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A90391 An examination of the grounds or causes, which are said to induce the court of Boston in New-England to make that order or law of banishment upon pain of death against the Quakers; as also of the grounds and considerations by them produced to manifest the warrantableness and justness both of their making and executing the same, which they now stand deeply engaged to defend, having already thereupon put two of them to death. As also of some further grounds for justifying of the same, in an appendix to John Norton's book ... whereto he is said to be appointed by the General Court. And likewise of the arguments briefly hinted in that which is called, A true relation of the proceedings against the Quakers, &c. Whereunto somewhat is added about the authority and government which Christ excluded out of his Church ... By Isaac Penington, the younger. Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. 1660 (1660) Wing P1166; Thomason E1020_5; ESTC R203130 87,615 103

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destructiveness of their Doctrine to the fundamental Truths of Religion is That opinion of theirs of being perfectly pure and without sin which say they tends to overthrow the whole Gospel and the very vitals of Christianity for they that have no sin have no need of Christ or of his satisfaction or blood to cleanse them nor of Faith Repentance c. Answ That the Lord God is able perfectly to redeem from sin in this life that he can cast out the strong man cleanse the house and make it fit for himself to dwell in that he can finish transgression and sin in the heart and bring in everlasting righteousness that he can tread down Satan under the feet of his Saints and make them more than Conquerors over him this they confess they steadily believe But that every one that is turned to the light of the Spirit of Christ in his heart is presently advanced to this state they never held forth but that the way is long the travail hard the enemies and difficulties many and that there is need of much Faith hope patience repentance watchfulness against temptations c. before the life in them arive at such a pitch Yet for all this saith Christ to his Disciples Be ye perfect directing them to aim at such a thing and the Apostle saith Let us go on unto perfection and Christ gave a Ministry for the perfecting of the Saints and they do not doubt but that he that begins the work can perfect it even in this life and so deliver them out of the hands of sin Satan and all their spiritual enemies as that they may serve God without fear of them any more in holiness and righteousness before him all the dayes of their lives Now how is this Doctrine or how is this People because of their believing and holding forth this Doctrine guilty of all this great and heavy charge that is laid upon them here as that they have no need of Christ his satisfaction his blood nor of faith repentance growing in grace Gods Word and Ordinances nor of watchfulness and prayer c. Let us consider the thing a litttle further First The Doctrine of Perfection if it should be granted to deny all this yet cannot be supposed to deny the need thereof until the state of Perfection be attained Nay they that truly believe that such a state is attainable cannot deny the use of those things which are proper to lead to that state but will conscientiously apply themselves thereto and press all others thereto who desire to attain that state And they that have either heard them speak or read their Writings with any equality of mind may abundantly testifie for them against the unrighteousness and injury of this charge Their life lies in Christ their peace in his satisfaction for them and in a sensible feeling of his blood sprinkled in their consciences to cleanse them from sin and by that faith which is Gods gift they feel and wait further to feel the righteousness of Christ imputed to them for justification And as for being perfectly just in themselves it is a very unrighteous charge upon them for their justice and righteousness is in Christ for ever and not of themselves but in the denyal and crucifying of self are they made partakers of it which is bestowed by the free grace mercy and power of him who hath mercy on them and not by any willing or running of theirs And as for Repentance they feel the need of it and find a godly sorrow wrought in them and a bitter mourning over him whom they once pierced and still pierce so far as they hearken to the Tempter and follow the motions and lusts of the transgressing nature And they do both watch and pray against sin and feel what a bitter thing it is to have the watch so slackened whereby the temptation prevails which would lead to sin And as for purifying themselves dayly and putting off the old man and putting on the new it is that which their hearts delight to be continually exercised about and all this with an hope that it may be effected that the vessel may be made holy to the Lord a fit spiritual Temple for him to dwell in that he may display his life glory power and pure presence in them But if the belief that this may be attained in the way wherein God leadeth them towards it and an hope to attain it with an acknowledgment of it so far as it is attained I say if this make them guilty of so great a charge then they are indeed guilty for they cannot but believe it wait for it hope for it and acknowledge it so far as they feel it wrought in them But how can this possibly make them guilty of denying these things seeing the exercise of these things not only standeth with but is increased by such a belief and hope Secondly The state of Perfection it self doth not exclude these things in such a way as this charge seems to intimate For in the state of perfection the blood is not laid aside as useless but remains to keep pure for ever It is the blood of the everlasting Covenant Heb. 13.20 both the Covenant and the Blood last for ever and are useful even to them that are perfect And there is need and use of the Faith in the Blood to believe the preservation As the Covenant it self lasts so that which lets into and keeps in the Covenant lasts also That which unites and ties the soul to Christ the life abides in the soul for ever even as the union it self abides And there is a growing in the life even where the heart is purified from sin even as Christ did grow and wax strong in spirit for a state of perfection doth not exclude degrees And so there is also need of watching against temptations in a perfect state for Adam was perfect and yet he needed a watch and Christ was perfectly pure and without sin and yet he did both watch and pray So that if any were brought to the state of a perfect man even unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ which the Ministry was given to bring all the Saints unto Eph. 4.11 12 13. if any were taught and enabled so to walke in the light as to be cleansed by the blood from all sin and to have such fellowship with the Father and the Son as might make their joy full 1 Joh. 1.3 4 7. If any were brought to that state of glory as to be chast Virgins 2. Cor. 11.2 without spot or wrinkle of the flesh but holy and without blemish Ephes 5.27 If any should be made perfect in every good work to do his will which was a thing the Apostle prayed for Heb. 13.21 If any should have so put off the old man and have put on the wedding garment as to be made ready and fit to be marryed to the Lamb Rev. 19.7 Yet this would not exclude faith
imagining mind which first builds up with apprehensions about Church Religion and worship without the spirit and then is offended with that which cannot bow to those images But be it known unto you O Nations and Powers of the Earth that the Lord hath raised up a people whose knees can alone bow at the name of Jesus and whose tongues can alone confess to him And if Nebuchadnezzars spirit should heat a furnace of affliction seven times hotter then it hath yet been heated all this d●y of the cruel sufferings of Gods dear people and threaten all with it that will not bow to the image or form of worship which he sets up yet this we know assuredly that the Lord hath begotten a seed which he can deliver and which we do not doubt but he will deliver let Antichrists Sea Waves roare never so loud against them But however bow to any image they cannot for they have tasted of the living truth it self which hath made them free from such images and idols wherein they were before intangled and the spirit of the Lord calleth aloud to them to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath set them free and not to receive any more the yoke of bondage upon their necks but to draw under the sweet gentle yoak of his Spirit O England England how sad is thy state how great mighty things hath the Lord done in thee but thou still overlookest his hand and art offended with the work of his Spirit because it sutes not with thy fleshly desires and interests O England England what will become of thee the Lord hath kindled his sire and thou addest fewel daily The Lord is arisen to make inquisition for the sufferings and blood of his people and thou instead of repenting of what thou hast done art greedy of more Thou hast deeply drunk of the whores cup of fornication and that makes thee thus thirsty after the Saints blood Thou cryest out against those that put the Martyrs to death as the professing Jews did against those that put the Prophets to death and yet persecutest their Spirit wherever it appears in further prosecution of the work of reformation at this day even as the Jews did persecute the Spirit of the Prophets in Christ and his Apostles O mourn to the Lord to open thine eyes that thou maist not thus stand any longer in his way Let him bring forth his Church let him set up his truth let him advance his people and do not thou go about to limit the spirit of the holy one in them There 's none of these will harm thee but bring blessings upon thee Let thy Governors keep within their bounds and be a defence upon all people in their just rights and liberties and see if from that day he do not bless thee But if there be one thing in the Lords heart concerning his people and another thing in thine if he resolve to bring them forth to his praise and to give them their liberty in their obedience to his Spirit thou resolve they shall come under thy yoaks and bonds how can ye agree your wrath by this means must needs be kindled against each other and he that hath most strength will carry it For as the day of your wrath is come to see the people of God so increase and grow bold in his truth and power so the day of his wrath is come to see his people so reproached hated hunted and persecuted for his names sake Revel 11.18 And take heed lest upon that spirit which in this generation still continues persecuting the sufferings persecutions and blood of all the Saints and Martyrs shed all the time of Antichrists raign be not required The blood of all the Prophets from Abel to Zacharias was required of that great professing generation of the Jews who spake such great words of Moses and the Prophets but persecuted Christ and his Apostles Mat. 23.35 And the blood of all the souls that lie under the Altar crying how long O Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth They were bid to rest a little season and then the blood of all that ever was slain since the Apostles dayes is to be required on that generation of professors who are found even to the very last in the persecuting spirit Revel 6.10 11. I do not write this to reproach any sort of professors but in true love and bowels of compassion that such among them as ever had any tast of God and of his sweet meek spirit but are now grown hard and found smiting their fellow servants may if it be possible hear the Lords voyce which yet tenderly calls after them that they may not be cut in pieces and receive their portion of wrath with Babylon Mat. 24.49 50 51. Revel 18.4 As for me I am poor and weak a worm and no man one who hath been a mourner and wanderer in a strange land all my dayes yea I have been that fool who though I have often been very neer yet still knew not the way to the city of my God Eccles 10.15 and at present I am very unworthy and unfit to be an instrument in the Lords hand for the reclaiming of any man from his wanderings Yet this I can in truth and uprightness say concerning the Lords gracious dealings with me that in the bowels of his mercy he hath visited me and turned my face towards his Zion and in his life and Spirit as he pleaseth to keep me fresh and open I know both my way and my leader and also that which is mine enemy which continually endeavoureth to betray and devour me And I speak the truth in Christ I lie not I know also what I have felt wrath and misery upon and that what the Lord hath so long and so severely smitten in me he will not spare in others O that men could hear and avoid my bed of torment where I suffered a most dreadful and terrible hell for many years bear with me for I cannot call it less though without either guilt upon my Spirit or fear of wrath being justified before God in my own conscience till afterwards under long continuance of misery and thick darkness some guilt was contracted and having a secret root of hope concerning good from God if once I might appear in his presence to plead my cause there Who can possibly believe the misery I endured if it were related and yet it had not the least mixture of either of these in it for a long time But after this through the ignorance and thick darkness wherewith I had been long overwhelmed not knowing what had been and still was present with me the tempter by his subtilty got in and led out my mind from what had visited and sought after me all my dayes to wait and hope for some great appearance to set me to rights and here my loss was very great my soul being hereby
removed far away from the present feeling of the spring of my life and drawn to neglect the little dawnings of that light which shineth more and more to the perfect day having concluded in my self that no less would suffice to heal me than its breaking forth in its full strength even as at noon upon me Thus I despised the day of small things and was seduced into a gaping after and a waiting for that which is never so to be received but the little seed of light being received and finding good and honest earth groweth up therein even to perfection and then knoweth and receiveth the light of the day in its full strength And although there was such a savour of God last in me that upon the first converse with this People called Quakers I could own the voyce of God in them and set to my seal as in the presence of God that it was the true life and power of the most high whereof they were born yet I could not but despise it as a weak and low appearance thereof yea and started back from it as being such a kind of dispensation of life and power as was to pass away and the passing away whereof from me had made me so miserable And now I am as one born out of due time and come lagging behind feeling my self altogether unworthy to be numbred amongst them or to bear a testimony to that truth and power of life wherein they flourish and by which they are redeemed and bought out of the earth with the price of the living immortal blood of Jesus by which together with the word of his testimony they cannot but overcome all the powers of darkness with all the Powers of the earth which stand in the darkness and fight under the darkness being taught thereby not to love their lives unto the death But the scoffing conceited Professor will be ready to say What are those the only People Others besides them are as dear to God as they There are many in forms equal to them and many out of forms far beyond them Whereto I answer thus Yea there are so in the scale of mans judgment but not so in the measure of the Sanctuary These are the only redeemed People that my soul knows of There is a seed besides them not yet gathered but in Babylon whom the Lord in his due season will gather into the same light life and power but there is no other Saviour but that light eternal which hath given them life and dwels in them who is risen in them come to them and hath taken them into himself in whom they are even in him that is true who is the Son of God the true God and the life eternal 1 John 5.20 who hath poured forth his spirit upon them in which they Minister and gather up to God those who have an ear to hear the voyce of his Spirit Beware therefore O ye Nations and Powers of the earth what ye do against this People for ye cannot prevail by any inchantment against these whom the Lord hath blessed but the more ye strive to villifie and suppress them the more will the Lord magnifie and exalt them And the life which God hath raised up in them must reign do what ye can against it O abase your selves and kiss the Son O Professors and Powers of the earth that ye be not cut off for the Lords hand is lifted up and in his jealousie he will smite home for the sake of Zion for his ear hath heard the cry of the poor and needy whom no man regardeth Isa 33.10 11. THE END
the laws of the one were written outwardly in tables of stone the laws of the other were to be written in the heart That is the book wherein the laws of the new covenant were promised to be written and there they are to be read So that he that will read and obey the Laws of the covenant of life must look for them in that book wherein God hath promised to write them for though in other books he may read some outward descriptions of the thing yet here alone can he read the thing it self Christ is the way the truth and the life What is a Christians rule is not the way of God his rule is not Gods truth his rule and is not the truth in Jesus where it is taught and to be heard and to be received even as it is in Jesus Ephes 4.21 Is not he the King the Priest the Prophet the Sacrifice the Altar the way to God the truth of God the life it self the living path out of Death yea all in all to the believer whose eye is opened to behold him The Scriptures testifie of Christ but they are not Christ they also testifie of truth and are a true testimony but the truth it self is in Jesus who by his living spirit writes it in the heart which he hath made living And so a Christians life is in the Spirit if we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit Gal. 5.25 The whole life and course of a Christian is in the volumn of that book as the Lord opens the leaves of it in him The gift of God the measure of faith given him by God that 's his rule that 's his rule of knowledge of prophesying of obedience Heb. 11. Rom. 1.4 and 12.6 if he keep there if he walk according to the proportion of it he errs not but out of the faith in the the error in all he knows in all he believes in all he does The new Creature that which God hath new created in the heart in which life breaths and nothing but life breaths which is taught by God and true to God from its very infancy that 's his rule whereby he is to walk the Apostle expresly calls it so Gal. 6.15 16. That which is begotten by God is a Son and the Son as he is begotten by the breath of the Spirit so he is preserved and led by the same breath and such as are so led are Sons and none else for it is not reading of Scriptures and gathering rules out thence that makes a Son but the receiving of the spirit and the being led by the Spirit Rom. 8.14 15. And being the whole worship of the Gospel is in the Spirit there is a necessity of receiving that in the first place and then in it the soul learns to know and wait for its breathings and movings and follows on towards the Lord in them The Spirit cannot be with-held from breathing on that which he hath begotten and that breath is a guide a rule a way to that which it breatheth upon Now this is most manifest even from the Scriptures themselves they expresly calling Christ the way the truth c. the new creature the rule the faith grace or gift given to be the rule testifying the heart to be that which God hath chosen to write his laws in but where do they call themselves a perfect rule of faith and obedience They are they saith Christ which testifie of me and ye will not come to me that ye might have life I●● 5.39 40. Life cannot be received from the Scriptures but only from Christ the fountain thereof no more can the Scriptures give the rule but point to the fountain of the same life where alone the rule of life as the life it self can be received The Scriptures cannot ingraft into Christ nor give a living rule to him that is ingrafted but he that hath heard the Testimony of the Scriptures concerning Christ and hath come to him must abide in him and wait on him for the writing of the law of the Spirit of life in his heart and this will be his rule from the law of sin and death even unto the land of life Now if men have mistaken in the night of darkness and put the Scriptures out of their place even into the place of the Spirit and so have become Ministers not of the Spirit but of the letter whereas the Apostles were made able Ministers of the new Testament not of the letter but of the Spirit 2 Cor. 3.6 Let them not be offended at the Spirit of God for teaching us otherwise nor at us for learning as the Spirit of God hath taught us the Scriptures also testifying that this is the rule but no where setting up themselves for the rule And it is the same Spirit which would now fix men in the Scriptures to keep men from Christ the living rule and only way to life eternal as formerly kept men by traditions from the Scriptures though it is hard for them who are intangled in this deceit to see it Now for the proof of these things thus barely here charged the reader is referred to Mr. Norton's as they stile him Tractate against the Quakers Concerning the validity whereof I refer the Reader to Francis Howgils Answer thereto wishing him to read both in the fear and dread of the Almighty waiting for his counsel to guide him in the true discerning which of them savours of mans wisdome and which of them writes from acquaintance with the truth it self In which Answer of his he recites such errors of that Norton as would make a great sound against the Quakers if any such could justly be charged upon them I shall mention only two or three of them viz That God is a distinct Subsistence from the Son and Spirit and That the Son is a distinct Subsistence from the Father and the Spirit and because it is said the Father shall give you another Comforter this another he saith is intelligible of the Essence Are there then three distinct infinite Essences or Beings That the Spirit of God without the Letter is no Spirit He was before the Letter he was never limited to the Letter he will be after the Letter and he is what he is without the Letter That Christs words John 17.21 give an uncertain sound where have any of the Quakers cast such a blemish upon any portion of Scripture Surely this man had more need to seek to have his own vessel cleansed than to accuse others of Errors or Blasphemy And if he have no other way to overthrow them than by maintaining such kind of things as these against them he will never get victory over them any other wayes than by the outward sword but by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of his testimony and not loving their lives unto the death they will easily overcome all such kind of Champions 4. The fourth and last instance which they give of the
upon pain of death yet if the Lord require them either to stay or return they know whom to fear and obey which delivers them from the fear of them who can only torture and kill the body and they had rather die in obedience to the Lord than feel the weight of his hand upon their souls for their disobedience It is not in this case as it is in ordinary banishment upon civil accounts where it is in mens will and power to abstain from the place from which they are banished but they must fulfil the will of their Lord not at all regarding what befals them therein 4. The fourth Ground or Consideration to justifie their Law of Banishment and Death against the Quakers is drawn from their right and propriety which every man hath in his own house and land and from the unreasonableness and injuriousness of anothers intruding and entring into it having no authority thereto yea and when the owner doth expresly prohibit and forbid the same And that if any presume to enter thus without legal authority he might justly be impleaded as a thief or usurper and if in case of violent assault he should be killed his blood would be upon his own head Whereupon it is argued thus that if private persons may in such case shed the blood of such intruders may not the like be granted to them that are the publick Keepers and Guardians of the Common-wealth have not they as much power to take away the lives of such as contrary to prohibition shall invade or intrude into their publick possessions or territories And that the Quakers do thus invade and intrude without authority they urge thus For who can believe that Quakers are Constables to intrude themselves invade and enter whether the Colony will or no yea contrary to their express prohibition If in such violent and bold attempts they lose their lives they may thank themselves as the blamable cause and authors of their own death Answ It is no invasion nor intrusion for any Messengers and Servants of the Lord to enter into any part of his earth at his command upon his errand and about his work And if any should be so sent to the house of a particular person to deliver a message from the Lord and the owner of the house instead of hearing and considering his message in meekness and fear whether it were of God or no should be rough and violent with him and command him off before he had delivered his message and either upon his not immediate going off or his return with another message for the Lord if he please may send him again should fall upon him and kill him upon whose head would this mans blood light 2. If men will needs have it go for an invasion it is an invasion of a spiritual nature and the defence from it cannot be by carnal weapons Killing of mens persons is not the way to suppress either truth or error How have the Papists been able to defend their Kingdome or suppress the truth by their bloody weapons They may prevail in their Territories against mens persons for a season but the truth will have a time of dominion and will in the mean time be getting ground in mens minds and consciences by the sufferings of the Witnesses to it Nay my friends if ye will defend your selves from this invasion ye must get better weapons 3. Is this your rule concerning any that shall come in the name of the Lord that if they be not Constables or other earthly-Officers ye will banish them and put them to death Is the Lord of heaven and earth limited to send none but Constables among you Well ye may judge by your Law while your day lasts but the Lord in his day will clear his Servants and Messengers though they have not been Constables and lay it upon the head of them who have unrighteously shed it 5. The fifth Ground or Consideration whereby they justifie their Law of Banishment and Death against the Quakers is this Corruption of mind and judgement is a great infection and defilement and it is the Lords Command that such corrupt persons be not received into the house which plainly enough implies that the houshoulder hath power enough to keep them out and that it was not in their power to come if they pleased whether the housholder would or no. And if the father of the Family must keep them out of his house the Father of the Common-wealth must keep them out of his jurisdiction they being nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers by the account of God So that what an housholder may do against persons that are infected with the plague or pestilence who may kill them if otherwise he cannot keep them out of his house a Magistrate may do the like for his Subjects And if Sheep and Lambs cannot be preserved from the danger of Wolves but the Wolves will break in amongst them it is easie to see what the Shepheard or Keeper of the Sheep may lawfully do in such a case Answ It is granted that Corruption of mind and judgment is defiling and infectious and therefore every heart that knows the pretiousness of truth is to wait on the Lord in his fear in the use of those means which he hath appointed for preservation from it but that killing the persons is one of the means God hath appointed this is still the thing in controversie and is still denyed to be either proper in it self or sanctified by God to this end The Apostle sayes there must be Hereticks that they which are approved may be made manifest 1 Cor. 11.19 but he doth not say hereafter when there are Christians Magistrates they must banish or cut off the Hereticks as fast as they spring up but God hath use of these things for the exercising of the spirits of his people and the truth gains by overcoming them in the faith and power of the spirit And so as touching Wolves the Apostle Paul called the Elders of the Church of Ephesus and told them that after his departure grievous Wolves should enter in among them not sparing the flock Acts 20.28 29 31. The Lord hath put into the hands of his Shepherd a sword which will pierce to the heart of the Wolf he standing faithful in the power of God in the life of righteousness need not fear any Wolf but by the power of the spirit and presence of the truth shall be able to preserve the consciences of his flock pure to God What kind of Shepherd is he that cannot defend his flock without the Magistrates sword but take away that the Wolf breaks in preys upon his sheep Surely the true Shepherd who knows the vertue of the sword God hath put into his hand will never call to the Magistrate for his sword of another nature which cannot touch the Wolf the Heretick the Seducer but only flesh and blood with which the Ministers of Christ never wrestled nor fought And this is
ye and be not afraid of their terror neither be troubled 1 Pet 3.14 and the Apostle Paul bids the Philippians stand fast in one Spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel and in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of God And the same Apostle who commended the Hebrews as having done well in bearing the great sight of afflictons encourages them to go on still and not be weary or faint in their minds but resist even to blood eyeing Christ who endured the contradiction of sinners to the very last Heb. 12.3 4. And he practised as he taught for he was not terrified with bonds or afflictions nor accounted his life dear unto him but that which was dear unto him was the serving of his Lord and Master in preaching and witnessing to his truths as his spirit led him Acts 20.23 24. trusting on the Lord to uphold him in enduring of them or to deliver him out of them as he pleased 2 Tim. 3.11 but that which he and the rest of the Apostles and Saints of Christ applyed themselves to in case of persecution was to suffer 1 Cor. 4.12 And whoever they are that will be Christs faithful Disciples now must look to meet with the same cross as they did not only from the prophane World but from the worldly professors also for there were not only zealous worldly professors in that age but the same spirit hath remained in every age since which still gets into the best form it can when need requires to oppose the power thereby And they that are in the Spirit and in the power must expect to be persecuted by such and they are to bear it and not to flie from it unless by a particular call and dispensation from the Lord for a particular service which is not the rule as it is here made but rather an exception from the rule So Christ sending his Disciples in hast to preach the Gospel bids them not salute in the way Luke 10.4 nor be stopped by persecution but hasten to publish the sound of Christs coming in the Cities of Israel for the harvest was great but the laborers few Mat. 9.37 and yet notwithstanding all the hast they could make they should not have gone over the Cities of Israel before the Son of man come Mat. 10.23 There is a time to suffer persecution and a time to flee from persecution and both these are to be known in the Lord and to be obeyed in the leadings of his Spirit but to lay it down as a general rule for Christians to observe that when they are persecuted they should flee this is expresly contrary to the Scriptures afore mentioned which shew that Christians are not generally to flee but to stand in the service and work to which they are called bearing witness not only by believing and publishing but also by suffering for the testimony of the truth They are Christs Souldiers and their duty is to stand in the battel and bear all the shot and persecutions of the enemy if God call them off to any other service that is a sufficient warrant for them but flying upon other termes may prove a great dishonour to their Master and to his cause and truth and may be the occasion of a great loss to their Spirits who are so tempted to flee Neither is this bearing the brunt of persecutions and standing in Gods work and service notwithstanding them all even unto death any tempting of God but an obedient taking up of the cross according to his will and command And whereas you plead that reason requires it what kind of reason is it which bids avoid the cross of Christ and flee for safety And what kind of Spirit is that which preacheth this Doctrine laying it down as a general rule for Christians to flee when they are persecuted Is it not that Spirit which fain would be at ease in the flesh in so much as it self will rather persecute than be disturbed of its fleshly liberty though its very unwilling to bear the reproach of being accounted a persecutor Ah how did the Jews cry out against their Fathers for killing the Prophets and verily thought if they had lived in their dayes they should by no means have done it and yet the same Spirit was in them though they saw it not but thought themselves far from it That which blinded them was a wrong knowledge of the Scriptures and a great zeal and devotion about their Temple worship and Ordinances without a sensible feeling of the guidance of Gods Spirit The same Spirit that deceived them layeth the same snare in these dayes and men swallow it as greedily with as great confidence as they did the zealous professors of religion for the generality still becoming persecutors of the present appearance of truth not knowing what they do Thus in the fear of the Lord God and in love to your souls with a meek and gentle spirit not being offended at what ye have done but looking over it to the Lord who bringeth glory to his name and advantage to his truth by the sufferings and death of his Saints have I answered your grounds and considerations and in the same fear love and meekness have I some things further to propose to your considerations which are of great concernment to you and deserve to be weighed by an equal hand in the equal ballance without prejudice or partiality 1. Consider meekly and humbly whether the Scriptures be the rule of the Children of the new covenant for if the Scripture was not intended by God for the rule and ye take it to be the rule then ye may easily mistake the way to eternal life and also err in your understanding and use of the Scriptures making such an use of them as they were never intended for and so missing of the true use and intent of them Now that the Scripture was not intended nor given forth by God to be the rule of the Children of the New Covenant besides our faithful Testimony from the sight of the thing in the true eternal light weigh our arguments from the Scripture many are mentioned in our writings consider at present of these three 1. The Scripture is an outward rule or law but the Scripture saith the law of the new covenant shall be an inward law It is written in the Prophets that all the Children of the new covenant or new Jerusalem shall be taught of the Lord Isa 54.13 who teacheth them inwardly by his Spirit and writeth his law in their hearts Jer. 31.33 34. and after this manner did the Lord take his people into covenant with himself and teach them in the Apostles dayes 1 John 2.27 The covenant is inward the teacher inward the writing inward the law inward and there it is to be read learned and known where the Spirit teacheth and writeth it 2. Scripture or the writings
c. saith the Apostle least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin Heb. 3.12 13. and persecution most hardens of any sin How cruel how bloody doth it make it even unmans men Prisons Whips cutting off of ears Banishment Death all is little enough if not too little And what reviling doth it fill mens pens and tongues with making them so hot and passionate that they cannot equally consider the cause but misunderstand it misrepresent it strive to make it appear another thing both to themselves and others than indeed in truth and plainness it is Look over your writings consider the cause again in a more meek and upright Spirit and ye your selves will easily see how in your heat ye have mistaken and dealt more injuriously with others than ye your selves were ever dealt with There is a time of righteous judgment wherein the most inward covers shall be ripped off and the sinner appear what he is and then the persecutor shall bear that shame that burthen that misery which is the portion of that Spirit It is but a small advantage to it to cover its iniquity for a little moment If ye could make all the world believe that ye are not persecutors what would this profit you if in the day of the Lord ye should be found such But having proceeded thus far it is hard for you to consider and retreat That Spirit hath great advantage over you to make you accept of any cover it can now offer you to hide your selves under Oh that ye could see how ye have wrested Scriptures and what strange kind of rguments ye have formed to make that which ye have done pass with your own hearts and to make it appear somewhat plausible to others Yet all this will not do the eye of the Lord sees through you and that light which ye reproach makes you manifest to be at present in subjection under the bloody dark power who will hold you as long as he can and furnish you with such weapons as he has against the Lamb and his followers But ye come forth to the battel in a bad day for the light is arisen to conquer and is not now to be overcome with the darkness And though ye meet the Woman and her seed with a floud of reproaches and persecutions yet that will not stop her from coming forth out of the Wilderness to shew her beauty and innocency again in the earth Consider these things and come out of this hard Spirit into tenderness if it be possible that the still meek gentle Spirit of life may be your leader from under all false covers into the truth it self where there is a gentle lying down with all that is of God and not so much as an offence because of any difference much less heart-burnings and persecutions but a sweet waiting on the Lord for every ones growth in their several ranks and stations Since my waiting on the Lord for the presence and guidance of his Spirit in the examining the foregoing Grounds and Considerations there came forth an Appendix to John Norton's Book wherein are laid down some further Grounds by way of justifying of their proceedings which for their sakes and likewise on the behalf of the truth and people of God I may also say somewhat to 1. FIrst they insinuate an argument concerning the not suffering of evil which they say is common to all that fear God with themselves Answ Evil is to be resisted but in Gods way according to Gods will and not according to the will of the flesh Spiritual evils are to be resisted by and in the faith with spiritual weapons which God hath appointed and sanctified thereto Earthly evils outward evils transgressions of the just law of the Magistrate are to be resisted by the sword of the Magistrate Here are the bounds which God hath set which he that transgresseth sinneth against the Lord and his own soul But the believer is not to step out of Gods way to resist the Magistrates evil nor the Magistrate to step out of Gods way to resist spiritual evil but both are to wait on the Lord for his blessing on the means he hath appointed and it is better for each of them not to resist evil but let it grow upon them till the Lord please to appear against it than to overcome it by an unrighteous weapon Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help and stay on horses and trust in Chariots Isa 31.1 2. A second argument is taken from the sole cause of their transplanting which they say was to enjoy liberty to walk peaceably in the faith of the Gospel according to the order of the Gospel Answ That there was an honest intent in many of them in transplanting into New-England I do not doubt though whether they had a sufficient warrant from God to transplant was doubted and objected against them by many of their conscientious fellow sufferers here in old England who testifie them that they did believe it to be their duty not to fly but stay and bear their testimony for God and his truth by suffering and this had been a better way of resisting that which was manifestly evil than of resisting by the sword that for evil which in due time they themselves may see and acknowledge not to have been so But if they did truly desire liberly did not the enemy tempt them to be selfish to seek it so far as might comprise themselves excluding such as might differ from them upon as just grounds as they themselves differed from others Did not they set bounds to the truth and bounds to the spirit of God that thus far it should appear and no further Whereas God hath degrees of discovering and leading out of the Antichristian darkness and he that opposeth the next discovery of truth the next step out of Babylon is as real an enemy and persecutor as he that opposed the fore going In that they testified against the Bishops they did well but if they will now set up a stand either to themselves or others and not follow the leadings of the Lamb their life may be withered and they may perish in the Wilderness while others are following the guide which they left when they set up their stand towards Canaan And as for walking peaceably That they might be free from the fear of outward powers having liberty to try what ever pretends to be of God and if it appear error be out of danger of having their consciences forced this is a great mercy But if they would live so peaceably as that no discovery of God further should ever start up among them nor the Lord himself be suffered to send any of his servants with any further discovery of light unto them this is not a peace which God allowes to any man nor which his people desire but only the carnal part which loves to be at ease and not to be at the pains of tryal in the fear
of the Lord of what comes forth in his name And who walk thus walk not in the faith nor in the order of the Gospel which doth not suddenly reject any thing but first throughly tries both doctrines and spirits whether they be of God or no. He that rejects that which is of God cannot thrive or prosper in his spirit and he that tries in the hastiness of the flesh and not in the patience and meekness of the spirit is in great danger of rejecting what ever of God appears But can they not enjoy there own liberty and walk in the order of the Gospel and mannage the sword of the spirit against errors and spiritual enemies according to the order of the Gospel which is mighty through God to cut down the flesh unless they get the Magistrates sword to cut down every appearance of truth and every person holding forth any truth but what they themselves shall own Cannot the spirit of God lead into further truth than they were led into when they went into New-England and may not the Lord take his own time to discover it to them and to lead them into it So that when first it appears it may be hid from them and will nothing serve them but the Magistrates sword to cut it down so soon as ever it appears Did not the Bishops of England think theirs to be the Gospel order and cryed against the non-conformists that they could not live peaceably for them but they disturbed the order of the Church and drew mens minds from matters of faith and edification Surely the desire of such a kind of peace as may stop the breaking forth of light to the people of God for their further leading out of Babylon is not good This is rather a fleshly case than true peace which the Lord hath not allotted to his people but they are to wait for the pouring down of his spirit and the opening of the deep mysteries of his life in the latter daies and to try what comes forth in his name whether it be of him or no that they may not lose the good as it breaks forth nor be deceived with the evil as it gets into and appears in the shape and likeness of the good Now the drift of the argument lies in this that this liberty they cannot enjoy without a non-tolleration of others Tolleration of any but themselves and their own way disturbs their peace their faith their order Answ The true liberty the true faith the true order of the Gospel was enjoyed formerly without this power of suppressing others by carnal weapons and violent Lawes Yea this power of suppressing others and of compelling to a way of Religion and Worship came up with Antichrist and that power which came up with Antichrist is not of Christ The Dragon gave his power to the beast Rev. 13.4 and another beast riseth up with horns like a Lamb ver 11. and this Beast compelleth ver 12. Mark the beast which appeared with horns like a Lamb as if it had Christs power and maketh fire to come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and who can deny these to be of God that can do such things this very beast compelleth or causeth to worship as ver 12 So this beast which appears like a Lamb joines with the first beast whom it had set up under another appearance and both compel to the worshipping of an Image of the truth of such an image of the truth as they think good to advance and so from the truth it self And he that will not be deceived with their image with their likeness with that which they call the truth and way of God or order of the Gospel and so shall refuse to bow thereto he shall not he permitted either to buy or sell ver 16 17. There is no living as men within their bounds unless they will bow to their image But the true Lamb doth not compel but calls to wait on the Fathers drawings till the Father by his spirit make willing And though by the Lamb Kings Reign and Princes decree justice Pro. 8.15 yet they never had any commission from him to force men to that way of Religion and worship to which the Spirit of the Lord alone can make them willing nor to fall upon them because they were unwilling This is from the Dragon where ever it is found This then is the great matter of controversie you account it your liberty not to tollerate and here stands your peace and Religion which was a liberty the true Christians never had and you cannot with patience hear any to testifie against you and so ye now fall upon any that come to witness against you even as ye your selves once suffered when ye were witnesses But how can ye manifest that God shall reveal no truth but what he reveals to you or if he do that ye have liberty not to tollerate it or the persons that hold it forth Wherefore consider seriously whether this be a right liberty ye have aimed at for if your aim hath been at a liberty which is not granted of God at such a liberty as will not stand with the liberty of his spirit in his people no marvail though ye have run into indirect means to attain it and so from step to step have been led to the utmost degree of violence and persecution and being engaged in it are now forced to seek for arguments to maintain it This argument is further enforced by proposing the inconsiderableness of the Quakers suffering of a non-tolleration compared with a manifest and greatest hazard of a tolleration unto the country Their absence from hence is no detriment to them their presence here threatens no less than the ruine of all to us c. Answ As for outward detriment the Quakers do not consider that in cases of this nature but that in them which is born of God hearing and receiving his command presently obeys waiting for his presence and power to carry through and doth not at all mind the hardships to be met with But the inward detriment arising from disobedience to God is very great even the loss of his sweet presence life and power at present besides the utter hazard of the soul for that which draweth back from obedience to the spirit of the Lord the Lord hath no pleasure in they have known the terrors of the Lord to the disobedient therefore they may not please men in forbearing to go where he sends them nor standing in his counsel and power do they fear them which can kill the body but they exceedingly dread the death and losse of their Souls and him who hath the power thereof And as for their presence threatning the ruin of all to you that 's but a miss apprehension It may indeed be ruine to that part in you which is wise and strong without the presence of the life of God but the elect which is built upon the rock cannot be
pretence to justice their whole course of proceedings will prove in truth and according to righteous judgment but persecution Now the grounds of their proceedings they mention to be these 1. Their having received intelligence from good hands from Barbadoes and England of the pernicious opinions and practises of the Quakers 2. Their professed Tenents how well ye have acquitted your selves herein let all that fear God judge 3. Their turbulent and contemptuous behaviour to authority 4. Their designs to undermine and ruin the order and peace here established Answ He that is willing to receive shall never want intelligence against the truths and people of God even from such hands as he will be ready to call good it is a remnant only that receive truth the generality of professors in all ages are still ready both to send and receive intelligence against all the living appearances of it and of Gods witnesses to it Nor can he who hath already entertained prejudices ever want matter against their tenents or behaviour or to charge them with designs Have not these reproaches alwaies been cast upon every appearance of God Are not the vessels he chuses to hold forth his truths by still represented as persons of pernicious opinions and practises and their tenents charged to be wicked and they looked upon as turbulent and contemptuous c. Were not the non-conformists themselves looked upon as persons that would undermine and ruin the order and peace of the Church who for such trivial things would make such great rents and breaches marring the beauty and disturbing the unity order and peace of the Church of England sure they cannot yet forget this besides that common charge against them of contumacy against authority These are but the old weapons of the old Serpent only a little new furbished by you for your own use even the weapons which the Bishops wrested out of the hands of the Papists and which ye have wrested out of the hands of the Bishops and they are no better in your hands than they were in theirs They were good in their hands so long as they had authority to make them forcible and they have no more vertue in your hands than what outward authority and power adds to them England was once overflown with this floud of reproaches but now at length this afflicted people waiting in patience on the Lords will they have much vanished the earth helping the woman and persons generally who are any whit sober and come to consider things in fear and meekness find no such matter against them no such opinions or practises or tenents but the truths of God received and held forth in his fear their carriage and behaviour meek and humble void of turbulency and contempt towards any and they freer from designs against authority and orderly government than any sort else whatsoever This is well known in England and it cannot be denyed by the authorities and powers therof how we have still been like lambs suffering from all not contriving or so much as desiring the hurt of any The Lord knows the desire of our souls to be after truth and righteousness and our expectations for the establishing thereof to be fixed on him alone and not on any persons whatsoever but as he pleaseth to appear in them and work by them and whatever happens in the mean time is received as from his hand who ruleth on high over all so that our spirits do not so much as rise against any authorities or instruments that persecute us but we wait on the Lord our God to advantage his truth and bring about good to us thereby and we pity and pray for all who know not what they do blessing the Lord our God who accounteth us worthy to suffer for his names sake in bearing testimony at his command to any though it should be but the least of his truths Therefore take heed of going on in the hardness of your hearts but know what a people in the just judgment of God upon you your lot hath been to persecute whose blood will stick the closer to you and lie so much the heavier upon you by how much the dearer they are to God And though ye plead the safety of the People as being the soveraign Law yet the Lord God knows whether ye have aimed at the safety of the People among you in uprightness of heart or whether ye bring this in also as a further cover There is a double safety the People may justly challenge from you First the safety of their Consciences in a tender searching after truth and further removing out of Babylon Secondly the safety of their estates persons and liberties in this search They did not fly from England to be persecuted by the prevailing part among themselves but to enjoy freedome of conscience in enquiring after the Lord his truth and way of worship and not to be tyed and bound up in a form exalted and established according to the opinions and result of the reasonings of the major part Now whether ye have preserved these Liberties for them and really sought their safety or whether ye have persecuted or made a prey of them for their Conscience sake beyond whatever was done to you here in England or beyond whatever they had been like to suffer had they staid here in England the Lord in his day will righteously judge Ye have judged between Cattle and Cattle the Lord also will judge between Cattle and Cattle and in that day ye will see that as his choice have been your outcasts so your choice is rejected by him and that as his spirit is the abomination of your eyes so your formal way of worship is the loathing of his soul O that ye had eyes to see it that your hearts might not be utterly hardned against the Lord his truths and people even to your utter and eternal destruction Little do ye see poor deceived hearts what a narrow step there is between you and the pit THE Authority and Government which Christ excluded out of his Church c. MATT. 20. vers 25. to 29. But Jesus called them unto him and said ye know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them But it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister And whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant Even as the Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister and to give his life a ransome for many And as they departed from Jericho a great multitude followed him HEre Christ cuts off that power and authority which grows up in the corrupt nature of man which was ever and anon springing up even in the Disciples here he wholly excludes it out of his Church and sayes expresly he would have no such thing among them no such kind of greatness no such kind of authority Among the Gentiles there are
can do nothing they cannot convert any man to God but the power that speaketh by them the same power worketh in other mens consciences at its pleasure And here is the beginning of the government of Christ in the heart when his truth carries conviction with it to the conscience and the conscience is drawn to yeild it self up to him then he layes his yoak upon it and takes upon him the guiding of it he cherisheth it he cleanseth it he comforteth it he ordereth it at his pleasure and he alone preserveth it pure chast gentle meek and plyable to the impressions of his Spirit And as the conscience is kept single and tender to Christ so his government increases therein but as it becomes hard or subject to mens wills so another spirit gets dominion over it Therefore the great work of the Minister of Christ is to keep the conscience open to Christ and to preserve men from receiving any truths of Christ as from them further than the spirit opens or to imitate any of their practises further than the spirit leads guides and perswades them For persons are exceeding prone to receive things as truths from those whom they have an high opinion of and to imitate their practises and so hurt their own growth and indanger their souls For if I receive a truth before the Lord by his spirit make it manifest to me I loose my guide and follow but the counsel of the flesh which is exceeding greedy of receiving truths and running into Religious practises without the spirit Therefore the main thing in religion is to keep the conscience pure to the Lord to know the guide to follow the guide to receive from him that light whereby I am to walk and not to take things for truths because others see them to be truths but to wait till the spirit make them manifest to me nor to run into worships duties performances or practises because others are led thither but to wait till the spirit lead me thither He that makes hast to be rich even in religion running into knowledge and into worships and performances before he feel a true and clear guidance shall not be innocent nor the Lord will not hold him guiltless when he comes to visit for spiritual adultery and idolatry The Apostles were exceeding tender in this point for though they certainly and infallibly knew what was to be believed yet they were not Lords over mens faith but waited till he who is Lord of the faith would open the way into mens consciences They did not take upon them to be able to turn the key to let in truth and conviction into mens spirits as men in these dayes have been too apt to undertake but directed them to him who had the key there to wait for the conviction and illumination of their minds and so to receive in as they found him give forth to them Let every man saith the Apostle be fully perswaded in his own mind take heed of receiving things t●● soon take heed of running into practises too soon take heed of doing what ye see others do but wait for your own particular guidance and for a full perswasion from God what is his will concerning you Though I know this to be a truth yet do not ye receive it till God make it manifest to you receive truth from his hand stay till he give it you Indeed the main matter in religion is to keep out the wrong part the forward part the bastardly birth from running into duties catching of openings and laying hold of promises and to feel the heir born of the immortal seed to whom all belongs and that the other birth never afterwards get up above him but be subdued and brought into subjection Again saith the Apostle take heed of doing any thing doubtingly be not forward be not hasty wait for the leading wait for the manifestation of the Spirit Be sure thou receive what thou receives in the faith and practise what thou practises in the faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin being an error from the principle of life which is to guide and thereby thou loosest ground and dishonourest Christ and comest under condemnation And so the Apostle warns believers to take heed of drawing one another on too fast or of judging one another in such things as some of them might have light in others not He that eateth not to judge him that did not eat and he that did not eat not to judge him that did eat Yea in matters of worship he that observed a day and kept a Sabbath not to judge him that observed not a day or kept not a Sabbath for the Jews which were truly converted yet were hard to be drawn off from the observation of their Sabbath and could hardly bear with the believing Gentiles who were never taught to keep their Sabbath with them but were taught to esteem every day and sanctifie it to the Lord Rom. 14.5 And these who esteemed every day and dedicated it to the Lord ceasing from sin and resting to him for under the Gospel we are not to set up a new type but to enter by faith into the true rest which is the substance of what the other signified could hardly bear with them who observed a day Even in the Apostles dayes Christians were too apt to strive after a wrong unity and uniformity in outward practises and observations and to judge one another unrighteously in these things And mark it is not the different practise from one another that breaks the peace and the unity but the judging of one another because of different practises He that keeps not a day may unite in the same spirit in the same life in the same love with him that keeps a day and he who keeps a day may unite in heart and soul with the same spirit and life in him who keeps not a day but he that judgeth the other because of either of these errs from the spirit from the love from the life and so breaks the bond of unity And he that draws another to any practise before the life in his own particular lead him doth as much as in him lies to destroy the soul of that person vers 15. This was the Apostles rule for every one to perform singly to the Lord what he did and not for one to meddle with the light or conscience of another undervaluing his brother or judging him because his light and practises differed from his vers 10. of that 14. chap. but every one to keep close to their own measure of light even to that proportion of faith and knowledge which God of his mercy hath bestowed on them And here is the true unity in the Spirit in the inward life and not in an outward uniformity That was not necessary in the Apostles dayes nor is it necessary now and that eye which so dotes upon it overlooks the one thing which is necessary Men keeping close to God the Lord will
sixty dayes as vers 6. or forty two months as Chap. 11.2 And she was accordingly gone out of sight insomuch as the Serpent could find her no more but went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ Revel 11.17 2. That the true Church cannot come out of the Wilderness till the time of her abobe there the set time appointed by God be ended nor then neither but by the outstretched arm of the Lord Psa 102.13 She may mourn over her desolate Wilderness state but she cannot fly out of it without the help of the wings of the same Eagle which were given her to fly into it The Lord must pitty the dust of Sion and by his everlasting strength and compassion raise up the tabernacle of David which is fallen down or it can be restored no more vers 16. Revel 21.3 3. That the state of the people of God all this time of the true Churches absence hath been a state of captivity The seed hath been in bondage in Egypt the dark Land in Babylon the Land of confusion for such all the Church buildings order and government have been in compare with the true order and government of the Church by the Spirit which was known and enjoyed by the people of God before this her flight where they have been mourning under their chains of darkness and lamenting over their mother for Zion hath been laid wast and Jerusalem the holy City hath been troden under foot by the Gentiles to whom the outward Court was given when God took down his building and secured his Temple Altar and the worshippers therein Rev. 11.2 And in this state God finds his people when he comes to overthrow her to bring death and mourning and famine and fire upon her Rev. 18.8 and to redeem them for then the voice goes forth from the spirit of the Lord to the spirits of his people Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins c. ver 4. Why were the people of God in her till now yea till the very hour of her judgment and are many of them in great danger of staying there even till they feel her plagues They that sit down in any Church-building taking it for Sion before Gods season of building his Sion sit down but in Babylon it is no other though they who have drunk of the false womans cup new mixed for them and so are inchanted a fresh into some new fine-painted bed of her fornication cannot believe it to be so 4. That when God redeems his people out of Babylon he brings them not immediately unto Sion not immediately into a built City but into the wilderness where the Church lies unbuilt where they are prepared and fitted for the holy Land and circumcised in spirit before their entrance There is a long travel from Babylon to Zion wherein the hasty spirit the rough spirit the exalted spirit the murmuring spirit the self-will self-worship self-wisdom knowledge and righteousness all which are of great price in Babylon is cut down and the spirit broken emptyed made poor deeply humbled and so prepared for Gods holy Hill When a Babylonish building or way of worship is discovered man would fain have another ready to put in the place of it so soon as it is pulled down Thus mans wisdome would order it but the Lord will not have it so but there must be a season of desolation of stripping of nakedness of being uncloathed of all the purple and scarlet dye of Babylon Rev. 17.4 a pulling off the ornaments of all the knowledge worship ordinances duties experiences c. which are held and practised out of the pure life And in this state of misery and fore distress the Lord laies the foundation of the new heavens and of the new earth in the spirits of his people which when it is finished then at length he saith to Zion Thou my people Isa 51.16 Observe therefore the error of the reformations since the Apostacy They have been still building too fast and not waiting on God to be hewn and squared and fitted for his building The reformed Churches have still been built of stones before they were made ready for the building They have not waited their time of preparation in the wilderness nor have they waited for Gods building them up into a Temple nor for the time and season wherein it is Gods pleasure to build So that though they did well in seperating from that which was corrupt and manifestly evil yet they did not well in making hast into another way of their own forming but should have waited for Gods manifestation of the good and for his leading of them by his spirit into it And by this means it hath come to passe that though there hath been a pure thing often stirring towards reformation yet by an over forward hastening to build the good hath been quenched and the evil hath again under a new cover or form of worship overgrown it and then hath been ready to revile and persecute the good in others but this the eye which is overtaken with the appearing beauty of its building having concluded it to be according to the will of God revealed in the Scriptures cannot discern 5. That when Zion is rebuilt when the Church its heaven is again stretched forth wherein she was seated before she fled into the Wilderness Rev. 12.1 those that are Gods faithful witnesses into whom his spirit of life hath entred and whom he hath caused to stand upon their feet shall ascend up to heaven in a cloud which their very enemies shall behold Rev. 11.12 And this was done in the time of a great Earth-quake wherein the tenth part of the City fell ver 13. The shaking at this time is very great in this Nation let men mark what will be the issue and observe whether notwithstanding all the seeming contrarieties the Lord God do not so order it as to bring a considerable part of Babylon down and of the powers that uphold her The people of God all this time of Antichrists reign have been a suffering people The tender-hearted every where whose souls could only bow to the Lord who could not receive doctrines from men or fall into worships and practises at the will of man have lain open to Church-censures as they call them and to the Magistrates indignation under the names of Hereticks Blasphemers Seducers and disturbers of the peace both of Church and state and indeed so far as any have tasted of the true light and power of Christ and have been called forth by him to be his witnesses they could not but be disturbers of the carnal peace and security of the Antichristian congregations against whom they witnessed When the true Church fled into the Wilderness the Serpent cast a flood after her she was reproached and blasphemed for an Harlot a Strumpet one that was not the Lambs wife as she