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A33491 A plain and rational vindication of the liturgy of the Church of England collected out of the discourses of some of the reverend bishops and doctors of the same church, by way of question and answer / by J. Clvtterbvck, Gent. Clutterbuck, J. (John) 1699 (1699) Wing C4743; ESTC R35618 52,978 73

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is forbidden and so on the other side where a Sin is forbidden there the contrary Duty is commanded Q. Why doth the Minister rehearse the Commandments Standing A. To shew his Authority here is God speaking by the Priest Q. Why do the People kncel all the time and beg mercy A. Because they have offended against all the Commandments therefore they kneel down as Criminals ought to do and earnestly beseech Pardon and that we may never commit the like again we pray that the Lord would incline our hearts to keep these Laws and so the Law may be a means of our Repentance and Reformation Q. Why do we pray for the King immediately after the Commandments A. Because he is Custos utriusque Tabulae the Defender of both Tables Q. Why is the Prayer for the King just before the daily Collect A. Because that when we have prayed for outward Prosperity to the Church the consequent of the King's Welfare we may in the Collect pray for inward Grace to make it compleatly happy Q. How long have the Collects been fixed to those very Sundays on which we now use them A. Above Twelve Hundred Years Q. Why is the Epistle read first A. As being the Word of the Servant appointed to personate the Law preceding the Gospel Q. Why doth the Gospel follow A. As being the Word of our great Master therefore when the Minister is about to read all the People stand up to express a more than ordinary reverence to it and to give Glory to God before it 's read and Thanks to God after Q. Why is that Creed which is rehearsed after the Gospel called the Nicene Creed A. Because it was for the most part framed at the great Council of Nice the same in substance with the Apostles Creed but doth more largely condemn all Heresies therefore is fitly enjoin'd to be recited before the Sacrament Q. Why are those Sentences used at the beginning of the Communion A. To stir us up more effectually to give bountifully Q. How is our Charity to be express'd A. Three Ways viz. by Giving Praying and Forgiving Q. Where have we Directions for each of these A. For Giving in the Sentences For Prayer in the Prayer for the Church Militant For Forgiving in the general Warning Q. How often ought we to receive A. It seems very probable from the Institution of this Sacrament that our Saviour design'd it should be part of God's Service in all the solemn Assemblies of Christians And we shew our Love by coming freely and frequently as often as we have an Opportunity for Publick Worship is very lame and imperfect without it Q. What is the Design of the Exhortations and of the Invitation before the Sacrament A. The former is to increase the Number and the latter to rectifie the Dispositions of the Communicants In the Invitation the Guests being prepared the Priest invites them to come near with Fear and Faith and that God may accept them he repeats those Graces with which they must be adorned viz. Repentance Charity and Holy Purposes shewing them what is the first Duty to be done viz. making an humble Confession upon their Knees Q. Why is this Confession here used A. Since Christ's Sufferings are here remembred we must own our Sins which were the Cause of them And since we hope for Pardon we ought with Shame and Sorrow first to own our Transgressions Q. Why is this Form of Absolution here used A. Lest our Guilt should terrifie us from coming to this Holy Table the Priest pronounceth Absolution in Christ's Name in the Form of a Prayer or Benediction which ought to be received with Faith and Gratitude Q. Why are those Sentences of Scripture used A. The Church hath chosen these Sentences to confirm the Faith and revive the Hope of poor Penitents and they are those very Promises on which the foregoing Absolution is grounded so that unless they doubt the Truth of God's Word they must believe these Promises of Mercy Q. Why are the Responses Prefaces and Trisagium here appointed to be used A. This Sacrament is a Feast of Joy and Thanksgiving and the Nature of the Eucharist requires some Acts of Praise and Gratitude 1. Here the Priest admonisheth us to Praise God in the Responses 2. And gives the Reason of it in the Prefaces 3. And joins with us in doing of it in the Trisagium which because the Word Holy is Thrice repeated was by the Greeks so called Q. Why are the Angels mentioned in this Hymn A. Because the Christian Church believed the Angels were present in Christian Assemblies therefore thought it sit that Men should join with them in this Heavenly Song over the Memorial of our Redemption Q. Why doth the Priest on great Festivals add other Prefaces A. They contain proper Reasons for our Thanksgiving on those special Occasions and the Decay of Devotion letting fall the Primitive and Apostolical Life of Weekly Communions and the People receiving but at the great Festivals the Church therefore added to the General Prefaces some special ones relating to the peculiar Mercy of that Feast on which they did communicate ● What Reason for the Vse of the Address or the Collect which ●●ns thus We do not presume to come to this thy Table c A. The nearer we come to God the more Holy we ought to be and when we are just going to make so immediate Approaches our very Joy must be tempered with Humility and we must excuse our own Unworthiness Q. Why is the Prayer of Consecration used A. In Imitation of our Lord and Saviour and his Apostles all the Churches in the World have used such a Form We do not eat our common Food without first praying for a Blessing on it which Pious Custom is so universal that it is certainly a piece of natural Religion much more then are we obliged before we eat and drink this Bread and Wine which Christ designed to set forth the Mystery of his Death to consecrate and set it apart by a solemn Prayer Q. What Words are they which properly make the Consecration A. The Words of our Saviour's Institution pronounced by a lawful Priest Q. Why do the People join with the Priest in saying Amen A. In Testimony of their Faith that the Elements are become what Christ made and intended them to be that they have the Merits of his Sacrifice annexed to them by his own Institution Q. Why do the Communicants receive the Holy Symbols kneeling A. To express their Humility and the Sense they have of their own Unworthiness and that they may be in a posture of Prayer Q. Of how many Particulars do the Words consist which the Priest useth when he delivereth the Bread and Wine A. Three 1. Instruction declaring what it is viz. The Body of our Lord c. The Blood c. 2. Prayer desiring this Communication of them to us may preserve our Bodies and Souls unto everlasting Life 3. Direction what we are to do
Why is the day before Good-Friday called Maunday-Thursday A. Because Christ washed his Disciples Feet and commanded them to do so likewise Q. Why is Good-Friday observed as a Fast A. Because on that day our Saviour suffered Q. Why are some days called Holy Days A. Because they are taken out of the Common Days and set apart to God's Service and Worship either by God's own Appointment or the Churches Dedication in Commemoration of some eminent Mercy Q. Why are these Days commanded to be observed A. Because as learned Mr. Hooker observes they express the Splendor and outward Dignity of our Religion and are forcible Witnesses of ancient Truth are likewise Provocations to the Exercise of all Piety and shadows of our endless Felicity in Heaven and everlasting Records on Earth teaching by the Eye in a manner whatsoever we believe Q. Why is the Feast called Easter observed A. To commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour who rose on the first day of the Week and it is called Easter and by the old Saxons Oster which signifies to rise from whence we frequently say to one on the Ground Oast up when we would have him to rise Q. Why is the Sunday following Easter called Low-Sunday and Dominica in Albis A. It was the Custom of our Forefathers to observe the Octave of their high and principal Feasts and this is the Octave or eighth day after Easter upon every Octave they used to repeat some part of that Service which was performed upon the Feast itself which is the Reason why it 's called Low-Sunday The Sunday before is High Easter and this is a Lower Feast Low Easter This Feast of Easter as also Whitsunday being the stated time for Baptism in the ancient Church those who were Baptiz'd put on white Garments in token of that pure and innocent course of life they had now engaged in this white Garment they wore till the next Sunday after and then laid it aside whence the Sunday after Easter came to be stiled Dominica in Albis the Sunday in White it being then that the new Baptiz'd put off their white Garments Dr. Cave Q. Why is Rogation-Sunday so called A. Because upon the three following days Rogations or Prayers and Litanies were used for a Blessing on the Fruits of the Earth that were tender 2. To prepare us for our Lord's Ascension Day Q. Why is Ascension Day observed A. It 's an Anniversary Commemoration of Christ's Ascent to Heaven which gives us hopes of Heaven in that our Flesh in the first Fruits is thither ascended Q. Why is Whitsunday so called A. From the glorious Light of Heaven which was then sent down upon the Earth from the Father of Lights on the Apostles so many Tongues so many Lights 2. Because the new-baptized that being a solemn time of Baptism call'd of old the enlightned were then cloathed in white Carments call'd Chrysoms as types of spiritual Purity and Joy Q. Why is this day called Pentecost A. Because Pentecost signifies fifty in Greek and from the Sunday after Good-Friday this is the 50th day so the Jews reckoned Levit. 23. 15. Q. Why is Trinity Sunday so called A. The Church thought meet that such a Mystery as the blessed Trinity should be the chief Subject of one day and this to be the day Q. What may be the Reason that God did not so plainly deliver this Mystery to the Jews A. Least they should have mistaken it for a Doctrine of a Plurality of Gods yet some Seeds of that Perfection of Divinity were dispersed and for that Cause the Choire of Angels sing thrice Holy but once Lord. Q. Why is the Conversion of St. Paul celebrated and not his Martyrdom or day of his Death as other Saints are A. For example sake that no Sinner may despair 2. For the Joy the Church had at his Conversion and for the Miracles then wrought Q. Why is the Purification of the blessed Virgin observed A. Partly in memory of her Purification according to the Law but chiefly in memory of our Lord's Presentation in the Temple Q. Why is the Purification of St. Mary called Candlemas A. Because in ancient Times they went in Procession two by two carrying Candles and many Lights were set up in Churches Q. Why is the Feast of St. Michael observed A. The Church holds a Feast on that day in memory of the Holy Angels because they minister to us on Earth and fight against the Devil for us by their Prayers Q. VVhy is the day called All Saints observed A. Because we cannot particularly commemorate every Saint and in those particular Feasts which we do celebrate we may omit some of our duty therefore this day in general is observed Q. VVhy do we keep the days of the Saints Death rather than their Birth A. Because then they are born Citizens of Heaven 2. Then they perfectly triumph over all their Enemies by which the Church Militant is encouraged to persevere Q. VVhy have some Holydays Fasts before them and why have some other none A. It was the Religious Custom of the Primitive Times to spend a great part of the Night before the Holidays in Watchings and Prayers to prepare them for the more solemn Observation of those Feasts and to signifie that we should be as the blessed Saints were after a little time of Mortification and Affliction translated into Glory and Joy but in time as Charity and Devotion grew cold through Sloth and Restiness this more troublesome part of Devotion the nightly Watches now called Vigils were laid aside and the Fasts only remained 2. Sometime the Signification or Mystery of the Vigil or Fast ceased then the Vigil or Fast is omitted as for Example St. Michael hath no Fast because the Angels did not by Sufferings and Mortifications enter into their Joy but were created in the Joy they have And sometime when the Signification holds good others have no Fasts because either they fall betwixt Easter and VVhitsunday or betwixt Christmas and Epiphany which the Church holds for such times of Joy and Festivity that they would not have one day among them sullied by pensive Sorrow and Fasting Of the Office of Baptism Quest WHY is the Place where the Office of Baptism is administred called the Font A. The Rites of Baptism in the first Times were performed in Fountains and Rivers because the Converts were many and those Ages were unprovided of other Baptisteries or Baptizing places and hence it is we call our Baptisteries Fonts Q. Why was Water chosen by Christ in this Sacrament A. To signifie his Washing our Souls from Sin Q. What is the Form of Baptism as to the Essential part of Baptizing A. In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost Q. Who instituted this Form A. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Q. Who are the Subjects of this Baptism A. Infants and Persons grown up Q. Why are Infants to be brought to Church A. That there may be many Witnesses of
viz. Take Eat Drink this in remembrance that Christ died and his Blood was shed for us and to feed on him in our Hearts by Faith with Thanksgiving and to be Thankful The whole Form together comes as nigh our Lord 's own Words in his Administring this his last Supper as can well be Q. Why is this Feast call'd the Lord's Supper A. Because it was instituted by our Lord Jesus at that time Q. Does it not seem to be improper to call it the Lords Supper when it is in most Churches celebrated in the Morning A. No The Celebration of this Feast at Supper was but a Circumstantial thing and therefore the Church is not oblig'd to keep it yet because it is still in imitation of Christ's Su●●●● and that Supper is religiously remembred in it and the 〈◊〉 Essential things together with the scope drift and design 〈…〉 are still preserved it is not unfitly called the Lord's Supper 〈…〉 yet it is and may be lawfully call'd and express'd by other Names and this the Christian Churches have done Some call it a Sacrament taking the Name from the Oaths that the Roman Soldiers took of Truth and Fidelity and here we Vow Allegiance and Fidelity to our Lord Jesus Others call it a Communion because we are hereby ty'd in a Bond of Mutual Love participate of the same Bread are fellow Members of the Mystical Body of Christ and have Communion with Christ their Head and enjoy all the same Benefits of his Death and Sufferings Many other Names are appropriated to this Mystery Q. Why did our Lord Jesus make use of the Night in instituting of it A. Because it was to succeed in the Place of the Passover which according to Custom was Eaten at Night but the Reason ceasing with the Typical Passover the Christian Church celebrates it at all Seasons Q. Why doth the Church of England use Bread with Leaven in the Holy Sacrament whereas our Saviour at the first Institution made use of Vnleaven'd Bread A. Our Lord made use of Unleaven'd Bread because there was no other to be had at that time but it being a thing indifferent and the Substance or Essence of the Sacrament not at all prejudic'd by it the Church makes use of Leavened Bread Q. Why doth the Communicant say Amen after the Prayer at the Delivery of the Bread and Wine A. By it he professeth his Faith of the presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Sacrament really that is truly exhibited and present to the Faith of the Receiver Of the Post Communion or the Service after the Communion Quest WHY is the Feast concluded with Prayers and Hymns Answ Because it was our Saviour's Practice at its first Institution Q. Why is the Lord's Prayer the first part of this Office A. It 's very fit that after we have received our Saviour into our Hearts the first Words we speak should be His. Q. What is the Design of the other two Prayers A. For the farther Exercise and Improvement of our Devotion the former consists chiefly of Vows and the latter of Praises 〈…〉 and Thanksgiving with an humble Petition for the Grace 〈◊〉 ●erseverance Q. What Reason for the Vse of the concluding Hymn A. After such high Favours and such great Blessings received it is fit and necessary we should express our Joy and how can we welcome our Saviour more properly than by the Hymn with which the Angels welcomed him into the World Q. Why is the Blessing pronounced by the Priest A. In Imitation of our Blessed Saviour who took his Leave of his Disciples with a Blessing and this Form the Church took from St. Paul Philip. 4. 7. Of Matrimony Quest WHY is this Office performed by a Minister A. Marriage is the Bond as well as the Foundation of all Societies which ought to be made sacred and adopted into Religion because it 's the Interest of Mankind it should be inviolable wherefore our Church appoints That none but a lawful Minister shall tie these Bonds for the Covenant is made to God and the Minister is God's Representative to take the Securities and bless the Parties in God's Name Q. What 's meant by Bans or Banes of Matrimony A. Matrimonial Contracts or Decrees Ban comes from a Saxon word which signifies a Proclamation Q. Why is it ordered to be celebrated in the Morning A. Because Men are most serious at that Time and the better to prevent Clandestine Marriages the Church orders it to be made in the Day-time Q. Why is it required that Marriages be celebrated in the Church A. That this Rite may be more solemn the Church being the Place of God's special Presence before whom this Covenant is made and the sacredness of the Place should make them more reverent in entring into it and more careful in keeping it Q. Why is the State of Matrimony called Holy A. Because it is a holy and important Work an Ordinance of God the Father an Estate much respected by God the Son and highly commended by God the Holy Ghost in the Mouths of the Apostles Q. What are the Ends of Matrimony A. Procreation a Remedy against Sin and a mutual Help to each other Q. Why is that Charge given That if the Persons to be joined Know any Impediment c A. Because if there be any Impediment which they conceal from the Priest they must either live in perpetual 〈…〉 separated by an endless Divorce Q. What are the Impediments to a Marriage A. A preceding Marriage or solemn Precontract 2. If the Parties be of near Kindred 3. The Want of the Consent of Parents or Guardians in Case of Minority Q. Why must Women be given A. 1. After the Example of God in Paradise Gen. 2. 22. Dr. Hammond A. 2. In Ancient Times saith the Learned and Judicious Mr. Hooker All Women which had not Husbands or Fathers to govern them had their Tutors without whose Authority there was no Act which they did warrantable and for this cause they were in Marriage delivered unto their Husbands by others which Custom retained hath still this Use that it puts Women in Mind of a Duty whereto the imbecillity or weakness of their Sex doth bind them namely to be always directed and guided by others A. 3. However it 's a Decent Custom whether this was the First Cause or no For a Woman cannot in Modesty offer her self but should rather be led by the Hand of another and given by him Q. Why doth the Priest join the Right Hand A. Because they are generally used in plighting our Troth by which Phrase is meant laying our Truth to pledge or engaging our Faith Q. Why is a Ring given A. To be a visible and lasting Token and Remembrance of this Covenant The Matter is Gold to signifie how noble and durable our Affection is The Form is round being the properest Figure to unite things separated and to imply our Respect shall never have an end and the Place is on the Fourth