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A47513 A new family-book, or, The true interest of families being directions to parents and children, and to those who are instead of parents : shewing them their several duties, and how they may be happy in one another : together with several prayers for families and children, and graces before and after meat : to which is annexed a discourse about the right way of improving our time / by James Kirkwood ... ; with a preface, by Dr. Horneck. Kirkwood, James, 1650?-1709.; Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. 1693 (1693) Wing K647; ESTC R15399 107,616 291

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and to do The careful and Religious use of it would tie Children more strictly to mind the great concerns of their Souls it would afford them occasion to consider what it is to have been Baptised and to be a Christian It would work in them a more Powerful Sense of the Obligations of Christianity and make them more careful to live up to that Holy Religion whereof they made so publick a Profession It would make them more afraid to do bad things against which they had protested so solemnly And not only fear but shame in this case would restrain them from doing wickedly This would be to young People a great defence against Temptations Bad Men would not so boldly ask them to sin if they knew they had openly and Solemnly disowned and renounced them and all their wicked Courses and if they were tempted they would be more apt to say in their own minds Shall we do such wicked things and run the hazard of being Covenant-breakers and Perjured Persons Shall we commit such Villanies and practice such Abominations and thereby break our Solemn Vow and Engagement Shall we by our Folly and Impiety give occasion of Offence and Scandal to the Church of Christ which he hath purchased with his Blood Shall we renounce the Captain of our Salvation and prove Deserters who have so lately vowed to renounce the Devil and all his Works What a mighty defence would this be to your Children when Assaulted by the fiery Darts of the Devil the Vanities of the World and the Lusts of their own Deceitful Hearts to consider that by their own actual Consent they have renounced all these and given up themselves into the Hands of God to be kept by his Mighty Power through Faith unto Salvation They have Vowed and they ought to perform it to keep his Righteous Judgments These things being impartially considered should mightily excite Parents to see that their Children do openly and Solemnly pro●ess their Faith in Christ Crucified their Resolution to Obey him to Serve him and Love him to fight under his Banner against Sin the Devil and the World and to continue his Faithful Souldiers and Servants unto their lives end Is not this your Glory that your Children are Christians And do you think it a Shame or Dishonour for you or them if they make a Solemn Profession of their Christianity that they avo● their Religion and will by God's help make good the Promise which was made in their Name in Baptism Of so great Importance is this Custom that the greatest Men amongst the Reformers did highly commend it and did earnestly wish that it might be restored as a thing of great use towards the reviving the true Spirit of Christianity 8. Duty to encourage them to come to the Lord's Table Eightly When they are fit for it you should encourage them to come to the Table of the Lord that they may be strengthened in their most Holy Faith and further assured of the Love of God that they may make a publick Profession of their Christianity of their Love to their Lord and Master Jesus of their Charity to all Men and of their sincere Affection to those who are Christ's Members and Followers They ought to make use of this Holy Sacrament that their Love to their dearest Lord and Saviour may be kindled and enflamed by remembring his Love and shewing forth his Death that they may bind themselves more strictly to Serve and Obey him and to fulfil their Baptismal Engagement How glad should Parents be to see their Children advanced to this Honour to eat and drink at their Lord's Table to partake of so great a Testimony of his Kindness and Friendship How earnestly should they encourage them to embrace this opportunity of renewing their Covenant with the Lord to live and to die his Faithful Servants Do you not desire to have them saved to have them delivered from their Lusts and Passions their Pride and Vanity their Bitterness and Wrath their Malice and Envy and from all manner of Sin and Folly To be made pure and clean in Heart and Life to be made meet for that Holy Place where no unclean thing can enter Do you not desire that their Sins may be blotted out that they may be washed with the Blood of their Saviour And yet do you not advise and entreat them for their Souls Health and Safety to come to the Holy Communion which is designed as a means for these excellent and great Ends and Purposes to as many as are qualified according to the Terms of the Gospel that is who unfeignedly repent of their Sins and believe in the Lord Jesus with all their Heart But alas how far are too many Parents from doing this for their Children How many do either wholly or for the most part neglect and slight this Holy Ordinance themselves as if our Lord had without any just or necessary ground appointed it How can such Persons expect the precious Fruits of the Death of Christ who will not remember his Death when he so lovingly and kindly calls and invites them to do it Do this says he in remembrance of me What a great Argument is it of a wonderful decay of true Piety and Religion in the World when Men do thus despise and set at naught the kindness of their Lord and Saviour When they refuse to do a thing so just and reasonable and so easie as this is which tends so much to his Glory and their own true Happiness and Welfare both here and hereafter 9. Duty to take care that they accustom themselves to Self-Examination Ninthly When they are fit for it see that they accustom themselves to Self-Examination that they spend a few Moments every Night if another time of the Day be not more convenient for them to do it in in calling themselves to an account that they may see what good or what evil they have done that they may give Praise and Thanks unto God for any thing they have done which was good and right and that they may confess their Sins and Follies begging his Gracious Pardon and renewing their Purposes and Resolutions to do better for the time to come But besides these daily short Reviews of their Heart and Life 't is fit to call ●pon them when they are well advanced i● Years to a more strict and Solemn Examination of themselves to Prayer and Fasting as their Age and Strength can bear it This may be done at first once a Month or once i● two Months or once a Quarter at least but after some time it may be done oftner according as your necessary Affairs and your Circumstances in the World will permit They who are Great and Rich ought so much the more frequently to call upon their Children to those private extraordinary Excrcises of Devotion because their outward Estate in the World does ordinarily afford them enough of time and leisure for such Performances if they will but redeem it from Idleness and
Infancy and in the days of their Youth when they were not so capable themselves to reflect thereupon it would have a great force upon Ingenuous minds to stir in them Pious and Religious Dispositions It would likewise very much serve this end if Parents would often reflect on God's kind Providences to selves and now and then talk of them to their Children and acquaint them sometimes with one Instance of God's care and kindness towards them and sometimes with another this would insensibly make an Impression on tender minds and in due time might bring forth good Fruits Shew your Children therefore How God was pleased to provide for you when you were in great necessity and want How he raised up Friends to help you in the day of your Distress How he preserved you from Danger How he delivered you out of many and great Afflictions and Troubles How he comforted you in the days of your mourning How he raised you up when you were brought very low How he defeated the designs of your malicious Adversaries How he disposed a great many uneasie and afflictive things sometimes for your Temporal and always for your Spiritual Advantage How he assisted and seconded your endeavours to serve him with great and unexpected Success How he rewarded and blessed you when you did those things which were good and right before him And how he punished and chastened you when you omitted your Duty or did and said a bad and wicked thing How he heard your Prayers and Granted you the desires of your Souls How he prevented you with his loving Kindness and tender Mercy How he satisfied your longing Souls with good things And how he deals with you exceeding abundantly above all that you could think or ask In this manner according as you have met with particular Instances of the good and kind Providence of God you ought at some times when you find it most likely to do good to talk thereof to your Children that thereby they may be awakened to observe and consider the Powerful Just Wise and Kind Providence of God and may be excited together with you to bless his Holy Name for his great his marvellous and undeserved Love towards you You ought also to discourse sometimes to them concerning some of the most Signal Instances of Divine Providence towards others which either you have observed your selves or which you have received an account of from Persons of very good Authority For Example Shew them how God has brought down proud and lofty Persons when their Hearts were lifted up How he covered them with Shame and Reproach and made them Loathsome Vile and Contemptible almost to every body And how he raised up humble and lowly Persons How he followed them with the Expressions of his Mercy and Love How he turned Peoples Hearts towards them inclining them to love and honour them and to do them many good and kind Offices This will tend to teach your Children Humility and to restrain them from Pride and Self-conceit Tell them what has befallen many Passionate and Impatient Men How they have run into the Pit of Destruction when they gave up themselves to to the Conduct of their own violent and unruly Passions And how the meek and patient Ones have been directed assisted and preserved by the good Providence of God And how they have enjoyed a great deal of Peace Joy and Happiness amidst the many Afflictions and Troubles they met with in the World This will tend to teach them to be meek to restrain their Passion and to beware of Impatience Tell them How God has punished those who have got Wealth and Riches by false unjust and indirect means How he has cursed their Estates and sent a moth into them which has in a short time insensibly wasted and consumed them And how he hath blessed the Estate and Substance of those who have got their Wealth by honest and lawful means This will tend to make them honest and sincere in their dealings in the World and to hate false and crooked ways Tell them how God has punished Cursers and Vain and False Swearers how the Curse has followed them how often it has happened to such Persons according to their mad and horrid Imprecations Tell them how God by very unexpected and surprising ways and means has discovered and cut off Traitors Murtherers Adulterers Thieves and Robbers False Witnesses c. Tell them how he has appeared sooner or later in behalf of his Servants and Children How he has wonderfully defended and preserved sincere and upright Men How he has avenged Innocent Blood How he has defended the Widow and Fatherless How he has heard the cry of the Stranger of the Desolate and Oppressed c. Such things as these being seaso●●bly and frequently suggested to Children may at some time or other work upon their minds and cause thee to take notice of the Power Wisdom Mercy and Justice of God which they cannot do in good earnest but th●● must needs be thereby stirred up to fear him to love him to obey him and to walk in his ways And tho' these things do not produce their effect at the very time when they are told yet some time or other they may catch hold of the minds of your Children and have a very powerful and lasting Influence upon them The Example of Faithful Abraham ought to excite you to do these things For this end did God acquaint him with what he intended to do to Sodom because he knew that he would improve all his Providences that he would not smother them in his own Breast but acquaint his Children and Family therewith that thereby they also might learn to be wiser and better that they might see the terribleness of the Divine Justice against Incorrigible Sinners and his Infinite Compassion towards those who fear and love him that they might know the Power and Efficacy of Prayer and see how ready the Lord is to hear all those who call upon him in earnest not only for themselves but also in behalf of others And the Lord said Gen. 18. 17. Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do and v. 19. For I know him that he will command or instruct as the word is used sometimes his Children and his Houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord to do Justice and Judgment c. Suitably to this Example we find a general Command given to the Jews Deut. 4. 9 10. Take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently lest thou forget the things which thine Eyes have seen and left they depart from thine heart all the days of thy Life but teach them thy Sons and thy Sons Sons Especially the day that thou stoodest before the Lord thy God in Horeb c. To the same purpose we find a Direction given them touching the Passover Ex. 13. 8. Thou shalt shew thy Son in that day saying This is done because of that which the Lord did unto me
This would only multiply your losses by making you lose not only your Fruit and your Flowers but your selves too Which they all do who lose their Patience in which it is that we possess our Souls When therefore your Children are removed from you by Death in some unusual and extraordinary manner you ought to look beyond Diseases or Accidents unto the Lord of Life and Death who by his Providence ordereth not only their death but the manner of it If the Sparrows fall not to the Ground that is die not without your Father You may be sure your Children do not die by chance or without the particular disposal of their heavenly Father As to the particular grounds and reasons for which God does after such a manner see fit to put an end to your Childrens days you are not to be too curious and inquisitive The Counsels of God are a great deep His ways are in the deep waters and none by searching can find him out unto perfection Job 11. 7. Upon such occasions all ought to remember the words of our Lord when they told him of the Galileans whose Blood Pilate hath mingled with their Sacrifices Luke 13. 2 3 4 5. Suppose ye that these Galileans were Sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things I tell you Nay But except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Or those eighteen upon whom the Tower of Si●oe fell and slew them think ye that they were sinners above all Men that dwelt in Jerusalem I tell you Nay But except ye repe●t ye shall all likewise perish We see what was Aarons Carriage when God removed his two Sons Nadab and Abihu by a very extraordinary stroke Levit. 10. 2. There went Fire from the Lord and devour'd them c. And v. 3. 't is said That Aaron 〈◊〉 his peace He did not murmur against the Justice of God or complain as if he had been too severe No he was silent He submitted to the Will 〈◊〉 God and considered that the Honour of God ought to be dearer to him tha● the Lives of his two Sons In like manner we see how Job carried himself when God removed 〈◊〉 seven Sons and three Daughters all at one blow in an extraordinary manner Job 1. 18 19. Thy Sons and thy Da●ghters were eating and drinking Wine 〈◊〉 their eldest Brothers House And 〈◊〉 there came a great Wind from the Wilderness and smote the four Corners 〈◊〉 the House and it fell upon the young Men and they are dead This was sad news to the good old Man who had ●●rd so much ill news before But yet for all this you see how patiently ●e hare his Affliction He fell down ●pon the Ground and Worshipped and said Naked came I out of my Mothers Womb and naked shall I return thither The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken 〈◊〉 blessed be the Name of the Lord Job 1. 20 21. This good Man was so far from Cursing God which Satan said ●e would do that he humbly adored and worshipped him He was so far from Blasphemeing God and from entertaining any dishonourable Thoughts of him as if he had done any thing which he ought not to have done that 〈◊〉 the contrary he approved of all he acquiesced in the Divine pleasure he considered that all that he once enjoyed was a free and undeserved gift from God which he so gave as still to reserve to himself the Supreme Power of disposing of it as he should think good and therefore when all was taken away from him he blessed the Name of the Lord he did not quarrel with the Divine Providence but was heartily thankful not only for the former Mercies but also for th● present Correction and Chastisement which he knew to proceed from Infinite Wisdom Goodness and Justice To the abovementioned instances from Scripture might be added several Examples of the patience and composedness of Spirit which some Heathens discovered when their Children were suddenly snatched away by a violent and untimely Death I shall only mention two related by Plutarch The 1 st is of Dio of Syracuse who as he was busie in consulting with his Friends about matters of importance heard a great noise and tumult in the House which occasioned his enquiring what the matter was and being told that his Son was dead by a fall from the Roof of the House he received this sad news without discovering any perturbation of Mind and having given Orders that the dead Body should be delivered into the hands of the Women that they might take care of it and that it should be buried in the accustomed manner He went on in his Design to consult with his Friends about the business that was before him The other instance is of Xenophon who when he was employed in offering Sacrifice received the news of his Son 's being killed in Battel at the hearing of which he pull'd off the Garland from his Head wherewith it was then covered and having askt the manner of his Son's Death and being told that he died fighting valiantly for his Country he quickly brought his Mind which was a little disturb'd into subjection to his Reason and again putting on the Garland he went on with his Sacrifice and told those who brought him the news of his Son's Death I never pray'd the Gods to make my Son Immortal or very long liv'd it being very uncertain if that be expedient but to make him an Honest Man and a Lover of his Country And now said he I have my desire Thirdly Consider from whence and whither they are gone They were here in a life of Vexation and Trouble subject to innumerable Vanities Temptations Snares and Dangers They were compassed about with great and terrible Enemies the Devil the World and the Flesh They were subject to daily necessities and wants I● they had lived never so long they would only have seen the same things in a continual succession and revolution As for Example heat and cold fair weather and foul might and day Summer and Winter health and sickness plenty and poverty peace and war prosperity and adversity succeeding one to another All things going round But now they are delivered from all these they are at rest they are subject to no more necessities and wants oppressed with no more troubles and vexations exposed to no more enemies temptations or dangers but exalted to a state of perfect Peace Joy Love and Glory They are as well and better than you can desire You are not able to comprehend the Happiness that they are admitted to Will you then be in continual sorrow and grief for your Children when they are exalted to a state of Rest and Glory when they are where you would rejoyce to be when their Gracious Father hath freed them from the vain company of the World and Translated them into the blessed Society of Angels and of the Spirits of Just Men made perfect when he hath put an end to their Toil and Labour
Life Lord be Gracious to all Mankind pity those who are in a State of Ignorance and Barbarity and send the glad tidings of Salvation to them Grant that they who have this Blessed Light of the Gospel may walk honestly as in the Day that others seeing their good Works may glorifie thee our Heavenly Father Lord cleanse thy Church from the many and great Sins which abound in her Let every one that nameth the Name of Christ depart from Iniquity Have Mercy on these Sinful Lands Give Repentance to all sorts of Persons amongst us that all of us may search and try our ways and turn again to thee Lord turn us that we may be turned and draw us that we may run after thee and follow thee fully Be Gracious to our King and Queen direct and prosper them in all their good Designs make them the happy Instruments of promoting Religion amongst us Bless the rest of the Royal Family Guide ou● Judges and Magistrates Grant that they may Execute Justice without Respect of Persons Sanctifie and assist all thy Ministers make them Diligent and Faithful grant that their Endeavours for the good of Souls may be attended with great Success Raise up many Faithful Pastors to feed thy Flock with Wisdom and Vnderstanding Shew thy Pity upon all who are any ways afflicted or distressed in Mind Body or Estate Sanctifie their Afflictions unto them give them Patience under them and a Happy Issue out of them Let thy Blessing be upon this Family let no harm come near our Dwelling this Night or at any time Lord bless our Children take them into thy Gracious Protection give them a Heart to Fear and Love thee cause them to Remember thee their Creator in the days of their Youth possess them with a deep sense of thy Infinite Power Wisdom Faithfulness and Love that they may walk before thee in Holiness and Righteousness all their Days Be thou their God and Guide and Portion for ever Bless all others for whom we are obliged to pray to thee bless them and us in our Souls and Bodies and in all our Interests and Concerns Blessed be thy Name for bringing us safely through the past Day for preserving us from a great many Dangers and for bestowing upon us innumerable Mercies Preserve in us an Affectionate and Grateful Remembrance of all thy undeserved kindness to us Lord watch over us this Night refresh us with comfortable Rest and Sleep defend us from all the Powers of Darkness save us from all vain and sinful thoughts from all sad accidents and from every evil thing When thou seest fit to remove us out of this vain World translate us into that Blessed and Happy State which thou hast prepared for thy Ransomed Ones And if thou art pleased to prolong our time grant that we may spend it to good purpose in such Designs Words and Actions as may tend to thy Honour and Glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. In whose Blessed Name and Words we continue to pray as he hath taught us saying Our Father c. A short Prayer for the Morning or Evening when through Extraordinary Occasions there is not time for the other O Lord our God look down with an Eye of Pity upon us thy unworthy Servants this Morning Pardon us the many Sins whereof we are Guilty before thee in our Thoughts Words and Deeds Have Mercy upon us and be reconciled to us through Jesus Christ thy dear Son Sanctifie and assist us by thy Holy Spirit that for the time to come we may do thy Will and seek thy Glory We bless thy Name for all thy Mercies especially for thy wonderful Love in Christ Jesus whom thou hast sent into the World to die for us to purchase for us an Everlasting Kingdom Give us Grace firmly to believe in him heartily to love him and constantly to obey him Grant that it may be our sincere Endeavour to follow his Blessed Example in all Lowliness and Self-Denyal in Meekness and Patience in Charity and Compassion in Sincerity and Vprightness in Temperance and Soberness in Thankfulness and Contentedness in Purity and Holiness in Watchfulness and Circumspectness and in fervent and prudent Zeal for thy Honour and Glory O Lord we bless thee for bringing us safely through the last Night Watch over us this Day Keep us mindful of thy All-seeing Eye that we may avoid every thing that is displeasing to thee Be Gracious to all Mankind Have Mercy on these Lands Bless and Guide our Rulers and all thy Ministers Be near to all who are in trouble and Sanctifie their Afflictions to them Be with our Friends and Relations every where Bless them and us with all things needful for our Souls and Bodies Make us sensible of our Frailty and Mortality give us Grace so to number our Days that we may apply our Hearts to Wisdom When this vain and short Life is at an end make us Partakers of Everlasting Life and Happiness through Jesus Christ our Lord who hath taught us when we pray to say Our Father c. SOME FORMS OF PRAYER WHICH Parents may teach their Children according to their Age. A Morning Prayer to be taught Children when they begin to speak O Lord I praise thee for all thy Mercies and for thy Care of me this Night Watch over me this Day Forgive me all my sins and make me thy Child for Jesus Christ's sake This Prayer may be used likewise at Night only changing that Petition watch over me this Day into watch over me this Night When Children come to be four or five years old the following Prayer may be used O Lord my God what shall I render unto thee for all thy Mercies I bless thee for giving me Life and all things needful to keep me alive But above all I bless thee for sending Christ to dye for me that he might wash me with his Blood and make me fit for the Kingdom of Heaven For his sake have mercy upon me and forgive me all my sinful thoughts words and deeds Give me Grace to serve thee as I ought to do that I may not do nor say a naughty thing lest thou be angry with me and cast me into Hell fire Lord bless and preserve my Father and Mother and all my Friends and Relations I praise thee O God for preserving me this Night watch over me this day save me from every evil thing Good Lord hear me and grant me whatever thou knowest to be best for me for Jesus Christ's sake in whose holy Name and Words I pray Our Father c. This Prayer may be likewise used at Night by changing only two words and saying instead of preserving me this night preserving me this day and instead of watch over me this day watch over me this night A Morning Prayer for Children when they come to twelve or fourteen years of Age sooner or later according to the ripeness of their understanding LORD teach and assist me by thy
Holy Spirit to worship thee as I ought to do Lift up my heart unto thee What shall I render unto thee O most Gracious God and most Merciful Father for all thy Mercies to me and to all the World I bless thee for making me a reasonable Creature and for affording me all things which be needful to support my Life I bless thee for my health liberty and safety for my Food and Rayment for the use of my Reason and Vnderstanding and of my Senses for thy corrections and deliverances and for all the advantages I have had by good Examples and good Instructions But chiefly I praise and bless thee for the redemption of Mankind by the Lord Jesus Christ That I was born within thy Church where I was early given to thee in Baptism that I have had the benefit of Christian Education that thou hast afforded me the means of Grace and called me to the hope of Glory But notwithstanding thy goodness and love I have gone astray from thee I have not cared so much as I ought to have done to know thee and to do thy Will but have done my own will in many things and followed my own foolish and sinful inclinations I have broken many of thy most Holy and Just Laws in Thought Word and Deed whereby I have deserved thy Wrath and Curse Father of Mercies have mercy upon me and forgive me all my sins for Jesus Christ his sake who dyed for sinners Give me a true and hearty Repentance for all mine iniquities that I may not wilfully break thy Laws any more Make me always mindful of my Baptismal Covenant to forsake the Devil and all his Works to believe in God and to serve him Lord never leave me nor forsake me Hold up my goings in thy Paths that my footsteps may not slide Grant that hencesorth I may love thee with all my heart and may be afraid to sin against thee Work in me a true Faith and a lively hope make me humble meek and patient sober and temperate in all things Charitable and Compassionate towards all that are in distress true and faithful in my words and sincere and upright in my Actions well content and thankful in every condition of Life and zealous for thy Glory Grant that I may daily grow in Grace and Spiritual Knowledge Create in me a clean Heart and renew a right Spirit within me and cause me to walk in thy ways O Lord send thy Gospel through the World Pour out plentifully the Blessings of thy holy Spirit on all thy People Bless and preserve our King and Queen Guide our Judges and Magistrates Sanctifie and assist the Ministers of the Gospel Be with all my Friends and Relations particularly bless and preserve my Father and Mother Reward them for their care and kindness towards me Make me a loving and dutiful Child unto them Comfort all that are in trouble and sanctifie their afflictions to them I thank thee O Lord for thy care of me this Night Watch over me this Day Bless and direct me in all I do or say Keep me mindful that I am always in thy sight that I may be in thy fear all the day long Cause me to remember that I mus● shortly dye and come to judgment th●● I may not mispend my precious time but employ it in a constant ●●d chearful Obedience to thy Holy and Righteous Laws that when this vain and short life is at an end I may be made partaker of everlasting Li●● through Jesus Christ our Lord in wh●● Holy Name and Words I pray Our Father c. This Prayer may serve likewise at Night until you come to the last part which begins with these words I thank thee O Lord for thy care of me this Night c. instead thereof you may say as follows I thank thee O Lord for thy care of me this Day watch over me this Night and grant me quiet Repose save me from every Evil thing for the sake of thy dear Son Jesus Christ in whose Holy Name and Words I conclude my Imperfect Prayers saying Our Father c. A Grace before Meat WE Bless thee O Lord for making this Provision for us who are less than the least of thy Mercies Grant that by a moderate use of these thy good Creatures we may be made more fit for thy Service through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After Meat BLessed be thy Name most Gracious God for all thy Mercies freely bestowed upon us and for refreshing our Bodies at this time with thy good Creatures Cause us to hunger and thirst after Righteousness Feed our Souls with the Bread of Life Let it be our Meat and Drink to do thy Will Provide for all in want through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS * Chrysost. Plat. l. 2. de Republ. Aristot l. 6. Politic. c. 1. Hierom Ep. 7. ad Laetam How Parents ought to be affected while Children are yet in the Womb. How they ought to be affected when their Children are born The Right of Children to Baptism Children are to be acquainted with Scripture Histories † Plutar● in Lycurgo What is to be done if they are sturdy and proud If they be given to Lying If they are Cunning and Deceitful If they are peevish and passionate If they are Revengeful and Malicious If they are Jealous and Suspitious If they are too credulous If they are Envious If they are very impatient If they love their Belly too well * Xenophon ●●lls us that the Dyet of the Persian Boys till they were 16 or 17 years old was Bread and Cresses their Drink was Water Paediae Cyr. lib. 1. If they discover any tendency to Vnchast and Immodest Actions * Nil dictu● f●dum visuq●e haec limina ●angat intra quae 〈◊〉 est Proc●● hinc proc●l inde 〈◊〉 L●●●num Cantus per●●●●● parasit● Maxima debet●r p●ro Reverentia c. Juven Sat. 14. If they curse 〈…〉 * Pythagoras forbad his Followers to Swear by the Gods and required them 〈◊〉 to live that they might be believed without an oath Diog. Laert in Pythag. Clinias one of his Followers chose rather to pay a Fine of 3 Talents than to violate the Precept of his Master tho' he could have made Oath very innocently If they are very Changeable and Vaconstant If they are surly and morose * This way of instructing Children by Fables was very much used in Ancient Times by the Wisest Nations see Plato Dialog 2. de Repub. Strabo lib. 15. Geograph If they are disrespectful to Aged Persons * Plutarc Laco●● Apop●● * Plutarc Laco●● Ap●p●● If they quarrel much with one another * De Fraterno Amore. If they are over curious to know their Lot and Fortune in the world a That is who foretelleth what is to come and discovereth what it secret by unlawful Arts. b That is who judgeth one day lucky and another dismal and unlucky and therefore begins or forbears his Designs accordingly c
f●●vourable construction than to jud● amiss of any body tho' but once th● this is a Sin which the other is not But tho' Parents oug● thus to endeavour to fr● their Children from th● Jealous and Uncharitable Temper y● care must be taken that they be n● too credulous apt to believe whateve● is spoken without any regard to th● Authority and Credibility the Trut● and Sincerity of the Speaker For 〈◊〉 being of such a Temper as this th● are in danger perpetually of being imposed upon and betrayed to a gre● many inconveniences both in the● Words and Actions Any body who has but Wit enough to find out their Temper may very easily make a prey of them and by false Relations and cunning Insinuations may occasion their saying and doing a great many things very hurtful to themselves or others or at least very silly and impertinent which will expose them to a great deal of Contempt and Scorn Parents therefore ought to look upon it as a matter of no small importance to preserve their Children from being too credulous they ought to Teach them to enquire into the Truth of what is spoken and to consider who the Person is that speaketh For if it be manifest that he who speaketh is ordinarily given to Lying and that he makes no Conscience of his words it is so far from being a fault not to believe him that on the contrary 't is a piece of very great silliness to make any account of what he says until it be confirmed by Persons of known Truth and of unquestioned Integrity If they are of an Envious Temper and cannot endure that others be Loved as well as they or that others should have better and fine things than they or ev'n as good Endeavour to cure them of this Distemper by all such Arguments and Methods as their years are capable of Shew them how great mischief thei● Envy does them how it robs them o● the Happiness and Comfort of their Lives and eats out all that Sweetness and Pleasure they might otherwise ta●● in what they enjoy Shew them what a foolish thing their Envy is it cannot affect or hurt others it only hurt● themselves which it does with a witness for as Solomon says Prov. 14. 30. Envy is the rottenness of the bones That is it wasts and consumes to the very Bones those who entertain so unlucky a Guest it makes their Life most miserable If you perceive them to be very impatient when they have not presently what they desire or when any uneasie thing happeneth unto them for example when their Head akes a little or when any other part of their Body is affected more or less with somewhat that is painful and smarting c. Endeavour to make them of a patient Spirit teach them to bear their burthen without much complaining or making an indecent noise Make them sensible that all those things which are so painful and afflictive to them are order'd by the wise and just Providence of God to try them to humble them to raise their Hearts to Heaven to purifie them from their dross to prepare them for greater sufferings to stir them up to call upon him and to learn to depend upon him and to resign themselves entirely to his Holy Will and Pleasure Shew them that whatever they suffer is far less than they deserve that a great many Excellent and Holy Persons have endured much more severe things without complaining or murmuring yea that ev'n some Heathens have with great firmness and constancy of mind endured a great deal of pain and torture Above all suggest unto them what our Blessed Lord and Master suffered in his Soul and in his Body and how for our sakes he endured all with wonderful patience and with an entire submission to the will of his Father How He was led as a sheep to the slaughter How He was oppressed and afflicted and yet opened not his mouth Shew the● how it becometh them who by Profession are Christ's followers to run with patience the race set before them looking unto Jesus Encourage them also with the hopes of an exceeding and eternal weight of Glory which attends those who endure these ligh● Afflictions which last but for a moment If you see that they love their Belly too well and are apt to Eat and Drink more than is meet and that they are too desirous of such food as is most costly and chargeable endeavour to restrain their Gluttonous Appetite and to keep them within the bounds of Moderation and Sobriety Teach them to be well pleased with plain and ordinary fare to consider that any thing tho' never so course is better than they deserve that a great many excellent Persons have been reduced to such straits as to think it a Feast to have enough of Bread and Water Tell them how meanly a great many People both Young and Old live at this very instant and therefore that they ought to be content with such Food as is provided for them to use it soberly and to be heartily thankful to God from whom they have Meat and Drink and all other things which are for the comfort and conveniency of their Lives If you observe in them any thing that looks like a tendency to an Unchaste Behaviour delay not to admonish them shew them the evil of such things and the dreadful consequences thereof both to Soul and Body Endeavour to prevent their falling into so horrible a pit out of which very few escape who have once fal'n thereinto and of which the Wiseman says Prov. 22. 14. He that is abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein and again ch 2. 18 19. Speaking of the Adulteress or Whore he saith Her House inclineth unto death and her paths unto the dead none that go unto her return again neither take they hold of the paths of Life Shew them into how great shame and disgrace and into how much Misery such Persons ordinarily bring themselves Sugge● to them how many other Sins attend this Vice as its inseparable Companions whereby the Soul is so deeply corrupted as to lose all Sense of any thing that is truly excellent and worthy of a Rational Creature Strive to make them sensible of the miserable bondage of those who are under the Power and Tyranny of their unruly Lusts and Appetites who are enslaved to the Pleasures of the Flesh. Endeavour to make them tast of those solid and manly Delights which are only to be found in the ways of true Vertue and unfeigned Piety which are infinitely more pure and lasting than those brutish Pleasures which Sensualists pursue And do what in you lies to preserve them from seeing and hearing any thing that is Unchaste and Impure or has the appearance of it If you find that at any time they Curse and Swear and take the Name of God in vain endeavour to rescue them from so horrid and dangerous a Sin Shew them that they
but did it not they punished him severely for they judged that they who were unthankful would also neglect their Duty to God to their Parents their Country and Friends Amongst other things to be suggested to your Children to stir them up to be Thankful you may represent to them what a shame it is for them to be unthankful when the very Beasts both Tame as may be seen every day and wild as several Authors tell us do things which look like a grateful acknowledgment to their Benefactors If you find them to be of too Prodigal a Temper apt to be too profuse in their Expences ready to throw away their Money upon Trifles and when there is no reasonable occasion for it you ought by all prudent and proper Methods to endeavour to make them a little more discreet and careful That they waste nothing in vain that may be of use to poor People That they do not throw away that which may do good at some time or other Suggest often to them that we are Stewards of whatever God bestows upon us that he will call us to an Account and that therefore we ought to employ to good purpose all those good things he gives us Shew them what our Saviour said to his Disciples after he had fed five thousand men with five Loaves and two Fishes Joh. 6. 12. When they were filled he said unto his Disciples Gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost He would not have any thing lost 〈◊〉 thrown away unnecessarily whi● might be useful afterwards to one 〈◊〉 other If you find them of a Covetous Temper endeavou● to enlarge their thoughts b● the Principles of Christian Charity Shew them what an excellent thi● it is to do good to shew mercy an● kindness to make Peoples hearts glad● Accustom them to the doing such kin● and charitable Offices for which en● give them now and then money an● other things to bestow on those wh● are poor and needy Shew them th● evil of Covetousness that it 's the ro● of all evil that it take● the heart off from God an● rendereth it unfit for th● consideration of Divin● things and for all worthy and useful designs that it disposeth● man for the basest and vilest action● and undertakings as it did Judas to betray his Lord That it bereaves him of true repose and satisfaction of mind and pierceth him through with many sorrows 1 Tim. 6. 9. 10. If you perceive them to be naturally melancholy and fearful of every little thing endeavour to chear up their Spirits Suggest to them such considerations and possess them with such Maxims and Principles as tend to fortifie their minds against those things which are apt to make them uneasie and are the occasion of their fear If their distemper proceed from some bodily indisposition as oft-times it does use such helps as are necessary When such evil habits of body are once rooted and strongly fixed and when the blood and spirits are deeply infected therewith they are a very grievous clog to the Soul and a great hindrance to that chearfulness and liberty of Spirit wherewith people ought always to endeavour to serve God If you see them to be of too gay and airy a Temper so that they cannot fix and be stayed at any time you are to use a great deal of prudence and discretion to compose and settle their Spirits See that they use their Wit and Fancy without giving offence and that they hurt no body by indecent reflections Let them by no means take liberty to indulge their humour in jesting about things that are Sacred or that have any relation thereto But you are to take heed lest your endeavouring to cure one fault occasion another lest your striving to deliver them from one extream drive them to the contrary that is lest instead of their being too gay you make them melancholy and dull Their Wit and Spirit is not to be rooted out but reformed and rightly managed for this may be of use for seasoning and sweetning Conversation If you observe them to be rash and forward ready to speak and act without due consideration strive to make them more cautious and circumspect to reflect and think a little more on what they say and do lest otherwise they fall into a habit of speaking and acting impertinently and indiscreetly When they say or do a foolish thing for lack of consideration then take occasion to make them sensible what a shame it is for them to do so what a reproach to those who are reasonable Creatures to speak and act like Fools without Reason and Understanding Shew them some of the bad consequences which attend speaking and acting in this manner Particularly that such Persons not only expose themselves to Contempt and Scorn but likewise to a great deal of danger and trouble Tell them how a great many by their rash and unadvised though not ill intended Speeches and Actions have not only highly exasperated their Enemies but also provoked their Friends and forfeited their kindness which thereby has been changed sometimes into the utmost Indignation and Hatred Shew them how some by this means have lost their Estate their Honour and Life it self and not only have ruined themselves by their rashness and folly but likewise a great many of their best Friends and dearest Relations A due sense of these things ought to excite all Parents to do what they can to render their Children very considerate and wary in whatever they say or do And because for lack of knowledge and experience they are in hazard to fall into many miscarriages and to commit great absurdities if they govern themselves wholly by their own fancy and apprehension or by their inclinations and desires therefore direct them to ask you or to ask others whom you recommend to them whether it be fit for them to do this or that which they have a mind to do It will be of unspeakable advantage to them all their Life long to learn this piece of Wisdom betimes to wit to be jealous and not too confident of their own Apprehensions and Opinions and to have a great regard for the Judgment and Opinion of others Solomon makes this a distinguishing Mark betwixt a wise Man and a Fool that the way of a Fool is right in his own Eyes and therefore he scorns to ask the opinion or to follow the advice of others but he that hearkeneth unto Counsel is wise Prov. 12. 15. Thus you are to make it your Business to watch over your Children and to consider what are their defects and faults and to do all that you can to cure them thereof and to direct them in the ways of Wisdom and Virtue You are careful to pluck up the weeds in your Gardens while they are yet young and not deeply rooted lest otherwise the good Seeds should be choak'd up with them How much more careful ought you to be lest the Souls
make them or what Foolish People imagine them to be to wit another sort of Beings than other Men. Thi● is but a Lye for they are the same thing with the poorest Beggar they are of the same Mould they have the same Passions they are subject to the same distempers they are liable to the same accidents and mischances they are exposed to most part of the same Temptations and to a great many more which made Agur in his Prayer Prov. 30. 8 9. to say Give me 〈◊〉 Riches lest I be full and deny thee 〈◊〉 say who is the Lord. Shew them likewise For what 〈◊〉 it is that God bestoweth Riches a●● Honour upon them that it is not 〈◊〉 gratifie their Lusts and Passions to Indulge themselves in Vanity and Folly an● to have wherewith to give themselves the full swing in whatever is suitable to thei● corrupt Inclinations that it is not 〈◊〉 take to themselves a Liberty to wo● wickedness to trample upon whatever is Sacred to countenance and patronize those who are prophane Mockers of Religion who scof● at the most Sacred things thereof Shew them that it is for better purposes that the great Lord of the World bestows Riches Power and Honour on the Sons of Men even that they may employ themselves and all they have for his Honour and Glory Shew them that to whom much is given of them much shall be required That God doth expect greater Service from those upon whom he bestows greater Encouragements And therefore that they ought to employ themselves as much as they can in doing his Will and Glorifying his Holy Name that they ought to encourage Religion to countenance those who are Pious and Devout to set a Mark of Respect upon those who fear and love God and to testifie their dislike of those who are Prophane and Irreligious to endeavour to curb and restrain them so far as they are able and that they ought to make it appear that there is no way for any body to recommend themselves so effectually to their ●●vour and Esteem as by their behaving themselves as the Followers of Jesus Christ ought to do Shew them also how much Persons of meaner Quality are influenced and led by the Example of those who are Great and Noble whose Actions are generally of greater force than Laws are with them That therefore they ought to shine before them in all the Actions of true Piety and Virtue that others by seeing their good works may be excited to imitate them and so to Glorifie their Father that is in Heaven Lastly Shew them that if they are Wicked and Prophane and so by their bad Example defile and corrupt others then God will require at their Hands the Blood of those many Souls who perish by following their Foot-steps and walking after them in their Ungodly ways In this manner they who are Rich Great and Honourable who have no need to chuse a Trade for their Children ought nevertheless to teach them and that so much the more carefully such things as may make them truly wise and good As for those who intend to set apart one or more of their Children for the Holy Ministry they ought 1 st to be careful to serve God with the best they have For Cursed be the Deceiver which hath in his Flock a Male and Voweth and Sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing Mal. 1. 14. They ought to Consecrate to this Sacred Office those of their Children who are most worthy in all respects who have not only good parts but who have also good Inclinations and are apt to receive Religious Impressions 'T is an argument they very little understand the greatness and difficulty of the Pastoral Office and have very little Sense of Religion who think that God may be put off with any thing and that the Refuse of the Flock is sufficient to be an Offering to him How great Ingratitude is there in this Have not Parents received from God freely and undeservedly all the good things they enjoy and particularly their Children When therefore they design to bestow one or other of them for his more immediate Service they ought to give him the best and not such a one as is unfit to be employed in any other ordinary business which requires a Person of tolerable Sense and Discretion 2dly They ought to have a single Eye to the Glory of God and not to govern themselves by Worldly and Carnal respects and considerations They must not look upon the Ministry as if it were only a Trade to get Wealth and Riches or as a way to come to Honour and to obtain Preferment in the World They ought to look upon this Holy Office with another Eye to wit as it is appointed of God for Divine and Spiritual ends to guide and direct Men in the way to Happiness to shew them what they must do to obtain Everlasting Happiness and to avoid Hell and Destruction to teach them how to fight the good fight of Faith how to resist the Devil how to overcome the World and how to be preserved from their deceitful and desperately wicked Hearts They ought to consider that Christ's Ministers are appointed to be Shepherds and Watchmen to feed and to watch over the Flock which he hath purchased with his Blood to acquaint People with their danger to call upon them early and late to be upon their Guard to quit themselves like Men to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his Might They must consider that it belongs to the Ministers of the Gospel to deal impartially with all sorts of People and not to suffer Sin upon them but to reprove them plainly to exhort them seriously to repent and amend and to direct them what they are to do for the time to come lest they fall again into the same evil Practices and Customs When therefore Parents design a Child for the Holy Ministry they should at the same time consider that he is to spend himself in the work of the Gospel that is he must Study and Pray and Watch and Preach and Visit and Converse and do all other things which are needful to save Souls he must be instant in season and out of season he must often and seriously consider what is farther to be done to convert Sinners to instruct the Ignorant to comfort the Afflicted to relieve the Poor to excite the Remiss and Negligent to encourage the Diligent to strengthen the Weak to confirm the Strong to direct the Zealous to reclaim the Erroneous to convince Gainsayers to put to silence the Ignorance of Foolish Men And besides all this he must be ready and willing to Sacrifice his life in the Service of his Great Master if he be called thereto he must count nothing too dear that he may finish his Course with Joy and approve himself to the great Shepherd and Bishop of Souls Thus Parents when they design any of their Children for the Holy Ministry ought to