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A17183 Fiftie godlie and learned sermons diuided into fiue decades, conteyning the chiefe and principall pointes of Christian religion, written in three seuerall tomes or sections, by Henrie Bullinger minister of the churche of Tigure in Swicerlande. Whereunto is adioyned a triple or three-folde table verie fruitefull and necessarie. Translated out of Latine into English by H.I. student in diuinitie.; Sermonum decades quinque. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; H. I., student in divinity. 1577 (1577) STC 4056; ESTC S106874 1,440,704 1,172

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the bottome of his heart And yet it was not the crowing of the cocke of it selfe alone that stirred that motion in him but that and the woord of Christe together who had said vnto him Verilie I saye vnto thee the cocke shall not crowe till thou hast denied mee thrice Wherevppon S. Matt. sayeth And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lord which had sayed vnto him Before the cock crowe thou shalt denie me thrice c. With these also is ioyned a more secrete touching of Peters mind For the good Lord touched the heart of Peter as the Euangeliste testifieth saying And the Lord turning himselfe about loked vpon Peter That loking back of the Lord made Peters hart to melt and drue it from the destruction wherinto it was about to fall Therefore if our cares be pierced with the woord of God and oure heartes touched with his holie spirite then shall wee like true penitents vnfeignedly reuerence dread the Lord. And therewithall being humbled before the most iust holy God whom we with our sinnes do so much offend and prouoke to wrath indignation we confesse his iudgment to be iust against vs and fréely acknowledge all the sinns and iniquities that in the word of God are obiected against vs crying out and saying with the Prophetes Thou verily O Lord art righteous thou art true thy iudgements iust but wee are most vnrighteous lyers wicked and wholie ouerwhelmed with detestable iniquities There is nothing sound or sincere within vs All that wee haue is corrupt and miserable Wee haue sinned wee haue beene wicked wee haue done vniustly wee haue forsaken thee Wee haue gainesaid thy seruants the Prophets we haue not obeyed the words of thy mouth To thee therefore O God doeth righteousnes belong and to vs wretches shame and confusion This humiliation frée confession of sinnes doth God require of penitent sinners touching which I wil hereafter speake somewhat more For now I returne more fully to expound the feare of the Lord. At this present I speake of the syncere feare of God for we confesse that the feare of God is of two sorts sincere and vnsincere The sincere feare of God is perceiued in the faithful and is a godly reuerence consisting in the loue and honour of god For the Prophete bringeth in God saying The sonne honoureth the father and the seruaunt the maister Therefore if I be a father where is my honour If a Lord where is my feare And Paule sayeth Ye haue not receiued the spirite of bondage againe vnto feare but ye haue receiued the spirite of adoption by which we crie Abba father Therefore the sincere feare of God in them that doe repent is not the seruile dread of punishment but a carefull studie mixt with the loue and honour of god An honest wife feareth her husband and a gratious daughter feareth her father yet ech of them doeth therewithall loue the one her father the other her husband and doeth with an holy loue indeuour herselfe to kéepe his fauour feare least at any time she should do any thing to loose it And therefore penitents do not only feare because they knowe being taught by the spirite of God that they haue committed sinnes for which they haue deserued to be forsaken of the Lord but doe also loue him as their merciful father and are therefore sorie with all their heartes for their sinnes committed and doe aboue al thinges most ardently require to be reconciled againe to their mercifull GOD and louing father For with this sincere feare of God is ioyned the griefe or sorrowe which is conceiued by the spirite of God for our sinnes that we commit S. Paule maketh mention of two sortes of sorrowes The sorrowe that is to God-ward sayeth he doth bring forth repentaunce not to be repented of but contrarilie the sorrowe of the world bringeth death The king and Prophete Dauid sorrowed to Godward when he cried Thine arrowes sticke fast in mee and thy hand doth presse me soare There is no whole part in my flesh because of thy displeasure there is no rest in my bones by reason of my sinne And so forward as is to be séene in the 38. Psalme Whiche althoughe it were written of his gréeuous disease or sickenesse doth yet notwithstanding as it were in a shadowe shew vs the great griefe that is in the Saincts for offending their good and gratious father with their continuall sinnes To Godward was the sinnful woman sorie in S. Luke who falling prostrate at the Lords héeles did washe his féete with teares and wyped them with her haire To God-ward was S. Peter sorie and wept as we read ful bitterly for his offēce The godly are greatly greued because they doe so oftentimes offend so fouly so good a God and gratious father No woordes I thincke can possiblie expresse the griefe and sorrowe that they conceiue But the Prophete Ieremie describing the contrarie affection of impenitent sinners doeth saye Doe men fall so that they maye not rise againe Doeth any man go so astray that he may not turne againe Howe doth it happen then that this people of Hierusalem is turned away so stubbornely I gaue eare and hearkened they spake not rightly there was none that did repent him of his wickednesse to say what haue I done Euerie one of them turned to his owne course like a fierce horse headlong to the batteile The worldly griefe is the sorrowe of such men as knowe not God are without faith the true loue of God yea of such as yéeld vnder the burthen of sorrowe aduersities verie sinnes Like to this also in a maner is the cōsideration of the vnsincere feare of god For the wicked with their head the diuel do feare God not as a father whome they are sorie to offend and to whome they desire to be reconciled as to a father but as a tormentour béecause they knowe that he wil reuenge their euill déedes And therefore with Iudas they runne to the roape There is in them no loue of God no honour no goodwill no reuerence but meere hatred horrour and vtter desperation But such feare the Apostle and Euangeliste Iohn denied to bee in charitie saying that perfect charitie casteth out all feare I meane not that feare of the Lord that is the beginning of wisedome but that of which I haue spoken all this while the feare I meane that is in the diuel and wicked men his members And nowe by this we gather that vnto penitentes faith in God and the merite of Christ is most of all and especially néedeful In which sense it is I thincke that many haue made faith a part of repentaunce which as I do not greatly denie so yet doe I sée that S. Paul made as it were a difference betwixte faith and repentance when in the 20. of the Actes hee sayeth that hee witnessed both to the Iewes and Gentiles the repentaunce that is toward GOD and the faith in
Israel with him c. 284. 8 And they drewe out the staues that the endes of them mighte appeare c. 340. 341 11 Ahia the Silonite saith to Ieroboam Thus saith the Lord thou shalt reigne c. And if thou hearken vnto al that I cōmaund thée c. 185 12 Ieroboam sacrificed vnto God but because he sacrificed not lawfully he was c. 676. 824 12 In the kingdom of Israel king Ieroboam thrust out of their offices the teachers and preachers of the Lawe of the Lord c. 854 16 And Achab serued Baal and worshipped him c. 667 18 How long do you halt on both partes If the Lord be God follow him c. 653 19 I haue béene very iealous for the Lord God of hoasts for that the c. 855 19 I haue left vnto me selfe seuen thousand men in Israel c. 855 ¶ Out of the second booke of Kinges 5 NAaman the Syrian was cōmaunded to washe himselfe seuen times c. 972 5 Heliseus by most wholesome counsel refused the reward of Naaman c. 888 5 Am I a God that I should be able to kill and to giue life c. 658 6 Feare not for they that be with vs are mo● than they that bee with them c. 741 6 Lord I beséeche thée open his eyes that he may sée and the Lord opened his eyes c. 741 17 Israel walked in the ordinances or ceremonies which they thēselues had made c. 329 17 And yet they serued the Lord and they appointed out priests euē of the basest vnto themselues for the high places c. 675 16 Achas king of Iuda shutvp the temple of the Lord and toke away the holy altar c. 854 21 Vnder Manasses the nephue of king Achas true doctrine and administration of the sacramēts was banished except onely circumcision c. 854 21 This is the house of the Lord God and this altar is for the sacrifice c. 344 ¶ Out of the first booke of Chronicles 15 THe Lord hath chosen the Leuites c. Therefore sée that ye be holy that ye may c. 997 15 The priestes and Leuites sanctified themselues to fetch the arke c. 997 ¶ Out of the second booke of Chronicles 1 ANd Solomon with all the cōgregation went to the high place that was at Gabaon c. 343 8 And Solomon sett the sortes or priestes to their offices as Dauid his father c. 182 11 Ieroboam thruste the teachers and preachers of the Lawe of the Lord out of their offices c. 954 19 Take héede what ye do For ye execute not the iudgements of man c. 194 28 Achas king of Iuda shutt vp the temple of the Lord c. 854 29 The Leuites did sing and that at the commaundement of God c. 932 29 Be yee sanctified and sanctifie ye the house of the Lord oure God c. 182 33. 34. Vnder Manasses the nephue of king Achas true doctrine was banished c. 854 36 The Lord God of their fathers sent to you by his ministers rising vp betimes c. 154. 155 ¶ Out of Nehemias 5 A Notable example in Nehemias suppressing the couetousnesse crueltie c. of vsurers c. 276 8 Esdras the priest brought the Lawe the booke of Moses c. 24 8 Touching the solemne celebrating of the feast of Tabernacles or seuenth moneth c. 353 8 And Esdras with the Leuites saide to all the people which was sad and sorrowfull c. 284. 285 ¶ Out of the booke of Iob. 1 SAthan came and shewed himselfe among the children or seruauntes of God speaking with the Lord c. 747 1 Naked came I out of my mothers womb and naked shal I turne to the earth againe c. 312 4 Behold he found no trueth in his seruauntes and in his angels there was follie c. 745 9 If I will iustifie my selfe mine owne mouth will condemne mée c. 467 9 If I haue any righteousnesse I will not aunsweare but humbly besée●h my Iudge c. 560 10 Thy hands O God haue made me and fashioned me round about c. 760 10 Thou hast giuen me life and grace and thy visitation hath presenued my spirite c. 760 14 Who can make or bring forth a pure or cleane thing of that whiche is vncleane c. 496 19 I knowe that my redéemer liueth and that in the last day c. 86 25 I know verily that a man compared to God cannot be iustified c 401 26 His spirite hath garnished the heauens c 716 31 If mine heart haue béene deceiued by a womā or if I haue laid wa●te c. 232 33 The spirite of God hath made me and the breath of the Almightie hath giuen me life c. 716 34 Nothing is more contrary to the nature of God than sinne and naughtinesse c. 482 ¶ Out of the Psalmes 2 BE wise O ye kinges be learned ye that are Iudges of the earth c. 699 5 The vnrighteous shal not stand in thy sight O Lord thou hatest c. Thou shalt destroy al them that speake lyes c. 129 5 Thou art the God that hast no pleasure in wickednes neither shal c. 482 8 O Lord our gouernour how excellent is thy name in al the world For thy glorie c 637. 952 9 The heauens are thine O God and the earth is thine thou hast laid the foundation c. 637 10 The Lord loueth the iust c. Vppon the vngodly he shall raine snares c. 520 14 The foole hath said in his hart There is no God c. 605 15 Lord who shall dwell in thy tabernacle c. Euen he that walketh c. 669 16 The Lord is alwayes at my right hand Therefore my heart is glad c. 433 18 Who is God besids the Lord and who is mightie or a rock saue our God c. 658 18 The way of God is vncorrupt the word of the Lord is tryed c. 861 18 He bowed the heauens and came downe and there was barckenesse vnder his féete c. 738 19 The law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule c. 21 19 The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth forth the workes of his hands c. 620 19 Who knoweth his sinnes Clense me from my hidden faultes c. 578 22 Thou art he that toke mée out of my mothers wombe thou wast my hope c. 306 22 Our fathers hoped in thée they hoped in thée and thou didst deliuer them c. 306. 657 27 In my trouble I will call vppon the Lord and I will crie vnto my God c. 657 27 Because my father my mother haue left or forsaken mée the Lord hath taken mée vp c. 660 31 I haue hoped in thée O Lord I haue said Thou art my GOD c. 640 32 I haue made my fault knowen vnto thée and mine vnrighteousnes haue I not hidden c. 572
weales or Congregatiōs yea and that more is the most flourishing Kingdomes in all the world vnder their authoritie All the wysemen in the whole worlde I meane ●hose whiche liued in his time did reuerence Solomon a King and so great a Prophet and came vnto him from the very vtmoste endes of the worlde Daniel also had the preeminence among the wisemen at Babilon being then the moste renoumed Monarchie in all the worlde He was moreouer in great estimation with Darius Medus the Sonne of Astyages or Assuerus and also with Cyrus that moste excellent king And here it lyketh me well to speake somewhat of that diuine foreknowledge in our Prophets and moste assured foreshewing of things which were to come after many yeares passed And now to say nothing of others did not Esaias most truly foretell those things which were afterward fulfilled by the Iewes in our Lord Christ Not in vaine did he séeme to them of olde time to be rather an Euangelist then a Prophete foretelling thinges to come He did openly tel the name of king Cyrus one hundred and thréescore yeares at the least before that Cyrus was borne Daniel also was called of them in the olde time by the name of one whiche knewe muche For he did foretell those things whiche are and haue béen done in al the kingdomes of the world almost and among the people of God from his owne time vntil the time of Christ and further vntill the last day of Iudgement so plainely that hee may séeme to haue compiled an hystorie of those thinges whiche then were already gone and past Al these things I say doe very euidently proue that the Doctrine and writings of the Prophetes are the very word of God with whiche name and title they are set foo●the in sundrie places of the Scriptures Verily Peter the Apostle saithe The prophecie came not in old time by the wil of man but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghoste And although God did largely clearly plainely and simply reueale his wo●d to the world by the Patriarchs by M●ses by the Priestes and Prophetes yet did he in the laste times of all by his Sonne set it forth moste clearely simply and aboundantly to al the worlde For the very and onely begotten Sonne of God the father as the Prophetes had foretolde descending from Heauen doth fulfill al what soeuer they foretolde and by the space almoste of thrée yeares dothe teach all pointes of Godlinesse For saith Iohn No man at any time hath seene God the only begotten Sonne which is in the bosome of the Father he hathe declared him The Lord himselfe moreouer saith to his Disciples Al things which I haue herd of my Father haue I made knowne to you And again he saith I am the light of the world whosoeuer doth followe me doth not walke in darkenes but shall haue the light of life Our Lord also did teache that to him whiche would enter into Heauen and be saued the heauenly regeneration was néedeful bicause in the first byrth man is borne to death in the second to life But that that regeneration is made perfect in vs by the spirit of God whiche instrueteth our hartes in faith I say in faith in Christ who died for our sinnes rose againe for our iustification He taught that by that faith they whiche beleeue are iustified that out of the same faith doe growe sundrie fruites of charitie and innocencie to the bringing foorthe wherof he did most earnestly exhorte them He taught furthermore that he was the fulfilling or fulnes of the law and the Prophets and did also approue and expound the doctrine of Moses and the Prophetes To doctrine he ioyned diuerse miracles and benefites wherby he declared that he him selfe was that light of the world and the mightie bountifull redéemer of the world And to the intent that his doctrine and benefites might be knowne to all the worlde he chose to himselfe witnesses whome he called Apostles bicause he purposed to sende them to Preache throughout the world Those witnesses were simple men innocentes iust tellers of trueth without deceipt or subtilties and in all pointes holy and good whose names it is very profitable often to repeate in the Congregation The names of the Apostles are these Peter and Andrewe Iames and Iohn Philippe and Bartholomevve Thomas Mathevv Iames the sōne of Alphe Iudas his brother vvhose surname vvas Thaddaeus Simon and Iudas Iscariot into whose roome because he had betraied the Lord came Saint Matthias These had he by the space almoste of thrée yeares hearers of his heauenly doctrine and beholders of his diuine workes These after his ascension in to the Heauens did he by the holy ghost send downe from Heauen instruct with all kinde of faculties For as they were in the Scriptures passing skilful so were they not vnskilfull or wanting eloquence in any tongue And being once after this manner instructed they depart out of the Citie of Ierusalem and passe through the compasse of the earthe preaching to all people and Nations that which they had receiued to preach of the sauiour of the world the Lord Iesus Christ And when for certaine yeares they had preached by woord of mouth then did they also set downe in writing that whiche they had preached For some verily writ an hystorie of the words and deeds of Christ and some of the wordes and déedes of the Apostles Other some sent sondrie Epistles to diuers Nations In all which to confirme the trueth they vse the Scripture of the lawe and the Prophetes euen as we reade that the Lorde oftentimes did Moreouer to the twelue Apostles are ioyned two greate lightes of the world Iohn Baptiste then whom there was neuer any more holy borne of women and the chosen vessel Paule the greate teacher of the Gentiles Neither is it to be merueiled at that the forerunner and Apostles of Christ had always very great dignity and authoritie in the Churche For euen as they were the embassadours of the eternall King of all ages and of the whole worlde so being indued with the spirit of God they did nothing according to the iudgement of theyr owne mindes And the Lord by theyr ministerie wrought great myracles thereby to garnishe the ministerie of them and to commend their doctrine vnto vs And what may be thought of that moreouer that by that woorde of God they did conuert the whole world gathering together laying the foundations of notable Churches through out the compasse of the world which verely by mans counsell and wordes they had neuer béene able to haue brought to passe To this is further added that they whiche once leaned to this doctrine as a doctrine giuing life did not refuse to die Besides that how many soeuer had their beliefe in the doctrine of the Gospell they were not afraide through water fire swordes to cutte of this life and
but yet bycause the fleshe dothe striue with the spirite so long as life remaineth on the earth therefore the godly haue néede with faith and the holy Ghost to wash and wipe their féete that is the reliques and spottes wherewith they are disteined by their dayly conuersation in this world But nowe wherevnto belongeth this that is added The communion of Saintes These wordes are neyther read in Cyprian nor Augustine nor yet by them expounded Wherefore it is likely that they were added for the better vnderstāding of that which went before for that it might appeare that the Catholike Church is the fellowship or companie of the faythfull he added The communion of Saintes as if he shuld haue sayd which church is a communion of Saintes Paule called them Sainctes which for their fayth are sanctified by the bloude and spirite of god Also this word Cōmunion is verie euidēt and comfortable For first the meaning thereof is that betwixt God vs ther is a Communion that is a fellowship participatiō and so consequently a parting betwixt vs of all good and heauenlie thinges And then also we vnderstand that we are fellowes and partakers with all the Saintes that are liuing either in heauen or on earth For we are members of thē vnder one head Christ For the Apostle Iohn saith That which wee haue seene and heard we declare vnto you that ye also may haue fellowship with vs and that your fellowship may be with the father and his sonne Iesus Christ Hereunto appertayneth that trimme similitude of the body members vnder one heade which the Apostle Paul handleth at large in déede but what is he that can worthily enoughe set forth the great goodnesse of Gods gifte benefite in that wée are made fellow partners of God with whom we are most nerely conioyned and haue a part in all his good heauenly things what can bee more delightfull to oure eares then to heare that all that Saints as well in heauen as in earth are our bretheren and that we againe are mēbers partners and fellowes with thē Blessed be God which hath so liberally bestowed his blessing on vs in Christe his sonne To this place belongeth the discourse vppon the Sacraments of which of the Church I meane at an other time more fullie to entreate This for the present time is sufficient For this that I haue said doth abūdantly enoughe expresse set out the fruite of faith in the father the sonne the holy ghost to wit that wée haue participation with God and al the Saints and that in this fellowship we are sancti●ied 〈◊〉 all filth or vncleannesse being clensed and holie in Christe our Lord. Now followeth the tenth article of our beliefe which is The forgiuenes of sinnes The second fruit or commoditie of our beliefe in God the father the sonne and the holie ghoste is here set forth that is the remission of sinnes which although it be cōteyned in sanctification spoken of in the last article is in this place notwithstanding more liuely expressed Without the Church as it were without the arke of Noe is no saluatiō but in that Church I meane in that fellowship of Christe the saincts is full forgiuenes of all offences That this maye be the better vnderstoode I wil diuide it into some parts First of all it is néedeful to acknowledge confesse that wée are sinners that by nature and our owne proper merits we are the children of wrath damnation For S Iohn doth not in vaine nor without a cause call euerie one a lyar that saith he hath no sinne And God which knoweth the harts of men hath cōmaunded vs euen till the laste gaspe to pray saying Forgiue vs our debtes Moreouer in the Gospel wee haue two excellent examples of mē openlie confessing their sinnes to God the prodigall sonne I say and the Publican in S. Luk. Let vs therfore thincke that wee are all sinners as Paule also taught yea as he hath euidently proued in the first Cap. to the Romanes let vs fréely confesse to God our sinnes with Dauid in the 32. and 51. Psal. saying My sinne haue I made knowē to thee mine iniquitie I haue not hid I haue saide I wil confesse mine vnrighteousnes against my self thou haste forgiuen the iniquitie of mine offence Haue mercie on me O God accordig to thy great mercie c. The Psalme is knowen Secondarily let vs belieue that al these sinns of ours are pardoned forgiuen of God not for the acknowledging and confessing of our sinnes but for the merit and bloud of the sonne of God not for our owne workes or merits but for the truth and mercie or grace of god For we do plainly professe saying I belieue the forgiuenes of sinns We say not I buy or by gifts do get or by woorkes obtaine the forgiuenes of sinnes but I belieue the forgiuenes of sinnes And the word remission or forgiuenesse doth signifie a free pardoning by a metaphore taken of creditours and debitours For the creditour forgiueth the debitour when he is not able to pay therefore remission is a forgiuing according to that saying of our Sauiour in the Gospell A certaine lender had two debitours when they were not able to pay hee forgaue them both Hereunto belongeth that also in the Lords prayer And forgiue vs our debtes For our debts are our sinnes them do we request to be remitted that is to be forgiuē vs In this sense also saith S. Paule To him that worketh is the reward reckoned not of grace but of due debte But to him that worketh not but belieueth on him that iustifieth the vngodlie his saith is counted for righteousnes Euen as Dauid describeth the blessednesse of that man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnes without works saying Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnes are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is that man to whom the Lord will not impute sinne Wherefore in respect of vs which haue not wherewithal to repaie our sinnes are freelie forgiuen but in respect of Gods iustice they are forgiuen for the merit and satisfaction of Christ Moreouer it is not the sinnes of a few men of one or two ages or a few certaine number of sinnes are forgiuen onely but the sinnes of all men of all ages the whole multitude of sinns whatsoeuer is is called sinne whether it be original or actuall or any other else to be short all sinnes are forgiuē vs Which we do hereby learne because the onely sacrifice of Christ is effectual enough to wash away all the offences of all sinners which by fayth come to the mercie seat of Gods grace And yet by this wée do not teach men to sinne because the Lorde hath long since made satisfaction for sinnes but if any man do sinne wee teach him to hope well and not to despaire but to flee to the throne of Grace For there wée say that Christ sitting at
and comfort imprisoned captiues Herevnto Lactantius lib. Institut 6. cap. 12. hath an eye where he sayth The chiefest vertue is to keepe hospitalitie and to feede the poore To redeeme captiues also is a greate and excellent worke of righteousnes And as great a work of iustice is it to saue and defend the fatherlesse widowes the desolate helplesse whiche the law of God doth euery where cōmaund It is also a part of the chiefest humanitie and a great good deed to take in hand to heale and chearish the sicke that haue no body to helpe them Finally that last and greatest duetie of pietie is the buriall of strangers and of the poore Thus muche hitherto touching the duetie of ciuil humanitie which true loue sheweth to his neighbour in necessitie But it is not inough my brethren to vnderstande how we ought to loue our neighbour though we ought often to repeate it but rather we must loue him excéedingly and aboue that that I am able to say Let vs heare the Apostle who with a wonderful goodly grace of spéech with a most excellēt exquisite holy example of Christe doth exhort vs all to the shewing of charitie to our neighbour and sayth If therefore there bee any consolation in Christe if any comfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirite if any compassion mercie fulfill ye my ioye that ye be like minded hauing the same loue being of one accorde and minde let nothing be done through strife or vaine glory but in meekenesse let euery man esteeme one the other better then him selfe looke ye not euery man on his owne thinges but euery man also on the thinges of others For let the same minde be in you that was in Christ Iesus who being in the fourme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God but made him selfe of no reputation taking on him the forme of a seruant and made in the likenesse of men and found in figure as a man he humbled him selfe made obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse Wherefore God also hath lightly exalted him and giuen him a name which is aboue euery name that in the name of Iesus euery knee shoulde bow of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth and that euery tongue shoulde confesse that the Lorde Iesus Christe is the glory of God the father To him alone be honor power for euer euer Amen The end of the first Decade of Sermons The Second Decade of Sermons writen by Henrie Bullinger Of lawes and first of the lawe of Nature then of the lawes of men ¶ The first Sermon THE summe of all lawes is the loue of GOD and our neighbour of which and euery parte whereof bycause I haue already spokē in my last Sermon the next is that nowe also I make a particular discourse of lawes and euery part and kinde thereof Let vs therefore call to God who is the cause and beginning of lawes that he through our Lorde Iesus Christe will vouchsafe with his spirite alwayes to direct vs in the waye of trueth and righteousnesse A heathen writer no base authour ywis made this definition of lawe that it is an especiall reason placed in nature cōmaūding what is to be done and fordidding the contrarie And verily the lawe is nothing but a declaration of Gods will appointing what thou hast to do and what thou oughtest to leaue vndone The beginning and cause of lawes is God him selfe who is the fountaine of all goodnesse equitie trueth and righteousnesse Therefore all good and iust lawes come from God him selfe althoughe they be for the most parte published and brought to light by men Touching the lawes of men we muste haue a peculiar consideratiō of thē by thē selues For of lawes some are of God some of Nature some of Men. As concerning Gods law I wil speak of it in my seconde Sermon at this present I will touch first the lawe of Nature and then the lawe of Men. The law of Nature is an instruction of the conscience and as it were a certaine direction placed by God him self in the mindes and hearts of men to teach them what they haue to doe and what to eschue And the conscience verily is the knowledge iudgement and reason of a man whereby euery man in him selfe and in his owne minde being made priuie to euery thing that he eyther hath committed or not committed doth eyther condemne or else acquite him self And this reason procéedeth from God who both prompteth and writeth his iudgementes in the hearts and mindes of men Moreouer that which we call Nature is the proper disposition or inclination of euery thing But the disposition of mankind being flatly corrupted by sinne as it is blinde so also is it in all pointes euill and naughtie It knoweth not God it worshippeth not God neyther doth it loue the neighbour but rather is affected with selfe loue towarde it selfe and séeketh still for the owne aduauntage For whiche cause the Apostle sayde That we by nature are the children of wrath Wherefore the lawe of nature is not called the lawe of nature bicause in the nature disposition of mā there is of or by it selfe that reason of light exhorting to the best things and that holy working but for bycause God hath imprinted or ingrauen in our myndes some knowledge and certaine generall principles of religion iustice and goodnesse which bycause they be grafted in vs and borne together with vs do therefore séeme to be naturally in vs. Let vs heare the Apostle Paule who beareth witnesse to this saith When the Gentiles whiche haue not the lawe do of nature the things conteined in the law they hauing not the law are a law vnto themselues which shew the workes of the lawe written in their hearts their conscience bearing thē witnesse and their thoughts accusing one another or excusing in that same day when the Lorde shall iudge the secrets of mē by Iesus Christ according to my Gospel By two arguments here doth the apostle very euidently proue that the gentiles are sinners For first of all least peraduenture they might make this excuse and say that they haue no law he sheweth that they haue a law and that bicause they transgresse this law they are become sinners For although they had not the written law of Moses yet notwithstanding they did by nature the things cōteined in the law The office of the law is to disclose the wil of God and to teache thée what thou haste to do and what to leaue vndone This haue thei by nature that is this know they by the lawe of nature For that whiche followeth maketh this more plaine They when they haue no law are to them selues a law That is they haue in thē selues that which is written in the law But in what sort haue they it in them selues This againe is ma●e manifest by that which followeth For they
shew the worke of the lawe written in their hearts But who is he that writeth in their hearts but God alone who is the searcher of all harts And what I pray you writeth he there The lawe of nature forsooth the lawe I saye it selfe commaunding good and forbidding euill so that without the written lawe by the instruction of nature that is by the knowledge imprinted of God in nature they may vnderstand what is good and what is euill what is to be desired and what is to be shunned By these wordes of the Apostle we doe vnderstande that the lawe of nature is set against the written law of God and that therefore it is called the lawe of nature bycause it séemeth to be as it were placed or grafted in nature We vnderstande that the lawe of nature not the written lawe but that which is grafted in man hath the same office that the written lawe hath I meane to direct men and to teach thē and also to discerne betwixte good and euill and to be able to iudge of sinne We vnderstande that the beginning of this lawe is not of the corrupt disposition of mankinde but of God him selfe who with his finger writeth in our harts fasteneth in our nature and planteth in vs a rule to knowe iustice equitie and goodnesse Then also the Apostle maketh his seconde argument wherby he proueth the Gentiles to be guiltie of sinne and this argument he fetcheth from the witnesse bearing of their conscience For the conscience being instructed by the lawe of nature doth accuse and condemne the euill committed bycause this conscience onely and alone is in stéede of a thousande witnesses And againe it excuseth that is it absolueth and acquiteth them if nothing be committed contrarie to the lawe But although in this present life we doe set light by the iudgement of our conscience yet verily we may not thē despise or lightly passe ouer the consciences accusations when the Lorde shall come with iustice and equitie to iudge the world So then by all this it followeth that all nations are sinners whome vnlesse the Sonne of God the common and onely Sauiour and deliuerer of all the worlde doe cleanse from their offences it can not be but that all nations must néedes perish in their sinnes But nowe we come againe to the lawe of Nature of whiche there are two pointes especially for you to be put in mynde of The firste is Acknowledge God and worship him The seconde is Kéepe or mainteine societie friendship among mē Touching the first we haue these wordes of Christ his Apostle Whatsoeuer may be knowne of God is manifest among them to wit among the Gentiles for God hath shewed it to thē For his inuisible thinges being vnderstoode by his workes throughe the creation of the worlde are seene that is both his eternall power and Godhead so that they are without excuse bicause that when they knew God notwithstāding they glorified him not as God neyther were thankfull c. So then the Gentiles knewe God yea they knewe what so euer might be knowne of god But what teacher had they or what maister They had God to their maister In what order taught he them or out of what booke Not out of the written bookes of Moses or the Prophetes but out of that great and large booke of Nature For the thinges that are not séene of God in whiche sorte are his euerlasting eternitie his vertue power maiestie goodnesse and Godhead those he woulde haue to be estéemed of according to the visible things that is the thinges whiche he hath created For Gods eternall Godheade is knowne by mans creation by the continuall mouing of Heauen and the perpetuall course of riuers For it muste néedes be that he is moste mightie whiche susteineth all these thinges whiche moueth strengtheneth and kéepeth all thinges from decay and which with his becke shakes the whole worlde Finally who doth not sée the goodnesse of him whiche suffereth the Sunne to rise vpon the good and the euill But to what intent reuealeth he these thinges to the Gentiles To the intent forsoothe that they may acknowledge him to be God that they maye glorifie and worship him as God and be thankfull to suche a benefactour When therfore they doe not this they are inexcusable and perishe deseruedly for their vnbeliefe and vnthankfulnesse sake So then it is manifest that the lawe of Nature doth expresly teache that there is a God which is to be acknowledged and reuerently worshipped Touching the latter of these two especiall pointes that is for the preseruing of friendship and societie among men the Lorde in the Gospell sayth What so euer ye woulde that men shoulde doe to you doe ye the same to them This sentence did Alexander Seuerus the Emperour turne and expresse thus What soeuer thou wouldest not haue done to thee selfe that doe not thou to another Whiche saying he loued so well that he commaunded it to be written vp in his Palace and common houses of office Moreouer to that generall lawe belong these that followe Liue honestly Hurt not another Giue euery man his owne Prouide thinges necessarie for life and kéepe it from distresse But nowe bycause the lawe of Nature is made opposite to the written lawe of God it is requisite that it be aunswerable also to the lawe of God let vs therefore sée what the wise men and law giuers of the Gentiles haue left in writing to counteruaile the tenne Commaundementes and how farre their writings are answerable to the law of God. Pythagoras in S. Cyrils first booke Contra Iulianum writeth thus of god God verily is one and he too is not as some doe imagine without the gouernement of the worlde but being wholy in euery place of it doth view al the generations in the whole compasse thereof and is him selfe the moderation of all ages the light of his owne vertues the beginning of all works the light in heauen the father of all things the life and quickening of all thinges and lastly the mouing of al the circles Sée here Pythagoras confesseth that there is but one God who is the maker preseruer and gouernour of all things the father of al and the light and life of al things Zaleucus in the Preface of his lawes writeth as followeth It is necessarie that all men which inhabite any citie or region what soeuer be throughly persuaded that there are Gods which is euident to be seene by the contemplation of heauen and all the world and by the goodly disposition and order of that that is therein For it is not conuenient to thinke that these are the workes of Fortune or mans abilitie Then also the Gods must be worshipped and honoured as they that are the causes of all good thinges that are done to vs by any manner of meanes Euery one therefore must do his best to haue his mind purely clensed from all euill For God is not honored of a
vnto saluation For if the wicked do acknowledge his fault repent himself of his ill déede and beléeue in Christ with al his heart his sinne is forgiuen him bée is saued as wée haue an euident example in the thiefe that was crucified whose punishment was an occasion of his saluation But from the other this saluation was farre off because he did not belieue in Christ and would not be warned by the paine y he felt for his offence to repent for his sinnes and to call to God for mercie Furthermore by publique iudgment and open execution all other men may take example to learne to beware of like offences vnlesse they will suffer like horrour of torments But let not the magistrate execute any man vntil he know first perfectly whether hée that is to be punished hath deserued that punishment that the iudges determine and whether God hath commaunded to punish that offence that is whether by Gods lawe that is condemned which is to be punished The trueth therof shal be manifestly knowne either by the proper and frée confession of the man accused or by the probable testimonies broght in and gathered against the de●endant or by conferring y lawes with the offences of him that is to be punished So then the magistrate may not punish vertue true religiō nor good honest godly men For he is ordeyned of God to terrifie not the good but offenders Now touching the maner and facion of punishment I think it not best ouer curious●ie to dispute Let euerie nation or citie reteine stil their penalties and order of punishing vnlesse peraduenture their countrie custome smack somewhat of rigour extreme crueltie For no wise man denieth but that the kinde of punishment must be tempered according to the rule of iustice equitie The kindes of punishment are exile or banishment bōdage losse of goods imprisonment fetters scourges markes with burning irōs losse of limms lastly death it self by killing w the sword by burning hanging drowning other such meanes as euerie natiō vseth of custome Neither is the scripture without a pitiful beadrowe of miserable torments For in y booke of Esdras we read And who soeuer wil not do the lawe of thy god Esdras and the lawe of the king let iudgment streightwayes passe vppon him whether it be to death or banishment or losse of goods or imprisonmēt This do I ad not vnaduisedly because of them the are of opinion y such tormentes ought not so much as once to be named amonge christian people But measure and discretion must be vsed of the iudges in punishing offenders so the heynous faults may be plagued with greuous punishmēt lesser crimes may be nipped with smaller penalties and the smallest light offences punished more lightly That sentence in Gods law ought to be remēbred According to the fault so shall the punishment bee Where also the iudge must haue a consideration of his clemencie pitie Oftentimes y kinde and age excuseth the partie accused The circūstances being rightly weighed do somtime excuse the déedes that otherwise are of themselues not all of the best The iudge also must inquire after diligentlie consider the former life of the man accused for which if it fal out to haue bene good and honest than doth he deserue some fauour and mercie vnlesse the offence for which be is troubled be so heynous y it can admit no sparkle of pitie But godlines or y feare of god with powring out of prayers vnto the Lord and a diligent and lawful examinatiō of y déede or word that is of the fault committed is the best rule for the iudge to followe in choosing his time when to vse pitie and when to deale with extreme rigour For otherwise decent clemēcie is most praise worthie before God and men I haue shewed you déerlie beloued that the magistrate both may and of duetie ought to punish offenders then for what causes y Lord wil haue them to be punished and lastlie how when how much they are to be punished It remayneth now for mée to declare wherfore and for what offences they are to be punished Which I meane to lay downe in one word and briefly too All words and déeds which are cōtrarie to the lawes of God and the magistrate that is all things that are done mischiefouslie against the lawes are to be punished but lawes are made either for religion or politique gouernment and politique gouernment consisteth in honestie iustice and peace Therfore the magistrate must punish and kéepe vnder al them which do disturbe afflict trouble destroy or ouerthrow honestie iustice publique peace or priuate tranquillite betwixt man man Let him punish dishonestie ribauldrie filthie lust whordome fornication adulterie inceste sodomie riottousnes dronkennesse gluttonie couetousnesse coosening cutting vsurie treason murder slaughter of parents sedition and whatsoeuer is like to these The lawe of the Lord published by the ministerie of Moses doth in the 18. and 20. of Leuiticus reckon vppe a beadrowe long enough of such offences as are to be punished And least perhappes any man may thinke that at this day that which Moses hath rehearsed is vtterly abolished let him giue eare to S. Paul who saith To the iust the lawe is not giuen but to the vniust and to sinners to vnholie and vncleane to murderers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to manslears to whoremongers to them that defile themselues with mankinde to manstealers to lyars to periured men and if there be any other thing contrarie to sounde doctrine But Apostates idolatrers blasphemers here tiques false teachers and mockers at religion doe offend against the lawes of religion and therefore ought they to be punished by the magistrates authoritie But the question hath béene and is yet at this day in controuersie whether it be lawefull sor a magistrate to punish any man in his iurisdiction for the contempt of religion or blaspheming of the same The Maniches and Donatistes were of opinion that no man ought to be compelled much lesse to be killed for any religion but that euerie man ought to bee left to his owne minde and iudgement And yet the Scripture doth expresselie cōmaund the magistrate not to spare false Prophetes yea rebells against God are commaunded by holie lawes and iudges to be killed without mercie The places are extant to be séene in the holie Scriptures the one in the 13. of Deut. the other in the 17. of the same booke In Exodus this same is set downe for a rule Whosoeuer sacrificeth to any God but to the Lord alone let him bee rooted out In Leuiticus the blasphemer is slaine euerwhelmed with stones In the booke of Numbers the man is slaine that did vnhallow the Sabboth day And how many I pray you did Gods reuenging sword destroy of that caluish people that did erecte and worship the calfe in the wildernesse Helias at mount Carmel killed whole hundreds of false
men that wittingly and willingly without all shame commit adulterie To Abimelech king of the Philiftines the Lord doth saye Loe thou shalt die because of the woman which thou hast taken away from hir husband And yet this king also had taken away Sara not knowing that shée was Abrahams wife Ioseph being prouoked to adulterie by his maisters wife doth simplie saye How should I doe this great wickednesse and sinne against God Euery word here doth beare some weight For adulterie is an heynous sinne Wherevpon in the booke of Iob we find these woords of Iob himselfe If mine heart haue bene deceiued by a woman or if I haue layde waite at my neighbours doore then let my wife bee an other mans harlot and let other men haue to doe with her For this is a wickednesse and sinne that is worthie to bee iudged to death Yea it is a fire that vtterlie should consume and roote oute all mine increase Iob sayth that hée hath not onely not committed adulterie but that hée hath not so much at any time as once giuen the attempt to defile an other mans wife Hée confesseth that adulterie is a sinne and so greeuous an offence that it doth deserue to haue the adulterers wife to be defiled with adulterie He addeth that adulterie is a fire that vtterly consumeth and deuoureth all thinges and lastly that it is a sinne to bée iudged and punished by death Moreouer Solomon the wisest of all men saith May a man take fire in his bosome and his cloathes not be brent Or can one go vppon hoat coales and his feete not be brent Euen so he that goeth in to his neighbours wife and toucheth hir cannot be vnguiltie Men doe not vtterly despise a theefe that stealeth to satisfie his soule when hee is hungrie But if he may be gotten hee restoreth againe seuen times as much or else he maketh recompence with all the substaunce of his house But whoso committeth adulterie with a woman hee lacketh vnderstanding and hee that doth it destroyeth his owne soule He getteth himselfe a plague and dishonour and his reproch shall neuer bee put out For the iealosie and wrath of the man will not be intreated neither accepteth he the person of any mediatour nor receiueth any giftes howe great soeuer they bee In these words of Solomon many thinges are to bée noted First as it cannot otherwyse bée but that fire must burne the garment wherein it is carried so no man can cōmit adulterie without damage and daunger of further punishmente Secondarilie comparison is made betwirte a théefe and an adulterer not that theft is thereby defended but because théeues although they be infamous doe seeme yet to sinne a greate deale lesse than adulterers doe For a théefe may make satisfaction by restoring the worth of the thing that hée stoale to him from whole hée stoale it away but for adulterie no amendes can bee made And what is hée that would not rather wish to haue théeues ransacke his chest and take away his substaunce than to haue his wife his dearling defiled with adulterie Moreouer Solomon calleth the adulterer madde and without vnderstanding Adulterie is iudged to be a sinne worthie of death endlesse infamie For the Lord in the lawe doth not say onely Thou shalt not commit adulterie But in an other place also goeth on addeth And he that cōmitteth adulterie with an other mans wife euē hee that cōmitteth adulterie with his neighbours wife let both the adulterer and the adultresse bee slaine Leuit 20. And this punishment of adulterie by death was not abrogated or chaunged by the very Gentiles For the Romane lawe called Lex Iulia is very well knowne how it commaunded adulterers to bee put to death Which lawe was of force in the time of S. Hierome as wée may gather by the Historie which hée wrate of an adultresse at the chopping off of whose head seuen stroakes were giuē Neither is it meruaile vndoubtedly that adulterie was amonge them of olde and is yet at this day according to the lawes to be punished by death For vppon that one many sinnes do depēd First of al the adulterer is a periured man For hée hath broaken and violated the faith which he gaue openly before God and the face of the congregation by calling to witnesse the most holie and reuerend Trinitie when the minister of Christe did solemnise the marriage and couple him to his wife by geuing hand in hand Secondarily the adulterer hath committed thefte and robberie For whē the adultresse doth make her body common to an other man then doth shée set to sale defile and marre not her owne but her husbandes body Thirdly bastardes borne in adulterie doe often times enioy an equall parte of inheritaunce with that right begottē children Which cannot be without great wrong done to the lawfull heyres and legitimate ofspring For they are against al right robbed of their due inheritance wher of an equall portion is giuen to him to whom by lawe no parcel is due Lastly beside all these innumerable mischiefes doe spring of adulterie Since therefore that it is a serpente with so many heades both the lawes of God and men do rightly punish adulterers with losse of life But some iollie fellowes there are forsooth that of adulterie do make but a sport They are persuaded that Dauids adulterie doeth make on their side and that place of scripture where wée read that the Lord was fauourable to the adultresse that was taken euen as the déede was in doing Whie doe not these merrie conceipted men cōsider how seuerely the Lord did punish Dauid for that offēce The bloudie house of Dauid was immediately after defiled with filthie inceste For Amnon doth perforce defloure his sister Thamar And streightway vppon the necke of that againe his house is defamed by most cruell parricide while Absalom in a banquet murdered his brother Amnon The verie same Absalom also Dauids sonne defileth or deflowreth his fathers wyues and that openly too laying al feare of God and shame aside Hée driueth his father out of his kingdome and hasteneth on to shorten his dayes Al which calamities Dauid confesseth that hee doth worthily susteine for the adulterie and murther by him committed Lastly many thousands of his people are slaine in the batteile Dauid himself is hardly and with much adoe restoared to his kingdome and afterward being restored hée repented his sinne all dayes of his life Nowe it is meruaile if adulterers consideringe these punishments will goe on yet to alledge the example of Dauid in defence of their naughtinesse Our sauiour did not come into the world to be a iudge but a Sauiour neither did he in any place vsurpe take to himself the right of the sword Who therfore will make any meruayle at it to sée the adultresse not to be condemned by him to be stoned to death Yet hée said Hath no man condemned thee as if he minded not to haue resisted the lawe
of the world differ much from the sonnes of god For these I meane the sonnes of God in comforting one an other in their calamities do say Suffer and grudge not at the thing that thou canst not alter It is gods wil that it shal be so and no mā can resist it suffer therfore the power of the Lord vnlesse thou wouldest rather double the euil that thou canst not escape But the worldlings on the other side being demaunded howe they suffer the hand of the Lord and whether they submit themselues to God or no do make this answere I must whether I will or no since I cānot withstand it If therfore they could withstand it by thie wee may gather that they assuredly would But the children of God do patiently beare the hand of God not because they cannot withstand it nor because they must by cōpulsion suffer it but for because they beleue that God is a iust and merciful father for therfore they acknowledge confesse that God of his iust iudgment doth persecute y sinns of them that haue deserued far more greuous and sharpe punishment than he layeth vpon them they do acknowledge also that god doth as a merciful father chasten them to the amendment of their liues safegard of their souls and therfore do they for his chastning of them yeld him hartie thankes and forsaking vtterly themselues their opinions do wholie cōmit themselues whether they liue or die into the lords hāds The Apostle going about to settle this in the heartes of the faithfull saith God speaketh to you as to his sonnes my sonne despise not thou the chastening of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him For whom the lord loueth he chasteneth scourgeth euery son that he receiueth If ye endure chastening God tendereth you as his sonns For what sonne is he whō the father chasteneth not But if ye be without chastisemēt whereof al are partakers then are ye bastards not sonnes Since therfore whē we had fathers of our flesh they corrected vs we reuerenced them shal wee not much more rather be in subiection to the father of spirites liue Secondarilie let the faithfull beleeuer which is oppressed w calamities consider and weigh the causes for which he is afflicted For either he is troubled persecuted of worldlinges for the desire that hee hath to righteousnes true religion or else he suffereth due punishment for his sinnes offēces Let them which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake reioyce and giue God thanks as the Apost●es did for that he thinketh them worthy to suffer for the name of Christ For the lord in the gospel said Blessed are they that suffer persecutiō for rightousnes sake for theirs is the kingdom of heauen Blessed are ye when men shal reuile persecute you and shal say all maner euil saying agaist you ●or my sake reioyce ye be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophetes that were before you But if any man for his sinns doth féele the scourge of God let him acknowledge that Gods iust iudgemēt is fallen vpon him let him humble himselfe vnder the mightie hand of the Lord let him confesse his sinns to God let him méekely require pardon for them and patiently suffer the plague which he with his sinnes hath worthily deserued Let him followe the examples of Daniel and Dauid Daniel confesseth his sinnes vnto the Lord and saith We haue sinned wee haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly we haue not obeyed thy seruauntes the Prophetes which spake to vs in thy name O Lord vnto thee doeth righteousnes belong and vnto vs open shame Thou haste visited afflicted vs as thou diddest foretell by Moses thy seruaunt And Dauid whē through Absaloms treason he was compelled to forsake Hierusalem and goe in exile said to the priestes which bare the Arcke after him Carrie backe the Arcke of God into the citie againe If I shal find fauour in the eyes of the Lord hee will bring me backe againe and wil shew mee both himselfe and his Tabernacle But if hee thus say I am not delighted in thee then here am I let him do with me what seemeth good in his eyes And verilie it is much more better and expedient to be punished in this world and after this life to liue for euer than to liue here without afflictions and in an other world to suffer euerlasting paines Paul verilie doth plainly say When we are iudged wee are chastened of the lord that we should not be damned with the world And the verie end of all chastenings and calamities wherewith the Sain●ts are exercised tendeth to nothing else but that by despising and treading downe the world they may amende their liues returne to the Lord and so be saued But touching the end of afflictions wée haue spoken of it before Furthermore the men that beare the yoke of afflictions doe lay before themselues the plaine and ample promises of God from which and from the examples of the sainctes they neuer turne their eyes There are innumerable examples of them which haue felt Gods helping hand readie in all needes to ayde and deliuer them Nowe our good God doth promise to helpe and deliuer not them onely which are afflicted for righteousnesse sake but them also whom he doth visite for their faults and offences For Dauid saith The Lord doth heale the contrite of heart The Lord doth loose them that are boūd in chaynes The lordgiueth sight vnto the blind The lord setteth vp againe them that doe fall Hee is not angrie for euer neither doth he alwayes childe Hee dealeth not with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs after our iniquities And how wide the East is from the West so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs. To this belōgeth the whole thirtieth chapiter of Ieremies Prophecie And Paule doeth beare witnesse to this and saith As the afflictions of Christe are many in vs so is our comfort great through Christ Neither are wee without examples enoughe to proue this same by and to lay before our eyes the present deliuerie of the Sainctes and the repentaunce of sinners in extreme calamities Our auncestours y Patriarchs Noe Lot with their families were by the mightie hand of God deliuered from the deluge that drowned all creatures vnder the heauens and the horrible fire that fell vppon Sodome Iacob and Ioseph being wrapped in sundrie tribulations were by their merciful God wooud out and rid from all Euen as also the children of Israell were brought forth and deliuered from the seruile bondage of Pharao in Aegypt The people of Israel did in the wildernesse vnder their guides and Iudges sinne often and greuously against the lord for which they were punished roundly and sharply scourged but they were quickly deliuered againe by the Lord so oft as they did acknowledge their sinnes and turne themselues to him againe There are also notable
they were simple and yet they pearce to the inward partes of the heart When hee speaketh softly beleeue him not for there are seuen mischiefes in his hart And therefore in Ecclesiastes it is very well sayd It is better to heare the rebuke of a wise man than the songe of a foole That is of a flatterer And yet althoughe flatterie bée so great an euill it is notwithstanding fauoured of all men so that as an infecting plague it is crepte into the Church into Princes Palaces into Iudges Courtes and euerie priuate house For like an alluring Mermayde it hath a songe that doeth delight our flesh For wée like fooles are blinded with selfe loue and doe not marke that flatteries and allurementes doe breede oure destruction Eze●hiel blameth greatly all flattering Preachers and sayeth Woe vnto them that lay to the people peace people peace peace when there is no peace which dawbe with vntempered morter which sowe entising pillowes vnder euerie elbowe and put alluting kercheifes vpon euery head to hunt after catch soules Of such kinde of teachers that delight more in lyes and flatterie than in syncere veritie the Apostle Paule saith The time shall come that they shall not abide to heare sounde doctrine but they whose eares do ytche shall gett them teachers according to their lustes and shall turne their eares from the truth and shal be turned vnto fables And Dauid praying against this plague as the thing that is most pernicious to all kinges and Princes in authoritie doeth say The righteous shall smite mee friendly but the precious baulmes of the wicked shal not annoynt my head And againe Lord deliuer mee from lying lippes and a deceiptful tongue Thus much haue I hetherto said for the exposition of the ninth commaundement Now followeth the tenth and last commaundement which word for word is expressed thus Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife nor his manseruaunt nor his maydseruaunt nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Which words the Lord in the fifte of Deut ▪ doth lay downe in this maner and order Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house nor his field nor his manseruaunt nor his maydseruaunt nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Neither is there any difference or contrarietie in the thing it selfe although in Exod. Thy neighbours house and in Deuteronomie Thy neighbours wife be set first in order Now this maketh somewhat against them that diuide this laste precept into two commaundements which is in deede but one as it may be partly gathered by this order thus inuerted in the setting of it downe in two sundrie places In this precept coueting is especially forbidden I meane euill longing and corrupt desiring For coueting is a word indifferently vsed as well in the better as the worse signification For Dauid affirmeth that he did long after God and his lawe I haue wished for saith hee O Lord thy saluation And I haue longed after thy commaundementes Psal. 119. Wée must here therfore be able with discretion to iudge betwixt that good affection which God did first create in man and that other motion the roote of euill that groweth in our nature by the discent of corruptiō from our first father Adam There was in Adam before his fall a certaine good appetite with pleasure and delight He was not so hungrie that hūger did pain his emptie bowels whiche is in déede a plague for sinne but he did eate with a certaine swéet and delectable appetite Hee was delighted with the pleasures of Paradise Hee did with a certaine holy desire both loue and long after the woman which God had brought and placed before him And this good appetite or desire procéeded from God himselfe who made both Adam and all his affections good at the first Yea and at this day also there are in men certaine naturall affections and desires as to eate to drink to sléepe and such like belonging to the preseruation of mans life which of themselues are not to be accompted among the number of sinnes vnlesse by corruption of originall vice they passe the bounds for which they are ordeyned But in this treatise vpon the tenth commaundement desire is vsed in the worser part and is taken for the concupiscence or coueting of euil things This concupiscence being translated from Adam into vs al is the fruite of our corrupt nature or ofspring of original sinne whose seate is in the hart of man and is the fountaine and he adspring of all sinne and wickednesse that is to bee found in mortall men For the Lord in the Gospell doeth expressely say whatsoeuer entreth in by the mouth goeth into the bellie and is caste out into the draught but the things that come out of the mouth proceede frō the heart and those defile the man For out of the heart doe come euill thoughts murders adulteries whordomes theft false witnesse bearinges despiteful speakig these be they that do defile the mā And the Apostle Iames speaking altogether as plainely in an other place doeth say Let no man when he is tempted say that he is tempted of god For euery one is tempted while he is drawen away entised with the baite of his owne concupiscence then when lust hath conceiued it bringeth ●oorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death Concupiscence therfore is a moti-on or affection of the minde which of our cor●upt nature doth lust against God and his lawe and s●●rreth vs vp to wickednesse although the consent or déed it selfe doth not presently followe vppon our conceipt For if the deede do follow the lust then doth the sinne increase by stepps and degrées For first wée must consider the very blotting out or corrupting of the Image of God in vs Originall sinne and that disease that lyeth hidd in our members which is by vse called euill affections Secondarilie wee must consider that it increaseth by our delight and pleasure therein Thirdly it is augmented if wee consent and séeke after counsell to commit the crime and lastly if the consent breake forth to the déede doing than is it greater and greater according to the qualities of accidentes or circumstances Now al these are reckoned in the number of sinnes thoughe by degrées the one of them is greater thā the other touching which I will by Gods sufferāce speake somewhat more largely when I come to the treatise of sinne Wherefore that euill and vnlawfull affection which is of our naturall corruption and lyeth hidd in our nature but bewrayeth it selfe in our hartes against the purenesse of Gods lawe and maiestie is that very sinne which is in this lawe condemned For although there be some which thinke that such motions diseases blemishes and affections of the mind are no sinnes yet God by forbidding them in this lawe doeth flatly condemne them But if any man doubt
of this exposition let him heare the woordes of the Apostle who saith I knew not sinne but by the lawe for I had not knowen luste except the lawe had said Thou shalt not luste Without the lawe sinne was dead I once liued without lawe but when the commaundement came sinne reuiued and I was dead And againe The affection of the fleshe is death but the affection of the spirite is life peace Because the affection of the ●leshe is enimitie against God for it is not obedient to the lawe of God neither can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. The affection of concupiscence therefore doth condemne vs or as I should rather say wée are worthily condemned by the iuste iudgment of God for our cōcupiscence which doth euery houre and moment bewray it selfe in the thoughts of our harts There are I confesse sundrie fantasies and many thoughts in the minds of men which while they tend not to the offence of God or our neighbour nor do cōt●ine any vncleannesse or selfeloue are not to be counted in the number of sinns as I did imm●diately after the beginning declare vnto you So hetherto verilie God hath forbidden the grosser sinnes which man doeth daily commit against him and now at last hee commeth to the concupiscence corrupte nature of man the welspring of al euil which in this precept he goeth about to stop vp and cause to sléepe or as I should rather say to detect to the eyes of all men the infirmitie and weakenesse of mankinde For what is he that hath not some whiles felt concupiscence yea what is he that is not euery houre moment pricked with the stinge of fleshly concupiscence What man is there I pray you that is not diseased with the naturall sicknesse common to vs al and spotied with the blemish of originall guiltinesse Being therefore cōuinced of sinne before the lord wee are not able to excuse our fault nor escape the sentence of the Iudge that doth condemne all flesh For the iust Lord doeth expressely condemne our naturall corruption and wicked inclination which is a continual turning from God and rebellion against the sinceritie which hee requireth at our handes For they are called happie that are cleane in heart because they shall sée god They therefore whose hartes are wrapped in lustes diseased with concupiscence and spotted with the poyson of original guilt shall not sée god But such are al we that are the sonnes of Adam And therefore this lawe doth conuince vs all of sinne infirmitie naturall corruption of damnation which followeth vpon the neck of our corruptiō Moreouer god in his law doth not only require the outward cleannesse of the body but the inward purenesse also of the minde the soule and al our affections and giueth charge that all whatsoeuer wee thincke determine goe about or doe should tende to the health and profite of oure neighbour This cōmaundement therefore may be referred to all the other that went before For the Lord himself expounding this cōmandement Thou shalt not cōmit murder addeth Whosoeuer is angrie with his brother shal be in danger of iudgment c. Matt. 5. and againe in expoūding this precept Thou shalt not cōmitadulterie hée addeth Whosoeuer looketh on an other manns wife to lust after her hee hath committed adulterie alreadie with her in his hart And here he doth exactly rehearse the things which we do couet and in longing after which we are wont to sin Now our couetousnes consisteth in the desire either of things or persōs The thinges that we couet are either immoueable or moueable as we Germans do vsually say Der gueteren sind etliche ligende etliche furende The immoueable things are houses farmes lands vineyards woods medows pastures fishpooles such like Things moueable are monie cattell honour office and dignities The persons are wife childrē manseruants maidseruants These and such like which our neighbor hath in possessiō none of vs ought to couet to his hurt or hinderance or if any man happen to couet them yet let him not consent to y concupiscence nor take delite therin let him not séek to obteine the thing that he so desireth nor suffer his ill conceiued purpose to break out to y deed doing in taking from his neighbour his things or persōs for god requireth at the hands of those y worship him such kind of righteousnes as is altogether sound and absolutely perfecte not in the outward déede alone but also in the inward mind settled purpose of the hart Wherupon the lord in the gospel saith Vnlesse your righteousnes exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes Phariseis ye shal not enter into the kingdome of God. But touching the maner how Gods comaundements are fulfilled that faith is the absolute righteousnes I will hereafter in an other sermon tell you as I haue alreadie said somewhat in the sermon that I made vpon true faith Hetherto in twelue Sermons I haue runne through and declared the tenne preceptes of the morall lawe in which I told you that the forme of vertue is layd before our eyes therby to frame our maners according to the wil of god God himself hath diuided al the branches of his moral law into two tables The first doth shew the dutie of vs mē to our creator teacheth how to worship aright our God gouernor The secōd table in sixe whole precepts doth declare what and how much euery man is bound to owe to his neighbour how we may al liue both quietly well ciuilie one with another It comaundeth vs to honor our parents al those which god hath ordeyned in stéed of our parents It forbiddeth murder or doing iniury to any man in his life and body It forbiddeth whordom adultrie wicked lustes comending wedlock cleannes a continent life It forbiddeth lyes false witnesse bearinges and euil desires biddeth vs to loue our neighbours with al our harts being ready at all times with al our power to doe them good To God our Lord and most prudent lawgiuer be praise and thankes for euer and euer Amen Of the Ceremonial lawes of God but especially of the priesthood time and place appointed for the Ceremonies ¶ The fifth Sermon IN the partition of gods lawes next after the moral lawe we placed the Ceremoniall lawe and therfore since the morall lawe is alreadie expounded I haue now next by the help of God to treate of the law of Ceremonies And that I may not hide any thing from you note this by the way that some write Ceremoniae and some Cerimoniae which two words are vsed for Ceremonies considering y sundrie men haue sundrie opinions touching y word frō whence it should come For some after the opinion of Seruius Sulpitius do thinke that they are called Ceremoniae a Carendo But Festus affirmeth that Ceremonies did first take their name of the towne Cęres or Cęrete For Liuie in his fifte
God and ye shal be my people And yet in an other place we read that the offering of sacrifices that externall action of the people in worshipping god was acceptable and of a sweet smelling sauour in the nose of the lord Now wheruppon riseth this diuersitie I pray you but vppon the difference of the mindes of them that worship the Lord For sacrifices pleased him the honour that was done vnto him in simple obedience faith alone did please him too but that religion hée did vtterly mislike of wherin he was worshipped with outward shewes and not with the fayth and sincere obedience of the inwarde hart in which sort we read that Cain did sinne for God commaunded not to sacrifice in that maner that Cain did Againe he commaunded to sacrifice and to worship him with external ceremonies in faith that Christ shuld come to be the Sauiour of the world not that they should hope to be iustified by the externall action but by him that was prefigured in al their Ceremonies Christe Iesus the sacrifice once to be offered to saue them all who was the life and meaning wherunto all those Ceremonies did leade that are expressed in the lawe But it is not a misse here particularly to examine and looke into not al and euery one but the chiefest Ceremonies and those which are more significant than the rest Let this labour of mine not séeme to any man to bee more curious than needeth or lesse profitable than it sheweth for For it is vndoubtedly very auaileable to the sound vnderstanding of the abrogation of the lawe All thinges whatsoeuer God hath layd downe in the holy scriptures are altogether profitable to our edification and doe carrie with them a diuine authoritie wherby we may cōfirme our minds they therfore are very fooles and godlesse people or to vse a more gentle terme they are shuttle witted ignorāt of all good things whose stomachs doe rise at the Ceremonies that God hath taught and whose eares are offended to heare a sober godly treatise vpon the exposition of those diuine ceremonies Some there are that no smal number who thincke it very profitable and an excellent thing to construe Homer and Virgil allegoricallie in diuine Ceremonies only foolish heads are persuaded that no profite or wisedom lyeth secretly hidden when in déede in all the world againe ther is nothing more profitable more pleasant more fine more excellent or more full of wisedome in allegoricall types than the ceremonies are that God hath ordeyned For in them are the mysteries of Christe his Catholique Church very finely plainely and notably described Now in reckoning vp and touching these seueral ceremonies I wilchiefly follow the very natural order Ceremonies doe apperteyne to the Ecclesiastical worship of god Therfore it is necessarie that there should bee persons appointed in the Church to bee the maisters or rather publique ministers of those Ceremonies to exercise and put them in practise as the Lord ordeyned them It is necessarie also that there be a certaine place and time appointed wherein and when God should be especially worshipped rather than at an other place or season moreouer the holy rites that is the very ceremonies must be appointed and certainly numbered that the worshippers of god may know what and how great y honour is that they are bound to giue vnto him And first of al I meane to say somewhat of the persons that is the priests or Leuits referring stil the hearers to the reading of the holy Bible wherein the whole is fully conteyned and largely described The beginning of priesthood among the old people is deriued or brought from the creatiō almost For they say that in euery familie the first begotten were alwayes the priestes It is certaine that when the first borne of Aegypt were flaine the Lord did by a lawe consecrate to himselfe the first begottē of the Israelits And the preeminence or dignitie of the first begotten hath alwayes béene very great by the Ciuil lawe The first begotten did alwayes rule and beare the sway in his fathers house and was as it were a king amonge his brethren to the first begottē the inheritance was due to the other brethren were portions giuen the first begotten did excel the rest in the dignitie of the priesthood Therefore when Cain and Abel did striue about their birthright they cōtended not about a trifle but about a matter of very great weight Whervpon when the mother virgin is said in Luke to haue borne her first begotten sonne let no man thinke that she was the mother of the second begotten or many sonnes more For in that Luke calleth Christ her first begotten sonne therein is noted his dignitie and excellencie For to Christ our Lord doth belong the kingdome priesthood and inheritance By whose boūtiful liberalitie wée are adopted to be his parteners both in the kingdome priesthood and inheritaunce of life euerlasting and all heauenly thinges But to returne to oure purpose againe the dignitie of priesthood amonge the people of Israel did of right belong to Ruben because hee was the first begotten But he by committing detestable inceste did loose his righte Next to him therfore was Leui who also loste that dignitie for the sinne which he cōmitted in killing the men of Sichem trayterously and prophaning the sacrament of Circumcision But because the tribe of Leui did behaue it selfe manfully not onely in the bringing of the children of Israel out of Aegypt but also in punishing idolaters I meane the men that worshipped the golden calfe therefore did they receiue the office or dignitie of priesthood in reward of their vertue and at that time were the Leuits chosen into the place of the first begotten of all the séed of Israel For thus wée read And Moses said vnto the Leuites Consecrate your handes vnto the Lord this day euery man vppon his sonne and vpon his brother that there may a blessing bee giuen you this day And againe And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying Behold I haue taken the Leuites from amonge the children of Israel for all that first openeth the matrice amonge the children of Israell and the Leuites shal be mine Because all the first borne are mine For the same daye that I smoate all the first borne in the land of Aegypt I hallowed to mee selfe all the first borne in Israel And so forth By this it appeareth that the tribe of Leui was appointed to the priesthood in the Church of Israel Moreouer this dignitie or ministerie was singularly confirmed to this Tribe immediately vppon the insurrection of Corah Dathan and Abiron by the wonderfull myracle that the Lord wrought vppon Aarons rodd which budded alone among the other eleuen twigs for a witnesse that god had appointed the tribe of Leui alone to the office and function of holy priest ●ood And for that cause was the same rodd put into the arcke and kept
in God nor his couenaunts Finally circumcision did put the circumcised in mind of their duetie al their life long to wite that euery man should thinke that he had taken vpon him to professe God to beare in his bodie the Sacramēt of the Lorde For that is the cause why the Israelites were named or had their names giuen them in their circumcision For it is euident in Luke that Iohn Baptist and Iesus our sauiour had their names giuen them at their circumcision euen as also the first circumcised at his circumcision was called Abraham whose name before was said to be Abram It did admonish the circumcised of his duetie for so much as he had giuen his name vnto the Lord his confederate to bee inrolled in the register of God amōg the names of them that giue them selues vnto the Lord wherefore he ought by couenaunt duetie to frame his life not after his owne lust and pleasure but according to the will of God to whome he did betake him selfe For the condition of the couenaunt was that the circumcised shoulde not defile them selues with idolatrie and straunge religions that they should not pollute with vncleane lyuing the bodies and mindes that were hallowed to the Lord but that they perseuearing in true faith should ensue godlynesse shewe the workes of repentance and be obedient to God in all things For thus saith Moses in the tenth of Deuterono Circumcise the foreskinne of your hearts and harden not your neckes any longer To which words the Prophet Ieremie alludeth in his fourth Chapter saying Bee ye circumcised to the Lord and cut away the foreskinne of your hearte And the Martyr S. Stephan rebuking the vnbeléeuing Iewes sayeth Ye stiffe-necked and of vncircumcised hearte and eares ye alwayes resist the holie ghost Verie rightly therefore doth the holy Apostle Paule in his Epistle to the Romanes declare that there are two sortes of circumcision the one of the letter in the fleshe the outwarde circumcision that is made with handes the other in the heart of the Spirite the inwarde circumcision which is made by the meanes of the holy Ghost The circumcision of the heart God doth like well of in those y be his but that in the fleash he doeth vtterly mislike of if as the fleashe is the heart be not circumcised The liking and misliking of these two circumcisions is in that which went before so plainly alreadie declared that I néede not to stick any longer vpon it And here I think it not amisse before I make an ende of circumcision to reherse vnto you déerely beloued the woordes of the auncient writer Lactantius lib. Instit 4. Chap. 17. where he speaketh of circumcision in this manner The meaning of circumcision was that we should make bare our breastes to wite that wee should liue with a simple and plaine dealing heart because that parte of the bodie which is circumcised is partely like to a heart and is the fore parte of the priuitie and the cause why God commaunded to make it bare was that by that signe he might admonishe vs not to haue a couered heart that is that we should not couer within the secretes of our conscience any crime whereof wee ought to be ashamed And this is the circumcision of the heart whereof the Prophets speake which God hath translated from the mortall fleshe to the immortall soule For the Lorde being whole set and fully minded according to his eternall goodnesse to haue a care for our life and safegard did set repentance before our eyes for vs to followe as a waye to bring vs thereunto so that if wee make bare our heartes that is if by confession of our sinnes we satisfie the Lord we should obteine pardone whiche is denied to the proude and those that conceale their faultes by God who beholdeth not the face as man doeth but searcheth the secrets of the brest Thus much hitherto hath that auncient writer of the churche Lactantiꝰ Firmianus declared vnto vs touching the mysterie of circumcision Nowe all this whiche hitherto I haue saide touching the meaning and mysterie of circumcisiō was set forth as in a picture to be séene of all mens eyes so often as circumcision was solemnized in the church There was the league as it were renued which God did make with men There was the grace of God his sanctification and our corruption declared therein did Christ the rocke of stone appeare who with his spirite doth cutt wash away all spottes of the Churche Moreouer the worshippers of God did learne by that signe and so by all the holie ceremonie that they beeing in one ecclesiasticall bodie ought to do their indeuour by purenesse of liuing to winne the fauour of God their confederate Because by the visible circumcision there was after a sorte an open confession made of the true religion of frée consent to the true religion and of a bynding by promise vnto the same He therefore that did despise or vnaduisedly neglect that holie ceremonie was sharply punished as may be gathered by the 17. of Genesis and the fourth Chapter of Exodus And so muche hetherto touching circumcision There followeth nowe the seconde Sacrament of the auncient churche I meane the Paschal Lamb. It is an Hebrewe word not signifying a passion as it should séeme if it were deriued according to the Gréeke etymologie but it signifieth a skipping a leaping or a passing ouer For the Hebrewe *** signifieth to leape or passe ouer The cause of this worde Moses him selfe sheweth in the lawe where he saith The Lord shall go ouer to strike the Aegyptians when he shall see the bloud vppon the vpper poste and the two side postes of the doore *** the Lord wil passe ouer that doore and will not suffer the destroyer to come within your houses This sacrament is knowen also and called by other names For it is called a signe a remembraunce a solemnitie an holie assemblie the feast of the Lorde a worship an obseruation an oblation and a Sacrifice But whereas that ceremonie is called a passing ouer that is not done without a trope For the passing ouer was the verie benefite wherein the Angel of the Lorde did passe ouer the Iewes leaue their houses vntouched and saue their liues but for because the Paschall Lambe was a memoriall a renuing of that benefite therefore it tooke the name of the benefite Euen as I admonished you before that it is vsuall in Sacramentes for the signes to bee called by the names of the thinges that they signifie béecause of the likenesse and mutual proportion that is betwixt them Let vs sée nowe what the passeouer was and what kinde of ceremonie did belong vnto it The Passeouer was an holy action ordeined by God in the killing and eating of a Lambe partely to the ende that the Churche might kéepe in memorie the benefite which God did for them in the land of Aegypt to be a testimonie of Gods
The eighth Sermon ALthough I haue hitherto in large Sermons layed foorth the lawe of God by seuerall partes yet mée thinketh I haue not sayde all that should be sayde nor made an ende as I should doe vnlesse I adde nowe a treatise of the vse effect fulfilling and abrogating of the lawe of God albeit I haue here and there in my Sermons touched the same argument Nowe by this discourse or treatise dearely beloued ye shal vnderstand that the testamēt of the olde and newe church of God is all one and that there is but one meanes of true saluation for all them that either haue or else at this present are saued in the worlde ye shall also perceiue wherein the olde testament doth differ from the newe Moreouer this treatise wil bee necessarie and verie profitable both to the vnderstanding of many places in the holy Scripture and also to the easie perceiuing and moste hoalesome vse of those thinges which I haue saide hitherto touching the lawe God who is the author the wisedome and the perfect fulnesse of the lawe giue mée grace to speake those thinges that are to the setting foorth of his glorie and profitable for the health of your soules The vse of Gods lawe is manifolde and of sundrie sortes and yet it may be called backe to thrée especiall poyntes and wee may saye that the vse therof is thréefold or of thrée sorts For firste of all the chiefe and proper office of the lawe is to conuince all men to be guiltie of sinne and by their owne fault to be the children of death For the lawe of God setteth foorth to vs the holie will of God and in the setting forth thereof requireth of vs a moste perfecte and absolute kinde of righteousnesse And for that cause the lawe is wont to be called the testimonie of Gods will and the moste perfect exampler of his diuine purenesse And hereunto belong those wordes of the Lord in the Gospell where he recitinge shortly the summe of Gods cōmaundements doth say The firste of all the commaundements is Heare O Israel the Lorde our God is one Lorde and thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soule and with all thy minde and with all thy strength This is the firste commandement and the seconde like to this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe There is none other commaundement greater then these Therefore to this doeth also apperteine that sayinge of the Apostle Paule The end of the commaundement is charitie out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith vnfeigned But since the law doth require at all our handes most absolute righteousnesse charitie and a pure heart it doth condemne all men of sinne vnrighteousnesse and death For in the lawe of God it is expressely said Cursed is euery one whiche abideth not in all that is writtē in the booke of the lawe to doe it But what one of vs fulfilleth all the pointes of the lawe what mā I pray either heretofore hath had or at this day hath a pure heart within him What man hath euer loued or doeth now loue God with all his heart with all his soule and with all his minde What man is he that did neuer luste after euill Or who is it now y lusteth not euery day Therefore imperfection and sinne is by the lawe or by the bewraying of the lawe reuealed in mankinde What shall we say to this where I pray you doth there appeare in any man that diuine and most absolute righteousnesse whiche the lawe requireth Iob crieth I knowe verilie that a man compared to God cannot be iustified Or How shall a man be found righteous if hee be compared to God If he wil argue with him he shall not be able to aunswere one for a thousand If I haue any righteousnes in me I will not answere him but I will beseech my Iudge Like to these are the words of the Apostle Iohn who saith If wee say wee haue no sinne we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. Againe If we say we haue not sinned we make him a lyar and his word is not in vs. Therefore by this meanes the lawe is a certaine looking glasse wherein we behold our owne corruption frailnesse imbecillitie imperfection oure iudgement that is our iust and deserued damnation For the Apostle doth expressely say that the law was giuen to the end that it might make manifest mens trāsgressions and by that meanes driue them to the acknowledging of their imperfection and guilt in sinning For none of vs doth looke into his owne boosome nor into the secrets of his owne breast but wee do all flatter our selues and will not be persuaded that our thoughts and deedes are so corrupt as they bee in very deede and therefore doth the lawe creepe in and lay open the secrets of our hearts and bringeth to lighte oure sinne and corruption Before the lawe saith the Apostle although sinne were in the world yet was it not imputed The same Apostle also saith The lawe worketh wrath for where there is no lawe there is no transgression And againe By the lawe cōmeth the knowledge of sinne For in the 7. to the Romans the same Apostle doth say more fully I knew not sin but by the lawe For I had not knowen luste excepte the law had said Thou shalt not lust But sinne taking occasion by the cōmaundement wrought in me al maner of concupiscence For without the lawe sin was dead I once liued without lawe but when the commaundement came sinne reuiued and I was dead And it was found that the same commaundement which was ordeyned vnto life was vnto me an occasion of death c. For a good part of that Chapiter is spent in that matter Therefore the proper office of Moses and the principal vse and effecte of the lawe is to shew to man his sinne and imperfection As for those which staye heere and goe no further to make any other vse and effecte of the lawe but as thoughe Moses did nothing but kill the lawe nothing but slay they are diuersly and that not lightly deceiued I do here againe repeate it and tel them that the very proper office of the lawe is to make sinne manifest also that Moses his chiefe office is to teach vs what wée haue to doe with threateninges and cursings to vrge it especially whē the law is compared with the Gospel For in the third Chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians Paul calleth the law the letter and immediately after the ministration of death then againe hée calleth it a doctrine written in letters and incke and figured in tables of stone which should not endure but perish and decay The same Apostle on the otherside againe doeth call the Gospel the ministration or doctrine of the spirite which endureth decayeth not which is written in mens hearts giueth life to the beléeuers
they shall all knowe mee from the little vnto the greate But of the law it is written that it was grauen in tables of stone Yet for all this let no man thinke that the fathers obteined no remission of their sinnes For as they by faith had frée forgiuenesse of their sinnes so did God both write his lawe and powre his spirite into their heartes For which of vs at this day can saye that wée excell in knowledge and in faith either Abraham Moses Samuel Dauid Esaie Daniel or Zacharias So then the difference is not in that the fathers of the old testamente were without the remission of sinnes and the illumination of the holie Ghoste and that wée alone which are the people of the newe testament haue obteined them but the difference doeth consiste in the greatnesse amplenesse largenesse and plentifulnesse of the giftes to witt because they are more liberallie bestowed and more plentifully powred out vppon more nowe than they were of old For all nations being called doe not by dropmeale but by whole handfulls drawe the water of life The Lord doth powre out his spirite vppon all fleshe Of old God was knowen in Iurie onely but nowe since Christe is come into the world his disciples are gone thoroughe all the corners of the earth teach all kingdomes to knowe the Lord. Of old the worthie men and Prophets were not so many but that they might bée numbred because the land of promise in a maner alone did bréed such good and holy men But who is at this day able to reckon all that kings Princes noble men Prophets Bishops doctours Martyrs excellent persons of euery sexe estate and age whiche haue beene and are at this day bred not onely in Iurie but also in Arabia Idumea Phenicia Mesopotamia Persia Asia Aegypt Africa Gréece Italie the Easte the South the Weste and the North Frée remission of sinnes is preached to all countries and kingdomes All the faithfull in euerie nation vnder heauen are throughe Christ receiued into the grace and fauour of God the father All haue receiued in great abundaunce the gift of the holy Ghoste All haue prophecied All haue knowen the lord Finallie the lawe maketh no man perfecte The Gospell simplie maketh perfect and doth directly without any stopp lead vs to Christe and causeth vs to rest and to content oure selues in him alone Last of all I will not slippe ouer this difference althoughe it be of little weight and such an one as other like vnto it may be easilie obserued that the lawe appointing out a certeine land peculiarly separated from other nations did promise to the old fathers the possession of the same so long as they did kéep the law but if they did transgresse the lawe then did it threaten that they should be rooted vpp and vtterly cast out of that good land But to vs no one limited lande is expressely promised For the earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof the rounde world and all that therein is But althoughe hée doeth not héere assigne to vs as hée did to oure forefathers of olde any certeine or peculiar thinge yet doeth hée not at any time neglecte vs For hée féedeth blesseth and preserueth vs in euery land and nation Therfore the promises which were of old made to oure forefathers concerning the land of promise being come to an end are vtterly vanished away so that they which for an age or two agoe did incite many nations to arme themselues for the recouerie of the holy land doe seeme to haue béene besides their witts Christ by his comming into the world hath sanctified all the earth For there are in euerie nation of the world some sonnes and heires of God and his kingdome Touching the likenesse and agréement the vnlikenesse and difference of both I meane the old and newe testaments or people I haue therfore spoken the more briefely béecause I haue in the first Sermon of the first Decade and in the sixte Sermon of this third Decade alreadie hādled the selfe same matter Finallie I haue but shortly touched the abrogation of the law because I did a good while ago set foorth two treatises y one of the Auncient Faith the other of the Only and eternall Couenaunt of God whiche treatises I knowe to bée familiar amonge you I will not héere in the conclusion recapitulate vnto you y special points of this Sermon partly because I haue alreadie béene somewhat to long and partly because I haue as I hope vsed so plaine an order that euery point is indifferently well settled in euery manns memorie Thus haue I by Gods grace and sufferance made an end to treate of Gods holy law wherin I haue béene occupied a good sort of dayes by seuerall Sermons Blessed bée God and oure heauenly father world without end whome I beséech to blesse vs all thorough Iesus Christ our Lord and Sauiour Amen ¶ Of Christian libertie and of offences Of good workes and the reward thereof ¶ The ninthe Sermon I HAVE alreadie through many sermons discoursed longe vppon Gods lawe nowe therefore because vppon the consideration handling of the lawe there doe arise certaine pointes not to bee omitted which doe depend vppon and are annexed hand in hand vnto the lawe of which sort are Christian libertie good woorkes the reward of good woorkes sinne and the reward or punishment of sinne I wil speake of them in order as God shall put into my mouth whō I shall desire you to praye vnto with mée beséeching him not to suffer me to speake in these or other points of holy doctrine the thing that shall sounde against his holy will. Vppon the abrogation of the lawe doeth Christian libertie depende and follow as the effecte of the abrogating of the lawe which libertie doth minister vs occasion to speake of offences Nowe concerning Christian libertie the most holy Apostle of Christ Sainct Paule hath reasoned verie diligently and largely whereby we may gather that the consideration of Christian libertie is neither of no weighte nor yet of little profite But the treatise therof is especially necessarie to vs of this age amonge whom there are no small number of men which doe either not vnderstand what Christian libertie is or else if they knowe it do foulie abuse it thereby to fulfill the lustes of the flesh I will therefore tell you who is the deliuerer that setteth vs at libertie who they are that he setteth at libertie and wherein and howe farre forth he setteth them at libertie whiche things being once knowen it wil be an easie matter to perceiue what Christian libertie is what the propertie or disposition of those is which are so set at libertie and howe farre forth they must beware from giuing office to any man and from abusing their graunted libertie There is none other deliuerer promised giuen and preached vnto vs than Christ Iesus the Sonne of god For he which doth deliuer other men must be himselfe frée from the
he saith not Let not sinne be in you or in your mortall body but he saith Let not sinne reigne in you or in your mortall bodie But when reigneth sinne Forsoothe sinne reigneth then when wée obey it thorough the lusts thereof that is when we resiste not but doe fulfill the lustes of the fleshe Sinne therefore doth not reigne in our mortall bodie so longe as it is but fealt in the bodie and not obeyed or permitted to rule but rather resisted and trode vnder foote This same sentence doth he expound by an other somwhat more easie to be vnderstood I would not haue you to permit your members to sinne as to a tyraunt to vse them as instrumentes to woorke all vnrighteousnesse I rather require you to giue your selues to bée ruled and gouerned by god For since hée hath set you frée from death brought you to life againe it is requisite that ye should giue your members to God as liuely instrumentes to woorke all righteousnesse And that shall ye bée easilie able to doe because ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace Vppon this doth all the rest of that Chapiter depend vnto the end What then saith hée shall we sinne because wee are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace God forbidde Knowe ye not how that to whomsoeuer ye commit your selues as seruauntes to obey his seruauntes ye are to whome ye obey whether it be of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnesse But God be thanked that ye were the seruants of sinne but ye haue obeyed with heart the fourme of doctrine into the which ye are brought vnto Being then made free from sinne ye are become the seruauntes of righteousnesse And yet he sheweth that the fréemen of Christ do not abuse their libertie and giue themselues againe to be gouerned by their old tyrannous maister Sinne. For he maketh Sinne and Righteousnesse to bée as it were two maisters and addeth to eche of them the hire or reward that they giue to their seruauntes the one Life the other Death Lastly he saith generallie that we are his seruaunts to whome wée giue our selues to obey Vppon which hée inferreth Being redeemed by the grace of God from the bondage of sinne and from death whiche is the rewarde of sinne we are translated into the bondage of righteousnesse whose reward is life that thereby we may liue For he doth more significantly expresse his meaning in that which followeth saying I speake after the manner of men because of the infirmitie of your flesh As ye haue giuen your mēbers seruaunts to vncleannesse and iniquitie vnto iniquitie euen so now giue your members seruauntes to righteousnesse vnto holinesse For when ye were the seruauntes of sinne ye were free from righteousnesse What fruite had ye then in those thinges whereof ye are nowe ashamed For the end of those thinges is death But nowe ye being made free from sinne made the seruants of God haue your fruit vnto holinesse and the ende euerlasting life For the reward of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life thoroughe Iesus Christe oure lord All this is so plaine and euident that it néedeth no larger exposition of mine And yet in the seuenth Chapiter next following hee doeth by comparison in a parable more fullie expounde all that hée said before The woman saith hée whiche is in subiection to the man is by the lawe bound to the man as longe as hée liueth If while the man liueth shée goe a side to an other she is counted an adultresse But if the man be dead shée may couple her selfe with an other man Euen so I saye wée are dead to the lawe For Christ died for vs and was in his bodie offered vpp to be a sacrifice or oblation to cleanse and purge oure sinnes that we might thenceforth bée vnited and coupled to him and that wée being conceiued and made with childe with his holy spirite maye trauaile bring foorth and be deliuered of an excellent issue holie fruite of good works euen as while we serued sinne were subiecte vnto it as to oure maister wee brought foorth an ill fauoured babe of death I meane iniquitie and wickednesse for the punishing whereof death is appointed and ordeined But let vs now heare the verie woords of the holie and blessed Apostle saying Euen so my brethren wee also are deade concerning the Lawe by the bodie of Christe that wee should bee coupled to an other who is raysed from the dead that wee should bring forth fruite vnto god For when we were in the flesh the lustes of sinne which were by the lawe wrought in oure members to bring forth fruite vnto death But no we are wee deliuered from the law and dead vnto it wherunto wee were in bondage that wee may serue in newenesse of spirite and not in the oldnesse of the letter That place in the eighth Chapiter to the Romanes is vnknowen to no man where he saith The lawe of the spirite of life thorough Christ Iesus hath made mee free from the lawe of sinne and death The manner of this deliueraunce hée doeth immediately after add saying For what the lawe could not doe that GOD did by sending his owne sonne And so forth as followeth For the woordes are sufficiently plaine and vnderstoode of all men In the seuenth Chapiter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians hee saith Yee are bought with a price doe not ye become the seruauntes of men In these woordes the holy Apostle exhorteth seruauntes vnder the colour or pretence of worldly bondage not to committ anye thinge for their earthly maisters pleasure whiche soundeth against sinceritie and is repugnant to pure religion to witt althoughe they bee called by the name of seruauntes yet that they should not obey the wicked lawes and vngodly ordinaunces of mortall men The cause that oughte to pull and draw vs from it is Because we are redeemed and set at libertie by the price of Christes his bloud It would therefore be to to bad and vnwoorthie a thinge if wée contrarie to the effecte of oure libertie should obey the naughtie lawes and ordinaunces of man. This also is extended stretcheth oute to the lawes of men whiche are made in matters of religion For in the fiftéenth Chapiter of the holy Gospell written by the Euāgelist S. Matthewe the Lord and Sauiour sayeth In vaine doe they worship mee teaching doctrines the precepts of men And Let them alone they are blinde leaders of the blinde And the Apostle S. Paul saith If ye be dead with Christe from the rudimentes of the world why as yet liuing in the world are ye ledd with traditions Touche not Taste not Handle not Which all doe perishe in abusing after the commaundementes and doctrines of men which thinges haue a shewe of wisedome in superstition and humblenesse of minde and in neglecting of the body not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh First of all hee sheweth that the faithfull ones
that all the ministers of the Churches euen from the Apostles time did both acknowledge and openly teach original sinne In that place he citeth the testimonies of Irenęus Cyprian Retilius Olympius Hilarie and Ambrose his father and maister in Christian doctrine Innocent Gregorie Basil and Iohn Chrysostome And at length hée inferreth Wilt thou now call so great a consent of Catholique priestes a cōspiracie of naughtie men Neither thincke thou that S. Hierome is to be cōtemned because he was but a priest onely and no bishop who being skilful in the Greeke Latine and Hebrue tongues and passinge from the West vnto the East Church liued in holy places and the studie of the sacred Scriptures euen to his croane crooked age He read all or in a maner al the woorkes of them whiche in both partes of the world did write of Ecclesiasticall doctrine and yet he neither held nor taught any otherwise of this point of doctrine And againe the same Augustine in his third booke De peccatorū meritis remissione Cap. 7. sayeth Hierome expounding the prophe●ie of Ionas when he came to that place where mētion is made that euen the little children were chastened with fasting sayth It began with the eldest and came euen to the yongest For there is none without sinne no not hee which is but one day old nor hee whose gray head hath seene many yeares For if the starres are not cleane in the sight of God how much more vncleane are duste and putrifying earth and those which are in subiection to the sinne of Adams transgression To these words of Hierome doeth Augustine himselfe annexe this that followeth If it were so that wee might easilie aske it of this most learned man how many teachers of the holie Scriptures in both the tongues and howe many writers of Christian treatises would hee reckon vp which since the time that Christ his Church was first planted haue themselues nether thought of their predecessours learned nor taught their successours any other thā this doctrine touching originall sinne I verilie thoughe I haue read nothing so much as hee do not remember that I haue heard any other doctrine of Christians whiche admit or receiue both the testaments whether they were in the vnitie of the Catholique Church or otherwise in Schismes and heresies I doe not remember that I haue read any other thing in them whose writinges touching this matter I could come by to read them if either they did followe or thought that they did follow or would haue men beleeue that they did followe the Canonicall Scriptures Thus farre hath Augustine teaching in the very beginning that all the Sainctes did by a full consent and agréement in doctrine most expressely graunt and confesse that originall sinne is euen in newe borne infants Mée thincketh that Sainct Hierome did not onely in Ionas but also much more euidently in Ezechiel confesse and affirme originall sinne His wordes are to bée séene Comment lib. 14. in cap. 47. ad Ezechielem and are verbatun as followeth What man can make his boaste that hee hath a chaste heart or to whose minde by the windows of the eyes the death of concupiscence or to vse a mylder terme the tickling of the minde doth not enter in For the world is set in wickednesse euen from his childhood the hart of man is set to naughtinesse so that not the very first day of a mans natiuitie his nature is free from sinne and naughtinesse Wherevppon Dauid in the Psalme sayeth For behold I was cōceiued in iniquitie and in sinne my mother conceiued mee Not in the iniquities of my mother or in mine owne sinnes but in the iniquities of our mortall state And therfore the Apostle saith death reigned from Adam vnto Moses ouer them also whiche had not sinned with the like transgression as did Adam Thus much hath Hierome and we haue hetherto alledged al these sayings to the end wee might proue that originall sinne is the naturall or hereditarie corruption of mans nature Let vs nowe sée what and howe great the hereditarie naughtinesse or corruption of our nature is and what power it hath to woorke in man Our nature verilie as I shewed you aboue was before the fall most excellent and pure in oure father Adam but after the fall it did by Gods iuste iudgement become corrupte and vtterly naught which is in that naughtinesse by propagation or Extraduce deriued into all vs whiche are the posteritie and ofspring of Adam as both experience and the thing it selfe doe euidently declare as well in sucklings or infantes as those of riper yeares For euen very babes giue manifest tokens of euident deprauation so soone as they once beginne to bée able to doe any thing yea before they can perfectlye sounde any one syllable of a whole word All oure vnderstandinge is dull blunt grosse and altogether blinde in heauenlie things Our iudgement in diuine matters is peruerse and friuolous For there arise in vs most horrible and absurd thoughtes and opinions touching God his iudgementes ● wonderfull woorkes yea our whole minde is apt and readie to errours to fables and our owne destruction and when as our iudgements are nothing but méere follie yet doe wée preferre them farre aboue Gods wisedome whiche wee esteeme but foolishnesse in comparison of oure owne conceiptes and corrupte imaginations For hee lyed not whiche saide The naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirite of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them because they are spirituallie discerned Nowe Paule calleth him the naturall man which liueth naturally by the vitall spirite and is not regenerate by the holy Ghoste And since we all are such wée are therefore wholie ouercome and gouerned of Philautie that is too great a selfeloue and delight in our selues whereby all things that wee oure selues doe woorke doe highly please vs loking still verie busilie to oure owne selues and our commoditie when in the meane time wée neglecte all others yea rather doe afflicte them Neither did Plato vnaduisedly estéeme that vice of selfeloue to bee the very roote of euery euill Furthermore our whole will is ledd captiue by concupiscence which as a roote enuenomed with poyson infecteth all that is in man and doeth incline drawe on driue man to things carnall forbidden and contrarie to God to the end that hée maye gréedilie pursue them put all his delight in them and content him selfe wyth them Moreouer there is in vs no power or abilitie to doe any good For wée are s●owe sluggish and heauie to goodnesse but liuely quicke and readie enoughe to anye euill or naughtinesse And that I may at last conclude and briefely expresse the whole force and signification of our hereditarie deprauation and corruption I say that this deprauation of our nature is nothing else but the blotting of Gods Image in vs There was in oure father Adam before his fall the very Image and likenesse of God
estimation of men how they do repute it For men before sinne doeth appeare and is opened vnto them by the lawe do not so repute or thincke of sinne as it ought in verie déede to be estéemed The same Paul in an other place saieth Sinne without the lawe was once dead and I once liued without law But when the lawe came sinne reuiued If so be now that sinne reuiued then did it liue before the lawe afore it was stirred vp by the law although it did not so rifely then as now shew forth the strength and force of it selfe To this also is to be added that saying of Paul Sinne was in the world euen to the lawe but sinne is not imputed when there is no lawe Loe here sinne was in the world before the lawe but it was not imputed not because God did not impute it but because men do not impute it to themselues Vnder cinders doth fire lye hid which is very fire in déede but because it casteth out no flame or lighte of it selfe it is not thought for to bee fire And for y cause the learned and godly man of famous memorie Vlderick Zuinglius did diligently distinguish betwixt sinne and disease or infirmitie when once he had occasion to dispute of originall sinne which hee chose rather to call a disease than sinne because by the name of sinne all men do vnderstand the naughtie acte committed by oure owne consent and will against the law of God but by the name of disease or sicknesse they vnderstand a certaine corruption and deprauation of the nature that was created good and the miserable condition of bondage whereinto it is brought Euē as also we heard before that Augustine did call this originall sinne Peccatum alienum an others sinne that thereby hée might giue vs to vnderstand that it is hereditarie doth descend from others into vs and yet he denied not but it is proper to euery seuerall one of vs In like maner Zuinglius denied not originall sinne as some did falsely slaūder him he thought not that by it selfe it is vnhurtfull to infants but so farre foorth as it is by the grace of God thoroughe the bloud of Iesus Christ in the vertue of gods promise and couenaunt made harmelesse vnto them His minde was to make an exquisite difference betwixt the actual and original sinns For in rendering an accompte of his faith in the counsell helde at Augusta the yeare of our Lord 1530. hee said I acknowledge that originall sinne is by condition and contagion borne in and with all them that are begotten by the acte of a man and a woman I knowe that wee are the sonnes of wrath Nether am I any thing against it that this disease cōdition should as Paule termeth it bee called sinne yea it is such a sinne as that they who soeuer are borne in it are the enimies and aduersaries of God Almightie For hether doth the cōdition of their bi●the drawe them and not the committing of wickednesse except it bee so farre forth as our first parent committed it The very true cause there●ore of oure disloyaltie death is the crime and wickednesse which Adam committed and that in very deede is sinne And this sinne which cleaueth to vs is in verie deed a disease condition yea it is a necessitie of dying And so forth as followeth For hetherto I haue rehearsed his very words There is nowe remayning the other effecte of original sinne for me to expound It breaketh out bringeth forth in vs those works that the scriptures call the workes of the flesh euen like as when an ouen set on fire doeth caste out flames and sparkles or as a fountaine that euer springeth doeth powre out water in great abundance There is no quietnesse in the nature of man For couetousnesse with filthie luste ariseth in it ambition cleaueth to it anger inuadeth it pride puffeth it vpp and causeth it to swell drunckennesse delighteth it and enuie torments both thée selfe others Therefore the Lord in the Gospell sayth Out of the hart procede euil thoughts murthers adulteries whoredoms thefts falswitnesse bearings euill speakinges Againe Paul in the 5. cap. to the Galat. doth reckon vp no smal number of the works of the flesh euen as he doth the like also in the first and third Chapiter of his Epistle to the Romanes In the fourth to the Ephesians he doeth very properly describe those woorkes of the flesh which spring out of the naturall corruption of all them whiche are not regenerate by the holy Ghost This I say sayeth hee and testifie vnto you that ye henceforth walke not as other Gentiles walke in vanitie of their minde darckened in cogitation being alienated from the life of God by the ignorance that is in them by the blindnesse of their hartes which beeing past feeling haue giuen themselues ouer vnto wantonnesse to work● all vncleannesse with greedinesse This though it be but little shall suffice for this place For I wil more largly prosecute it in the treatise of actuall sinne to the handling whereof I will presently passe so soone as I haue by the way admonished you that I haue not without good cause thus farre in many wordes spoken of the cause of originall sinne that is of mans deprauation the corruption of all his strēgth For as in these are opened the veines of pure doctrine so in them are placed the foundations of oure faith whole beléefe For if there be no originall sinne then is there no grace or if there be any yet shall it haue nothing to worke in vs If our owne strengthe is whole and sound then haue wee no need o● any Physician In vaine therfore came the sonne of god into the world For then shall men bee saued by their owne strength abilitie and so shal the foundatiō of our faith be quite turned vpside downe Therfore S. Augustine is very vehement in this cause whose golden woords I wil recite vnto you deerely beloued out of his 2. booke De originali peccato contra Pelagiū Caelestium In the 23. 24. Cap. I finde written as followeth There is great diuersitie in these questions which are thought to bee beside the articles of faith those wherin keeping sound the faith whereby we are Christians it is either not knowen what is true so the sentence definitiue is suspended or else it is otherwise gheassed at by humaine and vnassured suspicion than the thing it selfe in verie deed is as for example when it is demaunded of what sorte and where Paradise is where God placed man whom he had made of the dust of the earth when as notwithstāding Christiā faith doubteth not but that there is a Paradise And after the recitall of a fewe more such questions at last hee saith Who may not perceiue in these such like sundrie innumerable questions apperteining either to the most secrete works of God or the most darck and
intricate places of the holie scripturs which it is hard to cōprehend or define in any certeine order both that many things are vnknowen without the perill of Christian faith and also that in some points men do erre with out any crime of hereticall doctrine But concerning the two men by the one of whō wee are sold vnder sinne by the other redeemed from sinne by one we are cast headlong into death by the other wee are made free vnto life because that man did in himself● destroye vs by doing his owne will and not the will of him that mad● him but this man hath in himselfe saued vs by doing not his owne wil but the will of him that sent him Therfore in the cōsideration of these two men Christian faith doeth properly consist For there is one God and one mediatour of God and man the man Christ Iesus Because there is none other name vnder Heauen giuen vnto men in which they must be saued in him hath God appointed all men to trust raysing him vp from death to life Therefore Christian veritie doubteth not but that without this faith that is without the faith of the only mediatour of God and man the man Christ Iesus without the beliefe I say of his resurrection whiche God hath prescribed to men whiche cannot be truly beleeued without the beleefe of his incarnation and death without the faith therefore of the incarnation death and resurrection of Christ none of the auncient iust men could be cl●nsed and iustified of God from their sinnes whether they were in the number of those iuste men whome the holy Scripture mentioneth or in the number of those iuste men whom the Scripture nameth yet are to bee beleeued to haue beene either before the deluge or betwixte the deluge and the lawe or in the verie time of the lawe not onely among the children of Israel as the Prophets were but also without that people as Iob was For euen their harts were clēsed by the same faith of the mediatour and charitie was powred into them by the same holy spirite which breatheth where he listeth not following after merits but euen working the verie merits themselues For Gods grace will not bee by any meanes vnlesse it be free by al meanes Although therefore death reigned from Adam vnto Moses because the law giuen by Moses could not ouercome it For there was no such law giuen as could quicken but such a lawe as whose office was to shewe that the dead to the quickening of whome grace was necessarie were not only ouerthrowen by the propagation and dominion of sinne but were also condemned by the hidden transgression of the verie law it selfe not that euery one should perish that did then vnderstand it in the mercie of God but that euery one being through the dominiō of death appointed vnto punishment and detected to himselfe by the transgression of the lawe should seeke for the helpe of God that where sinne aboūded grace might more abound which alone doth deliuer from the body of this death Although therefore the lawe giuen by Moses could not ridd any mā from the kingdome of death yet in the very time of the lawe were the men of God not vnder the terrifying conuinceing punishing law but vnder the delectable sauing and deliuering grace There were among them some which said In iniquitie was I conceiued and in sinne hath my mother fedd mee in her wombe And so forth For hetherto I haue cited the very words of S. Augustine I haue thus farre spoken of originall sinne of the natiue and hereditarie corruption of our nature which is the first part in the definition of sinne here followeth nowe the latter part to witt the very Action which ariseth of that corruption the actual sinne I say which is so called Ab actu that is an acte or a déede doing For in so much as that corruption whiche is borne together with and is hereditarie in vs doeth not alwayes lye hidd but woorketh outwardly and sheweth forth it selfe doth at last bring forth an imp of her owne kinde and nature which impe is actuall sinne therefore we define actuall sinne to bee an action or woorke or fruite of oure corrupte and naughtie nature expressing it selfe in thoughts words and workes against the lawe of God and therby deseruing the wrath of God. So then by this the cause of actuall sinne is knowen to be the very corruption of mankind which sheweth forth it selfe through concupiscence and euil affections affections intice the will wil being helped with the other faculties in man that worke together with it doth finish actual sinne And that ye may more clearely perceiue that whiche I saye I wish you to note that our minde hath two partes The vnderstanding or reason or iudgement and the will or appetite In the reason are the lawes of nature whereunto must be added the preaching or reading or knowledge of Gods word And nowe as of good woorkes in man there are two especiall causes to witt sound iudgement well framed by the woord of God and a will consenting and obeying therevnto and yet notwithstanding there is principallie to be required the comming to of the holye Ghoste from heauen to illuminate the minde and moue forward the will euen so we may most properly say that actuall sinne is finished when any thinge is of set purpose with aduised iudgement and the consent of our wil committed against the lawe of god And yet to these there doe many times happen other outward causes both visible and inuisible For euill spirites moue men and euill men moue men and other infinite examples of corruption that are in the world Hope seare and weakenesse doe also moue men Augustine Quaest in Exodum 29. sayeth The beginning of vice is in the will of man but the heartes of men are moued by sundrie accidental causes now this now that sometimes the causes are all one the difference is in the manner and order according to euery ones proper qualities which doe arise of euerie seuerall will. Againe in the 79. Psalme he sayeth Two things there are that woorke all sinnes in mortall men desire and feare Consider examine aske your heartes search your consciences and see if any sinnes can be but by desiring or else by fearing Thou a●t promised if thou wilt sinne to haue such a reward giuē thee as thou doest delight in and for desire of the gifte thou crackest thy conscience doest commit sinne And againe on the other side though peraduenture thou wilt not be seduced with giftes yet being terrified with threatnings thou doest for dread of that whiche thou fearest cōmit the iniquitie that other wise thou wouldest not As for example Some one man or other would with giftes corrupte thee to beare false witnesse Thou presently hast turned thee selfe to God and hast said in thy heart what doth it aduantage a man if hee gaine the whole world suffer the losse
the blasphemie against the holie Ghoste shal not be forgiuen vnto men And whosoeuer speaketh a worde against the sonne of man it shal be forgiuen him but whosoeuer speaketh against the holie Ghost it shall not bee forgiuen him neither in this worlde nor in the world to come The same sentence of our Sauiour is thus expressed in the thirde Chapter of sainct Markes Gospell All sinnes shal be forgiuen vnto the children of men blasphemies wherewith soeuer they shal blaspheme but he that speaketh blasphemie against the holie Ghoste hath neuer forgiuenesse but is in daunger of eternall damnation In the twelfth Chap. after Sainct Luke these woordes in a manner are vttered thus Who soeuer speaketh a worde against the sonne of man it shal be forgiuen him but vnto him that blasphemeth the holie Ghoste it shal not be forgiuen In these woordes of the Lorde we haue here mention made of blasphemie against the sonne of man and of blasphemie against the holie Ghoste of which that against the holie Ghoste is vtterly vnpardonable but that against the sone of man is altogether veniall Blasphemie against the sonne of man is committed of the ignoraunt which are not yet inlightened doeth tend against Christ whome the blasphemer doth thinke to bee a seducer because he knoweth him not Suche blasphemers the woorde of the Lorde doth manifestly testifie that Paul him selfe before his conuersion a greate parte of the Iewes were For vppon the crosse the Lorde prayed crying Father for giue them for they wott not what they doe And the Apostle Paule sayth If they had knowen the Lorde of glorie they would not haue crucified him Wherevpon Saincte Peter in the Actes speakinge to the Iewes saith I knowe that ye did it through ignorance nowe therefore turne you and repent that your sinnes may be wiped out Act. 3. But the blasphemie against the holie Ghost is saide to be a continual faultfinding or reproche against the holie spirite of God that is against the inspiration illumination and woorkes of the spirite For when he doth so euidently worke in the minds of men that they can neither gainesaye it nor yet pretend ignorance and that for all this they do resist mocke despise and continually snapp at the trueth whiche they in their consciences do knowe to be moste hoalsome and true in so doing they do blaspheme the holie Spirite and power of god As for example the Phariseis being by moste euident reasons and vnreproueable miracles cōuinced in their owne minds could not denie but that the doctrine woorkes of our Lorde Iesus Christe were the trueth and miracles of the verie God and yet against the testimonie of their owne consciences they did of méere enuie rebellious doggednesse and false apostacie continually cauil that Christ did al by the means inspiration of Beelsebub the diuel And little or nothing better than the Phariseis are those which when they haue in these dayes once vnderstoode that the verie trueth and assured saluation are moste simplie and purely set forth in Christe doe notwithstanding forsake it and allowe of the contrarie doctrine condemning and with mockes rayling vppon the sounde and manifest trueth yea and that more is they ceasse not to clappe their handes and hisse at it as a damnable heresie As this sinne is of all other the filthiest so is it not veniall but vtterly vnpardonable For in the Gospell the Lorde hath expresly saide it shall not bee forgiuen him neither in this world nor in the worlde to come Whiche sentence in Saint Marke is thus pronounced He hath neuer forgiuenesse but is in daunger of eternall damnation The cause is manifest For it is vnpossible without faith to please god Without faith there is no remission of sinnes Without faith there is no entraunce into the kingdome of god But the sinne against the holie Ghoste is méere apostacie flatt rebellion against the true faith which the holie Ghoste by his illumination doth powre into our heartes Whiche illumination these vntoward Apost ataes doe incessantly call darkenesse they name it a meere seduction and do with tauntes blaspheme it openly Therfore the sinne is neuer forgiuen them For they tread vnder foote the Grace of God and do despise make a mocke of the waye which leadeth to saluation Wherefore Sainct Paule in the tenth to the Hebrues saith If wee sinne willingly after we haue receiued the knowledge of the trueth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes but a fearefull looking for of iudgement and violent fire which shal deuour the aduersaries Nowe I pray you what is it to sinne wilingly Forsooth to sinne willingly is not to sinne through infirmitie or oftē times to fall into one the same sinne but to sinne willingly is with a moste stubborn cōtēpt to sinne as they are wont to do which wittingly and willingly do reiecte and spurne at the Grace of God not ceassing to make a mocke of the crosse death of Christ as thoughe it were foolishe and not sufficiently effectuall to the purginge of all oure sinnes For to such there is prepared none other sacrifice for sinnes And suche the Apostle calleth the aduersaries that is the contemners and enimies of god And therefore the same Apostle in the sixte Chapter of the same Epistle saith It cannot be that they which were once lighted and haue tasted of the heauenly gifte were become partakers of the holie ghost and haue tasted of the good woorde of God and the powers of the world to come and they fall away should be renued againe into repentaunce crucifying to them selues the sonne of God afreshe and making a mock of him He speaketh not here of euery fall of the faithfull but of wilfull stubborne apostacie For Peter fell and was restored againe throughe repentance which happeneth to more than Peter alone For all sinners are through repentaunce daily restored But vnrepentant Iudas is not restored because he was a wilfull apostatae Mockers and blasphem●rs are not restored through repentance because they do obstinately stande against the knowen veritie and ceasse not to blaspheme the waye by whiche alone they are to be ledd vnto eternall life Therefore those places of S. Paule do make neuer a whit for the Nouatians but do expound to vs the nature and enuenomed force of the sinne against the holie Ghost Sainct Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist disputing of this sinne in his Canonicall Epistle saith If any man see his brother sinne a sinne which is not vnto death he shal aske he shal giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death I say not that thou shouldest praye for it All vnrighteousnesse is sinne and there is a sinne not vnto death We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth him selfe and that euil toucheth him not Sainct Iohn here maketh mentiō of two sortes of sinnes The one vnto death that is mortall
vnseparable ioyning or knitttng vnto him For Dauid sayeth There is fulnesse of ioyes in thy sight and at thy right hand are pleasures for euermore And Sainct Iohn sayeth Nowe are we the sonnes of God and yet it appeareth not what wee shal be But we knowe that when he shall appeare wee shal be like him for we shal see him as hee is Moreouer the Lord in the Gospell sayeth Blessed are the pure in heart for they shal sée god But all men are indued with vnpure hearts therefore no man shall sée god Because no vncleannesse abideth in consuming fire And God is a consuming fire therefore wee cannot bee partakers of saluation vnlesse we be purely cleansed But without the shedding of bloud there is no cleansing or remission of sinnes I doe not meane the bloud of Rammes or Goates but of the onely begotten sonne of GOD oure Lord Christ Iesus Hée therefore toke our fleshe and bloud hée came into the world died willingly for vs and shed his bloud for the remission of oure sinnes and so by that meanes purged the faithfull so that now being cleane they maye be able to stand before the most holye God who is a consuming fire To this may be annexed the cōsideration of the incarnation of oure Lord Iesu Christ his death resurrection and ascension into heauen wherof I did aboue make mention in the definition of the Gospell For in those pointes doeth consist the whole mysterie of our reconciliation Touching whiche I doe in this place speake so much the more brieflye because in the e●position of the Apostles Créede I haue handled so much as séemeth to concerne these points of doctrine whiche whosoeuer will knowe may looke and finde them there Now that Christ alone is our most absolute life and saluation it may bée gathered by that whiche is alreadie spoken and yet not withstanding I will héere alledge some testimonies more to the ende that the veritie and sinceritie of the Euangelicall trueth may be the more firme and euident to all men That in Christ alone our life and saluation doth cōsist so that without Christ there is no life and saluation in any other creature y Lord himselfe doth testifie saying Verilie verilie I say vnto you hee that entereth not by the doore into the sheepefold but goeth in some other way hee is a theefe and a robber Verilie verilie I say vnto you I am the doore of the sheepe as many as came before mee are theeues robbers Loe here there is but one doore onely through whiche the way doeth lye vnto eternal life And Christ is that doore They therefore which doe by other meanes than through Christ striue to come to life saluation are theeues robbers For they steale from Christ his honour and glorie considering that hée both is and abideth the onely Sauiour and in so doing they kill their owne soules The same Sauiour in the Gospell sayeth I am the waye the trueth and the life No man commeth to the father but by mee Hath hee not in these fewe wordes reiected and vtterly excluded al other meanes of saluation making himselfe alone our life and saluation This phrase of speach No man commeth to the father but by mee is the same that this is Through Christ alone we come vnto the father Moreouer the Lords Apostles haue so layde Christe alone before oure eyes that no man can choose but vnderstand that without Christ Iesus there is no life to bée founde in any other creature The holy Apostle Sainct Peter in the Actes sayeth There is in none other any Saluation For there is none other name vnder heauen giuen amonge men wherein wee must bee saued And Sainct Paule in the fift Chapiter to the Romanes doeth often times repeate That by the righteousnesse of one man Iesus Christe all the faithfull are iustified Againe the same Paule sayeth Thoroughe him is preached to you the remission of sinnes and throughe him is euerie one that beleeueth iustified from al the thinges from whiche ye could not be iustified by Moses lawe Like to this also hee hath other testimonies in the second Chapiter of his Epistle written to the Galathians It is manifest therefore that thoroughe Christe alone the forgiuenesse of sinnes life euerlasting are fréely bestowed vpon all the faithfull whiche giftes as they are not without Christe at all so are they not bestowed by any other meanes than thorough Christ alone Concerning the remission of sinnes whiche is the chiefe tydinges of the Gospell I haue at large alreadie discoursed in the ninthe Sermon of the first Decade other places more Nowe for the proofe that our Lord doeth fully absolue from sinnes fully remitte sinnes and fully saue repentaunt sinners so that nothing more can be desired or wished for and consequently that the Lord himselfe is the most absolute fulnesse of all the faithfull without whome they that beléeue neither doe nor can wishe for any thinge else to life saluation and absolute felicitie hee doeth himselfe in the Gospell say Euerie one that drinketh of this water shall thirst againe but whosoeuer shall drincke of the water whiche I shal giue him he shal liue eternallie And againe I am the bread of life Hee that commeth to mee shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in mee shall neuer thirste The Apostles therefore after they had eaten this celestiall bread that is after they had once beléeued in Christe when many departed and did forsake Christe being demaunded whether they also would leaue him did aunswere Lord to whome shal wee goe Thou hast the wordes of eternal life and we beleeue and knowe that thou art Christ the sonne of the liuinge God. Loe heere they neither wil nor can forsake Christ Because there is none other to whome they may ioyne themselues For hee alone is the life and saluation of them that beléeue and that too so absolute and perfecte that in him alone they maye contente and stay themselues With the writinges of the Euangelists doth the doctrine of the Apostles fully agrée For Paul to the Colossians sayth It pleased the father that in the sonne shuld dwell all fulnesse And againe In the Sonne doeth dwell all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodilie and ye are fulfilled in him And in the Epistle to the Hebrues he affirmeth that the faithfull haue ful remission of sinnes because sacrifices for sinne doe ceasse to be offered and that God doeth by the Prophete Ieremie promise so absolute remission of sinnes that hee will not so much as once remember or thincke on them hereafter To this place belongeth the whole Epistle written to the Hebrues and the conclusion of the eighth Sermon in the first Decade wherein I reckoned vnto you the treasures that God the father doth giue to vs in Christ his sonne our Lord and Sauiour Vppon this nowe doth follow consequently that they haue not yet rightly vnderstoode the Gospell of Christe nor syncerely preached it whosoeuer doe attribute to
Christ Iesu our Lord the true Messiah either not onely or else not fully all thinges requisite to life and saluation It is a wicked and blasphemous thinge to ascribe either to men or to things inferiour and worse thā men the glorie and honour due vnto Christ The principall exercises of Christian religion cannot by derogating from the glorie of Christe challenge any thing vnto themselues For syncere doctrine doth directly lead vs vnto Christ Prayer doeth inuocate praise and giue thanckes in the name of Christ The Sacramentes doe serue to seale and represent to vs the mysteries of Christ And the workes of faith are done of duetie althoughe also of frée accord because wee are created vnto good works Yea through Christ alone they do please and are acceptable to God the father For hee is the Vine we are the branches So all glorie is reserued vntouched to Christ alone which is the surest note to know the true Gospel by Thus hetherto wee haue heard That God the father of mercies according to his frée mercie taking pittie vppon mankinde when it stucke fast and was drowned in the myre of hell did as hée promised by the Prophets send his onely begotten sonne into the world that he might draw vs out of the mudd and fully giue vs all thinges requisite to life and saluation For God the father was in Christ reconciled vnto vs who for vs and our saluation was incarnate dead raysed from death to life and taken vpp into heauen againe And although it may by all this be indifferently well gathered to whom that saluation doeth belonge and to whome that grace is rightly preached yet the matter it selfe doeth séeme to require in flatt woordes expressely to shewe that Christ and the preaching of Christ his grace declared in the Gospell doeth belonge vnto all For wée must not imagine that in heauen there are layed two books in the one wherof the names of them are written that are to be saued and so to be saued as it were of necessitie that do what they will against the woord of Christ and commit they neuer so heynous offences they cannot possiblie choose but be saued and that in the other are conteyned the names of them which doe what they can and liue they neuer so holilie yet cannot auoyde euerlasting damnation Let vs rather hold that the holy Gospel of Christ doeth generally preach to the whole world the grace of God the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting And in this beliefe wee must confirme oure mindes with the word of God by gathering together some euident places of the holy Scriptures which doe manifestly proue that it is euen so Of whiche sort are these sayinges following In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed Genesis 22. Euerie one that calleth vppon the name of the Lord shal be saued Ioel. 2. Wee haue all gone astray like sheepe and God hath layed vppon him the iniquitie of vs all Esaie 53. Come to the waters all ye that thirst Esaie 55. There are of this sorte innumerable places in the old testament Nowe in the Gospel the Lord sayeth Euerie one that asketh receiueth and hee that seeketh findeth c. Matth. 7. Come to mee all ye that labour and are heauie loaden and I will ease you of your burthen Matthewe 11. Teach all nations baptisinge them in the name of the father c. Matth. 28 Goe ye into the whole world preach the Gospell vnto all creatures Whosoeuer beleueth and is baptised he shal be saued Marc. 16. So God loued the worlde that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne that euery one which beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life Iohn 3. In the Actes of the Apostles Sainct Peter saith Of a trueth I perceiue that there is no respect of persons with God but in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnes is acceptable vnto him Actes 10. Paule in the thirde to the Romanes saith The righteousnesse of God by faith in Iesus Christ commeth vnto all and vppon all them that beleeue And in the tenth Chapter he saith The same Lorde ouer all is riche to all them that call vppon him In his Epistle to Titus hee saith There hath appearrd the grace of God that is healthful to all men And in the firste to Timothie the seconde Chapter he saith God wil haue all men to bee saued and to come to the knowledge of the trueth These and suche like are the manifest testimonies wherevppon all the faithfull do firmely staye them selues But now if thou demaundest how it happeneth that all men are not saued since the Lorde would that all should be saued come to the knowledge of the trueth The Lorde in the Gospell doth him selfe answere thee saying Many in deede are called but fewe are chosen Which sentence hee doeth in the fourtéenth of S. Lukes Gospell more plainly expound where he doth in a parable shewe the causes why a great part of mortall men doth not obteine eternal saluation while they preferre earthly thinges transitorie beefore celestiall or heauenly matters For euery one had a seuerall excuse to cloake his disobedience withall one had bought a farme an other had fiue yokes of Oxen to trye the thirde had newly married a wife And in the Gospell after Sainct Iohn the Lorde saith This is condemnation because the light came into the worlde and men loued darkenesse more than the light With this doctrine of the Euangelistes doeth that saying of the Apostle agrée 2. Corin. 4. Chapter And in the first to Timothie the fourth Chapter he saith God is the Sauiour of all men especially of those that beleeue Wherevppon we gather that God in the preachinge of the Gospell requireth faith of euery one of vs and by faith it is manifest that we are made partakers of all the goodnesse and giftes of Christe And verily there is a relatiō betwixt faith and the Gospell For in the Gospell after Sainct Marke the Lorde annexeth faith to the preaching of the Gospell And Paule saith that To him was committed the preaching of the Gospell vnto the obedience of faith Againe he saith The Gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to all them that doe beleeue And in the tenth Chapter to the Romans he doth by Gradation shewe that the Gospell is receiued by faith But that faith may be rightly planted in the heartes of men it is needefull that the preaching of repentaunce do firste goe before For which cause I in the latter ende of the definition of the Gospell added So that wee acknowledginge our sinnes may beleeue in Christe that is to saye the Lorde wil be oure Sauiour and giue vs life euerlasting if we acknowledge our sinnes and do beléeue in him And therefore here nowe may be annexed the treatises of faith and repentaunce Touchinge faith I haue alreadie largely spoken in the 4. 5. and 6. Sermons of the first Decade Concerning repentaunce I wil
hereafter speake in a seueral sermon by it selfe In this place I will onely touche summarily such poynts of repentance as séeme to make for the demonstration of the Gospell Our Lorde Christe Iesus doth in the preaching of the Gospell require faith and repentaunce neither did he him selfe when hee preached the Gospell procéede any other waye For Marke hath Iesus came into Galile preaching the Gospell of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdome of God is at hand repent and beleeue the Gospell Neither did he otherwise instructe his disciples when he sent them to preache the Gospell vnto all nations For S. Luke saith Christ saide to his disciples so it is written and so it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe the thirde daye from the dead and that in his name should be preached repētance and the forgiuenesse of sinnes vnto all nations Sainct Paule like a good scholer following his maister in the Actes of the Apostles saith Ye knowe that I haue helde backe nothing that was profitable vnto you but haue shewed you haue taught you openly and throughout euery house witnessing both to the Iewes and also to the Greekes the repentance that is towarde god and the faith that is towarde our Lorde Iesus Christe In his Epistle to the Romanes where he doth compendiousely handle the Gospel he taketh occasion to beginne the preaching thereof at sinne conuincing both Iewes and Gentiles to be subiect therevnto Nowe hee beginneth at sinne to this ende and purpose that euery one descending into him selfe may sée and acknowledge that in him selfe he hath no righteousnesse but that by nature he is the sonne of wrath death and damnation not that suche acknowledging of sinnes doth of it selfe make vs acceptable vnto God or else deserue remission of sinnes and life euerlasting but that after a sorte it doth prepare a waye in the mindes of men to receiue faith in Christe Iesus and so by that meanes to embrace Christ Iesus him selfe who is our only and absolute righteousnesse For the hoale néede not the Physician but suche as are sicke and diseased They therefore whiche thinke them selues to be cleare without sinnes and righteous of them selues do vtterly reiect Christ and make his death of none effect but on the other side they that féele the diseases of the mynde and do from the bottome of their heartes confesse that they are sinners and vnrighteous not putting any trust in their owne strength and merites doe euen pant for the haste that they make to Christ which when they do then Christe doeth offer him selfe in the Gospell promisinge vnto them remission of sinns and life euerlasting as he that came to heale the sicke and to saue repentant sinners But the promise is receiued by faith and not by woorkes therefore the Gospell and Christ in the Gospel are receiued by faith For wee must diligently distinguishe betwirte the precepts and the promises The promises are receiued by faith the preceptes are accomplished by workes Wherevppon Paule is read to haue saide If the inheritaunce be of the lawe then is it not nowe of promise But god gaue Abraham the inheritaunce by promise The same Apostle to the Romans conferring the lawe and the Gospell together doth saye The righteousenesse which is of the lawe doth say whosoeuer doeth these thinges shall liue by them But the righteousenesse of faith doth saiye if thou beleeuest thou shalt be saued The lawe therefore is grounded vppon workes wherevnto it séemeth to atttribute righteousnesse But because no man doth in woorkes fulfill the lawe therefore is no man iustified by works or by the lawe The Gospell is not grounded vpon works For sinners acknowledge nothing in them selues but sinne and wickednesse For they féele in them selues that they are wholie corrupted and therefore they flée to the mercie of god in whose promises they put their trust hoaping verily that they shall freely obteine remission of their sinnes and that for Christ his sake they are receiued into the number of the sonnes of God. I would speake more in this place concerning faith in Iesus Christ the remission of sinnes and the inheritannce of life euerlasting if I had not alreadie in the sirste Decade declared them at large Here by the way ye haue to remember that the Gospell is not sincerely preached when ye are taught that we are made partakers of the life of Christe for our owne desertes and meritorious woorkes For wee are fréely saued without respect of any workes of ours either first or last And although I haue oftener than once handeled this argument in these Sermons of mine yet beecause it is the hooke wherevpon the hindge of the Euangelicall doctrine whiche is the doore to Christe doth hang and that this doctrine to wite That Christe is receiued by faith and not by workes is of many men verie greatly resisted I will for the declaration and confirmation sake thereof produce here two places onely but suche as be apparant enough and euident to prooue and confirm it by the one out of the Gospell of Christ our Lorde the other out of Paules Epistles Our Lorde Iesus Christ being about to teache briefely the waye to txue saluation that is to preach the gladd tydinges of life vnto Nichodemus in the Gospell after Saincte Iohn doth firste of all beginne at repentaunce and doth wholie take Nichodemus from him selfe leauinge him no merites of his owne wherein to put his trust For while hee doeth vtterly condemne the firste birth of man as that which is nothing auailable to obteine eternall life what doeth hee I beeséech you leaue to Nicodemus wherin he may bragge or make his boaste For he doth expressely saye Verily verily I say vnto thee vnlesse a man bee borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of god If the firste birth and the giftes thereof were able to promote a man to the kingdome of God what neede then shoulde he haue to bee borne the seconde time The seconde byrth is wrought by the meanes of the holye Ghoste which beeing from heauen powred into oure heartes doth bring vs to the knowledge of our selues so that wee may easily perceiue assuredly knowe and sensibly féele that in our fleshe there is no life or righteousenesse at all and so consequently that no man is saued by his owne strength or merits What then The Spirite forsooth doth inwardly teache vs that which the sounde of the Gospell doeth outwardly tell vs that We are saued by the merite of the sonne of God. For the Lorde in the Gospel saith No man ascendeth into heauen but hee that descended from heauen the sonne of man that is in heauen For in an other place he doth more plainely saye No man commeth to the father but by mee And againe to Nicodemus he saith As Moses did lift vpp the Serpent in the Wildernesse so muste the sonne of man be lift vp that euerie one which beleeueth in him shuld
Iesus Christ Therefore repentaunce and faith séeme to be diuers not that true repentaunce can be without faith but because they must bee distinguished not confounded Wée doe all knowe that true faith is not without workes as that whiche of necessitie sheweth forth good woorkes and yet wee make a difference betwixt faith and works so yet that we do not separate them or rend the one from the other and in like manner wee acknowledge that true faith and true repentaunce are vndiuidedly knit together and closely fastened the one to the other I wil not stand in argument whether faith be a part of repentaunce or doth by any other meanes depend vppon it It séemeth to me a notable point of follie to goe about to tye matters of Diuinitie to precepts of Logicke For we learne not that of the Lords Apostles I admonished you before in a Sermon of the Gospel which thinge I do here repeate againe that the acknowledging of sinnes doeth not of it selfe obteine grace or forgiuenesse of sinnes euen as the bare acknowledging of a disease is not the remedie for the same For euē damned men also do acknowledge their sinnes and yet are not therefore healed The acknowledging of sinne is a certaine preparatiue vnto faith as the acknowledging of a disease doth minister occasion to thincke vppon a remedie To this at this present wee add that not the verie feare of God howe sincere soeuer it bée not the verie sorrowe conceiued for oure sinnes how great soeuer it bée nor the verie humiliation howe submisse soeuer it bee doe of themselues make vs acceptable to god but rather that they prepare an entraunce make a waye for vs vnto the knowledge of Christe and so consequently doe leade vs to Christe himselfe being incarnate and crucified for vs and our redemption and lay vs vppon Christ alone by him to be quickened and purely cleansed For he that is truly conuerted to God is vtterly turned from himselfe and all hope of worldly ayde Who so doth truely feare God and is sorie in very déede from the bottome of his heart he doeth feare and is sorie for his sinnes committed and not for that alone but because he findeth himselfe to be corrupted wholy and to haue in himselfe no soundnesse or integritie yea because he reuerēceth God as his father he doth disclose to him his wounds as to a Cheirurgian desiring instantly to be recōciled to him as to his louing father And wheras here true godlinesse doeth crie that no man can be reconciled to God the father but by the onely begotten sonne the penitent doeth by faith lay hold on the sonne and so séeke the meanes of his recōciliation Faith is grounded vppon the onely grace or mercie of GOD exhibited to vs in Christ Iesus and the penitent beléeneth that he is accepted of God for Christ his sake alone and therfore he maketh his supplications to God committing himselfe wholy vnto his mercie as we read that Dauid the prodigal sonne in the 15. cap. of S. Lukes Gospell did To this place might bee annexed the doctrine of the Gospell of faith in Iesus Christ of the remission of sinnes touchinge whiche I haue alreadie spoken And héere I thincke it not amisse that the mindes of penitents must by all meanes bee confirmed with many and euident places of scripture plainly vttered concerning the full remission of sinnes to the end that hereafter wee haue no scruple of conscience to cause vs to despaire or doubt in oure temptations Wherein notwithstanding I repeate againe and againe this note to be thoroughly marcked for the confirmation of the glorie of the onely begotten sonne of God our lord Christ Iesus that penitent sinners haue their sinnes remitted not for their repentaunce in respecte that it is oure worke or action but in respecte that it comprehendeth the renuing of man by the holy Ghost and true faith whiche deliuereth vs to Christ our Physician that he may heale all our diseases and bynde vp al our griefes And although this treatise doeth properly belonge to the common place of faith and the Gospell of which I haue so briefly as I could alreadie discoursed yet notwithstanding I wil heere recite some euident sentences touching the grace of GOD and frée remission of oure sinnes Dauid in the hundreth and thirde Psalme sayeth Praise the Lord O my soule and forget not the thinges that hee hath done for thee whiche forgiueth all thy sinnes and healeth all thine infirmities Which saueth thy life from destruction and crowneth thee with mercie and louinge kindnesse Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our wickednesse For loke howe highe the heauen is in comparison of the earth so great is his mercie toward them that feare him And looke how farre the East is from the West so farre hath hee sett oure sinnes from vs Yea like as a father pitieth his owne children so is the lord merciful to them that feare him For hee knoweth that wee are fraile proane to sinne doth remember that we are but dust Esaie in the first Chapiter of his Prophecie sayeth Thus sayeth the Lord Though your sinnes bee as red as Scarlet they shal bee made whiter then snowe and thoughe they bee redd as purple they shal be made like vndied woll Againe in the fourtie and thrée Chapiter he bringeth in the Lord saying I I am hee that blott out the transgressions and that for mine owne sake I will not remember thy sinnes In the 31. Chapiter of Ieremie which saying is also alleged by Paule in the eighth and tenthe Chapiters to the Hebrues the Lord sayeth This is my couenaunt that I will make with them after these dayes I wil be mercifull vnto their iniquities and not remember their sinnes any more In the 36. Chapiter of Ezechiel the Lord sayeth I will sprinckle cleane water vppon you and yee shall bee cleansed from all your vncleannesse A newe heart also will I giue you and a newe spirite will I put within you as for that stonie heart I will take it out of your flesh and giue you a fleshie heart I wil deliuer you from all your vncleannesses But I wil not doe this for your sakes sayeth the Lord be ye sure of it c. Daniel in his ninth Chapiter leaueth to vs a manifest example of confession of sinnes and doeth in expresse words say that by the Messiah sinnes are forgiuen iniquitie purged and euerlasting righteousnesse brought in in stéed of it So doth the Prophet ●acharie in his thirde Chapiter affirme that the iniquitie of the earth is purged by the onely Sacrifice of Christe Iesus The Lord in the Gospell after S. Matthewe doeth say They that are whole neede not the Physician but they that are sick Neither did I come to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce And therefore is he called Iesus that is a Sauiour For the Angel said Hee shall saue his people from their sinnes
And Sainct Paul to Timothie sayeth It is a sure saying and worthie by all meanes to be receiued that Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners In the same Gospel the Lord sayeth Euerie sinne blasphemie shal bee forgiuen men but blasphemie against the holy Ghoste shall not bee forgiuen men And whosoeuer shall say a word against the sonne of man it shall bee forgiuen him but whosoeuer speaketh a word against the holy Ghost it shall not be forgiuen him nether in this world nor in the world to come Concerning sinne against the holy Ghost I haue alreadie spoken in another place Nowe to this place doe belonge all the examples of that most liberall kinde of forgiuenesse whiche is expressed in the Gospell as for example of the sinnefull woman Luke the seuenth Also Iohn y fourth and Matthew the eighth Chapiter Of Zachee Sainct Peter and the théefe vppon the Crosse But who is able briefely to reckon them all To this also doe apperteine the thrée parables in the Gospell after the Euangeliste Sainct Luke In the Gospell after Sainct Iohn the forerunner of the Lord doeth crie out saying Behold the lambe of God that taketh awaye the sinnes of the world And the Lord himselfe did say to his disciples Whose sinnes soeuer ye forgiue they are forgiuen Peter the Apostle in the Actes doth crie and say All the Prophets beare witnesse to Christe that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should by his name receiue remission of his sinnes The same Apostle againe in his Epistle sayeth Christ his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his bodie vppon the Crosse that wee beeing dead to sinne might liue to righteousnesse by whose stripes ye are healed The Apostle Paul in the 5. chap of his 2. Epistle to the Corinthians saith God was in Christe reconciling the world vnto himselfe not imputinge their sinnes vnto them For him that knewe not sinne hee made sinne for vs that wee throughe him might bee made the righteousnesse of God. And in the tenthe to the Hebrues hee hath Christ hauing offred one sacrifice for sinne is set downe at the right hand of God for euer from henceforth tarying till his foes bee made his footestoole For with one offering hath he made perfecte for euer them that are sanctified Moreouer the blessed Apostle and Euangeliste Iohn doth no lesse truely than euidently testifie saying The bloud of Iesu Christ the sonn of God doth cleanse vs from all sinne And againe And he is the propitiation for our sinnes not for ours only but for the sinnes also of the whole world But nowe most vaine and the verie messingers of sathan himselfe are the Nouatians and Anabaptists whiche feigne that wee are by baptisme purged into an Angelicall life whiche is not polluted with any spotts at all but if it be polluted then can hee that is so defiled looke for no pardon at all For to passe ouer many other places of holy Scripture was not S. Peter cōsecrated to God in baptisme had hée not tasted of Gods good grace After that notable confessiō which he made the Lord said vnto him Happie arte thou Simon Bar Iona flesh bloud hath not reuealed this vnto thee but my father which is in heauen Againe when the Lord demaunded of his disciples saying Will ye depart also Then Peter in the name of them all aunsweared Lord to whome shal we goe ▪ Thou hast the words of eternall life and wee beleeue and knowe that thou art Christe the sonne of the liuing God. And yet this very fame Peter after his baptisme and tasting of the grace of God sinneth notwithstanding and that too not lightly in denying and foreswearing his Lord and maister Now was he for this sinne of his altogether vnpardoneable was his returne to God againe stopped vp by his stumbling No verilie For when he heard the cocke crowe he remembred presently the wordes of the Lord hee descended into himselfe hee considered what hee had done hee wept bitterly and mourned lamentablie And yet hee was not longe tormented in that griefe without consolation For the third day after to the women which came to the Lords sepulchre it was said by the Angels Tell his disciples Peter that he is risen and goeth before you into Galilee Loe here the Lord wil haue it knowen to Peter by name that hee was risen And why to Peter by name Because forsooth he had sinned more gréeuously than the other not that the Lord did like of Peters sinne but because hee would therby declare to vs that penitents doe obteine forgiuenesse of their sinnes so often as they do turne to the heauenly grace of God againe And not many dayes after he restored Peter to the ministerie againe commending to him the charge of his shéepe Moreouer the Lord in Ieremie speaketh to the people of Israel saying If any man put away his wife and shee marrie to an other man will her first husband turne to her againe But is not this land defiled Hast thou not committed fornication with many yet turne thee to me againe sayth the Lord. And the Galathians being once rightly instructed by the Apostle Paule but after that seduced by the false apostles reuolted from the trueth preaching of the Gospell yet notwithstanding they obteyned pardon The Corinthians also after they had receyued grace did wittingly willingly sinne in many things but yet vppon repentaunce the Apostle Paule promised them forgiuenesse of their sinnes at the handes of the lord And what is more manifest than this that all the saincts doe daily in earnest and truly not hypocritically or falsely praye saying Forgiue vs our trespasses They whiche praye thus doe plainelye confesse that they are sinners And the Lord promiseth to heare those that praye with faith therefore euen those sinnes are forgiuen at the prayers of penitents whiche are committed after the grace of God is once knowen and obteyned Nowe the places in the Epistle to the Hebrues whiche the Nouatians alledge for the confirmation of their opinion I haue in an other place so thoroughly discussed that I neede not heere busilie to stand longe vppon them But nowe to gather a summe of those thinges whiche I haue hetherto said concerning repentaunce let vs hold that repentaunce is a turning to God which although hee doeth by his woord and other meanes stirre it vpp in vs is notwithstanding especially by the holy Ghoste so wrought in vs that with feare wée loue and with loue wee feare our iust God and mercifull Lord from whome wee were turned backe being sorie now withall oure heartes that wee with oure sinnes did euer offende so gratious a father For being humbled before his eternall and most sacred maiestie we acknowledge the sinnes that are obiected against vs by the word of God yea we acknowledge that in vs there is no integritie or soundnesse but doe hartily desire to bee reconciled wyth God againe and since that reconciliation cannot be otherwise made than by the only
mediatour the Lord Christ Iesus wee doe by faith laye hold on him by whome wee being acquited from all oure sinnes are reputed of God for righteous and holy This benefite whosoeuer doe sincerely acknowledge they cannot choose but hate sinne and mortifie the old man I would therfore now add other members belōging to this treatise of repētaunce to witt the mortification of the old man and the renuing of the spirite were it not that the very matter it selfe doth require to haue somewhat said touching the confession of sinnes and satisfaction for the same For some there are that when they speake of Repentaunce doe speake somethings contrarie to the trueth To the ende therefore dearely beloued that ye bée not ignoraunt what to thinke of these pointes according to the trueth I will not sticke to stay somewhile in the exposition of the same And I hope ye shall out of my woordes gather such fruite as ye shall not hereafter repent your selues of To confesse or a Confession is in the holy Scriptures diuersely vsed For it signifieth to praise the Lord and to giue him thanckes for the benefites that wée receiue at his hands And therefore Confession is put for praise and thanckesgiuing For the Prophete sayeth O praise the Lord for hee is good and his mercie endureth for euer Paule in his Epistle to Titus speaking of hypocrites sayeth In woordes they confesse that they knowe God but in their deedes they denie him Heere to confesse doeth signifie to say to professe or to boast In an other place it is taken for to trust to staye vppon Gods goodnesse and to testifie that confidence as well by woords as déedes And in that sense did Sainct Iohn vse it in the fourth Chapiter of his first Epistle and Paule in the 10. to the Romanes Moreouer to confesse is to giue glorie to God and fréely to acknowledge thy sinne and the iudgement whiche is obiected to thée for thy sinne Solomon in the twentie eighth Chapiter of his Prouerbes sayeth Whosoeuer hideth his iniquities or doth as it were defend them nothing shall goe well with him but whoso confesseth forsaketh them to him shal be shewed mercie The Hebrue tongue vseth the woord Iadah for that which wée call to confesse Nowe Iadah signifieth to let slacke or loose as when a bowe once bended is vnbended againe And Modeh which commeth of Iadah is as if one should say confessing yéelding or graunting to be vāquished For God accuseth vs and pleadeth vs guiltie of sinne indaungered to punishment whiche our flesh doth presently acknowledge but yet standeth stiffe like a bended bowe vntill at length when that stiffenesse is vnbended it doeth acknowledge euery thing that God obiecteth against vs This acknowledging is called Modeh that is a confession And we Germanes say Es hat gelassen Er hat geschnellt when we meane that any thing hath yéelded or that a man hath at last confessed that whiche hee did afore either flattly denie or else dissemble But nowe confession of sinnes is of more sortes than one For the one is diuine the other humane I wil first speake of the diuine confession then of the humane Wee call that diuine whereof there be euident testimonies or examples in the holy Scriptures whiche is instituted by God himselfe That is a frée acknowledging flatt confession of the sinne which God obiecteth against vs whereby we doe attribute all glorie to God and to oure selues shame and confusion therewithall doe craue pardon of God and of our neighbour against whome wée haue sinned Now sinne is obiected to vs by God himselfe who outwardly by the word or the ministerie of men and sometime by signes wonders and inwardly by the secrete operation of his holy spirit doth plead vs guiltie of sinne and indaungered to punishment requiring of vs a frée and voluntarie confession of our sinnes For he liketh of a frée and voluntarie not a feigned or extorted confession Truly the citizens of Hierusalem and people of the Iewishe religion did of their owne accord come to the baptisme of Iohn confessing their sinnes whiche Iohn in his preaching had obiected against them And after the Ascension of Christ into heauen Sainct Peter accused the sinnes of the Iewes and immediately vppon the accusation it followeth in the historie When they heard this they were pricked in their heartes and said to Peter and the other Apostles Men brethren what shal we doe and so forth as followeth in the second of the Actes Likewise also the kéeper of the prison at Philippos féeling the earthquake sprang out and being instructed with the Apostles wordes confessed his sinnes and was baptised And the men of Ephesus whiche were giuen to Magicall arts when they heard the calamitie which the diuel brought vppon the sonnes of Sceua their fellowes and practisers in Magicke and sorcerie did feare exceedingly and came and did confesse their sinnes Vpon these causes for the most part doeth the confession of sinnes especially arise Againe of the confession instituted by God there are two sortes whereof the one is made to God the other to our neighbour That which is made to god is either priuate or publique We do then make oure confession to God priuately when we disburden our harts before God open the secretes of oure heartes to him alone and in acknowledging the sinnes that are in vs doe earnestly beséech him to haue mercie vppon vs This confession is necessarie to the obteyning of pardon for our sinnes For vnlesse wée doe acknowledge oure owne corruption and vnrighteousnesse we shall neuer by true fayth lay hold on Christ by whome alone we are to be iustified But heere wee thincke not that penitentes must hasten to any other confessour to confesse their sinnes vnto but vnto God alone For he alone doth forgiue and blot out the offences of penitents Hée is the Physician to whome alone wée must discouer and open our wounds Hée it is that is offended with vs and therefore of him wee must desire forgiuenesse and reconciliation Hée alone doeth looke into our heartes and search oure reines to him alone therefore we must disclose our heartes Hée alone calleth sinners vnto him let vs therefore make haste vnto him prostrate our selues before him confesse our faultes vnto him and craue pardon for them of him This confession if it be made of a zealous minde to Godward although it cannot be made by word of mouth by reason of sonie impedimēt or want of the tongue is notwithstanding acceptable to God who doth not so much respecte the mouth as the minde of man On the other side if wee make confession with the mouth and in hart are not thoroughly bent to the same although wee make that confession to God or the high priest yet doth not the Lord regard so vaine a confession Concerning that true confession to God I haue alreadie spoken whereas in the definition of Repentaunce I said that penitentes doe acknowledge their sinnes
Of whiche the Scripture doeth in many places substantially speake Dauid in the Psalmes doeth pray saying Haue mercie vppon mee O God according to the greatnesse of thy mercie For I acknowledge my sinnes and my sinne is euer before mee To thee alone haue I sinned and done euill in thy sight And so forth And in an other Psalme I haue made my fault knowen vnto thee mine vnrighteousnesse haue I not hidd I said I will confesse mine vnrighteousnesse vnto thee against mee selfe and thou hast forgiuen the wickednesse of my sinne In the Gospel the Lord teacheth to pray and in prayer to confesse and saye Forgiue vs our debtes as wee forgiue our debitours And when wée pray so he biddeth vs to goe aside into oure Chamber that oure heart and the deuotion of our heartes may there appeare vnto our heauenly father alone The prodigall sonne did in the field where none but swine alone were to bée séene priuately both make and offer the confession of his sinne vnto his father And that Publicane in the Gospell which is compared with the Phariseie knocketh his breast and with a lamentable voyce doeth to him selfe confesse and say Lord bee mercifull to mee a sinner Let vs nowe also heare Iohn the holy Apostle and Euangeliste comprehending all that maye bee truely spoken touching this confession in this one saying If wee say that wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues the truth is not in vs If wee confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all iniquitie With this priuate confession whiche is made to God is that voluntarie confession alwayes ioyned that is made before men For penitents are humbled so often as the matter the glorie of God safegard of our neighbour requireth and doe before men openly testifie that they haue sinned vnto god For so Dauid when Nathan the Prophete told him of his sinne cryed out saying I haue sinned to the Lord. So also Zacheus vnderstanding that the Lord was vppbrayded for receyuing him doeth openly confesse his sinne and promise amendement Wée verily do publiquely make our confession to God so as I told you a litle aboue but so much the rather yet when after the hearing of the woord of trueth wee doe after that publique or solemne maner either in the Church or otherwise in some congregation or holy assemblie recite our sinnes committed and crie to God for mercie and pardon of the same Truely of old the Lord appointed in oure forefathers dayes that the prieste going before in woordes premeditated for the purpose the whole people should followe him woord for woord and openly confesse their sinns in the temple Whervppon vndoubtedly it is at this daye receiued in the Church of the Christians that the pastour or doctour of the Church going before in woordes conceined at the end of the exposition of the Scriptures before the assemblie is dimissed all the people should openly in the temple confesse all their sinnes against God and hartily desire him of his mercie to forgiue them the same The publique confessions of sinnes are notablie knowen whiche were made by Daniel Esdras and Nehemias And I say plainely that that was a publique cōfession of sinns which Sainct Matthewe in his thirde Chapiter sayeth that the Iewes did make For all Iurie came out to Iohn the forerunner of the Lord and were baptised of him in Iordane cōfessing their sinnes For when they did publiquely receiue Baptisme then did they thereby declare and openly confesse their sinnes For baptisme is the signe of the cleansing of sinnes therfore they that are baptised cōfesse that they are sinners They that were not baptised thought themselues to be otherwise purged that they néeded not any sanctification The Ephesians did publiquely confesse their sinns when gathering their books of witchcraft together they burned them in the fire For by the burning of those bookes they did confesse that they had committed wickednesse that was to be purged with fire Nowe the confession that is made to our neighbour is of this sort Thou hast offended thy brother or else hee perhappes hath done thee iniurie for whiche ye are at discord and doe hate one an other in this case verilie ye must thincke of reconciliation let the one therefore goe to the other and confesse and aske pardon for the fault committed and let him that is innocent in the matter fréely forgiue him that confesseth his faulte and so béecome his friend againe Of this confession the Apostle Iames spake saying Confesse your faultes one to an other and pray one for an other that ye may be healed And our Lord and Sauiour did before Iames teache vs saying If thou offerest thy gifte at the altar for hée speaketh to those among whome at that time the sacrifices of the law were yet in vse dost remēber there that thy brother hath any thing against thee leaue there thy gifte before the altar and goe thy wayes first be reconciled to thy brother and then thou mayest come and offer thy gift To this also doeth belong that parable which the Lord putteth forth and expoundeth in the eighteenthe Chapiter after S. Matthewe of him that was caste into perpetuall prison because when hee had found fauoure at his Lords hand he was ouer cruell vppon his fellowe seruaunt to whome hée would not forgiue so much as a farthing For in the sixte Chapiter after Sainct Matthewe the Lord sayeth If ye forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly father will also forgiue you But if ye forgiue not men their trespasses no more will your father forgiue you your trespasses Not that for our forgiuing of others our sinnes are forgiuen vs For so the forgiuenes of our sinnes should not bee frée but should come by oure merites and as a recompence of oure desertes But now when our sinnes are fréely forgiuen thorough faith verily that vnreconcileable and harde heart is an assured argument that there is no faith in a hard stubborne and vnappeaseable man But where there is no faith there is no remission Therefore voluntarie forgiuenesse in a man toward his neighbour is not that for whiche wee are forgiuen of God our father but is an euidēt signe and naturall fruite of true faith and the grace of God with-in vs. To these two kindes of confession some men add that whereby they that are oppressed in conscience with any gréeuous sinne doe consulte or aske counsell either of the Pastoure of the Lords flocke or else of some other that is experte and skilfull in the lawe of god But that is rather to be termed a consultation than a confession And it is in no place either commaunded or forbidden and therefore lefte frée at euery mans choice Wherefore no man ought to bée compelled to this cōsultation But if any brother doe demaunde counsel either of the minister of the Churhc or of any other priuate brother then charitie commaundeth thée to
bewraye thee and vpbrayd thee for them For thou needest not to confesse them to thy companion that he should bring them abrode but to the Lord whiche hath the care of thee who also is a gentle Physician to him therefore thou shalt shewe thy woundes Moreouer he bringeth in the Lord speaking and saying I compell thee not to come into an open theatre and to make many priuie to thy sinnes tell thy sinne priuately to mee alone that I may heale thy sore Thus much out of Chrysostome Now all this doeth manifestly argue that that Ceremoniall penaunce as it was once vsed in the Church not instituted by God was without any iniurie taken out of the Church not restored againe by the bishoppes that succéeded They doe not altogether in vaine tell vs that some reliques of that rituall repentaunce abided still in the Romane Church But what haue wee to doe what euerye Church hath taken to it selfe either to kéepe or else to lay away Wee rather oughte to inquire what Christe hath deliuered vnto vs and what his Apostles haue taught vs of whose doctrine I haue I thinke spoken enough alreadie The priuate or secrete confession of sinnes was wont to be made when none were bye but the priestes alone For one goeth secretely and whispereth his sinnes into the eare of the prieste that was appointed to heare those secrete confessions and being by him absolued doeth thinke that by the recitall of a fewe ordinarie woordes hee is purged from all his sinnes And therefore I call it Auricular confession This was vnknowen in the Apostles times and although it be now a good sort of yeares ago● since it first toke roote yet notwithstanding it was frée from the beginning At last wee reade that it was commaunded and roughly extorted by the Bishoppe of Rome when the state of the Churche was most corrupted about the yeare of Grace 1215. And yet it was about 80. yeares or more in controuersie before it was by decrée layed vppon all menns neckes Whether it were enough for a man to confesse himselfe to God alone or else to a priest also for the purging of his sinnes Hugo in his booke of the Churches power to binde and loose doth say I dare boldly say if before the priestes absolution any man do come to the Communion of the body and bloud of the Lord that hee doeth assuredly eate and drincke his owne damnation although he repent him neuer so much and doth neuer so greatly lament his offences This did Hugo say boldly without his warrant vnlesse the word of God doth instructe vs falsly He liued about the yeare of our Lord 1130. Within a little while after him vppstarted Peter Lombard commonlye called the Maister of Sentences beecause he gathered together the sentences of the fathers and layed forth their doctrine as it were in a Summarie of whose woorke I meane not heere to tell my iudgement what I thincke It is thought that hee flourished about the yeare of Christ 1150. Hée Sententiarum lib. 4. Dict. 17. 18. doeth by the authoritie of the fathers shew first that it sufficeth to make the confession of sinnes to God alone Then hée annexeth other sentences which teach the contrarie And lastly concludeth of himselfe and sayeth By these it is vndoubtedly proued that wee must offer our confession first to GOD then to the priest and that otherwise wee cannot enter into Paradise if we may haue a priest Againe It is certified that it is not sufficient to confesse to GOD without a priest neither is hee truely humble and penitent that doeth not desire the iudgment of a priest Gratian that gathered the Decretalls together was somewhat honester than Peter Lombard who liued and flourished at the same time with Lombard Hée determineth nothing definitiuely but shewinge sentences for either side both that wée must confesse our sinnes to the priest and not cōfesse them doth leaue it indifferently vnto the readers iudgement For thus he concludeth Vpon what authorities and reasons both the opinions of confession and satisfaction are grounded we haue briefely here declared But to which of these wee ought rather to sticke that is reserued for the reader to choose For both partes haue wise and religious men to their fautours defenders Thus saith Gratian about the ende of the first distinction of penaunce About fiftie yeares after followed Lotharius Leuita a doctor of Paris the Scholer and earnest follower of Peter Lombard He being once made Bishop of Rome and named Innocent the thirde called together at Rome a generall counsell called Lateranense in which he made a lawe which Gregorie the ninthe re●iteth in his Decretall of Penaunce and Remission Lib. 5. chap. 12. almost in these verie wordes Let euery person of eyther sexe after they are come to the yeres of discretion faithfully cōfesse alone at least * once in a yeare their sinnes vnto their owne proper priest and doe their indeuour with their owne strength to doe the penaunce that is inioyned them receiuing reuerently at Easter at the least the Sacrament of the Euchariste vnlesse peraduenture by the counsel of their own priest for some reasonable cause they thinke it good for a time to absteine from receiuing it Otherwise in this life let them be prohibited to enter into the churche and when they are dead to bee buried in Christian buriall This is that newe lawe which conteineth many absurd and wicked blasphemies And to let passe verie many of their absurdities I wil recite vnto you not past one or twaine of the foulest of them Is it not a wicked thinge to sende a sinner to I wot not what kinde of priest of his owne when Christe hath giuen but ministers and preachers to his Church only being still him selfe the vniuersall prieste and proper prieste to euery one in the churche euen vntil the ende of the worlde to whome alone all the faithfull ministers doe sende sinners from them selues for to confesse their sinnes to him For Iohn saide I am not Christ but am sent before him to beare recorde of him What may bee saide to this moreouer that it is a detestable blasphemie to attribute the remission of sinnes to our owne confession and the priestes absolution as to the workes of mortall men And who I pray you is able to reckon vp all his sinnes vnto the prieste doth not Ieremie crie The heart of man is euill vnserchable Doth not Dauid saye Who knoweth his sinnes Cleanse mee from my hidden faultes It is vnpossible for a man to confesse all his sinnes While therefore a man compelled by the lawe doeth consider these reasons and ponder them in him self he cannot choose but must néedes bée drowned in the bottomlesse depth of desperation so greate a burthen is layde vppon the frée neckes of Christ his faithfull people as a thing so necessarie that without it they cannot obteine eternall saluation directly contrary to the Apostles decrée that is to be séene in
their faults they could not choose but feare the priestes And so it came to passe that they did not so strongly as they might sett them selues against the extreme corruption and lust of the priestes that was otherwise not to be suffered They haue béene hearde to saye I haue lerned by confessions know at my fingars endes what kinde of men of women and of maydens are in this citie I knowe howe to handle euery one according to his disposition They do all feare and stand in awe of mee because they knowe that I am priuie to their most secrete deedes and thoughtes of their mindes The secretes tolde in confession are many times foolishely blabbed abrode with the peril of the sillie soule y firste confessed them By the meanes of confessions no small and many treasons are hatched vpp and put in practise And surely it is a goodly matter when we for the feare or carnal bluss●ing that wee haue by the meanes of one man I meane as some terme him of our ghostly father wee shall ceasse to sinne rather then for the sincere feare that we haue of God when as in deede we doe not blushe at all to thinke that hee shal bee a wittnesse againste oure conscience nor yet doe feare the seueritie of his iudgement that shal lighten vppon vs What may be sayde to this moreouer that by this auricular confession once established in the Church nothinge else is wrought but that the word of god should bee the lesse regarded throughe our traditions and we made the slacker to confesse our sinnes to hun to whome of right wee ought for to confesse them For so often as we remēber our sinnes we doe carelessely put them off againe vntill the time of cōfession come And when it is come then whoe I praye you goeth to it with a chéerefull minde Let wise men therefore iudge what kinde of discipline this is and howe well it pleaseth God. That which they alledge of priuate absolution is a meere deuise of mannes inuention which hath not in the sacred Scriptures any precept or example to backe it selfe withall For in verie deede none doeth absolue vs men from sinne blame and punishment but God alone to whome alone that glorie doth belong The minister by the preaching and consolation of the Gospell doeth pronounce and testifie that to the faithfull their sinnes are forgiuen Therefore this preaching of forgiuenesse beeing fetched from out of the mouth or woorde of God is the absolution wherewith the minister absolueth Neither is that absolutiō made any whit that more effectuall if the minister doe priuately whisper it into the sinners eare The publique preaching of the gospel as it is instituted by Christ our Lorde doth satisfie a faithfull minde whiche doth not so muche respect the demeanour of the minister as he regardeth the trueth of him in whose name the minister doth it But if a sinner saye they doe heare priuately sayde vnto him I absolue thée from thy sinnes and that by the vertue of the keyes hee dothe farre better vnderstand that his sinnes are remitted than when forgiuenesse of sinnes is generally preached and publiquely pronounced But wee doe in this case set againste them the Apostles example whome when the men of Hierusalem had heard to preache they were pricked in hearte and saide Men and brethren what shall we doe To whome Peter aunswered Repent and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Christe Iesus vnto the remission of youre sinnes c. And there were added to the church that same day about 3000 soules Nowe who vnderstandeth not that vppon so greate a multitude baptisme was at once bestowed and the remission of sinnes vniuersally preached vnto them all and not that euery one had this saying or the like whispered seuerally into his eare brother thy sinnes are forgiuen thee And verily a godly mynded man may learne true faith in Iesus Christe through which his sinnes are forgiuen him as well by the publique preaching of the Gospell as by the priuate whisperinges of priuie penitentiaries and absoluinge confessours namely since that publique preaching doth conteine the commaundements of God when as those whisperinges do nothing so and finally since that the publique preaching of the Gospell doth apply to euery one the grace of God and that the Sacraments do testifie the remission of sinnes and the heauenly giftes prepared for all them that do beléeue in Iesus Christe And yet I saye not this because I thinke it amisse when occasion serueth so to doe if the minister do preache priuatly to one or two the Gospel of our Lord or else in the wordes of Christ do promise remission of sinnes to him that beléeueth but I doe here dispute against them which doe suppose that publique and generall preaching as it was vsed of the Apostles declaring to all and euery seuerall man the remission of sinnes is not sufficient except the sinner going to the priest doe confesse his sinnes and priuately aske and receiue priuate or peculiar absolution of him for the same For they thinke that for that priuate absolutions sake this priuate or auricular confession muste bee reteined in the Church But we will not saye they that all and euery peculiar sinne with the circumstances thereof should bee reckoned vp or rehearsed What of that then Who I praye you commaunded vs to whisper any sinnes at all into the priestes eare The primitiue Churche was wont to confesse to the priestes neither fewe nor many nor any sinnes at all Bonauentura recordeth that before Pope Innocent y thirde they were not counted heretiques which affirmed that confession made to God alone without anye priest is sufficient to them that doe faithfully beléeue but after the decree which he published touching confession to be made of euery man vnto his owne priest they were iudged heretiques that taught men to be confessed to God onely As though it laye in Pope Innocent to make a newe article of faith which the churche was without by more than the space of 1200. yeres after Christe Therefore if all they that liued before Innocent were without suspicion of heresie in that poynte and since we read that Nectarius and the churche at Constantinople was not condemned of heresie for abrogating and castinge out of the churche their Exhomologesis whiche séemeth yet to be farre better than this auricular confession no godly man vndoubtedly wil condemne vs which mainteine the confession instituted by God that is wont to be made to god and our neighbour but d ee onely resect and hisse at that secrete and auricular confession as that which bringeth more discommoditie than honest profite to the church of God. And for because I haue hitherto saide thus muche of secrete or auricular confession vpon which the treatise of satisfaction doth depend I shoulde here euen of necessitie say somewhat of satisfaction had I not sufficiently spoken of it in mine other sermons of this worke as in the sixte and ninthe Sermons of
the first Decade and in the thirde Decade where I entreate of the Sainctes affliction in the tenthe Sermon of the same Decade and also in the fourth Decade where I spake of the Gospell The priests and Monkes do teache that repentaunce of the sinne committed and faith in Christ are not sufficient for the purgeing of sinnes without the satisfaction of our owne woorkes and merites whiche they make to be wearing of sackcloth fastings teares prayers almes déedes offeringes sundrie afflictions of the bodie pilgrimages and many other odde knackes like vnto these For they affirme that by these meanes the penaltie due to sinnes the guilt whereof they saye is only pardoned is washed awaye as with a showre of water powred downe vpon it But wee alreadie haue taught out of the Canonicall Scriptures that God doth not onely forgiue freely the guilte but also the penaltie of oure sinnes Wee haue alreadie taught that men are not iustified by theire owne workes and merites but by the meere grace of God through the faith of Christe Iesus For otherwise hee should in vaine haue taken our fleshe vpon him and in vaine should Christ haue qiuen him selfe vnto the moste bitter and reprochefull death of the Crosse Nowe we add if we are not iustified by workes then doe wee not with our woorkes make satisfaction for our sinnes For in effect although I acknowledge that there is a difference and do not confound them iustification and satisfaction come bothe to one ende By the iustification of Christ we are absolued By the satisfaction of Christ or rather for his satisfactions sake wee are also absolued Christ is our righteousenesse therefore also our satisfaction The price of our redemption is in Christe not in our selues If wee make satisfaction for our selues then is the price of our redemption in our selues And therefore are we both Christes Sauiours vnto our selues whiche thing doth flatly make Christ of none effect and therefore is it extreme blasphemie Moses in his lawe doth with little businesse or none dissolue all the arguments for satisfactiō wrought by our works For where he describeth the maner of cleansing sinnes he placeth no iott thereof in the workes of men but sheweth that it all consisteth in the Ceremoniall sacrifices Now we doe all agree and ioyntly confesse that in those sacrifices the onely sacrifice of Christe was plainly prefigured And to that is added that that only preaching and promise of the newe testament is this I wil be appeased vpon their vnrighteousenesse and sinnes will no more remember their iniquities Nowe where suche a remission is there is no oblation or satisfaction for sinne And wee in the Creede verily doe beléeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes But if the debitor make satisfaction to the creditor then what I pray you doth the creditor forgiue him Therefore this article of our faith the principall promise and preachinge of the newe testament is vtterly subuerted if we admit the doctrine of the satisfaction of our woorkes for sinnes We do acknowledge that teares fastings wearing of sackcloth almes déedes and the other woorkes of pietie humiliation and charitie haue a place in repentaunce Of whiche I will speake in place conuenient but wee denye that with them wee make satisfaction for our sinnes leaste wee should make the price of Christ his redemption of none effect We acknowledge that at some times the Lorde hath whipped them whose sinnes hee hath forgiuen as he did to our parents Adam and Euah and to king Dauid after his adulterie and murther of Vrias But I haue alreadie shewed you that those afflictions were not satisfactions for the sinnes which God had pardoned but exercises of Gods discipline and humiliation whiche doth by those meanes keepe his sernaunts in their duetifull obedience doth declare to all men howe hartilye he hateth sinnes although he doth fréely forgiue and pardon them Therefore least we because of that frée forgiuenesse should be the more inclined and proue to sinne he promiseth them whome he maketh to be examples for vs to take heede by Neither doe wee read that the Sainctes did simply attribute the benefite of iustification or satisfaction vnto their afflictions I cōfesse that Daniel the Prophet gaue counsell to the moste mightie kinge Nabuchodonosor and sayed Let thy sinnes be redeemed in righteousnesse and thine iniquities in shewing pitie to the poore But in these woordes the kinge was taught howe to leade the reste of his life that was yet behynd howe to rule the state of his kingdome The king had till then oppressed many nations and sinned in mercilesse crueltie wherevppon he persuadeth him to chaunge his olde kinde of life to imbrace iustice and deale well with all men Therefore hee speaketh not of the satisfaction of his sinnes before God but before men For there is saluation in none other than in Christe alone But if any man do stubbornly sticke vppon the letter wee saye that the righteousenesse of Christians is faith by whiche their sinnes are properly cleansed and that faith is not without good woorkes and charitie to which iustification is vnproperly ascribed Of which matter I spake in the treatise that I made of good woorkes Therefore when Saincte Peter doth cite that place of Solomon Charitie couereth the multitude of sinns the woorde Couereth is not there vsed for Purging For by the onelye bloud of Christe all sinnes are purged and wiped awaye but it is taken for Turning awaye For as selfe-loue in a manner is the roote of all sinnes so charitie is thought to bee the driuer away of all mischiefes For loue doth none ill to his neighbour Nowe whereas they obiecte that sentence of the Gospell where the Lord saith Many sinnes bee forgiuen her because shee loued muche they do misse here in because they vnderstande not that the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is commonly englished because or for that is here a note of inferring somewhat and that no other sense is gathered than this Manye sinnes bee forgiuen her therefore shee loued muche Or whereby it commeth that shee loueth muche Neither do wee here wrest the wordes of the Gospell to mainteine a wronge opinion For in the historie there goeth before First When they were not able to paye hee forgaue them both If hee forgaue them and if they were not able to paye he did not then forgiue thē for their loue For if they had béene able to paye he would not haue forgiuen them Secondarily there goeth before Whether of these will loue him more Simon saith He to whome hee forgaue the more Therefore the Lordes answer could in effecte bee nothing else but this I haue forgiuen her verie much therefore hath shee loued much So then I saye loue is of forgiuenesse not forgiuenesse of loue And then it followeth immediatelye And he saide to the woman thy faith hath saued the go in peace Wee doe therefore conclude that there is but one onely satisfaction for the sinnes of
all the world to wite Christe once offered vpp for vs which are by faith made partakers of him But nowe as we do not acknowledge or admitt the satisfactions that are obtruded vnto vs in the doctrine of the priestes and Monckes so do we by all meanes detest the indulgences of the Byshops of Rome They called these Indulgences a beneficiall pardoning of crimes or remission of the punishment or of the guilt or of both to wite by the power of the keyes bestowed by the Lorde and for the merite of the Martyrs bloud for so they saye graunted or giuen to them that are rightly contrite in heart and do confesse their sinnes For these fathers of Indulgences are wont with their Indulgences to remitt againe the rigour and seueritie of the satisfaction whiche lyeth in them to order at their discretion Truely as one saide The fathers gentle Indulgence doeth make the children naught So haue their Indulgences vtterly corrupted true repentance But thou canst read in no place that such power was giuē to the Popes as they did feigne We read that to the Apostles the keyes were giuen by the Lorde but those keyes were nothing else but the ministerie of preaching the Gospell as I in place conuenient will shewe vnto you Nowe the Gospell promiseth to vs remission both of the guilt and penaltie for Christe his sake and faith in Christ and doth admonishe vs that in the latter times there shall come men that shal saye we are Christes that is which shall attribute to them selues the things that do properly belong to Christe alone such as is especially the forgiuenesse of sinnes But it commaundeth vs to flie from them and by all meanes to take héede of them as of wicked seducers The same Euangelicall trueth doth teache that the faithfull are cleansed by the onely bloud of the sonne of God. Their indulgences do promise mē the cleansing of their sinnes through the bloud of S. Peter S. Paul and other holie Martyrs And for that cause are they the prophanation of the bloud of the sonne of god The Saincts do washe their garments in the bloud of the Lamb not in the pardoning bull or boxe of indulgences nor in the Martyrs bloud Yea Paule him selfe denyeth that either he or Peter or any other of the Sainctes was crucified for the Church of god And yet their indulgences were so sett foorth as though God were pleased with vs for the bloud of the Martyrs Therefore their indulgences are flatly contrarie to the Apostles doctrine And I admonished you in my Sermon of good woorkes in these woordes of Paule I fulfill that which is behinde of the afflictions of Christ in my fleshe for his bodies sake which is the Church that that fulfilling is not referred to the worke of the purging or propitiation of Christ which is consummate vnlesse Christe at his death did testifie falsly saying It is consummate but to those afflictions where with the members of Christ that is the faithful are exercised by the crosse so long as they liue in this fraile fleashe Verily the Lorde maketh accompt of the afflictions layde vppon the faithful as of his owne For to Paule he saide Saul Saul why persecutest thou mee Moreouer when he saith For the churche he meaneth not for the expiation of the churche but for the edification and profite of the same And Paule susteined gréeuons afflictions at the handes of the Iewes because he preached the Gospell to the Gentiles And it was expediēt that in him there should be shewed to the Church an example of Patience so rare as coulde not lightly be founde againe Yea other haue often times obiected against these indulgence defenders this godly saying of the holie man Pope Leo in his 81. Epistle Although the death of many Saincts is precious in the sight of the Lord yet the slaughter of no man subiect to sin is the propitiation for the sinnes of the worlde Again The righteous haue receiued not giuen Crownes of glorye and of the manful constancie of the Martyrs are sprong examples of patience not the gifts of righteousnes for their deaths were singular neither did any one by his ending pay the debt of another since there is one Lord Iesus Christe in whome they are all crucified dead buried and raysed vp againe Thus much out of pope Leo. We haue therfore by diuine and humane testimonies euidently proued that the indulgences giuen to sinners by the merite or treasure of the Martyrs bloud are méere blasphemies against God and open iniuries against his holye Martyrs I haue hetherto spoken of those indulgēces which were of olde fréely bestowed by the Popes of Rome although at this day they be few in number and curtayled too now therfore I will say somewhat of their indulgences which they for the moste parte doe sell and make traffique of To sell indulgences is in the Church of God a sinne so detestable as that it is harde to name any one more horrible And yet it is and hath bene a common practise and merchandize these many yéeres with the Bishops of Rome their factors whom they cal Apostoliques not hauing any one word in the scripture wherewith to cloak y wicked inuention And now though I slip ouer and doo not shew you how Indulgences are nothing but a bare name with out any stuffe or matter and that vnder that vaine name miserable men and silly soules are foulely deceiued yet note that Christ the chiefe and only high Prieste of his Catholique and holy Church in the dayes of his fleshe did with a whip driue the buyers and sellers as impudent dogges out of the Church of God whiche thing hee did twice Once at the beginning of his preaching and an other time a little before his Passion At the first time he added Away with these thinges from hence and make not my fathers house an house of merchādize At the latter time he saide It is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye haue made it a den of theeues And Simon Magus also in the Actes of the Apostles seeinge that by the laying on of the Apostles hands the holye Ghoste was giuen did offer them money saying Giue me this power also that on whome soeuer I lay my handes hee may receiue the holy Ghoste But hearken howe Peter accepteth his petition Thy money said he perishe with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of GOD may be obteined with money Thou haste neither parte nor fellowship in this businesse For thy harte is not right in the sight of God. Loe the giftes of God are not gotten with money Loe their harte is not righte that make merchandize of Religion Loe they haue no parte or fellowship in the inheritaunce of the kingdome of Heauen or in the preaching of the glad tidings therfore what shall we say now of the Indulgences whiche the Popes Apostoliques doe set to sale for money What shall we say of the very
should they amonge the heathen say where is their God To these diuine euident preceptes let vs annexe that notable exāple of the truly repentaunt Niniuites out of the holy scriptures of whome y holy Prophete Ionas hath left this in writing The men of Nin●uee beleeued God and proclamed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of thē vnto the least of them And word came to the king of Niniuce which arose from his throne and put off his robe couered himselfe in sackcloth and sat downe in the ashes Moreouer by the kinges cōmaundement proclamatiō was made throughout the whole citie saying Let neither mā nor beast taste any thing neither feede nor yet drincke water but let both man and beast put on sackcloth crie mightily vnto God yea let euery man turne from his euill way from the wickednesse that is in his hāds Who can tell whether God wil turne be moued with repentance turne frō his fierce wrath that we perish not And now it is good to heare howe effectuall true repentaunce is in the sight of the lord Therfore it followeth in the same chap. And God saw their works that they turned from their euil wayes he repented of the euill which he said he would do to them and did it not And here also derely beloued ye must note y repentance is of 2. sorts to wit priuate or secrete publique or manifest Euery one doth secretly to himself repent priuately so often as when he hath sinned against god he doth descēd into himself and with the candle of gods word doth search al the corners of his hart confesse to God al his offences being greued that he hath offended him yet doth turne vnto him beléeuing verily that he wil be reconciled vnto him in Christ his sauiour for his sake doeth vtterly hate sinn entirely loue righteousnes and innocencie in following them so néere as he can The publique or solemne repentance is vsed in great calamities in dearth in pestilence warre and of the repentance it is that the prophet Ioel speketh whose words ye heard a litle afore And yet priuate repentance is in many points all one with the publique For Peter wéepeth bitterly priuate penitēts do fast priuately absteine seuerely euen from all alowed pleasures much more then from the allurements and baits of the world But they y do truly repent either publiquely or priuately both do must specially hate coloured hypocrisie vaine ostentation Moreouer both kinds of repentance are frée voluntarie not extorted or coacted but proceding of a willing mind The pastour of the Church teacher of the truth I confesse doth seuerely call vpon al sinners without delay to repent themselues truly for their sinns cōmitted but yet he doth by expresse lawe lay vppon no mans necke any precise order prescribing that time maner place or number but leaueth it frée to euery ones choice so that they do the thing that is decent according to the prescript rule in the word of god But publique repētance is for the most part wont to be proclamed openly receiued of the whole cōgregation so often as pietie requireth it and necessitie cōpelleth it doth out of the word of God therewithal declare what how al things must be done decently ordered Againe it is manifest y there are 2. sortes of repentaunce more For there is true repentance false repentance The true repentance is y whiche doth exercise that is regenerate by the spirite of God is without all colour craft cōteyning in it al those things that I haue hetherto told you off The scriptures conteined in the old new testament do minister to vs many examples of true repentance which I haue at large layd forth vnto you in y that I haue alreadie spoken Those examples are excellent which we find of our parents Adam Euah of the people of Israels often repenting in the 33. of Exod. in the booke of Iudges and the bookes of Kinges Yet more excellent than the rest is that of Dauid in the 12. cap. of the 2. of Samu and 1. Par. 21. And that of Manasses Iosias 2. Re. 33. 34 In the Gospell also we haue to sée the examples of Matthewe Zachęus the sinneful woman Peter beside other more that here for shortnesse sake I do wittingly passe ouer But false or coūterfeit repentance procedeth of a feigned hart though at a blush it séeme to haue the circūstances of true repentance yet for because it wanteth a turning to God and a sound confidence in him it is vnsincere and vtterly false For of al other it is most certaine that the repentaunce of Iudas Iscariote was false and counterfeite and yet he confessed his sinne hee bare record to the trueth and did with much anger and sorrowe restore to the priests the price which he toke for y innocent bloud but because he did not wholie turne to Christ put his whole confidence in his mercie and goodnesse all his repentance was without al fruit And without all profite doe hypocrits and those that are without the faith of the Gospell torment themselues and make a shew of outward repentance But they are most happie and in an heauenly case that do with al their heartes truely repente with faith vnfeigned for they receiue infinite goodnesse of their most bountifull and liberal God who is at-one againe with penitents and doeth nowe loue them that before he did for their sinnes most hartily and yet most iustly hate and abhorre The punishments also whiche he determined to lay vppon them he turneth into benefites For he doth fill and as it were loade penitentes with all maner good thinges both temporall and eternall Now ye vnderstood déerely beloued by my former sermons that God bestoweth so great benefites vpon vs not for our works of Repentance but for Christ his sake in whom alone the Saincts doe trust not putting any confidence in their workes of repentaunce how holy and commendable soeuer they be For in so much as the father loueth Christe that wée by faith are graffed in him God doeth therefore loue vs and oure works doe please him which workes of ours when he doth recompence hee crowneth not our works as our owne works but crowneth in vs the grace which hee himselfe hath giuen vs Againe it must néedes be that vnrepentauntes are most vnhappie They heare with what sinns and transgressions they haue offended God prouoked his iuste vengeaunce against themselues but therewithall they thinke not howe to preuent the wrath of God being readily imminent to take vengeaunce of them nor howe to obteine his fauour againe What else therefore doeth remaine behinde for them but a most certeine and iust destruction both of body and soule of all their goods and whatsoeuer things else they doe most estéeme in this transitorie life It is good héere to call
histories declare more largelie Of this King Christ the Prophets prophecying said And in mercie shal the seate be prepared and he shall sitt vpon it in trueth in the tabernacle of Dauid iudging and seeking iudgement and making haste vnto righteousnes And againe Beholde the time commeth saith the Lorde that I will raise vp the righteous braūche of Dauid which King shall beare rule he shall prosper with wisdome and shall set vp equitie and righteousnes againe in the earth In his time shall Iuda be saued and Israel shall dwell without feare and this is the name that they shall call him The Lorde our righteousnesse And because our Lord is a king therefore be must néeds haue a kingdome As well the realme dominion subiecte to a kinge is called a kingdōe as principalitie empire power māner of gouernment it selfe Therefore the church the communion or fellowship of saints béeing obedient subiect to their king Christe is called the kingdōe of god For Micheas saith And the Lord shall reigne ouer them in mount Sion therfore Sion which signifieth the church is the kingdome of god And god is said to reigne when in the church he ruleth gouerneth kéepeth defendeth those that be his and indueth and maketh thē fruitful with diuerse graces For Paule saith The kingdome of God is not meate and drink but righteousnes peace ioy in the holy ghost Moreouer the kingdome of god is that eternall glorie felicitie which God d●eth communicate to his elect For the Lord saith in the gospel Comeye blessed of my father inherit the kingdome which is prepared for you frō the beginning of the world And the théefe euen at point of death making his pra●er to the Lord who was redy to dye on the crosse desiring to bee ●artaker of this kingdōe saith Lord remember me when thou cōmest into thy kingdome ▪ Againe since y gospel teacheth vs how God reigneth in vs in this world in time to translate vs vnto him self into that other that is since the gospell is that thing by which the Lord reareth vp his dominion it is not vnaduisedly called of Matthew in his 13. cap. the kingdome of god In another place for the same cause it is called the word of the kingdome To be short we at this presēt by the kingdome of God vnderstand the cōgregation of saints it self the catholique church I meane and the power or administratiō of God reigning therein that is preseruing gouerning glorifying the same And this kingdome of god is verily but only one for ther is but one God only one king Christ only one church ● life ●uerlasting But his one kingdome of god according to he dispensation 〈…〉 two wayes First acording to y om●ipotencie of god For he 〈◊〉 he i● the highest omnipotent hath executeth ouer all creatures visible inuisible ●oste iust rule and equall power● nill they or will they be obedient Secondly according to his spirits whereby he reigneth in his elect And so y kingdōe of God is againe two waies cōsidered For either it is earthly is called the kingdome of grace or else it is heauenlye and is called the kingdome of glorie The earthly kingdome of grace is not therefore called earthly as though it were carnall earthly like the kingdome of Babylon Persia Alexander or Rome but because it is on earth For a good parte of the holie churche of God is conuersant on this earth beeing partaker of flesh bloud while it ●●eth on the earth though it liue not an earthly life according to the ●●esh For acording to the spirit whereby it is ruled it liueth a heauenly life Not that the partakers of the kingdome of God sinne not For the iust man falleth riseth seuen times in a day Whervpon it is also called the kingdome of grace For as long as we liue in this world our King Lord neuer denyeth his grace mercie to vs that craue pardon And the faithfull doe wholie hange vppon the grace of their king they embrace continuall repentance and endeuor thē selues to things of more perfectnesse For they frame all that they do according to the lawes of their king prince For he reigneth in his elect by the worde of truth and by the holie ghost By the word of truethe hee teacheth what the Saintes should doe and what they should auoide By his holie spirit he moueth their hartes and giueth strength to 〈◊〉 euill and followe that is good For truely our king reigneth not so much for him self as for vs For he maketh vs also kinges that we béeing deliuered from the diuell damnation sinne and the curse may be Lords ouer the diuel damnation sinne and the cursse yea ouer all thinges and ioyn●t-heires with the sonne of God him self For these causes the kingdōe of God is called a spirituall kingdōe For the partakers of the kingdome of God indued with the spirite of God doe bring foorth the fruites of the spirit not the works of the flesh and to be short are gouerned with the spirit of god Neither truelie doeth our Lorde reigne after the manner of the kinges of this worlde sayinge to Pilate My kingdome is not of this worlde Which sentence some abuse gathering y there is no ou●ward gouernemēt in the church of God vnder whiche name they also take away the office of a Magistrate and speake so subtilely of the kingdome of God that a man cannot tell where the kingdome of God is or who be partakers of this kingdome They vnderstand n●t that the meaning must bee gathered vppon the occasion of that saying The Iewes accusing the Lorde before Pilate laide to his charge that he ambition flye sought after a kingdome The lord clering him self of this crime sheweth Pilate that his kingdome shal not be such a one whiche after hee had cast out Tiberius Caesar should be gotten and kepte with armes and be gouerned after the manner of this worlde declaring that he addeth If my kingdome were of this world then would my seruaunts surely fighte that I should not bee deliuered to the Iewes Therefore he inferreth But now is my kingdome not from hence therefore they fight not for me to place main the throne of the kingdome Tiberius béeing cast out And anon he saith For this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into the worlde that I should beare witnesse vnto the truethe and all that are of the truethe heare mye voice As therefore Christ by trueth not by lyinge deceipts and craftie practises like the Princes of this worlde prepareth him selfe a kingdome so by trueth he doeth bothe reteine gouerne his kingdome and whosoeuer imbrace trueth are partakers of Christes kingdome whether they be princes or of the cōmonaltie all these obey the voice of their king and serue their highest prince Héere neuerthelesse we expresly add y Kings can no
right hand of the father in heauen doeth not so oftentimes humbly fal downe on his knées and make intercession for vs as we doe sinne In the dayes of his flesh when he did offer vp praiers supplications with strong crying and teares hee was once heard in that which he feared For nowe he alwayes appeareth for vs in the presence of god Al our matters are manifest in his sight the father beeholdeth the face of his Christe for whose sake he is pleased with all his members hearing them and giuing them whatsoeuer healthful things they require according to that saying of our sauiour Verily verily I say vnto you Whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my name he shal giue it you Therfore here wee must imagine no turmoyles no molestation no labour wherwith he shuld be wearied which is the intercessour aduocate priest of al before God the father in heauē Whereof also I put you in minde in my last sermō where I entreated of inuocation and intercession Wherfore our priest executing his office before God in heauen hathe néede of no altar of incēse no censer no holy vesselles or garments muche lesse hath he néede of the altar of burnt offerings For on the crosse which was his altar he offered vp him selfe but once for al. Neither was there any mortal man worthie to offer to the liuing god the liuing sonne of god And that only sacrifice is alwayes effectuall to make satisfaction for all the sinnes of all men in the whole world And though in the discourse of the ceremoniall lawes I haue alleadged many testimonies touching these things yet I cā not stay my self here but must cite vnto you some that be notable For this matter wherin the fruite of Christes diuinitie humanitie to be short al our saluation consisteth cannot worthily and diligently ynough be printed in mens harts Paule vnto the Hebrues speaking of the priestes of the olde Testamente and comparing Christ our high priest with them yea by all meanes preferring him sayth And among them many were made priests because they were not suffered to indure by reason of death But Christ because he indureth for euer hathe an euerlasting or vnchangeable priesthod for that it doth not palle ouer to another by succession Wherfore he is able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him seeing hee euer liueth to make intercession for them For such an high prieste it became vs to haue which is holy harmelesse vndefiled separate from sinnes made higher than the Heauens which needed not daily as those high priests to offer vp sacrifice first for his owne sinnes then for the peoples for that did hee once when he offred vp himself And againe he sayth Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands whiche are the similitudes of the true sanctuarie but into heauen it selfe to appeare nowe in the sight of God for vs Not that he should offer himselfe often as the highe priestes entred into the holie places euerie yere in strange or with other bloud For thē mu●t he haue often suffered since the foundation of the world But now in the end of the worlde hath he appeared once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himself And as it is appointed vnto men that they shall once die and after that cōmeth the iudgement Euen so Christ once offered to take away the sins of many the second time shal be seene without sinne of them whiche waite for him vnto saluation And againe the same Paule saith Euerie priest appeareth daily ministring and oftentimes offereth one manner of offering which can neuer take away sinnes but this ma after he had offered one sacrifice fo● sinns sitteth for euer at the right hand of God and from hencefoorth tarrieth til his enimies be made his footstoole For with one offering hath he made perfect or consecrated for euer thē that are sanctified All these sayinges hitherto are the Apostle Paules And I think that these testimonies are not to be made manifest and agréeable to our purpose by a larger interpretation For they are all euen without any exposition of ours most euident and verie aptly agrée to the matter which we haue in hand For they doe plainely set forth and lay before our eyes to beholde the whole priesthood of Christ specially that which belongeth to the intercession and the onely and euerlasting sacrifice or satisfaction for sinnes It belongeth also to the same priesthoode to consecrate priestes vnto God all the faithfull not that we should offer for the satisfaction of sinnes but that we shoulde offer our prayers thankesgiuinges and our selues and the dueties of Godlinesse as it were euerie momente For Saint Iohn the Apostle and Euangeliste sayeth Iesus Christe prince of the Kinges of the earth loued vs and washed vs from our sinnes in his owne bloud made vs kinges and priestes vnto God and his father We may finde the same sentence also in the Epistle of Saint Peter So that in these we may sée what fruite riseth and floweth vnto vs from the diuinitie and humanitie of Christe oure king and highe priest For he coulde not be prince of kings highe priest vnlesse he were God and man. Here this place requireth to speak somewhat of the name of a Christian and of the dueties of a Christian man We haue the name of Christians of Christ to whome being vnseparably knitte we are the members of that bodye whereof he is head And Christe is not his proper name for he is called Iesus but a name of office deriued from the Gréeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche signifieth annoynting so Christ signifieth asmuch as annointed Therfore Tertullian saith it is not a proper name but a name attributed And hee addeth Annointed is no more a name than cloathed or apparelled a thing accident to the name But the kinges high priestes were annointed with oyle therefore Christ signifieth vnto vs him that is king high priest or Bishop And because we are named Christians of Christe who hath annointed vs with the holy ghost truely we also are kings priestes Where you may sée how great a benefite we haue receiued of Christe God man for he hath made vs kings priestes We sée what the dutie of christians is namely to mainteine this dignitie euen to the last gaspe lest it be taken from vs againe by sathan Furthermore if we be kings we are Lordes ouer thinges and are frée ruling not ruled or in subiection Frée I say frō sinne and euerlasting death and from all vncleannesse Lords ouer sathan prince of this worlde and ouer the world it selfe For we rule the world and the fleshe wee are not ruled by them Herevnto belong those wordes of the Apostle Let not sinne reigne in your mortall bodie that ye shoulde therunto obey by the lustes of it Neither giue ye your members as instruments or weapons of
of some who promise to condemned spirits redēption from their punishments a little before the iudgment day But against these very many doctors of the church haue disputed all and euery one of thē condemning with one voyce an opinion which the 〈◊〉 longe ago condemned For the iudge in the ende of the world 〈◊〉 definitiue sentence against 〈◊〉 than al the wicked shal say Depart ●rom me ye cursed into euerlasting fier which is prepared for the diuell and his ●ngels And by by the Apostle holy Euangelist a witnesse of the truth doth ●dde And these shal go into euerlasting ●unishment but the righteous into life euerlasting For in Marke the lord also ●aid In hell their worme dieth not and ●he fier is not quēched And in Iohn in more plaine pithie wordes he saith They that haue done good shall come forth vnto the resurrection of life and they that haue done euil vnto the ●esurrection of condemnation He doth not ●ay they shal go either into life or into condemnation but into the resurrection either of life or condemnation that is to remaine euerlastingly in life or death For Daniel of whom the Lorde borowed these wordes hath said And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt For Iohn the Apostle saith that the smoke of those that are condemned thrown headlong in to hel for euermore shal ascende vp It is certeine therefore that the condemnation of the wicked shal be altogether without ende and euerlasting Furthermore in calling the reuolting Angels spirits we doe not vnderstand by spirite the wicked affection of the hart or the qualitie or passion of the minde or corruption and sinne For the world is not without some which thinke the the diuell is nothing els but a mischefous man or a mischiefous sinnefull ●ōmotion or outrage of the minde By spirits therefore we vnderstand spiri●uall substances indued with féeling ●nderstanding For in the first chapter of 〈◊〉 sathan came shewed him self among the children or seruāt● of god speaking with the lord The gospel 〈◊〉 reporteth vnto vs that diuels bée●● cast out of a man entred into the herd of swine ● drowned them i● the 〈◊〉 of the sea or lake of Gaderen Moreouer the gospel recordeth that the diuel sinned from the beginning that he coltinued not in the truth that he is a lier a murtherer Iudas maketh mentiō that the angel fought with the diuell In Marke the diuels cry out and say What haue we to do with thee thou Iesus of Nazareth art thou come to destroy vs but yet for al that our sauiour bein● alredy appointed made iudge shal say to the diuels Go into the euerlasting fier Al which testimonies agree to substances by them selues subsistine not to qualities Diuels therfore ar● spirituall substances But what bodie● they be which they often times take in which they appeare vnto men n● man I thinke can perfectly tell whic● also we tolde you a little before when we entreated of the bodies which good angels toke For truly that diuels pu● on bodies shapes differing from their owne the historie of Samuel raised vp by a witch manifestly proueth It was not Samuel that was raised from the dead but the capteine-coyner of lyes counterfeiting Samuel deceiued king Saul And Paul witnesseth that sath● doth transforme himselfe into an angel of light Histories also declare that the diuel is a maruelous iugling deceiuer in taking on him diuers forms shapes And as I saide of good angels that they are spéedy in their ministerie without burden or lets so there is no doubt that diuels in their kinde worke are well prepared For the scriptures declare that they haue a thousand shiftes wonderfull craftinesse subtiltie and that their know●edge is 〈…〉 reacheth very farre Finally that they are very ready and neuer weary to attempt performe althings They passe through the whole world with excéeding swiftnesse they handle all their matters very craftily and therefore are maruelous names shadowing out their force power allotted vnto them For he is called Sathan the olde serpēt a deceiuer the prince of this world the prince of darknesse which hath power ouer the aire a roaring Lion. Of which and of other not vnlike I will speake anon more at large when I haue firste tolde you this that there are an infinite route of diuels For vij diuels are cast out of Marie Magdalen That diuell of whom Matthew speaketh being no sooner cast out museth consulteth howe he may be wholy restored againe taking to him vij other spirites worse than himselfe Moreouer in Marks gospell there is mention made of a legion For the vncleane spirit being asked of the lorde what his name was answered My name is legion because we are ●any Therefore when there is mention made of sathan also where in ho●ie scripture it is not so to be taken as ●hough there were either but one sub●●ance or person of y diuel ▪ For they ar● comprehended as the members vnder ●he head as particularities vnd●r ge●eralities The scripture truely elsewhere maketh mention of the prince of the diuels For the enimies of Christe do often cry out He casteth out diuels by the prince of diuels but yet that saying doth not expresse what manner of principalitie that is whether orderly among them selues those euill spirites be distinguished And it is certein that all the vngodly are vnder one head as all the godly are vnder one Christe the lord It is certein that all the diuels are o● 〈…〉 corrupt 〈…〉 their force only to this end to 〈◊〉 aduersaries vnto god hurtfull enimies to men But of y operations works or effects of diuels I wil speak wher I shal by the way exposid their names or attributes Corrupt wicked spirits generally are called diuels which is asmuch as if you should say slaunderers or false accusers For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with the Gréekes signifieth slaunder c. And the worde diuel is fetched frō the Grecians For he soweth slaunders in accusing men vnto god in setting men at variance betwene themselues that now I say nothing how he goeth about to bring god his works into suspiciō among men Therfore he is elsewhere called a lier the author of lies and the father of al hypocrites therefore the spring of all 〈◊〉 heresies wickednesses And bicause Iudas was an hypocrite a lyer a 〈…〉 traitor the lord rightly gaue him the name of a diuell The Apostle Peter called the diuell an aduersarie For the lord also himselfe called him The enuious man which sowed tar●● in the lords field For he is the 〈◊〉 of God men setting himselfe against the wil of God whose glory also he laboureth to take away
hath giuen vnto none neyther doth any minister vnles he be blinded with diuelish pryde take that vnto him selfe as though he did worke those workes that are proper vnto Christe eyther for Christe or in Christes stead or together with Christ The Apostles being Christ his most faithful ministers and most chosen instruments of God did not giue the holy ghoste did not drawe mens harts did not inwardly anoynt mens mindes did not regenerate soules they them selues did not deliuer from sinne death the diuell and hell For all these things be the works of God whiche he hath not communicated to any Wherfore the most holy Baptist in plaine wordes denied that he was Christ he denied that he him selfe baptised with the holy Ghoste I saithe he baptise with water but hee baptiseth with the holy Ghost I am the voyce of a cryer in the wildernes prepare the way of the Lorde And Paule pleading his cause before Agrippa wisheth of God that king Agrippa were such a one as Paule him selfe was except his bonds But such a wishe had not néeded if he him selfe could drawe sanctifie and absolue There are infinite other of this kinde to be séene in the scriptures Yet neuerthelesse the ministerie of the church is not néedles The kings counsellers and officers haue not equall power with the king neither are they kinges with the king or for the king but for all that their seruice is not in vaine Therefore that thing which Christ the sonne of God who is the greatest the best and the chiefe high priest of his Church worketh in his catholique church inwardly and in their mindes as the onely searcher of of the hearts the very same outwardly he declareth and testifieth by his ministers whome the Scripture for that cause calleth witnesses embassadours or messingers You sayth the Lord to his Apostles shall beare witnesse bycause ye haue beene with me frō the beginning And Paul saith I am ordeined a precher an apostle a teacher of the gentiles Therfore the same apostle in another place calleth the same Gospell both a testimonie and preaching of our Lord Iesus Christe And Ihon the Apostle affirmeth that he was banished into the Isle of Pathmos For the worde of God and for the witnessing of Iesus Christe And therefore when ministers beare witnesse of the Sonne of God and out of his word promise life euerlasting their worde is not called mans word but the word of God and they are saide to saue and to release from sinn For they are the true messingers and harroldes of the king who is the deliuerer who hath sent them to publishe remission of sinnes wherevpon also they attribute all the meanes of life saluation and deliuerie to the onely deliuerer Christe Paule in an other place calleth ministers Fellowe labourers with God and afterward againe Disopsers of the secrets of God. For the saluation whiche the sonne of God hath onely wrought and whiche he also onely giueth the ministers preache or dispose and so they are fellowe labourers The same Apostle out of the doctrine of the Gospell which resembleth the teacher in the Church to one that soweth séede compareth the ministers to gardeners and planters of trées to whom he committeth the outward manuring reseruing the inwarde working to Christe our Lord saying Who is Paule then and who is Apollos but ministers by whome ye beleeued and as the Lorde gaue to euerie man I haue planted Apollos watered but god gaue the increase So then neyther is he that planteth any thing neyther he that watereth but God that giueth the increase With whiche testimonie of the Scripture Augustine being instructed learned so to speake and write of the ministerie of the Church as nothing shoulde be diminished from the glorie of God which inwardly moueth and teacheth vs and yet in the meane time the office of the ministerie should not be taken away or despised as vnprofitable For in his Epistle Ad Circenses which in order is accounted the 130. speaking of the secrete drawing of God and the outwarde ministerie of men These are not sayth he oure workes but Gods I would not at al attribute these thinges vnto mans working no not if when wee were with you so greate a conuersion of the multitude through our speaking and exhortations should happen That thing hee worketh and bringeth to passe who by his ministers outwardly warneth by tokens or signes of things but by the things them selues he inwardly teacheth by him selfe Thus farre he But least it might séem to any man that he spake too briefly and sparingly and not worthily enoughe of the ministerie of the Church euen he him selfe immediately addeth and sayth Neyther therfore ought we to be more flowe to come vnto you bycause whatsoeuer is done prayse woorthy among you commeth not of vs but of him which alone doth wonderfull thinges For we ought more carefully to runne to behold the workes of God than our owne workes Bycause euen we our selues if we haue any goodnesse in vs we are his worke and not mans Therefore the Apostle said Neither is he that plāteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase The same writer speaking of the verie same thing in his 26. treatise vpon Iohn Al the men of that kingdome sayth he shall be suche as are taught of God they shall not heare by men and though they heare by men yet that which they vnderstand is inwardly giuen it shineth inwardly it is inwardly reuealed What doe men in preaching outwardly what do I nowe when I speake make you to heare a noyse of wordes with your eares But vnlesse he reueale it which it within what say I or what speake I The outward workman is the plāter of the tree and the inwarde is the creatour Hee that planteth and hee that watereth worketh outwardly that doe we But neyther is he that planteth any thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase This is the meaning of They shall be all taught of God. Thus far Augustine Wherfore when in another place S. Paule sayth Ye are the Epistle of Christe ministred by vs written not with ynke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in stonie tables but in fleshie tables of the heart we must diligently put a difference betwéene the worke of the spirit and the work of man or of the minister The minister doth not take on him the honor of God and the worke of the spirite but his owne worke that is to say the ministerie Paule preacheth and writeth with ynke but the spirite of God moueth the heart and with his grace or annoynting he writeth in the very heart so he worketh together with GOD Paule working his proper woorke and the spirite working his worke The Apostles are preachers and ministers of the Gospell not of the letter but of the spirite not that they giue the holie Ghoste but bycause they are preachers of the
of the ministers that are ordeined in the church I can shew you in one worde to gouerne the church of God or to féede the flocke of Christe For Paule the Apostle speaking vnto the pastours of Asia sayth Take heede vnto your selues and to all the flocke ouer the which the holie Ghost hath made you ouerseers to rule or feede the churche of God which hee hath purchased with his owne bloud And the pastours do gouerne the church of God with God his worde or with wholesome doctrine and with holie example of life For S. Paule sayth againe vnto Timothie Be thou vnto thē that beleue an ensample in word in conuersation in loue in spirite in faith and in purenesse He writeth also the same vnto Tit. 2. chap. But for so much as the Papistes doe forge farre other thinges of the office or function of bishops and doe confirme the same as they also doe their other trifles by the authoritie or power of the keyes as I sayde when I intreated of the power of the church I wil therfore first of all speake somewhat and that as muche as I shall thinke to be sufficient for this matter as touching the keyes A keye is an instrument very well knowne to all men wherwith gates doores and chestes are eyther shut or opened It is transferred from bodily things vnto spirituall thinges and it is called the key of knowledge and of the kingdome of heauen For the Lorde sayth in the Gospell of Luke Woe vnto you interpreters of the lawe for ye haue taken awaye the keye of knowledge ye enter not in your selues and them that came in ye forbad The same sentence S. Matth. bringeth foorth after this sort Woe vnto you Scribes and Phariseis hypocrites bicause ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men for ye your selues goe not in neyther suffer ye them that wold enter to come in Beholde that which Luke calleth to Take away the keye of knowledge that Matthewe expoundeth To shut heauen The key therefore of knowledge is the instruction it selfe as concerning a blessed life by what means we are made partakers thereof He taketh away the keye which instructeth not the people of true blessednes or else is a hinderance that other can not instruct them Therfore the keys of the kingdome of heauen are nothing else but the ministerie of preaching the Gospell or worde of God committed by god vnto his ministers to that ende that euery one may be taught which way leadeth vnto heauen and which way carrieth downe vnto hell These keyes the Lord promised to Peter in him to all the other apostles when he said I wil giue thee the keys of the kingdome of heauen And whatso euer thou shalt bind in earth shal be bound in heauē whatso euer thou shalt loose on earth shal be loosed in heauen Let vs inquire therefore when the keyes were deliuered to Peter and to the rest And the agréeable consent of all men is that they were giuen in the daye of the resurrection But it is euident the same day the ministerie or function of preaching the Gospell was committed to the Apostles whereby it followeth that the keyes are nothing else but the ministerie of preaching the gospel amōgst al nations For this thing is declared vnto the world that saluation purchased by Christ is communicated to them that beléeue and that hell is open for the vnbeléeuers But nowe let vs heare the testimonies of the holy Euangelistes Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist saith The Lord came vnto his disciples sayde Peace bee vnto you As my father hath sent me so sende I you And when he had sayd that he breathed on them and sayde vnto them Receiue the holy Ghoste Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted vnto them and whosoeuers sinns ye reteine they are reteined These sayings agrée with the words whereby he promised the keyes for there he sayde ▪ Whatsoeuer ye shall binde in earth shal be bound in heauen Here he sayth Whosoeuers sinnes ye reteine they are reteined There he saide And whatsoeuer ye shall loose in earth shall bee loosed in heauen Here he sayth Whosoeuers sinnes ye remit they are remitted vnto them Wherefore to binde is to reteine sinnes to loose is to remit sinnes You will say howe do men remitte sinnes since it is written that onely God forgiueth sinnes Let other testimonies therefore of the other Euāgelistes be adioyned expressing that the same historie was done in the day of his resurrection Luke sayth Then the Lorde opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstande the scriptures and sayd vnto them Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christe to suffer and to rise againe from the deade the thirde day And that repentaunce and remission of sinnes shuld be preached in his name among all nations And Marke saith He appeared vnto them as they sate together and reproued them of their vnbeliefe and hardnesse of heart and he saide vnto them Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to euerie creature He that shal beleeue and be baptised shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shall be damned Therfore God only forgiueth sinnes to them that beléeue in the name of Christe that is to say through the merites and propitiation of Christe but that sinnes are forgiuen the ministers doe assuredly declare by the preaching of the Gospell and by that preaching do binde and loose remitte and reteine sinnes The matter will be made playner by an example or two S. Peter speaking vnto the citizens of Ierusalem Repent ye saith he and let euery one of you be baptised in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receiue the gifte of the holy Ghoste And so S. Peter vsed the keyes committed vnto him after this manner he looseth in earth and remitteth sinnes vnto men that is promising to them that beléeue assured remission of sinnes through Christe Whiche message God hath confirmed giuing remission of sinnes vnto the faythfull as they beléeued Moreouer the kéeper of the prisonat Philippos being amazed saith to Silas and Paul S●●s what must I doe to be saued The Apostles answered Beleeue on the Lord Iesus and thou shalt be saued and thy whole houshold The Apostles loosed him that was bounde and forgaue him his sinnes by the keyes that is by the preaching of the Gospell which Gospell since he beléeued in earth the Lorde iudged him to be loosed in heauen These things are taken out of the Acts of the Apostles In the same Acts we reade examples of the contrarie in this manner The Iewes being filled with indignation spake against those thinges whiche were spoken of Paule and rayled But Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and sayde It was necessarie that the word of God should first haue bene spoken to you but seeing ye put it from you and thinke your selues vnworthy of euerlasting life loe wee turne to the
And truely the greater or more famous solemne Churches whiche at this daye they call Cathedrall to witt of Cathedra a Chayre or of the order of Prophetes teaching or professing there as some time the Churche of Antioche Corinth Alexandria and suche like séemed to haue béene at certeine houeres to witt in the morning at noone yea at Euening also assembled to expound or discusse the holie canonicall Scriptures The foundations of that obseruation séeme to bee layed in the Churche of the Corinthians Of whiche the Apostle aboundauntlie witnesseth 1. Corint 14. Chapter Eusebius in the fifte Booke of his ecclesiastical historie and 9. Chapter making mention of an ecclesiasticall Schoole at Alexandria sayeth From a long time the doctrine and exercise of the holie Scriptures flourished among them which custome also continueth euen to our time whiche we haue hearde also to be instituted by menne mightie in Eloquence and in the studie of the holie Scriptures to witt after the example of the Corinthian Church Some markes of this moste wholesome rite or custome appeared sometime in the Occidentall or Weste Church as it is to be gathered out of the writinges of Sainct Ambrose and Augustine But truely in these very times and in the times immediatly following when all nations in a manner were together by the eares with perpetuall warres and when the Romane Empire in reuengement of the bloud of Christe of his holie Apostles and Martyres according to the Prophecie of Daniel and Sainct Iohn the Apostle and Euangeliste was torne in peeces made a pray for all people The Gothes or Germanes rushing vppon them on this side the Hunnes and other barbarous Souldiours on the other side assaulting Rome sharply the best Scholes were spoyled goodly Libraries were burned honest good studies perished whervpon were giuen vnto the churches Doctors or teachers most vnlike vnto the auncient doctours and teachers who were not furnished with that abilitie that they could deale in the holy Scriptures with such dexteritie and fruitefulnesse as their predecessours In this disorder downefall least nothing should remaine of the canonicall scriptures vntouched it is euident that there rose vp men not altogether negligent of the canonicall doctrine who diuided the whole canonicall scripture after such a sort into parts and for the whole course of the yeare that they might once in a yeare read ouer the whole Bible and the Psalter oftner yea euen euery seuenight They vsed the psalmes in stéed of prayers to whiche as times increased many other prayers also were ioyned And least the verie reading of the scripturs should séeme to want al exposition the readinges lectures or homilies of the fathers were therevnto added at the length not that the priestes should read them secretely to thēselues as at this day in a maner they are woont to do or that they should with a post-hast reading mumble them vp in stéede of mattins but that they should throughly handle them in the open church as an exercise before the people to the edification of the church That I maye not nowe rehearse that this rite was not receiued of all men so farre off is it from beeing streictly commaunded Of whiche thing there remain some tokens or proofes In Distinct 15. Sancta Rom. Furthermore of reading the canonicall Scriptures those houres wherin they were read séemed to be named Canonical as also Canons are so called of studying and reading the Canonicall Scriptures But at what time this was done and who were the doers thereof it is not certeinely knowen Some doe attribute some parte hereof to Hierome other some to Damasus and some to Pelagius the second of that name othersome also to Gelasius and Gregorie And because homilies and lectures not a few are said to be Bedaes and other doctours of later time finally for that many other thinges are read in those hourely prayers whiche sauour neuer a whit of antiquitie truly as it is an institution patched vpp diuersely and at sundrie times so is it farre more new than the papists thincke or take it to bée Neither are there some wanting which affirme that at the request of Carolus Magnus Paulus Diaconus or monke of Cassina and monke Isuarde ordeined and deliuered to the Churche selected or chosen lessons those especially which cōcerne the Saincts and are accustomed to be read in these houres But howsoeuer the matter standeth most certeine it is that those houres at this day commaunded and called Canonicall are the inuention of man and not of God and ragged and rotten reliques or shadowes of the old law Wherevnto beside that there are many fables toyes follies annexed it cannot be denied Truly at this day there appereth such a mingle mangle or hotch-potch that it séemeth vtterly vnworthy either to bee vsed or suffered any longer in the church of Christ vnlesse wée had rather that care were taken for the bellies of some than for the good state and well-fare of the whole Church Of whiche thus much thus farre It remaineth in the last place to discusse howe wee must praye what words or what fourme of prayer wée must vse Truely there are many fourmes of prayer but none better than that whiche our Lord the onely beloued sonne of God the father hath deliuered Neither is there a more certeine forme as comprehending in fewe words all in all In this summarie hee hath prescribed what is worthie of him what is acceptable to him what is necessarie for vs and to bee short what hee is willing to graunt Wherevppon S. Cyprian expounding the Lords prayer amonge other thinges sayeth Hee that made vs to liue the same hath taught vs also to pray euen of the same his bountifulnesse whereby hee hath vouchsafed both to giue and to bestowe all other thinges whatsoeuer that when wee speake with the father in that prayer and supplicaton whiche the sonne hath taught vs wee may bee the more easlie or readily heard and may truly and spiritually worshipp him For what prayer can bee more spirituall than that whiche is giuen vnto vs of Christe from whome also the holy Ghoste is sent vnto vs What prayer before the father more true than that of the sonne proceeding out of his mouth who is trueth it selfe So that to pray otherwise thā he hath taught is not onely ignoraunce but also offence since hee him selfe hath sett downe and saide Yee cast aside the commaundement of God to stablish your owne tradition Therefore dearely beloued brethrene let vs pray as God our maister hath taught vs It is a friendly and familiar prayer to call vppon God in such manner as hee hath taught vs and when that the prayer of Christ commeth to his eares let the father acknowledge the woordes of his sonne when wee pray Hee that dwelleth within the heart let him also bee in the tongue And since wee haue him oure aduocate with the father for oure sinnes when wee beeing sinners aske pardon for oure offences let vs vtter the woordes of
giue me neyther pouertie nor riches onely feede me with foode conuenient for me least peraduenture being full I should denie thee and say who is the Lord or being oppressed with pouertie fal to stealing and forsweare the name of my God. Therfore in this fourth petition we yeald our selues wholy into the care and tuition of God the father and cōmit our selues to his prouidence that he which only is able to saue vs might féede defend and saue vs For vnlesse he poure his blessing vpon vs vnlesse he giue vs strength by those thinges that are meanes perteyning to oure sustentation and maintenaunce all thinges are of no force We pray for the happie course of the worde of God for the Pastors of the Churche them selues for the mainteyners of the common weale for the safetie of the Church and common weale We craue that the bountifull father would supply all wants and giue what so euer things are necessarie for the sustentation both of the body and the soule Furthermore least any shoulde thinke him selfe vnworthy of the daily breade bicause it is due to children and not to dogs and therefore should praye the slowlier and with a more slender courage the Lord preuenting this carefulnesse of the godly addeth the fifte petition which is this And forgiue vs our debtes as we forgiue our debters In these words we aske forgiuenesse of our sinnes And that we may obteine forgiuenesse of oure sinnes it is néedefull that we confesse our selues to be sinners For vnlesse we doe this howe shall we pray that our sinnes shoulde be forgiuen vs Truely all the Saints vse this order of praying Therefore all of them acknowledge thē selues to be sinners For there remaine reliques yea euē in the regenerate most holy men which daily burst out into euill thoughts euil sayings doings yea oftentimes into haynous offences But whatsoeuer faults sinnes oures be first truely we confesse thē humbly to god the father afterward pray him to forgiue them We call our sinnes debtes God him selfe so teaching bicause we are indebted for the punishment as the price of them vnto god And he forgiueth our debtes when he taketh not deserued punishmēt of vs so iudgeing of vs as if we were nothing indebted vnto him For the allusion is made to corporall debtes which if the creditour forgiue the debter he hath no further power to cast in prison or to punishe him which was his debter Therfore not only the fault is forgiuē vnto vs but the punishment also Neither doe we make any wordes of our merites vnto the father but we say Remit or forgiue vs our debtes By the worde remission is ment a frée forgiuenesse of sinnes For he forgiueth vs bycause we are not able to paye Wherevpon we reade in the Gospel When the debters were not able to pay he forgaue them both their debtes The like are set downe in the 18. chapter of Matth. Therfore by no merite of ours by no satisfactiō of ours but by the bountifulnesse of God through Christe we praye that all our sinnes may be forgiuen vs Neyther doe the Saintes here doubt of the certeintie of forgiuenesse For the Lorde sayth in the gospel Whatsoeuer ye aske in my name beleeuing ye shall receiue it they therefore that praye in faith doubt not that their sinnes are forgiuen thē for Christes sake For so also we confesse in our Créede I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes We adde foorthwith her●vnto As we forgiue our debters not that we shoulde thinke through our forgiuenesse that we deserue or obteine forgiuenesse of oure sinnes for otherwise the reason of remission were not certeine For he that eyther bringeth or doth any thing for which thinges sake sinne is taken away or he that satisfieth for sinne to him nothing is forgiuen but rather recompenced as a desart Therefore for other causes these things séeme to be added First for so muche as we be carefull for forgiuenesse of which many doubt the Lordes will is to comfort our infirmitie by adding this as it were a signe whereby we might vnderstand that so surely our sinnes are forgiuen vs of God as we are sure we haue remitted and forgiuen other their offences wherewith they haue offended vs Furthermore his will was to driue out of vs all olde grudge hatred and malice and to driue into vs the studie and desire of loue and charitie and to admonish vs of our duetie that if as yet there did sticke in our myndes any part of olde enmities we may know that it ought altogether to be layde aside and cast out of our stomach yea and that euen nowe we must call vpon the Lorde to moue our heartes that we may be able to doe it Surely we doe hardly lay downe old iniuries and offences But it is méete that we forgiue oure brethren lesser faults which haue obteined pardon of verie great sinnes of our moste gratious father vnlesse happily we list to take tryall of his fortune who in the parable of the Gospell had him selfe proofe of the greate bountifulnesse and liberalitie of the Lorde in forgiuing him he in the meane while being fierce and cruell towarde his brother in exacting of him a verie small and trifling debt The parable is verie well knowen in the 18. chapter of S. Matth. The sixt and last petition is And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For sinne is neuer so forgiuen that there remaineth not cōcupiscence in the flesh which temptations stirre vpp and lead into diuerse kindes of sinnes And these are of diuerse sortes For first God tempteth vs when hee biddeth vs doe any thing whereby to proue vs as when he bad Abraham to offer vp his sonne or else when he sendeth aduersitie vppon vs that with the fire of temptation hée maye both fine our faith and cleanse away the drosse of our misdéedes These temptations of God tend to the saluation of the faithfull Wherefore wee doe not simplie pray not to be tempted For the temptation of God is profitable For that man is said to be blessed which suffereth temptation For when he is tried hee shall receiue the crowne of life Wée pray also that we be not ledd into temptation For the diuel likewise tempteth we are tempted of the world and of our flesh There are temptations on our righthand and on our left tending to this end to ouerthrow vs to drowne vs in the bottomlesse pitt of our sinnes and thereby to destroye vs when that is done we are not only tempted but wee are ledd into and also intrapped in temptation Such a petition therefore we doe make If it please thée O heauenly father to exercise vs with thy wholesome temptations wée beséeche thée graunt that we may be found tryed and suffer vs not to be ledd by a diuelishe and wicked temptation that leauing thée and being made bondsiaues to our enimy and drowned in the gulfe of wickednesses we be caught
garnished from aboue not naked therefore full not void or emptie For they are holy thinges and not prophane because they are instituted of GOD and for godly men not for prophane persons They are effectual and not without force for in the Churche with the godly and faithfull they worke the same effect and ende wherevnto they were ordeined of god Whereof more hereafter They are also worthily said to be beautified and adorned by God and not bare thinges whiche haue the worde GOD it selfe wherewith they are moste beautifully adorned And therefore also they are full and not emptie sacraments because they haue those things whiche make a perfect Sacrament We will repeate here the parables or similitudes whiche aboue also intreating of consecration for the moste parte we did alledge to the intente to giue more cleare light vnto this treatise All the while that waxe for confirmation and witnesse sake is not hanged on letters patents or other publique instrumentes it is common voide and bare waxe that is to saye nothing else but waxe but when it is sealed and fastened to those publike instruments it is now neither voide nor bare waxe For it is called the testimonie of the truth The armes of a prince or of any cōmon wealthe if it be painted in a windowe or on a wall it is a bare signe but if the same be fastened to writinges or set to letters there is greate difference betwéene this and the other For nowe it declareth and witnesseth the will of the prince or common wealthe therefore it hathe this estimation among all men that who ●o de●aceth it or contrarie to the will of the Prince and common weale doeth sette it to any other charter is reputed guiltie of counterfetting of high treason A stone when as yet it is not set for a marke or bound of fieldes it is a bare and voide that is to say a cōmon stone whiche to tread vnder foote or to remoue out of his place is no offence but being set to part the boundes of fieldes it is no more a voide or bare stone but a witnes of lawful diuision and iust possession which to moue out of his place is committed an heynous offence And therefore water bread and wine without the institution and vse of the Sacrament are nothing else but water bread and wine but beeing vsed in the celebration of the sacrament they differ verie far from that they were before are sacraments signed of Christ by his word and ordeined for the saluation of the faithfull Therefore they that are partakers of the sacraments do not recetue nothing as these say vnlesse the institution of god be to be estéemed as nothing He instituted sacramentes to be testimonies of his grace and seales of the trueth of his promises Which thing I will anon declare more at large Therefore as God is true and cannot lye so the seales of his promises are most true He hath promised that he wil be oures and that in Christ he will communicate himselfe vnto vs with al his giftes He therefore of a certeintie sheweth himselfe suche an one and doeth communicate him selfe vnto vs Althoughe hee doe it not nowe firste of all when wée receiue the Saramentes as it he shoulde powre out of himselfe into vs by them as it were by conduite pypes were included in them as in vessels for immediatlie vpon the beginning of the world he promised his grace vnto vs as soone as we first beleeued he begā to shew him self such an one vnto vs doth shew him selfe more and more through the whole course of our life we receiue him and comprehend him spiritually and by fayth Therefore when we are partakers of the Sacraments he procedeth to communicate him self vnto vs after a speciall manner that is to say proper vnto sacraments and so we which before were made partakers of Christ do continue and strengthen that communion or fellowship spiritually and by faith in the celebration of the Sacramentes outwardlie sealing the same vnto our selues by the signes Nowe who will hereafter say that they whiche thinke thus of the Sacramentes and are by this faithe partakers of them haue nothing but emptie shewes and receiue nothing in them Albeit we neither include grace in the signes neither deriue it from them But if any man haue any other opinion of God and his ordinaunces that shall no more be falsehode in GOD or accuse him of vntrueth than if any one shoulde charge a iuste man with a lye because he perfourmeth not that whiche he looked for when in the meane time this man promised not the thing whiche he looked for but he throughe his corrupte and false opinion hathe dreamed that it was promised vnto him And thus farr by occasion I haue shewed what agréement and difference there is betweene the Sacramentes of the olde and new Testament and that our Sacraments doe neither conferre nor conteine grace Now we returne to that whiche we beganne I meane to the principall ground of this disputation that forasmuch as we haue taught what they doe not worke so now at length wee may sett downe what they worke in very déede that is to say expounding what is the power ende and lawfull vse of the Sacramente where-vnto they are ordeyned of god We handled indéede the place of the causes why they were instituted in the beginning almoste of the 6. Sermon But now I wil ad other things whiche perteine to this purpose and entreate of eche thing by it selfe more fully and at large The chiefe end of sacramentes is this that they are testimonies to confirme the trueth by which the Lorde in his Church euen visibly doeth testifie that the things now vttered by preaching of the Gospel by the promises assured to the faithful from the beginning of the world are in euery pointe so brought to passe and are so certeinly true as they are declared and promised in the worde of trueth Euen so Baptisme is the heauenly and publique witnesse in the Church of Christe whereby the Lorde testifieth that it is hee whiche receiueth men fréely into fauour and whiche cleanseth from all blemishes and to be shorte maketh vs partakers and heyres of all his goodnesse For after the same manner Circumcision in times past was a publique and heauenly testimonie that it is God that purgeth and adopteth vs For therefore Moses saith Deu 30. The Lorde thy God wil circumcise thine hart the hart of thy seede that thou mayest loue the Lord thy GOD with all thy heart c. After the selfe same manner the Lorde him selfe instituting the holie supper in his Church by the present signes doeth openly beare witnesse that his bodie was certeinely giuen for vs and his bloud truely shedd for the remissiō of our sinnes that he also is that liuing food that féedeth vs to eternall life Wherefore we read in Chrysost his 83. Homilie vpon Matthew in these wordes As in the olde lawe so in
wil not receiue it Furthermore since by experience we finde euerie day the there are many thinges wanting vnto our faithe by meanes whereof diuerse vices spring vppe among vs whereof our vnworthines is the hightest or lest of all which the Lord of his grace may easily washe away almost wipeth away by sending his crosse vpon vs not imputing such infirmities to vs to our condemnation For the Apostle in another place ●aith that there is no condemnation for them whiche are graffed into Christ Iesus walk not after the flesh but after the spirit Neither with equall punishment doth our most iust lord punish these sundry sortes of vnworthinesse Let vs therefore sée what the blessed Apostle teacheth vs concerning the punishmente of those y eate vnworthily Therefore he sayth Who so eateth this bread or drinketh of the lords cup vnworthily the same shal be gyltie of the Lords bodie and bloud By whiche wordes verily he meaneth that chiefe and moste ●owle vnworthines of al other to wit vnbeléefe For he is guiltie of the lords body bloud to whom the fault of the lords death is imputed that is to say to whome Christes death becommeth death and not life as it also happened vnto them who through vnbeléefe wickednes did crucifie Christ For vnto them Christes bloud séemed prophane as it had béen the bloud of some beast murtherer or wicked person as being worthily 〈◊〉 for his offences And I pray you what else doeth he thinke than the Christes bloud is prophane who beléeueth not that the same was shed for the sinnes of the worlde And yet he dareth take part of the lords supper the he may worthily be saide to be guiltie of the Lords bodie bloud It is a verie great offence to eate the Lords bread and to drinke of his cup vnworthily through vnbeléefe which thing by the example of Iudas is laid before our eyes He beléeued not in the Lord Iesus yea he inuented howe to deliuer him into the hands of théeues and murtherers yet neuerthelesse he sate down to meate tooke part of the Lords supper therfore in the end the diuel worthily chalenged him wholy vnto him For S. Iohn witnesseth that about the end of the supper the diuell entred into Iudas not the he was not in him before that he came to the supper for he had begonne before to dwell in him to stir him forward but for that after so many admonitiōs of our lord Christ after that he had prophaned the mysteries of Christ as it were troden them vnder foote he wholy entred into him and fully possessed him The same Apostle Paule threateneth damnation to them that make no difference of the Lords bodie who are placed as it were in another degree of vnworthinesse saying For who so eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation The reason hereof he setteth down in this sentence to wit why we wee oughte not rashly and carelesly to come to the Lords table for that we approche then to our condemnation But condēnation or iudgment is the paine or punishment which the Lord laieth vpon his faithfull people when they sin not in another world truly as he doth vpon the vnbeléeuers but in this world For it followeth in the words of the Apostle which ministreth vnto vs the same sense For this cause many are weake and feeble among you and many slepe For if we had iudged our selues we should not haue bene iudged But when we are iudged we are corrected by the Lord that wee should not bee condemned with the world The Apostle plainelie distinguisheth betwéene the vnworthie eaters that are subiecte to Gods correction worldly men that is to say vnbéeléeuers whose punishment the Lord deferreth to that other world but vpon his faithful people who yet offende through the negligence come to the supper not sufficiently instructed he layeth diuers sundrie afflictions as pestilence famine sicknes such like to shake off their drousinesse For it foloweth If we had iudged our selues that is if we our selues had restrained our vices separated our selues from euil we had not bene iudged that is to say punished and corrected For immediatly he addeth But when we are iudged we are chastised of the Lord. To bee iudged therefore is to be chastised But hereby we learne from whence there do flow so many mischiefes into the Church to wit by the vnworthie vse of the Lords supper But some man wil answer here if the matter be so it were better wholy to absteine from the lords supper But if any absteine wholie he also therby sinneth againste the Lorde and that grieuously For hee setteth at nought the Lordes commandement who saieth Do this yea he setteth at nought both the Lords death and all the gyfts of god Wherefore he hath not escaped dāger who hath omitted to celebrate the supper which thing also we haue said before Thou must go an other way to worke if thou desire to auoide both danger sin Heare the counsel of Paule very cōpendiously saying Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eate of that bread and drinke of that cup. And wee muste mark that in this examination he sendeth no man to another but euerie man to him selfe The Papistes bidd thée Goe to an auricular confessour there to confesse thy selfe to receiue absolution and to make satisfaction for thy sinnes accordinge to the fourme that is cōmaunded thée And so they bid thée as sufficiently clensed to go to the Lordes table But Paule the doctour of the gentiles and the vessell of election speaketh not a word of those things but saith simply Let a man examine himselfe so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For like as God is the searcher of the hartes requireth the affection of the minde hateth hypocrisie so none knoweth what is in the hart of man or what affections wee beare to godward but we our selues do therfore he willeth vs our selues to examine euery thing in ourselues that is to say he willeth euerie man to descend into himselfe and to examine him selfe This examination cannot bee made without faith and the light of gods word But the faithfull man haueing the light of Gods worde shining before him and faith extendinge her force and power inquireth of himselfe whether hee doth acknowledge al his sinnes whiche he hath manifoldly committed against God and whether he be sorte for them being committed and whether with sincere fayth of hart he beleeue that Christ hath washed away and forgiuen al his sinnes and whether he confesse fréely with his mouth as he beléeueth in his hart that life saluation consisteth in Iesus Christ onely and in none other whether he haue determined with himselfe to die in this confession and whether he meane diligently and earnestly to applie himselfe to innocencie and holines of life and whether he be readie to loue helpe all the
members of Christes bodie of whom he is also a member and be readie to spend his life for them according to the example of Christe and whether he haue remitted or pardoned all anger and enimitie and whether he be desirous to call to minde Christes passion the whole mysterie of our redemption to giue thanks to God for our redēption for all other gyftes of God already receiued to be receiued This is the right examining which agréeth with the receiuing of the mystical supper and when we haue done so we may in humblenes and feare of the Lord with gladnesse approche to the supper of our Lord Christ But here the faithful do tremble who are as it were priuie to their owne imperfection infirmitie For they do not finde these thinges to be so perfect in their mindes as otherwise they kn●w a iust perfection requireth Satan commeth and he casteth in many and great stayes to the intent he may drawe vs backe from the celebration of the supper Therefore we say if any man suppose that none is to be admitted to the supper but he that is purged from al sinne infirmitie surely he shall driue away exclude al men howe many soeuer liue in this world nay he shal altogether depriue thē of the lords supper as not to be any lōger for sinful men but for Angels We must remēber that this examinatiō resteth within his own bounds that God here also as euerie where else doth vse this clemencie and mercie towards vs He knoweth our weakenesse corruption with vs can beare our infirmities The Israelits vnder king Ezechias being not fully cleansed tooke part of the paschal lamb But the king prayed and said The Lorde who is good wil haue mercie vppon all men that with al their hart seeke after the God of their fathers will not impute it vnto them that they are not sanctified And herevnto is added in the holy history in 2. Chron ▪ 30. chap And the Lord heard Ezechias and he was pleased with the people The worthinesse which is inquired for by exacte examination is no absolute perfection but a wil and mind instructed by God which humblie acknowledgeth it owne vnworthinesse and therfore humblie prayeth for increase of faith charitie all perfection in Christ only At that first supper the Apostles were Christes guests among these was Iudas but because hee lacked faith and was a traitour yea a murtherer he was made guiltie of the bodie and bloud of the lord The other apostles were also sinners thēselues but not wicked thei beleued in christ thei loued Christ one of thē loued aother like brethrē therfore they did not eate of the Lords supper vnworthily as Iudas did Although in the meane time at the same table they shewed tokens of great imperfectiō For Peter not without great contempt reproch of his brethren preferreth himselfe before them all Moreouer they contend among themselues for honour which of them should seme to be greater than another I will not nowe recite that streightway after they arose from the table they shamefully forsoke their maister and ranne away many wayes behaud them selues vnworthili but al these things were easily washed away for the faith had taken very déepe roote within them Neither will I here sticke to recite worde for worde the comfort of M. Iohn Caluine a godly and learned man who with great commendation teacheth in the church at this day my fellow minister most welbeloued déere brother whiche he hathe sette down for the afflicted in this case Let vs call to remembrance saith he that this holy banquet is a medicine for the sick a cōfort for the sinfull a largesse to the pore which to the whole righteous and rich if there could any such be found would bring small vantage For seing that in this banquet Christ is giuen vnto vs to be eaten we vnderstand that without him we faynt faile and are forsaken Moreouer seeing he is giuen to vs to be our life we vnderstande that without him wee are but dead Wherfore this is the greatest only worthines which we can giue vnto God if we lay before him our own vilenes vnworthines that through his mercy he may make vs worthie of himselfe if we despaire in our selues that we may be cōforted in him if we humble our selues that we may be lift vp by him if we accuse ourselues that we may be iustified by him Moreouer if we attein vnto that vnitie whiche he cōmendeth vnto vs in the supper and like as he maketh vs all to dwel in him so that we may with likewise that ther were one soul one hart one tongue in vs all If we wel wey meditate these things thē shal these thoughts neuer trouble vs we that ar naked and destitute of all goodnes we that are stayned with spots of sinn we that are halfe deade how shoulde wee worthily eate the Lords bodie Let vs rather think that we being poore doe come to a plentifull giuer we that are sicke come to a Physician we that are sinful come to a sauiour that the worthines which is cōmanded by God cōsisteth in faith chiefly which reposeth al in God nothing in our selues secondly in charitie suche charitie as it is sufficient if we offer it vnto God vnperfect that he may increse it to the better seing we cannot performe it absolute as it ought to be Thus farr he This muche haue I saide hetherto of the most holie supper of our lord Iesus Christe the moste excellent wholesome sacrament of Christians for which euen from the very beginning while the Apostles were yet liuing sathan the most deadly enimie to our saluation lying in wayte hath gone about to ouerthrow by many corruptions defilings from whiche being nowe for a time faithfully cleansed yet doth he not so leaue it but intermingles throwes an heap of cōtentions into it being made vnto y churche y token of a couenant neuer to be broken Wherevpon the thing itself our saluation requireth that we bée circumspect giue no place to the temptour but agreing altogether in christ and being ioyned into one body by faithful celebrating of the supper we may loue one another and giue euerlasting thankes to our redéemer and Lorde Christe to whome be praise glory nowe for euer Amen Amen ¶ Of certeine institutions of the Church of god Of Scholes Of Ecclesiastical goodes and the vse and abuse of the same Of Churches and holie instrumentes of Christians Of the admonitiō correctiō of the ministers of the church and of the whole Church Of matrimonie Of widowes Of virgines Of monkes What the Church of Christ determineth concerning the sicke and of funeralls and buryall ¶ The tenth Sermon THERE remaine certeine thinges but a fewe truly whiche are to be expounded vnto you déerely beleued the whiche partly apperteine to the institution
nor the lawe only kill 2. 〈◊〉 Moses doth 〈◊〉 deade to Christ 〈◊〉 lawe ●●cheth 〈◊〉 ri●●t●ous●●se The precepts of the law are the rudiments of the world The kinde of righteousnesse which was in the people of the old auncient world A carnall of fleshly people The lawe frameth the life of man. The lawe ●●idleth the 〈◊〉 It is vnpossible for vs of our own strength to fulfil the lawe Paul spake in the 7. cha to the Romanes of his own person 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 of the. The 〈…〉 Christ hath fulfilled the law is the perfectnes of the faythfull Life is promised to them that keepe the law● Howe 〈◊〉 may 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 Howe wee may keepe the lawe Gods commaundements are not heauie to be born Of the abrogation of the law 1 3 4 The 〈◊〉 is 〈…〉 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How farre ●oorth the ceremonials are abrogated Heb. 1. Ceremonies the niddle wal or patition Ceremonies of hand writing The citie and tēple of Ierus●le● destroyed ●ani 9. Num. 24. 〈…〉 they 〈…〉 or 〈◊〉 The priesthood abrogated 1. Cor. 9. Math. 10. The place ●or to worship God in is free ●or euery man to choose where hee listeth and the congregation liketh To 〈…〉 places The holy 〈…〉 The Romish Iubilie 1 2 〈…〉 2 The 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 is to 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 choice of meates abrogated 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 ●●●bidden of the 〈◊〉 The decree of the Synode held at Ierusalē The false Apostles doctrine They subscribe their owne names and inscribe the names of them to whom the the Epistle is sent ● Gal. 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 it 〈◊〉 Span● to the 〈◊〉 The exposition of the generall decree of the Synode held at Ierusalē 1 Act. 10. Men 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 S. Iames alloweth of S. 〈◊〉 opiniō From som certaine thinges must the Saintes abstaine S. Iames defended The abrogace of ●he Iudiciall lawes The 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of the 〈…〉 peopl● The 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 are all 〈◊〉 chur●●e and ●eople of 〈◊〉 and ●he same 〈◊〉 That the Fathers 〈◊〉 haue al 〈…〉 The Fathers and we haue al one faith The Fathers and we haue al one spirit Exod. ● Deut. 〈◊〉 The Fathers had the same hope and ●nheritāce that we ●aue That Saluation was not promised onely but also performed vnto the fathers Ad inferos Ad inferos 1. Pet. 4. The Fathers and we haue al one mā●er of inu●cation 〈…〉 Of the difference of the olde newe testament and people Al thing●● more ●●ident in the newe people or couenant thā●ere in the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 christ hath taken all burthens from our shoulders The bondage of the law in the old testament The people of the new testament are newe and without al number So that the people of this testament are after the name of Christ called Christians The giftes of the new testament are most ample and manifold The newe 〈…〉 no promise of 〈…〉 Of Christian libertie Who 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 Who 〈◊〉 ●e tha● Christe doth 〈…〉 What bondage is 〈◊〉 sorts 〈◊〉 bon●●ge 〈…〉 A Paradox of libertie 2. Cor. 11. Spiri●●●l ●ondag● Abortion is made ●hen a woman is before her time deliuered of her childe The spiritu●l libertie how farre forth we are made free by Christ Christian libertie Testimonies to proue christian libertie by Free fro● the lawes and ordinances of men 〈…〉 The care of the body The 〈…〉 or 〈◊〉 them 〈◊〉 are 〈…〉 Christ The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 Licentiousnesse Of offenc●● Howe and by what meanes an offence is giuen Weklings 〈…〉 An offence giuen and an offence taken To giue offence is a great sin Offences 〈◊〉 not of the Gospel out of the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 gospel Of good ●oorkes What wor●●s do 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 Good workes what they are The originall cause of good workes 〈…〉 No works do iustifie 1 2 3 Good workes a● no● 〈…〉 their 〈◊〉 is by 〈…〉 In what sense the scripture doth attribute iustification vnto good workes The 〈◊〉 of the● whic● 〈…〉 ●nto w●●kes 〈…〉 to them that speake against the 〈◊〉 An other obiection The places ●f faith works that ●eeme at a 〈◊〉 to ●●sigree 〈◊〉 here 〈…〉 1 2 The 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 The ●●●stles ●gains● abuse● grace● faith ▪ 〈…〉 Origen in 3. cap. ad Roma Ambrose Chrysos●●●● 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 〈…〉 A rewarde is giuen to good workes To 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 are 〈◊〉 〈…〉 these places whiche confirme the reward of good workes Hire is due but heritage proceedeth of the parents good will. How or in what sens● God is said to giue a reward vnto oure good workes 1 ● S. 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 Good workes muste be done according to the rule of the worde of God. Good workes indeed 1 ● The tenne commandements are a platforme of good workes 〈◊〉 be 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 To what end good workes must be done Rom. 2. 〈◊〉 came 〈…〉 The definition of sinne 〈…〉 The nature of mā is not the cause of sinne The diuel alone is not the cause of sinne That destinie is not the cause of sinne 〈…〉 〈◊〉 is not 〈…〉 God being good himselfe created all thinges good whiche be created 〈…〉 Sin 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 diuels 〈…〉 our corrupt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 8. Obiections are a●swered Why God created mā so fickle that hee should fall To what e●d God gaue the lawe to Adam There was 〈◊〉 corrup●●●● or in●●●m●tie in ●dam be●●re his fal 〈◊〉 image 〈◊〉 God. 〈…〉 An obiection How 〈◊〉 giueth ouer 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 c●p 〈…〉 To harden God hardned Pharao●s hart Amos 〈◊〉 How 〈◊〉 is 〈…〉 euil● No●e here 〈◊〉 first 〈◊〉 is the 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 euil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thinges 〈◊〉 of god 〈◊〉 Go● 〈◊〉 God. The differences of sinne Originall sinne Originall sinne what it is The begining 〈…〉 The Pelagians 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 man. Voluntary sinne The sonne shall not beare the iniquitie of the father To bee borne o● hol● par●nts 〈…〉 Al the au●cient doctours or f●thers of the church confesse with one assent originall sin The East and west churches That is he taught held ori●●nall sinne What 〈◊〉 how 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 nature 〈◊〉 Our deprauation is the blotting out of the Image of God in vs. Originall sinne condemneth 1 ● ●●iginall 〈…〉 to all Where there is no lawe there is no transgression Rom. 7. Vldericke Zuinglius of original sinne Original 〈…〉 〈…〉 Christian faith consisteth in the consideratiō of two men Some were saued beside Israel but not without Christe The 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 sinne Sinne is repugnant to the law of God. The 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 That k 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 of ● 〈…〉 by 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Scelera delicta Peccata clamantia The 7. principal vices cōmonly called the 7. deadly sinnes Pec●atum alienum an othe●● sin is 〈◊〉 an other made to sin by 〈◊〉 mea●es 〈◊〉 ye shall hereafte● perceiue ▪ The 〈◊〉 of ignorance Peccata aliena Others sinnes Both thes● sinnes an referred t● the compeller the one in respect of the man compelled the other in respect of the compeller