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A13997 The high-vvay to heauen: or, the doctrine of election, effectuall vocation, iustification, santification and eternall life Grounded vpon the holy Scriptures, confirmed by the testimonies of sundry iudicious and great diuines, ancient and moderne. Compiled by Thomas Tuke.; High-way to heaven. Tuke, Thomas, d. 1657. 1609 (1609) STC 24309; ESTC S102479 78,861 226

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in Christ The instrumental cause offe●ing and proclaiming saluation is the Gospel The instrument receiuing and applying it is faith The cause sealing it inwardly to our soules is the spirit of God The externall and instrumentall seales thereof are the two sacraments Thus we see the Efficients of our eternall life and are taught to say with Ber. that good workes are the waie to the kingdom but not the cause of reigning The matter whereof this life consisteth are those admirable good things which God hath prepared and which Christ hath purchased for the Elect Which for any wit of man to conceiue for any tongue to relate or for any pen to set downe is altogether impossible What tongue can tell saith Gregorie and what vnderstanding can comprehend how great the ioies may be of that celestiall citie It is not in man to vnderstand saith S. Basil For there shall be things which eie hath not scene nor care heard of neither hath it entred into the heart of man what things God ha●h prepared for them that loue him Neuerthelesse we will set downe some of them as wee finde them reuealed and deliuered to vs. In that life the●e shall be no earthly or sinfull miserie There shall be no sinne at all no sicknesse no sorrowes no disease nor maladie on crosse no curse no vexation nor calamitie no defect nor deformitie no tumults nor troubles no paine nor penurie All teares shall be done away al euils remoued al sinne abolished all wants supplyed And againe in this life there shall be a perfect plenarie and perpetuall possession of all good things euen of GOD himselfe who is goodnesse it selfe and who will bee all in all vnto all his Elect There shal be perfection of knowledge no de●ect in loue happie in mortalitie certaine securitie constant amitie and secure tranquilitie The soule shal haue perfection of vertues the bodie shall be ful of beutie strength and agilitie the whole man shall inioy fellowship with God fellowship with the lamb fellowship with the Angels a happy societie a sweet communion All holinesse all happinesse all ioyes shall be inioyed To conclude wee shall raigne like kings with the king of kings for euer with fulnesse of grace in our hearts and a dia●em of glorie on our heades celebrating an euerlasting Sabboth and singing an Allelu●●h to the Lord for euer The form● of this life is that vnspeakable splendor and that most excellent order and well ordered excellencie of that happie condition The end● of this life are first that God might manifest and ipso f●ct● fully ratifie his exceeding loue vnto vs. Secondly that we might inioy the full fruit of Christs death passion Thirdly that we may receiue the ●eward of our labours and know that it is not i●vaine to serue God And lastly that wee might acknowledge the wonderfull mercie of God vnto vs and celebrate his name for euer The effects of this life are these first by reason of it we are made like vnto the Angels Secondly wee are by it become to bee actually partakers of the dignitie of Christ Thirdly it can not but produce wonderfull gratitude in those which doe inioy it The Subiects or the persons that shall liue this life are the Elect and obedient children of God For the reprobate shall be tormented in endlesse easlesse and remediles tortures The place in which this life shall bee led is the Paradise of God the highest heauens The time is after this life for the soule immediately and for both soule and bodie after the day of iudgement The properties of this life are many First the saluation of them that beleeue is more sure thou the whole frame of heauen and earth because it is founded in the vocation of God which is without repentance in the counsell of separation and in the pleasure of God Secondly it is a most holy life For in it wee shall be compleat and without spot and wrinkle Thirdly it is a most delectable and sweet life For as Bernard truely speaketh VVhatsoeuer is amiable it shal be there and nothing shall be awaie which shall be desired Fourthly it is an all-sufficient life For it shall stand in need neither of meat drinke clothing sunne moone nor any other helpe of this life VVe shall be satisfied with God and hee shall content vs fully Fiftly this life i● vnconceiuable it cannot bee throughly discouered or described by any VVho saith Bernard can comprehend in this life how great the glorie of the Saints of God shall bee in the life euerlasting Sixtly this life is an euerliuing life it shall continue world without end As the terrors and the most terrible and horrid torments of the wicked shall continue alwayes so shall this solatious and sweet life of the godly Their death shall neuer see life and the life of these shal neuer see a death The death of those and the life of these are euer●liuing and neuer-dying Lastly this life may be discerned in this life of him that shall liue in it in the life to come VVe know saith Paul that if our earthlie house of this tabernacle be destroied we haue a building giuen of God in house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens These things saith Iohn I haue vvritten vnto you that ye may know that ye haue eternall life I am sure saith Iob that my redeemer li●●th and hee shall stand the last on the earth and though after my skinne wormes destroy this bodie y●t shall I see God is my fl●sh whom I my selfe shall see and 〈…〉 shall behold VVhen I awake saith Dauid I shall bee satisfied with th●●e image that is when I rise from the dead as ●●ca●● doth interpret it By th●s it appea●eth that a mā may know his future happinesse The S●●●● of et●rnall life are two The first is true faith in Christ For whosoeuer beleeueth shall not perish but shall be saued The second are good workes performed with an vpright heart in conscience of Gods commandement and to an honest end The Psalmist asking who shall rest on Gods holy mountaine receiueth answere as by oracle from heauē that he shal there rest that walketh vprightl● and worketh righteousnes and speaketh the truth from his heart Thus saith the Lord aske for the old way which is the good way and ye shall find rest ●●r your soules Life saith Salomon is in ●he way of righteous●●● and in that path-way there is n● death And our Sauiour sheweth that those are the Blessed of his Father and shal inherit eternall happiness● who manifest their loue to his af●●●cted members by their workes of me●cie and he that receiueth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receiue a Prophets reward and he that receiueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receiue the reward
represent the whole realme in the Parliament euen so did Adam represent the person of his whole posteritie Whatsoeuer he receiued of God he receiued it for himselfe and for all his progeny and what he lost he likewise lost for himselfe and for them all as wee see a man by high treason doth taint his blood and disgrace his posteritie Iustine saith By sinning Adam made his posteritie obnoxious vnto death made them vniuerso All guiltie of his first offence The Lord saith Gregorie did so make Adam as that he might procreate children without sinne if hee continued in the obedience of his Creator but because the soule of man refused to obey her Lord the procreation of children is in sinne Wee see now that Creation is a meane of the execution of Gods election For a man must first be before he can be saued Yet it is no speciall or peculiar meanes For all that are created shall not be saued some shall be damned All men saith Prosper are of God created but of this vniuersalitie or companie some are to bee damned with the Diuell others shall raigne with Christ The Permission of the fall is that whereby God suffred Adam and his sonnes to reuolt fall into sinne and did not hinder the fall which he could haue done if it had so pleased him But hee would not hinder it because such was his pleasure for certaine causes best knowne vnto himselfe In the meane let no man thinke that God was iniurious For 1. he was not indebted to vs to confirme vs by his grace to keepe vs from declining 2. this fall was by God permitted for the greater benefit of all his Elect. For their glory procured by Christ which had neuer been if man had neuer fallen doth farre surpasse the glorie which was giuen them in their creation Great are the euils saith Gregorie which wee suffer by reason of that first offence but what faithfull man would not indure greater rather then want so great a Redeemer Thirdly though God not bound to let did permit this fall yet it is not to be ascribed vnto him as to the cause thereof For hee did not incline his heart to sinne hee did not infuse the least corruption into his soule neither did hee with-draw any grace before inspired into him but hee fell by his free-will through his owne default at the perswasion and suggestion of the Diuell Tertullian saith truely As God brought man into the state of life so man brought himselfe into the state of death The beginning and root of sinne is in our selues saith Basil It cannot be saith Austen that hee which raiseth vs from sinne should make vs fall into sinne Thou art not a God saith Dauid that loueth wickednes neither shal euil dwel with thee Man therefore as Fulgentius saith hath the cause of his iniquitie in his owne proper will not frō Gods predestination If any man decline from iustice and pietie he runnes head-long of his owne will hee is drawne by his owne concupiscence he is beguiled through his perswasion Nihil i●i Pater the father hath no oare in this boat the Sonne is no agent of this sinne the holy Ghost is no worker of this wickednesse And though we should say that God willed that reuolt yet we must know that God did not will it positiue so as to produce effect or giue being to it but negatiuè desere●do because his will was to leaue Adam to himselfe and not to preserue him from reuolting that he might bee prooued by temptation and that it might appeare what the creature is able to doe when the Creator shall with-draw the staffe of his grace and cease to support Therefore we conclude with Clemens That the fault of mans chusing of that which was forbidden is not to be transferred or ascribed vnto God Thus we see the second meanes of the Execution of Election Which is a very necessary meane For if a man had not fallen then had there been no place for vocation iustification by Christ and sanctification by the Spirit But though this meane is necessarie yet it is not appropriated to Election because then all that fell should be restored But as Ambrose saith Liberatur par● hominum parte pereunte as some are deliuered so some are destroyed The wicked saith Iob are kept vnto the day of destruction The righteous onely shall be saued CHAP. IIII. What effectuall Calling is the parts causes effects subiects place time maner properties and signes of it are declared THvs much concerning the common meanes seruing for the execution of Gods Election The speciall are these three Effectuall Voca●ion Iustification and Glorification that is as Trelcarius saith The gracious beginning proceeding and the glorious accomplishing and consummation of the blessings of God For the first Effectuall vocation or calling is an action of God translating men from the kingdom of darkenesse to his owne Kingdome And it is two-folde● Extraordinary and Ordinary Extraordinary vocation is an immediate and speciall worke of the Spirit whereby without outward meanes hee smiteth the heart and inwardly speaketh to the soule and by the infusion of grace doth make the heart to answere his call and drawe neere vnto him This calling without the ministerie of the word is very rare and vnusuall But the Lord that is aboue meanes is not tyed to meanes but can worke without meanes when it pleaseth his Maiestie so to doe Effectuall vocation which is ordinary is that Whereby God calleth out of darkenesse into his marueilous light from the power of Sathan vnto God those whom he knew from eternitie and predestinated vnto life of his meere fauour by the promulgation of the couenant of grace or preaching of the Gospell Or It is when grace is not onely offered but giuen also by God through the effectuall working of his Spirit in our heartes which is the beginning of grace in vs hee himselfe laying the first foundation of it by giuing power to receiue the word to mingle it with faith and to bring foorth the fruites of new obedience This ordinary effectuall calling hath two parts Inuitement and Admission Inuitement is when God offers remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to them that beleeue Outwardly by the preaching of the Gospell Inwardly by the inspiration of heauenly desires Admission is when men are entred into the kingdome of grace and it is either outward or inward Outward admission is made in Baptisme Inward admission is when men are taken out of old Adam and by faith ingraffed in to Christ For by this insition into Christ men are made reall members of Gods kingdome Haec ille For the better conceiuing and vnderstanding of this Calling these points ensuing are worthy our consideration The efficient cause of effectuall Calling is Almightie God By him we are called vnto the fellowship of his Sonne He hath called vs vvith an holy calling
Yee are saith Peter a chosen generation that ye should shew foorth his vertues that hath called you And againe As hee which hath called you is holy that is God so Iude 1. But here we must beware that wee doe not separate the persons For it is a worke common to the Trinitie One saith well God the Father doth call vs in Christ by the Spirit for he is absolute Lord of all his Creatures and therefore he may call out of the kingdome of darkenesse into his owne kingdome whom he will His instruments are the Ministers of the word and therefore are called Conorkers Fathers Sauiours His ordinary outward meanes is the preaching of the Gospell Hee hath called you by our Gospell saith Paul The Law serues to prepare the heart for grace but it is the oyly drops of the Gospell that by the power of the Spirit doe soften the heart and make it supple and pliable it like Balme doeth reuiue and comfort the heart The Gospell is the power of God that is the instrument of Gods power to saluation to all that beleeue Afflictions also losses cros●es sicknesse good examples and the like are by Gods blessing good preparatiues of grace but the preaching of the Gospell is the proper instrument of the Spirit for the effecting of grace By it God speakes to the eare of the soule and by it as by a Pipe hee conueyes his graces into the cisterne of our hearts Now GOD when hee calles a man performes a double worke of grace First he doth illuminate vs by his holy Spirit infusing a new and heauenly light into our minde being so blind before as that it neither saw nor could see the things which doe belong to the spirit of God The naturall man saith Paul perceiueth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishnesse vnto him neither can he know them In like manner also in the will which is altogether peruerse and wholly fallen from God he worketh an vprightnesse and in all the affections a new holinesse Hence proceeds that new man which is created after God in righteousnesse and true holinesse Secondly he causeth vs being enlightned and thus changed to apprehend his mercy to desire and affect our amendement and to answere vnto his call like Dauid VVhen thou saidst Seeke yee my face mixe heart answered vnto thee O Lord I will seeke thy face When God had pierced Dauids eare with the augur of his Spirit he answered Lo I come The primary cause or the foundation of this vocation is the free grace of God For this Vocation is of gift and not of merit of Grace and not of Nature God calling whom he will and againe whom he will either not calling or not calling them effectually The Apostle saith that hee hath called vs with an holy calling not according to our works b●t according to his own purpose grace The meritorious cause of this effectuall Calling is the merits of Christ For Christ hath merited in our behalfe that the Holy Ghost should bee sent into vs to illuminate and adorne our hearts with his graces The matter whereof this Vocation doth consist is a speciall powerfull and inward worke of the Spirit The forme and as it were the life and soule thereof is the illumination and information of the mind and an efficatious bending conforming and working of the heart wil whereby it becomes obedient to the voice of God and returnes as it were an audible and liuely Eccho into his eare The end is double first the glory of God and the commendation of his mercie to whom we must ascribe both grace and nature and of whom we haue receiued our soules and bodies yea and the very soule of our soules which is his Spirit The second end of this vocation is our deliuerance and translation out of ignorance infidelitie sensualitie and rebellion vnto spirituall grace and glory For we are called out of darknesse into light that we might walke in light and no longer serue the Prince of darknesse We are called out of the world vnto God to the end that wee should relinquish the lusts of the world and serue God that walking vprightly before him in this world wee may reigne like Princes with him in the world to come The effects and fruites of this Calling are a reformed iudgement a fleshy heart a yeelding vnto the Lord a s●ight from the works of darknesse an attentiue and hungry eare a spirituall relishing and receiuing of the solacious and sweete promises of the Gospel When a skilfull Musitian hath once strung tuned and strucke his instrument it sends out many pleasant and sweet soundes so when the Lord hath once breathed his Spirit of life in at the nostrils of our soules when he hath once tuned the strings of our sinfull hearts and hath toucht them with the finger of his spirit he makes them send forth many delectable and harmonious sounds wherein he takes delight When Christ had cried to Lazarus being dead and said Lazarus Come foorth He forthwith reuiued and came foorth of the graue So when Peter had said to dead Tabitha Tabitha arise She opened her eies immediatly and sate vp Euen so when he shall vouchsafe to call a man with his powerfull voice and shal effectually speake vnto the heart and say Arise thou that sleepest in thy sinne come foorth of the graue of iniquitie stand vp and walke in the wayes of righteousnes his call is so mightie and his word so powerfull and vnuanquishable that the man to whom hee doth so speake must needs awake arise come foorth and walke The voice of the Lord saith Dauid is mightie the voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars it deuideth the flames of fire it maketh the Wildernesse to tremble and discouereth the Forrests These are the effects of that voice In like maner the voice which God speaketh to the eare of the soule in his effectuall Vocation is so mightie and so glorious as that it rendeth the heart and makes it tremble it discouereth the soule and diuides in twaine and peirceth into the most secret places of it And looke as at the sound of the seauen Trumpets the wall of Iericho fell flat downe and as at that efficatious voyce of Christ saying I am he his enemies that came to apprehend him went away back-ward and fell to the ground euen so when Gods voice shall sound in a mans eare and when Christ shall speake effectually vnto the heart the walles of hell shall reele and totter the fortresses of iniquitie shall be ruinated the castles of sinne shall be cast downe our spirituall enemies shall bee driuen backeward the strong man Satan shall bee fettered and his cursed workes dissolued These are the admirable effects of this glorious voyce these are the worthy workes of Gods effectuall Calling We may therefore iustly say The voyce of the Lord is mightie The voyce
some of them were before their calling notorious sinners committing ●orrible and transcendent enormities ●et now since their calling they were rashed and sanctified and so become new men And as concerning the Thessalonians he saith that the Gospel was not to them in word onely but also in power and much assurance and that they became followers of him and of the Lord and receiued the word in much affliction with ioy of the holy Ghost and turned to God from Idoles to serue the liuing and true God and increased in faith and mutuall loue and were patient faithfull in al their persecutions afflictions So then if with the Romanes we performe heartie obedience to the word if with those Corinthes we be rich in spirituall graces and haue purged our heartes by true repentance from our former iniquities if we be mortified and renewed if like those good Thessaloniās we receiue and beleeue the Gospell if we follow the Lord his faithfull embassadours if we entert●ine the word with ioyfulnesse notwithstanding all afflictions if we turne to God from all our owne Gods our owne delights and vanities to which wee had wedded our heartes if our faith increase and our loue abound and if we haue patience and faith as they had in all our crosses and afflictions then may we assure ourselues that wee are effectually called as they were Finally Peter exhorting vs to giue diligence to make calling sure addeth that if we doe these things wee shall neuer fall Now what these things are hee sheweth to wit that they would ioint vertue with their faith and with vertue knowledge with it temperance and with temperance patience with patience godlines with it brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes loue If therfore these graces shine within vs and bee fast rooted in our hearts and vnited in our liues we may assure our soules of our effectuall calling if we do these things we shall neuer fall and if we shall neuer fall then may wee safely conclude that God hath effectually called vs to light and glorie And thus much concerning effectu-vocation which is the first meane whereby God executeth his eternall Election CHAP. 5. What Iustification is All the causes of it Fiue effects of it The subiects and time of it Fiue properties thereof Foure tokens of it THE second is Iustification For those whom hee calleth effectually in time hee also iustifieth actually in time To iustifie is to repute or account one iust Pro. 17.15 He which iustifieth the wicked that is he which reputeth and iudgeth him to be iust is an abomination to the Lord. Luke 16.15 You iustifie your selues before men that is You would be esteemed iust To be iustified is to be cleared or to bee reputed iudged and pronounced iust To be iustified then before God is to be reputed and esteemed righteous in his sight Iustification therefore in his proper significatiō is an Acceptance wherby God esteemeth vs as righteous being receiued into fauour Or Iustification is a iudiciall and gracious worke of God by which hee iudgeth the Elect being in themselues obnoxious to the accusation and curse of the Law to be iust by faith for Christ through the imputation of his iustice and that vnto the praise of his glorious grace and to their owne saluation The principall efficient of Iustification is God the Father in the Sonne by the holy Spirit For who can forgiue sinnes but God alone It is God that iustifies I saith the Lord euen I am hee that putteth away thine iniquities It 〈◊〉 meet that he should be our pardoner who was our Creator and that he should bee the giuer of grace who was to all the author of nature It is his office to absolue the guiltie by whose iustice hee was made guiltie It belōgs to him to pronounce a man to be iust whose will is the rule of iustice it is his prerogatiue to giue sentence of life and death because he is by nature right and office the highest Iudge The instrument whereby the benefit of Iustification is offered and proclaimed is the Gospel which therefore is called the word of life the word of saluation the word and ministerie of Reconciliation The outward instruments whereby our iustification is sealed and confirmed to vs are the two Sacramentes and thereupon Circumcision is called the Seale of the righteousnesse of faith The inward Sealer of our iustification is the Holy Ghost who testifieth and sealeth it to our consciences so as that we may perswade our hearts of it The Ministers and liuely instruments for the proclaiming testifying and pronouncing our iustification to vs are the Messengers and Prophets of the Lord according to that of Christ whose sinnes ye remit they shall be remitted to them and whose ye retaine they shall be retained The onely internall instrument whereby we apprehend and receiue the grace of iustification offered vnto vs by God is a true sauing faith Iustifying faith is a gift whereby wee apprehend Christ and his benefits Or it is a worke of Gods Spirit in the heart whereby we receiue and lay hold on Christs obedience for the pardon of our sinnes with God and his accepting of vs as righteous in his ●ight The authour of faith is God For vnto vs It is giuen to beleeue This is the worke of God saith Christ that yee beleeue in him whom hee hath sent Faith both begun and finished is the gift of God as Austen truly teacheth The proper forme and life of faith is not charitie which is a distinct gift of God and a fruite of vnfeigned Faith but the Apprehension and Application of Christ and his benefites vnto our selues particularly The proper obiect of a sauing faith is Iesus Christ God-man and Mediator betwixt God and man Remigius saith My whole faith is in Christ by him alone I beleeue that I am iustified and saued And Beda saith The scope of my faith is Christ the end or marke of my faith whereat it aymeth is the Sonne of God Now to be iustified by faith is to be iustified of God for the righteousnesse of Christ apprehended by faith or as Caluin speaketh he shall be iustified by faith who being excluded from the righteousnesse of works apprehendeth the righteousnesse of Christ by faith wherewith he being inuested doth appeare in the sight of God as righteous and ●ot a sinner So that faith doth iustifie in respect of her obiect onely and not as any meritorious or proper efficient of iustification Euen as the hand that receiueth the treasure which is giuen doth not make the receiuer rich but the treasure it selfe so neither the worke or action of faith doth iustifie vs but Christ himselfe whom we doe apprehend And this faith be it weake or strong is yet able to receiue the righteousnesse of Christ euen as a palsie or shaking hand may receiue a iewel of a king as
For all flesh is grasse and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse The grasse withereth and the flower fa●leth away but the iustification of a sinner remaineth for euer It is enacted and enrolled in heauen it shall not bee repealed and obl●ter●ted vpon the earth Fiftly Iustification may be perceiued knowne and that three waies First by the suggestion of Gods spirit Secondly by faith which is a certaine assurance or perswasion of the loue af God in Christ Now a man may assure himselfe of faith ●f the●● two things be in him First if he loue God for God himselfe and his neighbour truely as himselfe For lo●e accompanies faith as the light doth the sunne Indeed it proceedes f●om faith and as Gr●gor●● saith Quantum 〈◊〉 ta●tu●● 〈◊〉 As is our faith 〈…〉 our loue Secondly a man may assure himselfe of Iustifying faith if he doe striue against his doubtings and with an honest heart doe will to beleeue and vnfeignedly desire to be reconciled vnto God and do with a●l constantly vse the good meanes that God hath ordeined to beget and encrease faith For God accept● the wil to beleeue for faith it selfe and the will to repent for repentance The reason hereof i● plaine Euerie supernaturall act presupposeth a supernaturall povver or gift and therefore the vvill to beleeue and repent presupposeth the povver and gift of faith and repentance in the heart Thirdly a man may come to bee assured of his Iustification by certaine vnfallible tokens and 〈◊〉 of it some whereof I will here set down The first is a ioy most vnspeakable and glorious wherewith our hearts must needs be rauished when we see ●ur selues by the righteousnesse of Christ of the free grace of God redeemed from death deliuered from hell and freed f●om the fearef●ll condemnation of the wicked The second is the peace of conscience While sin and the guilt of sin remained there was no peace nor quietnes to be found but feare within terrours without and troubles on euerie side But when our sins are once nayled to the crosse of Christ and forgiuen vs then the windes are layed the waues are setled the sea is calmed the soule is quieted and imparked within the pales of peace Thirdly that no man may thinke fleshly sottishnes and the stupour of the spirit to be found securitie true tranquillity being indeed but like a ca●me be●ore some violent no o●●●agious temp●st wee may know that our peace is good and that 〈…〉 f●●●●on is past with God ●f w● 〈◊〉 a promptitude and 〈…〉 to d●e that which is good 〈…〉 a man doth finde 〈…〉 for the forgiuenes of si●nes 〈◊〉 loue of God constraineth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●y which hee conceiueth 〈…〉 him and putteth life into h●m for 〈◊〉 pe●●o●mance of those things whic● are pleasing vnto God His vnderstanding is inlightned his iudgement is refo●●ed his affections are b●●●r●d his ioies are in heauen his desire are to Christ-ward his walke is t● Canaan his course to Ierusalem 〈◊〉 his anger is consumed vpon his own● corruption For we must know 〈◊〉 when God doth in p●te ri●hteousne● vnto a man to preuent his d●m●●tio● by sin then hee doth also inf●se righteousnes into him to ●inder the ●●●●nation of sin Therefore Paul ioyne● both together when hee saith that Christ is made vnto vs righteousness● 〈…〉 and redemption and when hee t●ls his Corinths that they are v●●sh 〈…〉 and iustified So then he that ci●cumciseth the fore skin of his heart by true repentance he that wa●●eth against all his lusts truely st●●●h to serue the Lord in all his p●ec●p●s he may know for certain● that God ha●h cut the cords of his sinnes and hath cast them all behind● him But ●●●●e are manie circumcised to 〈◊〉 not to the Lord they are the cir●u●●●sion of the King and of the Queene they leaue ma●y grosse sins p●●●shable by imprisonment but for others as great but not p●nal they passe ouer These men must know what so long as they addict themselues to their knowne enormities without repentance they are out of the kingdome of Christ are not clothed with the robes of his righteousnes but co●●red with the rotten rags of their owne wickednes For those that are in Christ vvalke not after the flesh but after the Spirit They th●t a●e ●is haue crucified the flesh vv●th the affections the lusts But to liue in sin is to take sin downe from the crosse and to put life and spirit into it Finally as S. Iohn teacheth we know that we are translated from death to life which is in our iustification because vve loue the Brethren For it is impossible for him rightly to loue a righteous man in Christ who is not as yet himselfe made righteous by Christ But when a man is once ●●s●ified by God he will then begin to loue a iust man for God Loue lo●es his like One iust man will loue another Martin Luther faith that a man may try and know whether h● be incorporated into Christ or not by this that as hee feeleth his heart cheered and sweetned by the feeling of Gods promises and fauour written in his hart so such a man as no man is but he that is iustified ha●h forthwith regard of his Neighbour and helpeth him as his Brother careth for him lendeth him giueth him comforteth coun●elleth him yea and briefly hee is greeued if there bee none towards whom he may be se●uice●ble hee is patient tractab●e and truly friendeth all men he doth not esteeme the tēporall pleasure and pride of this life he iudgeth no man hee defameth no man he interpreteth all things to the best part Finally when as he seeth not the matter go well with his neighbour as that he fainteth in faith waxeth cold in loue he prayeth for him he reproueth him according to his calling hee is sorely greeued if any man commit any thing against God or his Neighbour And all this proceedeth from the roote and iuice of Gods grace for that the bountifulnes loue and goodnes of Christ hath sprinckled and replenished his heart with sweetenes and loue that it is a pleasure and ioy for him to do good to his Neighbour and is greeued for his sins as Samuel for Saul By these and such like workes of grace a man may come to a certaine knowledge of his Iustification Which how well worthy it is of our knowledge they can best tell which feele the comfort of it most And let no mā thinke it imp●ssible to bee discerned by man because it is performed by God without man For though it be acted by God in heauen yet it produceth many notable graces in man vpon the earth by which it may be perceiued as a vine by her grapes or as a lamp by her light Neither let vs be induced to thinke that iustification is a changeable or reuokable act of God and that a iustified man may fall from grace and
affections make vs to sprout vp and looke fresh like flowers The meritorious cause of sanctification is Iesus Christ who by his death and obedience hath merited for vs th●t the holy Ghost should bee giuen vs to refine and purge vs. And therefore he is said to be made of God vnto vs Sanctification As by Adam our nature is corrupted euen so by Christ it is restored The Ministers of the word are gods liuely Organs which he vseth to draw men out of the territories and regimēt of the Diue● into the kingdome o● his sonne Paul is said to be sent to conuert the Gentiles from darkenes vnto light to the Corinths he saith In Christ Iesus I haue begotten you by the Gospell The instruments which he vseth to this purpose are the word and sacraments Gods word is compared to fire and to an hammer For through his blessing it doth breake our marble hearts and burne vp our sin like stubble and kindles in vs a zeale of his glorie a true loue of righteousnes And by the foolishnes of preaching it is his pleasure to saue them that beleeue And as concerning the sacraments they represent and seale vnto vs our insition into Christ our new birth and our progresse and spirituall nutrition vnto eternall life The matter of Sanctification are the parts whereof it doth consist The parts or actes of sanctification are two the Remotion of euill or Mortification and the Substitution of good or Vi●ification Mortification is a part of Sanctification whereby the power strength and tyrannie of originall sinne is weakned and also by little and little abolished The ground wherof is the power of Christs God-head or the efficacie of his death which being by faith applyed is as a Corafine to consume the corruption of our nature Viuification is the second part of our Regeneration when as wee are raised vp to a new spirituall life that we might liue vnto righteousnes Or it is a work of the spirit by which true Christian habits virtues and dispositions are infused encreased in vs. And this substitution of good or Quickening is Where Christ dwels and raignes in our hearts by his spirit so as we can say we hencefoorth liue not but Christ in vs. The ground of this is the vertue of Christs resurrection or the power of his God-head raising vp his Man head releasing him of the punishment and tyrannie of our sinnes which vertue and power is as a Restoratiue to restore and quicken vs that we might liue vnto God in holinesse and newnesse of life Mortification then is of the Old● man which is the vitiositie and distemper of our nature deriued from Adam the first Viuificatiō is of the New man which is the nature of man refined and restored to the image of God and this is deriued from Adam the second in whom are hid all the tre●sures of wis●●● knowledge and holinesse The forme of Sanctification is the very translation and alteration of the heart and life or a spirituall reduction and conuersion of a man by God from the vncleannes of sinne to true puritie and Christian sanctitie The endes of our Sanctification are the glorie of God the saluation of our soules the edification of our Brethren the beautifying of our honorable prosession and calling the silencing of Athiests and prophane Mockgods the alluring of others vnto God godlines that we might bee something like God our father and Christ our elder brother and gather assurance to our soules that we● are in the state of life The effects of Sanctification are first the true loue of God our selues and our neighbours Secondly a serious desire to doe all good duties and to auoyd all the courses of sinne and wickednes Thirdly it makes him that is sanctified to couet and labour for the renouation and conuersion of others Finally it is the roote of all those good fruites wee bring foorth and beare For if the fountaine bee altogether corrupt and foule the waters must needs be also naught and fithy For who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse There is not one But when a man is once truely sanctified though not fully the good workes he doth are then truely holy though not fully The Subiects of Sanctification or or the persons sanctified are such as are elected called and iustified and therfore the Apostle saith that whom God predestinated called and iustified he did also glorifie These and none but these are truely sanctified For God sanctifies those only whom he maketh to be Temples of his spirit but all men are not such yea there are a number in the world that sit in perpetuall darknesse and worship the very deuill Indeed a Reprobate may seeme holy but he is not holy but is like a faire apple rotten in the heart or to a wound that hath a skin drawen ouer it but yet festers inwardly And they may liue amongst Gods holy one as Frogs and fishes in one pond but they are not of them but indeed pertaine to another state And finally Christ is sanctification to those onely to whom hee is wisedome righteousnesse and redemption which he is not vnto all but vnto his owne people onely Now why Christ doth not communicate holinesse vnto all as Adam did corruption the reason is because the maner by vvhich Adam doth communicate his euils vnto all and euery one is naturall to wit generation and humane nature but the maner by which Christ doth communicate his benefits is supernaturall to wit faith and the grace of God whereof all men are not pertakers for it dependeth on Gods Election Therefore whosoeuer haue humane nature the same are sinners But they onely are renewed who are possessed of faith Furthermore those which are sanctified must be considered in a twofold estate first as they are in themselues till God doe worke vpon them and that is lothsome and vgly dead in sinnes and trespasses Euen when we were dead in sins hath hee quickned vs together in Christ Secondly as they are made by grace that is a royall priesthood an holy nation and the Temples of God and of his Spirit Finally these things are worthy to be knowen concerning the regenerate First their Countrey which is heauen Secondly their Parents to wit the holy Ghost and the Church Thirdly their Essentiall parts these are an intelligent soule and an organicall body Fourthly their food which is the word of God Fiftly their disposition or condition that in the minde is a diuine light and reformation in heart Sixtly their war-fare or indeuours which is the flight of the pleasures of the flesh and of fleshly vanities Seauenthly their Religion and that is true godlinesse and faith in Christ Lastly their consummation which is eternall life The obiects or two termes of Sanctification are corruption and sinne to bee diminished and extirped and Christian holinesse to bee planted inpired and augmented The
subiect in vvhich this sanctification is wrought is the vvhole man according to both soule and body yea and life also Yet here by this way we must obserue that sanctification doth not alter the ve●y substance of a man but onely his corupt and sinfull qualities It rectifieth but abolisheth not affections It corrects and moderates mirth and sorow and such humane passions but takes them not quit away It tunes the iarring strings of a mans heart but it breakes them not in peeces Euen as the fall of man did not abolish a mans essence but corrupt his faculties euen so the raising vp and the renouation of a man doth not a●ter his very substance but doth onely change his corrupted qualities and powers Now the Sanctification of the soule consist first in the alteration of the minde whreby ignorance is by little and little abolished and the mind inlightened to know the true God and his mercie in Christ and to know a mans selfe and to see his secret corruptions againg the ●aw and to know how to behaue himselfe vnto God and man a● also to approoue the things of God and to minde and meditate on things spirituall and celestiall Secondly it consists in the renouation of the will Which is when God giues grace truely to will good as to beleeue fear and obey God But yet this will is weake and not without resistance and contention made by the flesh Thirdly it consistes in the sanctification of the memorie which is an openesse by grace to keepe good things specially the doctrine of saluation Fourthly it stands in the regeneration of the conscience as when it is fitted to giue true testimony to a mans heart of the remission of his sinnes and of his care to serue God Fiftly it consists in a spirituall transformation of the affections as loue ioy sadnes anger feare and such like whereby a man that is iustified doth so temper them by his reason refined and by the light of the Law with the helpe of Gods Spirite that they doe not breake out as in the wicked that giue the reignes to their lusts but may bee held in some good order howbeit in this life this is done with much strife reluctation and is rather affected then effected Sixtly it consists in the sanctificatiō of the appetite or desires by which a man iustified obtaineth conformitie with good reason and Gods law in the desiring of meat and in other things which appertaine to the appetite Or the sanctification of the appetite stands in the holy ordering of our desires in meat drinke apparell riches And in the practise of three main vertues sobrietie chastitie and contentation by which the appetite must be gouerned Sobrietie is a continence from superfluous meat and drinke and from a wilfull macerating and afflicting of the body Chastitie is a continencie from wandering lusts and from all impuritie both in wedlock and out of it Contentation is when a man is contented with his present estate whether rich or poore noble or inglorious Paul saith I haue learned in whatsoeuer state I am therewith to be content I can bee abashed and I can abound euery where in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungrie and to abound and to haue want Lastly the sactification of the soule consists in a Christian resolution and constant indeauour with al our forces to please God and to testifie our loue vnto him in the seruing of our neighbour and seeking our owne saluation and withall flatly denying of our selues Which is first when we hold God to be wiser then vve are that so wee should bee both directed and disposed of by him Secondly when vvee account him more carefull for vs then we our selues can be and so rest vvell satisfied vvith vvhat condition of life soeuer he sets vs in The Sanctification of the body is that wherby the members thereof are made fit instruments for the soule regenerated to worke the workes of God with it being become obedient to the minde illumined and the heart reformed through the worke of the Spirit who now hath made it the Temple of his holinesse whereas before it was a slaue to the flesh and a shop of iniquitie and vncleannesse The Sanctification of the life is a visible reformation of it when as it is dedicated to God and good duties those sinnes being abandoned which reigned in it in former times And so much for the Subiects of Sanctification● where remember that this worke of the Spirit is wrought in the whole man and that it belongs onely to the faithfull and Elect of God Ciuill moralities outward formalities and such graces as doe onely bridle and represse sinne may befall the reprobate but Christian vertues and such graces as doe supplant and suppresse sinne in our soules such works of the Spirit as doe reuiue and restore Gods image are appropriated to beleeuers The time wherein Sanctification is wrought is in this life in some sooner in others later but in none after this life if wee respect the beginning of it and not the finishing For it is begunne euer before death and neuer after He that would be saued in the life to come must bee sanctified in this life None liue like victorious Princes in the Church triumphant but such as haue bene courageous soldiours in the Church militant The properties of Sanctification are many First it is a most gracious and free worke of the Lord without all obligation or merit of ours For the Spirit of God bloweth with his blasts of grace both when how and where he listeth And the Apostle teacheth vs that our quickning and saluation is through the great loue and grace of God It is not giuen vs saith Augustine for any merit to wit of ours that we are borne againe of vvater and of the Spirit but it is freelie giuen and if faith haue brought vs to the lauer of regeneration we must not therfore think that we gaue somthing before that sauing regeneration might be giuē as in the vvay of recōpence Secondly this new birth is so needfull as that without it we cannot bee saued The kingdome of grace is the suburbs of the kingdome of glorie he therefore that walkes not through the suburbs shall neuer enter into the Citie a man must be in the kingdom of grace or else he shall neuer be admitted into the kingdome of glorie no grace no glory no holinesse no happinesse no heauen no heauenly honour Except a man bee borne againe hee cannot see the kingdome of God neither in this world nor in the world to come There are saith Augustine certaine beginnings of faith like vnto conceptions but yet that a man may come to eternall life it is not onely needfull that he be conceiued but that he bee also borne Thirdly Sanctification is an vnresistable act of the Spirit For when the holy Ghost doth seriously intend to sanctifie
a man hee doth so worke vpon him that hee shall willingly yeeld how vnwillingly so euer his will be by nature On vvhom God shevveth mercie saith that learned Father he doth so call him as hee knovveth conuenient for him that hee may not reiect him vvhich calleth to him The same may be said concerning sanctificatiō Fourthly our Regeneration is but once begun howsoeuer our holinesse sometimes increaseth and sometimes decreaseth The Scripture speaketh but of one new birth As there is saith Austen one fleshlie generation neither can there be made a returne into the vvombe so is there one spirituall regeneration Semel enim nascimur semel quoque renascimur We are once borne and we are once born anew We are but once brought forth by our naturall mother once begotten by our naturall father so wee are but once begotten of our heauēly father and but once brought foorth and borne of our spirituall mother which is the Church Fiftly Sanctification is an infallible argument of eternall saluation Grace is the testification of glorie and glory is the promised compensation of grace Godlinesse hath the promise of this life and of that vvhich is to come When vve haue receiued mortification and sanctification is hansels of Gods mercies thē may vvee hope for heauen for they that haue receiued grace shall also receiue glorie And as we haue behaued our selues in the kingdom of grace in this world so it shal be done vnto vs in the kingdom of glorie in the world to come Holinesse is a signe of honor and the more we haue of holinesse the more wee shall haue of honour Sixtly sanctificatiō is a very excellent commodious worke of God First because it is wrought by his own finger by his own hand engrauen vpon the tables of our harts Secondly that it is a Reformation and change according to the vvhole law of God and containes in it the seeds of all good duties Thirdly because without it our life is most vile and despicable wholly corrupt and sinfull For as Augustine saith hovv can hee liue iustly that is not iustified Hovv can he liue holily vvho is not sanctified Or hovv can hee liue at all who is not raised vp to life Seauently Sanctification is in this life imperfect Sinne is not all at once consumed but the scum thereof is almost continually boiling and walloping in vs foming out much filthy froth and stinking sauours If vve say saith Iohn that vve haue no sinne vvee deceiue our selues and trueth is not in vs. There is none so holie saith Gregorie vvhich hath not in him some corruption which hee may lament No man saith Lactantius can be vvithout sinne so long as he is burthened with the garment of his flesh Death must end the conflict betwixt the flesh and the spirit So long as we liue sinne will not die I●ie will liue till the Oke bee hewen downe Before there be an vniuersal clensing there must bee a dissolution of nature The body must first rot before grace shall raigne without disturbance It is true indeed that the corruption of our nature is abolished in Baptisme in respect of guilt and condemnation but not in regard of existence Concupiscence saith Ambrose is taken avvay in Baptisme Non vt non sit sed ne obsit Not as touching the being of it but in that it shall bee no impediment of saluation to them that are baptised with water and the holy Ghost For it is to such no Prince but a Rebell only it neither shall damne them nor dominere within them But as a Serpent cut in diuerse peeces hath but certaine reliques of poison and remnants of fiercenes in the maimed members mangled parts thereof and is not able to exercise the like violence to a man as when it was whole and perfitlie membred so howsoeuer s●me relicks of sinnes remaine in our old but in our martired Adam yet it hath no such force or fiercenesse to preuaile against vs at vvhen it vvas in perfit age beeing then like to a mightie Monarch rather then to a poore prisoner And although those that are regenerated may bee termed iust and perfit yet it is onely in comparison of the wicked who are in bondage vnder sinne respect of Imputatiue righteousnesse and for that they are perfect because like Infants they haue all the parts of a Christian and not the perfection of those parts All the seeds of sauing graces are sowen in their harts but they haue not the ●ull groath of them in this life No man is so vvashed but he may haue dusty feete trauelling after his washing And as Ans●lme speaketh The bodie of sin is destroyed not that in bred con●upiscence should be on the suddaine consumed and quite extirped i● the very flesh that liueth but that it may be no let to him that is dead in whom it was vvhen he vvas aliue It is destroied not from hauing a beeing vvhiles vve are aliue but that vve should not be compeld to serue it Sin shall be but it shall not be to raigne but rather that the regenerate man may vex and afflict it like a most odious enemy and cut off as it were the hands and the feet thereof as Adonibezeks were by the Israelites till at length it be cleane defaced The trueth of that which hath beene spoken will euidently bee seene by this comparison Take a vessell full of vvater let a portion be taken out and an equall portion of hot vvater be put in it becomes luke-vvarme all of it partly hot and partly cold euen so euerie man is a vessel of vvater filled vvith corruption to the bri●● if a part of his corruption be taken avvay and a proportionall part of holinesse put instead of it the vvhole man becomes partly holie partly vnholie And albeit holinesse and sin be contrary yet may they be both in one subiect as light and darknes in the aire at the twilight beeing there remis●y neither of them predominant or absolute victour but remaining in continuall combat Now the reasons why the Lord doth not finish mans sanctification in this life may be these First that we might seeke after perfection more earnestly and couet it more ardently Secondly that despising this world we might the more affect our heauenly life as knowing that our perfect sanctification shall not bee wrought till wee come into heauen Thirdly that we might be humbled and exercised in faith patience prayers and skirmi●hing with the flesh might not wax proud with a conceipt of perfectiō but daily pray Enter not into iudgement vvith thy seruant O Lord Forgiue vs our trespasses Caluin saith that our reparation is not finished all at once but that God doth abolish the corruption of the flesh by degrees i● his elect That they may exercise themselues in repentance all their life and know that of this vvarfare there is no end but i● death Fourthly the
borne of God and knoweth God Fourthly All that is borne of God ouercommeth this world that is saith M. Beza whatsoeuer striueth against the commandements of God Wherefore if a man vanquish the vanities the vaine allu●ements and allur●ing enchan●ments and wicked obstacles of the world and keepe a constant course in pittie he is vndoubtedly the true childe of God and a verie Saint Fiftly He that is begotten of GOD keepeth himselfe and that wicked one toucheth him not When a man then doth keep continuall watch and ward ouer his heart and is circumspect in his walking begi●ds himselfe with the armour of God and is fearefull to offend him he doth giue an vndoubted testimonie of sauing grace within him Sixtly when a man will rather forsake the world then God hee doth plainely shew that hee is not of the world but belongs to God and to his kingdome Seuenthly to grieue for sin because it offends God and hurts his owne soule is a notable signe of a mortified heart Eightly a sanctified man doth manifest the grace of his heart by sanctifying the name of God and by conuersing with sanctified men as also by seeking the sanctification of others For bonum est sui diffusiuum a good man doth loue to communicate his goodnes and not to keepe it lockt vp in his owne breast Ninthly it is an infallible signe of holinesse when a man doth more and more ●ontend against his owne vnholinesse and labours continually to draw nearer and nearer vnto God by holynesse Lastly to feele our inward corruptions a desi●e to be●●b●● 〈◊〉 ●hem an auoiding of the occasions o● sinne and an anger against ourselues for our sinning doe euidently shew that the Spirit of God hath taken possession of our hearts and hath begun to worke a most happy change w●thin vs. Where these graces are there i● also the God of grace the Spirit of grace a man of grace a true dying vnto sin and a liuing vnto God sinne is dismounted the sinner is renewed for Gods image is restored CHAP. 7. Three things vvherein Iustification and Sanctification agree Seuen points in vvhich they dissagree BY this which hath beene said we may easily see wherein Iustification sanctification concord and differ They agree first in their efficient cause for God is the author of them both through the merit of Christ Secondly they haue one instrumētall cause vvhich is faith● of the former by receiuing it and of the latter by effecting it Thirdly they agree in their scope and end For they both 〈◊〉 tend to one end 〈◊〉 iustification as the cause and sanctification as the way Now as they doe accord in some things so they discord againe in other their difference may appeare in these things ensuing First in that iustification is out of a man sanctification is within him Secondly iustification absolueth a sinner and makes him stand righteous at the barre of Gods iudgement sanctification cannot do this Thirdly iustification brings peace of conscience so doth not sanctification but followeth that peace Hac ille Fourthly iustification consists in the imputation of righteousnes sanctification in the infusion of righteousnes Fiftly iustification is acted at once sanctification is done by degrees holinesse is not made vp at once like a pellet in a mould but successiuelie at leisure Wee are neither perfect men nor perfect new men in our full dimensions so soone as we are borne Our perfection in this life consisteth rather in the pardon of sin then in the perfection of sanctity But iustification in this life is perfect Sixtly they differ in respect of the maner in which they are wrought For iustification is wrought by the right of donation but sanctification is by the way of alteration Lastly they differ in regard of durance For Iustification shall haue an end with this life but sanctification shall continue for euer And thus much for Sanctification the first part of our Glorification CHAP. VIII What Eternall life is The causes of it Three effects of it Who shall liue this life where and when Seuen properties of it Two signes thereof are expressed and the tractate is concluded THE second part o● degree of Glorification actiuely taken is the collation of eternall happines in the world to come This happinesse is that glorious estate of Gods saints which is prepared for them in the heauens and it is called Eternall life Eternall life as Vrsinus doth describe it is the eternall being of a Regenerate and glorified man vvhich being is to haue the image of God restored according to which man vvas at the first created that is to bee indued vvith perfect righteousnesse wisdome and felicitie or vvith the true knovvledge and loue of God ●●●ed vvith eternall ioy Or m●re ●●●fly It is a perfect conformitie of man with God consisting in ●●e true and perfect knowledge and loue of God and in the glorie of both soule and bodie The primarie efficient cause of this glorious condition is God of hi● ●●●re fauour without any merit of ours For as Christ teacheth it is our Fathers good pleasure to giue vs the kingdome We are saued saith P●●●● by grace not according to the vvorkes of righteousnesse vvhich vve had done but according to his mercie he saued vs. The meritori●us Efficient of our life and happinesse is Christ alone without any personall desert of ours Therefore he is called the Life And the Apostle doth expresse it notably when he saith that the Wages of sinne is death but euerlasting life is the gracious gift Charisma of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Bernard saith No man can deserue eternall life by his merits Eternall life saith Haymo is paied to none of debt but is giuen of free mercie When a● saith Anselme the Apostle might haue said euerlasting life is the vvages he chose to say but euerlasting life is the gift of God that vve might hereby perceiue that God doth bring vs to eternall life not for our merits but for his ovvne mercie We must therefore ascribe all to the mercie of God and to the merit of our Sauiour Let vs not saith Gregorie trust in our vveepings nor in our vvorks but in the allegation or intercession and pleading of our Aduocate And again Not relying vpon my merits I doe beseech thee to saue me but presuming vpon thy sole mercie I hope to obtaine that which I do not by my merits And albeit eternall life be called a Revvard yet it is not of merit but of mercie not causallie as procured by them but consequentlie following thē as a recompence of our labours Let this saith Caluin be grounded in our heart that the kingdome of heauen is not a stipend of seruants but an inheritance of sonnes which they onelie shal obtain which are adopted of God to be sons for no other cause then for this adoption which depends only of the mercie of God
fore-elected some and forsaken others Now why God electeth not all Ne quaeramus scrupulosius si errare nolumus Aug. If we would not erre wee must not be too curious in enquiring Aquinas saith truely God hath no reason but his will why he should elect some to glory and cast away others Neither doth God offer the lest iniury though he doe not chuse all because he is not tyed to chuse any His Lordship is ouer all his authoritie is absolute he may doe with his owne what he will Who can hinder him Wee are all to him as clay in the hand of the Potter Hee will haue mercie on whom hee will and whom hee will hee hardeneth The rich man of a rout of beggars sets his loue on one and passeth by the rest without wronging any A man entertaines one into his house and passeth by many other without any iniury done vnto them and shall we thinke that God may not lawfully chuse or refuse whome he pleaseth God saith M. Green-ham is debtour to none and therefore sheweth mercie to whom he will Wee may assure our selues that his reasons are most iust though vnknowen to vs. For the depth of his counsels cannot be sounded Therefore Gregorie saith well Let no man desire to search out the cause why one is elected when another is repelled because his iudgements are vnsearcheable and his waies past finding out Seing then all men are not elect men let vs see who are the elect and what their number is For the first whosoeuer is or shall bee saued the same is vndoubtedly elected For both these propositions are infallibly true 1. Whosoeuer is elected shall be saued 2. And whosoeuer is or shall be saued is elected Now these are vndoubted Notes of saluation First to esteeme the word of GOD more then our appointed food Iob 23 12. And to couer to be fed with it that we may grow therby 1. Pet. 2.2 Secondly to be swift to heare slow to speake and slow to wrath laying apart all maliciousnesse and the excrements of sinne and receiuing with meekenesse the word that is grafted into vs that it may saue our soules Iam. 1.21 Thirdly to meditate in the word night and day and to alienate our selues from the counsels and wayes of the wicked Psal 1.1.2 Fourthly to walke vprightly before God and to be of a pure and sincere spirit For blessed are those that are vpright in their way Psal 119.1 And blessed are the pure in spirit for they shall see God And this sinceritie and puritie of heart may bee discerned by these two notes First when wee haue respect vnto all the commandements of God labouring to know them if wee doe not and if wee doe to doe after them according to the measure of grace wee haue receiued Secondly if we be desirous and labour to vse all and euery one of those meanes which God hath ordained in his word to bring vs vnto puritie of heart and if in doing these things we simply and singly seeke to approoue our selues vnto God without either looking for praise or profit rebuke or losse from men and when wee seeke not chiefly these outward things at Gods hands Greenham The second thing to bee considered is the number of the elect concerning which these 3 conclusions are worthy to be weighed First that the elect considered apart simply by themselues are exceeding many constituting the whole Church of God which is the mysticall body of Christ Many shall come saith Christ from the East and West and shall sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen Paul saith that by the obedience of Christ Many shall be mad righteous Iohn saith he saw an Innumerable Multitude of all nations and tongues which stood before the Lambe clothed with long white robes and palmes in their handes Augustine saith Electorum quidam quasi ●●ndus est that there is as it were a certaine world of the Elect. And Ambrose saith that there is in the Elect 〈◊〉 fore-knowne Specialis quaedam vniuersitas à speciall kinde of vniuersalitie vt de toto mundo totus mundus That the whole World out of the whole world and all men from all men seeme to be taken vnto life So then we say that the number of Gods elect considered by themselues alone is great Secondly the Elect in comparison of the Reprobate and damned are but few For straite is the way of life and few there be that finde it And many saith Christ are called but fewe are chosen Christs Flocke is but a little flocke And Paul out of Esay saith that though the number of the children of Israel were at the sand of the sea as indeed they were yet shall but a remnant be saued Which point must bee well considered because some haue imagined that God hath elected all But if this were true then either all should be saued or else God is changeable and doth alter his purpose of himselfe or els is ouercome and drawne to change it by some other which things cannot but offend a iudicious and godly eare Thirdly the number of the Elect is certaine and defined God knowes them all and they can neither bee diminished nor increased It is truely said of Trelcatius Electorum reproborum numerus numeratus certus est qua●uis vterque nobis non certo compertus The number of the Elect is certaine both how manie they are and who they are although it bee not certainely knowen to vs. God knowes them and their number though man doe not This was also the iudgement of Augustine who speaketh thus These things I speake of them who are predestinated vnto the kingdom of God Quorum it a certus est numerus vt nec addatur eis quisquam nec minuatur ex eis Whose number is so certaine that neither any can be added to them nor taken from them Hauing now spoken of the persons that are elected it will not bee amisse briefly to set downe their prerogatiues which no reprobate can partake of First God knowes them and approues and loues them Now if the grace of earthly Princes be in so great request what price can be set of his loue who is the Prince of all Princes and the grand Commander of all the world Secondly a liuely and true sauing faith pertaines to them onely and therefore Paul calles it the faith of the elect the scripture saith that so many as were ordained to eternal life beleeued Caluin saith that faith is a singular pledge of Gods fatherly loue layed vp in store for those his sonnes whom he hath adopted And this gift is very excellent For by Faith we liue by Faith wee walke by Faith wee are iustified and our heartes purified by it wee vanquish the world and without it it is vnpossible to please God Thirdly effectuall vocation and conuersion vnto God belongs not to the Reprobate but to
them Whom 〈◊〉 hath fore-knowen and predestinated them he calleth Fourthly the redemption from sinne and miserie and the righteousnesse which is by Christ is theirs and theirs alone Is 53.6 12. 1. Cor. 1 30 Gregorie saith well Pro electorum vit● vsque admortem se tradidit author vitae The Lord of life laied downe his life that they might liue which were elected vnto life And Angelome saith Quae est gens in terra alia what other people is there in the earth praeter populum electum besides the elect for which God the sonne of God vouchsafed to come into this world as into Egypt that taking vppon him the shape of a seruant he might redeeme vnto himselfe with his blood an acceptable people studious of good workes Fiftly they onely are adorned with the speciall graces of the spirit they onely are sanctified and renewed Isidore saith Spirituall grace is not distributed vnto all sed tantummodo electis donatur but is giuen to the elect onely Nature saith Augustine is common to all men but not grace Sixtly saluation belongs to none but to them Rom. 11.7 What then Israel hath not attained that he sought but the Election that is the Elect hath obtained it and the rest haue been hardened Faith in Christ is theirs onely and he that beleeueth in him shall be saued but he that will not shall be damned As the Elect are the onely true members of the Church militant so they shall be the onely members of the Church triumphant Therefore wee may boldly say with the Psalmist Blessed is that Nation whose God is Iehouah euen the people that he hath chosen for his inheritance Blessed is the man whom thou chusest and causest to come vnto thee Seuenthly none of the Elect shall be whollie seduced nor vtterly decline and perish For Christ takes it for granted that the Elect cannot be seduced and saith concerning his sheepe I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand And the Lord hath promised to stand by them and to put his feare into their hearts that they shall not depart from him Surely saith the Psalmist the Lord will not faile his people nor forsake his inheritance Gregorie saith that temtation doth hide the light of righteousnesse in the heart of the elect oftentimes sed non interimit but puts it not out and makes it pale quiuer sed funditus nō extinguis but doth not extinguish it altogether Saint Augustine saith well Peters faith failed not in his heart when open confession with the mouth failed him Eightly God doth cause his Angels to protect and guard them The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them And as Paul speaketh they are ministring spirits sent foorth to minister all for their sakes which shal be heirs of saluation Augustine saith This also I esteeme a very great benefit in that the Lord hath giuen me an angel of peace to keepe me from my birth to my death Ninthly God shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his Elect from the foure windes and from the one end of the heauens vnto the other Christ also when he comes to iudgement will set them on his right hand and say Come yee blessed of my father take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world But hee will place the Reprobate on his left hand and pronounce vnto them the dolefull sentence of condemnation saying Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Deuill and his Angels Tenthly the Elect shall iudge the Reprobate Know ye not saith Paul that the Saintes shall iudge the world Know ye not that wee shall iudge the Angels Their faith and pietie shall condemne the wicked and bereaue them of excuse and as the Iustices sit about the Iudge at the As●ses so shall the Elect attend vppon CHRIST at the last iudgement and shall subscribe vnto his sentence and applaud his proceedings Moreouer all men but especially all ministers ought to indure all things for their sakes I suffer all things saith Paul for the Elects sake that they might also obtaine the saluatiō which is in Christ Iesus with eternall glorie Againe God will auenge his Elect though he seeme slow in reuenging those wrongs that are done vnto them For they that touch them doe touch the apple of his eie Furthermore God for the loue he beareth to his Elect hee will shorten the dayes of crueltie and calamitie For the Elects sake saith Christ which hee hath chosen hee hath shortned those daies of tribulation Moreouer the Elect fight with the Lambe against Antichrist and his kingdome which shall by the Lambe be ouercome For he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are on his side are called and chosen and faithfull Besides the Elect need not dread death and damnation For as the Apostle speaketh Who shall laie any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that iustifieth who shal condemne Finally the Elect may bee assured in this life of their eternall election vnto life Therfore Peter exhorts vs to make our Election sure and the holy Ghost sets downe the notes of those that are the true members of the Church and shal rest vpon Gods mountaine Now this certaintie may bee had two wayes First by the inward testimonie of Gods spirit which giues testimonie to our spirit that wee are the sonnes of God Secondly be the effects of election as are the fruits of the spirit mentioned by Paul which God appropriateth vnto his Elect and which are as a ladder by which we may assend as it were vp into heauen easily discerne if we bee elected Because as one well saith Election includeth the means therefore we must determine of it by the meanes The Apostle saith that whom God foreknew he did also predestinate to bee like to the image of his sonne and doth call iustifie and glorifie them Therefore by conuersion we may hence inferre that those are elected whom he doth conforme vnto his sonne and effectually call iustifie and regenerate these being necessarie meanes by which God doth accomplish his eternall election Now this prerogatiue is the greater and more to bee respected for these reasons First because the Elect may haue better assurance of his election to saluation then anie man can haue of the things hee holdeth in this life by seale writing witnes or any other way that Law can deuise or prescribe Secondly the longer wee liue the better we may be assured the longer this assurance is inioyed the stronger we may finde it Thirdly this certentie doth beger exceeding ioy For what can raise the like ioy in our hearts as this that wee know that we