture-Glass and there behold that the way God hath taken with his Children to burn up the dross of Corruption and to fit the Soul for himself is by afflicting Providences Isa 48.10 I have chosen thee in the furnace of Affliction And let this be a means for you to press after the same sanctified use of