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B00084 G[ods] ac[re] o[f] la[nd.] Manured dressed and maintained; / by six devines [Ch: G. Will: P. M. Ro Do: Play. A. Dene. M. D.]. 1616 (1616) STC 11925.7; ESTC S92705 41,637 131

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sanctification Election Beza 2. Thes 10. 11 and according to the truth truth is gathered by calling throgh the preaching of the Gospell The Gospell assureth vs of a certaine hope of glorification Touching Election and Reprobotion Elestion and Reprobatiō M. Deut. this is to be considered That the only will and purpose of God is the chiefe cause of both That his free mercy in Christ is an inferior cause of saluation That the hardnesse of heart is an inferior cause of damnation This vndoubted perswasion wee ought generally to haue Euery one is elected or reiected at the begining Euery one is an vnprofitable seruant when hee hath done his best Euery one shall haue reward according to his worke Wee ought not to condemne or Condemne not Psal 64. 4. iudge any to bee Reprobate albeit to be without feare of God and reuerence of man are signes of reprobation Because it is a secret onely reserued to God and therefore hee Mat. 7. 1. Iam. 4. 12. hath said iudge not that ye be not iudged Because the Lord is not so mercifull in forgiuing as hee is miraculous in calling making of a persecutor Acts. 9. 3. an Apostle as hee did by Paul Because the very Godly haue 1. Kin. 19. 10. beene very greatly ouer gone in this matter as that great Prophet of the Lord Elias in iudging the people of Israell These three steps do lead vs into Barnard Destruction 3. steps destruction The dissembling of our weakenes The ignorance of our wretchednes The excusing perseuering in our wickednes The Scriptures are written for vs Script●res writteo That we might know the will of god and follow it That wee might beleeue that Iesus is Christ the Sonne Ioh. 20. 31. of God That in belieuing we might haue life through his name The whole Scriptures are diuided Barnard Scriptures deuided into three parts Lawe Prophets Gospell The Law consist in doing the Gospell consist in belieuing This may perswade vs to belieue the authority of the scriptures to be true The secret testimony of the Bib holy Ghost in our heartes which causeth vs to consent thereto The incomprehensible Maiestie of God appearing in the simple and sincere doctrine therein The godly agreement of all parts together with the orderly disposition certainty and successe thereof The Scriptures doe set forth vnto vs amongst many other three speciall matters which wee ought to remember The frailty of man and his prone inclination to euill The Iustice of God and his seuere punishment apointed for obstinate transgressors The mercy of God and his free pardon promised to penitent sinners Euery one ought effectually to know and search the holy scriptures for knowledge because the ignorance of them is the cause of all error for confirmation because we must belieue nothing but that which is approued by them for consolation because in them is Acts 17. contained eternall life We may gather knowledge in the scriptures three manner of waies by attendant hearing of the same well preached By diligent reading of the Acts. 8. same with vnderstanding By continuall conference with such as can open them The word of God then draweth vs vnto him when it is so preached and heard as wee vnderstand and learne what is taught therby When we receiue thankfully that which is giuen promised and assured therin When we be moued with desire and diligence to doe that which it commandeth Word of god perfect word 1. Peter 4. 8. The word of God hath then his perfect worke when it is Preached truely Belieued faithfully Followed effectually Such as will not belieue the word of God what followeth If the righteous searcely be saued where shall the vngodly and sinners appeare Euery vnfaithfull shall dye in his vnfaithfullnesse saith Esdras Euery Esdras 15. 4. Ioh. 3. 18. 2. Thes 1. vnbelieuer is condemned already And shall bee punished with euerlasting perdition Ignorance can no way be excusable Ignrance vnexcusable Rom. 1. 19. for that which may be knowne of God is made manifest vnto vs For those that know not the Lawe shall perish without the law For the offering for ignorant sinnes in the Leuiticall law argueth no excuse to Leuit. 4. 12. be admitted Our Sauiour Christ describeth Mat. 13. A description by the parable of the Sower three vnprofitable hearers of the word Such a one as heareth it and vnderstādeth it not by reason the euil one commeth and catcheth it away out of his heart Such a one as heareth it and receiueth it presently with great ioy but when persecution or tribulation commeth by reason of the word he is offended Such a one as heareth it but the cares of this world and the deceitfullnesse of riches choake it and the same is made vnfruitfull We ought to resort to the Church of God because his holy ministeries Church of God must be vsed M. Fox are there laid open which are hid and obscure to many because wee may be vnited and copled together by receiuing the Sacraments because if the Lord hath promised to grant our requests where two or three bee gathered together in his name how much more will hee bee mindfull of a multitude that so assemble themselues The Church of God hath three Church 3. Ornaments ancient and excellent Ornaments Preaching Prayer Sacraments Preaching ingendreth Faith Prayer increaseth it Sacraments confirme it The Church or Congregation Congregation must pray without difference ought to pray for all men without any difference of Nation kind age or order because the Lord by calling of all sorts yea sometimes those that are the greatest enemies to the Gospell will haue his Church gathered together after this sort and therefore prayers to be made for all because God should not else be manifested to bee the onely God of all men vnlesse hee should shew his goodnesse in sauing of all sorts of men because his sonne Christ Iesus should not be seene to be the only mediator betweene God and of al sorts of men by hauing taken vpon that nature of man which is common to all men and made intercession for all Sacraments are signes or badges Sacraments of Christianity seales or pledges of our faith assurance of our saluation whereof there be two Baptisme and the Lords supper The sacrament of Baptisme teacheth Bib Baptisme vs to put on Christ that his righteousnesse may couer our sinfulnesse assureth vs that wee are grafted in Christ that all our corruption is cleane washed away chargeth vs to mortifie and dye to sinne that wee may become his seruants and liue in mutuall amity The sacrament of the Lords supper Bib Lords supper sheweth vs that the body and blood of Christ crucified is the only food for the regenerate assureth vs that Christ is wholy ours and that by faith our soules are fed and nourished in him vnto euerlasting life requireth a thankfull remembrance of his death with
drawn yet neerer vnto thee euen more to loue thee feare thee and obey thee that as thou art inlarged towards vs in mercy so we may bee inlarged towards thee in thanksgiuing and as thou dost abound towards vs in goodnesse so we may abound towards thee in obedience loue And sith deer father thou art neuer wearie of doing vs good notwithstanding all our vnworthinesse naughtines therfore let the considerat●on of thy great mercy and fatherly kindnesse towards vs euen as it were force our hearts compell vs to come into thy most glorious presence with newe songs of thanksgiuing in our mouths We pray thee O most merci-God to forgiue vs all our vnthankfulnes vnkindnes prophane great abusing of all thy mercies and specially our abuse contempt of thy Gospell together with all other sins of our life which we confesse are innumerable moe then can be reckoned both in omission of good things commission of euill We most humbly intreat thee to set them all ouer to that reckoning which thy sonne Christ hath made vp for them vpon his crosse and neuer to lay any of them to our charge but frely forget all forgiue al. Naile downe all our sins iniquities to the crosse of Christ burie them in his death bath them in his blood hide them in his wounds let them neuer rise vp in iudgment against vs set vs free of the miseries that are vpon vs for sinne keepe backe the iudgments to come both of soule body goods good name Be reconsiled vnto vs in thy deer Son concerning al matters past not once remembring or repeating vnto vs our old abhominable iniquities but accept vs righteous in him imputing his righteousnes to vs our sins to him Let his righteousnes satisfie thy iustice for our vnrighteousnes his obedience for our disobedience his perfection for our imperfection Moreouer wee humbly beseech thy good Maiestie to giue vs the true sight feeling of our manifold sinnes that wee may not bee blinded in them through delight or hardned in them through custome as the reprobates are but that we may be euen weary of them and much grieued for them labouring striuing by all possible meanes to get out of them Good Father touch our hearts with true repentance for all sins let vs not take any delight or pleasure in any sin but howsoeuer we fall through frailtie as we fal often yet let vs neuer fal finally let vs neuer lie downe in sinne or continue in sin but let vs get vp vpon our feet againe turne vnto thee with all our harts seeke thee whilest thou mayest bee found whilest thou dost offer grace mercy vnto vs. O Lord increase in vs that true and liuely faith whereby wee may lay sure hold on thy son Christ rest vpon his mercies altogether Giue vs faith assuredly to beleeue al the great precious promises made in the Gospell and strenghthen vs from aboue to walke aboūd in all the true sound fruites of faith Let vs grow daily in the sanctification of the spirit and the mortification of the flesh Let vs liue holily iustly and soberly in this present euil world shewing forth the vertues of thee in all our particular actions that we may adorne our most holy profession and shine as lights in the midst of a crooked froward generation amongst whom wee liue being gainfull to all by our liues and couersations offensiue to none To this end wee pray thee fill vs with thy spirit and all spirituall graces as loue wisedome patience contentment meekenes humilitie temperance chastitie kindnes and affabilitie and stirre vs vp to vse prayer watchfulnesse reading meditating in thy Law all other good meanes whereby wee may grow abound in all heauenly vertue blesse vs in the vse of the meane from day to day make vs such as thou wouldest haue vs to be and such as wee desire to be working in vs both will deed purpose and power For thou O Lord art all in all thou wilt haue mercy vpon whom thou wilt haue mercie whom thou wilt thou hardnest Haue mercie vpon vs therefore deere father neuer leaue vs to our selues nor to our owne willes lusts desires but assist vs with thy good spirit that we may continue to the end in a righteous course that so at length we may be receiued into glory and be partakers of that immortall Crowne which thou hast laid vppe for all that loue thee truely call vpon thee Further we intreat thee O heauenly Father to giue vs all thinges necessarie for this life as food raiment health peace libertie such freedome from those manifold miseries which wee lye open vnto euery day as thou seest meet Blesse our stocke store corne and cattell trades occupations all the works of our hands for thy blesssing only maketh rich it bringeth no sorrows with it Grant these thinges good father vnto vs heere present and to all thine absent praying the in speciall fauour to remember our friends kinsfolks in the flesh all our neighbors wellwiller all those for whom we are bound to pray for Iesus Christs sake our onely mediator aduocate Amen An Euening Prayer to be vsed in priuate Families O Eternall God and our most louing and deare Father wee thy vnworthy children doe here fall down at the foote of thy great Maiesty acknowledging euen from our hearts that wee are altogether vnworthy to come neere thee or to looke towards thee because thou art a God of infinit glory and we are most vile and abhominable sinners such as were conceiued and borne in sinne and corruption such as haue inherited our fathers corruption also haue actually transgressed all thy holy statutes and lawes both in thoughts words and deeds before we knew thee and since secretly openly with our selues with others our particular sinnes are moe then can be numbred for who knoweth how oftentimes hee offendeth But this wee must needs confesse against our owne selues that our hearts are full of pride couetousnes the loue of this world yea the very sinckes of sin and dunghils of all filthinesse so that thou hast hast iust cause to proceed to sentence of Iudgement against vs as most damnable transgressors of thy holy Commandements yea such as are suncke in our rebellios and haue many times and often committed high treason against thy sacred Maiesty and therefore thou mayest iustly cast vs downe into Hell fire there to bee tormented with Sathan and his Angels for euer and we haue nothing to except against thy Maiesty for so doing sith therein thou shouldest deale with vs but euen according to equity and our iust deserts Wherefore deere Father wee doe appeale from thy Iustice to thy Mercie most humbly intreating thee to haue mercy vpon vs and freely to forgiue vs all our sins past whatsoeuer both new and old secret and open knowne and vnknowne and that for Iesus Christ his sake our only Mediator and Redeemer Giue vs therfore deere father euery day more more sight and feeling of our sins with true humiliation vnder the same Giue vs also that true liuely faith wherby we may lay hold vpon thy deere son Christ all his merits applying the same to our owne soules so as wee may stand fully perswaded that whatsoeuer hee hath done vpon the Crosse he hath done for vs particularly as well as for others Giue vnto vs faith good father constantly to beleeue all the sweete promises of the Gospell touching remission of sins eternall life made in thy son Christ O Lord increase our faith that wee may altogether rest vppon thy promises which are all yea Amen Yea that we may settle our selues all that wee haue wholly vpon them both our soules bodies goods name wiues children our whole estate knowing that al things depend vpon thy promises power prouidence And that thy word doth support beare vppe the whole order of Nature Moreouer we intreat thee O Lord to strengthen vs from aboue to walke in euer good way and to bring foorth the fruits of true faith in all our particular actions studying to please thee in al things and to be fruitfull in all good works that wee may shew foorth vnto all men by our good conuersation whose children we are and that we may adorne beautifie our most holy profession by walking in a Christian course and in all the sound fruits practise of Godlinesse and true religon To this end wee pray thee sanctifie our hearts by thy spirit yet more and more sanctifie our soules and bodies and all our corrupt naturall faculties as reason vnderstanding wil affections so as they may bee fitted for thy worship and seruice taking a delight and pleasure therein stirre vs vp to vse prayer watchfulnes reading and meditation in thy Law and all other good meanes wherby we may profit in grace and goodnes from day to day Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes that wee may die to sin and liue to righteousn●●● Direct all our steps in thy word ●● none iniquity haue dominion ouer v● Assist vs against our special infirmitie● and master sins that wee may get th● victory ouer them all to thy glory and the great peace comfort of our ow● consciences Strengthen vs good Father by thy grace holy spirit again●● the common corruptions of the worl● as pride whoredom couetousnes cōtempt of thy gospell swearing yin● dissembling and deceiuing Oh dear● father let vs not be ouercome of those filthy vices or any other sinfull pleasures and fond delights wherewith thousands are carried headlong into destruction Grant these things and all other needfull graces for our soules or bodies for Iesus Christs sake In whose name we further cal vpon the as he hath taught vs saying Our Father which art c. FINIS
vnity amongst brethren The sacrament of the Lords supper Sacraments M. Dent. is vnworthyly receiued when wee receiue it onely by the visible signe without regard of the invisible grace when wee receiue it more of custome then good consideration or more for feare then good affection when wee receiue it disorderly being drunked or with a corrupted conscience continuing in malice or enmitie The sacrament of the Lords supper must bee receiued reuerently therefore let euery one try and examine his knowledge Eaten effectuall therefore let euery one try and examine his faith Disgested thankfully and therefore let euery one try Article Religio 26. and examine his repentance Good Ministers are most fit to minister the holy Sacraments yet Good Ministers most fit wee may receiue them by the euill because they doe it in Christ his name and not in their owne because their wickednesse cannot take away the effect of the ordinance because of Christs institution promise so it bee rightly receiued by faith These three things are to bee noted whereof hitherto hath arisen some question concerning the sacrament Note three things of the Lords supper By whom we receiue it we ought to receiue it at the hands of the good minister if it be possible yet wee must not reiect the ministrie thereof by the wicked so it bee done formally With whom we receiue it wee may communicate with euery one so the 1. Cor. 5. 11. bee not such as are not notoriously knowne to be Drunkers Adulterers and such like for that is prohibited How ought we receiue it we may rereiue 1. Cor. 11. 27 at all times so our faith confirmity bee fit for the same otherwise it will turne to our condemnation saith Paule It is a pitifull nay rather a pestiferous thing to see such placed in Apittifull thing the ministry as bee Ignorant in learnning for where there is no vision the Prov. 29. 18. people perish Negligent in their calling for they are accursed that doe Iere. 48 10. the worke of God negligently Impudent in their liuing for their lewdnesse maketh the word of god worse liked of 1. Sam. 2. 17. Idle Ministers vnpreaching Pastors and such like are nothing else Idle Ministers Esa 56. 9. 10. Ezek. 13. 4. but Blind watchmen Dumme dogges Subtill Foxes who destroy Gods vine for their owne advantage Godly Preachers will bee very Godly Preachers carefull of the sinceritye of their doctrine that it bee agreable to the word of God Of the integrity of their liues that they bee confirmable to the same word Of all their whole actions that they bee profitable to the example of others These sayings may moue Preachers and such like to bee very carefull Sayinges to moue Preachers Because they must one day yeeld an accompt of their Stewardshippe Watchfull Because his blood Ezek. 33. 6. 1 shall be required at their hands that dies in their iniquity through their Wisd 6. 5. negligence Fearefull Because an hard Iudgement shall try him that beareth rule Godly Preachers and Pastors are greatly to bee accepted for their office sake Because they represent Luke 9. 41. Mark 10. 41. 1. Thes 5. 13. the person of God Loued for their workes sake Because they dispose his secrets and misteries Obayed for Commandement sake Because they are appointed Ouerseers and watchers for our soules as those Heb. 13. 17. that must yeeld accompt for them S. Peter willeth preachers pastors 1. Pete 1. 18. and such like to feede their flocke caring for it Not by constraint but willingly Not for filthy lucre but of a willing mind Not as though they were Lords ouer Gods heritage but as examples to them S. Paule shewed a most worthy example to preachers and such like by An example to preachers Acts 20. 31. his dutifulnesse in preaching For hee ceased not by the space of three yeares to preach and warne euerie one both night and day with teares by his painefulnesse in labouring For he wrought with his owne hāds to minister to his necessities not 1. Cor. 4. 12. onely because he would be chargeable Act. 20. 23. to none but also to helpe to relieue others by his contentment in liuing for although his liuing was little yet hee well accepted of all estates without coueting any mans siluer Gold or apparell Preachers must teach the word of God whether they regard it or no because it may bee a Testimony against Deut. 18. 19 the vnbeleeuers or neglectors of the same at the latter day Iere. 7. 27. because the Lord will vse the means of his seruants to make the wicked more faulty to proue his because it is their duty to be instant in season 2. Tim. 4. 2. and out of season The spirit of Prophesiyng and Io. 11. 51. 1. sam 10. 10. 1. Ioh. 4. 1. preaching is sometimes giuen to the wicked aswell as to the Godly as by Caiphas Saule Iudas the Apostle Therefore we must try the spirits whether they be of God The word of God ought not to Gods word not to be exempted to any be exempted from any estate neither ought to be contemned in any person in respect of his condition calling or vnworthynesse profesing the same profitably considering God hath called Plowmen from the fields to be Prophets Shepheardes 1. King 19. 19 Psal 78. 7 Mat. 4. 18. from the folds to be zealous professors Fishermen from the nets to be followers of him We must not condemne or contemne Ministers not to bee contemned the Ministers of God if by infirmity they fall into horrible offences for Sathan hath beguiled the most Godly professors as Lot Genes 19 30 that ancient Patriarke became incestious Dauid that excellent prophet 2. Sam. 11. 25. committed Homicide Peter that good Apostle proued periured Ioh. 18. 27. It is very dangerous to despise pensecute or conspire the death of A dāgorous thing the Ministers of God as may appeare by these three Examples 1 Iesubel did threaten the death 2. Kin. 19. 35. 36. of Eliah yet hee liued and was taken vp into heauen when shee died and was eaten of Dogges 2 Saule intended the death of Dauid yet he escaped became King 1. sam 31. 4. but Saule procured his owne death 2. sam 1. 9. 15 most desperately 3 Herod put to death Iohn Baptist Acts. 12. 13. but as his deedes were detestable before God so his end was ignominious to the world for he was eaten to death with wormes Preachers Pastors and such like Preachers subiect to contempt M. Gray of all others are most of all subiect to contempt and enmity Because Sathan by pollicy procureth many to a disdaine of their persons as a meane to induce them to a disliking of their Doctrine Because the spirits of error are now spread abroad 2. Tim. 3. 2. which will deceiue the hearts of many and cause