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A30167 Light for them that sit in darkness, or, A discourse of Jesus Christ, and that he undertook to accomplish by himself the eternal redemption of sinners also, that the Lord Jesus addressed himself to this work, with undeniable demonstrations that he performed the same : objections to the contrary answered / by John Bunyan. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1675 (1675) Wing B5554; ESTC R19879 89,163 194

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for he before did put them away by the Sacrifice of himself Now then let the Saints look for him not to die for the purchasing of their persons by Blood but to bring to THEM and to bring them also to that Salvation that before when he died he obtained of God for them by his Death These things are to be expected therefore by them that believe in and love Jesus Christ and that from faith and love serve him in this world they are to be expected by them being obtained for them by Jesus Christ And he shall give the Crown saith Paul not only to me but to them that love his Appearing 2 Tim. 4. 8 9. Now forasmuch as this Inheritance in the Heavens is the Price Purchase and Reward of his Blood how evidently doth it appear that he hath paid full price to God for Sinners Would God else have given him the Heaven to dispose of to us that believe and would he else have told us so Yea and what comfort could we have to look for his Coming and Kingdom and Glory as the Fruits of his Death if his Death had not for that purpose been sufficiently efficacious O! the Sufferings of Christ and the Glory that shall follow 1 Pet. 1. 11. The Ninth Demonstration THat Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for Sinners is evident Because of the Threatnings wherewith God hath threatned and the Punishments wherewith he punished those that shall refuse to be saved by Christ or seek to make insignificant the Doctrine of Righteousness by Faith in him This Demonstration consisteth of three parts 1. It suggesteth that some refuse to be justified or saved by Christ and also seek to make insignificant the Doctrine of Righteousness by Faith in him 2. That God doth threaten these 3. That God will punish these That some refuse to be saved by Christ is evident from many Texts He is the Stone which the Builders have rejected He is also disallowed of Men The Jews stumble at him and to the Greeks he is foolishness both saying this Man shall not rule over us or how can this man save us Psal. 118. 22. Mat. 24. 42. 1 Pet. 2. 4. 1 Cor. 1. 23. Luk. 19. 14. The Causes of mens refusing Christ are many 1. Their Love to sin 2. Their Ignorance of his Excellency 3. Their Unbelief 4. Their Deferring to come to him in the acceptable Time 5. Their leaning to their own Righteousness 6. Their entertaining Damnable Doctrines 7. Their loving the praise of Men. 8. The meanness of his Ways his People c. 9. The just Judgment of God upon them 10. The Kingdom is given to others Now these as they all refuse him so they seek more or less some practically others in practice and judgment also to make insignificant the Doctrine of Righteousness by Faith in him 1. One does it by preferring his Sins before him 2. Another does it by preferring his Righteousness before him 3. Another does it by preferring his Delusions before him 4. Another does it by preferring the World before him Now these God threatneth these God punisheth First God threatneth them Whosoever shall not receive that Prophet shall be cut off from amongst his People Acts 3. 23. The Prophet is Jesus Christ the Doctrine that he preached was that he would lay down his Life for us that he would give us his Flesh to eat and his Blood to drink by Faith and promised that if we did eat his Flesh and drink his Blood we should have Eternal Life He therefore that seeth not or that is afraid to venture his Soul for Salvation on the Flesh and Blood of Christ by Faith he refuseth this Prophet he heareth not this Prophet and him God hath purposed to cut off But would God thus have threatned if Christ by his Blood and the Merits of the same had not paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them Secondly Sit thou on my Right Hand until I make thine Enemies thy Foot-stool Psal. 110. 1. Mat. 22. 44. Heb. 1. 13. The Honour of sitting at God's Right Hand was given him because he died and offered his Body once for all This Man when he had offered up one Sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the Right Hand of God from henceforth expecting till his Enemies be made his Foot-stool Heb. 10. 11 12 13. Expecting since God accepted his Offering that those that refused him should be trodden under foot that is sunk by him into and under endless unsupportable vengeance But would God have given the World such an account of his Sufferings that by one Offering he did perfect for ever them that are sanctified yea and would he have threatned to make those foes his Foot stool that shall refuse to venture themselves upon his Offering for they are indeed his Foes had not his Eternal Majesty been well pleased with the Price he paid to God for Sinners had he not obtained Eternal Redemption for them Thirdly He shall come from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming-fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Thes. 1. 7 8. Here he expresly telleth us wherefore they shall be punished Because they know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ where also is notably intimated that he that obeyeth not the Gospel of Christ knoweth not God neither in his Justice or Mercy But what is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ but good tidings of good things to wit Forgiveness of Sins by Faith in his Blood an Inheritance in Heaven by Faith in his Blood as the whole of all the foregoing discourse hath manifested Now I say can it be imagined that God would threaten to come upon the World with this Flaming-Fiery-Vengeance to punish them for their Non-subjection to his Sons Gospel if there had not been by himself paid to God full price for the Souls of Sinners if he had not obtained Eternal Redemption by his Blood for Sinners Fourthly And Enoch the seventh from Adam also prophesied of these saying Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly Deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard Speeches which ungodly Sinners have spoken against him Jude 14. 15. The LORD that is here said to come with ten thousands of his Saints is Jesus Christ himself and they that come with him are called his Saints because given to him by the Father for the Sake of the shedding of his Blood Now in that he is said to come to execute judgment upon all and especially those that speak hard Speches against him 't is evident that the Father tendereth his Name which is Jesus a Saviour and his undertaking for our Redemption and as evident that the hard
Speeches intended by the Text are such as vilify him as Saviour counting the Blood of the Covenant unholy and trampling him that is Prince of the Covenant under the Feet of their reproachful Language this is counted a putting of him to open shame and a despising the riches of his Goodness Heb. 10. Chap. 6. Rom. 2. Time would fail to give you a view of the revilings despiteful sayings and of the Ungodly Speeches which these abominable Children of Hell let fall in their Pamplets Doctrines and Discourses against this Lord the King But the threatning is He shall execute judgment upon them for all their ungodly Deeds and for all their hard Speeches that ungodly Sinners have spoken against him Fifthly Take heed therefore lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the Prophets Behold ye Despisers and wonder and perish for I work a Work in your days a Work which you shall in no wise believe though a Man declare it unto you Act. 13. 40 41. This Work is the same we have been all this while treating of to wit Redemption by the Blood of Christ for Sinners or that Christ hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them This is manifest from ver 23 to ver 29. of this Chapter Now observe there are and will be Despisers of this Doctrine and they are threatned with the Wrath of God Behold ye Despisers and wonder and perish But would God so carefully have cautioned Sinners to take heed of despising this Blessed Doctrine and have backed his Caution with a threatming that they shall perish if they persist had not himself received by the Blood of Christ full price for the Souls of Sinners Secondly As God threatneth so he punisheth those that refuse his Son or that seek to vilify or make insignificant the Doctrine of Righteousness by Faith in him 1. He punisheth them with the abidings of his Wrath. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the Wrath of God abideth on him Joh. 3. 36. The Wrath of God for men for sin stands already condemned by the Law the Judgment is that they who refuse the Lord Jesus Christ shall have this Wrath of God for ever lie and abide upon them For they want a Sacrifice to pacific wrath for the Sin they have committed having resisted and refused the Sacrifice of the Body of Christ. Therefore it cannot be that they should get from under their present condition who have refused to accept of the undertaking of Christ for them Besides God to shew that he taketh it ill at the Hands of Sinners that they should refuse the Sacrifice of Christ hath resolved that there shall be no more Sacrifice for sin If therefore we sin wilfully after we have received the Knowledg of the Truth there remaineth no more Sacrifice for sin Heb. 10. 26. God doth neither appoint another neither will he accept another who-ever brings it And here those sayings are of their own natural force How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation And again See that ye refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on Earth Moses How shall we escape if we turn away from him Christ that speaketh from Heaven Heb. 2. 3. Chap. 12. 25. This therefore is a mighty Demonstration that Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for the Souls of Sinners because God so severely threatneth and also punisheth them that refuse to be justified by his Blood he threatneth as you have heard and punisheth by leaving such men in their Sins under his heavy and unsupportable Vengeance here Secondly He that believeth not shall be damned Mar. 16. 16. damned in Hell-Fire He that believeth not but what should he believe Why 1. That Jesus is the Saviour If saith he ye believe not that I am he ye shall die in your Sins 2. He that believeth not that he hath undertaken and compleatly perfected Righteousness for us shall die in his Sins shall be damned and perish in Hell-fire For such have no cloak for their Sin but must stand naked to the shew of their Shame before the Judgment of God that fearful Judgment Therefore after he had said there remains for such no more sacrifice for sin he adds But a certain fearful looking for of judgment there is for them left nothing but the Judgment of God and his fiery Indignation which shall devour the Adversaries He that despised Moses's Law died without mercy under two or three Witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an Unholy thing and done despite to the Spirit of Grace Heb. 10. 25 26. See here if fury comes not up now into the Face of God now is mention made of his fearful Judgment and fiery Indignation Now I say is mention made thereof when it is suggested that some have light thoughts of him count his Blood unholy and trample his Sacrificed Body under the Feet of their Reproaches Now is he a Consuming fire and will burn to the lowest Hell For we know him that hath said Vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompence saith the Lord. And again The Lord shall judg his People Heb. 10. 28 29 30. These words are urged by the Holy Ghost on purpose to beget in the Hearts of the Rebellious reverend thoughts and an high esteem of the Sacrifice which our Lord Jesus offered once for all upon Mount Calvary unto God the Father for our Sins for that is the very argument of the whole Epistle It is said to this purpose in one of Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians That because men receive not the Love of the Truth that they might be saved For this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a ly and be damned 2 Thes. 2. The Truth mentioned in the Place is Jesus Christ. I am the Truth saith he Joh. 14. 6. The Love of the Truth is none else but the Love and Compassion of Jesus Christ in shedding his Blood for Mans Redemption Greater love than this hath no man that a Man lay down his Life for his Friends Joh. 15. 13. This then is the Love of the Truth of Jesus that he hath laid down his Life for us Now that the rejectors of this Love should by this their rejecting procure such wrath of God against them that rather than they shall miss of damnation himself will chuse their Delusions for them and also give them up to the effectual Working of these Delusions what doth this manifest but that God is displeased with them that accept not of Jesus Christ for Righteousness and will certainly order that their end shall be everlasting Damnation therefore Jesus Christ hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them The Use of
forth of the Heart against him now sin and great confusion puts forth it self in all yea the more the Sinner desireth to do a duty sincerely the further off it always finds it self For by how much the Soul struggleth under these distresses by so much the more doth Satan put forth himself to resist still infusing more poison that if possible it might never struggle more for strugglings are also us poison to Satan The Fly in the Spider's Webb is an emblem of the Soul in such a condition the Fly is entangled in the Webb at this the Spider shews himself if the Fly stir again down comes the Spider to her and claps a Foot upon her if yet the Fly makes a noise then with poisoned Mouth the Spider lays hold upon her if the Fly struggle still then he poisons her more and more what shall the Fly do now why she dies if some-body does not quickly release her This is the case of the Tempted they are entangled in the Webb their Feet and Wings are entangled now Satan shews himself if the Soul now struggleth Satan laboureth to hold it down if it now shall make a noise then be bites with blasphemous Mouth more poisonous than the Gall of a Serpent If it struggle again then he poisoneth more and more infomuch that it needs at last must die in the Net if the Man the Lord Jesus helps not out The afflicted Couscience understands my words Further though the Fly in the Webb is altogether uncapable of looking for relief yet this awakened tempted Christian is not what must he do therefore how should he contain hopes of life If he looks to his Heart there is Blasphemy if he looks to his duties there is Sin if he strives to mourn and lament perhaps he cannot unbelief and hardness hinder shall this Man lie down in despair No shall he trust to his duties No shall he stay from Christ till his Heart is better No What then Let him NOW look to Jesus Christ Crucified then shall he see his Sins answered for then shall he see Death a-dying then shall he see Guilt born by another and there shall he see the Devil overcome This sight destroys the Power of the first Temptation purifies the Heart and inclines the Mind to all good things And to encourage thee tempted Creature to this most Gospel-Duty Consider that when Jesus Christ read his Commission upon the entering into his Ministry he proclaimed The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the Poor he hath sent me to heal the broken-Hearted to preach deliverance to the Captives and recovering of sight to the Blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach the acceptable Year of the Lord Luk. 4. 18 19. These things therefore should the Tempted believe but believing is now sweating-work for Satan will hold as long as possible and only stedfast Faith can make him fly But O! the Toyl of a truly gracious Heart in this Combate if Faith be weak he can scarce get higher than his Knees Lord help Lord save and then down again till an Arm from Heaven takes him up until Jesus Christ be evidently set forth Crucified for him and Cursed for his Sin for then and not till then the Temptation rightly ceaseth at leastwise for a Season Now the Soul can tend to look about it and thus consider with it self If Christ hath bora my Sin and Curse then 't is taken away from me and seeing thus to take away sin was the Contrivance of the God of Heaven I will bless his Name hope in his Mercy and look upon Death and Hell with Comfort Thine Heart shall meditate terrour thou shalt see the Land that is very far off Isa. 33. 16 17 18. The fifth use Fifthly This Doctrine makes Christ precious to the Believers Unto you therefore which believe he is precious 1 Pet. 2. 5. This Head might be greatly enlarged upon and branched out into a Thousand particulars each one full of weight and glory 1. By considering what Sin is 2. By considering what Hell is 3. By considering what Wrath is 4. By considering what Eternity is 5. By considering what the loss of a Soul is 6. What the loss of God is 7. What the loss of Heaven is 8. And what it is to be in utter Darkness with Devils and damned Souls for ever and ever And after all to conclude from all these Miserie 's the Lord Jesus delivered me Further This makes Christ precious if I consider in the next place 1. How he did deliver me 't was with his Life his Blood it cost him Tears Groans Agony Separation from God to do it he endured his Fathers Wrath bare his Fathers Curse and died thousands of deaths at once 2. He did this while I was his Enemy without my desires without my knowledg without my deserts he did it unawares to me 3. He did it freely cheerfully yea he longed to die for me yea Heaven would not hold him for the Love he had to my Salvation which also he hath effectually accomplished for me at Jerusalem Honourable Jesus precious Jesus loving Jesus Jonathan's Kindness captivated David and made him precious in his Eyes for ever I am distressed for thee my Brother Jonathan said he very pleasant hast thou been to me thy Love to me was wonderful passing the Love of Women 2 Sam. 1. 26. Why what had Jonathan done O! He had delivered David from the Wrath of Saul But how much more should he be precious to me who hath saved me from Death and Hell who hath delivered me from the Wrath of God! The Love of Christ constraineth us Nothing will so edge the Spirit of a Christian as Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood This makes the Heavens themselves ring with joy and shouting Mark the Words Thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God with thy Blood out of every Kindred and Tongue and People and Nation and and hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the Earth What follows now And I beheld and heard the Voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the Beasts and the Elders and the Number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud Voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing and every Creature which is in Heaven and on the Earth and such as are in the Sea and all that are therein heard I saying Blessing Honour Glory and Power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and to the LAMB for ever and and ever Revel 5. 9 10 11 12 13. Thus also is the Song that New-Song that is said to be sung by the Hundred fourty and four thousand which stand with the LAMB upon Mount Sion with his Fathers Name written in their Fore-heads These are also called Harpers Harping with their Harps And they sang as it were a new Song before the Throne and before the four Beasts and the Elders and none could learn that Song but the Hundred and fourty and four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth Revel 14. 1 2 3. But why could they not learn that Song Because they were not redeemed none can sing of this Song but the Redeemed they can give Glory to the Lamb the Lamb that was slain and that redeemed them to God by his Blood 'T is Faith in his Blood on Earth that will make us sing this Song in Heaven These Shoutings and Heavenly Songs must needs come from Love put into a Flame by the Sufferings of Christ. The last Use. If all these things be true what follows but a Demonstration of the Accursed Condition of those among the Religious in these Nations whose notions put them far off from Jesus and from venturing their Souls upon his Bloody Death I have observed such a Spirit as this in the World that careth not for knowing of Jesus the Possessed therewith do think that it is not material to Salvation to venture upon a Crucified Christ neither do they trouble their Heads or Hearts with inquiring whether Christ Jesus be risen and ascended into Heaven or whether they see him again or no but rather are for concluding that there will be no such thing These Men speak not by the Holy Ghost for in the Sum they call Jesus Accursed but I doubt not to say that many of them are Anathematised of God and shall stand so till the Coming of the Lord Jesus to whom be Glory for ever and ever Amen THE END Books writ by Mr. Bunyan and printed for Francis Smith at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil 1. SIghs from Hell or the Groans of a Damned Soul discovering the Lamentable Estate of the Damned 2. Resurrection from the Dead and Eternal Judgment asserted and with what Bodies the Dead arise 3. A Discourse of Prayer and what it is to pray with the Spirit and with Understanding 4. The Holy City or the New-Jerusalem or the Glorious State of Believers after this Life asserted 5. Christian Behaviour teaching Husbands Wives Parents Children Masters Servants to walk so as to please God 6. Grace abounding to the chief of Sinners discovering the woful Estate of the Impenitent and the Greatness of Gods Mercy 7. A Map shewing the Order and Causes of Salvation and Damnation c. 8. Serious Meditations on the four last things viz. Death Judgment Heaven and Hell 9. A Defence of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith in Jesus Christ. 10. A Confession of the Author's Faith and a Reason of his Practice in Matters of Worship
is of Wonderful Price when the Son of God will not stick to spill his Blood for it O Sinners you that will venture your Souls for a little pleasure surely you know not the worth of your Souls Now if you would know what your Souls are worth and the Price which God sets them at read that Price by the Blood of Christ. The Blood of Christ was spilt to save Souls For ye are bought with a Price and that Price none other than the Blood of Christ wherefore glorify God in your Bodies and in your Spirits which are Gods 1 Cor. 6. 20. Sinners you have Souls can you behold a Crucified Christ and not Bleed and not Mourn and not fall in Love with him The third Use. By this Doctrine Sinners as Sinners are encouraged to come to God for mercy for the Curse due to Sin is taken out of the way I speak now to Sinners that are awake and see themselves Sinners There are two things in special when Men begin to be awakened that kill their thoughts of being saved 1. A Sense of sin 2. The Wages due thereto These kill the Heart for who can bear up under the guilt of Sin If our Sins be upon us and we pine away in them how can we THEN live Ezek. 33. 10. How indeed it is impossible So neither can Man grapple with the Justice of God Can thine Heart endure or can thine Hands be strong they cannot A wounded Spirit who can bear Men cannot Angels cannot wherefore if now Christ be hid and the blessing of Faith in his Blood denied wo be to them such go after Saul and Judas one to the Sword and the other to the Halter Ezek. 22. 14. Prov. 18. 14. and so miserably end their days for come to God they dare not the thoughts of that Eternal Majesty strikes them through But now present such Poor dejected Sinners with a Crucified Christ and perswade them that the Sins under which they shake and tremble was long ago laid upon the Back of Christ and the Noise and Sense and Fear of damning begins to cease depart and fly away Dolours and Terrours fade and vanish and that Soul conceiveth hopes of Life For thus the Soul argueth is this indeed the Truth of God that Christ was made to be Sin for me was made the Curse of God for me Hath he indeed born all my Sins and spilt his Blood for my Redemption O blessed Tidings O welcome Grace Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his Holy Name Now is peace come now the Face of Heaven is altered Behold all things are become new Now the Sinner can abide Gods Presence yea sees unutterable Glory and Beauty in him For here he sees Justice smite While Jacob was afraid of Esau how heavily did he drive even towards the Promised Land but when killing thoughts were turned into kissing and the fears of the Swords Point turned into Brotherly Embraces what says he I have seen thy Face as though it had been the Face of God and thou wast pleased with me Gen. 33. 10. So and far better is it with a poor distressed Sinner at the Revelation of the Grace of God through Jesus Christ. God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their Trespasses to them O! what work will such a word make upon a wounded Conscience especially when the next words follow For he hath made him to be Sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him Now the Soul sees qualifications able to set him quit in the Sight of God Qualifications prepared already Prepared I say already and that by God through Christ even such as can perfectly answer the Law What doth the Law require If Obedience here it is if Bloody Sacrifice here it is if infinite Righteousness here it is Now then the Law condemns him that Believes before God no more for all its Demands are answered all its Curses are swallowed up in the Death and Curse Christ underwent Object But reason saith since Personal Sin brought the Death surely Personal Obedience must bring us Life and Glory Ans. True Reason saith so and so doth the Law it self Rom. 10. 5. but God we know is above them both and he in the Covenant of Grace saith otherwise to wit That if thou shalt confess with thy Mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thine Heart that God hath raised him from the Dead thou shalt be saved Rom. 10. 6 7 8 9. Let Reason then hold his tongue yea let the Law with all his Wisdom subject it self to him that made it let it look for sin where God hath laid it let it approve the Righteousness which God approveth yea though it be not that of the Law but that by Faith of Jesus Christ. God hath made him our Righteousness God hath made him our Sin God hath made him our Curse God hath made him our Blessing Methinks this word God hath made it so should silence all the World The fourth use Fourthly By this Doctrine sufficiency of argument is ministred to the tempted to withstand thereby the assaults of the Devil When the Souls begin to seek after the Lord Jesus then Satan begins to afflict and distress as the Canaanites did the Gibeonites for making Peace with Jehoshuah Jos. 10. 1 6. There are three things that do usually afflict the Soul that is earnestly looking after Jesus Christ. 1. Dreadful accusations from Satan 2. Grievous defiling and infectious thoughts 3. A strange readiness in our Nature to fall in with both By the first of these the Heart is made continually to tremble Hence his Temptations are compared to the roaring of a Lyon 1 Pet. 5. 8. For as the Lyon by roaring killeth the Heart of his Prey so doth Satan kill the Spirit of these that hearken to him For when he tempteth especially by way of accusation he doth to us as Rabshakeh did to the Jews He speaks to us in our own Language He speaks our Sin at every word our guilty Conscience knows it he speaks our Death at every word our doubting Conscience feels it Secondly Besides this there doth now arise even in the Heart such defiling and soul infectious thoughts that putteth the Tempted to their wits end for now it seems to the Soul that the very flood-Gates of the Flesh are opened and that to sin there is no stop at all now the Air seems to be covered with darkness and the Man is as if he was changed into the nature of a Devil Now if ignorance and unbelief prevail he concludeth that he is reprobate made to be taken and destroyed Thirdly Now also he feeleth in him a readiness to fall in with every temptation a readiness I say continually present Rom. 7. 21. This throws all down now despair begins to swallow it up now it can neither pray nor read nor hear nor meditate on God but Fire and Smoke continually bursteth
and the Blood of Goats and Birds These Bloody Sacrifices what did they signifie what were they figures of but of the bloody Sacrifice of the Body of Jesus Christ their Blood being a Shadow of his Blood and their Flesh being a Shadow of his Flesh Therefore when God declared that he took no pleasure in them because they could not make the Worshippers perfect as pertaining to the Conscience then comes Jesus Christ to offer his Sinless Body and Soul for the Sin of the People For it is not possible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sin wherefore when he cometh into the World he saith Sacrifices and Offerings thou wouldest not but a Body hast thou prepared me in Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure Then said I to I come in the Volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy good Will Since Burnt-Offerings cannot do thy Will my Body shall since the Blood of Bulls and Goats cannot do thy Will my Blood shall Then follows By the Will of God we are Sanctified through the offering up of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all Heb. 10. 8 9 10. Thirdly The End of the Work required That Christ if he will be our Saviour should take upon him our Flesh. The End of our Salvation is That we might enjoy God and that he by us might be glorified for ever and ever 1. That we might enjoy God I will dwell in them and they shall be my People and I will be their God This Indwelling of God and consequently our Enjoyment of him begins first in its Eminency by his Possessing our Flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ. Hence his Name is called Emmanuel God with us and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us The Flesh of Christ is the Tabernacle which the Lord pitched according to that saying The Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his People and God himself shall be with them and be their God Revel 21. 3. Here God beginneth to discover his Glory and to be desirable to the Sons of Men. God could not communicate himself to us nor take us into the Enjoyment of himself but with respect to that Flesh which his Son took of the Virgin because sin stood betwixt Now this Flesh only was the Holy Lump in this Flesh God could dwell and forasmuch as this Flesh is the same with ours and was taken up with intent that what was done in and by that should be communicated to all the Children therefore through that doth God communicate of himself unto his People God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself And I am the Way saith Christ no man cometh to the Father but by me 2 Cor. 5. Joh. 14. 6. That Passage to the Hebrews is greatly to our purpose We have boldness Brethren to enter into the Holiest the place where God is by the Blood of Jesus by a new and living Way which he hath Consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his Flesh Heb. 10. 19 20. Wherefore by the Flesh and Blood of Christ we enter into the Holiest through the Vail saith he that is to say his Flesh. 2. As the End of our Salvation is That we might enjoy God so also it is that he by us might be Glorified for ever That God in all things might be Glorified through Jesus Christ our Lord. Here indeed will the Mistery of his Grace Wisdom Justice Power Holiness and Glory inhabit Eternal praise while we that are counted worthy of the Kingdom of God shall admire at the Mistery and see our selves without our selves even by the Flesh and Blood of Christ through Faith therein effectually and Eternally saved O! This will be the burden of our Eternal Joy God loved us and gave his Son for us Christ loved us and gave his Flesh for our Life and his Blood for our Eternal Redemption and Salvation That Christ was made under the Law BUt Secondly Christ was made under the Law When the fulness of the time was come God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law Gal. 4. 4. Of right being found in flesh he must needs be under the Law for that there is not any Creature above or without Law to God but this is not to the point in hand Christ was not therefore under the Law because he was found in flesh but he took flesh and designedly put himself or was made under the Law wherefore 't is added he was made under the Law to Redeem to redeem them that were under the Law Wherefore here is a design an Heavenly contrivance and device on foot Christ is made that is by design subjected under the Law for the sake and upon the account of others To redeem them that were under the Law Made under the Law that is put himself into the Room of Sinners into the Condition of Sinners made himself subject to the same pains and penalties we were obnoxious to We were under the Law and it had dominion over us bound us upon pain of Eternal Damnation to do compleatly all things written in the Law This Condition Christ put himself into that he might redeem for assuredly we had else perished The Law had dominion over us and since we had sinned of right it pronounced the Curse and made all men subject to the Wrath of God Christ therefore did not only come into our Flesh but also into our Condition into the Valley and Shadow of Death where we were and where we are as we are Sinners He that is under the Law is under the Edge of the Axe When David was to go visit his Brethren and to save them from the Hand of Goliah he was to look how his Brethren fared and to take their Pledg 1. Sam. 17. 18. This is true of Jesus Christ when he came to save us from the Hand of Death and the Law he looked how his Brethren fared took to heart their deplorable Condition and put himself into the same Plight to wit under the Law that he might redeem them that were under the Law I told you before that he came sinless into the World that he had a miraculous Conception and wonderful Birth And here you see a Reason for it he was to be put or made under the Law to redeem He that will be made under the Law to redeem had need be sinless and spotless himself for the Law findeth fault with the least and condemneth man for the first beginning of Sin Without this then there could not have been Redemption nor any the Sons of God by Adoption no Redemption because the Sentence of Death had already past upon all no Sons by Adoption because that 's the Effect of Redemption God sent forth his Son made of a Woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law That we might receive the Adoption of Sons Christ then
brought into the World and set before the Face of God such a Righteousness that out-weigheth and goeth far beyond that Sin and so did hide sin from the Sight of God Hence he that is justified is said to have his Sins HID and covered Blessed is the Man whose Transgressions are forgiven and whose Sin is covered Rom. 4. 7. covered with the Righteousness of Christ. I spread my skirt over thee and covered thy Nakedness thy Sins Ezek. 16. 8. Christ Jesus therefore having by the Infiniteness of his Merit taken away put away or hidden our Sins from the Face of God therefore he raised him up from the Dead You find in that 16th of Leviticus mention made of two Goats one was to be slain for a Sin-Offering the other to be left alive The Goat that was slain was a Type of Christ in his Death the Goat that was not slain was a Type of Christ in his Merit Now this living Goat HE carried away the Sins of the People into the Land of forgetfulness And Aaron shall lay both his Hands upon the head of the Live-Goat and confess over him all the Iniquities of the Children of Israel and all their Transgressions in all their Sins putting them upon the Head of the Goat and shall send him away by the Hands of a fit Man into the Wilderness and the Goat shall bear upon him all their Iniquities unto a Land not inhabited Levit. 16. Thus did Jesus Christ bear away by the Merit of his Death the Sins and Iniquities of them that Believe wherefore when God came to him in the Grave he found him Holy and Undefiled and raised him up from the Dead And observe it As his Death was for our Sin so his Rising again was for our Discharge for both in his Death and Resurrection he immediately respected our Benefits he died for us he rose from the Dead for us He was delivered for our Offences and was raised again for our Justification Rom 4. 25. By his Death he carried away our Sins by his Rising he brought to us Justifying Righteousness There are five Circumstances also attending his Resurrection that shew us how well-pleased God was with his Death 1. It must be solemnized with the Company Attendance and Testimony of Angels Mat. 28. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Luk. 24. 3 4 5 6. John 20. 11 12. 2dly At or just upon his Resurrection the Graves where many of the Saints for whom he died lay asleep did open and they followed their Lord in full Triumph over Death The Graves were opened and many Bodies of Saints which slept arose and came out of their Graves after his Resurrection and went into the Holy City and appeared unto many Mat. 27. 52. These Saints coming out of their Graves after him what a Testimony is it that he for them had taken away Sin and destroyed him that had the Power of Death yea what a Testimony was it that he had made amends to God the Father who granted him at his Resurrection to have presently out of the Grave Of the Price of his Blood even the Body of many of the Saints which slept He was declared to be the Son of God with Power by the Spirit of Holiness and the Resurrection from the Dead Rom. 1. 4. It saith not by his Resurrection though that be true But by the Resurrection meaning the Resurrection of the Bodies of the Saints which slept because they rose by vertue of his Blood and by that he was with power declared to be the Son of God They I say were part of his Purchase some of them for whom Christ died Now for God to raise them and that upon and by vertue of his Resurrection what is it but an open Declaration from Heaven that Christ by his Death hath made amends for us and obtained Eternal Redemption for us 3thly When he was risen from the Dead God to confirm his Disciples in the Faith of the Redemption that Christ had obtained by his Blood brings him to the Church presents him to them alive shews him openly sometimes to two or three sometimes to eleven or twelve and once to above five hundred Brethren at once Acts 1. 3. Chap. 10. 40. Luk. 24. 13 14 15 16. 31. John 20. 19. Chap. 21. 1 2 3 c. 1 Cor. 15. 3 4 5 6 7 8. 4thly At his Resurrection God gives him the Keys of Hell and of Death Revel 1. 16 17. Hell and Death are the Effects and Fruits of Sin The Wicked shall be turned into Hell and the Wages of Sin is Death But what then are Sinners the better for the Death and Blood of Christ O! They that dare venture upon him are much the better for they shall not perish unless the Saviour will damn them for he hath the Keys of Hell and of Death Fear not saith he I am the First and the Last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore and have the Keys of Hell and Death These were given him at his Resurrection as if God had said My Son thou hast spilt thy Blood for Sinners I am pleased with it I am delighted in thy Merits in the Redemption which thou hast wrought in token hereof I give thee the Keys of Hell and of Death I give thee all Power in Heaven and Earth save who thou wilt deliver who thou wilt bring to Heaven who thou wilt 5thly At Christ's Resurrection God bids him ask the Heathen of him with a Promise to give him the uttermost parts of the Earth for his Possession This Sentence is in the second Psalm and is expounded by Paul's Interpretation of the Words before to be spoken to Christ at his Resurrection Thou art my Son this Day have I begotten thee I have begotten thee that is saith Paul from the Dead He hath raised up Jesus again as it is also written in the Second Psalm Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Act. 13. 30 31 32 33 34. Now mark at his Raising him from the Dead he bids him ask ASK of me and that the Heathen As if God had said My Son thy Blood hath pacified and appeased my Justice I can 〈◊〉 in justice for thy sake forgive poor Mortals their Sin ASK them of me ASK them though they be Heathens and I will give them to thee to the utmost Ends of the Earth This is then the First Demonstration to prove that Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for the Souls of Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them namely his being Raised again from the Dead The Second Demonstration SEcondly A Second thing that demonstrateth this Truth is That he Ascended and was received up into Heaven So after the Lord had spoken to them he was received up into Heaven Mar. 16. 19. This Demonstration consisteth of two parts 1. Of his Ascending 2. Of his being Received First For his Ascending He is ascended on High Ephes. 4. 8.
This Act of Ascending answereth to the High-Priest under the Law who after they had killed the Sacrifice he was to bring the Blood into the most Holy Place to wit the inner-Temple the Way to which was ascending or going up 2 Chron. 9. Now consider the Circumstances that attended his Ascending when he went to carry his Blood to present it before the Mercy-Seat and you will find they all say amends is made to God for us 1. At this He is again attended and accompanied with Angels Act. 1. 10 11. 2. He ascendeth with a shout with the sound of a Trumpet with sing Praises sing Praises sing Praises Psal. 47. 5 6. 3. The Enemies of mans Salvation are now tied to his Chariot-wheels When he ascended on High he led captivity captive Ephes. 4. that is he led Death Devils and Hell and the Grave and the Curse captive for these things were our Captivity And thus did Deborah prophecy of him when she cried Arise Barak and lead thy Captivity captive thou Son of Abinoam This David also fore-saw when he said Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led Captivity captive Judges 5. 12. Psal. 68. 18. 4. The Apostles must be the Beholders of his going up and must see the Cloud receive him out of their Sight Act. 1. 11 12. The Consideration of these things strongly inforceth this Conclusion That he hath spoiled what would have spoiled us had he not by his Bloodshed taken them away And I say for God to adorn him with all this Glory in his Ascension THUS to make him ride Conqueror up into the Clouds THUS to go up with found of Trumpet with shout of Angels and with Songs of Praises and let me add to be accompanied also with those that rose from the Dead after his Resurrection who were the very Price of his Blood This doth greatly demonstrate That Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for the Souls of Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them he had not else rid thus in Triumph to Heaven 2. I come now to his being Received He was received up into Heaven The High-Priest under the Law when he ascended into the Holiest he was there to offer the Blood which Holiest was the Type of Heaven Exod. 19. 10 11. Heb. 9. 24. But because the Sacrifices under the Law could not make them that did the Service perfect as pertaining to the Conscience therefore they were to stand not sit to come out again not tarry there For it is not possible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should take away sin wherefore when he cometh into the World he saith Sacrifice and Offerings thou wouldest not but a Body hast thou prepared me In Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure Then said he lo I come in the Volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy will O God Heb. 10. 4 5 6. Christ therefore in his entering into Heaven did it as High-Priest of the Church of God Therefore neither did he go in without Blood Wherefore when he came to be an High-Priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands that is to say not of this Building neither by the Blood of Bulls and Goats but by his own Blood he entered in once into the Holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us Heb. 9. 12 13 14. He entered in having obtained or because he obtained Eternal Redemption for us but to pass that Consider ye now also those Glorious Circumstances that accompany his Approach to the Gates of the Everlasting Habitation 1. The Everlasting Gates are set yea bid stand open Be ye open ye Everlasting Doors and the King of Glory shall come in This King of Glory is Jesus Christ and the Words are a Prophecy of his Glorious Ascending into the Heavens when he went up as the High-Priest of the Church to carry the Price of his Blood into the Holiest of all Lift up your Heads O ye Gates even lift them up ye Everlasting Doors and the King of Glory shall come in Psalm 24. 7 9. 2dly At his Enterance he was received and the Price accepted which he paid for our Souls Hence it is said He entered in by his Blood that is by the Merit of it To Receive is an Act of Complacency and Delight and includeth Well-pleasedness in the Person Receiving who is God the Father And considering that this Jesus now received is to be received upon our account or as undertaking the Salvation of Sinners for he entered into the Heavens for us it is apparent that he entered thither by vertue of his Infinite Righteousness which he accomplished for us upon the Earth 3dly At his Reception he received Glory and that also for our Encouragement God raised him up and gave him Glory that our Faith and Hope might be in him 1 Pet. 1. 19 20 21. He gave him Glory as a Testimony that his undertaking the Work of our Redemption was accepted of him 1. He gave Glory first to his Person in granting him to sit at his own Right Hand and this he had I say for or upon the account of the Work he accomplished for us in the World When he had offered up one Sacrifice for Sins for ever he sat down on the Right Hand of God Heb. 10. 12 13. and this by God's appointment Sit thou at my Right Hand This Glory is the Highest it is above all Kings Princes and Potentates in this World it is above all Angels Principalities and Powers in Heaven He is gone into Heaven and is on the Right Hand of God Angels and Authorities and Powers being made Subject unto him 1 Pet. 3. 22. 2. He gave Glory to his Name to his Name JESUS that Name being exalted above every Name He hath given him a Name above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every Knee should bow of things in Heaven and things on Earth and things under the Earth and that every Tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father Phil. 2. This Name is said in another place to be a Name above every Name that is Named not only in this World but in that also which is to come Ephes. 1. 21. But should JESUS have been such a Name since he undertook for Sinners had this Undertaker failed in his Work if his Work had not been accepted with God even the Work of our Redemption by his Blood No verily it would have stunk in both the Nostrils of God and Man it would have been the most abhorred Name but JESUS is the Name JESUS he was called in order to his Work His Name shall be called JESUS for he shall save He was so named of the Angels before he was conceived in the Womb and he goeth by that Name now he is in Heaven By the Name Jesus Jesus of Nazareth because he once dwelt there This Name I say
is the Highest Name the Everlasting Name the Name that he is to go by to be known by to be worshipped by and to be glorified by yea the Name by which also most Glory shall redound to God the Father Now what is the Signification of this Name but SAVIOUR This Name he hath therefore for his Works Sake and because God delighted in his Undertaking and was pleased with the Price he had paid for us therefore the Divine Majesty hath given him it hath made it High and hath commanded all Angels to bow unto it Yea it is the Name in which he resteth and by which he hath magnified all his Attributes 1. This is the Name by which Sinners should go to God the Father 2. This is the Name through which they obtain forgiveness of Sins and ANY thing If you ask anything in my Name I will do it John 14. 3. This is the Name through which our spiritual Services and Sacrifices are accepted and by which an Answer of Peace is returned into our Bosoms 1 Pet. 2. But more of this anon 3. At this Name Devils tremble at THIS Name Angels bow the Head at THIS Name God's Heart openeth at THIS Name the Godly Man's Heart is comforted THIS Name none but Devils hate it and none but those that must be damned despise it No man speaking by the Holy Ghost calls Jesus accursed or accounteth him still dead and his Blood ineffectual to save the World 3dly He hath also given him the Glory of Office 1. He is there a Priest for ever intercepting betwixt the Divine Presence and all that hate us by his Blood Sin Satan Death Hell the Law the Grave or the like cannot be heard if his Blood be presented to God as the Atonement for us This is called the Blood of Sprinkling which speaks better things than the Blood of Abel Heb. 12. 24. By this Blood he entered into Heaven by this Blood he secureth from wrath all that come unto God by him but should his Blood have had a Voice in Heaven to save withal had it not merited first even in the Shedding of it the Ransom and Redemption of Souls 'T is true a Man whose Blood cannot save may with Abels cry out for Vengeance and Wrath on the Head of him that shed it but THIS Blood speaks for better things this Blood speaks for Souls for Sinners for Pardon Having obtained Eternal Redemption for us 2. He is there a Fore-runner for us Whither the Fore-runner is for us entered even Jesus Heb. 6. 20. This Office of Harbinger is distinct from though it comes by vertue of his Priestly Office therefore they are both mentioned in the Text Whither the Fore-runner is for us entered even Jesus made an High-Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedec He is therefore our Fore-runner by vertue of his Priesthood his Blood giving worth to all he does In this Office of Harbinger or Fore-runner he prepareth for Believers their dwelling-Places in the Heavens their dwelling-Places according to their Place State Calling Service or Work in his Body the Church In my Fathers House saith he are many Mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a Place for you Joh. 14. This is that is mentioned in the 47th Psalm He shall chuse our Inheritance for us the Excellency of Jacob whom he loved But should he have had Power to chuse our Inheritance for us to prepare for us our dwelling-Places should he have Power to give even Heaven itself to a Company of Poor Men had he not in the first Place obtained by his Blood the Deliverance of our Soul from Death 3. He is there a Prophet for us by which Office of his he hath received to communicate the whole Will of the Eternal God so far as is fit for us to know in this World or in that which is to come Hence he is called the Prophet of the Church The Lord shall raise you up a Prophet and this is of a truth that Prophet that should come into the World But this Office he hath also now in Heaven by vertue of the Blood he shed for us upon Earth Hence the New-Testament is called The New-Testament in his Blood and his Blood is said to be The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant or Testament Yea such vertue doth his Blood give to the New-Testament or Covenant of Grace as that severed from that it is nothing worth for a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the Testator liveth Heb. 9. 16 17. So that every Word of God which he hath by Christ given to us for our Everlasting Consolation is dipt in blood is founded in blood and stands good to Sinners purely I mean with respect to merit upon the account of Blood or because his Blood that was shed for us on the Cross prevailed for us for the Remission of our Sins Let no man think to receive any benefit by Christs Prophetical Office by any of the good Words of Grace and forgiveness of Sins that are sprinkled up and down in the New-Testament That looketh not for that good to come to him for the Sake of that Blood by which this Testament is established For neither was the First Testament dedicated without Blood for when Moses had spoken every Precept to all the People according to the Law He took the Blood of Calves and of Goats with Water and scarlet Wool and Hissop and sprinkled both the Book and all the People saying This is the Blood of the Testament which God hath injoyned unto you Heb. 9. 18 19 20. The Prophetical Office of Christ standeth of two parts First in Promises of Grace Secondly in Directions of Worship but neither is this last to wit the Doctrine of Worship or our subjection to that Worship of any value any further than as sprinkled also with his Blood For as in the first Testament the Tabernacle and all the Vessels of the Ministry were sprinkled with Blood and it was necessary that so it should be so the Heavenly Things themselves must be also purified with Sacrifices but yet with better Sacrifice than these for now not Moses but Christ doth sprinkle not with Blood of Calves but with his own Blood neither as entered into places made with Hands but from Heaven doth Jesus sprinkle all that Doctrine of Worship subjection of his Saints thereto which is of his own instituting and commanding Heb. 9. 23 24 25 26. 4. He hath received there the Office of a King by which he ruleth in the Church and over all things for her sake The Government is laid upon his Shoulders the Lord God hath given him the Throne of his Father David Hence it is that he saith All Power is given me in Heaven and Earth but now this Kingly Office he hath it by his Blood because he humbled himself to death therefore God hath highly exalted him and given him the Highest
Name And hence again he is called a LAMB upon the Throne In the midst of the Throne of the four Beasts and in the midst of the Elders stood a Lamb as it had been slain having seven horns a Demonstration of Kingly Power But mark he was a Lamb upon the Throne he had his Horns as a Lamb. Now by LAMB we are to understand not only his meek and sweet Disposition but his Sacrifice for he was as a Lamb to be slain and Sacrificed and so his having a Throne and seven Horns as a Lamb giveth us to understand that he obtained this Dignity of King by his Blood When he had by himself purged our Sins he sat down on the Right Hand of the Majesty in the Heavens When he had offered up one Sacrifice for Sins for ever he sat down on the Right Hand of God Revel 5. Heb. 4. Chap. 10. Now put all these together to wit his Resurrection from the Dead his Ascension and Exaltation to Office and remember also that the Person thus Exalted is the same Jesus of Nazareth that sometime was made accursed of God for Sin and also that he obtained this Glory by vertue of the Blood that was shed for us and it must unavoidably follow That Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them The Third Demonstration BUt to proceed A Third Demonstration That Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them is because he hath received for them the Holy Spirit of God Thus Jesus hath God raised up whereof said Peter we are all Witnesses Therefore being by the Right Hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the Promise of the Holy Ghost he hath shed forth that which ye now see and hear Act. 2. 32 33. The receiving of the Holy Ghost at the Hand of the Father who had bruised him before for the Transgressions of his People The receiving of it I say upon his Resurrection and that to give them for whom just before he had spilt his Blood to make an Atonement for their Souls argueth that the Divine Majesty found rest and content in that Precious 〈…〉 od and found it full price for the Sinners for whom he shed it And if you consider the necessity of the giving of this good spirit to Men and the benefit that they receive by his coming upon them you will see yet more into the Truth now contended for First Then of the Necessity of giving this good Spirit 2. And then of the Benefit which we receive at his coming First Of the Necessity of its being given 1. Otherwise Jesus could never have been proved to be the Saviour for the Promise was that Messias should have the Spirit given him given him to communicate As for me this is my Covenant with them saith the Lord my Spirit which is upon thee and my Words which I have put in thy Mouth meaning the Redeemer ver 20. shall not depart out of thy Mouth nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed nor out of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seed from henceforth and for ever Isa. 59. 21. Here is the Promise of the Spirit to be given to Christ and by him to his Seed for ever And this was signified long before in the Anointing of Aaron and his Sons And thou shalt anoint Aaron and his Sons and consecrate them Exod. 30. 30. This Spirit Jesus promised to send unto his at his Exaltation on the Right Hand of God The Spirit I say in the plentiful Pourings of it out True the Church in all Ages had something of it by vertue of the Suretyship of the Lord Jesus but this in comparison of what was to come into the Church after his Resurrection is not reckoned a Pouring forth therefore Pourings forth thereof are reserved to the time of the Ascension and Exaltation of this Jesus I will pour out of my Spirit in THOSE Days Hence Jesus reserves it till his going away and 't is expresly said The Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet Glorified Accordingly did the Apostles wait after his Resurrection for the pouring forth of the Holy Ghost and at the set time did receive it by the giving of which he declared himself to be the son of God and Saviour of the World John 14. 26. Chap. 15. 26. Chap. 16. 7. Act. 1. 4. 5. Joel 2. 28. Acts 2. 16 17. Joh. 7. 39. Rom. 1. 4. 2. Without the giving of the Holy Ghost there had wanted a Testimony that his Gospel was the Gospel of Messias Moses his Ministration was confirmed by Signs and Wonders and mighty Deeds both in Egypt in the Wilderness and at the Red-Sea wherefore 't was necessary that the Doctrine of Redemption by Blood which is the Doctrine of the Gospel of this Jesus should be also confirmed with signs following Hence both himself and Apostles did as frequently work Miracles and do mighty Deeds as his Ministers now do preach which Signs and Miracles and Wonders confirmed their Doctrine though themselves both Master and Scholar was in appearance the most considerable mean yea they by the means of the Holy Ghost have so ratified confirmed and setled the Gospel in the World that no Philosopher Tyrant or Devil hath been able hitherto to move it out of its place He confirmed the Word with Signs following Mar. 16. 20. Heb. 2. 4. 3. As the giving of the Holy Ghost was necessary thus so was it necessary also to strengthen them that were intrusted with his Gospel 1. To preach it effectually 2. To stand to it boldly 3. And to justifie it to be the Doctrine of Messias incontroulably 1. To preach it effectually in demonstration of the Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 4. 2 Cor. 6. 4 5 6. Joh. 16. 8 9. 2. To stand to it boldly Then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said And they saw the Boldness of Peter and John Act. 8. 13. 3. To justify the Doctrine incontroulably I will give you a Mouth and Wisdom which all your Adversaries shall not be able to resist or gain say And they were not able to resist the Wisdom and Spirit by which he spake Luk. 21. 15. Act. 6. 10. Now I say that God should give the Holy Ghost to Jesus to confirm this Gospel Redemption from sin by his Blood what is it but that by his Blood he hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them But again the Benefit which we receive at the Coming of the Holy Ghost doth more demonstrate this Truth hath Christ purchased Sinners and are they the Price of his Blood Yes But how doth that appear Why because by the Holy Ghost which he hath received to give us we are fitted for the Inheritance which by his Blood is prepared for us 1. By the Spirit of God we are quickned and raised from a state of
Sin but that we could not be were it not that an Atonement is made for us first by the Blood of Christ our Saviour This is true for they that are quickned by the Holy Ghost are quickned by it through the Word of the Gospel which offereth Justification to Sinners through Faith in his Blood yea we are said to be quickned together with him dead and risen with him yet so as by the Spirit of God 2. We are not only quickned by the Holy Ghost but possessed therewith it is given to dwell in our Hearts Because ye are Sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Hearts Gal. 4. 4 5 6. which Spirit is also our earnest for Heaven until the Redemption of the purchased Possession that is until our Body which is the purchased Possession be redeemed also out of the Grave by the Power of the same mighty Spirit of God Ephes. 1. 13 14. 3. By this Holy Spirit we are made to believe Rom. 15. 13. 4. By this Holy Spirit we are helped to pray and call God Father 5. By this Holy Spirit we are helped to understand and apply the Promises 6. By this Holy Spirit the Joy of Heaven and the Love of God is shed abroad in the Heart of the Saved 7. By this Holy Spirit we are made to wait for the hope of Righteousness by Faith that is to stand fast through our Lord Jesus in the day when he shall judg the World And all this is the Fruit of Redemption by Blood of Redemption by the Blood of Christ. This is yet further evident 1. Because the Work of the Spirit is to lead us into the sayings of Christ which as to our Redemption from death are such as these I lay down my Life that you may have Life I give my Life a Ransom for many And the Bread which I will give is my Flesh which I will give for the Life of the World Joh. 6. 2. Because IF the Spirit in the Wisdom of Heaven is not counted a sufficient Testimony on Earth but as joyned with the Blood of Christ. There are three that bear witness on Earth the Spirit the Water and the Blood These are the Witness of God The Spirit because it quickneth the Blood because it hath merited and the Watter to wit the Word because by that we are clean as to life and conversation 1 John 5. 8. Ephes. 5. 26. Rom. 8. 16. Psal. 119. 9. 3. Because as by the Spirit so we are sanctified by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Heb. 13. 12. 4. Because when most full of the Spirit when that doth work most mightly in us we are then most in the belief and admiring apprehensions of our deliverance from death by the Blood of Jesus Revel 15. Chap. 5. 9. 5. The Holy Ghost breaheth no-where so as in the Ministry of this Doctrine this Doctrine is sent WITH the Holy Ghost from Heaven yea as I have hinted one of the Great Works of the Holy Ghost under the Old-Testament was to testifie of the Sufferings of Christ and the Glory that should follow 1 Pet. 1. 11 12. Put all these things together and see if Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath not paid full price to God for Sinners if he hath not obtained Eternal Redemption for them The Fourth Demonstration THat Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them is evident if you consider how the preaching thereof hath been from that time to this a mighty Conquerer over all kind of Sinners What Nation what People what kind of Sinners have not been subdued by the preaching of a Crucified Christ. He upon the White Horse with his Bow and his Crown hath conquered doth conquer and goeth forth yet conquering and to conquer Revel 6. 2. And I saith he if I be lifted up from the Earth will draw all men unto me but what was it to be lifted up from the Earth Why it may be expounded by that saying As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth in him might not perish but have everlasting life Joh. 12. 32. Chap. 3. 14 15. He was then lifted up when he was hanged upon a Tree between the Heavens and the Earth as the Accursed of God for us The Revelation of this it conquers all Nations Tongues and People And they sang a new Song saying thou art worthy to take the Book and to open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy Blood out of every Kindred and Tongue and People and Nation Revel 5. 9. Hence the Apostle Paul chose above all Doctrines to preach up a Crucified Christ and resolved so to do For I determined saith he not to know any thing among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor. 2. 2 3. 1. The Doctrine of Forgiveness of Sin conquered his very Murderers They could not withstand the Grace them bloody ones that would kill him what-ever it cost them could stand no longer but received his Doctrine fell into his Bosom and obtained the Salvation which is in Christ Jesus They shall look upon him whom they have pierced and mourn for him as one mourneth for his only Son they shall be in bitterness for him as one is in bitterness for his first-born Zech. 12. 10. Now was this Scripture eminently fulfilled when the Kindness of a Crucified Christ broke to pieces the Hearts of them that had before been his Betrayers and Murderers Now was there a great mourning in Jerusalem now was there wailing and lamentation mixed with joy and rejoycing 2. Though Paul was mad exceeding mad against Jesus Christ of Nazareth yea though he was his avowed Enemy seeking to put out his Name from under Heaven yet the Voice from Heaven I am Jesus c. I am the Saviour how did it conquer him make him throw down his Arms fall down at his Feet and accept of the forgiveness of Sins freely by grace through Redemption by Faith in his Blood 3. They at Samaria though before Philip preached to them worshipped and admired the Devil in Magus yet when they believed Philip's preaching of Christ unto them and forgiveness of sins through Faith in his Name great joy was amongst them and they were baptized both Men and Women Act. 8. He preached saith the Text the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ that is all the Blessings of Life through the Name of Jesus Christ for he is the Mediator and without his Blood come no spiritual blessings to men 4. How was the sturdy Jailer overcome by a Promise of forgiveness of sins by Faith in Jesus Christ. It stopt his Hand of self-murder it eased him of the gnawings of a guilty Conscience and fears of Hell-Fire and filled his Soul with rejoicing in God Act. 16. 30 31 32 33. 5. How
us Being justified by Faith we have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The God of Peace fill you with all joy and peace in believing Rom. 5. 1 2. Chap. 15. 13. This Peace is expressed diversly 1. Sometimes it is called QUIETNESS for it calms the Soul from those troublous Fears of damning because of sin And the work of Righteousness shall be Peace and the Effect of Righteousness Quietness and Assurance for ever Isa. 32. 17. 2. Sometimes it is called BOLDNESS for by the Blood of Christ a Man hath encouragement to approach unto God Having brethren Boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his Flesh Heb. 10. 19 20. 3. It is sometimes called CONFIDENCE because by Jesus Christ we have not only encouragement to come to God but confidence that if we ask any thing according to his Will he not only heareth but granteth the Request which we put up to him In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the Faith of Jesus Ephes. 3. 12. 1 John 5. 14 15. 4. Sometimes this Peace is expressed by REST because a Man having found a sufficient Fulness to answer all his Wants he sitteth down and looks no further for satisfaction Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Mat. 11. 28. 5. It is also expressed by SINGING because the Peace of God when it is received into the Soul by Faith putteth the Conscience into a Heavenly and Melodious Frame And the Ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with Songs and Everlasting Joy upon their Heads they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow and sighing shall fly away Isa. 35. 10. 6. Sometimes it is expressed or discovered by an Heavenly glorying and boasting in Jesus Christ because this Peace causeth the Soul to set its Face upon its Enemies with Faith of a Victory over them for ever by its Lord Jesus Let him that glorieth glory in the Lord and My Soul shall make her boasts in the Lord the Humble shall hear thereof and be glad Jer. 9. 23 24. Psalm 34. 2. 7. Sometimes it is expressed or discovered by Joy Joy unspeakable because the Soul having seen it self reconciled to God hath not only quietness but such apprehensions do now possess it of the unspeakable Benefits it receiveth by Christ with respect to the World to come that it is swallowed up with them Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. 8. Lastly It is expressed or discovered by the Triumph that ariseth sometimes in the Hearts of the Believers for they at times are able to see Death Sin the Devil and Hell and all Adversity conquered by and tied as Captives at the Chariot-Wheels of Jesus Christ Taken captive I say and overthrown for ever Thanks be to God who causeth us always to triumph in Christ. O clap your Hands O ye People sing unto God with the voice of Triumph 2 Cor. 2. 14. Psalm 47. 1. Now that all this should be a cheat is impossible that is it is impossible that Believers should thus have Peace with God through the Blood of his Cross he having not paid full price to God for them especially if you consider that the Authors of this Peace are all the three in the Godhead and that upon a double account 1. In that they have given us a Gospel of Peace Rom. 10. 15. or a New-Testament which propoundeth Peace with God through the Redemption that is in Christ. Now as this is called the Gospel of Peace so 1. It is called The Gospel of God 1 Thes. 2. 9. 2 Thes. 1. 8. 2. The Gospel of Christ Rom. 15. 19. 3. A Gospel indited by the Holy Ghost 1 Thes. 4. 8. I say therefore that Redemption and Salvation being that throw Christ and the Truth thereof proclaimed by the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost in the Word of the Truth of the Gospel it must needs be that we who believe shall be saved if we hold the confidence and the rejoicing firm unto the End 2. As the three in the God-head are the Authors of this Peace by inditing for us the Gospel of Peace or the good Tidings of Salvation by Jesus Christ So they are the Authors of our Peace by working with that word of the Gospel in our Hearts And hence 1. the Father is called the God of Peace now the God of Peace be with you all And the very God of Peace sanctifie you Rom. 15. 33. 1 Thes. 5. 23. And because he is the God of Peace therefore he filleth those that believe in his Christ with joy and peace through believing Rom. 15. 13. 2. Again Christ is called the Prince of Peace therefore the Prayer is Grace be with you and Peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Thes. 1. 2. 3. The Holy Ghost also is the Author of this Peace this inward Peace Even righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Rom. 14. 17. And I say as I also have already said the procuring or meritorious Cause of this Peace is the doings and sufferings of Christ. Therefore by his Doings and Sufferings he paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them else God would never have indited a Proclamation of Peace for them and the Tenour of that Proclamation to be the Worthiness of the Lord Jesus yea he would never have wrought with that Word in the Heart of them that believe to create in them Peace Peace Secondly As peace with God is an Evidence the Blood of Christ being the Cause thereof that Christ hath by it paid full price to God for Sinners so Holiness in their Hearts taking its beginning from this Doctrine makes this fist Demonstration of double strength 1. That Holiness true gospel Holiness possesseth our hearts by this Doctrine 't is evident because the ground of Holiness which is the Spirit of God in us is ministred to us by this Doctrine When the Apostle had insinuated that the Galatians were bewitched because they had turned from the Doctrine of Christ Crucified he demands of them Whether they received the Spirit by the Works of the Law or by the hearing of Faith Gal. 3. 1 2 3 4. That is whether the Spirit took possession of their Souls by their Obedience to the ten Commandments or by their giving credit to the Doctrine of the forgiveness of their Sins by Faith in this Crucified Christ strongly concluding not by the Law but by the hearing or preaching of Faith that is of the Lord Jesus as Crucified who is the Object of Faith 2. As this Doctrine conveyeth the ground or ground-Work which is the Spirit so also it worketh in the Heart those three Graces Faith Hope Love
all which as naturally purifie the Heart from wickedness as Sope or Niter cleanseth the Cloath He purified their Hearts by Faith by Faith in Christ's Blood And everyone that hath this Hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure And also Love you shall see what that doth if you look into the Text Act. 15. 9. 1 Joh. 3. 3 4. 1 Cor. 13. Now I say this Faith groundeth it self in the Blood of Christ Hope waiteth for the full enjoyments of the Purchase of it in another world and love is begot and worketh by the Love that Christ hath expressed by his Death and by the Kindness he presenteth us with in his Heart-Blood Rom. 3. 24. 1 Cor. 15. 19. 2 Cor. 5. 14. Besides what arguments so prevailing as such as are purely Gospel To instance a few 1. What stronger than a free forgiveness of Sins A certain Man had two Debtors the one owed him five Hundred Pence and the other Fifty and when they had nothing to pay he frankly forgave them both tell me therefore which of them will love him most Luk. 7. 41 42 47. 2. What stronger argument to holiness than to see that though forgiveness comes free to us yet it cost Christ Jesus Heart-Blood to obtain it for us Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the Propitiation for our Sins And this Love of God in giving his Christ and of Christ in dying for us there is no argument stronger to prevail with a sensible and awakened Sinner to judg he should live to him that died for him and rose again 2 Cor. 5. 14. 3. What stronger argument to holiness than this If any man sins we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. Unsanctified and graceless wretches know not how to use these Words of God the Hypocrites also fly in our faces because we thus urge them but a Heart that is possessed with Gospel-ingenuity or to speak more properly that is possessed with Gospel-Grace and with Divine Considerations cries if it be thus O let me never sin against God! for the Love of Christ constrains me 2 Cor. 5. 14. 4. What greater argument to holiness than to see the Holy Scriptures so furnished with promises of Grace and Salvation by Christ that a Man can hardly cast his Eye into the Bible but he espieth one or another of them who would not live in such an House or be servant to such a Prince who besides his exceeding in good Conditions hath Gold and Silver as common in his Palace as stones are by the High-way side Having therefore these Promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the Fear of God 2 Cor. 7. 1. 5. What greater argument to holiness than to have our Performances though weak and infirm from us yet accepted of God in Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2. 4 5 6. 6. What greater argument to holiness than to have our Soul our Body our Life hid and secured with Christ in God Mortifie therefore your Members that are upon the Earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is idolatry Col. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6. What greater argument to holiness than to be made the Members of the Body of the Flesh and of the Bones of Jesus Christ Shall I take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of an harlot God forbid Ephes. 5. 30. 1 Cor. 6. 15. Now all these and five times as many more having their foundation in the Love Blood and Righteousness of Christ and operating in the Soul by Faith are the great Argument unto that Holiness to which is annexed eternal Life 'T is worth our observing that in Act. 26 at the 18. The Inheritance belongs to them that are sanctified by Faith in Jesus Christ For all other pretences to holiness they are but a stollen semblance of that which is true and acceptable though 't is common for even that which is counterfeit to be called by the deluded the True and to be reckoned to be in them that are utter strangers to Faith and the Holiness that comes by Faith But whosoever compoundeth any like it or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger shall even be cut off from his People Exod. 30. 33. God knoweth which is holiness that comes by Faith in forgiveness of Sins and acceptance with God through Christ and God knows which is only such feignedly and accordingly will he deal with Sinners in that great Day of God Almighty The Sixth Demonstration THat Jesus Christ by what he hath done hath paid full price to God for Sinners and obtained Eternal Redemption for them is evident because Prayers are accepted of God only upon the account and for the sake of the Name of Jesus Christ Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my Name he will give it you Joh. 16. 23. In my Name in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the Name of him that came into the World to save Sinners by dying for them a grievous bloody Death in his Name that hath by himself put away sin and brought unto God acceptable Righteousness for Sinners in his Name why in his Name if he be not accepted of God why in his Name if his undertakings for us are not well-pleasing to God But by these Words in my Name are insinuated that his Person and performances as our undertaker is accepted by the Father of Spirits We may not go in our own names because we are Sinners not in the Name of one another because all are Sinners but why not in the Name of an Angel Because they are not those that did undertake for us or had they they could not have done our work for us He putteth no trust in his Saints yea the Heavens are not clean in his Sight Job 4. 18. Chap. 15. 15. It may further be objected Since Jesus Christ is God equal with the Father and so hath naturally the same Power to give as the Father why should the Father rather than the Son be the great Giver to the Sinners of the World and why may we not go to Christ in the Name of the Father as well as to the Father in the Name of Christ I say how can these things be salved but by considering that sin and justice put a NECESSITY upon it that thus must our Salvation be obtained Sin and Justice could not reconcile nor could a means be found out to bring the Sinner and an Holy God together but by the Intercepting of the Son who must take upon him to answer Justice and that by taking our Sins from before the Face of God by bloody Sacrifice not by Blood of others as the High-Priests under the Law For as every High-Priest is ordained to offer Gifts and Sacrifices it is of necessity that this Man have somewhat also
always his delight Herein is Love that be sent him to save Sinners to save them by bearing their Sins by bearing their Curse by dying their Death and by carrying their Sorrows Here is Love in that while we were yet Enemies Christ died for us yea here is Love in that while we were yet without strength Christ died for the Ungodly Rom. 5. The second Use. But Secondly as this Doctrine giveth us the best discovery of God so also it giveth us the best discovery of our selves and our own things First It giveth us the best discovery of our selves Wouldest thou know Sinner what thou art look up to the Cross and behold a Weeping Bleeding Dying Jesus nothing could do but that nothing could save thee but his Blood Angels could not Saints could not God could not because he could not ly because he could not deny himself What a thing is Sin that it should sink all that bear its burden yea it sunk the Son of God himself into death and the Grave and had also sunk him into Hell-fire for ever had he not been the Son of God had he not been able to take it on his Back and bear it away O! This Lamb of God Sinners were going to Hell Christ was the Delight of his Father and had a whole Heaven to himself but that did not content him Heaven could not hold him He must come into the World to save Sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15. Ay and had he not come thy Sins had sunk thee thy Sins had provoked the Wrath of God against thee to thy perdition and destruction for ever There is no Man but is a Sinner there is no Sin but would damn an Angel should God lay it to his charge Sinner the Doctrine of Christ crucified crieth therefore aloud unto thee that sin hath made thy Condition dreadful See your selves your Sin and consequently the Condition that your Souls are in by the Death and Blood of Christ Christs Death giveth us the most clear discovery of the dreadful Nature of our Sins I say again if sin be so dreadful a thing as to break the Heart of the Son of God for so he saith it did how shall a Poor Wretched Impenitent damned Sinner wrestle with the Wrath of God Awake Sinners you are lost you are undone you perish you are damned Hell-fire is your Portion for ever if you abide in your Sins and be found without a Saviour in the dreadful Day of Judgment Secondly For your good Deeds cannot help you the Blood of Christ tells you so For by this Doctrine Christ died for our Sins God damneth to death and hell the Righteousness of the World Christ must die or Man be damned where is now any room for the Righteousness of Men room I say for Man's Righteousness as to his Acceptance and Justification Bring then thy Righteousness to the Cross of Jesus Christ and in his Blood behold the Demands of Justice behold them I say in the Cries and Tears in the Blood and Death of Jesus Christ. Look again and behold the Person dying such an one as never sinned nor offended at any time yet he dies Could an Holy Life an Innocent Harmless Conversation have saved one from death Jesus had not died But he must die Sin was charged therfore Christ must die Men therefore need to go no further to prove the Worth of their own Righteousness than to the Death of Christ They need not be to seek in that Matter till they stand before the Judgment-Seat Quest. But how should I prove the Goodness of mine own Righteousness by the Death and Blood of Christ Ans. Thus If Christ must die for Sin then all thy Righteousness cannot save thee If Righteousness comes by the Law then Christ is dead in vain Gal. 2. 21. By this Text 't is manifest that either Christ died in vain or thy Righteousness is vain If thy Righteousness can save thee then Christ died in vain If nothing below or besides the Death of Christ could save thee then thy Righteousness is in vain one of the two must be cast away either Christ's or thine Christ Crucified to save the World discovereth two great evils in Man's own Righteousness I mean when brought for Justification and Life 1. It opposeth the Righteousness of Christ. 2. It condemneth God of Foolishness 1. It opposeth the Righteousness of Christ in that it seeketh it self to stand where should the Righteousness of Christ to wit in God's affection for the Justification of thy Person and this is one of the highest affronts to Christ that poor man is capable to give him Right worthily therefore doth the Doctrine of the Gospel damn the Righteousness of Men and promiseth the Kingdom of God to Publicans and Harlots rather 2. It condemneth God of Foolishness For if Works of Righteousness which we can do can justifie from the Curse of the Law in the Sight of God then is not all the Treasures of Wisdom found in the Heart of God and Christ For this Dolt-headed Sinner hath now found out a Way of his own unawares to God to secure his Soul from Wrath and Vengeance I say unawares to God for he never imagined that such a thing could be for had he he would never have purposed before the World began to send his Son to die for Sinners Christ is the Wisdom of God as you have heard and that as he is our Justifying Righteousness God was manifest in the Flesh to save us is the great Mystery of Godliness But wherein lyeth the depth of this Wisdom of God in our Salvation if Man's Right-hand can save him Job 40. 10 11 12 13 14. Yea wherefore hath God also given it out that there is none other Name given to Men under Heaven whereby we must be saved I say again why is it affirmed without shedding of Blood is no Remission if Mans good Deeds can save him This Doctrine therefore of the Righteousness of Christ being rightly preached and truly believed arraigneth and condemneth Man's Righteousness to Hell It casteth it out as Abraham cast out Ismael BLOOD BLOOD the sound of Blood abaseth all the Glory of it When Men have said all and shewed us what they can they have no Blood to present God's Justice with yet 't is Blood that maketh an Atonement for the Soul and nothing but Blood can wash us from our Sins Levit. 17. 11. Revel 1. 5. Heb. 9. Justice calls for Blood Sins call for Blood the Righteous Law calls for Blood yea the Devil himself must be overcome by Blood Sinner where is now thy Righteousness Bring it before a Consuming Fire for our God is a Consuming Fire Bring it before the Justice of the Law yea try if ought but the Blood of Christ can save thee from thy Sins and Devils try it I say by this Doctrine go not one step further before thou hast tried it Thirdly By this Doctrine we are made to see the worth of Souls it cannot be but that the Soul