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A70924 Romes destruction, or, Expresse texts and necessary consequences drawn out of the word of God, for the condemning of the doctrine of the Roman church, and justifying of that of the reformed churches first written in French, by C.D.R., a French noble-man ; and now published in English, at the solicitation of divers religious men of this nation by Jam. Mountaine. C. D. R.; Mountaine, James. 1641 (1641) Wing R11; ESTC R10609 52,610 234

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those that worship him must worship him in Spirit and Truth John 4. 24. God is infinite and incomprehensible therfore he cānot be represented by such materiall and corporall things it being an horrible blasphemy to go about to represent the God-head with such things Wherefore the ProphetEsay cryeth aloud against such Idolaters To whom then will yee liken God or what likenesse will yee compare him unto or to whom shall I be equall saith the holy One Lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath Created these things Esay 40. 18. 25. 26. And the Apostle Saint Paul saith That professing themselves to be wise they became fooles and changed the Glory of the uncorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible Man and to Birds and foure-footed Beasts Rom. 1. 22. 23. This adoration of Dulia which they give unto Saints cannot chuse but be a great sinne and Idolatry For this adoration is made without any warrant out of the Word of God and by Consequent done without Faith which cannot be but sinne and Idolatry In summe Our Adversaries are greater Idolaters in worshipping of their Images than the Pagans and ancient Idolaters were For those had not the knowledge of the true God and were not taught and instructed by his Word Besides They worshipped the Images of things which they beleeved to be gods as of Jupiter Hercules Apollo Juno Venus Diana and others But these Idolaters here see by the Word of God how much Idolatry is in abomination unto the Lord and neverthelesse they worship the Images of things which as themselves confesse are no gods as of the true Crosse of the Virgin Mary of Saint Francis of Saint Dominick and others and are come so farre even as to worship Tabernacles Boxes and such other like things But if any man thinke that I accuse them wrongfully and lay to their charge that which they doe not teach Let him take the paines to reade their Canons and Books and namely the Lessons of Francis Panigarolle a renowned Doctor amongst them and he shall finde that the Pagans never came to such a height of Idolatry CHAP. X. That foure rules shew unto us that there is a Figure in these Words This is my body And that the Transubstantiation of the bread into the body of Christ is contrary unto the truth of God and destroys the humane nature of Christ Item That in all Sacraments the Word is is put for signifieth or representeth BY that which hath been said already It appeareth plainly That the Doctrine of our Adversaries is altogether contrary unto the Word of God and therefore it is no wonder that they have forsaken the light for to hide themselves under the darknesse of a Tradition and unwritten Word It is true they boast much of these Words This is my body and make a shew to sticke close to those Foure small Words of the Gospel upon which words they will not admit of any Figure or interpretation but will take them at the bark of the Letter to draw out of the same a Doctrine contrary unto the Analogy of Faith and that wholy destroyeth the humane nature of our Lord Jesus Christ The which I will prove by these foure rules following which will put us out of all doubt For they certainly shew unto us when there is a Figure in any place of the holy Scripture The first is when the matter and the circumstances of the preceding and subsequent words shew that there is a Figure The second whether the time in which it is spoken is to make a Figure The third whether understanding the place literally and without a Figure there should from thence arise an impossible thing The fourth if taking it literally and without a Figure there should follow any absurdity According to these foure rules we must examine this place This is my body and see whether there be a Figure in it or no As for the first the matter and the circumstances doe shew That there is a Figure in these words This is my body For Christ was instituting of a Sacrament Now whatsoever is said in matters of Sacraments ought to be understood sacramentally and not literally Again The circumstances of the preceding and subsequent words doe shew also that there is a Figure For in the foregoing words the Scripture saith that Christ took bread brake it and gave it But it is not given till after the consecration therefore he gave bread And to the subsequent words hee addeth these words This is my body which is broken for you But the body of Christ was not broken in the Lords Supper no not on the very Crosse it selfe therefore they must be understood figuratively Moreover he said giving the Cup to his Apostles This Cup is the New Testament in my blood Luk. 21. 20. the which cannot be understood without a Figure For a Cup or that which is in it is not a Testament substantially Item he saith He will drink no more of the fruit of this Vine Mat. 26. 29. He commandeth to doe that in remembrance of him 1. Cor. 11. 24. Therefore there is a figure in these words This is my body By the second rule it appeareth also That there is a figure in these words This is my body For the time in which Christ instituted the holy Sacrament of his Supper was the same time in which he would leave the World and goe to his Father as he testifieth of himselfe saying I leave the World and goe to the Father John 16. 28. I am no more in the World John 17. 11. Yee have the poore with you alwaies but me yee have not alwaies Mar. 14. 7. But hee willing to have his Church to make a commenmoration of his death he Instituteth a Sacrament wherein he ordaineth bread to be broken and the Cup to be distributed in remembrance of him Doe this saith he in remembrance of me For as often as yee eate this bread and drink this cup yee doe shew the Lords death till he come 1. Cor. 11. 26. And that to represent unto us That even as the bread and wine nourisheth our bodies in this Temporall life So his flesh and his blood are the food of our soules in the Eternall life Therefore there is a figure in these words This is my body By the third rule it appeareth also clearely that these words This is my body are to be understood figuratively For as it is impossible that twice two be not foure but there must bee the first odde number umpire So it is likewise impossible That a true body be in divers places at once But the body of our Lord Jesus Christ is a true body Like unto his brethren in all things sinne excepted saith the Apostle Heb. 2. 17. Therefore it cannot be in divers places at once Our Adversaries would faine cover themselves with the omnipotency of God but it is in vain for the question is of his will and not of his power But it was his
is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. 1. But what punishment soever is imposed for the satisfying of Gods justice is a condemnation Therefore there is no punishment imposed to satisfie the justice of God Secondly The same Apostle teacheth us That by Grace we are saved through Faith and that not of our selves it is the gift of God not of works least any man should boast Ephes. 2. 8. 9. And in the Epistle to the Romans he saith All have sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his Grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Rom. 3. 23. 24. It is not therefore by paying on our part for the punishment of our sins it being altogether incompatible freely to acquit and discharge a debt and yet desire to be satisfied for it to the uttermost farthing 3 Again if God doe forgive the sinnes of his children in such sort as he will remember them no more it followeth that he will not be satisfied with temporall punishments But the first proposition is true I will forgive their iniquity saith the Lord and I will remember their sinne no more Jerem. 31. 34. Esay 43. 25. Heb. 10. 27. Ergo the last also and therefore there remains no punishment for the justified sinner 4 Moreover Jesus Christ our Lord hath satisfied the justice of God for us either fully and perfectly or imperfectly and in part onely yea or no If fully and perfectly then it followeth that he hath satisfied it aswel for the guilt as for the punishment of sinne and by consequent that we ought neither to satisfie it for the one nor for the other If inperfectly and in part onely it followeth that he is our Saviour but in part for he is not our Saviour unlesse he hath fully satisfied the Justice of God for us 5 Again Whatsoever is done by ones selfe is not done by an other But Jesus Christ our Lord hath purged our sinnes by himselfe Christ saith Saint Paul having by himselfe purged our sinnes sate downe on the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb. 1. 3. It is not done therfore but by Christ And if the purgation of sinnes be not but by Christ it followeth that it is not done by Temporall punishment and Humane satisfactions But the Antecedent is true Ergo the Consequent also And therefore to desire to satisfie again the Justice of God is to debase too much the worth and merits of the blood of Christ and to esteeme his satisfaction as a thing of nought For it is he only that was able to satisfie the same for them that have obtained free mercy And to alledge as they doe that the Physicke is prepared but that we must drink it That it is true that we receive all good things from the blood of Christ but we must apply it is to no purpose For our penall works are not the means wherby we may apply unto our selves the vertue and efficacy of the blood of Christ It is by faith that he is apprehended and applyed unto us For as the body is fed and nourished by means of the corporall mouth that receiveth and apprehendeth the food So the soule is nourished and sustained by Faith that receiveth and apprehendeth our Lord Jesus Christ and his merits by which onely means Christ is applied unto it for it's spirituall food In a word I maintain that it is altogether impossible for a man to satisfie the Justice of God Yea even for all men put together to satisfie it for the least sinne whether for the guilt or for the punishment For God is infinite he therefore that offends him deserves an infinite and an Eternall punishment Punishments ought to be according to the offences And the offences according to the quality of the persons offended And to alledge that Eternall punishments are turned into Temporall is as vain and ridiculous For Gods Justice being infinite cannot be satisfied but by an infinite punishment And if God through his mercy remits any thing unto the sinner he will not doe it by halfes Therefore they consider the Justice of God and the desert of sinne very ill when as they think to be able to satisfie the same and that by such means as should open the gates of Heaven to the rich rather than to the poore For the principall means they appoint unto man to satisfie Gods Justice withall for the punishment of sins is to buy pardons and indulgences of the Pope and give to the Churh the which indeed the rich may do but not the poore Wherupon it will follow that we must say quite contrary to that which Christ saith Blessed are the poore for to such is the kingdome of Heaven Math. 5. 3. Our Adversaries doe bring in some places of Scripture to prove their pretended satisfactions but against their true sence as that of the Apostle to the Hebrews Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth Heb. 12. 6. Again they say that David having confessed his sin to Nathan did neverthelesse bear the punishment of his sin it being said unto him The childe that is borne unto thee shall surely die 2. Sam. 12. 14. and divers other places where it is said that God chastiseth his children I answer That in all these places there is not a word spoken of satisfying Gods Justice who indeed tryeth his children and fatherly chastiseth them not to satisfie his Justice but to correct them and make them wiser for the time to come shewing them and making them feele how much sin is displeasing unto him There is two sorts of Judgements of God the one of revenge the other of correction by the one God punisheth his enemies confounding them in his wrath David prayeth he might not be punished in this kind Lord saith he rebuke me not in thine anger neither chastise me in thy hot displeasure Psal. 6. 2. By the other of correction God doth not chasten to cast away and to destroy but to admonish his children and make thē to profit unto repentance He chastened David fatherly when he took away his childe and Saul in Justice in taking away his kingdome from him The Faithfull are also called to suffer in this life for to follow the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ For even hereunto were yee called saith S. Peter because Christ also suffered for you leaving us an example that yee should follow his steps 1. Epist. 2. 21. All saith S. Paul that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution 2. Tim. 3. 12. In the World yee shall have tribulation saith our Lord to his Disciples John 16. 33. And in another place Whosoever taketh not his crosse and followes after me he is not worthy of me Math. 10. 38. Therefore the pains and afflictions that befall the Faithfull are not to satisfie the Justice of God neither for the guilt nor for the punishment of sinnes but to follow the steps of Jesus