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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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knowlege of thy blessyd godhed of thy infinite charite towarwe me And that I maye contynaally remember thy blessed presens in euery place Lyghten myne inward and goostly eyes to se consyder effectuously the wonderfull tokens of thy infinyte loue kindnes to me and the innumerable benefites geuen vnto me and all mankynd specially by thy most holy Incarnaciō thy life deth and passion and that I maye the better perceyue what thou hast done for me graunt me most mercyful good lord grace to com to the perfecte and exacte knowlege of my selfe Fyrste to consider and acknowlege howe noble thou haste creatyd my soule vnto thyne owne similitude and ymage of nought And howe myserable how foule fylthy and abhomynable it was made by oryginall sinne as sone as euer it entred the synfull bodye and fleshe And how thorow thy infinite mercy and tender charytye it was redemed by thy precious deathe purged by vertewe of thy bloud and passion in baptysme and so restoryd vnto grace and mercy agayne Yet afterward syth that tyme I haue innumerable tymes most fylthyly defyled my selfe wyth many a deadly synne forsakyng thee my lorde god turnynge awaye my loue frome the and from thy holy commaundementes folowynge myne owne corrupte wyl and beastly lust and desyre and haue made my soule more filthy feble and more vyle in thy syght thē any vnresonable beast And thus in the foule puddell and durtie dongiō of sinne I must nedes haue sunke in vnto the bottome of dānacion yf thy mercy had not or wolde not yet helpe me vp agayne by thy Infynite mercy and blessed grace For of my selfe of myne owne power I am not able to arise by trewe and perfecte repentaunce with out thy mercyfull grace do helpe me And yet thou arte so good and gracious that I may yf I wyll euery daye houre and mynet recouer thy gracius fauer for thou art euer redie knockīg at my harte cōtinually ¶ Oh merciful Iesu how moch nede haue I of thy mercy and grace ¶ Graunt me good Lorde grace earnestly to consyder oft tyme from whens I came what I am wher I am and whether I go Fyrst frō whens I came playnely I came frome vyle and synfull fleshe begotten in fylthy concupysence and beastly lust in the stinkyng vylenes of oryginal sinne fed in my mothers womb with foule menstruus vilitie And where thou moost mercifull lorde god creatyd the planettes the starres of the fyer the fyshes and foules of the water thou haste created me and all other beastes of the foule and vyle earth so that as touchyng my bodye I am no better thē a beaste created of the earth vnto the earth I shall agayne What I am I maye sone perceaue I am nought els but drosse and durte rotten earth wormes meate much lesse perceuing how I shal depart subiecte vnto many necessities ful of misery borne in sinne liuing in wretchidnes and labour and must dye in payne and agonye And yf I shuld earnestly depely consyder I may perceiue and se that the trees herbes bring for the leaues swete flouers frutes my bodye bryngeth nothing els the foule wormes stynking sweat and corrupcion Yf I wolde wel consider and marke what commeth out of the nose the eares of other yssues of the bodye I shall perceaue that ther can be no fowler and more horible or more stynking dunge hyll in the worlde Nowe wher I am plainly ī this wretched worlde the vale of mysery as an out lawe stranger and in a foren contrey beset wyth many galthroppes and grinnes on euery side in the myddes of innumerable dangers perels among my most mortal ennymies against whome I must fyght bothe nyght and daye for they lye in wayte for my dysstruction contynually whose mortall malyce I can not escape wythout thy moost mercyfull helpe And whither I go lorde whyther els but from whens I toke myne orygynal that is vnto earth dunge claie Of earth asshes my wretched fleshe was created and to the earth it must go fyrst or last But when and howe sone thou only knowest most myghtyfull lord but sure I am that thyther I go contynually where euer I be what euer I do wherfore moost mercyfull lorde graunt me grace that the perfect knowlege and consideracion of my wretched estate neuer go from my memorye Wherby wyth the helpe of thy grace I may seke earnestly and contynually the amendemente of my selfe wyth thy mercyfull help and fauour ¶ Oh merciful lord were not thy exceding greate mercy my soule throwe the innumerable and most greuous sinnes where nought els but a brand of hel fyre a foule stynking vessell full of abhomynaciō of sin apte to be caste into hell and euerlastynge damnacion Moreouer yf thy grace were not I colde do nothing els but synne and increase my damnacion yea ther were no kynde of synne so abominable the which I should not commyt yf thy grace dyd not preserue me yea my soule shoulde returne to ryght nought yf thy myght and godlye power dyd not vpholde it conserue it ¶ Oh mercyful Lord howe many euyl affectyons croked inclynacions synfull passions noughty dysposicions and redynes to all kynde of synne and myschefe are in the senses wit and power of my soule both inwardly and outwardly Whome I can neuer wythout thy specyall grace helpe know nor perceaue and much lesse amend reforme mortyfie wherfore myghtyfull gracious and moost pytyfull sauiour In the blessed merytes of thy most bytter paynfull passion whiche thou sufferest in euery member parte power and myght of thy blessed bodye and soule lyghten my sinfull blyndnes that I maye come to the perfect knowlege of my selfe and therby to come vnto that most acceptable the grounde of all vertue and grace blessed mekenes and contempte of my selfe and to the very and most perfecte loue of the my lorde God vnto whome only belongeth and euer myght be all glory honour of al creatures nowe and for euer Amen ¶ The seconde exercyse to optaine remyssion of sinnes THou must haue a generall cōtricyon and hate of all thy sinnes yf thou haste not made a general confessyon all redy then I wolde coūsel the to make one intendynge wyth most ful and constante mynde to forsake detest al kynde of synne and for the verye pure loue of God and deape hate of thy self and of al sinne to bewayle them as hartely as god shal gyue the grace And that thou mayst come to the perfect hate of thy selfe thou must beleue that ther is no creature ī the worlde that hath done so greate iniury and shewed so great contempte to God as thou And therfore thou shalte Iudge thy selfe worthy of al the payne of hel and al the shame of the worlde for thy manyfold and great synnes for thy great neglygence thy wonderfull vnkyndnes shewed vnto God for the whiche cause thou shall haue moost fyrme and perfecte wyl in
me of nought not a stone but like vnto thy most blessed and godly ymage and lykenes and hayst created all the worlde to do me seruice Thou hast preseruid me in the womb of my mother where I myght haue peryshed as many doth that neuer commyth to byrth From my byrth thou hast perseruyd my lyfe both in bodye and soule and broughtest me to holy baptyme where I myght haue dyed wythout it as many do and do therby loose the blysse of heuen for oryginal sinne And from that tyme hether to thou hast prouyded for my necessaryes Fyrst by my parentes and frendes and afterwardes by other meanes So that I haue had alwaye succoure at thy mercyful hand whyche contynually hast and dost prouide for me wyth muche more louely care then euer dyd my natural mother and hast cheryshed me both in body and soule And like a most carefull and louynge parente father thou hast dost deliuer me daily from innumerable perels and daungers both of body and soule whiche innumerable tymes syth I was borne I might and should haue fal in if thou haddest not most mercyfully delyuered and defendyd me How long hast thou lyke a mercyful pityful parent borne wyth my great enormytes and innumerable deadly sinnes mortal wher thou myghtest Iustly haue dampned me both body soule yet of thy infinite mercyful goodnes thou hast taryed and abydē my conuersion because thou woldest not dampne me though I dyd deserue a thousand thousād tymes And whyle thou haist so paciently suffered me so detestable and contumelius towardes the my lorde god sclanderous vnto the world ther hath many that were ferre better then I for lesse syn then myne bene vtterly dampned for mysse lyfe Moreouer though I were am neuer so destable and greuous a synner in thy syght yet thou of thy infynite mercy hast neuer lefte me vtterly but hast by dyuers meanes and many holy mocions and inspiracyons called and prouokyd me to repentaunce And though I gaue no eare to the but in maner contempnyd and set the at nought yet thou ceased not vntyl at the length wyth thy myghtyful power grace thou broughtest me agayne to grace and repentaunce and of thy ineffable goodnes hayst brought me to this most blessed state of relygion and yet doyst not mysse but fatherly dost prouid daily for my necessaries though I be neuer so vnkind and vnthākeful to the. And by cause no synne be it neuer so greate and enormious should dameme yf I wyl repent thou hast geuē to most cruell death and passion thine owne sonne and by his merites and for hys sake thou arte redy to in due me wyth al kynd of vertue and grace And specyally blessyd be thy in effable goodnes and mercy For thou hayst indued me wyth N.N.N. ¶ In this place remember thy speciall benefittes that thou thynkest thy selfe specially bounde to thanke almyghty God for Turne thy thought and meditaciō here vn thy sauyour Iesu deuoutly saying O Most louing Lord and deare sauyour Iesu now I turne my harte vnto the. O most swet Iesu most faythful frind and true louer of my pore soule for whose sake and saluacion thou wast incarnatyd and came in to this wretchid mysery and suffered innumerable labors fatigacyons sorows and incōmodyties much wronge and heuines great pouertye paines thou sufferedst for me many a teare thou shedest wyth many a sore syghe many afore rebuke reuyle blasphemie great shame and much worldly confucyon thou sufferedest Many a sore stroke and sharpe strype thou haddest for my sin And of most tender true loue and most burnyng charytie that thou barist to me thou sufferedest most paineful passion and creuel death ¶ Thou swetest and shedest al thy precyus blod not leuyng one drop within thi blessid bodye And after moste deadly and mooste mortal panges and pynchynges of deathe iii. longe howres hangyng moost paineful vppon the crosse at the lengthe with the moste cruel bitter and paynefull stynge of dredful death thou yeldest vp thy blessid soule for to saue and redeme my synful soule ¶ What poynte of loue coldeste thou haue shewed more Yet besyde al thes thou hayst most louyngly left to my weake and wretchyd soule for my gostly comforte and strengthe the very same bodie and bloode wherwith thou boughtest me and al the world in the most blessid sacrament of the aulter that I might often se the often receaue the remember that great loue thou beredyst towardes vs and so to lerne as to loue the agayne and of very loue to delyght in the medytacion of thy moste bitter and blessyd passyon with harty desyre to folowe the in it And specyally to lerne and affectuusly to consider that great loue and charytie thou shewdest to me here in that mi hart might be inflamed and set on fyer with the loue of the. Wherefore most mercyful sauyor and most louynge and louesome lord Iesu of that great charytie and burnyng loue which causyd and mouyd the to suffer al thy bytter paynes and passyon and in the merytes of thy most precyous blood and blessyd death kyndel now in my cold harte the blessid fyer of thy moost deare loue and make me to loue and to delyght in the to set al my ioy felycitie plesure in the loue and desyre of the my lord that by perfecte loue and blessyd charytie my soule may be knyt and made one with the. The whiche vnyon wyth the in loue is the beginnyge the perfeccion and end of al cōtemplacion here in earth and of the blessyd fruycion of thy godhead in heauen Where thou art all in al thynges to thy glory and honour sempyternal without end Amen ¶ This foresaid praier vse daily by inward desire and harty deuocyon that by costome thou maiste when thou wylt set thy harte on fyer with the loue of thy Lord with a litle laboure and thoughte of his passion other benefytes Yf thou canst come to thys redines of loue then haist thou the very instrument and redy way to contemplacyon for yt is the rote beginnynge of lyfe contēplatiue Thou shalt also that daye that thou haiste this exercise in custome vse and accostome thy selfe euery where where euer thou be what euer thou doo to haue in thy mynde and wyth hartye and burninge desyre to say not in voyce but in hart and mind one of thes louely swete sentences which may be callid dartes of gostly loue And lyke as the worldly or fleshely louer hath styl his burnyng desyre to his paramour and is redy in euery place corner wher he metith with his loue to expres by louely and swete wordes his feruent and hote desyre that he beryth vnto her loue with depe sighes and most harty lamentable cōplaynt with such meane to set his loue on fyre and to wound as it wer her hart with loue towards him agayne euer so with thes or such lyke louely and swete sentences we do open vnto our louer Iesu
the length thou most paynefully most miserably yet most louynglye and willinglye sufferest moost crewel moost bytter and moost shamefull deathe for me specially and for all mākynd and so well thou yet louyst me that if nede were thou art redy to suffer the lyke yea more paynfull passion more cruel death rather then I should perysh if I wold faithfully loue and serue the. ¶ O Most louing and mercyfull sauyoure Iesu I moost vnkind sinner haue neglected and set at nought the that haue done so muche for me and I haue offended as vnkyndly and as greuously as though thou haddest done nothing at all for me For I haue contynually offendyd and synned all my life but specially ī these N. Thou most here remember thy special dedly sinnes one after another and be speciallye sorye yf tyme wyll serue And generally I confesse my innumerable enormytes wherin I haue contēpned and offendyd the. Fyrst in breking of thy holy .x. commaundementes In the .xii. Artycles of the catholyque fayth The statutes and commaundementes of holy churche In the .xii. coūsels of the gospell In breking such priuate vowes as I haue promised In the .vii. mortal sinnes ¶ Omytting the .vii. workes of meryc gostly and in not doing the .vii. gyftes of the holy inspiracions I haue misused the gyftes of grace lent vnto me I haue mysused my v. vyttes or senses outwarde and my senses inward I haue misspent al the powers members and myghtes of my body and of my soule I haue mysspent the gyftes of nature the gyftes of fortune the giftes of the holy goost I haue not desposyd me to haue constante fayth perfect hope and burning charitie which are the thre theological vertewes I haue not had in me the foure cardinall vertues Prudence Iustice Fortytude and Temperaunce I haue not labored to haue in me the .xii. frutes of the holy gost I haue not labored so ernestly to com to perfection of lyfe and to the perfect loue of the as I wolde haue done to come vnto hyghe dignitie and honour of the worlde I haue sinned and lyued sinfully in euerye place in euery state in euery office that I haue lyued in by word by dede thought in omission in losse of my tyme and in vnkyndnes and vnthankfulnes towardes the my Lorde God towardes thy blessed mother and all thy blessed angels and saintes And agaynst all myne neighbors against the good folkes the blessed frindes of god agaynst the weake and sinners agaynste my benefactours and frendes agaynste my superiors my egalles my inferiours agaynste the quicke and the deade against the sowles in purgatory againste all creatures against my owne selfe agaynste both my body and my soule for I haue misvsed these creatures to the great dyshonor of the my lord god to the iniurye of myne neghbours and to the condemnacion of myne owne soule So that ther is no gyfte nor benefyt that thou haste geuen me nor no good thing in the whiche I haue sought the sincerely and purelye For I haue lesse or more sought myne owne commodytie myne owne wyll or pleasure Thus in all my hole lyfe I haue ether done commytted sinne eyther omyttyd and not done my dewty or els doing my dewty or any good woorke I haue not done it so syncerelye purely as I ought to haue done Wherfor I forsake here al kynde of sinne and al my dedes good and bad and I runne only vnto thy greate mercy and infinyte merytes ¶ O most mercyfull petyfull and most louyng lorde Iesu I moost humbly lowly beseke thy mercyful goodnes for thy most holy concepcion and natiuitye For thy blessed conuersacion and moost holy lyfe For thy moost harde and sore laboure and trauel for the great sorow and heuynes of thy blessed harte for thy most payneful agonye and bloudy sweat for al thy bytter and most paynfull passion for al the cruell effucion of thy moost precious bloud for thy most painful most cruel moost bytter and shamefull death graunt me mercy and forgeuenes of all my vnkindnes and sinne mortyfye in me al that offendeth the worke in me suche vertues as moost maye please thy blessed wyll in me to thy honour my saluacion Amen O Moste gloryus mother of mercy and ladye of grace my syngular help and comfort in heauen and in earth nexte vnto my lord god and sauyor Iesu I humbly beseke the for that holy passyon death and al the paines that thy deare sonne Iesu sufferyd in thy sorowfull syght For al the sorow heuines and most bytter compassion that thou sufferedst for him and me optain for me cleane remyssyon of al my synnes and all the paines that I haue deserued for them and increase of al vertue perfeccion Here praye to thy specyall aduowryes O Mooste blessyd and holy N N. N. N. and al ye moost holy and blessed company of heauen for al the paynes and labours that ye suffered here by the grace of the holy goost and for the very loue and honoure of god I humbly beseche your blessyd charyte pray for me vnto my lord and swet sauyour Iesu that he vochesaf to remyt my wickednes and synnes and so to confyrme me in his grace and loue that I neuer returne to syn agayne Here turne thy heart agayne vnto thy Lorde Iesu saynge ¶ And were I dayly fall and am redy to syn vochesafe to graūt me oh Lorde grace euer moore as ofte as I fal to arise againe with perfect sorow hate of syn and with most lowely cōfidēce trust of his blessed swet mercy That the multytude of my syn and mi great frailtie driue me not to disperate sorowe and inordynatte heuynes Nether let me mistrust the great and most gracius redynes of thy moost louyng mercy that is euer redye to forgyue as ofte as we do repent be yt neuer so ofte Draw me not to presūpcyon but that I how so euer whan so euer and how often soeuer I offend the I may moost lowly and mekely acknowelege my wretchydnes and frayltie and repente myne offences and synnes wyth a fyrme purpose to amend and with an vnfayned trust of remyssyon and forgeuenes in the infynyte merytes of thy most blessed blood payneful passyon and most precyus death to the glory honoure of thy mercy ful charytie most myghty maiestie Amē ¶ The Thyrd exercyse of reformacyon of the soul in the fyue wyttes sences COnsider how thy fyue wittes are wonderful wekened and dysorderid by the fall of our forefather and parent Adam But a greate deale more infected and disorderyd by thy owne actual synnes the great abuse of thē Wherefore that they may be redyer brought againe vnto ther former and original purenes wherin they were before the fall of adam thou must nedes shut vppe and refrayne from all misuse of all thy senses as thy syghte hearing taisting with thy tong smellyng and fealyng in the crucyfied humanitie of Chryst accordyng to hys exāple wyth so
thy memorye to haue the fruiciō of thi lord god for euer without any impedyment or meane These meanes or impedimētes ar the fancies and the imagynacions of other thinges besyde god or for god Thou must kepe thy memorye cleane and pure as it wer an wedloke chamber from al strange thoughtes phantasies ymaginacions And it must be trymmed and adorned with holy meditacions and vertues of chrystes holy crucified lyfe and passion that god may continually and for euer rest there in how often whē and how long it shal please him Wherfore thou must vse it with often louely and continuall desyres and holy afeccions to god warde thy louyng and moste kynde lorde and sauiour that he only may cōtinually be shutt vp in the that is to saye Thou must haue continuallye God in thy mynde and memorye and that thy mynde and memorye may runne only vpon hym what euer thou dost or wher euer thou be Thou must vse this exercise sōwhat lōg as I sayde before and thou must crye praye moost hartely and continually for the specyall helpe of god and that by hsi mightes powers by the praiers blessyd merytes of the gloryus virgyn Mary his mother the blyssed saintes in heuen thou shalt aske it The wiche thing yf thou do not optaine at the fyrst but abydest longe for some are of a clammye nature and muche geuen to phantasies they be therfore the lōger in labour be not discoraged nor ouerthrowē with tediousnes Cease not only perseuer haue a stronge and a firme confidence and trust in our lorde whiche neuer leaueth those that putteth ther trust in him and he wyl geue it the. For he is infinitly good and gracyous whiche in the simplenes of harte is sone founde for he is wonne by loue and with louely and holy desires and affeccions he wyl be optayned and sone gotten For god is infinite loue it selfe vse therefore often these aspiracions al the time that thou laborest in this exercyse or such as these be that foloweth ¶ Oh swet sauyour lyghten the blyndnes of my soule that I may know the and thy most blessed wyl ¶ Oh mightiful lord Iesu take fro me my vnkind hart geue me for it ether thi swet harte or an hart lyke vnto thy louyng hart that euer may loue laude and prayse the. ¶ Mortify ī me good lord my wycked wil graūt me to haue no other wil thē thine ¶ Oh most louing lorde fyxe my mynde so stedfastly vpon the that I may mynd nothing but the or nothing so ofte as the. ¶ My deare and swet sauiour graunte me grace to come to the perfecte knowledge of the thoughe I be ingnoraunte in all other knowelege ¶ The practyse of the Exercyse for reformaciō of the soule in the wyt senses MOst merciful sauyor Iesu which art that petiful samarytan which by thy holy incarnacion descendidst in to thys world wher thou foundest al the nature of man being in the state of dampnacion robbid in Adā by the serpent that gostly thief which spoilid our nature of the blessed gyfte and garment of innocencye and oryginall iustice and wounded our naturales that is to say all the sensies and powers of oure soule and maymed our frewyl blyndyd and darkned our vnderstanding crasyd our memorye and set out of order and made rebel al our fyue wyttes and sensualytie And thou moost pityful Lord taking compassyon vpon thys miserable and mortal plyght of our sore woūded and maimed nature thou with the bond of thy moost louely passyon and charytable death dydst bynd vpp our woūdes powryng in to them the wyne of thy precyus blood and the oyle of thy most heauenlye grace mooste myghtyful and blessyd physicyon and heauenly surgyon of my pore and sycke soul take compassion on my sore and deepe and innumerable woūdes For mercyful sauyor al the sensies wyttes and powers of my soule and bodie be very sore and deadly woūdyd not only by the first fal of Adam in to oryginal syn but I also my self haue more greuusly woūdyd them by innumerable actual synnes by the longe and contynual mysuse of them dayly Wherefore I moost humbly beseche the moost merciful Iesu graūt me the syngular helpe of thy grace that I may bryng them to that purenes and blessyd order that they hadde before the fal of adam by dew and dayly refraynyg and brideling them from al misuse and vse them only for bare necessitie accordyng to thy most holy example and so soberly to lyue as though I were dead vtterly and had no senses That I may lerne now to turne inwardly al my thought and pleasure as I haue hetherto set my pleasure and delyght in owtwarde and sensuall vanytie ¶ Graūt me grace most blessyd master to geue my self whooly to lerne at the and to take the for my example and to my mooste gracyus Lord and master resynyng and yeldyng my self fully and whooly to obey the so that I may caste vtterly awaye my owne wyl and in my self al together most streyghtly to obey and please the only that here after I may do no thing be it neuer so lytle without as it were thy loue ¶ Graūt me grace most gracius Iesu that at euery word that I intende to speke at euery loke of myne eye at euery morsell that I shall eate at the mouyng of euery ioynt or member of my bodie that I shall styre I may inwardly in my hart aske leue of the the whych leue yf good conscience do wytnes that I haue optayned than I may do it or els not ¶ Graunt me swete Iesu that I may do and offer al and euery one of my necessarie workes and deedes all and euery one of my good workes and dedes with an actual and a new intent to the laude and praise of the my lorde god in the vnion of thy moste holy workes blessid merites to the soule helth of al men And whyle I am seking or doyng any thinge outwardly graunte me grace to remember my selfe inwardly whē I ought to leaue of suche talking or doing and so to cease ¶ Moost deare sauiour and moost gracius good lorde I most hartely and humbly beseeke the for thy mercy and merytes sake and by al thy holy perfeccyons and myseracions whych are in the yea whiche thou arte thy selfe and by thy moost blessid and holy humanitie and by thy most holy fiue sensies whiche so myghtely obeyed reason and were swalowed vp of thy sowle the whiche also were most paynefully and so cruelly afflicted for my saluaciō as though thou hadist had no sensies at al. Good lord vochsafe in the merites of thy most blessid sensies soo to swalowe vp to knyte and to sanctify all my sensies in thy moost holye soule as thoughe I hade no sensies at all whiche myght at any tyme geue place to sensualytie Merciful Iesu for thy payneful wondes of thy blessed handes kepe my feelyng from al vncleane and vnnecessary feelyng and touching
forsakynge in all thinge thyne owne proper wyl And for as muche as thou and all creatures be in the power and regymente of god therfore ther can no creature harme nor yet touche the but it must fyrst touche god wythin whom thou hayst in closyd thy selfe and transposyd and turned thy selfe al wholy into him and hys godly wyl and pleasure And for this cause must thou nedes harkē more to god and here hym rather se hym touche hym and tayst hym moche more then any other thing When thou perceauyst thy selfe thus knyte vnto god that thou perceuyst thy soule to be more fast and ioyned more nerer vnto god then to thyne owne body and by the same loue whiche hathe thus knyt the vnto god dost perceaue that he is the very euerlastynge the incomprehēsible ineffable and only goodnes out of whose power and might thy soule came by creacion and is so lyke vnto god that ther is no creature that can knowe and perceaue throughly the dyngnitie nobilytie of thy soule Then I say thou with this cōsyderacion kindelid and styrred with the loue of god thou mayst felyng this loue in thy harte at mydnight or in the morninge dayly if thou wilte exercyse thy selfe whensoeuer thou desyrest to enter by oure sauioure Iesu and to knit thy selfe secretly vnto god inwardely in spirite in this maner folowing Thou shalt knele deuoutly only prostrate before the crucifixe if thou may conueniently or in a secreate place where thou canst not lyghtly be distracted fyrst saye this prayer that thou mayst come vnto this knowlege and maist perceaue thy selfe to dwel in god and god in the. For it is an excellēt gifte of god and he only can and wyl redely geue it to the faithful and deuoute peticionars thou shalte therfore I saye make frome the bottome of thy hart this humble peticion in thy mynde harty desyre vnto god saying O Gloryous maiestie of infinite mercy and goodnes ineffable which fulfillist al the whole world art euery where in euery thing bi thi might thi essence and presence but specially in the soule of man and singularli in the soule of them that are thi chosen suche as desirethe sekythe and longyth after the I moost humbly hartely beseke the of thy infynitie goodnes and mercy lyghten wyth thi speciall grace mi vnderstandinge and knowlege that I may playnely and clerely parceaue and vnderstand thy blessid presens in me and howe I am in the. And when I feale and perceaue thy holy presence graunt me grace mooste mercyfull Lorde to holde the and kepe the wyth much reuerence and with a reuerent feare to walke and conuersant my selfe before the kepyng al the powers of my soule and my senses chaystly and clerely from al worldly vaynities that they al way may tende vpon the and in al thing I may find and remember the And what so euer I se here towche feale or tayst I may in them se heare towche feale and tayst the more then them And that I mai receaue al thing what euer commyth vpon me immediatly as at thy hand and sendyng and seke there in to fulfily ioyful thi blessid wil pleasure or my nighbors profyt and soule helth or the amēdement of my lyfe and the meking of my selfe and to obey the and al creatures for thy loue and honor for sakyng vtterly mine owne wyl By cause thou art in me and in al thinges therefore I shoulde obey the in euery creature to thy glory honour and my soule helth THou shalt say this forsayd prayer deuoutly kneling before the imayge of Christ crucyfed or crucyfyxe yf thou can conuenyently as I sayde before or in suche place where thou shalt not be distractyd Then after this prayer thou shalt recollect thy selfe fully beleuynge that thou verely syttest before thi bare nakid and crucified lord Iesu euen as he was veryly crucified and hange vpon the Crosse al nakyd and defaced with most cruel and blody woundes And thoughe thou se hym not with thy bodely eyes thou oughtest yet to se him faythfully and inwardly with thy goostly eyes For playnely for as muche as thou doyste hartely desire to loue hym aboue al thinge and by harti loue doist moost hartely desire to be knyt vnto hym by grace in spyryt vndoughtidly he is as verili present as he did hang vpon the crosse and is now in the bosome of the father And bicause that the infinite dygnitie worthynes and nobylytie-of god canne not suffer the leaste sinne in hym that wold be knyt vnto hym and thou commenly fallest vnto some sin daily after thou haist parhaps byn knit vnto thi Lord god Thou muste therefore ascende and come vp vnto thi lord god vnto the godhed or dyuinitie of thy Lord Iesu by the moost precyous woundes of his blessid humanitie which he therfore sufferyd them and arose agayne from death with them and kepyth them styl in his blessid and holy bodye that we may clyme vp as it were by them vnto the blessyd godhed therfore he sayth There can none come vnto my father but only by me I am the dore who that commith in by me they shal find pasture Thou shalt therefore fyrst with most profunde mekenes fal down yf place as I haue sayd wyl serue or bowe very lowe downe at his most graciꝰ fete with the holy penitent Mary magdalene and there thou must do two thynges as she dyd Fyrst thou must with teares outward or inward as grace wyl serue for thy sinnes swetly louyngly wet his fete lamenting of very loue thy fawtes and synnes commytting thē with most harty confidence in his mercy and drowning them as it were in the most precious wounds of his blessid fete Thou shalt offer thi self to his merci al thy sinnes fawtes and imperfeccyons great and smal wherewith thou haist euer offendyd so louyng a father specially sythe thou were last knyt vnto him For his most excellēt noble maiesty can byde no meane nor let be it neuer so lytle no not one vaine thought or one litle morsel eatē otherwise then it ought except the same be purgid and cleansed by penaunce When thou hayste washed and weat the feate of thy sauyour Iesu after this sorte The second thing that thou must do is thou muste wype the same blessyd feat with the lockes of thi head that is to say Thou must with mooste perfect wyl and purpose so forsake al syn be they neuer so lytle that thou woldest rather suffer deathe then commit any sin Then thou shalt with mooste ardent desyre wyshe and longe to optaine al vertues and to die perfectli vnto al vyce and imperfeccyons And make this humble petycyon with harty deuocyon in thy affeccyon and mynde not in voyce MOst dear sauyor Iesu the longyng and desire of my soul I humbly beseke the by the most blessid woūdes that thou sufferedst vpon the crosse for me make me to sucke drawe effecteously out of thy precious woūdes al
shoulde do bycause I se not my great enormytes and detestable wyckednes of my former lyfe I beseke thy moste blessed mercy in the mercyes of thy moost obedyente death helpe my imperfection that I may make ful resignaciō vnto thy only wil in al thinges to thy honour glory Amen THough thou can not at the fyrst fully make vnfained oblaciō to al these so faythfully that thou wolde not feare by by to abide and suffer any or al of these for gods sake for perhappes thou shalt fele in thy selfe feare or gruge yf thou shuldest be put to any of these yet be of good cōfort and haue trust that god wyl worke it in the in tyme at his blessed wyl and pleasure so thou do acknowlege thy infyrmytes and cry mercy and continew thy good purpose that thou hast begone and this offerynge shal be very acceptable vnto god vntil thou canst do better And when thou fealest thy selfe somewhat resygned vnto the wyll of god in all these thynges then maist thou with ful confydence and trust enter to the other membre of this exercyse whiche is peticiō or postulacion and knocke wyth the second hammer notwithstāding wether thou fele thy selfe fully resigned or not yf thou haue a desyre to be resygned perfectly to god in al these forsaid thinges feare not nor faile not but in the name of god wyth a humble hope and a meke confidence in the greate mercies of god make this peticion knock thus wyth thys hāmer as deuoutly as thou can in thy mynde vnto almyghty God as our sauiour chryst teacheth vs saing Seke ye shal haue or it shal be geuen vnto you MOOST gloryous god almyghty and moost lyberal lorde god which for thy infinitie goodnes art redye to geue vnto all that faythfully mekely do aske of the that which maye bee to thy glory and honour and theire soules helth And specyally the blessed fruycion of thy selfe in perfecte loue I moost mekely most lowly and deuoutly beseke thy vnmesurable goodnes and most lyberal mercy in the blessed and infynitie merites of my sauiour Iesu for thy mercyful charytie that thou bearest towardes my poore soule for his sake graunt me good lorde the moost blessed fruicion of thy only godhede That my whole affection loue and desire may be satisfyed fully fixed and altogether restyd in the only by the bare pure sincere loue of the and in no other vertue giftes or graces be it neuer so excellent but in the only my most blessed lorde god and moost deare loue of my soule ¶ Graunte me not withstādyng god lord al such special graces and thy gyftes whiche may helpe and bring me vnto the more perfection of lyfe in the trewe loue of the not to rest in them but by them to come to the least restynge in them I myght highly offend the and wexe colde in the desyre of spirituall profyte And in special graunte me gracious good lord most pure perfect clere lyghtenyng of my vnderstandynge that I maye moost fully and perfectly knowe vnderstand in al thynges thy most blessyd wyl and godly pleasure and to folowe fulfyl and execute the same as promptely spedely and perfectly without any retracciō or gruge of harte as the shadowe mouyth at the mocion of the body according to the moost blessid example of my sauyour Iesu And thus for to doo I here offer my selfe most redy with al the mightes and powers of my bodye and soule ¶ Graunt also good lorde the lyght of thy grace to knowe fully my selfe my incomprehensyble vylenes my vnthanfulnes towards the my vnworthines and wretchidnes my mysery and sinfulnes wherby I may come to most perfect contēpt gostly hate of my self perfect profund mekenes ¶ Graunte me perfecte knowlege of all very true vertues and to obtayne so many of them as most shal plese thy blessed goodnes in me to my saluacion But syngulerly and aboue al other things in this world graunte nowe and euermore the contynuall increase of the moost pure true and sincere loue of the. That al my delyght ful fruycion the rest of my soule maye be in the. And that my hart may by so incensed in flamid so whote and set on fyre with the loue of the that the memory of the may be so frequente and ofte in my harte and mynd as is my breath that I contynually do take to lyue wyth all For lyke as yf I lacke thys bodely breath then departith lyfe from my body euen so the very lyfe of my pore soule is the very loue of the is contynued by often continual turning with burning desyre to the which art the orygynal of my soule vnto whom my soule shuld cleaue vnto as the sonne beames do byde wyth the sonne As for other thy graces and gyftes moost gracious lord that ar not necessary for my soule helth as to be delyuered from temtacion perels and pressures the gyftes of reuelacion of secreates deuocion and sensyble grace I aske not most mercyfull lorde god But as it may moost please thy infynite goodnes to thy glorye and my saluacion Wherfore I most humbly beseke thy greate goodnes and mercy graunt me this my meke postulacion peticion and grace that I may wyth al my myght and power laboure and trauel dayly and hourly to optayne it and neuer to cease from most feruente prayer and knockyng vntyl thou most petyful lorde dost open vnto me thy moost lyberal goodnes vnto thy great glory and honoure and my saluacyon ANother parte of thys exercyse after that thou hast vsyd this one day the next day vse this folowyng one day one an other dai an other After this maner first thou must styre thy harte to the loue of god with the same prayer callid an oblaicō gostly which is in the exercise next a fore apointed of the benefites of god yf thou fele thy selfe disposed in harte to the earneste desyre of the loue of god and thy harte be inkyndelyd with the swet memorie of his kindnes towardes the Then shalt thou as it wer burne al vnlikenes toward god in thy selfe that is to say al thy synnes and vycyousenes al thy fautes and imperfeccyons al thy passions and immortificacion thy vnruled sences and theire in ordinate inclynacyō al thi vicius affeccion and thy impaciences but thou shalt not reken and remember them one by one but generally gether them together in thy hart and mynd and caste them as it were in to the infynite fyer of godes loue there to be consumyd and burnyd vp by his mercye with most ardent desyre and deuout mynd saing in thy hart and desyre thus MOst myghtyful god and mercyful Lord whiche dydyst create make me to thy blessyd lykenes and thy owne ymage after that it was disfigured and blemyshyd by the syn of adam thou moost mercyfully hayst reformed it in thy deathe and blod of my lord Iesu by baptisme And now I wretchyd caytyfe synful wretche haue
dysfygured and fully defaced it in me wyth innumerable synnes dailye fautes vyces and imperfeccyōs and haue brought and made my soule farre vnlyke that my lord god Wherefore now I moost humbly beseke the in that the moost blessed and burning loue which mouid thi mercy to make me lyke the to redeeme me with so cruel payneful and shameful death and passyon of my lord and sauyor Iesu thi only most dear sonne consume burne vp vtterly destroy in me al my vnlykenes toward the in me al mi sinfulnes mi vices al mi fauts and my imperfeccyons al my inordynate passyons and redynes to syn al the mysorder and abuse of my sences inward and outward al noughty and inordynate affeccyons to any creature al my impacyens and scrupulusenes And graūte me most deare Lord and most mercyful father with most burnyng desyre at this tyme and euermore to aske and most vehemently to craue of the my most gracyoꝰ lord the perfect lykenes in me of thy most gloryus and blessid sōne my Lorde Iesu ¶ Oh mercyful Lorde and most gracyous god wochsafe to adorne and decke my bare soule withal those moste holy vertues and graces that he was adorned bothe in his blessyd dyuynitie and his holye humanitie most specyally with those vertues whyche apeared in hym in the tyme of hys mooste shameful death and payneful passion ¶ Graunt me the perfect affecciō and most harty desire of most lowe mekenes by most perfect abyection and contempt of my selfe desyryng from the botome of mi harte now and euer to be abiect and vyle ¶ Graunt me most perfect desyre and affeccyon of most perfect pouertie pacyencie and charytie and in thes vertues mooste busely dyligently and affectuuslie to trauel and exercise my selfe in them Specyally by moost ardente and burnyng desyres and most deuout and cōtinual prayers vnto the vntyl that I may feale in on selfe in al dammage wrongs rebukes sclanders pains yea in the time when grace is subtracted taken away from me then to haue a most harti desyre to suffer most hartly al greues for the loue of the and so perseuer vnto the end that I myght herein be conformable and lyke vnto my Lorde Iesu that suffered of pure charitie so moch so many greuus paynes to thy honoure and glory and for my saluacyon Amen THat day that thou doyst vse this exercise thou shalt haue oft in thy mynd such desyres shorte prayers euery where where euer thou be and lerne to force thy hart with most harty affeccion and earnest desyre to remember them and wishe for the in thy mind and to desyre the crying most hartely earnestly and deuoutly in this maner or lyke ¶ Aspyracyon for thys exercyse ¶ Oh mooste blessyd sauyor Iesu howe vnlyke am I vnto the which art so gracyous so good so ful of grace and vertue And I wretchyd synner am ful of al vyces wyckednes dystroy good Lord al my sinneful deformyties and restore in me thy blessyd image to thy honor and glorye ¶ Oh merciful Iesu that died for my loue make me to dye to al the world for the true loue of the. Mortifie in me al impacyence al inordynate passyons and affeccyons to any creature that thou myghtest haue al my loue and whoole hart ¶ My most gracyous Lorde and sauyoure Iesu put in my soule and hart most perfect pacyence obedience most perfect charytie with all other of thy blessyd vertues that it may be lyke thy blessed humanytie ¶ Oh blessyd loue of my soule set me so on fyre in thy loue that I may thinke that all payne shame confusion and turment that is possible to be suffered is to lytle to be sufferyd for the that al my delyght and desyre may be in the myddes of al my prayer to suffer for thy loue al thing swete Iesu ¶ Swete sauyour Iesu whiche dyddest suffer moost payneful death for my sin mortyfie in me by thy specyall grace the great redines vnto sin in me al my viciousnes fautes al my negligences and imperfections that I may come to the goostly vnion in the by moost burnyng loue and ardente charytie THou must moost feruently desyre aske in thy harte and deuoute mynd contynually of god that thou maist be made lyke conformable vnto his blessyd crucified humanitie specially in this point that thou in al thynges neuer seke nor desyre any thyng that partayninge to thyne owne selfe or thy owne commodytie but only that whiche belongyth to thy lord Iesu how thou mayst moost feruently perfectly honour serue and please and be lyke hym euermore And how thou mayst most exactly forsake thyne owne wyll and contempne thy selfe and loue hym forgettyng in maner thy selfe and al thynges And for the vehemente burnynge loue of hym thy mynde may runne so muche vpon hym that thou dost take no hede nor consyderest not what is bytter what is swete nether hour time nor space nor place nor markest not one persō from another but in al thynges thou must seke consider and remember thi lorde god and hys blessid wil pleasure and honour seing verely thy sauioure christ in his members And thus doyng thou doyst lyue a contemplatiue lyfe in an actiue life For in thy outwarde doynges thou hayst contemplacion goostly of god and fyndest hym euery where and in euery thynge specially thou do recollect thy selfe wholy and dost enter into thy hart and serchynge the bottome therof resoluyng and resigninge thy selfe dost put thy selfe wholy in the handes of god For then thou arte in maner transformed into god or deifyed And vnto what thynge soeuer thou turne thy selfe to and what good worke soeuer thou doyst thou shalte thinke that god doth it and not thou And to forder the in this goostly exercyse thou must indeuer thy self as nere as thou canst in al thinges euer more choose that whiche is most to goddes honour or most lyke vnto chryst and his example or most profytable to thyne euen chrysten or most against thine proper wyl or most grefe and payneful to thy body wyth dyscrecion or moost rebukeful worldy whereof thou arte wordly ashamed so it be not sinful Euer thou must crye out vnto thy lord god in thy hart vnfainedly I am nought I haue nought I can do nought but sin only I seke nought I desyre nought but Iesu a lonly Yf thou do this truly contynewe faithfully in thys spyritual worke and trauel god at length wyl without dout here thy dyligent knockyng and delyuer the from al the trouble goostly from al the tumulte noyse and cōberaunce of cogitacions and fansies and from al earthly affeccyons which thou canste by no better meane put away then by the contynual and feruent desire of the loue of Iesu the whiche desyre he muste nedes in spyre in the and geue it and worke it in the whiche he wil very wyllyngly and redily do so thou in the meane time do feruently aske by mooste deuout prayer yf thou wylt