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soul_n blood_n life_n lord_n 4,921 5 3.7317 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17935 [The siege of Rhodes] Caoursin, Guillaume, d. 1501.; Kay, John, poet. 1482 (1482) STC 4594; ESTC S108429 25,230 50

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fewe dayes after that thys was done the turkes for despyte and grete annoye of the foresayde thynges whiche were done vnto theyme made anone redy a grete ordonnaunce and came agayne vnto the tour of seynt nycolas for to haue it anon with their bombardes boldely they casted downe the bollewerkes forslettes And as faste as they casted theym downe the Rhodyans repayred theim agayn The turkes also made a long b●igge of the length of a quater of a myle the whiche recched from the banke there as the turkes laye vnto the banke of seynt Nicolas toure and was so large that .vi. men on horseback myghte ryde a fronte and was made with voyded pypes and with bordes strongly nayled vpon them purposed to beynge the same brigge by craft into the water and they fested and knytted strongely to the sayde brigge grete and myghts ropes whiche had in thother ende strong ancures whiche ancur●s they fasted with a bote to the nether bank of the tour so that the brigge with the drawyng of the corde and flotyng shulde haue recched to the sayd banke Anone afoer that the Rhedians had knowleche of thees werkes a shipman wel experte in swymmyng wente by nyghte and noted the cordes fro the ancre and knytted theim vnto a stone of the banke so that lyghtely whenne the turkes drewe the corde they knewe wel that they were begyled of the Rhedyans The lord mayscer of Rhodes vnderstandyng thys nobe acte rewarded the forsayd shypman worshipfully and ryght largely And so whenne the turkes sawe and knewe the grete frawde whyche was done to theym of the Rhodyans thoughte and ordeyned that they wold brynge the forsayd brygge theder wyth grete strenghte and nombre of botes being full of rowers whyche and toure grete stones of bombardes and of gonnes wyld fyre and arowes of bowes and balestres And soo alle the nyght from twelfe the clocke vnto x. in the daye they faught all by derke but as the fyre of the bombardes and the flammes of the wyldfyre gaue lyghte And so after that the turkes were put oute with their grete dammage and harme that the men of Rhodes had the vyctorye a man myght haue seen thre dayes folowyng ded men of the turkys partye casted and lvyng in the banke of the see toward Rhodes whiche were fonde arayed wyth golde and syluer and precious clothyng and parte of their araye was seen flotyng in the see whiche geyre and araye was taken vppe by the crysten men with grete profyte and wynnyng And in also moche more was thys vyctorye in gladnesse to the Rhodyans because that there were slayne many noble turkes and in especial a ●●syn of the grete turke the deth of the whiche was a grete sorowe to the grete turke and to all hys people and hys body was fonde on the banke spolyed of the Rhodyans And anone after thys grete fyghtyng somme turkes yelde them to the crysten people of Rhodes and sayde for trouth that ther were slayne of the turkes thre thousand and fyfe honderd and that the basse by the space of thre dayes for sorow thoughte spake wyth noo man of hys companye nor with none other And anon auysed the grete turk of thys grete myschyfe that was befalle to theym And in so moche more was wroth that wyth so grete deth of hys people and myscheuous harmes he had noo thyng profyted agaynest Rhodes nether agaynes the forsayde tour but with hye dammage and shame was putte offe as not able wyth alle that feleshyp and myght to ouercome the cyte of Rhodes as he hadde pourposed And so after that the turkes sawe that they coude not wynne the toure by strenghte and myghte anone they tourned theire fantasye and studyed wyth alle theire vertue and myghte to assaute the cytee and in especyal they made grete assaut agaynest the walles that were kepte by the Iues and also agaynes the walles that the nacyon of Italye kepte and defended and shortely the turkes made grete dammages and hurtes all abowte the walles of the cytee wyth theire grete gonnes and bombardes in so moche that they thought to come by wyles and subtyll meanes nygh to the walles of the cyte And so they made certayn dyches in dyuers places of the fyldes and couered theym with grene bowes and afterward they pritted erthe and turnes vppon the same and myned faste prynely for they pourposed to come to fyghte hande for hande wyth the Rhodyans Also they ordeygned certayne logges whiche they coueryd wyth grene bowes be cause that they sholde not be knowen and fro thens they shotte to the walles of Rhodes grete bombardes gomies and serpentynes in suche a wyse that noo man durste loke out of the walles of the cytee to theire fylde and to their werkes And in this whyle the turkes fylled a certayne place of the dyche of the citee wyth trees and stones and suche other thynges so that the dyche was made equall and playnnyssed vnto the heyght of the broken walle soo that lyghtely they myghte come for to feyghte hande for hande with the Rhodyans Then the Lorde Mayster of Rhodes consyderyng and seeyng openly the grete hardynesse of the turkes and also the grete daunger that the cytee of Rhodes stede in he as a noble Prynce louyng and defendyng hys sayde cytee and lordshyppe and hys people wyth grete dysygence called alle hys famous knyghtes and gouernours of hys werree and thenne he declared shewed to theyme wyth prudence and eloquence the grete daungers in the whiche by the furye and open boldenesse of the turkes Rhodes the moste crysten cytee stode in Fewe dayes by fore the siege of Rhodes was come from the royame of Fraunce to Rhodes the myghty and exellente knyghte named Antony Daubusson whyche was brother to the Lord Mayster of Rhodes Thys Antony Daubusson was Lord in Fraunce of a place whyche ys called Montelyon a man of grete wysedom and counseyle strong and hardy in werres and bataylles He departed from the royaume of Fraunce wyth a companyr of clenly and lykkely men whiche were able to fyghte vnder what somme euer baner that belonged to kyng or Emperour And hys entente and purpos was to vysyte deuoutely the blessyd and holy sepulchre of cure saueour Ihesu cryste in Ierusalem But whenne he vnderstode and perceyued that the grete Turke sholde come and laye siege to Rhodes he pourposed to helpe and defende the cytee of rhodes wyth Iuborte of hys lyfe and all hys companye for he thoughte that in noo maner place nor in noo maner wyse he myghte spende hys bloode better and more for the welfare of hys soule thenne there where he shulde fyghte for the precyous name of oure Lord Ihesu cryste and for the ryghtfull quarell of all crysten fayth and to kepe from captyuyte of the turkes the noble cytee of Rhodes and be cause that hys holynesse and hys herty loue whiche he hadde to the fayth of Ihesu cryste and also that hys grete manhode