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sin_n heart_n sorrow_n tear_n 3,398 5 8.0837 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A87179 Good news to all people. Glad tydings for all men. God good unto all, and Christ the saviour of the world: or, The general point faithfully handled by way of exercise: or A sermon preached at Buckingham upon the 25 of March, being (as so called) Easter-day. By William Hartley. Hartley, William, of Stony-Stratford. 1650 (1650) Wing H974; Thomason E594_11; ESTC R206917 25,853 32

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thy sight are but as yesterday And again One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day Now to the Creature a thousand years are a thousand years and one day is one day but with God it is not so All times persons and actions whether past present or to come are as at one instant in his view as you may instance * Simile A man standing upon a hill and an Army marching in the Vale to them that march some are in the Van some are in the Rear some are in the Battel but the person on the hill seeth them all at one prospect So to us mortals one generation passeth another followeth a third hasteth after but all in Gods view at once Times of ignorance That is when persons are unacquainted with the knowledg of Christ though never so wise in other things yet their life and time is a life and being in ignorance When the Apostle accounted all things as dung and dross in comparison of the * Phil. 3.8 Excellency of the Knowledg of Christ we cannot imagine that he excluded worldly wisdom for he that will be wise in the sight of God must become a fool that he may be wise Secondly What we are to conceive of Gods winking 2. How to understand Gods winking In the times of this ignorance God winked Praeterire fecit Deus saith the Original a Metaphor taken from our vulgar expression Sir you are to wink at or take no knowledg of small matters Thirdly What it is to repent 3. What it is to Repent He commandeth all men every where to repent Repentance in the proper signification of the word doth imply a change of the minde Contrition weeping or sorrow for sin is a sign or fruit of repenting but not Repentance it self Sorrow was found in Judas as well as Peter and profane Esau shed tears when Englishman-like he was wise afterwards A Malefactor at the Bar takes on heavily for fear of punishment when haply his heart sits as close to his lust as ever for being let loose he followeth his old trade afresh True Repentance is Conversion of the heart * Acts 3.19 Repent and be Converted which properly consisteth in renovation of the minde * Rom. 12.2 Be ye transformed by renewing of your mindes which is pertinently set forth by the Apostle Rom. 6.19 As ye have yeelded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity even so now yeeld your members servants to righteousness unto Holiness In the times of ignorance c. The subject matter of this Text may be this Ye men of Athens that do so desire after news I declare unto you That ye have spent your time in ignorance and blinde devotion which God is willing to pass by provided ye be converted and changed in your mindes which thing God commandeth to be done by you and all men every where in the world This being considered we shall draw this general Conclusion from the words of the Text Doctrine It is the good will and pleasure of Almighty God that every Creature should come to the attainment of Life and Salvation That which is spoken of the Peace of God is most true of his Goodness It passeth all understanding that is the narrow capacity of the Creature is not able to comprehend the infinite love and kindness that is in God It is too much given to the Creature to limit the goodness of God and when Gods universal Love unto all Mankinde is declared then are arguments drawn of improbability not unlike that of Abrahams Gen. 17.7 Shall a childe be born unto him that is an hundred years old And shall Sarah that is ninety years old bear That God should manifest love and kindness unto good and godly men an account is easily rendred but that God should declare his mercy and compassion to the ungodly that cannot be understood although the Parable of the lost sheep be read unto them every Sabbath day The sick are the proper object of the Physicians cure Christ came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance The Doctrine of Predestination viz. That God before all Eternity did elect and choose some persons to Salvation and themselves included in the number pleaseth very well but that God chooseth only through faith and reprobates none but in reference to disobedience of faith is not relished notwithstanding they know the Scripture where it is said He that believeth shall be saved he that believeth not shall be condemned John 3 18. because he believed not in the only begotten Son of God That Jesus Christ came into the world to redeem some and they the persons is well resented but that Jesus Christ came into the world to save All yea that which was lost is not so well approved of The Prophet David speaking concerning the goodness of God Psal 145.9 informs how far it doth extend The Lord is good unto All and his tender mercy is over All his works It doth not read good unto some or exercising mercy unto part of his works as divers would give it out Our Saviour in his Sermon upon the Mount Mat. 5. concludeth the Chapter with these words Be ye Merciful as your heavenly Father is Merciful Which perfection did consist in loving our enemies doing good to them that hate us and it is thus reasoned That if we love our friends that love us or do good to them that do good to us Heathens Publicanes are capable of such a * Ingratus est qui gratiam degree of righteousness But the Saints of God must go further their love and goodness must not only extend to friends but enemies also and that from a president in God their Father Who maketh his Sun to rise upon the evil and on the good and sendeth rain upon the just and on the unjust that is to say upon All as was minded before from the Psalmist His tender mercy is over All his works This tender mercy I offer my judgment hath relation unto Jesus Christ who is proposed or set forth by God the Father an Universal Tender of Love to the whole * By Creation or Creature understand Mankind Creation The Argument Paul gives why prayers for Kings and such as were invested with authority though as we have ground to believe were for the generality wicked and ungodly persons was acceptable in the sight of God is concluded from Gods indefinite love to mankind 1 Tim. 2.4 Who will have All men to be saved and come to the knowledg of the truth For there is one God and one Mediator betwixt God and man even the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for All c. And as the Apostle renders it in another place * Heb. 2.9 That he to wit Jesus Christ through the grace or free gift of God tasted death for Every Man whether Jew or Gentile bond or free male or
at my reproof c. Under favour my Masters this Wisdom here spoken of cannot be interpreted as a Herauld or Cryer publishing such an Oration in a City Palace or such like convention of people but it is the voyce of God fixed or proclaimed in the market place or heart of every Creature that is to say of mankind where the assembly and concourse of the affections have their place of meeting and the faculties of rationality sit in councel there the voyce of Almighty God is present by a manifestation of his Wisdom or motions of his holy Spirit reproving and condemning all adverse and repugnant intentions of our hearts in dissonancy or contrariety of his Will I pray answer me this question What is that which giveth a check to yours and my Conscience when we intend evil against God or our Neighbor and whether or no upon the commitment of sin there hath not been a voyce of God speaking in every one of our hearts this ought not to be done I think the worst of men wil acknowledg it onely such excepted who liked not to retain God in their knowledg such indeed are given up to strange delusions Rom. 1. Satan as he dealt with Eve presents the beauty of the apple but God said In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye Mark this well Satan pleaseth the fancy of the Creature the better to accomplish his ruine God informeth the judgment of man for his preservation I remember a precious expression in the Prophet Isaiah Look up unto me all ye the Isles of the earth and be saved Isaiah 45.22 Here you may perceive the plenitude of Gods Tender even unto all Nations upon the face of the earth All men every where as the Text hath it Observe my beloved Friends if God commands all men to repent and turn unto him wisheth all Nations to look up to him for Salvation certainly God hath not mental reservation but as we say speaks the Truth from his heart willing None should perish but All to partake of everlasting life Ho every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money Isai 55.1 come ye buy and eat c. Whosoever will Rev. 22 17. let him take of the water of life freely By which Scriptures you may apprehend that Almighty God lest the Creature should plead ignorance or unworthiness maketh proclamation of his free goodness unto mankinde without restriction or exception of any as persons and that from these words Ho and Whosoever And now from this argument I thus infer If God by his wisdom which is the voyce of his Spirit to the heart within and if God by his Word or Ministry which is his outward means wooeth and inviteth all Mankinde to partake of his Love and Goodness is it not to declare the truth of the Doctrine now insisted upon viz. That it is the good will and pleasure of Almighty God that every Creature should come to the attainment of Life and Salvation The third Argument is drawn from the sorrow or complaint that Almighty God is said according to the Scripture sence to take up 3 Argument drawn from Gods sorrow or complaint Deut. 5.29 upon consideration of the deviation or destruction of the Creature Oh that there were such an heart in them Oh that my people would but harken Why will ye dye O house of Israel See here Gods expressions of love not onely desiring Israels conformity but argueth out the case Why will ye dye What reason have you to destroy your selves Is there any cause that necessitates you to perish It s strange to me it should be so As I live saith the Lord Ezek. 33.11 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked should turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will ye dye O house of Israel c. Here the Lord doth declare his disaffection to the Creatures ruine by Oath which as the Apostle hath it is used for confirmation and ending of all strife As I live saith the Lord I desire not the death c. It is recorded of a Roman Emperor when he pronounced sentence against a Malefactor he used this language * Utinam nescirem Leg●s Nero. Would to God I had not known the Laws Whether there be truth in this story or reality in the expression it matters not but most sure it is that Almighty God the great King of Heaven and Earth proceedeth not to sentence for sin without reluctancy The Prophet Jeremiah in his Lamentations readeth thus He doth not afflict WILLINGLY Lam. 3.33 nor GRIEVE the Children of men It is worthy of our serious consideration to observe what sorrow of heart and tenderness in affection our blessed Saviour expressed over Jerusalem when he sentenced their ejectment or rendred them uncapable of any further favor O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets Mat. 23 37. and stonest them that are sent unto thee How often would I have gathered thy Children together as a Hen gathereth her Chickens and ye * 'T is not said Ye could not Would not Behold your house is left desolate If thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes When he approached neer the holy City saith the Evangelist he wept over it Strong are those affections that break forth in Weeping and great was that LOVE that drew Tears from the Son of God I pray consider by what pertinent similitude our Saviour maketh out his Love to Jerusalem As a Hen gathereth her Chickens c. Amongst other Creatures that are indulgent for procreation the Hen is observed by great diligence to bring her brood to maturity how careful is she to cover her charge and during time departeth not therefrom unless necessitated by extream hunger when her charge is brought to perfection how doth she endevor to rally her young ones together never at rest longer then they are under covert of her own feathers and in case violence be offered to her young what creature is it that with undaunted courage she will not fly in face on Much more might be said by way of illustration but ye are to understand that the end of Similitudes or Parables is to declare not to compare as may be instanced by the Parables of the unjust Steward unjust Judg c. So here the similitude of the tenderness of the Hen over her young doth manifest something of Christs Love all comparisons in the world being too low to parallel the extent thereof Luke 15. I remember when Christ was accused by the Pharisees for having society with Publicanes and sinners taking boldness to paraphrase upon the Discourse he reasoneth after this manner Well Sirs saith he I perceive I am the object of your discontent and that in reference to my familiarity among wicked and ungodly men Come now let