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A02430 The glasse of mans folly and meanes to amendment, for the health and wealth of soule and body. This glasse of mans folly, is that we may know, the cause of the cruelty, which dayly doth flow. ... B. H., fl. 1595. 1615 (1615) STC 12562A; ESTC S118418 51,161 76

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saith Mat. 5. Reproofe of Swearing Let your communication be Yea yea Nay nay for whasoeuer is more then this commeth of euill When wee sweare we must vse the glorious Name of God with great reuerence and feare Deut. 6.13 Heb. 6.16 viz. Where the glory of God is sought or the saluation of our brethren or before a Magistrate in witnessing the truth not in our communication or otherwise vainely It is forbidden Leuit. 19.12 And yee shall not sweare by my Name falsely neither shalt thou prophane the Name of thy God I am the Lord. Regard it Deut. 5. For the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine The Lord hath sayd Zacha. 5. That the curse shall enter into the house of him that sweares falsely by his Name Leuit. 24. God commaunded that hee which blasphemed his Name should bee stoned It was effected and now is to be wished such should be punished Although it be reprooued it is to be feared few will refrayne for Sathan is subtill to seduce before Christs comming and is industrious to draw vs to that God hath forbidden so that some as in their health did sweare and curse so haue they in their sicknesse and departed fearefully Esay 45.9 Woe be to him that striues with his Maker Consider this yee that forget God lest I take you away Psa 50.22 and there bee none to helpe Oh if you knew him you would quake to blaspheme him his glorious brightnesse excells the Sunne in the Firmament so that sinfull eyes cannot beholde him Esay 6. Seraphins couer their faces in Gods presence Thou blast of breath bee not so saucie with the GOD of Might and Maiestie Ieremie 10.6 Forasmuch as there is none like vnto thee ô Lord thou art great and thy Name is great in might vers 10. At his wrath the earth shall tremble Oh bragge beggers bold to dishonour him you must from wealth Psa 8. or wealth from you it is none of yours honour the owner The Psalmographe doth ingeminate this O Lord our God how excellent is thy Name in all the earth Our Sauiour taught vs to say Hallowed be thy Name Let vs not derogate it Bad children grieue to see their father misvsed much more Gods children to sée our heauenly Father abused Some leawd of the vulgar heare and beare with Sweaters and Drunkards but checke such as abhorre it for any small infirmitie past for want of fore-sight and with lying make a myte a mountaine I would I and others had but infirmities I haue millions of sinnes and GOD knowes of more then I can remember Good God assist vs to resist and hate sinne in our selues and others that with silence we sée thee not blasphemed Common Swearers are commonly Cursers and askers of euill petitions impious people are wrathfull like the Diuell asking plagues poxe and all kinde of euill So ofte times they haue that they craue Our tongues are not to be vnruly euils but to pray to God and praise him He that vilifieth his Name shewes himselfe worse then a tode which by singing sets sorth Gods praise Psal 148. Zelous Dauid exhorteth créeping things vnrationall to praise GOD yet men with reason blaspheme him which none can doe that loue him A president repugnant was S. Dauid Blesse the Lord ô my soule and all that is within mee blesse his holy Name Psal 103. Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord. And shall Man hauing reason blaspheme him Psal 150. Oh it is odious to a Christian Therefore when thou hearest any take Gods name in vaine say Blessed be his Name If he regard it not exhort him with leuitie If he be peruerse refraine his companie Ioseph by kéeping Pharaohs Court learned to sweare By the life of Pharaoh Gen. 42. but he returned to such vertue as is to be feared few do for sin is now so auaileable it seemeth to be ineuitable O arrogant earth feare the Almighty Bee not an Infidell worse then the Diuell The Diuels belieue and tremble True Faith and true feare hath care to eschue euill and doe good Prou 8.13 Iames 2.19 The feare of the Lord is to hate euill pride and arrogancie and the euill way and the froward mouth doe I hate A Blaspheamer with his froward mouth and black tongue makes his soule blacke GOD made it to praise him not to dishonour him He saith 1. Sam 2.30 For them that honour mee I will honour and they that despise mee shal be lightly esteemed Pray to GOD and praise him none can saue thee but hée and he abhorreth sinne Heb 1.13 Thou art of purer eyes then to behold euill canst not look on iniquitie Now let vs consider this how wee procure Gods anger and grieue him with our sinne by Sathans seducing To sée him maketh man to quake but the Swearer séemes to be possessed and feare not Both must be admonished You that with silence heare it and yée that vse it leaue it least in Hell yee languish with blaspheming and cursing the time of byrth and being To preuent it Repent Loue God and laude him Else at Iudgement day thy conscience will accuse thee Christ will refuse thée the Hoast of Heauen abhorre thee and Diuells euer torment thée From which good Lord deliuer vs for IESVS sake that bought vs. To the which GOD Almightie thrée persons in Trinitie be all possible praise for euer Amen Benedic anima mea Iehouae An Inuectiue for Sabbath-Prophaners THe abuse of the Sabbath doth greatly derogate the glory of God Vsed of some in the Church of some out of the Church Concerning euill behauiour in the Church There are certaine seduced in greedie getting or néedlesse decking that they goe late attyred meeter for a Play then to pray Whose eyes wander in euery corner and the finest fashion is their prospect They by watching about their follie and others too full fed doe slumber and comber the Church offending God and grieuing the good The hungry sléepe not at dinner to sléepe at a Sermon shewes no hungrie desire the paunch full is vnfit to pray Sermon-sléepers whether Papists or Neuters intrude among the Protestants They ease the corps by leaning So should they the Conscience and auoyde sleeping by standing but Pinguitie preuents it Ignorants went farre to fall to an Image Farre and neere fall thou to the true God Goe sooner and be better prepared to pray and praise him Parents rebuke your boyes Some Ruffians and rude ones yea bragge boyes haue hattes on their heads when Psalmes are read or sung being Prayers and petitions 1. Cor. 11.4 Euery man praying or porphecying hauing his head couered dishonoureth his head To begge of a King couered is vncomely Much more so to begge of the King of Kings Some sittes praying the Lords Prayer Matthew 26.39 CHRIST did prostrate and pray because of our sinnes and shall not we sinners knéele when we pray S. Paule did it Acts 21.5 If wee
the cōmandement of Ionadab Much more ought we to refraine from drunkennesse at Gods commaund The Lord reprooueth the Adultrers that louest agons of wine The prophet complaineth Esay 56.12 Come yee say they I will fetch wine Osea 3. and wee will fill our selues with strong drinke That Come driues to detriment and we goe willingly Math 11.28 Christ saith Come for our comfort but we will not It 's the fashion to call and prouoke each other to excesse of drinking It was not so at that royall Feast Hester 1.8 And the drinking was according to the lawes none did compell The great God little regarded denounceth woe to inticers Woe vnto him that giueth his neighbour drinke that puttest thy bottle to him Abac. 2.15 and makest him drunken also that thou mayest looke on his nakednes Solomon would drawe vs from the meanes that moueth delight to drinking least we be drunken Prou 23. Looke not vpon the wine when it is red Oh that Parents would not be sanage but sage as Salomon to counsell It is odious and absurd for youth to drinke much Except in labor a modicum suffiseth nature To giue wine to a young man is to adde oyle to fire Wine and strong drinke are fitte for the weake and sicke Prou 31. Giue strong drinke to him that is ready to perish wine vnto those that are of heauie hearts Alas such lacks when lazie liuers gulps gallons and iudge that those which ioyne not with them doo thinke themselues righteous but they that féele theyr sinnes most vse meanes to tame their flesh So did prudent Paule 1. Cor 92.7 I keepe vnder my bodie and bring it into subiection It appeares that pamperers are Iustitiaries and féele not theyr sinnes which defileth their soules Did they they would striue and resist it and not so nourish it Immoderate nutriment procures imminent punishment Saint Dauid being thirstie desired water and it was brought him Neuerthelesse hée would not drinke 2. Sam verse 17. And he saide Be it farre from mee ô Lorde that I should doe this Is not this the bloud of the Men that went in ieopardy of theyr liues Therefore hee would not drinke it A carnall minde would thinke wine had bene fitter to strengthen him against his visible enimies but being then not fit Excesse with vs is much more vnfit and to be refrained that wée may ouercome our inuisible enimies the diuels He refused that he had néede of much more ought we to refuse néedlesse excesse such effusion causeth confusion in the lake of lamentation Daniel 5. Balthazar being drinking of his cups heard and had a cooling God graunt vs grace to be prepared and in well dooing at Christs comming Lamentat 3. It is of the Lordes mercies that we are not consumed to him he all honour for euer Amē Laus Deo ¶ A perfect proofe that Gods children must not be associated with Drunkardes nor with other impious SAlomon saith Be not amongst wine bibbers Prou 24. Be thou not enuious against euill men neyther desire to be with them Prou 28. He that is a companion of riotous mē shameth his father The Psalmographe saith Pro 23.20 Psal 26. I haue not sate with vaine persons neither will I goe in with dissemblers But Drunkards count such no companions They lose a lofty title that shake not hands with the diuell The foremost in leaud life is the bad But it 's better to be hated and goe to Heauen then of them to beloued and goe to Hell Vertue shall ascend when Vice shall descend Iames 4. their amitie is enmitie Whosoeuer therfore wil be a friēd of the world is the enemy of God Therfore good men dare not flatter them in follie Ps 139.21 Dauid hated thē that hated God He shewes where the true harted shall dwell Ps 15.4 He shal abide in Gods tabernacle in whose eyes a vile person is contemned but honoreth them that feare the Lord. 2. Tim 3. But this world will grow to an Antipathie Euill people shall be esteemed and good people contemned Yet if thou hast ignominie refraine theyr company for though thou be expert with a good Booke in thy bosome they will frame thée to theyr fashion and so to confusion If they cannot winne thee they will wrong thée They that are dissolute of theyr duties to God are carelesse of theyr soules and of thy safetie It is a probabilitie that their euocation and prouoking is manie mens vndooing Say then with the princely Prophet Psal 119.115 Depart from mee yee euill doers I will keepe the commaundements of my God Ver 63. I am a companion of all them that feare the Lorde Bée thou so and not a Chamelion for all companies Cato counsells thée to walke with good men Shall an Ethnick excell vs in good conuersation that neuer had our meanes of conuersion Hée doth admonish vs and Christ doth menace vs Math 24. Hee that eateth and drinketh with the drunken shall be appointed his portion with Hypocrites there shal be weeping gnashing of Teeth S. Paule reproouing the impietie of people shewing the wrath of God for the same saith Be not therefore partakers with them Ephes 5.7 They that let Drunkardes haue drinke may prosper a time but such gaine is like to prooue paine Hée or shee that giue weapons to those that wound themselues A Caueat to fillers to Drunkards are culpable Thou art forbidden their companie and societie It is odious to attend them Consider this yée that haue houses for such Reprooue and remooue such slowbellies you had better doe any slauerie then be accessary to theyr actions Math 16.26 For what is a man profited if he shall gaine the whole world and lose his owne soule Abhorre their behauiour though they hate thée Ephe 5.11 And haue no fellowship with the vnfruitfull works of darknes but rather reproue them If they will not heare they are barbarous Prou 12. Hee that hateth reproofe is brutish Win them with lenitie else refraine their society 2. Cor 6.14 What communion hath light with darknes Gen 25.22 Esau and Iacob strugled in the wombe So doe Gods seruants and sathans adherents and so did Christ and his Apostles with the wicked world Let vs not serue sin but our good God to whō be all honor for euer Amen Laudate IAH ¶ Drunkards hatred to those that abhorre their behauiour THe primarie prophet Ps 119.139 a Paragon of ardent amitie to God saith My zeale hath consumed mee because mine enemies haue forgotten thy worde A man to mourne for his owne sinnes in sinceritie is not cōmon to mourn for sins of others is not much in custome He was a mourner for his owne sins for the sins of his enemies which thing so admirable fewe doo imitate Yet when hée wept it was to his reproch He was a Prouerb song of the drunkards Psal 69. Gods spirite excited him to reprooue such as impeached Gods glory But malefactors could not neither cā
Acts 20.7 On the preparation to the Sabbath the bodie of IESVS was begged by Ioseph to be buried Mark 15. Luk. 23. for obseruing the sabbath God hath commanded the kéeping thereof with a Memento Sunday was the first day of the Worldes Creation and the day of Christs Resurrection S. Iohn calles it Dies Dominicus I was in the spirit on the Lords day for it was by the Apostles established Reu. 1.10 and Saturday the Iews Sabbath abolished Therfore it behooues vs carefully to kéepe Sunday the Lords day The Law is perpetuall so is the Sabbath and is to be sanctified to Gods seruice For though being vnder the Gospell we are deliuered frō the shadows of the ceremoniall law yet it foloweth of congruity that we indeuor to kéepe the morall precepts and be obedient to Gods commandements else we are not grafied in Christ which saith Math 5. Thinke not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill If wee belong to him we will doe our industrie God is iealous of his glory which men diminish dishonouring him more on that day then in all the wéeke His Memento is not minded Man and beast must rest Yet rude ones ride on the Sabbath vpon small occasions All within thy gate must rest that is within thy power Childrē seruants and stranger Sée it performed preuent eternall punishment By Christ we haue Christian liberty to doo things of necessity for preseruation of life and of things in vtter decay on the sabbath Christ then healed a man and the Iews did lift shéepe from the pit and we must be carefull that the thing wee doe be such as cannot well be deferred to further time Néedlesse worldly workes wordes and worldly thoughts must be abandoned Nūb 15. God cōmanded all the people to stone a man that gathered sticks on the sabbath Math 1.80 Oh yee that follow lusts be obedient least yee be perpetually punished God lookes for our Obedience to obey is better then sacrifice Nehemiah 13. reprooued them that brake the sabbath in bearing sheaues and loading their Asses and that solde ware he told them that euill came on the Cittie because their Fathers did so The Lord by Ieremie 17.21 dehorteth from breaking the Sabbath and exhorteth people to hallow the same God promiseth a blessing if they obey if not a destruction Ioyfull promise is for performance For thus saith the Lord vnto the Eunuches that keep my Sabbaths choose the things that please me and take holde of my Couenant vers 5. Euen vnto them will I giue in mine house within my walles a place and a name better then of sonnes of daughters I wil giue them an euerlasting name that shall not be cut off In this Maior is a Benisson to him that knoweth not a woman if hee applie the Minor To euery man that kéepeth the sabbath not doing his owne wayes nor speaking his owne wordes God hath promised a blessing But God is forgotten and present pleasures thought on Some substantiall whome the world estéem of talke on their trash subtilty and sensualitie on that day and for a messe of potage with Esau lose their birthright Young-men some of them are like a generation of Vipers starting aside like a broken Bowe Neuters that delight not Gods Lawe say they belieue as the Church belieueth and how that is they knowe not as though they had a taste of the Whore of Babylon Lurking Masse-mongers doe seduce and make them luke-warme The body of Iezabel was deuoured but her Feete skull and handes remained And though the light doth disprooue Idolatrie some with deceiued tast thereof would burne incense to the Queene of heauen which God reprooued and seuerely punished Consider it yée that are thereto addicted They that loue darknes ha e the light least it should reprooue them Ierem. 44. Such are wilfull Absenters and some that heare are Sabbath-prophaners The true vse of the Sabbath is with the Assembly to heare Gods word read and preached to receiue the Sacrament with thanks and repentance to pray for our gratious King Iames Quéene and Royall progenie and for all Gods children being the Church vniuersall O Lord we thanke thee for our dread Soueraigne his great preseruation from Iannes Iambres and traitorly Iudas and we beséech thée to deliuer vs from such mercilesse papists Amen As at all times so chiefly on the Sabbath we must feede on the word and thanke our good God meditate comfort and counsell each other from euill to good and prouide for the poore at such time of the day as shall not hinder the seede sowne in vs. S. August makes mention of 3. kind of works that must be done on the Sabbath viz The works of godlines instructing the ignorant the works of Charitie giuing to the poore The works of necessitie to saue things in vtter decay As at all times so on this day let vs comfort the distressed praise him which rose then for our consolation and and Iustification The Iewes sabbath did put them in minde of their deliuerāce from the cruelty of Pharao vnto the desert where they were fed with Manna and so to the promised Canaan Our Sabbath puts vs in remembrance of our deliuerance from the fiery Pharao the diuell and that we shall possesse eternall rest if we obey God and keepe the true Rest An absenter sayes God heard Iob on the dunghil Daniel in the denne so may he me in my house Saint Dauid saith Psal 122. I was glad when they sayd vnto mee Let vs goe into the house of the Lord. Psa 84. My soule longeth yea euen faynteth for the Courts of the Lord. Hée accompanied the holy conuocation Psal 42. I went with them to the house of God with the voyce of ioy and prayse It must be the finall cause The swéete Singer saith Psal 81 Sing aloud vnto God our strength make a ioyfull noyse vnto the God of Iacob The ruder sort make not a ioyfull noyse they can sing few tunes for Psalmes nor in tune but disturbe the Congregation Dauids heart and swéete loud voyce makes harmony illustrating the glory of God which ordeyned heart and voyce He a type of Christ saith Psal 35.18 I will giue thee thanks in the great congregation I will prayse thee among much people Louers of God are ioyfull to prayse him among many and to sée God praysed by many Let vs not let it but loue it imbrace the truth and prayse God for it To the which blessed Trinitie be eternall honour prayse and glory Amen Tota ipsa anima laudet Iah ¶ Against the euill effects of Dicing and Carding DIcing and Carding are accustomed with company that vseth excesse they goe to an Alehouse and call for an Out-house and sit wrangling dishonouring God seruing of Sathan and cause vexation The winner spends it prodigally procuring Gods displeasure The sadde lozer gripes for money gréedily to be reuenged rashly hee ventureth more