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A86083 The Lords Prayer unclasped: with a vindication of it, against all [brace] schismatics. Hereticks, cal'd [brace] enthusiasts. Fratra cilli. / By James Harwood, B.D. Harwood, James. 1654 (1654) Wing H1098; Thomason E1497_1; ESTC R208634 132,974 361

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now understood may make those change their counternance who beg of God deliverance from the deceits of the slesh * Amen here they soar up and yet mean when prayers are done to have familiarity with the slesh her affections and lusts here they fall flat down These are perjured persons coram Deo Amen is my witnesse And now me thinks this should shame sundry of us that as it is witnessed by this * Amen examined have sworn these religious purposes are our minde and yet minde to do nought lesse O it is a fearfull thing to dissemble with God Almighty Now what good we say with our tongues The Supplicat Lord give us grace to imbrace in our hearts Secondly this Pater noster Amen may signifie ipsam veritatem the very truth The faithfull and true witnesse and thus Amen is taken Rev. 3.14 where said unto the Church of the Laodiceans write these things saith the Amen that is the faithfull and true witnesse there as it is interpreted by common consent Amen signifies Christ And so may do here and then see you not to Christs hand-writing he sets his name for Amen is as much as Christ and then thus this prayer is perioded with this word this being its last word Christ How doth this interpretation lead one by the hand Three Inferences and lets me see 1. How without Christ first and last in my heart nought's to be had 2. Without coming in his name nought's to be gotten 3. Without my Saviour Christ my prayer hath lost its favour Let me not leave off to meditate on it and oft how Christ is the perfection of our prayers and certainly so he is O sacred sound which sweetens all our prayers and makes them all well pleasing to God Almighty The body of Moses interposed stopt the plague The name Jesus seals the blisse Now blessed be this ever blessed Lord and 0664 2 Saviour of all our souls The Supplicat Christ Jesus and for ever I am resolved never to leave out in my prayer The Avowry no not this last word Amen since this Amen is as much as Christ which one sound if from the heart uttered and beleevingly is able to procure Gods blesse on ail my prayers Thirdly this pater noster Amen may be taken pro signo subscriptionis for a token or mark set to to assure our subscripbing to what forespoken Thus it is taken Rom. 1.25.2 Cor. 1.20 and thus it may be here meant here Amen is as much as if the suppliant should say Lord I do subscribe in heart to what my tongue hath uttered That I note is this That Amen Note doth acknowledge all foresaid to be the suppliants true meaning Amen is Avoucher avouches all said for truth and right when he comes in I mean Amen he justifies all before he bends us to yeeld to all said and brings us to confesse freely we like of all we have heard Three Inferences uttered or read An observation I may make a Tripartite use of As 1. If there be such worth in saying Amen say it as oft as occasion cals on thee Let not this godly prayer be read in thy ear but have provided for it an Amen a word well becomes our mouthes every one is for the new cut but come keep in this old fashion of saying Amen as messenger newly alight and the last at that gate-house your lips which witnesses what you have subscribed to you are perswaded is the very truth and that truly you desire it 2. This interpretation may serve to teach you and you be not too old to learn to minde what read before you set seal Amen to it to minde what said ere you say Amen I had as live hear a Wood-pecker whistle and Owle shriek a Parret prate as hear a parishioner say Amen that mindes not understands not prayer went before such fellowes as these were fit to make hackney witnesses of for whereas others would swear but what they know is truth these will witnesse all is true though they never minded what said But that with a good conscience you may cry Amen minde what said it is thy part for thou art to passe thy censure on it can the Jury passe a just verdict mindes not pleadings impossible The simile suits with thee and warnes thee to note all thy * Petitions pend or spoke paper-books that thou maist be able to pronounce an Amen that is a positive sentence all is true 3. This interpretation refels the folly of our ignorant Papists who when the Seminary saith the prayer in Latine cry Amen which should not be denounc't but of what understood he may as well curse them as blesse them for ought they know and yet they cry Amen A folly to approve for good they know not what a blinde devotion when is out the eye their understanding a custome inexcusable that the ignorant people should cry Amen to Service read in Latine Surely they have assured confidence in their Priests and I assure you their Priests had need to have more honesty than their hearers have wit But let them be never so honest I see no reason for it the peoples faith should be pinn'd on the sleeves of their Priests good meaning 3. I would have all my people to know what I say and to say Amen but not till they fully understand what said A duty the more I urge men to 1. For it begets devotion 2. Makes us all of one minde 3. Interests each of you in the hopes of getting something by prayer * The Avowry with the Collect of the three interpretations For my own part I am resolved while I say this Amen to bear in minde my mark is set Christs name is writ and oath is given for 't and all to conjure what my heart did indite may be upright And now in the second place without a misprision of judgement give me leave to make my promise good This Amen Amens semblance may resemble the Almighty it came out of the bosome of his son suffer therefore a word of it which I desire more to ballance with grace than wit if some want not wit to conceive it God that one essence Father Sonne Holy Ghost The three Persons Betwixt these Si liceat parvis componere magna lo an * Resemblance Analogy which taske I undertake to let the people know the prize lesse word Amen Vt unus Deus sic hic unica vox ut Tres personae sic his pro numero Tres significationes we have in hand One and One Three and Three That one God and this one Amen That one God divided into three Persons And this one Amen admits of three significations God and Amen I mean to set the one beside the other and do you mark in what Amen blushes the Almighty I le passe by in that hee 's the Father Rev. 3.14 The semblance betwixt Amen and God holds in five things
tanta sit voluptas quid si potiar in English if there be such pleasure in the thought will there not be more if the sin be bodily committed yea thou thy self knowest thou hast thus chopt Logick and framed this kinde of Syllogism which when it hath gotten the consent of seduced reason then our fleshly lust hath brought us to that haft that we want nought but opportunity to do all the evill bodily And thus I have led you on and let you see Lusts march through that Isle the Soul and in a mysterie how far our Lust leads us on to do evill 1. It turns our heart to it The Collect 2. Makes us like it 3. Then consent to it 4. Then dwell in that delight 5. Then stray from God and dote on it 6. Then in heart resolve upon it hofaciam I will do it Thus farre as saith S. James every man is led away by his own concupiscence and inticed to do evill A misery incident to all men living a misery from which in full we cannot be delivered during this life a misery none is morefearfull yet the least suspected a misery is the root of all bodily abominations A misery which let it reinforce us all to fall to prayer and pray to God not to lef sin reign in our mortall bodies that we should obey it in the lusts thereof Second Case of Conscience is this 2. Case to be rightly informed what counter-works had need be made to prevent lusts march through the heart of man at leastwise to prevent its march in full force I have counter-works in readinesse agianst each of lusts six daies march and first against turning the heart towards evill 1. Meditate a look back again may be a break fortune remember Lots wife 2. Meditate every turn from God towards sin is a turn face to hell and who that 's wise would part with so fair an object for so foul a fight 3. Mediatate every turn to sin is like a gap made in the vineyards fence like a close leak in a ship at sea which sinks the vessell soul suddenly 4. Meditate no sooner lookest thou back to sin but Devill steals into thy soul 5. Meditate Hist sin is like the * Aspedigorgon serpent bred in the Temple of Lucea which was the present death of him turn'd his eye to it Now by these meditations like so many strong works you may stop lusts first daies march I mean turning heart towards Sin But say this first daies march be made and lust rise up to make the second daies march I have counter-works to stop lusts second daies march through soul I mean preventions against liking sin 1. Meditate sin is the Beares birth shapelesse an ugly monster never of Gods making this will prevent liking it 2. Meditate the more thou fallest in love with earth the lesse God in heaven is loved O ye cannot love God serve God and Mammon know 't one Dalila is a damnable draw off from our duties of Christianity 3. Meditate it is sins sweet brings a smart and the end of these things is death 4. Meditate if I like sin I am in the minde that none is in that 's good God threw it out of heaven spurn'd it out of Paradise and shall I take pleasure in that my God is and that irreconcilably displeased with God forbid But say this second daies march be made and lust rise up to make the third daies march I have Counter-works to stop Lusts third daies march through the soul I mean preventions against consenting to evill 1 Meditate every consent is a stab and wounds to the heart 2. Meditate how thou of a freeman art made a bond and slave and led captive by consenting to thy lust 3. Meditate how Eve fared after she had consented she lost her Eden 4. Meditate consent makes conscious and before thou actuate the sin makes thee liable to the sentence of death and damnation But say this third daies march be made and lust rise up to make the fourth daies march I have Counter-works to stop lusts fourth daies march through soul I mean preventions against letting evill thoughts be welcome long into the heart which is the fashioning of sin in womb of the soul 1. Meditate when sins birth is thy death is thou givest sin a being and it deprives thee of being a Saint in Heaven 2. Meditate that which thou bearest in the womb of thy soul his name is Esau who for a messe of pottage will wave the heavenly inheritance 3. Meditate thou hast him in thy womb will root out thy name 4. Meditate the welcome into the world of this one will eat thee out of house and harbour leave thee not a bit of bread in the strength whereof to walk up to the heavenly Horeb. But say this fourth daies march be made and lust rise up to make the fist daies march I have counterworks to stop lusts fist daies march through soul I mean preventions against heart-wandring after sin 1. Meditate sin is that Ignis fatuus that flame sent from hell to lead the will and make thee lose the way to heaven 2. Meditate the longer thou padlest sins steps the further thou hast to thy journeys end I mean further off from heaven 3. Meditate white thy thoughts wander after sin thou art looking for one to be thy Butcher O was there ever madnesse like this for men to run upon their own death 4. Meditate the pursue of sin is the turn-back of grace and to goe back to Egypt is to turn back of Canaan But say lust hath had leave to make five dayes march through heart and by this mean made thee turn to evill The Col. like of it assent to it dwell upon the thought of it as also thy soul to gad and wander after the thought of thy sinne Know 't and to thy comfort I have yet counterworks to beat lust back and stop him from his sixt daies march in which if with-held he is neither absolute conqueror nor thou wholly overcome These counterworks are so many gracious preventions fortified with Canons of proof heavenly Meditations to beat lust back from hoc faciam resolving to act the evill 1. Meditate upon it thou art going down the lowest rung of damnation save one and that is doing the sin step one step further and thou art in an hell upon earth 2. Meditate how soul is evill already and as though there were not enough ill must I go make all worse misuse both soul and body and make them a den of theeves a cage for unclean birds 3. Meditate that the punishment first threatned was for bodily acting evill witnesse that Gen. 2.27 In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death O how great a preservative would this be to keep us from doing evill bodily to consider it is that height of evill that duplicated sin of soul with body procures Gods heavie judgements For my own part