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A58941 Sacramentorum encomium: or The praise of the sacraments in a letter written in the year 1654 to the preacher then at Barham in the county of Kent, with-holding the holy sacraments from a great number of godly souls, unless they would subject themselves against laws and good conscience to a rigid Presbyterian government. Wherein the said government is plainly and undeniably proved to be (of all other) the most injurious to the magistrate, most oppressive to the subject, &c. Published by a member of the parish of Barham, for the satisfaction of all wel-affected subjects, and good Christians. Member of the parish of Barnham. 1661 (1661) Wing S223B; ESTC R219820 25,942 69

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on the truth of his heavenly promise doubteth not but from creatures despicable in their own condition and substance to obtain grace of inestimable value or rather not from them but from him yet by them as by his appointed means and howsoever he by the secret wayes of his own incomprehensible mercy may be thought to save without Baptism this cleareth not the Church from guiltiness of blood if through her superfluous scrupulositie le ts and impediments of less regard should cause a grace of so great moment to be witheld wherein our merciless strictness may be our own harm although not theirs towards whom we shew it and we for the hardness of our hearts may perish albeit they through Gods unspeakable mercy may live God which did not afflict that innocent whose circumcision Moses had overlong deferred was about to have killed a Exod. 4.24 Moses himself for the injury which was done through so great neglect giving us thereby to understand that they whom Gods own mercy saveth without us are on our parts notwithstanding and as much as in us lyeth even destroyed when under unsufficient pretences we defraud them of such ordinary outward helps as we should exhibit Not that we hereby make Baptism a cause of grace but say that the grace wh ch is given with baptism doth so far forth depend on the outward Sacrament that God will have it embraced not only as a sign or token what we receive but also as an instrument or mean whereby we receive Grace And as concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper we say that he which hath said of the one Sacrament wash and be clean hath said concerning the other Eate and live Life being therefore proposed unto all men as their end they which by Baptism have laid their foundation and attained the first beginning of a new life have here their nourishment and food prescribed for the continuance of life in them Such as will live the life of God must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of man because this is a part of that diet which if we want we cannot live whereas therefore in our infancy we are incorporated into Christ and by Baptisme receive the grace of his Spirit without any sence or feeling of the gift which God bestoweth in the Eucharist we so receive the gift of God that we know by grace what the grace is which God giveth us the decrees of our increase in holiness and vertue we see and can judge of them we understand that the strength of our life began in Christ is Christ that his flesh is meat and his blood is drink not by surmized imagination but truly even so-truly that through Faith we perceive in the signs of the Body and Blood Sacramentally presented the very taste of Eternal Life The grace of the Sacrament is here as the food which we eat and drink The Sacrament is a true and real participation of Christ who thereby imparteth himself even his whole intire person as a mystical head into every soul that receiveth him and every such receiver doth thereby incorporate or unite himself unto Christ as a Mystical member of him yea of them also whom he acknowledgeth to be his own And to whom the person of Christ is thus communicated to them he giveth by the same Sacrament his Holy Spirit to sanctifie them as it sanctifieth him which is their head and what merit force or vertue soever there is in his sacrificed body and bloud we freely fully and wholy have it by this Sacrament the effect whereof in us is a real transmutation of our Souls and Bodies from sin to righteousness from death and corruption to immortality and life and though the Sacrament it self be but a corruptible and earthly creature yet he by the strength of his glorious power will bring to pass that the Bread and Cup which he giveth us shall be truly the thing he promiseth This Sacrament keepeth Christians in a continual remembrance of that propitiatory sacrifice which Christ once for all offered by his death upon the Cross to reconcile us to God He was himself once really offered and as oft as this Sacrament is celebrated so oft is he spiritually offered by the faithfull This Sacrament confirmeth our Faith for God by it doth signifie and seal unto us from Heaven that according to the promise and new Covenant which he hath made in Christ he will truly receive into his grace and mercy all penitent believers who duly receive this holy Sacrament and that for the merit of the death and passion of Christ he will as verily forgive them all their sins as they are made partakers of this Sacrament It is also a pledg and Symbole of the most neer and effectual communion which Christians have with their Head from which communion there followeth to the faithfull many inestimable benefits as his taking by imputation all their sins and guiltiness upon him to satisfie Gods justice for them and he freely gives by imputation unto us all his righteousness in this life and all his right unto eternal life when this is ended and counteth all the good or ill that is done unto us as done to his own person there likewise floweth from Christ nature into our nature united unto him the lively spirit and breath of Grace which reneweth us unto a spiritual life and so sanctifieth our minds wills and affections that we dayly grow more and more conformable to the Image of Christ he also bestoweth upon us all saving graces necessary to attain eternal life as the sence of Gods love the assurance of our election with regeneration sanctification and grace to do good works This Sacrament also feeds the Souls of the faithfull in the assured hope of life everlasting and withal doth seal unto them the assurance of the injoyment of that life Manna Angels food fed the Israelites forty years in the wilderness but behold a better food is prepared for them even the body and blood of our most blessed Saviour the bread of life on which whosoever by a sincere and stedfast faith do feed it will nourish their souls for ever unto a blessed life without end in order to which it is an assured pledg of the spiritual resurrection of our souls from the death of sin here and of the corporal resurrection of our bodies at the last day of the first resurrection our Saviour hath said a John 6.57 He that eateth me even he shall live by me of the second He himself hath also said b 57. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him at the last day for this Sacrament signifieth and sealeth unto us that Christ died and rose again for us and that His flesh quickeneth and nourisheth unto eternal life and that therefore our bodies shall surely be then raised unto that life for seeing our Head is risen all the members of the body shall likewise surely rise
again for how can those bodies fed and nourished with the body and blood of the Lord of life but be raised up with him again at that day unto life it being given by Him for their eternal salvation It was neither Saint nor Angel but the Son of God himself who ordained this holy Mystery and is the chiefest memorial left by Him of our Redemption our Redemption which was the chiefest benefit that ever man needed from God or that God ever bestowed up on man and there fore every Christian should account this holy supper the chiefest and most joyful feast in this world and come unto it with praise and thanksgiving the sinner laying aside his sins must come to this feast the envious man his enmitie and come he that hath variety of secular imployments must lay aside his secular imployments and and come and converse with God He that is well grounded in grace must come because he is excellently disposed to so holy a feast but he that is but in the infancy of his piety had need to come that so he may grow in grace the strong must come least they become weak and the weak that they may become strong the sick must come to be cured the healthful to be preserved they that have leasure must come because they have no excuse they that have no leasure must come hither that by so excellent Religion they may sanctifie their business The penitent sinners must come that they may be justified and they that are justified that they may be justified still they that have fears and great reverence to these mysteries and think no preparation to be sufficient must receive that they may learn to receive the more worthily and they that have a less degree of reverence must come often to have it hightned Here are remedies for all sick and sorrowful sinners the very letter of the word of Christ giveth plain security that these mysteries do as nails fasten us unto his very Cross that by him we draw out as touching efficacy force and vertue even the blood of his gored side in the wounds of out Redeemer we there dip our tongues we are dyed red both within and without our hunger is satisfied and our thirst for ever quenched they are things wonderful which he feeleth great which he seeth and unheard of which he uttereth whose souls is possest of this Paschal Lamb and made joyful in the strength of this new wine this Bread hath in it more then the substance which our eyes behold this Cup hallowed with solemn benediction availeth to the endless life and welfare both of soul and body in that it serveth as well for a medicine to heal our infirmities and purge our sins as for a sacrifice of thanksgiving which touching it sanctifieth it enlightneth with belief it truly conformeth us unto the Image of Jesus Christ who by vertue of his divine benediction with hands and eyes lifted up to heaven first blessed and consecrated those chosen elements of bread wine made them for ever instruments of life for the endless good of all generations O how inexpressibly comfortable are the benefits devolved upon us hereby O how infinite are the joyes such as eye hath not seen nor eare heard nor can enter into the heart of man prepared for the worthy receivers to such belongs life life indeed life everlasting with those is the Tabernacle of God and God himself shall be their God and He will wipe away all tears from their eyes no more death no more sorrow no more crying no more pain shall trouble them He that is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end will be their God and they shall be his Sons they shall inhabit the great City the holy Jerusalem enlightned with the glory of God and walled with a great and high wall founded upon twelve foundations garnished with all manner of precious stones and the names of the Lambs twelve Apostles the gates belonging to this City being no less in number then twelve and every one of them made of Pearl Rev. 21.21 and the pavement of it of pure Gold a City having no need of Sun or Moon to shine in it having the glory of God to light it and the law to be the light of it to this City all the Kings of the Earth shall bring honor and glory and all those who religiously hunger and thurst after the body and blood of this Lamb and worthily partake of it shall walk in the light of it And shall any hunger and thirst after this soul-saving heavenly banquet Shall some be set apart on purpose by an Almighty gracious and liberal inviter freely to deliver it unto them And are all these mentioned benefits and priviledges yea Heaven it self promised to them that hunger and thirst and partake of it and yet shall there be any who will not only wilfully neglect but also peremptorily deny to minister at this holy feast and thereby suffer the hunger and thirst of poor souls to remain unsatisfyed Shall any in like manner whom our most mercifull Saviour Jesus Christ hath commanded to Suffer little children to come unto him for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven be so wickedly hard-hearted so maliciously bent so without all natural compassion as to shut the door against those poor little infants deny them a little water Sacramentally to wash away their sins with keep back from them the sign and seal of Gods promise and as much as in them lieth put them out of the Covenant of Grace and thrust them into the wofull pit of everlasting Perdition Certainly if we had not seen such creatures with our eyes wee should hardly have believed our ears at any mens mentioning of them such there are amongst us and our children after us will declare the mighty work of division they have wrought in our days which they first prepared under colour of Religion to accomplish their own crooked ends thereby And these people do separate themselves from others desiring to be thought more holy then they These the Apostles long since foretold should come to deceive in the latter times they have thrust out pious and learned men out of their seats and exalted Dunces and themselves in the room of them they have caused Schismes and Heresies amongst the people which happen by reason of our sins through the just judgment of our God wherewith from on high he hath visited us by permitting those false lights to shine in these times of darkness to lead our feet out of the way of peace and deny us the Holy Sacraments which were ordeined for the remission of our sins such strange lights there are now and what makes them such Semblably it is to be feared ignorant obstinacy and self-seeking ends for who can imagine it to be other then ignorant obstinacy in these crabbed Doctors who alledge no other then unsatisfactory reasons for their omission of holy and necessary duties as because forsooth the
self-seeking ends in some who when they know themselves infinitely short of that learning hath been in their Predecessors and therefore not knowing how to get unto themselves fame by walking in the plain and beaten road leading to happiness marked out for them will attempt to get unto themselves a name by pretending to have found out a nigher way unto it then any else have done before them amuzing the unlearneder sort with a belief hereof get unto themselves followers after their own horrid inventions whom they entice into such a path as neither our blessed Saviour nor any of his holy Apostles ever traced out for them insensibly by degrees bring them into such a Labyrinth which when they are once entred into they become amazed and know not which way to get out of it and then run out of one error into another from bad to worse till at length they become as dreadful Comets to all that behold them These kind of pernicious leaders imitate him who knowing not by any other act set the Temple of Diana on fire with an intent to memorize themselves by that strange one And what can be thought better of these than of that Monster of men Bernardinus Ochinus whose zeal at the first seemed to be so violent as no former Religious institution though never so rigorous was strict enough for him he from thence fell to be an Heretick then a Jew then a Turk and last of all an Atheist and then wrote a furious invective against the three grand Impostors of the world amongst whom he ranked Horresco referens Jesus the Prince of Peace Saviour of mankind and Moses as well as Mahomet And what can they be construed but self seeking ends in those men by whom those who are rich who are powerful and able to do either good or hurt though they be as ignorant and scandalous to the world and perhaps more than those who are poor shall notwithstanding be diligently invited gladly received and earnestly entreated to partake of those comfortable mysteries and saving food which the Redeemer of Mankind hath prepared for all true believers without all peradventure in as large a measure for those indigent ones to whom the Kingdome of Heaven belongs as for those great ones who will find it easier for a Camel to enter thorow the eye of a nedle than for the proud ever to come there O let this slie generation of men know who are guilty of this wilful omission and such as upon unwarrantable pretences deny the holy Sacrament of Baptism to those it belongs to and who thrust by hungry and thirsty Souls from the saving banquet of of the Lords supper who preferr obstinacy and selfish ends before the will of their Lord and Maker that though they may take to themselves the glorious name of Gods dear Children it is to be feared they may at last be found out to be Children of Belial in having in the day of their fast sought their own will rather than the will of their great Commander let them take heed that though in their own conceit they may be lifted up to Heaven they be not brought down as low as Hell for most assuredly it will be easier for those in the Land of Sodom in the day of Judgment to enjoy the new Jerusalem than for obstinate and self-seeking Hypocrites to come within the gates thereof Which kind of people profess to know God Tit. 1.16 but it is to be feared in their works deny him they shut up the kingdom of Heaven before men going not in themselves nor suffering those that would enter to come in They say stand apart Esay 65.5 come not near to us for we are holier than you Jer. 6.13 Yet they bend their tongues like bowes for lies and proceed from evil to worse Pro. 12.22 Their lying lips are an abomination to the Lord and their throats as open sepulchers Esay 7.9 Their hearts is as hard as the Adamant stone and deceitful above all things Esay 9.16 They are leaders of the People causing them to err and at last devour them Esay 15.26 They lay wait as he that setteth snares and make nets to catch men Jude They have mens persons in admiration because of advantage Esay 5.16 They draw iniquity with cords of vanity and sin with cart ropes They are much given to be drunk with malice though not with wine and to stagger their heads being full of whimsies though not with strong drink which causeth them to be Eagle-eyed in spying the mote in their brothers eye and blind in beholding the beam that is in their own they are strainers at gnats and swallowers of Camels Esay 59.5 They hatch the Cockatrice egs and weave the spiders web 64.6 They are as an unclean thing and their very righteousness as a filthy clout From the least of them to the greatest they are commonly given to Covetousness 6.13 and from the Prophet to the Priest they all deal falsly the Prophets among them being a company of crafty fools and the spiritual men no less then mad These are they which separate themselves from others walking after their own lusts murmuring complaining mocking and speaking evil even of those they know not Clouds they are without water carried about with every wind of doctrine favourers of damnable Heresies raging waves of the Sea foaming out their own shame wandring stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever Ju●… But here by the by we desire there may be notice taken that it is no part of our thought to bring within the circumference of this description of Hypocrites any truly sincere and godly soul neither have we the least aim to any particular holy persons alive that we are acquainted withal and therefore if any shall account him or themselves deciphered hereby and thereupon take offence it must necessarily arise even in the opinion of all indifferent men from the check of his or their own restless consciences which we heartily wish had no just cause to accuse them as we are truly innocent of any intent of doing so We leave this way of accusing censuring particular persons to that Pharisaical generation of people who being rapt up by a spiritual kind of pride into the aëry Region of a conceited degree of holiness in themselves do from thence look upon others as sensual polluted and wicked yea as dogs and swine altogether unworthy to eat with them either at their own or the Lords Table or so much as to come within the verge of their select company We thank our God we have not in such manner learned Christ as to place our selves in the seat of the Judg accuser censurer or scorner of our Brethren we shall leave all men to the great day of Judgment for who is he that dares anticipate that day and enter upon the throne of the great Judg We confess that the serious acknowledgment of