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sin_n heart_n sorrow_n tear_n 3,398 5 8.0837 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01471 A garden of graue and godlie flovvres sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected by Mr. Alexander Gardyne. Garden, Alexander, 1585?-1634? 1609 (1609) STC 11596; ESTC S118827 34,736 98

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full many thousands such To the Cittie Aberden at the death of Jho Fo. Ba. FAir Virgin Mother Widow-like lament Thy Martiall Son and Lamb-like lover lost Peirs everie ear and place with thy complent Whill they admire that are remotest most Apend thy plaints to everie Pole and post Chalcographiz'd with Charecters of wo And let thy grief 's vpon thy Goun b'ingrost That everie eie may see thy sorrow so O silent sad and greiued may thou goe Since to thy wracks this wrack is ioyn'd the worst For dreadfull Death hes by one bitter blo One of thy firmest forts vnfreindly forst And maind the of an of thy members strong That boore thy burden louingly and long To the defunct his spouse DEere fruitefull vine alone to languish left Let not thy clusters through thy care decay Though raging Death hes by all reason reft And out of time hes hint thy heid away Take thou on Thee to be the staffe and stay And beare thair birth and all the load alone That both aliue in loue togidder ay You to this houre haue gladly vndergone Through mourning much and out of measure moue No not thy selfe nor put in perill those To whom thou must be All and th' only one Except the Lord to place in the repose Wherefore praise God and take in patience this Thy husbands death from bail brought to his blis To his courteous freind T. B. GIue quick engines that trusting to attaine The height of Honour and a liuing Fame With penning of their Poesies prophane Should purchase praise and winne a noble Name What then braue Buck should be thy part herein That shawes the sortow of the Soule for sinne For while as foorth some busied be to bring The bad inuentions of their boyling Braine Thou happie Thou harps on an higher string And showes a Man regenerat again Wherefore we should Thee thanks most gratefull giue Because a woeb much worthier Thou wiue While wordly Writers witles and vnwise Be full of folies and of friuole fraits Thy pen and paines to profit moir tho'applies And both diuine and worthily thou wraites Than since thou such a sacred subiect sings Flie with the pens of praise and honours wings VPON THe DEATH OF THE WORshipfull M. Alex. Cheyn Commisser of Aber. NOw now at last and nought while now haue I Put a Catastroph to this course of cair World Flesh and Feind your forces J defie Your works are wrought your mights may nowe no mair Now I am quit and from your cummers clair Graue Hell and Sinne your powers J despise Death is the dore through Faith ye step aud stair That makes my soule mount sore and skall the skies Albeit the bones left here consuming lies Yet certainly J am assur'd they shall To rest and ring in their Redeemer rise Since Sathan Sinne the graue death hell and all That Lyon strong and yet a louing Lamb Tryumphantly vpon the crosse o'rcame An description of the World WHat is this World a Theater of woe A golfe of greif that still the greater growes A Faire where fooles are flitting to and fro A Sea of sorrow that still ebs and flowes A Forge where Belial the bellowes blowes A Shippe of sensuall Soules neir sunk for sinne Whair ramping Rage is Ruther-man and rowes A wratched Vail full of all Vice within A Booth of busines where restles rin To wrack himselfe the wicked worldly worme A deadly Den of dolor and of din An onstai'd stage of state a strife a storme Th'vnquiet Court of discontent and Cair The Place of Pride and well-spring of Dispaire A desire of an Repentant spirit WOuld God my Soule for sinne such sorrow felt As could cause Me spend al my time in Tears Would God my Heart would euerie moment melt And for my faults be fraughted full of feares Would God my flesh that fights and battell beares Against the powers of the spreit would spair And rest from wrastling and their jnward weares That does augment and bot increase my cair Would God my Plaints could penetrat the Air To purchase Peace to my perplexed Spreit And neuer cease t'assend nor rest but whair Thay face for face might with th'Almightie meit To pray him for a pardon and a place Vnto Repentance godlines and grace An admonition to the Soule to watch POore sillie Soule thou sees not how are set Thy fatall foes about the in a Ball The Feind and Flesh Thee in the gyues to get Of lothsome Lust and pleasures sensuall They will obiect All what may frame thy fall And cast before the Beautie for a bait Opinions strange fals and hereticall Promotion Riches Honour and Estate All what they can find out for to defait And with thy God to get the in disgrace They will essay each secular conceit To hold the from thy heauenly Fathers face Heirfore on him prepare the to depend He onely may the from thy foes defend Invocation to the Lord Iesus to saue the wounded soule O Sonne of God Silo sweet sauiour Thou that my sheild and my assistance art The pretious oyntments of thy pitie poure Into my Soule and wofull wounded heart I 'le prostrat Me in publict and in part My former fowle offences to confesse My secret sinnes sore makes my Soule to smart And I am wofull for my wickednes With hiest vp hands and hartly humblenes I pray the pardon my impietie Thy word divine my God grants me regres And bids me seek the sweet societie For thou art ay says the Apostle Paull At hand to help the wofull wounded Saull A Prayer for apaising of the Plague OVr wicked liu's hes wakned Lord thy wrath In kindling it for our iniquitie Jt maks thee blowe this thy devouring breath To punish vs for our impietie Our fall's and faults hes forc'd thee to let flee At the Noone day thy Arrows Pestilent Yet in thy mercies Lord remember Wee Are thy owne Sons on whom the same is sent Albeit thy Bow against our breasts be bent And thou the Rod does hold into thy hand We hope thou will inspire vs to repent And from th' Infection last releif the Land That in the greatnes of her greef does grone Looking O Lord for thy releif alone Vpon the Death of a verteous young man Wm. Ke. WIth-hold thy haist spair Passinger thy pace And marke amongs those Marble Monuments This Graue yet grene and litle ludge alace And thereon spend some parte of thy complents Mourne mourne with Mee a Miriad of laments And on th' Interr'd streams of thy tears distill Whoe 's want the Wise both pitties and repents And whill They liue the Verteous all they will Their plaints powre out disperse effund and fill The Continent her Caverns with their cryes For never shall their Sorrows cease not whill They deaue the Dead into those lairs that lyes For trust thou me this terren Tomb contains A Relict rare a godlie Young-mans Bains PROSOP OF THE DEFVNCT TO his lamenting friends 2. A Paise your plaints since
a God gouerns For whose long happie life Prosperitie and Peace His royall Reigne his gratious Queene And for their hopefull Race Jncall protest and pray From whose blis'd spreit all springs IeHovah Eli Elohim th' Almightie King of Kings An humble confession of Sinne. IN Reuerence on bare and bended kneis Debast I bow if I dare be so bold My soule most sad with weeping watrie eies Before thy feet vpon my face I fold My eies my heart my hands Iehoue I hold To heauin to Thee and prostrat will display My Misles made but measure manyfold And all the words I wairt in vain bewray None will I hide but open Lord shall lay My Sinne both seene and secret to my shame And my delicts done all vnto this day I in thy publict Presence shall proclame And to my Turpitud sound out I shall My Sins committed and omitted all Vpon his louing deere and Courteous friend Pa. Q. WHo doe of chance or vtherwise that hath An deepe desire and earnest care to kno This Trophe sad of still triumphing death Whair liueles lies an earrhly lumpe bot lo How rair a liue to signifie and sho Nor Maroes Muse wold an more cunning craue To wreit his want what worketh it of woe T'ingraph each greife by gazing on his Graue To not the noy when men looke on the leaue His Commorads and Consorts Christian To count the care his kin for him conceaue To dyte the duile of wife and Orphans whane Their father they and sho does misse her Mane An man whose make here hardly may be haid What can what shall what is or resteth thane To say bot this that safely may be said Lo where a youth on Beirtrees brought to bed Ay faithfull fast traist vertuous and wise Deir to his freinds and of his foes ay dred Here vnderneath to be lamented lies And shall ay while the latter day constraine The Earth to raise and render him againe Sighs of an sorrowfull soule Sigh sadly sigh sob for thy Sinnes and sound Weepe waile and woe mourn mirthles Man and mone Redouble thy dolor til each Den redound VVith noysome notes thy accents euerie one Crie carefull crie while euery sensles stone Peirst with thy plaints for pitie plead and pleane VVith tragicke teares toone out thy griefs and grone VVhile marble mazed at thy mones remaine Thou writes thy woes thou weeps thou vowes in vain Giue not anon from straying thus thou stay Thou's driue thy daies in dateles deepe disdaine Then sadly sigh poore Soule and sighing say Sad be each sigh moir noysome euerie note That treads the tracture of my troubled throte A description of the fragilitie of man WHat be we wratches but AMasse of putrid mold VVhich vgly wormes and wild deuoures VVhen we are dead and cold Borne in this wofull vail Jn moments ar nought Men And in a period departs VVhat are we nothing then Learne then to die and let Not hope of youth nor years Delude the least the Fates ay ferce That Man nor Beast forbeares Come on thee suddaine shall And warne thee vn-a-ware For mortall none tho neere so wise From those excemed are Times flees your gilt does grow Death at your doores does call Then take your time and learne in time To liue Perpetuall For you are nought bot like Dust driven with wind away And like vnto a brittle glasse Or shaddows fleing ay Or Roses redolent That in the morning shines And when the night draws neere anone Their pleasant tincture tines Now liuely-like anone Feasts for the creeping fry Now strong and fair and now anone A lump but life we ly T'accumulat great goods or what does profit vs Jemm's Jewels Silver Gold And all apparrell pretious What Scepters Crowns Estat's Or Kingdoms great to guide And what in Princelie Palaces Shall buit vs to abide And others in our pryde What helps it to despise Or to account our selfs like to The Lord alone most wise If dreadfull Death shall come Most horrible and haw And with her Syth that here you see All which GOD made shall maw Or if like earthlie dust Or slyding shaddows wee O wretched misers miserable Shall fall away and flee And all the pride of flesh And this small glance of glore Shall in the day of Death departe Without returning more Idem MArk mortall Man and surelie thou shall see What in short space it shall become of thee And then thou shall desist for to desire The worldlie Pleasures that so soone expire By no device ingine nor craft can Thou Fearfull to flesh Death certaine once eshew Thou should not then s'exult nor joifull bee Because per-haps to morrow thou shall d ee And in a little ludge a caue or cott Thy flesh and bones shall soone consume and rott THE AVTHOR HIS REPENTANCE fro wryting Poesies prophane COuld I or this my scattered skrols recall Or my dispersed Poesies repeit Most willinglie I wold revock them all And sound from singing of such Toys retreit I wold envy 'gainst wanton verse and writ Invectiuelie of all inventions vaine For it infects the well desposed Sprit For to peruse such Poesies prophane They breed abuse and brings into the braine Phantastick folies and phanatik freats Which are in deed not bot presumptions plaine Or at the most but profite poore conceats VVherefore were those else published to pen I should assume some sadder subject then A PROFITABLE ADMONITION if wiselie followed LOse not the Garlant of eternall Glore For things that here bot for a time shall tarie Officious Fame goods or vnstable store That facil Fortune both does bring and carie Indanger not nor doe in perrell put Th' immortall mark whereat the Soule does shut Tho pretious pearles thou purches what suppose And gaine more gold nor Craesus got what than If thou the Heaven and heavenlie Soule shall lose For all thy wealth thou's miserable Man And truelie loses in a moment more Ten thousand fold nor thou could find before I giue and grant that thou inlarge thy roumes For to cotaine thy infinite incresse And that secure in Honors Seas thou soums Yet thou in fine must needs of force confesse If that thy soule shall suddainlie be taine What thou possest was wealth for nought in vaine Though thou be made and creat were a King And supreme Emperour inaugurate Or at thy wish had everie earthlie thing Of Monument most with Mundans estimate If that the Soule her heavenlie life yow losse Curst is with those corruptible thy cosse Altho thou haue both health and honor here And pleasure past the compas of compare And that thou previlegiat appeir Aboue the world and worldlings every-where Want thou a sanctified Soule what shall Availl thy Pleasures and Promotions all OF THE ESSENCE WISDOME and Power of God GOD onely great he guideth and governs The restles Rounds that rules aboue and all Th'invirond Earth with Seas that each decerns Just circular and perfite Sphericall His blessed Beeing built the double Ball And did
whill thou art here There lay thy compt a Crowne To conquesse and atchyue Here throughlie think that there the life Ay lasting thou must liue Here guide thee so atlest To grow in grace begin From hollow of thy heart to hate Iniquitie and sin Prepare provision here And make thee in some measure There onely there for to extruct A never tracking treasure And there to dwell here must Th'endevours be addrest Where ever and perpetuallie Is pleasure peace and rest And where in full of joy 's The just and blessed byd's But change beyond all date of day's All termes all times and tyd 's Where Mourning shall in Mirth Losse be exchanged in Gaine And where Mortalitie refind Immortall shall remaine EIDEM SInce Death distresse wrack wretchednes and woe Since mourning and since miserie to Man Peculiar are and thy adherents O! Why should thou start and strange esteme them than Since Policie nor power carnall can Divert remoue nor in a point preveine Thy danger or Misfortune fatall whan To sease on thee too sharplie they are seene No Kingdoms Crowns no Kin nor Consobrein Nor nothing here that being hes nor Breath Not Tyrants with their Terrors can retein The vildest worme from dying once the Death Since nought can Death nor sorrows saif from thee Lamenting liue and living learne to die In what a Labarinthian sink of sin In what a Maze in what a miserie Into what greef and with what grons begin The Dulfull dait of Mans Nativitie Woe weeping Care and cryes continuallie Are at his Birth and at his Burial both In sicknes sore or sorrows suredlie The Time twixt Life and Death he groning goth So sillie Man does bot lament and mourne Whill to the ground his Grandame he returne He weeps when from the bellie he is borne And enters first the stage distilling tears So to the world he mourning giu's gud-morne And as he liu's so to lament he lears His lewd-led-life occasion giu's of fears Feare breeds complaints perplexities and paine So thus his life it vanishes and wears He comes in greef and groning goes againe Lamenting first he looks vpon the light Lamenting last he giues againe good-night To the same honorable Ladie MElpomine al Murners Tragick Muse Some unknowne kinde of sadest sable chuse T' invest thy selfe there-with whereby thou may Expreslie more divulgat and bewray Thy care and cause all Creaturs to ken Thy grieu's more great nor 's ordinar to men Convene thy wits vse all thy Airt and skill For words thou wont to write now Tears distil And vnto Tritone that the Trident bears Pay triple tribute of salt brimmish tears Desire thy sweet and sacred Sisters fine To trim their Harps to tragick toons like thine And pray your Prince Apollo for to borrow Some of Neptunus tears to show your sorrow Th'Arrabick gulphe the East nor Ocean seas Shall b'insufficient to suffice your eies Although ye should yea recolect the raine And gathred all in drops disgorg't againe Yet all this should not plentie proue nor store Thy departure dear Ladie to deplore No thought they all that liue of humane line Coelestiall signes and Dieties divine And all that care can kno or sorrow see Should too tear-wash this terren Tomb with me Though th' Echoing Air it murmour should and mone Tho light-foot winds shold whissel their grifs grone And though the fire ascend be Nature light As sorrowfull to see so sad a sight And th' Earth aggrieud her Entrels hudge should teare Most discontent thy burdenn dead to beare Although the shyning Sun himselfe should shrowd Most carefull for thy cause within a cloud And though the Clouds lamenting looke and lowre And tears for raine vpon the planes should powre Though brutish Beasts should brey burst rage rore And schools of Fish seeme t'ambiset the shore All mourning in their maner to the end Their heavines to haue vs apprehend Though Creeping things and flights of Fowles al-whair Deiue with their din the deiphs the earth the Air And though that Monster many mouthed Fame Thy onely praise should publish and proclame Still elevat aboue the Rounds and rear-it And blaz't abroad al 's far as Fame can bear-it And it in Diamonds indent and masse Jt into Marble and in bookes of Brasse And last though Men in numbers infinite Should in complaints consume and spend their sprit And be so sad as never seene was such Murne what they may they can not murne too much Although their backs the black doole bages bear's Though mournfull minds too testifies their tears And though with lynes lugubrious and sad Thy Coffin they haue covered and spred Yea though they should conglomerat and joine All th' earthl ' ingens with those the best abone And then draw from the Thesaurie of Arts On perfectlie perfect in whole and parts Yet should he not ineugh deplore and praise Thy Death and thy Deserving in thy daies Vpon he honest and vertuous Ag. Chal. THese be the treasours that this Tombe containes Earth dust and ashe much pampred in our pride Now but a band of bosse and bloodles bains That but short time here in their beauties bide Flesh is most fraile and suddantly does slide No durance is nor certentie of daies No mortall men hes wherein to confide But in the Lord through Christ the Scripture saies So while each one their part like Stagers plaies Vpon this worlds vaine Theatre I wold They learnd to die vnto the Lord alwaies So for to rest inregistred and rold Amongs the happie companie of those To life elect be mercie love and choise Vpon the Right honourable A. I. of Drum Fame COme me the Herold of the heauens behold Remembrance mouth and neuer dying Fame Tongue vnto Time and Trenchman vncontrold Reporter cheefe and Publisher supreame In Ioyfull Thesis or in tragick Theame VVhat be aboue or in the Earth belaw By Prouidence preordain'd to proclaime Jn swiftest sort to signifie and shaw The will decrees Occurrents now and then Of Gods eternall and of mortall Men. Truth Vertue Loue Faith Pietie and Peace Prest with complaints importun'd and oprest Their Synode set this Sepulture the place This Death their Dolor to dilate a drest In mourning manner for to manifest What all the liuing and this Land hath lost A Baron bold of blood an of the best A mundane Mirrour but a Match almost A perfect Paterne plenished withall The excellent and virtues Cardinall Each one of these are damnified by daith Each one of these are wounded with this wrack Each one of these are iustly wrongd and wraith To each of these an Louer is in lackt Each one of these with Death their band shal break To honour him and in Remembrance haue And each of these hes sworne this for his sake For to ingrosse his graces on his graue And hing on high aboue his honours Herse His worthines and vertues into verse Receiue then Earth and in thy bosome lay This fragill frame in substance like thy sell A
Fortune Fate nor Chance VVas not the cause nor framers of my fall Bot be a pre-apointed Ordinance The Lord hes thus concluded me to call For Men are nought one way Attached all Nor by one kinde of Death ordaind to die No no but this Priuation temporall Hes different and divers sorts we see From Prison some departe and some flit free And some be force be butcherie or blood Yea some be everie Element there bee That does we knowe this corrupt course conclude Yet dies thou this I that he so and so Die wee in Christ the maner maters no. 3. DIe ye in Christ ye die well dying so For Fire nor Sword the Water Earth nor Air They haue no power nor the Puissance no But speciall permission to impair Nor for to harme into thy head an hair Vnlesse the Lord passe suffer or permit For he hes ay a kinde and constant Cair And ou'r his chosen still continues it His favours are not fragill fraill nor flit This way or that like worldlings now and than No no bot with his kindnes kind is knit Protection too each constant Christian Then die depart or howsoever ye go Die ye in Christ ye die well dying so DIALOGVE A new years gift Interl Charites and the Author Author THis Mornings as I from my rest araize And went to walke into the open Air I peradventure met whereon I gaize Thrie minȝard Maids all wonderfullie fair Their Robs a like replendant rich and rair Whereat I was more moved to admire Who they shold be whence from they came whair They at that time intended to retire Whill thus on them like one but life I looke One forward came and be the sleif Me shooke Gra. Where by thy minde when thou art musing thus Why stonish'd stands thou we intreat thee tell Quod one what wonders hes thou seene on vs That maks thee so for to forget thy sell Art thou inchanted be some Magick spell Or thinks thou vs of that accursed crew With Lucifer that from the Heaven down fell And now art come to vex and wearie yow Or why is it so stupefact thou stands Without so much as moving head or hands Auth. I mis-regarde not such thrie fair so far Nor doe I thinke the forme of those and thine For to be such as you haue said that ar Appeirandlie Immortall and Divine Swa that sweet Saints this musing is of mine A moldie grosnes in my mortall eies Which can not see nor suffer for to shyne Your glorie great for their infirmities And with my selfe I am debaitting who Thy selfe should be and thy Companions two Gra. Recall thy sprits thy musing then remoue Debar all doubts and wit thou this that wee Are called Faith strong Hope and constant Loue Of IOVA just th' vndoubted Daughters three Come of Intention for to talke with thee And giue thee some directions thou must doo For thou of vs art the appointed hee To beare Imbassage or our blessing too A much respected honorable Pair Thus it in few deliver and declair I Loue the first and greatest of the Graces Saluts them say conjunct and severall And promies them with all my friendl ' embraces ' Prosperitie and Peace perpetuall And I quod Faith adds to the former All A working quick and justifeing Faith And I quod Hope my Anchor sends which shall Sustaine them surelie in the Seas of Death For be it and with what thir two haue giuen Their Ancring shall be happie into heuin Now Friend we deeme dissolued is thy doubt Since thou of vs hes got a knowledge cleir And we because th Anuall course is out And this day enters the succeeding ȝeir Haue purposed vnto Thee to appeir And chusd The to make manifest our minde Vnto that two that we doe hold so deir And hes their Hearts into one brest combind Who mutually shall linked liue and die Full of our Hope our Faith and Charitie An Confession of sinnes and Incalling of the Lord. O God which art great good and gratious Most holy powerfull and glorious We that are ashes of the Earth and dust When we fall down before the feet we must Of thy high Maiestie confesse that we Are Sinners vile borne and conceiued be In sinne and that by Nature we no lesse Are nor a lumpe of Vice and wickednes Whose Naturall and propertie appears To grow in sinne as we increase in yeares And in the works of wickednes and wrong Waxes and growes ay more and more more strong As does the body and the minde their strength And force receiue through tract of time and length Thair is in vs no good affection found No knowledge cleir wholesome sincere nor sound Nor manner how thy bidding to obey Nor how aplease thy maiestie we may Last Lord their byds into our flesh and blood Nothing that is or can be called good And thought our state accursed doth herein Yea wratched most apeare yet is our sinne More sinfull much and out of measure maid By the exceeding grace thou Lord hes laid And offred vs in the Evangell cleir Of thy vndoubted diuine Sonne most deir Wharby from profiting so much we ar That of our selfe we should waxe war and war For moir the light of knowledge is made plaine We would alace the blinder more remaine The more t' obey thee we are taught we would Be froward moir moir stubberner and bold Giue that by mightie power of thy spriet It were not fruitefull made and mollifeit And thought that this corruption Naturall VVe haue togidder and in common All VVith Adams putrified and rotten race That fell from God through misbeleif alace Yet we confesse in vs it buds much moir Nor into vthers it hes done befoir And so much moir set forth increst and grew Though we mo waies the same had to subdue And we we had yea much more meanes to kill Than others had this wickednes and ill Whair first of all the offer gratious Of that great treasure of thy word to vs Does make vs faultie into many parts Of th'Adamantine hardnes of our hearts For passing vther Nations thou hes lent And trusted vs that Iewell excellent And yet it hes with no small number bot A slender and a small intreatment got And felt as great resistance obstinate As at those gates it neuer knocked at For in this land a Portion is O Lord That partly neu'r wold yeild vnto thy word And partly when they had confes'd the same Defection made and Apostates became So proudly as it weare stands at defence Jn their conceits Lord with thine excelēce The rest which makes therof profession And seemes t'assent and giues thereto submission They doe it not accordingly bot skant Of zeale they are in their profession fant For first thair many of our people be Which through affection fond to Papistrie So blinded are miscarried and led That straying still in ignorance they tred Yea of the Truth it selfe thought faithfully The word is preached in aboundancie Yet