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A01464 A detection of the Deuils sophistrie wherwith he robbeth the vnlearned people, of the true byleef, in the most blessed sacrament of the aulter. Gardiner, Stephen, 1483?-1555. 1546 (1546) STC 11591.3; ESTC S102849 86,410 306

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grasse And vnto thys day the earth when it raineth bringeth forth his owne buddynges beynge by goddes precepte styred strengthened to do the same God sayde This is my body and this is my bloud and doo this in remembraunce of me whiche by his precepte that is omnipotente is done vntyll he commeth For so he sayde vntyll he came vnto whiche newe kynde of tyllage the vertue of the holye ghoste ouershadowyng it is by speciall inuocation in the stead of raine for lyke as all thyng that god hathe made is made by the operation of the holy ghost So nowe the efficacye of the same holye ghoste worketh these thynges that be aboue nature whiche can not be comprehended but by faith onely How shall this be said the holy virgin seinge I know no man The archeangel Gabriel answered The holy ghost shall come downe to the and the vertue of the higheste shall shadowe the. And nowe thou askest howe this bread is made the bodye of Christe and the wyne and water the bloude of Christ Wherein I aunswere also vnto the. The holye ghoste commeth and worketh these thinges aboue reason and vnderstandynge The breade and wyne be taken to this mysterye For god knowethe mans weakenes whiche with some displeasure eschueth many thinges that be not before by vse made smothe familier vnto hym wherfore our sauiour Christ so condescendeth to our infirmitie as he vseth thinges to vs accustomed and agreable wherewith to make thinges that be aboue nature And lyke as in baptisme seinge men commonlye vsed to wasshe them selues in water and annoynte thē selues with oyle Christe added to the oyle and water the grace of y e holy ghoste and made it the wasshynge of regeneration So for that men were accustomed to eate breade and drynke wyne and water Christe ioyned vnto them his godhed and made them his body and bloude that by thynges accustomed and agreable to nature we myght be placed in thinges that be aboue nature The body is verely vnited to y e Godhed I meane the same body that was taken of the holy virgin not that the same body taken descended from heauē but that the bread wyne be transfourmed into the body and bloude of God If thou doest aske me the maner how it is done it shuld suffyce the to heare aunswered that by the holy ghost lyke as of the holy mother of God by the holye ghoste oure lorde made to hym selfe flesshe and in hym selfe withoute seede of manne In whiche matter we know no more but that the worde of god is true of efficacie and omnipotent but as for the maner is vtterly inscrutable and such as can not by serche be deprehēded foūde And yet it were not amisse to say thus that like as the breade by eatynge and wyne by drynckynge is naturallye chaunged into the bodye and bloude of hym that eateth and drinckethe nowe are become another body other then their owne body whiche they had before euen so the breade prepared to be consecrate and the wyne and water by inuocatyon and commynge downe of the holy ghoste be aboue nature chaūged into the body bloude of Chryste and be not two but one and the same Whiche worke is wroughte and is to the that worthely receiue it in fayth the remyssyon of synne for lyfe euerlastynge and to be a safegarde for bodie and soule And to them that be vnfaithfull and receiue it vnworthely to their punish mente and vengeaunce For so is lykewyse the deathe of oure lorde That is to say to suche as beleue lyfe and incorruptiō with the fruition of euerlastynge blesse and on the other parte to them that be vnfaithfull and were murderers of our lorde punysshement and vengeaunce euerlastynge The breade and wyne be not a figure of the body and bloud of Christ That may not be sayde but the very body of our lorde deified that is to saye made god For our lorde saide this is not the fygure of my body but my body and not the fygure of my bloude but my bloude And before that sayde to the Iewes that yf ye eate not the flesshe of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud ye haue not lyfe in your selfe For my fleshe is very meate and my bloud is very dryncke And agayne he that eateth me shall lyue Let vs then come to it w t a fearfulnes a cleane conscience and stedfast fayth and then in al thynges shalbe to vs as we byleue constantly Let vs honour it with all clennes bothe of the body and soule also as it were with a double worshyppynge For the same we worshyp is also double that is to say the fleshe of our sauiour Christe and godhed also Come we vnto it with an ardent fyry desyre and facyonynge oure handes in the figure of a crosse let vs so receaue the body of hym that was crucified fynally approching with our eyes lyppes and forehed let vs receiue that godlye cole so as the fyre of our feruent desyre receyuynge the fierynes of that cole maye burne vp our synnes and lyghten our hartes and by partetakynge of that godlye fyre be throughly enflammed and deified Esaias sawe a cole A cole is not wood onely but woode vnited vnto fyre So the foode of our communion is not foode onelye but foode vnited to the godhead The body vnited to the godhed is not to be sayed one nature but the nature of the body is one and the nature of the godhed vnited vnto it is an other So as both together be not one nature but two Melchisedech the preist of god that is highest receiued and chered Abraham with bread and wyne when he returned from the slaughter of the foraine straungers That table fygured this mysticall table lyke as that preiste was y e fygure and ymage of our true prest christ Thou arte sayth god a preist for euer after the ordre of Melchisedech Those loues whiche in the olde lawe were called the breades of proposicion that is to saye the breades appointed to an holy vse were a figure of this bread This sacrifice is the pure vnbloudy sacrifice which god sayde by his prophet shuld be offered vnto hym from the east to y e west The bodye and bloude of Christe for the establyshmente of body and soule receiued be not cōsumed or corrupted nor passeth with our corruptions through vs into y e vyle place fy on y e speach but encreaceth our substaunce and preserueth it It is tharmour of defence frome all maner of annoyaunce and lykewise the purgation and cleansynge of all fylthe Certaynlye if it fyndeth the golde adulterate that is to say corrupt with any other mettall it purgeth it by the same vertue whiche is apprropriate to fyre wherby it disceuereth frō the gold and putteth away that is corrupt to thintent we shulde not be condemned in the worlde to come It purgeth diseases and all sortes of annoiaunce And as saith the godly apostle If we iudge
communicamus eius carnē ac diuinitatem participamus communicamus etiam dum inuicem vnimur hac communione Quandoquidem enim ex vno pane participamus omnes unum Christi corpus vnus sanguis concorporei christo existentes mutua inuicem membra efficimur Omni igitur cautione obseruandum est ne ab hereticis participationē admittere sustineamꝰ sed nec illis dare Et enim ne detis sancta canibus dn̄s inquit neque proijcite margaritas uestras ante porcos ut non participes erroris malae eorum fidei efficiamur condempnationis Si uerò omninò est unio nobis ad Christum inuicem nobis cum est denique omnibus omninò eadem nobiscum consentionem et uoluntatem participantibus etiam unio est Ipsa enim unitas ex libera animi electione fit non absque nostra sententia uolūtate Omnes enim unum corpus sumus quod ex uno pane participamus vt inquit diuinus apostolus Exemplaria uerò futurorū dicuntur nō tāquam uere non sint corpus sanguis Christi sed ꝙ nūc per illa participamus Christi diuinitatem tunc autem intellectualiter per solam uisionem THe good and all good saithe Damascene and t● excellyng good god beynge altogether goodnes wolde not suffre the same goodnes that is to saie his verye nature to remaine sole withoute participation made thereof by other And therefore god firste made the intellectuall and heauenlye vertues After that the visible and sensible world and then man of a nature that hath both sense and vnderstandynge So all thinges whiche be made of god be so farre forth partakers of his goodnes in that they haue all a beynge for of hym and in hym selfe all thynges be not onely for that he brought thē from nothing to haue a beinge but also for that his operation continuynge lykewise conserueth and mainteineth all thinges that he made But in this participation suche thinges aboue other participate as haue lyfe which communicate of gods goodnes not onely in that they be partakers of their beinge but also of their lyfe Reasonable creatures forsoth besides beinge and lyfe furthermore participate of gods goodnes in that they haue reason which reasonable creatures be somewhat more nere and familier vnto god then the other and yet god so excelleth all aboue all proportion as neither can there be comparyson with hym nor iudgemente of hym Neuerthelesse man a reasonable creature and constitute in fredome with the gyfte of free wyl receiued therwith also power and facultie through his owne choyse and election to be vnited to god continually yf he had remained and perseuered in that goodnes that is to say the obedience of hym that created hym But after man had transgressed the precepte of hym that made hym and was thereby subiecte to death and corruption the maker and workeman of mankynde such is the tendernes of his mercy beynge made in all thinges lyke vnto vs was made man withoute synne and so vnited to our nature And bycause he had delyuered vnto vs his owne image and spirite whiche we haue not preserued and kepte he hathe taken vpon hym oure nature thenne poore and weake to the intente he shoulde pourge vs and make vs incorruptible and restore vs alsoo againe to be partakers of his godhed deitie It behoued moreouer not onely the fyrste fruytes of our nature to be brought to be partaker of the better but also all y e hole kynde of man suche as are wel willyng both to be borne againe with a newe natiuitie and nourysshed with a newe meate agreable to y e natiuite and so with endeuoure to attayne the measure of perfection wherfore by Christes natiuite that is to saye his incarnation and baptisme passion and resurrection he hath delyuered our nature frome the synne of our firste father from deathe also and corruption And beinge hym selfe made the cheife and first and as it were the firste fruites of resurrection he hath appointed hym selfe to be the waye forme and example to this ende that we folowynge his steppes shulde by adoption be made the chyldren heyres of god as he is by nature and so become coheretours with hym for which purpose as I haue saide he hath geuen vs the seconde natiuite whereby as we beynge borne of Adam resembled Adam enherited thereby curse and corruption So beinge borne of god we shulde resemble hym and shoulde atteyne by enheritaunce incorruption blessynge and his glory And bycause Christe is the spiritual Adam it is semely that oure natiuite shulde be spirituall and lykewyse also our meate In asmusche also as we be doubble that is to saye of body and soule and so not of one single nature but compounded it was mete oure byrth shulde be doubble likewise and our meat dubble also Our birth then is giuen vs by the water and the holye ghoste The meate forsothe is the foode of lyfe our lord Iesus christ that descended from heauen For our lorde Iesus Christe when he shulde take on hym his death wy●●lyngly for vs in the nyght in whiche he gaue hymselfe he ordred a newe testamēt to his holy disciples and apostels by them to al othe● y t bileue in him In a chambre ther●●fore of y e holy gloriouse Syon eatynge the olde paschall with his disciples and fulfillynge the olde testamente he wasshed his disciples feete giuinge them therin a token of holye baptisme Afterwarde breakynge bread gaue it to them sayeng Take ye eate ye this is my body that is broken for you in remyssion of synne Lykwyse takynge the cuppe of wyne and water ▪ deliuered it vnto them sayeng Drinke of this al this is my bloud of the newe testamēt that is shedde for you into remissiō of synnes Do this for remembraunce of me For as often as ye eate this breade drinke this cuppe ye do shew forth the death of the sonne of man and confesse the resurrection of him whiles he cōmeth If the worde of god be lyuely and effectuall and all thing y t our lord wold he made If he saide Be y e light made and light was made Be the firmamēt made and the firmamēt was made If the heauens be establyshed by y e wo●de of god and also the strength and vertue of them is lykewyse establyshed by the breathe of his mouth If heauen and earth water fier and ayre and all thournamente of them be perfited by the worde of our lorde and not onelye these but also man him self a beast of al other most renowned spokē of If the essentiall word very god wyllyng so to be was made man and made the pure and vndefyled bloud of the holy and perpetuall virgin to be hys flesshe withoute any seede of man Can not he make the breade his body And the wine and water his bloude He saide in the beginning Let the earth bring forth grene
not to be allowed for in eueryplace of offering is but the same one Chryst here ful hole Christ and there full hole christ and euery where y e same one bodye And as the sacrifice euerye where where it is offered is one body and not many bodyes so it is also but one sacrifice And our chiefe byshop is he that offred the hoste that clensed vs and the same hoste we offer also nowe whiche beinge then offred could not be consumed For that we do is in remembraūce of that was done For Christ saide Do this in remembraunce of me Wherein we do not make another sacrifice as the byshop of the olde lawe dyd but make alwaies the same sacrifice or rather worke the represētatiō of y e same But because I haue made mention of this sacrifice I wil speake a fewe wordes to you whiche ye remember a fewe wordes in measure but conteynynge greate pyth and commodite for you That I shal say procedeth not of my selfe but of thinstigatiō of gods holy spirite What wyll I say then This it is that many be partakers of this sacrifice ones in the yere some twyse and some oftener My speache is directed to all not only to those that be here but also those that syt in wyldernes For such be houseled ones in the yere peraduenture not in two What is the matter then Whome do we moost allowe Those that receyue ones in the yeare those that receiue oftner or those that receiue seldome Neither those that receiue ones nor them that receiue oftner nor them that receyue seldome but those that alwayes comme to be partetakers of thys sacryfyce with a cleane conscience with a clene harte and a lyfe wythoute reproche And those that be not suche I allowe them not to come ones Why so Bycause they receyue iudgement damnacion and punishment And hereof maruaile not For as meate beinge naturally nourishynge when it happeneth to come into hym that is corrupted with euyl meates marreth and corrupteth all and is occasion of a sycknes and disease So lykewise y t is cōteined in this dredful sacramēt where thou hast fruition of spirituall foode haste fruition of the kynges table and after defylest thy mouthe againe w t fylthy mire y u art throughly anoynted with y e precious anointmēt and fyllest thy selfe againe with euyl sauering stēches I pray the tel me Ones in the yere thou reparest to this holy communion Doest thou thinke .xl. dayes sufficient to clense thy synnes of all that tyme past within a weke after returne to thy former filthynes How saiest thou to me If y u wart in .xl. daies healed frō a long bodely disease shuldest returne to that meate that was cause of thy disease haddest thou not lost thy former labour If the natural partes of man be so sone altered with moch lesse the partes of mās wyll may be chaunged wherein I mene this that as we naturally se and haue by natures ordre hole eyes yet by some alteration oure syghte is hurte And yf thynges y t be natural in vs be so sone chaūged moch more that is ordred by our wyl is voluntarie Sparest thou onelye .xl. dayes to to prouyde for thy soule helthe I thinke not al togither so muche and yet thou hopeste to haue god pleased with the. Thou doest rather tryfle Hitherto I haue translate Chrysostomes sentence and to note vnto the these fewe wordes laste spoken What wolde Chrisostome saye to the state of this worlde nowe in whiche a nombre do not onelye neglecte to appoint so much tyme as the lente is whiche Chrisostom meneth to attayne goddes fauoure againe but thinke it al superfluous and not necessarie And bost onlye the mercy of god without feare of his iustice Marke this place of Saynte Chrisostome and compare it to onely faith marke this place of saynte Chrisostom note how the .xl. dayes in y e lēt were spēt not by the byshoppe of Romes ordinaunce but by directiō of y e true discipline in christes church in whiche Misecordia veritas abuia uerūt sibi iustitia pax osculatae sūt As wherin mercy was so preached as y e truth of gods iustice was not neglected iustice in due order of al thinges was so decētly obserued as peace and concord remained in christes church But this matter is besides the principall purpose and yet not out of al purpose for this time In s Chrisostoms interpretation concernyng daily sacrifice of christes body bloud thou maist se reader how the church hath obserued this most preciouse continual sacrifice of Christ hym selfe by himselfe the high preist for euer after the order of Melchisedech offred on the aulter where the minister of the church by Christes commaundemente executethe the same whiche commaundement as Chrysostome saythe is conteyned in these wordes Hoc facite Nowe I returne to reherse other that haue spoken of the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter among whome Ignatius a gloriouse martyr and nexte vnto the apostles in an epistle that he writeth to y e Romaines saith in this wise Panem dei uolo panē coelestem uitae qui est caro Iesu Christi filij dei uiui qui natus est in nouissimo ex semine Dauid Abrahae potum volo sanguinem eius qui est dilectio in corruptibilis vita aeterna I desyre saith Ignatius the fode of god the heauenly foode of lyfe whiche is the flesshe of Iesu Cyrist the sonne of the lyuynge god who was borne in the laste tyme of the sede of Dauid and Abrahā and I desyre for drincke the bloud of hym who is loue without corruption and lyfe euerlastinge And to thintent thou mayest perceiue reader that this nourriture is vnderstanded of the body and soule togyther so as in this holy communion mans flessh is also comforted herewith Note what Ireneus sayth Quomodo negant carnem capacem esse donationis dei qui est uita aeterna quae sanguine corpore Christi nutritur membrū eius sit quēadmodum Apostolus ait in ea quae est ad Ephesios epistola Quoniā membra sumus corporis eius de carne eius de ossibus eius non de spirituali aliquo inuisibili homine dicens haec Spiritus enim neque carnem neque ossa habet sed ea dispositione quae est secundum hominem quae ex carnibus neruis consistit qui de calice qui est sanguis eius nutritur de pane qui est corpus eius augetur Whyche may be englyshed thus Howe cā it be denied that mans flesshe may be partetaker of the gifte of god who is lyfe euerlastynge consyderynge it is nourysshed wyth the bloude and body of Christe as the apostle sayth in his epystle to the Ephesians For we be membres saith the apostle of his bodye of the flesshe of hym and of the bones
his ascention that is to saye to speake to vs and companie with vs as he dyd with his apostelles and disciples or to be felte of vs as he was of saynte Thomas to the satisfaction of oure bodely senses whiche absence of Christe in conuersation repugneth not to y e truth of our catholyke faith whiche is that christ presenteth and exhibiteth vnto vs his natural body and bloud in the sacrament of thaulter For the diuersyte in the maner of beynges present taketh away the cōtrariet● that shulde seme in the matter Now as touchyng the myscōstruynge wronge takynge and somtyme false bearing in hand of that the good holy fathers of Christes churche haue written of the most blessed sacrament o● thaulter First I shall saye this that howe so euer the same holy doctours do agre in the most certeyne truth of our beleef moche labour hath ben taken to p●ke out wordes and sentences and dis●eueryng them out of theyr places by cyrcūstaūce wherof they had theyr true vnderstandynge to make them sound to such as wold haue it so to the cōfirmatiō of their vntrue and false doctrine in this most blessed sacrament And lyke as suche as labour to cōfound the truth be the chyldren of darkenes So in the scriptures and doctours also they resorte to serche the truth ī obscure darke places where they maye haue opportunite to iuggle and deceiue the symple reader For where the doctors speake playnly against theyr falsehead they fare as though they knewe not y t place or had not redde it and then resorte to an other place not so open and playne and there fall to cōiectures and constructions of theyr owne and labour in exposition of those obscure places as thoughe they could there more certeynly declare the mynde of the doctours to conferme theyr lyes then the doctours thē self do in another place of theyr owne workes where they playnly openly manifestly and without ambiguite declare them selfe to agre with the truth And where as the truth grounded in scriptures and opened more clerely by holy writers hath ben in Christes churche ▪ after discussion and triall sette forth in a holsome fashion and cōuenient ordre of wordes whiche wordes the true meanyng and vnderstandyng purged from all ambiguities whiche mans busy witte hath also in holy wordes engendred to thintent as we beleue one truth we myghte also in wordes speache vniformely agree in the same truthe Suche as labour to breake this godly agremēt in harte and tonge they neuer ceasse tyll by speache they maye brynge the truth agayne in a corner and with pretence they meane well speake symply without obseruation euen as they haue redde forsoth in that holye man for example in dede a holy martyr saint Cipriane for hym they alledge Whiche sainte Cyprians speche as it was by hym deuoutly vttered not disagreyng from the truth so is it by these men maliciously brought forth wherby to interrupte the consente truely agreed on bothe in the speache and vnderstandyng I wyll somwhat speake of this one speach of saynte Cypriā particularly wherby thou mayest esteme good reader the deuyls sophystrie in handelyng of y e reste We beleue truely as the catholyke church teacheth that there remayneth no substaunce of bread in the sacrament of thaulter but y e onely substaunce of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christe And yet sainte Cyprian speakynge deuoutly of the food and nourriture whiche good Christen men receyue in the communion of this mooste holy Sacrament whereby the body and soule be conioyned with Christe vseth the worde Panis and calleth y e blessed sacramente sacramentalē panem whiche wordes be not perfitely expressed in englysh if in trāslatiō it were termed sacramētal bread as malicious fayned simplicitie pretendeth but rather sacramētal fode for Panis in latyn is a general word signifieth not only bread wherew t mē be fed but also al other nourriture wherw t man is susteined which the word bread doth not in englysh but soundeth to vs a name of special nourriture foode made of corne Now if any man shall vnder pretence of symple playne speache cal always that breade in english which he findeth in laten called panis he myghte of well wheresoeuer he founde sella in latyn call it in englysh a saddell and then in translatinge some places oute of latyn into englyshe he shuld somtime set sodenly on horsebacke in englysh him that he redde in latyn sitting in a seat on y e groūd Herin the ignoraunt that perceiue not this wyll saye I vse sophistrye but I open the deuyls sophistrye herein wherwith he doth abuse the people in speache and entangle them so in it as they for want of other knowlege can not wade out therfore alloweth him that whē he readeth in saint Cypryan y e sacramente of the aulter called sacramētalem panem calleth it in englisshe sacramentall bread And here he spurneth and wyll ye make me beleue sayth he that panis signifieth not breade then for confirmacion adde this Say we not in oure Pater noster Panē nostrū quotidianem da nobis hodie whiche is translate in englisshe Gyue vs to day our dayly breade And in dede if I wolde replye throughly herevnto I muste saye more then it were necessarie now to entreate yet I may not passe it all ouer For I muste saye that panis in our Pater noster signified not only bread but all foode bothe for the body soule and is so well knowen by the exposition that in thenglysh when it is translate bread we may easely conceyue by a parte the reste and by signification of some parte the hole But where as there is an extour spredde by the deuyll abrode against Christes myracle in consecration of his moost preciouse body in the sacrament of the aulter ▪ whiche errour is that there shulde after y e consecraciō remaine bread in this time of errour to translate in euery place the word panis that signifieth in some place foode into the english worde bread can that be without a maliciouse purpose to aduaunce the deuilles enterprise with his sophistrie cloked vnder pretence of plaines After whiche sorte of outwarde simplicite wherwith to cloke malice Some when they shulde speake of the blessed sacrament with the catholike churche confesse the truth therin plainly openly then they say they will speake as saint Paule spake his wordes they wyl vse whiche were writtē by the holy ghost and for so muche they say true and herewith they wyll aske disdainefully whyther any man wyll correcte saynte Pauls teachinge as though there were any suche sacrilege intended against gods scripture where in dede this is onely desyred and necessary in Christes church that one shulde vnderstand another al cōceiue one true meaning of S. Paul whose moste holy true wordes diuers as s Peter sayth haue for y e hardnes of thē peruerslye vnderstanded them for the exchewynge whereof it
of hym whyche thynges thapostle speaketh not of anye spirituall or inuisible man for a spirite hath neither flesshe nor bones but it is spoken of suche an habitude disposicion and composition as man in his owne nature hathe whiche consysteth of flesshe and senewes beynge nourished of the cuppe which is Christes bloude and encreased of the breade whyche is his bodye This sayth Ireneus And Tertulian as foloweth Videamus nunc de propria christiani nominis forma quanta huic substantiae friuolae ac sordidae apud deum praerogatiua sit etsi sufficeret illi ꝙ nulla omnino anima salutem possit adipiscinisi dum est in carne crediderit adeò caro salutis est cardo de qua cum anima deo alligatur ipsa est quae efficit vt anima alligari possit Sed caro abluitur ut anima emaculetur Caro inungitur ut anima consecretur Caro signatur ut anima muniatur Caro manus impositiōe adumbratur ut anima spiritu illuminetur Caro corpore sanguine christi uescitur ut anima de deo saginetur These wordes be writtē in a worke made by this author for confirmation of the article of oure belefe for resurrection of the fleshe whereby to refel such as denied the same and in englysh they haue this sense Let vs nowe saith Tertulian consider the platforme of a christen mans state and se what preeminence is gyuen by god to the brykle vyle substaūce of the flesshe althoughe to it this prefermēt myght suffice y t no soule can attaine euerlasting lyfe onles it beleue whiles it is in the fleshe so euident is it that the flesshe is as it were the groundeselpece of mannes saluacion In whiche when the soule is knytte to god it is the flesh that bringeth to passe that it maye so be knytte yea also the flesh is wasshed that the soule may be clensed of her spottes The flesh is annoynted that the soule may be halowed The fleshe is marked that the soule maye be defended The fleshe by imposition of the mynisters handes is shadowed that the soule may be illuminate with the spirite The fleshe is fedde with the body and blood of Christ that the soule may be made fatte of god In these wordes be conteyned many good thynges declarynge the vse of the visible sacramentes in the begynnynge of the churche such as in these dayes some ●este and rayle at commenly besides the intollerable presumption agaynst the most blessed sacrament wherof how this man speaketh it is euident how so euer the deuyll vsed Frith as a mynystre to depraue him in this behalfe And yet this nourriture that mans flesshe hath by christes precious body is after an other maner as sainte Augustine saith then our cōmen nourriture is for non digeritur in carnis nostre substantiam sed ipse nos in corporat sibi Christes body is not digested into the substaunce of our flesshe but it incorporateth vs vnto it And note y e word digested appropriate to other common meates This most preciouse foode conserueth our substaunce as Damascene sayth maye therfore be called supersubstantialis but it is by incorporation of vs into it wherof here what Saint Cyprian saith that holy martir who expounding the Pater noster and declaringe the fourth petition in it Panē nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodiè vnderstandeth it to conteyne a desyre of the holy communion in the blessed sacrament and saythe Ideo panem nostrum id est christū dari nobis quotidiè petimꝰ ut qui in christo manemus uiuimus à sanctificatione corpore eius non recedamus Therfore we aske our daylye breade that is to saye Christe to be gyuen vnto vs that we which abyde and liue in Christ go not backewarde from the state of holynes and communion of the bodye Here Saynte Cypryan calleth the sacrament Chryste as he is in deede there present really and shewethe therewith an effecte of this holy communion that beynge so partakers of his most precyouse naturall body we maye be preserued in the continuaunce of our sanctificacion and not depart frō the felowshyp of Christes mysticall body the churche whiche churche Christ vniteth to him not onely spiritually by faith and charitie but also corporally by eating of his precious body drinkinge of his bloude declarynge that he loueth his churche as his flesshe as Saynte Paule writeth to the Ephesians where admonishinge the husbādes to loue their wiues as their owne bodies he sayeth No mā euer hated his owne flesh but nourisheth it as Christe dothe his churche for we be membres of his bodye of his flesshe and of his bones To whiche purpose Cirillus vpon the .xv. of Saynte Iohn writeth against an heretike as foloweth Non inquit negamus recta nos fide charitateque syncera Christo spiritualiter coniūgi sed nullam nobis coniūctionis rationem secundum carnem cum illo esse id profectò pernegamus idque a diuinis scripturus omnino alienum ducimus Quis enim dubitauit Christum etiam sic uitem esse nos palmites qui vitam inde nobis acquirimus Audi Paulum dicentem quia omnes vnum corpus sumus in Christo Quia si multi sumus vnum tamen in eo sumus omnes enim vno pane participamus An fortasse putas ignotā nobis misticae benedictiōis virtutē esse quae cum in nobis fiat nonne corporali ter quoque facit communicatione carnis Christi Christū in nobis habitare cur enim mēbra fidelium mēbra sūt christi Nescitis inquit quoniā mēbrav●̄a mēbra sūt christi mēbra igitur Christi meretricis faciam membra Absit Saluator etiam qui manducat carnem meam bibit sanguinem meum in me manet ego in eo We deny not saith Cyril against the heretique but we be spirituallye ioyned to christ by faith and sincere charitie but that we shulde haue no maner of coniunction in our flesshe with christ that we vtterlye denye and thinke it vtterlye discrepant from goddes holy scriptures For who doubteth but christ is so the vyne tree and we so the braunches as we get thence our lyfe Here what S. Paule saith we be al one body with Christe For though we be many we be one in hym All we participate in one foode Thinketh this heretique that we know not the strength and vertue of the mystical benedictiō so this autor expresseth the holy sacramēt of thaulter calling it the misticall benedictiō which when it is made in vs doth it not make Christ by cōmunicacion of his flesh to dwel corporally in vs Whye be the mēbres of faithfull mens bodyes called the membres of Christ knowe ye not saith S. Paule that your mēbres be the members of Christ And shal I make the membres of christ partes of the hores bodye God forbydde And oure sauyour also saith He that eateth my flesh drinketh my