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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07575 The helpe and grace of almighty god ...; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1493 (1493) STC 17960; ESTC S100722 238,982 226

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Katheryne sawe that and blyssed her and wente in to the temple and rebuked themperour boldly and sayd that he dyde soule amysse for to doo that worship to fēdes leue the worship of god in heuen that made all thing of nought sent man lyfe wytte hele and preued 〈◊〉 grete reason how cryst was ●oth 〈◊〉 and man And how he bou● 〈…〉 kynde wyth his passion on the cross● wyth his deth And taughte how euery man shold honour god and leue false mawmentes Thenne was the Emperour wroth And bad take her to warde tyll he myght be at leyfer Soo in the meane tyme he sente after the grettest maysters and the wyseste clerkes that were in many countreys ferre aboute hym And whan they were comen he bad them goo and dyspute wyth Katheryne and ouercome her they shold haue ryght well for theyr labour Thenne were they wroth to come soo ferre to dyspute wyth a woman And sayd the left scoler in the scole hadde be ynough to ouercome her But whan Katheryne had dysputed wyth theym wyth the helpe of the holy gost she conuerted them euerychone to the feyth off our lord Ihesu criste In so moche that they were redy to suffre deth for cristis sake Thenne anone maxencius commaunded to make a grete fyre bren●e them in the fyre But by the helpe of the holy goost the fyre brenned noo partye of theyr bodyes nother the leest clothe of them and yet laye fayre dede as they had be a slepe Thenne the emperour made do Katherine to be naked and to bete her wyth sharpe scourges that she was all blody ful of woūdes And thēne he put her in to pryson seuen dayes wythout ony maner mete or drynke Thenne had the quene grete lust to speke wyth Katheryne and toke a knyghte wyth her that hyghte porphyri●s and wente to katheryne and then they sawe an angell sette a crowne of shynnynge golde on the quenes hede and another on porphiryus hede and bad hem be stedfaste For wythin thre dayes they shold come to heuen by suffrynge of marterdom Thenne sente themperour after Katheryne and wente to haue foūde her nygh dede but all that tyme god sente her mete from heuen And whan the emperour sawe her a lyue he was wode for wroth and made her to be set betwene ii wheles and tourned one vpward and another downewarde full of hokes swerde poyntes for all to rase Katheryne thē come an angell as it had be a wynde and all to brake them and slewe four thousand of the tyrauntes Thenne sawe the quene that miracle and come before the kynge her husbonde and rebuked hym that he sawe the myghte of god soo openly and wolde not byleue theron Thenne bad the kynge lede forth the quene and cut of her pappes from the body wyth hokes and thenne to smyte of her hede Thenne for porphpryus beryed her and lxxx of her knyghtes were martered with her and porphyrius be heded also Thenne spake the Emperour to Katheryne and sayde that he wold wedde her and she wold forsake cryst and byleue in his goddis and she sayd she sette noughte by hym nor by his goddis And whan he sawe that he made to smyte of her hede Thenne anone in stede of blode come oute fayr mylke And thenne came an angell and bare the soule in to heuen And thenne angellis come and bare the body in to the ayre and soo to the mounte of Synay and there beryed it wyth worshyp And there god werketh many fayr myracles to this day At the fote of the mounte there is an abbey of monkes that lyuen in grete abstynence and this abbey is strong and hye walled and barred abowte wyth yren for wylde bestes And in that abbey lyeth saynt Katheryne in a fayr tombe of albester for her bones were fetched thyder for the more worshyp aboue the chirche is the busshe ther god stode in whan he spake to moyses and wrote the lawe in two tables of stone and the busshe is as grene and fayre as it was the same day Also in that abbey is a grete merueyle and is this euery monke hathe a lampe wyth oyle br●nnyng and whan he shal deye they shall knowe by his lampe For as he draweth to deth soo derketh his lampe And whan the abbot deyeth his brederen shal synge a masse of the holy gost and bery hym solempny whan masse is done they shal fynde a bylle wreten on the auter who shall be abbot so they chose her abbot Also on saynt Katherins nyghte al the birdes in the countree comen thyder and eche off thē brynge a branche of olyue in her byllys to the place and as pylgrimes sainthe monkes make oyle of the braūches to her lampes for al the yere ¶ we fynde rede of a man that serued Katherine and fasted her euen brede water on a tyme he come in felyshyp of recheles people by comforte of thē he lefte his faste ete wyth hem and so in the nyghte after he sawe a grete cōpany of maydens comyng by hym amonge them there was one passynge all other and eche of hem had a crowne but one had a passynge fair crown that was saint Katheryne So whā she come by this man she hyd her face from hym and wold not loke on hym thenne he asked one of them what they were and she sayde we ben virgyns the pryncipall that thou seest is saynte Katheryne that hyd her face from the. by cause thou hast left thy deuoucion fro her euyn of fastynge Thenne this man repented him sore that he had doo this dede and tourned ayen to his deuoucion fasted and after was a holy man and therfore lete vs worship this holy virgin that she may praye for vs all Amen ¶ De dedicacione ecclesie ●Ood frēdes suche a daye ye shall haue your dedycacyon daye that is your chirche holy daye ye shal come to chirche and here your deuyne seruyce in the worshyp of god And for iii causes the whiche the chirche is halowed for that is for the chirche clensynge for deuoute praynge for the dede bodyes berynge the first is for the chirche clensyng the chirche is ordeyned for all the people that come thider shold be in parfyte charyte there mete wyth god for god is euer there present and whan all the peple comē so to gyder at this assignement it pleyseth god to here hem her good wordes in that place But whan the fende seth ony man besy therto he is full sory seketh all the wayes that he can or maye to let hym from the chirche for they shold not come to the presence of god Thenne whan holy faders knewe the malice of the fende they ordeyned the chirche to be halowed And soo by good preyers the fende is ●reuen oute But yf any cursed lyuer brynge hym in ayen that is oute of charyte or in dedely synne is wyth
dede or counseill And also al tho that pryue holy churche of any righte 〈◊〉 make of holy churche any laye fee 〈◊〉 is halowed or sanctifyed And al tho that withold the rightes of any churche that is to saye Offrynges tythes rētes or fredome of holy churche l●te or distrouble or breke that is to saye If any man flee to churche or churchyerd who soo him oute draweth and al tho that procure or assent And all tho that purchace lettres of any lordes Courte wherfore lettynge is maade in cristen courte that processe of right may natt be determyned or endyd And all tho ▪ that the peas of the londe destrouble And all tho that blood drawe of man or of womā in vyolence or in vylony make to be drawen in chirch or in churcheyerde wherfore the churche or the churcheyerd is enterdited or suspē●●● And all tho that been ayenst the ryght of oure lorde the kynge and also● thein that susteyne warre ageynst the kynge wrongfully And all tho that are comune robbers and re●e●s or mansleers but if it be hem self defendynge tho that be ayenst the greate char●●e of the kyng that is cōfermyd of the court of Rome And al tho that fals wytnes bere wrongely namely in cause of matrymonye in what courte so it be or oute of courte And all tho that any false wytnes brynge forthe in right of matrymony for to destrouble man or woman or for to disherite any man of lāde or tenement or any other catel And all false aduocates that for mede put forth any fals excepciones or querels through the whiche the right of matrymonye is fordoon or any other maner of right in stede of iugement And all tho that for mede or fauour or for any other encheson malicyously man or woman brynge oute of their good fame into wycked or make theym for to lese their worldly godes or honoure or putte theym wrongfully to their purgaciō of the which was 〈◊〉 ●ame bifore And all tho that maliciously distroble or lett the right presentment of any churche ther the very patrone sholde presente and all that therto procoure with word or dede or with false enqueste or with other power And all tho that maliciously despysen the maundmēt of the kynge to take a cursed man fro the tyme that he hath leyn in cursyng xl daies no remedye wyll seke And all tho that capcions distrouble wyth false iugement or false enqueste And all tho that their lyueraunce purcha●e ayenst the right of holy church all tho that me●e take for to distroble peas ther● loue sholde be or charite Or stryf mayntene with worde or dede tyll they haue yelden agayn the mede that they toke of theym they may neuyr be assoyled And all tho that hold houses maners graunges of persones vycares or of any other man of hooly churche ayenst their wyll or their attourneys wyll And all tho that any maner godes meuable or vnmeuable awaye bere with strength or wrongefully awaye drawe or wasten of the whiche ●synge they may nat be assoiled tyll they haue made satisfaccion to whom the wronge is doone And all tho that an● maner of godes with violence or ma●●●e bere oute of holy churche stedde or ●bbey or house of religyon whiche that therin is leyde or doon for warandise or socour or for to kepe and all that therto procour or 〈◊〉 and all tho that theym mayntene or susteyne And al tho that haue leyde hond on preest or clerke with malyce butt it be him selue defendynge And all tho that 〈◊〉 counceyll or helpe ayenst cristendome And all that her children wrongfully fader wyttyngly or ther children wyten on any other man with malice And all tho that werye or sle their generaciones or their children distroye with drynkes or with any other crafte And all tho that false money make and therto assent And all tho that good money clyppe or shere them to auantage to disceyue any mā with al tho that false the popes bulles or 〈◊〉 the kynges sea●● And all tho that bye or sell with fals mesures or false weyghtes that is to say to bye with one and sell with a nother And all tho that false the kynges standarde them self wyttynge And all tho that any testament distrouble or therto procoure with word or with dede wherfore the dedys wyll is nat fulfilled And all tho that forswere hem self vpon the holydome wyllynge and wetyngly for mede or for hate for to to doo any man or woman to lese ther worldly godes and honoure And all rubbers and reuers openly or preuely by daye or by nyghte or any mannys goodes stele wherfore they were worthy to haue iugement And all tho that witholde any mannys goode that hath been spyred thryse in hooly churche theym selue wyttyng And all tho that distrouble the peas of holy churche or of the londe And all the kinges felones and all tho that them mayntene And all false conspiratoures and all false forswerers in assy●es or any other courte And all tho that any fals pleyntes putte forth ageynst the fraunchise of holychurche or of the kinge of the royalme And all tho that offrynges that are offred in holy churche or in churcheyerde or in chapel or in oratory or in any other stede with in the prouynce of Caunterbury with holden or putte away in any other place ayenst the wyll of the parson or vycary or their attourney in the parysshe that it is offeryd in And all tho that their goodes awaye yeue for drede of deth in fraud of holy churche or to forbarre their dettes pay●●ge And all tho that suche gyftes take or therto helpe or counceyll And al tho that let prelates or ordynaries for to holde consistory session or chapiters for to en●●ere of synnes and of exces in gode amendement of mannys soul And all wyches and all that on theim leue and all heretykes that leue nat in the sacrament of the auter that is goddes owne body in flesshe and blood in fourme of brede and other sacramentes that toucheth help of mannys soul And all iogelers vsurers that is to say If any man or woman leue their catell to man or woman for any auaunt●ge to take by couenante more or lesse 〈◊〉 their owne and if their be any suche in towne or cyte the Cyte or the. towne shold be enterdyte by the olde lawe and neither done therin masse ne ●a●rament vsyd tyll that he were out therof And all that witholde tythes or withdrawe their tythes wyttynglye o● maliciously to the harme of holy ●●che or tythes let to be gyuen of 〈◊〉 goodes whiche be cōmaunded or ordeyned to be gyuen by the lawe of holy churche that is to saye of al frutes of yerdes cornes herbes that wax frutes of trees of all maner bestes that are newynge Of woll lambe and chese in tyme of yere Of swannes gees douys duckes of bees hony wax Of hay olso often as
haue noo power And lyke a cursed tyraunt wyll be sore aferd and a dradde whan he herd the trompettes of a kynge that were his enmy and sawe his baners splayde in the felde with his oste cōmynge toward him In the same wyse the fende the tyrant of hell is aferd and dredith him sore For whāne the bellys rynge and the baners ben bore and the crosse with all the people come praynge Thenne he fleeth and dare not abyde and 〈…〉 power that process●●● ¶ Narracio ¶ we rede at the cytee of Constantyne as the people wente in procession for a disease that the people had as they songe Letany Sodenly a childe was plucked vp into the ayre and borne into heuyn and the aungellys taughte him to synge this songe ▪ Sancte d● sancte fortis sancte et ●mo●● miserere nobis And anoon he was lete downe agayn to the erthe And thenne he song that same songe and anoon they were delyuered of their diseases This is to say in englysshe Holy god holy stronge god holy and neuir shall dye haue mercye on vs God that is holy and neuir shal dye haue mercy on vs God wylleth and wyll that we be stronge for to fyghte with the fende with the worlde with the flesshe And thanne wyll he haue mercy on vs. and brynge vs to the place then there as aungellys synge Sancte deus sancte fortis Holy god holy stronge god haue mercy on vs and bringe vs to his blisse ¶ Ascensio domini gOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue an hygh and a solempne feste in holy churche that is called thascension of oure lorde Iesu cryste For that day as the feyth and byleue techyth howe god is very god and man and flyed vp in to heuyn ¶ wherfore in ●oknyng of this the paschall that is the cheif light in holy ●h●rche that hath stonde openly in the qui●e from Ester vnto this daye Now it is remeuyd awaye in tokenynge that cryste is cheif lighte in holy churche And so oure lord● diuerse tymes openly appieryd to his disciples and taught thē the feyth and the beleue and this daye be styed vp into heuyn and there wyl abyde tyll the daye of dome But now ye shall here the maner of that ascension from Ester daye tyll this daye he was nat with his disciples alway but diuerse tymes apperyd vnto theym And he apperyd to them as they fa●●e at ther mete and ete with them to shew them that he was very god and man in flesshe and blood as they were For some of them were in doute left he had be a spirit that hadde nother flesshe ●e blood And therfore to preue the trouth he ete with them in their sight and bad theym goo to the hyll of olyuete ● there in sight of all his disciples be blessed theym and flyed vp into heuyn And lefte the steppes of his feet th●eft downe into the harde marbyll stone for a token of his ascension Thenne ye shal vnderstonde that the hyll of Olyuete betokneth mercy wherfore cryste ●●yed vp at the hyll of olyuet shew●nge wele that he is hede of mercy And he is euir redy to shewe mercy to all that aske mercy with meke herte Thenne in his vp flyenge as we call ascension angellys made so moche melody that no tonge may tell it so fayne they wer of his cōmynge ¶ Ascendit velociter she styed vp swyftly For as it wer● a mommente he was from erth to heuen A grete clerke a philosopher that is called Rabymoyses he sayth that it is as ferre fro heuyn to erth as a holy man myghte lyue a thousand yere and euery daye go a thousand myle But hee that mette this way knoweth best And this waye shal be mette of a rightfull and a good man Thenne in his ascēsion he had a greate multitude of soul●s the whiche he sette oute of hell fro the fendes bondes He s●yed also wyth his woundes rede fresshe and blody And as bede sayth for fyue causes Firste for to verifye the feythe of his resurrection For he rose in very flesshe blode that dyed on the crosse for all mankynde The secounde to shewe his woūd●s to his fader in greate helpe and socoure to all mankynde The thridde is to shewe how rightfull they be dampned that wyll nat beleue in his passion and in his resurrection The fourth to shewe how mercifull he is to theym that wyll beleue and aske mercy The fyfte is that he bare with him a signe of victory For a sikernesse of all mankynde For lyke as a lorde is syker that hath a true aduocate bifore a Iuge to aunswere for him So in lyke wyse to all mankynde we fynde him oure aduocate euirmore redy to aunswere for vs at nede that the fende oure goostlye enmy maketh ayēst vs. wherfore saith the holy scriptur A sykerer attournay may no man be thanne god Vbi mater ostēdit filio pectus et vbera wherfore the modre shewyth the soone 〈…〉 and her papes Fil●●s patri latus et vulnera The sone shewith to the fader his sides all to beten and his woundes bleding Howe shulde any thinge be putt awaye or denyed there as such tokenes of loue be shewyd He may nat fare amysse that hath suche ii frendes in the countrey of heuyn Also by the styenge vp into heuyn of oure lord iesu Cryst man hath goten a grete dignyte For a man to se his owne kynde and his owne flesshe and his blo●●●tting on the right syde of the fad●●euyn in his trone ¶ wherfore aun●●●lys considerynge the dignyte of man they wolde nat suffre noo man to doo theym worshyp as they dyd bifore the incarnacion of crist But they worshyp man for god him selue hathe take mankynd on hym and is nowe in heuyn bodily Hereby may ye see how moche biholde is he to his god what we that were boū●● bifore and thrall to the fende of hel and no ●we ben made free of al that and oure lorde iesu criste haue yeue to man a fredome aboue any aungellys and therfore we be bounde vnto hym to do him seruyce reuerence worshhip And there as aungellys kept somtyme the gates of paradise with brennynge swerdes that no soule myght cōme in Nowe by feyth oure lorde Iesu criste to mankynde he hath cast vp the gates and warneth no man to ●rin that is of stedefaste byleue 〈◊〉 ●aint austyn saythe Aperuisti credentibus regna celorum· Thou haste opnyd the gates of heuyn to theym that byleue Also ye shall byleue right as a king of this world hath officers of diuerse degrees some 〈◊〉 and some lower And some more ●●●u●er than some So oure lorde ●g vp at this tyme the lawer angellys for grete wounder that they had in cristes ascension whan they sawe him in flesshe and blood styenge vp to heuen wythe so grete multitude of soules with him And also for the grete woundre that they hadde whan they
offre it vp in knowleching that he was subget●● to the emperour of Rome Thenne muste Ioseph our ladyes husbounde nedis goo to the Cite of bethlem for to offre wyth other people But for he had noo money to offre he toke an oxe wyth hym to selle at the Cite to make money to doo his dewte wyth But for he durst not leue our lady behynd him for she was nye her tyme and therfore he sette her vpon an asse and toke her wyth hym And soo whan they come to the Cite of Bethlem it was so full of people soo that Ioseph and our lady myght haue no lodgyng but tourned in to a cabon that was made bytwyxt two houses there as the people of the countrey sette her horses and theyr asses and other bestis whan they come in to the towne to the marked so there they fonde a cratche wyth hey And there sett thoy and thasse therto and so there they taryed all that night And whan it was a lytill byfore mydnyght our lady bad Ioseph goo in to the towne and loke for her a mydwyf For the tyme was come she shold be delyuered so whyle Ioseph was in the towne for the mydwyf our lady was delyuered and she lapped her sone in clothes and layd it in the crache before the axe and thasse anone they knew her lord and fylle downe on her knees and worshypped hym and ete noo more of the hey Thenne anone after come Ioseph wyth two mydwyfes zebell and salome and zebel fond that oure lady was clene mayden and cryed and sayde Virgo peperit filium A mayden hath borne a child ▪ thēne salome wold not byleue it But anone wente to oure Lady and bustously handled our lady Probare vellet And wolde preue hit and euyn therwyth her handes dryed vp ¶ Thenne come an angell to her and bad her that she shold goo and touche the child and soo she dyde and anone she was hole Thenne wente Ioseph and dyde his offringe wyth other people and kepte our lady in the same cabon while she was in child bedde Thus ye maye vnderstonde that criste yeueth peas to all people that be of good wylle and calleth theym his children And in verefyeng of this the first masse that is songe that daye Is songe soone after mydnyghte and begynneth thus Dominus dixit ad me filiꝰ meus est tu ego hodie genuite ¶ Oure lord sayth to me thou art my sone Oure Lord called hym his sone and his childe that loueth hym in res●● and in peas And whan he departeth oute of this world he wyll brynge hym to euerlastynge rest and peas And he that wyll not haue here no rest nor peas shalt goo to euerlasting peyne ▪ there as is neuer rest nor peas nor neuer shall be but euerlastynge woo ¶ Thus he gyueth peas to men of goode wyll He lyghteneth theym that lyketh hym here by goode men ye shall vnderstonde that cryste heled not oonly theym that were blynde in the soule and cumbred wyth derkenesse of synfull lyuyng ¶ For as saynt Austyn sayth whan oure lord shold be borne the world was full of derkenesse and specyally of synne of lechery and off the synne ayenst kynde In soo moche that he had almoste lefte to haue bee borne of mankynde wherfore all those that dyden synne ayenste kynde that tyme they deyed sodenly through oute all the worlde in shewinge howe horryble and abhomynable that synne is in the syghte of almyghty god Thenne loked they full derke in synne that had theyr thoughtes all way in sy●●● and euyll lyuyng and had full grete nede for to be lyghtened wherfore crist was borne at mydnighte And tourned the derkenesse of the nyghte in to the daye lyghte and lyghtened all them that euer were couered and combred wyth derkenesse of synne Also the same tyme that our lorde was borne as many doctours sayen Crist apered in a bryght ster to the kyngis of theft and bad theym goo to bethleem and worship a lytyll chylde that shold be kyng of iewes that was there new borne and so they dyde And euer the sterre shewyng before theym tyll they come thyder Thus he lyghteneth theym that before were full derke in synne ¶ For thyse kynges were paynyms before and beleued in mawmetry and in fals goddis And after they byleued in cryste were holy liuers· and now ben at Coleyne Thus the byrth of Oure Lord Ihesu cryste made many a man loke full bryghte that to fore were ful derke in synne For he is full derke in his soule that euer setteth his herte mynde and thoughte in the prosperyte worshyp and welfare of this worlde and that maketh them blynde that they haue noo grace of ghostely sighte but be made blynde wyth wordely couetyse And soo gete theyr good and haue no desyre to the rychesse of heuen ne to see the lyghte that is there For suche thynges as mannys herte is moste on that he maketh his god For to distroye all suche mawmetry of synne Oure lord was borne Thenne kynge herode pursued oure lord and wolde haue slayne him Thenne his 〈…〉 in to 〈…〉 Ioseph and ●●●de thus Accipe p●●ium et matrem eius e● f●●ge in egiptum Take the child and his modre and flee into egipte And assone as he cāme thydre all the mawmētes that were in the londe fell downe to the grounde doynge to vnderstonde that he was cōme in to the worlde that sholde caste downe the mawmentry of all maner synn●● and euyll leuynge Pride couetyse and all maner falsehode that is vsed now a daies And therfore take hede howe the lorde that made all thinge of noughte and is lorde of al lordes where he was borne in a pore place and in a pore arraye and of a pore mayden gyuyng ensample to all cristen people to sett noughte by the worshippe richesse and vanyte of this worlde ▪ For haue a man neuir so grete worshippe and neuir so moche richesse yet he leuyth it here And shall ber no more with him but his gode dedys Thus oure lorde shewyd many thinges in his byrthe And lightnyd many one that here bifore were ful blīde In tokenyng herof the seconde masse this daye is sayde in the dawnynge whan the night and the daye departeth the whiche begynneth thus Lux fulgebit That is thus mooche to saye Lighte shall shyne to daye vpon vs For the fadre of heuyn sendythe the grace of the goostlye lighte to all cristen people that beleue truly that o●re lorde was borne very god and man ▪ of his modre mary very modre may●en Thus they that byleue truly in o●●e lorde iesu criste and in his modre mary se●● f●●● lytel by the vanyte of this worlde but 〈◊〉 all their hope and tr●ste in criste 〈…〉 of our lorde iesu criste lightnyd many one ▪ that bifore ●●●●ed full yf Also he drewe vs to him with loue For children drawe to theym that make moche on
and asked in the name of god what they were And he sayd fendes that were sente to the emperour that was dede to luke yf they myght haue hym for her rewarde thenne the armyte cōmaunded them to come agayn by him to knowe howe they sped and he dyd so and said whā his sinnes were layed in the balaunce and was nye ouercome Thenne come the brennyng deken laurence layed a grete pot on the balaunce it drewe vp altogyder this pot was a gret chalyce that thēperour made to worship saint laure●nce Thus ye may lerne to suffre a yenst enuyous people also what mede is in largnesse to gyue them that haue nede and what ioye and meryte it is to suffre trybulacion and persecucion disease paciently lerne of the holy marter saint laurence and lete vs take him for a myrrour and praye to hym that he wyll be medyatour to god for vs that we may come to euerlastyng blysse ¶ De assumpcione beate Marie virginis GOod frendes suche a daye ye shall haue the Assumpcion of our lady and it is called soo for the daye her sone toke her vp in to heuen body and soule and crowned her quene of heuen for thaungelis of heuē come to fett her vp Angellis syngyng come wyth procession ayenst her wyth roses and lylyes of paradyse in token that she is rose lylye and floure of all wymmen and they dyd homage to her for all angellis and sayntes in heuen made ioy and melodye in worship and honour of her and so holy chirche maketh mynde of her assumpcion And yet the gospell of that daye maketh no mencion but of two susters that was Martha and Mary mawdalene and sayde thus In●rauit ihesus in quodd●● castellum et mulier quedā c. ¶ Ihesus entred in to a castell and a woman that was called Martha toke hym in to her house And she had a suster that was called mary that sat atte Cristis feete and herde hym speke Thenne was martha besy to serue cryste and she said to hym Sire byd my suster aryse and helpe me thenne answered Criste Maria meliorem partem elegit que non auferetur ab ea ¶ Mary hath chose the better parte the whiche shall not be tak awaye from her Thyse ben the wordes of the gospell of that daye And here be no wordes of our lady as be semyng But he that redeth what saint ancelme sayth there he may see that the gospell perteyneth all to our lady and to the lyuyng of her For she was the castel that Ihesus entred in to for ryght as a castel hathe dyuerse properteis that longen to a castell that it shold be myghty and strōg ryght soo was our lady before alle other wymmen For there as wymmen be freyle and feble and easy to ouercome our lady was stronge as a castell and ayenstode the cawtelis of the fendes engynis and put theym besyde at all tymes For ryght as a castell hath first a depe dyke right so had our lady a depe mekenesse in strength off the castell in so moche she passed other in vertu of mekenesse wherfore god chose her to be moder to his sonne before all other wīmen and therto cryste bereth wytnesse thus ¶ Quia respexit humilitatem ancille sue For god behelde the mekenesse of his hondmayden all generacion shal blisse me This dyke yf it be full of water it is the more strenger to the castel this water is compassion that a man shold haue for his sinnes and for other peoples disease This water had our lady On this dyke lieth a drawe brygge that shall be drawe vp ayenst crunyes and lete downe ayenst frendes By this brygge ye shall vnderstonde discrete obedience for right as a man shal not lete downe the brigge to his enmy though he byd hym soo man shall not lete the fende come to his soule though he tempte hym But anone as he is bodē ony thinge that is helpe and socour to his saule thenne shall he lete doune the brygge of obedience and the sooner the better this dyde our lady whan thangell gabryell tolde her of her concepcion of her sonne she lete not downe the brygge anone tyll she knewe wheder he was a frende or an enmye and said she shold conceyue and be a mayde and kepte the vowe of chastite that she had made to fore and as she herde yt. she lete downe the brygge of obedience and sayd Ecce ancilla domini Lo here goddis owne hand mayden be it done to me after thy worde this castell is treble walled ¶ The first walle betokeneth wedlocke for first she was wyf to Ioseph or elles the iewes wolde haue stoned her as for a lechour yff she had conceyued wythout wedlocke and so the ferther wall betokeneth pacience and thynner virginyte that is maydenhede but that is lytyll worth but it be strengthed wyth the wall of pa●ience and lytyll helpe is for maydenhede it is lytyll worth that can noo thynge suffre of persecucion not dysese but euer pleynyng and grutchynge and to be a claterer a iangeler a curser and a waryer and a scolde of her tonge thyse defende not maydenhede but rather cast it downe for maydenhede shode be of fewe wordes and that she speketh shold be honest and worship bothe to her owne persone and to all them that ben in her presence For it is an olde englishe a mayden shold be seen and not herde this vertu had our lady For saint Bernard sayth rede all the gospel ouer and thou shalt not fynde that our lady in all her lyf spake but iiii tymes The first to gabryell the ii to Elizabeth the iii. to her own sonne in the temple and the iiii at the weddyng in the caue of galyle Thus must the walle of pacience defende the walle of maydenhede This walle of maydenhede it be wel kepte it is passynge all other As bede saith wedlocke is ●ye ▪ there as it is wel kepte but yet wedow hode is hygher but virgynyte pass●th al hath worshyp in heuen passing al other This wal kepte our lady for she was clene both by fre wyl by vowe she had a degre passyng al other maidens that euer were or euer shall bee for she was both mayde and moder And in this castell is a gate that betokeneth feyth for ryght as it is impossible for a man to goo thurgh a walle of stele ryght soo it is inpossyble to a mā to pleyse god wythout feyth Thus feith had our lady passyng ol other ¶ For as it semeth impossible for a woman to conceyue wythout ●arnal concupyscence of mā for it was neuer seen byfore But by techyng of an angell she byleued And soo came cryst and entred by the gate of byleue in to the castell that is in to the body of our lady This gate had a tour aboue which betokeneth charyte For that is aboue all thyng and that vertu had our lady well
criste a greate fest nat in delicate metes and drynkes But in fedynge criste and all his company for he fedde all that wolde come for crystes sake for moche people sued Criste wher soeuir he wente Secute sunt cūturbe multe For dyuers causes manye folowed him Some to be heled of her sores and of diuerse sekenes And some to see myracles that criste dyd shewe Some to ete and to drynke with hym and some that were his ennemyes that were lerned in the lawe if they might haue taken him with any worde wherby they might haue accused him and some to be reformed in vertues to here his doctryne and techynge as the appostylles many other Vnde v●●●●s Morbus signa cibus blasphemia doctrina fuere Cause cur dominum turba secuta fuit ¶ And wahnne mathewe had fedde criste thus all that come wyth him criste made him oone of his descyciples and gaue him knowlegynge to preche the bileue and goddes worde so boldly euir after that he spared nother for loue ne for drede So this mathew thappostell come on a tyme into 〈◊〉 and prechyd that was called ●●dabar and there he founde moche people taughte by the fendes crafte in ●●gramā●y and taughte so many thynges so merueylous that it was grete wondre to here many mennys wyttes and all for the people sholde byleue in hem and do worshyp to theym Thenne mathewe delyuered their nygraman●y so that all the people knewe openly that it was the fendes crafte wherfore these people that byleuyd on this nygramancy made dragones by the fendes crafte to spytte fyre oute of their mouthes and brenne soo that the stynche of theym slewe moche people And they brought this dragon to haue deuoured saynte mathew And whanne mathew herde herof he made a crosse bifore hem and went ayenste theym and anon the dragones fell downe dede bifore hym Thenne saide mathew to the people If ye haue any might rayse them agayn to lyf but they hadde no power ¶ Thennne sayd mathewe if I were nat goddes seruaunte I wolde make were there two roches of stone on eyther syde that the werke myghte not vp Thenne saynt mychael apered to a man that hyght Haymo and badde hym goo and put awaye the roche and drede noo thyng Soo this man went thyder and set to his sholders and bad the roche goo vtter in the name of god and saint Mychaell and soo the hyllis wente vtter as moche as nedeth to the werke ¶ Narracio ¶ we rede also in the lyf of saynt Gregory how there was a grete multytude of people in rome And they sawe arrowes of fyre come 〈◊〉 of the ayre and slewe moche people Thenne saint Gregory prayed to god to ●ease that pestylence Thenne he sawe an angell stondynge vpon a castell walle wypyng his blody swerde But that angell he sayd was saint mychaell that was sente thyder to punysshe the people for synne thus mychaell was meruelous in myracles werkyng Also he was vyctoryous in fyghtyng For whan the cytezens of sepotine were oppressed wyth paynymes shold gyue hem batayle they prayed ofte to saint Mychaell of helpe Thenne the nyghte before as the batayle shold be mychaell appered to the bysshop and sayd to hym haue noo drede but goo to the batayle boldly and he wold helpe hym soo on the morowe whan the batayle shold be the hyl of garganꝰ was ouer couered wyth a grete myste and arrowes come oute of the myst fleenge off fyre and boltes of thonder And h●tre● moche people of the paynyme in soo moche that they slewe that nyght many And soo many were sleyne and they that were a lyue sawe the greate myracle of god and were crystened Saynte Iohn the euangeliste seyth in his apocalyps how mychaell and his angellis foughte wyth lucyfer in heuen that is called the dragon and his angellis and wyth helpe of god mychaell had the better and droue out the dragon and all his felisship in to the ayre betwene heuen and erthe and soo they be there yet as thicke as motes in the sonne And for cryst come to heuen in a blast of thonder And therfore yet whan they here thonder they fall downe to the erthe for fere and thenne they goo not vp ayen tyl they haue done sōme harme For thenne they make ●ates stryues and manslaughter and make grete wyndes bothe in londe and in water and doo moche harme and yet they wolde doo moche more than they doo nere saynt mychaell For al theyr sorowe is to see soules angellis in heuen in the place there they were in to fore Also there were other spyrites that stode not stedfaste towardes god But flaterynge the whiche saint mychaell droue out of heuen all in to an yle off of the see as ye shall here As saynte Brandon seyled in the see he come to an yle and sawe a tree that was right grete both in heyght and in brede that was wonder to telle on the which tree satte many byrdes thycker than the bowes And were as whyte as snowe Thenne he prayed to god to knowe what they were Thenne come one off them and satte on the sh●ppis ●●●de batered wyth his wynges ▪ and made a sowne lyke an organ ●●●me sayd brādon ▪ yf thou become lyke a messenger speke and telle what ye been Thenne he sayde we were angellis that stode not stedfast in the byleue as mychael was and therfore we were dreuen oute whan mychaell droue oute lucyfer his angellis But yet we haue euery day a remedy to worshyp god thenne was mychaell wonderful in appering merueylous in myracles doyng wherfore lete vs worshyp this holy angell that he may be our sheelde in fighting ayenst our goostly enemy the fende so that we may haue the victory of hym nowe and euer Amen ¶ De festo sancti Luce. ●Ood frendes suche a daye ye shall haue saynte Lukes daye the euangelyst· ye shall vnderstonde the cryste had four euangelistis that is marke mathew luke and Iohn-thyse wrote the gospell the gospell is noo more to saye but goddis worde Thise holy euangelistis wrote not oonly that god spake but also what he dyde what he suffred for mankynde for it shold be knowen to all mankynde for euer more to thynke on goddis worde and to doo therafter Thise foure be lykened to foure dyuerse beestes and soo they ben portured in foure partyes off the crosse on euery syde of cryste For marke a lyon for mathew a man for Luke an oxe and for Iohn an Egle. But lete noman suppose that they were suche beestes but lykened to suche beestes for dyuerse causes For by cause that Mathew wrote moste of cristis mā hede therfore he is likened to a mā and luke wrote moost of crystis sacrefyce and his deth ●herfore he is lykened to an oxe for an oxe was offred in sacrifice of the old law in tokenīg that cryste shold be offred for synne of the peple in
besely to god for them on erth that he sholde haue mercy on hem This is the cause that this feste was first founde and therfore lete vs come to chirche worshyp god and all halowen that they maye praye for vs that we maye atte our laste ende be af the nombre that shal worshyp god that the boke speketh of and sayth thus Vidi turbam magnam qu●m nemo dinumerare poterat ¶ For they ben so many that no man can nombre hem And all they praye for vs euermore that we may 〈◊〉 to that blysse that they ben in A● ¶ In die Anin●aru●● GOod frendis suche a daye ye shall haue all soules daye the daye of the soules in purgatory there abydyng the mercy of god and haue moche nede to helpe And ryght as holy chirche worshyppeth all sayntes to be holpen by the prayers of hem ryght soo holy chirche ordeynyth this daye to synge and rede And to do almysdedes hauynge full byleue to relese them that ben in purgatori of their peines wherfor god wyll that crysten people to theyr power this daye releue hem For the lest prayer or almysdede that is done gretly releueth theym ¶ ye shall vnderstnnde that there ben foure thynges that gretly helpen soules that ben in purgatory that ben thyse Fideliun amicorum oracō el● mosinarum largicio salutaris hostia ieiuniorum obseruacio ¶ That is prayers of frendes deuoutly sayd and almysdede doynge And masses syngyng abstynence in fastynge prayers helpen moche a soule For lyke as a lord that hath a man in pryson or in ony dystresse and atte the prayers of hym that he loueth he releseth in party or all ¶ And that is shewed by ensample ¶ Narracio ¶ we fynde wreten in legenda aurea how that there was a man that hadde his house fast by a chircheya●●e syde And that his dore opened to the chirche and he vsed by custome as ofte as he come or wente to ●ay● euery tyme Deprof●dis for all cristen soules Thenne it happed soo on a tyme that he was pursued wyth enemyes as he wente homewardes But whan he come in to the chirche yarde he kneled downe and thoug● 〈◊〉 saye Deprofundis And this en●●●es come after Anone the dede bodyes rose euerychone wyth suche Instrumentis as they wroughte wyth by her lyues and anone they droue awaye his enemyes But whan they sawe that they cryed god mercy and this man and euer after prayed and dede almesdedes for theym that were in peine Thus ye may well proue that deuoute prayers helpen maye a soule that ben in purgatory Also almesdedes helpen many a soule Sicut aqua extinguit ignem ita elemosina extinguit pctm̄ ¶ Right as water quencheth fyre soo almesdede quencheth the synne that brenneth them in purgatory yf they ben in good lyff in parfyghte charyte that done it And yf almesse dede be done for them that ben in ioye and haue no nede therto It is put to the tresour off holy chirche And as goddes wyll is soo it is deled and releueth theym that haue most nede therto and so god assygneth it to them And thenne the soules that ben holpē therwyth thanke the soule that this was done for Thus ye may knowe well that almesdedes helpen gretly soules that is done fore ben in purgatory For ofte holy men haue herde fendes crye ▪ and make grete sorowe For wyth almesdedes soules were taken from them ¶ Narracio ¶ we rede in olde tyme gode peple wolde on all halowyn daye bake brede dele it for all crysten soules And yet there ben some that vsen it but all to fewe ¶ we fynde in legenda aurea of a knyght that shold goo to a batayle and had a cosyn that he loued passyng well And said to hym thus if he were sleyn in the batayle he shold selle his horse deale the valure to pour people in almesse to praye for all cristen soules Soo it happed that he was slayne and his cosyn loued well the horse and toke hym to his owne vse ▪ Thenne soone after this knyght appered to his cosyn and said thus to hym thyse viii dayes for my horse thou haste made me to brenne in purgatory And therfore god wyll take vengeaūce on the. Forsothe quod he this daye thy soule shal be in helle wyth the fende Et ego purgatus vado ī regnū dei And I am purged shal go to the kingedom of heuen anone an horryble noyse was herde in thayre of fendes caught this man bare hym awaye The thirde that helpeth is the masse for whan ony soule appereth to ony man to haue ony helpe he desyreth masses prayeth to haue masses songē for hym Ryght as mete and drynke comforteth a man whan he is feble so the sacramente of the awter comforteth the soules that the masses ben done for It is wreten in legenda aurea how a bishop suspended a preest for he cowde saye none other masse but of requiem but he songe euery daye deuoutly after his connyng Thenne on a daye as the bysshop wente toward matens it semed to hym that dede bodyes rosen rome a bowte hym And sayde thou hast said noo masse for vs. and more ouer thou hast taken our preste away from vs· Loke that this be amended ▪ or elles god wyll in shorte tyme take vengeaunce on the for our sake Thenne was the bysshop gretely a ferd and anone he bad the prest synge masse off requyem ▪ as he dyde to fore and soo he dyde os ofte as he myghte ¶ Narracio ¶ Also we fynde that fisshers sette her nettes in heruest to fysshe and they toke vp a grete pese of yse and that it was the coldest yse that euer they felte And it wolde not melte for the sonne Thenne brought they that yse to the bysshop For he had a grete brennyg hete in his fote and it was the coldest that euer he felte thenne spake there a voys to hym out of the yse and sayd I am a soule that suffre my penaūce here in this yse for I haue noo frendes that wyll doo masses for me I shal be delyuered out of my penaunce and thou shalt be hole of thy sykenesse yf thou wylt saye masse for me And he said he wold singe for hym and bad telle hym his name and euer whyle he was at masse he layed the yse vnder his fet and euer as he said masse the yse melte awaye And soo wythin a whyle the yse was molten and the soule from peyn And the bysshop was hole of his sykenesse ¶ Thenne the soule appered to hym wyth moche ioye ▪ and sayde wyth thy masses syngyng I am holpen oute off peyne in to euerlastynge blysse And he tolde the bisshop that he shold deye soone after and come to euerlastynge ioye wythout ende to the whiche god brynge vs all Amen ¶ De festo sctī Ma●●●ī GOod frendis suche a daye ye shall haue saynt Martens daye whan
suffred mekely and threspaced neuir for we sholde mekely suffre that moche haue trespaced He was also crucified for we shold chastise our fleshe by penaunce in withstondyng syn he was beried in token that we shold hyde oure gode dedys fro preysynge vaynglorye of the world to haue mīde that erthe is oure heritage by kynde of oure bodily flesshe The v. is Descendit ad inferna tercia die resurrexit a mortuis I byleue that he went downe to hell the thridde day arose from deth to lyue Cryste thus bodily deed laye in the sepulcre withoute the soule tyll the iii. daye that he arose the godhode nat partyd fro the body He wente downe to hell deliuered the holy soules that wer there through vertue of the godhode the thridde day arose fro deth to lyfe in tokenynge that the light of his deth hathe distroyed oure double deth and that we shall aryse fro goostly deth by iii. maner of medi●●●es contricion confession and satisfaction The vi is Ascendi● ad erlos seder ad dexteram dei patris omnipotētis I byleue that he styed vp into heuyn and sett him there on his faders righte honde Thus Criste appering to his disciples after his resurrection 〈◊〉 wythe theym in tokenynge that he was very man as he was to fore And so to stye into heuyn and highed mankynd aboue all aungelles openyng heuyn gate to shewe man the way and to pray for mankynde The seuynth is In de ventu●us est iudicare viuos et mortuos I beleue that he is to come to deme the quycke and the dede This criste iesu very god and man shall come to the dome and deme all mankynde quycke dede good and euyll after theyr dedes There shall some cōme to the dome nat be demyd as hethen men For they synne withoute lawe And therfore withoute lawe they muste perysshe Somme also shal be demyd and damned as false cristen men that beleue in Iesu criste withoute loue gode werkes There shall subgettes accuse their euyll curates that wolde nat repreue theym of their synnes ne teche them the commaundmentes of god Also chyldrē vnchastised shal there repreue ther faders and moders that wold nat chastice theym of their wantonesse There shall the pore accuse the riche that wolde nat helpe theym in their myschief Amēde all this therfore whyles thou art here and haue mynde how sodenly his vēgeaunce falleth and as how he findeth the he shall deme the The viii is Credo in spiritum sanctum I byleue in the holy gooste the thrydde persone of the trinyte The holy gooste also withoute begynnynge or endyng and euyn in wytte myght and godenes with the fader and the sonne and al iii be oon god almyghty The lx is Sanctam ecclesiam catholicā sanctorum communionem I byleue in holy chirche and in comunyon of sayntes holy churche throghe oute the worlde is holy and one to all cristen men that in in the sacramentes of the church dele and cōmoneth to giddre Therfore it is forboden that in the churche ne in the churche yerde be neyther rumoure ne stryf daunsyng drynkynges ne non inhonest myrthes ne occasion of synne shold nat be yeue ther where as forgeuenesse sholde be asked Holy churche is parted in thre One is in this worlde of theym that sholde be sauyd by the mercy of god ▪ and thys is euyr fightynge agaynste these thre ennemyes the worlde the flesshe the deuyll And a nother is in purgatorye of soules that abide there the grete mercy of god The thridde is criste of heuē hede of all other with his saintes whyche is free fro all maner descensiones These thre shall be one after the daye of dome ioynynge with Iesu their hede in the blysse that neuyr shall haue ende Comonynge sayntes whan eche of these thre parties helpen other They in heuyn helpen the other two with prayer And they in erth helpen them in purgatory with theyr praier and almes And these two helpe hem in heuyn whan their ioye and blysse is encreased And thus eche cōmuneth with other The x. is Remissionem peccatorum I byleue forgyuenesse of synnes they that amende their lyf here and doo very penaunce wyllyng to leue their sinnes and ende in charite shall haf forgyuenesse of all their synnes For criste by his deth and passion of his fader gate vs forgyuenes he him selue by his godhede also forgyueth all originall and actuell synne of oure baptym The xi article Carnis resurrectionem I byleue rysynge of bodye All mankynde at the daye of dome shall ryse from dethe to lyf in body and soule to gydder and after that neuyr be departed And thenne they that haue endyd in dedely synne shuld goo in body and soule to the euirlastynge peyne of hell without mercy And they that haue well lyued and endyd in charite and oute of dedely synne shall wēde in body soule to gyddre to blys for euirmore Of thys blysse speketh sainte Mathewe in the laste artycle The xii is Et vitam eternam Amen I byleue in euirlastynge lyf ¶ Thies been the articles of the feythe the whiche but euery man truly sadly byleue may nat be sauyd For withoute feyth it is impossible to plese god Decem precepta domini ¶ The thridde thynge that thou sholde knowe god by be his x. commaundementes whiche he wrote in the ii tables of stoon and tooke theym to moyses to teche his people promysynge to hem that wolde kepe theym his blessynge welthe and welfare And to them that wolde nat his curse grete sorowe and myscheif ¶ A man asked of Criste what he myght do to haue euirlastynge lyf And he aunsweryd and sayde if thou wyll entre euirlastynge lyf kepe the cōmaundementes This preuyth if thou kepe his cōmaundmentes thou fulfyllest the lawe of god shalte haue euirlastinge lyf ¶ The firste is he cōmaundeth that thou haue no god but h●m Ne that thou worshyp serue ne yeue thy truste to none other creature ymage ne thynge grauen but only to him In this is forboden ▪ mawmetry false enchauntemētes wychecraftes false charmes and dremys ▪ and mysbeleuys that any man or woman hopyth helpe in withoute almyghtye god In this ye synne dedely that for sekenesse or losse of godes put your fayth or byleue that ye sholde haue in youre lorde god by the deuylles mynystres false wytches the whiche bryng many a soull to the deuyll For they byleue more in the wyches wordes thā in the wordes of scripture that the preest techyth theym Al suche ▪ haue goddes curse at the leest iiii tymes a yere in the greate sentence And euery day in oure pryme As for ymages ¶ Also ye shall vndyrstonde that as clerkes see in her bokes how they shold lyue and doo soo sholde lewde men lerne by ymages whome they sholde worshyp and folowe in lyuyng to do goddes worshyp to ymages euery man is forboden ¶ Therfore firste whenne thou
▪ it shall deye to the poure mā and not to the. ¶ Soo sayth paryfyens therfore vse leeffull chaffare and wyn wythoute subtylte or sleyght not as moche as thou mayst But that that is resonable to thy sustenaunce after thyn estat is dewe This desyred this wyse man of our lord when he said neyther ryches neyther pouerte lord yeue me but oonly lord that is necessarye to my lyuelod ¶ The viii thou shalt not bere fals wytnesse In this is forboden all maner of lefynges conspyracy and forsweryng wherby that thy neyghbour leseth his catel frenshyp or good all suche ben called the children of the deuyll For they put out trouthe and brynge ynne falsehed Put oute cryste and brynge ynne the deuyll lesynge stondyth not oonly in fals wordes But also in fals werkys and yf thou be a crysten man lyue ther after or ellis thou lyest There be thre maner of lesynges one is when thou lyest wyth full purpose to hurt thy neyghbour And thenne it is dedely synne Another is whan thou lyest to further thy neyghbour in a trouthe and thenne it is not soo moche euyll ¶ The third is when thou lyest for the dysporte of them that be aboute the. not wyllyng to hyndre ony persone ¶ Thyse two be venyall but thou haue them in custume therforr beware of all maner lesynge and neyther for loue ne hate ne for mede bere noo fals wytnes The ix is thou shalt not desyre thy neybours wyf In the seuenth commaundement god forbedeth the dede of lechery and theyr desyre In tokyn that they be both dedely synne yet somme wene but they doo the dede it is noo synne Cryste therfore wyllyng all suche to be clene wythin and wythout bothe in body and in soule sayth this All that sewe a woman to the couetyse of theyr lust they do lechery wyth her in theyr herte And thus by shrewd thoughtis man is ofte tyme departyd from god ¶ yet sayth saynt Byrgit in her vysions But yf ylle thoughtis were somtyme to man He shold wene hym self f rather angell thenne man And soo all euyll thynge cometh off hym self and none of god ¶ Therfore that man sholde vnderstonde the infirmyte that he hath off hym self and the strenthe that he hath off god it is necessarye sayth she that he be suffred somtyme of the greate mercy of god to bee temptyd wyth euyll thoughtes To the whiche yf he consente not they be but a purgacion to his soule and a kepar of his vert●●s Therfore whan shrewd thoughtis come to the wythstonde the first suggestyon and lete thy sowle alweye soo laboure that he consente not to delyte in theym And thenne haue in mynde the bytter paynis that Crist for the suffred And the endeles blysse of the ioyes of heuen that thou muste lese yf thou consente to theym and the bytter paynis of helle also that thou shalt haue yf thou deye in theym and yf thou thus doo thenne shalt thou haue in mynde thy laste ende and neuer doo synne ¶ The x. commaundement and the laste is thou shalt not desyre thy neghbours thynge hous lande oxe asse neyther noo thynge that is his For suche desyres of couetyse as scripture maketh mencion Balaam Nacor Anani Gyesy Achab Iesebel and many other fyll to grete myschyeff bothe off body and of sowle Therfore be ye well war al 's of all suche fals desyre And take noo mannis good ayenste his wyll lest it falle to you as it dyd to them And thynke also that wythout satysfaccion or hauyng wyll to amende the therof The pope ne none by hym may dispence wyth the. and yet thou stondyst acursyd of all holy chirche in the greate sentence foure tymes in the yere what shall all suche false desyre thē profyte the. when the curse of god shal thus abyde on the. there is noo man that bredith the curse of god nowe ¶ But whan cryst at the dome shall saye that scrypture makyth mencion of Goo ye cursed in the euerlastynge fyre of hell Thenne shall they bothe drede it and fele it For this word goo ye cursed shall be more peynfull as doctours sayn thenne the paynis off a thousand hellys though they were all gadred in to one All thyse ten b●hestis ben brought in two of the gospell that is loue god aboue all thyng And thy neyghbour as thy self f Fyrst thou shalt loue god wyth all thy herte that noo thyng be nerer thy herte then god In all thy soule that thou suffre noo synne abyde wythin thy soule for the loue of god And wyth all thy m●●de that thou spare not for myschy●ff to please god Thy neyghbour also as thy self f in good and not euyl as moche as thy self in helthe in seekenes in welthe and in woo ¶ Thus for loue thou shalt kepe goddis commaundementis and not oonly for drede of peyn Thise commaundementis sholde e●●e man telle and teche his childre And thus bad our Lorde to moyses thyse wordes said he ▪ the whiche I take here this daye shall be in thy herte Thou shalt telle them to thy sonnys ▪ thynke on hem slepyng wakyng syttyng goyng Thou shalt bynde theym as a sygne to thy hand and wryte theym on the doorys lynter●●s of thy hous And shalt rewle all thy thoughtis wordes and dedes preuy and apert in eche place by thyse commaundementis off god Foryete not thyse wordes sayth he ne fall they not from thy herte all the dayes of thy lyf Thus gouerne ye your meyny sayth saint Austyn For as we thus speke to you here in the chirche soo shold ye to yours at home that ye may gyue tre we rekenyng to god of theym that be subgettis to you and telle theim sayth he the loue and the swetenesse of heuenly thynges and the grete bytternes of helle for ye shall answere for them at the strey● daye of dome and counseyll them all that they be not neglyent in no wyse to lerne thyse commaundemētis for drede of this sentence that folowyth yf thou wolt not here the voys of thy lord god seyth he That thou kepe his commaundementis all thyse curses shull come to the and take the thou shalt be cursed in cytee in felde cursed shall be thy relyques the fruyte of thy body thy fruyte of thy lōde The drouys of thyn oxyn and the flockes of thy sheep thou shalt be cursed in the goyng ynne and goyng out Thou shalt be smyte wyth hunger seekenesse and pestylence wyth adders wyth fyre wyth hete wyth colde and wyth corrupte ayer ¶ All thyse shall pursewe the. and thou shalt perysshe And yf thou wolt here the voyce of oure Lord that thou lerne and kepe his commaundementis He shall make the hygher thenne all that dwelleth in erthe And all thyse blyssynges shall come to the and take the Thou shalt be bsissed in cytee and in felde in the frute of thy body and fruyte of thy lande in
herest thy masse god graunteth the nedefull and lawfull thynges that day ydell othis and forgetyn synnes be forgeuen That daye thou shalt not lese thyn eye syght ne deye in sodeyn deth ne the tyme of the masse thou shalt not wexe agyd Euery steppe thyderward and homward an aungell shal rekene Lewd men and women to despute of this sacrament a ̄t vtterly for●●dden For it is ynough to theym to beleue as holy churche techeth ●m The fyft sacramētis anoynting of seke men the which is oyl halowed of a busshop and minystred by prestes to theym that been of laufull age in grete peryll of deth in lightnesse and abatyng of their sekenesse if god wyll that they lyue And in forgeuynge of they re venyall synnes and relesyng of theyr peyne if they shall dye So that this sacramēt may be yeuen as oft as nedyth to euery man and womā that be in point of dethe ¶ The syxte is holy ordres which noo man may take but at their owne wyl This yeueth power to them that taketh it to serue in holy churche after their estate is As to him that taketh the ordre of preesthode for to make the sacramēt of cristes flesshe and his blode and for to mynistre other sacramētes to the people These muste haue their crowne shauen their hede tonsured and theire clothes honestly shapen as falleth to her estate and namely in holy churche They muste also in the quere synge rede with clenes of conscience and grete deuocion of soull nat ouyrhyppyng ne momblynge ne musynge of vanytees nat medlynge with lewde ne shrewyd tydynges ne inhonest cōmunycacion ne cōmynge to late to goddes seruyce ne goynge oute bifore the ende withoute a resonable cause nat gronynge ne slumbrynge ne sparyng her voyce but shewynge oute the voice of the holy gooste with sowne and hooll speche And thus sayth saint Bernard They muste also dispose theym self if they may to synge masse therto they be bounde For saint Bernarde sayth in the persone of oure lord to euery mā thus Haue I nat made the and yeue the power to make me to make my sonne incarnat tofore the fader of saluacion of the worlde if thou haf power to synge and syngest nat saith he Thou benymmest the aungelles of heuyn their ioye thou benymmyst mankynde trauelynge in erthe their helpe and grace and thou benymest the soules that are in grete peynes in purgatorye their reste and their forgyuenes These be heuy wordes and lytell thoughte on with many of vs Saint Austyn sayth how worshypful is the dignyte of preesthode sayth he betwyxte whose handes the sonne of god as in his moders wombe was īcarnate hou blessed be the pr●ests sayth he if that they prestly lyue How heuynly a mynistre is that sayth he that by the wyckynge of the fader and the sonne and the holy gooste the same god that is in heuyn the same and self is in youre handes ▪ in the sacramente Therfore sayth once lord bee ye holy for I am holy ¶ A rightfull lyf to you is necessary saith saint Austyn Therfore ye muste soo lyue soo that your lyf accord with youre name soo that if your ordre be holy let your conuersacion be the same And if men say well of you sayth he see that your werkes bere wytnesse to the same And this is for vs prestes ¶ The seuynthe sacrament is wedlocke before the whiche the bany● must be asked thryes in holy churche This is a lauful knytiyng to gydder of mā and woman in fourme of holy church by assent of theym bothe for to be to gyddre in the lawe of god and neuyr to be departed whyles their lyf lastith in remission of syn and getyng of grace whanne it is taken to a true entent For though there be no trouthe plighte ne flessh●y dede doon if they be of ful age accorde in herte to gydder to fore god they be wyf and husbonde al preuy couenauntes in trouthe plightynge and forward makyng without assent of frendes or knowlege are forboden Al that suche make or been therat ben in grete peryll of soull Also it is forboden that no wedded man ne womā one withoute that others assente make vowe of chastite pylgremage ne fastynge For if the wyf avowe the husbonde at the firste we●yng may fordo it but if he consent and suffre it wetyngly after the firste knowyng The mā synneth nat for the wyfe hath no power of her owne body but the husbond And if the man absteyne him fro hys wyf by suche wyfe withoute the wyll of his wyf she gyue him noo leue he is cause of her synne And the wyf is in the same case if she doo the same to her husbonde Septem opera misericordie ¶ The fyft thynge that thou shal knowe god by are the seuyn dedye of mercy whiche euery man is bounde by the byddynge of god to fulfyll and to do to his power That is to saye Fede the hungry ▪ yeue drynk to the thristy cloth the nakyd herborowe the houseles vysite the seke deliuer the prisoners and burye the pore whanne they be dede These been nedefull to vs plesyng to god and helpynge to body soull of all theym that doon them Therfore sayth Criste yeue and it shal be yeuyn to you Almes sayth Austyn is an holy thynge For it euerlasyth the that thou haste Lessith thy synnes It multiplyeth thy yeres and nobleth thy mynde It lengtyth thy termes and clenseth al. thynge It deliuereth the fro dethe And ioyneth the to aungelles and departeth the from deuylles And is a wall inexpugnable aboute thy soull Therfore gyue almes and all thynges shall be clene to you Thre thynges he muste considre that shall gyue almes First who asketh it what he asketh wherfore Firste I say that god asketh it for he loueth so moche pore men that what ye do to them in his name he holdeth it doon to him selfe He asketh his and nat oures Dauid sayth al thynges be thyn lorde and that we haue take of thyn handes we haue gyue the He asketh vs nat for to gyue it him but for to leue it him wherfore he woll yelde an hundreth folde and the blys of heuyn Therfore sayth sainte Gregore pore men shall nat be despyced but prayed as faders And he that yeueth the pore shall nat be pore sayth Salamon And he that stoppeth his ere fro the crye of the poure shall crye and nat be herde Therfore to all that aske these he that asketh vnrightfully yeue it not that he asketh but that that b●tt●● i● And that is correction Ierom sayth gyue the pore to susteyne their ryches There may no mā excuse him of almes gyuynge For an halpeny of the pore sum tyme more pleaseth god thanne an hūdreth shylīges of the rich If thou may nat gyue him that gyue him wordes of comforte And what thou yeuyst gyue it gladly For the gladde gyuer god louyth ¶ Ther be also seuyn other gostly dedys of mercy The firste is teche