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A21065 The Christian schoole-maister, or A dialogue betweene the maister and the scholler. By G.E. minister of Gods word G. E., minister of Gods word. 1613 (1613) STC 7433; ESTC S120491 22,781 63

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THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLE-MAISTER OR A DIALOGVE BEtweene the Maister and the Scholler By G. E. Minister of Gods word Prou. 22. 9. Instruct a Childe in the Trade of his way and when hee is olde he shall not depart from it LONDON Printed by Tho Creede and are to be sold by Wil. Barringer at his shop neere the great North doore of S. Pauls Church 1613. TO THE CHRISTIAN READER IT is the office and duetie of euery good childe that carefullie and studiouslie laboureth to obey follow his Fathers precepts and cōmandements principally before all things to endeuour to know perfectly the nature and condition of his Fathers will whereof if he be ignorant many times in the same things hee iudgeth best and most pleasing hee most offendeth and incurreth greatest displeasure Euen so wee that be Subiects and Children to the great GOD and Almighty Creator of all that heauen and Earth containeth can doe nothing gratefull and acceptable vnto his Maiestie except we first know his good will pleasure towards vs concerning our duties in beliefe life and conuersation In the knowledge whereof that we might haue a setled foundation and familiar education this ensuing Cat●●●i●me is collected and gathered from the Sacred Worde and will of Almightie God contained in the Olde and Newe Testament The commandement of God to teach and instruct children in religion is general pertaineth to all men of euery age time and therefore as well vnto vs as to the Iewes it is saide Teach 〈…〉 like of them when thou art in thine house as thou walkest by the wa● when thou li●st downe when thou risest vp Deut. 11. 19. Wherevpon ● Paule saith And you Fathers prouoke not your Children to wrath but bring them vp in Instruction and Information in the Lorde Ephes 6. 4. There is but one and the same corruption of nature and our Children are as well conceiued borne in sinne as the childrē of our forefathers which corruption must be reformed by carefull and diligent instruction and long custome euen from tender yeares and this especially is required in the children of the Faithfull and beleeuers who seeing they belong to Gods Church and our Sauiour Christ commanded them to be brought vnto him It were a most heynous fault and odious shame if they should bee found vntaught ignorant of the doctrine of Christ and his Church Therfore Salomon most wisely counselleth in the 12. of his Prouerbs Instruct a Child in the trade of his way and when hee is olde he shall not depart from it That is If you would haue him leade his life godlie iustly honestlie and vertuously you must instruct him when he is young in all those things which belong to the seruice of God to the societie of men and to all speciall duties Consecrate vnto mee saith the Lorde euery one that first openeth the Wombe amongst the children of Israell Exod. 13. By which Ceremonie God did not onely call to their remembrance the benefit long before shewed their Fathers in Aegypt thereby confirme them in the Faith of Redemption that was to come but also put them in minde of their dutie that they ought to cōsecrate vnto him whatsoeuer was most pretious euen their Children especially For though all were not admitted to the Priest-hoode yet all were to bee instructed in the knowledge of God and though the outward Ceremonie therof together with the rest be abolished in Christ yet the commandement remaineth whereby wee are euen at this day bounde to the like holie presentation of their soules For the performance of this did the mother of Samuel voluntarilie binde her selfe vnto God saying If thou wilt giue vnto thy Handmaide a man childe then will I giue him vnto the Lorde all the dayes of his life 1. Sam. 1. 11. This did Ioseph and Marie diligently obserue towards CHRIST whome both according as it is written in the Law of the Lorde they brought him to Ierusalem to present and when hee was come to the Age of twelue yeaes they caried him thither for the seruice of God The better part of man is the soule which cannot bee redeemed with the substance of the whole worlde Are not they then most foolish and very indiscreete in their proceedings who straine themselu●● to prouide for their children things pertaining to the body and the honours of this worlde in the meane time beeing vtterly carelesse whether they haue anie true knowledge of God whether they bee ioyned to him by Faith whether they know wherein consisteth the saluation of their soules and the euerlasting happines of man Abraham and the rest of the holie Fathers were farre wiser then these men whose speciall care was this to haue their Children instructed in the knowledge and feare of God for they knewe that godlines was the greatest gaine of all For these causes then the necessitie of godlie Instruction doeth appeare and to that ende this ensuing Treatise is collected wherein is layde open and expounded the Morall Lawe and the vse thereof out of which a man may knowe his owne wretched estate and his debt wherein hee standeth bounde vnto God that so hee may truely humble himselfe before him and earnestly bethinke himselfe how he may be deliuered from sinne and the punishment thereof and from the wrath of God and from the curse In the nexte place is Expounded the Creede that 〈◊〉 the doctrine of mans deliuerance from miserie by CHRIST of the person and Office of Christ of Iustification by Faith of the Sacraments of the Keyes of the Church and vse of them of true Repentance of good work●s and the necessitie of them for the true seruice of God Of the thankfulnes wee owe vnto God Of the insufficiencie of man in this life to fulfill the Lawe of God Last of all the sense and meaning of the Lordes Prayer This for the glorie praise and honour of the diuine Maiestie and the benefite profite happines and saluation of thy Soule Farewell In Christ Iesus THE CHRIStian Schoole-maister Maister VVHat is the only true comfort of a Christian in this life Scholler That in soule and body whether I liue or die I am not mine owne but I belong vnto my faithfull Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who by his pretious blood most fully satisfying for all my sinnes hath deliuered me from the whole power of the diuell and doth so p●●serue me that without the will of my heauenly Father not so much as a haire can fall from my head yea and all things are made to serue for my saluation wherefore he doth also assure me by his spirit of euerlasting life and maketh me forward and readie from henceforth to liue vnto him Maister How many things are needfull for thee to know to the end thou enioying this comfort maist liue die a happieman Scholler Thrée things First what is the greatnes of my sinne Secondly by what meanes I may be deliuered from my sinne and miserie And thirdly what thankfulnes
and that for the onely sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the crosse Maist What then do both these aswell the word as the Sacraments tend to that end to leade our faith vnto the sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the crosse as to the onely foundation of our saluation Schol Yea truly for the holy Ghost teacheth by the Gospell and confirmeth by the Sacraments that all our saluation standeth in the only sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the crosse Maist How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in the new Couenant Schol Baptisme and the holy Supper Maist How art thou put in minde and confirmed in Baptisme that thou art partaker of that holy Sacrifice of Christ Schol Because Christ hath commaunded the outward washing with Water adding this promise that I shall no lesse assuredly be washed by his blood and by his spirit from the spots of my soule that is from all my sinnes then I am outwardly washed with Water wherewith the spottes of the bodie vse to be washed away Mai What is it to bee washed by the blood and Spirit of Christ Schol It is to receiue at the handes of God forgiuenesse of sinnes fréely for the blood of Christ which he hath shed for vs in his sacrifice vpon the crosse and next to be renued also by the spirit of Christ and being sanctified by him to become a member of Christ to the ende we may more and more dye vnto sinne and liue holy without blame Mai Where doth Christ promise that he will as certainly wash vs with his blood and with his spirit as we are washed with the water of Baptisme Schol In the Institution of Baptisme the wordes whereof are these Goe and teach all Nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost he that beléeueth and is baptized shall be saued he that belieueth not shal be condemned This promise is repeated when the Scripture calleth baptisme the washing of the New birth and the washing away of sinnes M●i Is then Baptisme the washing away of sinnes Schol. No. For the onely blood of Christ and the holie Ghost doth clense vs from all sinne M●i Why then doth the holy Ghost call Baptisme the washing of Regeneration and the washing away of sinnes Schol God doth not without great cause so speake not onely to teach vs that as the spottes of the bodie are cleansed by water is our sinnes are purged by the Blood and Spirit of Christ but much more that by his heauenly Token and pledge hee may assure vs that wee are as truly washed inwardly from our sinnes as we are washed with outward and visible water Mai Ought Infants also to be baptised Schol Yea truely for seeing they belong to the Couenant and Church of God as well as those that be at yeares of discretion And séeing vnto them is promised by the Blood of Christ forgiuenes of sinnes and the holie Ghost the worker of faith no lesse then to the other they ought also by baptisme to be i●grafted into the Church of God and to be discerned from the chuldren of Infidells as they were in the olde Testament by Circumcision in place whereof was ordained Baptisme in the newe Testament M●i How art thou put in minde and assured in the Supper of the Lorde that thou art partaker of that onely sacrifice of Christ offered vpon the Crosse and of all his benefites Schol Because Christ hath commaunded me and all the faithfull to eate of this Bread being broken and to drinke of this Cuppe being diuided amongst vs in remembrance of him and hath added this promise first that his bodie was no lesse offered and broken for me vpon the Crosse and his blood for mee shed then with mine eyes I sée the bread is broken vnto me and the cuppe reached vnto me Secondly that my soule is no lesse assuredly fed vnto euerlasting life by him with his bodie that was crucified and his blood that was shed for vs then I doe with my bodily mouth receiue bread and wine the tokens of the bodie and blood of the Lord beeing deliuered vnto me by the hands of the minister Maist What is it to eate the Bodie of Christ Crucified and to drinke his Blood that was shed Scholl It is not onely with certaine affiance of minde to lay holde of the whole Passion and death of Christ and thereby to obtaine forgiuenes of sinnes and life euerlasting but also by the Spirit of Christ which dwelleth at one time both in Christ and in vs in such sort more and more to be vnited to his holie bodie that although hée be in Heauen and we vpon Earth yet notwithstanding wee are flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and as all the members of the bodie are gouerned and quickened by one soule so are we all by one and the same spirit M●i Where hath Christ promised that hee will as certainely giue vnto the belieuers his Bodie and his Blood in this manner to be eaten and drunke as they doe eate this Bread being broken and drinke this Cuppe Schol In the institution of the Supper the words wherof are these Our Lord Iesus Christ the same night he was betrayed tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and said Take eate this is my body which is broken for you this do ye in remembrance of me Likewise after supper he tooke the cup saying This cup is the new Testamēt in my blood this do as often as you drinke it in remembrance of me For as often as ye eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shew the Lords death till he come This promise is repeated by Paul when he saith The cup of thanksgiuing wherewith we giue thanks Is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ The bread which we breake Is it not the Communion of the Lords body Because we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of one bread Maist What then are bread and wine made the very body and blood of Christ Scholl No truely but after the nature of Sacraments the manner of spéech which the holie Ghost vseth in speaking these things the bread is called the bodie of Christ Maist Why then doth Christ call the bread his body and the cup his blood or the new Testament in his blood and Paul calleth the bread and wine the Communion of the body and blood of Christ Schol Christ not without great cause so speaketh to wit not onely to teach vs that as bread and wine sustaineth the life of the body so also his body crucified and his blood shed is indeed the meate and drinke of our soule whereby it may be nourished vnto ●ife euerlasting But much more by this visible signe and pledge to assure vs that we are no lesse truly made partakers of his body and blood by the working of the holy Ghost then we do with the mouth of the body receiue these holy signes in remembrance
God to keepe these Commaundements perfectly Schol. No truly but euen they that are most holie so long as they liue Maist Why then will haue his Lawe so exactly and so seuerely preached whereas there is no man in this life that is able to keepe it Scholl First that in our whole life we might the more acknowledge how forward our nature is to sinne and so much the more earnestly desire to obtaine mercie and Righteousnes in Christ Secondly that I be continually about this and daily more and more labour to obtaine the grace of the holy Ghost to the ende wée may euery day be more and more renued according to the Image of God vntill one day at length after wee are departed out of this life we attaine with ioy to that perfection which is set before vs. Mai Wherefore is Prayer necessary for Christians Schol Because it is the principall part of that thankfulnes which God requireth at our hands As also because the Lord bestoweth his grace and the holy Ghost vpon them alone who with true gronings doe continually begge those things at his handes and doe giue him thankes for the same Mai What things are required to that Prayer wherewith God is pleased and which he heareth and graunteth Schol That with true affection of hart wee aske of the true God alone who hath reuealed himselfe in his worde all things whatsoeuer he hath commanded vs to aske of him and that with an inward féeling of our owne needie and miserable estate wee humbly throwe our selues downe before the Maistie of God leaning vppon this strong foundation So that wée albeit vnworthy are vndoubtedly heard of God for Christs sake as he hath promised vnto vs in his word Maist What are those things which God commandeth vs to aske of him Schol All that is necessary for soule and bodie which our Lorde Iesus Christ hath comprised in that Prayer which hée himselfe hath taught vs. Maist What is that Prayer Scholl Our Father which art in Heauen hallowed bee thy Name thy Kingdome come thy will bee done in Earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill for thine is the Kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Ma Why doth Christ command vs after this maner to cal vpō God Our Father Schol That euen in the very entrance of Prayer hee may stirre vp in vs a reuerence and trust in GOD conuenient for the Children of God which ought to be the ground-worke of our Prayer to wit that God for Christes sake is become our Father and will much lesse denie vnto vs those things that we aske of him by a true Faith then our Parents denie vs earthly benefites Maist Why is that added Which art in Heauen Scholl That we should be assured that since God is in Heauen and there ruleth ouer all whatsoeuer is fit for vs hée is able to prouide and from thence wée must looke for all good things for soule and bodie Maist What is the first petition Schol Hallowed be thy Name that is I pray first of all that we may know thée feare thée reuerence praise thée and set forth thy power wis●dome goodnes righteousnes and glory which shineth in all thy workes Secondly that thou wouldest so direct all our life thoughts words and déeds that thy most holy name be not reproched by our occasion but rather be honoured and magnified Ma What is the second petition Schol Thy kingdome come that is so gouerne vs by thy word and by thy spirit that we may be more and more subiect vnto thée preserue and encrease thy Church destroy the workes of the diuell and euery power that exalteth it selfe against thy Maiestie make voide all the counsells that are taken against thy word vntill at length thou doo fully and perfectly raigne when thou shalt be all in all Maist What is the third petition Schol Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen That is graunt that we and all men renouncing our owne wills may readily and without any delay or grudging do thine owne will while we desire that we may as cheerfully execute as the holy Angels doe in heauen Maist Which is the fourth petition Schol Giue vs this day our daily Bread That is that thou wouldest giue vs all things necessarie for this present life that thereby we may acknowledge that thou art the onely fountaine from whence all good things doe slowe and except thou giue the blessing all our care and trauell yea euen thine owne gifts will be vnprosperous and hurtfull vnto vs wherefore graunt that turning our affiance from all creatures we may set it vpon thee alone Maist What is the fift petition Schol Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them 〈…〉 That is for the blood of Christ impute not vnto vs most miserable sinners all our sinnes and euen that corruption which as yet cleaueth vnto vs as we also feele this testimonie of thy fauour in our hearts that we haue a stedi●st purpose from our heart and soule to forgiue all that haue iniuried wronged and offended vs. Maist What is the sixt petition Schol Le● 〈◊〉 vs not i●to temptation but de 〈…〉 That is forasmuch as we are of our selues feeble and weake that we cannot stand n● not a moment against our sworne enemies Sathan the world and the flesh which continually are tempting vs to euill it would please thee to strengthen vs with the power of thy spirit that we faint not in this spirituall combat but that we may so long stand against them all that at the last we obtaine a perfect victorie Maist How dost thou conclude thy prayer For thine is the Kingdome the power and glorie for euer Schol That is that wee aske all these things at thy handes because thou being our King and Almightie art willing and able to giue vs all things and these things wée therefore aske to the ende that by them all glorie may re●ound not vnto vs but vnto thy holie Name Maist What meaneth this last worde Amen Schol That the matter is certaine and not of doubt for my praier is much more certainely heard of God then I in mine owne heart do feele that I desire it perfect and absolutely with all the inward affection of my soule FINIS A prayer for the Morning O Heauenly Father which like a diligent watchman attendest alwaies vpon thy faithfull people whether they wake or sleepe mightily defendest them not onely from Sathan that old enemie of mankind but also from all other their aduersaries so that through thy godly power they be preserued harmelesse I most hartily thanke thee that it hath pleased thy fatherly goodnes so to take care of me thine vnprofitable seruant this night past that thou hast both safely kept me from all mine enemies and also giuen me sweete sleepe vnto the
great comfort of my body I most entirely beséech thee O most mercifull father to shew the like kindnes towards me this day in preseruing my body and soule that as mine enemies may haue no power ouer me so I likewise may neither thinke breathe speake or doe any thing that may be displeasant to thy fatherly goodnesse dangerous to my selfe or hurtfull to my neighbour but that all my enterprises may be agréeable to thy most blessed will which is alway good and godly doing that that may aduance thy glorie answere to my vocation and profite of my neighbour whom I ought to loue as my selfe that whensoeuer thou callest me from this vale of miserie I may be found the childe not of darknes but of light and so for euer raigne with thée in glorie which art the true and euerlasting light to whom with thy dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our alone Sauiour and the holy Ghost that most swéete comforter be all honour and glorie Amen ¶ A prayer for the night O Lord God and my heauenly father for as much as by thy diuine ordinance the night approacheth and darkenes beginneth to ouerwhelme the earth and time requireth that we giue our selues to bodily rest and quietnes I render vnto thee most hartie thanks for thy louing kindnesse which hast vouchsafed to preserue me this day from the danger of mine enemies to giue me my health to féede me and to send me all things necessarie for the comfort of this my poore néedie life I most humbly beseech thée for Iesu Christs sake that thou wilt mercifully forgiue me all that I haue this day committed against thy Fatherly goodnes either in word deede or thought and that thou wilt vouchsafe to shadowe me this night vnder the comfortable wings of thy almightie power and defend me from Sathan and from all his craftie assaults that neither he nor any of his ministers haue power ouer either my body or my soule but that although my body through thy benefite enioyeth swéet and pleasant sléepe yet my soule may continually watch vnto thée thinke of thée delight in thée and euermore praise thée that when the ioyfull light of the day returneth according to thy godly appointment I may rise againe with a faithfull soule and vndefiled body and so afterward behaue my selfe all the time of my life according to thy blessed will and commandement by costing away the workes of darknesse and putting on the armour of light that men séeing my good workes may thereby be prouoked to glorifie thée our heauenly Father which with thy onely begotten Sonne Iesu Christ our alone Sauiour and the holy Ghost thy most sweet comforter liuest and raignest one true and euerlasting God world without ende Amen A prayer to be said for all such as lye at the poynt of death O Most louing Sauiour and gentle redeemer which camest into this world to call sinners vnto repentance and to seeke that which was lost thou seest in what case this our brother lyeth here visited with thy mercifull hand all weake feeble sicke and readie to yeeld vp his soule into thy holy hands O looke vpon him most gentle Sauiour with thy mercifull eye pittie him and be fauourable vnto him He is thy workemanship despise not therefore the worke of thine owne hands Thou sufferedst thy blessed bodie and thy precious blood to be shed for his sinnes and to bring him vnto the glorie of thy heauenly Father let it not therefore come to passe that thou shouldest suffer so great paines for him in vaine He was baptised in thy name and gaue himselfe wholy to be thy seruant forsaking the Diuell the World and the Flesh confesse him therefore before thy heauenly Father and his blessed Angels to be thy seruant His sinnes we confesse to be great for who is able to say my heart is cleane and I am free from sinne but thy mercies O Lord are much greater and thou camest not to call the righteous but sinners vnto repentance To them that are diseased and ouerladen with the burden of sinne doest thou promise ease Thou art that God which willest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turne and liue Thou art that Sauiour which willest all men to be saued to come to the knowledge of thy truth Withdrawe not therefore thy mercie from him because of his sinnes but rather laie vpon him thy sauing health that thou mayest shew thy selfe towards him to be a Sauiour What greater praise can there be to a Phisition then to heale the sicke Neither can there be a greater glorie to thee being a Sauiour then to saue sinners Saue him therefore O Lord for thy names sake Againe let the Law be no corsiue to his conscience but rather giue him grace euen in this extreame agony and conflict of death to be fully perswaded that thou by thy death hast taken away all his sinnes fulfilled the Lawe for him and by this meanes deliuered him from the curse of the Law and payed his ransome that he thus being fully perswaded may haue a quiet heart a free conscience and a glad will to forsake this wretched world and to goe vnto his Lord GOD. Moreouer thou hast conquered him that had rule ouer death euen Sathan Suffer him not therfore to exercise his tyrannie vpon this our sicke brother nor to disquiet his conscience with the terrors of sinne and paines of Hel. Let not Sathan nor his infernal armie tempt him further then he is able to beare but euermore giue him grace euen vnto his last breath valiantly to fight against the diuell with a strong faith in thy pretious blood that he may fight a good fight and finish his course with ioy vnto the glorie of thy name and the health of his soule O Lord so worke in him by thy holy spirit that he with all his heart may contemne and despise all worldly things and set his minde wholy vpon heauenly things hoping for them with a strong and vndoubted faith Againe let it not grieue him O sweet Sauiour to be losened from this vile and wretched carcasse which is now so full of sorrowe trouble and anguish sicknesse and paine but rather let him haue a bent and readie will through thy goodnesse to put it off yea and that with this faith that he at the last day shall receiue it againe in a much better state then it is now or euer was from the day of his birth euen as a body vncorruptible immortall and like to thy glorious body Let his whole heart and minde be set onely vpon thee Let the remembrance of the ioyes of heauen bee so seruent in his brest that he may both patiently and thankfully take his death and euer wish to bee with thee in glorie And when the time commeth that he shall giue ouer to nature and depart from this miserable world● vouchsafe we most humbly beseech thee O Lord Iesu to take his soule into thy hands and to place it among the glorions companie of thy holie Angels and blessed Saints and to keepe it vnto that ioyfull day of the generall Resurrection that both his body and soule through thine Almightie power being knitie againe together at that day hee may for euer and euer enioy that glorious kingdome and sing perpetuall praises to thy blessed Name Amen A Grace before meate WEe beseethe thee O heauenly Father to blesse vs and these thy meates and drinkes that we shall receiue from thée and make vs thankfull for all thy heauenly Creatures which wée daily receiue from thée through Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen A Grace after meate FOr this thy bountifull goodnes in féeding vs at this time wée hartily thanke thee O most mercifull Father desiring thée so to feede our Soules likewise with that meate and drinke which perisheth not but abideth in Euerlasting life that we being fed both in bodie and soule at thy mercifull hands may alwayes doe that which is acceptable in thy sight through Iesus Christ Amen Grace before meate HEauenly Father graunt that our bodies being fed with these thy Creatures wee may serue thée in feare and reioyce before thée with trembling and in all things stand in awe of thy Maiestie lest thou be angrie and wee perish For the feare of the Lorde is the beginning of wisedome and blessed are they that walke therein through Iesus Christ our onely Lorde and Sauiour Amen Grace after meate FOr that wée haue receiued at thy hands O God thy most holie and euerlasting Name be blessed and praised from this time foorth and for euermore Amen