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A09026 The grounds of diuinitie plainely discouering the mysteries of Christian religion, propounded familiarly in diuers questions and answeres: substantially proued by scriptures; expounded faithfully, according to the writings of the best diuines, and euidently applyed by profitable vses, for the helpe and benefite of the vnlearned which desire knowledge. To the which is prefixed a very profitable treatise, containing an exhortation to the study of the word, with singular directions for the hearing and reading of the same. By Elnathan Parr minister of the word, at Palgraue in Suffolke.; Grounds of divinitie. Parr, Elnathan, d. 1622. 1614 (1614) STC 19314; ESTC S103147 128,560 328

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yet was a reprobate These may be necessary partes of Discipline enioyned to sinners to testifie their repentance as in ancient times but the essentiall parts of repentance are perpetually mortification of the olde man and viuification of the new If you shall desire to know the maner how God works repentance vnderstand that first by preaching of the Law and sometimes by crosses punishments c. the conscience is terrified for sinne and is sorrowfull but in a worldly manner for feare of wrath for the Law can worke no otherwise Then by the promise of the Gospel the conscience is chéered through the gift of GOD in assurance of mercy the sense whereof bréeds an other sorrow different from that wrought by the Law called godly Sorrow which is when we are grieued for sinne not so much because of the wrath following as because thereby we haue offended so gratious a father and then followes repentance which is a changing of the heart and purpose vnto a continuall care and indeuour to hate all euill 2. Cor. 7.10 and to auoyd it to loue all goodnes and to follow it So that repentance properly is the effect of the Gospel not of the Law though the Law be necessary to prepare vs thereunto And hence we say it is an effect of Faith which purifies the heart Concerning the practise of repentance Sée the Booke called the Nature and Practise of Repentance written by our worthy Maister Perkins Vse 1. Beware of a wonderfull subtilty of the Diuell whereby he carries multitudes to hell which is when men and women are perswaded that if they can sigh sorrow and wéep for their sins that then they truly repent When Ahab and Iudas did thus much and yet frie in hell There is a sorrow caused by the Lawe which may bee in a Reprobate whose sorrow is like vnto the sorrow of a thiefe and whose teares are whoorish teares for as these being taken in the maner many times hang downe their heads and wéepe and waile for feare of the present punishment which when it is ouer they returne to their former courses their hearts not being changed so many grieue by the preaching of the Lawe and yet their hearts remaine as corrupt and as willing if it were not for the Lawe to sinne as euer before whereas the Godly Sorrow which commeth from the Gospel changeth the very inclination and purpose of the heart to hate sinne and loue goodnes and to continue increasing in such grace though there were no Law to condemne nor hell to torment 2. Cor. 7.11 c. Examine then thy repentance hereby and by the notes Vse 2. Remember that the summe of of a Christians duty is to Eschew euill Psal 34.14 Esa 1.16.17 and to do good and deceiue not thy selfe with those same halfe Christians whose furthest obedience is to kéepe themselues not vnspotted for they regard not spots but vndetected of grosse euils such for the which men are carried to the Iayle who though they abound with small faults as they tearme them hauing prophane hearts and destitute of loue to the truth and do no good thinke themselues among the forwardest of such who shall be saued But soft the first step to heauen in the practise of obedience is to depart from euill but he that sets but one step and that an ill-fauoured one too is neuer like to come there mend that step and depart from all euill and step againe doing the good and so walk on then the reward is thine If thou holdest not vp thy hands to any strange God but if thou worshippest not the true God thou canst not be saued If thou plowest not and goest not to cart on the Sabaoth day it is well but if thou doest not the duties of the Sabaoth in the publique and priuate worship of God thou maist be damned As therefore we doe not content our selues that no wéeds be in our Gardens vnlesse there bée good Hearbes and Flowers so we must not onely be void of euill but filled also with the fruits of righteousnesse Phil. 3.11 being not priuatiue onely but positiue Christians But alasse what then shall become of them which haue not yet learned to set the first stép to leaue their Drunkennesse Swearing Lying Whooredome how farre are these from true Christians How farre from Heauen How néere to Hell c. Vse 3. Note that Repentance and true conuersion is a worke of great difficulty for sinne cleaues so fast vnto vs sitting as close as our skinne and is so familiar to our nature that till God perswade the heart by the worke of his Spirit it is as easie a matter to perswade a man to leaue his sinnes as to get him to endure his eyes to be pluckt out of his head and his limbes to be torne from his body Therefore called Mortification and crucifying the flesh with the lusts c. It is not a sigh and away and now and then a few sorrowfull words will serue the turne No sinne is impudent and will neuer out till it be kild and cast out If thou makest account that Repentance is an easie worke thou hast not yet repented as thou shouldst do Go to Remember thou must mortifie sinne and destroy it It is a Serpent in thy bosome kill or be kild if thou kilst not it it will kill thée euen thy Soule c. Q. What is the measure of sanctification which we attaine to in this life Ans This grace is not perfectly finished in this life Rom. 7.18 19. 1. Cor. 13.9.12 Phil. 3.13 but here it is only in part Expl. There are two sorts of benefites which we receiue by Christ One of such which are out of our selues as Redemption Iustification Another of such which are in vs as Sanctification Conuersion The first sort are perfected in this life as Now we are the sonnes of God So now wee are elected 1. Ioh. 3.1.2 iustified redeemed The second are not perfected in all their degrées but onely begun Wee are perfectly redeemed vnderstand in regard of the price for we looke for the redemption of our bodies We are perfectly iustified in regard of Christs righteousnesse and the sentence for we pray for more féeling of it and these shall bée more fully declared at the last day We are imperfectly sanctified there remaining euen in the best a great deale of corruption which lusteth against the Spirit and often maketh them bitterly to mourne as in the example of Paul Vse 1. Our sanctification cannot iustifie vs Rom. 7. because imperfect Vse 2. The life of a godly man is a continuall repenting to his dying day As a man that buyes an old house is alwayes mending so the true Christian because he discouers alwaies new corruptions is alwaies mourning repairing and mending somwhat Do with thy conscience as women do in dressing vp their houses they swéepe and rub and brush euery day because euery thing gathereth dust and euer and anon they are renewing
deliuered foin the power of darknesse where the word signifieth by fine force to deliuer or plucke away Euen as Dauid pulled the Lambe out of the Beares mouth so hath Christ by his Almighty power reskued vs out of the mouth of the Roaring Lyon So also hée hath destroyed the deuill Heb. 2.14 not by abolishing his substance but by weakening his power as the word there importeth Christ then payeth his Bloud as a price to his Father and so forcibly deliuereth vs from the deuill Who hath the power of death as the Hang-man hath the power of the Gallowes not absolute but by commission from God for the tormenting of the wicked This Redemption wée speake of is so the worke of God that wée exclude all creatures from any power or possibility of redéeming vs. Psal 49.7 And wée acknowledge it to bée the worke of the whole Trinity deliuering vs in the person of the Sonne who redéemeth vs by his Merite and by his Efficacy by his Merite deseruing Redemption for vs by his Efficacy effectually applying it vnto vs by his Spirit through Faith Vse First héere wée may sée the wonderfull misery in the which wée are all till wée haue our part in the Eternall Redemption purchased for vs by Iesus Christ For first we are vnder the power of sinne and the tiranny of the deuill very Bond-slaues more miserable then euer were the poore Iraelites in Egypt or now are the poore Christians vnder the Turke for the bondage of these is onely bodily ours more bodily and spirituall also our bodies and very Spirits being subiect to obey his filthy will in all things Ephe. 2.2 Secondly we are all our life time in feare of death euen as is the case of one condemned to the Gallowes hee alwaies trembles and quakes at the approach and remembrance of the houre of his execution So wee if God make vs sensible of our estate in regard of sinne are alwaies haunted with the terrours of an euill conscience as with Furies and Fiends of hel as Caine Saul Iudas Thurdly wee are fire-brands of hell subiect to eternall condemnation for our sinnes c. This is our misery which who so vnderstandeth not nor considereth he neuer esteemeth this wonderfull mercy of God in redeeming of vs as he ought For as hee that supposeth himselfe to bee mortally sicke highly reckoneth of the Phisition which cureth him and he which is troubled but with some light infirmity not so Euen so to him to him onely is the tydings of the Gospell welcome the Promise sweete the Bloud of Christ vnualuable the Loue of God vnspeakeable yea without measure and passing all knowledge which seeth his misery and seeleth his heart wrung with the fetters and bolts of sinne and which considereth of those eternall torments due to the same Vse 2. Here we ought also to consider of the Price whereby wee are ransomed and of the exceeding Loue of God For the Price it was neither gold nor siluer nor any corruptible thing but the pretious Bloud of the Lambe vnspotted Iesus Christ Marke thou which readest 1. Pet. 1.18 19. It cost the very Heart Bloud of Iesus the Sonne of God who was without sinne to saue thee a vile wretch from eternall damnation which thou deseruest by thy sinnes The Loue of God herein appeared to be most wonderfull in that he spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him to death euen for vs and in our stead who were not his friends but his very enemies See what loue the Father hath shewed Rom. 6.7.8 that thou an Imp of the deuill by sinne shouldst haue the Bloud of Gods owne Sonne shed to make thee his son or daughter Let me speake vnto thee in the words of Ezra Ez. 9.13.14 which words he spake from the occasion of a meaner deliuerance Seeing God hath kept thee from being beneath for thine iniquities and hath granted thee such deliuerance shouldst thou continue in sinne shouldst thou rebell and returne to breake the Commandement of such so mercifull a God by drunkennesse blasphemy lying pride whoredome or any profanenesse Shouldest thou despise the Saboaths Word Sacraments Bloud of such a Sauiour Shouldest thou refuse to sacrifice thy Body and Soule to his glory that refused not to sacrifice his precious life for thy Saluation Shouldest thou be a Niggard of thy duty to him yea of thy best bloud who was prodigall to expend and shed his Bloud to redeeme thee Now God forbid Luk. 1.74.75 Tit. 2.14.15 c. Nay this inexcusably bindeth vs all to all thankefulnesse and true obedience Quest But you said that Man was created according to the Image of God in a most holy and happy estate how then comes bee to stand in need of a Redeemer Ans I beleeue that Adam and Eue being created by God according to his Image in singular happinesse and placed in Paradise did notwithstanding willingly and by the enticement of the diuell fall away transgressing Gods commandement giuen vnto them and so made themselues and their posteritie Gen. chap. 2. and 3. subiect both to sinne and death the wages of the same Expli Though it be farre better to indeuoure to come out of the misery we are in then curiously to inquire how wée came into the same yet because many necessary points depend on this and wee neuer séeke the heauenly Physition till we vnderstand and féele our disease and the danger Therefore it is necessary that wee should haue some good measure of knowledge hereof Which we shall attaine if we consider these two things First what Adams state was in his Innocency and vpon what conditions it did stand Secondly the manner of his fall We will héere intreate of his happinesse Genes 3. and the conditions thereof The happines of our first parents may bee referred to these heads First that they were created in the Image of God together with the manner of their creation but of this before Secondly that they were placed in the Garden of Eden translated by the Septuagint Paradise and commonly so called because it was a place of singular delight and pleasure Gene. 2.9 to 15. a most pleasant place in regarde both of the variety of all pleasant fruits the Trées also of knowledge and life in the middest thereof and also in regard of the pretious riuers watering the same Vnto this our Sauiour alludeth when he saith to the Thiefe This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise not that Paradise wherein Adam was put which was defaced in the flood but Heauen so called for the happinesse ioy and riuers of pleasure which are there for euermore Thirdly the happines of our first parents is set downe from their fréedome from all things which might hurt their bodies or disturbe their mindes They were both naked and were not ashamed Gen. 2.25 They were naked Hereby is signified that their bodies had a kinde of Impassibilitie so that though they were neither hairy nor woolly
which also afterwards will breake out into the second act in time to come Euen as therefore we kill an old Wolfe or Snake for the hurt it hath done or is ready now to do and also all the yong ones for the hurtfull nature they haue which in time will shew it selfe So God may iustly cast euen Infants into Hell for the corruption of their nature and will all such of them which he hath not by election of grace ordained to eternall life Vse 2. Seing there is in euery one an inclination through corruption vnto all sinne euen that vnpardonable one then if thou haue receiued grace and power to maister thy corruptions acknowledge him who hath discerned thée and when thou séest a Drunkard or any other sinner wallowing in his sinne praise God for thou art of the same Mould and Mettall and if thou doest not the like it is not the goodnesse of thy nature but the mercy of God restraining or sanctifying thy corrupt heart Also let it teach thée not to despaire of thy neighbour or rashly to condemne him that yet hath not obtained grace For as thou being by nature in the same condemnation hast obtained mercy so what knowest thou how God will deale with him Rather pray for him and endeuour to bring him to the partaking of that grace which thou hast receiued which is indéed a property of true grace Vse 3. This also teacheth a singular point of Wisedome namely in the practise of repentance to strike at the roote to crucifie the flesh and the affections and to destroy the body of Sinne As Physitions which in the curing of a disease remoue the cause or as a man that would destroy Wéeds pluckes them vp Roote and Rinde bend all thy force study and sorrow in repentance first this way For from whence are Drunkennesse Whooredome Idolatry Blasphemy Lying c. euen from this bitter root this vncleane fountaine of Originall sinne 2. Reg. 2.21 As therefore Elisha healed the bitter Waters by seasoning them at the Spring So he that would haue a sound and holy life must labour to be sound within and that his heart be truely seasoned with grace else all is to no purpose And here is the difference betwéen Hypocrites and such as are truly renewed they cut off the branches these the roote they reforme the action these the affection of sinne Therfore as Sara will haue Ismael put away and the Bond-woman his mother also so are we also to put from vs all euill actions and to mortifie euen the affection of sinning if we would soundly repent Q. You speake of Actuall and Originall sinne what is sinne Ans Sinne is the transgression of the Law 1. Ioh. 3.4 Q. What is the Law you speake of Ans The Law which I meane is the eternall Rule of Righteousnesse in God manifested to man first in the Creation afterward repeated by the voyce of God and written in two Tables of stone by the finger of God containing diuine precepts what we should be doe and leaue vndone requiring perfect obedience vnder the hope of life Esay 8.20 Exo. 20.1 c. Psal 19.11 119.105 Leui. 18.5 Deu. 27.27 and punishing the least disobedience with eternal death Exp. The law is taken sundry waies in the Scripture héere we take it for the Morall law contained in the ten Commandements we call it an eternall Rule of righteousnesse in God because it is a bright beame issuing from the Father of Lights containing the summe of his wil concerning his worshiip and the duety of man vnto him and to his neighbour For Gods wil is the rule of all righteousnesse the Law the Copy of it Math. 6.10 and 7.21 therefore obedience of workes is called diuerse times doing of Gods will in his word This Law is an eternall rule because it was alwayes in God and shall for euer continue euen vnto all eternity perfectly to be kept in heauen and also to distinguish it from the Ceremoniall and Iudiciall Lawes which are abrogated The Ceremoniall in regard of Vse and Obseruation and the Iudiciall in regarde of Obligation So that as wee may at no hand bring into vse the Leuiticall Ceremonies so we are not bound to the same forme of Lawes Politicall which were giuen to the Common-wealth of the Iewes And yet the generall equitie of both remaines of the Iudicialls that sinne is to be punished by the Magistrate of the Ceremonialls that God is to bee worshipped in the comelinesse himselfe hath commaunded besides the substance of these Ceremonies which remaines for euer Iesus Christ This Law was at the first printed in Adams heart the knowledge and loue thereof being a part of the Image of God in him A glimmering whereof God in his singular wisedome continued in the heart of man after the fall namely so much as might serue for the continuing of fellowship and society amongst men Rom. and which might leaue them without excuse This remnant we vsually call the Law of Nature not that mans nature is the Author of it but because it is imprinted in the same Afterward the Lord repeated that Law on Mount Sinai and writ it in two tables of stone to conuince the stony hearts of men Quest What are the words of this Law Ans The words of this Law are these Then God spake all these words and said I am the Lord thy God which brought thee c. as it followeth in Exodus chap. 20. from the beginning of the first verse to the end of the sixteenth Expli These tenne Lawes or Lawe Sentences are the ground and rule of all righteousnesse with the which whatsoeuer agréeth is good Whatsoeuer disagréeth is euill containing the generall heads of al duties to God and man which can be required Diuided into two Tables the first containing our duety to God the summe where of is Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart c. The second our duety to our neighbour the summe whereof is Matth. 22.37 38 39. Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Also it is diuided into tenne Precepts The manner of giuing this law was very solemne and terrible Deut. 10.4 Exod. 19. worthy to be often read and marked of all For the meaning of these Commandements these generall Rules are to be obserued First they are to be vnderstood as the Prophets and Apostles haue expounded and taught them Secondly In all affirmatiue Precepts the negatiue and in all negatiue the affirmatiue are to be vnderstood Thirdly the maner of speach is to be obserued as first concerning persons by Thou shalt and shalt not is meant euery one none are exempted Secondly concerning things forbidden or commaunded vnder one particular named all of that nature and kind with the signes causes and effects are vnderstood Fourthly the Lawe is spirituall not onely brideling the hands but the heart and first motions thereof Fiftly No creature can fully sée into the depth of the doctrine and
Psal 19. 119. Secondly to discouer make worse and condemne sinne Thirdly to instruct vs in the true worship of God and to rule our liues Expl. If a man know not the vse of that which he possesseth or haue a Iewell and know not what it is good for it is vnprofitable to him So the Law is good to him which knoweth how to vse it 1. Tim. 1.8 And a man may so vse it that it may bee most hurtfull vnto him as namely if he seeke Iustification by it which is onely by faith in Christ It may not be vsed as a healing Plaister for it hath no such nature but as a Corrasiue that the dead flesh of our proud hearts being eaten out by the sharpenesse of the Law we may be fit to be healed by the Bloud of Christ First therefore the Law serues by the threates of it to restraine vs from sinne and to keep and containe vs in obedience and this is the vse which the Pharisies and Hypocrites make onely of it being indeed proper to the vnregenerate and therefore also dealing with the beleeuers so farre as they are vnregenerate For otherwise as they are spirituall they are a Law to themselues and the Law not put for them they doing of themselues by the guift of Sanctification willingly that which the Law enioynes vnder the penalty of the curse and would also do it though the Law threatned not Euen as a mother loues her child of her olune accord though the Law also require the same Secondly it serues to discouer sinne and to prouoke it and to damne it The first and last of these three being naturall to the Law the second the effect of the law not of it selfe but through our corrupt nature which takes occasion by the Law which is good and forbids euill to bée the worse Now in these respects the Law is said to worke anger Rom. 4.15 1. Cor. 3.7 and to be the ministery of death Thirdly the Law serues for a doctrine to instruct vs not what to do to be iustified but to shew vs wherein stands our duty to God and man and what to do to shew our selues thankefull for our Iustification by Iesus Christ Vse 1. Héere we may take knowledge of the vilenesse of our Nature which is the worse for that for which it should bée the better turning that into death which was ordained for life For euen as a corrupt stomacke turnes good meate into the nature of the disease so till grace come by Christ wée are the worse for the Law longing after that which is forbidden Euen as there was but one Trée forbidden and that must Eue haue or none So is it with vs our corruption iudging stollen waters swéeter then those of our Fountaine For as a Riuer when the course of it is stopt it riseth and swels against the impediment So doth our vile nature against the Law being so much the more euill by how much the more the Law commands vs to be good This should serue excéedingly to humble vs and to séeke for the renouation of the Spirit that wée may loue the Law and obey it For heere is the weakenesse of the Law it shewes that which is good but giues no power to do it But the Gospell teaching vs better then the Law learnes vs ouer the same lesson againe and giues power also to do the same Vse 2. Héere also we sée how necessary the Preaching of the Law is to prepare men for Christ though it haue no skill or power to apply him Euen as the Néedle is necessary to make a way for the thred whereby the rent is sowne vp though it bée the thrid that fastheth the péece together not the Néedle and without the Néedle the Thrid cannot do it Euen so it is the Gospell which blesseth the Conscience with Peace but first the Law must make way for the same For euen as the Land is not fit to receiue the Séede till it bee torne vp with the Plough So neither are wée fit to receiue Grace vnto Life till we being humbled by the Law be made to sée what néede we haue of a Redéemer Of this vse of the Law wée haue example in Dauid 2. Sam. 12.1.15 Act. 2.37 Examine then how thou camest by the perswasion thou hast of grace by Christ if thou wert neuer vnder the hammer of the law and bruised by it thou art not healed by Christ but if thou camest by thy comfort this way after an vnfeigned humiliation by the law and now thou endeuourest and hast respect to all the commandements thereof then thou mayest haue assurance of the goodnesse of thy estate otherwise thou mayest iustly doubt of it Q. Can you perfectly keepe the law Ans I confesse that no man liuing is able to performe that perfect obedience which the law requireth Iames 3.2 Psa 143.2 Expl. Adam in his innocency was able to haue performed perfect obedience to the law both in regard of perfection of parts and also of degrées which in the state of corruption is impossible euen to the regenerate in their owne persons in this life though in the life to come they shall most perfectly fulfill the same in their owne persons when the Image of CHRIST shall perfectly be renewed in them Now if any should say that it is vnméet to thinke that God should punish for the breach of that law which is impossible to be kept It is answered that the law was possible to man as God made him though it be vnpossible as man made himselfe As iustly then as a man may require his debt of him who through his owne vnthriftinesse hath made himselfe vnable to pay it Euen so may God most iustly require that of vs vnto the which he did inable vs though we wantonly haue dis-inabled our selues Wherfore if at any time we read that the Saints are said to be perfect and to kéepe the law it is not to be vnderstood of perfection or obedience legally taken according to the strict rigor of the law but Euangellically or according to the mitigation of the Gospell which is first when the party obeying is in Christ in whom all our imperfections are expiated and our spirituall sacrifices accepted 1. Pet. 2.5 Secondly when the heart is vpright and sincerely affected to all the Commandements of GOD. Thirdly in comparison of others as Noah a perfect and iust man not simply but in his generation as Iudah cals Thamar more righteous though sinfull enough Fourthly when we aime at perfection the Lord in mercy accounting vs not as we are according to the strict rule of his iustice but as we would be through the worke of his Spirit in our hearts If any shall obiect that the workes of the Saints are the workes of the Spirit therefore perfect It is safely answered that if they were the workes of the Spirit alone it were true but they are so the workes of the Spirit that they are our workes
also and sauour of our corruption as pure water is soyled by passing through a filthy channell and good Wine as it were tainted by the fustinesse of the Caske And further our actions are to be reputed such as are the next naturall beginnings in vs from whence they procéed which are an vnderstanding but in part inlightened and will and affections but in part sanctified by the Spirit Vse 1. Trust not in thine own works for though they may be in some respect good yet in other respect they haue euill mingled withall so that thou hast much cause or more when thou hast done thy best to aske pardon for that is wanting then to boast of that thou hast performed c. Vse 2. Perswade thy heart to endeuour to please him with thy best seruice who so graciously is content through Christ to accept of thy weake obedience c. Q. None then can keepe the law what doe they deserue which breake it Ans They which in the least manner breake that holy Law deserue the wrath and curse of God Deu. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 Rom. 2.9 6.23 that is all plagues and iudgements of body and soule in this world and in the world to come Vse 1. If one sinne deserue Hell then what hast thou iust cause to feare who art guilty of innumerable sinnes How shalt thou escape vnder many sinnes when the least sinne is so heauy and heynous that it cannot bee pardoned without the heart bloud of Iesus Christ c. Vse 2. Hate sin which bringeth with it the curse yea all curses and if thy vile nature taketh pleasure in any sinne lay the momentany pleasure thereof with the eternall paine that followeth it and consider wisely Is sinne swéet But Death and the Curse are bitter Couetousnesse Vsury Vncleannesse Drunkennesse Reuenge may please the flesh but knowest thou not that they will bee bitter in the end Wilt thou rather separate thy selfe foreuer from God and be accursed then leaue thy sinnes and walke in the commandements of God Who can dwell with continuall burnings and endure that fire c. Q. Wee are all sinners and deserue the curse what meanes is there to be freed from it Ans Whosoeuer are iustified in the sight of God by the obedience of Christ Rom. Rom. 8.1 Gal. 3.13 through Faith are sure to escape the curse of the Law Q. What is iustification in the sight of God Ans Iustification is the sentence of God whereby as a Iudge for the righteousnesse of another that is of Christ he freely forgiueth the sins of the belieuing sinner Rom. and imputeth the righteousnesse of Christ vnto him for his owne glory and the sinners eternall saluation Expl. For the vnderstanding of this wonderful point it must be very well obserued that Iustification or to Iustifie signifies not to make Iust by expelling the euill quality in vs and infusing that which is good but alwayes in this matter it is taken iudicially being a tearme or word taken from the bench of the Iudge and signifies by way of sentence to pronounce a person arraigned to be cleare quit and guiltlesse as appeares He that iustifies the wicked Pro. 17.15 and condemneth the iust both these are an abhominatiō to the Lord. Here by the opposition of Iustifying and Condemning Psal 14 3.2 Rom. 8.33 c. it is manifest that Iustification is iudicially taken for it is no abhomination to make an euill man good so also is the word taken For the vnderstanding then of the answeres to the two last questions conceiue thus Thou hast broken the Law and art a grieuous sinner Thou must answere it before the iudgement seate of God the sentence of the Law is Thou must bee damned for thy sinnes Thy Conscience askes how thou shalt escape The answer is There is no way vnlesse the Iudges fauour may bee obtained to iustifie thee that is to absolue thée by his sentence Which Iudge who is God from whose sentence there is no appeale if he shall iustifie thée that is pronounce thée to be guiltlesse and Iust and so acquite thée then thy Conscience hath Peace Vse 1 Diligently study this point which is the chiefe Tower as it were of Christian Religion against all Gentilisme and Superstitions Which if it be not rightly vnderstood it is not possible to preserue the purity of doctrine in other points Yea some Papists haue confessed and it is most true that this doctrine Pighius razeth the very foundation of all Popery their Idolatrous Sacrifice of the Masse their groundlesse Purgatory their superstitious praying to Saints and for the dead c. Being no more able to stand before this doctrine sincerely taught vnderstood then the Dagon of the Philistins was able to stand before the holy Arke of Israel This is the summe of the Bible the ground of our peace and assurance It were therefore a very grosse thing that any Christians of the yeares of discretion should be ignorant hereof Vse 2. It is the greatest and hardest matter in the world for a sinner to be iustified in the sight of God Many thinke it to be a slight and easie thing and therfore they neither feare him nor seriously séeke forgiuenesse But consider thou that thou must be arraigned and tried before the iudgement seat of that God who is a consuming fire in whose sight the Heauens are vncleane who will not fauour iniquity who cannot be deluded or deceiued who cannot retract and reuerse the sentence of condemnation manifest in the law without satisfaction for the law accusing sheweth that sentence already written with the finger of God thy conscience confesseth all Consider this and then tell me what it is to be Iustified How shalt thou escape Euen Dauid a man beloued of God and after his owne heart when hee considereth this crieth out Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for in thy fight shall no flesh be iustified And againe If thou shalt marke iniquities who shall stand namely in iudgement What then canst thou say why thou shouldst not be damnned What shall thy conscience plead Guilty thou art and God must deale iustly To whom wilt thou go We will go euen to Iesus Christ our Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world Iehouah our righteousnesse our surety who hath perfectly fulfilled the Law for vs and fully paid and patiently suffered all things which can be exacted of vs or were to be suffered by vs. Whose righteousnesse is ours if we beléeue euen as effectually as if it had béene done in our owne persons and for this onely is a sinner iustified that is pronounced to be iust before God This if thou know it happy arte thou if thou féele it c. Quest You said that wee are instified by the righteousnesse of another How can that be Can I liue by another mans Soule or be learned by the learning that is in an other Ans I verely beleeue that
hath added them to giue vs greater assurance euen as a Seale to a Writing makes it more Authenticall The Essentiall parts of a Sacrament are either outward or inward The outward hath the signe with the Ceremony ordained and the Word As in Baptisme the outward signe is Water the Ceremony is the sprinkling The word is the word of Institution and Promise Baptise them c. Whosoeuer beleeueth and is Baptized shall be saued Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.16 And the distinct pronouncing in the Mother Tongue of this forme I Baptise thee in or into the Name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost The meaning whereof is thus much That the name of the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost being called vpon the Person Baptized is through forgiuenesse of sinnes receiued into the fauour of God who is Father Soune and Holy Ghost and Adopted Receiued Sealed Initiated and Consecrated into the proper Goods Right Family Couenant Grace Worship Religion Faith and Fellowship of the Father Sonne and Holy Ghost God one in Essence thrée in Persons to liue wholly according to his Will The inward matter is the thing signified which is both the Bloud and Spirit of Christ and our Incision and Grafting and Incorporation into him by the Holy Ghost with all benefites following As imputation of Christs Righteousnesse Remission of sinnes Adoption Receiuing into the Communion of Saints Regeneration c. For as the Water washeth the filthinesse of the body so the Bloud of Christ washeth away our spirituall filthinesse through the Spirit which Spirit makes vs fruitfull in good workes and abateth our defires of earthly things euen as water maketh things fruitfull and quencheth bodily thirst And this so surely in regard of the true and Mysticall vnion of the Signe and Things signified by the bond of Faith that for our assurance the worke of the Spirit is often attributed to the Signe as Baptisme regenerateth and saueth because such is the relation and vnion of the Signe and the grace signified thereby in regard of the truth of God on the one side offering and faith on the other side receiuing that whosoeuer beléeueth may as verily be assured of receiuing the thing signified in his soule as he is made partaker of the signe in his body Vse 1. In as much as the Sacraments are Significations and Seales of such excellent things they are with all reuerence to be handled and estéemed euen as meanes which exhibite to vs and confirme the best blessings of God In regard therefore of their vse by institution they are things vnualuable though in regard of that which is subiect to the eye they bée of little price Estéeme then not according to their outward valew but according to the blessing annexed in their lawfull vse and looke more vnto the gift then the meanes or manner of giuing For God measureth our contempt or irreuerence in the Sacraments not according to the worth of the Elements but according to the benefite offered in and by them As the thing wherein Adam transgressed was but an Apple but the manner of sinning euen in that Apple was most heynous As therefore men estéeme of their Euidences not according to the value of the Paper and Waxe but according to their vse So are we to consider of the Sacraments The Water in Baptisme and the Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper are but small matters Yet no Bread or Wine in the world none the most precious water that is or can be distilled though a drop were worth a Kingdome may be compared vnto these but in the like vse Adamah and Pharphar Riuers of Damascus fairer then Iordan yet cannot cleanse the leprosy So there are many waters which comfort the heart but none but this cleanseth the soule saueth it Wherefore all Ministers Parents and People are reuerently to cary themselues in or at the administration of the holy Sacrament of Baptisme and if they slightly reckon thereof as in too many places is vsed they are to be reproued as heinously guilty before God Vse 2. Thankefully receiue the holy things of God for the confirmation of thy faith for though not in themselues yet by Institution they haue singular vertue hereunto I am perswaded we often want comfort because we do not wisely vse the Sacraments to their vse for the which they were appointed Wherefore doubtest thou or wantest thou comfort Remember thy Baptisme as Dauid when he went to fight against Goliah incouraged himselfe by his Circumcision and go with confidence to the Lords Table the Lord will be present with his owne Ordinance he is able to make them effectuall and cannot faile by them to conuey comfort and assurance to thée if thou canst do him this honour as to beléeue that he is able and true to fulfill all his Word For God is faithfull and all his promises are sure and as Bernard said Neither doth his Word differ from his Meaning because he is all Truth nor his Deed from his Word because hee is all Power and Strength c. Vse 3. Art thou baptized then know that thou art bound ouer to all manner of obedience to God and to the continuall practise of Repentance which if thou dost not Rom. 2.25 26. thy baptisme is voyd God promiseth in Baptisme to be our God but not so to be though we liue as we list but we for our parts promise also to renounce the Diuell the World and the Flesh and to serue him Kéep thou thy part and be sure the Lord will not faile to kéepe all his couenants on his part But wholely breake thou thy promise and thou shalt neuer taste of the good blessings of GOD promised to thée There is nothing more profitable then Baptisme yet it profited not Simon Magus because he wanted the inuisible washing of the Spirit therefore if thou wouldst make the best profite of thy baptisme walke then in all holy obedience and vnfainedly repent of thy sinnes yea thou arte bound vnto it Euen as the Souldier by his preast money to serue in the warres so thou by this holy marke and character which thou hast receiued of God art bound to his seruice Thou hast solemnely before God his holy Angels and Saints protested as much so as thou must néedes be guilty of treacherous falshood if thou performest it not Men thinke their words binds them to men and Herod séemes to make conscience of an vnlawfull oath make thou conscience much more of thy oth to God the breaking whereof bringeth vpon thy soule an eternall guilt Shalt thou by thy sinnes blot out the stampe of God which thou hast receiued Shalt thou vow seruice to GOD and be the Diuells slaue Hast thou Gods marke in thy fore-head and the diuels in thy heart and life Dost thou receiue the badge of a Christian and liuest like an Infidell Thy Baptisme shall not saue thée but condemne thée rather for thy sinnes are the greater euen as Balthasars drunken feastings were