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A11180 A right godly rule how all faithfull Christians ought to occupie and exercise themselues in their dayly prayers. 1602 (1602) STC 21446.7; ESTC S105748 51,867 378

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delighted in into a wildernes Wilt thou Lord be auenged of these things Wilt thou holde thy peace and scourge vs euer so grieuously Before the receiuing of the Sacrament say thus LOrd although I be not worthy to receiue thee into the house of my soule for mine innumerable offences and sinnes done against thy great goodnes yet trusting in thy great pity and infinite mercie I come to receiue thy blessed body not grossely and carnally as the blinde suppose but spiritually and by faith together with all the fruits and effects of thy sufferings yea as a sicke creature to thee that art the health of life vncleane to thée that art the well of mercie and holynes blinde by ignorance to thee that art the light euerlasting needy of grace and power yea of will to any good thing to thée that art the King of heauen and earth and workest therein whatsoeuer pleaseth thée naked of good works to thée that art the author of all grace I come as a wretch to thée my Lord and maker all desolate and comfortles to thee my refuge and succour for besides thée there is no consolation I come as a sinner to thée that art the mediator betwéene God and man I come as a caitife to thée my most mercifull Sauiour I come all sinfull to thee granter of remission and pardon I that am dead by sin come to thee the restorer of life euill to thee that art all goodnesse hard hearted to bée relieued by the infusion of thy superaboundant grace desiring thée to heale mine infirmitie and sicknes to wash away my sinne and filthines to lighten my blindnes to reduce me to the right way when I am out thereof to comfort me desolate of goodnesse Haue mercie on my wretchednesse pardon my sinfulnes giue me the light of grace thus buried in sin that I may receiue thee to be the spirituall foode and nourishment of my soule and that with such chastitie of body with such purenes and cleannes of soule with such contrition of heart and abundance of wéeping teares with such spirituall ioy and gladnes with such dread and reuerence with such strong faith stedfast hope and vnfeigned charitie with such obedience and humilitie with such loue deuotion faithfulnesse and thankefulnesse as it is beséeming for such a Lord to be entertained and receiued withall and that to the comfort of my conscience in this life and my endlesse saluation at the last And be not displeased good Lord that I a sinner with an vncleane heart and polluted minde or sure I am not so sanctified outwardly and inwardly as were fit come hither this day to receiue the blessed sacrament of thy precious body and bloud by a liuely faith but remember mercifull Lord that thou refusedst not the sinfull Magdalene being penitent from the kissing of thy most blessed féete And in likewise despise mee not ne put thou me away as vnworthie from this blessed Sacrament for my sinnes and vnkindnes though I confesse thou maist iustly doe so and doe me no iniurie but graunt thou mee godly sorrow of heart plentie of vnfaigned teares to testifie vnto my heart the washing away of my sinnes and wickednes so that with a pure heart and cleane conscience I may this day come to and be partaker of the holy Communion to thy glory and the comfort of my soule and conscience whilest I receiue therein an effectuall pledge of euerlasting life with all holy saints in heauens glory and of the fellowship of thy people in this present life these things being wrought in mee by thy holy spirit inwardly as well as offered vnto me by the outward and visible elements Grant mee blessed Iesu so reuerently and religiously to receiue the Sacrament of thy flesh and bloud that thereby I may assuredly feele my selfe incorporated into thy Church as a sound member of thy body here on earth and though as yet I be not méete or fit by reason of my filthinesse to bee numbred among the simplest and lowest of thy seruants but rather to be reiect for my sinfulnes yet good Lord of thine infinite power I knowe thou canst and of thy singular goodnesse I hope thou wilt and therefore am also the more bold humbly to intreate thee to make me equall and like to thine elect and chosen seruants Come thou father of the fatheries come comfort of the comfortles come I beséech thee and cleanse my soule from contagiousnes of sinne for it is not conuenient and according that there should bee any vncleannes where thou then the fountaine of all true holines yea holines it selfe shouldest come in and dwel Come therefore good Lord and apparell my soule and body both with such ornaments of vertue and grace that it may delight thee therein to abide And as thou disdainedst not to touch the sore Leapers with thy holy hands so good Lord vouchsafe to annoynt my sinfull soule with the oyntment of remission and pardon of sinnes and so to replenish it with strength and power against sinne and to fill it with abilitie to doe good duties that in this life by stedfast hope firme faith and vnfeigned charitie I may so encrease in vertue from day to day that I may attaine to the glorious fruition of thy Godhead in the kingdome of heauen where I may see thee face to face world without ende Amen After the receiuing of the Sacrament say thus I Thank thée good Lord of thine infinit goodnes for that this day thou hast vouchsafed to féed me with thy blessed body in this holy Sacrament of thine and that by a liuely faith thou hast made me a fruiteful partaker thereof humbly desiring thée further to graunt that this thy blessed Sacrament which I haue receiued may bee powerfull in mee to lessen in me and purge from mee the power of my particular iniquities and to fit mee to all good workes of blessed obedience yea make it in me a fortitude and a spirituall strength against my frailtie a sure defence against worldly troubles and aduersitie a sure seale of grace and pardon a medicine of life and a continuall remembrance in my minde and heart of thy blessed passion so that in the way it may conduct and guide me and when I am out of the way it may reduce mee when I stumble it may vpholde mee and when I am falling it may raise me so that by this and other gracious helpes that thou hast ordained and by good continuance and daily growth in the obedience of thy will I may be brought to euerlasting glorie And during my life vpon earth vouchsafe so to order the tallage and taste of my heart that I neuer féele other swéetenes but thee that I neuer seeke other but thee that I care not for any other delight but thee neither that I regard any other honor but thine And giue me such a sound loue towards thee and in thee and for thee towards my brethren that in it I may continually and comfortably féele that I
wretchednesse faithfully to call for helpe of thée Yea good Lord giue me grace to order my life and the workes of my body soule with actuall intent to please thée that through thy merites and mercie at the end I may obtaine the reward of thy infinite ioy and eternall felicitie Let the water and bloud which can from thy blessed heart bee powerfull to wash my soule from sinne and iniquitie and to purchase mee abundāce of thy grace faithfully to serue thée O my Lord my might my life my light lead me féede me and spéede me in the pilgrimage of this mortalitie graunt me O Lord by the merits of thy passion and power of thy most excellent and glorious godhead whatsoeuer thy Wisedome knoweth most expediēt for me which howsoeuer in my miserable life I am most vnworthy of yet vouchsafe them vnto me all the time of my pilgrimage but specially at the houre of death when I shall be accused before thée haue mercie on mee breake my froward heart and make it obedient to thée Preserue me also good Lord from sodaine and vnprouided death and of thy owne singular grace and goodnesse graunt mee these supplications in this prayer which now I haue made to thée according to thy will Yea by thine owne mediation purchase for mee and bestow vpon mee a holy life and blessed ending and grant I beséech thée after my bodily death euerlasting life with endlesse blisse and felicitie thorow thy merites and bitter passion O Lord Iesu who with the Father and the holy Spirit liuest and raignest euer one God world without end Holy Trinitie one very God haue mercie on me Amen A deuout prayer to our Lord Iesu Christ O My soueraigne Lord Iesu the very sonne of almightie God and of the most cleane and glorious virgin Marie who sufferedst bitter death for my sake and all mankind and diddest rise againe the third day I beseech thée Lord haue mercie vpon me that am a wretched sinner but yet thy creature and for thy precious passion saue mee and kéepe me from al perils bodily and ghostly and specially from all things that might turne to thy displeasure And with all my heart I thanke thee most mercifull Lord for thy great mercies that thou hast shewed me in the great dangers that I haue béen in as well in my soule as in my body and that thy grace and endlesse mercie hath euer kept me spared me and saued me from the houre of my birth to this present time For these I say and al other thy mercies I humblie thanke thée Lord Iesus Christ further desiring thée that thy mercie may preserue me alway And I crie thée mercie with all my whole heart for my great offences for my great vnkindnes for all my wretched and sinfull life and for this in particular that I haue not or cannot leade my selfe as becommeth thy seruant I thanke thée also with all my heart my most gracious Lord for the benefites and graces that thou hast giuen mee so largely in this world afore many other of thy creatures vpon whom if it had béene so thy good pleasure thou mightest a thousand times better haue bestowed them than vpon me But most gracious Lord I wot and knowledge verily that it commeth of thée wherefore with all my heart I thanke thee continually crying and saying all honour praise and glorie bee vnto thée O Iesu with the Father and the holy Ghost for euer and euer Amen Another prayer for an householder O Lord GOD almightie most mercifull and heauenly father thorough Christ I fréely confesse that thou art my life my soule and my bodie yea al the good which I haue and all whatsoeuer is mine hast thou giuen vnto me that of thine owne singular grace and goodnes Now sith of thee I haue receiued it and in me there is corruption to abuse it make vpright and order thou O Lord God of heauen all that is in my house And teach mee and mine to handle and guide all these outward things after thy godlie will we being thereby more and more prouoked to loue thée and in thée and for thée euery one of vs to profit another I say vnto thée I beléeue Lorde helpe my vnbeléefe And yet in this weakenes I cannot but intreate thée not to forsake me nor my wife my children nor any of my householde Defend vs Lord from sin before thée from shame in the world and from sicknes in our selues according to thy good pleasure Send vs thy holy Angell to guide and guarde vs that so wee may be defended in the whole course of our liues and may be lead forth the right way so as we may not talke doe or thinke any thought against thy holy commaundements and will but thereafter to liue worshipping thée and praising thée for euermore thorough Christ Iesus our Lord thy onely welbeloued Sonne Amen Blessed be the Father the Son and the holy Ghost Let vs praise him and exalt him world without end Amen An other Prayer ALmightie GOD our heauenly Father in Iesus Christ wée vnfeinedly confesse before thée that thy mercie and goodnes towards vs is infinite and without measure It is thy mercie and no goodnes that is in vs or of vs which mooued thée to send into the worlde thine onely begotten and eternall Sonne to take our nature vpon him and therein to worke the mysterie of our redemption and saluation as thou hadst appointed and spoken before by the mouthes of all thy Prophets which were from the beginning And likewise it was thy blessed will thy mercie and goodnes towardes vs that thy heauenly Sonne did suffer persecution trouble and aduersitie was betraied of his owne friend and disciple Iudas traiterously taken caried awaie to bée falsly accused and vniustly condemned to bee cruelly beaten scourged and finally with most scornefull rebukes to be put to the most painfull shamefull death that could bée deuised All this O heauenly Father was doone through thy mercy and blessed will for our sakes that not only to answere and satisfie thy iust wrath and anger which we had deserued and dayly doe deserue both for the offences of our first parents our actuall transgressing of thy holy commādements but also to restore vs againe to thy grace and fauour to indue vs with thy heauenly gifts that wée might serue thée in holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of our life And finally to make vs by the benefite of thy dearely beloued Sonnes passion and also through the price of his most precious bloud partners with him of his infinite and vnspeakeable glory and blisse in heauen Wherefore O heauenly Father wee béeséech thée powre vppon vs thy holy spirit and make vs in our hearts clearely to sée comfortably to féele and most stedfastly to beléeue this thine infinit gracious goodnes shewed and giuen vnto vs in thine owne sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ and with this beliefe make vs to put all our confidence and hope
of thy iudgement and heauie displeasure wée most entirely pray thée to giue vs that feare which thou requirest of vs thy children in thy holy scriptures and whereunto thou hast promised so many large and bounteous blessings that we may not onely loue thée as a Sauiour honour thée as a father but also reuerence thée as a Lord and feare thée as a iudge But yet with that feare and reuerence good Lord that belongeth to children and not to slaues otherwise it will do vs small good O Lord all things are open to thy eyes neither is any thing hid from thée which séest the very secrets and most inward thoughts of our hearts Giue vs therfore grace that in all our enterprises we may euer set thée and thy feare before our eyes and so stand in awe of thée and of thy righteous iudgement that we attempt nothing whereby wee should prouoke thy heauie displeasure against vs but so walke in thy feare and thy holy ordinances that we may at all times loue thée as a most gracious Sauiour honour thée as a most louing father reuerence thée as a soueraigne Lord and feare thée as an vpright yet most mercifull iudge So shall it come to passe that wee reuerently fearing thée as a childe doth his father shall not onely auoyde all such euils as might make thée our heauie Lord and fierce iudge but also embrace those vertues which shall both euidently declare our faithfull loue true honour vnfained reuerence and humble feare towards thee and also cause thée that art our louing Father and most mercifull Sauiour through Iesus Christ our Lord to acknowledge thine owne grace in vs and to crowne it at the length with euerlasting glorie through Christ Iesus Amen A prayer against the enemies of Christs truth Psal 140. DEliuer mee O Lord from the vngodly and stifnecked persons for thou séest howe in their hearts they imagine mischiefe and haue great pleasure to picke quarrels their tongues be sharper then any adders sting and vnder their lips lyeth poyson of adders but O mercifull Lord let mee not fall into their hands least they handle mee after their owne lusts Thou onely art my God that must heare my piteous plaints Lord that rulest altogether that art the strength and power of my defence be thou as a helmet vpon my head wheresoeuer the vngodly shall assault me and suffer thou not the wicked thus to prosper in their matters Suffer not their cankred and malitious stomackes to increase and spightfully to reuile me Looke vpon thy poore wretches cause and rid mee out of these daily grieuances then shall I with an vpright heart and pleasant countenance extoll and magnifie thy holy name Amen A prayer to keepe the tongue and to eschew the affectiō of the world Psal 141. TO thee I cry O Lord heare mee speedily let my prayer bee as a sweete tast and sauour in thy presence and the lifting vp of my hands as an euening sacrifice Lord set a watch before my mouth kéepe my lips and my tongue also that they speake nothing amisse as doth the vngodly who can speake nothing saue euill but that they call purely and heartily vpon thee and report thy worthie praises Bow not my heart to last after euill nor to follow the fashion of the wicked and abominable sinners least I happen to cloake my wickednes with other sinnes as hypocrites doe Let me not liue as they would haue mee to doe but rather as it shall best please thée Let mee not approue their counsailes nor their déedes though they carry neuer so goodly a show and faire face to the world Let me not hearken to the entising and swéete baits of the vngodly which counsaile me to filthie and vncleane thinges but rather let mee giue good eare to the righteous and godly man though hée sharpely correct and chide me Let me alwayes haue a readie eye towardes thée onely in thée to trust alway and to apply my selfe vnto thée continually Cast not away my soule neither suffer it to perish keepe me that I be not tangled with the snares of the vngodly and from the priuie traps of malitious persons saue me deliuer me O Lord through thy grace for in all our owne deuises and workes can nothing bee found sure for vs to trust vpon A Prayer of the Church against sinne Sapi. 1● THou O our God art swéete long suffering and true and with mercie orderest thou all things for if wée sinne yet are wée thine because though sinne in it one nature separate betwéene thée and vs yet doth thy goodnesse surmount all iniquitie so excellēt I know thy greatnes to bee And if we sinne not in so high a measure for otherwise who liueth and sinneth not yet are wee sure that with thée wee are allowed for to know thée is perfect righteousnes and power is the roote of immortalitie In the time of warres a prayer of King Asa 2. Paral 14. LOrd it is all one with thée to helpe them that haue néede with fewe or with many helpe vs O Lord our God for we trust in thée and in thy name we be come against this multitude thou art the Lord our God let no man preuaile against thée A Prayer for keeping of a good name THAT wise man which was priuie of thy secrets O heauenly Father taught vs that an honest name is a treasure right precious when he saith better it is to haue a good name than precious oyntments But this so excellent and good thing wée neither can get but by thy goodnes nor kéepe but by thy grace aide and helpe Now surely the well and fountaine of a good name is a faultles life this therefore in especiall wee demaund and craue of thée O Lord almightie and that for Iesus Christs sake Yet neuerthelesse for as much as oftentimes innocencie and faultlesse liuing is not ynough neither yet a sure buckler and defence namely against such as vnder their lippes beare the poyson of serpents yea and oftentimes it hapneth that when wee suppose to be among our trustie friends we dwell as Ezechiell did amongst scorpions and venemous serpents we crie with thy holy prophet O Lord deliuer my soule from wicked lippes and a guilefull tongue But if neuerthelesse it séeme good to thée to exercise vs thy seruants also in this affliction to the intent they may bee better brought to godlines before thée and bée bettered in this world then graunt we pray thée that with Paul thy most valiant champion wee may by reproch glory by infamie and good name abide still in thy commaundements through Iesus Christ which also himselfe when he walked here on earth was reuiled slandred euill spoken of and called to his face a Samaritane a wine drinker a deceiuer of the people and one that had a diuel and yet the same now raigneth with thée in glory whither also wee beseech thee in good time to bring vs and that together with the rest whom thou hast put apart
to euill as from the corruption of our nature arise vppe in our hearts giue vs grace first clearely to discerne and discouer them then couragiously to stand vp against them and soundly to loath and leaue them that we bée not in the strength of them as it were in the middest of a violent tempest carried headlong into sinne and by meanes thereof into euerlasting destruction Especially strengthen vs good Lord against the suggestions of Satan whose maruellous malice wilie subtilties and verie great power against vs wee are not ignorant of as not vnacquainted neither with our owne weakenes and disability to withstand What say wee more with our pronenesse and readinesse to yeeld and therefore cannot but in both these respects againe and againe intreate thée that art the God of our strength to cause thy grace to bee sufficient for vs and in vs and to make thy power perfect through our infirmitie that so hauing fought valiantly and mightily ouercome through thy strength wee may through thy goodnesse and mercie for euermore liue with thée in that heauenly citie where and against which as also against such citizens of thine as are gathered into it no manner of temptation shall assayle much lesse bee able to preuaile and there for euer haue the full fruition of celestiall delectation not only accompanied with Angels and blessed Saints but enioying the most comfortable sight of thy glorious countenance in whose presence is the fulnes of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore which vouchsafe vnto vs for Iesus Christs sake thy déere sonne and our all and only sufficient Sauiour Amen Another Prayer to our Lord God O Heauenly Father God almighty I pray and beséech thée in mercie graciously to behold me thy vnworthie seruant that I may by the giftes of thy holy spirit feruently desire thy kingdome and by the light of thy word may soundly knowe thy will and faithfully worke and walke thereafter Giue mee O Lord wisedome euen the wisedome that is from aboue Make mee constant in thy truth patient in tribulation and strong in thée vnto the ende Keepe mee Lord from the sleightie inuasion of the olde wily serpent Defend mee from the counsailes and cursings of euill tongues Let thy mightie arme bee my continuall shield against all the malignity and mischiefe of this wicked world Remember not Lord my offences instruct and prepare me to repent and teach mee to be truly sorrowfull for my sinnes Make me to loue iustice and hate wrong to doe good and absteine from all euils that so the fruits of my faith may pledge vp to my conscience that thou hast graciously called me to be thy child To thée therefore bée glory and honor for euer and euer Amen A deuout Prayer HEarken Lord to my wordes consider the thoughts of my heart Behold how loud I cry to thée Let my iust prayer enter into thine eares which vnfainedly commeth from my heart Heare me Lord for I am poore and destitute of mans helpe Take care for my soule Saue me thy seruant which wholy trust in thee Haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I will neuer cease crying to thee for help for thou art mild and more mercifull than my tongue is able to expresse yea than my heart is able to thinke As often as aduersitie assaileth me I will crie and call for helpe vnto thée I will call vpon thée in the day time and in the night my cry shall not bee hid from thée O thou God of the heauens maker of the waters and Lord of all creatures heare me a poore sinner calling vpon thée and putting my whole trust in thy mercie haue mercie vpon me O Lord God haue mercie vpon mée and for thy manifold mercies sake forgiue mee all my offences Amen A prayer for meekenes and chastitie O Lord thou father and God of my life let mee not haue a proud looke but turne away all voluptuousnes from mee Take from mee the lustes of the body let not the desires of vncleanenesse take hold vpon me and giue me not ouer into an vnshamefast and obstinate mind Amen A prayer of Esay in the 6. and 64. Chap. LOrd looke downe from heauen and behold from thy holy habitations and from the seate of thy glorie where is thy strength where is the plenteous rich multitude of thy mercies are al these hardned against vs verily thou art our Father Abraham now knoweth vs not nor Israel knoweth vs not but thou Lord art our father thou art our redeemer thy name is from the beginning Wherefore hast thou made vs Lord to erre from thy wayes hast thou hardned our hearts least wee should feare thée Turne thee to thy promise made to thy seruants for the tribes of thy heritage for few of thy people haue enioyed the possession of their land and that but a little while Our enemies haue spoyled thy holy place and troden it vnder féete And wee were regarded so vile as if thou hadst neuer béen Lord ouer vs as though thy glorious name had neuer béen called vpon by vs and shewed ouer vs. I would that thou wouldest all too breake the heauens and come downe once that these hilles might melt away at thy presence like as at a hot fire and that the malicious might boyle away as doth the water vpon the fire that thy name might be knowne to thy enemies and these vngodly might bee shamed and troubled at thy presence When thou wroughtest for vs marueilous things then we looked not for them thou camst downe and the hilles wasted away with trembling before thy face and from the beginning hearde they not nor perceiued with their eares neither with any eye was there séene any besides thee that wrought such marueilous things and that to men which waited not for thée sometime thou méetest with them that gladly did righteousnesse and thought vpon thee in thy wayes But now Lord thou art angry because wee are sinners and euer haue béen in sinne although wee were deliuered from perils And all we are wrapped in filthie vncleannesse yea all our righteousnes is spotted like the cloathes of a mēstruous woman and all wee are taken away like leaues and our iniquities haue caried vs away like a whirle-winde and there is none left that will call for helpe in thy name and not one that will rise vp and holde thée with prayer for thou hast hid thy face from vs and hast dried vs vp in the hand of our iniquitie But now Lord thou art our Father wee are but clay and thou art our potter and all wee are the works of thy hands bee not angry O Lord for euer and remember not all our wickednes Loe beholde we beséech thee all wee are thy people the cities of thy holy places are forsaken Syon is turned into a desert Ierusalem is desolate the house of holines and prayer and of our glory in which our fathers praises thée is turned into an he●●e of fire and all things that we
am translated out of darknes into light and be well assured that thou wilt gratiously deliuer mee from all tribulations of body and soule captiuitie anguish and perils together with all the elect and chosen Amen A deuout Prayer O My Lord Iesu with al my mind with all my might I do laude thee and praise thée for thine innumerable benefites which thou hast shewed vnto mee heretofore and shewest daily but alas good Lord sure I am of this that I cannot praise thée as I would and as my dutie requireth wherefore I méekely beséech thee both to accept this my bounden dutie and seruice and also to supplie and fulfill mine insufficiencie so that thy absolute righteousnesse and obedience may for mee be acceptable before thy father and may to mee and in me bee comfortable to my soule O swéete Iesu I loue thée as my God my maker and my redéemer what though I loue thee not so feruently as I ought to doe yet I humbly beséech thée to accept me according to that I haue and not according to that I haue not and the rather because that I haue is thine which I pray thée so to acknowledge and daylie more and more increase that my peace in hee and loue towards thée may more and more abound O sweete Sauiour heare me here●● euen so be it The complaint of a penitent sinner which is sore troubled and ouercome with sinnes O Lord God mercifull and patient and of much mercifulnesse and truth which of thy abundant charitie and according to thy great mercie hast taken vs out from the power of darknes and hast saued vs by the fountaine of regeneration and new birth and the renewing of the holy Ghost whom thou hast shed vpon vs aboundantly by Iesus Christ our Sauiour If I haue found grace and fauour in thy sight suffer me to speake a word vnto thée and be not displeased with me Why dost thou euer forget me and leauest me in the midst of my troubles and evils Where is become thy zeale and strength where is the multitude of thy tender affections and of thy mercies O Lorde may not hee which is fallen rise vp againe Or may not hee which hath gone away from thee returne vnto thée againe Shall my sorrow ●●er indure shall my ●ound be vncurable and neuer healed How commeth it to passe that I still turne away from thee surely Satans malice and mine owne corruption carie me violently But stay me O Lord and turne me yea cause me to turne for of my selfe I cannot returne In asmuch as it is not giuen to man to direct his 〈…〉 wayes neither to 〈◊〉 perfect his owne proceedings For in thy hand is the life of euery liuing thing and the spirit also of euery man Thou shewest thy mercy to whom thou wilt and thou art gracious to them whom thou fauourest Thou doest kill and thou doest quicken thou leadest downe to Hell gate and bringest vp againe Thy eyes beholde the wayes of euery man and thou searchest the hearts of men There is no place so secret or darke wherein sins may hide themselues from thee Nor any man may so lurke and hide themselfe in Caues but thou shalt sée him which doest fulfill both heauen and earth in euery pa●t Why hast thou cast me away from thy presence and ●●est me for thine enemie Why hast thou layd vpon my head the heauie weight of my sinnes séeing no man is able to beare thy displeasure What meaneth it that thou shewest thy power against a wretch why destroyest thou me for the sins of my youth If I haue sinned what shall I doe to thée and if my sins be encreased what shall I doe If I do iustly what shal I giue to thée or what shalt thou receiue a● my hand My wickednesse shall hurt my selfe and my righteousnesse shall not profit me The life of man is a temptation vpon the earth and if I haue sinned as all m●● ha●e what may I 〈◊〉 ●hall 〈◊〉 man be found 〈…〉 without sinne 〈…〉 or shall any man 〈◊〉 withou● fault in his deedes How may a mortall m●● be pure of sinne in thy sight or how may hee which is borne of a woman be righteous Remember O Lord I beseech thee that thou hast made me of the earth and that thou shalt bring mee againe into the ●ust of death My dayes pa●● and v●nish away like 〈…〉 waste daily there is no ta●ying My life flieth as the winde and considereth not that which is good I was but lately borne in this world and shortly I shall be taken away hence by death I neuer continue still in one state The dayes of my life bee few and short thou hast appoynted an end which I shall not passe Naked and bare I came out of my mothers wombe and naked and bare I shall returne againe truly all men liuing are but vanitie Haue pitie O Lord on them that are in miserie and despise not the workes of thy hands Though we sin yet are we vnder thée for we know thy power and strength and if we sinne not then are we sure that thou regardest vs. Cease thy indignation O Lord and turne it from mee and cast all my ●●nes behind thy backe Take away thy plagues from mee for thy punishment hath made mee both feeble and faint For when thou chastisest a man for his sinnes thou causest him by and by to consume and pine away Whatsoeuer is delectable in him perisheth like vnto the cloth that is eaten with moaths Would God I had one 〈◊〉 defend me a while vntill thy anger were turned away or that thou wouldest remember me I am cleane cast away from thy presence shall I neuer hereafter see thy face againe Beholde I haue opened the griefs of my soule the day of my sorrowes haue taken me The flouds of tribulation compasse mee round about and the streames of thy fury run ouer me And I cry vnto thée O Lord God but thou hearest me not I aske mercie but thou reiectest my prayers Why thrustest thou downe a poore wretch from thy presence or why forsakest thou mee so longe time Why takest thou not away mine in●●uitie and why puttest th●● not away the wickednesse of my heart Arise and tary no longer O Lord arise and reiect me not for euer Haue mee in remembrance I beséech thée for I throughlie tremble and shake for feare Yet will I not holde my tongue but cry stil vnto thée with a mourning and an heauie hear● Turne away the stroke of thy ve●●eance from me and bring my 〈◊〉 out of troubles into rest I am here no long continuer but a pilgrime and a stranger as all other mortall men be And what is man that thou shouldest bee angrie with him or what is mankinde that thou shouldest bee so heauie Lord vnto vs What wilt thou bring sorrow vppon sorrow I pant for paine and finde no rest My sorrow grieueth me when I should eate and sodaine sighes ouerwhelme my heart I am as
if my bones were all to broken when I heare my enemies raile vpon me and say to mee day by day where is thy God Why turnest thou thy face from these thinges O Lord why hast thou no regard of my trouble I earnestly make my prayers daily in thy sight and the heauines of my hart I doe shew vnto thée My spirit is carefull and troubled within mee and desperation hath entred into my heart Is it thy pleasure O Lord God to cast away thine own handie workes Deliuer my soule from ●●rruption and my life from euerlasting darknes What auaileth it mee that euer I was borne if thou cast mee straight into damnation séeing that the dead shall not praise thée nor any of them which go down to hell I haue sinned what shal I doe to thée why hast thou put me to be contrarie to thée I am wearie of mine owne selfe Why searchest thou out my sinnes so narrowly when there is no man that can escape out of thy hands If I would say that I were righteous and without sinne then thou mightest worthily condemne me to the fire prepared for the diuell and his angels But I confesse that I am a sinner and doe humble my selfe here in thy sight Surely if a man would ●●and with thee in iudgement he shall not bee able to answere one word to a thousand things wherewith thou mightest charge him This maketh me to feare all my deedes knowing that thou sparest not him that offendeth If I looke vppon thy power O how mightie and strong art thou If I shall call for iudgement who shall defend my matter or speake for me To thee O Lord I call and crie to thee my God I make my humble sute Turne away thine anger from mee that I may know that thou art more mercifull to mee than my sinnes deserue What is my strength that I may endure or what is the ende of my trouble that my soule may patiently abide it My strength is not a stony strength and my flesh is not made of brasse There is no helpe in my selfe and also my strength flieth away from me Although thou hide these things in my heart yet I know that thou wilt remember me at length For thou art true and iust O Lord God thou doest not condemne vniustly which rewardest man according to his deserts All this is come vnto me because I haue forgotten thee and not vsed my selfe truely in thy testimonies My heart hath turned backeward and I haue followed the desires of my flesh And thou hast surely knowne this thing which knowest the secrets of the heart Lay not against mee O Lord the sinnes of my youth nor haue in remembrance my old iniuries done against thee Daily sorrow ●●commeth me and sadnes possesseth my heart I looke after peace but I cannot haue it I looke for a time of health but my griefe continueth still When the time of thine anger is past let mercie come yet am I vnhappie more and more Woe and alas that euer I sinned my heart therefore mourneth and is sad al mirth and ioy is vanished from me How am I wasted how miserably am I confounded because I haue forsaken and cast away thy law Death hath ascended by the windowes pearcing the inward parts of my heart W●●● I daily one while must secretly with my selfe another while with loud voyce crye out and complaine the meane time my life draweth néere to the pit Who shall giue mee a place to rest in from all my griefts and troubles And I will forsake all men and get away from them Who shall giue me water to my head and a fountaine of teares to mine eyes that I may bewaile my sinnes both night and day And I will looke for him which may saue me and deliuer me from the wrath to come I haue no trust neither in life nor death but I feare thy iudgement O Lord and the paines prepared for sinners The feare of my sinne maketh mee carefull and the burden of my conscience oppresseth me sore O God which tenderly louest mankind and art a most righteous Iudge s●are mee now I beséech mee and shewe mee some fauour while time is Forgiue that which I feare put away that which I dread before I depart hence and shall not returne againe My sinnes doe vexe and trouble mee sore they bee so great that none can be greater Alas my fall alas my miserie alas the griefe of my plague and stroke certainly my sinne is the cause of all this and so I will take it and suffer it A Psalme in which he giueth thankes to God that his enemies haue not gotten the vpper hand of him I Wil magnifie and praise thee O Lord God for thou hast exalted me and set me vp and mine enemies haue not gotten the vpper hand of me O Lord of ho●● I haue cried vnto thee and thou hast saued me Th●●●ast brought my soule out of hell thou hast holden mee vp from falling into the déepe Lake from whence no man returneth Thou hast not closed me vp in the hands of mine enemies but thou hast set my féete in a place both wide and broade I haue sought thée and thou hast heard mee thou hast brought me into libertie out of great distresse Thou ha●●●urned my sorrowe into 〈…〉 hast ceased my mourning and compassed mee round about with mirth Thou hast declared thy great magnificence in helping thy seruant Thou hast ●●ne meruailously with me in my miseries Thou hast regarded the ●●ne of the poore thou hast not turned away thy face from me I will bee singing and speaking of thy mercies and I will publish to other thy fidelitie and truth so long as I shall liue My mouth shall neuer cease to speake of thy righteousnes and of thy benefits which be so many that I cannot number them But I will giue thee thankes till death take mee away I will sing in the praise of thée so long as I shall continue I will triumph and reioyce in thy mercie for thou hast looked vpon my necessities and regarded my soule in distresse Thou hast béene my sure refuge and the strength of my trust and hope I thanke thee Lorde of thy goodnesse alway and for thy excéeding mercie Thou hast béen my com●or●●n the time of my trouble thou hast been merciful vnto me O Lord and hast reuenged the wronges that mine enemies haue done to me According to the multitude of the heauie thoughts that I had in my minde thy comforts haue cheared and lightned my heart Thou hast sent me now ioyes for the dayes wherein I was in sorrowe and for the yeares in which I suffered many a painefull storme Thou hast called to remembrance the rebuke that thy seruant hath beene put to and how furiously mine enemies haue persecuted me O Lord God of hosts who may bee compared vnto thée thou art great and greatly to be praised Thou art high vpon all 〈◊〉 earth thou art exalted fa● 〈◊〉 all gods ●●orie and