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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68150 A briefe discourse of the scriptures Declaring the seuerall stories, liues, and deaths, of the fathers, from the Creation of Adam, vnto the death of Ioseph: very necessarie to be read and practised, for easie vnderstanding of the Scriptures in a short time. Hayne, Thomas, 1582-1645, attributed name. aut 1614 (1614) STC 12975; ESTC S115174 75,069 130

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speaking in the person of God sayth I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau So Saint Paul sayth to the Romanes Ere they were borne it was sayd the elder shall serue the younger as it is written Esau haue I hated and Iacob haue I loued Rom. 9.13 Esaus description is thus layde downe in the Scriptures First that he was Hayrie that he was of great courage and at his birth Iacob holdeth him by the heele God thereby shewing at their birth what should be the course of their liues afterwards Homer maketh mention that Vl●sses ouerthrew Aiax by striking him on the Leg. The Greeke translators handle it so and call him Thermistes that is to say a Heeler Esau was a Hunter liuing like the Ruffians and Roysters of our time Hee selleth his Birth-right for a messe of Pottage for Iacob would not giue it vnto him except Esau would first sweare to sell him his Birth-right Sayth Esau I am contented for it will be so long ere it will be enioyed that I and my Sonnes Sonne shall be dead first So with an Oath he sold Iacob his Birth-right therefore he was called Edom Redde Pottage No doubt Jsaacks men knew this to be a rare Blessing and seeing he had despised it they must needes when soeuer they called him Edom keepe his wickednesse in memorie for by this sale he despised Noah Som Heber and Abraham and all his victories in the fayth of which Blessing Abraham ouercame so gloriously This is the first combat by which Iacob a Heeler supplanteth Esau The whole posteritie of Esau bare the name of this infidelitie hee thought it a long time to the performance of a Promise to be accomplished almost 400. yeares after ayming like a prophane worldling at the outward Inheritance of the Land of Canaan and not respecting the Blessing of the spirituall Salem Hee was the eldest and extreame wicked notwithstanding he was the Sonne of a righteous Father to shew that the sinceerest nature of the godliest men is extreame wicked Hee was to Iacob as Kain to Abel and as Ismael to Isaacke And as in his owne person hee persecuted and sought the death of his brother Iacob so his posteritie were continuall enemies to the seed of Iacob Ameleck of Esau lay in waite for the children of Israel when they went out of Egipt to destroy them but God commaunded them to put out his name from vnder Heauen Wicked Haman would at once haue destroyed all the Jewes but hee and his ten Sonnes were hanged Haman was of Agag the Amalekite of Esau In him is performed a Prophecie in Numb 24.20 Amaleck is the beginning of Nations but his latter ende shall perish vtterly Herod of Edom likwise seeketh to put Christ the true Israel to death wherein you may see the malice of Esau to continue euen till Christ Esau was hated of God before he was borne therefore whatsoeuer he did it turned still into a curse vnto him Hee prepareth Venison for his Father and the whiles loseth the blessing of eternall Life Hee would please his Father by marrying into Abrahams stocke and marryeth Ismaels Daughter Hee wept for the Blessing but found no place of repentance though hee sought the Blessing with teares In like sort is the repentance of euery wicked man when hee is touched with the conscience for sinne hee will then acknowledge his sinne and with teares shew foorth sorrow for his transgressions but through the hardnesse of his heart which can not repent hee returneth like to Esau to his vomite againe And further we are to note in this Storie how Esau by haste not willing to stay for the Promise till the time appoynted felt the heauie iudgement of God wee haue the like example of this haste the like punishment in Saul Samuel annoynted Saul King and willed him to goe before him to Gilgal and to stay for him seauen dayes till hee come Saul tarryeth seauen dayes according to the time appoynted but Samuel came not therefore the people were scattered Saul seeing the peoples mindes seuered that he might vnite them againe offered a burnt Offering Then came Samuel and rebuked him saying Thou hast done foolishly thy Kingdome shall not continue the Lord hath sought him a man after his owne heart Thus haue you the like example both for storie and prophecie IAcobs Storie will appeare the better by declaring Esaus euen as contraries are set togeather that thereby euery one may shew the clearer His name signifieth Supplanter or Heeler and all his life sheweth him to be contrary to Esau The one an image of al Impietie the other a mirrour of al Godlinesse The one a Persecutor the other persecuted The one a despiser of Grace the other an imbracer of Vertue You haue from the Creation to Iacob two and twentie Fathers answerable to the two and twentie Letters in the Hebrew tongue So Epiphanius in Ankorato handleth them Thus by comparisons God maketh his dealinges easie to be kept in memorie Iacob though the two and twenty from Adam yet the third Seuenth of those that were borne after Adams creation Now the Chronicle is ended for particular liues for after Iacobs Storie the Scripture containes whole Stories of whole States and Kingdomes Noah is the tenth from Adam Abraham the tenth from Noah Iacob the twelfe so you haue the two and twentie The Hebrewes admire the patience of God that ten whole ages God gaue them to repent and yet Esay sayth That the Lord looked about and saw that there was none good vpon the earth The seuentie Interpreters translating the old Testament into Greeke thrust in one Kenan whose name is not in the Hebrew If the reason be demaunded why they did so this may be answered The 70. Interpreters knew that a great deale of wisedome was contained in the comparison betweene the two Twentie Letters of the Hebrew tongue and the two and Twentie Fathers Now because they enuied the Egiptians and were loth they should gaine any wisedome by them of purpose they adde Kenan to disturbe this proportion and so they make Iacob the twentie three S. Luke setting downe the Genealogie of Christ alleadgeth Kenan following the Genealogie penned by the Seuentie Interpretors for S. Luke was to take it as he found it he knew that all the Iewes were well acquainted with the reason why Kenan was added Therfore there could no danger grow in his time though Kenan were kept still in the Genealogie Beza translating the new Testament leaueth him out for the which the Iesuites accuse him Now Beza to the end ignorant men should not stagger by finding him in Luke which is not in Moses leaueth him out and this may Beza do wel enough for any one may know that S. Luke neuer meant that Arphaxad begat Kenan seeing that hee addeth being as men supposed the sonne of Arphaxad to wit of those men that knew not the meaning of the Translators Besides Epiphanius being a Grecian and being acquainted with the Greeke Translation yet
will serue for an exposition Eliphaz resoneth with Iob thus Hast thou O Iob marked the way of the world wherein wicked men haue walked which were cut off by time and whose foundation was couered with waters which said vnto God depart from vs And yet what could he doe more for them he filled their houses with good thinges yet they refused the way of the Almightie So S. Peter speaketh that the spirit of God went in like manner as he is said to come downe at the ouerthrow of Babell by confounding their tongues and when he destroyed Sodome and Gomorrah preached in Noah to weete the time while the Arke was in making To whom to the Spirits now in prison Why because they sayd to God Depart from vs we will none of thy wayes Thus we see the wordes of S. Peter made plaine This time of 120. yeares Saint Peter calleth The patience and long suffering of God The Iewes in a Booke called Zoar expound S. Peters wordes in this sort The Lord commeth to plague the Wicked for their vnbeliefe sixe monethes with Water sixe monethes with Fire hotte and cold and sent them all to Gehenna which is Hell not that they meant so the storie of the word by plaine eye-sight controlling it but that the anger of God was as grieuous to their soules as the Waters of the flood which wrinckled their bodyes Christ in the Gospell compareth the Flood with the end of the World for in the dayes of Noah they had rich Iubal to feast them and cunning Tubalkain to delight them in building or such like deuises and faire Nahamah that they might marrie according as their eyes lusted till the Waters of the flood ouerwhelmed them so shall it be in the end of the World Eliphaz counselleth Iob that considering the end of these men hee should be at peace with God before our substance be cut off and the fire consumed the rest of them Iaphet borne when Noah was 500. yeares old HIs name signifieth Perswaded Hee was the eldest Sonne of Noah whereof many seeme to doubt which being examined by Scripture will appeare most certaine In Gen. 5.32 it is sayd Noah being 500. yeares old hee begetteth Sem Cham and Iapheth Now it is certaine they were not borne all at once for the plaine Storie crosseth that In Gen. 7.6 Noah is said to be Sixe hundreth yeares old and the Flood commeth Then hee must needes haue a Sonne that is 100. yeares old It could not be Sem for he was but an hundreth yeare old two yeare after the Flood Gen. 11.10 Neither was it Cham for hee was younger then Sem for Noah said Hee knew what his youngest Sonne had done The reason of this doubt ariseth because Sem is named first in Gen. 5.32 whom Moses penning the Storie long after placed first to shew that Sem was the most worthie and had the prerogatiue of first borne because Christ was to come from him according to the Promise made to Euah in Paradise The seede of the Woman shall breake the head of the Serpent Sem borne when Noah was 502. yeare old HIs name signifieth Name or Renowne Whereby we are to vnderstand that Noah had a wonderfull assurance of the Promise in Christ in calling him Sem or as we say Name And withall we are to seeke by the like fayth to be renowned that our Names may be written in the Booke of Life For Salomon sayth Pro. 22.1 Eccle. 7.3 A good Name is more worth then a precious Oyntment But God will put out their Names from vnder Heauen that flatter themselues in their wickednesse and whose roote beareth Gall and Wormewood as he commaunded Deut. 25.19 Put out the Name of Amalecke from vnder Heauen hee is the beginning of Nations but his latter end shall perish vtterly These numbers are the summe of the yeares from the Creation to the Flood which are gathered by the particular Natiuities of the ten Fathers before the Flood Adam 130. Seth. 105. Enosh 90. Kenan 70. Mahalaleel 65. Iared 162. Henoch 65. Methushelah 187. Lamech 182. Noah 600. These particulers being added they make the yeares of the world at the Flood 1656. ½ This halfe sheweth that at the Flood the dayes of man were shortned halfe in halfe as Psal 89.45 The Lord hath shortened the dayes of youth The Flood is brought vpon the old World c. THe Flood is a resemblance of the destruction of the world and was the greatest iudgement of the world till the world shal be consumed with fire Therefore the story of the Flood doth cause vs to consider of things past and to haue iudgement of things to come For in the Flood are rare examples concerning waighing numbring and diuiding It was 40. dayes in rayning the like time in abating God hath numbred waighed and diuided The second day of the seuenth moneth The times do shew that God doth waigh and number wonderfully all the affaires of men but men did not then know what God would doe because he had hardned their hearts and scorning Noah all his life time they were ashamed then to fly vnto him but the Flood came for the sinnes of man for the blood of Abell came the Flood and washt them all away Yea the very waters that were vnder the earth aduanced themselues aboue men Further in this storie of the Flood these three thinges are chiefely to be considered The Arke Persons that were saued Time of the continuance of the Flood And first for the Arke THe Arke was made about Mount Libanon where the Cedars for Salomons Temple were had and it was sixe score yeares in making Which time in S. Peter is called The long suffering of God The fourtie yeares in the Wildernesse was a famous thing but the making of the Arke was more famous and the time thrise so long Not any thing so famous as the Arke except the Lords death The proportion of height depth breadth are described Gen. 6.15 The height is the tenth part of the length The Beastes were in the middlemost place the fodder aboue the dung beneath And God bids vs marke the quantitie of all the Beastes of the earth by the bulke of the Arke There is much speach taken from the Arke to the Church but the consequent of the one followeth not in the other In the Arke were Beastes cleane and vncleane Some in the Arke did perish They that were out of the Arke did perish The Waters did hold vp the Arke In the Church are faythfull and vnfaythfull Some in the Church doe perish So the Turke being out of the Church doth perish The Waters doth wash them cleane away that are without The tossing vpon the waters doth represent the troubles which the Church of God is to endure in this life Againe no man of modestie but may know that it was no pleasant life for Noah all his familie to dwell a whole yeere vpon the waters and to abide the noysomnesse of all