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A62950 The layman's ritual containing practical methods of Christian duties both religious and moral drawn out of H. Scripture, the Roman ritual, the catechism ad parchos &c. / by C.T. Tootell, Christopher, ca. 1660-1727. 1698 (1698) Wing T1905; ESTC R28200 51,348 179

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find him Yet so if thou seek'st him with all thy Heart and all the Tribulation of thy Soul For a Sacrifice to God is an Afflicted Spirit A Contrite and an Humbled Heart O God thou wilt not despise Ezek. 20.43 Deut. 4.29 Psal 50.19 But this Sorrow for Sins past must proceed from the Love of God and not from any Worldly Respect because The Sorrow of the World works Death and kills many and there is no Profit in it But the Sorrow that is according to God works Penance unto Salvation that is stedfast Ecclus 30.25 2 Cor. 7.10 Such was the Sorrow of Magdalen when she water'd Christ's Feet with Penitential Tears c. in regard wherof Jesus said to Simon Many Sins are forgiven her because she has loved much But to whom less is forgiven he loves less * Luke 7.38 c. Whence S. John concludes He that loves not abides in Death that is in Deadly Sin unforgiven 1 John 3.14 Let us therefore love God c. (a) 1 John 4.19 And you that love our Lord hate ye Evil. (b) Psal 96.10 Because He that loves God and hates Sin praying shall obtain Pardon for Sins and shall not only purpose Amendment but also effectually refrain himself from them Ecclus 3.4 4. Make the following Act of Contrition in all Sincerity and with the Sentiments of a Heart truly Penitent My God and my All I detest all and especially such and such Sins of my Life past above all things detestable I am sorry from my very Heart and I wish I were more sorrowful for that I an ungrateful Wretch have offended thee whom I ought to have loved above all things I firmly purpose by thy Holy Grace to confess my Sins faithfully and to do the Penance that shall be enjoin'd me for the same as also to avoid all and especially such and such Occasions of Sin and never to offend thee more And in Satisfaction for my past Offences I offer unto thee together with the Actions and Sufferings of Christ all the Good I have done or shall do and all the Evil I have suffer'd or shall suffer hoping thou wilt accept thereof and pardon me for thy Mercies sake and the Merits of thy only Son out Dear Redeemer Jesus Amen And that you may nor be too remiss in a Duty that requires Pains * Ps 6.7 for farther Improvement of your Sorrow read in the Bitterness of your Soul the Psalm Miserere with the following Prayer of Manasses Lord Omnipotent who didst make Heaven and Earth with all their Ornaments who hast bound the Sea with the Word of thy Precept whom all things Dread and Tremble at the Visage of thy Power because the Magnificence of thy Glory is not Supportable and and the Wrath of thy Threatning upon Sinners is Intolerable but the Mercy of thy Promise is Infinite and unseachable because thou art our Lord most High Benign Long-suffering very Merciful and Penitent upon the Wickedness of Men. Thou Lord according to the Multitude of thy Goodness hast promised Penance and Remission to them that have sinned to thee and in the Multitude of thy Mercies thou hast decreed Penance for Sinners unto Salvation Thou therefore Lord God of the Just hast not appoinred Penance for the Just and them that have not sinned to thee but hast appointed Penance for me a Sinner Because I have sinned above the number of the Sands of the Sea My Iniquities Lord are multiplied my Iniquities are multiplied and I am not worthy to behold and look upon the height of Heaven for the Multitude of my Iniquities I am made crooked with many a Band of Sinful Affections and Habits that I cannot lift up my Head and I have no Respit Because I have stin'd up thy Wrath and have done Evil before thee I have not done thy Will and thy Commandments I have not kept I have set up Abominations and I have multiplied Offences And now I bow the Knee of my Heart beseeching Goodness of thee I have sinned Lord I have sinned and I acknowledge my Iniquities Wherefore I petition beseeching thee Forgive me Lord forgive me and destroy me not together with my Iniquities neither reserve thou for ever in thy Wrath Evils for me neither Damn thou me in the lowest Places of the Earth Because thou art God God I say of the Penitent and in me thou shalt shew all thy Goodness because thou shalt save me unworthy according to thy great Mercy and I will praise thee always all the Days of my Life Because all the Power of the Heavens praises thee and to thee is Glory for ever and ever 5. Say the Prayer before Confession as in the Manual or Primer and then Go shew your selves to the Priests * Luk. 17.14 to whom God has given the Ministry of Reconciliation * 2 Cor. 5.18 in vertue of Christ's Commission viz. Receive ye the Holy Ghost Whose Sins you shall forgive they are forgiven them c. Jo. 20.23 See also Mat. 18.18 § II. Of Confession Place your self on your Knees beside Christ's Minister like Magdalen at Christ's Feet Luke 7.38 make the Sign of the Cross ask Blessing and it being given say I confess to Almighty God and to you Father that I have very much sinned in Thought Word and Deed thro' my Fault thro' my Fault thro' my most grievous Fault Knocking your Breast with the Humble Publican Luke 18.13 thrice whilst you say Thro' my Fault c. Then having first acquainted your Confessarius with your State and Calling if he knows it not begin your Confession thus I accuse my self that since my last Confession which was so many Days Weeks or Months ago I have Here with a Contrite Heart you must declare the Sins you know or suspect to be Mortal one after another in that Course and Order you ranked them at your Examination for the help of your Memory Expressing exactly or as near as you can how often you have faln into each Sin whether it concern'd a light Matter or a Matter of Moment whether you committed it with Foresight or Reflection whether you stay'd in it long or only a short time and in Sins of Thought tell whether you gave full Consent thereto or Delighted in it or were only Negligent in rejecting it But these and such like necessary Circumstances you must unfold in as decent and few Words as possible relating what you are sure of as certain what you doubt of as doubtful without any Mixture of Impertinent Stories concerning Temporal Affairs as Losses Troubles c. without Self-Commendations and blaming or even naming of others without Concealing or Excusing your Sins either thro' Fear or Shame because He that hides his wicked Deeds shall not be directed But he that shall confess and shall forsake them shall find Mercy Prov. 28.13 See 1 Jo. 1.9 Hence according to S. Aug. The Confession of evil Works is the beginning of good Works Tract 12. in Jo. and more than
Testament * Isa 38.1 and in Settling his Temporal Concerns advertise him 1. To Pay his Debts and Restore what belongs to others 2. To leave to his Heir what is his due 3. To bestow Alms on the Poor and especially on his Needy Relations 4. To give something that his Soul may be remembred at the Altar c. And that he may be sure of some Performance in this kind Admonish him to make his own Hands Executors in part according to the Advice of Ecclesiasticus saying Son if thou hast it do good to Thy Self and offer to God worthy Oblations Before Death do good to Thy Friend and according to thy Ability stretching out thy Hand give to the Poor Before thy Death work Justice Ecclus 14.11 c. And I adds Christ say unto you Make to your selves Friends of the Mammon of Iniquity i. e. of Riches the Idol of Worldlings that when you fail they may receive you into the Eternal Tabernacles Luk. 16.9 2. And to his Body Admonish him to Surrender it entirely unto the Care and Management of his Physician saying Honour the Physician for necessity for the Highest has Created him for all Medicine is of God c. The Highest has Created Medicines of the Earth and a Wise Man will not abhor them The Vertue of these things is come to the knowledge of Men and the Highest has given knowledge to Man for to be honour'd in his Marvellous things Curing with these things he shall mitigate Pain c. Give place to the Physician and let him not depart from thee because his Works are necessary And they that practice Physick shall beseech our Lord that he direct their Cure Ecclus 38. passimo But let Physicians beware of Advising or Applying any thing for the Cure of the Body that may be hurtful to the Soul And let them not make above Three Visits to the Sick unless they be first Certified that their Patients have duly Expiated their Sins by Sacramental Confession For so the Council of Lateran and many Popes have Decreed under great Penalties If the Sick Party be destitute of Corporal Necessaries and an Object of Charity do not neglect the Relieving of him out of your own Purse or Stores as far as you are able like the good Samaritan Luk. 10. And if that will not suffice then you must take Care to make his Wants known that they may be Supplied by Private or Publick Collections of Alms. 3. As to his Soul You must Advertise him that Sickness and Diseases are many times the punishment of Sin mercifully inflicted by Almighty God for the Reclaiming of Sinners This Holy Writ declares saying He that Sins in his sight that Made him shall fall into the Hands of the Physician Eccl. 38.15 He God rebukes also by Sorrow in the Bed c. that he may reclaim their Souls from Corruption c. Job 33.19.30 O how sweet is thy Spirit O Lord in all And therefore those that err by parts thou dost Chastise and dost Admonish and Speak to them concerning the things wherein they Sin That leaving naughtiness they may believe in thee and when nothing else will reclaim them it often happens that a grievous Infirmity makes a sober Soul Wisd 12.1 2. Ecclus 31.2 In which Case Sin being taken away by true Repentance Sickness also ceases and not otherwise as it appears in that King Ezechias when Sick even to Death by Prayers and Tears obtain'd of God Health and longer Life whereas King Asa fell Sick and Died of a most violent Pain in his Feet because in his Infirmity he did not seek our Lord but trusted in the Art of Physicians 4 K. 20.1 c. Isa 38.1 c. 2 Paral. 16.12 13. Hence address your self to your Sick Neighbour after this manner Son in thy Infirmity contemn not thy self but pray to our Lord and he will Cure thee Turn away from Sin and direct thy Hands and from all Offence cleanse thy Heart Ecclus 38.9 10. That is to say Repent for thy Sins Implore the Divine Mercy Place all thy Hope in God Endure patiently the Pains of thy Corporal Infirmity in Satisfaction for thy Sins look upon it as a Fatherly Visitation and Chassisement of God less than thy Sins deserve and believe it befals thee for the good of thy Soul and the Amendment of thy Life Judith 8.27 Job 33. from v. 19. to v. 31. Ps 102.10 13 c. But if his Sickness grows Dangerous you must Admonish him to procure in due time what farther Helps are requisite for the Salvation of his Soul and that with all fitting expedition he send for his Spiritual Director and impart to him in Confession his Sins Temptations and Fears in order to receive of him Absolution fit Remedies and Encouragement as also the Holy Sacraments of Eucharist and Extreme Unction whilst his Understanding Memory and Senses are perfect without those dangerous and deceitful Delays which thro' the Falacy of the Devil have brought and Daily do bring many to endless Misery If the Sick Person will not be perswaded to Confess his Sins do not presently give him over for lost but frequently as long as he lives be putting him in mind of the great Mercy of God inviting him to Penance and most ready to Pardon his Sins if he will Confess them and endeavour to make him sensible how thro' Impenitence he hazards his Salvation and exposes himself to Everlasting Torments See Rom. 2.4 c. Moreover both Private and Publick Supplications must be made to God for the Conversion and Salvation of a Soul at the Brink of Eternity and so miserably unprovided for it You must take Care that a Figure of Christ Crucified be ever placed in View of the Sick and that Holy Water do always stand beside him wherewith he may be often sprinkled you must likewise propose unto him according to his condition some short Prayers and godly Exercises of Mind especially some Verses of the Psalms set down in the next Chapter our Lord's Prayer the Angelical Salutation the Apostles Creed the Meditation of our Lord's Passion the Martyrdoms or Sufferings of the Saints the happy State of Heavenly Glory which will abundantly Recompence all his present Grievances Rom. 8.18 2 Cor. 4.17 But these things must be seasonably and discreetly Suggested that they may not molest but give ease to the Sick § III. Tell your Sick Neighbour for his Comfort that you and the rest of the Company will Pray for him And accordingly having first desired that his Thoughts and Heart may go along with your Words kneel down and say the Prayers for the Sick as in the Manual c. Last of all Exhort him if he Recovers to go to Church the first Journey he takes and there to give God Thanks for his Recovery as also to receive Holy Communion Devoutly and thenceforward to lead a better Course of Life That being a Duty incumbent on every Christian after his Recovery no less than on the
all Conversation Holy c. Rom. 13.12 c. and 1 Pet. 1.15 See also Eph. 5.8 c. * ⁎ * Now tho' the Sacrament of Baptism and Remission of Sins thereby can be received no more than once Heb. 6.4 c. yet the Memory of so great a Benefit both may and ought frequently to be renew'd as long as we live on Earth Therefore mark well the Manner and the Time of discharging this Duty And § 1. As to the Manner You are to consider the Happy Effects and Wonderful Change wrought in your Souls by Baptism the perfect State of Grace and Innocence to which it restor'd you c. as aforesaid § II. and § III. N. 1. and 2. Next Look narrowly into the present State of your guilty Conscience and say Jer. 9.1 Who will give Water to my Head and to my Eyes a Fountain of Tears And I will weep Day and Night for that both Day and Night I have broken the Covenant made for me at the Font I have forsaken God to take part with the Devil his Works and Pomps by me so solemnly there renounced I have stain'd the White Robe of Innocence there given me c. Then Sprinkle your self with the Holy Water in remembrance of Christ's Baptism and of your own Regeneration wishing you could revive in your Soul the Grace thereby received and say Job 29.1 c. Who will grant me that I may be according to former Months according to the Days in which God kept me When his Lamp shined over my Head c. the Priest saying to me Accipe Lampadem ardentem c. Thou Lord shall sprinkle me with Hysop Contrition and Sorrow for my Sins and I shall be cleansed Thou shalt wash me in the Baptism of Penance or Penitential Tears and I shall be made whiter than Snow Ps 50.9 Lastly Exhort your self and resolve to comply more faithfully with the Obligations of a Christian c. as before § III. N. 3. § II. As to the Time It may be done most properly 1. On the Epiphany or Twelf-Day when the Church makes a Commemoration of Christ's Baptism 2. On Easter-Eve and Whitsun-Eve those being Days appointed by the Church for Hallowing of the Font and for the Solemn Baptism of Catechumens or Unbaptized Converts 3. On the Anniversary-Day of your own Baptism or on the Saints-Day whose Name you bear 4. As often as you chance to be present at the Administration of this Sacrament 5. As often as you take H. Water c. CHAP. II. Of Confirmation He that Confirms us with you in Christ and he that has Anointed us is God Who also has Sealed us with a Spiritual Character and has given the Pledge of his Spirit in our Hearts 2 Cor. 1.21 22. COnfirmation is a Sacrament of the Gospel in which after Baptism we receive the Holy Ghost (e) Act. 8.14 c. c. 19. v. 5 6. and are made perfect Christians because the Charity of God is pour'd forth in our Hearts by the Holy Ghost who is given us (f) Rom. 5.5 And in like manner also the Spirit helps our Infirmity (g) Rom. 8.26 to overcome all Difficulties in the Profession and Practice of Christianity that neither Tribulation nor Persecution nor Death nor any Creature may be able to separate us from the Charity of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (h) ibid. v. 35 c. Now that such as are come to the Use of Reason may receive and retain the Vertue Grace and Gifts of the Holy Ghost by means of this Sacrament They must observe Before At and After Confirmation what follows And §. 1. Before Confirmation 1. They must be well instructed and made sensible of the Necessity and Vertue of this Sacrament 2. They must put themselves in the State of Grace by going first to Confession with all the Dispositions of a Soul truly Penitent and Converted Because Wisdom with the rest of the Gifts * Isa 11.2 of the Holy Ghost will not enter into a malicious Soul nor dwell in a Body subject to Sin Wis 1.4 3. They must give themselves some time before to holy Retirement and fervent Prayer in imitation of the Apostles Who in order to receive the Holy Ghost went into an Vpper Room where all of them were persevering with one Mind in Prayer Act. 1.13 14. Pray therefore with bended Knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he give you according to the Riches of his Glory Power to be strengthned by his Spirit in the inner Man Eph. 3.14 16. And for that end say the Hymns Vent Creator Spiritus c. and Veni Sancie Spiritus c. with the Office of the Holy Ghost as in the Manual and Primer 4. The laudable Custom of the Church requires that Healthful People of riper Years receive this Sacrament Fasting §. II. At Confirmation Whilst the Bishop anoils your Forehead with H. Chrism in form of a Cross saying I Sign thee with the Sign of the Cross I Confirm thee with the Chrism of Salvation In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and gives you a light Blow on the Cheek saying Peace be with thee Reflect how by these solemn Proceedings you are made the Soldier of Christ whose Standard is the Cross (i) Mat. 24.30 whose Armor is the Armor of God to wit the Helmet of Hope the Breast-plate and Shield of Faith Charity and Justice the Girdle of Continency and Truth the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God c. (k) Eph. 6.13 c. 1 Thess 5.8 Heb. 4.12 1 Pet. 1.13 whose Enemies are the World the Flesh and the Devil who are sure to affront them with repeated Blows that will live Godly in Christ Jesus (l) 2 Tim. 3.12 But thou Lord wilt give Peace to us (m) Isa 26.12 and there is much Peace to them that love thy Law (n) Ps 118.165 even amidst their greatest Sufferings (o) Jo. 16.33 2 Cor. 4.8.9 16. c. 6. v. 9 10. c. 7. v. 4. For whereas Wickedness is fearful it gives Testimony of Condemnation against it self For a a troubled Conscience do●s always presume cruel Things c. (p) Wis 17.10 But a secure Mind the effect of a good Conscience is as it were a continual Feast Prov. 15.15 §. III. After Confirmation 1. Let every one imagine a Voice from Heaven says to him Thou therefore be strong in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus Labour thou as a good Soldier of Christ Jesus For he that strives for the Mastery is not Crown'd unless he strives lawfully Dread not at sudden Terror and the Power of the wicked Falling upon thee For our Lord will be at thy side and will keep thy ●●●t that thou be not taken Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Be thou faithful until Death and Christ Jesus will g●●● thee the Crown of Life 2 Tim. 2.1 Prov. 3.25
Delightfulness and the Sweetness of all Taste and serving every Man's Will was turn'd to that which every Man desired so and much more the H. Eucharist contains and confers to its worthy Receiver all Comfort and Contentment and fills the Soul of every-one with Graces suitable to his Condition and Necessities John 6. On this Truth S. Ambrose is most Divinely Eloquent saying Our Lord in the Eucharist is to us all in all If you will heal your Wounds he is the Medicine if you be Thirsty he is the Fountain if you be loaden with Sins he is Justice if you stand in need of Assistance he is Power if you fear Death he is Life if you will go to Heaven he is the Way if you fly Darkness he is the Light if you be Hungry he is Food Taste then and see how sweet our Lord is And looking upon this Communion as your last recollect your Thoughts and summon all the Affections of your Soul to entertain your Lord so that the Perfection of this may supply all the Defects of your former Communions and let your Intention be to Communicate that so you may be enabled to finish happily the great Journey which now you are entring upon between Earth and Heaven * ⁎ * Read here to the Sick Party the Prayers before Receiving as in the Manual or Primer and after them what follows § II. At Receiving 1. As soon as the B. Sacrament enters your Chamber you must raise up your self as you are able and either on your Knees or with Humble Bowing of your Head adore your Lord and Saviour and with joyful Astonishment say to him What is Man that thou art mindful of him Or the Son of Man that thou visitest him (a) Ps 8.5 Whence is this to me that my Lord comes to me (b) Luk. 1.43 2. With a Contrite Heart say or hear the Confiteor and receive the Priest's Absolution and Blessing with a fervent Desire of the Remission of your Sins and Hopes of being restored to the Grace and Favour of God 3. When the Priest holds up the B. Sacrament towards you saying Ecce Agnus Dei c. Behold the Lamb of God c. Jo. 1.29 Humble your self in the Presence of Christ and say in Heart To the Lamb that was slain be Blessing and Honour and Power for ever and ever Apoc. 5.12 13. At the Repetition of Domine non sum Dignus c. acknowledge your great Unworthiness and beseech our Lord to make you Worthy of him saying Lord I am not Worthy c. But c. as before Chap. V. § II. Num. 3. 4. With great Reverence and Devotion open your Mouth and Heart to receive the Bread of Life and at the same time say in Spirit The Viaticum of the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ keep me from my Ghostly Enemy and bring me to Life Everlasting Amen § III. After Receiving Desire the Sick Person to let his Thoughts and Affections accompany your Words and then read what follows I have found c. My Soul bless c. O Sacred Banquet c. as before Chap. V. § III. Almighty and merciful God vouchsafe I beseech thee to strengthen me thy Unworthy Servant with thy Grace by vertue of this Sacrament that in the Hour of my Death the Enemy may not prevail against me but with thy Angels I may have a happy Passage to Eternal Life thro' Christ our Lord. Amen Thou hast prepared in my Sight a Table against them that trouble me (a) Ps 22.5 O grant for thy Mercy sake that I may walk in the Strength of this Food unto the Mount of God (b) 3 Kin. 19.8 where I shall not Hunger nor Thirst any more c. (c) Apoc. 7.16 but shall be Inebriated with the Plenty of thy House c. (d) Ps 35.9 and shall have the Happiness to sit in the Beauty of Peace and in the Tabernacles of Confidence and in wealthy Rest (e) Isa 32.18 for all Eternity After this you may either leave the Sick Man to his own Thoughts or go on with reading the Prayers after Receiving as in the Manual or Primer CHAP. VIII How often the H. Eucharist is to be received Really and Spiritually SUch is the necessity of H. Communion that unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood you shall not have Life in you Jo. 6.53 Hence the Church commands under pain of Excommunication all and every one of the Faithful after they come to Years of Discretion and can sufficiently discern the Body of our Lord from ordinary Food to receive the H. Sacrament of the Eucharist Reverently at least once every Year and that at Easter intending by this Decree to prevent farther delaying a Duty on which the Soul 's Spiritual Life so absolutely depends And besides which Precept the Church Counsels and Admonishes such as are capable of understanding and relishing this Sacrament to receive the same holily and frequently especially on the more Solemn Feasts of the Year that by so doing they may not only Preserve but also Improve and Augment Spiritual Life and Health And tho' Christ in the Text above-cited mentions Communion in both Kinds yet both before and after it he attributes all that can be desired to Communion in one Kind saying He that eats this Bread shall live for ever Jo. 6.51 58. Consequently as a thing indifferent 't is left to the Church to determine the Administration of it either way according to Discretion See Luke 24. v. 30 31 35. Acts 3.42 c. 20. v. 7 11. Besides Communicating Sacramentally and Really at the Times aforesaid there is a way of Communicating Spiritually and in Desire by uniting your Heart to the quickning Flesh of our Blessed Saviour with Ardent Affections and Acts of Faith Hope and Charity relating to Christ as present in the H. Eucharist And it is to be used of Necessity when one should receive Sacramentally but cannot either thro' Indisposition or for want of Opportunity In which Cases God Almighty requires and accepts of the Will for the Work It may also be used at Pleasure and with much Profit as often as you hear Mass and are present when others Communicate really c. * ⁎ * For farther Directions with Prayers both before and after Confession Communion and Confirmation I refer you to a Treatise entitled Instructions for Confession and Communion CHAP. IX Of Extreme Unction To be read to the Sick after he has received his Viaticum Is any Man sick amongst you Let him bring in the Priests of the Church and let them Pray over him Anointing him with Oyl in the Name of our Lord And the Prayer of Faith shall save the sick Man and our Lord will raise him up and if he be in Sins they shall be forgiven him James 5.13 c. THE H. Sacrament of Extreme Vnction thus recommended by S. James was Instituted by Christ our Lord * Mar. 6.13 as an Heavenly
than more Knowing because Knowledge puffs up but Charity edifies 1 Cor. 8.1 2. Read not hastily but leisurely nor much at a time but a little at once with much Attention 3. As often as you meet with a Point that may contribute to the better ordering of your Life pause there and digest it well before you pass any further considering when and where you shall have occasion to practise it that so you may become such an one as that Point requires you to be § III. After Reading Give Thanks beg Grace as after Sermon and be sure to put in Execution the Lesson you Read by doing what it Recommends and by refraining what it Reproves upon such and such Occasions otherwise your Reading will be as Vain and Fruitless as Hearing good things and not Practising them Chap. XIV § III. N. 2 3. * ⁎ * Read Daily at your best Convenience in Christian Thoughts what is appointed for the present Day of the Month and in Reading and Practising observe the Method prescribed in the Author's Advertisement Thus much both may and ought to be done by Persons of the fullest Employ But to such as have more Leisure and spare Time I recommend the Four Books of Instructions for the whole Year earnestly exhorting them to let no Day pass without the Perusal and Practice of its proper Lesson that so their Devotions and Actions may keep Pace exactly with the Documents and Examples proposed by the Church in her Daily different Masses and Offices CHAP. XVII Of Holy Processions We march towards the Place which our Lord will give us Numb 10.29 PUblic and Sacred Processions or Supplications were Antiently Instituted by the H. Fathers and are now commonly used by the Church either for Exciting the Piety of the Faithful or for Commemoration of God's Benefits and giving him Thanks or for Imploring the Divine Aid Hence they contain Great and Godly Mysteries and the Devout Practisers of them obtain of God wholesom Fruits of Christian Piety and therefore ought to be Solemnized with due Reverence and Devotion These walking Devotions signifie in general our Pilgrimage on Earth towards Heaven of which S. Paul writes thus We have not here a Permanent City or lasting abode but we seek for that which is to come knowing that while we are in the Body we are Pilgrims from God for we walk by Faith not by Sight Heb. 13.14 2 Cor. 5.7 1. In Processions the Cross is carried out first to signifie how Jesus also that he might Sanctifie the People by his own Blood suffer'd without the Gate of Jerusalem and that so it behoved Christ to suffer and so to enter into his Glory Heb. 13.12 and Luk. 24. v. 26 and 46. 2. Next to the Cross are carried the Images and Relicks of Saints to signifie that by way of the Cross they came to the Crown of Glory and that we also must hold the same Road to arrive at the same Happiness as Christ himself assures us saying If any Man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross daily and follow me Luk. 9.23 See also c. 14. v. 27. and Mat. 10.38 Let us go therefore to him without the Camp carrying his Reproach Let us suffer with him that we may be also glorified with Him For if we shall sustain we shall also Reign together Heb. 13.13 Rom. 8.17 2 Tim. 2.12 3. After these is carried the B. Sacrament of Christ's Body the Heavenly Food of our Souls and the Support of our Spiritual Life in this our Earthly Pilgrimage See Chap. VII § I. At Processions Lay-People must march apart from the Clergy Women from Men in decent Attire Gravely Modestly and Devoutly entertaining themselves with Godly Thoughts and Prayers without Laughing Talking and Gazing about and joining Hearts and Voices with the Clergy in Thanksgiving for past Benefits in Craving of future Blessings in Deploring of present Public Calamities the Effects and Punishments of Sin * Prov. 14.34 Isa 24.5 c. and in Imploring of God's Mercy according to the Respective End and Intent of each Procession And Amongst other Pious Thoughts and Expressions they may use these We are Pilgrims before thee O Lord and Strangers as all our Forefathers have been Our Days are as a Shadow upon the Earth and there is no abiding here for us (a) 1 Par. 29.15 Hear my Prayer O Lord and my Petition With thy Ears receive my Tears because I am a Stranger with thee and a Pilgrim as my Fathers Forgive me that I may be Refreshed before I Depart and shall be no more (b) Ps 38.13 Wo is me that my Sojourning is prolonged My Soul has been long a Sojourner (c) Psal 119.5 having a desire to be Dissolved and to be with Christ a thing much better than to abide in the Flesh Phil. 1.23 See also 2 Cor. 5.1 c. For they that say these things do signifie that they seek a Countrey and desire a better than this that is to say a Heavenly one Heb. 11.13 c. CHAP. XVIII Of Visiting the Sick Want not in Consolation to them that weep and walk with them that Mourn Be not loth to Visit the Sick for by these things thou shalt be Confirm'd in Love Ecclus 7.38 39. GOD has given to every one change of his Neighbour Ecclus 17.12 Of which Charge a principal part is Visiting and Assisting the Sick Therefore as soon as you hear of your Neighbour being fall'n Sick go freely to Visit him and Exercise your Charity often during his Infirmity And whilst you are on your way to the Sick consider the Charity Humility c. with which Christ used to Visit and Comfort Sick and Afflicted Persons Beseech him to Animate you with his Spirit that you may discharge this Duty according to the Pattern he has set you and at the same time offer to him the Action you are going to perform c. When you come to the Sick by Charitable Compassion take part in his or her Sufferings and endeavour to make them Easie and Meritorious by Godly Reading Good Counsel and Devout Prayer And § I. Every Visit you make Read what you judge most proper for the Sick Person 's Instruction Comfort and Encouragement either out of Bellarmin's Art of Dying Well or the Preparation for Death collected by Ballentine or the Holy Desires of Death or the Exercises preparatory for Death at the end 1. Of the Christian Rules 2. Of the Manual of the Poor Man's Devotions 3. Of the Daily Exercise of a Christian Life 4. Of the Daily Exercise of a Devout Christian Or you may Read the Passion of our Saviour according to one of the Four Evangelists in the Primer § II. The Counsel you are to give the Sick Man must regard 1. His Estate 2. His Body And 3. His Soul And 1. As to his Estate At the beginning of his Sickness if he has not done it beforehand you must perswade him to make his Last Will and
CHAP. XXII Of Fasting Sanctifie ye a Fast Joel 1.14 THE Conditions and Qualities of a Fast Holy and Acceptable to God are as follow 1. Your Fasting must proceed from a Sincere Conversion of the Heart and an Intention to Appease God's Wrath and Satisfie his Justice in the Voluntary Confession and Punishment of your Sins Now therefore says our Lord Convert to me in all your Heart in Fasting in Weeping and in Mourning Rent your Hearts and not your Garments and turn to the Lord your God because he is Benign and Merciful Patient and of much Mercy and ready to be Gracious upon the Malice of Repenting Sinners Joel 2.12 13. In this Disposition of Soul the Israelites Achab and the Ninevites Fasted and Humbled themselves and thereupon God had Mercy on them 1 K. 7.3 c. 3 K. 21.27 c. Jonas 3.5 c. 2. Your Fasting must be void of Self-will and Rigor towards others and accompanied with Self-denial and Works of Mercy When the Israelites enquired why God Almighty regarded not their Fasting The Prophet gave the Reason of their Disappointment saying Behold in the Day of your Fast your own Will is found and you exact of all your Debtors Behold you Fast to Debates and Contentions and strike with the Fist Impiously Do not Fast as until this Day that your Cry may be heard on High Is this such a Fast as I have chosen Wilt thou call this a Fast and a Day acceptable to the Lord Is not this rather the Fast that I have chosen Dissolve the Bands of Iniquity c. Break thy Bread to the Hungry and Needy and the Harbourless bring into thy House When thou shalt see the Naked cover him and despise not thy Flesh Then shalt thou Invocate and our Lord will hear c. If thou wilt cease to speak that which profits not and shalt fill the Afflicted Soul our Lord will give thee Rest always and will fill thy Soul with Brightness c. Isa 58. See also Zach. 7. Vtamur ergo Parcius c. Let us therefore on Fast-Days put a Restraint upon our Words Meat Drink Sleep Sports and set a stricter Guard over our Senses let us avoid Sin and the Occasions thereof let us exercise Charity c. 3. Your Fasting must be attended not only with Alms-deeds but also with Prayer its Individual Companion on all Occasions and Effectual when used with great Instance and Perseverance Deut. 9.8 9 18 19. Tob. 3.10 c. Judith 4.8 c. Thus Prayer is good with Fasting and Alms Tob. 12.8 And as a triple Cord is hardly broken Eccles 4.12 So these three Suffrages duly linked together are most prevalent 4. Your Fasting must be void of outward Shew and as reserved as possible When you Fast says Christ be not as Hypocrites sad for they disfigure their Faces that they may appear unto Men to Fast Amen I say to you they have received their Reward But thou when thou dost Fast Anoint thy Head and Wash thy Face that thou appear not to Men to Fast but to thy Father who is in secret and thy Father who sees in Secret will repay thee And like Privacy is to be observed in Alms-deeds and Prayer as you may see at large Mat. 6. * ⁎ * Read the Preface and the Five next ensuing Paragraphs in the Instructions for Lent and they will give you a fuller Account of this Duty The Church commands us to Fast Lent Vigils or Eves Ember-Days c. for the Reasons given in the Abridgment of Christian Doctrin Chap. IX Prec 2. CHAP. XXIII Of Holy-Day Duties Keep Holy the Sabbath-Day and other Feasts Ex. 20.8 Lev. 23. Num. 28 and 29. Deuter. 16. throughout BEsides resting from Prophane Employments and Servile Labours the keeping of a Day Holy requires 1. Holy Actions 2. Holy Actors And 3. A Holy Manner of Acting § I. Holy Actions and Exercises are 1. Offering of and Assisting at the H. Sacrifice of the Mass for which see Chap. XIII 2. Administring and Receiving of the Sacrament John 7.22 23. Acts 20.7 11. especially of Penance and the H. Eucharist for which see Chap. III. and Chap. V. 3. Preaching and Hearing Sermons Mark 6.2 for which see Chap. 14. 4. Reading Expounding and Hearing the Scripture publicly Luke 4.16 c. Acts 13. Passim c. 17. v. 2 3. See Chap. 15. 5. Singing Psalms and Spiritual Canticles Ps 91.1 Col. 3.16 6. Making Offerings Contributions and Collections for the Use of the Altar (a) Deut. 16.16 17. Ex. 30.16 Prov. 3.9 c. Ecclus 35.4 c. for Maintenance of the Priest (b) Ezek. 44.30 1 Cor. 9.7 c. and for Relief of the Poor (c) Prov. 19.17 Tob. 4.7 c. 1 Cor. 16.1 c. 2 Cor. c. 8 and c. 9. Passim 7. Doing other Works of Mercy both Spiritual and Corporal Mat. 12.10 c. Mark 3.4 Luke 6.6 c. c. 13. v. 16. John 5.8 c. c. 9. v. 14 16. 1 Cor. 16.1 2. * ⁎ * Note here that on Sundays and Holy-days are allow'd 1. Works of Necessity as Dressing and Cooking of Victuals Looking and Foddering of Cattel and such like Ex. 12.16 Mat. 12.1 c. Mark 2.23 c. Mat. 12.11 Luke 13.15 John 5.8 c. Act. 1.12 c. 2. Such Innocent Recreations as do not Prejudice our Devotions but refresh our drooping Spirits and enable us to serve our Lord in Cheerfulness Ps 99.1 § II. The Qualities of Holy Actors and the Conditions of Acting Holily are 1. True Faith without which it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 And therefore all that is not of Faith is Sin i. e. is Unsanctified and Unacceptable to God Rom. 14.23 2. A pure Heart and a good Conscience because every good Tree yields good Fruit and if the Root be Holy the Boughs also are Holy But the evil Tree yields evil Fruit and can no more yield good Fruit than Thorns Grapes or Thistles Figs. Mat. 7.16 c. Rom. 11.16 Hence the Sacrifices of the Wicked are abominable to our Lord the Vows and Devotions of the Just are acceptable Prov. 15.8 See Prov. 21.27 Ecclus 34.23 Gen. 4.4 Heb. 11.4 This Disposition of Heart and Conscience God himself presses most energically when he says To what purpose do ye offer me the Multitude of your Victims I am full Who fought for these things at your Hands Offer Sacrifice no more in vain Incense it Abomination to me The Sabbath and other Festivals as Solemnized by you I will not abide your Assemblies are wicked My Soul hates your Solemnities they are become tedious to me and when you shall multiply Prayers I will not hear for your Hands are full of Blood Wash you be clean take away the Evil of your Thoughts from my Eyes cease to do Perversly learn to do Good seek Judgment succour the Oppressed c. Isa 1.11 c. See also c. 58. v. 13 14. For Religion Clean and Vnspotted with God is this To visit Pupils and Widows in
37. Wherefore He that keeps his Mouth and his Tongue keeps his Soul from Distresses but he that is unadvised to speak shall feel Evils Prov. 13.3 c. 21. v. 23. Hence that you may not Offend in Words reflect now and then whilst you Discourse that God hears all you say and that one Day you must render him an Account c. * ⁎ * If any one in your hearing utters Curses Oaths Provoking Language Detractions Immodest Words c. do not Smile but Frown upon him For The North-Wind Dissipates Rain and a Sad look Silences the Tongue that Detracts Prov. 25.23 Therefore in such a Case Anger is better than Laughter because by Sadness of the Countenance the Mind of the Offender is Corrected Eccles 7.4 whereas Smiling and Pleasant Looks would Encourage him and make you Guilty of his Wickedness But Hast thou heard unavoidably a word against thy Neighbour Let it Die together in thee that is never Divulge it while thou livest trusting it will not burst thee And believe not every such Word or Report For he that gives Credit quickly is light of Heart and Sins against his own Soul Ecclus 19.4.10 Again If thou hast been an Eye-Witness of thy Neighbour's failings The things which thy Eyes have seen utter not quickly in a Brawl lest afterwards thou canst not amend it when thou hast dishonoured thy Friend Prov. 25.8 by blemishing or taking away his Good Name a Commodity better than much Riches Prov. 22.1 and harder to be Restored than they for Volat irrevocabile Verbum Yet Restored it must be as much as possible else the Sin of Defamation cannot be forgiven any more than the Sin of Theft which is not forgiven unless Restitution be made § III. After Discourse call to mind and be Sorry for the Faults you have committed in Speaking and in Satisfaction for the same punish your Tongue by Silence or any other Mortification for a shorter or longer space of time according to the Measure of your Offence * ⁎ * Read the Introduction to a Devout Life Part 3. Chap. 26 c. CHAP. XXVII Of Recreation A time to Laugh and a time to Dance Eccles 3.4 THE Service of Christ is a Yoke so Sweet and a Burden so Light Mat. 11.30 that even our Recreations and Pastimes do please him when they are Qualified with 1. A good Intention in seeking thereby to preserve our Health that we may be able to Serve God and our Neighbour with greater Vigour c. 2. Discretion in observing what the Time Place and Persons require and in complying therewith as far as Modesty and a due Regard to the Presence of God will Allow but no farther For the Apostle admitting of no Dispensation in the Case says Let your Modesty be known to all Men our Lord is nigh Phil. 4.5 3. Moderation in Regulating our Affection and Attention to Play and Sport so as not to make them Sinful and Vexations nor to spend more time therein than is Requisite for the necessary Relaxation of Mind and Body wearied with Prayer Study or Labour See more of this Duty in the Introduction to a Devout Life Part III. Chap. XXXI c. CHAP. XXVIII Of Family Duties Thus says the Lord Make your Ways Good and your Studies and I will dwell with you in this Place Jer. 7.3 A Well-Order'd Family is a compleat Corporation or Body-Politick consisting of a Head Governing and of Members Governed in a perfect Harmony of Affections Interests and Endeavours for the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of themselves at Home and the Edification of their Neighbours Abroad Now that your Families may be such each Part thereof must know its proper Duty and comply therewith as follows 1. Let Women be Subject to their Husbands as to our Lord and as the Church is Subject to Christ so also Women to their Husbands in all things Because the Man is Head of the Woman as Christ is Head of the Church his Mystical Body Eph. 5.22 c. See also Gen. 3.16 1 Cor. 11.3.9 Women likewise ought to Love their Husbands and Children to be Wise Chaste Sober having a Care of the House to be Gentle c. that the Word of God be not Blasphemed Tit. 2.4 5. See also Tob. 10.13 Prov. 31. throughout 1 Pet. 3.1 c. 2. Husbands love your Wives as your own Bodies as Christ also loved the Church and be not bitter towards them For no Man ever hated his own Flesh but he Nourishes and Cherishes it as also Christ the Church Eph. 5.25 c. Col. 3.19 See also 1 Pet. 3.7 3. Children Honour your Parents in Heart by thinking well of them in Word by speaking to and of them respectfully in Work by doing for them what you are able and in all Patience without Murmuring or Uneasiness (a) Tob. 4.3 4. c. 10. v. 4. Ecclus 3. throughout c. 7. v. 29 30. Obey your Parents in all things for this is well-pleasing to our Lord (b) Col. 3.20 Eph. 6.1 2. Luk. 2.51 But to omit these Duties (c) Deut. 27.16 or act contrary to them (d) Deut. 21.18 c. Exod. 21.15 17. Lev. 20.9 Prov. 15.5 c. 19. v. 26. c. 28. v. 24. c. 30. v. 17. is highly Offensive and extremely Punishable 4. And you Fathers and Mothers Provoke not your Children to Anger by unreasonable Severity that they become not Discouraged but bring them up in the Discipline or Instruction and Correction of our Lord (e) Eph. 6.4 Col. 3.21 That is Teach them from their Infancy to Fear and Serve God and to Abstain from Sin (f) Gen. 18.18 Deut. 4.9 c. 11. v. 19. Tob. 1.10 c. 14. v. 10 11 17. And give them when faulty due Reprehensions and timely Chastisement (g) Prov. 13.24 c. 23. v. 13 15. c. 29. v. 1● 17. Ecclus 7.25 and c. 30. passim 1 Kin. 3.13 5. Servants obey in all things your Masters and Mistresses not serving to the Eye as pleasing Men but in Simplicity or Sincerity of Heart fearing God Whatsoever you do work it from the Heart as to our Lord and not to Men knowing that you shall receive of our Lord the Reward of Inheritance in Heaven Serve our Lord Jesus Christ in the Persons of your Masters and Mistresses in all things pleasing not gainsaying not defrauding but in all things shewing good Faith or Fidelity For he that does an Injury shall receive that which he has done Vnjustly and there is no acception of Persons with God Col. 3.22 c. Tit. 2.9 See also Eph. 6.5 c. Whosoever are Servants under Yoke let them count their Masters tho' Unbelievers worthy of all Honour lest the Name of our Lord and his Doctrine be Blasphem'd But they that have Faithful Masters let them not Contemn them because they are Brethren but Serve them rather because they are Faithful 1 Tim. 6.1 2. Servants be Subject in all Fear to your Masters not only to the Good and Gentle but also to the froward For if
doing well you sustain Sorrows suffering Vnjustly with Patience this is acceptable before God For unto this you are called because Christ also Suffered for us leaving you an Example of Innocent and Patient Suffering that you may follow his Steps c. 1 Pet. 2.18 See an Example of good Servants under a good Master Matth. 8.9 and also under an ill one Gen. 31.38 c. 6. And you Masters and Mistresses that which is just and equal do to your Servants forbearing Threats yet so as to keep them duly employ'd and under Subjection * Ecclus 11.7 c. 33. passim Prov. 29.21 knowing that both their Lord and yours is in Heaven and Acception of Persons is not with him Col. 4.1 Eph. 6.9 See also Deut. 10.17 c. 24. v. 14 15. Job 31.13 c. Tob. 4 15. Ecclus 4.35 c. 7. v. 22 23. c. 24. v. 25 c. Masters and Mistresses must likewise provide their Servants with Necessaries for Body and Soul not only in Health but also in Sickness after the Example of the good Centurion Luke 7.2 c. Particularly they must take Care they be instructed in the Mysteries of Faith and see they Pray Morning and Evening daily Hear Mass on Sundays and Holy-days Confess and Receive Monthly c. In which Duties if any one has not a Care of his own and especially of his Domesticks he I fear has denied the Faith and is worse than an Infidel 1 Tim. 5.8 But above all things 't is necessary that Masters and Mistresses of Families be Vertuous themselves and imitate Holy David in the Regulation and Government of his House and Court Ps 100. throughout Because what kind of Man the Ruler of the City or House is such also are the Inhabitants therein Ecclus 10.2 That is if he be Religious and fears God they likewise do the same Acts 10.2 But a Prince or Master of a Family that gladly hears Words of Lying Swearing Detraction filthy Talk c. has all his Servants wicked Prov. 19.12 For which Cause a most severe Judgment shall pass on them that bear Rule Wisd 6.6 * ⁎ * Note here that it is the Duty of Brothers and Sisters as also of Fellow-Servants 1. To live in Unity and Concord amongst themselves Gen. 13.8 Ps 132. Eccles 25.1 2. 2. To help and assist one another all they can Prov. 18.19 3. To Bear with and not Accuse one another to their Parents without great Cause Gen. 37.2 CHAP. XXIX A Morning Exercise The Wise Man will give his Heart to watch early unto our Lord that made him and he will pray in the sight of the Highest and will entreat for his Sins c. Ecclus 39.6 c. WHen it is time to Rise imagin you hear the Voice of Christ your Heavenly Bridegroom saying to you Arise my Love my Beautiful one and come Let thy Voice sound in my Ears c. Cant. 2.13 14. And in Compliance with so sweet an Invitation get up quickly to Converse with him in Prayer and let no sluggish Delays bereave you of the Opportunity he offers you Cant. 5.3 6. The first thing you do after you are up Adore the Divine Majesty on your Knees by these following Acts. 1. Give Thanks to God for all his Benefits in general and particularly for preserving you this Night from the Power of the Devil and from sudden Death affording you more time to work your Salvation in and to provide for Eternity 2. Offer to God your Soul and Body with all their Powers and Faculties beseeching him so to possess and govern them by his Holy Grace that you may live move and act in and for him only and may be entirely his both in Time and Eternity 3. Divide the present Day into four Parts allotting one to Devotion another to Business a third to Refection and the last to Recreation and forecast that each of those Affairs may be done in due Time and after such Manner as this Ritual appoints 4. Ask Pardon of God for your past Sins making a firm Resolution not to o●●end Him either Mortally or Venially thro' deliberate Wilfulness and Malice but to overcome all Vice and especially that which you are most subject to by avoiding such and such Occasions th●●f and by doing such and such A●● of the Vertue contrary thereto 5. Beseech God to strengthen your good Purposes with his Holy Grace and to assist you so that whatever you shall think say do and suffer this Day may be for His greater Glory your own Salvation and your Neighbour's Edification And to that Effect crave the Mediation of our Saviour the Patronage and Intercession of the Blessed Virgin of your good Angel of your especial Patrons and of the Saint of the Day CHAP. XXX An Evening Exercise I meditated in the Night with my Heart and I was exercised and I swept my Spirit Ps 76.7 AT Night before you go to Bed place your self on your Knees in the Presence of God and make the following Acts of Devotion 1. Give Thanks to God for all his Blessings and Benefits both Spiritual and Temporal best●●ed on you all the time of your ●●●e and especially for those you have this Day received 2. Pray for Light to Discover and Grace to Amend your Faults As before Chap. III. § I. N. 1. 3. Reflect from Hour to Hour since your last Examen how you have behaved your self at your Devotions in Business at Table in Discourse and Recreation How you have perform'd the Obligations of your State and Condition What Use you have made of God's Blessings and of the Crosses he has sent you How you have complied with your Mornings Resolution of withstanding the Temptations and Failings you are most subject to c. 4. Offer to God all the Good you have done acknowledging him to be the Sole Author of it 2 Cor. 3.5 Phil. 2.13 and be truly Penitent for the Sins you find your self guilty of tho' only Venial and purpose to Amend them lest neglecting small Faults you fall by little and little into great Disorders Ecclus 19.1 Make here the Act of Contrition set down Chap. III. § I. N. 4. 5. Take upon your self some Exterior Mortification as a Penance for your Sins and implore the Divine Mercy thro' the Merits of Christ and the Intercession of the B. Virgin of your good Angel of your especial Patrons and of the Saint of the Day to pardon your past Offences and preserve you from future Failings that henceforward you may Live holily and at last Die happily And perform all these five Acts as if you were to Die this very Night and might have no other Preparation besides them for Judgment * ⁎ * The last thing you do before you go to Bed Read attentively the Subject of your next Mornings Meditation or Christian Thoughts for the ensuing Day of the Month and entertain your Mind therewith until you fall asleep and as often as you awake in the Night that whilst you sleep your Heart may watch to God Cant. 5.2 and when you awake he may be the Subject of your first Thoughts in the Morning Ps 62.7 Isa 26.9 And that whether you watch or sleep you may live together with Christ in God 1 Thess 5.10 The Conclusion And now I have set before you in the foregoing Chapters such a System of Religious and Moral Duties as I intended I shall here take my leave and bid you farewel in the following Terms I beseech you Brethren that you walk worthy of the Vocation in which you are called with all Humility and Mildness with Patience supporting one another in Charity careful to keep the Vnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace c. Eph. 4.1 c. Converse ye worthy of the Gospel of Christ Phil. 1.26 And according to him that has called you the Holy One that is according to Christ be you also in all Conversation Holy because it is written you shall be Holy because I am Holy And in fear and Expectation of the Day of Judgment converse ye the time of your sojourning 1 Pet. 1.15 c. 2 Pet. 3.10 c. For Good and Holy Conversation is the only way to save our own Souls and the best Argument we can use for Confuting and Converting the Adversaries of our Profession as you may see Tit. 2.7 8. 1 Pet. 2.12 c. 3. v. 1 2 16. Therefore that you may be perfect and entire failing in nothing Jam. 1.4 At the end of each Month examin how you have passed it over and see whether you have gain'd or lost Ground in your Way to Heaven during so considerable a part of your Time If you have gain'd thank God for your Improvement in Vertue If you have loft confound your self for your Backwardness and resolve to live better the next Month. Because He goes back who advances not in Vertue and whosoever pretends not to become better leaves off being good See Prov. 4.18 Ps 83.8 Apoc. 22.11 1 Kin. 2.26 Luke 2.52 A like Review of the whole Year ought to be made at the end thereof according to the Form prescribed in the 5th Part of the Introduction to a Devout Life Quod fui Domine ignosce quod sum Corrige quod ero dirige ne idem momentum sit mihi Paenae Initium Vitae FINIS