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A16536 A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... / by M. Zacharie Boyd ... Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1639 (1639) STC 3446; ESTC S1824 26,583 130

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The bread of the Sacrament is given for to be a seale of the food of the soule Other bread is but for the belly Q. Let me understand more clearely who is said to discerne the Lords body A. He is truely said to discerne the Lords body who trembling in all reverence cometh to the table and receaveth the bread not as common bread for the belly but as consecrate for to be a seale of the spirituall food of the soule Q. What is the punishment of these that communicate unworthily A. The punishment of the godly is sore sicknesse great sorrowes and sometimes death of body Q. What is the punishment of the wicked A. Death both of soule and body Q. Thinkest thou that the godly will whiles communicate unworthily A. Yea verily and for that the Lord will fearfully chastise them in this life The fourtie foure Sunday Q. IS it not good for the godly that they be so chastised for their negligence A. It is most certaine Q. How knowest thou that A. The Apostle sayeth when wee are judged wee are chastened of the Lord that wee should not bee condemned with the World 1 Cor. 11.32 Q. I see that there is great difference betweene the unworthie communicating of the godly and of the wicked A. Yea verily for God chasteneth the godly for their negligence but hee condemneth the wicked for their contempt Q. But will not this make many of the godly the more carelesse in their preparation seeing that though they communicate unworthily they shall not be condemned A. The chastisement of their negligence is to great that it should make the best of us to tremble divers calamities as sicknesse death losse of goods terrours of conscience are appointed for such The fourtie five Sunday Q. WHat should we thinke upon when we are come to the Lords table A. We should lift up our hearts to Christ in the heavens Qu. When thou seest the bread of the Sacrament broken what should thou remember A. That even so the body of Christ was broken upon the crosse with unspeakable dolours for my sinnes Q. When thou seest the wine povvred out vvhat shouldest thou remember A. That even so the blood of Christ was powred out upon the crosse for me Q. When thou eatest that bread of the Sacrament what sayeth thou in thy self A. I say Lord so feed my soule with Christs body the bread of life Q. When thou drinkest the wine what sayeth thou in thy selfe A. I say Lord quench the thirst of my soule with the vertue of Christs blood The fourtie sixth Sunday Q. DOE we eat with our teeth the flesh of Christs body at the Sacrament A. No not Qu How then eat we his body A. In a spirituall manner Q. How is that done A. While we believe that his body was broken for us we are said to eate his body Q. Wherefore is our believing called a eating and a drinking A. Because as our bodies live by eating and drinking so our souls live by believing that Christs body was broken and his blood powred out for our sins Q. What is the chiefest end of this Sacrament A. That the Lords death may thankfully be remembered Q. What is our duty after wee have received the Sacrament A. To give GOD most humble thankes Q. How should we thanke him A. We must declare the Lords death untill he come againe Q. What is that to declare the Lords death A It is to publish to solemnize to have in honour and estimation to spread abroad and make famous all the sufferings of the Lord. The fourtie seven Sunday Q. WHat more is required in our thankes then to declare the Lords death by publishing the same by word A. It is required that by a holy and reformed life wee glorifie God that others seeing our godly conversation may praise our heavenly Father Q. What wordes of thankes hast thou for God after thou hast received the Sacrament A. My soule praiseth God for his love which moved him to send his Son to the world to die for me I glorifie the Son of God for dying so willingly for the salvation of my lost soule Q. How concludest thou thy thanksgiving A. I say now unto the King eternall immortall invisible the only wise God be glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Tim. 1 vers 17. Q. What is thy exercise the rest of that day A. I with a thankfull heart meditate the mercies of my God who sent his Son to die for me and by his death to deliver me from hell fire Q. What doest thou more A. I call to memorie all the paines and dolours which Christ my Saviour suffered from his Cratch to the Crosse and praise him for the same To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit the Comforter be glory power and praise for evermore Amen TO THE NOBLE LADY D. Anne Campbell Daughter to the Noble and Potent Earle the Earle of Argyle c. MADAME I Heere humbly dedicate unto your Ladiship now of tender yeeres these two compends of the Catechisme Saint Iohn the Cusin and beloved Disciple of Iesus Christ who for his high doctrine was compared to an Eagle that mounteth very high disdained not to write unto Children In one chapter of a short Epistle hee hath I write unto you little children and againe in the same words I write unto you little children of that his writing hee giveth two reasons the one is in these words because your sins are forgiven you for his Names sake the other reason is in these words because yee have knowne the Father For this end Madame have I written unto you these two compends that yee may know the Father whom I most humbly intreat to increase his graces begun in your Ladyship in a good measure From Glasgow the 19. of Ianuar 1639. Your Ladiships most humble Servant M. ZACHARY BOYD. A short compend of the Catechisme needfull for little Children I. OF GOD. Question HOW many Gods be there Answer Onely one God Q. How many persones be there in the Godhead A. Three the Father the Son and the holy Ghost Q. What hath God the Father done for thee A. He hath created me Q. What hath God the Son done for thee A. He hath redeemed me Q. What hath the holy Ghost done for thee A. He hath sanctified me Of Mans Creation Q. WHereof was this world made A. Of nothing Q. Whereof was man made A. His body was made of the dust of the ground Q. How was his soule made A. The Lord breathed into his nosthrils the breath of life Q. How was man created at the first A. According to Gods own image Q. What is that image of God A. Holinesse and happinesse Of Mans Fall Q. DID man keepe that image A. No not Q. How lost he it A. By sinning against God Q. What was his sinne A. He did eate of the forbidden tree Q. What other sinnes did goe before that A. Pride unbeliefe a miscontentment with his own estate Q. What
To give God thanks for all his benefites Q. What thankes requireth God of us A. That we set foorth his glory with heart tongue and hand Q. How thanke we God with our heart A. When wee thinke honourably of him and acknowledge his goodnesse Q. How thanke we him with the tongue A. When our tongue is an instrument of setting foorth his glory Q. How thanke we him with the hand A. When we do good works Of the Sacraments Q. WHAT is a Sacrament A. It is an outward seale appointed by GOD for to certifie us of our Salvation in Christ Jesus Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two Baptisme and the Lords Supper Of Baptisme Q. WHat is Baptisme A. A seale of our entrance into the Church Q. VVhat is the visible signe in Baptisme A. The element of water with the outward actions Q. VVhat doth the water represent unto us A. The blood of Christ and the Spirit Q. VVhat are the outward actions A. Sprinkling washing dipping into the water abiding under the water and comming out of the water Q. VVhat spirituall graces are sealed up unto us while wee are baptized A. Our justification and sanctification Q What outward action represents our justification A. As the water washeth away all uncleanesse from the body so the blood of Christ washeth away all sins from our soules which is our justification Q. What outward actions represent our Sanctification A. They be especially three first the dipping of the body secondly the staying under the water thirdly the comming out of the water Q. What signifieth the dipping of the body A. It signifieth the mortification of sinne or fellowship with Christ in his death Qu. VVhat signifieth the staying under the water A. It signifieth the buriall of sin Q. VVhat signifieth the coming out of the water A. The resurrection from sin to newnesse of life Rom. 6.3 4. Of the Lords Supper Q. WHAT is the Lords Supper A. A seale of our spirituall nourishment in the Church Qu. What are the visible signes of that Sacrament A. Bread and wine with the outward actions Q. What doth the bread represent A. The body of Christ. Q. What doth the breaking of the bread represent A. The great sorrowes wherewith his body and soule were broken Q. What doth the wine signifie A. The blood of Christ. Q. What doth the powreing out of the wine signifie A. The powreing out of Christs blood Q. What is the spirituall grace signified and offered unto us by the elements and actions A. The spirituall nourishment of our soules Q. What must wee doe before wee come to the Sacrament A. We must try and examine our selves Q. Wherein consists that examination A. That a man try himselfe if hee hath these three things faith love and repentance Q. What should hee try of his faith A. If he know God and is in some measure assured that Christ died for him Q. What should he try of his love A. If he loveth his GOD above all things and if he loveth the well of his neighbours person name and estate Q. What shall he try of his repentance A. If from his heart hee bee sorry for his bypast sins and resolved to amend his life for all times to come Q. May we not communicate without any of these three A. No not Q. What is the danger if wee want any of them A. Wee eat and drink judgement to our selves Q. Wherefore that A. Because we discerne not the Lords body Q. What callest thou to discerne the Lords body A. It is to put a difference betweene the bread of the Sacrament the seale of his Body and other common bread Q. What is that difference A. The bread of the Sacrament is given for to be a seale of the foode of the soule other bread is but for the belly Q. Who then is said rightly to discerne the Lords body A. He who in all reverence trembling receiveth the bread not as common bread but as consecrate to be a seale of the food of the soule Q. What is the punishment of those that communicate unworthily A. The punishment of the godly is fore sicknesse great sorrowes shame and disgrace and sometimes death of body Q. What is the punishment of the wicked A. Death both of soule and body from which the Lord deliver us for Christ his Son sake Amen A short Compend of the Catechisme for Children of a younger age I. OF GOD. Question HOW many Gods bee there Answere Onely one God Q. How many persones are there in the Godhead A. Three the Father Son and holy Ghost Q. What hath the Father done for thee A. He hath created me Q. What hath the Sonne done for thee A. He hath redeemed me Q. What hath the holy Ghost done for thee A. He hath sanctified me Of Mans Creation Q. WHO made man A. GOD Q. Whereof was man made A. His body was made of the earth Q. How was his soule made A. The Lord breathed into his nosthrils the breath of life Q. How was man created at the first A. According to Gods own image Q. What is that image of God A. Holinesse and righteousnesse and dominion over all the creatures Of Mans Fall Q. DID man keepe that image A. No not Q. How lost he it A. By eating of the forbidden tree Q. What were the instruments of his sinne A. The Devill the Serpent and the Woman Q. How did they bring that evill to passe A. The Devil entered into the Serpent who deceived the Woman and shee entised her Husband Q. VVhat deserved they for their sinne A. Death and damnation Q. VVhat is sinne A. The transgression of Gods Law Q. How many sortes of sinne be there A. Two originall sinne and actuall sinne Q. What is originall sinne A. That naturall corruption wherein we are borne Q. VVhat is actuall sinne A. The evill which wee doe our selves in thought word and dead Of Mans Redemption Q. WHO is mans Saviour A. Christ Jesus Q. VVho is Iesus Christ A. Very GOD and man Q. VVhat needed him to be man A. That he might die for us Q. VVhat needed him to be God A. That he might overcome death Q. VVhat sort of death died he A. The cursed death of the Crosse. Q. Wherefore died hee such a cursed death A. That he might deliver us from the curse of GOD. Q. How many offices had Christ A. Three he was a King a Priest and a Prophet Q. Wherefore was he a King A. For to rule us Q. Wherefore was he a Priest A. For to offer up himself in a Sacrifice for us Q. Wherefore was he a Prophet A. For to teach us Of the Service we owe in GOD Q. HOW many parts are there of Gods service A. Foure to believe in God to obey God to pray to God and to give God thankes Q. What is faith A. It is an assured knowledge that God will be mercifull to us for Christs sake Q. Who worketh this faith in our hearts A. The holy
Spirit Q. By what meanes A. By the preaching of the Word Q. How is our faith made stronger A. By the hearing of the word and receiving of the Sacraments Of the Sacraments Q. WHAT is a Sacrament A. It is an outward seale appointed by God for to certifie us of our Salvation in Christ. Q. How many Sacraments are there A. Two Baptisme and the Lords Supper Q. What is Baptisme A. A seale of our entrance into the Church Q. What is signified by the washing made by water A. The washing away of our sins by Christs bloud Q. What is the Lords Supper A. A seale of our spirituall nourishment in the Church Q. What signifieth the breaking of the bread A. The breaking of Christs body with many sorrowes Q. What signifieth the powreing out of the wine A. The powreing out of Christs blood upon the Crosse. Q. Who are worthy communicants A. God accounts these worthy who have faith love and repentance A prayer at the houre of Death Because death is very uncertaine and Pastors can not be ever pre sent at the last houre of dying men I have set down this Prayer for the com for t of such MOST gracious GOD most dear and loving Father let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable in thy sight for thou art our Lord our strength and our Redeemer We most unworthie to speake for our selves are hold heere to call upon thee and most humbly to intreate thee to be gracious and mercifull to this thy faithfull servant now going from the earth to his long home in the heavens Thou Lord Jesus who can not lie hast said unto us That whatsoever we shall aske the Father in thy name thou wilt give it unto us O Father of mercies we seeke from thee in the name of thy Son Jesus that all the sinnes of this thy now dying servant may be forgotten and fully and freely forgiven him though his sins have indeed beene red like Scarlet and Crimson let it please thee so to wash him with the vertue of the blood of Jesus that his soule once polluted and defiled with sinne may be made white like the woole yea whiter then the snow Thou Lord understandest the groanes of thine own Spirit thou hast begun a good worke in him now as thou dost with the yeere crowne it with thy goodnesse seale up in his heart that peace which thou hast purchased with the blood of Christ Jesus the Prince of peace Assure him now of the rest of these joyes whereof he in his life hath had by thy grace a mercifull foretaste in the very throes of death greatest throngs of temptations uphold him with the hope of glory Let his faith get a full victory over all the enemies of his salvation Let the vertue of Christs Crosse crucifie the world unto him and him unto the world let the death of Jesus be the death of his sinnes and the life of his soule Say unto his soule Bee of good comfort all thy sinnes are forgiven thee Seeing while he is heere at home in the body he is absent from the Lord make thou him confident and willing rather to be absent from the body that he may bee present with thee his Lord in the heavens among the Angels and and spirits of just men who are alwayes in thy presence beholding thy face wherein is fulnesse of joy Now Lord while his flesh and his heart faile him be thou the strength of his heart and his portion for ever for whom hath he in heaven but thee and there is none on earth whom hee desires besides thee make haste Lord come Lord Jesus come Open now the doores of thy mercy and suffer this wearied traveller to enter into thine everlasting rest O Spirit of comforts the Comforter of troubled soules seale up in his heart the pardon of all sinnes with the blood of Jesus and now crowne all thy gifts and graces in him with thy glory Lord Jesus receive his spirit Father into thine hands wee commend his soule To the Father Son and holy Ghost bee everlasting glory praise power and dominion for ever and ever Amen FINIS Act. 26 29. Luke 22 28. vers 29. vers 30. 2 Iohn 1 2 Tim. 1.18 Q. 1 Joh. 2 12 vers 13 Psal. 19.14 Eccles. 12.5 Iohn 14.13 Isa. 1.8 Psal. 65.11
it hath neede to be strengthned Q. What is a Sacrament A. It is an outward seale appointed by God for to certifie us of our Salvation in Christ. Q. How many Sacraments had the Jewes under the law A. Two Circumcision and the Paschall Lambe Q. What was the outward seale in Circumcision A. The cutting away of the foreskine Q. What did that represent and seale A. The cutting away of the Superfluitie of Sin Q. What was the outward signe and seale of the Sacrament of the lambe A. The lambe was first killed after it was eaten Q. What did all that represent and seale A. That Christ was killed for to be food for our soules The thirtie eight Sunday Q. HOW many Sacraments are they under the Gospell A. Two Baptisme and the Lords Supper Q. What is Baptisme A. A seale of our entrance into the Church Q. What is the visible signe in Baptisme A. The element of water with the outward actions as the sprinkling washing dipping into water abiding under the water and comming out of the water Q. What doth the water represent unto us A. The blood of Jesus Christ and his Spirit Q. What are the speciall graces sealed up untous while wee are baptized A. Our Justification and Sanctification Q. What outward action represents our justification A. As the water washeth away all uncleanesse from the body so the blood of Christ washeth away all sinnes from our soules which is our justification Q. What outward actions represent our Sanctification A. They be cheefly three first the dipping of the body Secondly the staying under the water Thirdly the comming out of the water Q. What signifieth the dipping of the body A. It signifieth the mortification of sinne or fellowship with Christ in his death Q. What signifieth the staying under the water A. It signifieth the buriall of sin Q. What signifieth the comming out of the water A. The resurrection from sin to newnesse of life Rom. 6.3 Q. What is the differences of these two graces Iustification and Sanctification which are sealed by our Baptisme A. Justification is the absolution of a sinner from the guilt of sinne Sanctification is an alteration of qualities from evill to good Q. Make the matter yet more cleare A. Justification consists in remission of sinnes and imputation of justice for the obedience of Christ Sanctification is a renovation from our corrupt nature Q. What other difference is betweene these two A. Justification is perfect in this life but Sanctification is heere imperfect Q. To whom belongs the Sacraments of Baptisme A. To all the faithfull and to their children Q. By what reason provest thou that little children should be baptixed A. Because they are entered into the Church and Baptisme is a seale of their entrance into the same The thirtie ninth Sunday Q. WHAT is the Lords Supper A. A seale of our spirituall nourishment in the Church Q. What are the visible signes A. Bread and wine Q. What other signes are in the Lords Supper A. The outward actions to wit the breaking of the bread and powring out of the wine and the distributing of the same Q. What doth the bread in the Sacrament represent A. The blessed body of Christ. Q. What doth the breaking of the bread represent A. The breaking of Christs body and soule with unspeakable torments Q. What doth the wine signifie A. The blood of Christ. Q. What doth the powring out of the wine signifie A. The powring out of Christs blood Q. What is the spirituall grace represented and offered unto us by the elements and actions A. The nourishment of our souls Q. Make that more cleare A. As the bread eaten feeds the body and as the wine drunke rejoyceth the heart so the body and blood of Christ apprehended by a lively faith like meat strengthneth and like wine rejoiceth the soule The fourtie Sunday Q. MAY not little children be partakers of the Sacrament of the Supper as well as of Baptisme A. No not Q. What is the reason A. Baptisme is a Sacrament of our entrance into the Church but the Sacrament of the Supper is onely for these that have understanding Q. How knowest thou that A. Because it is enjoined to all these that partake of the Supper to try examine themselves which infants cannot do Q. What are the spirituall duties of these that would rightly communicate A. That every man examine himself and so eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. Q. Wherein consists that examination A. That a man try himselfe if he hath these three things faith love and repentance The fourtie one Sunday Q. WHAT should he try of his faith A. If he knoweth God and is in some measure assured that Christ died for him Qu What if his faith be weak may he come to the table of the Lord A. This Sacrament is not for these that are perfect but for to strengthen these that are weake Q. What should the communicant try of his love A. If hee loveth his God better then all things Q. What should he try concerning his love towards his neighbour A. If he desireth by all meanes not only not to hurt but also to his neighbour in his person name helpe and estate Q. What shall he try of his repentance A. If hee from his heart bee sory for his bypast sins and also bee resolved to amend his life in all times to come Q. By what singes will this repentance appeare A. By seven Q. What is the first A. A care to leave the sinne wherein hee is fallen 2 Cor. 7.11 Q. What is the second A. An utter condemnation of himselfe for sinne with a craving pardon Q. What is the third A. A great anger against himselfe for his carelesnesse Q. What is the fourth A. A feare least hee should fall into the same sin againe Q. What is the fifth A. A desire ever to please God Q. What is the sixt A. A zeale or increase of affection in well doing Q. What is the seventh A. Revenge upon himself for his former offence 2 Cor. 7.11 The fourtie two Sunday Q. THinkest thou that a man must have faith love and repentance in a good measure before he come to the table of the Lord A. Yea verily for the wedding garment is made of these three graces Q. What then should be our chiefe exercise before we come to the Lords Supper A. To try if we have faith love and repentance Q. What if wee want any of them A. Let us seek them from God by earnest prayer Q. But may wee not come to the Sacrament without them A. No not Q. What danger is if we come without them A. We eate and drinke judgement to our selves Q. Wherefore that A. Because we discerne not the Lords body The fourtie three Sunday Q. WHat callest thou to discerne the Lords body A. It is to put a difference betweene the Sacramentall bread the seale of his body and other common bread Q. What is the difference A.