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B12027 The tragedie of Chabot admirall of France as it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants, at the private house in Drury Lane. Written by George Chapman, and Iames Shirly.; Chabot Chapman, George, 1559?-1634.; Shirley, James, 1596-1666. aut 1639 (1639) STC 4996; ESTC S107727 39,582 70

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now turn'd mortall Must passe examination and the test Of Law have all his offices rip d up And his corrupt soule laid open to the subjects His bribes oppressions and close sinnes that made So many grone and curse him now shall finde Their just reward and all that love their country Blesse heaven and the Kings Iustice for removing Such a devouring monster Fa. Sir your pardon Madam you are the Queene she is my daughter And he that you have character'd so monstrous My sonne in Law now gon to be arraign'd The King is just and a good man but 't does not Adde to the graces of your royall person To tread upon a Lady thus dejected By her owne griefe her Lord 's not yet found guilty Much lesse condemn'd though you have pleas'd to execute him Qu. What saw●y fellow 's this Fa. I must confesse I am a man out of this element No Courtier yet I am a gentleman That dare speake honest truth to the Queenes care A duty every subject wonot pay you And justifie it to all the world there 's nothing Doth more ecclipse the honours of our soule Than an ill grounded and ill followed passion Let slie with noise and license against those Whose hearts before are bleeding Con. Brave old man Fa. Cause you are a Queene to trample ore a woman 〈◊〉 tongue and faculties are all tied up 〈◊〉 out a Lyons teeth and pare his clawes And then a dwarfe may plucke him by the beard T is a gay victory Qu Did you hëare my Lord Fa. I ha done Wif. And it concernes me to beginne I have not made this pause through servile feare Or guiltie apprehension of your rage But with just wonder of the heates and wildnesse Has prepossest your nature gainst our innocence You are my Queene unto that title bowes The humblest knee in France my heart made lower With my obedience and prostrate duty Nor have I powers created for my use When just commands of you expect their service But were you Queene of all the world or something To be thought greater betwixt heaven and us That I could reach you with my eyes and voyce I would shoote both up in defence of my Abused honour and stand all your lightning Qu. So brave Wif. So just and boldly innocent I cannot feare arm'd with a noble conscience The tempest of your frowne were it more frightfull Then every fury made a womans anger Prepar'd to kill with deaths most horrid ceremony Yet with what freedome of my soule I can Forgive your accusation of my pride Qu. Forgive what insolence is like this language Can any action of ours be capable Of thy forgivenesse dust how I dispise thee Can we sinne to be object of thy mercie Wif. Yes and have dont already and no staine To your greatnesse Madam t is my charity I can remit when soveraigne Princes dare Doe injury to those that live beneath them They turne worth pitty and their pray●rs and t is In the free power of those whom they oppresse To pardon e'm each soule has a prerogative And priviledge royall that was sign'd by heaven But though i th knowledge of my disposition Stranger to pride and what you charge me with I can forgive the injustice done to me And striking at my person I have no Commission from my Lord to cleere you for The wrongs you have done him and still he pardon The wounding of his loyaltie with which life Can hold no ballance I must talke just boldnesse To say Fa No more now I must tell you daughter Least you forget your selfe she is the Queene And it becomes not you to vie with her Passion for passion if your Lord stand fast To the full search of Law Heaven will revenge him And give him up precious to good mens loves If you attempt by these unruly wayes To vindicate his justice I me against you Deere as I wish your husbands life and fame Suffer are bound to suffer not contest With Princes since their Will and Acts must be Accounted one day to a Judge supreme Wif. I ha done if the devotion to my Lord Or pietie to his innocence have led me Beyond the awfull limits to be observ'd By one so much beneath your sacred person I thus low crave your royall pardon Madam I know you will remember in your goodnesse My life blood is concern'd while his least veine Shall runne blacke and polluted my heart fed With what keepes him alive nor can there be A greater wound than that which strikes the life Of our good name so much above the bleeding Of this rude pile wee carry as the soule Hath excellence above this earth-borne frailty My Lord by the Kings will is lead already To a severe arraignement and to Iudges Will make no tender search into his tract Of life and state stay but a little while And ●ranc● shall ●●●ho to his shame or innocence This suit I begge with teares I shall have sorrow Enough to heare him censur'd foule and monstrous Should you forbeare to antidate my sufferings Qu. Your conscience comes about and you incline To feare he may be worth the lawes condemning Wif. I sooner will suspect the starres may lose Their way and cristall heaven returne to Chaos Truth ●its not on her square more firme than he Yet let me tell you Madam were his life And action so foule as you have character'd And the bad world expects though as a wife T were duty I should weepe my selfe to death To know him falne from vertue yet so much I a fraile woman love my King and Country I should condemne him too and think● all honours The price of his lost faith more fatall to me Than Cleopatra's aspes warme in my bosome And as much boast their killing Qu. This declares Another soule than was deliver'd me My anger melts and I beginne to pitty her How much a Princes eare may be abus'd Enjoy your happie confidence at more leasure You may heare from us Wif. Heaven preserve the Queene And may her heart be charitable Fa. You blesse and honour your unworthy servant Qu. My Lord did you observe this Con. Yes great Madam And read a noble spirit which becomes The wife of Chabot their great ti● of m●rriage I● not more strong upon em than their vertues Qu. That your opinion I thought your judgement Against the Admi●all doe you thinke him honest Con. Religiously a true most zealous Patrior And worth all royall favour Qu. You amaze me Can you be just your selfe then and advance Your powers against him Con. Such a will be farre From Montmoranzie Pioners of state Have left no art to gaine me to their faction And t is my misery to be plac'd in such A sphere where I am whirl'd by violence Of a fierce raging motion and not what My owne will would encline me I shall make This appeare Madam if you please to second My free speech with the King Qu. Good heaven protect all Haste to the King
that was never true scholler in the least degree longs as a woman with child to be great with scholler she that was never with child longs Omnibus vijs modis to be got with child and will weare a cushion to seeme with child and hee that was never just will fly in the Kings face to be counted just though for all he be nothing but just a Traytor Sec. The Admirall smil●s Jud. Answer your selfe my Lord. Adm. I shall and briefely The furious eloquence of my accuser hath Branch'd my offences hainous to the King And then his subject a most vast indictment That to the King I have justified my merit And services which conscience of that truth That gave my actions life when they are questioned I ought to urge agen and doe without The least part of injustice for the Bill A foule and most unjust one and prefer'd Gainst the Kings honour and his subjects priviledge And with a policie to betray my office And faith to both I doe confesse I tore it It being prest immodestly but without A thought of disobedience to his name To whose mention I bow with humble reverence And dare appeale to the Kings knowledge of me How farre I am in soule from such a rebell For the rest my Lord and you my honour'd Iudges Since all this mountaine all this time in labour With more than mortall fury gainst my life Hath brought forth nought but some ridiculous vermine I will not wrong my right and innocence With any serious plea in my reply To frustrate breath and fight with terrible shaddow That have beene forg'd and forc'd against my state But leave all with my life to your free censures Onely beseeching all your learned judgements Equall and pious conscience to weigh Pro. And how this great and mighty fortune hath exalted him to pride is apparant not onely in his b●aves and bearings to the King the fountaine of all this increase but in his contempt and scorne of the subject his vast expences in buildings his private bounties above royall to souldiers and schollers that he may be the Generall and Patron and protector of armes and arts the number of domesticke attendants an army of Grashoppers and gay Butterflies able to devoure the Spring his glorious wardrobes his stable of horses that are prick'd with provender and will enforce us to weede up our Vineyards to sow Oates for supply of their provision his caroches shining with gold and more bright than the chariot of the Sunne wearing out the pavements nay he is of late so transcendently proud that men must be his Mules and carry him up and downe as it were in a Procession for men to gaze at him till their chines crackes with the weight of his insupportable pride and who knowes but this may prove a fashion But who grones for this the subject who murmure and are ready to beginne a rebellion but the tumultuous saylers and water-rats who tunne up and downe the citie like an over-bearing tempest cursing the Admirall who in duty ought to undoe himself for the generall satisfaction of his countrymen Adm. The varietie and wonder now presented To your most noble notice and the worlds That all my life and actions and offices Explor'd with all the hundred eyes of Law Lighted with lightning shot out of the wrath Of an incenst and commanding King And blowne with foes with farre more bitter windes Then Winter from his Easterne cave exhailes Yeh nothing found but what you all have heard And then consider if a peere of State Should be expos'd to such a wild arraignement For poore complaints his fame faith life and honours Rackt for no more Cha. No more good heaven what say My learned assistants 1 Iu. My Lord the crimes urg'd here for us to censure As capitall and worth this high arraignement To me seeme strange because they doe not fall In force of Law to arraigne a Peere of State For all that Law can take into her power To sentence is the exaction of the Fishermen 2 Iu. Here is no majesty violated I consent to what my Brother has exprest Cha. Breake then in wonder My frighted words out of their forming powers That you no more collect from all these forfeits That Mr. Proctor generall hath opened With so apparant and impulsive learning Against the rage and madnesse of the offender And violate Majestie my learned assistants When Majesties affronted and desied It being compar'd with and in such an onset As leap'd into his throate his life affrighting Be justified in all insolence all subjects If this be so considered and insult Vpon your priviledg'd malice is not Majestie Poyson'd in this wonder and no felony set Where royaltie is rob'd and Fie how it fights with Law and grates upon Her braine and soule and all the powers of Reason Reporter of the processe shew the sedule No. Here my good Lord. 1. No altering it in us 2. Farre be it from us Sir Cha. Here 's silken Iustice It might be altered mend your sentences Both. Not wee my Lord. Cha. Not you The King shall know You slight a duty to his will and safety Give me your pen it must be capitall 1. Make what you please my Lord our doome shall stand Cha. Thus I subscribe now at your perills follow Both. Perills my Lord threates in the Kings free justice Tre I am amaz'd they can be so remisse Sec. Mercifull men pittifull Iudges certaine 1. Subscribe it matters nothing being constrain'd On this side and on this side this capitall I Both which together put import plaine Vi And witnesse we are forc'd 2. Enough It will acquit us when we make it knowne Our names are forc'd Cha. If traiterous pride Vpon the royall person of a King Were sentenc'd unfelloniously before I le burne my Bookes and be a Iudge no more Both. Here are our hands subscrib'd Cha. Why so it joyes me You have reform'd your justice and your judgement Now have you done like Iudges and learned Lawyers The King shall thanke and honour you for this Notary read No. We by his sacred Majestie appointed Judges upon due triall and examination Of Philip Chabot Admirall of France Declare him guiltie of high treasons c. Cha. Now Captaine of the gaurd secure his person Till the King signifie His pleasure for his death this day is happy To France thus reskued from the vile devourer A shoute within Harke how the votes applaud their blest deliverance You that so late did right and conscience boast Heavens mercy now implore the Kings is lost Exeunt Actus Quartus Enter King Queene and Constable Kin. YOu raise my thoughrs to wonder that you Madam And you my Lord unite your force to pleade i th' Admiralls behalfe this is not that Language you did expresse when the torne Bill Was late pretended to us it was then Defiance to our high prerogative The act of him whose proud heart would rebell And arm'd with faction too soone attempt To teare
my crowne off Qu. I was ignorant Then of his worth and heard but the report Of his accusers and his enemies Who never mention in his character Shadowes of any vertue in those men They would depresse like Crowes and carrion birds They sly ore slowrie Meades cleare Springs faire Gardens And stoope at carcasses for your owne honour Pitty poore Chabot King Poore and a Colossus What could so lately straddle ore a Province Can he be fallen so low and miserable To want my pitty who breakes forth like day Takes up all peoples eyes and admiration It cannot be he hath a Princely wife too Qu. I interpose not often Sir or presse you With unbecomming importunitie To serve the profitable ends of others Conscience and duty to your selfe inforce My present mediation you have given The health of your owne state away unlesse Wisedome in time recover him King If he proove No adulterate gold triall confirmes his value Qu. Although it hold in mettle gracious Sir Such fiery examination and the furnace May wast a heart that 's faithfull and together With that you call the feces something of The precious substance may be hazarded King Why you are the chiefe engine rais'd against him And in the worlds Creede labour most to sinke him That in his fall and absence every beame May shine on you and onely guild your fortune Your difference is the ground of his arraignement Nor were we unsollicited by you To have your bill confirm'd from that that spring Came all these mighty and impetuous waves With which he now must wrastle if the strength Of his owne innocence can breake the storme Truth wonot lose her servant her wings cover him He must obey his fate Con. I would not have It lie upon my fame that I should be Mentioned in Story his unjust supplanter For your whole Kingdome I have beene abused And made beleeve my suite was just and necessary My walkes have not beene safe my closet prayers But some plot has pursued me by some great ones Against your noble Admirall they have frighted My fancy into my dreames with their close whispers How to uncement your affections And re●der him the fable and the scorne Of France Qu. Brave Montmorancie King Are you serious Con. Have I a soule or gratitude to acknowledge My selfe your creature dignified and honor'd By your high favours with an equall truth I must declare the justice of your Admirall In what my thoughts are conscious and will rather Give up my claime to birth title and offices Be throwne from your warme smile the top and crowne Of subjects happinesse then be brib'd with all Their glories to the guilt of Chabots ruine King Come come you over act this passion And if it be not pollicie it tasts Too greene and wants some counsell to mature it His fall prepares your triumph Con. It confirmes My shame alive and buried will corrupt My very dust make our house-genious grone And fright the honest marble from my ashes His fall prepare my triumph turne me first A naked exile to the world King No more Take heede you banish not your selfe be wise And let not too much zeale devoure your reason Enter Asall As Your Admirall Is condemn'd Sir King Ha strange no matter Leave us a great man I see may be As soone dispatch'd as a common subject Qu. No mercy then for Chabot Enter Wife and Father Wif. From whence came That sound of Chabot then we are all undone Oh doe not heare the Queene she is no friend To my poore Lord but made against his life Which hath too many enemies already Con. Poore soule shee thinkes the Queene is still against him Who employeth all her powers to preserve him Fa. Say you so my Lord daughter the Queen 's our friend Wif. Why doe you mocke my sorrow can you flatter Your owne griefe so be just and heare me sir And doe not sacrifice a subjects blood To appease a wrathfull Queene let mercy shine Vpon your brow and heaven will pay it backe Vpon your soule be deafe to all her prayers King Poore heart she knowes not what she has desir'd Wif. I begge my Chab●ts life my sorrowes yet Have not destroid my reason King He is in the power of my Lawes not mine Wif. Then you have no power And are but the emptie shadow of a King To whom is it resign'd where shall I begge The forfeit life of one condemn●d by Lawes To partiall doome King You heare he is condemn'd then Fa. My sonne is condemn'd fit King You know for what too Fa. What the Iudges please to call it But they have given t● a name Treason they say Qu. I must not be denied King I must deny you Wif. Be●lest for ever for t Qu. Grant then to her King Chabot condemn'd by law Fa. But you have power To change the rigor in ●our breast there is A Chancellor above it I nere had A suite before but my knees joyne with hers To implore your royall mercy to her Lord And take his cause to your examination It cannot wrong your Iudges if they have Beene steer'd by conscience Con. It will fame your Iustice King I cannot be prescrib'd you kneele in vaine You labour to betray me with your teares To a treason above his gainst my owne Lawes Looke to the Lady Exeunt Enter Asall As Sir the Chancellor King Admit him leave us all Enter Chancellor How now my Lord You have lost no time and how thrive the proceedings Cha. T was sit my gracious Soveraigne time should leave His motion made in all affaires beside And spend his wings onely in speed of this King You have shew'd diligence and what 's become Of our most curious Iusticer the Admirall Cha. Condemn'd sir utterly and all hands set To his conviction King And for faults most foule Cha. More than most impious but the applausive issue Strooke by the concourse of your ravish'd subjects For joy of your free Iustice if there were No other cause to assure the sentence just Were proofe convincing King Now then he sees cleerely That men perceive how vaine his Iustice was And scorne him for the foolish net he wore To hide his nakednesse i st not a wonder That mens ambitions should so blinde their reason To affect shapes of honesty and take pride Rather in seeming then in being just Cha. Seeming has better fortune to attend it Then being sound at heart and vertuous King Professe all nothing doe like those that live By looking to the Lamps of holy Temples Who still are busie taking off their snuffes But for their profit sake will adde no oyle So these will checke and sentence every fame The blaze of riotous blood doth cast in others And in themselves leave the sume most offensive But he to doe this more deceives my judgement Than all the rest whose nature I have sounded Cha. I know Sir and have prov'd it King Well my Lord To omit circumstance I highly thanke you For this
steere you spare to obey For when his troubled blood is cleere and calme He will repent that he pursued his rage Before his pious Law and hold that Iudge Vnworthy of his place that lets his censure Flote in the waves of an imagin'd favour This shipwracks in the haven and but wounds Their consciences that sooth the soone ebb'd humours Of their incensed King Con. Tre. Royall and sacred King Come Philip shine thy honour now for ever For this short temporall ecclipse it suffer'd By th' interpos'd desire I had to try thee Nor let the thought of what is past afflict thee For my unkindnesse live still circled here The bright intelligence of our royall spheere Exeunt Actus Quintus Enter Queene Constable Father Qu. THe Admirall sicke Fa. With danger at the h●●rt I came to tell the King Con. He never had More reason in his soule to entertaine All the delights of health Fa. I feare my Lord Some apprehension of the Kings unkindnesse By giving up his person and his offices To the Lawes gripe and search is ground of his Sad change the greatest foules are thus oft wounded If he vouchsafe his presence it may quicken His fast decaying spirits and prevent The hasty ebbe of life Qu. The King is now Fraught with the joy of his fresh preservation The newes so violent let into his eare May have some dangerous effect in him I wod not counsell sir to that Fa. With greater reason I may suspect they 'le spread my Lord and as A river left his curl'd and impetuous waves Over the bankes by confluence of streames That fill and swell her channell for by this time He has the addition of Allegres suffering His honest servant whom I met though feeble And worne with torture going to congratulatë His Masters safetie Qu. It seemes he much Affected that Allegre Con. There will be But a sad interview and dialogue Qu. Does he keepe his bed Fa. In that alone He shewes a fortitude he will move and walke He sayes while his owne strength or others can Support him wishing he might stand and looke His destiny in the face at the last summon Not sluggishly exhaile his soule in bed With indulgence and nice flattery of his limbs Qu. Can he in this shew spirit and want force To wrastle with a thought Fa. Oh Madam Madam We may have proofe against thë sword and tyranny Of boysterous warre that threatens us but when Kings froune a Cannon mounted in each eye Shoote death to apprehension ere their fire And force approach us Enter King Con. Here 's the King Qu. No words To interrupt his quiet Fa. I le begon then King Our Admiralls father call him backe Qu. I w●not stay to heare e'm Exit Con. Sir be prudent And doe not for your sonne fright the Kings health Exit King What ha they left us how does my Admirall Fa. I am forbid to tell you sir King By whom Fa. The Queene and my Lord Constable King Are there Remaining seedes of faction have they soules Not yet convinc'd i th truth of Chabots honour Cleare as the christall heaven and bove the reach Of imitation Fa. T is their care of you And no thought prejudiciall to my sonne King Their care of me How can the knowledge of my Admiralls state Concerne their feares of me I see their envie Of Chabots happinesse whose joy to be Rendr'd so pure and genuine to the world Doth grate upon their conscience and affright 'em But let 'em vexe and bid my Chabot still Exalt his heart and triumph he shall havë The accesse of ours the kingdome shall put on Such joyes for him as she would bost to celebratë Her owne escape from ruine Fa. He is not in state to heare my sad newes I perceive King That countenance is not right it does not answë● What I expect Say how is my Admirall The truth upon thy life Fa. To secure his I would you had King Ha Who durst oppose him Fa. One that hath power enough hath practised on him And made his great heart stoope King I will revenge it With crushing crushing that rebellious power to nothing Name him Fa. He was his friend King A friend to malice his owne blacke impostume Burne his blood up what mischiefe hath ingendred New stormes Fa. T is the old tempest King Did not we Appease all horrors that look'd wilde upon him Fa. You drest his wounds I must confesse but made No cure they bleede a fresh pardon me sir Although your conscience have clos'd too soone He is in danger and doth want new surgerie Though he be right in fame and your opinion He thinkes you were unkinde King Alas poore Chabot Doth that afflict him Fa. So much though he strive With most resolv'd and Adamantine nerves As ever humane fire in flesh and blood Forg'd for example to beare all so killing The arrowes that you shot were still your pardon No Centaures blood could rancle so King If this Be all I le cure him Kings retaine More Balsome in their soule them hurt in anger Fa. Farre short sir with one breath they uncreate And Kings with onely words more wounds can make Then all their kingdome made in balme can heale T is dangerous to play to wilde a descant On numerous vertue though it become Princes To assure their adventures made in every thing Goodnesse confin'd within poore flesh and blood Hath but a queazie and still sickly state A musicall hand should onely play on her Fluent as ayre yet every touch command King No more Commend us to the Admirall and say The King will visite him and bring health Fa. I will not doubt that blessing and shall move Nimbly with this command Exeunt Enter Officers before Treasurer Secretary and Iudges attended by Petitioners the Advocate also with many papers in his hand they take their places The Chancellor with a guard and plac'd at the Barre Tre. Did you beleeve the Chancellor had beene So foule Sec. Hee 's lost toth ' people what contempts They throw upon him but we must be wise 1 Iud. Were there no other guilt his malice shëw'd Vpon the Admirall in orebearing justice Would well deserve a sentence Tre. And a deepe one 2 Iud. If please your Lordships to remember that Was specially commended by the King As being most blemish to his royall person And the free justice of his state Tre. Already He has confest upon his examinations Enough for sensure yet to obey forme Mr. Advocate if you please Adv. I am ready for your Lordships It hath beene said and will be said agen and may truely be justified Omnia ex lite fieri It was the position of Philosophers and now proved by a more Phylosophycall sect the Lawyers that Omnia ex lite fiant we are all made by Law made I say and worthily if we be just if we be un just marr'd though in marring some there is necessitie of making others for if one sall by the Law tenne
THE TRAGEDIE OF CHABOT ADMIRALL OF FRANCE As it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury Lane Written by George Chapman and James Shirly LONDON Printed by Tho. Cotes for Andrew Crooke and William Cooke 1639. Speakers ASall Allegre King Queene Treasuror Chancellor Admirall Father Generall Chabot Iudges Officers Secretary Vshers Constable Courtiers Porter Guard THE TRAGEDIE OF PHILIP CHABOT ADMIRALL of FRANCE Actus Primus Enter Asall and Allegre Asall NOw Phillip Chabot Admirall of France The great and onely famous Favorite To Francis first of that Imperiall name Hath found a fresh competitor in glory Duke Montmorancie Constable of France Who drinkes as deepe as he of the streame Royall And may in little time convert the strength To raise his spring and blow the others fall Al. The world would wish it so that will not patiently Endure the due rise of a vertuous man As If he be vertuous what is the reason That men affect him not why is he lost Toth ' generall opinion and become Rather their hate than love Al. I wonder you Will question it aske a ground or reason Of men bred in this vile degenerate age The most men are not good and it agrees not With impious natures to allow what 's honest T is an offence enough to be exalted To regall favours great men are not safe In their owne vice where good men by the hand Of Kings are planted to survey their workings What man was ever fixt 'i th Sphere of honour And precious to his Soveraigne whose actions Nay very soule was not expos'd to every Common and base dissection and not onely That which in Nature hath excuse and in Themselves is priviledg'd by name of frailtie But even Vertues are made crimes and doom'd Toth ' fate of Treason As A bad age the while I aske your pardon Sir but thinkes your judgement His love to Justice and Corruptions hate Are true and hearty Al. Iudge your selfe by this One argument his hearty truth to all For in the heart hath anger his wisest seate And gainst unjust suites such brave anger fires him That when they seeke to passe his place and power Though mov'd and urg'd by the other minion Or by his greatest friends and even the King Leade them to his allowance with his hand First given in Bill assign'd even then his spirit In nature calme as any Summers evening Puts up his Whole powers like a Winters sea His bloud boyles over and his heart even cracks At the injustice and he teares the Bill And would doe were he for 't to be torne in pe●ces As T is brave I sweare Al. Nay it is worthy your wonder That I must tell you further there no Needle In a Sunne Diall plac'd upon his steele In such a tender posture that doth tremble The timely Diall being held amisse And will shake ever till you hold it right More tender than himsefe in any thing That he concludes in Iustice for the State For as a fever held him hee will shake When he is signing any things of weight Least humane frailty should misguide his justice As You have declar'd him a most noble ●usticer Al. He truely weighes and feeles Sir what a charge The subjects livings are being even their lives Laid on the hand of power which abus'd Though seene blood flow not from the justice seate T is in true sence as grievous and horrid As It argues nothing lesse but since your Lord Is diversly reported for his parts What 's your true c●nsure of his generall worth Vertue and Iudgement Al. As of a Picture wrought to opticke reason That to all passers by seemes as they move Now woman now a Monster now a Divell And till you stand and in a right line view it You cannot well judge what the maine forme is So men that view him but in vulgar passes Casting but laterall or partiall glances At what he is suppose him weake unjust Bloody and monstrous but stand free and fast And judge him by no more than what you know Ingenuously and by the right laid line Of truth he truely will all stiles deserve Of wise just good a man both soule and nerve As Sir I must joyne in just beleefe with you But what 's his rivall the Lord high Constable Al. As just and well inclin'd when hee 's himselfe Not wrought on with the counsells and opinions Of other men and the maine difference is The Admirall is not flexible nor wonne To move one scruple when he comprehends The honest tract and justnesse of a cause The Constable explores not so sincerely The course hee runnes but takes the minde of others By name Iudiciall for what his owne Iudgement and knowledge should conclude As A fault In my apprehension anothers knowledge Applied to my instruction cannot equall My owne soules knowledge how to informe Acts The Sunnes rich radiance shot through waves most faire Is but a shaddow to his beames i th' ayre His beames that in the ayre we so admire Is but a darkenesse to his flame in fire In fire his fervour but as vapour flies To what his owne pure bosome rarifies And the Almighty wisedom having given Each man within himselfe an apter light To guide his acts than any light without him Creating nothing not in all things equall It seems a fault in any that depend On others knowledge and exile their owne Al. T is nobly argued and exemplified But now I heare my Lord and his young rivall Are to be reconcil'd and then one light May serve to guide them both As I wish it may the King being made first mover To forme their reconcilement and enflame it With all the sweetnesse of his praise and honour Al. See t is dispatch'd I hope the King doth grace it Loud Musicke and Enter Vshers before the Secretary Tresuror Chancellor Admirall Constable hand in hand the King following others attend Kin. This doth expresse the noblest fruit of peace Cha. Which when the great begin the humble end In joyfull imitation all combining A gardian beyond the Thrigian knot Past wit to lose it or the sword be still so Tre. T is certaine Sir by concord least things grow Most great and flourishing like trees that wrap Their forehead in the skies may these doe so Kin. You heare my Lord all that is spoke contends To celebrate with pious vote the attonement So lately and so nobly made betweene you Ad. Which for it selfe Sir resolve to keepe Pure and inviolable needing none To encourage or confirme it but my owne Love and allegiance to your sacred counsell Kin. T is good and pleases like my dearest health Stand you firme on that sweete simplicitie Con. Past all earth pollicie that would infringe it Kin. T is well and answers all the doubts suspected Enter one that whispers with the Admirall And what moves this close message Phillip Adm. My wives Father Sir is closely come to Court King Is he come to the Court whose
aversation So much affects him that he shunnes and flies it What 's the strange reason that he will not rise Above the middle region he was borne in Adm. He saith Sir t is because the extreame of height Makes a man lesse seeme to the imperfect eye Then he is truely his acts envied more And though he nothing cares for seeming so His being just stand firme twixt heaven and him Yet since in his soules jealousie hee feares That he himselfe advanced would undervalue Men placed beneath him and their businesse with him Since height of place oft dazles height of judgement He takes his toppe saile downe in such rough stormes And apts his sailes to ayres more temperate Kin. A most wise soule he has how long shall King● Raise men that are not wise till they be high You haue our leave but tell him Phillip wee Would have him neerer Con. Your desires attend you Enter another Kin. We know from whence you come say to the Queene We were comming to her t is a day of love And she seales all perfection Exit Tre. My Lord We must beseech your stay Con. My stay Cha. Our Counsells Have led you thus farre to your reconcilement And must remember you to observe the end At which in plaine I told you then wee aim'd at You know we all urg'd the attonement rather To enforce the broader difference betweene you Then to conclude your friendshippe which wise men Know to be fashionable and priviledg'd pollicie And will succeede betwixt you and the Admirall As sure as fate if you please to get sign'd A sute now to the King with all our hands Which will so much increase his precise justice That weighing not circumstances of politicke State He will instantly oppose it and complaine And urge in passion what the King will sooner Punish than yeeld too and so render you In the Kings frowne on him the onely darling And mediate power of France Con. My good Lord Chancellor Shall I so late atton'd and by the Kings Hearty and earnest motion fall in peeces Cha. T is he not you that breake Tre. Ha not you patience To let him burne himselfe in the Kings flame Cha. Come be not Sir infected with a spice Of that too servile equitie that renders Men free borne slaves and rid with bits like horses When you must know my Lord that even in nature A man is Animall politicum So that when he informes his actions simply He does in both ' gainst pollicie and nature And therefore our soule motion is affirm'd To be like heavenly natures circular And circles being call'd ambitious lines We must like them become ambitious ever And endles in our circumventions No tough hides limiting our cheverill mindes Tre. T is learnedly and past all answer argued Y are great and must grow greater still and greater And not be like a dull and standing lake That settles putrifies and chokes with mudde But like a river gushing from the head That windes through the undervalles what checkes ore flowing Gets strength still of his course Till with the Ocean meeting even with him In sway and title his brave billowes move Con. You speake a ra●e affection and high soules But give me leave great Lords still my just thankes Remembred ●o your counsells and direction I seeking this way to confirme my selfe I undermine the columnes that support My hopefull glorious fortune and at once Provoke the tempest though did drowne my envie With what assurance shall the King expect My faith to him that breake it for another He has engag'd our peace and my revenge Forfits my trust with him whose narrow ●ight Will penetrate through all our mists could we Vaile our designe with clouds blacker than night But grant this danger over with what Iustice Or satisfaction to the inward Iudge Shall I be gultie of this good mans ruine Though I may still the murmuring tongues without me Loud conscience has a voyce to shadder greatnesse Secr. A name to fright and terrifie young statists There is necessitie my Lord that you Must lose your light if you ecclipse not him Two starres so Lucide cannot shine at once In such a firmament and better you Extinguish his fires then be made his fuell And in your ashes give his slame a Trophy Cha. My Lord the league that you have vow'd of friendship In a true understanding not confines you But makes you boundlesse turne not edge at such A liberty but looke to your owne fortune Secure your honour a Precisian In state is a rideculous miracle Friendship is but a visor beneath which A wise man laughes to see whole families Ruinde upon whose miserable pile He mounts to glory Sir you must resolve To use any advantage Con. Misery Of rising Statesmen I must on I see That ' gainst the politicke and priviledg'd f●shion All justice tasts but affectation Cha. Why so we shall do good on him i th' end Exeunt Enter Father and the Admirall Adm. You are most welcome Fa. I wish your Lordships safetie Which whilst I pray for I must not forget To urge agen the wayes to fixe you where No danger has accesse to threaten you Adm. Still your old argument I owe your love for t Fa. But fortified with new and pregnant reasons That you should leave the Court. Ad. I dare not Sir Fa. You dare be undone then Ad. I should be ingratefull To such a master as no subject boasted To leave his service when they exact My chiefest dutie and attendance Sir Fa. Would thou we●t lesse degraded from thy titles And swelling offices that will i th' end Engulfe thee past a rescue I had not come So farre to trouble you at this time but that I doe not like the loud tongues o' the world That say the King has tane another favorite The Constable a gay man and a great With a hugh traine of faction too the Queene Chancellor Treasurer Secretary and An army of state warriers whose discipline Is sure and subtile to confusion I hope the rumour 's false thou art so calme Adm. Report has not abus'd you Sir Fa. It has not And you are pleas'd then you doe meane to mixe With unjust courses the great Constable And you combining that no suite may passe One of the graples of your eithers rape I that abhorr'd must I now entertaine A thought that your so straight and simple custome To render Iustice and the common good Should now be patch'd with pollicy and wrested From the ingenious step you tooke And hang Vpon the shoulders of your enemy To beare you out in what you shame to act Adm. Sir We both are reconciled Fa. It followes then that both the acts must beare Like reconcilement and if hee will now Maligne and mallice you for crossing him Or any of his faction in their suites Being now atton'd you must be one in all One in corruption and twixt you two millstones New pickt and put together must the graine Of good mens