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A68881 A dialoge or co[m]municacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge ; The werke for housholders w[ith] the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C. Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1537 (1537) STC 25413.5; ESTC S105108 117,789 408

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consideraciō And agayne lokyng vpon your selfe / and cōsyderyng in how great sorowe and woo / sighyng / and sobbynge you dwell here in the vale of myserye / lackyng his godly presence you shall approche go vnto this sacrament as a person in depe cōsumpcion for sorowe vnto the meate of mercy / the fode of all helth and saluacion and the very restoratiue of all recouery comforte Now laste of all yf you loke vpon the surety and certaynty of all these thynges as in your last consyderacion And agayne yf you beholde and se well your selfe you shall perceyue you haue ben euer incōstant euer flyttynge and neuer in one state abydyng that shall moue you than to goo vnto this holy house and lodgyng of our lorde as a vagabunde and prodigall or vnthryfty chylde vnto the house home of his father / there mercy asked and opteyned contynually to dwell and byde amonge the seruaūtes of that house / where voyd of all euyll is abūdaunce and plenty of all maner of thynges that be good with sure surety cōstāt certaynty of the same so to ꝑseuer and indure without minushyng or mutaciō world wtout ende whiche he graūt vs that made and bought vs. Amen ¶ Thus haue you eyght consyderacions for the knowledge of your selfe after and accordynge vnto the thre eyghtes that wente before and this eyght to be the fourth eyght And this is the same science / arte / craft / or cunnynge that I sayd is ingendred and brought forthe by medytacion And ▪ these foure eyghtes may be signified by the foure flodes of paradise Gene. ii whiche done water all the worlde For as saynt Austin sayth of this science cometh compunction Vbi supra whiche cōpunctiō sayth he is whā the harte by consyderacion or of the consyderacion of hys owne euyll synne is touched pricked with inward sorow De summo bono And saynte ysodore sayth that the compunction of the harte is a mekenes of the mynde with teares wepyng whiche doth sprynge and aryse of the recorde remembraūce of synnes with drede Cōpunction This terme compunctiō is as moche to say as a ioyned pricking or strykyng Whan so euer than a person knowynge hym selfe by the science before shewed doth remembre any of his offēces and felynge his hart cōscience pricked and grudged therwith / doth with inwarde sorowe remors knocke vpō the brest lyfte vp the handes eyes or syght wepe or sygh that is compunction and doth include contricion And this compunctiō as ye may well ꝑceyue is begotten and brought forth of the sayd science And dothe as sayth saynte Austin byget chylde and brynge forth deuocion whiche deuocion sayth he is ⚜ Pius et humilis affectus in deum humilis De spiritu et anima ex conscientia infirmitatis proprie Pius ex consideracione diuine clementie That is to saye Deuotion Deuocion is a religious faythfull and meke affection inwardly and perfectely vnto god And that affection saythe he is meke and lowly by the conscience and full knowledge of our propre infirmity feblenes And it is deuoute relygious faythfull by the consyderacion of the benynge piteouse and mercyfull gētylnes of our lord If you wold know what this terme affectiō is here to meane Affecte or affection Saynt Austin sayth it is a certeyn / free / wylfull lyberall / and swete or pleasaunt inclinacion leanynge of the mynd vnto our lord god And nothynge saythe he dothe so moche inclyne moue and styre almyghty god vnto pytye and mercy as doth the pure and clene affection desyre of mynde De modo orādi ⚜ Deuocion than as saynte Hughe sayth de sancto Victore is whan the mynde of a persone is affrayde of his greate and many synnes And than mystrustynge vtterly hys owne vertue / power / strength dothe tourne hym selfe vnto our lorde god / and so moche the more feruentely doth aske and beseche his helpe and socoure as he perceyueth and seeth well there is no helpe without hym wherin he myght haue confidence trust Vt sup̄ So concludeth saynt Austin / that deuociō doth make the prayer perfecte Prayer For prayer saythe he is nothyng els but a deuociō of mynd / and conuersion and tournynge of the hart mynde inwardely and perfectely vnto god by a deuoute religiouse and meke affection cōforted holden vp sayth the sayd saynt Hugh with fayth / hope / and charity Prayer than Ibidem without deuociō is vnperfect lytle worthe And deuociō as is sayd is had goten of compunction / and compunction of science and science of meditacion So that vnto this purpose that is to saye the due receyuynge of the sacramēt of the aulter all these fyue be as we sayde good necessarye Not so as often we haue sayd that any person is boūden vnto all of necessity but of cōueniency And therfor as we haue before set forth vnto your election and choyce dyuers meditaciōs so haue we in lyke maner done of prayers gadered out of dyuers auncient auctours Whan ye haue than thus sumwhat appareled and disposed your self vnto this iourney by these .iiii. that is / meditacion / selfe knowledge compunction / and deuocion than fall vnto prayer vocall or mētall or both at your pleasure That is to meane / that you maye at wyll speke and rede these prayers or onely thynke them in your hart mynde or both say and thynke ¶ The ghostly chylde Syr / which is best of these thre wayes ¶ The ghostly father Surely to say or rede alone without thought is lytle worthe To thynke alone is very good but bothe is beste ¶ Here don folow many prayers but do you as is sayd rede them ones ouer and chose at wyll Fyrste than I wolde aduyse you to appoynte your selfe to here one whole masse / if ye may cōuenyently before your communion whan so euer you ben disposed thereunto and than to rede or say this that folowed before or sone after the Confiteor / whiche is a maner of confession Not so to be taken as though it were myght be sufficient for any greuous synnes without sacramentall confession as we sayd before yf it may be had but that it maye be vaylable for lyght offenses the more excite and styre vp your mynd in that you vnderstād and perceyue well what you saye or thynke ¶ Before or at the begynnyng of masse O Good lorde god and moost swete sauiour Iesu I moost myserable wretche of the worlde / here before thy diuine and godly presence playnely do confesse and openly knowledge that in all my lewde lyfe hytherto myspent by many miserable wretched ways of synne I haue offended thy graciouse goodenes as well in the brekyng of thy preceptes cōmaundementes as in commission of all the seuen pryncipall synnes misused my fyue wyttes not fulfilled the .vii. werks of mercy Whiche synnes offences here
nowe wholy fully to recoūte and reherce is vnto me for theyr multitude īpossyble Wherfore with moost humble and lowly hart moost harty and desyrous wyll of perfecte contricion I vtterly forsake thē all And althoughe nothynge of my deseruynge yet good lorde for the honour of thy precious blode the merytes of thy bytter passion and most cruell most paynfull most shamefull deth I instātly requyre aske craue moost mekely lowly beseche thy gracious benignity goodnes of mercy forgiuenes And that from hensforthe I maye haue thy grace lorde in whole fayth stronge hope perfecte charite / to fle auoyd and forsake all synne And in all my thoughtes wordes dedes / maners / contenaūces / behauiours / to ordre my selfe in vertue vnto the pleasure honoure of thy grace the welthe and saluaciō of my soule and vnto the edificaciō of all Christians And herunto I beseche our lady saynt Mary thy holy mother euer virgin / all the blessed company of heuen / and all faythfull persones to praye for me Amen ¶ All these partes of the masse yf you may conueniently shulde be herde standynge That is to saye / the office the kyrie Gloria in excelsis and specially the gospell with due reuerence at this worde Iesus The preface also the Pater noster sancte Iohn̄s Gospell ¶ At the fyrst collectes pystle Myne owne good lorde and moost swete sauyour Iesu I beseche thy goodnes to put away ferre frome me all iniquities and wyckednes / and of thy mercyfull louynge kyndenes kendle in my hart the flamynge fyre of thy feruēt loue Be not swete lord displeased with me ne kepe in mynd or remembraūce the multitude of myne offences For I do not presume good lord to make prayer peticion here before thy godly presence of any goodnes / ryghtwysenes or any deseruyng of my selfe but onely of full hope and trust of thy myseracion mercyfull pytye Take frome me swete lorde this harde and stony hart / and gyue me lord for it a newe hart full of compunction and due contricion And gyue me a stomacke kynde louyng that maye dredfully loue the and louyngly drede the that maye delyte take pleasure in the lorde alone / and wylfully folowe the. And at the laste may ouertake and catche the / fast holde the fully possede the. And fynally in eterne blysse to se the / and fully to inioye the. Amen ¶ After the pystle MOost swete sauyoure and louynge lord Iesu / I beseche thy benignity for the anguysshe of thy holy harte in all thy labours / passiōs / and paynes for me susteyned and suffred And for the effusion and shedyng of thy moost holy sacred blode and for the vertue of thy moost innocent precyouse dethe For the mystery also of this holy sacrament thy blessyd body and moost holy sacred bloode / in the immolacion / offerynge / and sacrifice wherof I moste vyle synner am present moost vnworthy wretche do approche And fynally I beseche the lord for thyne owne selfe haue pytye and mercye vpon me that am I knowe well the moost myserable wretche moost synfull caytyfe vpon erth Purify thou good lorde than / and clense my harte soule frō all vnlaufull affections So that in this tyme all tymes I maye duely and worthely do the seruice Graunte me good lorde very contricion of all my synnes / the grace also of true cōpunction / the fountayn of fruitfull teares / pure deuocion clere clene conscience / the cōtinuall memory and mynd of thy bytter passion precyous dethe And of thy moost cōfortable loue perpetuall feruor and desyre Amen ¶ After the gospell O Moost benigne mercyfull louer of mākynde my swete lord Iesu / I beseche thy grace for the dolorous painfull smertyng of all thy woundes graūt me the grace of pacience in all aduersyty and to dispise sett at naught the loue of this world and all the goodes and pleasurs therof and to be cōtent with a necessary and meane liuinge And to kepe firmely and constantly by due perseueraunce vnto my laste ende this state and degree that thou haste put me in And to folowe alway by due obedience thy forther callynges dayly to increase profyte in vertue / and euer to haue contynually the feruent desyre of myne owne cuntrey heuenly home Graunt me forther good lord in all the cōuersacion of my lyfe to haue and kepe due discipline good maner / christian behauyoure vnto the auoydyng euer of thy displeasure of the sclaunder occasion / offence of my neyghbour And so to haue groundely in my hart and soule very and vnfayned mekenes / true faythfull kyndenes and meritorious pacience vnto the pleasure and honour of thy grace / the welth of my soule and vnto the edificacion of all persones Amen ¶ In the tyme of the eleuaciō THe great clerck holy saynt Thomas of Aquine dothe set forth this prayer folowyng as very conuenient to be sayd in this tyme of the eleuacion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe Tu patris sempiternus es filius And so forth as you haue at matyns The englyshe wherof we haue here sett forth with the latyne / for the increase of your deuocion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe That is to meane I beleue / confesse / and knowledge that thou good lord Iesu christe my sauyour / beynge here vnder the fourme of brede wyne art the kynge of glory / very god ⚜ Tu patris sempiternus es filiꝰ And that thou good lorde Iesu art the essenciall / eterne and euerlastyng sonne of the father of heuen celestiall ⚜ Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem nō horruisti virginis vterum I beleue that thou good lord disposynge / and by determinaciō concludyng to take the nature of mā / and so to redeme and delyuer hym frome the bondage of synne dydeste not abhorre ne disdayne the flesshly wombe of the virgyn ⚜ Tu deuicto mortis aculeo aperuisti credentibus regna celorum I beleue that thou good lorde the siynge darte of deth vaynquysshed and ouercomen dydest open vnto all thy faythfull people the realme and kyngdome of heuen ⚜ Tu ad dexteram dei sedes in gloria patris I beleue that thou good lord that art here ꝑsent in this holy sacramēt doste syt remayne and rest in the glory of thy father vpō the ryght hande of god or thus syttest and doste remayne rest in glory vpō the ryght hande of god thy father ⚜ Iudex crederis esse vēturus I byleue that all faythfull peopell done beleue that thou shalt come agayne to iudge all the worlde ⚜ Te ergo quesumus tuis famulis subueni quos precioso sanguine redemisti Therfore good lord we beseche the / helpe and socoure thy seruantes whom thou hast redemed and bought with thy precious blode ⚜ Eterna fac cum sanctis tuis gloria munerari We beseche the also good
lorde make cause vs to be rewarded with thy holy sayntes in eterne euerlastynge glory and ioy ⚜ Saluum fac populum tuū domine / et benedic hereditati tue et rege eos et extolle illos vsque ineternum We beseche the good lorde make thy people saued soules gyue blessynge to thyne heneretaunce And rule good lord and gouerne thē And excolle inhaunce magnifye good lord and make them honorable vnto the ende of the world ⚜ Per singulos dies bn̄dicimꝰ te / et laudamus nomē tuū in sclm in seculum seculi We done god lord blysse honour the euery day by day / done laude and prayse thy holy name from tyme to tyme / and from age vnto age for euermore ⚜ Dignare domine die isto sine peccato nos custodire Vouchesafe good lord to kepe vs this day / and all our lyfe tyme from synne and trespas ⚜ Miserere nr̄i dn̄e miserere nr̄i Haue mercye good lorde vpon vs / haue mercye ⚜ Fiat mīa tua dn̄e super nos / quemadmodū sperauimus in te Let thy mercye / lorde / lyght on vs / as we haue had euer perfecte hope and trust in the. ⚜ In te domine speraui / non confundar in eternum I haue alway hoped and perfectely trusted inwardly in the. I beseche the lorde I neuer be cōfounded disapoynted ne deceyued Thus endeth that swete prayer / your Te deum ¶ Prayers vnto the ende of masse O Moost benigne lord sauyour moost hyghest preste very Bysshope Iesu Christe / that woldest vouchesafe to offre thyne owne selfe most pure lambe / most immaculate / moost clene and vnspotted hoost in sacrifice vnto the father of heuyn vpon the aultre of the crosse for vs wretched synners And also that woldest gyue leue with vs perpetually thyne owne very flesshe for our spirituall fode and thyne owne precyous blode for our spirituall drynke / I beseche the for the sake of all thy sorowfull woundes for the effusion and shedynge of thy moost precyous blode for the vertue of thy most innocent deth and moost specially for that excellent meruelouse and vnspekeable charity thou had vnto vs wherby thou woldest vouchsafe to washe vs fylthy vnworthy wrethes in thyne owne holy sacred blode I beseche the haue mercy pytie on me forgyue me all my synnes neglygences all offences don eyther by cōmission or omissiō that is to meane all suche offēces as I dyd myght not laufully nor shulde haue don / also all that I myght or shuld haue don / dyd not And sythe good lord amonge all thyne other great mercyfull benefytes thou woldest vouchsafe onely of thy liberall goodnes without any deseruynge of me to call me vnworthy wrethe to the grace of thy fayth and to be one of thy sorte now also forther to receyue me this mistery holy sacramēt I beseche the lord teache me inspyre my soule to order me selfe thereunto with suche reuerēce drede and with suche feruour deuocion with suche loue charyte as may be acceptable to thy grace shall come or byseme my state and degre so increace in vertue by the receyuing herof in the same degre as maye be also to the edificaciō of all persons And I beseche the suffre me neuer to dout of this holy sacramēt but euermore to ꝑceyue vnderstande holde beleue thynke speke after the true fayth of thy catholyke church Let good lord thy holy spirite come vnto me and entre into my hart there without wordes or noyse secretly speke vnto my soule / to instructe tell and teache me the very truthe of all that hyghe mystery / for I know well it is very ꝓfunde hyghe / excepte thy graciouse doctrine ferre aboue my capacite vnderstandyng Wherfore swete sauyour Iesu I now here fully and wholy without any forther discusse or reasonynge moost lowly submyt my selfe vnto thy mercy Besechynge the same / that I may with clene harte and pure cōsciēce accede approche although vnworthy therūto And that thou good lord for the swetenes of thy holy harte woldeste vouchesafe to delyuer my synfull soule from all doubt and daunger of synne / and to mundify / purge / and clense my frayle mynde frome all vayne / all vnclene / all noyouse and vnfruitfull cogitacions and thoughtes And to conforte and strenght my faynt and feble hart with the grace of constancy and perseueraūce / so that my soule may be made in thy loue and charity the worthy habitacle dwellyng place of thyne hyghe maiesty not onely now at this tyme but also in all tymes vnto the ende of my lyfe And after euer vnto the ende of the worlde Amen O Mooste swete louer of all mankynde lorde and sauyour Iesu / I beseche the for all the whole vertue of thy bytter passiō / put away from me the spirite of elacion and pryde of enuy and detraction of yre wrathe malyce impacience and of all other morbes diseases and pestilences of the soule And plante good lorde and grounde in my hart and mynd very true mekenes / charity and pacience innocency and the loue of pouerty / due temperaunce / pure chastity / with all suche other vertues / medicynes / and preseruatyues vnto the soule Mortifie good lord and sle in me all libidinouse and vnclene mocions / all carnall desyres and inordinate affectiōs And kyndle lorde and quyken in me the feruour and loue of all vertues and of the perpetuall excercyse and workynge of them / with constant perseueraunce / so that in this tyme and all tymes in body and soule purifyed clēsed I may worthely receyue this holy sacrament Vnto the high mistery whereof I knowe well do so cōfesse / graunt / knowledge here before thy gloryous face I am vnworthy very moch vnworthy most vnworthy Not only for my great habominable synnes many many neglygences but also for great dulnes wante of deuocion But not witstandyng I know as well agayne so do I beleue in harte and mynde so do knowledge in mouth worde / that thou my lorde god art omnipotēt almyghty so mayst therfor by thy power infinite if it so please thy grace make me worthy and acceptable For thou alone good lord mayste canst iustifye a synner and of the vyle fylthy wretche make a clene and pleasant person Therfore gracious lord I beseche thy worthy maiesty for thyne almyghty power whiche I firmly stedfastly beleue and for thyne infinite endles wysedom whiche I boldly cōfesse for thyne excellent bounty goodnes wherin I fully hope trust And for all these togyther as one frame me make me worthy and acceptable vnto thy godly presence and graūt me thyne vnworthy lewde wretched seruaūt of all my synnes very true cōtriciō due cōpunction pure deuociō and the feruent flame of thy loue / that
¶ Imprynted by me Iohn̄ Waylande / at Lōdon within the Temple barre / at the sygne of the blewe Earlande An. M.D.xxxvii ¶ The werke for housholders nowe newly corrected and set forthe into a dyaloge betwene the housholder and his housholde / by a professed brother of Syon Rycharde Whytford with an addicyon of pollecye for housholdynge / set forth also by the same brother INRI ¶ Certayne small werkes of a brothers of Syon Rycharde Whytforde ❧ The contentes of this boke FIrst a dyaloge and cōmunicacyon betwene the housholder and his housholde ¶ An other dyaloge betwene the curate and his ghostly chylde ¶ Two maners of alphabetes / crosroes / called A. b. c. ¶ A dayly exercyse and experyēce of deth / all duely corrected by the selfe auctour and nowe prynted trewely ❧ The sayd auctour requyred me instantly that I shulde nat prynte nor ioyne any other werkes vnto his Specially of vncertayne auctours For of late he founde a werke ioyned in the same volume with his werkes / and bought and taken for his werke / and was nat his But was put there in stede of a werke of his That before was named amonge the contentes of his boke And yet his werke lefte out / as is contayned in this preface here vnto the reders ❧ Vnto the deuout reders Rycharde Whytforde a professed brother of Syon / gretyng in our sauyour Iesu euerlastynge I Suppose and thynke verely good deuout reders / that whan you rede these pore symple werkes some of you that haue had mynde to rede them / wyll nowe meruayle to se and perceyue that these ben the same werkes that went forthe before and nothynge chaunged in substaunce / but onely the tytle and some fewe thynges added Some other wyll paraduenture iudge or feare in me ambicyon that I wold seme to make many werkes / and yet dyd sende forthe but the same newely chaunged or disguysed To satisfye therfore your deuoute myndes with the trothe in trewe cōscyence / there is none such cause But yet causes there ben dyuers appartaynynge bothe vnto you me One cause is that I trust verely you haue them here in a more perfecte lettre than you had before And also more truely prynted For of a suretye the tother letter was moche vicyous and faultye / that in some places that myght seme vnto my neglygencye And also in the same volume or boke / is one of my workes left out / whiche werke is nombred amonge the contentes of the same volume and boke And in stede of my werke is an other heretyke or heretycall werke set in place / and the whole boke solde for my werke / whiche thynge is the most chefe cause of the sayd mutacyon or chaunge For that thynge dothe nat onely put me vnto infamye and sclaunder but also dothe put all the reders in ieopardye of conscyence to be infecte and also in the daunger of the kynges lawes for the manyfolde erronyous opynyons that ben contayned in the same boke Nowe iudge you deuout reders whether these causes ben nat reasonable for the sayd mutacyon and chaunge I praye you therfore of your charyte take all vnto the beste And by my poore aduyse / rede nat those bokes that go forth without named auctours For doubtles many of them that seme very deuout and good werkes ben full of heresyes And your olde englysshe poete sayeth There is no poyson so peryllous of sharpnes as that is that hathe of sugre a swetnes I wolde gladly the welth and nat the ieopardye of your soules our lord god most swete sauyour Iesu my iudge / who kepe you and sende you the increase of grace Amē ¶ A Dialoge or cōmunycacion bytwene the housholder and his housholde The spekers ¶ Fyrst speketh the housholder than speketh one of the housholde for all the residue The housholder GOod chylderne frendes I had of late coūsell to call you all to gether And for the discharge of my conscience to shewe vnto you a forme of lyuynge fyrst therfore lett vs cōsydre that all we bene mortall as well the ryche as the poore the yonge as the olde there is no difference none excepte all must nedes dye And thoughe we lyue very lōge yet shall we dye shortly for the lengest lyfe of this worlde is very shorte And yet haue we no certayne ne yet cōiecture of knowlege whā / where / howe or in what state we shall departe this lyfe And sure we bene that as we bene founde at that tyme so shall we be takē and without respite or delay forthwith shall we be presented and brought before the hyghe iudge that can nat be deceyued to make a counte of all our lyfe past where no man of lawe may speke for vs ne any excuse may serue vs. Our owne conscyence shall there speke and tell playne trouthe wtout craft or dissymulacion and in a momente a twynclynge of an eye shall clerly confesse all our hole lyfe and euery wryncle and parte therof whiche confessiō if our lyfe were good shal be vnto our great honour comforte reioysynge ioye euerlastynge And contrary if it were euyl it shal be vnto our great shame rebuke vnto our endles sorowe payne and wo euerlastynge We haue nede therfore to be well ware howe we spende our tyme howe we passe this lyfe or rather howe this lyfe passeth vs. And moche shall it auayl and profyte vnto the helth of our soules ofte tymes for to remembre our laste ende The wyse mā sayth Ecclesi vii ✿ In omnibus operibꝰ tuis memorare nouissima tua c. In all thy werkes sayth he remēbre thyne endynge daye what thynges shall come vnto the at thy laste ende and thou shalte neuer do synne ne cōtynue euerlastyngly therin ¶ One of the houshold Syr we all byseche you than that you wyll shewe teche vs that forme meane our waye that you speke of ¶ The houshold The fyrste poynte therfore of a good Christiā is to entende and purpose with good harte constaunte mynde to auoyde synne and dyligently to study howe to fle and beware of the occasyons therof And than to appoynte hym selfe vnto some custumable course of good ꝓfytable exercyse Psalmo xxxiii ✿ Diuerte a malo fac bonū saythe the prophete Tourne awaye thy face thy harte wyll mynde frō all euyll and appoynte thy selfe to worke good werkes ¶ The ꝑsone of the houshold Syr hyt is sone sayd Fle euyll do good But I pray you shew vs forther howe to do so ¶ The houshold For a fourme therfore howe to folowe the same by cōtinuaunce I shall shewe you my poore aduyse I speke vnto you good symple and deuoute soules that wolde fayne lyue well your selfe also cōforte all other vnto the same Fyrst than eueryche begynne with your selfe And as sone as you do awake in the mornynge to aryse for all daye Fyrst sodeynly tourne your mynde and remembraūce vnto
louyng chyldrē be euer obedient vnto the iugement and discrecion of your parētes And so be you obedient in all your werkes that you therby may be the chyldren of saluacion that is to saye that youre obedience be done with the very loue of your harte vnfayned without dissymulacion For god hath ordeyned that the father shall haue due honoure amonge his chyldren the mother in lyke maner with lowly obedience Those persones that done loue god wyll pray vnto hym for the forgyuenes of theyr synnes afterwarde wyll beware cōteyne kepe them selfe from them And in the dayly prayer they shall graciously be herde And lyke as a persone for the surete of his lyuynge here doth horde vp gather treasure / so done they ordeyne for the suerte of theyr saluaciō that duely done honoure theyr parentes This worde parentes doth sygnifye bothe the father and mother Who so euer doth duely honoure his parētes shall haue ioy pleasure conforte amonge his owne chyldren And who so euer is duely obediēt vnto the father dothe therby refresshe moche cōforte the mother And these persones that done due honoure vnto theyr parētes shall haue longe lyfe and in the daye of theyr prayer they shall gracyously be herde of our lorde haue theyr petycion Those persones that haue a reuerende drede vnto our lorde god haue in lyke maner a reuerende drede vnto theyr parentes / and done duely honour them and wyll do them suche seruyce and in lyke maner as a bonde seruaunte shuld do vnto his lorde and mayster as well in werke as worde with all pacience and gentylnes Do therfore to your parētes honoure and reuerence that the blessynge of God maye therby lyght vpon you and that blessynge shall remayne and endure vnto your last ende The blessynge of the parentes doth fyrme and make stable the possessions and the kynred of the chyldren And contrary the cursse of the parentes dothe eradicate rotewalt vtterly destroy bothe Chylde neuer take thou pleasure ne pryde in the rebuke disprayse of thy parentes .. For that rebuke is not thy glory boste nor prayse but rather thy confusyon shame rebuke For the glory and prayse of euery persone standeth in the honoure of the parētes And a great shame and rebuke is it vnto the chyldren whan the parentes bene without honoure and reuerence Good chyldren take good pacience with the age of your parentes and neuer displease ne greue them in all your lyfe And if they fayle ī wytte or vnderstandynge therafter speke or do any thynge contrary vnto your reason or wytte / take you pacience with them let the mater passe And in no wyse do you not dispise thē bycause of your owne strēgth or better abilite For the pyte and compassion that you haue vnto your parētes shall neuer be forgoten before God For you shall haue good and profyte of theyr offence synne And in the iustyce ryght you do vnto them shall you be edifyed and encreace in vertue And ī the tyme of your trybulaciō that good dede shal be remembrede For as the yce in the frost doth melte by the clere sonne beames so shall your synnes by your duety done vnto your parētes be wasted and clene losed for gyuē That persone is of euyll name and fame that doth forsake the parentes in theyr nede And those chyldren bene accursed of god that done anger vexe trouble theyr parentes Chylde of what state or degre so euer thou be do euer thy duty with myldenes mekenes and lowlynes than shalt thou be well by loued and praysed aboue other persones And the more hyghe estate thou come vnto the more meke and lowly be thou in all thynges and thā shalt thou in the presence of god haue great merite and encrease in grace For God doth loke vpon thē that done rendre gyue due thankes for the fauoure goodnes done vnto them before Ad verbum ferme translata All this nowe is the very texte and lettre of the holy scripture in the place before rehersed Where you may se perceyue many great commodytes and graces that done come vnto them that duely don honoure theyr parētes And many great ieopardyes and peryles and also the curse of god / that doth lyght vpō thē that wyll not do theyr duety of honour and reuerence vnto theyr parentes Let therfore your chyldrē vse and accustome thē selfe dayly to aske theyr fathers and mothers blessynges For this dare I saye that although in case the father or mother were an abhomynable synner Er Gre. lib. d ▪ alo iii. ca. vii or excommunycate accursed / or an heretyke though the chylde were so also yet myght that crosse of the blessynge of that father or mother saue that chylde frome sodeyne myschefe that els myght haue come vnto that chylde And the crosse may also do flee or chace away euyll spirites that els shulde haue had power vpon that chyld The blessynge of euery good person is good not without greate vertue accordynge vnto the power and degre of the persones therfore teche thē also to aske blessyng of euery bisshope abbote euery preste and of theyr godfathers godmothers with other deuoute persones And let this suffyse for this fourthe commaundemente ¶ yet go ferther vnto the fyfthe cōmaundemente The fyfthe precepte whiche is to kyl or sle no persone Teche thē there / that it is not ynoughe that they put no persone to deth by stroke of hāde or wepē but also that they hurte no persone in name or fame by detraction backebytyng or sclaūderynge or by euyll example of lyuynge nor yet that they curse or banne or wysshe euyll vnto any persone or yet hate any persone in herte i. Ioh. iii. For as scripture sayth who so euer dothe bere in the harte or mynde any hatered malyce euyll wyll or stomacke agaynste any christian is an homicide that is a mansleer or a manqueller Many persones wyll say they ben in charyte and haue no hatered vnto any persone and yet wyll they not speke one to a nother and that is a sygne and token that preuy hatered is in the harte that they do not loue theyr neyghboure as thē selfe in the true and vnfayned charyte of our lorde And sure it is the who so euer dothe not hooly and fully loue his neyghbore i. Iohan. iiii d. whome he may se behold with his bodyly syght he cane neuer loue god / whome he cane not se nor so beholde This is than the commaūdement of God that who so euer doth loue god muste also loue his neyghboure The .vi. precepte The syxthe cōmaundemēt is that no lechery be done / whiche is not mente onely for the vnlawful dede but also for all maner of prouocacion therunto / as wanton and lyght behauyours in kyssynge clyppynge and vnclene touchynge a lyght loke or caste of the syghte Math. v d. with a
cōfession ¶ Not wtstādyng I thynke it necessary to shew here yet howe as I lerned of my gostly father that taught me all this lesson you shuld teche your folkes to be ordered vnto the confessyon of these thynges For I haue knowē many come vnto cōfessyō that could not tell howe to do or what to say there I shall therfore set forth here a short forme and maner therof For ther ben many formes of cōfessions in print set out at lengh Fyrst good deuout christiās I beseche your gyue no credēce vnto the false heretykes that done depraue set nought by confessyon nor by this holy sacrament of penaunce For I a certayne you those persones what so euer they be that after theyr baptyme and christendome haue done any deedly synne cane neuer be in the state of saluacion wtout the fayth wyll of confession Gene. iii. For almyghty god in euery lawe dyde requyre confession and prouoke euery trespasser thervnto as of our fyrst parentes Adā Eue in paradyse whiche confessyō if they had mekely made they we shuld haue suffred the lesse payne Leuit. iiii v. In the olde lawe speciall oblacions and sacrifyce was appoynted opēly by the prestes to be done for suche synnes amonge the people that were preuy vnknowen vnto all other persones excepte onely the selfe trespassers wherby it must nedes be trouth that they were confessed therof vnto the prestes Whā any persone also was suspecte of lepry the iugement and determynacion therof remayned by the ordynaūce of the lawe vnto the preste Whiche thyng was a playne figure of the sacramente of penaunce and confessyon Math. v And our sauyoure sayde he came not to breke the lawe but rather to accomplyshe and fulfyll the lawe And so he dyd confyrme and ratifye that lawe whā he sent the lepres that he cured and heled vnto the prestes Math. viii Luc. xvii And ī euery cure he dyd vpon the syke persones he expressed mystycally cōfessyon in that he caused them to shew theyr disease before they were cured And saynt Peter his apostle after his ascension dyd requyre confessyon of a man called Ananye Acto v. of his wyfe called Saphirye as appereth in holy scripture of a deedly synne whiche he by the reuelation of god knewe they had done / and bycause they wolde not make confession therof they were bothe strykē to deth with the vengeaūce of god Our mother holy churche therfore hath by the inspiraciō of the holy ghost ordeyned that euery persone that cōmytte or do any deedly synne ī werke worde or by full deliberate cōsente in thougt must nedely if they wyll be saued be cōfessed therof vnto a preste Sythe than all christē people haue receyued and vsed the same so many hondred yeres take you that vse custome for sufficient auctoryte to folow the same and to put all maner of contrary opinion clene out of mynde and in no wyse to here speke or talke therof Nowe vnto our mater Fyrste teche your folkes to come reuerently vnto the ghostly father with meke sobre countenaunce behauyour For it is no laughynge game Than knele down at the place appoynted there make a crosse vpō the foreheed or frōte with In nomine patris as before is shewed and thā forth with say thus Benedicite And whan the preest hath answered than say if the persone be lerned Confiteor deo beate Marie omnibꝰ sanctis et vobis peccaui nimis cogitatione locutione et opere mea culpa that is to saye for the vnlerned I confesse knowlege my selfe gylty vnto our lorde god the blessed lady saynt Marie vnto all the holy cōpany of heuē / and vnto you my ghostly father that I haue offended my lord god many tymes in my lyfe and specially syth the laste tyme of my confessyon in thought worde and dede in many and dyuers wayes mo thā I can shewe specially in the seuen pryncipall synnes Pryde enuy wrath couetyse glotony slouth and lechery And by them I haue broken his commaundementes ¶ Pryde ¶ For by the syn̄e of pryde I haue ben presumptuous disobedient vnto god haue not loued hī aboue all thynges but many tymes set more by myne owne frayle appetyte and sensuall desyre For where I shuld haue desyred euer the laude and prayse of our lorde / and with all mekenes of hart accused my selfe / I haue cōtrary bosted my selfe or desyred and bene glade of myne owne prayse bene loth to be dispraysed And whan I haue ben chalenged reproued rebuked or corrected or yet charitably ben monysshed and warned of and for my defautes I haue rebelled there agaynst and not mekely receyued it but rather ben redy to defende or to excuse my selfe and somtyme with a lye or a false othe And for lacke of reuerende drede and loue of our lorde I haue by presumpcion of pryde taken his holy name in vayne and vnlawfuly sworne by god by our lady or the holy sayntes by my faythe or trouthe with suche other And for very pryde and presumption and for lacke also of loue drede I haue mysvsed the holydaye in thynges of pleasure or profyte vnto my selfe and not in his seruyce vnto his honoure I haue also of hyghe proude harte or mynde bene disobediēt and not done due honoure and reuerence vnto my fathers and mothers spirituall carnall ghostly bodyly nor vnto myne elders and betters but haue ben many tymes full obstynate and frowarde vnto them I crye God mercy Thus by this foule synne of pryde I haue brokē foure of the principall cōmaundementes of our lorde and many other wayes haue I also offended therin I beseche his grace of mercy and forgyuenes ¶ Enuye ¶ I haue also offēded my lord god in the synne of enuye for I haue not loued my neyghbour as my selfe nor ben so charitable so kynde so louynge and fauorable vnto all persones as I wold they shuld haue ben to me but rather I haue by suspicion thought iuged sayd or herde of other persones otherwyse than I wolde they shulde of me nor ben so glade of theyr welthe ne so sory for theyr hurte as I wold haue ben of myne owne I crye god mercy ¶ Wrathe ¶ In wrath also I haue offended for lacke of due pacience and for lyght slyght or small occasion haue leyghtly soone ben styred moued wroth angry whā any thynge hath ben done or sayd cōtrary vnto my mynd And therwith haue ben redy to reuenge the same with froward and vēgeable countenaunce and behauyoure / with hyghe hasty and vngoodly wordes brawlyng chydyng scoldyng reuylynge rebukynge raylynge vpbraydyng thretyng cursyng bannyng sweryng And if it came thervnto in stryuyng fyghtyng or at the lest in wyll as god forbede ī kyllyng or sleyng Thus by these two great synnes of enuy wrath I haue brokē the .v. the viii cōmaundement of our lorde in them both I beseche his grace of mercy and
I may nowe at this tyme receyue this holy sacrifice of thy blessed body and blode with puryte of hart clenenes of conscience with the gracious fountayne of deuout swete teares with desyre drede with honour and reuerence / with mekenes of harte / and feruour of loue / with spirituall gladnes and heuenly ioy And yf it may please thy goodnes lorde let me be somwhat reysed vp in spirite I dare not say vnto the very felynge and perceyuynge but vnto some maner lytle smake or taste of the swetenes of thy godly mooste pleasaunt presence and vnto the deuocion of thy holy aungels and sayntes that here be now presente about the same / and that I maye with them fynally be there present where now they be Amen O Moost gentyll lorde mercyfull sauyour Iesu / I beseche the for this holy mystery of thy blessed body and blode wherwith we vnworthy wretches ben dayly fed in thy churche and dayly wasshed clensed sanctified and made hole / and so parteyners of thy moost hygh diuinity and godhed Graunt me lord and gyue me the precious garment of innocency with suche garnysshe of other garmētes therunto accordyng as best may please thy grace Wherwith apparelled / bawned / dressed I may as in my nupciall and weddynge clothyng in good and clene cōscience approche vnto thy presence So that this celestiall heuenly sacrament ryceyued may be vnto me helth and saluacion of soule and body / vnto lyue euerlastynge Amen GOod swete mayster moste hyghly lerned / and best expert phisicion lord Iesu my sauyour I beseche thy gentyll harte to cure and hele my infyrme / feble / syke hart frome all maner of langoures / diseases / and sykenesses / Palate is the rofe of the mouthe and so to refourme and season the palate of my soule and mynd that I neuer sauer fele ne taste any maner of swetenes but onely thy selfe For thou good lord arte the moost swete sauored bred / the moost white / pleasaunte and most noble and beste nourisshynge bread / the bread of all breades / the bread paynmayne of pleasure the bread of all fortitude and strength / the bread of all vnderstandynge and knowledge / the bread of all grace good wyll / the bread of lyfe that hast in thy selfe all maner of delectament and pleasure / gyuest lyfe vnto the world And of thy moost excellent charity doste euer contynually refresshe and fede vs with thyne owne selfe yet in thy selfe doste nothyng waste / minushe / ne faynte / or fayle Let my hart good lord therfore fede vpon the / spiritually eate and drynke the / be so fed of the / that my soule may be fully saciat and fylled of the swete sauyour and taste of the sauory swetenes of thy diuine presence GOod swete lorde / I beseche the come thy selfe / entre in to my hart make clene myne inward partes from all inquinamētes / and filthynes of mynd and of spirite Entre good lord into my soule / make me whole frome all synfull diseases Sanctifye clēse me now and at al tymes vnto thy selfe for thy selfe Be thou good lord thy selfe both the phisicion the medicin / the salue and the surgeon the helth and conseruaciō of both my body soule Put awaye from me good lord all the crafty assayles and the sleyghty wyles of myne enimies that they haue nothynge to do with me but that thou lord alone may occupy me wholly vnto thy selfe so that nothyng els haue any tyme power ouer me but that I alwaye preserued and defended by this blessyd sacramēt may go forth contynue profyte perseuerantly in the pathe and way of my profession / thy holy christiā religion with due obseruaūce reguler disciplines christiā maners and all due catholyke obedience perteynyng vnto the same And that I neuer consent ne lene vnto any of them that ben contrarious thereunto Amen Ex cano ne miss GOod blessyd lorde father omnipotent eterne euerlastynge god I moost entierly beseche thy goodnes to graunt me grace so worthely now to receyue this holy sacred body and blessyd blode of my swete sauyour Iesu Christe that I may therby deserue to haue full remission and forgyuenes of all my synnes and to be replete and fulfylled with thy holy spirit and to haue thy peace For thou alone art my lord thou only my god / and non other thou lorde the entiere and inward loue of my hart / the true quietude and sure rest of my mynde the whole desyre of my soule Whose gloryouse impery and gouernaunce remayneth perfectly abydeth cōtynueth and indureth for euermore world without ende Amen MI swete lord god Ex eodē father of heuyn the fountayne well and spryng of all bountie goodnes / that moued of thy moost pyteouse mercy woldest vouchesafe that thyn owne sonne our sauiour Iesu Christe shulde descende and come down for vs for our sake vnto this wretched worlde / and here take flesshe and bloode of the blessyd virgyn his mother Mary and therin for vs to susteyne suffre and bere our myseryes moost bytter passyon intollerable and greuous payns and moost cruell and mooste shamefull dethe I beseche the lord graūt me that grace that I may dayly worshype the gloryfy the / and with all the intēt and wyll of my hart I may laude prayse the. And that thou good lord neuer leue ne forsake me / thy pore and wretched seruaunt but of thy depe and great mercy thou clerely forgyue and forget all my synnes So that in clene hart and chast body I may be able to serue the alone / my lorde eterne / euerlastyng / lyuynge / and very God omnipotent Amen Myne owne swete lorde sauyour Iesu very essenciall sonne of almyghty God / that of thy profound depe mercy by the wyll of thy eterne father by the workynge of the holy ghost haste by thy passion and deth quyckened and redemed the world I beseche moost lowly thy holy grace / in the honour of this thy holy sacred body blessed blode whiche I vnworthy wretche presume to receyue for the welthe of my soule that thou wilt vouchsafe to perdō my boldenes and to delyuer me quyte from all iniquities / offenses / all maner of euyls whereby in any tymes I haue or may any tyme hereafter offend or displease thy gracious goodnes And thou good lord make me euer obedient vnto thy wyll and commaundement And that thou neuer suffre me swete lorde to be perpetually departed from the my swete lord sauyour Iesu Christe that with the father with the holy ghoste lyueste and reygnest very selfe same essenciall god / world without ende Amen O Souerayn lorde sauyour Iesu / although I most vnworthy wretche now here do accede presume approche vnto this worthy sacrament of thy mooste precyous body and bloode yet I beseche thy