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A07217 The Turke A worthie tragedie. As it hath bene diuers times acted by the Children of his Maiesties Reuels. Written by Iohn Mason Maister of Artes. Mason, John, fl. 1606-1610. 1610 (1610) STC 17617; ESTC S112425 36,670 74

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turnd death vnto a sleepe And brought you thus aliue vnto your graue Timo Say on my deerest Lord who brib'd thy loue What barbarisme or what desert of mine Mou'd this attempt against my life Mul. My soule durst iustifie your innocence But that desease that bred in Paradise Swels like the Presters poison in our vaines To which al men are heirs ambition Desire to be like God t' was that corruption Gaue me occasion thus to shew my loue On your liues safety Timo. My loue and life are thine speake openly What brest could be so cruelly ambitious Whose honor or whose fortunes could my life Ecclipse or darken Mul First madame you must sweare By life by loue and by that happinesse Your soule assures you in the faith you hold With me this night to prosecute reuenge On your liues enemy Timo. By life by loue and by that happinesse My soule assures me in the faith I hold By that which binds me more by this kisse him I sweare this night to prosecute reuenge On my liues enemie Mul Enough thy resolution like a fire Makes my warme blood boyle Borgias Timo. My husband Mul. Your husband start not Lady T was he that by a promise of your daughter The fairest Amada to me for wife Made my tongue say that I would poyson you Silence deere Lady choke all passion And feminine complaints in thoughts of vengance Forget you are a woman and be like your wrongs Full swolne with death let your inuentiue braines Carry more fate in their conception Then Hecubas wombe to Troy my plots are yours Are you reuengefull Timo. As full as Iealousie or the wife of Iason Rob'd by the faire Corinthian of her loue Mul. Then thus we seale our resolution kisse Thus I ascend and from proud Fortunes wheele Pull my owne fate forgiuenes Mahomet My hopes make me prophane and my proud thoughts Vsurpe aboue thy greatnesse Apprehension Thou that giuest foode vnto the soule of man The best companion to relieue the minde What sweete suggestions of my future blisse Haue I from thee O I am transported Beyond the power of reason the present time Craues a more sober temper Madam this disguise Must carry you vnknowne vnto my chamber Where we haue much to do release your thoughts Giue freedome to those faculties of nature That made your sexe first dare to reach at pleasure Be proud and lustfull let ambition sway The power of action in you murder and blood Are the two pillars of a States-mans good Exeunt Seena 2. Borgias solus Borg. A A Pollititian Proteus-like must alter His face and habit and like water seeme Of the same colour that the vessell is That doth containe it varying his forme With the Cameleon at each obiects change Twice like a Serpent haue I cast my skin Once when with mourning sighs I wept for Iulia And made the two Dukes weepe for Iulia That coat is cast now like an Amorist I come in louing tearmes to court my Iulia And seeme a louer but of all shapes This sits me worst whose constellation Stampt in my rugged brow the signes of death Enuy and ruine strong Antipathyes Gainst loue and pleasure yet must my tongue with passionate oathes and protestations With sighes smooth glances and officious tearmes Spread artificiall mists before the eies Of credulous simplicity he that will be high Must be a Parasite to fawne and lye Enter Amada Amada Ama. Your pleasure Borg. How stand your thoughts affected to the marriage I lately did acquaint you with are you resolu'd Ama. I am Rather to dye then liue to see that houre aside Borg. I would see Iulia pray her company Ama. I will Exit Amada Enter Mulleasses Borg. Your presence is most welcome Mull. What businesse of import Borg. Nought for the instant but a wooing sceane Prepare your wit my Lord to fight with words The Champions straight approch but two to two Enter Iulia and Amada Borgias courts Iulia and Mulleasses Amada glancing his eye on Iulia Mull. My lou'd deere Lady Borg, Beauteous Madam Mull. Faire as the morning Borg. Be as thy beauty seemes propitious louing Mull. Attractiue Sunshine all affections mouing Borg. More then a subiect and more humbly bent Iul. How supple seemes ambition Vncle y' ar too low Mull. Deuinest faire to whome all hearts should bow Ama. Fit attributes for heauen my Lord my feature Is but earthmould the weake frame of nature Mull. Yet grac't with heauenly vertue it seemes deuine Borg. I know your lights aboue me yet let it shine Like the daies beauty on the lowly plaines Iuli. Subiects are no fit loues for Soueraignes Borg. High comets from the earth draw vp then nurture Iul. Yet from the Sunne true starres haue all their lustre Mull. True starre on earth Ama. You flatter pray' forbeare Borg. Loue Madam is importunate you must heare Your nicenesse makes me be abrupt I loue And must enioy you Mull. Hell to my loue Borgias I 'le preuent you Iul. I must be plaine loue you me my Lord Borg. I by that power that made me Iuli. Restore then that that you haue robd me of My honor and my life for I am dead So thought of in the world giue me what I am Returne the title due vnto my birth Dutchesse of Florence and thy Soueraigne Make me as free as I was borne and giue my loue The liberty of nature then shall I beleeue And thinke you loue me Borg. I will restore your honors and your life I will returne the duties of your birth Dutchesse of Florence and my Soueraigne The Soueraigne of my heart and kneele to you And make my thoughts as humble as my knees See I am not ambitious t is not a crowne The gorgeous title of a Soueraigne Makes me so euil in your thoughts the poize of loue Whome some terme light and giues him wings To soare al oft in me is but the same And makes me stoope thus low to Iulia Iuli. Vncle I am asham'd that any bloud of mine Should harbor such an incest you haue an easier way To gaine what you desire make good the fame The world is now possest of murther me Then are you heire to Florence t is not halfe so ill As this incestuous mixture you so plead for Gainst nature and the law of heauen but on Vse your vsurped power be still a villaine My life is the vtmost and you may commaund it But my bloods vessell giuen vnto my soule As a pure mansion to inhabit in Shall while I am and breath be vnprophan'd I le be more chast then Lucrece dye vnstaind Mull. You are a woman Lady and wil change The Protector 's at a nonsuit in his loue How now my Lord Borg. Thus crost by superstitious obstinacy I le vse the power I haue and make How thriues your sute Mull. Vnthriftily like yours we are no Venus darlings No delight for women she cannot loue Borg. She cannot loue your reason Lady Is your blood holy are you a
proposd my aimes Religion thou that ridst the backes of Slaues Into weake mindes insinuating feare And superstitious cowardnesse thou robst Man of his chiefe blisse by bewitching reason Nature at these my browes bend thy mysteries Wrought by thine owne hands in our actiue braines Giue vs the vse of good thou art my God If what I haue of thee or wit or art Or Serpent sliding through the mindes of men Cunning confusion of all obstacles Be they my childrens liues my deerest friends May gaine me what I wish I stoope at thy renowne And thinke al 's vacuum aboue a crowne For they that haue the soueraignty of things Do know no God at all are none but Kings Exit Finis Actus Primi Actus 2. Scaena 1. Mulleasses solus Mull. ETernall substitute to the first that mou'd And gaue the Chaos forme Thou at whose nod Whole Nations stoopt and hold thee still a God Whose holy-customd-ceremonious rites Liue vnprophan'd in our posterity Thou God of Mecha mighty Mahomet Thus Mulleasses at thy memory Discends accept his prone humility Great Prophet let thy influence be free Vncheckt by danger mew not vp my soule In the pent roome of conscience Make me not morall Mahomet coopt vp And fettred in the fooles phylosophy That points our actions vnto honesty Giue my plots fortune let my hope but touch The marke I aime at then the gazing time Shall in the present hide my former ill Successe like lethe to the soules in blisse Makes men forget things past and crownes our sins With name of valour be we impious A Scelus felix styles vs vertuous Enter Eunuchus Eunu. My honourd Lord Mull. What diuell interrupts m Eunu. My duty Mull. Your duty is too dilligent that dares Peere into my retreats now should I kill thee Eunu. The Lord Protector Borgias my maister Mull. Age and diseases breed consumptions And rot him What craues he Eunu. Your instant presence Mull. I haue instant businesse whose high import Detaines my speed know you the matter Eunu. A tumult 'mongst the fearefull multitude Causd by an ominous terrour in the heauens Is as I gesse the reason of your want Mull. What heauens what terror Eunu. The Sun on suddaine feeles a darke ecclipse And hides his siluer face behinde the moone As loath to see some prodegies appeare Mull. Make that ecclipse eternall Mahomet Rise rise ye mistie-footed Iades of night Draw your darke mistresse with her sable vayle Like a blacke Negro in an Ebone chaire Athwart the worlds eie from your foggy breaths Hurle an Egiptian grossenes through the ayre That none may see my plots Hast any greater newes Eunu. The daies eyes out a thousand little starres Spread like so many torches about the skye Make the world shew like Churches hung with blacke And set with tapers at some funerall Amongst these starres directly from the East A firy meteor points a burning rod At Florence Mulle. Perhaps t is thirsty for the blood of Princes Blase out prodigious starre and let the fire Dart soule amazing terror to all eyes Be like the Basiliske fatall to behold I le fat the slimy earth more then the plague And from her bosome send the blood of Kings Stild into oyly vapours borne on high To expiate those flames that else would die Eunu. What answere shall I returne vnto my Lord Mulle. That I will see him presently be gone Borgias Thou art no tutord Pollitition Exit Eunuc To lay another in thy bosome Know a state-villaine must be like the winde That flies vnseene yet lifts an Ocean Into a mountaines height That on the sands Whole Nauies may be split in their discent I stand aboue thee and as from a rocke Whose eminence outswelles the raging flood See thy hopes shipwrackt O credulity Securities blinde nurse the dreame of fooles The drunkards Ape that feeling for his way Euen when he thinkes in his deluded sence To snatch at safety fals without defence Twise hath the Nemean Lyon breathd forth fire And made the scalded Dogge-star pant with heate Twise the dayes planet through the burning signes Hurred his fierie chariot since the time I came to Florence in exchange for Iulia The sonne of Borgias here to learne the tongues The fashions and the arts of Christendome Now by my sly and affable intrusion I am made intimate with Borgias He thinkes my thoughts are Osiars to be wrought In any forme the Dukes that claimd The loue of Iulia he hath deluded By a fain'd rumour of a suddaine death Her he detaines vntill he fits his time By murder of the Dukes to be secure In his owne power to dacke his marriage Timoclea his wife the death of all his plots If she suruiues he now beleues is dead Poysond by me in liew of which he grants His daughter Amada to me for wife As if my hopes flew not as high as his Now to secure my flight and make my wings Stronger then his that melted in the Sun His wife Timoclea liues within this tombe Made seeming liuelesse by a sleepy iuyce Infusd in stead of poyson in her cup Here I must wake her and in her stir vp Reuenge gainst Borgias Image of death and daughter of the night Sister to Lethe all oppressing sleepe Thou that amongst a hundred thousand dreames Crownd with a wreath of mandrakes sitst as Queene To whome a million of care-clogged soules Lye quaffing iuyce of Poppy at thy feete Resigne thy vsurpassion and dislodge Hang on the eyes of sloth and make them sleepe Whose hearts are heauie or whose sorrowes weepe Giue way to motion and thou whose blood Stands in thy full vaines like a charmed floud Receiue the aire againe suruiue his hate That on thy graue againe climbes high to reach his fate Timoclea riseth in the tombe Timo. Who speakes so lowd Mul. He that speakes life Timoclea Timo. You wake me Mul. Such power I chalenge Lady in my voice To wake you from your graue Timo. Where am I Mul. In your graue Timo. Hah my graue Mul. Be not amased madame you are safe Timo. Who speakes vnto me oh forbeare I am not for your presence see my bed Lyes much vnseemely who attends me there What meanes this impudent intrusion Mul. Take time to your amazement know where you are T is Mulleasses speakes to you him you once lou'd T is not now time to feare Timo. I know your face and yet I feare my being Giues cause of feare Mul. Giue your selfe to me and on those rites Due to the sweets of loue here is no daunger Timo. Accept me in your armes Mul. See where you are know you this place Timo. Some Church I thinke Mul. And these the Tropheyes of your Ancestours This is the buriail common to your blood Timo. Oh free me from amazement what strange accident Brought me so neere my death I am now my selfe And truely capable of a discourse Mul. Then know madame your life hath bene pursued And my selfe brib'd to be your poisoner But that my loue
For which the toyling Negro diues in vaine Are boasted of such wealth thy bed as soft As downe feathers pluckt from Ledas swannes Shall yeeld vnto thy dalliance A hundred boyes like winged Cherubins As faire as Psiches loue shall Iulia Enough too much I am not fit for pleasure Or if I were thy Mermaid eloquence Sounds harsher in my eares then Sillas dogs Vnto the frighted Sea-man Mul. Lady Iulia Heathen prophane Mull. Be gentle Madam Iulia If thou beest gentle leaue me Mahomet Our loues like our religions are at warres And I disclaime all peace Mull. And I a louers smoothnes your Vnckle 's dead His power is mine and you must goe Iulia Soule of wrongs whither y' are both to weake Ther 's more then woman in me villaine slaue Mul. You vrge me vnto violence come to my chamber Iulia In hell or in my graue a rape treason treason Lord A guard a guard Mull. Death of my hope the Court is vp Enter Lord Venice and attendants with Bordello bound Ven. From hence the voyce was heard be circumpect Iulia Treason treason Lord Who speakes that word Iulia Iulia your Soueraigne Mul. Scilence or thou dyest Lord Error of darkenesse in what Labirinth Our soules are plunged raise the Court Iulia Iul. I Ven. Iulia and Mulleasses Mul. Iulia and Mulleasses fond Venitian Preuented at the point of hapines Ven. Thus I redeeme her Mul. And like Cephalus kill thine owne Procris Iul. Saue me Lord Thy death shall be her freedome infidell Mul. Why stop you in your courses short breathed Christians Nayle vs together Now me thinks I stand Like a proud Lyon with a richer prize Then Nessus would haue stolne from Hercules And dare your enuies my death vnto your state Shalbe as ominous as his poysond shirt Your false Protector 's dead he mockt your griefes And made you weepe at Iulias funerall Whose hope I vnderwrought and now had worne The wreath of Florence Loue and ambition Kindled my cold braine from their mutuall heate Sprung my aspiring aime nor shall it sincke But in the death of Iulia since I cannot Quench my hot thirst of Lust and coole the heat That hotter then the coales of Parta Burne in my liuer like the snowy Dragon Tangling the Elephant in his snarled orbes I le dye in the pursuit of my desire And mixe our bloods in death to sate my fire Ven. Hold monster Lord Damnation on thy soule Ven. Thy death shall ransome her Mul. Death double thy feard force and it some forme Affright pale Hecate darken the Moone I like the Sunne backt on th' Arcadian beast When in his burning progresse he did sindge Adonis gardens from my soules faire light Chase cloudy feare and like Thetis sonne When he was oynted with Ambrosia Am more then fire-proofe liues Iulia yet Ven. She liues dam'd villaine and out-liues thy hate Mull. Death had bene kinde in her with her I might Vnder the coole shades of Elisium Played before Pluto and made Proserpine As iealous as Iuno of my loue But since I must not Enter Borgias Philenzo Phego Borg. Vp from the darke earths exhalations Thicker then Lernas foggy mists and hide me I cannot loose their sight hel of feare Phil. It flies our eager steps follow follow Lord What meanes these clamours Borgias Mul. Hah Borgias Borg. Horror of soules I am surprizd Mull. Illusiue ayre false shape of Borgias Could thy vaine shaddow worke a feare in him That like an Atlas vnderwent the earth When with a firme and constant eye he sawe Hells fifty headed Porter thus I 'de proue Thy apparition idle runnes at Borgias Borg. Treason I liue Deuils and Furies I am slaine Lord Wonder of admiration what distraction is this Mul. Ha ha ha climbe high my mounting spirit And when thou hast aspird to thy full hight Like a Collossus on a base of cloudes Stand and applaud thy fortunes Borgias Borg. Grin'st hellish Anticke Mul. Should the Cecropian theefe stretch my torne flesh Rackt on his bed of steele if on Caucasus My growing liuer were exposd a prey To rauening Vulturs I would still laugh To see thee like a falling Pine-tree reele In a rough tempest Borg. Hold vp ye broken organs of my soule Carry me high and make me stand as firme As Oakes on Ossa that aduance their tops Euen till their rootes breake Timoclea Mull. For loue of me kild her owne childe Thy daughter Amada Lord Amazement Borg. Blest fates I thanke you I shal dye reueng'd Fly Ioue lou'd Nemesis and at Iustice feet Shake thy triumphall Ash I slue Timoclea Mull. By thee before thought dead I tooke her from the hearse of Iulia When in the habit of a murdred ghost This night she appeared to the Duke to breed Suspect in them of thee and arme their hate Vnto my plotted faction Ven. Damnd illusion Lord Where is Ferrara Phil. Heauens be his guard Borg. So they are He kild my slaue And in his habit by this hand he dyed Phil. False periurd villaine He runs at him Borg. Sinke sinke Cytheron high Pallene tremble Greene Tempe wither and with me forgoe Your place and being this whole world of flesh With fatall earth-quakes totters False Turke thy fate be but as cruell as is Borgias hate moritur Mul. Stoope down thou Lydian mount bend thy cold head And hide it in thy brackish fathers waues That as thou shrinkst thy starry loade may nod At Mulleasses fall or euer shroude Those ioyfull bonfires in a mourning cloude moritur Ven. Iust end of treason Lord Madame our duties ioy your life And wish your happinesse Ven. As the iust reward of daunger My Lord I claime her loue Lord Not without Iustice braue Venecian She is herselfe and free Iulia And thus I giue my selfe Lord Heauens seale it for the the good of both our states Ven. Philenzo We can but grieue at great Ferraras losse Embassadours from vs shall plead our sorrowes Euen to your Senats meane time his obsequies Shall want no honor Signior Bordello We giue you liberty what remaines vndone Shall by the Senate be confirm'd leade on FINIS
thy conquests hath confirmd thy will Thou maist capitulate with rude commaunds Till when proud Prince stoupe at imperious chance For did no other title then my sword Make my claime righteous yet the doubtfull lot Cast on the ends of warre carries my fate Euen with thy pride the Lady as mine owne To shewe an eminence that o're lookes thy hope I chalendge and auerre the right of warre Due to my sword Ferr. Vnsheath it then Ven. Yes at thy bosome Sound Cornets they stay Fer. What meanes this suddaine parley from the walls Iul. What are the Dukes at oddes Am. Harke Madam from the walls Sound againe A suddaine parley speakes vnto the Dukes Iul. Was that that staid their swords Amad. I woud faine haue seene how like Esops warriour they could haue fought For that a third carries away Some new deuise of pollicy hath causd This vnexepected change not long since It was resolu'd in councell to maintaine The siege against the hottest opposition Iul. Did I not thinke my fortunes ebbe at lowest It might amaze me Amad. My libertie May soone giue notice to you then le ts away A Sunne may rise to mak 't a happy day Exeunt Enter aloft Borgias and the Senate Ven. To whome speakes Borgias Bor. Dukes to you both The present and vnlookt for cause of griefe That now hath tooke possession on our breasts Cuts of the feeling of all outward feare Our priuate griefes were desperate did there not A publike care of others burden vs We thinke you wrongd I and the Senate heere Causes of both the nonsuites of your loues Appeale vnto remission Fer. But whether bends your far-fetcht Oratory Restore the Lady vnto me and on my honours pawne I le free your Citty from the armes of Venice Ven. Senate and you on whose authority And pawne of honor I engagde my loue Slau'd my affections and did prostitute The freedome of my soule to Iulia Sleight not your wisedomes and your worths in counsel To serue the ends of hidden pollicy Make good your words engagde and as I liue A Prince vnstainde in honor I will free Your Citty from Ferraras hottest fury Borg. Alas my gratious and renowned Lords I grieue to see your passions Emptied of th' obiects that they wrought vpon I am the Embassador of heauy newes To you I am sure as heauy as to vs Ven. Speake it Borg. O it doth presse the Organs of my speech And like a lethargie doth numbe those motions should giue it vtterance Ferra. Hold the Protector there from falling Some standersby helpe to vnlade his burthen The Camel else will sinke downe vnder it Borg. Scoffe not my gratious Prince the griefe I feele Will be as heauy on thy now light head As t is on mine the Lady whome you loue Ferr. Why what of her Ven. Where is she speake Borg. Singing with Angels in the quire of heauen The Requiem of Saints Ferr. Shee 's dead Ven. Shee 's dead Borg. I Lords vnto your loues Ven. O my Loues hard fate Ferr. Dead Borg. And now my Lords seeing that she is dead For whome you raisd these armes against our walls I hope your furious angers liue no longer Ferr. We are appeasd Venice I thus salute thee and reconcile my fury in thy armes S'death dead Ven. Discend Protector with her our armes are dead Ferr. I am amazd possesse me patience Discend Credulity Ferrara is a vertue I beleeue it Borgias oh my spleene That he should thinke me so rediculous To fasten any faith on pollicy The stateliest generall prop is iealousie On all men their actions I know it not Ven. Should I thinke her murdred or that she still doth liue And feede some hope by deeming him a villaine That sooths this sorrowfull newes into our eares I might herein seeme polliticke and nurse Some mischiefe in my bosome for reuenge Of that wherein I but suspect a wrong The trickes of State-moules that worke vnder Princes Are at the best but like the vipers young That how-so-ere prodigious and hurtfull To many open and secure passengers Yet do they neuer liue without the death Of him that first gaue motion to their breath This keepes me honest still the heauens and fate Are the best guardians to a wronged state A short flourish Enter Borgias and the Senate Borg. Laying aside all feare of what you may Thus to your powers we do expose our liues Your wrongs we do confesse might speake reuenge Did not this flood of sudden griefe take vp All passion in it selfe speake mighty Dukes Liues Florence in your loues with Iulias death Dies the memoriall of your former wrongs Ven. I forget them all Ferr. I take no pleasure in reuenge Borg. Then are our Citty gates ope to your loues And beg a fauour due vnto the dead This night the funerall hearse of Iulia I know that name is deere vnto you both Returnes againe to her creation This night the rauenous mother of the world The all corrupting earth that eats her yong Swalloweth the body of your Iulia This night she takes a farwell of vs all Then let it be a witnesse of your loues To giue her hearse an honor with your presence Ferr. Should we not graunt this we might be taxt Of much dishonor Ven. I were not worthy that it should be said I leuyed armes for loue of Iulia Should I deny my presence at her hearse Borg. My loue the neere alliance to her blood The deere remembrance of my Soueraigne dead Whose loue committed her vnto my care Makes me accept this honor done to me And I stand bound in bonds of gratitude To both your princely worths in lieu of which Let my emboldned weaknesse mighty Lords Presume t' inuite you to a funerall supper A banquet forc'd by ceremonius custome As a due obsequy Ven. The loue of Iulia Exacts from me all rights of custome Ferr. I yeelde my presence Borg. Your guards shall be my honor for this night Your seuerall armies during your stay in Florence Shall be maintained at our Cities charge In recompence of loue to Iulia Ten. We thanke you Fer. We thanke yous Borg. Nor giue we expectation of proud pompe Of shewes or Pageants for your entertainment Our bels ring forth our sorrowes in sad peales No pleasant changes to giue Princes welcome Our Churches stand not garnished with pictures To please deuoted superstition with But mourne in blacke Our Church men Leaue their chaunting Antheams their daily Masse To sing continuall requiems to her soule Sorrow sits sad and weeping in our streetes All eies are wet with teares saue those where griefe Hath dryed all moysture vp Our sucking infants Are pale and leane with hanging on the breasts Of griefe-spent mothers If these may welcome you Wee 'le giue you prodigall welcome to our Citty Ven. Such welcome fits the death of Iulia Ferr. So should all mourne and weepe for Iulia Borg. So doe we mourne and weepe for Iulia Lead on vnto the Citty how slowe pac'd is sorrow
euer thinke of Borgias As if my loue were wrongd by Borgias A groning within What meanes these suddaine tumults in mine eares Saue me eternall guard of innocence Treason treason villaine thou shalt buy my blood Eunuchus rusheth in he kils him Enter Timoclea Eun. O spare me Fer. Distraction of my braine what shape art thou Timo. Iulia Exit Ferr. Iulia hah stay t is gone did I see Or did my feare and fancy frame this forme Villaine thou art some instrument of falshood Confesse thy treason Eun. You are secure that shape that nam'd your loue Pursued me through the court till for my rescue Feare made me vse this violence at your chamber O I am slaine and dye a causeles death I nere liud false to thee all thou hast gaind Is that my soule dyes cleare and leaues thine staind He dyes Ferr. To doe thee good my soule shall say as much And witnes it before the Iudge of soules When at the generall Barre we meete together But I must vse thy shape this night I le walke Hid in thy habit from discerning eyes I le pry about the Court perhaps I may Once more see Iulias ghost and learne her wrongs By them to ayme aright in my reuenge My hand first dyes the scene and it shall fill The stage with vengeance Nemesis shall wade Vp to the chin and bath herselfe in blood The dangling snakes that hang about her necke Shall sucke like Lethe of the purple gore Shed for my Iulias death I le feast the rauenous people of the aire And fill the hungrie wolues with slaughtered men The streets of Florence like the streets of Rome When death Sylla raingd shall run with bloode Their swelling channels with a scarlet tide Shall wash the stores and for my Iulias death The angry gods of wrath shall smile as pleasd To se me so revengd Eunuchu thy death Is but a prologue to induce a plot Maist thou be blessed th' art not worth my hate I must reach higher and on thy disguise Lay but the ground-worke for reuenge to rise Exit Scaena 4. Enter Mulleasses solus Mull. BE pleas'd ye powers of might and bout me skip Your anticke measures like to cole black moores Dauncing their high Lauoltos to the Sun Circle me round and in the midst I le stande And cracke my sides with laughter at your sports Oh my hopes fatte me nor shall time grow old Or weary with attending my successe One night shall crowne me happy Borgias wife Appeares vnto the Dukes for Iulias ghost To breed suspition in them of her murder So that if Borgias chaunce suruiue this night As he must dye if all my plots hits right The Dukes to morrow when the Senate sits May proue what I le affirme against his life Nor to redeeme his safety shall he bring The Lady to disproue what we auerre Here will I cease and in some straunge disguise Keepe till my growing faction be of force To second my ambition for the crowne If I plot well faire Amada must dye And by her mothers hand she must not liue To speake her fathers wrongs Timoclea Thou thou art next I tooke thee from thy graue Not for the loue I bore Timoclea But to sucke from thy vse the sweets of loue I bore to Iulia t was loue and state Saue thee this time of life to strength my fate But blabbe not scilence tongue she comes Enter Timoclea Timo. My Lord what drownd in contemplation Mulleasses loue Mull. Heauenly creation beauties abstract natures wonder Timo. What meanes my Lord awake Timoclea speakes Mul. I must inioy thee Amada strong force of passion Timo. Ha Amada dearest Lord your sence And know me Mul. Ha Timoclea thy loue and pardon I was oreborne And carried from my selfe with idle thoughts Of what sad melancholly suggested in me What comfort bringst thou hath thy dead shape Bene powerfull vnto feare stood they a mazd Their eyes like fiered starres set on thy face Their speeche abrupt and short their haire vpright Stiffe like the quils of Porcupines art blest Timo. I am if what you speak may make me blest Mul. It makes vs happy giues our hope true life Timo. Neither my life nor hope to be so blest Makes me so happy as thy loue deare Turke Were I a Venus thou shouldst be my Mars And I would court thee euen in Phebus sight Although it mou'd an enuy in the gods Be Iouial like Salmecis thy loue Shall cling about thy necke Mull. I am not sportfull Timo. I le dance before thee like a faiery Nimph And with my pleasing motions make thee sport I le court thee nak'd as did the Queene of thoughts Her sullen boy and all to make thee sport Mull You are not pleasing Timo. Not pleasing gentle Turke Time hath not set the caracters of age On my smooth browe my pulses beate as high As when my first youth lifted vp my blood I buy no beauty nor hath nature bene A niggard in my face I am yet yong Fresh and delight some as the checkerd spring The Lilly and the Rose growe in my cheekes And make a bed for loue to rest him on Mul. But I am restles Timo. Rest thee on my brest Mul. No I must pilgrime to a loue deuine Timo. Loue me and vnto loue I le build a shrine And on an Altar offer to our loues The thighs of Sparrowes and of Turtle Doues Mull. You are importunate Timo. Yeeld then and I haue done Mul. No more Faire Amada 's the saint that I adore Exit Timo. Amada minyon is it you Makes me thus sue vnheard my daughter Amada Haue I in my bosome nurst a snake No fierce streamd torrent nor no storme at Sea No stepdame is halfe so raging my blood was not so strong When thou wert got now us like the Sea My soule a Barke that runnes with wind and tyde And cannot stop the Anchor of my thoughts Reason is lost and like the vine-gods priests Running downe Nisa or from Pindus top I am vnstaid and doubtfull in my course O the strong power of sence I must do that Which all succeeding times to come shall speake Yet not beleeue all say t was done yet none Say t was well done Loue is a God Strong free vnbounded and as some define Feares nothing pittieth none such loue is mine Exit Finis Actus 3. Actus 4. Scena I. Enter Iulia and Amada Iuli. O Had our soules no deeper sence then flesh Were they like waxen pictures formable Obsequiously to take impression From euery rude hand and be like this will That wils vs vnto some deformity I should not Amada complaine of wrong But make religion of my forc'd restraint I then should sleepe and pray and on my beades Number deuotion my enuironed spirit Should not thus swell beyond my present freedome Whisper my wrongs and prompt my weaker powers To prone impatience Ama. Madam I am yours Let not the name of daughter vnto him That hath confinde your hope
must mine Soule of Borgias Thus to thy ghost I sacrifice my life To buy thy requiem Borg. I accept it wife He strangles her with her owne haire And thus returne the fall of Borgias Nay nay repent not deere Timoclea Y' are caught in faith then like a Lyonesse Snar'd in the wary hunters tangled toyles Grinde the thin aire swell higher till thou burst And let the breath that like a vapour prest Struggle within thy bosome hurle the vp Soft the time spends fast I haue much to thinke of Before the tell-tale god displaies his light To shewe the world the horror of this night First for thy death the lustfull Turke must dye My riuall in the loue of Iulia Him I le accuse for murdring thee The Dukes Because his claime may alienate my hopes Him in my accusation I will ioyne As ioynt coagent in the Turke deuises As for that rumour of faire Iulias death I 'le first proclaime her life and on Mulleasses Who now detaines her will transfer the falsehood As if my selfe had bene by him deluded These mazes when like Theseus I haue trod Fortune shall spread her wings to make me sailes And with a strong ayre cut the angry tide That into mountaines swels to stay my pride Hah what heauy noise beates through my eares Hang heauy Morpheus on the eies of men And make suspition sleepe Enter Philenzo and Phego Philen. The rumours strange I pray possesse me with your propper knowledge Phego You shall vnderstand Sir that according to my function giuing neere attendance to my Lady she being feruently imployed in the Lobby about a mixture or composure of as we vulgarly tearme it a posset vpon our first entrance ere we had relisht the sweete of her sweete that is the fruit of her labors we were suddainely assayled by a she-goblin to describe it Sir I am not able for my eye-sight turn'd inward to looke after my heart that was running from my heeles yet thankes to the lancknesse of my calfe they made reasonable haste Borg. Heart of all mischiefe see the Court is vp Hell and the darkenes keepe me from their sight Philen. At midnight did Ferrara leaue his chamber Heauens be his safety Phego A ghost a ghost Exit Borgias Philen. Pursue it where it goes feare shall not stop me Followe me sir I le speake to it though death Ceaze on my life it shall not loose mine eies Vnlesse it sincke into the earth Exit Phego S'foot my office is italianated I am faine to come behinde Enter Bordello Bord. Was euer man thus distracted betweene the flesh and the spirit s'foot this Pill hath so fiered my mansion that vnlesse I light on some water-worke I shall loose the raines like a second Phaeton and burne my Fabricke Surely I am that Tantalus the hungry Poets talke of and am as dry as an Eele in a sand-bagge and yet want water for the reaching Let me see why should I feare spirits that haue raised vp such an able one at my pleasure that like a bold Orator stands on tip-toes to speake in Barre and yet me thinkes he should be no good pleader he was so suddenly deiected and out of countenance with an apparition I would the case were laid open that I might see how my young mooter would bestir himselfe Ha who is this no more ghosts I hope if it be it is the more womanlie of the two She lyes as if she knewe the end of her creation On my life some wayting mayde that hath a Court Epilepsie come vpon her I le see if she fome at the mouth Out alas the heauens haue conspired poore Bordellos ouerthrowe The vertuous Timoclea wretched and most accursed hands that haue trust vp my fortunes in thy Elfe-knot Scaena 2. Enter Duke of Venice Lord Prusias Attend Lord THese apparitions doe import more weight Then our distracted iudgements can yet poize Yet mighty Duke suspend a while all feare If both my power in state and worth in honor May be sufficient gage to be your guarde Then thinke you are in safety Ven. Sir we thanke you neither is there one Knowne vnto vs in Florence on whose worth I dard assure such safety as from you And to that end I brought this gentleman As well to acquaint you with this deepe occurrence That much concernes your present state as craue A guard for our security gainst daunger Prus. Respect your guard great Duke Villaine what art thou Bord. A most deiected parcell of mans flesh Prus. Lend your eyes and see A deede as blacke as is the time that hides it A murdered gentlewoman Lord Ignoble villaine could thy coward-arme Presume the least wrong to her feeble sexe Bord. Wrong heauens knowe I meant to haue done her as much right as could haue bene done to one of her sexe Ven. Death hath not changd her forme see her face You may discerne her by her character Lord She beares the image of Timoclea Wife unto Borgias Ven. Soule of delusion in this very shape The ghost of Iulia was presented vnto me Lord Amazement and the giddy thought of feare Run an vnsteady circuit through my braine Thy feare and trembling doth proclaime thy guilt Bord. Alas Sir my shaking proceedes of a standing ague I haue had this two houres Lord The time importunates and craues suddaine counsell Guard ceaze him safe some beare this body hence Wee 'le vnto Borgias chamber him wee 'le wake Acquaint him with the ground of our suspition Meane time be safe in me nor loue nor life Shall turne mine honors current I le be your guard This hand seemes your person or my sword Shall in the Traytours heart make good my word Exeunt Scena 3. Enter Mulleasses Iulia c. Iuli. IF thou beest humane then forsake thy sute Your words are strange to me my virgin eares Nere knew such sound desist I will not bowe Mull. We loose all pleasure that we do not knowe Then like Pandora view those heauenly guifts The Gods haue deckt thee with See but thy selfe And taste more pleasure from thy proper good Then from the full horne of the Protean floud Elisium is in thee and I implore Iuli. Syrens haue left the Sea and sing on shore Mull. Could I out-sing those Syrens Iulia Or were my voyce as tunefull as that harpe That now vies musicke with the harmonious orbes To which each learned Sister naild a star Thou mightst with safety heare me thy Vncles loue Cold as the white head of the Apennine feeles not my fire ambition of rule Turnes al the heate is left in him to incest If thy warme blood that dallies in thy vaines And through thy flesh like wanton riuilets plaies Desires with Nyle to rise aboue her bankes And vent in pleasure on the neighbouring plaines A carpet richer then the breast of Tempe Or Tagus yellow channell shall be spread And prest with Iulias weight Nor the blew Sea-god when in stormes he treads On pearles as Orient as the rysing East