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A59782 The third part of The practical Christian consisting of meditations, and Psalms illustrated with notes, or paraphrased, relating to the hours of praier, the ordinary actions of day and night, and severall dispositions of men. By R. Sherlock D.D. Rector of Winwick.; Practical Christian Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1677 (1677) Wing S3257; ESTC R221141 121,011 380

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the evening of thy life but then it concerns thee to be active and industrious in the service of thy Lord having been all the day of thy former life idle and negligent therein And as at other times then so neglect not to offer up thine evening Sacrifice unto God for I. 'T was in the evening of Time the blessed Son of God came down from Heaven for the Redemption of the world If then Christ be a new formed in thee now and every evening bless God for thy Renovation and with all joyful exultation say with the blessed mother of our Lord St. LUKE I. Verses 46. MY Soul doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour 'T is the greatest joy of the devout Soul to praise the Lord my Soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness when my mouth praiseth Thee with joyful lips Psal 63 6. 47. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his hand-maiden 'T was a great respect our Lord had to the humble and gracious disposition of this blessed Virgin to humble himself to be made man in her sanctified Womb. 48. For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed Since all the nations of the earth are blessed by the holy Seed of her immaculate body 49. For he that is mighty hath magnified me and holy is his Name God's Almightiness is most manifested by his mercifulness and in respect of both his name is great wonderful and holy 50. And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all generations In every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him Act. 10.35 51. He hath shewed strength with his arm he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts By the arm of the Lord is meant the Son of God Isa 53.1 the strength of whose wisdom appeared in confounding the fond imaginations of the proud Pharisees and all such as justifie themselves 52. He hath put down the mighty from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meek And in casting out the Prince of this world Joh. 12.31 and all the spirits of pride and vengeance and in raising up faln man from under the power and tyranny of the Devil and his Angels 53. He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away Such as hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be satisfied but they who are pure in their own eyes and justifie themselves are rejected for he came not to call the righteous in their own conceit but sinners to Repentance Mat. 9.13 54. He remembring his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel as he promised to our forefather Abraham and his seed for ever To all the spiritual Sors of the faithful Abraham do the promises of God in Christ appertain Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Prayer O Blessed Jesus the eternal and only begotten Son of God who for us men and for our Salvation came down from Heaven and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and made man By the merits and mysteries of thy holy Incarnation and miraculous Birth of a spotless Virgin I humbly beg a lowly humble pure and virginheart for 't is only such a heart thou regardest for thy habitation and abode and 't is only such a heart cleaves stedfastly unto thee by the ardent love awful fear and sincere service of thy Sacred Majesty who livest and reignest with the Father c. The XCVIII Psalm PARAPHRASED Being A Thanksgiving for the Redemption of the World by the Son of God verse 1 O Sing unto the Lord a new Song Praise him for the renovation and redemption of the world wherein he hath done marvellous things even such as the Angels of heaven desire to look into 1 Pet. 1.12 verse 2 With his own right hand by his works of righteousness and with his holy arm the extent of his Piety He hath gotten himself the victory over the world the flesh and the Devil sin death and hell verse 3 The Lord declared his Salvation which under the Law was shadowed in types and figures but now under the Gospel his righteousness whereby he justifies and saves He hath openly shewed in the sight of the heathen not to the Jews only but to the Gentiles also verse 4 He hath remembred his mercy in the promise of Salvation and his truth in the performance of this promise towards the house of Israel to them was the promise of the Messias but upon his appearance all the ends of the world have seen the Salvation of our God And therefore verse 5 Shew your selves joyful unto the Lord all ye lands fince all have seen his Salvation 't is very meet and just and our bounden duty that all should sing rejoyce and give thanks for Salvation from eternal death to life everlasting is the greatest cause of joy and thanksgiving verse 6 Praise the Lord upon the harp which mystically represents the heart of man sing to the harp open your lips to shew forth his praise with a Psalm of Thanksgiving as wherein the praises of God are divinely celebrated verse 7 With Trumpets also and Shawms all kind of musical instruments to elevate the heart to shew your selves joyful before the Lord the King who is best pleased with joy exultation and delight in his service verse 8 Let the Sea make a noise and all that therein is even all the inhabitants of the Isles of the Sea the round world and they that dwell therein they that dwell in the Continent also verse 9 Let the floods clap their hands and let the hills be joyful together before the Lord both they that dwell in the low valleys and they that inhabit the hilly countreys have equal cause of joy and thanksgiving unto the Lord of all men and all places for he is come to judge the earth to separate the precious from the vile the elect from the reprobate which is done in this life by the preaching of the Gospel in truth and purity and exercising the power of the keys for thus verse 10 With righteousness shall he judge the world and the people with equity absolving from their sins the penitent and contrite but binding upon their souls the sins of the obdurate Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. 'T is thy duty O my Soul as to praise God for the Redemption of the world so to pray unto him that he would have mercy upon all men and display the sacred beams of his holy Gospel over all the Nations of the earth that they may come to the knowledge of Grace and Salvation through Jesus Christ Pray we therefore for all men and with all Christian people in the words of Gods holy Spirit PSALM LXVII verse 1 GOD be merciful unto us and bless us and shew us the light of his Countenance and be merciful unto us verse 2 That thy
feet All the apostate crew of evil angels with all their poysonous infusions thou shalt overcome and subdue so the Lord promises also Luk. 10.19 Behold I give you power to tread on Serpents and Scorpions And the reason is added in the name of the Lord saying verse 14 Because he hath set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him All things work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8.28 I will set him up above his enemies round about because he hath known my name his knowledge being enspirited with love and obedience verse 15 He shall call upon me to have a heart to pray rightly and reverently is a great blessing and I will hear him so as to grant the requests of such as call upon me faithfully yea I am with him in trouble and when his faith and patience humility and obedience is throughly tryed I will deliver him out of all his troubles and bring him to honour promote him in the land of the living for verse 16 With long life will I satisfie him a life replete with all fulness of satisfaction and shew him my Salvation or manifest my self unto him in whose presence is fulness of joy O remember me according to the favour thou bearest unto thy people and visit me with thy Salvation That I may see the felicity of thy chosen and rejoyce in the gladness of thy people and give thanks with thine inheritance who cease not day and night saying Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. THE SONG of SIMEON Which is said by the Church at this hour as wherein we commend our selves unto the Lord and desire we may both sleep and dye in Peace 1. Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace (a) Peace in life and death sleeping and waking is the portion of the Lords servant alone for there is no peace saith the Lord to the wicked Isa 48. according to thy Word 'T was Gods promise he should not dye till he had seen the Messias in the flesh 2. For mine eyes have seen thy Salvation The Saviour of the world is seen as Man only with the eyes of Flesh but as both God and Man by the eye of Faith 3. Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people God was made man that the eyes of all flesh might see in whom to believe and whom to follow as the light of the world 4. To be a light to lighten the Gentiles (e) Who sate in darkness and in the shadow of death and to be the glory of thy people Israel The greatest of all the wonderful mercies shewed by God to his old people the Israelites was that of them Christ was born and exhibited in the flesh Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Prayer LIghten my darkness O Lord whose mysterious Incarnation and Nativity is the Light of the Gentiles and the Glory of Israel and by thy great mercy defend me from all the perils and dangers of this night O blessed Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world grant me thy Peace even peace with God and peace with man peace of Conscience at home upon Earth and the peace of the long home of Heaven Such a peace the world cannot give 't is only attainable from thee and by thee and through thee the Prince of peace who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God c. IN the order of our Church Devotions after this Song of Simeon follows the Creed for since the end of our Faith is the Salvation of our Souls it is very fit then that we both begin and end the day in the Confession of the Faith And as the Church in publick so every devout Christian in private who resolves to dye in the true Faith will not go to sleep without it but will say before he go to bed not slightly and customarily but reverently and understandingly I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ c. All this I stedfastly believe into this Faith I was baptized and in this Faith 't is the hearty desire of my Soul and shall be my constant endeavour to continue unto my lifes end Grant me blessed Lord in the profession of this Faith to war a good warfare and to finish my course that after this mortal life is ended I may receive from the author 2 Tim. 4.7 8. and finisher of our Faith the crown of righteousness which is laid up I believe and hope for me as for all those that love his appearing After these or other Bed-time Meditations your usual Prayers Confessions and Thanksgivings relating to the day past Meditate As you Vndress your self This Body of mine I am now striping of its clothing is but the clothing of my Soul that 's the man in me my body is but the garment my soul doth wear And 't is not long ere I shall put off this body of flesh as I now do the garments which cover its nakedness And that I may do this in peace and to my future happiness my soul must be stript and put off concerning the former conversation the old man Eph. 4.21 22. which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts and put on that new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Put on the Lord Jesus Ro. 13.14 That 's thy clothing that 's thy ornament O my Soul to obey the doctrine and follow the example of the holy Jesus making no provision to fulfil the lusts of the flesh For Gal. 6.8 he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting When you lay aside your Garments Assist me blessed Lord wholly and altogether to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armor of Light that when my Body shall lye down in its bed of darkness my Soul may pass into the Regions of Light to live and reign with Thee for ever When you go into Bed I will lay me down in peace and take my rest for 't is Thou only that makest me dwell in safety Or II. In the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ who was Crucified on the Cross and laid in the Grave for me I lay me down to rest and to sleep He vouchsafe to bless me save and defend me sleeping and waking And may I evermore blessed Jesus rest in thy Peace live in thy Fear dye in thy Favour and be raised by thy power unto life everlasting Amen CHAP. VII Of Meditations and Psalms for the Night season I. 'T Was in the Night the Angel of the Lord destroyed all the first-born in the Land of Egypt Exod. 12.29 Wisd 18.14 15. 2 Kin. 19.35 And the host of Senacherib that besieged Hierusalem Now then arise from thy bed of sloth and
God of Hosts And if thou desirest to serve God upon earth according to the pattern of his worship in Heaven then let not thy sensual inclinations to sleep and ease defraud thee of the happiness to joyn in the night as well as in the day with the Celestial quire in the praises of God For if this be done cordially chearfully and constantly in this life there will be no question of being admitted into that blessed society to glorifie God in a higher degree of perfection and joy in Heaven PSALM VIII Which is believed to be divinely composed for the praise of God in the night because therein is mention of the Moon and of the Stars and not of the Sun Verses 1. O Lord our Governour a The Lord is Governour of all men and of all things by his power and providence but especially of his Church and people by his Righteousness and Truth how excellent is thy Name in all the world b The glory of God's name is celebrated in all the parts of the world more especially in the Heaven above Thou hast set thy glory above the Heavens And yet 't is far above what those most intelligent Beings the Angels of Heaven are capable to behold or conceive 2. Out of the mouths of very babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger The most imperfect Beings have in them strength of argument sufficient to maintain both the providence of God over all and the d spensation of Grace and Salvation through Jesus Christ against the most bitter enemies of either witness the cry of little children Mat. 21.26 and the conversion of the World by illiterate Fisher-men 3. For I will consider the Heavens the work of thy Fingers the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained To consider the excellent workmanship influences and revolutions of the heavens and all the hosts thereof ordained for the service of man and the highest heaven also for his everlasting abode enwraps the devout soul with admiration of the love of God to man 4. Lord what is man that thou art so mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him Especially that frail sinful man should be so regarded by the great Lord of heaven as to be visited by him in the likeness of humane flesh 5. Thou madest him lower than the Angels to crown him with glory and worship Though man be lower than the Angels above yet is he adorned with eminence above all earthly things and with respect subjection and obedience from them 6. Thou makest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet God having given him power over all sublunary creatures and made to submit to his Command and service 7. All Sheep and Oxen yea and the beasts of the field 8. The Fowls of the Air and the Fishes of the Sea and whatsoever walketh through the paths of the Seas Even all the inhabitants of the air and of the Sea and of the dry land 9. O Lord our Governour how excellent is thy Name in all the world And therefore with Angels and Archangels and all the Company of Heaven and Earth I will magnifie God's holy Name and praise him saying Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. V. Meditations for the Night HOw aptly doth the darkness of the night represent the gloomy shades of death wherein all those lightsome Consolations which this vain world affords are buried in the grave of dark Oblivion That 's the land where all things are forgotten Ps 88.12 The living know that they shall die but the dead know not any thing Eccl. 9.5 and Sleep is the image the brother of Death in many respects they resemble each other for 1. In both thou art blind deaf dumb only Death is a longer and more perfect privation of sense 2. Rev. 14.13 In both thou art at rest from thy labours and thy works follow thee being often represented to thy fancy by way of Dream but more fully and clearly to thy Conscience when thou shalt awake to Judgment 3. Both are temporary For as thou dost dayly awake from thy natural Sleep and arise from thy Bed upon the approach of the day So certainly shalt thou awake from the sleep of death and be raised out of thy bed of clay the Grave when the day of the Lord shall come And since that day will come as a Thief in the night 2 Pet. 3.10 Psal 119.148 let mine eyes prevent the night O Lord that I may be occupied in thy words 4. As Sleep is the brother of Death so Death is the sister of Sin And this also in Holy Writ is called a Sleep Eph. 5.14 1 Cor. 15.34 Awake thou that sleepest Awake to Righteousness and sin not 'T is fabled that Somnus tempting Palinurus when he fell asleep tumbled him into the Sea and drowned him And if the sleep of Death find thee securely sleeping in any known Sin unrepented he that hath the power of death will hurl thee headlong into the bottomless Abyss of death eternal Ps 13.6 O lighten mine eyes O Lord that I sleep not in death lest mine enemy say I have prevailed against him Grant me blessed Lord Aug. med so to order govern and end my life that death may seize me but as a sleep and this sleep may be in rest this rest in Security and Security in eternity Amen PSALMS For the Night season PSAL. XCII Verses 1. IT is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy Name O most Highest To praise the Lord is good in both the kinds of goodness viz. of Profit and Pleasure 2. To tell of thy loving kindness betimes in the morning and of thy truth in the night season In the morning which represents the rising prosperity of man it is good to give thanks for the loving kindness of the Lord and in the night of adversity also to praise him for his truth and righteousness at all times and in all conditions 3. Vpon an Instrument of ten strings and upon the Lute upon a loud Instrument and the Harp To employ both our hearts and voices as the loud instruments of his praise 4. For thou Lord hast made me glad through thy works And I will rejoyce in giving praise for the operation of thy hands The works of God do then truly delight the Souls of the righteous when in them they both see the goodness wisdom of the Lord and praise his name that made them 5. O Lord how glorious are thy works and thy thoughts are very deep The pious Soul is ravisht with love and admiration in contemplation of Gods works as excelling in glory and depth of wisdom her frail capacity 6. An unwise man doth not well consider this and a fool doth not understand it And
Glory if I go down to hell thou art there also in the nether hell by the execution of thy righteous judgments and in the grave also for that very dust whereinto the dead bodies of men are dissolved is preserved from annihilation by thy essential presence therewithal verse 8 If I take the wings of the morning which even in a moment overspreads and embeams the face of the whole earth and be conveyed as swift as lightning to remain in the utmost parts of the Sea beyond all the habitable parts of this inferior world verse 9 Even there thine hand of powerful influence shall lead me I should not otherwise live and move and have a being And thy right hand which renders to every man according to his works shall hold me to give an account of all my wayes and doings I will not therefore assay to fly from thee though justly displeased for my sins but rather upon the wings of true Repentance I will fly unto thee even into the arms of thy unspeakable mercy through the merits of my dearest Saviour verse 10 If I say through the deceitful imaginations of my darkned heart surely the darkness which hideth all things from the sight of men shall cover me from the sight of God also I shall soon be convinced of the folly of such a gross conceit for then shall my night the most secret of my thoughts and closest deeds of darkness be turned unto day be as clearly seen as in the noon day Sun verse 11 Yea the darkness that which is such to us is no darkness with thee the darkness and light to thee are both alike who seest all things in the brightness of thine own transcendent Essence without the mediation of material light verse 12 For my reins are thine my innate and most secret lusts and pronenesses to evil escape not thy scrutiny and view Thou hast covered me in my mothers womb by the influence of thy Power and Providence I was in the materials of my being preserved from abortion verse 13 I will give thanks unto thee as for my being so also that I am fearfully and wonderfully made my Formation in my mothers womb being a prodigious piece of workmanship and indeed marvellous are all thy works both of Creation Preservation verse 14 My bones though hid from the eyes of men under the covering of flesh and skin are not hid from thee for they are framed by thee though I be made secretly both invisible and inconceivable is the way of my Formation and fashioned like some curious Embroidery or Net-work through the variety of my spreading Veins Arteries Sinews Ligaments beneath in the earth or in my mothers womb than the which the earth affords not a more secret shop or work-house verse 15 Thine eyes of Prescience Power and Providence did see my substance yet being unperfect decree me to be a living man when I was yet but an unshapen Embryo and in thy Book were all my members written every joynt sinew vein were delineated as in a Book by thy hand of power goodness and wisdom verse 16 Which day by day were fashioned grew up by degrees into a perfect shape and proportion of parts when as yet a little space before there was none of them they did not exist in nature or were no other than a deformed Lump of unclean Seed verse 17 How dear and precious yea mysterious and profound are thy counsels unto me O God when I consider with what an unfathomed depth of wisdom mercy and justice thou dost order all things in heaven and earth O how great is the sum of them the number variety use and beauty of them cannot be sum'd up verse 18 If I tell them I undertake an impossible task for they are more in number than the sand upon the Sea shore which cannot be numbred and therefore when I awake up I am present with thee in contemplation of thy marvellous works and of thy good providence over me both sleeping and waking verse 19 Wilt thou not slay the wicked O God who forget thee and the wondrous works which thou hast done Depart from me ye blood-thirsty men I will not communicate with you in your sinful desires and doings which tend to the murder and everlasting destruction of immortal Souls verse 20 For they speak unrighteously against thee If they speak of thee O Lord 't is nor aright and as becometh the honour of thy Name And thine enemies take thy Name in vain And therefore they are thine enemies because thy Name which is great wonderful and holy is profaned by them verse 21 Do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee I should not otherwise love thee O Lord did I not hate all them not in their persons but in their sinful actions whereby they are hateful and offensive to thy Majesty And am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee Their rebellion and disobedience is a great grief and a wound unto my spirit verse 22 Yea I hate them right sore as though they were mine enemies even because they are thine enemies through the iniquity of their doings And herin verse 23 Try me O God as the silver is tryed when the dross is purged thence that I may both love mine enemies as they are mine but hate them as thine and seek out the ground of my heart purge out that Core of corruption from whence all unlawful love and hatred issues Prove me and examine my thoughts Purifie my Soul in all her imaginations affections and intentions that no dregs of sinful pollution cleave thereunto verse 24 Look well if there be any way of wickedness in me Assist me by thy all-seeing Spirit to look into mine heart and diligently to search and try my ways lest in any respect I swerve from thy most holy Laws And lead me in the way everlasting the way that leads to the full enjoyment of thee my God the fountain of everlasting Life and Happiness that without distraction or cessation I may ascribe Glory to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. CHAP. VIII Of Meditations fitted to every Dayes ordinary Actions and several Dispositions of the Soul of men When you go forth out of your House or Chamber Say THe Lord preserve my going out and my coming in Ps 121.8 from this time forth for evermone He shall give his Angels charge over thee Ps 91.11 to keep thee in all thy wayes In their hands they shall bear thee 12. lest at any time thou hurt thy foot against a stone O hold thou up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not Ps 17.5 Hold thou up my goings in thy paths that I may dayly perform my Vows Lead me forth in thy Truth Ps 25.4 and learn me for Thou art the God of my Salvation in Thee hath been my hope all the day long As you walk or travel by the way I am the Way Joh. 14.6 the Truth and
sins is himself tempted by idleness Watch ye therefore Mat. 13.36 for you know not when the master of the house cometh at Even or at Mid-night or at the Cock-crowing or in the Morning Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping 37. Upon wandring wanton Eyes A Wicked eye is an evil thing Ecclus. 31.13 and what is created more wicked than an Eye and therefore it weepeth upon every occasion How dare I look up unto Heaven which is the throne of Gods Purity with those eyes that have been set upon vanity and iniquity A wise mans eyes are in his head Eccl. 2.14 but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth I have made a Covenant with mine eyes not to look upon a maid Job 31 1. For whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her Mat. 5.28 hath already committed adultery with her in his heart But mine eyes shall be ever looking unto the Lord Ps 25.15 for he shall pluck my feet out of the net my affections from being ensnared with unlawful objects When you are tempted to any Sin Meditat. I. Avoid Satan thou wicked and unclean spirit avoid Thou hast no part or lot in me I am solemnly devoted to the service of my God and my Jesus and thy sworn adversary I have solemnly abjured thee and all thy works and must not now yield to any of thine unclean suggestions Be merciful unto me Ps 57.1 O God be merciful unto me for my Soul trusteth in Thee and under the shadow of thy Wings shall be my refuge until this tyranny be overpast I will call unto the most high God 2. even to the God that shall perform the cause I have in hand He shall send from Heaven and save me 3. from the reproof of him that would eat me up God shall send forth his mercy and truth 4. my Soul is among Lyons the Devil and his Angels have too great a hank upon my Soul But my trust is in the tender mercy of my God therefore I shall not fall Meditat. II. When I am tempted to any evil I complain of the Devil but my self is the greatest Devil to my Soul whilst I do not deny my self the fulfilling of its irrational appetites All the forces wherewith the enemy fights against my Soul are within me 'T is from those warring members within they are both raised armed and maintained But whensoever I call upon God Ps 56.9 then shall mine enemies be put to flight this I know for God is on my side In Gods word will I rejoice 10. in the Lords word will I comfort me Yea in God have I put my trust 11. I will not fear what man or Devil can do unto me Meditat. III. Being Tempted Say 'T is the Lords cause I must now maintain 't is his quarrel I must fight for the grand enemy of God and Man would now rob God of his Honour and of that Obedience which is due to his most holy Laws and I being Tempted am thereby challenged to be the Lords Champion But I will not trust in my Bow Ps 44.7 't is not my Sword that shall save me But it is thou Lord 8. that savest us from our enemies and puttest them to confusion that hate us Arise Ps 74.23 O God maintain thine own cause remember how the foolish man blasphemeth thee dayly Forget not the voice of thine enemies 24. the presumption of them that hate thee encreaseth ever more and more Meditat. IV. Vpon Temptations The victory over the Devil and all his temptations were easily obtained could I but once get the mastery over those lusts which war against the Soul In which spiritual warfare the banner under which I must fight is the Cross of my Redeemer by the vertue whereof all my intestine foes may be vanquisht in the Crucifixion of them and the old man with all his mutinous troops of deceivable lusts be subdued and led captive in the Chains of holy Mortification O blessed Jesus the Captain of my Salvation strengthen and encourage me manfully to fight under thy banner against all my ghostly adversaries And let thy Grace so prevent and follow me that I may follow thee by the Cross to the Crown through the School of Grace to the Throne of Glory Amen Upon the Prevailing of any Temptation I will say unto the God of my strength Ps 42.11 why hast thou forgotten me and why go I thus heavily while the enemy oppresseth me My bones are smitten asunder as with a Sword 12 while mine enemies that trouble me cast me in the teeth Namely 13. while they say daily unto me where is now thy God Have mercy upon me O God Ps 41.10 have mercy upon me raise thou me up again and I shall reward them being more careful to resist the Devil and all his suggestions Forsake me not O Lord my God Ps 38. ult be not thou far from me Haste thee to help me O Lord God of my Salvation Having escaped a Temptation The snares of death compassed me round about Ps 18.3 and the overflowings of ungodliness made me afraid The pains of hell came about me 4. the snares of death overtook me If the Lord himself had not been on my side I may well now say Ps 124.1 if the Lord himself had not been on my side The waters of Temptation had drowned me 3. and the stream had gone over my Soul Yea the deep waters of the proud had gone even over my Soul 4. But praised be the Lord who hath not given me over for a prey unto their teeth My Soul is escaped even as a Bird out of the snare of the Fowler 5. the snare is broken and I am delivered Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord 6. who hath made heaven and earth To whom be all Glory Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. When you Hunger or Thirst I. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness Mat. 5.6 for they shall be satisfied They shall receive such a satisfaction as the most delicious of bodily meats and drinks cannot give He that drinketh of this water shall thirst again Joh. 4.13 but whoso shall drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him 14. shall be in him a Well of living water springing up to everlasting life Lord evermore give me this water that I thirst not 'T is the Graces of thy holy Spirit I humbly beg which alone can satisfie the vast desires of my Soul II. Labour not for the meat that perisheth Joh. 6.27 but labour for that meat which endureth to everlasting life which the son of man shall give unto you for him hath God the Father sealed sent into the world to be the incorruptible Food of our immortal
Souls This is the Bread that came down from Heaven verse 50 that a man might eat thereof and not dye Lord evermore give me this Bread 'T is thy blessed self Holy Jesus I humbly beg to be the Food of my Soul in Grace here in Glory hereafter III. The Souls of just men made perfect hunger not thirst not but are as the Angels in Heaven who neither eat nor drink as we mortals do upon earth And yet they feast continually being satisfied with the blissful presence of God 'T is thy imperfection and infelicity O my Soul to desire corporal meats and drinks to sustain thy frail tabernacle of flesh But blessed be the Lord my God who hath not made me like the beasts that perish capable only of a sensual happiness in sowing to the flesh from whence only corruption is reaped but of a felicity perfect solid everlasting in the beatifical vision and fruition of his divine goodness in whose presence there is fulness of Joy and at whose right hand there is pleasure for evermore After you have Eaten or Drunk I. I have now allayed the importunate craving of my appetite and my body is satisfied with material food but nothing can satisfie my Soul but to behold the presence of God in righteousness Awaken blessed Lord awaken up my Soul after thine own likeness for that only can give me a true and lasting satisfaction Ps 17 ult when I awake up after thy likeness I shall be satisfied with it II. Praise the Lord Ps 103.1 O my Soul and all that is within me praise his holy Name Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things 4. making thee young and lusty as the Eagle O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness Ps 107.8 and declate the wonders that he doth for the children of men For he satisfieth the empty Soul 9. and filleth the hungry Soul with goodness But I am less than the least of all the mercies shewed unto thy servant unworthy to have my heart filled with food and gladress having too frequently abused thy good creatures of meats and drinks to Riot and Excess therein O satisfie me with thy mercy Ps 19.14 and that soon so shall I rejoyce and be glad all the days of my life When you are asked an Alms being able to Relieve I. How much am I bound to the good providence of my heavenly Father who hath raised my condition in this world to be of the number of those that abound and not of them that want Act. 20.35 since 't is more blessed to give than to receive Blessed Lord vouchsafe to give me a heart full of Compassion an eye full of pity and a hand open and bountiful according to my ability towards my poor needy Brethren 2 Cor. 9.6 He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly and he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully II. I have not deserved to enjoy more worldly wealth than this poor person who now begs to be supplied out of my store But such is the great goodness of my God towards me that he hath not only given me Food and Rayment but also wherewithal to express my gratitude and love to God by my ready relief of my Christian Brethren Blessed be God who hath not only given me ability but this opportunity also to lay up in store for my self a good foundation against the time to come that I may lay hold on eternal life When you hear others evil spoken of Lord if I be not as bad or worse than these persons I now hear traduced I have the more reason to praise thee who by thy grace and goodness hast preserved me from such miscarriages But did I truly reflect upon mine own misdemeanors I should have little reason to intend the reproaches of others Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle or who shall rest upon thy holy hill He that hath used no deceit in his tongue Ps 15 3. nor done evil to his neighbour and hath not slandered his neighbour When you hear your self reproached As for me I was even as a deaf man and heard not Ps 38 13 and as one that is dumb that doth not open his mouth I became as one that heareth not 14. and in whose mouth are no reproofs I will patiently bear my reproach because I have sin'd against the Lord. The Disciple is not above his Master nor the servant above his Lord. Mat 10.25 It is enough for the Disciple to be as his Master 26. and the servant as his Lord if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his houshold For what glory is it 1 Pet. 2.20 if when you be buffeted for your faults you take it patiently But if when you do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God For even hereunto were ye called 21 because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps Who did no sin 22 neither was any guile found in his mouth Who when he was reviled 23. reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously When you are crost in any your worldly desires or interests Whatsoever is brought upon thee take chearfully Ecclus. 2.4 and be patient when thou art changed to a low estate For gold is tried in the fire 5. and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity Blessed Jesus since thy kingdom is not of this world let not me thy devoted servant and subject either desire or hope to be happy upon earth but grant me so to love what thou commandest and desire what thou dost promise that among the sundry and manifold changes of the world my heart may surely there be fixed where true joyes are to be found When you suffer several kinds of Affliction This O Lord is the portion of thy people and I know O Lord and do verily believe 't is of thy goodness thou hast caused me to be troubled But far very far short are my sufferings to those of thy blessed Apostle professing of himself 2 Cor. 11.23 In labours abundant in stripes above measure in prisons more frequent in deaths often Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one 24 Thrice was I beaten with rods 25 once was I stoned thrice I suffered shipwrack a night and day I have been in the deep In journeyings often 26 in perils of waters in perils of Robbers in perils by my own Countreymen in perils by the Heathen in perils in the City in perils in the Wilderness in perils in the Sea in perils among false Brethren In weariness and painfulness 27. in watching often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold and nakedness Such a heap of troubles betiding an innocent active blessed man may surely move me to bear patiently my smaller proportion of
are wonderful therefore doth my Soul keep them The wonderful depth of Wisdom admirable equity and purity of the divine revelations engage all men to observe them 2. When thy word goeth forth it giveth light and understanding to the simple The word of God explained dispels the darkness of ignorance error and sinfulness 3. I opened my mouth and drew in my breath for my delight was in thy Commandments The revelation of divine Truths are the longing and delight of the righteous for the which they pour forth their souls in ardent prayers 4. O look thou upon me and be merciful unto me as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name And such persons may with a holy confidence beg and also reasonably hope for the mercy and propitious favour of God 5. Order my steps in thy Word and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me Temptations to evil shall not prevail where the steps or affections of the soul are regulated by the laws of God 6. O deliver me from the wrongful dealings of men and so shall I keep thy Commandments The injuries of men must not cause us to disobey the Laws of God 7. Shew the light of thy Countenance upon thy servant and teach me thy Statutes 'T is the light of divine grace that teacheth both the knowledge and obedience of Gods holy Will and Commandments 8. Mine eyes gush out with water because men keep not thy Law Not only our own sins but the transgressions of others also are to be lamented Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Prayer LOok upon me O Lord with the eyes of Grace and Mercy and not in the rigor of justice Let not the wrongful dealings of others or any wickedness of mine own get so much dominion over me as that I swerve from those steps which Thou hast commanded me to observe and follow from the which I cannot fall whilest the light of thy Countenance shines upon me and that mercy is extended unto me which thou shewest unto them that love thy Name through Jesus Christ The Eighteenth Part. Verses 1. Righteous art thou O Lord and true is thy Judgment 2. The Testimonies that thou hast commanded are exceeding righteous and true God's Commandments are called his Judgments because they are the Rule by which he will pass judgment upon all And he is most just both in his Laws and in his judgments according thereunto 3. My zeal hath even consumed me because mine enemies have forgotten thy Words Great therefore is the zeal of the righteous against all transgressors of such just and holy Laws whom he esteems his enemies because the enemies of truth and justice 4. Thy Word is tried to the uttermost and thy servant loveth it But his heart is inflamed with the love of God's Word the truth and equity whereof hath appeared upon trial at all times 5. I am small and of no reputation yet do I not forget thy Commandments The most strictly conscientious persons do in all Humility acknowledge themselves to be the meanest of his servants 6. Thy Righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy Law is the Truth Obedience to the Law of God is truth everlasting or the true way to everlasting blessedness 7. Trouble and heaviness have taken hold upon me yet is my delight in thy Commandments No troubles whether outward or inward can rob the righteous of that delight which is the issue of their obedience 8. The righteousness of thy Testimonies is everlasting O grant me understanding and I shall live The practical understanding of those holy truths God hath testified or revealed is that righteousness which is immortal Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Prayer MOst Righteous Lord God give me a right Understanding of thy revealed Will as the path that leads to everlasting Righteousness inflame my soul with an ardent love and delight in thy Laws and with a discreet zeal against all the transgressors thereof let a very humble and mean esteem of my self be the foundation of all my righteousness lest it evaporate into vain-glory and lose its reward which thou hast promised through Jesus Christ The Nineteenth Part. Verses 1. I call with my whole heart Hear me O Lord I will keep thy Statutes So prayeth the devout Soul for Grace and obedience not only with the lips but with the whole heart 2. Yea even upon Thee do I call help me and I will keep thy Commandments The discipline of the Law and the devout use of Prayer do support each other the Law commands the use of Prayer and Prayer obtaineth grace to keep the Law 3. Early in the Morning do I cry unto thee for in thy Word is my trust An holy confidence of Gods promises in his Word prefers the duty of Prayer before all other actions or concerns 4. Mine eyes prevent the night watches that I may be occupied in thy Words Holy Meditations and Prayers are both night and day early and late the employment of the Righteous 5. Hear my voice O Lord according to thy loving kindness quicken me according as thou art wont Whom God will vouchsafe to hear and quicken their zeal and holy endeavours whilst they beg it upon the account of God's loving kindness not for their demerits 6. They draw nigh that of malice persecute me and are far from thy Law Our ghostly enemies are ever at hand to disturb our holy resolutions and devotions in opposition to God's Commands 7. Be thou nigh at hand for all thy Commandments are true To disappoint their assaults God's assisting presence is to be implor'd who will not be wanting to his own Truth 8. As concerning thy Testimonies I have known long since that thou hast grounded them for ever The foundation of which Truth which is the Word of God is from everlasting and the true way to that blessedness that shall last for ever Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Prayer NIght and day will I call upon Thee O Lord and that not from the rind of my lips only but from the root of my heart beseeching Thee to be ever nigh at hand to disappoint the subtle practices of the Devil and his Angels who are ever at hand to entrap me in the paths of thy most holy Laws which from everlasting do lead to life everlasting through Jesus Christ The Twentieth Part. Verses 1. O consider mine adversity and deliver me for I do not forget thy Law That we may be delivered from the temptations of our spiritual adversaries we must be mindful both of the precepts and promises of God's Word 2. Avenge thou my cause and deliver me quicken me according to thy Word According to these promises we must pray to have the cause of our contest with the Devil to be vindicated and our endeavours to resist him to be quickned 3. Health is far from the
works only but even the inward thoughts intentions and desires of our hearts shall be expos'd to open view and censure the Lord will bring to light the hidden things of darkness 1 Cor. 4.5 and will make manifest the counsels of all hearts The most seared Conscience of the wicked and the most subtle secret Conscience of the Hypocrite shall by the all-piercing light of the divine Majesty be displayed and appear as manifest and open as if all the counsels thereof had been written with a beam of the Sun Ps 90.8 For thou O Lord hast set our misdeeds before thee and our secret sins in the light of thy countenance O who is so holy who so pure and innocent as to stand with any confidence in that all-discerning light of the Sun of Righteousness Eccl. 23.19 Whose eyes are a thousand times brighter than the Sun beholding all the ways of men and considering their most secret parts I have been guilty most merciful Father I have been guilty of manifold miscarriages which I have now forgotten nor can I through the strictest examination of my self recal to my memory many of mine offences But although I cannot yet thou remembrest my steps Job 14.16 17. dost thou not watch over my sin my transgression is sealed up in a bag and thou sowest up mine iniquities So surely are all my transgressions kept in store against the day of my Tryal whilst I sensual and secure think all is well enough with me that my sins are forgotten Ps 19.12 O cleanse thou me from all my secret faults and as they are hid from my memory Ps 51.9 so hide thou thy face from them blot them out of thy Book of remembrance that they appear not to my confusion on that great and last day II. Sad and dismal is the sentence that upon this great day shall pass upon all such whose Faith hath not according to ability and opportunity been fruitful in the good works of Charity Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat Mat. 25.41 42. And if these shall be eternally damned who have not given of their own goods for the relief of others what shall become of the Oppressor the Extortioner the Cheater the Thief and of every one who either by force or fraud publickly or secretly hath either taken or detained what of right belongs unto others surely if the one shall go the other shall be driven hurried with a vengeance into everlasting fire Ver. ult Great unconceivably great shall be the perplexity and anguish of the impenitent sinner in this great day beholding as Anselm meditates on the one side his sins accusing him and on the other the strict and impartial justice of heaven ready to pass sentence upon him seeing below him the mouth of hell gaping to devour him and above him an angry Judge condemning him to that place of horror feeling within an accusing Conscience tormenting him and without the whole world in consuming flames And if the righteous shall scarcely be sav'd 1 Pet. 4.18 where shall the ungodly and sinner appear or where shall he hide himself that he may not appear For any wicked one to ly hidden on that day is impossible and to appear is dreadful and intolerable This is that dismal day foretold by our Lord himself wherein they shall say Blessed are the barren Luc. 23.29 and the womb that never bare and the paps which never gave suck Then shall they begin to say to the mountains fall on us and to the hills 30. cover us And hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne Rev. 6.16 and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand 17. Wo is me that I have sinned wo wo is me that I have offended this great and terrible Judge of all the world but as is his Majesty so is his mercy great and wonderful Have mercy upon me O God on that great day have mercy upon me and deliver me now in this world from the society from the temptations from the guilt of the wicked Let me not be occupied in any ungodly works with the men that work wickedness Ps 141.4 that I be not reckoned and ranked amongst them in the world to come III. The day of Judgment is not only of all daies the most dreadful but the most joyful also To the impenitent and wicked of the world 't is a day of the greatest terror but to the holy and humble of heart and life a day of jubilee and greatest joy How great then shall be the glory of the holy Christian and how great the shame of infidelity and Atheism how great the joy of the true Believer whose Faith has been fruitful in all good works and how great the sorrow of the Heretick Hypocrite the prophane and dissolute for then and not fully till then shall God render to every man according to his works Rom. 2.6 To them who by patient continuing in well doing 7 do seek for glory and honour and immortality eternal life But to them who are contentious 8 and obey not the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath Tribulation 9 and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile But glory honour and peace 10 to every man that worketh good For there is no respect of persons with God 11. What heart can worthily think of these things without trembling and great astonishment if not purified and sincerely devoted to the service of God Teach me O Lord thy way Ps 86.11 and I will walk in thy truth O knit my heart unto thee that I may fear thy name fear to offend thee the great and righteous Judge of the world in the least particular of thought or desire of word or of deed O Lord who never failest to help and govern them whom thou dost bring up in thy stedfast fear and love keep us we beseech thee under the protection of thy good providence and make us to have a perpetual fear and love of thy holy name through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen IV. When the Son of man cometh Luc. 18.8 shall he find faith upon the earth All we who are called Christians profess to believe both the certain coming of Christ to Judgment and the uncertainty of the time That we must all stand before his dreadful Tribunal and receive every man according to his works but this is generally a dead Faith it quickens not the affections it excites not to such holy conscientious actions as the firm and cordial Belief of all this does imply and command and so will prove as dangerous to the Souls of such Believers as if they had no faith at all Thou art summoned whosoever thouart that readest these Meditations thou art hereby summoned
particularly as by name to make thy appearance at this general Assizes to be held at the great and last day and there to give an account of every passage through thy whole life which shall be as strictly and throughly sifted and examined as if there were none but thy self to be tryed as if no cause but thine alone were to be heard Prepare then prepare thy self now now that thou hast time and leisure prepare thy self for that great day for upon thy Tryal then depends either thy everlasting well-being or miserable undoing for ever Now then cast up thy accounts carefully examine try 1 Cor. 11.31 Jam 4.8 9 10. Act. 10.4 Luc. 2.37 2 Cor. 11.27 Eccl. 7.17 and judge thy self confess thy manifold amisses Humble thy self greatly under the mighty hand of God Appease the wrath of the great Judge of the world by Prayers and Tears and all the sacred offices and acts of true Repentance by Alms and Offerings and Fastings often and in a word by all the kinds of those spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable unto God through Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 2.5 Stir up we beseech thee O Lord the wills of thy faithful people quicken our dead and cold Faith with the sacred fire of holy Charity the very bond of perfection and all vertue that we plenteously bringing forth the fruits of good works may of thee be plenteously rewarded at the last day through Jesus V. And there was a cry at midnight Mat. 25.6 Behold the bridegroom cometh Wo unto me then faith a devout Father if I be found sleeping in my bed at midnight Ambr. in Luc. when the great Judge of all the world shall appear it concerns me much rather to resolve with holy David At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee Ps 119.62 because of thy righteous Judgments Happy are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find upon their watch Mar. 13.33 34. awaiting his coming with their loins girt their lusts restrained and their Lamps burning The light of the holy and true Faith flaming by divine Love and shining through all the actions of their Life that others seeing their good works may glorifie God the Father of Heaven Mat. 5.16 I will stand upon my watch to guard the innocency of my Soul I will watch and also pray Mat. 26.41 that I fall not in o the snare of the Devil when tempted by him and that day come upon me unawares There be two sorts of sins especially against which my blessed Redeemer hath commanded me to watch that the day of the Lord surprize me not First Surfeiting and drunkenness or the pleasures of the flesh Luc. 21.34 Secondly The cares of the world or Ambition and Covetousness against these grand enemies which continually war against my Soul it concerns me continually also to watch and pray Blessed Lord let not I humbly beseech thee any importunate cravings of this corruptible flesh seduce me nor the flattering false felicities of worldly wealth and dignity deceive me but grant that I being free from all pollutions both from the one and the other may await thy coming in all holy but humble confidence to be ranked not amongst the cursed goats on thy left hand but amongst thy blessed Sheep on the right hand and hear that joyful sentence saying Come ye blessed of my Father receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world Grant this O heavenly Father Our Father which art in c. The XXVI Psalm PARAPHRASED verse 1 BE thou my judge O Lord not to condemn me for my sins but to approve my services though imperfect and weak for I have walked innocently not according to the Innocency of thy Saints in Heaven but according to that of frail Man upon Earth Neither do I herein presume to justifie my self but my trust hath been also in the Lord 't is not my innocency but the Lord's mercy I rely upon and therefore shall I not fall in the day of Judgment verse 2 Examine me O Lord and prove me now is the time assisted by thy all piercing Spirit to examine my self in order to my grand examination that day Try out my reins and my heart as the silver is tryed when the dross is purged out and this even in the furnace of affliction if it so seemeth good unto thee that my reins and my heart may be cleansed from all filthiness both of flesh and spirit and yet even so I dare not undergo thy strict and severe examination of me but with reflexions upon thine immense goodness verse 3 For thy loving kindness is ever before mine eyes 'T is my constant meditation my hope and my refuge and I will walk in thy truth inwardly delighting and outwardly performing the commands thereof and that I may do this verse 4 I have not dwelt with vain persons made my abode with such as follow the pomps and vanities of this wicked world neither will I have fellowship with the deceitful I have not so delighted in the society as to be tainted by the evil examples of such as through their deceivable lusts keep not the Covenant they have made with their God nor is it enough to avoid the society but verse 5 I have hated the congregation of the wicked not their persons but their wickedness all their consultations to do evil and will not sit among the ungodly so as to continue and be delighted with the errors of their ways verse 6 I will wash my hands in innocency O Lord with the tears of true Repentance I will wash the sinful works of my hands and keep them clean and innocent for the future and so not in my sins unrepented will I go to thine Altar to offer up my Vows and Prayers also verse 7 That I may shew the voice of thanksgiving publickly declare the great Thanks and Praise which is due to thy divine Majesty and tell of all thy wondrous works joyning with the Ministers of thy Temple in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs wherein thy great works both of Mercy and Judgment are celebrated verse 8 To this end Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house the place where thou inhabitest more especially than any other houses and 't is my delight to come to this house because 't is the place where thine honour dwelleth where the honour of thy Name is continually celebrated for in his Temple doth every man speak of his Honour verse 9 And since 't is the joy of my heart to joyn with thy people in the praise of thy Name O shut not up my soul with the sinners though in this world I cannot altogether escape their temptation and trouble yet rank me not amongst them in the world to come nor my life with the blood thirsty let me not perish with the cruel uncharitable and covetous of the world verse 10 In whose hands is wickedness the works of whose hands are unjust and