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A16684 A catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onely of childre[n], but also of al suche deuout lerners as are not seen in the Latine toungue. Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1548 (1548) STC 359; ESTC S104375 47,037 202

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S. Forasmuche as they haue the fauor of God through Christe whatsoeuer is required in them that haue thei also sufficientlye in and through Christe whiche hath taken theyr weakenes vpon himselfe is become their satisfaccion as he is to all others And his fayth and obedience is of grace imputed vnto them and throughe his spirite they are sanctified to bee the tēples of God whose heade and sauior is Christe and they membres of his body M. Than may they be baptised with a good conscience S. Yea no doubt For seyng they are reputed as faythfull in the syghte and iudgement of god thorowe Christe they ought as faythfull to bee baptised that thorowe the ministracion of the churche they may haue a sure token witnes that they are the heyres of the blessyng promised vnto the sede of the faythfull the membres of our sauior Christe cleane purged and washed from all theyr synne in his bloude M. From what synne nedeth a chylde that is newe borne whiche hath wrought neither good nor euil to be purged or washed S. From original sinne whiche is the verye roote of all other synne M. What is originall sinne S. It is the poison infeccion or corrupcion of nature wherein we are conceyued Whiche alwayes resisteth rebelleth and lusteth againste the wyll of God and is euer inclined and redye vnto all euill wickednes and hath a luste and delite therin From the whiche we can none otherwyse be deliuered or pourged but alonlye throughe the power of God in our sauior Christ M. But how are we pourged from this sinne through baptisme S. In as muche as in baptisme we haue a promise that it is forgeuē vs and not imputed to damnacion vnto vs. And againe that the holy ghost is also geuē vs whiche shall dayly mortifie kyll and subdue this synne and wicked inclinacion in vs begynnyng and daylye increasyng in the stede therof a newe affeccion and nature in vs obediente vnto the wyll of God and deliting therin whiche in the blessed resurreccion shall bee altogether perfite M. Nowe tell me what ought our baptisme to worke in vs and to put vs in remembraunce of S. Firste we ought to bee thankefull vnto God for it and vnto our parentes also for furtheryng and healpyng vs vnto it and to receyue all doctrine and correccion of them obediently and redily M. What more S. It ought also to put vs in remēbraunce of the remission of our synnes of the grace and mercye of God and of the blessed resurreccion wherin we shall aryse agayne vnto euerlastyng lyfe By the remembraūce wherof we maye haue a singular comforte agaynst all synne agaynst the deuyll death hell damnacion M. And what els S. Finally it ought to worke in vs a perfite obedience vnto the wyll of God to leade our liues in continuall repentaunce and amendemente praying ernestly that he wyll strengthen and make more perfite in vs through his holy woorde and spirite the newe byrth whiche is already begonne in vs and dayly to mortifie our fleshe and to practise with all faythfulnes and diligence to serue God and to kepe his commaundemētes M. Nowe what is the .v. speciall article of the christen doctrine or religion S. The holy supper of the lorde M. What is the supper of the Lorde S. It is an holy ordinance and institucion of our sauior Christe wherby christen people are commaūded to eate and drynke the bread and cuppe of the Lorde together therby to remembre his passion and to be assured of theyr communion with hym in his body and bloud For it is a pledge and an assuraunce that the Lorde geueth them his bodye bloud to be the foode and nourishemēt of theyr soules vnto euerlastyng lyfe M. Than is it not a bare signe and an vnfruitfull token S. No. For we receyue in the supper a spirituall meate and drinke wherin by the lordes owne institucion the true communion and participaciō of the bodye and bloud of Christe is most liuely represented and confirmed vnto vs. And at the ministracion therof beeyng ministred after Christes institucion it is certayne that he is alwaies presente and worketh effectuously therwith M. How ought this supper to be ministred S. In euery poynte condicion as the Lorde himselfe dyd ministre and ordeyne it M. Where is it written how the lorde did ministre and ordeyne it S. In the holy Euangelistes Mat. xxvi Marc. xiiii Luke xxii Matthew Marke Luke And in the .xi. Chapiter of the fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians in these woordes In the same night that the Lorde Jesus was betrayed he tooke bread and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it M. What learnest thou out of these wordes S. Fyrst I lerne that this supper sealeth vp confirmeth assureth vnto vs the verye true communion of the true body and bloud of Christ with all the frutes and benefites whiche he dyd euer pourchase and merite thorowe his body bloud M. Howe canste thou proue that S. By the verye woordes of the institucion For whereas he commaundeth vs to eate his body and drynke his bloud that is to saye to receyue our nouryshement vnto euerlastyng lyfe thorowe fayth of his bodye and bloud he addeth immediatlye Whiche is geuen vp for you and shed for you By the whiche woordes he signyfieth seeyng we are partakers of his bodye and bloud and in faythe fleshe of his fleshe and bones of his bones he our head and we his members that we are also partakers of all that he did euer purchasse or merite thorow his passion and bloud shedyng that is reconciliacion with God the father remission of our synnes righteousnes and euerlasting lyfe M. What lernest thou more out of the forsayed woordes S. I learne also that the Lorde geueth me thorowe this supper a sure hope and comforte that I am partaker of the new testament and of the couenaūt of grace whiche he confirmed and sealed with his precious bloud M. What is that newe Testamente or couenaunte of grace S. It is this that almyghtye God for the bitter passion and deathes sake of his deare beloued sonne wyll freely pardon and forgeue me all my synnes and take me for his childe and heyre and at the latter daye will rayse me vp agayne vnto euerlastyng ioye requiryng that I should beleue all this stedfastly and loue and serue him obediently M. And is nothyng els to bee noted in the woordes of the institucion S. Yes this also is to be learned that al they which minister or receyue this holy sacramente muste celebrate kepe the memoriall or remembraūce of our sauiour Christe Iesus M. Wherin consisteth this memoriall or remembraunce S. It cōsisteth specially herein that we beeyng assembled and gathered together in his name considre and setfoorth with all diligence and reuerence all the benefites of our Lorde Iesus whiche he hathe doen and suffered for vs or will yet hereafter do for vs And agayne that we render moste highe
laudes and thankes vnto him for suche excellente benefites geuyng vp and yeldyng our selues wholly vnto hym M. What maner of people are to bee admytted vnto this supper S. All that are truly repentaunte and sorye for their sinnes and yet beleue stedfastlie that god for Christes sake wyll be mercyfull vnto them and that they are the true membres of Christe liuing in the feare and true obedience of the Lord and in perfect loue of theyr neighbour as brethren of one kyngdome membres of one bodye and redemed with one bloud of Iesus Christ redye to confesse the doctrine of the holy gospell in the middes of all persecucion and affliccion and to defende it euen vnto death M. what thinkest thou of thē whiche will neuer receiue this holy supper with the faithfull congregacion of Christe S. If they abstaine from it wilfullye of concempte and stubbernes that is to saye yf they maye haue it ministred vnto them after the institucion of the Lorde and yet regarde it not and will not receyue it it is an euidente token that they pertayne nothing at all vnto the body of Christe For whosoeuer beleueth in the Lorde truly can not neglecte or contemne any of his hollye ordinaunces but with all reuerence vse them as ofte he maye M. Where as s Paul sayeth Lette euery manne proue hymselfe and so eate of that bread What is mente therby or whan eate we this supper wurthyly S. Of our selues we can neuer be woorthy vnto it But God of his grace and mercye reputeth vs woorthy of his heauenlye misteries and benefites whansoeuer we referre the remission of oure sinnes and oure saluacion vnto the death and resurreccion of Christe and seke it therat onely Wherfore whansoeuer I receyue the holy supper with this faythe and belefe that Christe Iesus gaue his tender bodye vnto death for me and shedde his precious bloud for me and so redemed me from euerlastyng deathe And that his fleshe and bloude are the foode and sustenaunce of my soule whereby I am refresshed and nourisshed vnto euerlastynge lyfe submitting my selfe in this faythe hartilye and fullye both bodye soule vnto the will of god and vtterly detesting in word dede and example almaner of sinne and wickednes and whatsoeuer maye geue any occasion therunto c. then receyue I this hollye supper wurthyly For this is the true communion and participacion of Christes bodye and bloud wherby we are sure that he dwelleth in vs and we in hym For els we coulde doe none of this at all M. Me thynketh by thy answers that the holy supper of the Lorde sendeth and referreth vs all together vnto the deathe and passion of Christe that we maye so by that meanes enioye and haue fruicion of the same S. Yea forsouth for whan he suffred vpon the crosse then he was made the onely euerlastyng sacrifice sufficiente for our saluacion wherefore there is nothyng remaynyng for vs more but that we maye enioy and haue the fruicion of hym M. And was not the supper ordeyned of God to bee a propiciatory sacrifice wherin the body of Christe should be offered vnto God of freshe or of newe S. No forsouth For that were iniurious vnto his death And the woordes doe sounde thus take and eate c. Where he commaundeth vs not to sacrifice or to offer his body but onely to eate c. M. And why was it ordeyned to bee receiued in two diuerse kyndes S. That was done for our infirmities sake to teache vs the more plainly that he is not only the meate wherwith our soules are norished but also the verye drynke wherwith they are refreshed that we shoulde seke no parte of our spirituall lyfe any where els sauyng at hym and in hym alone M. And ought all men generally without excepcion to receyue both kyndes S. Yea for south so do the woordes of Christe commaund saying drinke ye all of this from the whiche to derogate or mynishe any thyng it were an heynous synne M. But now how oughteste thou to behaue thyselfe after thou haste thus receiued this holy supper S. I oughte fyrste to reioyce in the remission of my synnes in the lyfe of Christe in me and in the blissed resurreccion whan as he shall lyue fully in me and in vs be all in all And thus to auaunce my selfe agaynste synne agaynst the deuyll death and hel And to geue God eternall thankes for all these his excedyng benefites M. What oughtest thou els to doe S. I ought also to subdue to tame and to crucify mine owne fleshe and bloud with al maner of wicked lustes and affecciōs to liue hereafter as a mēbre of that body onely whose head is Christe and not as a membre of any other body But vtterly to yelde and geue ouer myselfe vnto my lorde God to bee one breade and one bodye with all faythfull christians whyche doe truely inuocate and call vpon the name of the Lorde to lyue with them in perfite loue and charitie and wyth this bande of loue to haue my heart fixed and knitte vnto theirs and thus euermore to remayne cōtinue And I ought also to confesse and magnifie my Lorde Iesus in his churche and congregacion with all my woordes and dedes awaytyng dayly to haue this lyfe changed with a better and into a better lyfe M. What yf we receyue the supper with suche as be vnwoorthy doe we make our selues also vnworthy by reason of that S. No we doe not if so be that we consente not vnto theyr synnes but haue in mynde and will yf we can know them and may come vnto them to exhorte and admonishe them faythfully our selues or els cause some other to doe it For it pertayneth vnto no priuate person to exclude any man out of the churche or congregacion but onely vnto the whole churche or vnto them that are chosen appointed of the same vnto that office And theyr duetie it is to considre bothe in this matter and all other what may be most profitable and expediente vnto edificacion M. But nowe why should men receyue this sacramente ofte seing they receyue the sacramente of baptisme but once S. Baptisme is a sacramente of enteraunce into the religiō of Christ and betokeneth that menne are nowe dead vnto the olde lyfe wyll from thencefoorth walke in a newe lyfe Wherfore lyke as Christe died but once that for our synnes and shall from hence foorth dye no more euen so ought the sacrament of baptisme whiche representeth the same to bee receyued but once But the holye supper is a sacramente of procedyng and goyng forward in the religion of Christ and signifieth that the manne whiche is once incorporate vnto Christe and fed or susteyned continually through hym wyll euermore continue procede and goe forwarde in a perfite christian life And forasmuche as many impedimentes lets and temptacions doe chaunce vnto suche menne by the waye which notwithstandyng doe styll hungre and thurst after ryghteousnesse And this supper
parentes are vnreuerently intreated of their children it is through the sufferaunce of God for a punishemente vnto them for so euill and negligently brynging of them vp in theyr youth And what hath been the cause of the heuy blindnesse and ignoraunce in the worlde in the trwe relygion and seruice of God of the manifold ydolatry supersticion other than the lacke of the ryght true institucion of youth Wherfore yf we will auoyde the wrath and indignacion of God all man●er of inconuenience let vs apply more studie diligence that our youth maye be better brought vp in the knowledge and feare of God that in theyr younge and tender age they maye learne the prynciples of Christes religion and of our christen fayth Which shal be a meane to a voyde all the incōueniēce aboue rehersed And if we do not this let vs loke for no nother but that theyr bloude perisshing through our negligence shall be straitly required of our handes And not onely of parentes but also of all suche as haue any cure and charge of youth as Scholemasters in theyr scholes pastours and ministers in theyr cures These should bee the speciall instructours of youth These shoulde beate into childrens heades the chiefe poyntes and articles of the Christen doctryne As are the .x. Commaundementes the Artycles of the fayth the Lordes prayer the institucion of the holy Sacramentes of Babtysme and of the holy Supper of the Lorde and laste of all the institucion of the Ecclesiasticall or churche disciplyne and exercise of brotherly correccion c. These poynctes beeyng fyrste taught vnto chyldren by theyr parentes woorde for woorde whiche is the office and duty of all christen parentes to do a playne and symple vnderstanding of them might afterward bee taught them eyther in the schole by the scholemaisters or els in the churche by the pastoures and ministers geuyng them euery Sunday one shorte article or question to learne repetyng it distinctlye twyse or thryse and requiring it of them agayne the nexte Sunday and than to gyue and repete vnto them in lyke maner another vntyll the whole Catechisme be learned out and than begynnyng agayne If but one houre were thus spente euery Sonday of euery pastour and minister in examining the youthe in the churche before the face of the whole paryshe or of euery scholemaister but once a weke theyr parentes earnestly warning and dryuyng theim to learne and remembre what is taught them we shoulde fele wtin one yeare what infinite profite shoulde come thereof and within fewe yeares we shoulde haue a florysshing common welth This doeth God moste straytely require of vs and we had neuer suche occasion vnto it as we nowe haue consideryng howe earnestly our moste christen rulers the Kynges moste excellent Maiestie his ryght woorthy noble counsailour gouernour of his graces person the lorde Protectors grace with other of his graces most christiā councell do intende and mynde the true plantyng and settyng foorth of Christes pure religion in this realme Whose feruente and moste christian zeale if we should not withall prōptnes and thankefulnes receyue we should shewe and proue ourselues no true naturall subiectes Lette euery one therfore moste faythfull christians apply his faythfull studie and endeuor to further and helpe forwarde theyr gracious prynces moste godly trauaile and procedinges in the kingdome of god So shall it in short space florish among vs. And we shall feele God to be our mercyfull father indewyng vs with the more plentifull grace againste the assautes of all our enemies And that men might haue some forme trade to instructe the youth therby I haue gathered out of diuers lerned christian wryters of Cathechismes this briefe instruccion in suche questions as semed vnto me moste necessary for children to learne Wherof they may learne euery weke one beyng so repeted as is aboue wryten without any difficultie at all This I submit vnto the iudgement of the faythfull what soeuer they be desiring all men to interprete my faythfull indeuor therein to the best and to vse it so far as they may haue comforte and edification therby Almyghtie God geue all men generally grace to seke ernestly the furtheraunce of his kyngdome in the youth And specially God geue all parentes and pastours whiche haue speciall charge and cure of youth grace to instructe and bryng them vp in his feare as may be moste to the glory honor of his name God geue also all chyldren and youth his holy spirite that they may receyue all godly vertuous doctryne ensample that they maye become the very seruauntes and children of God after this lyfe with their angels maye enioy the perfite sight and fruicion of their heauenly father Amen A christian introductiō for youth co●●●●ing the principles of our fayth religion The master axeth the question according as he hath taught all thynges to the scholer afore The scholer aunswereth as he hath afore learned and receyued it of the maister The Maister SPeake my louyng chylde what art thou The scholer Sir accordyng vnto my firste birth I am a creature of God indued with vnderstandyng reason but yet borne in synne and therfore of no value M. How and to what end hath God created the S. Whan I was nothyng he of his exceding grace and mere goodnesse created me that I might perfitely lerne to knowe hym to loue him to feare hym to laude and to prayse him and finally to be partaker of all his inestimable riches benefites M. How hath God created the S. First he hath made me a body out of the yerth and furnyshed the same withall necessary lymmes members Than hath he indued the same bodye with a precious liuely and an immortall soule euē after his own image by reason whereof I am as it were a liuely image of God M. But howe can the image of God be resembled in man S. For south thus as God is euerlastyng and immortall euen so is the soule of man also And againe lyke as God is the lorde of all creatures so hath he ordained man to be lorde ouer all bodily creatures hath made them all to be subiect vnto hym and to serue him M. Is not the image of God righteousnes holynes trueth euerlastyng ioy and saluation S. Yes for south M. Howe canst thou than be a synner and of no value S. I haue inherited synne of Adam the first mā that was created M. Was Adam than a synner S. God created hym after his owne image ryghteous good and holy and gaue hym a commaundement not to eate of the fruite of knowlage of good and euill whiche commaundemente yf he had obserued and kept he all his posteritie should haue remayned holy and blissed for euer But he trāsgressed that commaundement persuaded by decipteful instruccion and prouocacion of the deuill and so he became a sinner M. But what maketh that agaynste the Art thou a synner because Adam was a synner or through
is a comfortable pledge or seale of the true lyuely foode of the soule it is the heauenly bread without whiche this hounger canne not bee satisfyed nor assuaged Therfore shoulde they receyue this sacrament oft because they haue oft nede of suche comforte M. Nowe which is the sixt speciall article of the christen doctryne S. The ecclesiasticall or churche discipline or brotherly correccion M. Where is any commaundement therof in the scripture S. In the .xviii. cha of Matthew in these wordes If thy brother sinne against the goe thy way and correct hym betwene the and hym alone c. M. What is to be noted out of these woordes S. Thre speciall poyntes Fyrste that euery christen man ought to correcte admonyshe other of hys faute pryuately and gently And yf he cannot doe it hymselfe than to cause some other to doe it for hym M. What shoulde bee the cause that euery man ought to admonishe other Shall not euery man answere for himselfe S. Forsouth this is the cause for asmuche as all faythfull are incorporate vnto our sauiour Christe in baptisme as mēbres of one body and are altogether chyldren and heyres of God and haue like parte and felowshippe of one euerlastyng heritage therfore ought eche one to saue and preserue the other from hel and from euerlastyng damnacion through godly correccion and admonicion and so to further his brother vnto heauen and vnto euerlastyng lyfe M. But howe shoulde this brotherly correccion and warnyng be putte in vre and be exercised S. With all humblenesse and frendlynesse and also with such wysedome and sobrenesse that his good name bee not hyndered but that he maye perceyue that none other thing is sought thereby sauyng alonely hys welth and emendemente M. How ofte should he be thus admonyshed S. Euen as ofte as there is any hope of his amendemente by such correccion and warnyng M. why doeth Christ commaund the to take one or .ii. vnto the yf thy brother will not amende at the warning and correccion of thee alone S. That he shoulde the more earnestlye bee conuinced of his faulte and not hable to denye it beyng correct or admonyshed therof by .ii. or .iii. wytnesses as the lorde teacheth onely to wynne hym therby M. What is the seconde note out of the fore rehersed wordes S. The seconde is the correccion of the churche M. who should execute that correccion S. Forsouth suche as are chosen and apoynted by the whole congregacion to be assistente vnto the minister in that behalfe M. Towarde what maner of parsons should suche correccion and admoniciō be exercysed S. Towarde suche as either regard not the priuate and secrete warnyng or els as offende the churche and congregacion with some greuous and notable enormytie that is manyfest and open M. Out of whiche woordes learnest thou that S. Out of these woordes where the lorde saieth yf he heare the not beyng admonished before .ii. or .iii. witnesses Than tell it vnto the whose congregacion c. And S. Paul wrytyng vnto Tymothe the ministre of the church of Ephesus confirmeth thesame where he sayeth suche as haue sined correct or rebuke them openly that other may be afrayed by theyr exaumple M. And should all that offende bee put vnto open shame before the whole congregacion S. No not put to open shame but earnestlye driuen and monyshed vnto repentaunce And such moderacion must be obserued therin as maye be thought best and moste conueniente to moue and wynne the synner vnto perfecte and trewe repentaunce M. Is it the dutye of those that are chosen and appointed of the congregacion to bee assistente vnto the ministers onely to correcte and admonyshe suche as haue committed open and manyfest crymes and such as would not receyue the pryuate and brotherly correccion and none other S. No not this onely but as trewe fathers and phisicions they ought to haue an iye and a regarde vnto all menne and to warne and exhorte euery one as they canne thinke it moste necessarye for the edificacion and emendemente of euery one M. Where hast thou any scripture for that S. Paul wrytyng vnto the Thessalonians cōfirmeth it by his owne example in these woordes You knowe sayth he that we haue exhorted and comforted euery one of you euen as a father doeth his children and we haue testified that ye should walke worthely as it becometh you before God whiche hathe called you vnto his kyngdom vnto his glory M. Well what is the thyrde pointe that thou notest out of the fore rehersed woordes S. The thirde is the byndyng and the loocyng M. What is it to bynde S. It is as muche as to exclude a manne out of the felowship or company of Christē people whereby he maye be ernestlye forced vnto a specyall and an vnfeyned declaracion of true repentaunce and amendement of his lyfe M. What maner of people ought so to bee bound S. All such as wyll not heare the Churche congregacion reprouyng and admonyshyng thē for their soule helth and all they also which haue offended the churche and congregacion with any manifest greuous and notable crimes M. The lorde maketh mencion onely of suche as wyll not receyue the warnyng and correccion of the churche S. But he hathe taught vs also thorowe the holy Apostle i. Co. v. s Paul to exclude out of the felowship cōgregacion of Christe all suche as are fallen into whoredome and other notable vices and to force or drieue thē vnto some speciall penaunce to be vnto thē as a correccion vntil thei declare with manifest frutes of repentaūce an ernest amēdmēt wherby they may edifie content the churche congregacion againe which they had before thorowe theyr greuouse sinnes offended M. Nowe what is it to loocen S. It is as much as to pronoūce forgeuenes of sinnes vnto such as haue declared their repentaūce amendment with a perfect ernestnes and to admit and receyue the same persons agayn vnto the felowshyp and cōmunion of the churche or congregacion and also of the holy sacramentes M. And must none be looced from theyr sinnes but suche as declare earnestelye theyr repentaunce and sorowe for their sinnes with plaine and euidente amendemente of theyr lyfe S. No none els For the Lorde commaundeth remission and forgeuenesse of sinnes to be pronounced and declared onely vnto suche as repente and bewayle theyr synnes and desyre and purpose truely to emende themselues For the ecclesiasticall disciplyne ordeyned of God for the order and edifiyng of his churche ought to bee executed and practised trulye and earnestly and not fayntlye or feynedlye for a shyne and a colour onely M. In whiche wordes is that commaunded of the Lorde S. In these woordes where he sayeth Verely I saye vnto you whatsoeuer you shall bynde vpon yearth that same shal be bound in heauen whatsoeuer you shal looce vpon yearth shall also be looced in heauē M. Vnder whose name authoritie muste this power be exercised S. Vnder
harte in all maner of temptacions affliccions or necessyties and euen in the very panges of deth cry boldely and merily vnto the and saye I beleue in God the father allmyghtie maker of heauen and earthe And in his onely sonne Iesus Christe our lorde c. But o Lorde God heauenly father to comforte my selfe in affliccion and temptacion wyth these articles of the christē faith It is not in my power For fayth is thy gyft and for as muche as thou wylt be prayed vnto and called vpon for it I cumme vnto thee to praye and beseche the bothe for that and for all my other necessities euen as thy deare beloued sonne our sauiour Christe Iesus hath hymselfe taught vs. And from the very botome of my harte I crye and saye O our father whiche arte in heauen c. This doen I adde this prayer for the mornyng O Mercifull lorde God heauenly father I rēder most high laudes prayse and thākes vnto the that thou hast preserued me both this nyght and all the tyme and dayes of my lyfe hitherto vnder thy proteccion and hast suffred me to lyue vntyll this presente houre And I beseche the hartily thou wylt vouchesafe to receyue me this daye and the residue of my whole lyfe from hencefurthe into thy tuicion rulyng and gouernyng me with thy holy spirite that all maner of darkenesse of misbelefe infidelitie and of carnall lustes and affeccions maye be vtterlye chaced and driuen out of my harte and that I maye be iustified saued both body and soule thorow a right and a perfect fayth and so walke in the lighte of thy mooste godlye truthe to thy glory and prayse and to the profit and furtheraunce of my neybour thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauioure Amen Or thus more brieflye O Mercyfull lorde God heuenly father I laude and prayse the that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from all perill daunger and euyll And I beseche the of thy mercye to kepe preserue me from hencefoorth likewise And driue all maner of darkenesse oute of my hart that the light of thy truthe may shyne before me gyde me in all my wayes And thou wil vouchesalue also to kepe preserue our most noble kyng with all our rulers magistrates teachers parentes and all our frendes thorow Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed at nyght goyng to bedde O Mercifull Lord God heauenly father whether we slepe or wake lyue or dye we are alwayes thyne Wherefore I beseche the hartilye that thou wilte vouchsalue to take care and charge of me and not to suffre me to peryshe in the workes of darkenesse but to kindle the lyght of thy countetenaunce in my harte that thy godlye knowlege maye daylye increase in me thorowe a ryght and a pure faith and that I may alwayes be founde to walke lyue after thy wyll pleasure thorow Iesus Christ our lorde and sauiour Amen Or thus more briefly O Mercifull lorde God our heauenly father I laude thanke the moste hartily for that thou hast so graciously kepte preserued me this daye besechyng the to forgeue me all my synnes whiche I haue committed againste the I beseche the to preserue me and all men this night from all snares and wyles of the wicked fiende And graunte that although our corporal iyes shal slepe yet that our hertes myndes may continually watche wake in the thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauiour Amen A prayer to be sayed before meat O Mercifull father thou fedest and nourishest all maner of creatures vouchesalue to nouryshe and to refreshe vs nowe with thy gyftes so that we do not misuse them but that we beyng strengthned thorowe them maye bee more hable to serue thee in our callyng and cōdicion of lyfe and to walke and lyue before the in all vertue and honestie through Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen After meate O Mercifull Lord God our heauenly father we laude prayse and thanke thee for thy moste holy and excellent giftes wherwith thou hast so graciouslye nouryshed and refreshed vs And we beseche the heartily graūt that we may neuer forget thy mercyfull goodnes toward vs but that we may cast al our care and sorowe vpon the only and may alway seke receyue with a perfite trust and confidence all maner of sustenaunce both of bodye and soule at thy handes which art the fountaine and welspryng of all goodnes through Iesus Christe our Lorde and sauior Amen Certaine godly lessons for al faythfull people young and olde HArken Israel the Lorde our God is one God Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God feruētly with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy strength All these woordes whiche I commaunde the this daye shall remayne continually in thy hearte Thou shalt beate them diligentlye into thy chyldren and thrust them sharplye into theyr heartes And lette all thy communicacion talkyng bee of them whether thou beest in thy house or goest abrode whether thou goest to bedde or rysest vppe Thou shalt bynde them for a token vpon thy hād And let them euermore glister before thy iyes Thou shalt wryte them vpon thy doores and vpon thy gates Micheas vi I will tell the O man what is good and what God requireth of the. Namely nothyng els but that thou kepest iudgement and doest ryghteousnes and that thou applye thy selfe vnto all godlynesse and walke humbly before thy Lord God Iaco. i. This is the pure and vndefiled religion before God our father to visite and coumforte the wedowes the fatherlesse in theyr sorowe affliccion and misery and for a manne to kepe hymselfe without spotte before the worlde i. Timo. i. The ende and fulfyllyng of all the lawe is this namely loue out of a pure hearte a good conscience and a perfite vnfayned fayth Iohn xiii By this shall all men knowe that ye are my scholars yf ye loue one an other lyke as I haue loued you i. Iohn iii.iiii.v God is loue and he that remayneth in loue remayneth in God and God in hym He that hath loue is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not he knoweth not God for God is loue If we loue one another than remayneth God within vs his loue is perfite in vs. And hereby doe we know that we are the childrē of God and that we haue loue yf we loue God and kepe his commaundementes And this is his commaundemente namely that we beleue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christe and loue one an other M. The God of all grace and mercye strengthen thee and all menne in the knowlege of his sonne our sauior Iesus and in the power of his heauenlye and godly spirite To hym be all laude prayse thankes glory power rule honor world without ende Amen Imprinted at Londō in Flete-strete at the signe of the Sunne ouer against the conduyte by Edwarde Whitchurche The .xix. daye of October the yere of our Lorde M. D.XLVIII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum