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A06800 The sicke-mans comfort against death and the deuill, the law and sinne, the wrath and iudgement of God. Translated out of Frenche into English, by I.E.; Consolation et instruction aux malades contre l'appréhension. English. L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597.; Eliot, John. 1590 (1590) STC 17238; ESTC S119213 84,176 220

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to make but a mockerye of the other To be short what meanes so euer he hath vsed to catch vs like wilye and craftie foxes wee haue kept our selues stil aloofe off him Likewise wee were his vyneyarde wherein he tooke all his delight wherein he spared no cost to prune and trymme and to bring it to all perfection He had planted in it a passing good young Uine made it cleane cast a ditch about it hedged and enclosed it on euery side hoping to haue some good fruite in due season but alas he is greatly disapointed for wheras we should bring him foorth good raisons we haue brought foorth nothing but wilde and sower grapes doing all that wee could to make him cut vs off from the stocke of his vine and like olde and withered vyne branches to cast vs an hundred and an hundred times into the fire to be burned for euer And what is the reason likewise that being barren and fruteles trees in these acceptable dayes and season of our saluation as the Prophet sayeth Iesus Christ finding no fruite in vs hath not cursed vs the same houre that he did the withered figg tree for how should we be able to excuse this sterilitie and barrennesse were not we planted along the cleare currants of the riuers of the word of God by the which we were daily watered and yet haue we brought foorth no more fruite than bryers that growe vpon heathes or thornes that growe in hedges And seeing that the Axe is layde to the roote of the tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite who is he that hath saued vs from being cut vp by the roote and from being cast into the fire of Hell to be burned there for euer Wee cannot denye but we haue béen as vnprofitable straw and that often times we haue laide nothing but stubble and strawe vppon the pretious foundation of our selues and of the Church Who letted then that we had not beene carried away cleane with the winde and that the fire had not consumed vs and all our building The Prophets they reproched Iuda for that shee had iustified her sister by her licentiousnes a dissolutions vnto the which shee had abandoned her selfe more than her sister had But wee may well confesse that we haue iustified them both for what kinde of wickednes haue wee omitted or forgot to put in practise as impieties blasphemies prophanation of the true and sincere seruice of God contempt of his worde iniustice oppression violence rebellion disobedience hatred enuie murder fornicatiō whordome detraction haue they not and do they not still raigne amongest vs If we may iudge the goodnes of the earth by the good fruits that it bringeth forth being well filled and well watered by rayne from heauen what maye wee iudge to the contrarie of that which hath had all costes both trimming tilling watering and abundant and infinite of blessings from aboue from the father of lightes and yet bringeth foorth nothing but nettles thornes and thistles What endeuour haue we done or what duitie or diligence haue we shewed I doe not saye of children seruaunts or friendes as we are accounted and as we ought to be but I meane of the least and simplest creatures that are in the worlde the which contains themselues euerye one in the obedience of their Creatour neuer changing their ranke and place wherein he hath appointed them to be and neuer being awearie to doe and execute his will and commaundement Our fathers haue seene and wee also haue seene after them that the heauen the Suune the Moone the starres the Elements all liuing creatures the plants and trees haue contained themselues within the compasse that God limitted them after their creation kept the same measure in their diocesses in al their goings and moouings that God had giuen them to obserue neuer going out of their rankes nor troubling the order that God had appointed in the vniuersall world But men haue béen irregular heteroclites and nowe we are more than euer before and that which is worse than all the rest we see manye at this present day who to fil vp the measure of all their other wickednes adde therunto a certein impudencie shamelesnes stopping their eares at all good lessons shewing in all their behauiour gesture the very shameles forhead of an impudent harlot Where is become at this day among sinners that shamefastnes confusiō that was seen in Danie●… Wher is the poore Publican that durst not cast his eyes vp to heauen for shame he had so offended his good God What is become of that floud of teares that distilled frō Marie Magdalen that suffised to wash the feet of our Sauiour Christ Where are these eyes now turned into fountaines of waters as were those o●… the Prophet Ieremie bewayling the sinnes miseries that are in this world Where is the bitternesse of heart wherwith S. Peter was seised so soone as hee remembred his owne sinne Where is that compunction and sorrow that the people shewed to haue after the good lesson that S. Peter gaue them concerning his wicked consenting to the death of our Sauiour Iesus Christ to satisfie the appetite and enuie of the Sacrificatours Where is that sorrowe and inward griefe of heart wherewith Dauid was so sore disquieted in minde when he groning and sighing saide I fainted in my mourning I make my bed euerie night to swimme and water my couch with teares And in another place saying I knowe mine iniquities and my sinne is alwaies before mee Where is become the sackcloth and ashes wherewith the Niniuites did shewe their repentance to be sincere and vnfained by the which they shall without all doubt condemne at the day of iudgement all this masq●…ed ra●…le of Penitents which we may daily see in I●…alie in A●…ignon Where may one of them be found at this day that for the great heauinesse displeasure that they take to haue offended God pull their haire and rent their beard frō their chinne as the Prophets required in their time of those that they exhorted to repentance to turne awaye the displeasure of God from them when they were threatened and to appaise it when they were punished Where shal we finde one whose soule is pearced with such sorrow and heauines whose heart is humbled and brought so lowe as the Prophet Ioel requireth with a conscience almost desolate and comfortles with a deepe displeasure void●… of all dissimulation and hypocrisie presenting himselfe before the maiestie of God to make him a true confession of his sinnes and in all humilitie to beseech and require his mercie and pardon Hereby may we perceiue what is the hardnes contumacie of our hearts the little feeling we haue of our sins the little feare we haue to offend God the little loue and reuerence wee shewe vnto him and the little obedience and homage that wee yeelde vnto him And
fountaine of life of all felicitie might proceede any miserie or affilction wherin they were not deceiued but in this onely that from a good Maxime they drewe a naughtie conclusion For in trueth the good in so high degree as God is that is to saye soueraigne and infinite cannot produce any euill no more than fire can any thing that is colde light darknen or life death And the reason is because God after that he had created the world and all that therein is contained considered throughly all the workemanship of his hands beare witnes that they were all perfect good And this is not simply to be vnderstood of all things that God created and made but it extendeth also to all things that God doth without any exception For séeing that God is alwayes like to himselfe and that in him as Saint Iames sayth there is no changing at all no not the least shadowe of alteration and as his bountie is eternall so at all times can it produce nothing but good workes and doe those things that are good And this is the reason which he gaue aunswering by his Prophet to the people who complained of the grieuous calamities that did ouerpresse them that he was by no meanes the causer thereof as for him he onely had procured their benefit and safegard but that they were cause of their owne ruine and of all the desolatiōs that happened to them in their countrey For as the fire kindleth but fire and other things semblably do produce things of their own qualitie and nature alike so doeth God to from whom can proceede none euill because he is perfectly good But then wil some man saye why sicknes and diseases famin pouertie dearth warres are not these euils plagues that God doth sende vpon vs and is not he then the author and causer of them God sendeth them in deede as well vpon the good as the bad on the one to punish their sinnes which is a verie good déede and a deede of Iustice on the other to trye their patience or to bring them to repentance Thus if we would be good seruants and fitly applye these sicknesses that God doeth send amongst vs referring them to their right ende wee should reape thereby much profit many goodly instructions First then there is nothing so needefull as to knowe our owne sinnes the corruption and vice that is in vs to the ende wee may humble our selues before God and dispose our selues to beseech and seeke his grace and fauour the onely meane whereby they may be remitted couered and hid before him that so wee may auoide and escape his iudgement and the condemnation which otherwise shall be appointed for vs if our sinnes be not pardoned But wee are so naturally blinded in our owne iudgement by reason of the excessiue selfeloue that we haue in our selues which doth blindfolde our eyes that wee cannot perceiue nor discouer the malice hipocrisie false dealing pride vanitie defyance of one another iniustice impietie idolatrie inhumanitie and all this lumpe of wickednes which lurketh in our heart from our birth hatcheth euery day more and more as occasions shall serue to commit euil For although we séeke to keepe close for a while the malice which we haue conceiued in our hearts as women do which say they are not with chyld till their bellie begin to swell and til the daye of their deliuerie drawe neere and then they must needes confesse that which before they stoutly denyed So doe wee neuer confesie our sinnes vntil wee be by manifest proofes conuinced and yet then wee stand to debate and diminish still some thing from the enormitie of our faultes and offences whereof we haue a notable example in our first Parents who when they stood before the face of God from whom nothing maye be concealed or hidden their owne consciences accusing them yet they sought by all craftie means they could to counterfait and laye one from another the fault that they had committed coulde not be induced neyther by the feare and reuerence of God who being present spake vnto thē neither by the accusation and witnes of their own consciences which vrged them sore on euery side but to confesse clearely and without any doubling their disobedience their ingratitude and ambition by the which they were cast headlong from the happie blessed estate wherein they were a little before Whereby we may see how harde a matter it is for men to acknowledge and confesse their sinnes sincerely and without hipocrisie Wee may see also by the Patriarches who dissembled all their wickednes cruell and inhumaine-conspiracie that they had wrought against their poore brother which they neuer acknowledged til they were constrained by the anguish and distresse into the which God brought them to make them remember call to minde And how long time was Dauid a sleepe in his sinne and neuer once thought vpon it till he felt the hande of God touch him so sore that he found himself almost intrapped of his enimies as he confesseth himselfe Thy hand is heauie vpon mee day and night my moisture is turned into the drought of Summer Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquitie for I thought I will confesse my selfe my wickednes vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne And Saint Peter after that he had so often times denyed his maister swearing and cursing himselfe if he euer had knowen him before had he not perseuered still in his sinne and abandoned himselfe wholly from the Church of God as Iudas did and many other Apostataes which do so daily if Iesus Christ had not cast his eye vpon him by his looking vpon him pearced so déep within his conscience to make him feele and bewaile his sinne And likewise S. Paul who like a madde raging beast ranne about euery where seeking to kill and slaie all the poore Christians he could come by in what case had he beene if he had not repented him of his sinnes But contrariwise had he not persisted in his obstinacie and hardnes of heart to waste and scatter the flocke had not the strong and mighty arme of the shepheard w●…o watched carefully to saue his flock stopt him of his iourney and kept him short by force making him to acknowledge perceiue the great hurt and iniury he did to the poore sheepe By these few examples wee may easily perceiue that men although they beouer whelmed and filled with an infinite number of sinnes yet they cannot acknowledge them or haue feeling of them if God do not giue them the grace to set them before their eyes And this is the reason that in many places of holy Scripture Repentance which partly consisteth in the knowledge and displeasure that man conceaueth of his sinne is called the gift of God For as we cannot know God nor those good thinges which wee ought to
that he should please to commaund vs to praye and praise God vncessantly to depende whollie vpon his prouidence to referre our selues and all our affaires vnto him to resigne our will whollie vnto his and finally to loue him with all our heart with all our soule and all our thought and to loue our neighbour as our owne selues Then after wee haue proposed vnto the sicke person the faultes that he hath committed to make him affeard and by this meanes to prepare him to require and receiue the grace of God we must set before his eyes what he hath iustly deserued by his sinnes that is to be swallowed vp by the anger and displeasure of God which he hath heaped vp vnto himselfe perseuering in his sinnes abusing so long time the pacience and long sufferance of his mercie and likewise to be ouertaken by his iudgement which as the Apostle sayeth is readie for all them which disobey God and especially for those his seruaunts which know his wil and being throughly instructed of their duetie neglect and make none account thereof Likewise that all the curses contayned in the Lawe set downe for the transgressours thereof fall vpon his head for that he hath not onely once or twise by reason of ignorance and fraylenesse behaued himselfe lewdly but hath violated the holy ordinances of God as often as he hath beene prouoked thereunto by the instance of the diuell and of his owne concupiscence likewise that he is banished and shut out from the kingdome of heauen for that the flesh after the which he hath liued cannot inherite the kingdome of heauen For if our first parents were chased shamefully out of Paradice wherein they were placed after their creation for one onely disobedience What doeth he deserue now that doeth suppe vp and drinke dayly so manye rebellions and iniquities as it were water Likewise that hee is condemned to death eternall and appointed for euer to the ●…ire of Hell with diuels and the reprobate for that is the rewarde and hire of sinne And to bee short that hee hath deserued to goe straight downe to Hell and there to bee buryed and to suffer in the vnquenchable flames such ●…ormentes as the wicked riche man did for hauing disdayned the poore in their affliction and neglecting to succour them in their neede not vsinge such humanitie towardes them as he desired of others being driuen to the same necessitie himselfe When he haue layde all this to the sicke mans charge and in the Lawe as in a Mirrour wee haue set before his eyes to beholde his iudgement and sentence of condemnation When we perceiue him wounded and pearced to the heart with sorrowe we must then laye to his wounde some asswaging medicine do as the Masons do when they hewe their stone first they giue great blowes with their hammer make gret péeces fall off then they poolish it ouer so with a plaine that the strokes are no more séen so must we do after we haue handled the sickpatient roughly thrust him down to hel by the rigorous threats of the lawe we must comfort him and fetch him againe by the swéete and amiable promises of the Gospel to the ende the sowplenes of this oyle may asswage the nipping sharpnes of the law for the good tydings and newes that he shall heare of the grace of God shall make him cleane forget all the sorrowe and desperation into the which the lawe had before driuen him shewing him first that the handwriting that is against vs which was contained in the lawe is cleane torne in pieces abolished hung vpon the Crosse of Iesus Christ and that Iesus Christ hath redéemed vs from the cursse of the lawe when he became cursed for vs himselfe For it is written cursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree and this he suffered that the blessing of Abraham might come vpon the Gentiles and that we might receiue the promise of the Holie Ghost by faith And that Christ is the ende of the law in righteousnes to al beléeuers who by the perfect obedience that he shewed God his Father in fulfilling all his commandements in euery point not missing one iote forsaking not the cursed death of the crosse for our sakes for such was the will of his father he hath purchased vs a pardon and generall abolishing of all our sinnes and a release of all our debtes and obligations the which he hath payde for vs not in gold siluer or precious stones but with his owne bloud which is a price and raunsome incomparable to be spoken of Hauing purchased vs besides a righteousnes the which he alloweth vnto vs by our faith the assurance that wee haue by his worde and sacraments whereof his holy spirite doth beare witnes within our heartes we ought to cast awaye all feare and conceit of our sinnes of death the diuell of the rigour and curse of the lawe and finally of the anger curse of God For to begin with our sinnes we being clothed with the righteousnes of Iesus Christ must assure our selues that all our sinnes are so hid and couered that they may not be perceiued or discouered before the eyes and face of our God but being altogether wyped out as with a sponge and scattered as a clowde with the winde and the Sunne and although they were as redd as Scarlet yet shall they be as white as snowe as Esaie sayeth and before him Dauid Purge me with Hysope and I shall be cleane Wash mee and I shall be whitter then snowe And it skilleth not what nor in what number they be so that they be not sinnes against the Holy Ghost neither skilleth it in what manner they haue been committed be it by ignorance infirmitie or deliberate malice for sinne cannot so abound but the grace of God which is our meanes and mediatour by the death and righteousnes of Iesus Christ must needes abound more And albeit the sinne which is committed against the Maiestie of God which is infinite be therefore reputed infinite yet that argueth not that the bloud of Iesus Christ which by the eternall spirit is offered vp to God himselfe without any spot doeth not purge and make cleane our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God as the Apostle writeth to the Hebrewes For the diuinitie being inseparably vnited with the humanitie in the person of Iesus Christ is cause by his omnipotencie that his death hath an infinite vertue to redeeme vs his righteousnes an infinite power to sanctifie vs and his life to quicken vs and to make vs happie immortall and blessed for that being God as he is stronger than the diuell so also are his workes more of force to saue vs than are those of his enimie to confounde and destroye vs. His righteousnes hath more force and efficacie to iustifie vs than sinne whereof the diuell is authour hath to condemne vs. His innocencie and purenesse
to wash vs and make vs cleane then this vncleane spirite hath filthines and vncleanes to polute and defyle vs. His light is clearer to lighten vs than the darkenesse of the prince of this world to make vs blinde His trueth to instruct vs then the lyes and errours of the father of lyes to deceiue vs. To be briefe his life hath more vertue to raise vs vp to life againe then the enui●… of the murtherer and man-slayer hath to kill and slaye vs. Wherein we see that the sonne of God as Saint Iohn sayeth is not come into the world but to destroye the workes of the diuell and that in his bloud all our enemies that is to saye all our sinnes haue béene drowned as Pharao and the Egyptians enimies of the people of God were discomfeted and swallowed vp in the red Sea This is the stronger man whome S. Luke saide came vpon another strong man fought with him and ouercame him and tooke from him all his weapons and armour wherein he did trust that is sinne death and the lawe leading with him Captiuitie captine when he ascended vp into heauen so that the diuell being now disarmed hath no power to hurt vs any more neither by our sinnes which Iesus Christ hath washed awaye in his bloud nor by death which he hath ouercome and swallowed vp in dying for vs nor by the lawe which he hath fulfilled and satisfied fully submitting himselfe for vs to the curse which was to light vpon our heades And although the diuell be alwayes our aduersarie and that by the enuie that he beareth vs and the malice that he oweth vs to do vs a mischiefe and to hinder vs for euer attaining to that felicitie from the which he was cast downe headlong by his pride he runneth about like a roaring Lyon seeking whome he maye deuoure yet we may resist him well ynough standing firme in our faith and anchoring in the assurance that we haue of the remission of our sinnes the which is perpetuall as is the vertue and efficacie of the death of Iesus Christ by the which it hath been obtained for vs this is the freedome of the Church within the which all the faithfull must retyre themselues when they are pursued by their owne consciences and followed with other Sergeants of Gods Iustice whereunto the Prophet Dauid doth exhort vs Let Israel wait on the Lorde for with the Lord is mercie and with him is great redemption and he shall redeeme Israel from all his iniquities And in another place The sacrifices of God are a contrite spirite a contrite a broken heart the Lorde will not despise And Iesus Christ the soueraigne Phisition of our soules who is come into this worlde but to seeke that which was lost to cure and heale that which was sicke and as the Prophet sayeth to beare our infirmities and langours vppon him shall hee haue any greater pleasure then to see vs runne to him to be disburdened of our heauie sinnes hath he at any time refused a sinner or publican that hath come vnto him He is as the Prophet Dauid sayeth The Lord is full of compassion and mercie slowe to anger and of great kindnesse He will not alway chide neither keepe his anger for euer Wee may see that clearely by the examples of the Publican of the poore woman sinner of the prodigall sonne of the good thiefe of Dauid of Saint Peter of S. Paul and the Steward that owed his master tenne thousand Tallents which were forgiuen him as soone as he by acknowledging and confessing the dett had desired his master to haue pittie on him Tell mee for what ende hath the father sent his sonne into this worlde Wherefore was he annointed with the holy Ghost was it not to tell the poore Captiues that he was come from heauen to paye their raunsome and to fetch them out of captiuitie and to tell the poore prisoners that he was come to set open the prison doores vnto them to tell those that were endebted vnto him that hee would forgiue them all and to the sicke that hee woulde heale them all The Apostles that he sent into all partes of the worlde what did he giue them in charge was it not to publish the glad tydings of the Gospell that was the remission of sinnes to all In the name of Iesus Christ If then their labour were not in vaine and in like manner the labour of all the true and faithfull ministers of Iesus Christ that haue been since their time we must assure our selues of the remission of our sinnes And more ouer if our sinnes bee not pardoned by beleeuing in him the birth death resurrection ascension intercession and in summe all the mysterie of Iesus Christ and our redemption shoulde be nothing woorth made of no efficacie and valour and all our faith but vaine Likewise how can wee beleeue that hee is our Iesus and Emmanuell if he doe not saue vs from our sinnes and so take awaye the enimitie that is betweene vs and him which let him that he cannot ioyne himself vnto vs And what assurance should we haue that the newe aliance and couenant that he hath made with vs hath beene good in lawe and ratified by his death and bloud which he hath shed for vs if he had not forgotten quite all our iniquities and written his lawes in the tables of our hearts by his holy spirite seeing that those are the promises and conditions vpon the which it was bargained and agreede vpon What profit should we haue by his priesthood if the Sacrifice that he offered to his Father for our redemption if wee abyde yet in our sinnes And what shall it auayle vs if he were not the propitiation and agreement for our sinnes and not onely for ours but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde How can wee assure our selues that he is our aduocate and mediatour and vnder this assurance go to the throne of Grace to obtaine mercie fauour to helpe vs in time of neede We must not then doubt of the remission of our sinnes And as Dauid sayeth As farre as the East is from the West so farre hath he remoued our sinnes from vs. How can we stand in doubt of this seeing that we beare the marke print not onely in our hearts and consciences but also in our bodies of the two great broad seales of the Chauncellor of the kingdome of heauen that is to wit Baptisme and the Holie Supper of the Lorde Let the sicke man then assure himselfe if he beléeue in the forgiuenes of sinnes he obtayneth it by and by For God dealeth with vs according to our faith Saint Ambrose writeth that all that we firmely beléeue we obtaine for we can beléeue nothing but that which God hath promised vs who is moste faithful and so true in his promises that the verie infidelitie and vnbelife of men cannot make him a lyar And albeit the
wicked reiecting and contemning the worde and promise of God by their contempt and obstinacie make it that doth not produce the effect in shewing the vertue that it would haue to saue them if they did beléeue it yet that cannot bring any preiudice vnto others that do receiue it and obey it and cannot hinder that they beleeuing and by faith apprehending it in their heartes be not quickened no more then a man that would shut his eyes in the daye and would see no light can hinder him that holdeth his eyes open and beholdeth the light For the light and couller are the obiects of the eye the which being open sound and of a quicke fight apprehendeth by and by things obiect vnto it So the promises of God be the obiectes of Faith which causeth a man to receiue them incontinent as they are announced vnto her so that the spirite of God haue touched and prepared his heart before For otherwise if it remaine in his stonie nature the spirituall seede which is sowen can take no roote at all nor fructifie no more then the seede that is sowen vppon stones or vppon ground that is not tilled The sicke man being resolued then of remission of all his sinnes may not doubt but that he is in the fauour of God and that thereby he must looke for life euerlasting vndoubtedly and all the blessednes that God hath promised to his children for there is nothing that may shutt or debarre vs from it except onely sinne the which being not imputed vnto vs but couered and blotted out cleane what may nowe hurte vs or bring vs out of Gods fauour And if by faith wee be vnited inseparably with him who is the fountaine of life and the fulnesse of all good what can wee desire but wee shall straight finde in him What mischiefe or miserie may wee feare being in his fauour Nowe being assured that he will continue towardes vs the good will that hee beareth vs for euer and that there is no creature in the whole worlde that can alter it from vs as Saint Paul sayeth to the Romanes I am assured that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heighth nor depth nor any other creature shalbe able to seperate vs frō the loue of god which is in Christ Iesus And a little aboue this place saith he What shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or peril or sworde Euery man then that hath once beene graffed in by faith into the bodie of Christ Iesus by consequent is the adopted sonne of God receiued into his grace into his house as his childe departeth not from thence any more but euen as he is assured of his election by his calling and iustification which followed the one the other so is he also of his glorification which is the conclusion and as it were the crowning of his saluation for the giftes and calling of God are without repentance That which the Apostle writeth most euidently to the Romans Those whom he hath predestinate he hath also called and those whome he hath called he hath also iustified and those whom he hath iustified he hath also glorified And although we haue yet many vices and infirmities in vs and that it chaunce that wee fall grieuously sometimes as it happened to Dauid S. Peter S. Paul and almost to all the Saintes yea to the perfectest that euer were yet there is one point vpon the which we must rest be well grounded wherby we must comfort our selues greatly and hold out against all the assaults and temptations of Sathan this is it that Saint Iohn saieth Who soeuer is borne of God sinneth no more that is to saye the sinne vnto death for the séede of God remaineth in him that cannot sinne because he is borne of God That which hee declareth better in another place All iniquitie saith he is sinne But there is a sinne which is not vnto death Wee knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is borne of God standeth vpon his garde that the tempter touch him not For by this he giueth vs ynough to vnderstande that faith and the worde of God which are the soule and the foundation be neuer whollie and altogether plucked vp and banished from the heart of the elect and therefore they cannot sinne in that sinne that Saint Iohn calleth to death For although that faith be sometime as it were buryed in them hauing no mouing or feeling no more then a dead thing Yet it is not altogether extinguished no more then fire couered with a fewe cenders albeit it shewe not the flame and heate nor no more dead than a tree in Winter when all the sappe is got into the roote and it bringeth foorth no blossomes nor leaues nor fruite as though it were not aliue the sappe neuerthelesse remaineth at the heart hidden within in the roote and this is the reason why Dauid speaking of the faithfull man sayeth Though he fall he shall not be cast off for the Lorde putteth vnder his hande And in another place I will keepe my promise that I haue sworne vnto him and shewe my fauour vnto him for euer And in the foure score and nynth Psalme I saide Mercie shoulde be set vp for euer Thy trueth shalt thou establish in the verie Heauens I haue made a couenant with my chosen c. And in another place more plainlye I will not faile Dauid his seede shall endure for euer and his throane shall bee as the Sunne before mee He shall bee established for euer more as the Moone and as a faithfull witnesse in Heauen But if his children forsake my lawe and walke not in my iudgementes If they breake my statutes and keepe not my commaundements Then will I visite their transgressions with the rodde and their iniquitie with strokes yet my louing kindnesse will I not take from him neither will I falsifie my trueth My couenant will I not breake nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lippes And in the 23 Psalme Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall followe thee all the dayes of thy life and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lorde And in the thirtieth Psalme Hee endureth but a while in his anger but in his fauour is life Weeping may abide ar euening but ioye commeth in the morning Likewise in the 65 Psalm Blessed is he whom thou choosest and causest to come to thee Hee shall dwell in thy courtes and wee shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thine house euen of thine holie Temple And last of all in the 119 Psalme I pray thee that thy mercies may comfort mee according to thy promise These and other like places of holie Scriptures must wee alleage vnto the sicke pacient to strengthen his faith and to arme him
goe on our sides For when wee appeare before the iudgement seate of God we cannot be cōdemned what accusation or crime so euer be brought and alleged against vs by our aduersaries He which beleeueth in me saith he commeth not into iudgement at al. And in another place to comfort his disciples he exhorteth them to haue an eie to the last iudgement day séeing it draw nigh to lift vp their hands and to reioyce for that the full and perfect redemption is reserued vnto that daie And S. Paul confirmeth the same in his Epistle to y e Romans with a meruailous grace magnificency of spéech Who shal cōmence any accusation against the elect of God god is he which iustifieth who shal thē be able to condēne Christ is he which is dead who is moreouer risē again who is also at the right hand and doth make intercession to God for vs. We must thē conclude that which he saith in y e beginning of the Chapter That there is no condemnation to those that are now in Iesus Christ that is to say which walke not according to the flesh but after the spirit And that as Iesus Christ their head cannot be saued but with those that are his members so they cannot bée condemned but he should also be condemned with them by reason of the inseparable vnion which is betwéene the head and the members Moreouer that Iesus Christ beeing dead for vs hath suffered the punishment and curse which was due vnto vs because of our sinnes and by consequent hath fully satisfied the iustice of God we néed not feare that he wil exact of vs anie more the paiment of debts the which hee hath forgiuen and acquited vs for that were to go against the iustice not onely of God but also of man to demand to be pardoned debt twice hauing then yéelded our selues wholly and referred all our matters into the handes of our Souiour Iesus Christ let vs not feare to bee ouertaken by the iugdement of God where the Sonne is continually before the face of the Father making intercession for vs carrying vs vpon his shoulders and in his brest as the high Priest did in old time carry y e names of the twelue Tribes of Israell to present them before the Lord although hée entered into the Sanctuary with a plate of gold vpon his forehead wherein were engrauen these words The holie one of the Lord. To the ende hée might make them acceptable to the Lord which was a type of that which Iesus Christ our high and euerlasting Priest after the order of Melchisedech did exhibite and represent in verie déede vpon the Crosse when offering himselfe in sacrifice for vs to God his Father he did sanctifie and make vs acceptable vnto God for euer We must not then feare that being in state of grace as we are hauing an Aduocate towardes God in whom he is well pleased hée can or will condemne vs when we shall appeare before him in iudgement and shall be clothed in these goodly long garments whereof is spoken in the Apocalippes the which are dyed and washed in the bloud of the Lambe and shall bring tustification with them When we shall thus haue exhorted the sicke man to take a good heart and not to bée afraide neither of his sinnes nor of death nor of the Diuell nor of the iudgement of God if wée sée that hée bée loath to leaue the worlde and that his honours riches pleasures case and that hée beareth yet to these earthly and corruptible thinges dooth make him loth to forgo them and troubleth his minde wonderfully that it cannot resolue to m●…rch merily whether God dooth call it Then first must wée make relation vnto him that this world is altogither set vpō wickednes drencht in sin that it shall passe away quickely be faded away with all her concupiscences that it doth not know God at all that wée are no more children of this worlde that God hath taken vs cleane out of this world to the ende we should not be condemned with it that we cannot loue this world but we must néeds be enemies vnto God That the Diuell is the Prince of this world and that by consequence wée cannot loue this world or the things that be in this worlde but we must néedes be vassals slaues of the prince of darknes That wee cannot bee faithfull nor true members of Iesus Christ but the worlde must be crucified to vs and we to it That by the example of the Apostle we make no more account of the world with all his glorie pompe and superfluitie then of the dung of the earth or of a floure that is faded and withered that wée are here but as passengers and straungers and cannot make any long time of abode as in a Citie and habitation that shall last for euer but wée lodge héere as in an Inne and must bée readie to gird vp our loynes and dislodge betimes in the morning to bée trudging still outwarde till we come to the place where wée meane to take vp our lodging and rest for euer that is to wit in heauen wherein wée ought to haue our hearts our thoughts our desires and all our affections altogether fixed alreadie and there as the Apostle saith shoulde wee haue all our conuersation For béeing raised vp from the dead with Iesus Christ and vnited vnto him vnseperably although our bodies be far seperate and distant from his yet ought we alwaies to be present with him in our spirites and soules and to forget cleane the worlde and the earth séeking after and thinking on nothing more then of those thinges which are from ahoue Our heart should it not bée where our treasures are and where are our treasures but in heauen where Iesus Christ is in his glorie who hath our lise hidden in himselfe and not onely all the treasures of the knowledge and wisedome of God but also of all the gifts graces honours riches and blessings that God the father hath giuen him to bestow vpon his Church whilest shée is here militant in hope and when shée is alone triumphant shée shall enioy the full fruition thereof when our soules leauing these filthie stinking and obseure prisons of our bodies shall be carried as was that of poore Lazarus into the bosome of Abraham by the Angels there to rest and reioyce for euer as it is written The children of thy seruants shal continue and their seede shall stande fast for euer in thy sight If then wée doo but languish in this worlde where wée liue as poore strangers in exile amongst a number of barbarous and rude people ought wée not to bée full glad when God calleth vs away to reclaime vs into our own country where with our brethren the Patriarches the Prophets Apostles and Martirs of all other blessed spirits we shal peaceably enioy togither the glory honour trust rest and all that perfect felicitie that
of their vertues That he hath delighted to heare flattering tongues that doe nothing but glose with him and make him beléeue that hée was more vertuous and lesse vicious then his owne conscience could witnes and accuse him in secret 10 Lastly to shut vp his confession we must shew him that all his nature as also that of all other men that liue here on the earth is most vile vicious corrupt and that of himselfe he can bring forth but bad fruit as a bad trée doth that is to say all wicked thoughts all inordinate affectiens all filthie and dishonest talke and all things contrarie to the will of God leauing vndone all that is conformable to his will and expresly commanded by him Then when we haue shewed vnto him in this manner his faultes to make him haue a better féeling of them and to conceiue in himselfe a greater displeasure and sorow for them we must aggrauate them vnto him by the circumstances of place time and person where hee hath committed them And then by féeling them if we perceiue him to be humble and contrite wée must lift him vp againe and comfort him in denouncing vnto him the remission and pardon of his sinnes and to assure him of it in the mercie of God Then must we discourse vnto him the reasons contained in this treatise to take awaie the feare that he may haue conceiued of death the deuill the iudgement of God and lastly the sorrowe that hée may haue to forgoe and leaue this worlde and the things that are therein in lieu of the hope and desire that he ought to haue of those heauenly incorruptible blessings This done we must knéele downe our his knées and praie vnto God for him and all the assemblie in this manner A Praier O God the Father of all consolation who hast promised to heare all those that call vpon thée in sinceritie and truth and to reiect none that commeth to prostrate himselfe before thy Maiestie with a sighing soule and sorrowfull heart humble contrite and repentant with the remembrance and féeling of his most grieuous sinnes wée beséech thée altogether in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour and redéemer that it will please thée to extend thy mercie vppon vs all that are héere assembled together and specially vppon this our brother whome it hath pleased thée to afflict and visite by sicknes and by the same to couer forget and forgiue and cleane to blot out all his sinnes by the which he hath so grieuously offended in all his lyfe Beséeching thée that 〈◊〉 woulde please thée of thy great grace and fauour to seale confirme in his hart by the holy spirit the forgiuenes that thou doest grant vnto him by the promise of all his sinnes That he may féele in his conscience and that with ioy and full assurance hée may make himselfe readie to appeare before thée when it shall please thée to call him out of this world assuring him that there is no condemnation neither for him neyther for all those which by true faith are vnited and incorporate in thy sonne Iesus Christ. That not his sinnes death and the deuill nor anie other creature whatsoeuer shal be able to separate him from thy loue or cast him out of thy fauour and grace and that thy throne is not a throne of rigorous iustice but an hauen of health a throne of mercie a sanctuarie a place of libertie and fréedome for all the faythfull Good God strengthen and increase his faith héerein so that he may couer him selfe as with a shéeld be by this meanes made strong and inuincible against all temptations wherewith hée may bée assayled and that reiecting all other confidence hée relie vpon nothing but the sole righteousnes obedience and sacrifice of thine onely sonne to assure him agaynst the daie of thy iudgement And now wée heséech thée good God to giue him grace to pardon and forgiue from the bottom of his heart all his neighbours who haue by anie wise offended him to the end that hée béeing vnited by true charitie with all the members of the bodie of thy Church may also be knit and ioyned with thée who art the head thereof Lastly we beséech thée that it woulde please thée to giue vs also grace so well to looke into the person and disease of this our brother that séeing how short and vncertaine the course of our lyfe is wee may thinke betime of our owne selues and retiring our mindes from the vanities of this worlde wee may bestowe that litle time that we haue to liue here in learning the wisedome of God that is to beléeue firmely and to trust in his promises to shewe our obedience in all thinges that he doth command and to take diligent héede to flie and auoid all things that hee defendeth vs in his holy word FINIS A SHORT CONsolation for the sicke taken forth of the holy Scriptures WHosoeuer is of God heareth Gods word and doeth not onelie heare it but kéepeth and followeth it also for all things shall haue an end and wax olde as doth a garment but the worde of God abideth for euer Now séeing it is so that by a man sin is come into the world and by sinne death and therevpon by consequent all afflictions and aduersities doe depend verie well may the life of man bée termed a continual fight here vpon earth where the flesh doth fight against the spirite and the spirite against the world the flesh and the deuill who are the deadly enemies of our soules But following the counsel of the Apostle to get the victory in the spirituall battaile wee must resist and striue against them constantly by faith For the victorie which ouercommeth the world is our faith the which is an assured knowledge of the loue of God towardes vs by the which hée declareth in his Gospell to bée our Father and sauiour by the meanes of Iesus Christ his sonne Hauing then such a firme faith for our prinicpall foundation acknowledge and confesse your selfe before the maiestie of God to be a poore and miserable sinner conceiued and borne in sinne and corruption redie and apt to doe euill vnreadie and vnapt to doe anie good and that by your vice and sinne you haue transgressed without measure the holy commandementes of God so that you haue purchased by his iust iudgement vtter ruine and perdition vpon you Yet you haue great sorrowe in your selfe to haue offended him so grieuously condemning your selfe and your vices with true repentance desiring that the grace of God woulde succour you in this your great calamitie Praie you then with a firme faith if you cannot with your mouth yet from your heart That God our most mercifull Father woulde not enter into count or iudgement with you but that hée woulde take some pittie on you in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and that hée woulde blot out our sinnes and staines by
the merite of the death and passion of the same Iesus Christ in whose name you present vnto him this holy prayer the which he taught vs saying from the bottome of your heart Our Father which art in heauen c. Then do acknowledge from the bottome of your heart your vnrighteousnes be sorrowfull for your sinnes repent your selfe vnfainedly and the kingdome of God will draw●… nigh vnto you Confesse that there is no righteousnes no innocencie no good workes neither of yours nor in you but that as the childe of wrath conceiued and borne in the sinne of olde Adam you merite eternall death and damnation And yet all the sinnes in the world when you shall haue committed them all are not able to make you afeard For Iesus Christ the very sonne of the eternal God became verie man conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie to sanctifie you and make you cleane from sinne He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate many afflictions and iniurious torments making him selfe a slaue and a captiue to set you out of captiuitie Iesus Christ was crucified as one accurst vpon the trée of the crosse to deliuer you from the eternall curse Iesus Christ was dead and shedde his precious bloud to wash you to redéeme you and to deliuer you from death hell and the power of Sathan Iesus Christ was buryed in the graue to burie all your sinnes with him the which he hath borne and blotted out Iesus Christ descended into hell in suffering an extreame anguish to delyuer you from all the paines and dolours of death Iesus Christ is risen vp again from the dead to make you rise againe in your own bodies resplendent with glorious immortalitie Iesus Christ is ascended vp into the heauens that after him you should ascend also Iesus Christ sitteth at y ● right hand of God the father almightie béeing your aduocate and mediator to him the propitiation for all your sinnes We looke that he shal come to iudge the quicke the dead to reward euerie man according to his workes But to the faithfull that beléeue in him he shall not impute their sins for hauing iustified them by his grace hée shal make them raigne with him for euer in his heauenly throne N. Such is the great mysterie of our redemption the which by the grace of the holy Ghost you ought firmely beléeue to haue bene wrought for your saluation Doubt not then at al but by the merite of Iesus Christ the head of his Church you are incorporate and engrafted a member into the same thanking him in all humilitie that it hath pleased him of his greate grace that you haue liued in the communion and fellowship of his faithfull people nourishing you with his word and with his bodie and bloud confessing assuredly the great mercie of God by the forgiuenesse of all your sinnes the which hée hath vouchsafed you thorough Iesus Christe who shall rayse you vp againe at the last daie to make you raigne with him in life euerlasting the which he hath promised to all those that beléeue in him being baptised in his name Nowe N. séeing that you haue this faith doubt not but to receiue the promise of faith for God is true of his promise he is no liar as men are First heauen and earth shall passe but the word of God abideth for euer God he is your father and creator you are his creature the workmanship of his handes He hath not made you to destroy you For he is the sauiour of all men and will not the death of a sinner but rather that he turn from his wickednes and liue Wherefore I announce vnto you in the name of God that by his great bountie and mercie hee doeth fréely giue vnto you full pardon and remission of all your sinnes by the onely merite of his sonne Iesus Christe our sauiour in the shedding of his most precious bloud for it is the propitiation not onely for our sins but also for the sinnes of the whole world N. Iesus Christ sayeth by his owne mouth that all things are possible to him that beléeueth Beléeue then without all doubt that Iesus Christ inuesting our flesh is become verie man and died for vs hauing borne all our sinnes in his owne bodie to wipe them out and deface them Present vnto God the precious death of his sonne Iesus Christ and by the merit of the same death and passion aske him mercie and forgiuenes saying with great humilitie and repentance from the bottome of your heart Lord God Father almightie haue mercie vpon me a pore miserable sinner for the loue of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ my Lorde and Sauiour and by the merite of his death and passion please to receiue my soule the which I commend into thy hands N. You must haue a firme beléefe and trust in God For if hee bée on your side who can be agaynst you for Iesus Christ who is the immaculate lambe hath ouercome all for you He hath offered himselfe once for all and by that one oblation hath defaced all our sinnes He hath raced out our folly and vnrighteousnes abhomination and the obligation that the deuill had against you and with this good Lord and master Iesus Christ God the father hath giuen you all things N. Fortifie your selfe then in Iesus Christ who calleth and inuiteth you by his Proohets Apostles and Euangelists to come fréely vnto him saylng All you that thirst come to mee and drinke your fill Come io me all ye that trauaile and bee heauie laden and I will refreshe you N. Beléeue assuredly that Iesus Christ hath acquited and discharged you from all your sinnes and hath reconciled you to God his Father vnto whom with great humility and repentance say from the bottome of your heart Lord God Father almightie haue mercie vpon me a pore miserable sinner for the loue of thy deare sonne Iesus Christe my Lorde and Sauiour and by the meri●…e of his death and passion please to receiue my soule the whiche I commende into thy hands N. Haue then a good hope for certainly hée will receiue your soule as his owne for the loue of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde who is the Sauiour and redéemer of all those that beleeue in him Moses and all the prophets haue witnesses that all Nations shall receiue saluation and blessing from Iesus Christe The Apostles and Euangelistes witnesse that Iesus Christ is not come to call the iust but sinners to repentance and to giue his lyfe for the redemption of many for hee hath shed his bloud for the remission of sinnes Beléeue then and doubte not in anie case For Iesus Christ hath purged and washed you cleane from all your sinnes hauing promised that all those that beléeue in him and his Father who sent him shoulde haue life euerlasting and shoulde not come into iudgement but