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A86336 Strength made perfect in weakness In four sermons preached by William Hickocks M.A. [Hickocks, William, fl. 1674] 1674 (1674) Wing H1918A; ESTC R230656 47,395 104

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natural affections The Saints here that were the called and chosen people of God they had their sorrow and grief as well as their gladness the work of grace wherever it is in truth wrought in any soul doth much restrain mens violent passions yet when men begin to be good they do not cease to be men Religion doth not rob people of their senses The godly have their fears as well as their hopes as they have their joys so they are not without their sorrows you are in heaviness through manifold temptations Afflictions are afflictions to them that fear God as well as to others Heb. 12.11 no chashiment for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous Let no Person think because the crosses and troubles he meets withal in the World do sadden and afflict him therefore he hath no grace that surely if they had grace they should have no such thing as grief and trouble of heart See the Holyest men we read of tell us the troubles of their hearts were often inlarged Though the power of godliness doth moderate our affections to things here below yet it doth not make us insensible of what we suffer here below Grace doth not rob men of Humanity as not upon a Civil account so neither doth it upon a Natural account people do not cease to be men and women when they come to be truly godly if Persons were not affected afflicted with their troubles afflictions were no afflictons to them c. Do not therefore pass sentence upon thy self as one that is an unconverted Person because the great troubles thou meetest withal in the world are laid to heart by thee though grace do diminish yet it doth not destroy mens passions James 5.17 the Apostles us Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are though he was a man of exceeding great faith yet you find him sometimes a man of great fear The Scripture records as his grace so his natural temper that eminency of grace that was in him did not destroy that that was natural in him Christianity doth not introduce a Stoical Stupidity that they do not at all regard how things go with them we may have grace in our hearts and yet lay to heart our sufferings we may be truly brought home to God and yet affected through sense of our afflictions in the World Only here let me put in a few cautions First Though God's people are in heaviness and sadness through the great troubles that they meet withal in the world yet you that fear God take heed you be not in such heaviness as those who have no hope do not sorrow as them that have no hope or no ground of hope for the blessing of God upon them here much less for happiness with God hereafter rejoyce in the Lord while you have sorrow in the world saith the Apostle rejoyce in the Lord always and he makes a repetition and againe I say rejoyce This is his councel to the suffering Saints even when most afflicted as David 1 Sam. 30.6 when he was in that great trouble when his Wives were taken Captive and his Children and the people speak of stoning David what did he do but David incouraged himself in the Lord his God so should we do when we are discouraged as to the world then we should incourage our selves in the Lord our God at what time I am afraid I will trust in thee let not our afflictions here make us think it will never be otherwise hereafter Secondly Let not your heaviness or trouble or sadness in the World be joyned with discontent do not murmur because we meet with troubles let us not think because we are afflicted that others are in a better condition then our selves because they thrive and and flourish in the world O let us not quarrel at any of God's providences let us say as that good Old man Eli It is the Lord let him do what seems him good the Lord is good and doth good and he doth nothing but what is good for us we have no cause to quarrel when God doth afflict us let us then take care that we do not fret our selves to do evil for there is no evil in the City but God doth it and good is that God that sends that evil and all evil shall be for good to them that fear God Thirdly Let your heaviness be greater for your transgressions then for any affliction or temptation let us more grieve for sin that is the cause of trouble then for all those troubles that are caused by sin let us more lay to heart our own corruptions then all the malice of wicked men and the afflictions we meet with in the world we had not known what sorrow meant had not sin been in our hearts and been in our lives let us mourn more for sin or however be sure that our natural sorrow be accompanyed with spiritual sorrow that we have that godly sorrow that workes repentance unto Salvation for worldly sorrow alone only causeth death O let sin be more laid to heart and the crosses in the World less laid to heart let us mourn more for our transgressions and we shall less mind our afflictions Fourthly Let not our heaviness or sadness or grief of spirit that is occasioned through troubles in the World cause us to neglect our duty let us take care that we do not so grieve for what we suffer as to forget what we have to do let us not so mind our misery as to forget our duty or omit our duty to God or Man in the places of our general and particular calling which God hath set us in the world When sorrow is so excessive that it drives us from God and from his wayes from delighting in him we have cause then to be in heaviness for it we are not so to mind what we suffer as to forget what we do That sorrow is never like to do us good nay that sorrow doth not make us at all to be good that keeps us from doing good if we once come to that pass to neglect our duty that heaviness is to be lamented Applicat Beloved we have heard Gods people are in heaviness through manifold temptations but let me tell you If Gods people be in heaviness here what heaviness shall Gods enemies be in hereafter If God chastise his faithful servants sure he will punish his enemies if this be done in a green Tree what shall be done in a dry if Gods people have their temptations surely wicked men shall have their tribulation tribulation and anguish upon every one that doth evil doubtless if manifold temptations be the lot of the righteous here dreadful tribulation will be the portion of the wicked hereafter doubtless the time is coming Prov. 11.8 vers The righteous is delivered out of trouble and the wicked cometh in his room the time is coming when sin and sorrow shall be gone from the people of God and then everlasting sorrow
by the hand of Saul and yet Saul died and he lived Gods people I say manytimes they are delivered in this World out of eminent dangers though great though long troubles though soar and though lasting yet they are not everlasting they do not continue as long as their days continue Many have been under great temptations soar persecution and yet have outlived their persecutors David did Saul and Paul did even when they were past hopes 2 Cor. 1.9 10. vers We were pressed out of measure above strength insomuch that we despaired even of life but we had the sentence of death in our selves that we should not trust in our selves but in God which raiseth the dead Who delivered us from so great a death and doth deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us and he tells Timothy 2 Tim. 3.10 11. vers of the great troubles and persecutions that came to him but out of them all the Lord delivered him and so in the same Epistle 2 Tim. 4.16 17. ver when he was brought before Nero all men forsook me yet God did not forsake me the Lord stood with me and strengthened me and I was delivered out of the mouth of the Lyon though he was very near unto death yet his life was preserved God did make with that soar temptation a way to escape The troubles of Gods people shall be but for a season sometimes they are but for a season in this life Secondly At the most they shall be but for the season of this life they shall last no longer so one Paraphrases upon the words they are but for a season as long as this short life lasts so long you may be afflicted if there be occasion for it but then there is an end of all 2 Cor. 4.17 vers Our light affliction which is but for a season but for a moment it shall not be hereafter it shall be but here while the moment of this life lasts then it vanishes away when our lives go if we fear God all our troubles will go away with them there is a time for every thing this present time is the time of the Saints afflictions the time that Gods people suffer this is the time of temptation of all that fear God when this life is at an end afflictions will be out of season there will be none of them when this life ends the suffering of the godly will then be at an end death puts a period to all their troubles they continue but while they have their abode in this earthly tabernacle no longer shall any cross or affliction be their portion Revel 14.13 vers Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them Blessed are they though they seem the most cursed of any people in some respects while they live yet blessed are they when they dye for they rest from their labours that is though not from their labour of service and love to God and his people yet from their labour of sorrow they shall then have no burden of persecution or affliction to bear as no evil shall be done by them so no evil then shall be suffered by them as they shall not know what sin means in another World so neither shall they understand what sorrow means weeping and wailing all tears then shall be wiped from their faces and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads no disturbance of Spirit shall be the Saints lot in another World no evil work nor work of iniquity shall ever follow them mens Pesecutors may follow them to the grave but then they must leave them then your bodies shall go into your graves in peace and your souls shall go to God that gave them to the Spirits of just men made perfect that are without sin and without suffering that are for ever serving God and continually injoying God In Gods presence where Gods people shall be after this World there is no part of their lives that is imbittered to them there is fulness of joy and their is pleasure for evermore at Gods right hand it is not only some little comfort is given them a●… this World to bear up their Spirits but there the joy shall be everlasting pleasure for evermore O well may believers say as God by the Prophet Say you to the righteous it shall be well with him though it be very ill with him whiles he lives yet it shall be well with him when he dyes his troubles he shall see they were but for a season though he may have many inconveniences in his earthly tabernacle yet he shall find nothing of dislike when he comes to Gods everlasting habitation Secondly Why is it so Why shall the temptations of the Godly be but for a season Why shall their affliction not last allways I will give you a two fold account of it I. Because of the mercifulness of God he is a God of tender mercy he compassionates all his creatures in all respects but much more them who are not only the work of his hands but the delight of his heart as all that fear and love him are he hath great kindness for them and this account is given why the Lord will not always chide his people he is a merciful God Psal 103.8 9. vers The Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and then it follows he will not always chide neither will he keep his anger for ever angry he may be with his children when they are faulty and disobedient But he will not keep his anger forever Why the verses following declare Like as a Father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him for he knows our frame he remembers we are but dust God knows what frail creatures his people are and though some chiding they may bear yet his frowns they are not able to undergo that is the reason God gives why he would not shew himself always displeased with his people he should break their hearts with such thoughts Isa 57.16 17. vers I will not contend for ever neither will I be always wroth why for the Spirit should fail before me and the Soul which I have made the very heart of Gods people would be broken with a long continuance of their troubles and therefore he will in wrath remember mercy as it follows For the iniquity of his covetuousness was I wroth and smote him I hid me and was wroth and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart I have seen his ways and will heal him I will lead him also and restore comforts unto him and to his mourners I know that he is not able always to bear my afflicting hand I will take it of it shall be but a little while the rod is upon his back but it shall not rest there I will manifest my love again to him Isa 54.7 8. vers For a
unto God that great Prophet of the Church our Lord Jesus Christ himself did not only reveal his Fathers mind to his Disciples but often prayed and that earnestly for them as in that 17. Joh. and other places Vse And if this be so then by way of equity People ought to pray for their Minister but to pass to the second after his exhorting them to stedfastness he goes to Prayer and it shews thus much that Paul's exhortations to them were not sufficient of themselves to stablish these Saints without the grace of God in as much as these things given in command to stedfastness is backt by Prayer it intimates how little these will prevail unless God touch the Heart from whence we have this Doctrine Doct. II. That Ministers Preaching without God●s blessing will do Peoples souls no good The voice of Ministers in Preaching is but an empty sound and though it come into our ears will never reach the Heart unless the doctrine have efficacy from the Spirit of Truth Neither Paul or any of his fellow-labourers in the work of the Gospel will bring people into or keep them in the ways of the Lord unless God bless their labours to that end none of these blessed Apostles could by any of their own power by the height or strength of arguments prevail with them to obey the Gospel they could never convert to the Truth or keep them in the Truth unless God were pleased to turn their Hearts this is clear by the Jews under the Old Testament and the people under the New the Word of God that came to the Jews how often doth Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel and other Prophets tell them of their sins but they would not hear see how the Lord complains in the 17. Jerem. 25. Since the day that your Fathers came forth out of the Land of Egypt unto this day I have sent unto you all my Servants the Prophets daily riseing up early and sending them yet they hearkned not unto me c. for all they had so many messengers from God to them and this too afterward repeated in several places yet they did not hearken to God neither when they were in their own Countrey nor in a strange Land and so in the New Testament Peter and Paul here That laboured more abundantly then they all yet how inefficatious was it to many when he Preached to the Jews 13. Acts 45. ver They were filled with envy and spake against those things that were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming And so among the Gentiles instead of prevailing with them to bring them to the Truth he was persecuted by them 1 Cor. 3.5 6. Who is Paul or who is Apollo but Ministers by whom you believe and though he did prevail with many it was not of themselves but it was the Lord that gave the increase your believing your getting grace your growing and increasing in holiness is only through the blessing of God Therefore when Paul tells us of several places where he did good he saith when he came to such or such a place there was a door opened to him as a door of utterance to the Apostle so a door of entrance to the People that they received the Word of God and though his commission runs That he might turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Sathan unto God c. 26. Acts 18. yet he is only the instrumental cause God is only the efficient cause God alone commanded the light to shine out of darkness he alone that is the heart searcher is the heart changer he opened Lydias heart we need not go far to evidence this Truth we need not go abroad but stay at home to see this sad spectacle how many faithful Preachers hath God sent to this Land of ours for many scores of Years together scarce any Nation under Heaven hath had that plenty of Ministers and Ordinances that England hath had and that powerful Preaching since the Apostles days that we have had and yet what little fruit to be seen How many setled upon their Lees and will not be brought off he that was filthy is filthy still How great are the abominations Lying Swearing Whoring Drunkeness c. How doth the love of many wax cold How many back-sliding from the Truth and ways of God what ever Ministers say to the contrary People time after time have been call'd on to walk after the Spirit and not after the Flesh yet they refuse to return may not the Lord say to us as to the Jews Isa 5.4 5 6. verses What could have been done more to my Vine-yard that I have not done in it Wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth Grapes brought it forth Wild-grapes I wish we have no occasion to take notice of the words following vers 5. And now go to I will tell you what I will do to my Vine-yard I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall of it and it shall be troden down vers 6 And I will lay it wast it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up briers and thornes I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it which judgment God in his mercy prevent it is true Ministers may do thus much save their own souls by taking heed to their Doctrine and their lives and by warning people of their sins and though Ministers by Preaching may leave people without excuse they cannot say at the last day Lord if we had known our duty we would have done it Ministers Preaching may add to Peoples sufferings they may increase their condemnation another day but alas it is not in the power of Ministers to affect Peoples hearts or reform their lives how earnest then should Ministers and People be that when the Word of God is Preached they should pray that the power of God might accompany it Peoples prayers should be that as God would send forth Labourers into his harvest so that God would make that food that 's sent them to nourish their souls in spiritual life unto life eternal for man lives not by bread only but by the Word of God as natural life is not preserved through bread without the concurance of Gods providence so neither spiritual life without the influence of his Spirit the Sword of the Spirit is only able to strike through our lusts the weapons of our warfare are only mighty through God People had need pray as for their Ministers that they may have a door of utterance so for themselves that they may have a door of entrance that with readiness of mind they may be brought to and built up in their most holy Faith that when the Gospel comes by Preaching to them it may come not only in word but in power of the Holy Ghost Thirdly Whereas he prays not only to God the Father but to the Lord Jesus Christ for these Saints comfort and establishment we
Maranatha Oh let it not for shame be said that we love not the Lord Jesus Christ Oh cursed is that man that loves not Jesus Christ who comes to bring blessedness to him we should love Jesus Christ because he is altogether lovely white and ruddy the chiefest among ten thousand Cant. 5.10 none can save us but he Then again the conexion of the words is very remarkable the Apostle doth not say our Lord Christ himself nor our Jesus himself but our Lord Jesus he joyns Lord and Jesus both together and what the Scripture joyns together we must not put asunder from whence we may raise this Doctrine Doct. They whose Jesus is he is their Lord or if you please thus They to whom Christ is a Jesus he is a Lord or Whom Christ saves them he rules To whom Christ is a Saviour to them he is a Governour Christ 〈…〉 be our Jesus he is our Lord if we mistake here we are undone for ever Act. 5.31 The Apostle speaking of Jesus Christ he faith thus Him hath God exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour c. he hath exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance to Israel not only a Saviour but a Prince they go both together where Christ is a Saviour there he is a Prince where Christ gives remission of sins he giveth power over sin Rom. 6.14 saith the Apostle Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the Law but under grace you that are under the saving grace of the Gospel of Iesus Christ you are set free from sin not but that you may fall into sin but it doth not bear sway in your soul it cannot have it's full command you cannot be led captive to sin Vse Now this may be for a use of trial to try whether Christ be our Saviour yea or no examine your selves be faithful to your own souls would you know whether Christ be your Iesus or no ask your selves this question is he your Lord or no is he your Governour he is the King of Saints as well as the Saviour of his people if you follow your lusts and live in sin knowingly and willingly walk after the sinful desires of your own hearts Christ will profit you nothing you shall find what I say to be true one day I wish you find it not by sad experience if you will not be subject to the holy commands of Christ do not so much as expect mercy from Iesus Christ for Iesus Christ tells you himself if you will not be rul●d by him he will not save you if you will not obey his Gospel he will be a destroyer and not a Saviour to you remember what he hath said Luk. 19.27 if you refuse obedience to him look not for any favour from him As for those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me That man that would have his lusts reign and not me rule over him bring that soul before me I will throw him into Hell Many shall flatter themselves as in that 13. of Luk. 25. and come with confidence saying Lord Lord open unto us c. let us go into Heaven but he shall answer Lord why call you me Lord I know you not whence ye are but then they shall begin to make apology and say we have heard thou art a Jesus we have eaten and drunk in thy presence we have been at thy Ordinances at thy Word and Sacraments thou hast taught in our streets but he shall say ver 27. I tell you I know you not you are strangers to me I never remember you kept my commands I tell you I will not take notice of you depart from me all ye workers of iniquity if you will not take one answer there 's a second depart from me all ye workers of iniquity Oh how sad will it be then therefore now take the advise of our Saviour ver 24. Strive to enter in at the straight gate for many shall seek to enter but shall not be able Christ will save only those that obey him therefore I beseech you let me put this question to you for I would fain not have you go to Hell pray ask your own hearts alone in secret is there no known sin committed is there no known sin I delight in if thy heart make known to thee that there is if thou wilt not leave this sin it is a sign that Christ is none of thine Rom. 8.2 The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of sin c. those that Christ saves he hath said Sin shall not have dominion over them Paul that great admirer of Iesus Christ he tells the people plainly that they may not flatter themselves Rom. 8.1 There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ and least they should mistake he saith that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit c. who though they have their sins and their failings yet their desire is to walk not after the lusts of their Hearts but after the Spirit for for all Christ died for sinners yet if they live and dye in their sins Christ will not save them if we live after the flesh we shall dye Rom. 8.13 and though it be true and this be a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation That Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners yet know this on the other hand Jesus Christ did never intend to save those that remain impenitent hard-hearted and stubborn sinners that live and dye in wickedness they shall find no mercy Job professeth his Faith in the Redeemer yet if he were not his Lord and Governour woe to him the Prophet Isa 3.11 saith Woe to the wicked it shall be ill with him for the reward of his hands it shall be given him remember this We shall as surely go to Hell for all Christ dyed as if he had never dyed if we live and dye in sin therefore if thou wouldest have Christ a Saviour make conscience of obeying Christ Blessed are the undefiled in the way saith the Psalmist Psal 119.1 who walk in the Law of the Lord. ver 8. I will keep thy statutes oh forsake me not utterly If thou wil't keep Gods statutes thou mayest expect to be kept safe and vers 11. Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee I then may we hope to do well ver 30. I have chosen the way of truth thy judgments have I laid before me ver 31. I have stuck unto thy testimonies Oh Lord put me not to shame and again ver 101. I have refrained my feet from every evil way that I might keep thy word 102. I have not departed from thy judgments for thou hast taught me ver 162. I rejoyce in thy word as one that findeth great spoyles ver 163. I hate und abhor lying but thy law do I love ver
166. Lord I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy commandments Then indeed if we make it our business design and endeavour to keep the commandments of Christ we may then hope to see the salvation of God then and not till then 2 Titus 11. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared ver 12. mark Teaching us to deny ungodlyness and worldly lusts and that we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world ver 13. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ ver 14. Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works Now this is as well the command of Christ that they make conscience of their duty to him as well as to look for salvation from him therefore if you would have Christ for your Jesus be sure that he be your Lord that you do him homage observe his Laws and reverence his Name not by bowing at the name Jesus bowing is a note of subjection and sheweth that all creatures are subject to Jesus Christ unto the authority of Christ have respect to all his commands if people will not but walk after their lusts will do wickedly remember this that instead of salvation you must expect or how ever you will find destruction and perdition as it 's call'd 1 Tim. 6.9 and Psal 11.6 Vpon the wicked he shall rain snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest c. For God is angry with the wicked every day Psal 7. ver 11. Christ hath plainly told people he will be no Saviour to them that refuse obedience to him Mat. 13.41 Christ tells you what he will do The Son of man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a furnace of fire c. Oh that sinners would believe what they shall one day feel that they would now fear and tremble that they may then be delivered from wrath to come therefore though thy sins be never so pleasing and delightful to thee cast it from thee Mar. 9.43 It is better for thee to enter into life maimed then to bo cast into Hell c. Oh let us be wise for our salvation willing to part with our most pleasing sins rather then to have our souls destroyed and cast into Hell into everlasting burnings think not that Jesus Christ will save you unless you turn from sin and therefore pray earnestly that you may be converted and have your sins blotted out the 73. Psal 24. Oh let this be our earnest prayer That we may be guided by Gods counsel that Jesus Christ may be ours Joh. 17.6 Thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept my word then may you be sure he hath promised and prayed for you ver 22 24. Father I will that those whom thou hast given me those that have kept my word may be where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me c. If Christ be our Lord he will be our Jesus but not else Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God even our Father who hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and work Afternoon Sermon The 2 of the Thessalonians 2. Cap. 16 17. Vers 16. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God even our Father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17. Comfort your hearts and stablish you in every good word and work YOU may Remember in the morning we took notice of four things first the Persons praying Paul Silvanus and Timotheus secondly the Persons prayed for c. thirdly the Persons prayed to and that 's first God the Son and secondly God the Father whose love we have first asserted and secondly declared fourthly the blessings prayed for and the first is Consolation secondly Confirmation We made entrance on the first Person prayed to Our Lord Jesus Christ not the Lord Jesus but our Lord Jesus Doct. I. Faith applies Jesus Christ to it self Doct. II. Again Christ is our Jesus And from the connexion Our Lord Jesus we noted that Doct. III. To whom Christ is a Jesus to them he is a Lord. Whom Christ saves them he Rules To proceed and God even our Father God is often call'd as here so in other places frequently our Father not only of Paul Silvanus and Timotheus but yours and ours together you that are Saints thence note this point Doct. God is the Father of the righteous or He is the Father of the Saints God is the Father of all that are truly religious Persons of all the Disciples of Jesus Christ Christ after his resurrection in 20. of Joh. 17. saith to Mary go to my Brethren and say I ascend to my Father and to your Father the Father of our Lord Jesus and our Father Object But how shall I know whether God be my Father or no Answ By these two marks or signs by our Repentance and by our Faith God is the Father of repenting believing sinners though he be the Father of all in respect of creation and common mercies yet God is only the Father through Iesus Christ of those that repent 2 Cor. 6.17 Come out from amongst them and be you separate saith the Lord and touch none unclean thing c. And I will be a Father unto you and you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord God Almighty They that leave their sins and cleave to God with full purpose of heart have just ground to call God Father Secondly To them that believe Joh. 1.12 To as many as received him he gave power to become the Sons of God even to as many as believe on his name Gal. 3.26 ver For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus thou that hast an heart to repent of sins and to believe in the Lord Iesus may'st have comfort to go to God as thy Father Vse I. But to apply this if this be so then we may see first the Saints dignity 1 Sam. 18.23 David speaks of this as a great priviledge that he was related to the King and what do you take no notice of it seemeth it a small thing to you that I call the King Father Oh then what priviledge is it to be the adopted Sons and Daughters of the King of Kings Secondly We may see the Saints safety consider what God is and then we shall see what cause of comfort they have that are Gods people Consider first he is of great power Job 42.2 ver He can do any thing though never so difficult nothing is too hard for the Lord he is the mighty Potentate he doth whatsoever he pleases he is mighty in strength
or the people of the great God and his peculiar People are sometimes in heaviness through their manyfold temptations Thirdly That the temptations true Christians are exercised withall shall be but for a season Fourthly That there is need why God's People sometimes should be in this heaviness should be exercised through manyfold temptations Fifthly That when Gods people are in heaviness when they are exercised with manifold temptations there is need of them Sixthly That they that fear God should rejoyce in hope of their eternal Salvation though now they be in heaviness through manyfold temptations I shall begin with the first and be but breif in it You are in heaviness through manyfold Temptations manyfold temptations it semes are your portion the Doctrine that lies plain before us is this First That God's people in this World are often under many temptations Many temptations or diverse temptations as the word is elsewhere Translated James 1. vers 2. Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations In opening this truth I shall endeavour very breifly to answer these to Queries First What is meant here by temptations Secondly How it may appeare that the godly are exercised or annoyed by divers temptations or manyfold temptations First What we are to understand by temptations Answer To that I answer this word temptation is taken several ways in Scripture but there are two Sorts of temptations that are especially mentioned in the sacred Word of God there are temptations to evil and temptations by evil temptations are taken either for an allurement unto Sinning or for Chastisement by suffering either for temptations to Sin or temptations to Sorrow Temptations are taken sometimes for temptations unto Sin so in Scripture often to mention but some few places now so we are to understand it in that place in that blessed form of Prayer that may be well used if not abused as too often it is Mat. 6.13 We are taught to pray lead us not into temptation that is lead us not into temptation to Sin and so the Apostles sense is in what he saith 1 Tim. 6. vers 9. They that will be rich fall into temptation they that are resolved they will thrive and prosper in the World whatever comes of it which way soever they get it they fall into temptation that is as the words following explane it into a snare and into many foolish and hurtfull lusts which drown men in perdition and destruction Now in this sense it is true the godly have manifold temptations the best of men are not sometimes without the strongest and greatest temptations temptations unto Sin they are often tempted by the Devil and by the World and by their own Hearts to sin and that in several kinds the Act of sin the Practices of sin the Course of sin they are often tempted to cast of the fear of God and service of God so Job was though he did not harken to and was not overcome by that temptation but of these temptations it is not meant here Secondly As there are temptations to sin so there are temptations to sorrow as there are temptations to doing evil so there are temptations in suffering of evil and so temptations in Scripture are put for crosses and troubles and afflictions that the godly meet with in the world and St. Paul's troubles amongst his enemies the Jewes are called his temptations Acts. 20. vers 19. Serving the Lord with all humility of mind and with many teares and temptations which befel me by the laying in wait of the Jewes Many troubles that he met with through that cross and perverse People that he Preached often unto and so the Exhortation of the Apostle James is to be understood James 1. vers 2. My brethen count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations that is not when you are tempted to many sins but when you are afflicted through many troubles though you meet with many crosses in the world yet do not be troubled but rejoyce at it is vers 12. Blessed is the man that endures temptation that is blessed is the man happy is the person that endures Persecutions afflictions for godliness sake for the Gospels sake that is willing to suffer hath a heart to suffer and strength to suffer in the ways and service of God and so the time of temptation in this sense is taken for trouble for the time of Persecution for the time of affliction and so our Saviour opens this Phras● Luke 8.13 vers compare it with Mat. 13.20.21 vers what in the former place in Luke is called temptation in Matthew is called Persecution and Tribulation what one saith when temptation comes the other calls it Tribulation or Persecution arises by and by he is offended and so we are to understand temptations here in the Text manyfold temptations that is manyfold afflictions variety of troubles and Calamities all sorts of crosses which are therefore here called by the name temptation because men are tempted or tried by them they try mens faith and love and obedience they discover their sincerity and integrity So much for the first here what is meant by temptation Secondly How it doth appeare that the godly are exercised with manifold temptations This I might shew by an Induction of particulars by testimony of Scripture and by instances in the several sorts of temptations or troubles that the godly are afflicted with in this World I will speak to one or two take one Testimony of Scripture for it a few places I shall mention Psal 34.19 Many are the afflictions of the Righteous 2 Cor. 4.8 We are troubled on every side Psal 88.3 My soul is full of troubles Psal 25.17 The troubles of my heart are inlarged As soon as ever men begin to be good to lead good lives they are apt to see bad days in some senses Heb. 10.32 After you were illuminated you endured a great fight of afflictions After you were brought to the saving knowledge of God troubles were presently your Portion the cross is the constant companion of the Gospel I might shew further from whence it is from the malice of the Devil the rage of wicked men the sins of our own hearts the wise providence the merciful providence of the good God towards his people they have troubles and temptations in all kinds of out ward man of inward man in friends in enemies in their persons in their relations possessions what ever they have that is neare and deare to them but I cannot stand on ●…iculars let me only mention one that ●…e temptation that the Text mentions and that is the temptations that happen to the Saints here through Persecution for those whom the Apostle writes to 1 Pet. 1. they were scattered throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia driven up and down for the Gospels sake to save themselves from the hand of wicked men and amongst many temptations this is one the temptation of Persecution this is the common temptation of the
small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee In a little wrath I hid my self from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer A little wrath but a great deal of Love a little while a moment God hides himself but eternally will he manifest himself and his love to his people Beloved the mercy and compassion of God is such that he will provide a way for his peoples deliverance out of their troubles As God will not himself more immediately afflict his people always so neither will he suffer others to afflict his people but he will be sure not to suffer The rod of the wicked to rest upon the back of the righteous Why Least the righteous put forth his hand to iniquity least their temptations be too strong for them and so saith the Apostle God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are able but will with the temptation make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it You shall have such troubles as may sometimes afflict and humble you but you shall not have such troubles as shall quite deject and cause your spirits to fail before him that is the first Reason because of the mercifulness of God II. Because of the faithfulness of God God hath said he will deliver his people and he will be as good as his word though men break God will keep his Covenant he is a God of truth he hath methods to deliver his people out of temptation he will make a way to escape Now God hath made I cannot stand to shew God hath made many pretious promises for the redeeming of his people out of their adversity he will shew kindness to them though he may be angry yet he will not always chide and though he may afflict them yet he will not forsake them c. Now as Solomon said in regard of his Father David What thou hast spoken with thy mouth thou hast fulfilled it with thine hand as it is this day and so it is true of all persons that fear God what God speaks he will fulfil Heaven and Earth shall pass away but not one jot or title of Gods Word shall pass away unfulfilled as Gods threatning of Judgment against the wicked shall be made good so certainly shall the promises of mercy made to the righteous All the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus Applicat Now then to apply this in a word If this be so as we hear the temptations of the godly the afflictions and troubles they meet with will be but for a season Let this quiet our hearts under sufferings viz. the consideration of this That they will be but for a season they will be but for a short time they will not be always are we afflicted remember the time is coming we shall be comforted hath God laid any trouble upon us as to our inward or outward man upon our persons or relations in private or other respects it will not be always so these troubles they shall be but for a season and this season will not last always let us not be troubled or though we be troubled let this keep us from being overtroubled let this quiet our spirits under trouble the consideration of this truth That they will be but for a short time for a season Two things may quiet our Spirits under the greatest of miseries and crosses in this World if we consider either how just they are or how short they be First If we consider the equity of them all the troubles we meet with in the World they are very just upon us God doth not afflict us but there is a cause for it there is need of it and cause for it God is never displeased but we have provoked him he never hides his face but we have given him cause for it nay God is never so angry with his people as he might be we may all say with the Psalmist Psal 103.10 ver He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities What ever sad condition we are in besure it is not so sad as we deserve is God angry with us why he might manifest his hot displeasure against us is he very angry why truly he might be more angry then ever he shews himself in this World to any of his people God might to the best of men render his anger with fury and his rebukes with flames of fire Ezra speaking of the calamities of the Jews which were very great Ezra 9.13 ver saith he Thou O God hast punished us less then our iniquities deserve How did God cut of thousands of them how many perished by the Sword Plague and other Judgments and those that were left alive were carried into captivity we were punished I but not so as we deserve our troubles were great but they might have been greater Thou hast punished us less then our iniquities deserve our trespass is grown up unto the Heavens and we might all of us have been thrown into Hell God suffers us to live and hath not punished us as our iniquities deserve so that we are on this side the Grave nay that we are on this side Hell it is a mercy alas are our troubles great our sins are greater are our temptations our afflictions many our sins are more there is no body that hath so many troubles but he may sit down and soon count the number of his crosses but who can count the number of any mans sins our crosses our troubles are soon numbred but our impieties nay our iniquities are innumerable they are more then the hairs of our head and cannot be numbred have we many crosses remember we might have had more crosses remember our sorrows are not so many as our sins we may well therefore ask the question when any persons heart is disquieted so as to be discontented and fret at providence that is so afflicting as the Church Lam. 3.39 vers Wherefore doth a living man complain a man for the punishment of his sins Thou art punished what then what cause to complain it is for thy sin thy sin deserves this punishment and What a living man complain thou mightest have been in the grave thou art here yet on Earth thou mightest have been long ago in Hell and What a living man and complain for the punishment of his sin and as they say we may all say under any of our troubles It is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not Secondly As our troubles are very Just so they shall not be very long they shall be but for a little while as the pleasure of sinners so the perplexity of Saints shall be but for a season but for a season Our light afflictions which are but for a moment if any of our troubles should last as long as our lives last