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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A35833 The discovery of mans return to his first estate by the operation of the power of God in the great work of regeneration with a word to all saints who set their faces towards Sion to seek the Lord their God ... : a word to the back-slider who hath tasted of the good word of God ... : with a discovery of mystery-Babylon and her merchants .... / written by one whom the people of this world calls a Quaker, whose name in the flesh is William Deusbury, but hath a new name the world knows not written in the book of life. Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. 1655 (1655) Wing D1260; ESTC R27296 24,653 32

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hast done and thy reward is wrath and condemnation which will pass upon thee from the presence of the Lamb for thy disobedience and breaking of the righteous Law which must be fulfilled and what way soever thou turnest to get life in outward formes and observations the flaming sword which is the righteous Law that goes out of the mouth of the Lamb it will turn every way and meet thee and cut thee down and cast thee into hell where there is weeping and wailing for want of the presence of God and thou canst doe nothing to pacifie the wrath of God which is gone out against thee Now wouldst thou hide thy self as Adam did when he appeares in thy heart thy fig-leafed garment of prayers tears forms outward observations according unto thy comprehensions of the letter will not cover thy nakedness it served to cover thy nakedness from the sight of men but now when the Lord appears in thy heart thou canst not stand before him now comes Cain in thee to be driven from the face of God to be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth notwithstanding all his sacrifice and Esau in thee reprobated never to have the blessing though he seek it with teares and the bond-woman and her son cast out and the first Adam now slain with the sharp sword that goeth out of the mouth of the Lamb and art made to give up thy soul to God whose it is to doe with thee what he will if he destroy thee for ever he may and if he save thee from eternall death it is his free love now art thou baptized with Christ into his sufferings and death where thou liest sealed down under the eternal judgement of God and there perishest for ever for any power or help thou hast in thy self and this is the administration of Moses where thou lyest condemned for ever under the righteous Law without any help or hope untill the administration of the Prophets that prophesie of a Christ that hath satisfied the righteous Law of God for thee who art lost and condemned under the power of the Law of Moses and now there is a secret hope raised up in thy soul and thou lookest up from under the condemning power of Moses for a Saviour and the Prophets are until John and of all that were born of woman there was not one greater than John for he is a burning and a shining light that lets thee see the filthiness of thy heart and the Law shines in its purity to condemn the earthly man in thee but he strengthens the hope in thee that was raised up by the Prophets to see the beauty and excellency of Iesus Christ which ravishes thy lost condemned soul that thou art willing to sell all for him the Scripture being now fulfilled in thee who witnesses this from the daies of John even until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force now is every mountain and hill layd low in thee and crooked wayes made strait and the rough way in thee made smooth and thou wait in the wi●…derness and lost condition of thy self for the salvation of God to be manifest to the in Iesus Christ and in the appointed time of the Father the Son of man comes to thy soul as a Thief in the night as the lightning from the East to the West so is his appearance in thee and causes thy dead soul to hear his voice which witnesses to it eternal life freely through his own blood and thy soul heares his voice and by the word of his power is made to live and are sealed up by the holy spirit of promise the Spirit of God bearing witness with thy spirit that thou art his child now comest thou to witness the second Adam to be a quickning spirit and Isaac the promised seed to be heir for ever and that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life and that by grace tho●… ar●… saved through Faith in the Lord Jesus not of works lest any should boast and he that hath hope in him purifies himself as he is pure and the love of Christ constrains thee now who can witnes this work of Regeneration manifest in thee to follow him whither soever he goes no more to obey him for life as thou didst when thou wast without seeking him in forms and observations but now the love and life thou enjoyest in Christ Jesus constrains thee to deny thy self and take up thy Cross daily and follow him Now art thou come into the beginning to live in the Lord guided by the powerfull word of faith the light that shines in thy heart which is the light of the City New Jerusalem to whom thou art come to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth and all that are come to walk in the light of the City New Jerusalem are the true Israel of God that are taught of God to whom the New and everlasting Covenant is made according to the promise of the Lord This is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah after those daies saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people and they shall teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them I will be mercifull unto their unrighteousness and their sinnes and their iniquities will I remember no more and in this City t●…ere is no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it which are borrowed lights outward dispensations and teachings of men for the glory of the Lord God doth lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof and the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it and the Kings of the earth bring their glory and honour unto it and the●… shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abhomination or worketh a lye but they which are written in the Lambs Book of life and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night there for the Lord giveth them light and they shall reign for ever and ever HALLELUIAH to the Highest A Word from the Lord to all that are waiting on the Lord in Sion And to those that are weeping and are se●…king the Lord their God asking the way to Sion with their faces thitherwards FEar not ye mourners in Sion the Lord waits on you to be gracious unto you though he give you the bread of adversity now and the water of affliction yet shall not your Teachers be removed into Corners any more but your eyes shall see your Teachers and your
eares shall hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right hand or to the left therefore every one of you mind the light which is of Jesus Christ in you that judgeth the unrighteousness of your hearts give up to be guided by the pure light in you which is your Teacher the counsel of Iesus Christ and it will bring Judgement forth unto victory and whatever he makes manifest to you to be his will wait on the Lord in his counsel and he will give you power to obey and when you have obeyed his will take ●…eed of departing from the counsel of the Lord which is the light within you to hearken to the counsel of your own hearts which will draw your minds to look back to your obedience and the experiences you have passed through so will the beast which received a deadly wound with the sword the righteous Law that goes out of the mouth of the Lamb in you his deadly wound will be healed and sits a painted beast above the Cross of Christ working lying wonders in your hearts and imitating the operations of the power of God who is purifying his Sons and Daughters with the spirit of Judgement and the Spirit of burning and the beast in you that tasted of the power of God when he received his deadly wound under the justice of God now can imitate the same in deceit and cause fire to come down from heaven in the sight of men imitating the operation of the spirit of burning and so deceives himself and all that dwel upon the earth he is made manifest to all that dwell in the heavenly light in their hearts All friends mind your watch for your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lyon seeking whom he may devour abide in the counsel of the Lord which is the light in you and you will discern between the Beast which is Antichrist in his lying wonders and the Lamb Iesus Christ in the operation of his power so you will come to try the spirits whether they be of God yea or no all that are guided by the Beast have their life in speaking and acting in outward operations what they once experienced and what they comprehended to be truth speaking that they enjoy not and is exalted in pride the heart returned into the earth But thou that art guided by the Lamb the light in thy conscience the righteous Law cries through thy earthly heart and brings it to judgment and thou canst find no life in the operations of the power of God nor in thy obedience but whilst the presence of the Lord is with thee in it and when thou hast done the will of God in obeying what he hath made known unto thee thou seest thy self to be an unprofitable servant and hast need of patience that thou mayst receive the promise where thy life is hid with Christ in God to save the freely for his names sake or else thou perishest and to carry thee on by his mighty power or else thou fallest so thou hast n●…thing to glory in but in the Lord And as they that are guided by the Beast which is Antichrist speak of the truth a riddle to their own hearts not knowing the power and life of what they speak adding to the Word of the Lord and the plagues and curse of God will be added unto them But thou that art guided by the Lamb Iesus Christ thou knowest when the Word of the Lord is committed to thee If any have my Word saith the 〈◊〉 let him speak my Word faithfully is not my Word Like 〈◊〉 saith the Lord and like a hammar that breaketh the rocks in peeces Thou canst witnesse the VVord of the Lord to be as a fire and as a hammar to break the rocks in pieces in thee and bring down all in thee in subjection to its self and it alone rules in thee and thou that canst witness the word of the Lord thus manifest in thee thou art a true Messenger of the Lord let not the deceipt stop thy mouth for the word the Lord calls thee to speak shall perfect his work for which he is sent All friends stand fast in the counsel and will of God be faithfull in following the Lamb dayly through the Cross and none be discouraged in temptations be content look up to the Lord to keep you in the hour of temptations for it is no sin to be tempted but to yeeld to the tempter and when the Lord delivers you from the power of the Tempter watch that your will get not from under the Cross but sink down into the love of God and every one be content in what the Lord hath made manifest to you and be faithful according to your Talents and more will be communicated to you and none look forth at others conditions for if you do the Enemy will cause you to stumble and you will come to a loss in your own condition wait patiently in the cousel of the Lord the light in you for he is making a short work in the earth that you that come into the Vineyard at the eleventh hour shal receive as much as they that came in ●…t the third hour and have laboured in the heat of the day All ye children of the Lord lift up your heads behold your King riding in majesty and power upon the wild Ass Colt which is your wild nature subjecting it to himself that you may enter with him through the gates of the City into New Jerusalem where there enters nothing that worketh abomination and maketh a lye but what is written in the Lambs book of life and there you shall dwel in the banqueting house of the Lord forever feeding upon the feast of fat things rejoycing 〈◊〉 ●…he eternal love and mercy of your souls in the free Covenant of life in the blood of Christ who is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings God blessed for ever who is riding on in Majesty and in Power conquering and to conquer all the powers of darkness in the hearts of his Saints that they may reign as Kings upon the earth to the praise and glory of our God who is taking unto him his great power to reign in his Saints for evermore to whom alone be all honour glory power and eternal praises for ever To all revolted souls who have departed from the Counsel of the Lord and are made drunk with the Wine of the wrath of the fornication of the Whore bewitched with the mother of Witch-craft to return into spiritual Sodom and Egypt where our Lord is Crucified WHoever thou art in whom the righteous law of God Jesus Christ the light in thee hath cried through thy earthly heart for righteousness and judgment and there thou didst stand arraigned before the Throne of the Lamb where the book was opened in thee and written therein all
to be natural affectionated one towards another and they walk contrary causing poor people to pay to maintain them in pride and high ranks in the earth who can scarce get bread for their bellies and cloaths for their backs yet they force them to pay to them beeing void of all natural affections and they are truce-breakers breaking all Bonds and Covenants if they can get more mony in another place Thus they shew forth to all the world that they are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God have a form of godliness in words but deny the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sin and divers lusts these Scriptures are fulfilled in your teachers every one hath his particular house to creep into where none must come but themselves or whom they please which is contrary to the practice of Christ or any that he sent forth they went through the Countries Towns Cities Villages according as they were guided by the spirit of God to declare what he gave them to speak and your Teachers lead silly women captives laden with sin and led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth do they not tel you to look for Christs coming in such observations as they set up which is nothing but the invention of their brains for Christ tels you The Kingdom of God comes not with observations but is within you But many of them that deny that the light in your conscience which makes manifest the evil of your hearts is the Kingdom of God calling it the light of a corrupt conscience so shuts the Kingdom of heaven against men and wil neither enter in themselves to be guided by the pure light of the Kingdom of Christ within them nor suffer them that are entring in to enter as the Scribes and Pharisees did now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these men resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobates concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shal be made manifest to all men as their also was and no man shal buy their merchandize any more All you inslaved Captives in the Kingdom of Babylon why will you lay out your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto Jesus Chrst the light that lets you see the evil of your hearts to be guided by it and you shal eat that which is good Incline your ears saith Christ and come unto me hear and your souls shal live and I wil make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David mind the call of a powerful and tender Father in the Lord Jesus who calls Come forth of Babylon my people and touch no unclean thing and I wil receive you wil be a Father unto you and ye shal be my sons and daughters saith the Lord God Almighty Friends prize your time sleight not the day of the Lords mercy for he waits to be gracious and saith I stretch forth my arm all the day long to a back-sliding and gain-saying people Every one mind your conditions deal justly with your own hearts see what your hearts hath fellowship with and what guides your minds for the Kingdom of Christ is within you it is not in observations as your Teachers tels you for they deceive you therefore Christ forewarned us for looking forth at those which would come in the latter daies that would say Loe here is Christ lo there is Christ as it is in these our daies some say Lo here is Christ in the Presbyterian practice the Independents say He is there and the Anabaptists say Loe he is here But friends mind what Christ saith unto you Beleeve them not look not forth the Kingdom of Christ is not in any of those nor in any other outward observations but be awarned the Kingdom of Christ is in you and that is the light which lets you see the evil of your hearts and Christ compares it to a grain of Mustard seed the least of all seeds it grows up above all other herbs and becomes a tree that the Fowls of the ayr lodges therein and he compares it to a little leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of meal and it leavened the whole lump These are earthly parables and figures which Christ laies down speaking to the earthly and carnal heart of man that he may read his condition within Therefore despise not the day of smal things but mind the counsel of the Lord Jesus the little light that shines in thy dark heart look upon the figures the parables the little leaven which is hid in three measures of meal it changes the whole lump into the nature of it self so the little light that shines in thy dark heart is the powerful word of faith which was in the beginning by which all things were created and without him was nothing made this word is life and the life is the light of men and light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not this light is the word of faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto Say not in thy heart who shall ascend up to Heaven to fetch Christ down or down into the deep to fetch him up the word is nigh thee in thy heart and in thy mouth and this is the word of faith which we preach the unction of the holy one given of the Father whereby we need not to teach one another but as the anointing teacheth us which is truth and no lie which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do wel to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star arise in your hearts All people return within give up your selves freely to bee guided by that light that discovers to you the evil of your hearts and none be discouraged because you see an evil heart but prize the love of God that discovers it to you and whatever the light makes manifest to you to be evil wait on the Lord for power and he wil give thee power to obey and in being faithful in a little more wil be communicated from the Lord so wil the righteous law be set up into your hearts that wil cry through your earthly and carnal hearts for righteousness and judgment and so will bring you to an account for every idle word and all deeds done in the body Look up unto the Lord against whom you have sinned and he wil arm you with power to what he laies upon you with patience to undergo his wil until all the powers of the earth in you be famished and slain under his righteous judgments then wil judgment be brought forth unto victory that you can no longer live
without the loving kindnesse of your Father in Christ Jesus Now is the parable fulfilled the little grain of Mustard-seed grown up above all hearbs and the little leaven hath leavened the whole lump and the Prodigal starved for ever if his father receive him not freely into his house Thou that canst witnesse this condition stand still in the will of God he wil raise up his seed in thee to trust in his name and to delight in the eternal Covenant of love and life he hath made with thy soul in the Lord Jesus Christ and wil guide thee by the word of his power in a way thou knowest not forth of Babylon where thou wast an inslaved captive under the power of the filthy beast which is thy wil and the whore the mother of Witchcrafts which is thy wisdome which inthralled thee under the power of darknesse to satisfie the lusts of thine own heart which led thee to destruction up to Sion to live by faith in the Lord Jesus which wil purifie thy heart and set thy soul free from under the powers of darknesse into the glorious liberty of the sons of God where thou shalt sing the songs of Sion Hallelujahs and Praises for evermore unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever To all inslaved heard-hearted and unbeleeving Iews in this Nation and elsewhere who are made drunk with the Wisdome of the Whore and bewitched through the abundance of Sorceries to put the day of the Lord a far off looking for Christs comming in the Spirit as the hard-hearted unbeleeving Iews in the letter did for his comming in the flesh according to the promise but they limited the holy one according to their carnal Wisdome expected his comming in great Pomp and Glory and when hee came in that poor despised way contrary to their expectations they stumbled at him and would not own him to be their Saviour but rose up against him and put him to death Matth. 27. 1 to 50. vers. BEhold you hard-hearted and unbelieving Jews do you not look for Christ coming in the Spirit according to his promise as they did for his coming in the flesh but you limit the holy one as they also did expecting Christ to come in power and glory according to your own fancies and so puts the day of the Lord a far off you in rejecting and despising the counsel of Jesus Christ the pure light in your Consciences which lets you see every evil thought word and action and cries behind you This is the way walk in it but you disobey the light and hearkens to the counsel of your hearts as the Jews in the letter did that put Christ to death and so you slay the witnesses in spiritual Sodom and Egypt in your hearts where our Lord is crucified in not regarding the counsel of Christ which is that light that shines in your dark hearts which knocks at the door according to his words I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and wil sup with him and he with me Oh thou inslaved soul under the power of Babylon in thee come forth mind the light in thee which is the sure word of prophesie whereunto you do wel to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-star arise in your hearts stand not out against this secret counsel of Christ in you lest you perish in your gain-sayings for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are all they that trust in him All give up give up freely to be guided by the counsel of the Lord the light in you beleeving in his power that is present with the light he wil lead you dayly through the Cross in the streight way of his sufferings and death where the old man wil be put off with his deeds and so you shal have right to the tree of life and shal enter with him through the Gates into the City New Jerusalem where you shal have communion with the Father and the Son and an inheritance with those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and shal reign as Kings upon Earth to the praise and glory of the riches of the grace of our heavenly Father to whom alone be all power dominion honour and glory for ever and ever FINIS Gen. 1. 26 27 Gen. 2. 15 16 17 Gen. 3. ●… to 16 Gen. 3. 22 23 24. Rev. 2 5 Gen. 1. 26 27 Gen. 3. 24 Luk 14 26 Mat. 10 37 Eph 4 5 〈◊〉 2 3 〈◊〉 9 33 ●…oh 5. 44 1 Cor. 3. 6 Col. 1 27 Ier. 23. 30 1 Cor. 9 9 27 Gen. 3 24 Mat. 15. 19 Gal. 15 19 20 21 Gen. 3. 24 Eph. 5. 3 Luke 17. 20 Gen. 3 7 Mat. 9. 16 17 Gen 1. 14. to ●… Gen. 5 Gen. 27. 34 38 Heb. 12. 17 Gen. 12 9 10 ●… Pet. 1. 19 20 Gen 4. 10 11 12 Gen. 21. 1●… Gal. 4. 3●… Rev. 28. 3 I●…hn 1. ●… Mat. 10. 20 2●… Phil. 3 5 6 Gen. 3. 24 Gen 2 7 〈◊〉 ●… 1●… 〈◊〉 11 12 13 Luke 1 26 I●… 1. ●… 〈◊〉 9 ●… 20 2●… 〈◊〉 Mat. 7. 1●… 14 Eph. 2 1. 2. 3 Ioh. 3. 36 Ioh 1. 9 Rom. 8. 3 1 Pet. 2 8 Gal. 3. 27 Rom. 6. 3 〈◊〉 Rom. 8. 17 2 Tim. 2 11. 12. ●…oh 5. 15 Eph. 5. 14 Mich. 6. 1 Ioh. 1. 9. 8 12. 9. 5 ●…er 17 〈◊〉 Eph. 5. 13 Io●… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rev. 20. 12 13. 2 Cor 5. 〈◊〉 M●…t 12. ●…6 ●…es 2. 10 Gen 3 8 9 10 Gen. 3. 7 Gen. 4. 12 13 14 Gen. 27 34 38 Heb 12 17 Ge●… 21. 10 Rev. 19. 15 Rom. 3. 6 to 〈◊〉 2 Tim. 2. 11. ●…2 M●…t 〈◊〉 11 L●…ke 19. 10 Luk. 16 16 17 Ma●… 11. 11 Iohn 5. 35 Mat 1. 12 Luke 3. 5 2 Pet. 2. 10 L●…k 17. 24 Iohn 5. 25 Rom. 〈◊〉 16 1 Cor. 14. 45 R●…m 6 23 Eph 25 〈◊〉 10 1 Iohn 3 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 3. 14 Titus 3 5 Luke 9. 23 24 Iohn 4. 110 5 Iohn 23. 24 Isaiah 54 14 Heb. 8. 10 1. 12 Ezek. 36 24 25. 26 27. 28 Iet 〈◊〉 33. 3●… Rev. 21 23 24 25 27 ver Rev. 22. 5 Is●… 61. 2 Isa. 3●… 18 20 21 〈◊〉 1. 9 8. 12 Eph. 5 13 1 Iohn 2 27 Isa. 42 3 Mat 12. 20. Prov. 20. 22 Rev. 13. 3 Rev. 1●… 11 12 13 15 Mat. 13. 37 1 Pet. 5 8 2 Pet. 1. 19 1 Joh. 4 1 2 3 Luke 17. 10 Heu 10 36 Col. 3. 2 Eze 36 31 32 1 Cor. 1. 2●… 31 Rev. 22 1●… I●…r 23. 28. 29 2 Cor. 10. 4. 5 Rev. 14. 4. 5 Iames 〈◊〉 3 Ma●… 25 20. 21. 22 23. Mat. 1. ●…0 v. 12 Mat. 21. 5 Rev. 22. 14 Rev. 21. 27 Cant. 2 ●… Rev. 17. 4 Rev. 19. 16 Rev. 5 9. 10 Revelat. 8. 3 Revelat. 20. ●… Matth. 12 36 Genesi 3 2. Revel. 19. 15 Rev. 11. 7 8 Ier 17 9 Gal. 5. 13. Prov. 14. 14 H●…b 1. 13 Heb. 10 38 Romans 6 1 Mat. 25 17 18 Romans 7. 1 Mat. 15. 17 18 Romans 7 23 Romans 6. 16 Roman 7 25 Romans vc 5 Luk. 9. 23. Phil. 3. 1●… 19 2 Pet. 2 19 20 21 Verse 2●… Hebrews 10. 2●… to 32 verse Revelations 2 5 Ephesians 4 ●…3 Psalm 137. 8. 9 Psalm 2 11 ●…2 Rev. 18. 3 Rev. 17. 5 Rev. 11. 7 Je●… 17. 9 Rev. 13. 4 Iohn 1. 9 Eph. 5. 13 Rev 17. 3 Rev. 17. 4 2 Pet. 1. 11 Gen. 11. 7 8 9 Rev. 17. 4 Mat. 15 19 29 Genes●…s 6. 5 Gal. 5 19 20 21 Prove b●… 1. 7 Luke 14 26 Marth 10 37 Matth. 1●… 29 〈◊〉 9. 23 Io●… 5 44. Matth 6. 21 M●…cah 21 2 Prov. 22 16 Am●… 4. 1. H●…sea 2. 7 Rev. 18 2●… Rev. 18 13 Ioh 1. 9 and 8 12 and 9. 5 1 Iohn 2 27 8 Luke 17. 2●… 21 1 Cor. 1. 26. Matth. 10 8 Gal. 1. 11 12 Mat. 10 16 Mat. 10. 10. v. 8 2 Cor. 5. 14. 19 20 Acts 21. 13 2 Pet. 2. 15 Iude 11 Mark 1●… 14 5 Matth. 19. 14 Luke ●…8 16 17 Mark 1●… 16 ●… Peter 1. 20 Revelat 22 18 Luke 4 7 22. 23. Ier ●…3 29 30 2 Cor 1●… 4 5 Isa 56 10 ●…1 ●…0 5 30 31 M cah 3. 11 verse 5 Ier. 23 30 1 〈◊〉 9. 27 Je. 23 31 32 Psalm 131. 1 Psalm 38. 1. 10. 7 Iohn 4. 24 Iame 5 16 Isaiah 51. 11 L●…k 17. 2●… 2 Cor 36 Isalah 3 12 2 ●…mothy 3. 1 2●… Mat. 10. 12. 16 Luke 17. 20. 2 Ephesians 5. 3 1 Iohn 2 27 Matth. ●…3 13 2 Tim. 3. 8 9 Revelat. 18. 11 Isaiah 55. 2 Ephesian 2. 13 Isaiah 55 3 Revelat. 18 4 2 Cor. 6 7 18 Isaiah 38. 18 Isaiah 65. 2 Ieremiah 3 12 14 22 Mosea 14 4 Micah 6 ●… Ma●… 6 21 Luke 17. 21 Roman 8. 14 1 Iohn 6 26 Matth. 23 31 Mark 24 32 36 Luke 17 20. 21 Ephesians 5 3 Matthew 3. 21 32 3. 33 Zachary 4. 19 Iohn 1. ●… Iohn 1. 1 to 6 Rom. 10. 6 7 ●… 1 Iohn 1. 1●… 1 Iohn 1 27 2 Peter 1 19 Romans ●… 14 Prover 20 22 Lame ●… 3. 25 Isaiah ●… 17 Matthew 25. 21 Matth. 12. 36 2 Co 5 10 Isa. 57 15 16 Matth. 12 20 Matth 13 31 32 33 Luke 15 17 18 19 20 Isaiah 55. 3 Isaia ●… 817 Revela 18. 4 2 C●… 6. 17 Ephesi 2. 2 3 Matthew 7 13 H●…bbak 2. 4. R●…man 1. 17 1 Iohn 3. 3 Act. 15. 9 C●…l 1 13 2 Pete 2. 9 R●…velat 15. 13 Revel. 9 1 6 Revela 18. 3 Luke 27 Matthew 13 54 5 5●… 57 Ma. k 6. 4 Isaiah 30 21 Revelat. 11. 8 Revelat. 3 20 Revelat 19. 4 2 Peter 1. 16 Colos. 1 27 Iuda 1 Psalm 2 12 Matth. 7. 14 2 Tim. 2 11 2 Ephes. ●… 22 Revel. 2 14 Act 26. 18 Revel. 2 9 10 Revel. 15 3 Revelat. 19 1