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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34245 The confession of faith, of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands with the formes which they use ... translated out of Dutch into English.; Belgic confession. English Brès, Guy de, 1522-1567. 1689 (1689) Wing C5784; ESTC R12576 43,584 48

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suffered his blessed body to be nayled to the Crosse that hee might fasten upon it the handwriting of our sinnes and hath also taken upon himselfe the cursse due to us that hee might fill us with his blessing and hath humbled himselfe into the deepest pangs of Hell with soule and body on the tree of the Crosse where hee cryed out with a loud voyce My God my God Why hast thou forsaken mee that wee might bee received of God and never forsaken of him and finally confirmed with his death and bloodshedding the new and everlasting Covenant of grace and reconciliation when hee sayd It is finished And that wee might firmly believe that wee belong to this Covenant of grace the Lord Jesus Christ in his last Supper tooke Bread gave thankes brake it and gave it to his Disciples and sayd Take eate this is my Body which is given for you do this in remembrance of mee In like maner also after Supper hee tooke the Cup gave thankes and sayd Drinke yee all of this This Cup is the new Testament in my blood which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sinnes do this so often as yee drincke of it in remembrance of mee That is as often as yee eate of this Bread and drincke of this Cup yee shall thereby as by a certaine pledge and remembrance bee admonished and assured of this my hearty love and faithfulnesse towards you that whereas yee should have suffered eternall death I have given my body into the death of the Crosse and shed my blood for you and as certainely as you see this Bread broken before your eyes and this Cup given to you and yee with your mouth do eate and drincke the same to my remembrance so do I feed and refresh your hungry and thirsty soules with my body and blood to everlasting life Out of this Institution of the Supper of the Lord Jesus Christ wee do see that hee directs our faith and confidence to his perfect sacrifice which was once offered on the Crosse as to the onely ground and foundation of our soules that hee is become to our hungry and thirsty soules the true food to eternall life For by his death he hath taken away the cause of our everlasting death and miseries namely sinne and hath merited for us the quickening spirit that wee by the same which dwelleth in Christ as the head and in us as his members might have true Communion and fellowship and be made partakers of all his blessings to everlasting life and glory Besides that wee by the same spirit may also be united together into brotherly love as members of the same mystecall body as the Scripture saith One Bread is it so are wee one Body because wee are all made partakers of one Bread For as out of many graines being grinded one Bread is made and out of many Berries being prest together one drincke floweth so shall wee all who by a true Faith are ingrafted into Christ bee one body through brotherly love for Christ his sake who hath so exceedingly loved us and manifested the same one towards another not onely in words but also in workes and deeds Heereto assist us the Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit Amen And that wee may obtaine this let us humble our selves before God and in true Faith call upon him for his grace O Most mercifull God and Father wee beseech thee that in this ordinance in which wee celebrate the blessed memory of the most bitter death and passion of thy Son Jesus Christ thou wilt bee pleased to worke in our hearts through the Holy Ghost that wee may give our selves more and more with true confidence to thy Son Jesus Christ that so our broken and burdened hearts may bee fed and comforted through the power of the Holy Spirit with his body and blood yea with him true God and Man the onely Bread of Heaven and that henceforth wee may not live any longer in our sinnes but hee in us and wee in him and bee also really partakers of that new and everlasting Covenant of Grace no wayes doubting but that thou wilt bee our eternall and Gracious God not imputing our sinnes unto us but filling us with all good things for body and soule as thy beloved Children and Heyres Graunt also unto us thy grace that wee may take upon us our crosse cheerefully deny our selves confesse our Saviour and in all tribulations expect our Lord Jesus Christ out of Heaven where hee will make our mortall bodies conformable to his most glorious body and take us to himselfe to bee with him in all eternity Ans OUr Father which art in heaven 1. Hallowed be thy Name 2. Thy Kingdome come 3. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven 4. Give us this day our daily bread 5. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us 6. And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for ever and ever Amen Strengthen us also by this Holy Sacrament in the Articles of our Christian Faith of which wee make Confession saying with heart and mouth I Beleeve in God the Father almightie maker of heaven and earth ij And in Jesus Christ his onely begotten Sonne our Lord. iij. Which was conceived by the Holy Ghost borne of the virgine Marie iv Suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hel v. The third day he rose again from the dead vj. He ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie vij From thence shall he come to judge the quick and the dead viij I beleeve in the Holy Ghost ix I beleeve an Holy Catholike church the Communion of Saints x. The forgivenes of sinnes xj The resurrection of the body xij And life everlasting Amen That wee may now bee fed with the true heavenly Bread the Lord Jesus Christ so let not our hearts cleave to the outward elements of Bread and Wine but let us lift up the same into Heaven where Christ our Advocate is sitting on the right hand of his heavenly Father whether also wee are directed by the Articles of our Christian faith nothing doubting but wee shall bee fed and refreshed with his Body and Blood by the power of the Spirit so certainly as wee receive this holy Bread and Wine to his remembrance In breaking and distributing of the Bread the Minister shall say The Bread which wee breake is the Communion of the body of Christ. And when hee gives the Cup The Cup of blessing wherewith wee blesse is the Communion of the Blood of Christ. During the Communion there shall eyther bee sung some Psalm or some Chapter read which may serve to the remembring of the Passion of Christ as Esa Chap. 53. Joh. 13. and 14. and 15. and 16. and 18. or the like After the Communion the Minister shall
a Gracious Father unto us for ever Therefore hee has given a Charge to Baptize all that are his in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost onely with pure water giving us thereby to understand that as the water cleanses the filth of the body when it is powred upon us which may be seen upon the body of him who receives the Baptisme being sprinkeled thereby so the blood of Christ performeth the same within in the souls by the holy Ghost sprinkling and cleansing them from their sins and regenerating us from Children of wrath unto Children of God. However this is not done by the outward water but by the Sprinkling of the precious blood of the Son of God who is our red Sea through which wee must pass for to escape the Tyranny of Pharao which is the Devil and to enter in to the Spiritual Land of Canaan Likewise the Ministers give us on their part the Sacrament and that which is visible but our Lord gives that which is signifyed by the Sacrament viz. the invisible gifts and graces washing cleansing and purifying our Souls from all filthiness and iniquities and renewing our hearts and silling them with all comfort giving us a true assurance of his Fatherly Kindness enduing us with the new man and putting away the ould man with all his deeds Therefore wee believe that whosoever intends to enter into life eternal he must be Baptised but once with the onely Baptism without ever repeating the same for wee cannot be born twice And this Baptism is not onely usefull whilst the water is upon us and that wee receive the same but also through all our life time therefore wee reject the error of the Anabaptists who are not content with the one onely Baptism which once they have received but condemn also the Baptism of the Infants of Believers which wee believe ought to be baptized and sealed with the mark of the Covenant as the Infants in Israel were circumcised on the same promise which is made to our Children And indeed Christ has shed his bloud no less for the washing of the Children of the faithfull as he hath done for adulted persons And therefore they ought to receive the sign and the Sacrament of that which Christ has done for them as under the Law the Lord commanded to participate unto them the Sacrament of the sufferings and dying of Christ shortly after their birth offering for them a Lambe which was a Sacrament of Jesus Christ Besides what the Circumcision did unto the Jewes the same is done by the Baptisme unto our Children which is the cause why St. Paul call's the Baptisme the Circumcision of Christ XXXV Wee believe and confess that our Saviour Jesus Christ has instituted and ordained the Sacrament of the holy Supper to nourish and sustain those which hee hath already regenerated and incorporated into his Family which is his Church those now who are regenerated have two sorts of lives in them the one corporal and temporal which hath accompanied them from their very birth and is common to all men the other is spiritual and heavenly which is given them in the second birth proceeding from the Word of the Gospel in the fellowship of the body of Christ and this life is not universal but belongs onely to the Elect of God. Thus God hath afforded us to the nourishing of the corporal and earthly life earthly and ordinary bread which is serviceable thereunto and common to every one as life is But to the sustaining of the spiritual and heavenly life which the Believers enjoy he hath sent the living Bread which comes down from Heaven to wit Christ Jesus who feeds and nourishes the spiritual life of the Believers when he is eaten that is assumed and received by faith in the Spirit And for to represent unto us this Spiritual and Celestial Bread Christ hath ordained an earthly and visible Bread which is a Sacrament of his Body and the Wine for a Sacrament of his Blood to testify unto us that as really as wee receive and have in our hands the Sacraments and do eat and drink the same with our mouth by which our life is afterwards sustained so likewise by faith which is the hand and mouth of our Souls the true Body and Blood of Christ our onely Saviour is received in our soules for our spiritual life And it is certain and without all doubt that Jesus Christ has not commanded us the use of his Sacraments invain Therefore he worketh in us whatever he represents unto us by these holy Signs although his method surpasseth our understanding and is incomprehensible to us even as the operations of the holy Ghost are hidden and incomprehensible In the mean while wee do not err in saying that which wee have eaten and drunk is the natural Body and true Blood of Christ but the manner of our partaking of the same is not the mouth but the Spirit through Faith. Wherefore then Christ Jesus sits alwayes at the righthand of God his Father in the Heavens and nevertheless he makes us partakers of him by Faith. This Feast is a Spiritual table at which Christ distributes him self unto us with all his goods and he causes us to enjoy both him self and the merits of his sufferings and Death nourishing strengthening and comforting our poor distressed Souls by the eating of his flesh and refreshing and cherishing the same by the drinking of his Blood. Further thô the Sacraments are joined with the things signified yet they are not received with these two things by every one for the wicked receives the Sacrament to his condemnation but he doth not receive the truth of the Sacrament so Judas and Simon the sorcerer both did receive the Sacrament but not Christ who was signified by it for onely the Believers are made Partakers of him Lastly wee receive the holy Sacrament in the Congregation of the people of God with humility and reverence solemnizing the holy remembrance of the death of Christ our Saviour with thanksgivings making there Confession of our Faith and the Christian Religion None therefore ought to apply him selfe thereunto without a foregoing trial least eating of the bread and drinking of the cup he eats and drinks him self a condemnation To be short through the using of this holy Sacrament wee are stirred up to fervent Love to God and our neighbour Therefore wee reject all mixings and damnable inventions which men have added unto the Sacraments accounting them but profanations of the same and say that wee ought to be content with the ordinance delivered unto us by Christ and his Apostles and that wee ought to speak in the same Termes as they did XXXVI Wee believe that our Gracious God because of the corruption of Mankind hath ordained Kings Princes and Magistrates intending that the World should be governed by Laws and Policy that so the dissolution of mankind might bee refrained and all things proceed orderly among men To that purpose
say Beloved in the Lord Because the Lord hath fed our souls at his Table let us all with thanckesgiving praise his Name and every one say in his heart thus Blesse the Lord o my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy Name Blesse the Lord o my soule and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving kindnesse and tender mercies who satisfied thee with good things The Lord is mercifull and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy Hee doth not deale with us after our sinnes nor rewarde us according to our iniquities for as the Heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy towards them that feare him as farre as the East is from the West so farre hath hee remooved our transgressions from us like as a Father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that feare him who also hath not spared his owne Sonne but hath given him for us all and hath given us with him all things there fore doth God shew his love towards us thereby that Christ dyed for us when wee were yet sinners therefore shall wee be the more saved by him from his wrath after wee are justified through his blood For if wee be reconciled through the death of his Sonne when wee were yet enemyes much more shall wee bee saved through his life after wee are reconciled with him therefore shall my heart and mouth praise the Lord from this time forth and evermore Amen Let every one therefore say with an attentive heart ALmighty and most mercifull God and Father wee render thankes to thee with all our hearts that thou hast given unto us out of thy infinite mercy thine onely begotten Sonne to bee our Mediator and a Saerifice for our sinnes yea to bee our food to everlasting life and hast also given unto us a true and lively Faith whereby wee are made partakers of all his benefits and that thou hast caused thy Son to institute this Holy Supper for the confirmation of our Faith Graunt wee beseech thee most faithfull God and Father that through the operation of thy Holy Spirit this commemoration of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ may tend to the encrease of our saith and saving fellowship with him through Jesus Christ thy Sonne our Saviour in whose name wee conclude our Prayers saying Our Father c. FORME Of Excommunication BEloved in the Lord Jesus Christ It is knowen unto you how that at severall times by severall degrees wee have propounded unto you what a haynous sinne hath beene committed by our fellow-member N. and what great offence thereby is given to the end that hee through the helpe of your prayers and Christian admonition might be brought to repentance and so bee freed from the bonds of Sathan where in hee is kept and awake to the will of the Lord Now wee can not conceale from you with great heavinesse that there is no body yet come to us who hath in the least measure given us to understand that hee through the manifold admonitions which have beene given to him both apart by himselfe alone and before witnesse in the presence of many is come to any sorrow or remorse for his sinne or to the manifestation of the least token of repentance Seeing therefore that hee doth aggravate his sinne which yet in it selfe is no small one by his stifnesse and hardheartednesse and seeing wee have signifyed unto you the last time that in case hee after such patience shewed towards him by the Church do not repent that wee should bee forced yet further to bee grieved for him and to come to the last remedy therefore wee are necessitated for the present to proceed to his excommunication according to the power and commandement given unto us in the Worde of God to the end that hee by this meanes if it bee possible might bee brought to shame and remorse for his sinne and that the whole body of the Church may not bee put in danger by this rotten and as yet incurable member and that the name of the Lord may not bee blasphemed Therefore wee Ministers and Elders of the Church being met in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ declare before you all that for reasons above mentioned wee have excommunicated and by these do excommunicate N. from the Church of the Lord and from fellowship with Christ and his Sacraments and all spirituall blessings which God hath promised and doth fulfill to his Church so long as hee persists in his stubbornnesse and impenitency and therefore is to be esteemed of you as an heathen and publican according to the Commandement of God Mat. 18. who saith that is bound in Heaven what his Ministers binde heere on Earth Further wee do admonish you beloved Christians that you keepe no company with him that hee may bee ashamed yet holde him not as an enemy but admonish him sometimes as you do a brother meane while every one take to heart this and the like example to feare the Lord and if hee thinckes hee stands to bee carefull that hee may not fall but having true fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ as also with all true believing Christians persevere therein to the end and so partake of everlasting salvation You have seene Beloved Brethren and Sisters in what manner this our Excommunicated Brother hath begunne to fall and by little and little is come to ruine observe therefore how subtile Sathan is to bring people to destruction and to take them off from all wholesome meanes to salvation therefore take heed of the least beginning of evill and according to the admonition of the Apostle laying aside all weight and sinne which doth so easily beset us runne constantly the race which is set before us looking unto Jesus the beginner and finisher of our Faith bee sober watch and pray that you fall not into temptation to day if you heare the voyce of the Lord harden not your hearts but worke out your salvation with feare and trembling and every one repent of his sinnes that God do not againe humble us and wee bee forced to bee grieved over any of you but that you living godly with one accord may bee our joy and crowne in the Lord. But seeing God must worke in us both the will and the deed according to his good pleasure let us with confession of our sinnes call upon his name MOst righteous God and mercifull Father wee bewaile our sinnes before thy most high Majesty acknowledging that wee have deserved that sorrow and griefe which hath beene caused by the cutting off of this party once a member of us yea wee are worthy in regard of our great sinnes if thou shouldest enter into judgement with us to bee eternally separated from thee But thou O Lord art gracious unto us for Christ his sake Pardon unto us our sinnes for wee are
your selves respectfully towards those who provide for you be thankfull towards them and murmure not follow Christ for the food of your soules and not for the loaves Hee who hath stolen or beene burdensome to his neighbour steale no more but worke with his hands that hee may give to those who are in want If yee doe this every one that which belongs to him yee shall receive of the Lord the wages of righteousnesse But seeing wee are not able of our selves to doe this let us call upon the Name of our God. O Lord God Heavenly Father wee thanke thee that for the better edification of thy Church thou hast beene pleased to ordaine with the Ministers of the Word Rulers and Helpers by whom thy Church may bee kept in peace and prosperity and the poore bee maintained and that thou hast given us into this place men of good testimonies who are furnished with thy Spirit Wee beseech thee give unto them more and more such giftes as are necessary for them in their ministrations the gift of Wisedome of Courage of Discretion and of Goodnesse that so each of them may carry himselfe aright in his Office the Elders in taking a carefull oversight of the doctrine of life in keeping out of the Sheepefold of Christ all wolves and in reprooving and admonishing all persons who are goeing astray In like manner the Deacons in a diligent receiving and free and prudent distributing of the almes to the poore and in comforting of the same with thy holy Word Give grace both to the Elders and Deacons that they may persevere in their faithfull labour and not shrincke or grow weary through any trouble or paine or love of the world Graunt also thy speciall grace to this people over whom they are set that they may submit themselves willingly to the good exhortations of the Elders counting them worthy of hounor for their Office sake graunt to the Rich liberall hearts towards the poore and to the poore thanckfull hearts towards those who are helpefull to them and serve them that so every one carrying himselfe aright in his Office thy holy Name may bee magnified and the Kingdome of thy Sonne Jesus Christ enlarged in whose name wee conclude our Prayer with that forme of Prayer which hee hath taught us Our Father c. FORME For the Confirmation of Marriage before the Church SEeing that married Persons are by reason of sinne subject to many miseries and crosses to the end that you N and you N who desire heere openly to have your marriage-bond confirmed in the Name of God before his Church may bee assured in your heart of the assistance of God in your crosses therefore hearken out of the Word of God how honourable the married estate is and that it is an ordinance of God which is pleasing to him therefore also will hee blesse and assist married persons according to his promise on the contrary punish the whoremongers and adulterers First therefore yee shall know that God our Father after hee had created the Heaven the Earth and all that is therein hath also created man after his Image that hee might be Lord over all the beasts of the Field the fishes in the Sea and the birds of the Aire and after hee had created man hee sayd It is not good that man should bee alone I will make him a helpe meet for him and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and hee slept and hee tooke one of his Ribbs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the Ribb which the Lord God had taken from Man made hee a woman and brought her unto the Man. And Adam said This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh shee shall bee called Woman because shee was taken of Man therefore shall a man leave his Father and his Mother and shall cleave unto his Wyfe and they twaine shall be one flesh Therefore yee are not to doubt but the maried estate doth please the Lord God for he hath made Adam his wife brought her unto him and given her to him to be his wife thereby wittnessing that hee to this day doth bring as with his hands to every man his wife for this cause also the Lord Jesus Christ hath honoured this estate with his presence giftes and miracles in Cana of Galite shewing thereby that the married estate is to bee kept honourably and that hee will assist the maried persons yea then when they least of all are thinking upon it But that yee may live godly in this estate you must know the reasons wherefore God hath instituted the same The first Reason is that each other faithfully assist one another in all things that belong to this life and a better Secondly that they bring up the children which they shall get in the true knowledge and feare of God to his glory and their salvation Thirdly that each of them avoiding all uncleannesse and lusts may live with a good and quiet conscience For to avoyd fornication let every man have his owne wife and every wife her owne husband insomuch that all who are come to their yeares and have not the gift of continence are bound by the Command of God to enter into the married estate with knowledge and consent of Parents or Tutors and Friends that so the Temple of God which is our body may not bee defiled for whosoever defileth the Temple of God him shall God destroy Next you are to know how each is to carry himselfe towards the other according to the Word of God. First you who are the Husband shall know that God hath set you to bee the head of your wife that you according to your ability shall lead her with discretion instructing comforting protecting her as the head rules the body yea as Christ is the head wisedome consolation and assistence to his Church besides you are to love your wise as Christ hath loved his Church you shall not be bitter against her but dwell with her as a man of understanding giving honour to the wife as the weaker vessell considering that yee are joynt heires of the grace of life that your prayers bee not hindered And seeing it is Gods Command that the man shall eate his bread in the sweat of his face therefore you are to labour diligently and faithfully in the calling wherein God hath for you that you may maintaine your houshold honestly and likewise have some thing to give to the poore In like manner shall you who are the wife know how you are to carry your selfe towards your husband according to the Word of God You are to love your lawfull Husband to honour and feare him as also to be obedient unto him in all lawfull things as to your Lord as the body is obedient to the head and the Church to Christ You shall not exercise any dominion over your Husband but be silent for Adam was first created and then Eve to be an helpe to Adam and after the