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A17019 A manual of praiers vsed by the fathers of the primatiue Church for the most part within the foure first hundred yeares of Christ, & al before the end of the sixt hundred yeare: diuided into seueral chapters. Wherin by the very praiers of the Apostles, and their successors, (here related without anie word or sillable, added or altered) al the cheifest questio[n]s now in controuersie, are inuincible proued for the holy doctrine of the present Roman Church; by which we are instructed how to beleeue, and what to practise in deuotion. By R. B. P. Broughton, Richard. 1618 (1618) STC 3899; ESTC S114459 45,830 122

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prouing it to be the true Body and Bloud of Christ The 14. Chapter praiers after receiuing this B. S. prouing the same The 15. Chapter of Sacramental Confession a due preparation for that B. Sacrament The 16. Chapter the external holy preisthood and Sacrifice of Christians Christes true Bodie and Bloud offered both for the liuing dead The 17. Chapter the preeminence of S. Peter and his Successors in the Apostolick Romane Sea in this holy preisthood The 18. Chapter what diuersitie of orders belong vnto holie Preisthood their Vowes Virginitie Chastitie al degrees of the Church PRACTISE AND PRAIERS OF THE PRIMATIVE CHVRCH How Man is or may be iustified but not by Faith onely Chapter 1. WHosoeuer wil be saued before al thinges it is needeful that he hold the Catholick Faith Which except euerie one shal keepe whole and inuiolate without doubt he shal perish for euer And the Catholicke Faith is this that we worship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie c. But it is necessarie to eternal saluation that he also beleue faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Iesus Christ c. At whose coming al men must rise with their bodies and render accompt of their owne deedes And they which haue done good things shal go into life eternal they which haue done euil thinges into euerlasting fire This is the Catholick faith which except euerie man faithfully and firmly beleue he can not be saued O Lord I besech intreate and desire thee increase my faith increase my hope increase my Charitie Cause vs by thy grace to be alwaies stedfast in fatih and effectual in worke that by right faith and worthy workes of faith by thy mercie we may come to eternal life Decline from euil and do good when thou hast done this secure expect life and then boldly thou shalt say O Lord I haue done what thou hast commanded pay vnto me what thou hast promised O most holie Martyrs we besech you that you would intreate our Lord for vs wretched sinners that he would powre his diuine grace vpon vs which may continually lighten and illuminate our heartes with the beame of holie Charitie by which we may be able to loue him with al our heart and with al our minde O Lord help vs we besech thee by the praier of those Sainctes which not yet able to professe thy Sonne with humane voice were crowned with celestial glorie for his Natiuitie O Lord we besech thee let them obtaine for vs puritie of mindes whose innocencie we solemnly celebrate O God looke vpon vs and make that our Oblation sanctified by the holie Ghost be acceptable for propitiation of our sinnes those sinnes which the people by ignorance haith committed and for the rest of the soules of them which are departed before vs. O Lord God graunt vnto vs that with ioy we may keepe and fulfil thy commandementes al the daies of our life There remaine saith the holie Apostle Paule Hope Faith and Charitie these three but the greatest of these is Charitie Faith is that by which we conf●sse the Trinitie to be of one substance Hope is that by which we hope the Resurrection of the flesh and rewardes to be hereafter for merites Charitie is that by which we so loue Christ that we would suffer our selues with a willing minde to be put to death for his name But because al which are baptized in the Apostolick faith beleue surely in the Trinitie and hope for thinges to come yet al can not say forth of affection with the holie Apostle Who shal seperate vs from the loue of Christ tribulation or distresse or persecution or famine or nakednesse or daunger or the sword Therfore some of our water pottes hold two measures but some three measures Therfore our Lord Iesus rich towards al and oueral who cal vpon him vouchsaife to geue that we may receiue three measures perfect in his loue Also that without warre of persecution constāt in the loue of God with prepared mindes for al suffering of present paines we may wel Merite the Renowmed crowne of a vanquishing conscience by the triumph of secret conflict Let vs with praier besech our holie and blessed God of reward entreating for our brethren and sisters by whose ministerie cost they which are needy in the Church do not suffer want that our Lord wil communicate spiritual riches vnto them which geue releefe of worldly substance to the pouertie of faithful soules by our Lord Iesus Christ Merciful God graunt vnto the praiers of thy seruantes that whosoeuer ●indful of thy heauenly precept●s do minister necessaries to the poore may be crowned with incorruptible heauenly glorie of thy miseration mercie by our Lord Iesus Christ Amen O God from whom Iudas the traitor receiued the punishment of his offence and the theife the reward of his confession graunt vnto vs the effecte of our holie petition that as our Lord Iesus Christ in his Passion gaue to them both the stipendes of their merites so he wil bestow vpon vs the grace of his Resurrection Christ our God and our Lord who by his grace hath made vs worthie to receieu his precious Bodie and Bloud graunt that we may please him in our wordes deedes and thoughtes that this Sacrament which we haue receiued and shal receiue be vnto vs a pledge of remission of our debtes and great hope of Resurrection from the dead O Lord our God make vs pure cleane from al il odoures of feines worth i● of thy 〈◊〉 ●nd 〈◊〉 O louer of men make us iust without spotte with gladnes al the daies of our life O Lord our God protect nourish and gouerne vs by the powers of the Princes of thy Angels Seperate vs from al euil workes conioine vs with al good workes by Christ thine only Sonne O house of God bright and bewtiful I haue loued the dwelling place of the glorie of our Lord my possessor and maker Speake thou aske thou him that he may make me worthie of the participation of thy glorie I do not dispaire to obtaine it olny let thy merits help me O my Lord I besech thee that this oblation may be to vs o my Lord a loosing of our debtes remission of sinnes and new life in the heauenly kingdome O Lord my God graunt to me so to receiue the bodie and bloud of thy Sōn our Lord Iesus Christ that by it I may merite to receiue remission of al my sinnes and to be filled with thy holie Spirit 〈◊〉 our God who liuest reignest world without end Amen O God by whom we reproue the errour of them which think there be no merites of soules with thee O Lord let blessed Agatha the Martyr who hath bene acceptable to thee both by merite of Chastitie and profession of thy vertue obtaine Pardō for vs. O holie and blessed Paula
geue rest and good memorie to all hauing societie with vs to my father and to my mother to my maister who brought me vp O most holy Virgin Mother of God pray for al seruantes of God men and women both liuing and departed out of this life Praiers preparatorie before receiuing the most blessed Sacrament of the Altare Christs true bodie bloud Chapter 13. I Doe not ioy in corruptible nourishment nor in the pleasures of this life I desire the bread of God the bread celestial which is the flesh of Christ the Soune of God and drink I desire his bloud which is life euerlasting O diuine and sacred Misterie vouchsaif to open tne couerings of signifying signes which are about thee and apparantly appeared and replenish the eyes of our vnderstanding with a singular and manifest brightnes of thy light When thou receiuest the holy meate and that incorrupted banquet when thou dost enioy the bread and cuppe of life thou dost eate and drinke the bodie and bloud of our Lord Then our Lord entreth Vnder thy roofe and thou therfore humbling thy self imitate the Centurion and say O lord I am not worthie that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe O Lord our God the heauenly bread life of al I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and I am not worthie to be made partaker of thine immacuate misteries but as a merciful God make me worthie of thy grace that without condemnation I may be partaker of thy holy bodie pretious bloud to forgeuenes of sinnes and life euerlasting O Lord who dwellest aboue the Cherubim and lookest downe vpon thy people and inheritance blesse thy seruants and their children graunt a portion to them that come to receiue of thy miraculous Table for purging of their mind and remission of sinnes vnion of the holie Ghost and health of soule and bo die inheritance of the Kingdome of heauen Amen Tast and see that our Lord is bountiful who distributed into partes not diuided and bestowed vpon the faithful is not consumed for remission of sinnes and life euerlasting now euer world without end O Lord God almightie we besech thee to driue away from our thought the darke assaultes of sinne make our mindes ioyfui with the brightnes of thy holie Spirit that being increased with the knowlege of thee we may worthily participate of those good thinges which are proposed vnto thee of the immaculate body and pretious bloud of thine onely begotten Sonne our Lord and God Sauiour Iesus Christ Forgeue vnto vs al shew of sinnes by thy manifold vnsearchable goodnes by the grace and mercies and gentlenes of thine only begotten Sonne with whom to thee be honour Rule with the most holie and good and quitning Spirit O Lord our God who out of the aboundance of thy grace hast bestowed vpon vs al thinges Thou geuest vnto vs more then we demand more boūtifully then we vnderstand thou dealest with vs stretch forth o Lord thy inuisible hand and blesse thy seruantes and handmaides and clense them from al spotte of flesh and spirit and vouchsaife vs to be made partakers of the body of thine only begotten Sonne that with puritie and holines humble we may offer our praiers to thee and vnto thine only Sonne our Lord Iesus Crist to thy most holy Spirit to be adored world without end Amen O our God let vs not be guilty of the Body Bloud of Christ thy Sonne nor sicke in mind or bodie because vnworthie we participate the sacred Mysteries but rather graunt vnto vs that vntil our last breath we may please thee and be accompted worthie to receiue the sauing Sacraments of our Lord and Redemer Iesus Christ nor to be vnworthie of his bodie and purging bloud but meete to receiue thē that by them being strenghned clensed and perfected we may worthily besech thee by that praier which thy only begotten Sonne hath taught vs that we may crie with a pure heart and say Our Father which are in heauen halowed be thy name O high Preist and true Bishop Iesus Christ who hast geuen for vs wretched sinners thy flesh to eate and thy bloud to drinke cause me by thy grace alway to beleue and vnderstand to thinke and firmly hold to say and esteme of so great a misterie that which is pleasing vnto thee and profitable for my soule O holy bread o liuely bread bread bewtiful pure bread which did descend frō heauen and geuest life to the world come into my heart and cleanse me frō al vncleannes of bodie and soule enter into my soule heale it within and without Be thou a perpetual saluation of my bodie and soule Driue back from me the enemies which lye in waite for me Let them depart from thy presence that I being both without and within defended by thee may come by ● ready path to thy kingdome where thinges are not handled with misteries as in this time but we shal see thee face to face when thou shalt deliver thy kingdomes to God the Father God shal be al in al. Then thou shalt fil me with thy self with a meruelous fulnes that I shal neither hunger nor thirst for euer Who with the Father and holy Ghost liuest reignest world without end Amen O Lord make me worthie by the Intercession of the vnspotted our Lady Mother of God and euer Virgin Marie that without condemnation I may receiue thy immaculate guist to remission of sinnes to life euerlasting purgation of euil cogitations for illustration of thy commandements O Lord Iesus Christ Sonne of the liuing God who by the wil of thy Father the holy Ghost cooperating hast reuiued the world deliuer me by this thy sacred body and bloud from al mine iniquities and al euils cause me alwaies to cleaue to thy commandemens and suffer me neuer to be seperated frō thee who with the same God the Father and holie Ghost liuest and reignest world without end Amen O Lord my God graunt vnto me so to receiue the Bodie and Bloud of thy Sonne our Lord Iesus that by it I may deserue to haue forgeuenes of al my sinnes and be replenished with thy holy Spirit o our God who liuest reignest world without end Amen Haile for euer o most sacred flesh of Christ for euer the greatest sweetnes O Lord I am not worthy thou shouldest enter under my roofe but only say the word my soule shall be cured O Lord I am not worthie thou shoudest enter under my roofe but only say the word my soule shal be cured O Lord I am not worthie thou shoudest enter under my roofe but only say the word my soule shal be cured The Bodie Bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ preserue my bodie and soule vnto euerlasting life Amen After receiuing of the bodie of Christ I come to the Chalice of
his bloud prostrate in maner of Adoration and worship saying Amen Of Praiers Thankes after receiuing of this most blessed Sacrament of the Altar which is Christs true Body Bloud Chapter 14. HAuing receiued the pretious Body and pretious Bloud of Christ let vs geue thankes to him who hath made vs worthie to receive his holy Misteries And we aske that they be not to vs for iudgment but saluation for the profit of our soule and body for preseruation of godlines for remission of sinnes to life of the world to come O Lord God omnipotent Father of Christ thy blessed Sonne the hearer of them which rightly cal vpon thee who knowest the intercessions of the silent Let vs geue thankes vnto thee for that thou hast made vs worthie of the participation of thy holie Misteries which thou hast geuen vnto vs for confirmation of thinges wel knowne for keping of pietie for remission of sinnes because the name of thy Christ is called vpon ouer vs and we are reconciled vnto thee Thou who hast seperated vs frō Communumcatinge with the vngodly ioyne vs with those that be consecrated vnto thee confirme vs in truth by the coming of the holy Ghost reueale thinges which we know not fulfil thinges which are wanting strengthen thinges knowne defend Preistes vnspotted in thy seruice preserue kinges in peace Magistrates in iustice the ayre in holsōnes the fruites in fertilitie the world in perfect prouidence Represse warring Nations conuert them that erre sanctifie thy people conserue Virgins kepe the married in faithfulnes strengthen the ignorant bring infantes vnto ripe age confirme nouices instruct Cathecumens and make them worthy to be admitted to thy Misteries and gather vs al together into the Kingdome of heauē in Christ Iesus our Lord with whom to thee and the holie Ghost be Glorie Honour and Worship for euer Amen O Lord Iesus I besech that this thy Sacrament be vnto vs to life that it be to vs for remission of sinnes for thy Passion was celebrated for vs. Thou didest drinke gaule for vs that al bitternes of the aduersary might dye in vs. Also for vs thou didest drinke vineger that our wearines might be comforted Thou wert spitted vpō for vs that thou mightest sprincle vs with immortal dew Thou wast stricken with a brittle reede to make firme our brittlenes to euerlasting life eternitie Thou wast crounned with thornes to croune those which beleue in thee with the euerflorishing Laurel of thy loue Further thou wast wrapped in a Syndon to inuest vs with a certaine enwrapping of thy vertue Thon wouldest be put in a new Sepulchre to reforme new grace a new world vnto vs. I desire this Eucharist be vnto vs to life the bowels of mercie and grace of saluation health of our soules Amen O Lord fil our mouth with thy praise replenish our lippes with ioy that we may praise thy glory and al the day thy magnificence We geue thankes vnto thee o Christ our God because thou hast vouchsaifed vs to be made partakers of thy body and bloud to remission of sinnes and life euerlasting O God who for thy manifold and vnspeakable bounty hast condescended to the infirmitie of thy seruantes vouch saifed to make vs partakers of this heauenly Table condemne not vs sinners for receiuing thine immaculate mysteries but bountifully preserue vs in sanctification of thy holy Spirit that we being made holy may obtaine part inheritance with al Sainctes which from eternitie haue bene accepted of thee in the light of thy countenance by the mercy of thine only begotten Sonne our Lord and God and Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen O Lord thou hast geuen vnto vs sanctification and receiuing of the most holy bodie and pretious bloud of thine only begotten Sōne our Lord Iesus Christ Bestow vpon vs also the grace of thy good holy Spirit and preserue vs without offence in faith lead vs into perfect adoption and Redemption into those future eternal fruitions Amen Blessed be God that blesseth sanctifieth the receiuing of his holy liuely and immaculate Misteries now euer world without end Amen We geue thankes to thee o our God we exalt thee the Father omnipotent merciful praise thee Creatour of the world and adore thee abounding with mercie and grace because thou hast taken mercy vpon vs and cleansed vs and blotted forth our sinnes and vouchsaifed vs the receiuing of thy holy liuely Sacraments which euen the Angels desires to behold Therfore let their swetnes vnto vs a cleansing their participation for remission of sinnes before committed by vs and for a medicine of those in which we are yet conuersant Finally for an auoiding and defence against those which hereafter may be cōmitted by vs and for ioy and exultation with Sainctes who from the beginning haue pleased thee We geue thankes vnto thee o most gentle Lord Redemer of our soules because at this present thou hast made vs worthy of thy heauenly and immortal Mysteries Direct thou our way kepe vs in feare defend our life strengthen our goinges by the praiers and intercessions of the holy glorious Mother of God and alwaies Virgin Marie O God he thou exalted aboue the heauens and thy glory ouer al the earth now and euer world without end Amen O Lord my God Father Son holy Ghost cause me alwaies to seeke loue thee and by this holie Communion which I haue receaued neuer to depart from thee because thou art God and besides thee there shal be none other for euer Amen Being refreshed with the body and Bloud of Christ we praise thee o Lord Alleluya Alleluya Alleluya The Body of our Lord Iesus Christ which we haue receiued and his holy bloud which we haue drunke adhere fast vnto our bowels o euerlasting almighty God that it come not vnto vs to iudgment nor condemnation but profit to saluation and remedie of our soules vnto life eternal Amen O Christ Iesus who hast effected an euening Sacrifice by the Crosse in the euening of the world vouchsaif to make vs new Sepulchres for thy Bodie Amen Of Sacramental Confession a due preparatiō before receiuing the most blessed Sacrament of the Altare Chapter 15. THere is yet an other hard and laborious remission of sinnes by penance when the sinner doth wash his couch with teares is not ashamed to tel his sinne to the Preist of our Lord seeke remedie according to that I will pronounce against me mine iniustice to our Lord and thou hast forgeuen the wickednes of my heart Graunt o Lord as thou hast geuē vnto to thy Preistes the preisty office in thy holy Church so we besech thy goodnes and clemencie o louer of men that they may absolue vs thy seruantes al bowing downe their heades before thy sight in this thy holy Sacrifice I confesse to God almightie to the Blessed Marie euer Virgin to the blessed
thankes and adoration in the holie Ghost for euer Amen O Lord of life and death o keeper and benefactor of our soules receiue the soule of C. whom we commend to thy wisdome by which al thinges are done and hereafter in time conuenient also receiue vs and gouerne vs in our flesh so long as is profitable for vs O Lord who kepest litle ones and sauest those that trust in thee geue vnto thy perfect seruant that rest which thou hast prepared for thy Sainctes Let his soule returne thither frō whence it came where it can feele no sting of death where it may know that this death is not the end of mā but of sinne For in that he is dead he is dead to sinne that there may now be no place for sinne Amen O Lord we commend vnto thee the soule of thy seruant that being dead to the world he may liue to thee And the sinnes which by frailtie of worldly conuersation he hath committed blotte thou out with the pardon of thy most merciful pietie by our Lord. Amen In the name of our Lord Iesus his soule and al soules of the faithful deceased by the mercie of God rest in peace without end Amen Our Lord raise him vp againe to euerlasting life and be merciful vnto vs. Our Lord place him in the bosome of Abraham and be merciful vnto vs. Of praier Sacrifice Almes and other good deedes for al true faithful deceased Chapter 12. Opardoner and clenser o forgeuer blotter out and forgeating our manie and great sinners withou nūber and the sinnes of al thy faithful people pardon o God and haue mercy vpon vs. Remember vs o Lord God in the mercies that are from thee and remember our soules and the soules of our fathers and brethren and instructours and of our deceased Finally of al faithful deceased children of thy holy and glorious Church O Lord God geue rest to their soules and bodies and sprincle the dew of thy miserations vpō their bones O Christ our King take compassion and be merciful vnto vs them O thou my God who geuest rest to the dead and raisest againe those that be buried receiue the soules of thy seruants which we haue remembred and place them o my Lord in the blessed mansions of the house of thy Father with Abraham and Isaac and Iacob thy frendes and with al Sainctes that haue performed thy wil in the true faith and of thy Father and thy holy Spirit for euer Amen O Lord geue euerlasting rest vnto al which haue gone before vs in the faith of Christ O Lord remember haue mercy vpō shew fauour to the soules which rest pacify illuminate them associate them vnto thy Sainctes in the kingdom of heauen make them worthie of thy loue Let vs bring forth our praiers asking of the pietie of our Lord that he wil vouchsaife to place the soules of them that rest in the bosome of Abraham admitte them vnto the part of the first Resurrection O Lord graūt our oblation be grateful and acceptable for the rest of the soules of them which are deceased before vs. Because while we are in this world oftentimes we be deceived err both vnwillingly and voluntary we make memorie both of the lust and sinners that are deceased for sinners beseching the mercie of God O God have respect vnto vs and remember al that are deceased in hope of the Resurrection and life euerlasting and cause them to rest where the light of thy countenence is seene O Lord as merciful remember thy seruantes pardon whatsoeuer thinges they in their life haue offended in We Offer vnto thee this reasonable dutie for the faithful deceased for our Brethren and Sisters by the intercession of Patriarches Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors al Sanctes O Lord remember our deceased Princes Bishops Kinges and al that are dead in the true faith O Lord remēber al men and women thy seruantes brethren and sisters and al the faithful deceased and resting in the signe of the true faith O Lord remember al those that sleepe in hope of Resurrection of euerlasting life and refresh them where the light of thy countenance doth visit O Lord remember al thy seruantes which haue gone before vs with the signe of faith and rest in the sleepe of peace O Lord we besech thee to graūt vnto them and to al that rest in Christ a place of refreshing and peace Euerlasting God we humbly besech thee that thy seruant to whom thou hast geuen the gouernmēt of thy Church being now deliuered from the prison of flesh and ioyned to the Prelates of Apostolick dignitie may deserue to obtaine the reward of eternal life My praise and my life God of my heart I besech thee for the sinnes of my mother heare me by the medicine of our woundes which hanged vpon the Crosse sitting at thy right hand maketh intercession to thee for vs. I know that she delt mercifully and with al her heart forgaue offences to them that had offended her Therfore forgeue thou also her debts if she hath incurred any by so manie yeares after the water of saluation O Lord forgeue her forgeue her I besech thee enter not into iudgment with her Let her rest in peace together with her husband O Lord our God remember the soules of the orthodoxal and true beleuers frō Abel the iust vnto this day Cause them to rest in the land of the liuing in thy Kingdome and delightes of paradise in the bosome of Abraham Isaac and Iacob our holy fathers from whence is banished sorow sadnes and groning where the light of thy countenance doth rule and shine continually O Lord Creatour of bodies soules remember at thy heauenly Altare al those that are departed forth of this wretched world and refresh them in thy Tabernacle ful of bewtie Passe them ouer beyond the horrible mansiōs of torment and place them in thy light-some Tabernacles Deliuer them from want of light from darknes take them forth of tribulation and greife let thy countenance appeare peaceable unto them neither seuerly examine their former life But whether in word or work as men in flesh they haue sinned forgeue and abolish their errours O holy Father we besech thee for the soules of the faithful departed that they may haue eternal saluatiō perpetual health ioy and comfort euerlasting O Lord make an end of our sinnes graunt ioy to the afflicted deliuery to captiues health to the sicke and rest to the dead O Lord our God geue rest to the soules of the faithful departed in thy holy Tabernacles in thy Kingdome graūting vnto them the good thinges of thy promises which the eye hath not seene and the eare hath not heard and haue not ascended into the heart of man which thou o God hast prepared for them who loue thy name O God
vnspotted Sacrifices which we offer vnto thee for thy Catholicke church We aske and pray that thou wilt receiue this Oblation in thy high Altare by the handes of thine Angels as thou didest vouchsaife to receiue the guiftes of thy seruant Abel the iust and which thy high Preist Melchizedech hath offered vnto thee Being mindful of Christes most glorious passion and Resurection from those below and ascension into heauen O Lord we offer vnto thee this immaculate Oblation vnbloudy Sacrifice this holy bread and Chalice of eternal life And we aske and pray that thou wilt receiue this Oblation in thy high Altar by the handes of thine Angels as thou didest vouchsaife to receiue the guifts of thy seruant iust Abel and the Sacrifice of our Patriarch Abraham which the high Preist Melchizedech offered vnto thee O Lord I being mindful of thy venerable passion do come to thine Altare although a sinner that I may offer vnto thee the sacrifice which thou hast instituted and commanded to be offered in commemoration of thee for our saluation O high God receiue it I besech thee for thy holy Church and for the people which thou hast gotten with thy bloud O high Preist and true Bishop Iesus Christ who hast geuen vnto vs thy flesh to eate and thy bloud to drinke hast put this Mysterie in vertue of the holy Ghost saying So often as you do these you shal do them in memory of me I aske by the same thy bloud the price of our saluation I ask by this meruelous vnspeakable Charitie with which thou hast vouchsaifed to loue vs wretches vnworthy that thou wouldest wash vs frō our sinnes in thy bloud Teach me thy vnworthy seruāt whom thou hast vouchsaifed to cal vnto preistly functiō teach me I besech thee by thy holy Spirit to handle so great a Mysterie with that reuerence and honour with that deuotion and feare with which it behoueth and becometh For thy great clemency graunt me to celebrate the solemnities of Masse with a cleane heart and pure minde For with how great contrition of heart and fountaine of teares with how great reuerence and trembling with how great chastity of body and purity of soule is that diuine and heauenly Sacrifice to be celebrated where thy flesh in truth is receiued where thy Bloud in truth is drunke where lowest thinges are ioyned to the highest earthly thinges to diuine where the presence of holy Angels is where thou meruelously and vnspeakably art constituted Sacrifice and Preist We aske thee also o Lord for the soules of the faithful departed that this great Sacrament of pietie be vnto them saluation health ioy and refreshing O Lord let that inuisible and incomprehensible Maiestie of thy holy Spirit descend as long agone it did vpon the Oblations of the Fathers and make our Oblations thy Body and Bloud and teach me an vnworthy Preist to handle so great a Mysterie with puritie of heart and deuotion of teares with reuerence and dread that thou maist receiue pleasedly and gently of my handes for the saluation of al both liuing and dead We aske that the holy Ghost coming may with his holy good and glorious presence sanctify and make this bread the holy Body of thy Christ this Chalice the pretious Bloud of thy Christ that it may be vnto al receiuing of them to remission of sinnes O louer of men we humbly besech thee that thou wilt shew thy face vpon this bread and Chalice vpon this portable Altare Blesse sanctify cleanse and change this bread into thine immaculate flesh and this wine into thy pretious bloud O Lord Iesus Christ our God attend from thy holy Tabernacle from the Throne of the Glorie of thy Kingdome come to sanctify vs vouchsaife with thy powerable hand to impart vnto vs thine impolluted bodie and pretious Bloud and by vs to al the people O Lord make this bread the glorious Body of our Lord Iesus Christ for expiation of offences remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to them that receiue it Amen And this Chalice the pretious bloud of our Lord God Sauiour Iesus Christ for expiation of offences and forgeuenes of sinnes life euerlasting to them that receiue it Amen O Lord send forth thy spirit vpon vs and vpon these guiftes proposed and make this bread the pretious body of thy Christ and that which is in this Chalice the pretious bloud of Christ thy Soone transchanging them with thy holy Spirit O Lord we besech thee that pacified thou wilt accept this Oblation of our seruice and of al thy family Which Oblation o God vouchsaif we besech thee in al thinges to make blessed ratified acceptable that it may be made for vs the body and bloud of thy most beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ O lord we thy seruantes and thy holy people mindful of so blessed passion rysing from hel and ascention into heauen of the same Christ thy Sonne our Lord do offer to thine excellent Maiestie out of thy guiftes a pure oblation holy oblation immaculate oblation the holy bread of eternal life and Chalice of euerlasting saluation Vouchsaife to accept them as thou didest the guiftes of thy seruant iust Abel and the Sacrifice of our Patriarch Abraham that which Melchizedech thy high Preist offered vnto thee holy Sacrifice immaculate Oblation Humbly we besech thee o god almightie that as many of vs as shal receiue of this participatiō of the Altare the holy Body and Bloud of thy Sonne may be filled with celestial Benediction and grace by the same Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord we offer this Sacrifice vnto thee that we may remember al those which before vs are departed from this world First the Patriarkes Prophets Apostles Martyrs that God by their praiers wil receiue our praiers We pray for our holy Fathers and Bishops after we pray for al which are dead among vs beleuing it to be the greatest help of soules for whom is offered praier of that holy and dreadful Sacrifice which is placed vpon the Altar When we pray for the dead although they be sinners we offer vp Christ who was slaine for our sinnes that we may procure him who is most bountiful to be merciful both to our selues and them O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world looke vpon vs and haue mercie vpon vs. Thou art made vnto vs a Sacrifice who art our Preist Thou art our reward who art our Redemer kepe vs whom thou hast redemed from al euils What preeminence aboue al others S. Peter his Successors in his Sea Apostolick haue in this sacred Preisthood Chapter 17. O Peter the Rocke and firmament of the Church highest topp of the Apostles I besech thee to be present this day taking pitie vpon vs and in spirit conuerse in this place O B. Peter why art thou silent for the sheepe and Lambes commited vnto thee by
necessitie from al temptations of the diuel Be our Reconciliatrix and Aduocate in the hour of Iudgment Deliuer vs from the fire to comand darknes and vouchsaif vs the glorie of thy Sonne for thou art the most holie hope of Christians with God To whom be honour world without end Amen O holie and immaculate Virgin Marie Mother of God and Mother of our Lord Iesus Christ vouchsaife to make intercession for me to him whose Temple thou deseruedst to be I besech the Intercession of blessed Marie the Virgin that my praier may be effectual O holie Mother of God Virgin Marie pray for vs. O Queene of heauen and Ladie of earth euer most holie Virgin Mother of God our Lord Iesus Christ pray for vs and daily yea continually make intercession for me thy seruant and for al the holy Church of God for remission of sinnes purging of vices for increase and perfection of vertues for the peace and health of the faithful people for the fruictes of the earth for the stabilitie of the Church the order of Sainctes and for al seruantes of God men and women both liuing and departed that by thy praiers and holie merites God almightie may take mercie on a people ful of sinnes here and for euer Haile o Queene Mother of mercie life sweetenes and our hope al haille We that are the banished children of Eue do crie vnto thee To thee we sigh groaning and weping in this vale of teares Therfore o thou our aduocate turne those thy merciful eyes vnto vs and shew vnto vs after this exile blessed Iesus the fruite of thy wombe O merciful o ful of pitie o sweete Virgin Marie Pray for vs o holie Mother of God That we may be made worthie of the promises of Christ Harken o daughter of Dauid Abraham and incline thine eare to our praiers and forgeat not thy people We crie vnto thee o most holie Virgin remember vs and render vnto vs for this litle speech great guiftes out of the riches of thy graces thou who art ful of grace We vse these wordes for thy praise If at anie time Himne if at anie time praise be offered vnto thee either by vs or anie creature to thee I say our gracious Ladie Queene Mistris Mother of God Arke of the Sanctuarie Al orders of Angels and earthly thinges pronounce thee blessed We exalt thee with a great and lowde voice saying Haile gratious our Lord is with thee o Mistris and Ladie and Queene and Mother of God make intercession for vs. O venerable Virgin chast most happy adorned with the garment of immortalitie accompted as a Goddesse be mercifuly present to my praiers receiue my petitions O Ladie graunt that I may so depart forth of this life that hauing thee so great a gouernesse of it I may alwaies find thee for me a most acceptable Patronesse to thy Sonne Suffer me not to be deliuered ouer as it were to be crucified and exposed to the scorne of him that is the sworne enemie plague of al mortal men O maiden equalled by none in grace Mother and Virgin comly aboue al virgins and the greatest who excedest al orders of heauenly inhabitantes Queene Ladie the good of mankind be alwaies a frend to mortal men and to me euerie where the greatest saifguard O thrice blessed Mother o light of virgins which inhabitest the most glorious Temple of heauen free from the stianes of mortalitie now thou art adorned with the stoale of immortalitie harkē gently from aboue to my wordes and I besech thee o Virgin receiue my praiers It is worthy and iust to glorify thee Goddes Mother alwaies most blessed wholly vndefiled Mother of god more honourable then the Cherubins and incomparably more Glorious then the Seraphins which without corcorruption hast brought forth God verily we magnify thee Goddes Mother O glorious Mother of God who brought forth true God pray vnto him to saue our soules O Mother of God because thou art more excellent then al creatures we which are not able to praise thee worthily do freely besech thee haue mercie vpon vs. Haile ful of grace our Lord is with thee Haile organe of ioy by which the condemnation of our offence is purged and ful cōpensation of true ioy is made Haile truly blessed Haile illuminated Haile magnificent Temple of Diuine glory Haile consecrated Palace of the King Haile bride chamber in which humanitie was espoused to Christ Haile elected to God before thou wert borne Haile Goddes Reconciliation with men Haile treasure of life which neuer fadeth Haile heauen celestial Tabernacle of the sunne of glory Haile most ample feild of God whom none other place but thou alone could comprehend Haile holie virginal earth of which the new Adam by an vnspeakable framing was formed which should restoare the old Adam to saluation Haile Marie ful of grace our Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe for thou hast brought forth the Sauiour of our soules It is worthie it is worthie that we cal thee who art trulie blessed the Mother of God alwaies blessed euerie way irreprehensible the Mother of our God more honourable thē the Cherubins and more glorious then the Seraphins who without corruption hast brought forth God the word We truly magnify thee the Mother of God o ful of grace to thee euerie creature maketh ioy the companie of Angels and mankind thou who art the sanctified Temple the spiritual paradise the glorie of virgins of whom God receiued flesh and became a child our God who is before the world for he made thy belie his Throne and thy wombe more spacious and large then the heauens them selues To thee o ful of grace euerie creature doth gratulate glorie to thee O holie Marie Mother of God pray for vs I say sinners Amen O Mother of God Queene of heauen doare of paradise Ladie of the worlde begin praiers for my sinne Amen O my blessed Ladie and defence of mankind the harbour and protection of them that flee vnto thee I know o my Ladie Mother of God that I haue greatly offended thee For who o my Ladie hath hoped in thee and was ashamed or what man hath faithfully asked thy help able to al thinges hath at anie time bene forsaken verly no man at anie time Wherfore I a sinner also and wicked person aske thy euer-during fountaine from which cures do flowe to our soules be merciful vnto me Of the same praying vnto and honouring this most blessed Virgin Marie Chapter 4. HAile ful of grace our Lord is with thee He that said Let light be made let the firmament and the rest of the workes of wonderful creation be made Haile Mother of immeasurable ioy Haile new Arke of glory in which the spirit of God descending rested Arke in which rested the sanctification of new glorie Haile ornament of al Prophets and
Patriarks and most true praise of the vnsearchable oracles of God Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe and verily thou art trulie blessed for God hath blessed thee a Tabernacle to him self Blessed art thou among women who alone hast gott the blessing which God had promised to the Gentiles by Abrahā Verily thou art blessed who art called the Mother of the blessed child Iesus Christ our Sauiour for whom the Gentiles crie Blessed is he that cometh in the name of our Lord blessed the eternal name of his glorie Blessed art thou among women whom al generations proclame blessed kinges do glorifie whom Potentates adore whom virgins both following and going before thee do attend into the Temple of the King O haphie Marie and worthie of al praise O Virgin o glorious Mother of God o high child-bearer to whose bowels the maker of heauen and earth is committed O B. Marie admitte our praiers within the sacrarie of thy Auditorie and bring againe vnto vs grace of reconciliation Obtaine what we aske and excuse that we feare for we finde none more excellent in merits to pacify the Iudges anger then thou art who hast deserued to be the Mother of our Redemer Iudge Succour those that be in miserie assist the weake harted comfort those that weepe pray for the people intreat for the Cleargie make intercession for the company of Monkes besech for the deuout woman sexe Let al persons perceaue thy helpe that celebrate thy name Haue compassion vpon the afflicted beare a merciful affection to vs that be pilgrims from heauen present our wepinges vnto God and for vs intreate him as thine owne sonne We on earth are yet afflicted intertained with iniuries affected with reproches do hunger thirst are detained in prison But thou in heauen art preferred before al companies of virgins thou folowest the Lambe whether soeuer he goeth Thou in that most happy Region of the blessed hast gotte the cheifest dignitie To thee a kingly Queare of Angels is placed in the palace of the eternal King And the King of kinges himself louing thee aboue al with an embracing of loue doth sociate thee to him seif as his true Mother and comlie Spouse Therfore possessing these felicities turne thy self to the saluation of our soules assist the praiers of them that aske thee be careful daily to pray for the people of God thou being blessed didest deserue to beare the Redemer of the world who liueth and reigneth for euer Amen O blessed Marie who is able worthily to render dutie of thankes solemnitie of praises vnto thee who by thy singular assent hast sucoured the world which was lost What praises shal the frailtie of man yeld vnto thee who by thy negotiation alone hast found the meanes to recouer it againe Wherfore receiue such as they be very smale such as they be thankes vnequal to thy merites and when thou hast receiued our praiers by praying excuse our faultes Blessed among women pacify our Lord for his common creature For so long as thou didest conuerse on earth a litle portion of the earth had thee but since thou art translated from earth the whole world conteineth thee a common propitiatorie O Mother of God to vs that honor thee geue againe this reward of a litle guift that we may haue more precious and resplendant then riches humble praiers to thy Sonne and our Lord and King and God O vnspotted and whollie pure Virgin Goddes Mother Queene of al hope of the desolate my most glorious Ladie higher then the inhabitantes of heauen more pure then the beames brightnes of the Sunne more to be honoured then the Cherubim more holie thē the Seraphim hope of the Fathers glorie of the Prophets praise of the Apostles and honour of Martyrs ioy of Sainctes and light of the godlie Abraham Isaac and Iacob ornament of Aaron shynnig of Moyses fleece of Gedeon the Crowne of the companie of sarced Prelates and al Sainctes and Virgins inaccessible for brightnes By thee we are reconciled to Christ my God thy Sonne Thou art the helper of those that sinne and are destitute of aide comfort of the world renowmed deliuerer of the imprisoned Thou the receiuer of orphanes Thou the redemption of captiues Thou the exultation of the sicke and saiftie of al. Thou the ornament crowne ioy of virgins haue mercie on me that am defiled who with vetie manie sinnes haue offended my Creator my God and Iudge that most hateful Sathan do not glorie against me O syncere Virgin I haue none other trust for thou o inuiolate Virgin art my harbour and readie helper Lastly I am whollie vnder thy winge and protection most renowmed Mother I besech thee with frequent teares I lye prostrate to thee o my Ladie humbly crauing that thy sweete Sonne geuer of the life of al do not take me away for manie sinnes which I haue committed O thrice holie Virgin Marie looke vpon us frō heauen with a merciful eye and now lead vs from hence in peace place vs free from confusion before the Throne of the Iudge and at last make vs partakers of the station at the right hand that from thence being taken to heauen together with the Angels we may praise the increated and Homousion Trinitie O Virgin Mother of God and Christ at al times carrie vp our praier with the elect of thy Sonne that our sinnes may be forgeuen Be ioyful o Lady because thou hast brought forth to vs the true light pray for vs with him that he wil haue mercie on our soule pray for vs in the sight of the Throne of thy sonne Iesus Christ be ioyful o immaculate verily our Queene be glad o glorie of our parents because thou hast brought forth vnto vs Emanuel o verily Mediatrix before our Lord Iesus Christ We humblie besech thee that thou wilt be mindful of vs that our iniquities may be blotted out Verily the blessed Virgin Marie was a great miracle for what was or euer shal be found at anie time greater or more renowmed then she She alone 〈◊〉 assed heauen earth in renowme What more holie then she Not the Prophets not Apostles not Maryrs not Patriarches not Angels not Thrones not Dominations not Seraphim not Cherubim Lastly no other thing among thinges visible or inuisible can be founde greater or more excellent The same is the handmaid and Mother of God The same a Virgin Mother This is the Mother of him who before al beginning was begotten of his Father whom Angels and men acknowledge Lord of al thinges Wil you know how much this Virgin is more excellent then the celestial powers They with feare tembling do assist she offereth Mankind to him whom she brought forth By her also we obtaine Pardon of sinnes Haile therfore o Mother Heauen Maiden Virgin Throne of our Church the renowme glorie and firmament pray for vs daily to Iesus thy