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A31613 Pharonnida a heroick poem / by William Chamberlayne ... Chamberlayne, William, 1619-1689. 1659 (1659) Wing C1866; ESTC R12053 201,811 478

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hours of the succeeding night to find How in that factious troubl'd sea inclin'd The City stood whose shallow sons dare vent By nothing but their tongues that discontent Their hands might cure were not those useful parts Restrain'd from action by unmanly hearts Which being at once with grief and fear opprest Durst do no more but pity the distrest Which gentle passion since so general lends Some light of hope to her enquiring friends To usher in that dismal day whose light Design'd to lead into eternal night As much of beauty as did ere give place To death the morning shews her gloomy face Wrapt up in clouds whose heavy vapors had Hung heaven in black when to perform the sad And serious office of ●onfessors to Those royal sufferers whom harsh fates persue To deaths dark confines through their guard of foes Argalia and his grave assistant goes Where he whose love to neither did surmount His zeal to take the Cyprians last account Himself addrest whilst his kind passions lead Argalia from Pharonnida to read Her lifes last story made authentick by The near approach of her eternity Enter'd the room which to his startl'd ●ight Appear'd like sorrow sepulcher'd in night So dismal sad so silent that the cold Retreat of death the grave did ne'r unfold A heavier object by a sickly light Which was even then to th' artificial night That fill'd the room resigning'ts reign he saw Griefs fairest draught divine Pharonnida Amidst her tears faln like a full-blown flower Whose polisht leaves oreburthen'd with a shower Drops from their beauties in the pride of day ' To deck the earth so sadly pining lay The pensive Princess whom an extasie O● passion led to practise how to die In such abstracted contemplations that Angels forsook their thrones to wonder at Wet with those tears in whose Elixar she Was bathing of the Lilies nurserie Her bloodless cheeks her trembling hand sustan'd A book which what heavens mercy hath ordain'd For a support to humane frailty in Storms of affliction lay which as she 'd bin Now so well in repentant lectures read That faith was on the wings of knowledge fled To meditation her unactive grief Lets softly fall whilst Time wise natures thief That all might look like sorrows swarthy night Is stealing forth of the neglected Light Whose sullen flame as it would sympathize With those quencht beams that once adorn'd her eys After a feeble blaze that spoke its strife But vain in silence weeps away its life Come to behold this beauteous monument Of mourning passion his great spirits spent On love and wonder the astonish'd Prince Here silent stands valor could not convince His wild amazement To behold her lie By rigid laws restrain'd from libertie To whom his soul was captive troubles all His reasons guards But when how she must fall From beauteous youth and vertuous life to be One of the graves obscure societie Must fall no Martyr whose lamented death Grows pities object but depart with breath ' Mongst ignominious clouds of guilt that must Stick an eternal odium on her dust That thought transports him from his temper to Passions in which he had forgot to do His Priestly office and in rage as high As ever yet inflam'd humanitie Sent him to actions whose attempt had bin The rode his valor must have perish'd in Had not her sorrows agony forsook The Princess by whose first unsteady look He being as far as his disguise gave leave Discover'd is invited to receive Those last confessions in whose freedom she Seeks by absolving comforts how to free Her soul of all which a religious fear Like spots on her white conscience made appear Having from her unburthen'd soul learnt how To ease his own the Priestly Prince had now As far as bold humanitie durst dive Into remission heavens prerogative Pronounc'd that pardon for whose seal there stood The sin-polluted worlds redeeming blood By which blest voice rais'd from what did appear Like sorrow till her faith had banish'd fear The Princess in such gentle calms of joy As souls that wear their bodies but to cloy Celestial ●lights can feel to entertain Her fatal doom with a resolv'd disdain Of death prepares whilst he whom heaven to her Had made their mercies happy Messenger Forsaking her repairs to him that had With the same hand the Cyprians thoughts unclad By whom inform'd how that in their defence His sword protected nought but innocence Arm'd with those blessings which so just a cause Proclaim'd his due he secretly withdraws To change those emblems of Religious peace Monastick robes for such as might increase Their joy and wonder whose contracted fear Despair'd to see a Combatant appear Although they knew his sword defended then The best of causes ' gainst the worst of men Whilst he prepares with near as much of speed As incorporeal substances that need But will for motion to defend her in Th' assaults of death that hour which long had bin The dreadfull expectation of those friends That pitied her arriv'd in sorrow ends Fears cold disease those Ministers of fate The props to all that 's illegitimate The Army to suppress the weak essayes Of love or pity guarded had the wayes By which illegal power conducted her From that dark room griefs curtain'd Theater To be beheld upon the publick stage The glory yet the scandal of the age Which two extreams met on the scaffold in A Princess suffering and a peoples sin Which now join'd to the dreadful pomp that cals His Subjects to attend the funerals Of her lov'd father whose lifes vertues won Tears for his death thus solemnly begun Remov'd no further from the City then An hours short walk though undertaken when Sol rag'd in Cancer might with ease convay Scorcht travellers a dismal temple lay In a dark vally where more antient times Had perpetrated those religious crimes Of humane offerings to those Idols that Their hands made for their hearts to tremble at Yet this since now made venerable by Those reverend reliques of antiquity The Spartan Princes monuments by those Of later times though alter'd faith is chose For their retreat when lifes extinguisht glory Sought rest beneath a silent dormitory Nor stood this fabrick all alone long since A Palace by some melancholy Prince Which hated light or lov'd the darkness built To please his humor or conceal his guilt So near it stood to distant eyes which sent Thither their beams it seem'd one monument Whose sable roof ' mongst Cypress shadows fills The deep dark basis of those barren hills With such a mournfull Majesty as strook A terror into each beholders look Awfull as if some Diety had made That gloomy vale to be the sacred shade Where he chose in enigma's to relate The dark decrees of mans uncertain fate Betwixt this temple and the City stood In squadrons thick as shews an ancient wood To distant sight the Army plac'd to be In this sad march their guilts securitie Whose glittering swords shon as
my Virgin-freedome ere I will Consent to that which being performd will kill My honour to preserve my life and turn Th' unworthy beauty which now makes you burn In these unhallowed flames into a Cell Which none but th' black Inhabitants of Hell Will ere possess Those private thoughts which give If we continue verteous whilst we live On Earth our Souls commerce with Angels shall Be turnd to Furies if we yield to fall Beneath our Vices thus O then take heed Do not defile a Temple such a deed Will when in labour with your latest breath With horror Curtain the black Bed of death Though Prayers in vain strove to divert that Crime He prosecutes yet to protract the time She more had sayed had not all Language been Lost in a storm of 's Lust which raging in His fury gives a fresh assault unto Weak Innocence for Mercy now to sue To hope seems vain robustious strength did ba● The use of Language which defensive War Continuing till the breathless Maid was wrought Almost beneath resistance just Heaven brought This unexpected Aide A lovely Swain Whose large Possessions in the neighbouring Plain Had stil'd him rich that powerful which t' improve To that fair stock his vertue added love Which to flattery since it lost its eyes The world but seldome sees without disguise This sprightly Youth led by the parallels Of Birth and Fortune what ere else excels Those fading blessings to Florenza in His Youths fresh April had devoted been With so much zeal that what that heedless age But dallied with like Customes which engage Themselves to habits ere its growth he knew Love equal with his active manhood grew Which noble Plant though in the torrid Zone Of her disdain 't had nere distemper known Yet oft those sad vicissitudes doth find For which none truly lov'd that nere had pin'd Which pleasing passion though his judgment knew How to divert ere reason it out-grew It often from important action brought Him to those shades where Contemplation sought Calm sollitude in whose soft raptures Love Refining Fancy lifts his thoughts above Those joyes which when by trial brought to th' test Proves thoughts bright Heaven dul E●rth when once possest Whilst seated here his eyes did celebrate As to those shade Florenza oft had sate Beneath kind looks to ravish that delight The tir'd Ca●ina in her breathless flight Come neer the place assaults his wonder in That dreadful sound which tels him what had bin Her cause of fear which doleful stories end Arriv'd to th' danger of his dearest Friend Leaves him no time for language ere wingd by Anger and Love his hast strives to out-fly His eager thoughts Being now arriv'd so near Unto the place that his informing Ear Thither directs his steps with such a hast As nimble souls when they are first unc●s'd From bodies slie he thither speeds and now Being come where he beheld with horror how His better Angel injur'd was disputes Neither with fear nor policy they 'r Mutes When Anger 's thunder roars but swiftly draws His Faulchion and the justice of his Cause Argues with eager stroaks but spent in vain ' Gainst that unequal strength which did maintain The more unlawful all his power could do Is but to shew the effects of Love unto Her he ador'd few stroaks being spent before His feeble Arme of power to do no more Faints with the loss o● blood and letting fall Th' ill-manag'd VVeapon for his death doth call By the contempt of mercy so to prove A Sacrifice slain to Florenza's Love The cursed steel by the robustious hand Of fierce Almanzor guided now did stand Fixt in his breast whilst with a purple flood His life soi●s forth i th' Channel of his blood This Remora remov'd the impious deed No sooner was performd but ere the speed Florenza made though to her eager flight Fear added wings conveyd her from his sight His rude hand on her seises Now in vain She lavisht Prayers the groans in which her slain Friend breaths his soul forth with her shrieks did fill The ambient Aire struck lately with the still Voice of harmonious Musick But the Eare Of penetrated Heaven not long could heare Prayers breath'd from so much innocence yet send Them back deni'd white Mercy did attend Her swift deliv'ry when obstructing fear Through Reason let no Ray of hope appear Startl'd Argalia who was courted by Her pleasing Voices milder Harmony Into restrictive slumbers wakend at Their Alter'd Tone hast to discover what Had causd that change and soon the place attains Where in th' exhausted treasuce of his Vains Andremon wallows and Florenza lies Bath'd in her tears ready to sacrifice Her Life with her Virginity which sight Provok't a hast such as his presence might Protect the trembling Virgin which perceiv'd By curst Almanzor made to be bereav'd o th' Spoils of such a wicked Victory As Lust had then near conquerd fiercely he Assails the noble stranger who detesting An Act so full of Villany and resting On the firm just●ce of his Cause had made His guiltless Sword as ready to invade As was the others that had surfeited In blood before Here equal Valour bred In both a doubtfull hope Almanzors Lust Had fierd his Courage which Argalias just Attempts did strive to quench The thirsty steel Had drunk some blood from both ere Fortunes Wheel Turnd to the righteous Cause that Vigor which Through rivolets of Veins spread the salt Itch 〈◊〉 feaverish Lust before was turnd into 〈◊〉 flame of anger ● whilst his hands did do What Rage doth dictate Fury doth assist With flaming Paroxismes and each Nerve twist Into a double strength yet not that flood Which in this ebullition of his blood Did through the Channels boyl till they run o're With flaming spirits could depress that store Of manly worth which in Argalias breast Did with a quiet even Valor rest Moving as in its naturall Orb unstraind 〈◊〉 any violent motion nor yet chaind By lazy damps of faint mistrust but in Dangers extream still confident to win A noble Victory or i th' loss of breath I● his Fate frownd to find an honourd death Fil'd with these brave Resolves until the heat Of their warm Fury had Alarmes beat 〈◊〉 th' neighbouring fields they fought which tumult by Such of Almanzors Followers as were nigh The Grove repos'd with an astonishment That rouzd them heard they hasten to prevent The sad effects that might this Cause ensue ●re more of danger then their fear they knew Arriv'd even with that fatal Minute he Who against Justice strove for Victory With such faint stroaks that their descent did give ●ought but assurance that his Foe must live 〈◊〉 happy Conquerour they usurp the power 〈◊〉 Heaven revenge and in a dreadfull shower 〈◊〉 danger with their Furies torrent strive 〈◊〉 orewhelm the Victor but the foremost drive Their own destruction on and fall beneath His conquering Sword ere he takes time to breath Those spirits which when
Not long in those remoter drops before Sweld to a Deluge the swift Torrent bore The bays of Reason down and in one flood Drownd all their hopes when purpl'd in his blood Yet pale with death untimely Death she saw Her hopeful Son grief violates the Law Of slower Nature and his Mothers tears In death congeals to Marble her swoln fears Grown for her Sex a burthen far too great Had only left death for her dark retreat Although from griefs so violent effects Reason conjoynd with manly strength protects His wretched Father at that stroke his Limbs S●ack their unweildy Nerves faint sorrow dims His Eyes more then his Age his hands bereft His hoary head of all that time had left Unpluckt before nor had th' expecting Grave Gap'd longer for him if they then had gave His passion freedome his own guilty hand Had broke the Glass and shook that little Sand That yet remaind into thin Aire that so Unclog'd with earth his tortur'd Ghost might go Beyond that O●b of Attomes that attend Mortality and at that Iournies end Meet theirs soon as swift Destiny inrouls Those new● come Guests within the sphear of Souls By these sad symptomes of infectious grief Those best of friends that came for the relief Of sorrows Captives being by that surprizd They hop'd to conquer sadly sympathizd With him in wo till th' epedemick Ill Stifling each Voice drest sorrow in a still And dismal silence in which sad aspect None needing Robes or Cypress to detect A Funeral March each dolefully attends To deaths dark Mansion their lamented friends Where having now the earthy Curtain drawn O're their cold Bed till Doomsdaies fatal dawn Rally their dust they leave them and retire To sorrow which can ne're hope to expire In just revenge since kept by fear in aw● Where power offends the poor scarce hope for Law By sad example to confirm this truth From innocent and early hopes of youth Led tow'rd destruction let 's return to see That noble stranger whose captivity Like an unlucky Accident depends On this sad subject By the angry friends Of those accus'd which in that fatal strife To death resign'd the Charter of their life He 's brought unto the Princes Pallace where That age whose Customes knew not how to bear Such Sails as these have fil'd with pride was plac'd The seat of Justice whose stern Sword defac'd Not pleasures smoothest Front since now t was by Her fair hand guided whose commanding eye If armd with Anger seemd more dreadful then The harshest Law ere made by wrathful men Here strictly guarded til th' important Crime Which urg'd her to anticipate the time By Custome known had cal'd her forth to that Unwilling Office stil unstartled at The frowns of danger did Argalia lie An injur'd Captive til commanded by The stern Reformers of offended Law He hasts to th' Bar where come though death nere saw A Brow more calm or Breast more confident To meet his Darts yet since the innocent Are staind with guilt when in contempt of Fate They silent fal he means to meet their hate With all that each Beholder could expect From dying Valor when 't had to protect An envied stranger left no more defence But what their hate obscures his Innocence The clamorous friends of Aphron backt by those Which knew his death the only mean to close Almanzors bleeding honour to the fair And pitiful Pharonnida repair With cries of Vengeanc● whose unwelcom● sound She by her Fathers strickt command was bound To hear since that those rivolets of Law Which from the Sea of regal power did draw Their several streams all flowd to her and in That chrystal Fountain pure as they had bin From Heaven dispens'd ere just Astrea fled The Earth remaind yet such aversion bred In her soft soul that to these Causes where The Law sought blood slowly as those that bear The weight of Guilt she came whose dark Text she Stil Comments on with noble Charitie High mounted on an Ebbon Throne in which Th' imbellisht Silver shewd so sadly rich As if its varied form strove to delight Those solemn souls which Deaths pale fear did fright In Tyrian Purple clad the Princess sate Between two sterner Ministers of Fa●e Impartial Judges whose distinguisht tasks Their varied habits to the view unmasks One in whose looks as pity strove to draw Compassion in the Table●s of the Law Some softness dwelt in a magestick Vest Of state-like red was cloathd the other drest In dismall black whose terrible Aspect Declard his Office serv'd but to detect Her slow consent if when the first forsook The Cause the Law so far as death did look Silence proclaimd a harsh Command cals forth Th' undaunted Prisoner whose excelling wroth In this low ebb of Fortune did appear Such as we fancy Vertues that come near The excellence of Angels fear had not Rifl'd one drop of blood nor rage begot More colour in his Cheeks his soul in state Thron'd in the Medium constant Vertue sate Not sleighting with the impious Atheists that Loud storm of danger but safe anchord at Religious hope being firmly confident Heaven would relieve whom Earth knew innocent All thus prepard he hears his wrongfull Charge Envie disguizing injur'd Truth at large Before the people in such Language read As checkt their hopes in whom his worth had bred Some seeds of pity and to those whose hate Pursu'd him to this Precipice of Fate Dead Aphrons friends such an advantage gave That Providence appeard too weak to save One so assaulted yet though now deprest Even in opinion which oft proves the best Support to those whose publick Vertues we Adore before their private guilt we see His noble Soul stil wings it self above Passions dark Fogs and like that prosperous Dove The Worlds first Pilot for discovery sent When all the floods that bound the Firmament Ore-whelmd the Earth Conscience calm joys t' encrease Returns fraight with the Olive Branch of Peace Thus fortifi'd from all that tyrant fear E'reawed the Guilty with he doth appear The Courts just wonder in the brave defence Of what though power armd with the strong pretence Of right opposd so prevalent had been T' have cleard him if when neer triumphing in Victorious truth to cloud that glorious Sun Some faithless Swains by large Rewards being won To spot their souls had not corrupted by His Foes been brought falsly to justifie Their Accusations which beheld by him Whose knowledge now did hopes clear Opticks dim He ceas'd to plead justly despairing then That Innocence ' mongst Mortals rested when Banisht her owne Abode so thinks it vain To let truths naked Armes strive to maintain The Field ' gainst his more powerful Foes not all His Vertues now protect him he must fall A guiltless Sacrifice to expiate No other Crime but their invenomd hate An ominous silence such as oft precedes The fatal sentence whilst th' Accuser reades His Charge possest the pitying Court in which Pre●aging Calm Pharonnida
with fear Passions disparity In such extreams as Natures Laws require 'Twixt Earths cold Center and th' aires circling fire Dwelt in their troubl'd breasts his wild eyes stood Like Comets when attracting storms of blood Shook with portentuous sadnesse whilst hers sate Like the dull earth when trembling at the Fate Of those ensuing ills heavy and fixt Within their Orbs. Passions thus strangely mixt No various Feaver ere created in The phrenzi'd Brain when sleeps sweet calm had bin From her soft Throne depos'd this Lightning past Thunder succeeds as burning Mountains cast Out horrid noise after their flame and smoak So having paus'd his dreadful Voyce thus broke The dismal silence Thou prodigious Whore The curse of my Nativity that more Afflicts me then eternal wrath can do Spirits condemnd some Fiends instruct me to Heighten revenge to thy desert but so I should do more then Mortals may and throw Thy spotted Soul to flames yet I will give Its passe-port hence for think not to out-live This hour this fatal hour ordaind to see More then an Age before of Tragedy She that fell from a Firmament of pride To Fortunes lowest Region and there di'd A sad example to ensuing times That Honours Altitude supports not Crimes When in their stretcht Extentions reaching to Justice which can through reverst Opticks view Giants though Pigmy sins do oft appear Like the dim Moon more great because more neer Sins that till fear their guilt did aggravate Wore Vertues Frontispiece since now too late To hope for life in their own monstrous form Encounter Reasons Guards till the big storm Of various p●ssions all were settled in Dregs of despair when ●earing tears should winne The victory of anger Ammurat drawes His Simme●er which had in blood writ Lawes For conquerd Provinces and with a swift And cruel rage ere penitence could lift Her burthen'd soul in a repentant thought Tow'rds heaven sheathes the cold steel in her soft And snowy breast with a loud g●oan she falls Upon the blou●y floore half breathlesse calls For his untimely pity but perce●ving The fleeting spirits with her bloud were leaving Her heart unguarded she imployes that breath Which yet remain'd not to bewayle her death But beg his life that caus'd it on her knees S●rugling to rise but now calm'd Ammurat frees Her from d●sturbing death in 's last great work And thus declares some vertue in a Turk I have brave Christian by perusing thee In this great act of honour learnt to be Too late thy slow-pac'd follower this ●ing with that Gives him his Signet shall when question'd at The Castle guards thy safety be and now I see her bloods low water doth allow Me only time to lanch my souls black Bark Into deaths rubick Sea for to the dark And silent Region though we here were by Passion divorc'd Fortune shall not deny Our souls to sail together From thy eyes Remove deaths load and see what sacrifice My Love is offering with that word a stroak Pierces his breast whose speedy pains invoak Deaths Opiates to appease them be sinks down By 's dying Wife who ere the cold floud drown Life in the deluge of her wounds once more Betrayes her eyes to 'th light and though they bore The weight of death upon their Leads did keep Them so long open till the icie sleep Began to seize on him and then she cries Oh see just heaven see see my Ammurat dies To wander with me in the unknown shade Of Immortality but I have made The wounds that murther'd both his hand that gave Mine did but gently let me bloud to save An everlasting Feaver Pardon me My dear my dying Lord Eternity Shall see my soul washt white in tears but Oh I now feel times dear want they will not nowe Fast as my stream of bloud Christian farewell When ere thou do'st our tragick story tell Do not extenuate my crimes but let Them in their own black characte●s be set Near Ammurats bright vertues that read by Th' unpractic'd Lover which posterity Whilst wanton windes play with our dust shall raise On beauties throne the good may justice prayse By his example and the bad by mine From Vice●s Throne be scar'd to Vertues Shrine And here the speed deaths messengers did make To hurry forth their souls did faintly shake Her words into imperfect accents this She cries is our last enterview a kisse Then joyns their bloudlesse Lips Each close the eyes O' th other whilst the parting spirit flies Mounted on both their breaths the latest gasp They ere must draw Whilst with stiffe arms they clasp Each others neck Argalia through a cloud Of liquid sorrow did behold the proud Triumphs of death in their untimely fate He sees great Ammurat for a Robe of State Groveling in blood the fair Ihonusa lie Purpl'd in death like pollisht Ivory Dipt in Vermillion the bright Chrystals that Her Soul in conquering flames lookt thorough at Both quencht and coold in death but time did lend His tears scarce passage till a drop could end Its Journey o're his Checks before a Page Whose cruelty had far out-grown his Age Enters in hast and with an anger that Though indiscreet at wrongs seemd kindl'd at In wounds did on the Bassas body vent A spleen that deaths discharge could not content This seen Argalia to whom all must be Offence that injures fair humanity Stops the vain Torrent and a neerer way To just revenge directs the angry Boy Who by unfolded truth now lets him know His Rage to that uncivil height did grow Not from a childish spleen but wrongs that he A Christian sufferd in Captivity Assur'd by this confession that he might Be useful more then in a secret flight Argalia bids him in his Bassas Name A Mandate write for some of worthiest Fame ' Mongst all the Christian Citizens and those To send the Guard for ere the Morning rose On the black ruines of the Night this done Before that time the Victory had won Of opportunity their Warders slain Each Christian Captive from his rusty Chain His bold band frees and by their happy aide The Gates being first secur'd with ease dismayd The drousie Garrison from whom they found But weak resistance some soft fleep had bound To Beds of ease intemperate Riot kept Others more vainly waking here one slept Between a Mistresse Armes and there another Stole to a private Cattamit did smoother Delight in whispers in which loose Garb found Ere time rowls up what slow neglect unwound Even in securities soft Lap surpriz'd They met grim death in Pleasures ●hape disguiz'd All now being slain but feeble Eunuchs and Poor trembling Maids the new but valiant Band Of late freed Captives Crown the Wals from whence They saw the Soldiers wicked dilligence In finding those which the false Mandate had Design'd for Ruine general as sad The Cities sorrows were a desolate And silent horror unregarded sate i th' empty streets which action had not fil'd Yet with employment but when day did
hate Of angry heaven the powerful Advocate Besides these bold attempts of Art that stood To fright the wicked or to prompt the good Something more great more sacred then could by Art be exprest without the help o th' eye Reacht at the center of the soul from whence To heaven our rais'd desires circumference Striking the lines of Contemplation she Wrapt from the earth is in an extasie Holy and high through faith's clear optick shown Those joys which to departed saints are known Before those pray'rs which zeal had tedious made With their last troops did conquer'd heav'n invade The day was on the glitt'ring wings of light Fled to the western world and swarthy night In her black Empire thron'd from silver shrines The kindl'd lamps through all the temple shines With dapl'd rayes that did to th' eye present The beauties of the larger firmament In which still calm when all their rites were now So near perform'd that the confirming vow Alone remain'd a sudden noise of rude And clamorous sound did through the ear intrude On their affrighted fancies in so high A voice that all their sacred harmony In this confusion lost appear'd so small As if that whisper'd which was made to call Although the awfull majesty that here Religion held the weak effects of fear With faith expel'd yet when that nearer to Their slender gates the murmuring tumult drew The Abbess sends not to secure but see Who durst attempt what heaven from all kept free By strictest law save those unhallow'd hands That follow curses whilst they flie commands But they being entred ere the timerous Scout Could notice give fear which first sprung from doubt Being into wilde confusion grown from all Set forms affrights them whilst at once they call For heavens protecting mercy to behold That place where peacefull Saints us'd to unfold Heavens Oracles possest with villains that Did ne'r know ought but want to tremble at Which look'd like those that with proud Angels fell And to storm heaven were sent in arms from hell Converts that Scean where nothing did appear But calm devotion to distracting fear Amaz'd with horror each sad votress stands Whilst sacred relicks drop from trembling hands Here one whose heart with fears convulsions faint Flies to the shrine of her protecting saint By her another stands whose spirits spent In Passion looks pale as her monument One shrieks another prayes a third had crost Her self so much ill Angels might have lost The way to hurt her if not taught to do'r Cause she to th' sign too much did attribute The royal Stranger by her fear persu'd To th' altar fled had with mixt passion view'd This dreadfull troop whilst from the temple gate They past the seat where trembling virgins sate Free from uncivil wrongs as if that they That entred had been men prepar'd to pray Not come to ravish from which sight her fear Picks flowers of hope but such as they drawn near From fancies soft lap in a Hirocane Of passion drop'd her pray'rs and tears in vaine As words in winds or showers in Seas when they Prepare for ruin the obstructed way To pitty which her stock of pray'rs had cost In the dark shade of sudden horror lost Seis'd on by two o' th' sacrilegious train Whose black disguise had made the eye in vain Seek to inform the soul she and the poor Florenza whilst their helpless friends deplore With silent tears so sad a loss are drew From the clasp'd Altar in th' offended view Of their protecting saints from whose shrines in A dismal omen dropt what ere had bin With hopes of merit plac'd Black sulphry damps With swift convulsions quench'd the sacred lamps The fabrick shakes and as if griev'd they stood To circle guilt the walls sweat tears of blood Shrieks such as if those fainted souls that there Trod heaven's strait paths in their just quarrel were Rose from their silent dormitories to Deter their foes through all the temple flew But here in vain destroying angels shook The sword of vengeance whilst his bold crimes struck ' Gainst heaven in high contempt with impious haste Snatch'd from the altar whilst their friends did waste Unheard Orizons for their safety they Unto the Fabrick's utmost gate convey Their beauteous prizes where with silence stood Their dreadful guard which like a neighb'ring wood When vapors tip the naked boughs in light With unsheath'd swords through the black mists of night A sparkling terror strook with such a speed As scarce gave time to fear what would succeed To such preceding vilanies within Her Coach imprison'd the sad Princess in A march for swiftness such as busie war Hastes to meet death in but for silence far More still then funerals is by that black troop With such exchange as falling stars do stoop To nights black region from the Monastrie Hurri'd in haste by whom or whither she Yet knows no more then souls departing when Or where to meet in robes of flesh agen The day salutes her and uncurtain'd light Welcoms her through the confines of the night But lends no comfort every object that It shewed her being such as if frighted at The Prince of day griev'd h 'ad no longer slept To shun shrunk back beneath a cloud and wept When the unfolded curtains gave her eyes Leave to look forth a troop whose close disguise Were stubborn arms she only saw and they So silent nought but motion did betray The faculties of life by whom being led In such a sad march as their honor'd dead Close mourners follow she some flow-pac'd days ' Mongst strangers passing through stranger ways At both amaz'd at length unfathom'd by Her deepest thought within the reach o th' eye Her known Ghirenza views but with a look From whence cold passion all the blood had took And in her face that frozen sea of fear Left nought but storms of wonder to appear Conven'd within the spacious Judgment-hall Of Reason she ere this had summon'd all Her weaker passions to th' impartial Bar Of Moral Vertue where they sentenc'd are Only to an untroubled silence in Which serious act whilst she had busied bin She is unnoted ere the fall of day Brought by her convoy to a Lodge that lay Off from the rode a place when seen she knew Ere his rebellion had belong'd unto Her worst of foes Almanzor which begins At first a doubt whose growing force soon wins The field of faith and tells her timorous thought Her fathers troops would ne'r have thither brought Her if design'd to suffer since that he Knew those more fit for close captivitie But long her reason lies not fetter'd in These cross Dilemma's the slow night had been With tedious hours past ore whilst she by none But Mutes no less unheard then their unknown Is only waited on by whom when day To action call'd she veil'd is led the way To the attending Convoy who had now Varied the Scene Almanzor studying how To court compassion in his Prince dares
and in appearance shews A guilt which all but pitty overgrows The vext Epirots who for comfort saw Revenge appearing in the form of Law Retir'd to feed their spleen with hope until Th' extent of Justice should their vengeance fill When now by accusations that denide Access to pity for a Paracide The Princess question'd whose too-weak defence Being but the unseen guards of innocence Submits to censure yet to shew that all Those scatter'd pearls which from her eyes did fall Dropt not t' attempt their charity but shew That no injurious storm could overslow Her world of Reason which exalted stood Above the surface of the spacious stood Her tears for grief not guilt being shed whilst in The robes of magnaminity not sin Grown impudent her brave resolv'd soul sate Unshaken in this Hyrocane of sate To meet her calm which like religion drest Doth all become but female vertues best The rough Amindor whose discolour'd face Anger did more then native beauty grace Since justly rais'd disdaining thus to be By a Plebian base captivity Forc'd to submit his innocence unto Their doubtfull test had from his anger drew A ruine swifter then their hate intends Had not his rage whilst it toward danger bends Been taught by her example to exclude Vain passions with a Princely fortitude Whose usefull aid like those good works which we For comforts call in deaths necessity Brought all their better Angels to defend Them from those terrors which did death attend In busie whispers which discover'd by Their doubtfull looks the thoughts variety Long in sad silence sate the Court until Those noiseless streams of fancy which did fill Each several brest united by consent Want onely now a tongue so impudent As durst condemn their Soveraign which being in Theumantius found a Lord whose youth had been By favor nurs'd till power 's wild beast grown rude Repays his Fost'rer with ingratitude This bold bad man Loves most unhappy choice From flatteries Treble now exalts his voice Without the mean of an excuse into The Laws loud Base and what those fear'd to doe That had been favour'd less that black dec●ee Pronounc'd which discords all the harmonie Of subject fear and soveraign love by what Succeeding ages justly trembl'd at Whilst innocent but have of late been grown So bad to shew such monsters of their own This sentence past which knew no more allay Of mercy then what lets their judgments stay From following life to deaths obscure retreat Till twenty nights had made their days compleat The Court breaks up yet ere from publick v●ew To close restraint the Royal captives drew Grant them this favor from their rigid laws That if there durst to vindicate their cause In that contracted span of time appear Any whose forward valor durst indear The peoples love and prayers so much to be Their Champion that his victory should free Them from that dooms strict rigor to oppose Which brave Attempter they Almanzor chose Since high command that honor did afford To him alone to weild the answering sword Now near departing whilst the Cyprian in A brave disdain which for submissive sin Looks on an answer as his haste would show An anger that did scorn to stoop so low To strike with threats stands silent whilst that she Whose temper heaven had made too calm to be By rage transported with a soul unmov'd By stormy passions thus their sin reprov'd Should I my Lords here with a female haste Discharge my passions 't were perhaps to waste My prayers or threats whilst one you would not fear Nor th' other pity But when heaven shall clear This curtain'd truth wrapt in whose cloudy night Unjustly you from my unquestion'd right By birth obedience into faction stray Then though too late untimely sorrow may Strive by repentance to expunge these stains Cast on your honor These exhausted vains Fixt eyes pale cheeks deaths dismal trophies in This royal face I now could not have seen With a less sorrow then had serv'd to call Me to attend him had not the rude fall Of your unjustice like those dangerous cures Perform'd by tutning into Calentures Dull Lethargies upon my heart laid hold In such a flame of passion as the cold Approach of death wants power to quench until You add that crime to this preceding ill Yet though no fear can prompt my scorn to crave A subjects mercy for my self to save This Noble Stranger whose just acts being crost By misconstruction have their titles lost I shall become your suppliant lest there be A sin contracted by his serving me And onely in such noble wayes as might Unveil themselves to th' suns Meridian light Sure he unjustly suffers which may cause You want more swords to vindicate your Laws Then his you late elected to make good Your votes ere scarce cleans'd of that loyal blood He in rebellion shed but I am now Too near my fatal period to allow Disturbing passion any place within My peacefull soul what ere his crimes have been In publick war or private treason may Kinde Heaven when with th' injustice of this day Those shall be strictly question'd to prevent Their doom conceal them in the large extent Of mercies wings which there may prove so kinde To you though here I can no justice finde This spoken in a garb that did detect A sorrow which was ripened to neglect She silent stands whilst through the thick resort Of throng'd Spectators toward the rising Court Orlinda comes with such a haste as shew'd That service she by Love's allegiance ow'd Love which had sorrows sable wings out-fled To mourn the living not lament the dead Come where her fears now near lost object she Within the shadow of the Grave might see By sentence shut neglecting death that lay In ambush there her reason to betray To hate when by the false informing Law Her Friend she as her brother's murtherer saw In actions such as Scythian Tyrants feel Some softness from she that ne'r us'd to kneel Too ought but heaven a lowly suppliant falls Before the Court from whose stern brests she calls So much of sorrow as perhaps had strook Them all with horror if a sudden look Obliquely on her murther'd brother cast Had not ere Love assaulted with her last And powerfull'st pray'rs whilst hot with action in A cool retreat of spirits silenc'd bin She fainting faln as an addition to Their former grief is from the throng withdrew Into the free untainted air where by Assisting Friends which gently did apply Their needfull aid heat which was then grown slack In Natures work antipathy calls back To beauties frontiers where like bashfull light It in a blush meets the Spectators sight But such a one as ere full blown is by Her Friends disasters forc'd again to fly Beneath those clouds of grief whose swelling pride Spread by report did now not onely hide The Court or City but to bear a part Of that sad load summons each Subjects heart Whilst now the Prisoners ere
the peoples love To anger turn the active Guards remove To still the clamorous multitude who sway'd By various passions did whilst each obey'd Opinions dictates but in darkness rove At shadow'd truth whence now they boldly strove To pluck the vail from Declarations that Contain'd those falshoods which whilst wondring at They wept to force upon their faith are sent Through th' Lands each Town Armies Regiment By which Almanzor who attempted in This plot to joyn security with sin Doubting if ere this story reach his ear Argalia might their combatant appear Besides those stains which common fame did take For sins just debts sliely attempts to shake The heaven-erected fabrick of his love By closer engines such as seem'd to move On noble pity which with grief ingrost That faith which envy in disdain had lost Black rumor on the wings of rais'd report Flying in haste had soon attain'd the Court Of the amaz'd Aetolian Prince who hears The dreadfull story with such doubtfull fears As shook his noble soul but not into An easie faith each circumstance was true He knew Almanzor's vilany to be Of that extent so foul a progenie As all those horrid murthers might from thence Take easie birth but when the innocence Of 's vertuous Princess and his honor'd Friend The noble Cyprian Prince come to contend With oft confirm'd report that strikes a deep And solemn grief yet such as must not keep A firm possession in his soul until A further inquisition either kill His yet unfainting hopes or raise them to Joy by confirming those reports untrue The End of the Fourth Canto PHARONNIDA The Fifth Book CANTO V. The Argument I. Through royal blood to level that dark way Which Rebels pass unto the injur'd throne Pharonnida is now condemn'd to pay A debt for crimes that none durst call her own II. When near the last step brave Argalia who In close disguise truths secrets had betraid When most did doubt 't was now too late to sue To heaven for pity brings a timely aid IF on those vanisht Heroes that are fled Through the unknown dark Chasma's of the dead To rest in regions so remote from hence Twixt them and life there 's no intelligence When ere thou look'st through times dim optiques then Brave emulation of those braver men Rouses that ray of heav'n thy soul to be A sharer in their fames eternity Thou 'st then a genius fit to entertain A Muses flight which may be rais'd again To sing thy actions when there 's left no more Of thee but what by life whilst passing ore Natures short stage had either scatter'd bin By careless youth or firmly planted in Maturer age whose wasted talent spent Those were his Friends this is his monument Is all except some Muse thy life records That to thy worth th' unthankful world affords But if thy uninspired soul do beare A lower sail which flagging with the care Of humid pleasures ne'r is swell'd into Sublimer thoughts then such as onely view Earth for its object which ne'r yet did lend Her favorites more then what they here do spend T' improve her barren wants may none rehearse Thy name beneath the dignity of verse But trivial flatterers such as strive to gain Thy favor from Ephemera's of the brain Unsalted jests pleas'd at whose painted fire I leave fond thee in vapor to expire Whilst from thy living shadow I return To crown the dust in brave Argalia's urn From common fame that wild impostor he Had often heard what Love deny'd should be For truth admitted his Pharonnida Accus'd for sins which envy strove to draw Objects for heavens severest wrath and now Ere his considerate judgment would allow Report for real secret Messengers To Corinth sends who ill inform'd transfers His further trouble in confirming what Whilst others wept for he transported at So sad a change in her whose vertue had Inflam'd his thoughts by passion near unclad His soul of all his robes of ●lesh which now So loosely hung as if she practic'd how To strip her self should unexpected death To heavens hard course call forth the nimble breath Could earth here conquer or had it within The power of whatsoever is mortal bin T' have wrought disorders of amazement where The noble soul such true consent did beare With the harmonious Angels he in all His acts like them appears or ere his fall Perhaps like man that he could onely be Distinguish'd from some hollow'd hierarchie By being cloath'd in the specifick vail Of flesh and blood this grief might then prevail Over his perfect temper but he bears These weights as if unfelt on his soul wears The sable robes of sorrow whilst his cheek Is drest in scarle● smiles no frown his sleek And eaven front contract like to a slow And quiet stream his obscur'd thoughts did flow With greater depths then could be fathom'd by The beamy lines of a judicious eye Whilst those good Angels which fond men call wit Reform'd by age did all in Council sit To steer those thoughts by which he did attend Pharonnida's escape they to this end At length reduc'd his Councils that he must To succor her leave groveling in the dust His Kingdom which being by domestick strife Late wounded was but newly rubb'd to life Yet since that there to her redemption lay In all the progress of his thoughts no way Less full of danger such of 's Lords as he Honor'd for age and prais'd for loyalty Call'd to a secret Council he discovers His fixt resolves which they though now no Lovers With such consenting souls did hear that though They knew his danger might ev'n fear outgrow They to oppose that scourge of cowards brings His vows his sacred vows those scepter'd Kings Which justly rule the conscience that aw'd by Usurping fear submits to Tyranny Their first proposals whence their judgment sought To hide his absence to conclusion brought They thence proceed to level him a way Through that thick swarm of Enemies that lay Circling the walls where reason stayes a while In various censure ere 't could reconcile Their diff'ring judgments but at length in this As that which in this dangers dark abiss Seems to lend fear most of the helpfull light Of hope concludes that when succeeding night With strength of age was grown so gravely staid That dark designs fear'd not to be betraid By th' wanton twilight he in close disguise Whilst some of 's troops diverted by surprise His watchful foes might pass their guards which don Their care might be with 's surther march begun In dismal darkness that black throne of fear Nights silent Empress aw'd the Hemisphear When now Argalia's ready troops with slow And noiseless marches issued through their low Close Salliports are swiftly rallied by Such as had long taught valor how to dy For honors rescue Captains that had bin From youth's first bud till age was reverenc'd in Her honor'd scars such strict disciples to Wars hardest precepts that their fame out-grew
a more sad discov'ry They behold The brackish Main in funerall Pomp unfold The Trophies of her Cruelty Her Brow Uncurl'd with Waves was only spotted now With scatter'd Ruines here engag'd within The ruffl'd Sails some sad Souls that had been For life long strugling tir'd at length are forc'd To sink and die Yonder a Pair divorc'd From all the warm Society of flesh With cold stiff Arms embrace their Fate The fresh And tender Virgin in her Lovers sight The Sea-Gods ravish and th' Enthean light Of those bright Orbs her Eyes which could by nought But Seas be quencht t' eternall darkness brought Whilst pittying these a suddain noise whose strange Confusion did their Passions Object change Assaults their wonder which by this surprize Amaz'd perswades them to inform their Eyes With its obscure Originall when led By sounds that might in baser Souls have bred A swift aversion clashing Weapons they Might soon behold upon the Sands that lay Beneath the Rock a Troop of desp'rate men Unstartled with those dangers which even then Their ruin'd Ship and dropping Garments shewd Heaven freed them from what Mercy had bestowd Let their own anger loose which flaming in A fatall Combate had already bin In blood disfigur'd But when now so near Them drawn that every Object did appear In true distinction they with wonder rais'd To such a height as Poets would have prais'd Their Heroes in a noble Christian saw Whose Sword as if by the eternall Law Of Providence to punish Infidels Directed with each falling stroke expels A Turks black Soul Yet Valor being opprest By multitudes must have at length sought rest From Death had not brave Ariamnes by His Hunters followed brought him Victory Whilst the approaching danger did exclude Even hope the last support of Fortitude The desperate Turks that chose the Sea to be Their sad Redeemer of Captivity Though from that fear they fled to death had now Upon the Shoar left none life could allow But motion to though stopt by death such store All the Escap'd appeard but such as bore The fatall Story of destruction to Their distant Friends when now a serious view By Ariamnes and that noble Youth Whose Actions honourd as authentick truth Made all admire him of their pitty'd dead With sorrow took one worthy Soul unfled From life they found which by Argalia seen With joy recalls those Spirits that had been In busie Action lost but danger that Toward the Throne of life seem'd entring at Too many wounds denies him to enlarge The Sheam of Love as noble Vertues charge To him her follower Ariamnes by His goodness and their sad necessity Prompted to pity fearing slow delays As dangers fatall Harbinger conveys The wounded strangers to the place where he His Palace made the Throne of Charitie 'T was the short journey 'twixt the Day and Night The calm fresh Evening Times Hermaphrodite The Sun on Lights dilated Wings being fled To call the Western Villagers from Bed Ere at his Castle they arrive which stood Upon a Hill whose Basis freng'd with wood Shadowed the fragrant Meadows thorough which A spatious River striving to enrich The flow'ry Valleys with what ever might At home be profit or abroad delight With parted streams that pleasant Islands made It s gentle Current to the Sea conveyd In the composure of this happy place Wherein he lived as if fram'd to embrace So brave a Soul as now did animate It with its presence strength and beauty sate Combin'd in one 't was not so vastly large But fair convenience countervaild the charge Of Reparations all that modest Art Affords to so●●r pleasures every part More for its Ornament but none were drest In Robes so rich but what alone exprest Their Masters providence and care to be A prop to falling Hospitality For he not Comet-like did blaze out in This Country Sphear what had extracted been From the Courts lazy Vapors but had stood There like a Star of the first Magnitude With a fixt constancy so long that now Grown old in Vertue he began to bow Beneath the weight of time and since the calm Of Age had left him nothing to embalm His Name but Vertue strives in that to be The glorious wonder of Posterity Each of his Actions being so truly good That like the Ground where hollowed Temples stood Although by age the Ruines ruin'd seem The people beare a reverent esteem Unto the place so they preserve his Name A yet unwasted Pyramid of Fame Rich were his publick Vertues but the price Of those was but the World to Paradice Compar'd with that rare Harmony that dwells Within his Walls each Servant there excells All but his Fellows in dese●t each knew First when then how his Lords Commands to do None more enjoyed then was enough none less All did of plenty tast none of excess Riot was here a stranger but far more Repining penury ne're from that doore The Poor-man went denied nor did the rich Ere surfet there 't was the blest Medium which Extracted from all compound Vertues we Make and then Christian Mediocrity Within the compass of his spatious Hall Stood no vain Pictures to obscure the Wall Which usefull Armes adornd and such as when His Prince requir'd assistance his own men Valiant and numerous mannag'd to defend That righteous Cause but never to attend A popular Faction whose corrupted Seed Hell did engender and Ambition feed His Judgment that like Lifes Attendant Sence To try each Objects various difference Fit Mediums chose which he made Vertue here Beholding though these wandring Stars appear Now in their greatest detriment the Rays Of perfect worth he to that Vertue payes Those Attributes of honour which unto Their Births though now in course disguise was due To Aphrons wounds successfull Art applies Prevailing Med'cines whilst Invention flies To the Aphelion of her Orb to seek Such modest Pleasures as might smooth the Cheek Of ruffl'd Passion which being found are spent To cure the sad Argalia's discontent Which long being lost to all delight at length Revives again his Friends recover'd strength They having now no Remora to stay Them here but what their gratitude did pay To his desires whose Courtesie had made Those bonds of Love with as much zeal obey'd As those which duty locks preparing are To take their leave even in whose civil War Whilst they contend with Courtesies as sent To rescue when his Eloquence was spent Brave Amminander with such hast as shewed His speed to some supream Injunction owed Such diligence a Messenger brings in A Packet which that noble Lord had been Too frequently acquainted with to fear Th' unseen Contents which open'd did appear A Mandate from his royall Master to Attend him ere the next dayes Beauties grew Deform'd with Age which honourd Message read To banish what Suspition might have bred In 's doubtfull Friends he the inclos'd contents With cheerfull hast unto their view presents Their fear thus cur'd by information he That his appearance in
neer with Action ti●'d Valor brea●hd fresh fast as the spent expir'd Here rash Araspes and bold Leovine Two whose descent i th' nearst collateral Line Unto Almanzors stood beholding how His strength dec●yd must unto Conquest bow In spight of Valor to revenge his fate VVith so much hast attempt as if too late They l come to rescue and would now to shun T is just reproof by rashness strive to run To death before him finding from that Sword Their Lifes discharge which did to him afford Only those wounds whose fears must live to be The badges of eternal Infamy But here ore-whelmd by an nnequal strength The noble Victor soon to th' utmost length Had lifes smal thread extended if not in The dawn of hope some troops whose charge had bin VVhilst th' active Gentry did attend the Court To free the Country from the feard Resort Of wild Bandeets these being directed by Such frighted Rurals as imployment nigh The Grove had led arriving at that time VVhen his slain Foes made the mistaken Crime Appear Argalias soon by power allay That fatal storm which done a full survay Of them that death freed from distress being took Them through whose wounds life had not yet forsook Her Throne they view ' mongst whom through the disguise O●'s blood Almanzor whose high power they prise More then discover'd Innocence being found As Justice had by close decree been bound T' espouse his quarrels whilst his friends convay Him safely thence those ponderous Crimes they lay Unto Agalias Charge whose just defence Pleads but in vain for injur'd innocence Now neer departing whilst his helpfull friends Bore off Almanzor where he long attends The cure of 's wounds though they less torment bred Then to behold how his lost honour bled The sad Florenza comes to take her last Leave of her lost Andremon ere she past That sad stage ore to his cold clammy Lips Joyning her balmy Twins she from them sips So much of deaths oppressing Dews that by That touch reviv'd his soul though wing'd to flie Her ruin'd seat takes time enough to breath These sad notes forth farewell my Dear beneath The ponderous burthen of mortality My fainting spirits sink Oh mayst thou be Blest in a happier Love all that I crave Is that my now departing soul may have Thy Virgin prayers for her Companions through Those gloomy Vaults which she must pass unto Eternall shades had Fate assign'd my stay Till we'd together gone the horrid way Had then been made delightfull but I must Depart without thee and convert to dust VVhilst thou art flesh and blood I in a cold Dark U●ne must lie whilst a warm Groom doth hold Thee in thy Nuptial bed yet there I shall If fled souls know what doth on earth befall Mourn for thy loss and to eternity Wander alone the various World shall be Refin'd in flames time shall afford no place For Vanity ere I again embrace Society with flesh which ere that must Change to a thousand forms her varied dust What we shall be or whither we shall go When gone from hence wheth'r unto flames below Or joyes above or whether in death we may Know our departed friends or tell which way They went before us these oh these are things That pauze our Divinity Scepterd Kings And Subjects die alike nor can we tell Which doth enjoy or which in torments dwell Oh sad sad ignorance Heaven guide me right Or I shall wander in eternal Night To whose dark shades my dim eyes sink apace Farewel Florenza when both time and place My separated Soul hath left to be A stranger maskt in Immortality Think on thy murtherd friend we now must part Eternaly the Cordage of my heart That last sigh broke with that the breath that long Had hoverd in his Breast flew with a strong Groan from that mortal Mansion which beheld By such of 's friends whom Courtesie compel'd To that sad Charge the bloodless body they With sad slow steps to 's Fathers home convey The end of the second Canto PHARONNIDA The first Book CANTO THE THIRD The ARGUMENT V. The brave Argalia who d●sign'd to raise Through all approaching ills his weighty Fate In smooth Compliance that harsh Guard obeys Who tow'rd his death did prosecute their hate VI. To death which here unluckily had staind Maugre his friends the ill directed Sword Of Justice had not secret love obtaind More mercy then the strict Laws dare afford LOw in a fruitful Pasture where his Flocks Cloud with their breath those Plains whose leavy lock Could hardly shadow them though Meadows need No shearing where in untold Droves did feed His bellowing Heards of which enough did come Each day to 's Yoak to serve a Hecatombe Lay old And●en●ons Country Farm in which Happy til now being made by Fortune rich And Goodness honest from domestick strife Stil calm and free the upper Robes of Life Til witherd he had worn to ease whose sad And sullen Cares less bounteous Nature had Lent him no numerous Issue all he 'd won By prayer confin'd unto this murtherd Son The blasted Blossome of whose tender age When blooming first taught Hope how to presage Those future Vertues which interpreted By Action had such fruitful Branches spread That all indulgent Parents wisht to be Immortalizd in blest Posterity Had seen in him whose innocently good Stil let his Heart by 's Tongue be understood In such a sacred Dialect that all Which verg'd within deliberate thought did fall Towards Heaven was grac'd and in descent did prove To 's Parents Duty and to 's Neighbours Love This hopeful Youth their Ages chief support Whose absence though by 's own desires made short Their Love thought tedious having now expir'd His usual hours the aged Couple tir'd With expectation to anticipate His slow appearance to their Mansions Ga●e Where softly walk'd where cooly shadowed by An Elm which planted at his Birth did vie Age with his Lord whilst their desires pursue Its first design they with some pleasure view Their busie Servants whose industrious pain Sweats out Diseases in pursuit of gain All which although the chiefest pleasure that Their thoughts contain whose best are busied at The Mart o th' World such small diversion lent The aged pair that his kind Mother spent With a too long protracted hope had let Even that expire had not his Father set Props to that weakness and that mutuall fear Which fil'd their breasts let his sound Judgment clear By the proposing Accidents that might Untouchd detaine their Darling from their sight But many Minutes had not left their seals On the Records of Time ere truth reveals Her horrid secrets A confused noise First strikes their Ears which suddenly destroys Its own imperfect Embrioes to transfer Its Object to that nearer Messenger o th' Soul the Eyes whose beamy Scouts convey A trembling fear into their Souls whilst they That bore their murtherd Son arriv'd to tel Their doleful M●ssage which so fierce storm fel
his Sword are now By bounty made too much his own t' allow Even flight suspition room This being done That Valour though with Love 't were wingd might run On no rash Precipice assisted by That skilful Sea-man from some Ships that ly Neglected ' cause by time decayed he takes So much o th' Tackling as of that he makes Ladders of length sufficient to ascend The Castle Wals which having to defend Them nought but slave security is done With so much ease that what 's so wel begun They boldly second and first entering in A Tower which had by th' prudent Founder bin Built to command the Havens Mouth which lay Too low for th' Castle where when come all they Found to resist is one poor Centry bound In sleep which soon by death is made more sound To lodge the Prince in that safe place before His active valour yet attempted more The Gates secur'd that led to th' Castle he Protected by that Nights obscuritie By a conceald smal Salliport is to Its strength soon brought when now prepard to view More dreadful dangers in such habit clad As by the out-Guards easie Error had Soon as a Soldier gave him entrance come To th' Hall he is there being informd by some o th' drousie Guards where his pretended speed Might find Molarchus to perform a deed That future Ages if that Honours fire Lose not its light shal worthily admire His Valours hast within a room whose pride Of Art though great was far more glorifi'd By that bright Luster the Spectators saw Through Sorrows Clouds in fair Pharonnida He finds the impious Villain heightend in His late success to such rude acts of sin That servile baseness the low distance whence He us'd to look grew sawcy Impudence Inflam'd Argalia who at once beholds Objects to which the Sould inlarg'd unfolds Its passions in the various Characters Of Love and Anger now no more defers The ex●cution of his rage but in So swift a death as if his hand had been Guided by Lightning to Molarchus sent His Lifes discharge which with astonishment Great as if by their evil Angels all Their sins had been displayed did wildly fall Upon his Followers whom ere hast could save Or strength resist Argalia's Sword had gave Such sudden deaths that whilst Amazements reignd Ere all he from the heedless tumult gaind That glorious Prize the royal Lady who In all assaults of fears not lost unto Her own clear Judgment as a blessing sent From Heaven whilst her base Foes Confusion lent That Action safety follows that brave Friend Whose Sword redeemd her till her Journeys end Through threatning dangers brought her to that place Where with such passion as kind Wives embrace Husbands returnd from bondage she is by Her Father welcom'd into liberty Thus rescu'd whilst exalted tumours sweld To such Confusion as from sense expeld Reasons safe Conduct whilst each Soldier leaves His former Charge fears pale disease receives This Paroxisme the Fleet which yet had in A doubtful Quest of their surpriz'd Prince bin Directed hither with the new-born day Their streamers round the Cittadel display Which seen by them that being deluded by The dead Molarchus to his treachery Had joynd their strength guilt the Original Of shame did to defend the plat-form Call Their bold endeavour but when fidning it Too strongly man'd for undermineing wit Or open strength to force dispairing to Be long secure prompted by fear they threw Themselves on Mercy which calm Grace among Heavens other blessings whilst it leads along The Prince toward Victory made his Conquest seen Such as came not to punish but redeem The end of the fourth Canto PHARONNIDA The first Book CANTO THE FIFTH The ARGUMENT IX The gratefull Prince to shew how much he lov'd This noble Youth whoe 's Merits just reward Too great for less Abilities had prov'd Makes him Commander of his Daughters Guard X. Where seated in the most benign Aspect Kind Love could grant to fair Pharonnida A sacred Vision doth her hopes detect Whose waking joyes his absence doth withdraw FReed from those dangers which this bold attempt Made justly feard whilst joy did yet exempt Those cares which when by time concocted shall His Kingdome to a general Mourning call Sparta's pleas'd Prince with all the Attributes Ere Gratitude learnd from Desert salutes That noble Youth which even when hope was spent Kind Heaven had made his safeties Instrument By acts of such heroick Vertue that Whilst all the less concernd are wondring at The grateful Prince in all the noble waies Of honour lasting as his life repaies By whose example the fair Princess taught To shadow Love her Souls most perfect draught In friendships Vail so free a welcome gave The worthy stranger that al prayer durst crave Though sacrific'd in Zeals most perfect fire Seemd now from Heaven dropt on his pleas'd desire Some daies spent here whilst Justice vainly sought That Treasons root whose base production brought Unto an unexpected Period in Molarchus death with him had buried bin To future knowledge all confessions though In torments they extracted were bestow Upon their knowledge being th' imperfect shade Of supposition which too weak t' invade Even those whose doubtful Loyalty lookt dim The prudent Prince burying mistrust with him Leaving the Island with 's triumphant Fleet On the Sicillian shoar prepars to meet That Joy in triumph which a blessing brought His loyal Subjects with their prayers had sought To cure those hot distemperatures which in His absence had the Courts Quotidian bin The Princess guard as being an honour due To noble Valour having left unto That worthy stranger whose victorious hand Declar'd a Soul created for command The Prince departs from his loud Daughters Court To joyful Corinth where though the resort Of such as by their service strove t' express An uncorrupted Loyalty made less That Mourning which the Kingdomes general Loss Claim'd from all hearts yet like a sable Cross Which amongst Trophy's noble Conquerors bear All did some signs o th' publick sorrrow wear But leaving these to rectifie that State This Feaver shook return to whom we late Left gently calm'd that happy pair which in Desire the shady Porch of Love begin That lasting progress which ere ended shall So oft their Fate to strong assistance call Some Months in happy free delights before Passion got strength enough to dictate more Then Reason could right fair they 'd spent in which Slumber of Fancy popular Love grown rich Soon becomes factious and engages all The powers of Nature to procure the fall Of the Souls lawful Soveraign either in Each Action of the others did begin To place an Adoration she doth see What ere he doth as shining Majesty Beneath a Cloud or Books where Heaven transfers Their Oracles in unknown Characters Like Gold yet unrefin'd or th' Adamant Wrapt up in earth he only seemd to want Knowledge of Worth Her Actions in his fight Appear like fires feign'd Element with light But not destruction
arm'd like the fair Sun When through a chrystal Aqueduct he'th run His piercing Beams until grown temperate by That cooling Medium through humility Shun her Majestick worth in eithers Eyes The other seemd to wear such a disguise As Poets cloathd their wandring Gods in when In forms disguiz'd they here converst with men But long this conflict of their Passions ere Resisted lasts not when disdaind to bear Those leaden Fetters the great Princess tries To quench that fire i th' Embrio ere it rise To unresisted blazes but in vain What her tears smoother are by sighs again Blown into flames such as since not to be By ought extinguisht her sweet modesty Strives to conceal nor did them more betray Then by such Fugitives as stole away Through her fair Eyes those Salliports of Love From her besieged heart now like to prove Had not her Honour cal'd the Act unjust So feeble to betray her Souls best trust Her flames being not such as each vulgar breast Feels in the fires of Fancy when opprest With gloomy discontents her bright stars sate Inthron'd so high that like the Bays of Fate It stopt the Current of the stream and to The Sea of Honour Loves fresh Rivers drew Thus whilst the royal Eaglet doth i th' high Sublimer Region of bright Majesty Upon Affections Wings still hover yet Loath to descend on th' humble earth doth sit Her worthy Lover like that amorous Vine When crawling o're the Weeds it strives to twine Embraces with the Elm he stands whilst she Desires to bend but like that love-sick Tree By greatness is deni'd he that nere knew A swelling tumour of conceit nor flew Upon the waxen Wings of vain Ambition A thought above his own obscure Condition Thinks that the Princess by her large respect Conferd on him but kindly doth reflect Her Fathers beams and with a reverend zeal Sees those descending Rays that did reveal Loves Embassies transported on the quick Wings of that heart-o're-coming Rhetorick Instructing that the weakness of his Eye Dazl'd with beams of shining Majesty Might for too boldly gazing on a sight So full of glory be depriv'd of light Stifling his Fancy till it turnd the Aire That fand his heart to flames which pale dispaire Chil'd into I●e soon as he went about With them to breath a storm of passions out But vain are all these fears his Eagle sight Is born to gaze upon no lesser Light Then that from whence all other beauties in The same sphear borrow theirs he else had bin Degenerate from that royal Airce whence He first did spring although he fell from thence Unfledg'd the growing Pinnions of his Fame Wanting the purple tincture of his Name And Titles both unknown yet shall be fly On his own Merits strength a pitch as high Though not so boldly claimd and such as shall Inhance the blessing when the dull mists fall From truths benighted Eyes whispering in His Souls pleas'd Ear her passion did begin Whilst all the Constellations of her Fate Fixt in the Zenith of bright honour sate Whilst his deprest by adverse Fortune in Their Nader lay even to his hopes unseen Whilst thus Enthean fire did lye conceald With different Curtains least by being reveald Cross Fate which could not quench it should to death Scorch all their hopes burnd in the angry breath Of her incensed Father whilst the fair Pharonnida was striving to repair The wakeful ruines of the day within Her Bed whose Down of late by Love had been Converted into Thorns she having payed The restless tribute of her sorrow stayed To breath a while in broken slumbers such As with short blasts cool feverish brains but much More was in hers a strong Prophetick dream Divering by Enigmaes Natures stream Long hovering through the Portals of her mind On vain phantastick Wings at length did find The glimerings of obstructed reason by A brighter beam of pure divinity Led into supernatural light whose Rayes As much transcended reasons as the dayes Dull mortal fires faith apprehends to be Beneath the glimerings of divinity Her unimprisond Soul disrob'd of all Terrestial thoughts like its Original In Heaven pure and Immaculate a fit Companion did for those bright Angels sit Which the Gods made their Messengers to bear This sacred truth seeming transported where Fixt in the flaming Center of the world The heart o th' Mycrocosme 'bout which is hurld The spangl'd Curtains of the Sky within Whose boundless Orbs the circling Planets spin Those threads of time upon whose strength rely The pondrous Burthens of mortality An Adamantine World she sees more pure More glorious far then this fram'd to endure The shock of Dooms-daies Darts in which remains The better Angels of what earth contains Plac'd there to govern all our Acts and be A Medium 'twixt us and Eternity Hence Nature from a Laberinth half above Half underneath that sympathetick Love Which warms the World to Generation sends On unseen Atomes each small star attends Here for his Message which receiv'd is by Their influence to the Astral Faculty That lurks on earth communicated hence Informing Forma sends Intelligence To the material principles of earth Her upper Garments Natures second birth Upon each side of this large Frame a Gate Of different use was plac'd at one there sate A sprightly youth whose Angels form delights Eyes dim'd with age whose blandishments invights Infants i th' Womb to court their wo and be By his false shape tempted to misery Millions of thousands swarm about him though Diseases do each minute strive to throw Them from his presence since being tempted by His flattering form all court it though they ly On beds of thorns to look on 't saving some More wretched Male-contents that hither come With Souls so sullen that whilst time invights Them to his Joys they shun those smooth delights This the Worlds Favourite had a younger Brother Of different hue each more unlike the other Then opposite Aspects Antipathy Within their breasts though they were forc'd to be Almost inseparable dwelt this Fiend A passage guarded which at th' other end o th' spatious Structure stood betwixt each Gate Was plac'd a Laberinth in whose Angles sate The vanities of Life attempting to Stay deaths pale Harbengers but that black Cle● Times dusty Girdle Fates Arithmetick Griefs slow pac'd Snail Joyes more then Eagle quick That Chain whose Links compos'd of hours and daies Thither at length spight of delay conveys The slow pac'd steps of time there alwaies stood Near him one of the triple Sisterhood Who with deformity in love did send Him troops of Servants hourly to attend Upon his harsh Commands which he from all Society of flesh without the Wall Down a dark Hill conveyd at whose foot stood An ugly L●ke black as that horrid flood Gods made by men did feare Myriads of Boats On the dark surface of the water floats Containing Passengers whose different hue Tell them that from the Wals do trembling view Their course that there 's
no age of man to be Exempted from that powerful tyrany A Tyde which nere shall know reflux beyond The baleful stream unto a gloomy strond Circl'd with black obscurity conveys Each passenger where their torn Chain of daies Is in Eternity pe●ckt up between These different Gates the Princess having seen Lifes various Sceans wrought to a method by Disposing Angels on a Rock more high Then Natures common surface she beholds The Mansion house of Fate which thus unfolds Its sacred Mysteries A trine within A quadrate plac'd both those incompast in A perfect Circle was its form but what Its matter was for us to wonder at Is undiscoverd left a Tower there stands At every Angle where times fatal hands Th' impartial Par●ae dwel i th' first she sees Clothe the kindest of the Destinies From immaterial Essences to cull The seeds of life and of them frame the Wooll For Lachesi● to spin about her flie Myriades of Souls that yet want flesh to lie Warmd with their Functions in whose strength bestows That power by which man ripe for misery grows Her next of Objects was that glorious Tower Where that swift fingerd Nymph that spares no houre From mortals service draws the various threds Of life in several lengths to weary beds Of age extending some whilst others in Their Infancy are broke some blackt in sin Others the Favourites of Heaven from whence Their Origen candid with Innocence Some purpl'd in afflictions others dy'd In sanguine pleasures some in glittering pride Spun to adorn the Earth whilst others wear Rags of Deformity but knots of care No thread was wholly freed from Next to this Fair glorious Tower was plac'd that black Abbyss Of dreadful Atropos the bale ful seat Of death and horrour in each room replear With lazy damps loud groans and the sad sight Of pale grim Ghosts those Terrours of the Night To this the last stage that the winding Clew Of life can lead mortality unto Fear was the dreadful Porter which let in All Guests sent thither by destructive sin As its firm Basis on all these depends A lofty Piramid to which each sends Some Gift from Natures treasury to Fames Uncertain hand the hollow room with Names And empty sounds was only fil'd of those For whom the Destinies daind to compose Their fairest threads as if but born to die Here all Ephem'raes of report did flie On feeble Wings till being like to fall Some faintly stick upon the slimy Wall Till the observant Antiquary rents Them thence to live in paper Monuments In whose Records they are preserv'd to be The various censures of posterity i th' upper Room as Favourites to Fate There only Poets rich in Fancy sate In that beneath Historians whose Records Do Theams unto those pregnant Wits afford Yet both preparing everlasting Bayes To crown their glorious dust whose happy dayes Were here spent well beneath these cover'd o're With dim oblivions shadows Myriads more Till Dooms-day shall the gaudy World undress Lay huddl'd up in dark forgetfulness All which as Objects not of worth to cast A fixt Eye on the Princess Genius past In heedless hast untill obstructed by Visions that thus fixt her Souls wandring Ey A Light as great as if that Dooms-daies flame Were for a Lamp hung in the Court of Fame Directs her where on a bright Throne there sate Sicillia's better Genius her proud state Courted by all Earths greatest Monarchs by Three valiant Knights supported was whose high Merits disdaining a Reward less great With equal hopes aim'd at the royal Seat Which since all could not gain betwixt her three Fair Daughters both her Crown and Dignity Is equally bestow'd by giving one To each of them when the divided Throne Had on each Angle fixt a Diadem Her Vision thus proceeds the royal Stem That bore her Fathers Crown to view first brings Its golden Fruit a glorious Race of Kings Led by the Founder of their Fame their Rear Brought by her Father up next those that bear Epirus honourd Armes the royal train Concluding in Zoranza this linkt Chain Drawn to an end the Princes that had swayed Argalia's Scepter fill the Scean till stayed By the Epirots Sword their conquerd Crown From aged Gelons hoaty head dropt down At fierce Zoranza's feet this she beholds With admiration whilst hid truth unfolds It self in plainer objects the distrest Actolian Prince again appears but drest In a poor Pilgrims Weed in 's hand he leads A lovely Boy in whose sweet look she reads Soft pitties Lectures but whilst gazing on This Act till lost in admiration By sudden Fate he seemd transformd to what She last beheld him only offering at Loves Shrine his heart to her Idea there Joy had bereav'd her slumbers had not fear Clouded the glorious Dream a dreadful mist Black as the steams of Hell seeming to twist Its ugly vapours into shades more thick Then Night ingendring Damps had with a quick But horrid darkness vail'd the Room t' augment Whose terrour a Clouds sulphry bosome rent With dreadful thunder-claps darting a bright But fearful blaze through th' artificial Night Lent her so much use of her Eyes to see Argalia groveling in his blood which she Had scarce beheld ere the malignant flame Vanisht again she shrieks and on his Name Doth passionatly call but here 's no sound Startles her Ear but hollow groans which drownd Her Soul in a cold sweat of fears which ended A second blaze lends her its light attended With Objects whose wild horrour did present Her Fathers Ghost then seeming to lament Her injur'd Honour in his Company Thd slain Laconians Spirit which let free From the dark Prison of the cold Grave where In rusty Chains he lay was come to bear Her to that sad Abode but as she now Appeard to sink a golden Cloud did bow From Heavens fair Arch in which Argalia seemd Clad in bright Armour fitting who redeemd Her from approaching danger which being done The darkness vanisht and a glorious Sun Of welcome Light displayd its beams by which A Throne the first resembling but more rich In its united Glory to the eye Presents its luster where in Majesty The Angels that attend their better Fate P●ac'd her and brave Argalia in which state The un-bard portals of her Soul let fly The golden slumber whose dear memory Shall live within her noble thoughts until Treading o're all obstructions Fate fulfil These dark predictions whose obscurity Must often first her Souls afflictions be When now the Mornings dews that cool allay Which cures the Feavers of th' intemperate day Were rarifi'd to Aire the Princess to Improve her joy in private thoughts withdrew From burthensome society within A silent Groves cool shadows what had been Her Midnights joy to recollect in which Delightful task whilst Memory did enrich The robes of Fancy to divert the stream Of thoughts intentive only on her Dream Argalia enters with a speed that shewed He unto some supream Commander owed That diligence but when arriv'd
it could strike As swift as secret and as sure as those Heavens anger hu●ls through all that durst oppose In all the progress of that dark design Whose unseen Engines strove to undermine That power which since Heaven doth in Kings infuse None but unhallowed Rebels durst abuse Time Treasons secret Midwife did produce No birth like this such Friends as often use Had taught him their Souls Characters he makes Sharers of 's guilt but whilst he troubl'd takes A care to fit each smaller Wheel unto This fatal Engine those black powers that do Assist such dark designs a moving spirit Supplies it with although Almanzors merit Purchast few friends yet had his tempting Gold Corrupted some ' mongst which it surest hold Upon Amphibia took a Lady who Before Florenza's sweeter vertues drew Her Favour to a better Object swayed The Princess choice Affections she betrayed By glittering Charms perswades her thoughts no deed For guilt is branded whose attempts may feed Ambitions malice and at one blow give Envie and Avarice a hope to live Pleas'd with their ruine whose fair merits dwell High in those thoughts from whence she justly fell To rack revenge unto as large extent As hate could wish what Hell could nere invent Without assistance of a female Wit Mans first Betrayer all that seemd but fit From Treasons close embrace to propagate Revenge she lights him what though close as Fate When parling with the Destinies is by Her Counsel acted swift as stories fly From vulgar Tongues her treachery makes known To the bold Rebbel whose intentions grown Hence ripe for Action when his secret guilt A strong retreat had for rebellion built By laying the foundation on 't in those Whom since by want or envy made the Foes To th' publick peace are soon perswaded by Their Princess fall to cure that malady This plat-form layd some whose wise valour he By practice knew adornd with secresie Amongst the number of his guilty friends Selected in its first attempt attends Treasons dark walks which now more secret by Nights dismal shadows made had brought them nigh The Princess Palace through the Hemisphears Dark Curtain now the big bulkt roof appears And dapl'd Windows shewd their severall light Like rich Enamel in the Jet of Night All rockt in sweet security they found By Fate false smiles triumphant mirth had crownd The glorious Train whose height of joy could tast No poyson of suspition each embrac'd His free delights yet feard no Snake should lye Lurking within those Flowers amidst which high Divine flames of enthean joy to her That level'd had their way a Messenger Makes known their neer approach for which before She had prepar'd and vaild the Pavement o're In thin but candid Innocence accurst By all that ere knew Vertue oh how durst Thy Envie turn these commick Sceans into So red a Tragedy as must ensue Thy guilts Stenography which thus writes Fate In Characters of blood but now too late 'T is to repent when punishment wrought fair Shews thy foul Crimes thou only mayst despair Leaving this Fiend to hatch her Vipers here Le ts breath awhile although in full carier Stay on the brow o th' precipice to view The Cou●ts full joyes which being arriv'd unto Their Zenith seemd to Fate-discerning Eyes Like Garlands were before a Sacrifice The Cornu Copiae from the Tables now Remov'd by full fed Rurals did allow Time for discourse as much as modest mirth Durst stretch her wings crownd Cups gave lusty birth To active sports The hearts warm bounties flame From lofty Piles and in their pride became The luster of the Roof to glorifie Which yet imperfect Festival the eye That lent to this large body light divine Pharonnida at whose adored Shrine These Sacrifices offerd were appears Within the Hall and with her presence clears Each supercillious brow if hopes to see What 's now enjoy'd suffer'd such there to be The Princess on her honourd Throne repos'd A Fancy tempting Musick first unclos'd The winding Portals of the Soul which done Four Swains whose time directed knowledge won Attention with Credulity by turn Sicillia's Annals sung and from the Urn Of now almost forgotten truth did raise Their Fame those branches of eternal Baies Which sober mirth Preparatives unto More active sports continuing whilst the new Modell of Treason was disguizing in A Mask ordaind to candie o're their sin To gild those Pills of poyson with delight And strew with Roses deadly Aconite Was now drawn neer an end when from without A murmuring noise of several sounds about The Palace Gates was heard which suddenly Dissolving to an antick harmony Proclaims their entrance whose first solemn sight In dreadful shapes mixt terrour with delight In the black front of that slow March appears A Train whose difference both in Sex and years Had spoke confusion if agreement in Their Acclamation had no Prologue been A Dance where method in disorder lay Where each seemd out though all their rules obay Was first in different measures trod which done Twelve arm'd Viragoes whose strange habit won More admiration then their beauty led As many captive Satyrs in the head o th' Amazonian troop a Matron by To younger Nymphs supported till come nigh Pharonnida's bright Throne presents the rest Her Issue who externally exprest So many fair soul'd Vertues born to be Protectors of their Mother Chastity Who wants their help although supported by Her weaker daughters Fear and Modesty Those obscean vices whose rude hands betray Natures deformities forc'd to obay Their brave opposing Vertues did appear i th' captive Satyrs who being now brought near A dreadful Musick 's heard without whose sound Did gentler Aires in their first births confound VVhich being a signall to that act of blood That soon ensues whilst all expecting stood Some happier change the false viragoes drew Their Swords and with a speedy fury slew The struggling Knights who thus disguiz'd had bin VVith the more horrour to be murtherd in Their royal Mistress sight whose shrieks did tell VVhat trembling Guests within her breast did dwell Sudden and cruel was the Act yet stands Not Treason here but whilst their purpl'd hands Yet wreakt in blood their guilty Souls to stain VVith blacket sins her weak Defenders slain Rush toward the trembling Princess who now lies Betrayed by the Souls Janitors her Eyes To Passions insupportable which grown A burthen to her Spirits all were flown To th' Porch of death for rest if Souls new fled From tainted bodies that have surfeited On studied sins could be discernd when they Unarmd with penitence are hurld away By long armd Fiends less pale less horrid would Their guilty looks appear confusion could Not live in livelier emblem each appears To flie the danger but about him bears Its pale effects so passengers forsake A sinking Ship such strong Convulsions shake Surprized Forts so Doomsdays Trumpet shall Startle the unprepared world when all Her Attomes in their then worn Robes shall be Ravisht in flames to meet
Vines with various colours grac'd Their spreding branches whose proud brows being crownd With stately Walks did from that ample round The wel-pleas'd Eye to every place convay That in the Islands humble level lay To guard her Court a hundred Gentlemen Such as had glorifi'd their Valour when Tryed in her Fathers Wars attended which Commanded by Argalia did enrich His Merit with such fair reward that all His better Stars should they a Synod call Those fires conven'd nere with more glorious Light Could cloath his hopes his Fortunes dim-ey'd Night Inflam'd to Noon and the fai● Princess blest By the same power for though his Fate invest His noble Soul within the obscure Mask Of an unknown descent his Fame shall ask In time to come a Chronicle and be The Glory of that royal Family From whence he sprung but ere he must attain The top of Fortunes Wheel that Iron Chain By whose linkt strength it turns too oft will grate Him with most hot Afflictions his wise Fate Digs deep with Miseries before it layes The ground-fork of his Fame which then shall raise On the firm Basis of Authentick story To him eternal Pyramids of Glory Thou that art skil'd in Loves Polemmicks here Wish they may rest awhile and though drawn neer A sadder Fate if pi●y sayes to rath 'T is to let sorrow sad the Scean wee 'l bath Our Pen awhile in Nectar though we then Steep it in Gall again the Spring did when The Princess first did with her presence grace This house of pleasure with soft Armes embrace The Earth his lovely Mistress clad in all The painted Robes the Mornings Dew let fall● Upon her Virgin Bosome the soft breath Of Zephirus sung calm Anthems at the death Of Palsie-shaken Winter whose large Grave The Earth whilst they in fruitful tears did leave Their pious grief turnd into smiles they throw Over the Herse a Vail of Flowers the low And pregnant Valleys sweld with fruit whilst Heaven Smil'd on each blessing its faire hand had given Be-calmd on this paciffick Sea of pleasure No boisterous Wave appearing the rich treasure Of Love being ballast with Content did fear No threatning storm so safe a Harbour neer As th' Object whence it sprung such royal sports As take their birth from the triumphant Courts Of happy Princes did contract the day To pitied beauty time steals away On downy feet whose loss since it bereaves Them of no more then what new birth receives From the next teeming day by none is thought Worth the lamenting sometimes rockt in the soft Armes of the calmest pleasures they behold A sprightly Comedy the sins unfold Of more corrupted times then in its high Cothurnal Sceans a lofty Tragedy Erects their 〈◊〉 and doth at once invite To variou● Passions So●●ow and Delight Time Motions a●ed 〈◊〉 includes Not more in all the 〈…〉 Then their oft changing 〈…〉 When the Suns lofty pride 〈…〉 The Earths imbroiderd Robes 〈…〉 And palsie hand did those fresh 〈…〉 Up in her hoary Plush each Seas●● 〈…〉 Delights of 'ts own such a beguil'd 〈…〉 It s stock of hours unwasted on in chast Though private sports here happy Lovers 〈◊〉 Fancie's fresh Youth whose first attempts did pro●● Too innocent for th' Sophistry of Love There scornful beauty or the envious eye Of jealous Rivals nere afflicts all by An equal and a noble height so blest Pride none had rais'd nor poverty deprest The end of the fourth Canto PHARONNIDA The second Book CANTO THE FIFTH The ARGUMENT IX Whilst serene Joy sate smiling in her Court As shadows to illustrate Vertue by Phantastick Love becomes the Princess sport Whose harsher Dictates she ere long must try X. For now Suspition Vertues secret Foe Fir'd with Argalia's just deserved Fame Makes her great Father think each Minute slow Till separation had allayd the Flame LEst that her Court which seems compos'd of all That 's great or good th'ore-weaning world should ca● Perfections height a word which whilst on Earth Vain as delight only from Name takes birth In this the largest and most glorious sphear Ere Greatness mov'd in some few Stars appear To Vertue retrograde th' informing Spirit Love by whose motion on the Pole of Merit This bright Orb turnd even ' mongst these Heroes finds A pair of Followers whose imperfect minds Transgrest his Dictates and though no offence So full of guilt as foul Incontinence Durst here approach by waies less known unto What Love intends those various Figures drew Whose Aspects nere more neer Conjunction move Then Eyes the slight Astronomy of Love That new Platonnick Malady the way By which imperfect Eunuchs do betray Natures Diseases to contempt whilst by Such slight repast they strive to satisfie Loves full desires which pines or else must crave More then thin Souls in seperation have Being lately by some sick Phantasticks brought But neer the Court within it long had sought For residence till entertaind by two Whose meeting Souls no more distinction knew Then Sex a difference which whilst here it grows Toward Heaven it to Corporeal Organs ows But since that these so uncouth Actors here But as Intruders on the Scean appear Ere in their story we ingulph too far Let 's first behold them in their Character If ere thy sober Reason did submit To suppling Mirth that wanton Child of wit Beholding A Fantastick drest in all His vain delights what 's Annalogical To our Acretius then conceive thou 'st seen Though if compar'd those short to him had been As Transcripts are to Coppies to compleat A Humorist here Folly had close a seat ' Mongst more then vulgar knowledge and might pass The same account an Academick Ass Makes of his Fathers four year Charge when he Frights Villagers with shreds of Sophistry ' Mongst forrein parts of which like Coriate Hee 'd run through some he had acquir'd to prate By priviledge and as if every Nation Contributed is in each several fashion Which like their Tongues all so imperfect find That both disguiz'd his body and his mind Though self conceit vain Youths fantastick Crime Made him steal singly from the Front of time i th' Medium which but seldome proves the seat For Lust's wild-fire or Zeals reflected heat He amarous grows and doubting to prevail For all his Wings caught Pegasus by th' Tail And being before with Cupidi Engines fit'd From his Posteriors doubly was inspi●'d She that at first this sympathetick flame Inspir'd him with the Court knew by the Name Of Philanta to whom all would impair Their skill that gave that Epithet of fair Except Acretius since her beauty fit For praises was where parallel'd by wit Yet now although times sad discovery tels Her Autumes furrows were no parallels In Beauties sphear those youthful forms being grown So obsolete scarce the Vestigia's shown A Native pride and strange phantastick dress More admiration then ere comeliness Could do acquires She formerly had been A great Admirer of Romances in Whose Garb she now goes
Unto the Church been solemnly attended By those of our own Ra●k and buried been Neer to the Font that we were Christned in Whilst I in russet Weeds of poverty Had spun these course Threds shining Majesty Would have exhausted all her stock to Frame A match for thy Desert some Prince whose Name The neighbouring Regions trembl'd at from whom The generous Issue of thy fruitful Womb Might have deriv'd a stock of Fame to build A future Greatness on such as should yeild Subject● of wonder to the World About To interrupt him ere he had drawn out This sad Theam she began to speak but by Nig●ts swift approach was hinder'd now drew nigh The time of his departure whilst he bleeds At thought o th' first a second S●mmons speec●s His preparations to the City where That big bulkt body unto which his care M●st add a Soul was now drawn up and stayd Only to have his wisht Commands obeyd His powerful Passion Loves strict Rules respecting More then bright Honours Dictates yet neglecting All summons stayed him till he 'd sacrific'd His Vows to her whose every smile he priz'd Above those trivial Glories Ere from hence He dares depart each with a new expence Of Tears payes interest to exacting Fate For every Minute she had lent of late Unto poor Love whose stock since not his own Although no Spend-thrift is a Bankrupt grown Look how a bright and glorious Morning which The youthful Brow of April doth enrich Smiles till the rude Winds blow the troubl'd Clouds Into her Eyes then in a black Vail shrouds Her self and weeps for sorrow so wept both Our royal Lovers each would and yet was loath To bid farwel till stubborn time inforc'd Them to that Task first his warm Lips divorc'd From the soft balmy touch of hers next parts Their hands those frequent witnesses o th' heart 's Indissoluble Contracts last and worst Their eyes their weeping eyes oh Fate accurst That layes so hard a task upon my Pen To write the parting of poor Lovers when They had even lost their light in tears were in That shade that dismal shade forc'd to begin The progress of their sorrow he is gone Sweet sad Phoronnida left left alone To entertain grief in soft sighs whilst he ' Mongst noise and tumult oft finds time to be Alone with sorrow though encompast by A numerous Army whose brave Souls ●weld high With hopes of Honour least Fames Trump want breath Hast to supply't by Victory or death But ere calmd thoughts to prosecute our story Salute thy Ears with the deserved Glory Our marshal Lovers purchast here I must Let my Pen rest awhile and see the rust Scour'd from my own Sword for a fatal day Draws on those gloomy hours whose short steps may In Britains blushing Chronicle write more Of sanguine Guilt then a whole Age before To tell our too neglected Troops that we In a just Cause are slow we ready see Our rallied Foes nor wil't our sloathful Crime Expunge to say Guilt wakend them betime From every Quarter the affrighted Scout Brings swift Alarums in hovering about The clouded tops of the adjacent Hils Like ominous Vapours lye their Troops noise fils Our yet unrallied Army and we now Grown legible in the contracted Brow Discern whose heart looks pale with fear If in This rising storm of blood which doth begin To drop already I 'me not washt into The Grave my next safe Quarter shall renew Acquaintance with Pharonnida till then I leave the Muses to converse with men The end of the second Book PHARONNIDA The third Book A Tragi-comicall POEM CANTO THE FIRST The ARGUMENT I. Beneath the powerfull Tyranny of Love Whilst the fair Princess weeps out every Star In Pleasures Sphear those dark Clouds to remov● All royall Pass-times in it practic'd are II. Amongst whose Tryumphs that her Train might lend Her their Attendants in the shades of Grief Passion brings some so neer a fatall end That timely pity scarce affords relief SOme Months now spent since in the clouded Court Of sad Pharonnida each Princely sport Was with Argalia's absence maskt within Sables of Discontent Robes that had been Of late her chiefest Dress no cheerful smile Ere cleerd her brow those walks which were ere while The Schools where they disputed Love were now Only made use of when her grief sought how To hide its treacherous tear the unfil'd Bed o th' Widow whose conjugal joy is fled i th' hot and vigorous youth of Fancy to Eternal absence sooner may renew Though she for tears repeated praises seeks The blooming spring of Beauty on her Cheeks When bright plum'd Day on the expanded wings Of Aire approaches Lights fair Herald brings No overtures of peace to her each prayer In pious zeal she makes a pale despair In their Celestial Journey clogs but long Her feeble Sex could not endure these strong Assaults of Passion ere the red and white Vanquisht from Beauties Throne had took their flight And nought but melancholy palness lest T' attend the light of her dim eyes bereft Of all their brightness pining Agues in The earthquake of each Joynt leaving within The Veins more blood then dwelt in hers which bea● The hearts slow motions with a hectick heat Long Passions Tyrant reigns not ere this change Of Mirth and Beauty letting sorrow range Beyond the circle of Discretion in Her Father that suspition which had been Kindl'd before renewing he removes His Court to hers but the kind visit proves A Paroxisme unto that strong Disease Which combates in her blood no mirth could please Her troubl'd Soul since bar'd society With all its better Angels gone to be Attendant on Argalia she beholds Those studied pleasures which the Prince unfolds His love and greatness in with no delight More smooth then that a sullen Anchorite Which a harsh vow hath there enforc'd to dwell Sees the cold wants of his unhaunted Cell Amongst these sports whose time betraying view Ravisht each pleas'd Spectator the fair Clew Contracts some sable knots of which my Pen Is only one bound to unravel when War had unclasp'd that dreadful Book of hers Where honour'd Names in sanguine Characters Brave valour had transcrib'd fair vertue fixt Euriolus in Honours Orb and mixt Him with the Courts bright Stars but he who had Whilst unregarded poverty had clad His vertues in obscurity learnt how To sail in Fortunes boisterous storms is now By her false smiles be-calm'd and sunk before Desert bound thither toucht Loves treacherous shore i th' playful freedome of their youth when she Was only a fair Shepherdess and he An humble Swain he truly did adore The fair Florenza but aspir'd no more Since Poverty clog'd Loves ambitious wing Then by his private Muse alone to sing Her praise with such a flame of wit that they Which have compar'd say envied Lau●a may Look pa●e with spleen to hear those Li●es exprest Though in her great Platonicks Raptures drest But now his Worth by Vertue rais'd did
that Mazara's love-sick Soul was offering at Florenza's Shrine and by that willing stay Might be inforc'd some Minutes to delay The time in which his readier Opposite Expected him she being resolv'd to write Affection in her blood with Loves wild hast Makes toward the Lists there finds his Armour plac'd Within the dark shade of an ancient Wood In whose black breast that place of horrour stood Where they appoint to meet like those of Fate Obscure and dark by Beasts and Birds that hate The Light alone frequented but love had Dis-plum'd fears Haggars being resolv'd she clad Beauties fair Pearl where smooth delights did dwell i th' rough-cast Mould of that Ciclopian shell But that no Armes nor bounding Steeds affright Where Loves fair hand hath Valours pasport wright Here we should pause and pity her that now Fancy beholds whilst she is learning how To manage stubborn steel within her sleek And pollisht hand through devious pathes to seek For doubtful dangers such whose horrid shape On mans best judgment might commit a Rape Her swift Conductor Love ere this had brought Her to the place where Passion had not sought Long for the Object of her hate ere she Her valiant Brother that was come to be His Fames Protector sees but so disguiz'd In 's Armes that both with envy unadviz'd By knowledge an unthought of guilt prepare In blood to meet their foaming Horses were Now freed from the commanding Rain and in Their full Carier but Love in vain to win The Field from Valour strives her eager hast But argues such an envy as did wast It self in weak Attempts which to the length Of power extended fals beneath the strength Of her Victorious Foe whose Fortune had In Robes of Joy what he must weep for clad Conquer'd Carina now dismounted lay Struggling for life whose Fortress to betray Toward Natures Tyrant Death her blood transports False Spirits through their purple Salliports Her Brother with an Anger that was grown Into disdain his Fury should be shewn On such resistless Subjects ere he knows How much of grief his Soul to sorrow owes For this unhappy Act froms finisht course Was now returning not by strength to force The harsh Commands of Tyrant Victors but By calm advice a bloodless end to put To that ill-manag'd Quarrel but before He there arrives to make his sorrows more When truth unvails their dark design a Knight With hast as speedy as the secret flight O● wrath when wing'd from angry Heaven he saw Bolted into the Lists who soon did draw Too neer in sober Language to dispute Their fatal Quarrel both with Rage grown mute Disdaining conference found no place for words Amidst the mortal Language of their Swords Which the first shock past o're and Lances broke In hast took place and at each furious stroke Unbay'd the Fountains of their blood to stain With purple guilt the Flower-enamel'd Plain Whilst each did thus with silent Rage imploy An Art directed Fury to destroy The others strength the bordering shadows weep In trickling Dews and with sad murmures keep Time with the hollow and ill boding Note Sent from a fatal Ravens stretcht-out Throat Which from an old Oaks witherd top did sing A baleful Dirg but these sad Omens bring No terror to their busie thoughts which were Too much imployd in Action to take care For any danger more remote then what With the next stroke might fall perceiving that Their Horses faint they both dismount and do On equal terms the Fight on foot renew Till a Cessation from the want of breath Not Valour was en●orc'd the Vail which death Contracted from those steams his wreaking blood Breathd forth its Spirits in already stood Over Mazara's Eyes which clouded se●s Not that approach of Night his trembling Knees S●agger beneath their fainting Load which in To th' Grave had dropt had not their fury bin When its last heat was with Lifes flame neer spent From further Rage restraind by accident Some of the lost Carina's frighted Friends Fearing those Ills which desperate Love attends Spending that Morning in the fruitless Quest Of her had been and now their hopes distrest With vain inquiries to communicate Their Grief returning were which secret Fate To interpose through dark Meanders brought Neglect to find what care in vain had sought Whilst yet no more then brave humanity Prompts them to part a Quarrel that might be Defil'd with blood which if not shead in Wars With Murther stains what it doth guild with Scars They toward them hast even in that critical And dangerous Minute when Mazara's fall With Vict'ries Laurels to adorn his Crest His valiant Friend had rob'd of future rest Had not this blest relief of Innocence The one from death the other from expence Of tears restraind before Revenge had found So much of Guilt as might his Conscience wound His high wrought Rage stopt by too many hands To vent its heat Euriolus now stands Shook with the Feaver of his anger till Those Friends which saw Mazara grown so ill With wounds to gasp for breath by giving way For aire they to the Victors view betray His best of Friends at which afflicting sight Cursing the cause of that unhappy fight His Sword as guilty thrown aside he hasts To his Relief in which kind act none wasts Their friendly help Life as but stoln from pain Behind the Vail of death appears again On Natures Frontiers whose returning flame Though scarce of strength to warm lookt red with shame When he so many wel-known Friends beheld Sad Witnesses how much his passion sweld Above the Banks where Reason should have stayd When to that meeting it his Friend betrayd Their Vails of steel remov'd each now beholds What shame and wonder in firm Contracts folds Amaz'd stands brave Euriolus to see None but his Friend his honourd Friend should be The Parent of that Quarel shame confounds Mazara more and from internal wounds Though like the red Seas Springs his other bled Perhaps less danger but more torment bred Both now by his unforc'd confession knew Whose equal'd honourd Beauty 't was that drew Them to this fatal Combate whose event Him neer the Grave on Loves vain Errant sent Friendship renewd in strickt Embraces they Are now arriv'd where weak Carina lay So faint with Loves Phlebotomy that she Maskt in forgetful slumbers could not see Approaching shame which when discoverd sticks Lifes fair Carnations on her death-like Cheeks Hasting to see what over-forward Rage That unknown strangers weakness did engage In that unhappy Quarrel they beheld At the first glance an Object that expeld Into the shades of Sorrows Wilderness All temperate thoughts his Sisters sad distress Wrought by his Arme whose strength betrayd her neer The Grave did to Euriolus appear Dreadful as if some treacherous friend had shown Those flames in which his scor●cht Companions grone Nor did Mazara though but prompted by Pity that tender Child of sympathy With less relenting sorrow live to see Loves bloody
Trophies though unknown to be By his victorious Beauty reard to save From the cold grasp of an un●imely Grave So ripe a Virgin whilst her Brother stands Unnerv'd with grief amongst the helpful hands Of other Friends are his imployd till by Their useful aide fled Life returns to try Once more the Actions of the world before It shot the Gulf of Death but on the shore Of active Nature was no sooner set But that together with the Light she met Her far more welcome Lover whom whilst she Beholds with trembling Heaven resolv'd to free A suffering Captive turns his pity to So much of Passion as ere long Love grew On the same Stem whose Flowers to propagate She in these words uncurtains mystick Fate For bear your aide brave Sir and let me dy Ere live the Author of a P●odigy That future times shall curse yet pardon me Dear Brother Heaven will nere impute to thee The guilt of blood t was my unhappy Love Which rais'd this Storm which if my prayers may prove In death successful let me crave of you Dear Sir to whom I long have born a true But indiscreet affection that from hence For poor Carina's sake for this expence Of tears and blood you would preserve those dear Respects of Friendship that did once appear Confirmd betwixt you and although my Fate Unto the worst of Ills precipitate My Fame and Life oh let my name not be Offensive to your Ear this this for me Is all you shall perform which spoke she 'd let Her hovering Soul forth to have paid the Debt Of Nature to the Grave had not shee bin By some assisting Friends whilst dropping in Scayd at the last step and brought back to meet The Bridal Pair no single winding Sheet This doubtful Combate ended they are to The Court conveyd where Fame upon this new Text Commenting in various Characters Transcribes her sence some this bold Act of hers Term un-becoming Passion others brave Heroick love but what most comfort gave To cur'd Carina was that this lost blood Had prov'd Loves Balm and in a purple flood Washt from her heart Grief 's sable stains for now Merit had taught her dear Mazara how To prize her verteous Love and for its sake Its Cabinet her hearts best Temple make Thus Passions troubl'd Sea had settl'd in A smooth and gentle calm had there not been Unhappily to blast their sweet content Not long before an Act for th' banishment Of all such Courtiers made as should withont A Licence from the Councel fight about What ever private Quarrel but not this Mazara or his new choice frights their bliss Stood on more firm foundations then the Courts Uncertain Favours were whose glorious sports Although he left it was not to retire To sullen cares what Honour could require A state which cal'd him her unquestiond Lord Without depending favours did afford But whilst we leave this noble Lover by This Mandate freed from what before did tye Unto a troublesome Attendance we From brave Euriolus are forc'd to be With sorrow parted since the generall love His Vertue had obtaind wants strength to move The ponderous doom ere his impoverisht heart Grown poor in streams could from Lifes springs impart Warm blood enough for his pale Cheeks to drink A Health to Beauty he 's enforc'd to think Of that sad theam of parting on whose sense His griev'd Soul dictates sighs yet could dispense Even with its harshest rigour were there but Any acception in it that might put Out parting with Florenza that though he Were shrunk into his former poverty Calling the rugged frowns of Fate would bear A Brow unclouded with Ambitions care But he must go not all the Rhetorick Of tempting Love could plead against the quick Approach of time whose speedy motion now Only some slippery Minutes did allow Their parting tears in whose exalted flood Had Reason not with future hopes withstood The rising stream Loves Summer Fruits had been Ore-whelmd with grief for ever buried in A delluge of Despair but that whilst she With such sad looks as wintring Scithians see The Sun hasts toward the Artick Pole beholds His slow departure glimmering hope unfolds Twylight which now foretels their frozen fear Day may return to Loves cold Hemisphear The end of the first Canto PHARONNIDA The third Book CANTO THE SECOND The ARGUMENT III. The Princess by unluckie Accident Having Loves secret Embassies betrayd To her great Father by that Action spent That stock of hope which promis'd future Ayd IV. His rage being to such rash extreams inflam'd That he whose Mandates none durst disobey As if his power were of such Acts asham'd Shrinks from it self and poorly doth betray IF angry Aid the Enemy to Love Tels thy grave pride thy Judgment is above What with contempt although it injure truth Thy spleen miscals the vanity of youth If harsh imployment gross society That feast of Brutes make thee an Enemy To love the Souls Commercive Language then Remove thy Eye whilst my unenvied Pen That long to Passion hath a Servant been Confines the fair Pharonnida's within These paper limits frozen still she lies Beneath opposing Passions her bright Eyes Those Stars whose best of influence scarce had power To thaw what grief congeald into a shower Of heart dis-burthening tears their influence spend In sorrows polar Circles and could lend No light to beauties World i th' vigorous reign Of this pale Tyrant whilst she did remain Unlighten'd with a beam of comfort in A Bower being sate that formerly had been Her seat when she heard the unhappy news Of parting with Argalia whilst she views She blames the guiltless shadows who to ask Pardon in trembling murmures did unmask Their naked Limbs and scatterd at her Feet The fragrant Vail in 's death-bed sate the sweet But pining Rose each Grass its heavy head Laden with tears did hang whilst her Eyes shead A pattern to instruct them hence whilst she Looks thorough on a way conceiv'd to be The same her Lo●d marcht with his Army when He left Girenza with a hast more then A common Traveler she sees one post Towards her Court whose Visage had not lost Its room within her Memory he 's known Argalia's Page and now each minute grown A burthen to her thoughts that did de●er A neerer interview the Messenger Arrives and to her eager view presents His Masters Letters whose inclos'd Contents Are now the Object her expecting Soul Courts with desire nor doth she long controle Their forward hast A Diamond being by The Messenger returnd whose worth might vie Price with an Indian Fleet when it sails slow With 's glittering burthen though each word ore-flow With joy whilst her inquisitive discourse Was on this pleasing theam time did enforce The Pages swift departure who with all Affected Epithites that Love can call To gild Invention when it would expresse Things more sublime then mortal happinesse Is gone to carry his expecting Lord What pleasure could when ratified afford Whilst
smiles appear To smooth her Fathers angry b●ow yet to None he unfolds his thoughts but bent to do What ere his Rage should dictate to appease This high-wrought storm which turnd into disease Each motion of the Brain he only takes● Scorn and Revenge to whose ill counsel shakes The qu●et of the Soul to be his Guides Through those Night-peect Walks whose shadow 〈◊〉 The languisht beams of Love awhile their strong Ingredients boyl in 's blood before they throng The scatterd thoughts into a quintessence Of poysonous Resolutions first from thence There sprung this black Disaster to attend Argalia's Fortune he doth forthwith send A secret Messenger to th' Warlike Prince Of Siracuse to let him know that since He sent those Forces to assist him in His War their General that till late had bin The darling of his Love by Arguments Too strong was prov'd a Traytor whose intents Aymd at his Crown and Life to aggravate His spleen the more he writes him word their Fate On the same ominous Pinions flew if that He prov'd succesful having warmd him at This flame of Passion he concludes with Sir You guesse my meaning I would have no stir About dispatching of him for he 's grown Strong in affection and may call his own The hearts of half my Kingdome let this give Your Justice power he 's too much lov'd to live The startl'd Siracusian having read These bloody Lines which had not only bred A new but nourisht growing envy in His mighty Soul a stranger to all sin So full of guilt as to dissemble till The new made Generals just deserts did fill Fames still augmented Volume and was grown More legible then what he cal'd his own What in a rivall Prince had been a high And noble Emulation kindled by A smaller Star blasts Vertue he beholds His lightning Valour which cach hour unfolds Examples for Posterity destroy What though he trembl'd at creates no joy Within his sullen Soul a secret hate By Envy fed strives to unhinge his Fate From off their lofty Pyramids and throw What Merit rais'd unto a place more low Then their first step to Glory yet whilst nought But Honour was engag'd disdain nere sought For life-excluding Corasives but Love Bearing a part two Suns might sooner move In the same sphear then that hot Guest indure A rival Flame Desert could not secure Worth thus besieg'd yet this accurst intent Dares not unvail it self the Army sent By him from fair Gerenza ere the Sun Perform'd his Summers progress had begun To Garrison their weary Fort within Such Towns as their own Valour first did win From the retir'd Ae●olians ere this task Was fully ended curtaind in the Mask Of Merits lawfull claim reward there came A large Commission which Zoranza's Name Had made authentick that the Government Of Ardenna a Town whose strength had spent The baffl'd Foe whose Fields of blood should be Conferd on him by the Vicinity Of th' place freed from a tedious Journey in The City he arrives and what had bin Sent from his Prince presents those Mandates that Informd the Governour who frighted at The strange Commands le ts a pale guilt ore-take His swift Resolves till glorious hopes did shake Those Mourning Robes of Conscience off and in The purple Garments of a th●iving sin Shadows his trembling Soul least she appear Shook with a cold fit of religious fear The discomposure of his look which did Appear the birth of Discontent forbid Suspition of a blacker sin that night As being the last of 's charge he did invite Argalia to remain his Guest the next Promising to 〈◊〉 his yet seeming vext To leave the place though only to conceal His dark d●sign that did it self reveal To none but some selected Soldiers by Whose help he meant to murther him To vie I● benefits with th' Dayes Night had bestowd Refreshing slumbers upon all ha●owd It to the l●st dayes Labour when without Fear of app●oaching danger hem'd about With guards of honest Valour all his Train Save such as meer necessity de●ain Lodg'd in the City fearless Argalia in T● 〈◊〉 lies where having tempted bin By Midnight Revels full crownd Cups to be Betrayd from Reason to Ebriety But nought prevaling ●e at length is led Like an in ended Sacrifice to th' Bed Ordaind to be his last untill the Earth Within her Womb afford him one the birth o th' Morn grew neer her slow approach ere all Th●s● Engines by whose strength they meant his fall Could be prepar'd the Governour that held The Helm of this black mischief had expel'd The poysonous Guilt of staining his own Sword With blood providing Villains that abhord No 〈◊〉 Contagi●n though Revenge did wait On every guilty st●p that Evenings Bait Their liq●id Mirth had layd although it took No use of Reason from his Soul had shook Its labouring Facul●ies into a far More sudden slumber which compos'd the War Of wandring Fancy in a Harmony Of the Concordant Humours untill by The sudden noise of those ordaind to be His Murtherers he wakes amaz'd to see His Chamber so possest he catches hold On one of ●hem but finds his strength controld By the assistance of the ●ther in The Embrio of this treachery ere their sin Was past to execution he conjutes Them to forbear so black a Deed assures Them of Rewards greater then hope could call A debt from him that basely sought his fal● But deadly silence had bar'd up the Gates Of every Voyce those curst Assassinates Prepard for action were but Heaven prevents That aged sin of murthering Innocents With Miracles of Mercy There was found Not long before an ancient Story crownd With a Prophetick Honour that containd This sacred truth When Ardenna is staind With Treachery in F●iendships Vail disguiz'd Her sable Tower shall be by Foes surpiz'd This known but misconceiv'd to c●zen Fate They did unwounded bear without the Gate The now resistless Lion that did ly Like that brave Prince o th' Forest fetterd by A crew of trembling Hunters to the brow Of an high Promontory that did bow Its black Clifts o're the clamorous Waves they had Conveyd the noble Youth the place a sad And dismal horrour wore the grim aspects Of louring Rocks the grey-ey'd Sea reflects In ugly glaring beams the Night-Raven beats His ●ufty Wings and from their iquallid seats The baleful Scriek-Owls fly to bear their parts In the sad murmure of the Night those hearts Custome had steeld with Crimes perhaps had bin Here frighted to repentance had not sin Assisted by the hands of Avarice drawn The Bridge of Reason and obscur'd the dawn Of Infant goodness to redeem the time Astonishment had lost towards their Crime They now themselves precipitate the hand Ordaind to ruine that fair Structure and Unravel his Lifes even thred prepares To strike the fatal blow but he that dares Obstruct commanded Villany forbid The further progress of their guilt and chid That pale sin in rough Language of a strange Confused
Sail and Ore Chac'd them to ruine Glorious Victory Thus to the Christian party being by A stranger purchac'd with such high applause As those that rescue a declining cause From the approach of ruine welcom'd he Is now receiv'd into th' societie Of the brave Christian order But they not Long joy'd in victory ere the Turk to blot The stayns of being conquer'd out had made A mighty Army ready to invade The valiant Rhodians where Argalia shewes So brave a spirit their whole Army owes His valour for example The Turks had ought Made desperate onslaughts on the Isle but brought Nought back but wounds and infamy but now Wearyed with toyle they are resolv'd to bow Their st●bborn resolutions with the strength Of not to be resisted want the length o th' Chronca ' disease extended had To some few moneths since to oppresse the sad But constant Islanders the Army lay Circling their Confines Whilest this tedious stay From battail rusts the Soldiers valour in His tainted Cabben there had often bin With all variety of Fortune fought Brave single Combats whose successe had brought Honours unwither'd Lawrels on the brow Of either party but the ballance now Forc'd by the hand of a brave Turk inclin'd Wholly to them thrice had his valour shin'd In victories refulgent rayes thrice heard The shouts of Conquest thrice on 's Lance appear'd The heads of noble Rhodians which had strook A general sorrow ' mongst the Knights all look Who next the Lists should enter each desires The task were his but honour now requires A spirit more then vulgar or she dies The next attempt their valours sacrifice To prop whose ruines chosen by the free Consent of all Argalia comes to be Their happy champion Truce proclaym'd untill The combat ends th'expecting people fill The spatious battlements the Turks forsake Their Tents of whom the City Ladies ●ake A dreadfull view till a more noble sight Diverts their looks each part behold their Knight With various wishes whilest in bloud and sweat They toyl for Victory the Conflicts heat Rag'd in their veins which honour more inflam'd Then burning Calentures could doe both blam'd The feeble influence of their Stars that gave No speedier conquest each neglects to save Himself to seek advantage to offend His eager Foe The dreadfull combats end Nought but their losse of bloud proclaims their spirits In that Reflux of heat and life inherit Valours unconqueer'd throne but now so long The Turks proud Champion had indu●'d the strong Assaults of the stout Christian till his strength Cool'd on the ground with 's bloud he fell at length Beneath his conquering Sword The barbarous crew O' th Villains that did at a distance view Their Champions fall all bands of truce forgot Running to succour him begin a hot And desperate combate with those Knights that stand To aid Argalia by whose conquering hand Whole squadrons of them fall but here he spent His mighty Spirit in vain their Cannons rent His scattered Troops who for protection flie To 'th City Gates but closely followed by Their Foes did there for sad oblations fall To dying liberty their batter'd wall Groan'd with the wondrous weight of Lead and in Its ruines hides her battlements within The bloudy streets the Turkish Crescents are Displayd whilst all the miseries of warre Rag'd in Their Pallaces The common sort Of people make the barbarous Souldier sport In dieing whilst those that survive them crave Their fate in vain here cruelty did save And mercy only kill since death set free Those happier Souls from dire captivity At length the unrestrained Souldier tires Although not satisfies his foul desires With Rapts and Murder when amongst those pore Distressed Captives that from thence they bore Argalia lies in Chains ordain'd to die A sacrifice unto the cruelty Of the fierce Bashaw whose lovd favourite in The Combate late he slew yet had not bin In that so much unhappy had not he That honour'd then his Sword with victorie Half-brother to Janusa been a bright But cruel Lady whose refin'd delight Her slave though husband Ammurat durst not Ruffle with discontent wherefore to cool that hot Contention of her bloud which be ●oresaw That heavy new●s would from her anger draw To quench with the brave Christians death he sent Him living to her that her anger spent In flaming torments might not settle in The dregs of discontent Staying to win Some Rhodian Castles all the Prisoners were Sent with a guard into Sardinia there To meet their wretched thraldome from the rest Argalia sever'd soon hopes to be blest With speedy death though waited on by all The hell-instructed torments that could fall Within inventions reach But hee 's not yet Arriv'd to 's period his unmovd stars sit Thus in their Orbs secured It was the use O' th Turk●sh pride which triumphs in th' abuse Of suffering Christians once before they take The ornaments of nature off to make Their prisoners publike to the view that all Might mock their miseries this sight did call Janusa to her Pa●lace window where Whilst she beholds them love resolv'd to bear Her ruine on her treacherous eye-beams till Her heart infected grew their Orbs did fill As the most pleasing object with the sight Of him whose Sword opend a way for th' flight Of her lov'd Brothers soul At the first view Passion had strook her dumb but when it grew Into desire she speedily did send To have his name which known hate did de●end Her heart besieg'd with love she sighs and strait Commands him to a dungeon but loves bait Cannot be so cast up though to deface His Image in her soule she strives the place For 's execution she commands to be Gainst the next day prepared but rest and she Grow enemies about it if she steal A slumber from her thoughts that doth reveal Her passions in a dream sometimes she thought She saw her Brothers pale grim Ghost that brought His grizlie wounds to shew her smeerd in bloud Standing before her fight and by that floud Those red streams wept imploring vengeance then Inraged she cries Oh let him die but when Her sleep imprison'd fancie wandring in The shades of darkned Reason did begin To draw Argalia's image on her soul Loves Soveraign power did suddenly controul The strength of those abortive Embrio's sprung From smotherd anger The glad birds had sung A Lullaby to night the Lark was fled On drooping wings up from his dewy bed To fan them in the Rising Sun-beams ere Whose early raigne Janusa that could bear No longer lockt within her breast so great An army of rebellious passion● beat From Reasons conquerd Fortresse did unfold Her thoughts to Manto a stout Wench whose bold Wit joynd with zeal to serve her had endeard Her to her best Affections having cleard All doubts with hopeful promises her made By whose close wildes this plot must be convayd To secret action of her councel makes Two Evnuch Panders by whose help she takes Argalia from
his Keepers charge as to Suffer more torments then the rest should do And lodg'd him in that Castle to affright And soften his great Soul with fear the light Which lent its beams unto the dismal place In which he lay without presents the face Of horrour smeard in blood a Scaffold built To he the Stage of Murther blusht with guilt Of Christian blood by several torments let From the imprisoning Veins this Object set To startle his Resolves if good and make His future joyes more welcome could not shake The Heaven-built Pillers of his Soul that stood Steady though in the slippery pathes of blood The gloomy Night now sate enthron'd in dead And silent shadows Midnight Curtains spread The Earth in black for what the falling day Had blusht in fire whilst the brave Prisoner lay Circl'd in darknesse yet in those shades spends The hours with Angels whose assistance lends Strength to the wings of Faith which mounted on The Rock of hope was hovering to be gone Tow'rds her eternal Fountain from whose source Celestial Love enjoynd her lower course Whilst in this holy Extasie his knees Descent did mount his heart to him that sees His thoughts disvellop'd whilst dull shades opprest The drousie Hemisphear whilst all did rest Save those whose actions blusht at day-light or Such wretched Souls whose sullen cares abhor Truce with ●ef●eshing slumbers he beholds A glimering light whose neer approach unfo●ds The Leaves of darknesse whilst his wonder g●ows Big with Amazement the dim Tapour shews What hand conveyd it thither he might see False Manto enterd who prepard to be A Bawd unto her lustful Mist●esse ca●ne Not with perswasive Rhetorick t' inflame A heart congeald with deaths approach but thaw Him from the frozen Rocks of rigid Law With brighter Constellations that did move In sphears where every Star was fir'd with love The Siren yet to shew that she had left Some modesty unrifl'd by the theft Of mercenary basenesse sadly wept Her Errands Prologue but guilt was not kept Within the Curtain long she only sate A Mourner for the sicknesse of his Fate Until esteemd for pitiful and then Prescrib●s this Remedy Most blest of men Compose thy wonder and let only joy Dwel in thy Soul my coming 's to destroy Not nurse thy trembling Fears be but so wise To follow thy swift Fate and thou mayst rise Above the reach of danger in thy Armes Circle that power whose radient brightnesse charms Fierce Ammurat's anger when his Crescents shine In a full O●b of Forces what was thine Ere made a Prisoner though the doubtful state Of the best Christian Monarch will abate Its splendor when that Daughter of the Night Thy feeble Star shines in a Heaven of Light If Life or Liberty then bare a shape Worthy thy Courting swear not to escape By the attempts of strength and I will free The Iron bonds of thy Captivity A solemn Oath by that great power he serv'd Took and believ'd his hopes no longer sterv'd In expectation from that swarthy seat Of sad Despair his narrow Jayl repleat With lazy Damps she leads him to a Room In whose Delights Joyes Summer seemd to bloom There left him to the brisk Society Of costly Bathes and corsick Wines whose high And sprightly temper from cool Sherbets found A calm ally here his harsh thoughts unwound Themselves in pleasure as not fearing Fate So much but that he dares to recreate His Spirits by unweildy Action tir'd With all that Lust into no Crime had fir'd By Mutes those silent Ministers of sin His sullied Garments were remov'd and in Their place such various Habits layd as pride Would cloath her Favourites with she means to hide From those Deformities which Accident On Natures Issue striving to prevent Forms eaven progresse casts when she would twine That active Male with matter feminine Unruffl'd here by the rash Wearer rests Fair Persian Mantles rich Sclavonian Vests The gawdy Thuscan or transmuted shape Of the phantastick French the British Ape The grave and constant Spaniard all might here Find Garments such as Princes would appear To grace their honourd Nuptials in or tell Strangers how much their Treasure doth excell Though on this swift variety of Fate He looks with wonder yet his brave Soul sate Too safe within her guards of Reason to Be shook with Passion that there 's some bing new And strange approaching after such a storm This gentle Calm assures him but the form Of pleasure softens not that which the other And worse extream not with fears damps could smother He flies not with the rugged Separatist Pleasures smooth Walks nor doth enjoying twist Those threds of Gold to Fetters he dares tast All mirth but what Religions stock would wast His Limbs from Wounds but late recoverd now Refresht with liquid Odours did allow Their suppl'd Nerves no so●ter rest but in Such Robes as wore their Ornament within Vaild o're their beauty Linnen smooth and soft As Phoenix Down and whiter then what 's brought From furthest China he puts on and then What habit Custome made familiar when Cloathd in his own makes choyce of for to be Most ho●ourd of that rich variety In an Italian Garb ●o th' Dubblet clad Manto Lusts swift and wa●chfull Spy that had With an efficious care attended on That motion entring hasts him to be gone To ●'rd more sublim'd delights which though a just And holy doubt proclaim the road of Lust Knowing his better Angel did attend Upon each step he ventures to descend The dreadful Precipiece so far untill The burni●g Vale was seen then mounts the Hill Of Heaven-bred Fortitude from whence disdain Floods of contempt on those dark fires did rain ●is guilty Conduct now had brought him neer Ihonusa's Room the glaring Lights appear Through the Windows chrystal Wals the strong Perfumes of balmy Incense mixt among The wandring Attomes of the Aire did fly Sights nimble Scouts yet wer made captive by A slower sence as if but to reveal What breathd within those Fugitives did steal Thorough their unseen Salliports which now Were uselesse grown the open doors allow A free accesse into the Room where come Such reall Forms he saw as would strike dumb Their Alcharons Tales of Paradice the fair And sparkling Jems i th' gilded Roof impair Their Fapours fires yet both themselves confesse Weak to those flames Ihonusa's eyes possesse With such a joy as bodies that do long For Souls shall meet them in the Doomsdayes throng She that rul'd Princes though not Passions sate Waiting her Lover on a Throne whose state Epitomiz'd the Empires Wealth her Robe With costly pride had rob'd the checquerd Globe Of its most fair and orient Jewels to Inhance its value captive Princes who Had lost their Crowns might here those Jems have seen That did adorn them yet she trusts not in These Auxiliary strengths her confidence In her own Beauty rests which no defence Of Chastity ere yet withstood and now She scorns to fear it when her power
did bow Unto a Slave condemnd that nere could look To see the sight but whilst some torment took The use of Eyes away whilst he draws neer By her command no lesse it did appear Her wonder to behold his dauntlesse Spirit Then his what Vertue to applaud as Merit Plac'd in a Seat neer her bright Throne to stir His settl'd thoughts she thus begins From her Your Sword hath so much injur'd as to shed Blood so neer kin to mine that it was fed By the same milky Fountains and within One Womb warmd into life is such a sin I could not pardon did not Love commit A Rape upon my Mercy all the wit Of man in vain Inventions had been lost Ere thou redeemd which now although it cost The price of all my Honours I will do Be but so full of gratitude as to Repay my care with love Why dost thou thus S●t dumb to my discourse it lies in us To raise or ruine thee and make my way Thorough their bloods that our Imbraces stay This on the spur of Passion spoke she strains His hand in hers where feeling the big Veins Beat with intemperate heat conceiving it The strokes of Lust to aggravate the Fit Into a Paroxisme of Guilt she shews More then with modesty how much she ows To N●tures Treasare for that ill spent stock Of Beauty she enjoyd her Eyes unlock Two Cabinets of sparkling Diamonds which The even foils of Ebbon brows enrich With a more Orient brightness on her Cheek The Roses conquering the pale Lilly seek To counterfeit a Blush but vanquisht shame Submits to Love in whose insulting flame The modest Virgin a sad Martyr dies And at Fames wounds bled Passions Sacrifice Natures embost work her soft swelling breasts Those Bals of living Ivory unprest Even with the Weight of Tiffany displayes Whitenesse that sham'd the Swans the blood that strai●s In Azare Channels over them did shew By their sweld st●eams how high the Tyde did flow Wherein her P●ssions saild the milky way Loves fragrant Valley that betwixt them lay Was moist with balmy Dew extracted by The busie Spirits that did hovering fly Thorough her boyling blood whose raging flame Had scortcht to death the April Flowers of shame To charm those sullen Spirits that within The dark Cells of his Conscience might have bin Yet by Religion hid that Gift divine The Souls Composure Musick did refine The lazy Aire whose pollisht Harmony Whi●st dancing in reboubled Ecchoes by A wanton Song was answerd whose each part Invites the Hearing to betray the Heart Having with all these choice Flowers strewd the way That leads to Lust to shun the slow delay Of his approach her sickly Passions hast To die in action Come she cries we wast The pretious Minutes now thou knowst for what Thou' rt sent for hither which if active at Thou only liv'st in my esteem and then O Impudence which from the worst of men Might force a Blush she swiftly hasts to tread Within Lusts Tropicks her polluted Bed And here black sinner thou whose bloods disease Of kin to Hels wants numbers to appease Its flaming Callenture blusht to behold A Virgin Vertue spotless leaves unfold In youthful Volume whilst thy ripe years spent In lust hath lost thy Ages Ornament In this as hot and fierce a Charge of Vice As since he lost the field in Paradice Man ever felt the brave Argalia sits With Vertue coold in Passions feaverish Fits Yet at Lifes Garrisons his Pulses beat In hot Alarums till to a soft Retreat Cal'd by that fair Commandresse spight of all Beauties prevailing Rhetorick though he fall Ruin'd beneath her anger he by this Unwelcome Language her expected bliss Converts to rage And must my freedome then At such a rare be purchast rather when My life expires in Torments let my Name Forgotten die then live in black-mouth'd Fame A s●rvant to thy Lust go tempt thy own Da●'d Infidels to sin that nere had known The way to Vertue not this cobweb Vail Of beauty which thou wearst but as a Jayl To a Soul pale with guilt can cover o're Thy Minds deformities a tainted Whore Conscience proclaim thee will when thou shalt sit Shook with this spotted Feavers trembling Fit Rent from these gilded Pleasures send me to A Dungeon dark as Hell where shadows do Reign in eternal silence Let these rich And costly Robes the gawdy Trappings which Thou meanst to cloath my sin in be exchang'd For sordid Rags when thy fierce spleen hath rang'd Through all invented torments ●hoose the worst To punish my denial less accurst I so shall perish then if by consent I 'de taught thy guilty thoughts how to augment Their sins in action and by giving ease To thy bloods Feaver took its loathd disease To have the spring-tyde of her pleasures sweld By Lusts salt waters thus by force expeld Back to Confusions troubl'd Sea had made Such troops of Passion ready to invade An ill desended Conscience that her look Like a cast Felons out of hopes of th' book Was sad with silent guilt the Room she leaves To her Contemner who not long receives The benefit of rest she that had been The Prologue unto this obstructed sin With six a●m'd Slaves was enterd thence to force Him to his dismal Jayl but the Divorce Of life from those which first approacht joynd to The others flight had put her to renew That scatterd strength had not that sacred tye His solemn Oath from Laur●ld Victory Snatcht the fair wreath and though brave Valour strives To reach at Freedome through a thousand Lives At her Command more tamely made him yield Then conquerd Virgins in the Bridal Field CANTO THE FOURTH The ARGUMENT Anger improv'd by Lusts enormous Flam● Fires vext Jhonusa with such sad●ex reams Of Rage that her swcet Sexes native shame Is scortcht to death in those prodigious beams Which wilst they to her angry Lord betray Her Honours loss such tumulis in him breed That both their deaths must serve for an allay Whose sudden fall our Christian Champion freed OUr noble Captive to fair Vertues Throne In safety past though through Lusts burning Zone Finds in his Dungeons lazy damps a rest More sweet though with the heavy waights opprest Of Iron bondage then if they had bin Loves amorou● wreaths Jonusa's Armes within Whose Ivory Circles he had slept but shee Her grief compos'd of all malignity Lusts flames unquencht converts to whilst they burn Black thoughts within her breast that beauteous Urn Of Lusts corruption sometimes anger flies Above the sph●ar of Reason and there dyes With tears extinguisht she breaths Curses in Her Souls pale Agony such as had bin More deadly then infectious damps if not Strangl'd i th' Embrio dead before their hot Poyson could work upon her fancie more Then spleenfull thoughts which were recal'd before Ripen'd for execution Now she steeps Her down in tears a floud of sorrow weeps Of power if penitent to expiate Youths vigorous sins but all her mourning
sate Beneath a darker Vayle then that which shades Repentant grief since sinne but wisht invades The soul with that which leads to horror when Grief for sins past bring into light agen One through a sea of trouble leads the way To a safe Harbour th' other casts away Poor ship-wrackt Mortals when by deaths swift stroak Lifes feeble hold is from hopes anchor broke So far the fair Jonusa in this sad Region of grief had gone till sorrow had That Feaver turn'd upon whose flaming wings At first lust only sate to one which brings Deaths symptomes near her heart which had so long Beneath the burthen groand untill the strong Disease had wrought up all the blood within Her checks into consuming flames the skin Had lost its soft repose of flesh and lay On nought but bones whose sharpnesse did betray Their macerated nerves The Rose had lost His Ensigns in her cheeks and though it cost Payns near to death the Lillie had alone Set his pale Banners up no brightnesse shone Within her eyes dim Orbs whose fading light Being quench'd in death had set in endlesse night Had not the wise endeavours of her Mayd The carefull Manto griefs pale Scouts betrayd By slie deceipt Knowing if she should want Health untill cur'd by that exotick plant The Captives love what lust at first did burn With inflammations might a Gangrene turn Although she cures not yet gives present ease By laying Opiates to the harsh disease A Letter which did for uncivil blame His first denyal in the strangers name Disguiz'd she gives her which with eyes that did O're-flow with joy read ore had soon forbid Griefs sullen progresse whose next stage had been O're Lifes short road the Grave deaths quiet Inne From whose dark terror by this gleam of light Like trembling children by a Lamps weak light Freed from nights dreadfull shadowes she 'd imbrac'd Sleep natures darknesse had not joy defac'd Those sooty characters and on the wings Of ayrie hope that wanton bird which sing● As soon as fledg'd advanc'd her to survey The dawning beauties of a long'd for day But ere this pyramid of pleasure to Its height arrives with 's presence to undoe The golden structure dreadfull Ammurat From 's floting mansion safely landed at The Cities Pott impatient Love had brought In an untimely visit ere swift thought Fetterd with guilt could from his eager eye By an excuse to sanctuary flie He enters and she faints in which pale trance His pity findes her but to no such chance Imputes the cause rather conceives it joy Whose rushing torrent made her heart imploy His nimble servants all her Spirits to Prevent a deluge which might else undoe Loves new made Common-wealth But whilst his care Hastens to help her fortune did declare Her sorrows dark enigma from her bed The Letter drops which when lifes Army fled Their frontier Garrisons neglected had Been left within 't this seen declares a sad Truth to 'th amazed Bassa though 't were mixt With subtill falshood whilst he stands betwixt High rage and grief distracted doubtfull yet In what new dresse to wear revenge the fit Forsakes Ihonusa who not knowing she Detected stood of Lusts conspiracie Gainst honours Royal Charter from a low Voyce strayns a welcome which did seem to flow From fickle discontent such as the weak Lungs breath the thoughts in whilst their fibers break To counterfeited slumbers leaving her He 's gone with silent anger to confer And though rage lives in fire the fury lies Unseen through the false opticks of his eyes With such a farwell as kinde husbands leave Their pregnant Wives preparing to receive A Mothers first of blessings he forsakes The room and into strict i●quiry takes The wretched Manto who ere she could call Excuse to aid surpriz'd discovers all Her sins black art from whose dark Theorems he This method drawes that night design'd to be Lightn'd with Lusts hot triumphs he pretends Commanded absence yet the false stroke bends But towards that guard ere by a swift reverse Brought back his souls slie Scouts had gain'd commerce With all those enemies to honour by Whose aid Ihonusa ruins chastity Plac'd by false Manto in a Closet which Silent and sad had only to inrich Its roof with light some few neglected beams Sent from Ihonusa's room which serve as streams To wa●t intelligence Here he beheld Whilest she who with his absence had expelld All thoughtfull cares was with her joy swell'd high As Captives are when cal'd to liberty Her Linnen like a Princely Brides that meets In the soft folds of her first nuptial shee●s Perfum'd and costly her fair bed was more Adorn'd then Shrines whose Saints rich Kings adore Incense in smoaky curles climbs to the fair Roof whilst choice musick rarifies the aire Each element in more perfection here Then in their first creation did appear Yet liv'd in harmony the wing'd fire lent Perfumes to 'th aire that to moist Cordials pent In Christal Vials strength and those impart Their vigour to that ball of earth the hart The nice eye here epitomiz'd might see Rich Persia's wealth and old Rome's luxury But now like Natures new made Favorite Who untill all created for delight Was fram'd did nere see Paradice comes in Deceiv'd Argalia thinking he had been Cald thither to behold a Penitent Arming for death not heavens choice blessings spent On th' vanities of Life but mirth soon gives That thought its mortal wound and shewes she lives Beyond that dark sphear where her joyes did move As if her eyes alone gave Lawes to Love Where beauties Constellations all did shine As if no crosse aspect could ere untwine Their claspt Conjunctions which did seem to guide Old Natures steps till from their Zeniths pride By vertue the Souls motion which the World In order keeps into coufusion hurld For here gay vanity though cloathd in all Her gawdy Pageants lets her Trophies fall Before bright Vertues Throne with such a high Heroick scorn as aged Saints that die Heavens Favourites leave the trivial world he slights That gilded Pomp no splendent beam invites His serious eye to meet their Objects in An amorous glance reserv'd as he had been Before his grave Confessor he beholds Beauties bright Magick whilst its Art unfolds Great Loves mysterious Riddles and commands Captive Ihonusa to infringe the Bands Of Matrimonial modesty when all Temptation falls she leaves her Throne to fall The scorn of Greatnesse at his Feet but Prayer Like flattery expires in uselesse aire Too weak to hatter that firm confidence Their torments thunder could not shake from hence Despair Loves Tyrant had enfor●d her to More wild Atempts had not her Ammurat who Unseen beheld all this prevented by His sight the death of bleeding modesty Made swift with rage the ruffl'd Curtain flies His angry touch he enters fixt his eyes From whence some drops of rage distil on her Whose heart had lent her Face its Character Whilst he stood red with flaming anger she Looks pale
might when at maturity afford Length to the Scepter from 's victorious Sword From this young Prince Heavens hopeful Blossom they Pleal'd but not satisfi'd their Souls convey On those wing'd Messengers their Eyes unto Manly Argalia finding there a new And various form of worth on 's Brow did sit Reserv'd discretion reconcil'd to Wit Serious and grave his carriage yet a Face Where Loves fair Shrine did Wisdoms Temple grace His scars those broad Seals which protecting sate His future safety sign'd in on him sate Not to deform but until Age remain Like M●ids of Honour plac'd in Beauties Train True worth dwelt in the other but in this Brave Heroes breast had her Metropolis The Cyprians safety and Sardinia's brave Redemption were the past ports which Fame gave Unto his travelling prayse which fled in haste Through th' ears short stages in each breast had plac't A Love of 's worth which wise men softly prayse Whilst the loud throng to acclamations raise Not long these true-born Sons of honour in Palerino's Court remaine ere what had been The cause which had the youthfull Cyprian drew Froms Fathers Court white fame presents unto Busie Inquirers Which design from all Those swift but weak recruits good wishes call Except from some it most concern'd mongst which Cleander staggers unresolv'd the rich And powerfull Kingdome which affinity With Cyprus promis'd was a prize to be Valued before Epirus wealth who though Of late victorious yet could never grow Up to that glorious height This thought the most Of all the ere obstructed love had crost Zoranza's hopes had not his wishes been Though coveto●●ly vast confin'd within The others merits amongst which the chief Opposes first it self and the relief Whispers in 's soul that had been thence brought by Him when his state wept bloud for liberty This in the Scale of Justice seem'd as large As Loves dimensions till a second charge Of thoughts proclaim the Cyprians power to doe The same if in necessity sought to Which blames becoming gratitude as in Relation to servility a sinne In the great souls of Princes who can be If they remain in debt for curtesie But Captives in the throne too oft the cause Why meritorious Subjects meet the Lawes Harsh Rigour for Reward when their Deserts Many and great o're fill their Princes hearts Before Cleanders Gravity had layd This ●empest of his Passions Fame betrayd Their Cause to the Epicote Prince who hears The Cyprians welcome which his various fears But briefly comment on before without More slow delays then what were spent about The swiftest preparations he intends To visit fair Pharonnida and ends His Journey ere a thought unwing'd with Love Could lead him forth of 's Court which hast did prove His Passions stronger then the strength of age Appeard to promise what it might presage To see at once two royal strangers in Their glorious Court which both imployd had bin About one amorous Errand strangely did Affect the Citizens whose fears forbid The publick Stage in private whispers tels What danger lay betwixt those parallels Yet in the opposition of those Scars That shine in Passions sphear Loves civil Wars Had no field Army all his power did rest Within the private Garrisons o th' breast Which though besieg'd by sly suspition made No verball Sallies but prepare t' invade Beauties bright Province yet each only had A single Visit given unto the sad Sweet Object of their hopes and thence receiv'd A Welcome such as neither had bereav'd The others hopes both rather finding cause Of cold despair Cleander pleads the Laws Of Nature and free choice to wave his own Engagements to Zoranza which had blown Loves sickly flame with the tempestuous breath Of anger forth had not those thoughts to death i th' Bud been doom'd whilst thus his Passions slept In Loves soft Armes the noble Cyprian kept A distance 'twixt his hopes and wishes by The stayd Epicots interest both rely On their own Merits and Loves doubtful sate Makes subject to the Monarchy of Fate But whilst this busie Combate of the heart On equal tearms it fought time bent to part The royal Champions through the obscure Ports Of dark disguize into Loves field resorts A third brave Combatant whose Merit had Though not i th' Armour of great Titles clad By parly wonne that Maiden Fort which they Although they scal'd on golden Mountains lay Before in vain Argalia though within Ghirenza's Court had yet a stranger bin More then in Fame and big Report to her Whos 's best of thoughts wore his Souls Character And yet although a Virgins bashful grace Conceald her own for to behold that Face So much in debt to th' peoples Prayses to Her window oft the royal Maid had drew Where whilst his eyes did wast their Beams in vain To pierce those stubborn Walls that did contain Rich Loves unvalued-Treasure she beholds His brave Deportment which since strange unfolds New Volumes of unprinted joy which she Sorrow affording so much liberty Oft with delight looks o're beholding in 't Argalia's Vertues in a different print But his wise Fare even when his prayer grew weak In Faith did through hopes cold Antartick break In a long Summers day his noble friend The Princely Cyprian did so largely spend His st●ck of elo●uence in 's praise when he Last saw divine Pharonnida that she Although from no remoter cause then springs From Vertues publike love tells him he brings His next best welcome with his Friend which proud To be observant in when time allow'd A visit he performs Now to the Court Beauties dull Cloyster which no throng'd resort Of Clients fill they 'r come the surly Guard Those wakefull Dragons did without reward Let in that danger in disguise which had Met death i' th entrance if in that unclad The way that clest the scowling Rock being by A thousand steps ascended they i' th high Clifts finde the Royal E●glet trying that Bright eye of her fair soul discretion at The fiery beams of anger which were shot From her Majestick Father Being got Once more to breath his Soul upon that hand Where Loves first Vows seal'd with his Lips did stand Knowledge inflaming passions Feaver like Unpractic'd Saints which miracles do strike Into a Reverend zeal he trembling takes That holy Relique which a cold fear shakes In that warm touch Her eyes fair splendor sho●e Like bright Stars in heavens trepidation Shook with the general motion though betwixt The Sphears of Love and Wonder they stood fixt In their own Orbs and their united beams Center'd on him yet like dead friends which dreams Imperfectly present his Lovely form As Marriners when Land is through a storm With doubtfull joy desery'd she sees but yet Knowledge had met with no prospective fit To guide her through the dark disguize unto The Rode of truth his Valour was in new Habiliments of honour cloath'd and scars Made her Love's heaven adornd with unknown Stars But whilest her Recollecting spirits were All
own stories Live the debt I ow to promise but extends unto The fortune of our royal Lovers who Though both concernd in this have actions far More full of Fate approaching that bright Star Which gave Argalia Victory here scarce shews Its spangl'd Records unto which he ows Far more sublime protection yet it lends Vigour to that bright Planet which attends His future fortune and discovers all His Astracismes in rising Cosmicall Followd with Acclamations such as made The troops of envy tremble to invade His conquering Fame he leaves the Field and by Cleander with Rewards of Victory First honourd in the publick view is brought From thence to meet delitious mirth in soft Retir'd Delights which in a spatious flood From Princes breasts to tenifie the blood Of the blunt Soldier hasts whose dull souls sweld With aiery pleasures had from thought expeld All sullen Cares and leveld paths unto Designs which did to their neglect ensue The black-browd Night to Court the drousie World Had put her starry Mantle on and hurld Into the Sea their spatious breasted Mother Her dark Attendants silent sleep did smoother Exalted Clamours and in private meets The busie Whisperer sporting 'twixt his sheets Vaild in which shady calm Argalia by The noble Cyprian only in his high Attempt assisted now prepares to free The great Preserver of his liberty Come to the Bridge that to secure the sleep o th carelesse Guard which slender watch did keep Finding it drawn the depth and ugly look o th' heavy stream had from the Cyprian took All hopes of passage till that doubt did end In greater fear the danger of his Friend Who with a Courage high as if in that He 'd centerd all the world did tremble at In his precedent Victories had cast Himself to th' mercy of the stream and past In safety o're though Nets enough were spread On her dark Face to make his Deaths cold bed Giving his Spirits leave to fortifie His heart with breath he then ascends the high Opposing Clifts which in an ugly pride Threatend beneath her ruin'd Scales to hide That rising flame of honour being come To th' other side a Centry but struck dumb With sleeps prevailing Retorick he finds Upon whose Keys he seizes and then binds His sluggish Limbs ere full awake convays Him to a place whence no loud cry betrayes The sounds of danger to his Fellows that Reveld in louder mirth unstartl'd at The Rivers depth the wondring Cyprian now Crost the united Bridge and being taught how By immitation to slight danger goes With his brave Friend toward their careless Foes Not far they were advanc'd before they hear Approaching steps a Soldier was drawn neer Which to relieve the other came but shar'd In his misfortune ere he had prepard To make resistance which attempt succeeds So equal to their wishes that there ne●ds No more to strengthen Faith by the command o th' Wil● best Leader Reason both did stand A while to view their danger through a way Narrow and dark their dreadful passage lay The rugged Rock upon each side so steep That should they 've miss't no trembling hold could keep Them from the grasp of death to add to this More forms of horrour from the dark Abysse Which under-min'd the Rocks rough sides they hear A hollow murmure the black Towers appear Flanckt with destruction every part did hold Peculiar terrour but the whole unfold Through the black Glasse of Night a Face like that Which Chaos wore ere time was wakend at The first great Fiat or could ought appear More dark and dreadful know 't was emblem'd here Safe past through the first steps of danger they Now to the main Guard come whom they betray By a soft knock of all conceived 't had bin The Voyce their Centry cal'd for entrance in Their Errand undisputed Postern Gates Are open thrown at which the royal Mates Both rushing in strangely amaze them but Now being enterd 't was too late to shut The danger forth nor could Confusion lend Their trembling Nerves a strength fit to defend By opposition in base flight lay all Their hopes of life which some attempting fall On the dark road of death but few escape To shew their fellows dangers dredful shape Whilst here like powerful winds that dissipate Infectious damps in unobstructed state Their valour Reign'd to tell them that the way Which led unto the Princesse freedome lay Yet through more slippery pathes of blood with hast Wild as their Rage Burmorch●● Brother 's plac't That Guards Commanders enter loose neglect Which drew them thence since cause of that effect They now redeem with speed Riot had not Un-nerv'd their Limbs although their blood grew hot With large intemperate Draughts the Feaver yet i th' Spirits only dwelt till this rude fit On the stretcht heart layes hold in flames which had Scortcht Valours Wings if not in Judgment clad Here though their numbers equal were yet in A larger Volume danger had not bin Often before presented to the view Of the brave Champions as if she had drew With doubtful Art Lines in the Scheam of Fate For them and their proud Foes pale Vertue sate Trembling for fear her power should not defend Her Followers ' gainst that strength which did attend Those big-bon'd Villains strokes beneath whose force The Cyprian Prince had felt a sad divorce Of Natures Wedlock if when sinking in The Icy sleep deaths wide Gorge had not been Stopt by a stroke from fierce Argalia sent To aide him when in his defence he 'd spent His stock of strength freed by which happy blow From Janus Guard since now his Friend lay low Neer Deaths dark Vally he contracts his power To quench the others Lamp of Life a shower Of wounds le ts fall on 's Enemy which now Clog'd his Souls upper Garments and allow His Eyes dim Opticks no more use of light Then what directs him in a staggering flight Yet in the darknesse of approaching death In Mischiefs Sables that small stock of breath That yet remains to Clothe he suddenly Gives fire unto a Cannon that was by Wise care ordaind to give intelligence When big with danger fear could not dispence With times delayes the Princess that within Her Closet had that fatal Evening bin Retir'd and sad whilst strong wing'd prayer acquaints Her flaming zeal with Heavens whole Quite of Saints Thus startl'd by the treacherous thunder all H●r yet unnumberd stock of Beads lets fall ' Mongst those that prayer had ranckt and did implore In one great shrick deliverance to her door Hasts to behold the danger of those Friends On whose success Loves fortresse hope depends Where being come her eyes first progresse met Her prayers Reward even whilst his Sword was wet With blood the balm of Victory but long The Extasies of Fancy though more strong Then sacred Raptures last not all was now Too full of noise and tumult to allow A Room for Passions flow disputes within The Schools of Action
fell From a thrones splendor did neglected lie Sunk with her temple to deformitie Dark gloomy groves which holy altars shade With solitude such as religion made Full of an awful reverence and drew The ravisht soul from the worlds wandring view Circled the sacred valley into one Of which our Royal Lovers were alone Retir'd in private sollitude to pay Sleeps forfeitures whilst the bright bloomy day Sweats the hidroptick earth but joy denies That sullen ghest an entrance in their eies Their eyes which now like wandring Plannets met After a race of cross aspects and set Within a firmament of beauty thence On Loves cold Region dropt their influence Warm'd by whose vigor springs of pleasures had Watring their cheeks those fields in roses clad Fear that till now had made them languish in A dang'rous hectick or at best had bin But cas'd with intervals which did include Ambiguous hopes in times vicissitude Ceas'd to usurp yet though the throne expell'd A large command in Reasons Empire held Leading those parties which wise counsel sent Close ambuscado'd dangers to prevent Nor could the conduct fail assail'd by ought Within the circuit of extended thought Deliberation the souls wary Scout Being still imploy'd to lead fresh parties out ' Gainst the known enemies of hope But here Black Troops of danger undiscern'd of fear Assaults unralli'd fortitude whilst she Slept ' mongst the rose-beds of securitie Exalted far above the gross mistakes Of vulgar love cloth'd in such thoughts as shakes Ripe souls from out their husks of earth to be Pick'd up by Angels joys Stenographie In their embraces met not with less strength Of love though yet not to be wrought at length Then that which meets in nuptial folds when they Reap Heavens first blessing in their bloods allay Met their full seas of passion yet both calm As vertues brow their blood but warm'd like balm To pour in sorrows wounds not boild into A scum of lust The worlds first man did wo The blushing off●pring of his side the fi●st Unpractickt Virgin with as great a thirst Of blood as theirs when in the safe defence Of Paradice each act was innocence Here whilst th●ir sweet imployment was discourse Taught in the School of Vertue to divorce Those maiden brides their twisted eye-beams sleep Which flies the open gates of care did creep In at their cristal windows to remove The lamp of joy fill'd with the oil of love The Princess spirits fled from the distress Of action into calm for getfulness Having the Curtains drawn Argalia's head Softly reposing on her lap that bed Of precious odors there receives a while A rest for sweetness such as Saints beguile Time in in their still dormitories till Heavens summons shall their hopes on earth fulfill Remov'd from them feeding his horses in A well-fle●●'d meddow which that age had seen Till then ne'er loose its Sommer robe before Russet with age he put it off and wore A glittering tissue furr'd with snow did lie Their careful guide secure till frighted by A dreadful noise of horse whose rushing wakes Him to behold what seen with terror shakes Off sleeps declining weights in such a strange Amaze as forts surpris'd the skar'd guards change Their swords for Fetters flying he looks back On the steel fron●ed troop till at his back Approaching danger gathering in a cloud Of death overwhelms him frighting with its loud Exalted clamors from their then clos'd eyes Loves altars sleeps intended sacrifice Shook from their slumber with the first salutes Of light to meet their ruin thick recruits Of brave resolves into Argalia's brest Had swiftly summon'd but the Princess rest Exchang'd for wilde amazement in which sad Restraint of spirits life with beauty had Fled to the silent Region if not by Her Royal friend supported who the high Pitch of exalted anger whilst he draws His sword to vindicate their righteous cause Descends to comfort her thinking those troops Her Fathers Messengers his brave soul stoops Not to request a favor but although Their multitude in hopes account outgrow Life more then those diseases which attend On ages cold extream he dares defend Love though by vigor of supream commands Depriv'd of favor's mercinary Bands Prompted by power that soveraign antidote ' Gainst Natures poyson baseness and by roate Not Arts fair Rules taught Lessons of defence These dregs of men not having more pretence Then what from Riot was extorted in Unwieldy throngs the conquest strive to win From single valor not the powerfull pray'r Of her whose voice had purified the ayr To a seraphick excellence the sweet Heav'n lov'd Pharonnida could come to meet Pitty in this rude wilderness her words Losing their form in the wild air affords Their busie souls no heedfull leasure but With wilder passions the soul's portals shut That sober friend to happy sollitude Silence which long those blest shades did include By rude noise banisht from her solemn Throne Did in a deep and hollow eccho grone Whilst the brave Champion whose own worth did bring Assistance yet had in a bloody ring Strew'd death's pale triumphs and in safety stands The dangerous business of so many hands All which had in the grave joyn'd palms if by One stroke that index unto victory His sword had not with sudden breaking prov'd Traitor to th' strength by whose command it mov'd Rob'd of this safe defence Valors brave flame In vain is spent that Piramis of fame Built by his hand o'er Loves fair temple now Even in the view of 's Saint is forc't to bow Beneath an earthquake his commanding soule In this sharp conflict striving to controle Nature rebellious to her power le ts flye In vain the piercing lightning of the eye Whose dark leads drooping in a death like close Forbids high fury thundring on his soes He falls and from each purple salliport Of wounds tir'd spirits in a thick resort Flie the approach in which wild trance His eyes did their declining lights advance Above their gloom of darkness to convay The last faint beam of natures falling day To his distrest Pharonnida but she In clouds of sorrow lost was gone to be Close mourner for his rigid fare beneathe A pale sowns shady vale and could not breathe One sigh to welcom those sick guests nor lend A beam to light them to their journies end Which being depriv'd of in deaths dark disguise Forgetful shadows did obscure his eyes Branded with an ignoble victory His base oppressors staying not to try Where fire remains in lifes dark lamp forsake Their bleeding shame and only with them take The trembling Ladies whose amazement yet Griefs floodgates shuts in a distracting fit Of wilder passions circled in which cloud She 's hurried thence and ere that damp aloud Light through her souls prospectives had past ore Much of the Desart and arriv'd before A barren Rocks proud front which being too steep For the laborious traveller a deep Dark vault did pierce whose dismal black descent Safe passage to a
death arrest Him for his murtherer by which change opprest More then before with fear he who now thought On nought but death to a tribunal brought Ere ask'd confesses that foul crime for which He this just doom receives since to inrich What had before wealths surfeit took this sin Was chiefly acted his estate faln in To th' hands of justice by the judge should be From hence dispos'd of then from death to free His life already forfeited except Murther'd Ismander whom he thought had slept In 's winding sheet his hopeless Advocate Should there appear in which unhappy state The wretch now ready to depart beholds This glorious change Ismander first unfolds Himself and her who bound by natures laws Implores his pardon ere they plead his cause Which done the Judge that his lost wealth might be No cause of grief unmasking lets him see Euriolus by whom from th' worst of sin To liberal vertue he 'd deluded bin The End of the Third Canto PHARONNIDA The Fourth Book CANTO IV. The Argument I. Whilest we a while the pensive Lady ●eave Here a close Mourner for her rigid fate Let 's from the dark records of time receive The manner how Argalia wav'd the hate II. Of his malignant stars which when they seem To threaten most through that dark cloud did lead Him to a knowledge of such dear esteem He his high birth did there distinctly read FReed from the noise o' th' busie world within A deep dark vale whose silent shade had bin Religions vail when blasted by the beams Of Persecution far from the extreams Of solitude or sweary labor were Some few blest men whose choice made Heaven their care Sequestred from the throngs of men to finde Those better joyes calms of a peacefull minde Yet though on this pacifick sea their main Design was Heaven that voyage did not restrain Knowledge of humane arts which as they past They safely view'd though there no anchor cast Their better temper'd judgments counting that But hoodwink'd zeal which blindly catches at The great Creators sacred will without Knowing those works that will was spent about Which being the climax to true judgement we Behold stoop'd down to visibilitie In lowliest creatures natures stock being nought But God in 's image to our senses brought In the fair evening of that fatal day By whose meridian light Love did betray Ingag'd Argalia near to death was one Of these heav'ns happy Pensioners alone Walking amongst the gloomy Groves to view What soveraign vertues there in secret grew Confin'd to humble plants whose signatures Whilst by observing he his art secures From vain experiments Argalia's Page Crossing a neighboring path did disingage His serious eye from natures busie task To see the wandring Boy who was to ask The way for more his youths unprompted fear Expects not there to the blest man drawn near But when with such a weeping innocence As Saints confess those sins which the expence Of tears exacted he had sadly told What harsh fate in restrictive wounds laid hold Of 's worthy Master pity prompted by Religious love helps the poor Boy to dry His tears with hopes of comfort whilst he goes To see what sad Catastrophe did close Those bloody scenes which the unequal fight Foretold before fear prompted him to flight No● far they 'd past ere they the place had found Where groveling in a stream of blood the ground His purple-bed the wearied Prince they see Strugling with death from whose dark monarchie Pale troops assail his cheeks whilst his dim eies Like a spent lamp which ere its weak flame dies In giddy blazes glares as if his soul Were at those casements flying out did roll Swifter then thought their bloodshot orbs his hands Did with deaths agues tremble cold dew stands Upon his clammy lips the springs of blood Having breath'd forth the spirits clotted stood On that majestick brow whose dreadful frown Had to deaths scepter laid its terror down The holy man upon the brink o' th' grave Finding such forms of worth attempts to save His life from dropping in by all his best Reserves of art selecting from the rest Of his choise store an herb whose soveraign power No flux of blood though falling in a shower Of death could force which gently bruis'd and to His wound apply'd taught nature to renew Her late neglected functions and through short Recruits of breath made able to support His blood-enfeebled body till they reach The Monastry where nobler art did teach Their simple medicines to submit to those Which skill from their mixt vertues did compose Life which the unexpected gift of fate Rather then art appear'd in this debate Of death prevailing in short time had gain'd So much of strength that weakness now remain'd The only slothful R●mora that in His bed detain'd him where being often seen By those whom art alike had qualifi'd For his relief as one of them appli'd His morning-medicines to a spacious wound Fixt on his breast he that rare jewel found Which in his undiscerning infancie There hung by 's father fortune had kept free From all her various accidents to shew How much his birth did to her favor owe. Shook with such silent joy as he had been In calm devotion by an Angel seen The good old man his wonder rarifi'd Into amazement stands he had descri'd What if no force had robb'd him of it since 'T was first bestow'd none but his true born Prince Could wear since art wise Natures fruitful ape Ne'r but in that had birth which bore that shape Assur'd by which with unstirr'd confidence He asks Argalia where he knew from whence When nature first did so much wealth impart To earth that jewel took those forms of art But being answer'd that his infancie When first it was conferr'd on him might be Th' excuse of 's ignorance that voice alone Confirms his aged friend who having known As much of fortune as in fates dark shade His understanding legible had made From weak Argalia to require him leads Knowledge where he his lifes first copy reads Drest in this language 'T was unhappy Prince For such this story must salute you since Told to confirm 't a truth my destinie When youth and strength rendred me fit to be My dearest Countries servant plac'd within Mantinea's glorious Court where having been Made capable by sacred Orders I Attain'd the height of Priestly dignity Being unto him whose awful power did sway That crown in dear esteem but Honors day Which gilded then the Courtly sphere sunk down I lost my Mitre in the fall o' th' Crown Sad is the doleful tale yet since that in Its progress you may find where did begin Your lifes first stage thus take it When the Court Stifl'd with throngs of men whose thick resort Plenty and peace call'd thither being grown Sickly with ease view'd as a thing unknown Dangers stern brow which even in smiling fates Proves a Quotidian unto wiser States Whilst pride grew big and envy bigger
Found only one whose outside did reveal So much of an internal worth that might To active talk our clouded souls invight From griefs obscure retreats his grave aspect Though reverend age dwelt with unprun'd neglect Seem'd drest with such a sacred solitude As ruin'd Temples in their dust include My royal Master as some power divine Had by instinct taught great souls how to twine Though ' mongst the weeds of poverty with this Blest man consorting whilst their apt souls miss In all their long discourse no tittle set For mans direction in heavens alphabet Whilst controverted points those rocks on which Weak faiths are shipwrackt did jems inrich Their art-assisted zeal a sudden noise Clamorous and loud in the soft womb destroys That sacred infant the concordant bells Proclaim a joy which larger triumph tells To be of such a publick birth that they In quiet cells for what they late did pray In tears the souls oreflowing language now Being by examples common rule taught how They vary passions and in manly praise Their silent prayers to Halleluiahs raise By swift report inform'd that this days mirth From the proclaiming of their Prince took birth These private mourners for the publick faults Of busie nations by the hot assaults Of triumph startled from their gravitie Prepare for joy all but grave Sophron he Then with the pilgrim Prince who both were sate Like sad Physitians when the doubtful state o th' Patients theatens death the serious eye Of Sophron as a threatning prodigie Viewing that flattering smile of fate which they Of shallower souls prais'd as approaching day When both their souls from active words retir'd A while had silent sate the Prince desir'd To know the cause why in that triumh he Of all that Covent found the time to be With thoughtful cares alone whom Sophron gave This satisfaction Worthy Sir I have In the few hours of our acquaintance found In you such worth 't would question for unsound My judgment if unwilling to impart A secret though the darling of my heart Know then this hapless Province which of late Faction hath harrast a wise Prince whom fate Depriv'd us of once rul'd but so long since That age hath learn'd from time how to convince The hot enormities of youth since we With such a Ruler lost our libertie For though at first as he alone had bin Our evil Geni●● whose abode brought in All those attendant plagues our fortune seemed To calm her brow and captive hope redeemed In the destruction of our foes which by A hot infection were enforc'd to fly From conquest near obtain'd yet we to shew That only 't was our vices did orethrow The merits of his weaker vertues when Successful battails had reduc'd agen Our panting Land from all external ill Domestick quarrels threatned then to kill What forein powers assail'd in vain and made Danger surprise which trembled to invade For many years tost by th' uncertain wind Of wild ambition we had sail'd to find Out the Lucadian rocks of Peace but in A vain pursuit for we so long had bin A headless multitude the factious Peers Oppressing th'injur'd Commons till our fears Became our fate few having so much left Unsequestred as might incite to theft Even those whom want makes desperate all being spent On those that turn to th● worst of punishment What wore protections name Vilains that we Inforc'd maintain'd to christen Tyrannie i th' injur'd name of Justice such as kept Litigious Councels for whose Votes we wept From punishment so long till grown above The blinded peoples envy or their love But lately these prodigious fires that led Us through the night of Anarchy being fled At the approach of one who since hath stood Fixt like a Star of the first magnitude Diffusive power which then was only shewn In Factions dress being now Rebellion grown By the uniting of those attoms in One haughty Peer ambitious Zarrobrin Whose pride that spur of valor when 't had set Him in the front of Honers alphabet The sole Commander of those forces whence Our peace distill'd and in as large a sense As Subjects durst whilst loyal hope to have Adorn their tombs the highest titles gave Of a depending honor to repay Their easie faiths that levell'd had the way Unto his greatness that Command he made The steps by which he strugl'd to invade A Throne and in their heedless Votes include Unnoted figures of their servitude When with attempts frequent as fruitless I With others whose firm love to loyaltie Time had not yet expung'd had oft in vain Oppos'd our power which found too weak to gain Our Countries freedom we as useless did Retire to mourn for what the fates forbid To have redrest since when his pride being grown The peoples burthen whilst he urg'd his own Ambitious ends he hath to fix their love On principles whose structure should not move Unless it their allegiance shook brought forth Their Prince whose fathers unforgotten worth Did soon command their full consent and he For treason fear'd made lov'd for loyaltie But since that ' mongst observant judgments this So sudden change might stand in doubt to miss A fair construction to confirm 't he brings An old Confessor of their absent Kings The reverend Halophantes one whose youth Made humane arts submit to sacred truth So much that now arriv'd to graver age He like authentick Authors did engage The people● easie faith into a glad Belief that when his youths afflictions had Unthron'd their Prince he in that fatal night Wisely contracting his imagin'd flight As rodes unto destruction leaving all Frequented paths did in nights silence call At 's unfrequented Cell where entertain'd With all the zeal that subjects which have gain'd From gracious Soveraigns study to express A vertue in which thrives by the distress Of an afflicted patron's he betrayes Enquiring Scouts till some expunging dayes Make them forsake their inquisition in Despair to finde which vacancy did win Time to bestow his infant burthen where Some secret friends did with indulgent care Raise him from undiscerning childhood to Be such as now expos'd unto their view Thy father who with doubtful thoughts had heard This story till confirm'd in what he fear'd Starts into so much passion as betrayes Him through the thick mask of those tedious dayes Time had in thirty annual journeys stept To Sophron who when he a while had wept A short encomion to good fortune in Such prostrate lowliness as seem'd for sin To censure guiltless ignorance he meets His Princes full discovery whom he greets With all the zeal such whose uncourtly arts Make tongues the true interpreters of hearts Do those wise Princes whom they know to start At aguish flattery as if indesert Usher'd it in Those that know how to rate Their worth prize it by vertue not by fate With Arguments which to assist he made Reasons firm power Passions light scours invade He had so oft th' unwilling Prince assail'd That importunity at length
their whispering Oaks unclad The Prince his mercy willing to prevent Approaching danger by a Herald sent To Zarrob●in commands him to lay down His arms and as he owed unto his Crown A Subjects due allegiance to appear Before a moneth was added to that year Within his Court which now since action gave Life to that body whose firm strength did save His life by treason levell'd at was in His moving Camp But this too weak to win The doubtful Rebel since his lawful right Swords must dispute the Prince prepares to fight Proud Zarrobrin who had by late success Taught Siracuse how to avoid distress By seeking peace like a black storm that flies On Southern winds which in a tumult rise From neighboring seas was on his march But come Sonear the Prince that now he had by some Of 's spreading Scouts made full discovery where His Army lay whose scarce discovered Rear Such distance from their well-arm'd Van appear'd That such whose judgments were with numbers feard Making no further inquisition fled By swift report their pale disease to spread Disturbing clouds which rather seem'd to rise From guilt then fear spread darkness ore the eyes O' th' Rebels who although by custom made To death familiar wish their killing trade In peace concluded and with murmures nigh Grown to the boldness of a mutinie Question their own frail judgments which so oft Had life expos'd to dangers that had brought No more reward then what preserv'd them still The slaves unto a proud Commanders will To stop this swift infection which begun In lowly huts to lofty tents had run Slie Zarobrin who to preserve th' esteem Of honor lest lib'rality might seem The child of fear with secret speed prevents What he appears to slight their discontents As if attending though attended by Their young Mock-Prince whose landskip royaltie Shew'd only fair when view'd at distance he Passing with slow observant pace to see Each squadrons order he confirms their love With donatives such as were far above Their hopes if Victors then to shew that in That pride of bounty h 'had not strove to win Assistance by unworthy bribes he leads Them far from danger since his judgment reads In long experience that authentick story Whose lines hath taught the nearest way to glory That soft delays like treacherous streams which by Submitting lets the rash intruder try Their dangerous depth to an unwilling stay His fierce persuers would ere long betray Whose force since of th' untutor'd multitude By want made desperate and by custom rude Would soon waste their unweildy strength whilst they Whom discipline had taught how to obey By pay made nimble and by order sure Would wars delays with easier wants endure This sound advice meeting with sad success From the persuing Army whose distress From tedious marches being too clamorous grown For 's friends estates to quiet soon was shewn In actions such which though necessitie Inforc'd on vertue made their presence be To th' inconsiderate vulgar whose loose glance For vertue take vice gloss'd with circumstance Such an oppression that comparing those Which fled with mildness they behold as foes Only their ruder followers whom they curse Not that their cause but company was worse When thus their wan●s had brought disorder in And that neglect whose looser garb had bin At first so shie that what was hardly known From business then was now to custom grown This large limb'd body since united by No cement but the love to loyalty Loses those baser parts such as to please Unworthy ends turn'd duty to disease Retaining onely those whose valor sought No more reward then what with blood they bought But here to shew that slumbring justice may Opprest with power faint in the busie day Of doubtfull battel when their valor had So many souls from robes of fresh unclad Of his brave friends that the forsaken Prince Whose sad success taught knowledge to convince The Arguments of hope unguarded left Unto persuing foes was soon bereft Of all that in this cloud of fortune might By opposition or unworthy flight But promise fafety and when death denide Him her last dark retreat to raise the pride Of an insulting foe is forc'd to see The scorn of greatness in captivity Yet with more terror to limb sorrow in His mighty soul such friends as had not bin By death discharg'd in fatal battel now Suffer'd so much as made even fear alow Her palest sons to seek in future wars Brave victory got by ages honor scars Or braver death that antidote of shame Whose stage none pass upon the rode of Fame Those that far'd best being murther'd others sent With life to more afflicting banishment When thus by him whose sacred order made The truth authentick from his fortunes shade Argalia was redeem'd the Prelate to Confirm his story from his bosom drew The jewel which having by wayes unknown To him that wore it open'd there was shewn By wit contracted into art as rare As his that durst make silver sphears compare With heavens light motion an Effigies which His royal Sire whilst beauty did enrich His youth appear'd in such epitomy As spacious fields are represented by Rare opticks on opposing walls where sight Is conzen'd with imperfect forms of light When with such joy as Scythians that grow proud Of day behold light gild an eastern cloud Argalia long had view'd that picture in Whose face he saw forms that said his had been Drawn by that pattern with such thanks as best The silent eloquence of looks exprest The night grown ancient ere their stories end With solemn joy leaves his informing friend The End of the Fourth Book PHARONNIDA The Fift Book CANTO I. The Argument I. Tier'd with afflictions in a safe retreat From th' active world Pharonnida is now Making a sacred monastry her seat Where near approaching the confirming vow II. A rude assault makes her a Prisoner to Almanzors power to expiate whose sin The subtil Traytor swiftly leads her to The Court where she had long a stranger bin HEre harsh imployments the unsavory weeds Of barren wants had over-run the seeds Of fancy with domestick cares and in Those winter storms shipwrack'd what ere had bin My youths imperfect off-spring had not I For love of this neglected poverty That meager fiend whose rustic tallons stick Contempt on all that are inforc'd to seek Like me a poor subsistance ' mongst the low Shrubs of imployment whilst blest wits that grow Good fortunes favorits like proud Ceders stand Scorning the stroke of every feeble hand Whose vain attempts though they should martyr sense Would be repulst with big-bulk'd confidence Yet blush not gentle Muse thou oft hast had Followers by fortunes hand as meanly clad And such as when time had worn envy forth Succeeding ages honor'd for their worth Then though not by these rare examples fier'd To vain presumption with a soul untir'd As his whose fancies short Ephemeraes know No life but what doth from his liquor
discourses are Distastefull grown but what to sudden war Incites his rage which humor though it needs No greater fire then what his envy feeds Besides those Court-Tarantula's whose breath Stings easie Princes till they dance to death At the delightfull sound of flattery there Were deeper wits such whom a subtile care Not servile fear taught how to aggravate His angers flame till their own eager hate Though burning with a mortal fury might Pass unobserv'd since near a greater light Amongst those few whose love did not depend So much on fortune but the name of friend Was still preserv'd the faithfull Cyprian Prince Durst onely strive by reason to convince Their wilder passions but each Argument With which affection strugl'd to prevent A swift destruction onely seem'd to prove His friendship more effectual then his love From which mistake such as did strive to please The angry Princes passionate disease With what might seed the sickly humors draw A consequence that proves Pharonnida A blessing which was to his merits due Who most oppos'd the bold aspirer to That throne of Beauty which before possest Whole Armies must dispute their interest The slighted Cyprian since their fear could trust None but confederates from their Councils thrust Those swift conclusions which before to stay Their violence had Reason's cool allay Hurry'd to action strict commands are sent From fierce Zoranza through each Regiment Which stoop'd their Ensignes to his power that by Such marches as they 'd follow victory They reach Aetolia ere its new-crown'd King Warn'd by report had liberty to bring Opposing strengths a task too hard to be Perform'd with ease in powers minoritie Nor fails this Council for their Army draws No sooner near but such as in the cause Of unsuccessful Rebels late had been Expos'd to danger seek for refuge in A fresh revolt and since their ulcerous guilt Was so malignant that even mercy spilt Its balm in vain their injur'd Prince forsake To strengthen his proud Enemies who make Those Poisons up in Cordials and compound Them with their Army which being thus grown sound Whereas it lately fainted durst provoke Unto the trial of another stroke His late victorious forces which though yet Faint with the blood lost in the last great fit Of Honors fever when the Crisis prov'd The cures prognostick had with ease remov'd The proud invaders had Morea bin As heretofore a hurtful Neuter in That war which now since double strengths oppose Brave fortitude like base oppression shews So long both parties with varietie Of fortune fought that fearing whose might be The sad success that old Cleander in Such speed as if his Crown engag'd had bin Raises an Army whose command since he Base flattery takes for brave fidelitie Waving those Peers to whose known faith he owes The most of trust in hoodwink'd hope bestowes On false Almanzor who by power advanc'd Near to those hopes at which Ambition glanc'd But like weak eyes upon the dazeling sun From that last ●atal s●age his plots begun Mischiefs dark course which ere concluded shall Crush the Epirot in Morea's fall In this the hot distemper of their state A●ind● whom the Destinies of late To double-die his Honors purple-thred Robb'd of a father most disquieted Their secret councels since they knew the love He bore Argalia propt with power might prove A sad obstruction to their plots if he Urg'd by distastes shook their confederacie Off to assist his friend which to oppose With slattery fleeting as the gourd that rose But to discover his just wrath that made The plant to cover when it could not shade They all attempt though he engage not in Their party yet his easie youth to win By honors moths by times betrayers soft And smooth delights those serpents which too oft Strangle Herculean vertues But they here In Ages April find a wit appear Of such full growth that by his judgment they Are undermin'd who studied to betray Being thus secur'd from forein fears they now Imploy that rage whose speed could scarce allow Advice from Councel to extirpate those New planted Laurels vict'rie did compose To crown Argalia But before they go To ravish Conquest from so cheap a Foe Whose valor by orewhelming power was barr'd From lying safe at a defensive guard Till old Cleander that their league might be Assur'd by bonds whose firm stabilitie Death only could divorce intends though she With such aversion as their destinie Wretches condemn'd would shun attempt to fly The storm of fate yet countmanded by His power the fair Pharonnida although He not to love but duty seem'd to owe For such a blessing should Zoranza's be Confirm'd by Hymen's high solemnitie This resolution whose self-ends must blame Her fathers love once registred by fame Submits to censure whilst Pharennida Laments her fate some prompted by the law Of love and nature are to entertain So much of freedom as they prove in vain Her advocates Others whose cautious fear Dares only pity in that dress appear Silent and sad only Almanzor in This State-distemper by that subtile sin Dissimulation so disguises all His black intentions that whilst truth did call Him Treasons agent its reflected light Appearance spoke him Vertues proselyte So much a Convert as if all those hot Crimes of his youth ambition had begot Discreeter age had either cool'd or by Repentance chang'd to zeal and loyalty Whilst thus i' th' Court the most judicious eyes Deluded were by factions false disguise By rumors heavy as the damps of death When they flie laden with the dying breath Of new-departed souls this fatal news Assaults the Princess which whilst reason views With sad resentments to support her in This storm of fate Amindor who had bin In all her griefs her best adviser now Enters to tell her fainting sorrows how They'd yet a refuge left from whom she might Reap hopes of safety The first welcom sight Of such a friend whose former actions had ●nhanc'd his worth encountring with her sad And serious thoughts so rarifies that cloud Of grief that ere dissolving tears allow'd A vocal utterance as intended words Something contain'd too doleful for records Both sigh'd both wept at length the Princess broke Silence and thus lier dismal passions spoke Dare you my Lord approach so near unto A factious grief in this black storm to view Distrest Pharonnida have either I Or my Argalia's slighted memorie Yet in Morea a remaining friend Whose vertue dares by its own strength contend Against this torrent of Court-factions Now Now Royal Sir that doom which will allow My soul no more refreshing slumbers by My father's past my father Sir whom I Must disobey with all the curses due To black rebellion or else prove untrue Those vows those oft repeated vows which in Our Loves full growth hath to Argalia bin Seal'd in the sight of heaven About to speak Her passions fuller sorrow here did break The sad theme off and to proclaim her fears Except th'oreflowing language of her tears
if drawn to light Dayes beauties to the palace of the night Toward which the prisoners yet detain'd within The City in this dreadfull pomp begin Their mournful march led by that doleful call By which loud war proclaims a funeral Those that had been the common guards unto The murther'd Princes to the peoples view Are first presented on an ebon spear Each bore a scuchion where there did appear The arms which once adorn'd those Princes shields Sadly display'd within their sable fields Next these some troops whose prosperous valor in Their Courts had steps unto preferment bin Come slowly on but slowlier follow'd are By elder Captains such whom busie war Whose victories had their youth in honor di'd As useless-now for Council laid aside I' th' rear of these the Officers of State Grave as they 'd been of Council unto Fate I' th' purple robes of royal Mourners clad With heavy pace conducted in a sad And dismal object two black Chariots drawn Like hideous night when it assaults the dawn In dreadfull shadows where to fright the day With sadder objects on black herses lay Th' Effigies of the murther'd Princes in Whose form those spots of treason that had bin Fates Agents to unravel Natures law In bloody marks the mourning people saw At which sad fight from silent sorrow they Advanc'd had let external grief betray Their love and loss if not diverted by Succeeding objects which assault the eye With what though living yet more terror bred Then what they found for the lamented dead In such a garb as sorrow strives to hide The hot efluviums of a sullen pride Almanzor next with slow portentous pace Follows the herses his discover'd face So subtilly di'd in sorrow as it had Strove to out-mourn the sable arms which clad His falser breast whose studi'd treason knew No such disguise as first to meet the view O' th' censuring people in a dress that shews Him by their States maturer Council chose ' Gainst who'ere durst maintain the pris'ners cause By 's valor for to vindicate their laws But now to lose these rivolets of tears In the vast Ocean of their grief appears Their last and most lamented object in The royal Captives whose sad fate had bin Not so disguis'd in attributes of guilt But that the love their former vertue built In every breast broke through their fear to show How much their duty did to sorrow ow. In that black train they had beheld before Though full of sadness wearied life past ore The stage of nature is their darkest text To comment on which since good men perplext With life's cares are finds less regre● then now To living sufferers justly they allow Friends though less near since death is but that rest They vainly seek that are in life distrest Being pitied more then those whose worst of Fate We have beheld destruction terminate That nought might in this scene of sorrow be Wanting to perfect griefs solemnitie The Kingdoms Marshal who supported in His hand a sword which glitring through a thin Wreath'd Cipers through the sad Spectators eye Strook such a terror as if shadow'd by Death's sooty vail conducting after goes Th' undaunted Cyprian with a look that showes A soul whose valor was of power to light Such high resolves as by their splendor might Make death look lovely on his upper hand Her sexes glory she whose vertues scann'd Her actions by heavens strictest rules the swee● Pharonnida unmov'd prepares to meet The ministers of death her train being by Florenza who must in that Tragedy Act her last part sustain'd The garment which The beauteous Princess did that day inrich Was black but cut on white ore which the fair Neglected treasure of her flowing hair Hung loosely down upon her head she wore A wreath of Lillies almost shadow'd ore With purple Hyacinths on which the stains Of murther yet in bloody marks remains Over all this a melancholy cloud Of thick curl'd Cipers from the head did shroud Her to the feet through which those spots of white Appear'd like stars those comforts of the night When stole through scattred clouds in her right hand She held a watch whose next stage should have spand The minutes of her life her left did hold A branch of mirtle which as grown too old To live began to wither for defence O' th' falling leaves as death and innocence Had both conspir'd to save 't the bow was round In mistick wreaths of black and silver wound Near to the royal Prisoners many Peers Of either Kingdom men of th' gravest years And loyal'st hearts did with a dolefull pace Bring up the rear each melancholy place Through which they past being with those pensive flowers That wait on funerals strew'd The lofty towers Of checquer'd marble had their stately brows In sables bound their pinacles with boughs Of dismal Yew adorn'd as if their knell Should next be rung a solemn passing bell In every Church was toull'd whose dolefull sound Mixt with the drum trumpets dead march dround The peoples cries whose grief can ne'r be shown In 'ts native dress till loud and clamorous grown In this black pomp the mourning train had left The sable City which being now bereft Of all her sad and solemn guests did bear The emblem of an empty sepulchre So full of silence all her throng being gone With heavy pace to be attendants on Those funeral rights which ere perform'd must have More vertue for attendants to the grave Then ere they could again expect to see Whose hopes of life lay in minoritie Come to the desert vale which yet had kept A solitary loveliness that slept There in untroubl'd rest a levell'd green Chose for the Lists which nature lodg'd between Two barren hills upon whose bare front grew Though thinly scatter'd here a balefull Yew And there a dismal Cypress plac'd as they Had onely chose that station to display The peoples passions who with eyes fixt in Full orbs of tears ere this had sorrowing seen The pitied prisoners to those Scaffolds brought Where those lamented lives whose treason sought To ruine must be sacrific'd to please Ambitious man not angry heaven appease This curles their bloods which soon inflam'd had grown Had not the varied scene of sorrow shown The murther'd Princes who product as they Had been reserv'd as opiats to allay Their angers flame are both expos'd unto The satisfaction of the publick view Mounted on herses which on either side O' th' Temple gate with deaths most dismal pride On ebon pillars stood as rais'd to show What justce did to their destruction ow. Plac'd near to these their sorrows sad Records Almanzors tent to shew that it affords For red revenge a close reception stood Like a black rock from whence in clouds of blood The sanguine streamers through the thickned sky Did waving with unconstant motion fly In view of which though at the other end If any durst appear that could defend Their cause whom heaven alone knew innocent There to
receive him stood an empty Tent Whose outside as if fanci'd to deter His entrance there appear'd a Sepulcher Over whose gate her false Accusers had Transcrib'd those crimes which so un●ustly clad In purples sins those spotless ●ouls which seen In their bright vertues candid robes had been The hated wonders of those foes whose ends Now finde success i' th' pity of their friends Near this black tent on mourning scaffolds where Death did t' encounter innocence prepare His heaviest darts such as were headed by That more then mortal plague foul infamy The prisoners mounted at the other gate Almanzor like the messenger of Fate Fraught with revenge appears his dreadfull form More full of terror then a midnight storm To straitned Fleets appearing to the view O' th' multitude who whilst their prayers persue The prisoners safety on the flagging wings Of sickly hope his sure destruction brings Since from their knowledge more remote to cure Unto their hates impatient calenture Thrice had the trumpet sadly sounded bin And thrice a Herald's voice had summon'd in Some bold defendant but both yet so vain As if just Heaven neglected to maintain That righteous cause which sadly seen of all The sorrowfull but helpless people fall Since hopes of life was shrunk into despair To be assistant by their private prayer At deaths distracting conflict in a brief Effectual speech which answer'd to the chief Heads of 's indictment in those powerfull words Conceiv'd his last the Cyprian Prince affords Their sorrow yet a larger Theam which done Being first to die having with prayer begun That doubfull road he now a short leave takes Of all his mourning Friends then calmly shakes Off each terrestial thought and heightned by The speculations of eternity Above those damps which natures hand did weave Of humane fear submitting to receive The fatal stroke that Center to a crown But orb of wit his sacred head layes down Fled to the dark cell of their utmost fears With eyes whose lids were cemented in tears Each still Spectators thoughts did now repair To the last refuge of a silent prayer In which close parl from that deep Lethargy They are to joy and wonder waken'd by A trumpets voice which from the other gate Sounds a defiance 't was not yet so late In hopes dim twilight but they once more may In expectation of a glorious day Dare look abroad which done unto their view A Cyprian Herald being design'd unto That office they leading a stranger Knight Into the Lists behold whose welcom sight Was entertain'd with acclamations that Rais'd thunder for his foes to tremble at This valiant Hero whose brave gesture gave Life to that hope which told them heaven would save Such suffering vertue now drawn near unto The tent is taking a disdainful view Of that accurst inscription whilst all eyes Center'd on him see through his steel-disguise A goodlier shape though not so vastly great As that curst lump nature had made the seat Of 's enemies black soul The armor which He wore they knew not whether for more rich Or rare to prize the ground of it as he For those had mourn'd which now from infamie His sword sought to redeem was black but all Enamell'd ore with silver-hearts let fall From flaming clouds which hovering above Them look'd like incense fir'd by heavenly love ' Mongst these in every vacant place was found A deaths-head scatter'd some of which were crown'd With laurel others on their bare fronts wore A regal diadem in 's shield he bore In a Field argent on the dexter side A new-made Grave to which a Lamb deni'd Succor on earth to shun the swift persuit Of a fierce wolf was fled but ere one foot Was enter'd there from a red cloud that charg'd The field in chief a thunderbolt inlarg'd By heav'ns just wrath from 's sulphrie seat was sent So swiftly that what sav'd the innocent The guilty slew which now in 's blood doth lie A President for powerful tyrannie Those short surveys o' th' people hardly took Ere having now th'unuseful tent forsook The brave Defendant with a loud salute Had past the scaffold in the bold persuit Of glorious vict'rie whom his angry foe Whose valors flame ne'r an allay did know So cold as fear in that wild flame which rage Oppos'd had kindl'd hastens to engage Him with so high a storm of fury that Each falling stroke others did tremble at What they sustain'd Strength valor judgment all Which ere made Conquerors stand or conquer'd fall Here seem'd to meet As it t'outrun desire Each nimble stroke quick as ethereal fire When wing'd by motion fell yet with a heft So full of danger most behind them left Their bloody marks which in this fatal strife Seem'd like the open'd salliports of life Sadly expecting whom by fate would be This day chose favorite unto destinie The people in such silent extasies As if their souls only inform'd their eyes Sate to behold the combat when to give Their faith assurance justice yet did live Unchain'd by faction from a fatal blow Strook near his heart Almanzor faln so low From hopes of vict'rie they beheld that in His ruine what before their fear had bin Grew now their comfort when that speedy death Might not transport his soul ere his last breath Confest his guilt the noble Champion stays His just rais'd rage whilst his own tongue displays His thoughts black curtains by discovering all Those crimes beneath whose burthen he did fall Heavy as curses which from heaven are sent For th' peoples plague or Princes punishment In which short close of life to ease the grief Of late repentance that successful Thief Whose happiest hour his latest prov'd being took For president he in a calm forsock That world which whilst his plots did strive to build Ambition high he had with tempests fill'd The multitude whose universal voice Had taught even such though distant to rejoice As age or sickness had detain'd within The City-walls forc'd those that yet had bin Her foes converted by the general votes For joy to change their envies ill set notes To calm compliance in whose concord they With as much speed as duty did convey Her best of subjects to congratulate Her freedom hastes who in this smile of fate ●●●ilst all her friends strove to forget those fears Whose form they lately trembl'd at appears Shadow'd in grief on whose joy could reflect No beam of comfort the suppos'd neglect Of her Argalia whose victorious sword Did in her fears extremity afford Some hopes of comfort which t'opinion lost More sorrow then th' assaults of death had cost Had not whilst she did in dark passion stray His full discovery glorifi'd the day Amidst the peoples acclamations she Though from a scaffold now convey'd to be Rais'd to a Crown all that vain pomp beholds With eyes orecast in grief till he unfolds Her further comfort by discovering what Whilst each spectator was admiring at Becomes to her so much of joy that in This calm that courage which before had bin Unshook in tempests now begins to move And what scorn'd hate submits to powerful Love From whose fixt centre with as swift a flight And kind a welcom as the nimble light Salutes the morning pleasure now imparts Her powerful beams until those neighboring hearts That liv'd by hopes thin diet drew from hence Substantial lines to joys circumference Her innocence unvail'd by his success And both by that black foil of wickedness Almanzor's guilt more glorious made is now The only volume wonder could allow Those that before her worst of foes had bin Sadly to read repentant lectures in Which seen by her observant Peers that all Succeeding discords in that Tyrants fall Might find a tomb him being their Princess choice The Spartan Armies universal voice Salute their Chief which President affords A pattern to the wise Epirot Lords Who had a law age made authentick which Prohibited their diadem t' enrich A female brow on him whose title stood Nearest of all collateral streams of blood They wisely fix a choice which proves to be Their glory and their States securitie And now rais'd from that lowly posture in Which fear had left them the vast rout begin Their motion toward fair Ghieranza where The varied scene did such proportion bear With joy's exalted harmonie which in Their rescu'd Princess dwelt all that had bin Their sorrows dismal characters they now Obliterate and her late clouded brow Crown with delights The solemn bells whose sad Toll when they left your mourning City had Frighted the trembling hearer now are all Rung out for joy as if so loud a call Only becom'd a love which could not be Exprest until the full solemnitie Of their approaching nuptials did unite Their hearts or crowns not with more full delight Then what did near as great a blessing prove Discording subjects in your bonds of love Thus after all the wild varietie Through Fates dark labyrinths now arriv'd to be Crown'd with as much content as ere was known By any that death did enforce to own The frailties of mortality we leave Our celebrated Lovers to receive Those blessings which heaven on such Kings showers down Whose vertues add a lustre to the Crown FINIS Newberies second Fight