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A14305 The arraignment of slander periury blasphemy, and other malicious sinnes shewing sundry examples of Gods iudgements against the ofenders. As well by the testimony of the Scriptures, and of the fathers of the primatiue church as likewise out of the reportes of Sir Edward Dier, Sir Edward Cooke, and other famous lawiers of this kingdome. Published by Sir William Vaughan knight.; Spirit of detraction, conjured and convicted in seven circles Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 24623; ESTC S113946 237,503 398

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silly soule what wilt thou doe if this glorious Spirit comes not neere thee Where then wilt thou expect forgiuenesse of thy blaspemies Nay how caust thou expect or aske forgiuenesse seeing that without his operation the fruites of repentance can no more spring in thy faithlesse heart then the Apples of Paradise could fall into the hands of Tantalus in hell All other sinnes are pardonable and therefore termed debts or trespasses Onely this sinne against the Holy Ghost is Treason in the highest degree against the whole Godhead his crowne and dignity by reason that his personall subsistence was produced both from the Father and the Sonne and propagated vnto vs euen from our Baptisme so that to sinne against his authoritie is to sinne against the whole Maiesty of the sacred Trinity and against our owne soules being created by the Father redeemed by the Sonne and sanctified by the Holy Ghost Chiefly those reprobates are guilty of this vnpardonable sinne which sometimes hauing had great feeling great vnderstanding of the word of God and perhaps especiall inspiration of the Holy Ghost as Ananias and Saphira had if such persons afterwards without neede do fall into malitious Apostasies causelesse Hypocrisies and contumacious blasphemies against the sanctified Church of Christ in their words works thoughts ending also their liues without repentance doubtlesse they incurre the penalty of this irremissible sinne for this their spirituall fornication But to discerne who they be particularly that offend in this height of sinne in my iudgement very few or none can vndertake that charge in these dayes because we haue not that gift of the Holy Ghost namely of discerning Spirits as apparantly as the Apostles had To conclude these excellent exorcismes against the spitefull spirit of Detraction O ●riumphant Trinity distinguished really and indistinct essentially not into three Gods as that holy Martyr protested nor into three incarnated but into three of the same degree of the same honour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whose powerfull Maiesty vnited and identified in one eternall Deity the celestial spirits loue to contemplate and we earthly Pilgrims long to see Here I your vnworthy seruant prostrating my soule in all humility doe craue remission in the dust and ashes for my simple speaking of your intellectuall substance O God of endlesse bounty direct my vnskilfull pen that it stray not too much from the rule of verity nor lay down any thing but with reuerend shame of my blinde and bluntish ignorance concerning thy Heauenly vertues thy blessed Guarde and holy Hoste let them which reade this Treatise beare nothing in their hearts away saue that which is conformable to the square of wholsome doctrine Inflame my spirit with true zeale the true seale of thy sacred Spirit that it may soare vp like an Eagle to the sunne of thy Grace with feruencie founded on Diuine discretion for feruency is but foolish fury without Diuine discretion LINEAMENT VI. 1 Their Heresies conuicted which detract from the seruice of God because they see him not with their corporall eyes 2 The knowledge of God proued by an instance of our carthly King who is knowne throughout great Britaine of all his subiects though not of all wito corporall sight 3 The excellency of his spirit aboue the rest of his subiects 4 Meanes to know God 5 Why mortall men cannot see God MAny of vs detract from the seruice of God because his Maiesty is not so familiar as to speake vnto vs visibly at conuenient seasons as though so high a Maiesty should debase himselfe with euery sinfull creature It is reported that the King of China will not be seene abroad among his ordinary subiects aboue once a yeare And yet we wanton worldlings would limit our great Creator to sight and daily conference God is a Spirit not bound to any bodily Organ but to compare his Greatnesse after flesh and bloud euen as mans soule when it is separated from his body his power is infinite immensiue incomprehensible and no more to be seene or sensibly vnderstood of flesh and blood then if a man should measure the waters in his fist or the heauens with his span or if he should weigh the mountaines in a ballance All people are in comparison of him but as a drop of a bucket-full or as Grashoppers or as nothing or as nothing lesse then nothing No earthly man can erect a statue or a carued Image according to his likenesse No Gold-smith can couer him with golde or cast him into a forme of siluer plates O Lord who is like vnto thee No man can enter into thy Counsell no man can finde out thy secrets or attaine vnto this perfection Thou art higher then heauen deeper then hell the measure of thee is longer then the earth and broader then the sea Though thou turne all things vp side downe closest them in and gatherest them together who will turne thee from thy purpose Worldly sight is one thing and Diuine knowledge another thing The one is subiect to insumities and errours the other is insallible certaine and can neuer saile cyther with olde age wounds or false specta cles The one is the instrumentall light of the body to guide a man in his worldly busines the other I meane mentall knowledge is the euerlasting Lampe of the soule This latter I pray God instill into vs. As for the other it cannot absolutely be termed perfect before it be first sowne in winters corruption and before like ripe corne growne with full and glorious eares it rise vp glorified in the summer of immortality At which time both lights and sights externall and internall being by the Diuine bounty become eternal we shall both see and know aright in all perfection almost euen as God himselfe seeeth and knoweth vs at this present Quid est quod non videant qui vident●m omnia vident What thing shall they not see and know which alwayes see and know the Authour of all sight and knowledge In the time of their visitation they shall shine they shall shine as amiable as the Sunne more admirably glorious then Moyses who was faine to put a vaile before his face by reason of his ouerbrightsome beauty though he saw God but for a moment and that imperfectly for all light proceedes from him In his light we shall see light But quoth the spirit of Detraction how can we know him whom we neuer saw O vaine Spirit if thou knowest his lawes and fulfillest them thou knowest God As for example let me instant in our earthly King for mine owne part I neuer spake with King IAMES nor euer saw his face yet notwithstanding I verily belecue that I doe know him I know him to be our King by publique Proclamation by his decrees by the vnifom●e consent of all his subiects My conscience perswades me that he is the Diuinest and deuoutest Prince that euer swayed the Diademe of this Monarchy and aboue all the rest
of his Kingdome that he is possessed with the gifts of the holy Ghost The reasons that thus moue me to conceiue so wonderfully of his worth are these first the obseruation of his life vnblemished by generall report and free from suspicion of vnseemely actes Then the consideration of his faith wisedome and milde spirit made vulgarly manifest by his learned Bookes and Speeches in the Parliament house whereof some are extant in Print settles my knowledge of his excellency of spirit Vt i●rem cala●●o fulgur inesse suo That I would sweare his pen did lightning flash To these I adde his miraculous preseruation continually from his cradle he being the onely childe of his Parents in such tumultuous times vntill this golden time of the Gospell And to omit many garboiles of ciuill incendiaries for the subuersion of his life and state I will onely content my meditation at this time with the consideration of two principall Treasons inuented by Sathan against his annointed person The former Earle Gowry entended to effect The latter the Papists purposed to perfect In the former God suffered Sathan to lead him for a moment into his castle of calamity but presently he sent his Angell to deliuer him as Peter out of Herods prison In the latter God suffered Sathan to plot plant and place his Ordinance in order for the vtter suppressing and supplanting of his whole estate but suddenly the worlds great Watchman confounded his Boutefeux as the builders of Babeil In both I obserue that the Diuine Maiesty respects this innocent Prince in his loue vnto him vnexpectedly rips vp the very bowels of Treason euen when Sathan assures himselfe of his fatall haruest and is ready to reape his Hemlockes almost ripe then God prepares a feruent East winde in one night to destroy his poysonfull weedes like vnto Ionas his gourd O mighty God who can prie into the treasury of thy counsels What man purposeth thou disposest Thou reuealest the deepe and secret things Thou knowest the thing that lieth in darkenesse for the light dwelleth with thee We thanke thee we praise thee O thou God of our Fathers that hast giuen our King wisdome and strength and hast shewed him the thing that he desired of thee Thou hast declared his matter vnto him When his wisest Counsel ors missed to expound Tressams intricate letter more intricate then Sphynx his Riddle the Holy Ghost lent the King himselfe the key of knowledge the key on which millions of liues depended wherewith he vnlockt the memorable morall of the aenigmaticall letter memorable indeed vnto all posterities All which circumstances doe certainely argue the profoundnesse of his capacity and assuredly ascertaine my soule that the faculties of his soule are effectually inuested with some attributes of the Deity for the glory of God After the like manner let vs comprehend the knowledge of God who is our spirituall King and King of Kings for what signifieth this word God but an omnipotent spirituall King Creator of all things and we shall spiritually attaine to his Diuine knowledge though we see him not with our bodily eyes Let vs grope after him and we shall finde him for he is not farre from euery one of vs in him wee liue wee moue and haue our being When we endeauour with all our hearts and humble soules to keepe his commandements we may boldly say that we do know him When our mindes are sanctified through stedfast saith intentiuely on Iesus Christ as the diseased Israelites became healthfull with regarding the brasen Serpent we may assuredly affirme that we do know him Most happy are they which neuer saw Christ and yet beleeue in him Neyther doe we want other cuident meanes and motiues to stirre vs vp to the knowledge of the Godhead or spirituall power first naturall reason sheweth that some glorious soule full of perfection and power created the world and the creatures thereof for they could neuer make themselues which the Prophet Dauid confessed in these wordes The heauens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy worke Next his Church or faithfull congregation of Adam Abell Seth Henock Noah Abraham and others transferred by successiue tradition his knowledge to their posterities Thirdly his knowledge hath beene reuealed by the Holy Ghost to Moyses Samuel the Prophets and lastly by the Messias himselfe through apparitions miracles lawes ceremonies and temporall blessings Fourthly to draw neerer vnto mans capacitie which depends most vpon sensible obiects mention is made by Moyses how God caused him to stand in the caue of a Rocke and putting his hand vpon him he did shew him his hinder parts not suffring him to see his face Whereby the secuced Saduces collect the Godhead to be corporall But the naturall man perceiues not the things of the spirit of God For by his hinder parts a● the picture of his spirituall substance is shadowed the glimpse of his glorious influence By his hand is figured his al-puissant power By his face the fulnesse of his sunny glory And where Eyes are ascribed vnto him what other sense is meant then his prouidence and knowledge Thus God sometimes speakes naturally according to our naturall apprehension In conclusion let it suffice our curious braines that God is a powerfull Spirit not to be felt palpably with mens hands nor seene with mens eyes I speake not of Christs glorified body being humane which Thomas Dydimus felt after his refurrection by reason that the light of his Spirit is too conspicuous glorious and ouer-bright for such weake terrestriall and brittle senses Neuerthelesse it pleased him to appeare vnto Ezechael in the similitude of fire from his loynes downewards and of brightnesse like vnto Amber from his loynes vpwards S. Iohn in the Iland of Pathmos on the Lords day rauished in spirit saw one like the Sonne of man with his head and haires as white as woolor snow with his eyes as flames of fire His feete were like vnto fire brasse burning in a fornace and his voice as the sound of many waters His face shone as bright as the Sunne in his strength Whereby we may gather that God is a spirit not able to be seene of dust and ashes vntill the same be better purified or purged from worldly concupiscence for flesh and bloud cannot enter into heauen and vntill our soules become refined and regenerated not with Purgatory flames but with the spirit of God the fiery Comfirter This is the reason that the Elect of God doe stoutly maintaine that his Diuine Maiesty being a spirit cannot rightly be worshipped but in spirite and minde which in truth fals out most rightly when the spirit through faith becomes eminent and when the body through fasting lieth vanquished LINEAMENT VII 1 The description of some of the good spirits which attend on their Creator in heauen 2 Their Offices 3 Names 4 Greatnesse LEauing aside Dionysius Areopagitaes nine orders of Heauenly Hierarchies which he
threats from S. Michacls Mount to the furthest bounds of Calydone against all licentious and lying libellers against detractors of their neighbours names or at least wise against such prophane persons which presume to wound the Maiestie of their great Creatour by their malicious or wanton wordes To this end like vnto that Clowne of Danubius who spared not to speake the truth from his very heart before the Emperour Aurelius and the whole Senate of Rome an obedient and obsequious seruant of yours borne vnder Cambriaes climate doth here enforme your patient Highnesse that the Sunne can no longer shine in your Christian Kingdome vpon truth and blasphemy without a most terrible eclipse of discontentment Arise therefore O King and cause these noysome Foxes to be both slaine and slaine Let their habitation be desolate and no man dwelling therein For they that be Traytors to their Heauenly King can neuer be true to their earthly King They that wittingly and wilfully teare in pieces the Titles of the great Iehouah will also proue rayling Semeies and reuiling Sathans against your royall Highnesse Their tongues like sharpe pointed arrowes will passe and pierce through your hard steely armour your armour of proofe my Lords both spirituall and temporall Their throats like open Sepulchres doe threaten to bury your wounded bodies O yee Knights Burgesses and Commons Yea these Knights of the Post these common swearers and detractors will conspire some time or other to blow vs all vp one after another with the gun-powder of their blasphemies O then let not such Atheisticall Agags be spared but let them perish by the hands of Samuell let them perish in the pit of perdition as persons faire worse then murtherers for these kill but the body whereas the periured kill themselues totally both body and soule And as an auncient Father writes They that blaspheme Christ now reigning in heauen do sinne no lesse then they that crucified him here on earth When they forsweare themselues whether it be by compulsion or of custome or of some worldly respect all is one eyther by Gods body by his bloud or by his woundes they spiritually pierce his sides with their bloudy weapons for a wicked tongue is worse then any weapon and like pitilesse Pilate they scourge his sanctified body againe When they sweare by his head as our swaggering swil-bowles will sweare by any part they plaite another Crowne of thornes vppon his hallowed head When they sweare by his foote they naile his innocent feete to the Crosse anew When they sweare by Gods death by Gods heart they put him to death and being worse then Iudas Iscariot they plot to supplant the heart of life When they sweare by senseles blocks stocks by the Masse by Gog or magog they detract from Gods honour in attributing his due to dumbe and deafe Idols But when they wilfully sweare betwixt party and partie in iudiciall proceedings by Gods Sacraments or forsweare themselues vpon his louely Legates the Testament eyther olde or new they blasphemously detract from the Father the Word and the holy Ghost by reason that Gods word comprehended in those holy Oracles is the right record on earth resembling the word incarnate now in heauen who redeemed the penitent from Sathans thrall euen as the other two mysticall records of water the spirit or of Baptisme and the Lords Supper represent the Father the holy Ghost the one signifying our Election by Baptisme and repentance from the Father before all worlds and the other witnessing and sealing the same into our consciences and also breathing faith loue charity and other Diuine gifts into our barren wils as is most euidently testified in those Testaments so that wilfull periury and blasphemous Detraction either to the derogation of Gods honour or to the detriment of his creatures if without commission I may discerne of spirits may be termed a sinne against the holy Ghost or against the whole Maiestie of the sacred Trinity No lesse also sinne the suborners of periurie then Periurers themselues nay they encurre a farre greater punishment because they occasion the losse of other mens soules namely of the suborned persons besides the losse of their owne soules And to detaine them more surely and safely in hell the iniured parties against whom such periury was committed will continually craue and crie for vengeance In respect of which abhominable abuses and for that the Diuell is now-a-dayes most spiritually busie at the shutting vp of this last tragicall seene of the world may it please your Soueraignties to ioyne together as mystical members of one vndiuided and vnblemished corporation for the extirping out of such prophane sinnes which being begunne in youth continued in manhood and confirmed in olde age doe continually raigne among vs as it were by destiny so that likewise other blasphemies in manner of branches beginne to ouer-spread their leaues of lies and libels aboue the plants of truth onely by the slight and too too light stocking vp of that sinfull and saplesse tree of periury Or if your wisedomes iudge it not expedient to promulge and put out any new Acte against this manifolded spirit of malignant Detraction yet notwithstanding for the preuenting of periurie and for the protection of innocencie that Naboth may not sustaine damage by Iezabels false witnesses and that all other sincere subiects may walke dreadlesse in their vocations it were a worke of charity and very likely to hinder the future budding vp of innumerable inconueniences if you would but adde one materiall clause more to the Statue of periury viz. That none be admitted to beare witnes against honest men but honest men men of some sufficiency and substance vntouched vncorrupted and vnsuspected I meane not that they should be voyde of sinne for then we must goe out of this world to fetch in the Angels of heauen but I meane sober men vnattainted of notorious crimes those whom the common law termes probos legales so that common drunkards haunters of Alehouses hunters of whores Barretours beggars rogues and light persons whom the Londoners call Knights of the Post may be excluded from deposing against substantiall subiects For to what end requires the law to haue witnesses produced Is it not to trie the truth And what truth can there be found in such notorious lewd liuers whose thoughts are altogether dulled with sensuall pleasures What true proofe can there be expected from them who differ but very little from bruit beastes Therefore it were sit that Iudges and Iurours regard circumstances as well as witnesses Doth a common drunkard or a common whore-hunter depose such must haue meanes to maintaine their vices Doth a beggar or a prisoner sweare beleeue him not for pinching penu●ie will perswade persons to testifie that the crow is white Neede will make the olde wise trot Quid non mortalia pectora cogis Auri sacra fames Is a common Barretour produced to testifie his knowledge A Barretour is euer
peace or peaceable Abel the onely wisedome of all Diuine creatures descended downe from his Fathers bosome and was made flesh by the al-quickning breath of Gods owne essence co-operating in the Virgin Maries wombe the second Eue but refined and regenerated at Bethlehem the Citie of Dauid a poore Citie of Iewry in a vile beggarly stable where he suck't the dugges that rul'd the starres suxit vbera qui rexit sidera about that very time when all the world was chalked or rather charmed in the Circle of peace by vertue of Augustus Caesars soueraignty in token whereof the Romanes did shut Ianus his double porch Iani tanuam from whence the Moneth Ianuary is denominated which lay open before in time of open or ciuill warre While he liued on earth which as some write was three and thirty yeares he laboured like a woman with childe with our infirmities but after a Diuine maner He was ambitious but how Ambitious onely to aspire vp into the Theater of the Crosse. He was affected with concupiscence but with what concupiscence Not with sinfull but with celestiall concupiscence He was affected but not infected for he onely longed and lusted after mans saluation O Ierusalem how willingly would hee haue gathered together thy strayed young ones euen like a carefull henne hadst thou repented Hee was angry but how Not to reuenge for he requites good for euill and prayes for his very foes Onely hee was angry without sinne for zeale sake ad detestationem peccati non ad vindictam He was enuious but in what sort Not ex vitiata natura of corrupt nature but for conscience sake that the Diuels kingdome became daily augmented He was ignorant of some things for he knew not of the day of Doome but his ignorance was simple and not sinfull harmelesse and not erronious in desiring curiously to know those secrets which did not befit the Sonne of man to know He was troubled with feare in his agony but with what kinde of feare Not with feare of death satisfactory to repaire that breach betwixt the Angels and vs but with naturall feare which impaires the animal faculties according to the nature of mans sensitiue appetite which trembles at the sense of terrible torments In this maner did he take vpon him our infirmities not by way of inherent spotting but by way of necessary influence like vnto that Prince of Starres which pierceth and passeth into impure obiects and yet himselfe is not subiect vnto impurities Besides these burthensome infirmities of ours which he tooke vpon him in his loue and charity towards the sonnes of Adam let vs reuiew his painfull Passion Amidst the bryers and brambles of sorrowes he shewed himselfe as the Rose of patience he shined as a lightning Cynosure among the thankelesse sayling Iewes He carried our sorrowes sorrowes without number which our humane natures could neuer beare He suffered intolerable flouts intolerable torments intolerable death beyond all the degrees of comparison dura verba duriora verbera durissima fata No torments were like his torments for hee suffered for all our sinnes Whereunto I might adde the tendernesse softnesse and delicatenesse of his body which being materially formed onely of a pure Virgins nature without coniunction of the male substance could not but feele such tortures more grieuously and gripingly then any other What shall I speake of other sensible motiues of his agonies the treachery of Iudas whose feete he disdained not to wash but a little before the Iewes ingratitude and aboue all his Fathers anger in iustice heaped vpon him for our misdeedes thoughts and vaine wordes And because it was requisite that God in his iustice should punish sinne in man which man committed therefore the Word of God our mercifull Messias tooke on him mans shape euen as man in Paradise was shapt after his spirituall nature to suffer for man what was due for mans transgression euen vile pouerty conflicts with the world temptations of the Deuill feruent wrastling with sinne bloudy sweates and agonies opprobrious vsages by the Deuils procurement a drench of bitter gall opposite to that fatall iuyce of Adams apple woundes in his side to the effusion of bloud and water the mysticall seales of his last will to the Church the one prefiguring Baptisme the other the Communion both to bathe our sinnes sorrows of death a second death hellish torments both in body and soule an Eclipse of the Deity from his sunny soule All these in humane paines wherein the whole wrath of God due to the sinne of man was for a while included did our Sauiour Christ in this world before he gaue vp the Ghost accomplish and consummate And thus God to saue the sonnes of God like a louing Sheepheard in the behalfe of his sheepe or like that zealous Law-giuer which drew out one of his owne eyes instead of one of his sonnes eyes who by the law was condemned to that kinde of punishment for his adultery I say thus God voluntarily to sustaine and support the man-hood which of it selfe was altogether impotent for the vanquishing of death and for our redemption became man and was put to shamefull death vnder Pontius Pilate President of Iury for Tiberius Caesar the Romane Emperour according to that prophesie After threescore and two weekes shall Messias be slaine yet not for himselfe And as another recorded Iesus shall be openly declared within 400. yeares and after the same yeares shall my Sonne Christ die and all men that haue life He died for a while that he in vs and we in him might liue for euer He died or rather as an ancient Father testifieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He became a sacrifice for all sinners that were willing by repentance to reforme themselues And as the Prophet foretold of him He was wounded for our infirmities and his soule was made an offering for sinne for our sinnes whose burthen hee bare vpon his Diuine shoulders which neither Sampson Golias Atlas Hercules Milo Cr●toniates nor all the strong-back't Porters of the world were all their forces conioyned together could euer beare So insupportable are the sinnes of our humane natures The third day as Ionas out of the Whales belly or to speake Poetically as Arion in the deepe Seas on the Dolphms backe hee rose vp inuested with his immaculate soule by his appeased Father who as Dauid prophesied would not leaue his soule in the graue nor suffer his holy One to see corruption And againe in another place He would like a louing shepheard feede him in a greene pasture and lead him forth besides to the waters of comfort yea though he walked through the valley of the shadow of death He died as a Lambe but rose as a Lyon Heauinesse endured for a night but ioy came in the morning In the morning he rose he rose as the morning sunne that like a Bridegroome marcheth out of his chamber He rose to runne a gallant race as
to the Arch-spirit of heauen is the knowledge of goodnesse both which Good and Euill we know euer since the eating of the forbidden fruite which man had not lusted except God had commanded the contrary Deteriora sequor Sinne took● occasion by the commandement and deceiued vs. So that we left the tree of life and tooke the worst The knowledge of euill is sinne or worldly craft The knowledge of the good is the seruice of God or innocency Assoone as Adam had eaten the Apple in the garden of triall his eyes were opened and he knew the differences both of the Good and Euill yea he was made partaker of Euils and miseries as well of equity happinesse and innocency O what a Diuine mysterie is this Mans body and soule stands almost in suspence in an equall ballance betwixt God and the Serpent betwixt innocency and sinne Or more mystically to compare our states we stand in this world like our Sauiour Christ cruelly crucified betwixt two theeues the one penitent the other desperate the one acknowledging his Deity the other blasphemously detracting from his innocent life Euen so doe we wade betwixt Good and Euill betwixt the spirit and the flesh betwixt peace and warre betwixt heauen and hell betwixt life and death betwixt vertue and vice Xenophons pathes for Hercules in his youth betwixt light and darkenesse betwixt truth and falshood betwixt loue and hatred betwixt ioy and sorrow betwixt eternity and time Gods spirit of Goodnesse seekes to winne vs by infusing into our intellectual senses faith loue truth and other vnderspirits of his Our Ghostly tempter wicked sinne the old Serpents sting inwardly prickes our soules to know euill as well as good for malum cognitum facilius euitatur euil being knowne is the more easily auoyded to permit wantonn●sse licentiousnesse Detraction and other petty petulant spirits of sinne vnto our children in their tender age that they may leaue them of the sooner in their riper yeares according to the prouerbe A wilde colt will proue a good horse a rude youth a good man and a young Diuell an old Saint God labours to mortifie the body that the soule may see his Godhead The Diuell by sinne his earthly substitute deceitfully aduiseth to pamper the body with daiaty delicaci●s that the soule being stupefied may behold nothing but perpetuall darkenesse God pronounceth rigorousnesse vnto them which fall but towards thee kindnesse if thou continue in kindnesse The Diuell whispereth into thy heedlesse heart Sisaluaberis saluaberis If thou shalt be saued thou shalt be saued If thou be reserued among the remnant of Baals seuen thousand according to the election of Grace what needest thou make this world thy hell thy body thy crosse thy contentment thy discontentment If thou be not predestinated vnto saluation wilt thou enioy a double holi Therefore while thou hast time cheerish vp thy body with all kindes of sports and pleasures Laugh and b●fat I am veniet tacito curua sexecta pede Anon olde age with stealing pace will come Ah poore soule how art thou entangled being created after the image of God composed for his Spouse endowred with his spirit redeemed with his blood accompanied with his Angels capable of happinesse and partaker of reason as a learned Spaniard in imitation of Father Bernard broke out into admiration O Alma hecha a laimagen de Dios compucsta como para esposa dotada consu espiritu redimida consu sangre accompanadae consus Angeles capaz de bienauenturanza participante derazon Why dost thou follow thine enemy and forsake thy Maker O heauenly soule Why dost thou offer vnto the Diuell the fairest and the sartest of thy flocke and leauest vnto God a leane and a lame sacrifice Wilt thou draw vnto the Diuell thy sweetest drinkes and vnto God thy sowrest dregges O carelesse creature Say not God hath caused thee to erre for he hath no need of the sinful man He made thee from the beginning and left thee in the hand of thy counsell and gaue thee his commaundements and precepts He hath set water and fire before thee stretch out thy ●and vnto which thou wilt Before thee was life and death good and euill What liked thee was giuen Which excellent doctrine another confirmed Thus saith the Lord Behold I set before you the way of life and the way of death Say not thou I am besieged with Diuels with reall spirits out of hell For in thy center O intellectual soule is imprinted the very character of Gods owne essence and three persons in Trinity insomuch that thou resemblest the Diuine Hypostasis and indiuisible vnity and also possessest immortality from the Father vnderstanding from the Sonne and sanctification from the Holy Ghost All which concurring in one identified essentiall vnion make thee a perfect soule without blemish Let not thy fall from that blessed state discomfort thee The bloud of Christ if the fault be not thine owne doth like a lauer purifie thy sins though they become as red as scarlet These theeues of the Deity 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as a very ancient Father terms them can neuer harme thee really howsoeuer their spirit of Detraction as false spectacles to multiply thy feares layes downe that humourous tradition before thy simple sight Seest not thou how those spirits which dallied with the holy water dare not once come neere our reformed Church As there be degrees of sinnes so in my iudgement these deluding spirits neuer appeare but to the grossest sinner Where a man hath but one honest man in his house there that house prospereth better then if that one were absent for that hee terrifieth the rest from cousenages and conspiracies so where one Godly man dwelleth there the Diuell dares not draw neere LINEAMENT III. 1 That all wicked Spirits ordinary and extraordinary doe issue from the same head 2 That they cannot harme a man really without his owne naturall or wanton motion 3 Their varieties proued out of the Scripture where Saules lunacie is censured 4 That the Spirit of Detraction attendeth on all the said spirits EVen as good spirits or vertuous motions issue from the Godhead as from the cleere fountaine of goodnesse so wicked spirits and vnbridled affections fetch their pedegree from the deceitfull Serpent w●h allured Eue to insring the Lords commandement For his malicious spirit repining that man a new made creature found more fauour then himselfe belike long afore an out-cast from Gods presence turned about the weaker vessell the simple woman and makes her an instrument for all their ouerthrowes together They were all of them accursed mankind destinated to death the Serpent to darkenesse Since which time continuall calamities and phantasticall spirits the blacke guard of sinne pursue mankinde till death gets the vpper hand and looseth the soule out of her prison of flesh and bloud I say vntill death as Gods Sergeant doe attach our bodies vpon debt due vnto nature and our soules vpon sinnes committed
against the Authour of nature These sinfull spirits like baites of sweet poison or sugred gals possesse olde Adams progeny according to the variable and voluble dispositions of the patient These not vnlike to Mice Lice lawlesse Lawiers or noysome vermine by Sathans spirituall suggestion doe endeuour to infest molest and sift vs as wheate They had their beginning at the fall of the Diuell and his Angels who are throughly possessed with all the said qualities working diuersly by the meanes of the same spirit The spirit of Detraction the spirit of Enuy the spirit of Pride and such like vitious spirits proceed from one roote from one Serpent that olde Impostor I am setled in this opinion by the Apostle who proued the identity of the Holy Spirit by the like reason The body is one and hath many members And againe There are diuersities of gifts but the same spirit To one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit To another the operations of great workes to another prophesie to another the discerning of spirits to another the diuersities of tongues All these things worketh the same spirit distributing to euery man as it pleaseth him From one Tree came many branches of euill by the inticement of one Serpent came all these spirits of ●rrours which like venemous stings incite vs to vngodly actes And yet for all this I denie not but there are malicious spirits as well as ministring spirits Diuels as well as Angels the one attending on Lucifer the Prince of Diuels the other on Michael the Lords chiefe Angell both inuisibly attempting to work vpon the Will of man vehemently or by leisure as God commands them either for the knowledg of Goodnesse or for the knowledge of Euill Neyther will I here omit to interpose another opinion of mine concerning the Diuels force which is that God the reuenger of iniquity commands the Diuell as his executioner to pursue the reprobate sometimes by immediate causes and somtimes by mediate and second causes by immediate when the faculties of the soule are by his spirituall spurres extraordinarily possessed with frenzie sury and such like by mediate causes when the instruments of the body are by his spiritual enticements tempted to receiue into them more then suffice nature so that the veines ouerflow with blood the gall with choler adust and the liuer with lust But in my iudgement with the former extraordinary or miraculous causes the Diuell cannot harme a Christian mans body really howsoeuer I thinke of the soules immediate obsession or harme the least part of his body Surely I belecue that God reserues that palpable reall power as a prerogatiue to himselfe to his owne Angels and to his second causes in this world to himselfe as when Pharaoh and his Aegyptians were miraculously plagued with Lice and other annoyances by the singer of God or when he caused his Angel for Dauids fault to smite the Israelites with p●stilence But thou wilt aske me how can a Christian bee frantick by the Diuels meanes and yet not really hurt by him By him by the Diuels immediate reall force Nay principally by themselues and by their owne filthy bodies which suffered themselues at first to be gluttonously carried by their owne appetites and by the Diuels spirituall suggestion If they had eaten lesse and drunke lesse such corruption of humours could neuer taint them neither could consequently frenzie possesse them And also if they had in time sought for grace by daily prayers fasting being a coadiutour vnto them God would haue hearkened vnto them and healed their indispositions But on the contrary it pleased his Maiesty to harden some to lead them into temptation because they might acknowledge his iustice and omnipotency and also serue for monuments to terrifie the wauering minded To returne vnto my former matter as all wicked spirits and vitious purt●rbations sprung in mortall men by meanes of the said Arch-spirit of sinne so likewise by him they worke many and sundry operations Moyses made mention of the spirit of Iealousie Esay of the spirit of Errour The Lord permitted alying spirit to goe out and be in the mouth of all Ahabs Prophets to en●ice him into the battell against the Sirians Another Prophet relateth of the spirit of fornication And as S. Paul records God gaue them the spirit of slumber The spirit of God departed from Saeul and an euill spirit was sent from God to vexe him Therefore his seruants aduised him to seeke a cunning player vpon the Harpe whereby he might be refreshed and eased What sense more naturall to our capacities can we gather by this euill spirit and the easie cure thereof then that it was eyther a kinde of Lunacy vsuall in that hote countrey a fit of melancholy or a falling sickenesse For the cure whereof his seruants by whom I vnderstand his Phisittans hauing experimented belike that none other medicine then musicke could auaile him or perhaps not hauing such insight in Phisicke as we haue wished him onely to comfort his heart with ioyes and as we vulgarly speake to keepe Doctor Merriman company To this opinion of mine I adioyne another reason whereof we must not descant ouer-curiously that God predestinated purposely this extraordinary accident vpon Saul for the aduancement of Dauid who vpon this occasion happily composed many of his Psalmes and confirmed the vertues of his spirit and also by this accesse into the Kings Palace he gained vnto him the mindes of his chiefe Captaines and Officers besides he got by this familiar frequency in the Court his education and experience in matters of ciuill policy which otherwise he could hardly in humane probability obtaine by reason that hee was brought vp but simply among Sheepheards This I write not of any blasphemous purpose to restraine the Lords miraculous power but that we may obserue his prouidence in vouchsafing to worke by ordinary and naturall meanes But admit that the literall sense be admitted what absurdity can ensue thereof For the Diuell in his fall hauing wholy lost the musicall consent and melodious concord which was ensused in his soule at his creation could hardly digest Dauids Hymmes and Harpe the same being quite disagreeable to his discording and disproportioned nature I say such Diuine musicke reduced the extrauagant thoughts of Saules soule to such an excellent harmony and quiet tune that the Diuell durst not abide that sweete tempered sound Ouer all the abouesaid wicked spirits the spirit of Detraction awaiteth Doth the Lord send his terrible thunder his glorious lightnings as warlike alarums to rouze vs vp from our sleepy sinnes Behold the spirit of Detraction at hand and attributes those strange signes to the Prince of this world his Lord and Master the Diuell God quoth he is the Author of goodnesse quiet and neuer int●rmedles with thunder-claps stormes or tempests Non illi imperium pelagi sc●ptrumque tridentis Sed mihi sort datum
be thou mayest be the motiue of his repentance and reformation These spitefull spurious seedes of the Spirit of Detraction a deuout Schoole ●a● points out in this ma●er Si paup●res vilem ab●ectum ●e reputat si D●ues ambit ●os●m auarum cupidum si Affabilts dissolutum si Praedicator vel Docter ●●moris vel humani fauoris quaesuorem si 〈…〉 inu●●l●m s●●cum us hypocritam si comedens vrc●rem Tha● is if thou be poore he reputes thee vile and obiect if rich amb●tions a ●●ggard or couetous if affa●●e 〈…〉 if thou be a Preacher or a Doctor then he accou●t● thee a hunter after honour or popularity if silent vnprofitable if fasting an hypocrite if eating a gl●tton With these or such like mantles of subtleties the Diuell vseth to shrou● his inueterate malice towards mankind so that we presuming on selfe-wit and selfe-will care not what wickednesse we contriue nor what vanity we vtter with our lips Nor doe we thinke that our most patient Lord beholdeth vs heareth vs yea and knoweth the very cogitations of our hearts before we haue time to speake them But because when we knew God we glorifie him not as God neither are thankefull therefore God giues vs vp to reprobate minde That is he giues vs ouer to our owne lustes to si●ne tradimur Sathanae we are deliuered ouer to be tempted and seduced by Sathan we are excommunicated with Caine from Gods lightsome presence barred out of the doores of heauen and banished from bl●sle And if it were lawfull for me to diue in the Lords secrets I would say that the Arch-diuell that old Serpent is let loose out of hell for a time to confirme vs in our reprobate natures LINEAMENT VI. 1 The naturall manner how the Spirit of Detraction enters into a man and possesseth him 2 Another reason to confirme the premisses HOw so vile a spirit as this of Detraction can possesse a man pertaker of diuine reason I cannot keepe close from my friends the naturall meanes First Will being Lady ouer the soule ouer reason ouer sense and imagination loth to minister causes of discontentment to any of her subiects lest her Dominion through ciuill discord might become enfeebled resolues to please all handes sometimes bearing with one sometimes with another at last she is glad her selfe to yeeld her suffrage vnto the strongest party in such wise that the spirit of Detraction gets footing with other spirits of errour Wherein she resembles the Machiauellian Princes of this world who complot by their peoples factions for their priuate gaine one while with the Gnelfes another while with the Gibellines one while with the white Rose another while with the red Rose one while with the Vrsini another while with the house of Columna vntill at length themselues by the iust iudgement of God feele equall smart their owne estates turned topsie-turuy and vntill the triple crowned Monarch be chased like the Foxe out of his hole from Rome to Auinion To adde another naturall reason for the enabling of the premisses the spirit of Detraction at the first by bribing of memory sense hath accesse to the braine which is the lodge of the Imaginatiue Lady and by his double diligence insinuates himselfe into her amity She a Princesse of estimation and fauor with the Heart commends this spirit of Detraction to her protection as a minion or play-fellow to deceiue the time or rather her selfe and to discouer vnto her the diuersities of Spirits which might harme her eyther in detracting her credite or in disposing her subiects to insurrection Here the spirituall Hermaphrodite is let in at first by secret conuayances as a thiefe for as yet he dares not openly enter into the hearts palace for feare of the enuious Nobles But in processe of time hauing throughly like Absolon or Seianus stolne away the good consent of the Heart and now strongly befriended by her extraordinary fauours in this microcosme of man he enduceth other humorous spirits to regard him and in fine enticeth vnto him in the hearts metropoly the greatest number of the purer vitall spirits where he besotteth them and bewitcheth them with melancholy rage choler malice and other disordinate passions insomuch that the Soule the hearts tutrix is likewise enforced nolens volens will she nill she to obey this vnworthy Spirit LINEAMENT VII 1 Corollaries for the explanation of the premisses 2 Where wicked Spirits reside in man WIcked Spirits inhabite both in the soule and body some as the spirit of malicious Detraction the spirit of hatred the spirit of enuie lodge in the highest and chiefest part of the soule called the reasonable will which is seated betweene reason and sensuality and apt to be applied to eyther and these are spirituall materiall not knit to any corporall Organ or instrument Other some there be that dwell in the inseriour part of the soule now Will being altogether become sensuall as the spirit of g●uttony the spirit of lechery and these are materiall bodily and apprendants to some corporall subiect as rightly belonging to the sensitiue appetite The former spirits are apprehended in the soule before they descend to the bodies appetite The latter two are conceiued with sensuall appetite before it be throughly scanned in the reasonable will or soule whether the acte committed be good or euill This the auncient Philosophers harp●d vpon when they acknowledged in euery man three seuerall parts proceeding from spirituall and corporall fountaines namely the Intellectuall which issueth from the soule in the braine the Irascible which issueth from the heart and the Concupiscible or longing part which flowes from the liuer Of these the Intellectuall while it remaines incorrupted may be termed celestiall being the little and liuely looking-glasle of Gods own attributes The other two being brutail may rightly be ascribed to the sensitiue constitution specially when eyther through custome complexion or through some accidentall course they become materiall members for the knowledge of Euill In like manner both these spirits Irascible and Concupiscible linckt in affinity with flesh and blood may also proportionably challenge one vniuersall lodge in the body as wel as the soule apart vnto themselues I meane when they vsurpe a predominance ouer the rest of the passions and this is the heart for who calumniates his neighbours good name and same and hath not the heart burning Who is possessed with the spirit of lust and seeles not his heart consenting Who hates his neighbour and perceiues not his heart panting for reuenge In the heart is the most concourse of humours and there abounds much fiery heat seeing that it digesteth the blood which is sent from the liuer for euen as the eyes of maydes looke vp to the hands of their Mistresse and as the lesser wheeles in the watch waite vpon the greatest wheele so all the members of the body depend vpon the heart their punctuall wheele and mistresse LINEAMENT VIII 1 That the spirit of Detraction
hath two principall instruments the Hand and the tongue 2 Their apish trickes 3 Their monstrous effects 4 A briefe dehortation from Detraction EVen as wise Philosophers by signes and effects doe finde out naturall causes by properties they found out essences and by leading sparres doe ayme at leaden mines so must we by some externall operations apprehend the instrumentall meanes by which the froathy spirit of Detraction manageth whole rablements of wrangling and ●angling actions And these are two the Hand the Tongue with the hand Sathan procures a man to wri●e infamous libels inuectiues Satyres and disgracefull letters and times not inferiour to the Popes thundring Bulles against his powerful Makers name or at least wise against his honest neighbours fame yea though he be an hundred miles distant from him with such violent and insupportable fury that one knowes not which is more dreadfull the pike o● the pen. Such a one might well be called a Calamoboas that is the lusty or lofty Crier with the pen as Antipater in Plutarch termed Carneades the libeller Some other times a dumbe spirit possesseth our outlawed out-casts so that with dumbe shewes winking eyes wry mouthes bended browes pointed fingers touch of fee●e and other apish trickes they tempt the patience of the godliest man Which beast-like vsage a moderne Poet thus painteth out Me digitis monstant subsannant dentibus omnes Hic aures Asini fingit ille canem With fingers point with grinning teeth they flout me One Asses eares he dogs tongue makes about me The other and common instrument of The spirit of Detraction is the Tongue which being ill ordered and Tutourlesse may bee termed a leprous sinne a contagious sinne spreading farre and neere the hyperbolical deuises of the Diuell by the mouth of the detracting spirit towards the credulous eares of mortall men Wherein it is a thing remarkeable and worthy of graphicall obseruation to see how this small member can worke such turbulent tumults throughout all the circuit of mans little world The repercussion of it stirres the gall enflameth the blood netries the heart and musters together all the mutinous powers of the body in reuenge of the other opposite spirit But when all comes to all Truth is great and must preuaile In cold bloud men of vnderstanding will grow to this conclusion that the tongue endamageth three soules the absent whom it backe-biteth the present person which is attentiue and the Detractor himselfe which bloweth the dust and it reuerteth backe vnto his owne eyes Euill words corrupt good manners and also bewray the motions of the heart for euen as the tree of the fielde is knowne by his fruit so is the thought of mans heart knowne by his words Where is Charity Where is Taciturnity While the tongue becomes the Diuels Trumpeter to sound out his malicious words of defiance O imprudent age O carelesse folke which suffer themselues to be allured by hellish Nighting-galles Fistula dulce canit volucrem dum decipit auceps The Fowler lures melodiously While he takes birds deceitfully In regard of which circumstances Let thy words be few for as a dreame comes by the multitude of businesse so the voyce of a foole is in the multitude of wordes And l●t those golden sayings of the Apostle be firmely imprinted within the closet of thine heart G●●ue not quoth he the holy spirit of God by whom thou art sealed vnto the day of redemption Let all but ernesse anger and euill speaking be put away with all maliciousnesse LINEAMENT IX 1 The Authors censure of certaine English Pamphleters and Ballad writers with an inuocation to my L. of Canterbury for a reformation not onely of these abuses in writing but also of other enormuus committed against the Church-Can●ts 2 A Description of good and euill writers 3 That there is a mixt morall kind of writing seruing as the lesser ●ight for the conuersion of the naturall man HErein I cannot chuse but somwhat touch the apish spleene of certain English Pamphleters who to gaine themselues windy applauses and popular praises among Sathans posterity like vnto Erostratus who fired Dianaes famous Temple at Ephe sus to the intent he might be spoken of in after ages do publish daily the puffed leauen of their phantasies which the Poet otherwise calles Ingenij caprisicum The wilde Fig-tree of their greene wittes or as we vulgarly say their wilde seed Oates These bastard Bookes begotten in an euill houre vpon the effeminate aspect of Venus and Mars I could wish to be suddenly suppressed as Monsters opposite to the sacred spirit of Regeneration And for this purpose I humbly inuocate on you my iudicious Lord Great Britaines Metropolitane intreating your further vigilancy in rooting out those vaine Vines which according to the nature of ill weedes will in time ouer-grow your pruned plants But who am I that dare admonish the Ambrose of our age who with your heauenly food of Ambrosia Manna and Nectar doe nourish the soules of our Christian Church prouiding milke for their young ones medicine for their sicke and meate for their strong Right reuerend Lord I know it is presumption in me to discourse with so great and graue a Personage Yet notwithstanding because our English Adage taught me this vncontrouled rule spare to speake and spare to speede I will not spare to enforme your Grace what wicked weedes doe ouer-top the graine of my natiue soile Beside those rotten rootes of writing the neglect of your Constitutions and experimented Orders whereby our Commissaries must not call to question the sincerer sort of people vpon bare and naked fame for euery slight and slanderous imputation whereby they are forbidden to prouounce definitiue sentence without the aduice of discreet Aduocates whereby our Proctors are charged not to frame their libelles without the opinions and hands of Aduocates and whereby their wrangling noyse in Court is stinted I say the contempts of these and other your Canonicall commaundements by your meaner Officials which now in your first Visitation may more acutely be espied are the principall causes that they of the layer and lower sort become more carelesse in their carriage more addicted vnto Detraction For surely there is nothing in this spacious Round or Vniuerse of nature which more resisteth the execution of lawes then the ordinary heape of friuolous and froward suites then the disobedience and breach of ciuill customes in men of higher note These and many other enormious crimes enuring the popular ranke to peremptory and pecuish thoughts deedes and speeches your prouidence may expell for a time if not quite extinguish and extirpe Your fame eternized through your euer-shining bookes through your neuer-spotted actions may worke some miracles in the conuersion of our Detractors Yea your noble Name illustrious ABBOT a Name I confesse somewhat ominous among the aduerse side the admirers of auncient Abbeyes I say your very Name etymologized from that Abba of Adoption the sounding voyce
from the Creature That the harpe soundeth the harper is the cause that it soundeth ●ll the harpe it selfe is the cause In all naturall bodies their owne brittlenesse is the cause of their corruptions Not the agents but the patients worke their ill sauouring That we talke that we walke God is the cause that we talke amisse walke awrie our owne wantonnesse with our weaknesse is the cause Our tongues were made to glorifie our Creator our hearts to meditate before we talke that both consenting and concurring together in a ioyfull embassage towards God the soule may deserue a ioyfull welcome in heauen In regard of which circumstances O mortall men Let your dead bodies be embaulmed your meates perboyled or poudered Let your tongues hearts and steps be directed by the bridle lampe and line of Gods holy word For with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation according to that diuine Disticke Non vox sed votum non Musica chordula sed cor Non clamor sed amor cantat in aure Dei Not flattring words but feruent vowes of mind Not Musickes sound but soules by faith refin'd Not outward cries but inward flaming zeale Within Gods eares ring out a pleasing peale LINEAMENT VI. 1 How God predestinated some to be saued 2 Why all men were not elected 3 That mens owne willes by Gods sufferance occasion their reprobation and harme 4 The Authors sentence concerning himselfe whether he be one of the elect 5 That Good and Euill cannot come without Gods consent OVR heauenly Father whose prouidence or foresight is no other then his present sight before the beginning of the world seeing men at that time though vncreated and vnborne all present in his sight as if they were alreadie created and borne readie to receiue doome or iudgement and seeing them at that instant to refuse his grace as liuely as if they had already refused the same obseruing withall the corruption of their nature continued by custome to produce corrupt fruits and effects accordingly elected the purer moulded spirits apart from the rest enabled them with his grace as with a speciall gift or pardon for indeed the very purest had deserued death and damnation and freely of meere fauour gaue them their liues at the mediation of their Redeemer and also their liberty which their first parents haue since wittingly forfeited The rest as reprobates refusing his charter of grace and alreadie in his foresight which is eternall and alwaies present condemned and standing before him in the state of damnation he suffered still to perseuer and to be as he found and saw them Crie for mercy they could not because his instice required equality or satisfaction Beg for liberty they could not by reason that their sinnes had entangled and tongue-tied them And so for want of speaking and suing with remorce of conscience which we call repentance vnto the Sauiour of the world by whom I vnderstand Gods mercy which ●ince was made flesh shined before his Iustice they sustained the punishment that was due vnto them Wherein they were not to blame God but rather themselues that foolishly delayed their suites I heard that of late daies a prisoner well lettered after condemnation hauing gotten the benefit of his Clergy according to the lawes of this land and referred to his triall whether he could reade or no was sodainly so bed azeled and bereaued of his eye sight that for want of reading he lost his life Now who can blame the Iudge in this case Surely no man For he was iustly hanged through his owne default The Iudge did what he could iustifie yea and perhaps was forced to shead teares when he pronounced the iudgement Much more fault are we to finde with those sinners which can reade and beg for remission and yet of set contu●acie like a curst child wholly addicted to frowardnesse will not be perswaded once to say Abba Father To returne vnto my former matter of Election God findes men euill and leaues them so for he is not tied to giue them grace except it please himselfe To confirme this I regard many creatures and doe finde them all diuersly disposed some to good some to euill some to riches some to pouerty I finde this diuersitie in our very grounds Heere is good arable land good pasture there growes neither corne nor pasture but briers brambles tares cockle furres heath or stones Non omnis fert omnia tellus Hic segetes illic crescunt foelicuis vuae All grounds beare not alike all kind of things Here growes grain there the grape more fruitful springs But why all grounds yeeld not the same commodities we must leaue that secrecy to Gods vnsearchable will I like manner I see our earthly kings bestowing titles of honour vpon diuers persons and vpon diuers occasions Some they dubbe knights before the battel and some after the battell Some others they grace of their owne sesecrete iudgement or for some cause vnknowne vnto vs. After the like manner to compare great things with small O eternall Father thou disposest of thy sinfull creatures Some thou callest some thou electest some thou reiectest Of those which thou callest some thou reseruest for one purpose some for another and all for thy glory Neither ought we to maruell or murmure at this that we be not all called chosen considering what was our beginning our fragility our stubborne natures and that we deserued no fauour at all Seeing our first Parents both man and woman tasted the fruite of good and euill it is but discreet seuerity or rather diuine mercy that thy soueraigne Maiestie electeth some as good persons of their seede to honour thee and leauest the rest as euill to their owne appetites in satisfaction of thy iustice To the one thou giuest heauen for the honour of thy mercie to the other hell for the honour of thy iustice And yet dare not I alwaies iustifie the elect in exempting them quite from the thraldome of sinne seeing that they are but brittle flesh and bloud who might commit follies in their youth being subiect to the knowledge of euill and neuerthelesse become reformed in the middest of their age as capable by the diuine bounty of the knowledge of goodnesse Now it remaineth that I touch a little as I saile by the shoare of curiositie wherefore God suffereth the workmanship of his hands to be damned For the solution of this triuiall and idle question it is written that the Potter may ordaine his owne vessels to what vse himselfe pleaseth For no doubt but God is glorified in the damnation of the reprobate as in the Reuelation he is honoured for iudging the whore of Babylon albeit that he be no cause of their wickednesse Commonly he suffereth euill to chance by that meanes as he bringeth goodnesse to passe extolling his owne glory out of their errours and in effect his sufferance of euill is nothing else but his destination
and Elias in their soules and bodies vp into heauen Many good men haue died sodainly Abell Iosias Onias and others had no long warning to prepare themselues God knowes best what besits our humane natures It may be he causeth some to die suddenly because of their crazed braines lest in their lingring disease they fall according to the constitution of their bodies into despaire or to railing and reuiling whereby they might leaue behinde them in this world an infamous memoriall Therefore to case them of their torments and for auoyding of so soule a scandall he suddenly sends for his selected seruants Some others he send for suddenly and terribly to terrifie them which remaine behinde for if Gods seruants die such a fearefull death what hope hath the sinner In a word good men neuer pray against suddaine death but to the entent they might order their worldly businesse before their deathes as the said to Hezechias Set thy house in order for thou must die LINEAMENT XII 1 That we must not iudge by mens misfortunes or sudden death that they be forsaken of God 2 Charitable censures which a good Christian may yeeld touching those that die suddenly 3 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted for censuring ouer cruelly of the Authors wife who was striken dead with lightning the 〈◊〉 of Ianuary 160 0 where ●er comm●ndation and assumption are moralized WHen the Lord is disposed extraordinarily to extend his glorious power why dost thou ô foolish man presume to enter into his hidden power Why dost thou labour like Lucifer to climbe vp into his chaire of secrets Shal the thing formed checke him that formed it Can the Pottervse his vessels as he thinkes good and shall not the Lord dispose of his owne creatures Who ar● thou which iudgest another mans seruant What canst thou tel whether God hath predestinated them to saluation and accepted of their submission as of the thiefe which was crucified with him at the last gaspe and as they say betwixt the bridge and the brooke Betwixt the stirrop and the ground Mercy I thought mercy I found As one ●pitaphed vpon the tombe of him that fell dead sodainly from his horse Sometimes it pleaseth his Maiestie out of our errour to raise his owne honour and to make vertue perfect and complete by infirmity And therfore it is verie vncharitable for one sinner to iudge of another sinner Let him who is without sinne throw the first stone at him as Christ said ●●et the sinner draw out the beame out of his owne eye before ●e remoue the mote out of his brothers eye It is Gods office onely to iudge the euent and end of things Therefore iudge nothing before the tr●e vntill the Lord comes who will lighten the hidden things of darknesse and open the counsels of the hearts Saint Paul was made a gazing sto●ke vnto this world he was defamed yea he was made as the filihinesse of the world as the off-scouring of all things yet a chosen vessel and Apostle of Christ. When it was told our Sauiour that Pilate had massacred the Galilaeans euen as they sacrificed he willed vs not to iudge of their liues and sins but by their example to amend our liues For neither those poore Galilaeans nor yet these eighteene vpon whom the tower in Siloc fell were greater sinners then all ohers which dwelt at Ierusalem Iosias was one of the godliest kings that euer reigned in Iuda yet was he killed with dartes in the battell against the king of Aegypt Zachariah the Prophet Stephen the martyr with other seruants of God were tyrannously put to death Yea and Christ himselfe being without sinne endured worldly sorrowes without number and also died a most terrible death yet did they iudge him as though he were plagued and cast downe of God according to that which was prophesied of him The Lord is righteous in all his waies the Lord is holy in all his workes as the Prophet Dauid confessed and as Maurice the Emperour protested when he saw his wife and children murthered before his face by his seruant Phocas How then darest thou which art vnrighteous and vnholy sit and reade on the secret deeds of the righteous God and on the wondrous proceedings of the holy one of Israel Sometimes it pleaseth him to fulfill in our daies that Prophesie of his concerning the taking of the godly from among the wicked The righteous perisheth and no man regardeth it in his heart Good godly men are taken away and no man considereth it namely that the righteous is conueyed away from the wicked who heape vp treasures and pleasures for this world as the godly do for the world to come It may be also that his mercy is so great that respecting not our sinnes his aboundant grace will vouchsafe to pronounce that answere concerning Lazarus in our behalfe This sicknesse is not vnto death but for the glory of God Correspondent to which is likewise the satisfaction which our Sauiour Christ yeelded to his disciples demaund when they asked him about the blind man Master who did sinne this man or his parents that he was borne blind Iesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the works of God should be shewed in him Perhaps the Lord sends extraordinary accidents vpon his seruants to the intent that they should serue for a Parable or warning peece to the rest of his people in this countrey from whom he meanes shortly to take away their power the ioy of their honour the pleasure of their eyes and the desire of their hearts except out of hand they become watchfull and repentant with the Niniuites For if iudgement begin at the iust what shall be the end of them which obey not the Gospell of God And if the righteous be scarcely saued where shall the vngodly and sinner appeare If there be no difference betweene the innocent and reprrobate in the manner of their deathes and worldly crosses why doe we ioyne field to field land to land and make account to see long lasting daies in this transitory world or to die in our soft downe beds The word of the Lord came to Ezechiel Behold I take away from thee the pleasure of thine eyes with a plague yet shall thou neither mourne nor weepe So Ezechiel spake vnto the people in the morning and in the euening his wife died The Parable was this thus saith the Lord God behold I will pollute my sanctuary euen the pride of your power the pleasure of your eyes and your hearts desire And you shall doe as I haue done ye shall neither mourne nor weepe but ye shall pine away for your iniquities and mourne one towards another Thus Ezechiel is vnto you a signe And thus perhaps am I a signe vnto you O worldly wizards whose tongues are hired by the detracting spirit to blaspheme the powerful Lord of lightnings to curse God and die with Iobs wife and
crosses NOtwithstanding the premisses the spirit of Detraction is readie to read a cruell lecture to pratling Momes and tatling Niobes that doubtlesse the punished partie vvas eyther very vicious himselfe or else his vvife or parents had offended God in the highest degree O my Friends be not so curious in your censures In that yee iudge others yee condemne your selues for yee that iudge doe the same things Iudge not least yee be iudged And as for the scornefull doth not the Lord laugh them to s●●rne Why then doe yee scorne and scoffe at your neighbours harmes whereof God is the Author who is hee that blesseth that curseth that rewardeth that punisheth Is it not he the Lord vvhy then detract yee from his vnsearchable secrets Why endeauour yee to vsurpe his peculiar prerogatiue We are persecuted but not forsaken we are cast downe but we perish not Our mortall bodies for a time returne to dust but our soules rest in Abrahams bosome It pleased the Lord to smite his righteous seruant with infirmitie to forsake him and to be angrie with him for a little season but at last he pardoned him as the Prophet forespake of Christ. For all this my defence the spitefull spirit of Detraction relents not at all By reason of anothers extraordinarie iudgement he chargeth me strictly with impietie Is not quoth hee thy wickednesse great and thine iniquities innumerable Therefore snares are round about thee feare sodainely troubles thee Doth not God reuenge the Fathers sinnes vpon the children to the third and fourth discent O menstruous or rather monstrous absurditie Though my talke be this day in bitternesse and my plagues greater then my groaning yet will I vndertake to controule thine errour and confute thine heresie All soules are mine saith the Lord both the soule of the Father and the soule of the Sonne The same soule that sinneth shall dye The Sonne shall not beare the iniquities of the Father neither shall the Father beare the iniquitie of the Sonne For mine owne part I confesse my selfe to be chiefe among sinners but yet much wronged to become subiect vnto your detracting iudgements Yee are none of my Iudges I appeale to Caesars iudgement seate I appeale to the King of Kings the King of Mercie who will reuerse by a vvrit of errour your false vsurped iudgements If thou Lord wilt be extreame to marke what is done amisse O Lord who may abide it Woe be vnto vs woe W●e be to the most laudable life that we leade if thou O Lord setting thy mercie aside shouldst examine it Who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am pure from manie sinnes Doth the blinde accuse the blinde Doth an olde senex fornicatour accuse another fornicatour Num Luscus accusat Luscum Clod●us M●●chum And doth the spirit of Detraction the most sinfull spirit of all spirits detect me for sinning Well my confession is not auricular but openly reiterated If I wash my selfe in snow water and purge my hands most cleane yet shalt thou plaegue me in the pit and mine owne cloathes will make mee silihie Mine owne fleshly vveedes being tainted vvith longing thoughts must sing a sorrowfull peccaui to the tune of stoope gallant And vnfainedly to vse Saint Pauls words I allow not that which I doe for what I would that I doe not but what I hate that doe I. Albeit that oftentimes I haue a will to doe well yet the nature of my flesh not any wise able to be expelled with the forke of mine owne naked reason confounds this readie will of mine and causeth me to commit moe sinnes in number then the sands of the sea All which with a contrite minde I submit to the mercy of God crauing most humbly on the knees of my heart in the lowest degree of reuerence my Redeemers merits as the vaile of grace to stand betwixt his diuine Iustice and their gore-bloud guiltinesse But certainly in my poore iudgement God took away mine innocent vvife after the aboue-said manner for though I say it all her acquaintance wil say as much as I that she liued as godly as honestly as any whatsoeuer in all her Countrie not so much for my sins though the same might be grieuous as for that all others might prepare themselues against their nuptials with Christ Iesus remembring that prophesie concerning Babilon who said in her heart I shall be a Lady for euer I am and none else I shall not sit as a widdow neither shall I know the losse of Children But thus said the Lord These two things shall come vnto thee sodainely in one day the losse of children and widdowhood O Lord of infinite iudgement widdowhood is sodainely come vnto mee thou hast iustly visited me and bercaued me of my chiefest comfort Thou knewest shee vvas too good for mee Thy vvill be done O mightie Lord. Let the infusion of thy grace into mine vntoward soule recompence my griefe and losse Thy grace is sufficient for mee thy power is made perfect through weakenesse When wee are most perplexed with worldly crosses then is thy spirit strongest in vs. And euen as the soules vertue is strengthened with infirmitie so certainely it is necessarie for our licentious natures now and then to be curbed vvith infirmities It is necessarie for vs that sinne the messenger of Sathan doe other whiles buffet vs and bruise our earthly heeles It is necessarie that malice bridle or rather prick as vvith sharpe pointed Needles our detracting wanton thoughts whereby we might remember our owne weake condition and turne to God who alone is without infirmitie Let me doe what good I can let me endeauour as much as is possible for flesh and bloud to endeauour yet I shall proue but an vnprofitable seruant I am blacke like an Aethiopian nay I am more blacke my very teeth are blacke My soule is all spotted all guiltie of vncleanenesse Onely my beliefe is that thy Grace is more aboundant then tongue can speake or heart can thinke or pen can paint LINEAMENT XV. The Authours gratulatorie Prayer vnto the Lord for the aboue-said wonderous effects O Louely Light O Lord of Maiestie how ouer-late doe I beginne to know thee My welbeloued put in his hand by the hole of my doore offring to breath faith into my soule But such was my dulnes such my drowsinesse that I could not once sigh sobbe nor say Abba Father O my Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee Yea thou wert in the superiour part of my heart and I neglected thee Thou didst call mee both within and without and I reiected thee I reiected the Well-spring of liuing vvater and resorted to noysome cisternes of puddle worte full of wormewood comforts full of tickling hopes vvhich were speedily spent for all vvordly comforts and vaine hopes doe vanish away like winde And yet it pleased thy lightsome Spirit O Lord of life after many a scorching
a Giant refresht with wine He that but a little before as an abiect among men was crowned with a crowne of thornes in a ridiculous manner rose vp in triumph the third day crowned with a glorious garland to raigne for euer aboue all the Angels in heauen And after that hee had conuersed with his Disciples forty dayes here on earth and shewed himselfe to more then fiue hundred brethren at once making his resurrection manifest by many signes and tokens and palpably opening himselfe vnto them and particularly vnto Thomas Didymus whom in the rest of the Apostles presence he caused to put his hands into his sides that thereby he might confute his incredulity hee then ascended vp to heauen in their sight where he sits in his humanity preferred at the right hand of God hauing all power giuen him of the Father ouer all things farre aboue all rule power might and dominion and aboue euery name that is named not onely in this world but also in the world to come as thousand thousands of Angels and Saints proclaymed with a loud voyce in heauen Worthy is the Lambe that was killed to receiue power riches wisdome strength honour glory and praise Without the intercession of this reuiued and rightly respected Lambe the iust God-head will not accept the prayers of flesh and bloud be they neuer so humble neuer so vrgent On this mysticall Lambe on this sacred flaming Serpent fixe wee our internall eyes fixe wee our thoughts that are so stung by the sinfull Serpent and our God is pleased As contrariwise he is displeased if we craue the assistance of any other Saint or Angell Power or Principality There is no health to man saue onely by thy meanes and mediation Lord Iesus that boughtest the same ful dearely with thy blood innocently shed There is but one God and one Mediatour as thy chosen vessell shewes It is farre better to trust Gods word then the bonds of Saints who indeed are but creatures and no Creatours They are Gods members the spirituall Citie and Temple wherein his workes of mercy shine but they are not the Builders of this Citie or Temple to whom Diuine honour is onely due Who can preuaile more with the Father then the Sonne Who with the Sonne then a penitent soule whose conuersion the whole Quire of Heauens Inhabitants doe likewise most ioyfully applaude O man how deepely art thou indebted vnto thy Creator which for thy deliuerance out of the dark dungeon of death and errours hath appointed this great Angell to be thy Redeemer Mediatour and soueraigne Iudge We should blaspemously detract from thine omniscience O Lord omnipotent if we retained any other Attourney any other Aduocate besides thy soueraigne Maiesty Or if we were so credulous as to vse any such mediation farre be it from their submissiue thoughts to vsurpe thy puissant place which alone hast the Fathers key of fauourable Grace the same to open or to shut at thy soueraigne pleasure Diuine honour belongeth only vnto thee which thy seruant Peter well acknowledged when as he would not suffer Cornelius the Captaine to worship him but tooke him vp saying Stand vp my selfe am also a man The like disswasion vsed thine Angell to Iohn See thou doe it not for I am thy fellow seruant but worship God Thou art iealous of thine honor and limitest thy creatures to their conuenient functions for the glory of thy Name Cultus adoratio nulli creaturae concedi possunt sine Diuinitatis iniuria Worship and adoration cannot be graunted to any creature without wrong to the Godhead as an auncient Father testified And as another learned Doctor taught Maledictus omnis homo qui spem habet in homine quamuis Sanctus sit quamuis Propheta Cursed is that man which putteth his trust in men though they be Saints though they be Prophets Is it not then a wrong a blasphemous wrong to the whole Maiesty of the sacred Trinity for a man to distrust Christs absolute Soueraignty ouer all Principalities and his Diuine knowledge ouer all the world And doe we not distrust these prerogatiues of his when with a blinde zeale we deuoutly suc vnto inferiour persons as though our Sauiour were otherwise occupied or that he loued state and pompe Doe not we distrust when we repeate ouer as Persius his Parrots 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 often greetings to our Lady yea millions of Aue Mariaes when we reade our Ladies Offices our Ladies Psalter or when we trauell in pilgrimage for her sake for satisfaction of our sinnes to Lorette to Guardalupe or to Montserrate No doubt but that herein we distrust his Diuinity and detract first from the Father who sent his Sonne in person among his vnthankefull tenants raised him from death and set him on his right hand inspiring him with his omniscience whereby he might know the very secrets of all hearts and refresh them that were laden with the burthen of their crying sinnes Then we detract from Iesus Christ when we foolishly and phantastically despise his word not onely refusing to beleeue in his Crosse to be saued through his merites alone through his sauing Name alone for what else betokeneth the name of Iesus but an al-sufficient Sauior O Iesu esto mihi Iesu but also hoping by the Moone-shine in the water by other mens deserts to obtaine remission And lastly we detract and wrong the holy Ghost when we compell him with his spirituall gifts to depart away sorrowfull from the mansion of our soules being willing to performe and execute his office in testifying and wittnessing to our consciences our saluation through Christs onely merites Let me doe good workes let me like Zaccheus giue halfe that I haue to the poore let me fast let me represse the perturbations of my minde by taming my body with discipline or with whipping as some Papists doe or by launcing and wounding of my flesh after the example of Baals Priests yet if I want faith and loue faith to beleeue onely in Christ and loue to liue as a member of his mysticall body reiecting all other helpes whatsoeuer I am an Anathema an accursed Excommunicate out of his faithfull family Neuerthelesse God forbid that I should proue so ingratefull vnto the Mother of my Sauiour that I should forbid honest-minded Christians to yeelde her memory that reuerence and reuerend regard which is not repugnant to the Diuine Maiesty or offensiue to his iealous Spirit For I holde it a very laudable custome that the monuments of her name vertues and conception be preserued from obliuion and extinction by an anniuersary or yearly renewing of them vpon those festiuall daies as our Church hath destinated for the celebration thereof As I defie those which Deifie her memory and person in saying vnto her O Sauuoresse sauue moy O my Sauiouresse sane me so I defie those which defie her memory and person This the Scripture warrants This my earthly Soueraigne witnesseth and confirmeth
worship thee But blest art thou for all my blasphemie All honour be to thee O veritie Bright light of loue one God in vnitie And persons three in orders Trinity Which canst me free from all such vanity When it shall please thy gracious Maiesty My soule to veile with thy boundlesse bounty Though speech be winde and Schoolemens quantity Void of true sense void of true quality Yet when the same doth thy sweet lawes transcend Lord let my babling light on Babels end But for my soule let no fond Oracles Her substance spill nor stand as obstacles Eternally to blinde her spectacles Which thou hast clear'd by thy words miracles THE THIRD CIRCLE OF THE SPIRIT OF DETRACTION CONIVRED AND CONVICTED LINEAMENT I. 1 The nature of the spirit of Detraction 2 His obiections 3 The Authours answere 4 The description of Detraction 5 His Companions 6 His Paradoxes 7 Abriese consutation AMong such troupes of wicked spirits which beleaguer the sinfull sonnes of Adam none of them is so pernitious as this viperous spirit of Detraction for by this turbulent motiō Pluto himselfe being an Angell of glory lost his former state and likewise wee worldly weakelings deserue our Creators curse vpon your selues and posterities Behold yee brainsicke blabs licentious libertines behold your famous familiar your spirit of Detraction coniured and conn●cted in a Circle without crosses without Masses without holy water without pots of good liquor or pipes of Tobacco the only moderne motiue of malicious Detraction and that by no meaner weapons then by the mysticall weapons of Michaell and Michea the powerfull Oracles of the great God O what an vnaccustomed coniuration is this New Lords new lawes masse-monging manacled Diuels discouered And dare you c●nuict the auncient spirit of Detraction which by successiue tradition descended vnto vs well nigh a thousand yeares agoe euen about the very time when the Pope and Mahomet bought their puissant patents this for the East from the detracting Dragon the other for the West from his Eagles wing the Emperour Phocas Dare you vilifie the soueraignty of Bacchus and Tobacco and aduenture to coniure vp such an omnipotent Spirit as that of Detraction without these belching belly-Gods Which our swintsh swaggerers extoll now-a dayes on the behalfe of this spirit as chiefe purgers of superf●uous rheumes preparatiues of heauenly dreames visions oracles and supernaturall reuelations Then farewell kinde neighbour-hood farewell good fellowship farewell table-talke farewell descanning of destinies farewell all trencher-knights and readers of other mens actions As the body is nourished with good liquor the bones with marrow so is the soule of man with the perfume of Diuine Tobacco and with the perfusion of Detracting taunts Take away these two the cause and the effect the substance and the shadow what is mans life but a drie discourse a solitary Ghost mortified with melancholy Veritas non quaerit angulos The way of truth is plaine without turnings I feare not to lay downe the truth were my brother a Tobacconist a Wine-bibber or a false Prophet Amicus Socrates amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas Socrates is my friend Plato is my friend but Truth is my chiefest friend The excessiue taking of Tobacco together with drunken fellowship renew the forces of the Detracting spirit and likewise doe kindle the fire that was couertly raked afore vnder the ashes for his malicious humour Which to describe is an embezeling of anothers glory a wrongfull withdrawing of anothers power and a blasphemous censure inuented and blazed abroad touching the Creator or his creature which eyther may be termed a kinde of scurrility or knauish carping carpendi effusa licentia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or else a doubling of the Dogs letter Rout of their snarling nostrils To this I might adde that they offend against the third Commandement namely Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine and also against the ninth Commandement Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour which subiect themselues vnto this kinde of Spirit In the company of this wicked spirit as I said before many other spirits consort such as our Countrey-men call boone companions yea more spirits then euer molested Mary Magdalen The spirit of blasphemy as the shadow vpon the body chiefely awaites vpon him and shares with him for the pretious soule of man So doe the spirit of enuy the spirit of hatred and sundry other poysonous messengers of the common enemy the Diuell all ready sophistically to proue the idle phantasics and imaginations of shallow braines Would you coelo deducere Lunam draw the Moone down from heauen or the starres from the skie The spirit of Detraction with his mates make for you The Moone is descended and hath kist Endimion while he lay asleepe The starres be fallen and a company of drunkards at their taking of Tobacco beheld them According to that of the Poet Cum bibitir conchis hinc iam vertigine coelum Ambulat geminis exurgit mensa lucernis When wines are drunk then heauen whirleth round And candles two on boord for one abound There are Incubi which haue lien with faire women and tempted them ere now to plant Actaeons badge on their husbands foreheads Merlin your Brittish Bardh sometimes possested with the spirit of prophesie was a bastard begotten betwixt a goodly young Diuell and a goodly young Gentlewoman At old Carmarthen Merlins famous towne Nay more the Arch-Diuel hath gotten the Popes power he hath gotten the keyes of Heauen he hath authority to binde to loose to diminish the paines of hell to grant Indulgences and Pardons for one and twenty yeares of all manner of mortall sinnes he powreth downe raine amaine at his pleasure he terrifies the world with thunders lightnings and earthquakes Cornelius Agrippa is a great man in his books vseth him for his familiar and by coniurations commands the clouds and makes the Planets executioners to plague his aduersaries O monstrous blasphemie O preposterous absurditie Will any man of vnderstanding giue credite to these Idolatrous Detractions God himselfe questioning with Iob out of the Whirle-winde vtterly denies that Diuine authority to any creature Canst thou said he send the lightnings that they may walke and say vnto thee Lo here we are If Baal be God then goe after him but if the Lord be God why tempt you his patient Spirit in ascribing his dreadfull power vnto his Enemy that darkesome deadly Fiend which cannot helpe himselfe or act the least matter of importance Elias in annulling of Baals power manifested him onely to be God which answered by heauenly fire The Diuell fighteth with none other weapons then with deceit With deceitfull malice he stung Christ while he was on earth and with the selfe same weapons he stinges Christians Christ in his members now that he is in Heauen With deceit he tempted Eue and with deceit he persecuteth the woman of God the Church of Christ
of time by reason that the excesse and abundance of heauenly ioyes drownes all the memory of time like as a man that is spectator of a Comedy with the extremity of delight thinkes three houres no longer then one houre The ioies of heauen are infinite and cannot be circumscribed by time There dwels the great Ichouah who is Alpha and Omega the beginning and last who will teach vs to measure time after another manner after a metaphysicall manner This moued the Angell to sweare that there should be no more time This moued the Psalmist to say A thousand yeares in thy sight are but as yesterday Go too then yee Astrologicall Scribes leaue off your curious computations the time will come like Platees wonderfull yeare wherein man-kinde shall neede none of your Almanackes But in the meane time yee complaine and this complaint will last as long as your Almanacks that there be other Chronographers or rather temporizers beside your selues I graunt that there be two sorts of temporizing companions which abuse the naturall quality of pretious time the one an hypocrite which vnder the humble habite of a Lambe for luere sake deceiues his deerest friend an intelligeneer the disciple of Machiauel a Iew that loues no man but for aduantage that detracts from him who hath best befriended him in his neede an A theist a dissembler a neutrall that with the winde and time changeth his Religion Amicus omnium amicus nullorum euery mans friend and no mans friend a busie medler in other mens causes a Polypragmon an Apparitor that like a Iudaes or Simoniake liues by extortion by the price of bloud by enquiring from time to time after the sinnes of the people The other temporizer is a Philosophicall dunce this yeare a Thomist the next yeare a Sco●ist an earnest plodder of supernaturall reasons Obstipo capite infigens lumine terram With downe-bent head and eyes vpon the ground an obseruer of the least minute in horologie and one that would faine intrude himselfe into the Lords priuy Counsell The former kinde of Temporizers inhabite in publique places about Princes Palaces and like false Achithophels long to manage matters of policy The latter as people addicted to more melancholy retire themselues to monasticall habitations where they meditate on their curious problemes grinding the world as it were into Oaten-meale in the Winde-mill of their braines And now to re-iterate Curiosity the primary cause of Detraction begotten by Originall corruption our incorrigible natures being let at random left arbitrary to doe what seemes good in our owne eyes tandem Custode romoto without Orbilites our tutors crabbed countenance without checkes or correction encourage vs to waxe lawlesse and licentious libertines worse then the busie-headed French at whose dissolute carriage and audacious Detraction I was much amazed when in euery towne and village I heard them scot-free reuile and raile at their chiefe Magistrates with taikatiue Curiosity scanning their honest deedes From whom euen as we borrow new-fangled dresses and courtly-complements so doe we like curious Apes receiue their poysonous Adder of Detraction We see motes in other mens eyes but perceiue not beames in our owne eyes We note acutely with Argus sight one sinister acte perpetrated by another but will not discerne our owne great and grosse crrours though all others discouer them as easily as huge rockes or notorious shelfes Our owne transgressions we compare to mole-hils our neighbors to the Alpes or Pirenaean mountains The reason is because our muddy minds shoote altogether outward and winde not inwardly into themselues according to the Poet Tecum habita nóris quam sit tibi curta supellex Dwell with thy selfe and thou shalt know How that thy store at home is low Next we wander vp and down through our frailty in the Maze or Labyrinth of vnstedfastnesse betwixt God and his enemies the pompes of this world and carnall pleasures God seekes to winne vs by inspiring men to write bookes for our conuersions by sending zealous Preachers into sundry quarters of the world as loude trumpets to awake vs out of sinne and pr●uarication and likewise to liue in louc and charity one with another Our inconstancy defaceth all with forgetfulnesse we returne to our olde vomite and chuse with foolish Gryllus to retaine still the shapes of effeminate Epicures and Swine rather then to be metamorphosed into mens formes with the rest of Vlisses his companions Wee are carried about in the voluble spheares of our owne waucring imaginations To day we praise a man to morrow we dispraise him To day we pray to God for grace to morrow we blaspheme his power with wordes of disgrace To day our soules are calme and temperate to morrow ouer-clouded with vnruly passions Nay more we alter our opinions in one moment of an houre Romae Tybur amo ventosus Tybure Romam At Rome I long olde Tyburs Towne to see And there I long againe in Rome to be Ouer-cloyed in townes by reason of the vnwholesomnes and stricknes of the aire we long to liue in the delectable coun●rey free from those inconueniences which annoy the townes But presently tired in the countrey for want of pleasant company we retire and returne backe againe into the towne where with doubts of some infectious sickenesse with disgust and discontentment to see daily factions seedes of dissention and other dislikes common to company we wish our selues againe in the countrey How soddenly doe our imaginations chop and change How in the twinckling of an eye wee suppose our selues at London at Oxford at home from home Yea in a short time we imagine our selues safely arriued at the East Indies for spice in Barbary for sugar in China for silkes in France for wines and salts and all these Merchandizes bought brought home and sold away in as small a space as a man might repeat ouer the Lords prayer O fickle men how are your braines and mindes thus intoxicated One while yee looke as amiable as if yee had swallowed vp a hare another while fleering as if yee had swallowed vp a gull one while heauenly another while earthly one while deuoute another while Detracting not one day in one moode or minde but as the winde wauering both in words and thoughts The last impediment which the first Mans transgression subiected vs vnto is a kinde of dulnesse or negligence with which we are so besotted that we cannot open our eyes to behold what armes our Sauiour Christ left vs not onely able to encounter this spirit of Detraction but also the Arch spirit of all vitious spirits By Baptisme with future repentance he washed vs from originall corruption By shedding his innocent bloud he ransomed our soules from hell onely in recompence he expects thankfull minds of vs with continuall exercise of prayers with often communicating his mysticall Body in reuerence loue and charity one with another after that moralizing manner which St. Paul himselfe quotes downe to the quite
becomes wise and warie after miscrie or as our English prouerbe teacheth The burnt childe will take heede of the fire Let the precedent examples of other mens falles and follies exhort you to remember your Christian dueties and specially now at this instant since that yee are called and sworn as precise Patriots as chosen vessels of honour of an honourable corporation to edifie to doe your best endeuour towards the repairing of the Lords Temple though it were but by tempering of Lime whereto the Noblest is vnfit by transferring of stones by carrying of clay sand haire wooll or rather then nothing in conuaying of Oyster-shels so that ye be industrious in your charge it sufficeth for your discharge But how is it possible for you to performe any such seruice without presumption when as ye sacrilegiously conceale your Countreyes cockle your darnell your droanes your drunkards and your Detractours How is it possible for you to build vp Solymi Rudera clara soli the ruinous wals of the Church Militant when as ye offend the Arch-builder of the world with disloyall thoughts words and workes with exercising Spiritualem nequitiam in coelestibus Spirituall wickednes in heauenly matters with committing spirituall fornication against the Maiestie of Gods spirit How is it possible for you to escape vnpunished or not to be principall partakers of their faults and fines of their finnes and penalties whom ye wantonly spare for worldly respects Alas It is pitie you say to present poore silly wretches who transgresse of meere necessity It is more noble to giue then to take away to spare then to spill And sor the great Ones ye pretend that your cobweb is too thin to cub them in Foolish Pitie Marres the Citie It is a saying not so olde as true Beloued Christians beware of this Alchymie beware of this sophistry for beleeue it as an Article of your Creede that sinne is damnable vnder what colour soeuer it be shrowded Whether it be couered with clouts and ragges or with a golden robe let the Mo●ster be vnstript let Achan be accused for his theft let Ioab be endicted for his shedding of innocent bloud yea though hee haue taken Sanctuarie and caught hold on the hornes of the Altar Let Semei be brought coram nobis for his ●ayling and reuiling Let Barrabas be found as a notorious felon Enquire whether Bigthan and There 's haue committed treason against the Lords Annointed and whether the sonne of Salomith the sonne of Dibry hath committed the like heynous crimo against the Lord himselfe in blaspheming his hallowed name And of what nature soeuer the billes are that men preferre vnto you follow your euidence and find out the guilty though they be proportioned as huge as Gyants let not their high nor huge statures dismay and defile your vndefiled consciences The cause is none of yours The iudgement is none of yours But both belong vnto him that made you Ye can doe no lesse then ●ndorce BILLA VERA vpon euident misdemeanures albeit with outward teares and inward bleeding griefes For if Saul an Annointed King for sparing of Agag a prisoner Prince had his Kingdome of Israell rent from his posteritie for euer euen by the Lords owne verdict what shall be the guerdon of your indulgence of your cunning concealement The reward of sinne is death and the reward of bloudy or blasphemous sinne such as periury is can be no other then perpetuall death Non est bonum ludere cum Sanctis There is no iesting with oathes no dalliance with detracting from Gods word It is not Equiuocation or mentall reseruation Iurani Imguâ mentem iniura tam gero I swore an oath by tongue but I beare a minde vnsworne as that young man Hyppolitus in Euripedes protested It is not the Popes pardon or his detracting dispensation it is not Indian golde it is not a selfe flattering suggestion nor all this worlds commodity which can iustifie the cursed blot of blasphemie or rectifie the cancred blossomes of blasphemous concealements There is a sinne veniall which we call trespasse and there is a sinne vnto death a sinne not to be forgiuen Such is the wilfull and presumptuous sin of a mans owne witting conscience against the open face and illumination of the holy Ghost And what if the sinne of Periurie fals out to be this horrible and heauie sinne In what a plight are partiall Iuries Therefore my Masters I could wish that ye deliberate with Diuine discretion before ye determine your verdicts rashly in heat of flesh and bloud And to speake more plainely to the purpose I could wish as long as yee enioy this waightie place in examining the defects and defaults of your Countrey that ye proceed not as many now-a-dayes do to censure presently after drinking or Tobacco taking but rather that ye beginne continue and conclude your proceedings soberly grauely and aduisedly without temerity timerousnesse or affection But what man quoth the spirit of Detraction can be so voyde of passion or affection Then farewel kindred farewel loue nay farewell life it selfe if I cannot helpe my friend in necessity or hurt my foe in oportunitie The Lord rebuke thee thou foule spirit that goest about to make Christians worse then Pagans in whose bookes it is written that Iustice hath neither father nor mother Shall we regenerated Christians that know Iustice to be one of the chiefest Attributes of the Godhead and so highly regarded of his sacred Maiestie that he spared not his holy One his owne eternall Word but gaue him ouer for a while to cruell death in reuenge of olde Adams sinnes shall we respect flesh and bloud more then Gods Attribute Shall we forfeit both our eyes to saue one of theirs Shall wee lose our owne soules and bodies to ransome other mens corruptible bodies or temporary fortunes Better it is to cut off one member then that the whole body boile in hot scalding leade He that loues his father and mother aboue me is not worthy of me saith our Sauiour Christ. Shall we being put in trust deceiue the trust that is reposed in vs Shall we become our owne caruers and vnder colour of Iustice iniury the innocent Vengeance is Gods and he will requite It is better O reuengfull Spirit to conceale the guilty then to condemne the guiltlesse But ye beloued of the Lord I hope will so iudiciously behaue your selues in an equall ballance without enclining to the left hand or to the right hand that the Right shall still take place that the expectation of your Iudges conceiued of your fidelity and integrity shall not be voyde and frustrate Ye will demeane your selues I hope so zealously so sincerely in your proceedings that the matter and not the man shall be the obiect of your internall eyes your eyes of vnderstanding which I pray God to enlighten with his knowledge to inspire with the sparkes of his spirit wherby yee may discerne gold from copper truth from periury sincerity from vanity the sonnes
of Images are quite ceased Note this for the Diuels departure and defection from among the Protestants in these dayes The Diuels slatteries hath done more hurt to the Church then his threats and menaces The Diuels practize hath beene to conueigh the poyson of his drift within a cloude of ambiguity The Diuell diuers wayes infesteth mortall men while they eate he enticeth them to gurmandize while they drinke to drunkennesse while they a wake he tempteth them to idle thoughts while they sleepe to vncleane and filthy dreames while they be merry he incites them to wantonnesse while they be sad to melancholy LINEAMENT XIIII 1 The Authors Debortation from such vaine detracting studies 2 The knowledge of Astrologie stinted and censured NOw that I haue proued Diabolicall dealings to be but dennes of deceit and that his apparitions are extinguished by the brightnesse and miraculous resurrection of the Lords two witnesses being the olde Testament and the new which for many yeares lay dead vnburied and ill sauouring through the barbarisme of our Popish Sodomites and well nigh moth-eaten amidst their darke Libraries Let vs fixe the eyes of our vnderstanding vpon this bright Meridian let vs acknowledge mens traditions for Apocrypha or indifferent In this decrepit age of the world since all prophesies are winded to the bottome we must expect no other signe then the signe of Ionas the Prophet that is our blessed Messias who sits at the right hand of the power of God and will shortly come in the cloudes of heauen to seuer truth from falshood All other miracles for the most part specially those which are supposed to be done among the vnbeleeued let vs account for olde wiues fables● and write them vp in the Wood-cockes roule namely all such lying wonders which the children of Belial haue stamped concerning the Diuels reall greatnesse and the palpable validity of his prophane creatures Time is pretious and passeth away like a streame of water spend not therefore your golden times in such vnprofitable studies but redeeme the same before the latter day steale vpon you Know this that the Diuell is the Father of lies and will be sure to leaue you in the bogge of perdition at your greatest neede If once he setle himselfe in the seat of your soules all your artilleries of exorcismes will neuer coniure him therehence For is it likely that he which shewed himselfe so peremptory against the Archangell in heauen will become ●ame vnto a mortall man on earth Can you trust him whom God could not trust Take heed brethren of this Sophistry beware of this Alchymistry It renders nothing but lies vanity mistes smoake or false spectacles to dazzle and deceiue your sight Esteeme our Coniurer no otherwise then Bul-beggers as Diuels incarnate coni-catching Mountebankes crafty Iuglers cousening priuadoes insinuating Serpents Aegiptian picke-purses Who can be clensed of the vncleane Or what truth can be spoken of a lyer Southsaying Witchcraft Sorcery and Dreaming is but vaine like as when a woman trauelleth with childe and hath many phantasies in her heart Therfore beware of spirituall lies Againe and againe I aduise thee Christian Reader to looke vnto thy soule that it bee not surprised by the subtle Tempter the Archsorcerer of the world the grand worker of false miracles Banish away from thee with Caligula star-gazers and Astronomers With Cato contemne phantasticall dreames with Horace Laugh thou at dreames at Magicke feares At Hob-goblins night-Bugges and Beares Laugh also at false Witches sights And at the shapes of Thessales sprights Somnia terrores magicos miracula sagas Nocturnos lemures portentaque Thessala ride I write not against honest Astrologers while they containe themselues in compasse of natures reach and within the Circle of their auncient rules But I exhort them so to esteeme nature that they neglect not their Christian vocation and distrust the Authour of nature by attributing his workes of glory to naturall creatures I am the Lord saith God this is my name and my glory will I not giue to another Our Sauiour Christ himselfe disputed that there is some reasonable coniecture to be gathered of the Meteores course when he said to the people When ye see a cloud rise out of the West straight way ye say a showre comes and so it is and when ye see the Southwinde blow ye say it will be hote and it comes to passe Like as the prouerbe in French and English presageth vnto vs Le rouge soir brun matin Sont le desir du pellerin An euening red a morning gray As Pilgrims say foretell faire day In like manner I approue the profound doctrine of the Spheares with the constellations of starres and signes a breuiary whereof my selfe haue published in Latin verse in my stripling yeares I approue the obseruation of the moist Empresse the Moone which therehence out of her Orbe transports the operatiue vertue of the twelue constellations of starres and signes to all Elementary creatures working innouations and alterations of humours and seasons as we see by mans body by the weather by the ebbing and flowing of the Sea All which now of late God hath diuerted for our repentance The Sea breakes ouer the ordinary bounds and hath ouerflowed many parishes Our bodies begin to change their temper The weather beyond natures knowledge varies with inconstant windes and stormes The Lords prophesie by Amos is fulfilled in our dayes I caused it to raine vpon one Citie and I haue not caused it to raine vpon another City yet haue you not turned vnto me saith the Lord Pestilence haue I sent among you yet haue you not turned vnto me I haue ouerthrowne you as Sodome and Gomorre and you were as a firebrand pluckt out of the burning yet haue ye not turned vnto me LINEAMENT XV. 1 That the Authours meaning is not to denie the Diuels reall subsistence 2 His charitable application of the statute against Witchcraft made Anno primo Iacobi 3 That he onely denieth his reall power and his palpable force ouer any of Gods creatures 4 The vanity and fondnesse of Wizards 5 That the hand of God plagued Iob and other creatures of his 6 That good men neuer detract from Gods glory IT is no part of my meaning heretically with the Sadduces to denie the eslentiall subsistence of Diuels for in all my writings I affirme their being I auerre their fall from Angels s●ates I auouch their captiuity in hell As on the other side I thinke that Sinne is meant by the Diuell in most part of the Scripture yet so that I know the originall to proceede from that Serpent the great seducing spirit in whom God found folly as Iob said By the Diuell then which commonly peruerts mankinde in these dayes I vnderstand a sinfull Will arising from melancholy and corruption of flesh and bloud which the spiritual Tempter the sneaking Snake like a virulent infectious smoake breatheth vpon vs when we be destitute of grace I
vpon him and he shall curse thee to thy face Whereto though God answered Lo he is in thine hand yet we must not take that saying literally but parable-wise or according to the Hebrew maner of speech He is in thine hand that is he is in the case as thou wouldest haue him my hand shall plague him according to thy demaund Likewise we must vnderstand that the holy Ghost here as in other places of the Scripture inserteth such familiar conserence as is fitting for mans capacity and for the vsage of that language When his Maiestie is disposed really to plague offendors cōmonly he employeth his owne Angels which S. Iohn in the Reuelation plainly manifesteth in these words I saw another signe in heauen great and maruellous seuen Angels hauing the last seuen plagues for by them is fulfilled the wrath of God And againe I heard a great voyce going out of the Temple saying to the seuen Angels Go your waies powre out the seuen golden vials of the wrath of God vpon the earth His owne Angell God sent to destroy Sodome and Gomorra to plague the Israclites when Dauid caused the people to be numbred and to ouerthrow Senacheribs army His owne Angell he sent to smite ambitious Herode so that he was eaten vp of wormes To conclude this is a golden rule and worthy to be engrauen in Cedar that Good men neuer detract from the Lord or from their neighbours To the Lord they ascribe al glory all causes all effects To Caesar they ascribe what is Caesars and honour to whom honour belongeth Notwithstanding any naturall notions or idle imaginations imprinted in their braines by the Spirit of Detraction good men will quickly breake through such brittle cobwebs and will pierce quite through such imaginations with their intellectuall iudgements as the beames of the Sunne pierce and passe through the thickest clouds inwardly building on this fort of faith that the Diuels force himselfe being spirituall and oftentimes a prisoner is not really reuelling but spiritually roguing or restrained euen according to the pleasure of the Great Iehouah in whose power alone it consisteth to bruise his head and to bring vs safely out of his tempting snares LINEAMENT XVI The Spirit of Detraction punished by the immediate power of God proued by examples out of the Scripture EVen as the Spirit of Detraction with all other sinful spirits as the spirit of pride the spirit of gluttony the spirit of hatred and such others by the contagious craft of the diuellish serpent like an infectious leprosie possessed all soules since the first transgression of our foreparents our Sauiour only excepted for in Adam we all liued so likewise did this serpent first detract and depraue the Lords glory in heauen when he arrogated to himselfe his immensiue power And afterwards when he seduced Eue to disobey her Creator touching the forbidden fruit saying vnto her ye shall not die the death And also when he made her beleeue that she should be as wise as God At the building of Babell they desperately detracted in distrusting Gods prouidence in fearing another Deluge and in saying Let vs build vs a tower whose top may reach vnto heauen least pe●aduenture we be scatterd abroad vpon the face of the earht Corah Dathan and Abiram were swallowed vp of the earth because they murmured against God and spake against his seruant Moses Miriam the sister of Moses was stricken by the Lord with leprosie because she spake against her brother and against his authority which he had from God The men which Moses sent to search the land of Canaan and which when they came againe made all the people to murmur against him and brought vp a slander vpon the land euen those men that did bring that slaunder vpon it as though it had bene euill died in a great plague before the Lord None of the Israelites which came out of Aegypt except Caleb liued to enioy the land of promise because they murmured against their Redeemer who brought them out of seruitude and tempted his patient spirit therefore they perished in the wildernesse Saul despayring of Gods mercy and for that the Lord vouchsafed not to answere him by dreams nor vrim nor yet by Prophets sought to the cousening witch of Endor who against her will like to Baalam and Caiphas prophesied the truth by a supposed Samuel that the spirit of God had quite abandoned him that the next day after he should be slaine by the Philistines The Israelites discomfited the S●rians and killed one hundred thousand of them in one day according to the speech of the Prophet that was sent to the King of Israel with this message Thus saith the Lord because the Sirians haue said The Lord is God of the mountains and not God of the valleyes therefore will I deliuer this great multitude into thy hands and you shall know that I am the Lord. Ahaziah King of Iuda being sicke sent messengers to Baalzebub the God of Ekron concerning his discase and his recouery But Elias out of the Angels mouth resolued him saying Is it because there is no God in Israel that you goe to enquire of Baalzebub the God of Ekron Wherefore thus saith the Lord Thou shalt not come downe from the bed on which thou art gone vp but thou shalt die the death Amaziah Priest of Bethel bad the Prophet Amos prophesie no more at Bethel because it was the kings Chappel and the kings Court Wherefore and for that he controlled the Lords messenger thus said the Lord Thy wife shall be an harlot in the Citie and thy sonnes and daughters shall fall by the sword and thy land shall be diuided by line and thou shalt die in a polluted land Beares came out of the forrest and tare in peeces two and fortie children which mocked Elisha the Prophet and reuiled him with his bald head Senacherib king of Assyria warring with Hezekias king of Iuda sent a blasphemous embassage vnto him signifying that the Lord could no more saue Ierusalem from his victorious hand then the counterfeit Gods or Idols of other nations which he destroyed But the word of the Lord came to Esay the Prophet against Senacherib in this manner Whom hast thou railed on and blasphemed against whom hast thou exalted thy voice and lifted vp thine eyes on high Euen against the Holy one of Israel Because thou ragest against me and thy tumult is come vp into mine eares therefore will I put my hooke into thy nosthrils and my bridle in thy lips and will bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest So the Angell of the Lord went out and smote in the campe one hundred threescore and fiue thousand men in one night And Senacherib himselfe at his returne home was slaine by two of his sonnes One Hananiab in the time of Zedekiah king of Iuda prophesied falsely among the Iewes at Ierusalem eyther of vaine glory for
to lay an ambush for your neighbours good name fame and reputation Learne by these exemplary crosses to be vigilant for in the houre which you thinke not as a theese in the night will death steale vpon you It is high time for you to prepare your selues to preuent the Tempter Alreadie it begins to smoake and as the Poet forewarnes Tunc tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet When the next wall vnto thy house doth burne Looke to thy selfe betimes next is thy turne These reasons considered I dare boldly auou●h for no earthly creature can iudge her conscience more freely then my selfe that my welbeloued wife whom God of late hath taken to his mercy by an vnexpected accident by the lightning power of his fearefull thunder resteth in the Lord as concerning her soule and resteth on earth as concerning her memory both which I trust by the diuine bountie scorne all the brauadoes scaladoes and engines which eyther enuy or Sathan can inuent for their assaults This is the chiefest solace I embrace after so great a crosse This Christian hope richer then any temporall or golden haruest I reape to my selfe after my fatall losse For my light affliction which is but momentary causeth vnto me a farre more excellent and eternall waight of glory while I looke not on the things which are seene but on the things which are not seene I looke not so s●rupulously on the manner of her death as I looke on the manner of her life which God receiued as a burnt offering Packe hence therefore ye Enthusians and be not like vnto Curdogs that bark at a dead Lyon Though she fell she shall rise againe though she sate in darknesse the Lord will be a light vnto her MY tongue is no hireling Herald to coine her a new pedegre nor yet a merc●nari● Aduocate to extoll her shadow in steed of substance onely in steed of Popish pos●humes or Purgatorie trentals I will sacrifice this cacomtasticall oblation as seralem coe●am a funerall banquet to her well deseruing memory Holy Augustine neuer conceiued more diuinely of his mother Monica then I doe of thy felicity O happie soule partaker of celestiall ioyes thou needest no praise of mine seeing that thy God hath transported thee in the yeare of lubily to this port of tranquility and conuerted thy pilgrimage to the hauen or rather heauen of euerlasting health Where though thou abound with vnspeakable pleasures yet pardon me if I striue to canonize thy peerelesse fame The pleasant sounds of thy verdant vertues like so many resounding Ecchoes shall neuer vanish from mine insatiable eares Thy extraardinary loue the liuely Jdaea of a spotlesse life shall alwaies dwell within the mansion of my restlesse minde At all times whether it be morning or euening noone-tide or midnight while I soiourne in this house of clay I will congratulate thy high fortunes All haile immortall spirit thou spouse of Christ wrapt vp in his holy armes full of transcendent grace full of transeendent glory All haile full of health full of happinesse which art translated from mortall men to immortall Saints from sorrow to solace Yesterday thou wentest entāgled with the thorny cares of this world now thou triumphest among the Angels of heauen Yesterday thou wert here where Iob himselfe complained that he was placed as a But to be shot at where Gods enuenomed arrowes stucke in him where the Prophet Dauids bones were consumed that he roared all day long Now thou florishest in the harmony of Gods Spirit minding on nothing but on diuine vertues on spirituall melody Yesterday thou wentest drooping in an earthen cote shaken with the frownes of Enuy with the frumps of Detraction to day thou walkest and this day shines alwaie neuer sets in a temple not built with hands in the line of the liuing God without Enuy without Deraction Here is thy habitation assigned thee thy lot is fallen in a faire ground Liue for euer And this as a looking glasse shall glister vnto thy friends on earth Dorcadis hic dotes miti cum mente Rebecchae Priscillaeque fides mens tam●n vna tribus Corpus humas mundus laudes tenet igneus Eliae Elisias tua mens Elizabetha rotas Here Dorcas deeds as starres doe shine Priscillaes faith heere doth combine With mild and kind Rebecca●s mind Yet but one soule to three assign'd Thy bodie earth the world thy name Thy soule by faith Elisian fame Elizabeth eterniz'd gaines Elias-like in lightning waines LINEAMENT XIII 1 The Authours gratulation for his late fortunate deliuerance 2 His description of the Lightning tragedy the third day of Ianuarie 1608. at what time God tooke away his wife 3 His description of other Crosses at the very same time 4 How God fore-shewed by mysteryes the said crosses before they hapned vnto the Authour wherein his censure of Dreames is interlaced 5 His description of his miraculous escape out of the Sea wherein he fell by force of a cruell tempest on a Christmas day 1602. GOD forbid that I should charge all my Countreymen with the branded marke of blasphemie for there be many good men which neuer kneeled vnto Baal which neuer worshipped the spirit of Detraction all ready viua voce as the Prouerbe saith with both hands to hold vp the roofe of my opinion They alledge simply and charitably that this great Accident vpon my wife and house came from God as a faire warning for mee and them to prepare our selues for his heauenly kingdome which charitable conceit I cannot cancell with obliuion or ingratitude but rather confirme the same with an applauding Alleluiah The Lord gaue the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord. No man aliue this day stands more indebted then my selfe for matters of life vnto the Author of life Daniel was wonderfully deliuered from the Lions clawes Ananias Azarias and Misael from the fierie fornace Ionas in the Whales belly from the stormy sea and Paul with his Pilots Marriners and Companions from perishing in the Mediterranean seas but what am I vile wretched sinner whom thou hast saued as strangely from fire and water O glorious God is it because thy prouident maiestie hath predestinated me to some worthy seruice tending to thy glory O bountifull Lord of vnsearchable wisedome graunt that my faith may be signed with the seale of thy mercy Let my spirit become regenerated and renued as the Potters vessell markt to an honest purpose Whatsoeuer I am whether tolerably toward or vntoward tolerably cleane or vncleane I wholy submit my selfe at the feet of thy mercy altogether depending on thy Sonnes merits from whence I will not depart though I were sure with Asahel to be slaine by Abner and as Iob protested if thou wouldest kill me yet will I trust in thee On the third of Ianuarie 1608. about the third houre of the night or thereabouts as I lay solitarie vpon my bed what with torment of a sodaine tooth-ache and what with an
Bees leauing not so much as one of their stings behinde to offend that renowmed Macchabee Right Honourable and prudent Senatours to whom the Sunne of this mightie Monarchie hath imparted part of his powerfull authoritie to iudge the Tribes thereof I haue purposely framed this preface towards your patient spirits that thereby your Honours may discerne the anguish of my sicke soule which labours like a woman intrauaile to discharge her long and toilesome load Non quaero quod mih● v●ile sed quod multis I sue not onely for my selfe though perhaps my particular griefe is such that it may crie for vengeance vnto the highest heauen but on the behalfe of many thousands who moane and groane vnder the vvaight of a little Diuell the Tongue of Sinne. In what measure this Tyrant lauisheth and lordeth I am not able to expresse in words significant seeing that it passeth the power of any one modest Writer to comprehend the sway and swing of spirituall monsters Amidst the incessant complaints of so many Subiects who continually like Iobs messengers solicite your wisedomes with their frequent informations besides your owne trials your Honours may enquire from one to one and obserue from day to day how many zealous persons finde themselues agrieued out of Court and in Court euen from his Maiesties starrie Court to the least and base Court Out of Court at Ordinaries at gossipping at Tauernes at Tobacco-taking a man shall heare nothing but Detractions nothing but contumelies and lies nothing but captious and carping speaches When they are wantonly wearie with iearing with ieasting one at another with tearing their neighbours good name and fame with their taunting tongues like vnto Delphick swords and with diuersities of scandals worse then the prints of scourges then they fall to swearing to swaggering and to blaspheming of their Lord and Father in Heauen in stead of hallowing his holy name O times O iniquitie If God be their Father where is his honour If he be their Lord where is his reuerence To you iudicious Lords as the watchfull Sentinels or rather the wise Surgeons of our State it belongs betimes euen before the darkest night of errours steales vpon vs to prouide for corrosiues and cauterismes against these vgly vlcers which ranckle within the body of our Common-weale Sith it hath pleased his Royall Highnesse to communicate part of his light vnto you whereby euery one of you might moue in his place not naturally ab oriente ad occasum but supernaturally from Nature to the Authour of Nature I beseech your Lordships in the lowest degree of reuerence by vertue of this your heauenly motion your vertuall Influence and irradiation to dissolue such clouds of Detractions into dismall showers vpon the Detractours heads according to that of the Princely Prophet they haue digged a pit for others and haue falne into the m●ast of it themselues They sought to bemire beray their honest neighbors with their legends nay with their legions of lies intending to set them vpon the stage of scorne on the scaffold of scurrility and there to cloath them with reproach and shame not vnlike those spitefull Iewes which plaited on our Sauiours head a Crowne of th●rnes crowne to delude him thornie prickles to torment him By vertue of your authorities your starrie motions let such clouds and vapours be dispersed into vvhole flouds of vengeance vpon the Spirit of Detraction Let their bodies feele the smart of your sword whose wilfull Wills will not relent with the waight of your ballance If other mens examples serue not to bridle their vntoward tongues let their owne estates pay the ransome of their contempts While such monstruous sinnes beare dominion among vs neuer let your wisedomes thinke that your Officers of inferiour rankes dare execute in that proportionable expectation your monitorie directions your wholesome rules for the repressing of ryots for the restraining of vnrulinesse as otherwise they would were they assured of protection While Periurers and petti●ogging Promootors range vp and downe at their pleasure neuer let your Honours looke but for vnequall proceedings and vniust presentments at our neighbours hands But some one will obiect that the Courts of Iustice lie open as well for the basest as for the noblest Subiect neither will our lawes permit a priuate person to lay violent hands on an Out-law or on him vvhich is attainted of Premunire so equall a reference beares Iustice towards subiects of all conditions By these reasons Periurie fortifies it selfe against the open face of Truth Yet notwithstanding whosoeuer ponders more pregnantly the present state of our publike weale comparing the same with that of the olde vvorld shall finde that our present policie had need of further muniments to vnderprop it least also your Atlantick shoulders become wearie or to speake more properly least your vp-streatch'd hands like those of Moses might faile at length in their important charge Though God I confesse hath ordayned the Sunne to shine vpon the vngodly as vpon the Godly and as the Preacher wrot All things come alike to all The same condition is to the iust and the wicked to the pure and impure to him that sacrificeth and to him that doth not sacrifice Though the Lord created them all alike in respect of outward endowments or accidentall meanes yet notwithstanding he hath seuered them specially in the second life entitling the Innocent as Lambs the reprobate as Goats the one as good seede the other as tares the one for Heauen the other for Hell The like distinction I could wish to be practised among those Iudges which either take or hope themselues to be partakers of that second life so that all notorious lewd members might be excluded if it were possible from molesting of quiet spirits To this purpose after a sort our late Parliament prouided a countermining order for the speedie dispatch and triall of suites commenced against Officers at the Common law But so it is Right Honourable that these Caterpillers implead a barre in this finall concordance for if your Officers come accompanied vvith honest neighbours to search or suppresse suspicious people or else to apprehend disturbers of his Maiesties peace these wicked ones apparrell themselues in the robes of subtiltie and with the helpe of mercenarie tongues laying an ambush for Iustice they surmise with Aesops Wolfe that the poore Lambe in forcible and riotous manner mudded the Well where water was vsually drawne for their Lordly mouthes This offence by their Sathanicall inuentions being exorbitant and beyond the capacitie of the Common law they frame their suggestions before your Honours in hope that their suites by reason of the manifold affaires vvhich distract your diligent mindes shall hang vnheard for two or three yeares space within which terme they will worke meanes to compromit their said friuolous suites or else by tossing and tiring their Aduersaries too and fro with tedious trauailing to end them at home for their credite and aduantage If an honest man
closest counsels and secretly conferre vvith his friend about those matters vvhich to report openly vvere flat against the rules of Christian Charitie or Ciuill modestie Yea such is the sugred torture the sweet tormenting force the naturall influence of true Loue that the Husband cannot conceale from his vertuous Wife nor the wife from the vertuous Husband vvhat nouelties or rumors runne reuell and range abroad in their neighbourhood According to vvhich agrees that Italian saying Ilcaldo del letto dilegua souuente il ghiaccio della taciturnita the heate of the bed thawes oftentimes the ice of secrecie or Taciturnitie To conclude vvith this indented couenant I approue the secret scanning of other mens actions among vvise friends prouided that the same may redound to their mutuall example that it may serue them for a president or booke-case for the soules edifying and afterwards that such speaches lye priuily entombed within the coffin of their hearts LINEAMENT IIII. 1 That Patience is policie in Detractions 2 An exhortation to patience 3 An obiection of the Detracted 4 A confutation HE that is detracted can neuer anger his Detractour more then when he holds his peace with patience and answeres not againe his slanderous speeches Time weares out the greatest scandall Therefore wise politickes haue patiently dissembled backbitings making as though they heard them not For euen as fire vnder the ashes consumes away but being stirred it kindles and may doe harme as well as good so let the man vvhich is deepely and without cause back-bited by the spirit of Detraction and his lying crew take open notice and noyse abroad the vndeserued slander it may turne to his discredit as well as to his credit by reason that mens natures are so corrupt suspitious and guiltie in themselues that they will easily iudge the worst and imagine all others to be like vnto themselues but in processe of time they will be wearie of one mans obiect and therefore when other calumniations come in place the former are forgotten and as fire couered with ashes lie quite extinguished If an Asse or Colt kicke thee wilt thou recalcitrate and spurne him againe Or if another doth torment thee wilt thou torment thy selfe The remembrance of iniuries hurts a man more then the receiuing of iniuries Therefore let not the Sunne goe downe vpon thine impatience And though thou sufferest Sathan to looke in at the key-hole of thy heart yet keepe him out from lodging there Let vs then beare with mens infirmities if they be not too outragious let vs blesse them that curse vs and desire GOD to conuert their enmitie into amitie I say let vs endeauour to conuert them by conuerting their enmitie into a Chrisitan-like vse By this meanes we shal worke miracles and cause the vnbelieueds hardned heart to relent and receiue remorce in conscience A Spanish homilist relates out of another Authour whom he termes el gran Cassiano a notable example tending to this purpose An honest Hermite on a time being iniuried by an Infidell with this exprobration and blasphemous detraction against his Christian profession Que milagros extraordina●ios hize esse tu Christo en el mundo What extraordinarie miracles did this thy Christ so in the world he answered no es harto milagro que tus blasfemias è iniurias no me offendan ni me alboreten tus am●naeas Is not this a sufficient miracle of his that thy blasphemies and iniurics doe not offend mee nor thy threatnings moue mee The vtility vvhich we get by meditating on our Sauiour Christ is so admirable that the remembrance of his miraculous patience enduce vs to tolerate with humility the infirmities of our fleshly brethren Wherefore let vs stop our itching eares from these Detractions euen at the first bound before they be throughly ingraffed in our hearts For as there would be no theeues if there vvere no receiuers so there would not be halfe so many chattering mouthcs to detract if there were not so many charmed eares to soke and suck them in But notwithstanding these pareneticall caueats of mine thou stumblest againe on the plaine exclaiming that it is impossible for flesh and bloud to endure such scandalous detractions Thou canst not tarrie the Lords leasure The clouds hide him that he cannot see he walketh in the circle of heauen O crazed soule vvhy deprauest thou his eternall knowledge If thou be railed vpon for the name of Christ blessed art thou for the time is come that punishment must begin at the house of God If thou sufferest detractions by reason of worldly crosses ' thou art worse then mad if thou settest those things by thy heart vvhich thou oughtest rather to set by thy heeles Thou art not thine owne man nor at liberty if thou makest such reckoning of transitorie accidents here on earth It is no meruaile that the dogges of this vvorld doe barke at thee for what are we in it but strangers and Pilgrimes expecting daily to be sent for Seges altera in herba est Here we haue no continuing ●itie but we looke for one to come We looke for an euerlasting Haruest for an heauenly Ierusalem the foundations of whose walls are garnished with precious stones whose gates are pearles whose street is pure gold as shining glasse which hath no neede of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the greater light extinguisheth the lesser the glory of God for euer lightens it farre brighter then a thousand Sunnes a thousand Moones Into which euerlasting Citie no malicious Detractour no lier no impatient spirit nor any other vncleane thing shall enter LINEAMENT V. 1 That the Spirit of Detraction begins to shrinke through the influence of Taciturnitie and Patience 2 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted for broaching out questions of Princes Soueraignties 3 That priuate persons ought not to dispute of their Prince his dealings SEe how the Spirit of Detraction begins to shrinke and to sound a retraict like Socrates his scolding Wife now that the vertues of Taciturnitie and Patience doe barre thy graue mouth from answere letting his mallice to haue the last word See how hee stands mute shaking and quaking at the glimpse of these glorious Gifts His lightning is vanished into smoke his slanders on a sodaine slackned To detract from Iehouahs name vvith vaine swearing or from his workes with mens poysoned paradoxes he confesseth it Blasphemie worthy of his bottomlesse pit No misfortune can happen without our Creatours prouidence nor one haire from our heads without his predestination The Starres thou alone doest stint most mightie God euen by Sathans owne confession the meteours thou alone doest sway in ordering their effects as it pleaseth thy secret wisedome When thou sendest out thy thunder and lightning as harbingers of thy power who can controule thee When thou takest a prey who can enforce thee to restore it who shall say vnto thee why didst thou thus Where are yee
hath appointed to be the head of your Corporation Whether they be Iewes or Gentiles Scottish Walsh or Irish bond or free so that they concurre with you in the same Religion see that yee loue them as your selues and let not the Diuell separate those whom God hath ioyned together Perhaps the Idiome of their speech their thicke pronounciation displeaseth your delicate cares because like Ephramites they cannot so distinctly vtter your filed shibboleth because they cannot runne away with their words so glib● so smooth nor so elegantly as your selues After this manner did the Athenians inuaigh against Anacharsis that famous S●ythian but what answere did hee retort them Speeches ought not to be termed bad while they comprehended good counsels while honest deeds accompanied their words This also the Apostle corroborates requiring Preachers not to come with excellency of words to shew the testimony of God vnto the people And this hee proues by a diuine reason intimating that the word of God consisteth not in the enticing words of mens wised●me but in the euidence of the spirit and of power But these scruples are too triuiall for men of vnderstanding Away then with such idle phantasies Away with such Panick peeuish doubts Blesse we the Authour of our Vnion which hath incorporated two Christian Kingdomes constituting an eternall league of amitie betwixt vs by his own personall presence by the Maiestie of his birth so that wee may boldly bid S. George S. Andrew S. Dauid S. ' Patricke to auaunt Auaunt Adieu ye sinnefull Saints and in their stead come come thou the onely true and sacred Saint Lord Iesus to whom all other Saints doe crowch and kneele for mercy Our Cambrian cause comes next For the same reason embrace our plaine societie speake well of vs the poore remnants of the ancient Britaines and let not the Prophecies of our Bardhs dismay your generous mindes that we one day shal Lord it in Troy-nouant measuring your silken Stuffes vpon our warlike ' Pikes that we shall worke our full reuenge for that dismall and bloudy long-kniu'd day These Prophecies are already expired but in a mysticall manner Haue not diuers of our Nation beene elected Mayors in your chiefe Cities and so triumphed for their due deserts I will not say how Austen the Monk subiected your Ancestours to the Romis● yoake how Swaine with his Danes and William with his Normanes swayed ouer your persons goods and lands how your owne members haue beene torne among your selues through ciuil discord when York and Lancaster set vp their flags of red and white Roses Ambo pares rosulas pila minantia pilis Though these misfortunes of yours might well satisfie a reuengefull spirit yet will not I insist on such cruell Augurismes but rather reioyce that vnder the same Prince vnder the same Lawes the same Liberties wee ioyne together in our spirituall offices I reioyce that the memoriall of Offaes Ditch is extinguished with loue and Charitie that our greene Leekes sometimes offensiue to your daintie nostrils are now tempred with your fragrant Roses that like the Gibeonites we are vnited and graffed into Israel God giue vs grace to dwell together without enuy without Detractions LINEAMENT VIII 1 The Spirit of Detraction conuicted in Aduocates and Counsellours at Law for putting on a good face on bad causes 2 The Authours resolution on the behalfe of honest Lawyers IT is no small slander in our Christian Corporation when our Aduocates and Counsellours at Law for the greedinesse of a little worldly mucke doe put their tongues to sale and polish their wits purposely to colour a foule cause with faire speaches to make that seeme tolerable before the Tribunall seate of Iustice which they in their Consciences know to be intolerable This in very deed is a scandall to the Weale-publike to the Spirit of God which through the Prophets mouth thundred out this terrible curse against such lewde practisers Cursed be yee which speake good of euill and euill of good This kinde of dealing is likewise rebuked by the Wiseman Hee that iustifieth the wicked and hee that condemneth the iust they both are abhominable vnto God For certainely were it not that these Instruments of Sathan did patronize our enuious aduersaries by backing them in their base proiects they durst not beard the Sonnes of Iustice so long as they doe●nay were it not that they so boldly bolster and beare out ill matters the reuerend Iudges of this Land need not lose halfe so many nights of sleepe turmoyling their braines in the search of truth least they wrong the partie innocent Whereto I might adde how these wainescot Lawyers in concealing and couering the carriage of such lewde members doe aggrauate and augment the nature of their sinnes which otherwise through the prickles of flesh bloud through the smart of shame they would forgo submitting themselues to the rod of correction For there is no better remedie to kill sinne and cure the soule then to suffer the sinner to sustaine for his sinne some punishment by shame griefe or other meanes What auailes it me to gaine a world of wealth and within a short while after to leaue behind mee both my wealth and this world Better it is to sup a messe of pottage with securitie then to feede on the daintiest cates with hazard Admit that Clients load me with golden fees for setting out a brazen face on damned causes Admit that all my life time I haue glutted my gut vvith fruit of Paradise yet if I dare not appeare in the presence of God but am forced to hide my selfe as where can I hide my selfe from his All seeing Maiestie and to howle for very feare and anguish yee mountaines fall vpon me yee Rockes couer me what shall my fees and fruit then profit me what good shall I get by them vvhen Death dogges me at the heeles when my pulses shall faintly beat my sences faile and my eye-lids shut neuer more to open vntill they shall see the gates of new Ierusalem shut fast against their wretched Maister O remember this all yee that leane to Mamm●n all yee that loue shadowes better then substance and falshood better then Truth For mine owne part though I am but young yet I haue obserued somewhat I know as many trickes and quillets to entangle men as another doth I know diuers meanes to circumuent them that happily thinke themselues as wise as my selfe like vnto that Italian which boasted he knew so many deuises to get money as there be dayes in the yeare but I protest before him that made me I would chuse to be murthered rather then to vse them in my greatest need Such is the resolution of my soule or as a friend of mine lately termed it the tendernesse of my Conscience that I fouly scorne to play the part of a mercenarie Mechani●ke with my brother in Christ. I fouly scorne to nourish contentions for mine owne aduantage For how dare I claime my selfe to