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A13732 The soules alarum-bell Wherein the sicke soule (through the horror of conscience) being awakened from security by the sight of sinne, hath recourse to God by meditation and prayer. By H. Thompson. Thompson, Henry, fl. 1618. 1618 (1618) STC 24024; ESTC S100563 111,521 484

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sinfull therefore let vs call vpon God still pray vnto him being our Sauiour and mercifull Redeemer it is no shame to bee sorrowfull or to cry to God for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes it is no reproach to beg Gods mercies or hurt to vs to pray his Maiestie to be mercifull in the remission and forgiuenesse of our sins it is no discredit to confesse our faults vnto God and to tell him we are miserable wretched sinners This is the means to quench the extremity of thirsty sinne and to obtaine a refreshing cup with a beaten breast and broken heart to cry vnto God to be a mercifull father vnto vs and to giue vs remission of all our sinnes If lamentable pictures wofull tales carry their force with them to inforce teares from the hearers and beholders eyes then cannot wee but turne prodigall in tears when wee behold this liuely counterfet of sorrow where euery colour hath a speaking griefe euery griefe a mourning tongue to extort and wring teares from the beholders eyes Iacob did Gen. 37. neuer rent his garment in so many peeces for the losse of Ioseph as the true penitent sinner doth his soule for the burthen of his sinnes laying them vpon the ra●ke of repentance stretching them from earth to heauen from himselfe to God Agar be●ng turned out of her ma●ters Gen. 21. house made her eyes ●●e plaintifes of true contri●●on to her solitary wan●ring but the penitent in ●eart being turned out of ●is masters fauour makes ●is hand his heart his eyes ●is tongue and all labour to ●essen the griefe of his dis●ase with a true sorrowfull ●emorse his hands like the ●ellowes blow the fire of ●ontrition to his heart his heart like a limbecke distilleth the soueraigne water of repentance into his eyes who like full cesternes not being able to look vpward returne their streams backe vnto the heart that being ouercharged driues the floud of his affection to his tong his tongue like Aarons censer conuayes the sweet perfume of his precious distillation into the presence of God himselfe And as the Angels celebrated the birth of Christ with a ioyfull hymne so he welcomes his second birth with a sad lamentation much like to Peter when he denied his Master Mat. 26. Sicke men cannot away with any melancholy Sauls frensie could not indure Dauids 1 Sam. 18. Harpe Salomons thousand songs cannot mitigate the smart of the sinners disease that runnes altogether vpon the heart-string not the Harpe-string the spaces falles and rises of a melancholie ditty the first note being raised high to him that is aboue all the second with a temperate stop moued to a meane the third with a heauy touch fitted to the base Heauy O heauy is the note of man and therefore it calles for moderation of God O heauy too heauy is the note of sin and therfore it craues the voyce of mercy Wee may iustly obserue in the penitent sinner first his inuocation to God secondly his humble petitions thirdly his condition in his meditation by vertue whereof hee attaineth to know himselfe to bee the greatest offender and God his only Sauiour and Redeemer Dauid being in the depth of meditation his Psal 39. heart was hot the fire of his zeale was kindled and hee spake Lord teach me to number my dayes in the same precinct and streits of meditations is the penitent sinner his armes like the Phoenix wings hath set his heart on fire by that his zeale is inflamed by his zeale his tongue is inlarged and cals to God for his mercies hee speakes as Dauid in his meditation with iudgement discretion he speakes in his meditation what he wants his prayer directing to obtaine his wants at the hands of his mercifull Sauiour Lastly he speakes speaks authorised with a prouiso and respect to whom hee speakes What is it hee speakes The first regard is the reuerence of the person to whom he speakes God His second consists of a twofold property one drawen from himselfe being a miserable sinner the other from a necessity that GOD would bee mercifull to our mis-spent life The third is couched not so much in quantity of words as in quality of affection his praier is short but very sweet in regard of zeale His last regard aimes at the time for sinne like Noahs floud euery day getting strength was almost Gen. 7. 17. come to the top of Ararat and had almost ouerspread the whole earth so it was high time to stay the swelling rage and fury of it and therefore hee striues to bring it back to a low ebbe and with a smooth calme of an humble petition speakes in a serious meditation to God to forgiue him his sins and to bee mercifull vnto him but helples man cannot helpe but only God in whō and with whom is al cōfort I will not runne vnto the wise man with Pharoah I call not vpon any Idols with the Priests of Baal but with Exod 7. sorrowfull Sara in the gaule of bitternesse with wrinckled Tob. 3. faced Iob smitten on the cheekes with a reproach I Iob. 16. beginne my confession vnto the Lord. I pray not for the strength of body with Samson with Elisha for my enemies Iudg. 16. blindnesse with worldly Balaam for earthly treasures but with the faithfull 2 Pet. 2. Cananitish woman once Math. 15. againe reiected I begge for crummes of thy mercy that thou wilt bee a Sauiour for my sinnes euen I the sonne of sorrow present my selfe vnto thee and as the Leaper Math. 8. intreated for his own cleansing euen so I pray that God will shew his mercy compassion vpon me being wea●ed a long time from the Teattes of thy loue and nourished with the corrupt milke of sinne It is euen I that haue refused thy heauenly Manna and delighted my selfe with the leauen of Aegypt now at the length strucke with the whip of repentance retire and for the ●asing of my griefe presume to solicite thee in this manner O Lord bee mercifull vnto me and forgiue me the great and hainous crimes which I haue committed against thy omnipotent Maiestie I am not of Simon Peters mind that said Lord go Lu. 5. 8. from mee for I am a sinfull man but rather Lord come to mee because I am a wret ●hed and sinfull man Neither doe I crie out with the possessed Iesus thou Sonne of God what haue I to doe Mat. 8. with thee but rather Iesus thou Sonne of God I haue to doe with thee Oh let me haue some interest in thy loue which like a veile couereth the multitude of sins and vniteth the peece-rent heart of the sorrow-beaten sinner It is not with mee as it was with Cain to say my Gen. 4. sinne is greater then can bee pardoned neither am I as yet clasped in that desperation and distrust as to equalize and compare thy mercy to my sinnes I know thy piety to
directed to God alone for it is neither to be done to Angels nor Saints as Mediators or friends one or other greater or lesser in Heauen or Earth but onely to be offered to the Maiesty of God whose eares bee open to all them that seeke to him in Faith for without true Faith all our Petitions are naught and turne to our vtter confusion Wee must not onely pray with zeale and desire but with fitnesse of congruitie and application for his blessings in our necessities The Prophet Hosea maketh it plaine and saith The Lord at all times will take away all in●quitie and receiue vs graciously so we render vp to him 〈◊〉 calu●s of our lips Nay what is it that hee will not doe for them that put their whole rest vpon his omnipotent Maiestie in all tribulations and anguish of mind If we make our humble supplications vnto him he will stay his furious hand and fill his hand full of mercie he will with-draw his rod of correction and send his rod of comfort hee will sheathe vp his deuouring sword in the hand of his destroying Angell who on euery side strikes downe to the graue emptying houses and streets to fill vp Church yards And vpon our true repentance he will surceasse to send his deue●ring Angell and send his Angell of mercy and grace which is a preseruatiue and the most soueraign restoratiue vnder heauen to make sound againe our diseased conscience which hath been long ●uergrowne with ●inne which 〈◊〉 both h●rt and wound 〈◊〉 now wee acknowledge with a sorrow from our hearts that our sinnes haue procured it at the hand of GOD. In consideration of the great mercies that GOD doth daily hourely heape vpon vs wee must addresse our Petitions to the LORD in another key and forme of supplication meekely kneeling before the LORD our Maker lowly prostrate at the foote-stoole of GODS mercy that his iudgements may be diuerted and turned away from vs. Thus did that great patterne of wisdome Salomon whose foote-steps are worthy our imitation beseeching the LORD of Lords that when wee shall make our prayers according to our necessities either in body or in mind that he would vouchsafe then to heare vs and reach forth his mercifull hand vnto our complaints But these our Petitions cannot ascend vnlesse faith deuotion beare them vp nor can they speede vnlesse they issue from a heart that vowes vnfeined repentance and that calles to mind our sinnes transgressions that haue procured those iudgements that we may truly repent and so wash them from vs whereby God may heare vs and shew his mercifull compassion But this repentance is more bitter then can bee imagined for euery sorrow is not repentance for the● should worldlings repent Some thinke euery confession to bee repentance then had Pharaoh and Saul repented some thinke that euery weeping is 〈◊〉 repentance then had Esau repented some take euery little humiliation to bee repentance then had 〈◊〉 repented some thinke that euery good word and promise is repentance if that were so then should sicke men repent some thinke to ●rie GOD mercy is repentance then should euery ●oole repent But true repentance in ●●de and such as is here ●ent i● more then hanging ●owne of the head like a ●ull-rush or towring out a ●●are to so● out a sighe to ●eare 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 cloth or with a verball sound of the lips without the priuity and consent o● the heart within to cri● Lord haue mercy on me an● so rest But it must bee the scourging and launcing of the verie soule with true contrition a downe-right shower 〈◊〉 teares from a broken pen●tent bleeding heart fille● with exceeding bitterness● of sorrow and anguish fo● some committed Let no man thinke it to● early to goe or too early 〈◊〉 beginne to goe to this goo● Schoole not of sharpness● but of sweetnesse not 〈◊〉 paine but of pleasure L●● vs goe to it in our youth● and let Salomon be our T●tor whereby wee shall 〈◊〉 ●aught to remember our Creator in the dayes of our ●outh Let it bee often remem●red that no man thinke it ●o late lest hee omit and ●ose that which hee might ●therwise haue gained What time soeuer the sin●er shall truely repent him ●●om the very bottome of 〈◊〉 heart of his loude and ●isspent life the Lord will ●orgiue and forget and his ●●nnes shall vanish from his ●●ght and presence euen as 〈◊〉 d●aw before the Sunne I say againe he that right●● repents himselfe of his ●ickednesse and vaine life 〈◊〉 is not the misery of this ●retched life nor terror of ●onscience nor malice of ●oes let them be Men or diuels 〈◊〉 be a whole legion to one that shall neuer hinder the ascensio● and blessing of his godl● prayer and it shal● neuer hi●der the forgiuenesse of 〈◊〉 sinne Neuer was the shado● more faithfull to the bodi● then a blessed forgiuenes● to faithfull repentance a●● the good successe whi●● hath beene to a faithfull a●● zealous prayer conceiu●● in the breast and lodged 〈◊〉 the heart and powerful● vttered by the voice of 〈◊〉 tongue and spirit But this great expect●● successe which we looke 〈◊〉 to receiue by our Petitio●● at the hands of GOD mu●● be formed in a more zealo●● fashion then our comm●● ●se is which vse may bee ●ompared to an hypoc●ites ●ustome wanting these ne●essary adiuncts these vnde●ayed vndelaied assistants ●hat blesse the companie wherein they come and 〈◊〉 the suite wherein they 〈◊〉 Solliciters and Plaintifs ●ho beate not the aire with ●ounds that arise from the ●ollow and emptinesse of ●hem like Brooks that roare ●nd make a noise but shew ●●eir empty bottomes that ●ontaine nothing but grauel ●nd filthinesse within like 〈◊〉 our desola●e and onely fa●●ionable prayers both at ●ome and abroade in cham●●r and Church these are ●ypocrites who poure ●orth 〈◊〉 forme of words rather in 〈◊〉 fashion of custome then for any great zeale neither honouring God nor yet furthering the Petitions wee make for our expected desires These things duely considered we must needs think in our minds we remaine in a very wretched and desperate case our affections are so weake that the least occasion or blast of vanitie withdrawes vs from all godly desires whereby wee run both soule and bodie into vtter destruction Very little is the care which remaineth in vs to giue this good GOD our onely Sauiour that sends to all things his due so our turnes be serued and that wee haue receiued at the Lords hands our desire there is all our frail● flesh looketh for till extremities come and then wee make a new shew of repentance with a sorrow for our negligence in the true seruing and honouring of his Omnipotent Maiesty which wee rather doe of a custome then of zeale as the Parrot of 〈◊〉 wee recite the Creede flattering God with our tongues but dissembling with him in our harts which is onely for want of Faith by whose absence our minds are fraught with toies
exceed mans impietie and thy mercy to bee greater then mans misery Sinnes as they cannot choke thy loue so they cannot stand in any degree of comparison with the infinitene● of thy mercy for how much thy greatnesse ouerspreads mans weakenesse so much the goodnesse of thy goodnesse exceeds the euill of his euill and therefore it were first high treason to thy omnipotency and power to say My sinnes are greater then thou canst pardon when thy mercy is like thy selfe great without all quantity good without all quality Secondly it were a wrong vnpardonable to thy will a trespas dangerous to thy truth an iniury too desperate in despairing of thy promises to say Thou wilt not doe what thou canst when with thee to doe is as easie as to will and to wil is ready euerie houre It is worse then the staine of hypocrisie to say I am no sinner for none can challenge to himselfe that priuiledge Sinne was my Mother which brought me into the VVorld and sin is the daughter of my affection in the VVorld the VVorld is become a loathsome Cage of vncleane Birds a troubled Sea diuided into many puddles a dangerous desert nursing and nusling vp strange and venemous creatures where couetousnesse like a burning Serpent breathes out the fire of vnhallowed desires where lust like the Scorpion enuenometh the soule and prouokes it to blacke attempts where pride lies close at the hart like a snaile lurking in the bushes wher nay where else should sinne be when the VVorld is termed the denne and couert of all euill Here euery sinne great and little though euerie little sinne be too great ranges and keeps his Court. The trimme fashion of the VVorld is out of fashion because it is sicke of euery fashion it being composed the vvonderfull checke and countermand of all Art is novv become a miserable Chaos the ruinous and disordered heape of all disorder it is the Stage and Theater of hypocrisie faire and beautifull without but full of foule sinne within like straight grovving reeds satis●ying the eyes vvith a greene and pleasing sight but vvithin nothing more vaine nothing more light nothing more empty like vnto Nabuchadnezars Idol glittering vvith a golden Dan. 3. 1. head yet standing vpon feet of clay by striuing to excell in beauty it hath vvashed avvay all beauty and there is no sure hold for the soules anchor in so slippery a station The effects proue it so for it is become Murthers slaughter-house Thefts refuge VVhoredomes and Oppressions safety and for all sinnes a sinfull Sanctuarie Who can svvallovv Circes Cuppe and not bee transformed Who can taste deadly poyson and escape infection Who can liue in Sodome and not be vvicked Who can breathe in the World and bee no sinner The Infant-blush at mine natiuity vvas it not the tell-tale of my originall sinne how I had tasted of that sovvre fruite vvhich all my auncestors from the first to the last had eaten And from the time of my natiuity how I haue since hewen off my age by sinne filling and fulfilling as Christ saith the measure of my fathers My sinne-prest conscience secretly doth tell me there is no way to hide and smother what I am for if disguised Adam in his figge-leaued coate close and secure as he thought among the bushes could not shelter him from Gods presence how can I promise to my selfe security Well may the blind-folde World being as deepely couered in sinne as I either for weakenesse not see or for the thicke skinne of his own sinne still be dazel-eyed and not behold the heapes and drifts of iniquity but God which hath intelligence of my secret thoughts hath an eare to heare my priuate words an eye to see my light and darke actions God which is the scrutator of our hearts and reines enters the priuy chamber of our hearts and is an eye-witnesse of our sinne before it be hatched Hee knew all things before they were begunne therefore hee must needes know them when they are done He saw thee and Dauid intending adultery before thou and Dauid comitted adulterie If then no running awaye will serue turne no place close enough to smother sinne when euery thing is naked and open to his view into what an hard obduration is man cast how is his face made stiffe with oyly colours of shamelesse impudencie that will feare the presence of the creature and no way stand-in awe or reuerence of the all-presence of the Creator There may be a secret roome where no man comes a secret stage to act sinne where no man sees but is it possible to keepe God out is it possible to blinde his eyes O poore runawaies that we are wee hide not our selues frō God but rather hide God from vs. What though the eyes of thy vnderstanding being darkned thou canst not see him yet hath hee made thee a casement to thy conscience and beholds thee within and without in the cogitation in the action Wherefore if running from God bee but a step to greater sinne then will I runne from sinne to God till I recouer strength in his mercifull eyes As there is no security to hide sinne so there is no remedy to excuse it or to post it off saying The womā which thou ga●est mee did cause mee to sinne as Adam Gen. 3. or as Eue to cleere her selfe saying The Serpent begui●ed mee this is rather an increase then a decrease of sinne the offence was heauier in examination then it had been before in commission for heere the blinde leades the blinde and the further they goe the greater is their danger First they sin and then they flie Secondly they are taken but they denie Thirdlie it being proued they stand out in their owne defence and dispute the case Adam excusing himselfe by the Woman the Woman laying the fault on the Serpent both of them priuily taxing God for placing such and such with them in Paradise But alas this is but a naked shift and to no purpose to bandy words with God neither did he cal them for any such discourse but God as it were lamenting the first fruites of his labor should vtterly perish therefore questioned with our first Parents that the fire of their confession might burne downe the wall which the rancor of sinne had builded between them and God As then hopefull Israel found meanes to supplant the vsurping Canaanites by electing Iuda their guide and Captaine Iudg. 1. so many put to flight that great daring Canaanite that musters vp whole legions of temptations against vs when as Iuda which interpreted signifies confession doth not onely conduct and guide our forces but also blunts the edge of our enemies sword returning his intended poyson to his own confusion The confession of our sinne saith Augustine barres vp the mouth of Hell which stands gaping to deuoure thee and opens the gates of Heauen that willingly would receiue thee Therefore let vs launce the festered soare with the knife of true confession let
longer to abide in this state will not bee permitted them If we did but vnderstand and know what manner of battell this is and what manner of burthen is then to bee borne by man in this houre wee would then verily bee other manner of persons then heretofore we haue beene All these things Faith teacheth Nature proclaimeth Experience testifieth and it is euident to euerie one of vs that wee shall come vnto that state wherein wee will desire with all our heart that wee had bridled ourselues from all our wickednesse that we 〈◊〉 exercised all the workes of vertue that we had liued 〈◊〉 al holinesse and not spent our time in vanitie Let vs not imitate foolish men who looke vpon present things onely let vs wisely ●rouide for things to come and so by the grace of God wee shall bring to passe by our godly meditation and praiers that the same houre which to others is the beginning of sorrowes to vs shall be the beginning of joy and felicitie Thus far is shewed what may befall a man at the point of death vntill the moment of his departure Now let vs see how the body is bestowed after the separation of the soule from it After the dissolution the body lieth vpon the ground not a humane body but a dead carcasse without life without sense without strength and so fearefull to looke vpon that the sight thereof may hardly be indured to be short it is little better as touching the substance then the body of a horse or a dogge which lyeth dead in the fields and all that passe by stop their noses and make hast away that they be not annoyed with the sight and ●linke thereof Such is Mans body now becom though it were the body of a monarch Emperor or King Where is now that maiestie that excellencie that authoritie which it had afore-time when men trembled to behold it and might not come in presence thereof without all reuerence and obeisance Where are all those things become were they a dreame or a shadow After all those things the funerall is prepared which is all they haue of all their riches and possessions and this also they should not haue if in their life time they did not appoint it for their dignitie and honour The Prophet Dauid saith truely Be not thou afraid though one be made rich or if the glory of his house be encreased for hee shall carry nothing away with him when he dieth neither shall his pompe follow him A pit is digged seuen or eight foot long and that must serue euen Alexander the Great whom the World could not containe In this pit the dead carkasse must dwell alone continually whereto as soone as it is come the wormes doe welcome it and the bones of other dead men are constrained to giue place In this house of perpetuall obliuion and silence the carkasse being wound in a sheete and bound hands and feete is shut vp though it neede not to haue so great labour bestowed vpon it for it would not runne away out of that prison though the hands and feete were loose If we doe but consider a little of the Tombes and Sepulchers of Princes and Noble men whose glory and maiesty we haue seene when they liued heere on earth and do behold the horrible formes and shapes which they now haue shall wee not erie out as men amazed Is this that glory is this that highnesse and excellencie where now are the degrees of their waiting seruants where are their ornaments and jewels where is their pompe their delicacie and nicenesse all these things are vanished away with the smoake and there is now nothing left but dust horror and stinke Now leauing the Body in the graue let vs consider how the soule entreth into the new World As soone as the soule of the sinner is dissolued from the flesh it beginneth to passe through a Region vnknowne where there are new Inhabitants and a new manner of liuing What then shall the miserable and sinfull pilgrime doe when he shall see himselfe alone in such an vnknowne Region being full of feare and horror how and by what meanes shall he defend himselfe from those most fierce theeues and horrible monsters which in those vast Deserts doe assaile passengers this verily is a fearfull journey and yet the iudgement is much more fearefull which in that place is exercised Who is able to expresse the vprightnesse of the Iudge the seueritie of the iudgement the diligence of inquisition and the multitude of witnesses in this iudgement teares will not preuaile praiers will not be heard promises will not be admitted repentance will be too late riches honourable Titles Scepters Diadems these will profite much lesse The inquisition will be so curious and diligent that not one light thought nor one idle word not repented of in the World past shall be forgotten For truth it selfe hath said that of euery idle word which men haue spoken they shall giue an account in the day of iudgement how many which doe now ●in with great delight ye● euen with greedinesse of heart will be then astonished ashamed and silent Then shall the daies of thy mirth be ended and thou shalt be ouerwhelmed with euerlasting darknesse and instead of thy pleasures thou shalt haue euerlasting torments When Ieremy had remembred all the calamities and sinnes of the Iewes at the last he imputed all to this Shee remembred not her end So if wee may iudge why naturall men care for nothing but their pompe why great men care for nothing but their golden gaine why voluptuous Epicures care for nothing but their pleasure why the pastor careth not for his flock nor the people for their pastor we may say with Ieremy They remember not their end When Salomon had spoken of all the vanities of men at last he opposeth this against all Remember thou shalt come to iudgement As if hee should haue said Men would neuer speake as they speake thinke as they think nor doe as they doe if they were perswaded that their thoughts words and deeds should come to iudgement What if wee had died in the ●aies of our ignorance like Iudas that hanged himselfe before he could see the passion resurrection or ascention of CHRIST IESVS We are therefore to number our daies and our sinnes too But alas how many daies haue we spent and yet neuer thought why a●y day was giuen vs but as the old yeer went and new came so wee thought that a new would follow that and that another will follow this and God knoweth how soone we may be deceiued for so they thought that are now in their graues This is not to number our daies but to prouoke God to shorten our daies Which of vs haue not liued twenty yeeres yea and some thirty or forty and happely some many more and yet we haue neuer applied our hearts aright vnto wisedome O if we had learned but euery yeere one vertue since we were borne we might
by this time haue beene like Saints among men whereas if God at this present time should call vs to iudgement it would appeare that wee had applied our hearts our minds our hands our feet our tongues yea and our whole bodies to riches and pleasures to lying deceiuing to swearing and forswearing and to all kind of sinne and wickednesse but to true vertue and wisedome wee haue not applied our hearts God of his mercy giue vs grace to see our former sinnes truely to repent vs of them and to amend our liues hereafter that wee may liue with him for euer If Man could perswade himselfe that this were his last day as it may be if God so please hee would not deserue his repentance vntill to morrow If hee could thinke that this is his last meate that euer hee shall eate he would not surfet If he could beleeue that the words which hee doth speake to day should be the last wordes that euer hee shall speake hee would not offend with his tongue in lying swearing and blaspheming If he could be perswaded that this were the last lesson the last admonition that euer GOD would affoord him to call him to repentance hee would both heare and reade it with more diligence then euer he had done before Let vs remember our selues while it is to day lest we repent our selues when it is too late Who can assure himselfe of life till to morrow or what if we should liue three foure or fiue yeeres or what if twenty yeeres Who would not liue here like a Christian twenty yeeres to liue in Heauen with CHRIST eternally Wee can be content to serue seauen yeeres apprentiship with great labour and royle to be instructed in some trade that wee may liue more easily the rest of our dayes and wee must labour notwithstanding afterwards and can we not be content to labour in the things of God a little while that wee may rest from our labors euer after CHRIST saith to his Disciples when hee found them sleeping Could not you watch 〈◊〉 boure And can we not pray can wee not first can we not suffer a little while Hee which is 〈◊〉 can 〈◊〉 little further one step more to saue his life and therefore GOD would not haue Men know when they shall die because they should make ready at all times hauing no more certainty of one houre then another Seeing therefore the case standeth thus let vs looke to our selues and let vs take counsell of him which is an Aduocate before hee will be a Iudge for no man knoweth so well what is necessary for vs against that day as hee that shall bee the Iudge of our cause Hee therefore crieth thus vnto vs Walke while ye haue the light lest the darkenesse come vpon you take heed watch and pray for ye know not when the time is bee yee like men waiting the comming of their Lord. They who thus watch and waite are sure to make a most ioyfull departure from this life and to be receiued into the Lords ioy Of which happy dissolution the Scriptures thus record I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure or dissolution is at hand I haue fought a good fight and haue finished my course I haue kept the faith henceforth there is laid vp for me the Crowne of righteousnesse 〈◊〉 Tim. 4 6. 7. 8. As the Hart brayeth for the Riuers of waters so panteth my Soule after thee O God my Soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God when shall I come to appeare before the presence of God Psal 42. 1. The righteous shall liue for euer their reward also is with the Lord and the 〈◊〉 High doth 〈◊〉 for them therefore shall they receiue a gracious Kingdome and beautifull Crowne at the Lords hand for with his right hand shall hee couer them and with his arme shall ●ee defe●● them Wis 5. 26. Bring my soule out of prison that I may praise thy name Psal 142. 7. I desire to 〈◊〉 and to be with Christ which is best of all Phil. 1. 13. For wee know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroied wee haue a building giuen of God that is a house not made with hands but eternal in the Heauen 2 Cor. 5. 1. Iesus the son of Syrach giueth vs a verie profitable admonition to 〈◊〉 vnto God from sinne and wickednesse so speedily as possiblie wee can in these words Chap. 5. Because thy sinne is forgiuen ●ee not without feare to heape sinne vpon sinne and say not the mercy of God is great hee will forgiue my manifold sinnes for mercy and wrath come from him and his indignation cometh downe vpon sinners Make no ●arrying to turne vnto the Lord and put not off from day to day for suddenly shall the wrath of the Lord breake forth and in thy security thou shalt be destroied Salomon giueth vs most excellent counsell saying Remember now thy Creator in the daies of thy youth while the euill laies come not nor the yeeres approach wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them Hereunto agreeth the saying of Saint Augustine that is Repent while thou ar● in health so doing wee are without danger because we haue repented at what time wee might haue sinned These diuine testimonies might satisfy a Christian man that their hope is vaine and full of perill which deferre their conuersion and repentance albeit but for one houre yet it shall bee shewed by other reasons that it may more plainely appeare how needfull a thing it is for man with all speede to repent There be diuers causes why a man cannot without great labor and great difficultie forsake sinne and follow righteousnesse The first cause is a custome in sinning the which being now made as it were another nature can verie hardly be ouercome For as Mithridates vsed to eate poyson so long that nature in the end could very well brooke and disgest it and the people called Cimmerij are so well acquainted with darkenesse wherein they liue continually that they cannot wel endure the light euen so men that liue continually in sinne and wickednesse are so in vse therewith as all things contrary vnto their custome greatly offend them by which custome as Augustine affirmeth dishonest and filthy things seeme vnto them honest and pure And as Houses and Lands and other things by long continuance of time bring to him that holdeth them a Plea of Prescription and being so prescribed cannot be recouered without a great priuiledge had from the Prince euen so sinnes and vices when they haue a long time by custome prescribed vnto themselues the soule of the sinner men striue in vain except GOD the most mighty King by a singular priviledge of his Grace doe turne a stony heart into a fleshy heart for if sinne become as it were the wife of our youth wee shall hardly leaue it O how easie saith Saint Augustine is the entrance into sinne but the comming out verie
and fansies which beare away the due reuerence wee owe vnto God For when we haue praied to GOD that hee will giue eare vnto our requests and receiue our petitions they are sonegligently done that we had need pray againe to desire him that hee will out of his bountifull loue and great mercy cast his eye of pitty and not of anger vpon the great offence which was committed in the idlenesse of our prayers and supplications made by vs vnto his diuine Maiestie and that he will forgiue vs our sins committed in our prayers because wee thinke then leas● of him at the time we make our prayer vnto him neuer remembring the Maiestie of his person to whom we● speake nor the Excellencie of the worke wee take in hand neuer rowsing vp the spirit of a sorrowfull repentant heart for our former offences committed but if we ●hance then to stirre vp ou● deuotion to prayer we leaue them halt and lame bodie without soule or soule without deuotion sound of lips without the heart one part of our selues without the other or the whole without a whole clamour without intention But Dauid practised true repentance which may not bee repented of and such were the panges and prickings of Iobs heart vnto GOD My groanings saith he come forth before I eate and my roarings are powred forth Not onely groaning nor crying but also roarings with a continual inundation as one waue dasheth forth another Now when the soule is thus prepared to speake the eares of the Lord are euer open to heare the true penitent sinners cry These are wonderfull passions The hungry Lyon in the desert opprest with extremitie of suffering want neuer roared so much for his prey nor the Hart braying after the water brookes as the goodnesse of the Lord in the soule of the faithfull He is the mighty LORD of Heauen and Earth whose name be blessed and hallowed for euer in Earth as it is in Heauen and blessed are all those that are in loue with his goodnes and tra●● nearest vnto his steps And to giue vs a further example in his owne cause when his soule was hedged in and enuironed round about with vexation euen vnto death when anguish sorrow incompassed him round about as also then in his greatest agony when he cried with a great voice not for particular persons as before hee wept but vndergoing the burthen and punishment of all the sinnes and sinners in the World My God my God why hast thou forsaken me and crying againe with a great voice gaue vp the ghost Therefore the blessed Apostles mentioning the daies of his humanitie and the exercise of his godly and sacred life and fruite of his lips and the passions of his spirit thought it not enough to giue notice to the World that he prayed to his Father that hee praied with teares which trickled downe his blessed cheekes and watered the ground nor of a cry alone weakely sent out but of a vehement and strong cry which if Heauen were brasse were able to pierce through it and find way into the Sanctuary into the eares of the Almighty Such a prayer as it ascends lightly vp borne vpon the wings of Faith so it eue● comes laden heauily downe with a blessing on the head of him that first gaue it flight This Lanthorne of our direction and composition of humilitie and goodnesse this glorious and neuer enough admired LORD of life who prest opprest with the weight burthen thereof groaned vnder the affliction of our sinnes in a most perfect forme of exact obedience with his bleeding teares for vs shewed vs the right forme of faithfull supplications for our selues Let vs then bee importunate and feruent in our praiers that our Petitions may wrestle with GOD and ouercome him For if our praiers bee powred forth in the ●eruentnesse of zeale without wauering then let vs make no doubt but hee wil graciously receiue them into his armes of mercie Way h●e thus grieue● for vs and shall not wee grieue for ourselues groaned hee vnder the weight of our sin being himselfe without sinne onely in compassion and pitty towards vs why then doe not we continuallie groane and grieue It is so farre from vs that in no way wee giue his heauenlie Maiestie his due except in committing finne and drinking it downe the throate with greedinesse and a desiring thirsting appetite euen as Behe●●th drinketh down I●rdan without sense sorrow or griefe for the same The true consideration hereof will enforce and procure in vs a more perfect desire to follow the true prescription that our Sauiour hath prescribed for vs in his holy Gospell which commandeth vs by expresse words to bee importunate and feruent in our prayers that our Petitions may ascend vp to GOD our Lord and onely Sauiour and there to be receiued into his bosome to pre●rent a further and greater danger before the dreadfull Maiestie of the omnipotent LORD of Heauen and Earth who with the breath of his nostrels is able to destroy our bodies and soules change the World and the beauty thereof into a Chaos and ●eape of confusion turne the Sunne into darkenesse and the Moone into blood and alter the property and being of all the Creatures in the World at the twinckling of an eye Considering what we are that speake that offer vp the calues of our lippes and the fruites of our repentance poore naked impotent vnworthy wretches wee should be importunate and with a feruentnesse of zeale poure out our supplications vnto GOD that he wil mercifully heare vs and gently receiue our supplications and according to his won●ed goodnesse satisfie our faithfull requests poured forth vnto him in the name of CHRIST IESVS our Lord and onely helper in all distresse But our wretchednesse and mortality our nakednesse in good workes towards him is such that if there were any spark of true faith in vs it would make vs ashamed as it did our first Parents when they bidde themselues from the presence of their GOD. The view of our sinnes is exceedingly sinful the number the weight the danger thereof hang about our neckes like milstones that we are notable nor worthy to cast vp our eyes to heauē for our sinnes are so exceedingly miserable that the Prophet of GOD being astonished to see either man or the Sonne of man so kindly visited biddeth vs be feruent in our Petitions to GOD. And we must expect an happy successe of our supplications vnlesse we wil cal in question or doubt of the promises of God which are more stable then the pillars of the Earth or the basis of the surest foundation except we will cast our graine into the earth and expect no haruest plant Vines and not drinke the Wine thereof If wee meane to receiue that at GODS hand we doe expect to haue then wee must prepare our selues in another forme to poure out our vnworthy plaints and petitions and thinke that GOD either heareth not or regardeth not at all the
at such time as thou mindest to pray thou presently reade ●uer all these chiefe points that are to be thought vpon then pause in contemplation vpon that wherin thou tookest most pleasure in thy Meditation directing thy thoughts to some vertuous actions Seriously consider with thy selfe how diligentlie Christ exercised himselfe in vertue who gaue vs an example earnestly to follow his steppes then determine with thy selfe to imitate that vertue which thy Prayer tre●teth of and to increase daily in the same labour Also in the day time call to minde that which thou diddest purpose with thy selfe and omi●te no occasion whereby thou maiest put that vertuous exercise of Prayer in practise in thy selfe The chiefe point wee haue to consider of is to pray de●o●tly to our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ whereby we may liue and leade our life in his feare and walke in his ●oly Commandements Gentle Reader I would not haue thee think this my simple admonition to bee supersluous but rather a thing tending to winne the weaker sort to more willingnesse for the practise of this diuine exercise of Prayer a thing not new yet needfull a thing olde and ancient long agoe practised of the poorest exercised of the most excellent and godly on the Earth the Prophets the Patriarkes the Apostles yea and of Christ himselfe the pat●erne of piety who ga●e the first platforme of perfect Prayer most plaine pure precious and profound in these words Our Father which art in Heauen c. To the substance whereof although there can bee nothing added nor from thence any thing can bee taken away without manifest impietie yet are wee not so strictly tied to the words thereof onely but that wee may according to our seuerall occasions which are infinite dilate vpon the same to our comfort and without offence to the Maiesty of GOD if it bee done in true zeale without which eu●n the most effectuall prayer is sinne I cannot but confesse that great is the frailety remaining in mee which in my trauaile in this practise hath greatly hi●dered me and many are the vanities of my minde which in my chiefest desire haue miscaried mee yet such hath beene the fa●our of my he●●●●ly Father that he hath hither to assisted me and to my comfort hath pe●formed that which of my owne proper power wisedome and will I could not performe And these Prayers which are in this little Volu●ne thou shalt fi●de not alittle comfortable by the faithfull exercising thereof to euery estate degree or calling I presume not to teach but desire to bee taught and expect no praise but euen in heart yeeld all the praise to him that was and is the guide and stay of all those that truely seeke to serue him which I beseech him to grant vs faithfully at all times not in the outward word with the lips onely and with a shew aloue but with the inward affection of the heart with the longing desire of the soule and the ardent co●sent of all the powers thereof so shall our Prayers please him and euen the grones four hearts which p●●sse in silence shall present our caus● before the Tribunall seate of our good God who is alwayes neere at hand and ready to performe what is most necessarie for our estates in this life which in respect is but a span l●ng yea could we liue a thousand yeeres it wore but as one day We may not too much regard the ouer-dainty maintenance of our corporall estates we may not ouer-curiously seek the meanes to become admirable in respect of our a●●hority our riches our fri●nds and ourcasuall pleasures wherewith alas our weake natures our fraile conceits our carnall desires are often begniled and cur poore soules often inda●gered Wherefore it behoueth vs carefully first before all things to s●eke the Kingdome of GOD the way the meanes a●d the guide thereunto which is not to be sought else-where for it is not in the outward view and therefore to bee sought from aboue and to b●● inwardly receiued and comprebended by faith It is the Kingdome of the mysteries of God it is the keeping of his Commandements and due obedience vnto his will The way thereunto is grace the gift of God which he giueth to them that faithfull i● aske it the meanes to helpe vs thereunto is Christ the Sonn● of God who sitting at the right and of God the Father obtaineth and sendeth vs that grace which guideth vs and giueth all things both spirituall ●nd worldlie that hee seeth needfull for vs. And yet notwithstanding the singular benefite of the Mediation of Christ vnto his Father for vs wee are not discharged of this necessary exercise of Prayer but so much the more enioyned to the executing thereof continually instantly faithfully and zealously for the graces of God without the which all our Prayers all our speeches be they many or few bee they loude or silent be they of what kind or shew soeuer auaile nothing But we must first found all ●●r desires and prayers vpon an vndoubted faith wee must poure them from the very bottome of our hear●s and continue them in a godly patience and all in the name of Christ Iesus in whose name and for whose sake all things necessarie are promised to bee giuen to those that aske according to the will of God Wherein wee must note that wee are not per●itt●● rashly to desire any thing according to the desire of fleshly imagination ●ee it in o● conceits neuer so me●t and necessarie for the wisdome of th● flesh is foolishnesse before God but we must first duly confide● what direction the Word ●● GOD giueth vs in that b● halfe and there in all h●● mility r●paire to the fo●● ●ains from whence 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●hich we pray for must come So I rest Thine in Christian good will Henry Thompson THE SOVLES Alarum Bell. Wherein the sicke Soule through the horror of con ●ience being awikened from security by the sight of his sinne hath recourse to God by Prayer The Second Part. Watch and pray lest ye fall into temptation MATTH 26. The way how to commend our selues to God in the Morning at our vprising IF thou wouldest commend thy selfe in the morning aright thou must haue respect of certaine things which follow Awake thy so●●● exalt thy selfe on high be blin● no more but vse thy force an● might let folly sinke let painted pleasures die sh●n darkenes and seeke the blessed light For Earth yeelds toile care discord paine and griefe but Hea●en giues rest peace comfort and reliefe Therefore so soone as thou risest arme thy selfe in faith t● pray and when thou hast s● done think not vpon fri●olo● toyes or vaine p●a●tafies b●● lift vp thy heart to God A●● when thou kneelest on th● ground and sayest thy prayers● for so wee ought to pray th●● giue thankes to God that th●● hast so safely passed that night that thou hadst not died in sin as many a o●e hath do●e b●● art preserued til this day
to enlighten my mind more and more to the knowledge of thee and my selfe to inflame my heart with true charitie to preserue my senses in thy holie feare that by my will I may neither heare see nor touch any thing that is vncleane or offensiue vnto thee And if in taking of my naturall rest either thorow the suggestion of the enemy or the rebellion of mine own flesh I haue had any disordered motions or vn●haste representations in my slcepe now I am perfectly awake and by thy mercy returned vnto the vse of my reason I do vtterly disclaime the same denying all consent of my will and affections thereunto And now my gracious Lord God for this day being present I may by thy heauenly assistance resolue with my selfe so to liue in this World that I may both auoide all sinne and the occasion thereof and to leaue my accustomed vices and those especially to which I am most prone to fall vnto and that I may refer●e al my actions and endeau●urs to the praise and honour of thy holy name so to best●w my time that this day may not bee lost or passe ouer my head without some good worke tending to the true worshipping of thy holie name which laudable determinations and purpose of the amendment of my leude and loose life may accordingly take effect and giue thy blessing gracious Lord to them all O merciful God I beseech thee according to thy great mercy that thou w●lt b●ot out all mine offences for I am a wretched and a miserable sinner therefore I do heartily desire in all humility to adore and worship thee and to render vnto thee immortal praise and thanksgiuing for all thy blessings and especially for that vnspeakable goodnesse wherein thou diddest send downe thy onely begotten Sonne into this vale of miserie for the worke of our redemption whereby wee are cherished and nourished wherewith wee are cleansed and sanctified and our soules made partakers of all heauenly grace and spirituall blessings for which I yeelde vnto thee all possible thanks that a poore sinfull creature being but a handfull of dust can yeelde vnto thy diuine Maiestie being of no value without thy mercy Also thou hast vouchsafed first to wash mee with the lauer of Baptisme to the remission of that originall corruption contracted in my first Parents and afterwards thou hast brought me to the exer●ises acts of a right faith not ceasing daily to increase the same in mee by the light of thy grace and doctrine of thy holy Word O Lord I humbly thanke thee also that from my Cradle thou hast nourished clothed and cherished me supplying all things necessary for the reliefe and maintenance of this my feeble body for which euermore I wil magnifie thy holy name that in great mercy th●u hast hither to spared me albeit from my youth I haue wantonly ryoted in manifold excesses patiently expecting till by thy grace I might bee awaked from the sleepe of sinne and re●laimed from my vanities and wicked courses haddest thou dealt with mee according to my desarts my soule long ere this had been oppressed with innumerable sinnes and had beene plunged in perdition yea the yawning gulfe of hel had swallowed me quicke Lord in respect of all thy mercies graces and blessings which thou hast poured vpon mee I desire that my heart may be more and more enlarged to render vnto thee a more ample tribute of praise and thankesgiuing And now for those things whereof I stand in need and faine would obtaine at thy hands fi●st onely Lord God neuer leaue me vnto my selfe but let the bit of thy chaste feare be euer in my iawes to curbe and to keepe mee within the compasse of thy Law that I may dread nothing in the world as in the least sort to offend and displease thee for which cause let thy holy loue so temper all trials and temptations which happen vnto mee that I may profit and not lose by them thou my Creator knowest how fraile I am of my selfe and how my strength is nothing Moreouer blessed Lord ● beseeche thee that thou wouldest keepe farte from me thy seruant all pride and haughtinesse of minde all selfe-loue and vaine glory all obstinacie and disobedience all craft and hurtfull dissimulation cast downe and tread vnder my feete the spirit ●● gluttony and letcherie the spirit of sloth and heauinesse the spirit of malice and enuie the spirit of hatred and disdaine that I may neuer despise or contemne any of thy Creatures nor preferre my selfe before others but euer little in my owne sight to think the best of my bretheren and to deeme and iudge the worst of my selfe I●●est me Holy Father with the wedding garment of thy beloued son ●he supernaturall vertue of ●ll things that I may loue ●hee my Lord God with all my heart with all my soule ●nd with all my strength ●hat neither life nor death ●rosperitie nor aduersitie ●or any thing else may fe●arate mee from thy loue Grant that all inordinate af●ection to the transitorie ●hings of this World may ●ailie decay and die in mee ●hat thou alone maiest bee ●astefull pleasant and sauou●ie vnto my soule O my most gracious God ●iue vnto thy seruant an ●umble contrite and obedi●nt heart an vnderstanding ●lwaies occupied in honest ●ertuous cogitations a will tractable and euer prone t● the better affections stayed calme moderate a watch full custody of my senses● that by those windowes n● sin may enter into my soul● a perfect gouernment of m● tongue that no corrupt o● vnseemely language ma● proceede from my lips th● I may neuer slander back● bite or speake ill of m● Neighbour that I may n● busie my selfe in the faul● and imperfections of other but rather attend to the ● mending of my owne leu● life and finallie so long a● am detained in this priso● of my bodie and exild fro● my heauenly Countrie l● this be my portion and t●● comfort of my banishmen● that free from all secul● ●ares and carking solicitude of this present life whollie deuoted to thy seruice I may attend onelie to thee ● may reioice onelie in thee ● may cleaue vnto thee I may rest my soule in thee ●nd sitting in silence I may giue way and entertainment ●o the heauenlie doctrine to ●he good motions and in●pirations of thy holy Spirit In these sweete exercises ●et mee passe the solitarie ●oures of my tedious pilgrimage with patience expe●●ing the shutting vp of my ●aies and an happie end of ●his my miserable life And ●rant ô thou louer of man●ind my Lord and my God ●hat when this my earthlie ●abernacle shall bee dissol●ed being found free from all pollution of sinne as afte● Baptisme I may bee r●ckoned in the number of thos● blessed soules who throug● the merites and passion o● thy deare Sonne are held● worthy to raigne with thee● and to enioy the glorio●● presence of the blessed Trinitie Father So●ne and Holie Chost to whom of al● Creatures i●
grant me perfect patience in all tr●bulations and aduersitie Preserue me from pride ●re enu●e couetousnesse and from all offences contrarie to thy law suffer no false delight of this deceiueable life by fleshlie temptation and fraude of the ●●end to blind mee at the houre of my death I beseech thee O Lord grant me such a light of thy ghostlie wisdome that I may doe those things which are most acceptable to thee grant mee grace to doe hurt to nobodie but to helpe those with good counsell which haue offended thee and make me to proceede in vertue vntill such time as I shall see thy Omnipotent Maiestie and let me not turne to those sinnes which I haue sorrowed for and accused my selfe of The horrible sentence of endlesse death the terrible iudgement of damnation thy wrath ire and indignation mercifull Lord let them neuer fall vppon me thy mercie and thy merites euer bee betweene them and me Lord grant mee grace inwardlie to feare and dread thee and to eschew those things whereby I might offend thee giue mee a contrite heart for that I haue offended thee good Father remoue my sinfull dispositions which dull mine heart and like lead doe suppresse me Let me not forget the riches of thy goodnesse of thy patience of thy long sufferance and benignitie let the threatning of paine and torment which shall fall vpon sinners the losse of thy loue and of thy heauenlie inheritance euer make me feare to offend thee Suffer mee not deare Father to liue and die in sinne but soone call me to repentance when I haue displeased thee and grant mee grace trulie to loue thee and when I offend thee smite mee not with thy wrathfull indignation I beseech thee but let it be thy gentle rodde of correction Let the remembrance of thy kindnesse and patience conquer the malicious wretched desire in mee draw me Lord to thee by thy holy spirit and doe with mee according to thy mercie and not after my vnthankefulnesse withdraw t●y sword of vengeance O Lord for thy great mercie sake and grant me to be the childe of saluation whereby I may haue glorification cleere fight and fruition of the Deitie and bee euer present to see the glorious Trinitie O sweete Sauiour Lord Iesus Christ grant me grace for to remember perfectlie the danger of death and the great account which I must then giue to thee Lord dispose so of mee then that my soule may bee acceptable in thy sight turne net thy louing face then from me but be a merciful King meeke Iudge at that dreadful houre of my visitation that I may not haue the ●igour of thy righteousnesse which is Goe●e c●rsed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his Angels but to heare that comfortable saluation which thou doest giue to thy chosen Come yee blessed of my Father and enioy the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the World Let this hope of thy mercies comfort my sick weake soule that I neuer fall into desperation of thy endlesse mercie For the merites of thy Sonne Christ Iesus I beseech thee grant mee these petitions which I haue asked of thee haue mercie on me awretched sinner And I beseech thee bring me to thine euerlasting glorie there to rest in blisse World without end A Prayer to GOD to defend vs from euill company and our tongues from vttering ●ll words O Lord Iesus grant mee grace to ●lie euill companie and when I come among them for thy glorious passion I beseech thee to preserue me that no occasion of sinne ouercome me and send me comfort from thy omnipotent Maiestie to withstand al illusions of the flesh whereby thy blessed name may be dishonoured Keepe my mouth good Lord from slanders ill speaking lying false witnessebeating cursing swearing vncharitable ch●ding dissolute laughing and words of vanitie Make me blessed Lord with dread to remember that thou presentlie hearest me and that the least of my words shall iudge me Suffer not my heart to be light of credite in hearing that which is detraction obloquy rancour and ire Represse all inordinate affections of carnalitie and where I haue by euil fellowship offended thy Maiestie I beseech thee for the helpe of thy mercies in so offending thee let thy power protect me thy wisdome direct me thy fatherlie pittie correct me and send me a gracious life and a blessed ending and with thy goodnes preserue me from euerlasting damnation and terrour of mine enemie Jn my temptations I beseech thee Lord to helpe me and to keepe my soule from consent to sinne For the tender loue thou bearest to mankinde repell the power of my aduersaries which intend the damnation of mee Possesse my soule O Sauiour with all humble sub●ection to thy law and make mee pure in spirit meeke in speaking patient in suffering to hunger after righteousnesse and to bee mercifull to all them that be in miserie Make mee peaceable in conue●sation cleane in heart vnto godlie meditation and ioyfull to suffer persecution for thee Let all my powers and desires bee ruled according to thy will let all my petitions be ordered by thy wisdome to the euerlasting profit of my soule Lord keepe my soule and my bodie whereby I may be patient in suffering iniuries rebukes let me leade that life which thou knowest to be most to thine honor and my eternall felicity Fill mine heart with contrition and mine eies with teares that I neuer be forsaken of thee Awake my dull soule from the sleepe of sin and send mee helpe Lord from Heauen to ouercome the olde serpent with all his crafts Deliuer me from the enemie of da●kenesse and his great crueltie let thy obedience recompence for mine obstinacie thy abstinence for my superfluitie thy meekenesse and thy patience for my pride irefull heart enmitie Thy charitie for my malice thy deuotion for my dulnesse thy louing heart for mine vnkindnesse thy holy death for my wretched life Lord grant mee grace in the time of prayer to fixe my minde on thee and at that time to remember the perils of bodie and soule which I haue escaped and the benefits that I haue receiued thorow thy great mercie And I thanke thee most Heauenlie Father for all the Creatures which thou hast made to helpe man and that thou hast made man after thine owne Image in glorie to honour thee The motions of my running mind the desire of mine vnstable heart in time of praier stop and stay Lord I beseech thee and represse the power of my ghostlie enemie which then doth with-draw my minde from thee and thy true seruice to many vaine imaginations Lord I beseech thee to take me into thy power and with thy goodnesse glad me Lord let my minde be so occupied in goodnesse that my prayers may bee acceptable to thee Heare now sweet Sauiour the voice of a sinner who would faine loue thee and with the heart as greatlie please thee as euer hee hath offended thee I
I fraile man and most wretched sinner haue offended thee Therefore I most humbly pray and beseech thy gentlenesse who for my health and saluation descendedst from Heauen and diddest hold vp Dauid that hee should not fall into sinne Haue mercy vpon me O Christ who didst forgiue Peter that did forsake thee Thou art my Creatour my Helper and Maker my Redeemer my Gouernour my Father my Lord my God my King thou art my helpe my trust my strength my defence my redemption my life my health and my resurrection thou art my stedfastnesse my refuge and succour my light and my helpe I most humbly and heartily desire pray thee helpe ●nd defend mee Make mee ●●rong comfort me make me stedfast make me sober●y mery giue me the light of thy spirit and visite mee reuiue me again who am dead for I am thy making and thy worke O Lord despise me not I am thy seruant thy bondman although euill vnworthy and a sinner But whatsoeuer I am whether I bee good or bad I am euer thine Therefore to whom shall I flie except I flie vnto thee If thou cast mee off who shall or wil receiue me If thou despise me and turne thy face from me who shall looke vpon mee and recognise and acknowledge me Although I be vnworthy to come to thee although I be vile and vncleane thou canst make me cleane If I be dead thou canst r●uiuemee for thy mercy is much morethen mine iniquitie thou canst forgiue me more then I can offend Therefore O Lord doe not consider nor haue respect to the number of my sinnes but according to the greatnesse of thy mercie looke on me a most wretched sinner Lord say vnto my soule I am thy health who saidest I will not the death of any sinner but rather that he liue and be conuerted Turne me O Lord to thee and bee not angry with me I pray thee most meeke Father for thy great mercie bring mee vnto that blisse that neuer ●hall c●●sse so bee it A●en A Prayer for the r●miss●● of sinnes O Lord God if we wretched sinners had not ●y thy tender mercies and ●ouing promises in Holie Scripture the comfort of our weake consciences and sorrowfull hearts we see no other remedy so great and ●infinite are our sinnes but that wee must needes despaire But for as much as whatsoeuer things are written are written for our learning that through patience and the comfort of Scriptures wee may haue hope though our sinnes be neuer so many neuer so abhominable yet they doe not so much make vs sad as thy louing kindnesse and ●ender mercie● make vs glad Our sinnes we consesse are innumerable but thy mercies are also infinit tho● art that most gentle Lord which wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that hee turne and liue Thou for repentance sake wilt not see the sin●es of men thou confessest that thou camest into this World to saue sinners to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance and to seeke that which was lost Thou callest vnto thee all those that are diseased and loaden with the heauy burthen of sinne and promise●t that thou wilt case them yea by thy Prophet thou saiest If wee will wash and make clean● our sel●●s put away our euill thoughts out of thy sight cease from doing eui●● and violence learne to doe right apply our selues to equitie deliuer the oppressed helpe the fatherlesse to his right and heare the widowes co●plaint though our sinnes were as ●ed as scarlet ●et shall they be made whi●●● then snow and though they were like purple yet they shall be made like white 〈◊〉 Yea thou saiest moreouer that for thine owne sake euen for thy mercy names sake thou wilt be good vnto vs fauour vs● and so cast away all our sinnes behind thy backe tha● thou wilt ne●er remember them more O Lord thou art the God which cannot lie thou art the soules truth thou art faithfull in thy words and holy in all thy workes For according to these thy louing promises hast thou euer dealt with the chi●dren of men whensoeuer they repented and turned vnto thee when they forsooke their sinful liuing and called vpon thy holy name thou forgauest all their s●ns and healedst all their infirmities thou also sauedst their life from destruction and crownedst them with mercie and louing kindnesse For thou O Lord God a●●full of compassion and mercie long suffering and of great goodnesse thou wi●● not alway be chiding neither wilt thou keepe thine anger for euer neither wilt thou deale with vs after our sinnes nor yet reward vs according to our wickednesse For looke how high the Heauen is in comparison of the Earth so great is thy mercie towards them that feare thee Looke how wide the East is from the West so far●e dost thou set our sinnes from vs yea like as a Father pittieth his owne children euen so art thou mercifull vnto them that feare thee For thou knowest whereof we be made thou remembrest that wee are but dust that a man in his time is but gras●e and flourisheth as a flower of the fi●ld and as soone as the wind goeth ouer it is gone and the place thereof knoweth it no more but thy mercifull goodnesse O Lord endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare thee Of these thy louing kindnesses and tender mercies who hath not tasted if hee sought it with all his heart Thou diddest forgiue Dauid both his whoredome and manslaughter when hee repented and confessed his sinne How oft diddest thou call back the plagues of thy vengeance when the Children of Israel lamented their sins and turned vnto thee How mercifull diddest thou shew thy selfe to the N●n●●ites when they repented humbled themselues in thy sight How louingly spakest thou to that sinfull Woman in the Gospel and forgauest her all her sinnes because shee repented and beleeued Peter thy Disciple although most cowardly denying thee after that he had bitterly wept and lamented his sinnes thou diddest behold with thy mercifull eye and fauourably receiue him againe into the number of thy holy Apostles One of them that died with thee being a thiefe after he had called vnto thee for grace thou didst place in Paradise and make him partaker of thine eternall felicity Many other notable examples of thy great mercies find wee in Holy Scripture which will not suffer vs to despaire of thy clemencie and goodnesse be our sinnes and wickednesse neuer so ma●y but they rather encourage ●s boldly to come vnto the Throne of thy Grace that we may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in ●ime of neede O most gentle Sauiour thou art that most louing Shepheard who didst diligent●y seeke the wandering sheepe louingly laide it vppon thy shoulder● and tenderly brought it home againe seeke vs who haue so long run astray lay vs vpon thy mercifull shoulders and bring vs home againe vnto the companie of thy faithfull Thou art that mercifull Sama●●tane who beholding the
miserable estate of the wounded man with thy pit●ifull eye camest vnto him madest cleane his wounds pouredst in wine and oileboundest them vp settest him vpon his beast and car●ied him into the Inne and neuer leftest him till hee was perfectly whole O most louing Sauiour vouchsa●e with thy merciful eye to looke vpon my wretched estate which without thy helpe must needs perish my wounds are deadly and not able to be healed of any ●ither in Heauen or in Earth but of thee alone wh● art the true Phisician and hea●est those that are contrite in heart my whole head is sick and the ●eart is very h●a●ie from the sole of the foot vnto the crowne of the head there is no whole part in all our body but all are woūds botches soares and stripes which can neuer bee healed bound vp mollified nor eased with any ointment except thou puttest to thy helping hand Let it therefore please thee of thy great goodnesse to cleanse my wounds to poure in the wine and oile of spirituall gladnesse to binde them vp and neuer to leaue mee till thou hast made me perfectly whole and brought me into thy Heauenly Kingdome Heale thou mee O Lord and I shall bee healed saue thou mee and I shall bee saued Thou art that most tender Father who receiuedst home again with imbracing armes that lost Sonne which had wasted all his goods with riotous liuing so soone as he returned vnto thee and did repent him of his disorder confessed his sinne and humbled himselfe in thy fight thou hadst compassion on him thou didst fall on his necke and kissed him thou didst command thy seruants to bring forth that best garment and put it on thy Son and to put a ring on his finger and shooes on his feete thou gauest commandement to fetch the fat Calfe to kill saying Let vs eate and be merry for this my Son was dead and is aliue againe hee was lost and now is found Shew this thy fauour O most gentle Father to mee thy Childe who haue vngodlily bestowed those good and gracious gifts which thou both louingly and liberallie gauest vnto me This my prodigall and licentious liuing sore grieueth me and I am heartilie sorrie that I haue so grieuously offended thy Fatherly goodnesse notwithstanding according to thy olde wonted goodnesse I most humbly beseech thee for thy name sake to haue mercy on me to forgiue me my sinnes and to receiue me againe into thy sauour take away fro● me all my old beggarlie rags of sinne and put on me that new garment of innocencie that precious ring of faith wherewith I am maned vnto thee and those most godly shoes of that Euangelicall peace that I may walke from henceforth in the wayes of thy holy Commandements and doe that which is pleasant in thy sight Giue me grace vnfeinedlie to repent and to amend my life that the Angels in Heauen may reioice at my conuersion and so wash mee from my sinnes more and more that at the last I may be cleane and appeare beau●●full in my Heauenly Fathers sight thorow thee my onely Sauiour who with the Father and the Holy Ghost ●iuest and raignest one true and euerlasting GOD world without end Amen A generall Prayer for all kind of sinnes AH Lord the most puissant GOD we in Baptisme giuing ouer our selue● vnto thee and vnto thy holy Religion protesting openl● in the face of thy holy Congregation to forsake Satha● with all his pompes an● workes to renounce th● World and all the vainpleasures thereof to mortifie th● flesh and all the lusts of it and from henceforth to di● vnto sinne liue vnto righteousnesse and to leade ● new life Ah Lord this our cou●nant and bargaine made vnto thee wee keepe not b●● too much wretchedly we breake in transgressing thy holy Commandements In stead of performing our seruice due vnto thee we serue Sathan leauing the fulfilling of thy Commandements we obey our owne will The World and the flesh so rage and raigne in vs that we can ●carcely breathe forth any godlinesse By mouth wee professe thee but with our deeds we denie thee wee promise to worke in thy Vineyard but we loiter and worke not In name wee are Christi●ns but in deede wee are Sa●hans bondmen the Worlds ●laues and most vile seruants ●nd drudges to the flesh Oh Lord too too wret●hed is our state and except ●hou shortly helpest we are like vtterly to perish the ragi●g slouds of all kinde of sinne haue so preuailed and almost ouerwhelmed vs. O most gentle Sauiour wee ●aue a will such as it is to doe good but wee find no power nor strength in our soules to ●e●forme it That good thing which wee would wee doe not but the euill doe wee which wee would not do For we know that in vs that is in our flesh dwelleth no good thing And no maruell for wee are by nature the Children of wrath wee are begotten conceiued and borne in sin our senses wits and deuices are euill euen from our yong age vpward Our heart is vncleane wicked froward leude and vnsearchable wee are not able to think a good thought of our selues wee a●e vnprofitable seruants by o●rites fleshly and all that nought is yea w●e are the very b●nd-slaue of sin for euery one that committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne O most sweete Sauiour helpe vs for the glory of thy name Thou camest downe from the right hand of thy Father into this vale of misery to saue that which was lost saue me therefore good Lord which wander abroad like a sheepe destitute of a shepheard suffer not thy blessed body to bee broken and thy precious bloud to be shed for vs in vaine Thou by thy death valiantly conqueredst him that had power of death deliuer me therefore from his raging tyrannie and make mee thy faithfull and obedient seruant Suffer mee not to loue the World neither the things that are in the World seeing that all that is in the World as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and pride of life is not of thee O Father but of the World and the World vanisheth away and the lusts thereof but he that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Suffer me not to be ouercome with the boyling concupiscence of the Flesh which euer lusteth against the Spirit and is not obedient to the Law of God ●e●ther can bee but giue th●● grace to kill and crucifie the ●lesh with the appetites and ●usts thereof that I may liue ●nd walke in the spirit and be●ome a new Creature let not sinne raigne in my mortall bodie that I should thereunto o●ey in the lusts of it neither ●●●●er thou mee to giue my ●embers as instruments of vn●ighteousnesse vnto sinne but ●o giue my members as instruments of righteousnesse vnto ●●ee And as heretofore I gaue ●y selfe vnto vncleannesse and ●o iniquitie So let mee now ●●om hence●orth giue my selfe ●●to holinesse that ● may bee ●●ctified Kill in
mee the deedes of ●e flesh which are these ●dultery fornication vnclea●●sse wantonnesse idolatry ●itchcraft hatred variance wrath strife sedition sects e●uying murther drunkennesse gluttony and such like an● plant in mee the fruites of th● Spirit as loue ioy peace long suffering gentlenesse faithfu●nesse meekenesse and temp●rance As concerning the co●uersation in times past giue● grace to put off the old m●● which is corrupt through t●● deceiuable lusts and to be ●●nued in the spirit of my mind● and to put on the new ma● which after the image of Go● is shapen in righteousnesse an● true holinesse Suffer me not to lie bu●● speake truth vnto my Neig●bour For as much as wee ●● members one of another Su●●●● me not to be angry that I 〈◊〉 let not the Sunne goe down vpon my wrath neither let 〈◊〉 giue place vnto the back-biter Grant that he which afore hath ●●ollen may from henceforth ●teale no more but rather la●or with his hands some good ●hings that hee may haue to giue vnto him that needes Let ●o filthy communication pro●eed out of my mouth but that which is good to edifie with●ll when neede is that it may ●●ue fauour with the Hearers Let all bitternesse fiercenes ●nd wrath roaring and cursed ●peaking bee put away from ●●e all maliciousnesse Make ●●ee curteous to all men and ●ercifull forgiuing euen as God for thy sake forgaue me As for fornication and all vnleannesse or couetousnesse let ●● not b●e once named among ●s as it becommeth Saints ●either filthy things neither foolish talking neither iesting which are not comely but rather giuing of thankes Put vppon me tender mercy kindnes humblenesse of minde meekenesse long-suffering forbearing my Neighbour but abou● all these thing● put vpon m● loue which is the bond of perfection grant that the peac● of God may euermore rule ●● my heart and that I may b● thankefull for all thy benefits● Finally whatsoeuer thing are true whatsoeuer things a●● honest whatsoeuer things a●iust whatsoeuer things 〈◊〉 pure whatsoeuer things p●●tain to loue whatsoeuer thing● are of honest report if there b● any vertuous thing if there ●● any laudable thing grant th●● I may haue them in my minde and practise them in my conuersation and liuing that whatsoeuer I breathe think speake ●or doe all things may bee done ●nto the honour glory and praise of thy name who liuest and raignest with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost true liuing and euerlasting GOD World without end A●en A Prayer for Faith VVEe are taught by thy holy Apostle O most louing Sauiour that whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sinne and that it is impossible to please thee without faith and therefore they that come vnto thee must beleeue that thou art God yea and s●ch a God as is both able and also will aboundantly reward all them that with true faith seeke thee For thy eyes O Lord looke vpon Faith and thou doest appeare and shew thy selfe vnto them that haue faith in thee yea through faith thou being the King of glory art married to the soules of thy faithfull makest them partakers of thy diuine nature through the wonderfull working of thy blessed Spirit Through Faith so many as beleeue are iustified made the so●nes and heires of God and haue euerlasting life By Faith we obtaine of God all good things euen whatsoeuer wee doe aske in thy name Seeing that Faith is so precious a Iewell in thy sight that without it nothing is acceptable vnto thy diuine Maiestie and I of m●ne owne nature cannot haue this most singular gift except thou giuest it vnto mee from aboue and doest breathe it into my heart by thy holy Spirit for of my selfe I am blind ignorant foolish and by no meanes can perceiue the things which pertaine to the Spirit of God I most humbly beseech thee to take away from me all infidelitie and vnfaithfulnesse which I receiued of old Adam and to plant in me true faith vndoubted beliefe that I may bee throughly perswaded that thou art the Sonne of the liuing God very God and very Ma● our alone sweete smelling sacrifice our alone Mediatour Aduocate and Interce●●or ou● alone wisdome righteousn●●●● ●anctification and redempti●●● by whom alone and for whose sake onely thy Heauenly Father is well pleased with mee whereby my sinnes are remitted grace and euerlasting life is giuen me O Lord God suffer mee not to leane to mine owne wisedome nor to beleeue as blinde flesh fansieth nor to ●eeke saluation where superstitiō dreameth but let my faith onely be grounded on thy Word And giue me grace truly to beleeue in thee with all my heart to put my trust in thee to looke for all good things of thee to call vpon thy blessed name in aduersitie and with a ioyful voice and more merry heart to praise and magnifie it in prosperitie Suffer me not to doubt neither of God my Heauenly Father ●or of God his Sonne nor of God the Holy Ghost but earnestly to beleeue that they being disti●ct persons are notwithstanding one very God beside whom there is no God neither in Heauen nor in earth Grant also that I may assuredly beleeue whatsoeuer is contained in the Holy Scriptures and by no meanes suffer my selfe to bee plucked from the veritie thereof but manfully and stedfastly abide in the same euen vnto the death rage World ●oare Diuell And this Faith O sweete Iesu● encrease thou in me more and more that at the last through thy goodnesse I may be made perfect strong in thy holy Religion and shew my selfe both before the● and the World truly faithfull by bringing forth plenty of all good workes vnto the glori● and honour of thy name which with God the Father and God the Holy Ghost liuest and raignest true God World with out end Amen A Prayer vnto GOD that we● may liue in his feare and that he will turne his plagues from vs. O Heauenly Father most merciful Lord deale not thou with vs after our sinnes neither reward vs after our iniquities Indeed thou in thy holie Law doest thereaten to punish with plagues noysome diseases such as neglect and set at nought thy will word and liue licentiously according to their owne lusts and appetites to send vpon them great plagues with many other innumerable and vnknowne infirmities as iust punishments for their iniquities Yet O Father of mercy and Lord of all comfort I beseech thee inspire into my heart such a regiment of feare to offend thy diuine Maiesty that thereby I may turne vnfeinedly vnto thee and serue thee truly learning to liue according to thy law louing one another as Christs true children in deede and not spoiling or deuouring one another For hee that loueth not his brother though he liue yet he abideth in death and hee that hateth his Brother is a Man-slayer and killeth him in his heart but loue shall couer ● multitude of sinnes and so also God shall bee glorified and shall
to thy Heauenly Father brakest it and gauest it to thy Disciples saying Take ye ●ate ye this is my body which is giuen for you doe this in remembrance of me Because the singular and inestimable benefit of our redemption brought to passe by the one and onely oblation of thy blessed bodie broken on the Altar of the Crosse should not bee forgotten Thou brakest the bread in the sight of the Disciples and gauest vnto them commanding them to cate it in the remembrance of the breaking of thy body which then was betraied by the traiterous Disci●le Iudas that sonne of perdi●ion and the day following was vnfainedly broken on the Crosse for our ransome deliuerance and saluation here ●liddest thou appoint the breaking of the bread among the faithfull gathered together for that purpose a worthy blessed memoriall of thy bodie broken And because the breaking of thy bodie should be the better remembred thou diddest innoble the bread with the name of thy bodie when notwithstanding it was onely the figure signe token and memoriall of thy holy body In like manner when supper was done thou tookest the cup in thy hands gauest thankes to thy Heauenly Father and deliueredst it vnto thy Disciples saying Drinke ye all of this for this is my blood of the ●ew Testament Conenant or Bargaine which shall bee shed for many for the rem●ssion of sinnes this doe so often as you drinke it in the remembrance of mee As by the breaking of thy bl●ssed bodie our ransome is perfectly paid so by the shedding of thy blood are all our sinnes euen vnto the vttermost washed away Therefore as by the breaking of the bread thou wouldest the breaking of thy bodie and the benefits gotten by it to bee remembred among the faithfull so to that end that the shedding of thy blood and the merites thereof should not be forgotten Thou gauest them the Cup of Wine to drinke commanding them that so oft as they or any of the faithsull gathered together for that purpose to drinke of the Cup they should remember thy death and the shedding of thy precious blood as thy holy Apostle saith As oft as ye shall eate this Bread and drinke of this Cup yee ●hall shew the Lords death till he come And as thou didst ennoble the Bread with the name of thy body being but the figure of thy bodie because the breaking of thy body should the better be remembred So likewise here doest thou garnish and nobly set forth the wine naming it thy blood when notwithstanding it onely representeth and preacheth vnto vs the shedding of thy blood because it should be the more deepely grauen and the better retained in our minds O most mercifull Redeemer gentle Sauiour we are come together at this present to celebrate the memoriall of thy blessed and glorious passion and to eate and drinke this Bread and wine in the remembrance of thy blessed Body breaking and thy precious Bl●od shedding Most humbly and from the verie heart beseeching thee to giue vs grace worthily to eate this Bread and drinke of this Cuppe lest by the vnworthy receiuing of them wee be guilty of thy bodie and blood and so eate and drinke out owne damnation and that wee may come the more worthily vnto this thy Table Grant that we may earnestlie bee at defiance with all sins and so inwardly bee ashamed that we at any time haue grieuously offended thy diuine Maiestie by attempting anie thing that is not agreeable to thy good pleasure that from hence forth wee may not onely loath detest and abhor whatsoeuer is displeasant vnto thee but also imbrace and lay hand on that which is good and acceptable in thy sight Forgiue vs all our sinnes and giue vs grace euen with our whole heart to loue all men yea our very enemies and not only to forgiue all such as haue offended vs but also to be readie at all times to doe for them whatsoeuer good or pleasure we be able And that wee may bee the more welcome vnto thee and bee found meete and worthy guests to sit at this Table and to eate of these thy blessed gi●ts and that our soules may be well comforted nourished fedde and made merrie by the worthy receiuing of them cloath vs we pray thee with that wedding garme●● euen true and liuely saith wherewith our hearts are purified wherewith we are married vnto thee and made one flesh and one blood with thee wherewith also wee are iustified and counted righteous in thy sight And grant that through the same faith wee earnestly set the eyes of our minde on these thy most sweete and louing promises My Body shall be broken for you my Bloud shall bee shedde for you for remission of sinnes And all this not for our ●ood deeds and merites which ●● this behalfe are none but for ●he worthinesse of thy blessed ●assion for the dignitie of thy ●recious blood and for the on●e and alone sacrifice of thy ●olie bodie For that O Lord is the salue that he●●eth our soules that is the medicine that comforteth our weake and troubled consciences that is the liuing bread where●f whosoeuer cateth shall neuer hunger but liue for euer That is the Iewell of Ioy tha● maketh our sorrowfull hearts merrie that is the mighty Bulwarke the strong desence the sure Fortresse that preserueth and keepeth harmelesse against Sathan sinne death Hell desperation and all the infernall Powers to come to the Table to beo present at the Supper to heare and see what is there done yea and to receiue the holy mysteries of the body an● blood there set forth vnto vs profiteth vs nothing at all if w● faithfully beleeue not That thy Bodie was broken and thy blood shedde for our sinnes and that by the one oblation thereof done once for all our sinnes are forgiuen vs our Heauenly Father is reconciled vnto vs his wrath stirred vp thorow sinne against vs is pacified quietnesse of conscience euerlasting life is giuen vs but it rather turneth vnto our damnation because wee eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe vnworthily and shal with that hypocrite which ●resumed to come vnto the marriage not hauing the wedding garment bee bound hand ●nd foote and cast into vtter ●arkenesse where shall be wee●ing and gnashing of teeth Therefore wee humbly be●eech thee to giue vs grace ac●ording to thy Apostles coun●●ll diligently to proue trie and examine our selues whether such repentance such faith such loue such disposition towards all godlinesse bee sound in vs or not as thou dost require in them which will come worthily and with fruite vnto thy Table And for as much as it is thy gift to repent heartily to beleeue truly to loue vnfainedly to be disposed earnestly to embrace true godlinesse and to goe forward in the same from vertue to vertue vnto the ende Grant I most intirely pray thee I may so repent that the fruites thereof may bee found in me so beleeue that I may acknowledge thee my
onely Sauiour so loue thee that all mine affections may bee set on thee alone and so embrace true godlinesse that our whole life may be a cleere mirrour of all vertue and goodnesse so shall wee through thy mercie bee found worthy guests of this thy Table and receiue these holy mysteries to the saluation of our soules Yea so shall we be well assured of the remission and forgiu●nesse of all our sinnes By the breaking of thy blessed bodie and the shedding of thy precious blood our consciences shall bee quiet our hearts shall be filled with all true and spirituall ioy we shall triumph ouer Sathan sinne death hell and desperation wee shall be partakers of all the fruites and merites of thy blessed passion bee made one body with thee fellow-heires in euerlasting glorie O Lord God let it so come to passe for the honour of thy name Amen A Thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the Communion VVEe thanke thee O Heauenly Father for the blessed passion and glorious death of thy dearely beloued Sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ by whose holy wounds we faithfully beleeue and are assuredly perswaded that thy wrath is not onelie pacified towardes vs bu● that thou also are now become our most mercifull Father and hast freelie forgiuen vs all our sinnes Restore vnto vs thy heauenlie grace and make vs sonnes and heires of thine eternal glorie And because wee should not doubt of thy Fatherlie goodnesse rewards vs 〈◊〉 in the de●th of thy 〈◊〉 the same Son Christ 〈◊〉 Lord hath l●●t vnto vs not onely his holy Word but also a blessed memorial of his death and passion set forth 〈◊〉 the holy b●●ad and wine which weat this present haue receiued both for a remembrance of the breaking of his blessed body and the s●edding of his mo●● pr●●in●● blood 〈◊〉 also for the quietn●sse of our ●●onscience and ●●● the 〈◊〉 of the remissi●● of our ●●●nes through faith●●●●● We 〈◊〉 thee O Hea●●enly Father that we be neuer vnmindefull of this thy exceeding great kindness● not vnthankefull for thy ma●ifolde blessings vnspeakable mercies declared vnto vs in the glorious death of thy welbeloued Sonne but so worke thou in vs through thy holy Spirit that wee may be made worthy members of that bodie whereof thy Sonne and our Sauiour Christ Iesus is the head And that we may so faithfullie beleeue in thee and so ●eruently loue one another alway liuing in thy feare and in the obedience of thy holy law and blessed will that wee being fruitfull in all godly and Christian workes may traine our liues according to thy good pleasure in this transitorie World and after this fraile and short life obtaine the true and immortal life where thou with thy dearely beloued S●nne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and the Holy Ghost that most sweete Comforter liuest and raignest one true God in all honour glorie World without end Amen A Prayer to be saide at the recei●ing of the mysterie of Christs B●die in the Communion O Heauenly and blessed Father ●●render vnto thoe most hearty thankes for all thy benefits which thou hast shewed vnto mee a most wretched sinner but especially for that most sweete smelling sacrifice which thy onely begotten Son offered vnto thee on the Altar of the Crosse by giuing his most pure and vndefiled bodie vnto the death for the redemption of Mankinde in remembrance whereof according to thy wellbeloued Sonnes ordinance I now receiue this holie bread most entirely beseeching thee that I may both be partaker of the merites of thy deare Sonnes Body-breaking and also leade a life worthy so great a benefit to the glorie o● thy name Amen A Prayer to be saide at the receiuing of the mysterie of Christs bloud in the holy Communion O Blessed and mercifull Father thy loue towards mee sinful Creature is so exceeding great and vnspeakable that I cannot but giue vnto thee most humble thankes namely for the shedding of the most precious bloud of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ by the vertue whereof thy wrath stored vp against me wretched sinner is pacified my ransome is paide the Law is fulfilled mine enemies are ouercome put to flight In remembrance of this so noble a victorie and of so great a benefit I am come vnto this Table O merciful Father to drinke of this Cup desiring thee that as my outward man is comforted by the drinking of this wine so likewise my inward man may bee comforted and made strong by true faith in the precious blood of thy most deare Sonne O Lord and my Heauenlie Father giue me thy holy Spirit which may so rule gouerne my heart that I neuer bee vnthankefull nor forgetful of this thine exceeding great kindnes but so traine my life according to thy blessed will that whatsoeuer I doe speake or thinke may bee vnto the glory of thy most blessed name and the health of my soule through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Morning salutation to GOD for wisedome for grace and forgiuenesse of sinnes MY Soule O Lord hath desired thee in the night season and I haue also waited for thee in spirit and minde all the morning beseeching thee that thy presence which I sore haue longed for may expell from me all my sinne Lord water the secrets of my heart with thy manifolde graces and mightily en●●●●e the same with thy loue And now my most sweete Lord Iesus Christ I rise and come early to thee in the morning and pray thee from the bottome of my heart that thou wilt hearken vnto my prayers and godlie requests which I doe most humbly in heart offer vnto thee for thou art the wisdome the eternall brightnesse and verie figure of the substance of the Father who hast created all things of nothing And because thou wouldest bring againe Man to the pleasure of Paradise thou camest downe from Heauen into this vale of miserie and by thy holie conuersation thou hast shewed and trod him the path thereunto and for ransome of all Man-kinde thou wouldest bee offered to thy Father as a most immaculate Lambe Open by thy Holy Spirit my stony and hard heart that with the eies of a perfect beliefe ● may alwaies behold thee who art King of Kings and Lord of Lords Giue m● wis●dome truly to consider of thy ●eath and passion that thereby I may profit in thee onely who art as a Booke of charitie for me Grant mee that I be vtterlie destitute of all vanities that now I be not he whom heretofore I haue beene but doe thou alwaies abide in me that so linked vnto thee I neuer s●verue or decline from thee Send downe good Lord thy wisedome from the seate of thy Maiestie that shee may labour and be with mee that I may know what is acceptable in thy sight that my heart and senses may bee enlightened whereby I may vnderstand how to bee a true follower of thy Precepts O my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who art most sweete vnto mee