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A69147 A postill or collection of moste godly doctrine vpon every gospell through the yeare aswell for holye dayes as Sondayes, dygested in suche order, as they bee appoynted and set forthe in the booke of Common Prayer. Uery profitable for all curates, parentes, maysters of housholdes, and other gouerners of youth.; Postilla Anthonii Corvini Corvinus, Antonius, 1501-1553. 1550 (1550) STC 5806; ESTC S109261 359,302 596

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nor the thinge that is holy Mat. 7 may not be cast before him but only must it be communicate to those that despair of their owne workes and strengthes that knowledg that they need the help and comfort of Christ We beleue rem ssion of sins Therfore also we confesse in our Crede that ther is forgiuenes of sins which we must needs beleue Now if we obtain remission of sinnes by the sheding of the blud of Christ as the blud flowing from hys syde testifyeth where is then the bragging of our workes wher ar our merites They are shut out excluded by the deathe passion of Christ Note how workes are cōcluded not that good works ought not to be doone but that they may not be ioyned with iustification which onli cometh by faith We muste in this behalfe giue Christe his own honor wholy perfectly apprehend his merite by faith so shall it come to passe that neyther synne nor death nor dyuel nor hel shal hurte the. And those good workes the fayth doth as in deed it ought to do good woorkes take them as frutes of fayth wherby the faith and sure trust of our hearts toward god is declared In like maner the water The water that flowed frō Christs syde declareth that Christe after his resurreccion would send his holy spirit that water of life wher with it is nedeful that the heartes of all the elect be purifyed And of this water dyd all the Prophetes prophecye especially Esaias when he sayd Esa 44 I wyll power water vpō the thyrsty streames vpō the dry ground I will power my spirit vpō thy seede my blessyng vpon thy braunche and they shall spryng burgenyng among the herbes as the salowes that grewe by the syde of the ryuer Accordyng to this Christ also crieth in the gospel of S. Ihon Who so thursteth let him come to me drynke Ioh. 7. He that beleueth on me as the scripture sayth stremes of water of life shall flowe out frō his belly And the Euāgelist himself expoūdeth this shewyng that it is ment of the holy gost for he sayth This spake Iesus of the spirit which those that beleue in him should receiue Christ loueth vs. He then that hath by theffusion of his most precious bloud obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes deliuered vs frō eternal death reconciled vs into the fauor of god his father that wtout any of our merites or deseruinges also hath promised to sēd his holy ghost whiche maye leede our heartes into the knowledge fayth of God thynke you he dothe not very heartely loue vs would our welfare Nowe seyng that he thus heartely wylleth oure welfare why should we not beleue in him why should we not acknowledge this so great loue Yet are there mē foūd the more pitie it is that ascribe more to their own merites then to Christ and therfore they cannot be thākeful whō doubtles at that day Christ shal therfore punishe according to their owne deseruynges Thirdly we haue here described who they were that buried Christ with what reuerence his dead body was brought vnto the earth Some man perchance would meruaile that Ioseph Nicodemus nowe dare aske of Pylate the deade bodye of Iesu whiche yet when Iesus lyued they durst not come at him The death of Christe begynning to conquer scant by night But nowe the frutes and vtility of Christes passion somwhat openeth it self she winge what shulde ensue the passion and deathe of Christ when a litle and a litle it comech to mennes knowledg both what manner a man Christ is and also how innocently and vndeseruedly he was persecuted by the Iewes condemned vnto the crosse And these two doubtles came after the true knowledge of god and his sonne Iesu Christ which now so manifestly do this humanitie vnto Christ contemned and crucified hauinge no respect that hee was so hated of the Iewes For that they here do it cometh of an imperfecte faith for they were yet far from the perfection that Paul speaketh of Rom. 1 saying I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of god vnto saluacion to euery man that beleueth But that they exhibited to Christ such reuerence honor that thei take him doune from the crosse and enbalmed hym with Myrre and Aloe with such spice they winde vp his body laye it gloriously in the sepulture it is an humane and gentle affection done according to the custome of the Iewes The estimation of the worlde of Christes deth sepulchre Deu. 21 And here note howe the deathe and sepulture of Christe is esteemed afore the worlde bothe his death and buriall are ignominious and shamefull For it is written in the lawe He is accursed that hāgeth vpon a tree Besydes this the blynde Iewes had none other opinion of Christ neither by his life nor in his death as it is euident vnto this day But before God this death buryall is honest and precious as also it is estemed amōg al that beleue whiche know assuredly that by that dispised death the beleuers are delyuered from synne death deuil and hel Doth not S. Paule say often tyme 1. Cor. 2 I haue knowen no man but Christ and euen the same that was crucifyed And this is an vndoubted trueth Note this earnestly gentle reader take awaye this contemptible death and buryal of Christ and you shal perceyue that all men must be compelled to dispayre and to fall into the daunger of the deuil On the other part set before your eyes the passion death and buryal of Christ apprehendyng them by true fayth as most precious iewels deuine treasures done for thee and thou shalt fynd thy cōscience able to resyst against all the assaultes of Sathan and also of synne And as Ioseph and Nycodemus by fayth shewed this humanitee vnto Christ so endeuor thy selfe by fayth that vnto sinne thou may bee dead buryed with Christ Rom. 6. and after agayne ryse through fayth with him For surely this pleaseth Christ and is necessary and very profytable vnto thy saluacion Fourthly we see howe contemtuously Pylate delyuereth Christ to be buryed forsyng not for him nothyng regardyng that he should ryse agayne the thyrd day The sentence of Infidels In this mynde are al the enemyes of the gospel and truth of God When they haue slayne the ministers of the worde then they thynke all thyng very well safe and all whyst as they would haue it Exo. 1.2.3 Euen so did Pharao with intollerable burthens oppresse the chyldren of Israel thynkyng by that meanes to stoppe the ordynaunce of God that the Israelites should not so much growe and increase but the more they were oppressed so muche more they grewe and multiplyed and at the laste by his owne crueltee he was his owne destruccion Euen so chaunsed it to Pylate and
of wordly and transitorye thinges that they sette by nothinge els nor bee mortyfied to the worlde and their concupiscence do in no wise appertain to the kyngedome of Christe but to the kingdome of the diuel For what so euer it be that I put my hole truste in besides god or do prefer and loue it more then god verely of the same I make to me an ydol And yf my harte be fully fixed vnto yt What is the worshippe of the diuel and is giuen to honour voluptuousnes riches power of the world or any such other like thing then be those thinges my ydoll and in them I worship the deuell Yea to be more plaine with you yf I outwardly shuld be good and honest and wolde accompte the same outewarde goodnes for righteousnesse before god then trewly shulde the same be myne Idoll as Esaias witnesseth sayinge Esai 2. They haue woshipped the workes of their owne handes And saynte Augustine saieth My God is my loue I praye you what is it els to loue creatures aboue god then to worship the deuell But herken here now greately this ydolatry and blasphemy displeaseth god Get the hence saieth he thou Sathan these thy suggestions can not be borne or suffered of any good hart for it is written Deut. ● Thou shalte worship thy lord god and him onlye shalte thou serue Lo in this wyse is the deuell no we thryse ouercome and driuen awaye of Christe onlye by the worde of god Nowe as it is necessary for vs throughe Christe to ouercome all temptacions the worlde synne death and the deuell so muste we also be wel instructed strēgthned with the word of god wherein is promised to vs both comforte and helpe in our Lord Iesu Christe And if we bee not with this swearde of spirite which is the word of god wel armered then doughteles wil he bring vs out of the right way and lead vs about so lōg vntil he bring vs into his snares and so entangle vs that we may scarsely get out agayne from the which I besech god the father of his greate goodnes and mercy to kepe and preserue vs throughe his sonne our Lorde Iesu Christ Amen The seconde sonday in Lent Math. 15. ANd Iesus went thence and departed into the coastes of Tyrie and Sydon and behold a woman of Canaan which came out of the same coastes cryed vnto hym saiyng Haue mercy on me O lorde thou sonne of Dauid My doughter is piteously vexed wyth a deuel But he answered her nothyng at all And hys disciples came and besought hym saying Send her away for she crieth after vs. But he answered and sayde I am not sente Luc. 19. but vnto the loste sheepe of the house of Israell Then came she and worshipped hym saying Lord helpe me He answered and sayd It is not meere to take the chyldrens breade and to caste it to dogges She answered and sayd Truth lorde forthe dogges eate of the crummes which fall from theyr maysters table Then Iesus answered and sayde vnto her O woman great is thy fayth be it vnto the euen as thou wylte And her doughter was made whole euen at that same tyme. THE EXPOSITION An exaūple of ●aithe the callīg of the heithē FYrste of all this gospell layeth before vs an example of faith in the womā of Chanane and sheweth vs also that the Gentils and Heithen shal be called to the knoweledg of faith Rom. 1. A trew and perfite faith is nothyng else but to know that Christe is the lorde and the son of Dauid For yf I knowledg him as lorde then do I also beleue that he is naturally the very sonne of God yea and god himselfe Moreouer God the father of heauē wyl not be knowen in any other but in this Christe as S. Iohn witnesseth in the 14. chapter sayinge He that seeth me seeth my father And also in this wise to call Christe the lorde is not so small a trifle as yt semeth to the worlde but trewly it is the worke of the holy ghost as S. Paule saith 1. Co. 1● No man canne say that Iesus is the lorde but through the holye ghoste And when I knowledg Christ to be the son of Dauyd then muste I beleue that he came into this worlde for my sake And that he was gyuen to me with all his goodnes merites passion death that by hym delyuered from sinne I may be made the sonne and heyre of al the goodnes of god Gen. 22 Psa 131 as do clearely declare the promises made to Abraham Dauyd Suche a fayth had this woman of Cananee although she had it not of her selfe but bicause she herde of Christ and of her suche hearinge she receaued faith Fyrste she knowledged Christ to be the lorde whych had power seyng he was god to delyuer his doughter from the vexacion of the deuell And therefore she put all her truste in him as one that coulde and wold help Or else I pray you why wolde she folowe him and make exclamacion yf she had not beleued that Yt must needes be that this woman had a trew and perfect fayth in Christ and loked for all manner of goodnesse of hym The property of saythe Secondarely it foloweth now what the nature and property of faith is namely in all temptacion and affliction to seeke remedy and help none other wher but at God through Christ For the faith that we haue spoken of before dyd prouoke the woman to drawe neare to Christ to open her necessitye and griefe and to call for his grace and helpe But what doth Christe here The faithe of the woman dothe not dysplease hym although shee was no woman of Israel Ioh. 10 but a Gentile for he wolde also bringe them into his flocke Yet bycause the womans faythe shoulde bee proued and made more cleare Chryste kepte scilence and gaue none aunswere to her fyrste peticion And what thinke ye that the woman thoughte in her mynde then Do ye not beleue that shee was heauye and sadde But yet she remembreth the great humanitye of Christ that she had harde so much commended And she dyd not forgette the benefites that he had gyuen to men of his great goodnes vnmocicioned or desyred And therfore she departed not at the first check nor did dispair of hir doughters helpe but stiffely sticketh to him and craueth for a gentel and meeke aunswere And in the meane tyme thappostels come and intreate for her sayinge Lorde sende her awaye for shee excedingelye cr●eth after vs. But what doth Christ nowe Doth he graunte to the woman her desyre No but semeth to continewe still in his firste mynde that all men woulde iudge that he woulde not helpe her at all But why do wee not briefelye shewe what was hys aunswere I am not sente sayeth he but to the loste sheepe of the house of Israel By these words he seemeth in a manner to conclude as though it were not
could auoyde this sentence The wrath of god hath fallen vppon vs all And nowe cometh Christ and wil teache vs how we shal be delyuered from the same sentence that is by his word In the whiche is shewed vnto vs his passion and death considering this alwayes that we trewlye vnderstande and kepe this worde There is greate power and strength in this word Mine for by that he excludeth the lawe of al mē and of Moyses also and geueth iustification only to this gospell And yf we wolde well looke vppon the matter The difference betwene the doctrine of Moyses Christ we shall perceiue greate difference betwene the doctrine of Moyses and Christ Moyses doth only shew sinne in that that he commaūdeth and forbiddeth those thinges whiche of myne owne power and strengthe I can nother doo nor leaue vndonne And yet dothe he gyue the holy ghost wherwith I myght doo that he wolde to be doone But Christe in his worde dothe graunte the holye ghoste that I maye freelye and willynglye do those thinges that bee both good and righteous yea and by the gospell hee gyuethe me remission of synne ryghteousnes inheritaunce the kyngedome of heauen and euerlastinge lyfe that without any my merites or desertes of his onlye grace and mercye And this can no man nor Moyses ●y their lawes do Neither doth Christ aske any thinge of vs again but that we kepe his his his worde I saye And how shuld it be kepte We must in our hartes heare it What it is to kepe the worde of God Mat. 10 receyue it and kepe it The world goeth about to take it from the whē she bringeth the to the trust in thine owne workes But thou must be strōg bold and hardy and suffre not Christ and his word to be taken from the but receyue it into thy hart kepe it which if thou do thou shalt liue for euer althoughe thou caste of this corruptible bodye Mat. 22 Abraham with all the Prophetes bee deade but yet they lyue with god bycause they beleued in Christe which was before Abraham and dyd ascribe their righteousnes to hym And yf thou do not receaue his word thou shalte dye for euer But paraduenture thou wylt say againe Yt were good for a man to heare and beleue this word sauing that so many wise and holy menne haue resisted it But what is that to the Doest thou not know that Christ is set as a token that shal be of many spoken against Thou arte not better then he If the Iewes wolde haue stoned him to death for his doctrine and holsome sermons as this gospell sheweth vs then must not thou looke to bee safe and sure frome aduarsities but muste suffre as he dyd seynge the seruaunte is not aboue or more thē hys maister And to make an end In the only worde of Christ is gyuen vnto vs remission of sinnes righteousnes euerlasting lyfe yf we beleue therein and will in no wyse be pulled from it which I pray almighty god through Iesu Christ to graunte to vs foreuer Amen The gospell on Palme sondaye is the same whiche is before on the fyrst sonday of Aduent The gospell on Easter day Math. 28. And beholde there was a great earthquake For the aungell of the Lorde descended from heauen and came and rowled backe the stone from the dore and satte vppon it His countenance was lyke lyghtenyng and hys tayment white as snow And for feare of him the keepers were astonyed and became as dead men Mar. 16 Luc. 24 The angell answered said vnto the wemen Feare yt not for I know that ye seeke Iesus whych was crucified he is not here he is risen as he sayd Come se the place wher that the lord was laid go quickely and tel his disciples that he is risen agayne from the dead And behold he goeth before you into Galilee there ye shal se him Lo I haue tolde you THE EXPOSITION THe Euāgelistes haue with great diligence written of the resurrection of Christe The resurrectiō an article of fayth and not without great and euident causes For it is an article of great grauitie in the knowledging of our faith one of the chieffest 1 Cor. 15 to beleeue that Christ rose from death and is become the first frutes of theim that sleepe And that it is an article of great weight and not easy to be vnderstand in especiall of a fleshly man so many actes and ensamples in this history declareth it that further proofe or more euident declaracion doth not neede Ys it not written in the Gospell of S. Luke Luc. 24 of the women that when they had declared to the Apostels that which they had seene their wordes were counted as wordes of no reputation or treuth Dyd not Christ himselfe shew them before Luc. 18. that all that was written by the prophetes of the sonne of man shuld be fulfilled and that he shulde bee delyuered vnto that heithen and shuld be mocked and when they had scourged him that they shulde put hym to death that vppon the thyrd day he shuld rise againe Yet this notwithstondinge they didde not beleue but through seinge touching handelynge and finally through many wordes and greate miracles at the lane were brought vnto the fayth Yea the angell here was not beleued vntyll suche tyme that Christ himselfe came and confirmed the Apostels in the faithe Therfore this article of the resurrection is not so hard to be taken and vnderstanded but it is as needefull and necessery to oure iustification and saluacion For without we do comprehend and beleue this article we shall neuer be holly iust or blessed Rom. 4 And this proueth S. Paule to the Romaynes brilfely but with wordes of greate efficacy and power saying Christ was gyuen for our synnes and raised vp for our righteousnes Thorow the resurrection of Chryste we haue obteined the iustification of God Esai 53 Wherin he sheweth two thyngs Fyrst he ascribeth to the passiō death and blode of Christ remission of sinnes which vndoubtedly by none other worke or deseruing maye be taken awaye as Esai witnesseth He is wounded for our offences and smitten for our wickednes Secondarylye he assigneth vnto the resurrection of Christ our iustificacion Wherout it doth folowe ●hat the death of Christ how profitable so euer it be profiteth me nothing except that the same sauiour ●nd my Lorde Iesu Christe had risen from deathe Therefore yf I desire to bee discharged and loused ●rome those synnes that do stirre and pricke me Howe a man shal be deliuer●d from synne so ●s it requisite and needefull that I beleue that to be doone allonly throughe the passion and death of our Lord Iesu Christ without any worke or deseruyng of man And furthermore If I be made righteous the same righteousnes is obtained through the resurrection of Christe Now seing that our saluacion commeth and is brought to passe throughe the death and resurrection of
Thomas wyth his incredulitie which wolde not beleue vnto suche tyme he saw and felte How goodly I pray you did he take heed vnto Christs wordes kepe in remembrance that Christ had said namely that he shuld be delyuered vnto the Gentiles Luc. 18. they shuld mock him put him to death that the third day he shuld rise Yet neuertheles Christ did him lyke seruice as he did the other For eight daies after he came saide vnto Thomas Ioh. 20 Reache hither thy hand and put it in my syde and be not vnfaithfull but beleue Here is the hart of Thomas opened so that he crieth out and saith My lord my god Out of all these thingꝭ it must needs folow The corruptnes of the flesh that we concernīg our nature and kind ar euell and very mischieuous and euer prone to incredulitie and misbeliefe and that wee cannot with our owne power attaine vnto faith except through the word of god the holy ghoste be geuen vs and that he lykewise as Christe serued the Apostels maye serue and asiste vs also Frute of the resurrection Secondarily we haue in this gospel the frute commoditie of the resurrection that is to say peace and tranquility of our consciences which is he● thre times pronoūced to the Apostels To haue peace Peace with god is no other thing then to beleue the Christe died for vs and rose from death for our iustificaciō in so much that nowe sin can neither accuse vs nor condemne vs. But who giueth suche peace Christ oure lorde Whereby By his worde in the which the merite of his passion and resurrection is freely offred gyuen vnto vs. Likewise in the same word the holly ghoste is giuen vnto vs which worketh faith in vs whiche faith comprehendeth the mercy of god in Christ and to Christ shee casteth vp hyr eyen in hym shee putteth hyr truste and confydence and finallye shee knoweth all her synnes to be forgyuen by Christe Wherefore then shulde not the conscience haue peace If she knewe and tooke God firste for a straight iudge now she knoweth him and taketh him for a louing and mercifull father that mercifully wyll defende and saue her and that by Christ This peace doth S. Paul praise and wisheth to all christian menne when he writeth in his epistles Grace peace Grace and peace from God the father and frome oure lorde Iesu Christe By grace yf we do beleue we obteine remissiō of sines whom the peace aforesaide foloweth Where oute marke that they that intende to obteine remission with their workes haue not this peace as witnesseth scripture The wicked mē haue no peace Esa 45 saith the lorde But how maye this be Bicause they go aboute to obteine remission peace with God thorow deseruing of workes which is vnpossible So longe as no man can do so muche as he is bounde for to do so long must he needs doubte be vncertayne whether he please be acceptable vnto God or no. And in so doubtyng I pray the Where doubt is cannot be a pacefied cōscience Rom. 5. 2 Tes 4 The sendynge of the apostels how can thy harte and conscience be pacefied and at reste when thou arte doubtefull whether thy sinnes be forgiuen the or no Wherefore it is faithe that getteth this peace whiche cleaueth and hangeth to the resurrection of Christe and not to deseruing of workes Thirdely and last of all here we may se and cōsidre in what manner of wise the apostels were sent forth to preache the gospell As the father sente me saith Christe so doo I sende you But howe was Christ sente That he shulde preach repentaunce remission of sinne That selfe same preachinge for as much as it is contrari to our reasō and capacity which alwayes trusteth in the deseruinge of oure workes did so stirre vp against Christe all Ierusalem and Iewry that they named not him all only a false deceiuer of the people and possessed with a diuell but also after so greate benefites doone vnto theym moste dispitefully crucified him and put him to deathe Neuertheles yet muste we confesse that this poore dispised scourged and crucifyed Christe had auctoritie and power of the father to forgiue sinne Luc. 14 After this manner wise also are the apostles sent forth that in the name of Christ they shulde preach repentaunce and remission of sinnes to all people Luc. 22. beginnyng at Ierusalem c. Further more that they shulde haue lykewise power also as Christe had That is to saye power throughe the word to forgiue and retayne sinnes Also as Christ was dispised persecuted that they euen so shuld of the worlde be dispised and persecuted But thou wilte saye Can the priest torgiue sinne Doeth not that al only pertayn vnto god I aunswere Truth it is that through Christ we haue remission of sinne yet notwithstanding ther must ministers be in this busines by whome this precious treasure must be published opened and distributed The minister of the gospell as concernynge his owne power doth not forgiue sinne but through the commission and worde of Christe Who doth forgiue syn Therefore when thou heareste the gospell out of the mouthe of the preacher and beleuest the worde whether it be openly or priuately ministred thy sinnes be forgiuen the. And thou hast not here respect vnto the persone that denounseth the remission of sinnes but vnto the commaundement and word of Christ The cōmaundemente word of Chryste forgyueth sin And thou doest not here receyue and heare the preacher but Christ himselfe as he saith He that receiueth you receaueth me And although the precher be he the alōly with the mouth absolueth the declareth and promiseth the remission of sinnes through the worde yet Christe is he that fulfilleth it which hath committed this thing to the minister here to be done with his word Here to pertaineth that Christe faithe Whose sinnes so euer you remitte they are remitted vnto them And whose sinnes so euer ye retaine they are retayned With the which wordes he declareth him selfe how in what maner shuld be vnderstande the promise made vnto Peter Mat. 16 Peter in the persō steed of all the apostels saide Thou arte Christe the sonne of the liuinge God Lykewise in the persone of Peter was gyuen power to all the Apostelles to open and shutte heauen which thinge so to bee is here by this gospell manifest and playne Fynally the Apostelles are sence to preache repentaunce and to forgyue synnes and that not of theym selues but by the power of Christe and by his worde The seconde sonday after Easter Iohn 10. I Am Eze. 24 Mic. 4 the good shepehard A good shepeherd geueth his lyfe for the sheepe An hyred seruaunte and he which is not the shepeharde neyther the sheepe are hys owne seeth the wolfe commynge and leaueth the sheepe and flyeth and the wolfe catcheth and scattereth the shepe
the worke be first iustified acceptable before god If thou wilte be iuste and acceptable thou must beleue And yf thou beleuest then arte thou iustified For fayth apprehēdeth thou mercy of god in Christ through the which we obtain righteousnes without any work or deseruinge And therefore when the person is accepted iustified before god then likewise are the works accepted not that the works be of them selues of such reputacion and worthines but forbicause they bee wrought of that persone that is iustified and accepted before god Wherfore whan Christe doth admonishe vs for to make vs frendes of the wicked Mammon and to do good works doth not regard so muche the worke as he doth the fountaine from whens the worke floweth He doth hate setteth so litle bi hipocrisy that it is to be thought that he teacheth not workes without fayth For what be workes withoute ●aithe but hipocrisy Those workes which the Iewes did obserue in the law which also were commaunded of god himselfe did not please god when they were done without faith much lesse shall those workes please god whiche be inuented made of men Although Christe saide Make you frendes of the wicked Mammon teaching vs therwith the workes of charity yet doth he not adscribe righteousnes to the same but he wyl that our faith be declared by them and brought to lyght for it is needefull that the tree be knowen by the frutes Faythe is knowen by workes Cōsidre also that Christe in these wordes Make you friendes of the wicked Mammon did loke vpon y● workes of charity namely that then our goodes ar good right when they be tourned and distributed to the vse and helpe of the poore and needy and contrary wise they are naught wicked when we seke in thē only our pleasure and voluptuousnes Therfore saith Salomon Pro. 14 He that dispiseth his neighboure doth amysse but whosoeuer hath pity on the poore is blessed Thirdly we haue here the reward that is giue to the faithful which worketh through a liuely faith works of charitie for as much as the poore whom we haue succoured helped with our goodes shal receiue vs into euerlastīg tabernacles This text the papists apply vnto saintes that ar departed out of this worlde and go about to stablishe therewith that vngodlye doctrine of inuocacion vnto saintes But take heed of this opiniō for it is against the first cōmaundemēt of god agaīst the gospell also Ioh. 16 which teacheth vs to pray vnto the father in the name of Christe And it is against the doctrine of S. Paul which techeth vs that we haue but only on mediatour 1 Tim. 2 Furthermore this gospel speaketh not of the dead but of those saintes that be a liue And those shuld we make our frēdes do our charity vpō Wherwtal With the wicked Māmon That is Let vs think that our goods riches are not giuē vs of god for our pomp volupteousnes but that therby we ar ordained deputed to be goddes ministers to deale giue it out to the poore needy and to serue theim in their necessitye Which if we do thei at the dai of iudgment shal bear witnes of our charity done vnto thē by which meanes we shal be receiued into the euerlastīg tabernacle This exposition the bare texte giueth it selfe For the that Christe will do for the poore he saith that hys christiās do it As in an other place he saith vnto that apostels Luc. 20. In that day ye shall sit vppon the twelue seats to iudge the twelue tribes of Israel Finally what soeuer we do vnto the poore by faithe shal be plenteously recompensed and rewarded vs of God throughe Christe our Lorde Amen The gospell on the tenthe sonday after trinity sonday Luc. 19. ANd when he was come neare he beheld the citye and Ioh. 11. wepte on it saying If thou haddest knowen those thinges which belong vnto thy peace euen in thys thy day thou woldest take heede But nowe are they hidde frome thyne eyes For the dayes shall come vpon the Iere. 52 Ma. 14 that thyne enemyes also shall caste a banke aboute the and compasse the rounde and kepe the in on euerye syde and make the euen with the grounde and thy chyldren which are in the And Mich. 3. Mar. 13 Luc. 21. they shall not leaue in the one stone vppon an other bicause thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitacion * mat 21 Mar. 11 Iohn 2 And he wente into the temple and beganne to caste out theim that solde therein and them that boughte saiynge vnto theim It is wryttē ♣ 3 Re. 8 d. e. f. My house is the house of prayer but ye haue * esa 51. made it a denne of theues And he taughte daylye in the temple THE EXPOSITION IN this gospel we learn how we must receiue Christe two manner of wayes One waye as a gifte an other as an exaumple Therfore when I take and receaue hym as a gifte Christe is giuen vnto vs. muste I vnderstand and know that this his weeping hath doone me seruice and that hee is so gyuen me that hee with all that he hath is myne owne And also I muste know and beleue that he careth for me and hath compassion with me and pytieth me in my calamity and misery For there is no greater cōfort to vs neither in heauen not in earth then to know when we are assaulted with temptacion that god careth and prouideth for vs. If thy sinnes bite the yf thy conscience accuse the if thou feare the wrathe and vengeaunce of god returne and looke vpon Christe by whome thou art promised remission of sinnes Esai 53 For it is he that alone hath taken awaye oure infirmitye and sinnes and beareth oure payne And in any wise take heed that thou takest not him for so cruel that wil not be intreated or pleased and which will not be spoken withal but rather perswade thy selfe that he is suche a one that is not allonly displeased with those that neglect him and seeke and other waye to saluacion but also that hee was sory and wept for them as wee maye lightely perceiue out of this his compassion that he is redy and prest to help euery man so that we acknowledg our sinnes and hate them desiring to be delyuered from theim For it is he he alone I saye through whome the father wyll helpe troubled consciences and saye in oure hartes Bee of good comforte thy sinnes be forgiuen the which also in worldly tentacion and trouble doth the same For yf in my trouble and misery I call vnto god through Christe I am suer that he wyll helpe For Christe hath saide What so euer ye aske the father in my name Ioh. 14 it shal be giuen vnto you And in an other place he sayth Be of good comforte I haue ouercome the world that is Ioh. 16 Through me ye shall nat
commaundeth Thou wylte saye vnto me Why then is the lawe geuen and what is her office I aunswere with S. Paule Rom. 3. By the lawe commeth the knowledge of syn c. and for this pourpose shee serueth and is necessarye Shee bringeth me to the knowledge of imbecillitie and weakenes peruerse and frowarde nature synnes which canne throughe no worke be expelled dryuen away so than that I by that meanes am made the apter redyer to hear embrace the doctrine of Christ of the diuine grace goodnes Thirdely like as we haue had in this gospell a question partaininge to the lawe so wee haue here nowe an other question partaininge to the gospell After that an answere was giuen vnto the Pharisees according to their questiō which was the fyrst and greatest commaundement in the lawe Christe asked them again sayīg What think ye of Christ whose son is he They answere The son of Dauid Then Christ said vnto them How then did Dauid in spirite Ps ●09 call him lorde saying The lord sayd vnto my lorde Syt thou on my right hande c. Here were the pharisees taken at a baye how crafty or subtyle so euer they were And while they were ignoraunt therin knew not how Christ was the son and the lorde of Dauid they shewed them selfe to haue little vnderstanding in the mistery of the gospell And although the Pharisees had no vnderstāding therin yet al they that will be counted christen men muste both know it and beleue it For what other thinge is the gospell then a swete and comfortable preaching of Christe the sonne of Dauid that hee for vs became man and came into the worlde to redeme saue vs through his death passion And the he is called as cōcerning the flesh the son of Dauid Whose sonne Christ is is for the greate excellent promise that was made of Christ vnto Dauid So likewise we knowledgīg him to be the lord of Dauid we cōfesse him to be very god man sent from the father into the worlde that by him we shulde be saued This so excellent a mistery is hidden from the Pharisees all that iustifie them selues but vnto vs that know worship the father in Christ Christ in the father it is plainly opened well knowen This preaching of Christ that he is the sonne and lord of Dauid agreeth wel with the question of the law The lawe openeth sin but it forgiueth not sinne for that high power is only giuen vnto Christ our lord the son of Dauid Also the lawe teacheth what we ought to do and forbere but she giueth not the spirite which canne do that the lawe commaundeth Wherfore ther belongeth besides the preaching of the lawe which doth humiliat vs the preaching of the sonne and lord of Dauid that is the go●pell which may pacifye our troubled consciences may giue vs the holy ghost to teach vs willyngly and for loue to do that thing that god requiret of vs. Which knowledg god the father graunt vs through Christ our lord Amen The ninetenth sonday after trinity sonday Mat. 9. HE entred also into a ship and passed ouer came into his owne citie And behold Mat. 2. Luc. 5. b they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying in a bed And when Iesus sawe the faith of thē he sayd vnto the sick of the palsy Son be of good chere thy sinnes be forgyuen the. And behold certain of the scribes said within them selues this mā blasphameth And when Iesus sawe their thoughts he said Wherfore think ye euell in your harts Whether is easyer to say Thy synnes be forgiuē the or to say arise walk But that ye may know that the son of mā hath power to forgeue sinnes in earth Then saith he vnto the sick of the palsy Actu 3. and. 9. f Mar. 2. Luc. 5. c Ioh. 5. b Arise take vp thy bed and go vnto thine house And he arose and departed to his house But the people that saw it meruailed and gloryfied God which had giuen suche power vnto men THE EXPOSITION IN this gospel is hādled one of the most principal articles of our faith that is remission of sinnes Wolde god that we might learn vnderstand this article For it is a necessary thing for vs to know how our sinnes be forgiuen vs. Sin is a terrible word brīging with him euerlastīg damnaciō if we abide perseuer therin Furthermore sinne so highly displeaseth god that he wold not be pleased with no other satisfacciō thā with the passion death of his onli son Iesus Christe our lorde Moreouer ther is scarce ani other word that hath more cōsolation comfort in it thē remissiō of syns hath in especial if we knowe frō whence it cōmeth and how we may apprehende it The whiche thyng we may perceiue in this gospel They offered vnto Christ a mā sicke of the Palsey that he should heale him But what did Christ He knewe full well The disease of the soule that the disease of the soule was muche more daūgerous then the disease of the body And though he intended to heale take awaye the bodily disease of this man that had the palsey yet he did and brought to passe fyrst that whiche was more nedefull necessary afterward healed the body And that is the cause why he is called a physicion in the gospel because he doth chiefly take away the diseases of the soule as he sayth of him selfe The whole nede not the Physicion Mat. 9. but they that are sicke Christ of his mere grace for geueth synne Wherfore he sayd to the mā that had the Palsey My sōne be of a good chere thy synnes bee forgeuen thee Here thou hearest the name of synne and hearest also that ioyfull name of forgeuyng And if diligently thou wylte considre who it is that speaketh these thynges thou mayst lightly perceiue and fynde what he is that wyl forgeue vs our synnes so that we knowlege and confesse theim and desire grace we may perceiue I say that it is Iesus Christe oure Lorde to whom is graunted of God the father this power to forgeue synne as the Angell wytnesseth saiyng Mat. 1. He shall saue his people from their synne And as wee necessarily may note and marke here that remission of synnes is and commeth of mere grace by Christe without any deseruyng of woorkes so lykewyse it is to bee noted howe gentely and mercyfully Christ here in this place doth shewe him selfe This man that had the palsey prayeth and desireth onely for his bodily health and Christ healeth him both in body and soule yea and maketh him the sonne and heyre of God and sayth Sonne be of a good chere O vnspeakeable charitee whiche can not bee expressed O mercyfull and louyng Lorde can there be shewed greatter grace to this mā that had the Palsey The sinnes are two maner of wayes forgeuē Esa 34 But
the beginnyng of the worlde vnto this day defende maintayne iustice of workes contrary against the iustice of fayth And of such at this tyme in so opē light of the Gospel ther are innumerable On the other parte that is to say among theim that bee litle children Childrē are to bee nombred the Apostles and all that beleue whiche esteme the Euangelye as a most precious and holy relique and in nothyng are against it but with all gentilnes and lowly mynde do receyue it Therfore if thou wylt come with these children vnto the knowlege of the gospell and eternal felicitee well be not wise and prudent in thine owne conceite but meake thy selfe in thyne heart for the worde continueth hyd vnto carnall wysedome Wherfore also sainct Paule calleth it a misterye or a preuie secrete that all menne vnderstande not nor perceiue Wee speake sayth he the wisedome of God in a mistery Secondarily Christ is very God when Christe as very manne had ascribed the reuelacion of his Euangelie or gospel vnto his father he would nowe also shewe himselfe to be very God equal with the father and he sayth All thynges are geuen vnto me of my father And No man knoweth the sonne but the father neither knoweth any man the father but the sonne and he to whom the sonne will open him Of these wordes it is euident that Christ is not only very man but also very God For seyng that in this place he sheweth that the knowlege of his heauenly father is in his power to geue it vnto whom he wyll whiche thyng in another place he ascribeth vnto his father onely needes must it folowe Christ is equal with the father that as concernyng the deuine nature he is equal with his father And if he bee equal with his father it foloweth of necessitee that he is very God Nowe if he be very God why should I not beleue in him why shuld I refuse to put in him all my whole hope trust and cōsolacion especially seyng that he is so minded toward me and all men that beleue in him that both he will and also is hable to helpe vs. And that he wyl gladly succour vs it appeareth in this that for our sakes he geueth thankes vnto his heauenly father as one that hath great pleasure in our saluacion and health Besides that he is able to helpe vs for all thinges are geuē vnto him of his father And to this partaineth it Ioh. 14 that he sayd vnto Philip. Haue I been so long tyme with you and thou hast not knowen me Philip he that seeth me seeth also my father Againe Beleue me that I am in the father the father is in me Heare you not in this sentēce that Christ is equal with the father therfore nedes must he be God It wyll bee very profitable to collect and gather suche sentences together and to haue theim in oure myndes For howe hardes thyng is it to the fleshe to beleue that a mā so dispised and crucify●● should be the sonne of God yea God himselfe And that he hath by the effusion of his precious bloud washed awaye the synnes of all men obtained for them eternal life So strongly and with suche force is sathan wont to fight against this article For he knoweth certainly that if he may wynne vs frō this Christ it is impossible but he shal take vs for his praye For thynke you that it was for nought the Christ sayd Mat. 9. He is blessed that shall not be offended against me Surely he sawe before that his poore and cōtemptible person should make many afrayd to come to his doctrine Therfore he willeth that we loke vnto his worde considre it prudētly and not only say Iesus sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. But also say with Thomas Mar. 10 Ioh. 20. My Lorde and my God Thyrdly Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto him selfe with a verye swete and fatherly promise and sayth Come vnto me all you that labour and are laden and I wyll refreshe comfort and ease you Christ allureth vs vnto himselfe with a merciful promise I pray you who now wil bee slowe not rather with all that he can make hast vnto so gentle a sauiour Christ And diligently note who thei be that Christ calleth here vnto himselfe They are suche as labour and are laden in their conscience And who be those Those doubtles that feele their synnes and knowlege theim and for theim bee fearefull and tremblyng without comfort of a contrite heart For to suche consciences there is no worke no holy deede no wysedome that canne succour theim but Christ onely by his death and passion and by that precious effusion of his bloud Many one there are that in suche trouble of conscience and in the great conflictes and anguishe of the same seke remedyes by certaine prescribed holynes and woorkes But these profyte no more then did that woman whiche was sicke of the issue of bloud xii yere which had suffered many thynges of many Physicions spent al her goodes was neuer the better Mar. 5. neither had any succour For the more they study with their workes those I say whiche are done without true fayth to pacifye the conscience the more they do hurt it Wherfore thus must wee seke for remedye When by the preaching of Moyses we be brought into the knowlege of oure synne Rom. 3. and wee feele our selues right soore oppressed with the burthen of synne then let vs seke for him which by his death and passion hath obtayned for vs remission of all our synnes But if Sathan wyll here drawe the backe and as he is ful of malice and craft so put it into thy mynde that thou shalt thynke Christ suche a one The cōfort of cōsciēce must be sought at Christ as can in no wise abide sinners then knowe thou that thou loke vnto this promise that Christ hath made to thee in this Gospell when he sayth Come vnto me al ye that labour and are laden and I euen I shal refreshe you Whiche els no worke nor sainct can do Why I beseche you bee you afrayde when I am gentle and lowely in heart and suche a one as it should be full sore against my will that any synner should depart fro me without comforte Beholde thus Christ allureth and calleth vs vnto himself and setteth furth to vs a promise that he will refreshe and comfort suche as are laden and oppressed with synne Yea further when wee bee comforted he will lay a yoke vpon vs but no suche as they felt before But Christes yoke is easye and his burthen light The doctrine of Christ because of the crosse whiche it euer bryngeth with it is a great yoke and heauye burthen to the fleshe But when the spirite commeth it is made easye and light were it afore neuere so heauy as sainct Ihon sayth His preceptes are not heauye 2. Ioh.
meate and drynke wherewith he feedeth theim that come thereto as they ought do is his owne very fleshe and bloud They that come thereto muste occupye their myndes in consideryng howe his bodye was broken for them and his bloud shed for their redempcion and so ought they to approche to this heauenly table with all humblenes of heart and godlynes of mynde as to the table wherein Christ himselfe is geuen And they that come otherwyse to this holy table they come vnworthely and do not eat drynke Christes fleshe and bloud but eate drynke their owne damnacion because they do not duely consider Christes very fleshe bloud whiche be offered there spiritually to bee eaten dronken but dispisyng Christes most holy supper do come therto as it were to other meates drynkes without regarde of the Lordes body whiche is the spiritual meate of that table Therfore let a mā as sainct Paule sayth examine himselfe and so eate of the bread and drynke of the cuppe for he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drinketh his owne damnacion not desernyng the Lordes body Euil persons do not ea●e the body of Christ Thyrdly we can not deny but that both the good and bad do eate and drynke the sacramental bread and wine but besides the sacramentes the good eateth euerlastyng life the euil and wicked membres of the deuil euerlastyng death For they do not eate and drynke the body blud of Christ but as sainct Paule sayth they are gyltie of the body bloud of the Lord and eate drynke their owne damnacion Fourthly it is necessary that we knowe wherevnto this sacrament profiteth and what vtilitee cōmeth to vs by it and what is the power of it And this can no mā learne better any where then of the very wordes wherewith this sacrament was instituted whiche say This is my body geuen for you vnto the remission of synnes Christe ordayned this sacrament of his body and bloud in bread and wine to preache vnto vs that as our bodies be fed norished and preserued with meate drynke so are our hungry soules fed norished and preserued by the body bloud of Christ This same spiritual eatyng and drinkyng of the sayd body and bloud of Christ is not receiued in the mouthe digested in the stomacke but it is receyued with a pure heart a syncere fayth beleuyng that Christe gaue his body to death shed his bloud vpon the crosse for vs that he doth so ioyne and incorporate himself to vs that he is our heade and we his membres hauyng him dwellyng in vs wee in him What thyng can bee more comfortable to vs than to eat this meate and drynke this drynke For he sayth himselfe Iohn 6 He that eateth me shal liue by me Wherfore in this sacramēt receiued with a true fayth we are assured that our synnes be forgeuen whiche thing when we fele in our heates at the receiuyng of the Lordes supper what thyng can be more ioyfull more pleasaunt or more comfortable vnto vs Remission of sinnes is the highest treasure that can be in the worlde Who is it that would not apply his whole study cast in his mynde day night yea go though it were neuer so long a iourney so that he might attaine this treasure Suppose you there bee any ryches in this worlde lyke vnto this Naye verely Why so For the goodes of this worlde be they neuer so excellent neuer so precious great in value neuer so pleasant beautifull yet they ebbe flowe they fall as leaues and thei passe away although in this life onely they comfort man much yea and rather vexe trouble him But this treasure of forgeuenes of synnes when by fayth it is obtained found and set hande vpon it bringeth with it no incertaine deceiuable nor transitory life but a continuall euerlasting and perpetual lyfe also it causeth peace ioye in the holy ghost which shall last for euer Wherefore yt is very necessarye that we with al diligence and studiouse mind serch for this treasure There ar some that are so minded that they thinke that when they haue the worde it is not verye necessary nor maketh no great matter whether they come vnto the sacrament or no and that it is in their liberty whether they wyll take part of the lords table or no. All men ar boūd to receiue the Sacrament But I deny that liberty lai that al mē are so sore bound to remembre this benefite receiued of God through Christ as the apostels wer and often to reuolue it in heart and to giue thanks for it For though I neither can nor will bynd mē vnto a certaine prescript or peculier time to receiue this sacrament yet it is necessarye that wee consider the commaundement of Christe and that oftentymes we accomplishe and in deede fulfyll it Furthermore it is a trewth and can not bee denied but that by the woorde there is offered vnto vs the remission of sinnes And in the same worde is this sacrament commaunded and comprehended so that the one can not bee in onye wise deuided frome the other Fiftely considre nowe who these be that vse this sacrament accordyngly The vse of the lordes supper Douteles that are such as beleue Ther is a promise in the lordes supper that Christ wold giue his owne body vnto death for vs that he wold shed his blud to wash away our sinnes And in this promise there is no douting But what profiteth this promise vnto me excepte I receiue take hold vpon it by faith But yet if I wil be partaker of these thinges it is necessary that I come in faith For euery promise of God is receiued by faith So likewise teacheth the sentēces in the gospell of Iohn Ioh. 6. He that eateth this bread shal liue eternally Item The breade which I wil giue it ys my flesh for the lyfe of the world Item He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud continueth in me and I in him c. Al these sentences ar spoken of faith Now who so cometh vnto the communion of the lordes supper not hauing this faithe then not only hee eateth it not vnto his health and eternall life but muche rather he taketh part of this sacramēt vnto eternal cōdemnaciō as S. Paul in the epistle to the Cor. sufficiently sheweth and teacheth 1 Co. 11. Therfore if thou feele thy sinnes knowest them woldest right gladly be delyuered from them desirest to growe increase and waxe strong in faith well make hast come to this supꝑ For in it thou shalt find not only forgiuenes of sinnes that bi the word but also thou shalt feed thy soul with the body blud of Iesu Christ a great cōforting to thi faith Furthermore this sacrament shuld moue stir vs to friendship to liue quietly in peace vnitie concord to put away all hatred variance
of the fyrste and of the other whiche was crucyfyed with hym But when they came to Iesus and sawe that he was deade already they brake not his legges but one of the sowldiers wyth a speare thruste hym into the syde forth with came therout bloude and water And he that sawe it bare record and his record is true And he knoweth that he sayth true that ye myght beleue also For these thynges were done that the scripture myghte be fulfilled Exod. 12 Ye shall not break one bone of hym And agayn another scripture sayeth ♣ Zac. 12 They shall looke on hym whome they pearsed Mat. 26 Mar. 15 Luce. 23 After this Ioseph of Aramathia whych was a disciple of Iesus but secretly for fear of the Iewes besought Pylat that he myght take doune the body of Iesus And Pylate gaue him licence He came therfore and toke the body of Iesus and ther came also Nicodemus whiche at the beginninge came to Iesus by nyght and brought of Myrre and Aloes myngeled togither about an hundreth pound wayght Then toke they the body of Iesus and wounde it with linnen clothes with the odoures as the maner of the Iewes is to bury And in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a newe sepulchre wherein was neuer manne layde There layde they Iesus therfore because of the preparyng of the Sabboth of the Iewes for the sepulchre was nye at hand THE EXPOSITION WE haue treated dearely beloued in these former sermons very plainly vpon the prisonment or bindyg scourgyng spittyng vpon derision or scornyng lastly the very death of oure Lord Iesus Christ and accordyng to these articles we haue diligently put in your memory that the very chiefe and principal cause why Christ should suffre this was our synnes Furthermore we haue declared vnto you what vtilitee and profite commeth by this passion vnto those that by fayth apprehend it acknowledgyng theyr sinnes and beyng for the same confounded for feare in their consciences that is to say they obtayne forgeuens of synnes accordyng as blessed S. Peter testifyeth saiyng 1. Pet. 3 Christ ones suffered for oure synnes the righteous for the vnrighteous and to bryng vs to God he was mortified in the fleshe but quickened in the spitite And nowe foloweth what was done after his death before he was buryed The Euangelist writeth thus Then the Iewes because it was the preparyng day besought Pylate that the legges of those that wer crucifyed might be broken and that they might be taken doune and Pylate agreed to their peticion and permitted it But was it so done in dede They broke the theues legged but not Christes And this was done that the scripture shuld be fulfylled as the Euangelist allegeth whiche sayeth You shall not breake a bone of him And again an other scripture said Zac. 12 The aduersaris cā do no more then is permitted thē Psa 21. They shall see him whom they haue pearsed But what lessons haue we in this History First we must here marke and learn that the aduersaries of Christ could procede no further in their malice and furor against him thē was permited them of God And although Christ before was come into that angwyshe and necessitye that he cryed My god My god wherfore hast thou forsaken me yet euen then the heauēly father toke the care and custodi of him so that nothīg might chaūce vnto him but that which before was cōprehended in the scriptures testified of him And as in this place he tooke the care for his son and so defēded him that his bones wer not broken euen so wil he mercifully conserue and keep al that beleue that receiue the word of his son Iesu Christ and continue in it vnto the ende so that nothynge may be able to chaunce vnto them but only that which is the good wil of god as we haue an example in Dauid Dauid whome god suffered for a time to be persecuted yea and banished of Saul yet at the laste he made hym king and brought him to honor Also take insample of Iob Iob. in whome god apointed Sathan bothe the tyme and measure how farre he shuld tempt goddes seruant Truth it is the world may take away our liues if god wil so permit them but the eternall lyfe whiche onlye is obtayned by Christ that can no man take from vs. We also learn in this place of this history that seyng the wordes spoken of the paschall lambe in the seconde booke of Moyses ar here by the euangelist applied and referred vnto Christ In this I saye we learne Christe is the true paschall lambe that Christe is therfore the true paschal lambe signified by that lambe in the old testament and now offered vppon the crosse for our sinnes by cause all that beleue in him shall not perishe nor be ashamed but shal haue lyfe euerlasting Doubtles this knewe S. Iohn when he saide Ioh. 1. Beholde the lambe of god which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde And Paule also called Christe the paschall lambe sayinge after this manner 1 Cor. 5. Our Paschall Christe is offered vp for vs. Therfore let vs kepe our feaste not in olde leuen nor in leuen of malice wickednes but in vnleuened bread that is purenes and truthe True holynes of the heart Now to cleaue to this true paschal lamb whose bones according to the scripture wer not broken and by fayth to be planted in him bringeth a farre other holynes then any the Iews had which sought it in extreme outwarde thinges that is it bringeth holynes of the hearte whiche consysteth in spirite faith and truth Secondarily the Euangelist saithe that one of the souldiers opened with a spere Christes syde by and by ther ran forth bloud and water And furthermore though he saith he himself saw it yet bringeth he againe the scripture that ther might bee a more sure testimony out of the prophete Zacharye Zach. 12 Apoc. 1. whiche saith They shall see into whom they thrust their spear Now is this a sure testimony ful of cōfort especially vnto vs taketh away al doubtes from our hartes as if infidelity shuld think Christ is not our redemer hee is not verye god c. These blasphemers I saye are put away for why we see that all thinge that is doone here in the passion of Christ is consonant agreable with the scripture And what signifieth it the there stremeth out bloud water The bloud of Christe signifieth the remissiō of sins frō the side of Christ By the blud Christ wold shew vnto vs that remission and forgiuenes of sinnes shuld euermore continue in his Church as wtout doubt it was obtained thorow the same his most precious blud But for whō was it obtained Suerly for those that come to it bi knowledgīg of their sins and by faith But to the vnbeleuer this most precious treasure may not be propounded
learne to distrust of our selues and our owne strengthes and to seke righteousnes and health otherwhere then at our selues or in our owne workes But where shuld it be sought Forsoth at him that opened vnto the Apostles that excellent cōfession of Christ that is to say at the heauenly father of whom Christ also sayth in another place Noman knoweth the father but onely the sonne and noman knoweth the sōne but the father only and he to whom the father will open him Thyrdly A promise geuen vnto the churche wee haue in this Gospell a promyse of Christ geuen to the churche that is this That the gates of hell that is Sathan and all power wysedome of the worlde shal not preuayle against it Nowe note vpō what foundacion this church must be buylded to whom this excellent promise pertayneth Christ sayth Thou art Peter that is stonye that is thou standest stedfast in thy confession as doth the stony rocke For thou cōfessest and beleuest that I am Christ the sonne of the liuyng God that is thou beleuest that I am the sauiour and redemer of the whole worlde Wherfore nowe suche fayth shal be in my church that hath respect to me my worde and only dependeth vpon me and stand sure firme in the same confession as thou hast done nowe And vpon suche a fayth as only putteth confidence vpō my word I wyll buyld my church so strongly that not the gates of hel that is what so euer be against me other in hel or in earth shal preuaile against it Doubtles persecution shal arise and Sathan him selfe shall not cease by thousand meanes to tempte The gates of hel if it may any way be possible to take away the word frō my church But he shal not obtain his purpose but spend his labour in vaine And why For I my selfe will be protector and defender of it A like saying hath Christ in Mat. Whosoeuer heareth of me these wordes doth them Mat. 7 I wil liken him to a wise man that hath buylt his house vpon a rocky stone and the rayne came downe and the fluddes arose and the windes blew they fel with violence vpon that house it was not ouerthrowē for it was builded vpon a stony rock Now seing that Christ hath with this his so rich excellent a promise prouided for his church With out the trwe churche is no saluaciō Ephe. 5 I pray you who wil be so mad to seperate him selfe from christes church I say again frō Christs church for the which as S. Paul saith he hath giuē him self to death to sanctify it clense it in the fountaine of water by the word to make it vnto him self a glorious congregacion hauing no spot nor wrinkell nor any suche thinge but that it shuld be holy and without blame Fourthly we se to whom Christ hath cōmitted the power of the keies how far the same power extendeth it self It was said afore that Peter answered in the name of al the Apostels that Christs words were to Peter to al the other Apostels Seing it is so nedes must we confesse that power autorite to lose binde was not giuen to Peter alone but generally to al the Apostels Now if any wyll be contencious hold opiniō that the power was giuē to Peter only yet is his mouthe stopped with these places of Math. Iohn where Christ saide to his Apostles Mat 18 Ioh. 20 Whose sins so euer ye forgiue they be forgiuē and whose sins so euer ye retaine they are retained Although it be without questiō that those that dispute stryue by the swords as they saye for the power of Peter thei take vpon them those disputacions not for Peters sake but ōli to flatter therwith their Roman Antichrist But truth it is that the gates of hell haue so sore preuailed against him that euery child may perceiue easily that this promise ought not to be wrested falsly applied to the Roman seat Besides that what with his false doctrine his diuelishe pride he hath so sore ouerthrowen him self that his estimacion hath but smal place in the hertes of those that beleue But nowe what is the power of the keyes Truly nothing els but the administracion of the word sacraments For Christ hath giuen this his word and sacraments vnto his churche And the churche committeth the same power vnto the ministers of the word which execute this office in the name of the whol church Therfore whersoeuer the worde is preched receiued beleued there also without doubt is remission of sinnes and that is it that here is vnderstād by losyng To lose and bynde And whersoeuer the word of god is preached men beleue it not surely ther remaineth perpetual cōdemnaciō ther is no remissiō of sins that same is here vnderstād by binding For doutles the promise stādeth here stedfastly assuredly that what so euer the ministers of the worde lose vpō earth in the name of the whole congregacion the same is losed also in earthe And what so euer thei bind vppon earth the same is bounde also in heauen And doubteles this power is not to bee contemned for that the minister or priest dothe in this matter hee doothe it not of himselfe but god himselfe doothe it whyche for the same intente hathe gyuen vnto vs hys woorde and Sacramentes To whome with the sonne and the holy ghost be all honor and prayse worlde without ende Amen The gospell on sainct Mary Magdalenes daye Luc. 7. When the Pharesey which had bydden hym sawe hee spake within him selfe saying If thys man were a prophete he wold suerly knowe who and what maner of woman this is that toucheth hym for shee is a sinner And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Symon I haue somewhat to saye vnto the. And he sayde Maister saye on There was a certaine lender which had two detters the one oughte fyue hundreth pence and the other fyfty When they hadde nothynge to pay he forgaue them both Tell me therfore whyche of theim wyll loue him most Symon answered and sayd I suppose that he to whom he forgaue most And he saide vnto him Thou hast truely iudged And he turned to the woman sayd vnto Symō Seest thou this woman I entred into thy house thou gauest me no water for my feete but she hath washed my feete with teares wyped them with the heere 's of her head Thou gauest me no kysse but she sence the tyme I came in hath not ceassed to kysse my feete Myne head with oyle thou dyddest not annoynt but she hath annoynted my feete with oyntment Wherfore I say vnto thee many synnes are forgeuen her for she loued muche To whom lesse is forgeuen thesame doth lesse loue And he sayd vnto her thy synnes are forgeuen thee And they that satte at meate with him began to say within thē selues who is this which forgeueh synnes also And
he sayd to the woman Mat. 5. Thy fayth hath saued thee Go in peace THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell deare Christians is fyrst descrybed a poore synner whiche not onely was come to the knowledge of her synnes but also by fayth obtained remissiō of thē Wherfore it is a verye necessarye thyng that this worde A synfull woman A sinner be well cōsidered and wayed in our heartes that by it we may put a true difference betwene an indurate blynde synner as was the Pharisey a synner that acknowlegeth his myserye synnes For there are synners whiche are doubtlesse blynded and deliuered into a reprouable sence as was Pharao of whom the scripture sayth that his heart was hardened Exo. 14 There are also some that are synners only afore God and not afore the worlde as the hypocrites of whō the scrip sayth sayth Luc. 16. You are those that iustifye your selues afore men Notwithstandyng God knoweth your heartes Also there are synners both before God and the world And forasmuche as their synnes displease them and thei acknowlege their synnes therfore especially is the gospell occupyed aboute these afore any other And suche a synner also was this woman that is spoken of in this gospel For she felt her synnes acknowleged that she had broken the lawe and further that she had nede of helpe counsel And therfore maketh she so great hast and deferreth it not when she had heard that Iesus was in the Phariseys house sekyng grace of him that had power and authoritee to remyt sinne Furthermore with weapyng teares annoyntyng washyng and wypyng his feet she testifyeth what strong fayth and loue she bare vnto Christ Faith is an excellēt thing And nowe ponder it well howe excellent a thyng fayth is that fyrste acknowlegeth her sinnes and after that fleeth vnto Christ This woman beyng a publike open synner knewe right well that she should haue but a syngle welcome into the Phariseys house neither should she escape the rebukes and tauntes of theim yet so great is her loue and fayth toward Christ that neglectyng and contemnynge al their rebukes checkes other contumelyes without feare she hasteth vnto Christe of whom she might obtayne remission of her synnes Wherfore nowe note diligētly and cōsider the processe also the successe of this womā for doubtles she shal teach both the me how they must be disposed that wyll obtain remission of their syns of god the father through Christ Thus sayth the Euangelist She began to weete his feete with teares Teares are a mooste certayne sygne of a penitent mynde that the synnes displease from the heart But what were suche repentaunce without fayth But this woman hath fayth also Repentāce and ●ayth muste be ioyned together Truely it is a great token of fayth in this woman that settyng light the threttes and checkes of the Phariseys she hasteth vnto Christe and that Christe him selfe testifyed saiyng Thy fayth hath made the safe Nowe doubtles this fayth was not idle in this woman but is shed furth it selfe through loue Are not these manyfest sygnes of loue that accordyng to the custome of the region she enbalmeth Christes head with moste precious oyntment weeteth his feete with teares kysseth them and wypeth theim with the heares of her heade Euen so it is expedient that wee bee lyke this woman if at the least wee wyll obtayne eternall health True penaunce Needes muste wee haue a perpetuall penaunce that is to say the knowlege of synne the forsakyng of synne and the hatyng of synne Furthermore wee muste haue fayth whereby wee may take holde vpon the promyse of the Gospell Last of all it is necessarye that wee declare oure fayth with woorkes of loue euen as we here se ensāple set surth in this woman Secondarily in this Gospel is Christ descrybed as a good gentle and mercyfull Lorde The goodnes of Christ For he receyueth this woman with so great humanitee and gentlenes nothyng consideryng the murmuryng of the Phariseys so that this receyuyng should well moue and styrre vppe all synners to true fayth Lette vs marke all thynges orderly as they stand and we shal fynde Christ in all thynges merciful gentle and ful of compassion lyke as hee is set forth vnto vs in the scriptures Fyrst Christ suffereth the sinful woman to annoynt him he suffereth her to washe his feete and to wype them he suffereth her to kysse him whiche no Pharisey would haue suffered to bee done especially of suche a woman Furthermore when the Pharisey murmured that he receiued so great a sinner Christ defēdeth this his facte by a similitude of a creditor that had two debters the one ought fiue hundreth pence the other fyfty Now seyng neither of both wer able to pay he forgaue them both And then he asked Symō Tel me whether of these twayne shal loue him most Wherfore Christ came in to the worlde Surely with this similitude Christ sheweth wherfore he came into this worlde namely for synners For without doubt we all are his debters And who is it that is not a debter or that wyll deny this debte If we wyll say sayth sainct Ihon that we haue not synne we deceiue our selues the truth is not in vs. Rom. 3. And S. Paule sayeth All haue synned and want the glorye of God What shall I say of the similitude whiche is written in the gospel of sainct Luke To make short wee all are debters of this Lord which way soeuer we turne our selues Luc. 12. And would to God he would geue vs this grace to knowlege our debt to beleue in Christ whiche for geueth it also furthermore that we might find grace as this woman did Doubtles she knowleged her synnes sought grace and found it And inasmuche as fiue hundred pence were forgeuē her all her iniquite remitted pardoned therfore also she shewed her selfe thankefull and heartely loued him of whō she was thus receiued into grace Loue folowed fayth Wherfore if thou also wylte haue remission of thy synnes set thy selfe among these debters that owe fyue hundred pence know thy selfe to be the greatest synner liuyng vpō the yearth say with the Publicane I am not worthy to looke vp into the heauen and then aske grace at Christ beleue the woordes of his Gospel If thou thus do doubtles thou shalt obtayne thy request For that swete worde spoken vnto the woman pertayneth also aswell vnto that as vnto her The worde is this Thy synnes are forgeuen thee And this worde ought euer to sounde in a christians eare as oft as our sinnes oppresse vs and we would gladly be deliuered from them as wee say in the confession of our fayth I beleue that in this life there is perpetually forgeuenes of synnes The Churche hath euer synners as the scripture testifyeth The righteous falleth vii tymes in the day ryseth agayne Therfore seyng that we are so weake that we synne
and death and yet they forsoke not their vocation but the more they were persecuted the more stronger did they confesse Christ Wherfore they did the rather optayne with Christ his heauenly kyngdom And this is the fruites which the Apostles brought furth when they did tarye in Christ Euery man hath his owne fruites tariyng in Christ For he that tarryeth in Christ he euen at the fyrst beginnyng bryngeth furth fruite by the callyng and confessyng the name of Christ both by his honest behauiour and with al kindes of godlynes and vertue by obediēce chastitee temperance sobrietie by true biyng and sellyng by other such kyndes of vertues And these be the miracles whiche bee nowe required of the godly And vndoubtedly whosoeuer doth folow these vertues in this world bryngeth furth great miracles There is so great a multitude of vnshamefast menne of gluttons and deceyuers in this corruptible worlde that it is no lesse a miracle to liue among theim iustly chastly shamefastly and soberly then it was in tymes past to make a blynd man to see or els to raise vp a dead man To conclude whosoeuer remayneth in Christ bryngeth furth fruite by sufferaunce and pacience in the crosse in aduersitee and afflictions Let him not forsake his vocacion although he be persecuted but let him rather be encouraged by affliction to maintayne his vocacion that he may openly declare that he knoweth Iesus Christ to be his righteousnes and health What should bee the let but he that remayneth in Christ shal bryng furth much fruite He that doth not tarrye in Christe doth not bryng furth fruite Fourthly let vs well vnderstand that he sayth Without me ye can do nothyng that is ye can not bryng furth any profitable or healthful fruite nor ye can do no good worke that is acceptable to God except ye beleue in me tary by fayth in me What is it to be and to tarrye in Christe Surely it is to beleue Iesus Christ to be borne of the virgin Mary to be very Christ this Christ to be the only propiciatorye and sacrifice for our sinnes whiche hathe made reconciliacion for thee to the father and for whose sake thou art made his son by adoption and heire of the heauenly and celestiall kingedome By this faith thou art accepted for Christs sake of god by this faith thou art accompted afore god as iust by this faith what workes so euer they be that thou doest whether they be of publicke or priuate vocations here we do not speake of sinne which canne not be doone by faithe they be accepted of god not as the honest doynges of Ethnikes but as the true godly workes vnto euerlasting lyfe And here wee muste not thynke that god dothe giue eternall lyfe to the godlye for their merytes sakes but that the godly taketh the righte of etrrnall lyfe by faith for Christes sake Therfore those workes that be done by this faith bee called the fruites of eternall lyfe partely bicause they be done to declare our thankfulnes for that that we haue receiued the right of the kyngdome of heauen and eternall lyfe and partely that they be rewarded with rewardes in the lyfe euerlastynge Who so euer shall bide in Christe that is shall beleue that hee is accepted of God and to be his sonne adoptiue for CHRISTES sake hee what so euer he dothe althoughe it seeme neuer so excellent and pleasaunt pure and holy it profiteth nothinge before god To be short they that do not remaine in Christe are those which know the name of Christ leadeth a wicked lyfe walketh after the fleshe and obeyeth to sinne If Christe doth not tary in him how shall he tary in Christ S. Iohn sayth Hee that saieth I knowe him and doth not keepe his commaundementes is a lyer and there is no truthe in hym And againe Whosoeuer shal say I loue god and shal hate his brother is a lyer And S. Paul saith If there be any man that shall not prouide for his and especiall for his housholde he is worse then an Infidele It is very plaine that those whych leade a wycked lyfe althoughe they boaste themselues of the name of a christian yet for all that they tarye not in Christe What shal be come of those that remain not in Christ Euen verely that thing that belongeth to the vnfrutefull braunches which are in the vine tree Ezec. 16 These beynge cut away frome the vine tree are profitable to no buyldinge as other woode and tymbre is but beynge cast out a dores they wyther and thē be gathered togither and cast into the fier and there be burned And thei are profitable for nothynge els but for to feede the fyer The selfe same thing is to be said of those whyche do not tarry in Christe These serue for none other purpose but euen for to be meate not for temporall fier that consumeth the braunches Mar. 9. 1. Tes ● Esa 66 but they shal be punished with perpetuall and inextinquible fire and as Esay saith where their worme doth not dye and the fyer goeth neuer out c. Therefore good christian people let vs tarry in Christe and let hys worde abide in vs acknowledging him oure onlye satisfier for our sinnes sauiour and the pacifier of goddes wrathe Fiftly let vs consider and learne out of this gospel that if this his worde dothe tarrye in vs if wee haue a sure and a stronge faith vnto it declaringe our selfe thankfull towarde so worthy a benefactor with our obedience to kepe his commaundementes thus I say if we tary in him his word tary in vs then this promise Ye shall aske what ye will and it shal be done vnto you shal be perfourmed vnto vs Here is nothing excepted either corporal spiritual or heauenly goodes What can a christen mā lacke hauinge this firme and sure promise for he sayeth What so euer ye shal aske Is ther any kind of people vpon earth that hathe so rich and so excellent a promise as a true christian hathe No trewly But let vs not swarue the wordes of Christ are dligently to be consydered and rightly to be vnderstand Christe dothe not simpely saye What so euer yee wyll aske it shall bee doone vnto you But thys sayinge hath hee putte before these woordes If yee abyde in me and my woordes abyde in you wyth the whyche woordes is to bee vnderstande that then shall bee vnto vs what so euer wee wyll and shall aske Therefore hee that wyll and aske those thynges whyche bee contrary vnto Christes wordes and the whych be prohybited by the words of the Lorde he tarieth not in Christ nor the words of Christ abide not in him wherefore this promise pertaineth not to him Iohn in an other place saith This is the truste the whiche we haue in him that if we aske anye thinge after his wyl he heareth vs. God hathe made manifest hys wyll by hys promises and Gospell Therefore those that shall call vppon God and shall
that surfete and ouer greate couetousnes of riches with greate violence shall invade The car of the belli In the whiche place againe Christ taketh care for vs and saieth Beware c. Thirdly the Gospell shal be preached euery where as we do nowe euidently se so that wee muste needes confesse and knowledge that these manye yeares hitherto the Gospell hathe not beene so purelye preached as we se in these latter daies Item the son moone and the sterres shal be destitute of their naturall lighte The course of the law And hereto shall folowe the sorowfulnes of the people for the feare and lookinge for those thinges whiche shall chaunce to all the worlde The rombling and noise of the sea and floudes the mouinge of the celestiall powers and diuerse other signes whereof Christe maketh mention Now thou perceiuest what shall signes necessarily happen and moreouer thou hast harde that to those that abide in Christe Rom. 5. th●y shall bringe no feare at all Forthermore see in this case that thou take hold of Christe by faithe as suche a Lorde and mayster 1 Pet. 5. that hath taken charge ouer the yea and shall abide with the to the end of the worlde Mat. 28 so shall there bee nothing that shall hurte or feare the. The second aduente of Christe Also Christ in this gospell sheweth the maiestye of his laste comminge for none other cause but to comforte his people and to the wicked he bringeth an horrible fear when he saieth And then thei shal se the sonne of man come in a cloud with a great power and clerenesse as thoughe he shuld say Thou my dispised company hast suffered griefe and paine in this worlde thou haste beene made the ofscouringe of al for my worde in the desence therof thou hast suffered many ieopardies of goodes honoure lyfe 1 Cor. 4 and so forthe Therefore now beholde him in whome thou hast laied or sette all thy trust or hope What thinkest thou nowe by my power where bee they that haue persecuted the Ps 72 whreunto is their power come where is nowe seene the pompe and magnificēce of thi enemies Al thei by cōfusiō shame ar destroyed Rom. 8. being damned both body soule for euer And lyke as thy misery shal now haue an end so shall their perpetuall infelicitye and condemnacion nowe begyn and last for euermore Feare thou not this my power whiche thou nowe seeste it shall make more for the then against the Likewise lette not my maiestye be it neuer so greate trouble the The greater it is the more socoure shalt thou haue at my hande And nowe suffre a while and let vs se what the enemyes of the word of God can do Lo Psa 43 thus it is manifest that the maiestie of Godds iudgement to vs that beleue his worde and for the same alwaies be counted and taken as shepe apoynted to the slaunghter bringeth not feare but rather a comforte To vs I say that beleue in him for wee shall hear that ioyfull voice Mat. 15 Come hither the blessed children of my father And nowe may we plainlye se what it is that saynt Paule saith 2 Tim. 1 I knowe in whome I haue beleuid and am sure that he is able to kepe that I haue committed to his kepyng vnto that day In contrary wise Ioh. 19 the enemies of the word of God shal se whom they haue persecuted and whether Christ shall winke at all those ylles that hathe chaunsed to the electe people of God There shal be wepinge and gnashing of teath there shal be hell euerlasting death Thirdly we haue in this gospell a perfecte admonicion that we shal abiecte and cast away al fleshly truste and securitie Carefulnes hurteth and to geue dilygence to haue perfect knowledge of our selues and to be alwayes readye against the glorious adnēt or comming of our lord Iesu Christ For bycause he hath moued and kindeled our hartꝭ with these wordes Looke vp and lyfte up your heades hath putte awaye all feare He wil also that we be warned to prepare our selues againste these times and this he doth by a rude and homely similitude saying Ye se the figge tree and all other trees when they bring forth their fruicte and thē you say somer draweth nigh So when ye shal see al these thinges done know you for certain that the kingdome of heauen is at hande And note wel nowe that he wolde vs to vnderstand perceiue that when al these thinges shal be brought to passe that then Christ shall make an end of the world But the wicked shal boldly dispise and saye God seeth not vs Ezec. 9. he hath forsaken the earth c. yet shall christian men geue hede loke for these times Luc. 11. as a faithful seruaūt doth loke his mayster when he shall retourne from the mariages And that thou mayest knowe that hee greatlye desireth that we shuld be mindefull of this day he maketh an ende of his sermon with this worde Watche ye How must we watch Verely it is nedeful that we haue a liuely feruente faith Mat 25 which by loue shulde bee effectuall like vnto the fyue wyse virgines For trewly to watch is to be diligente in faithe To watche To slepe and the workes of God as in the contrary wise to slepe is nothing els but to dispise the worde of God to abide in infidelitie and playnly to doo no good at all Now how many is there emongest vs al that doth loke for that helthful and glorious comming or aduent or watcheth therefore Verelye all the worlde slepeth and routeth 1 Tes 5. Night and darkenes hath ouer compassed all that euer ys Wherfore thou that art the minister of the word of God folowe Christ sette it forth with all instancye and feruentnes Call to repentaunce Correcte the euell Comforte the good and beware leste God require the bloode of the synner at thy hand Ezec. 5. For trewly it is not all in vayne that God hath so purposed and decreede in his minde He hath spoken it and therefore it muste needes bee Heauen and earthe shall passe awaye but his worde shall euer abide If thou do thy dewtye and ceasest not with all thy minde to admonishe and warne althoughe it were so that the more parte wolde not beleue or obey but lyke the Sodomytes encrese synne vpon synne yet wold there be found some good grounde that wold receiue the seede of Godes worde bring forth frute Thy diligence and labour can not lack his reward Mat. 25 as scripture witnesseth saiēg Wel good seruaunt and faithfull bycause thou haste beene faithfull ouer a little I shall set the ouer muche Enter into the kingdome of thy Lorde The thirde sondaye in Aduent Mat. 11. WHen Iohn beyng in prison herd the workes of Christ he sente two of his disciples Esa 35. and sayde vnto him Art thou he that
shal come or do we loke for an other Iesus answered end layde vnto them Go and shewe Iohn agayne that ye haue heard and seene Esa 6. c The blynde receaue theyr syghte the lame walk the lepers are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are raysed vp and the poore receiue the glad tidynges of the Gospell And happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Lu. 11. d Iesus began to say to the people concerninge Iohn What went ye out in the wildernes to see A reed that is shaken with the wynd Or what went ye out for to see A man clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that weare softe clothing are in kinges houses But what went ye out for to see A prophete Verely I say vnto you and more then a prophete For thys is he of whom it is written Mal. 3. Mar. 1. Behold I send my messanger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before the. THE EXPOSITION FYrste of all in this gospell we are taught The office of a preacher what besemeth the ministers of the worde to obserue as well in their lyuyng as in theire learnynge For Saint Iohn is here so sette before our eyes that no man can denye but that he was a good preacher as for the office of a trewe preacher is this together with the faith that is in Christe What penaūce is ī scripture earnestly also to teach instructe of penaūce Penaūce I cal whē a mā with his hert is sory for his sinne willinge to amend and after that to liue iustely as scripture speaketh of this penaunce Flee from euell and do good Psal 30 Ephe. 4 and He that hath stolen let him steal no more It is alwaies necessarye that I acknowledge my syn and corrupt nature if the preaching of Christ shall any thing profite me Now seyng that I must come to suche knowledg of corrupte nature and hatred of my synne then must needes the minister of Goddes worde sette before me the law fear me ther with Esa 40 shewing vnto me that all fleshe is as haye the glory thereof like the floure of the felde that is That I am a greate damnable sinner and that of my selfe I can nothinge doo and so muche the lesse shuld glorye or magnifie my selfe Knowl●●ge of synne is sprituall pouertie And where suche knowledge of sinne is there the gospel is sowen with fruict in the whiche through Christ allonly is geuē vnto vs remission of syns And peraduēture this is the pouertye that Christ speaketh of in this gospel These two thīgs shalt thou find in S. Iohn First he speaketh of penaūce ccōcludeth euery mā to be vnder sin lest thei shuld glori in the selues And for that cause dothe baptise in water as a token of penaunce Rom. 3. And after he hath brought the people into the knowledge of theire sinne he teacheth the Gosspel Iohn 1. saiyng Behold the lambe of God that takith away the sinne of the worlde And in this wise vseth saynt Iohn the office of a good preacher and continueth in the same in so muche that he sendeth his disciples to none other but to Christe not that he doughteth of Christ but that thei should also learn that Christ is the only sauiour of the world and the very samet hat sainct Iohn testifieth of Christ also praiseth him for his cōtancy and stablenes sayinge He is no reede that wauereth hither thither with the wind nor is of that sorte that to daye teacheth this and to morowe in contrary wyse And to this purpose it pertaineth also that Iohn is more then a prophete Which thing againe muste be referred to his office The prophets before him did only prophecie that Christe our Lorde and saue oure shulde come Iohn poynting with his fynger dyd shewe him then present The lyfe of sainte Iohn Wyll ye heare any more of the life of Iohn then is mentioned in the third chapter of Mathew Hear what Christ sayeth here He is not clothed in softe garmentes as who saith His lyfe is not set in voluptuousnes but is mortefied from all carnall concupiscence and pride and liueth iustly to Gods worde Neither sytteth he in the palace of a kynge but in fetters and cheynes Now lyke as Saint Iohn did sincerely execute his office and kepte him selfe in good conuersation so likewise it becommeth the ministers of the Gospell to do Also in this gospell the person of Christ is so touched and set forthe The goodnes of Christ that thow maist know wel him to be gentel meke and lowly For he dyd not hardly intreat or driue away the discipls of Iohn althogh they were of small fayth but gentely in worde and deede did instructe them And saide Go your way and tell Iohn what ye haue seene The blynd doth see and the lame doth go c. As who sayeth Iohn knowech very well by the prophete what workes Messias shal do and yet go you and shew vnto him what ye haue sene that afterward he may tel you whether I be the same Messias that the prophecy speketh of or whether any other be lokid for Esa 35. Thys be the words of the prophet God hī selfe shall come and redeme vs. Then shall the blind see and the defe here Then shale the haiting lepe like the harte and dume men shall speke And Christ further saith Poore mē do hear the glad tidings of the preachers of the gospel As he shuld say again Hitherto ye haue had Moyses the law But Moyses could not geue you the spirite wherwith ye myght haue fulfilled the lawe And nowe ye heare of an other maner lernyng that is the gospell verely by the which they that be poore in spirit and knowledg their synnes do frely through Christe receiue remission of synne without merite of workes and shal be pertakers of the kyngdom of heauen with the childrē of God so that they beleue in Christ Rom. 1. The very poore And in suche wi●e also speaketh S. Paule The gospel is the power of God to euery man that beleueth to be saued thereby And Christe speaketh by these wordes Tel Iohn Lo yt is preached to the poore people that is to them that be contrite in herte and be destitute of all helpe and comforte A ioy ful mesage trewly that through my benifyte they shal hereafter haue a mercyful God remission of all sinnes iustice and euerlasting helth by very grace and mercye withoute any merite of workes And now yf Iohn hear of these thinges agayne yt muste playnly be manifest vnto you whether I be Messias or not And he knoweth wel ynough wher to suche message is sente vnto hym namely that he shulde shewe it to men Lo in this wise Christe teacheth Iohnes disciples not with wordes alonly but with deeds also that they might beleue and obtayn euerlasting lyfe Now if any man were taught outwardely by this worde
that the gospel is preached in vaine yet must we beleue that amongest so great a company of misbelieuers God hath some elect that gladly here his worde and kepe the same although as we haue saide the numbre of those be very small The sonday called Quinquagesima Luc. 18. IEsus toke vnto hym the twelue sayd vnto them Mat 18. Mar. 8.9 d 10. Luc. 9. c and. 17 Behold we go vp to Ierusalem and all shal be fulfilled that are written by the prophetes of the sonne of man For he shal be delyuered vnto the gentyls and shal be mocked and despitefully intreated and spitted on and when they haue scourged hym they wyll put hym to death and the thyrd day he shal arise again And they vnderstode none of these thinges And this saying was hyd from them so that they perceaued not the thinges which wer spokē Mat 16 17. b Mar. 9. Luc. 2. g and. 9. f Mat 20 Mar. 11 And it came to passe that as he was come nighe vnto Hierico a certain blind man sate by the way side begging And when he herd the people passe by he asked what it ment And they sayd vnto him that Iesus of Nazareth passed vi And he cried sayīg Iesu the son of Dauid haue merci on me And they which wēt before rebuked him that he shuld hold his peace But he cryed so much the more Mar 10 thou son of Dauid haue merci on me And Iesus stode stil cōmaūded hī to be brought vnto hī And whē he was cum neare he asked him saying What wilt thou that I do vnto the And he said lorde that I may receaue my syght And Iesus saide vnto hym receaue thy sighte thy fayth hath saued the. And immediatly he receaued hys syghte and folowed him and praysed God And all the people when they sawe it gaue prayse vnto God THE EXPOSITION The passion of Christe is oft rehersed IT is not without great cause that Christ so often times did shew and speake to his disci-disciples of his passion and death that was to come and that not onli in the gospel of this day but also in diuerse other places And to let passe the other euangelists I pray you how often times is it spoken of in the gospell of S. Iohn Ouerlooke the same euangelist through out from the beginning to the ende and thou shalt finde that the same faithful teacher Christ with all diligence did instruct strength his Apostels against the slaunder of the crosse Wherefore we shulde considre the same and marke wherfore Christe did it and why he made so many wordes thereof to his disciples First yt is manifest very plain that our nature flesh when it is not inlyghtened by the holy ghost cannot abide stedfast in time of persecution The fleshe hath persecution for the fleshe loueth herselfe and bitterly hateth persecution and deliteth more in long and mery dayes thē to abide trouble and vexacion with a quiet mynd As Nicodemus when he came in the night to Christ for feare of the Iewes Mat. 20 hard by and by of him these wordes That that is borne of the fleshe is fleshe And although the children of Zebedeus said Mat. 10 they coulde drinke of the cuppe that Christ shuld drink of And Peter also might well say Luc. 22. that he was readye euen to dye with Christ yet without the holye ghost it is impossible and is a highe presumption so to say And seinge that oure Lorde Iesu Christe knew very well the same frailenes of the fleshe not only in his disciples but in vs all he vseth the office of a good and faithfull maister and instructeth vs with the wholsome doctrine of the word of God againste persecution to come that when it shulde come vppon vs wee shulde be ready and not dispaire As thoughe he shulde saye I knowe verye well that yt is harde for a manne to stande styflye in persecution and to suffer all aduersities wyth a pacient minde but the prophecy muste needes bee fulfilled of me Doth not Zacharias say of me Zac. 13. I wyll stryke the shepeherde and all the flocke shal be sparsed abroad Wherfore now I shew you before bycause it muste needes bee that when so euer it shal be done you maye remember this and not bee offended therewith but rather beleue that it is my fathers wyll in heauen which will delyuer you through my death from sinne death the diuel and hell And although I shal dye the vylest death yet wyll I rise the third day and comforte you Thou seyste here how Christe comforteth his Apostelles whereby they may learne to haue respecte only to the good wyll of god in all tribulacions In necessities we muste haue respecte to the good wyl of God And this was not only done for the apostels sake but for vs also to learne and folowe the same In persecution and tribulacion we may not think that the wicked be as fierse in crueltye towarde vs as the Iewes were in persecuting Christ euen to very death but we muste looke to the good and mercyfull wyll of God the father whose will is that we for his sake shuld be dispised suffre persecution in this world The vse profite of the passion of Christe Secondaryly Christes intent is to shew in this gospel the vse profit of his passion in that that he saieth Al thinges shal be fulfilled that be writtē by the prophets of the son of man Yf then it be necessary that al these thinges must be done trewlye ther is no small profite hid vnder this passion And this profit doth S. Paul very cūningly shew vnto vs Cap. 5. in his epistle to the Romaines saiyng Lyke as by the synne of one condemnacion came on al men so also by the righteousnes of one came iustificacion of lyfe vppon all men And in this place Sainte Paule conferreth Adame and Christ together Adam Christe and sheweth what we haue obteyned at both their handes of Adam we receiue deathe and of Christe lyfe Adam by synne brought in death and Christ with his death hath chaunged death into lyfe By the fall of Adam and his disobedience we are made the children of the deuel and by Christ we ar made the children of God For Christe onlye for vs hath broken the hedde of the serpent Gen. 3. that is the diuell Well then is not this a wonderfull profite of the passion of Christ that through the same we be receyued into fauoure And is it not to be taken as a greate benefite that hereafter by the passion and death of Christe we shall no more be the children of the diuel but the children of god And hereto pertayneth all that is saide of the passion of Christe in the 53. chapter of Esaias and the 13. chapiter of Oseas It is very necessary that the ministers of the worde of God Harken well do diligently
Christe so is it verye necessary that I with a pure faith confidence do vnderstande and beleue it For very little profyt cometh of an historicall beliefe For the dyuell knoweth and beleueth it and yet it profiteth hym nothynge at all Ye howe mannye be there amongest vs that bee named Christian men which doo confesse and knowledge that Christe rose frome deathe and yet shal be damned Wee do confesse and knowledge the resurrection but the merites thereof we doo cleane take awaye and condemne Howe so Throughe trustinge in workes to the whyche wee ascribe ryghteousnes The and me hath God serued with his resurreccion And therefore yf thou wylte goe the highe waye and pull nothinge frome the merites of Christ thou must beleue not alonly that Christ dyed and rose agayne but that hee dyed and rose for the for the I saye and all synners dyd hee pleasure and seruice therewith For through hys deathe he tooke away thy sinnes and by his resurrection he hath iustified the. Yea throughe his resurrection hee entringe in his kyngedome myghtelye hathe declared that all power in heauen and in earthe is geuen vnto hym and also that he hath ouercome synne death hell and the diuell And finally that there is nothinge which is not subiect vnto him and that he as a Lord of heauen and earth mercifully keepeth and saueth his and maketh they in partakers of his kyngdom Only requiryng of vs that we beleue in hym and dye as concernynge our synnes and walke in a newe lyfe Vnto this pertaineth the syxte chapiter to the Romaines Rom. 6 in the which Paule toucheth this article of the resurrection very highely amongst other thinges sayeng Yf we be dead with Chryst we beleue that we shall lyue also with hym and are sure that Christ raysed from death dieth no more death shal haue no more power ouer him For as touchīg that he died he dyed concerning sinne once But as touching that he lyueth he lyueth vnto god Likewyse ye also count your selues to be euen deade as concernyng sinne and to lyue vnto God throughe Iesu Christe our lorde God serueth vs by hys aungels Secondaryly we se here in this gospell that for bicause this article of the resurrection is so harde of the flesh to be receiued how mercifully and meekly God through his aungell handeleth and intreateth the wemen that brought spices and anoyntementes to the sepulchre of the lorde playnlye and manifestly shewing by wordes and signes that his only son Christ was risen Who wold now I pray you dispair of suche a gentle and mercyful father which so patiently suffering our inftrmitie and so louingely exhortinge and instructing vs Whom wolde not this greate and inestimable charity prouoke to beleue The wemen that bought this anoyntment and came to anoynt Christ surely had an honest intente And their going and hasting to the sepulchre doth plainly shewe the hartye loue that they bare vnto Christe yet not withstanding they did it after a fleshely manner and vtterly withoute any righte faith For yf they had had faithe they wold haue remēbred the words that Christ spake howe that he shulde rise the thirde day and go before theym into Galile But these wordes they forgatte and prepared them selues to anoynte Christ Mat 2● which was not commaunded vnto them to do But so mannes reason is ofte wonte to do The curiositye of men For it doth often that which it shulde not do and that whiche it shulde do it ouerpasseth and leaueth vndone In so muche that our lorde god to oppresse this curious rashnes and curiousnes Deut. 1● commaundeth in the lawe that we shulde not do that that seemed to vs good Yet notwithstandyng so good is our god that he doth not for this curiosity and vnfaithfulnes reiect these wemen but through the aungel entyseth and leadeth them frō this carnall and fleshly seruing of god vnto his worde Which thinge is here doone after this manner When these good women went toward the sepulchre said one to an other Who shall roule vs the stone from the graue Lookyng backe they sawe that the stone was rouled awaye And they going into the sepulchre they saw a yong man sittyng on the ryght hand whych had a longe white garment vppon him and they were abasshed But he said vnto them Be not ye afrayd Ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified he is risen he is not here Beholde the place where they layde hym c. Here mayst thou hear and se that god sent not his angell alonly to roule of the stone from the graue but moste chiefly to enforme and instructe the women and to manifest and shewe vnto them the glorious brightnes of his resurrection What the shininge vesture signifieth whych the angelicall shynyng vesture dyd signifye Here marke how diligently it is written here how and in what manner a man muste be iustified and saued First there is written howe the women were sore abashed Suche troblinge and abashing the preaching of the lawe bringeth forthe Rom. 3. when my sinnes thereby be made euident and playne Yea trewelye whome shuld it not make afraid so many commaundementes in the law enioyned to vs and are impossible of vs to be brought to passe or doone and yet neuertheles that sentence remaineth immutable Cursed is he that continueth not in all the wordes of the lawe Deu. 27 to doo them Nexte nowe foloweth the aungels who represent and signifye the preachers of the gospell with their comfort and consolacion Angeles are preachers saiyng Be not afraid O ioyfull and glad tidings that we shall not discomfort vs for our sinnes But frome whence commeth these ioyfull and mery tydinges From Christ our lorde which was delyuered for our sinnes rose for our iustificaciō With such preachinge of the resurrection the Aungell comforteth these wemen bringeth them in remembraunce of the wordes that they had afortyme hard of the resurrection Moreouer he doth confirme his words with a signe A signe whē he sheweth them the place where Christ was layd Do ye think that this was not a gentle way to instruct these women patiently to bear their infirmity by that meanes to make theym to beleue the resurrection Lyke as Christe thorow his aungels and miracles did instruct these women and the apostels so wil he likewise do dayly vnto vs through his word so we as obedient children obey and beleue his worde and seeke our saluacion none other where then alonly in the merits of Christe Thirdelye it foloweth nowe that the women were enioyned by the aungell to go and declare the rysynge of Christe not to the disciples allonlye but also in especiall to Petre Women becam apostelles which for the deniynge of the Lorde was in greate feare and heauines Here oute wee maye learne howe necessarye the preachinge of the resurrection is And contrarye wyse what a miserable calamitye it is where the glory of the resurrection is
will reserue vs to euerlastinge lyfe The fowerth sonday after Easter Ioh. 16. BVt nowe I go my waye to hym that sent me and none of you aske me whether I go But bycause I haue sayd suche thynges vnto you youre hartes are full of sorowe Neuertheles I tell you the trewth it is expediente for you that I go awaye For yf I go not away that comforter wyll not come vnto you But yf I departe Ioh. 14 and .15 Act. 2. a I wyll sende hym vnto you And when he is come he will rebuke the worlde of sinne and of righteousnes and of iugement Of sinne bicause they beleue not on me Of righteousnes bycause I go to my father and ye shall se me no more Of iudgemente bycause Ioh. 12. the prince of this worlde is iudged allreadye I haue yet many thinges to saye vnto you but ye can not beare them awaye nowe Howebeit when he is come which is the spyrite of trewth he wyll leade you into all trewth He shall not speak of hym selfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speak and he wyll shewe you thinges to come He shall glorify me for he shal receyue of myne and shal shew vnto you Mat. 11 a 11. ● Luc. 10. Ioh. 3. Al thinges that the father hath ar myne Therefore sayd I vnto you that he shall take of mine and shewe vnto you THE EXPOSITION IN this present golspel The promise of the holy ghoste we are admonished of thre thinges Firste we haue here of the promise of the holy ghoste which Christe going to the father shulde sende vnto his disciples Moreouer what he shulde do and bringe to passe when he came It is nowe oure parte to note well this promise whiche pertayneth as well to vs as to the Apostles Faythe cowlde not be confirmed in the apostles without the vertue of the holy ghoste So lykewise the holy ghoste coulde not be sente yf Christe hadde not gonne to the father The flesh can dooe nothing but sin Here lerne that oure fleshe canne do nothing but sinne if it be not lightened through the holy ghost and that yt is nothinge but hypocrisy though we do outwardly neuer so manye good workes Luc. 18. as we maye see in the Pharisye which thanked God that he was not lyke other men Item All they that saye vnto me Mat. 7. Lorde lorde shall not entre into the kingedome of heauen but they the fulfil my fathers wyl Likewise learne this that we cannot receiue this spirite by oure good workes but by the merites of Christ as Christe sayeth here It is better for you that I go for yf I go not awaye the comforter cometh not vnto you as thoughe he wolde saye Christe giueth the holy ghoste If the infirmity of your fleshe shal be chaunged into the strenthe of the faith the holye ghoste muste needes bring that to passe in you Nowe if this holye ghost shal be geuen vnto you so muste I needes promote you ther unto and obtaine it through my deserte and benefite Wherefore it is very necessary that I suffre dye and that after my resurrection I ascend vp in to heauen that the holy ghost may visite you lighten you and leade you into all trewthe Than the same spirite shall worke and bringe to passe in you and through you that thinge that he was sent for Will you knowe what that is The holi ghoste shall rebuke the whole worlde Rom. 3. harken to He shall rebuke the worlde Here is the glorye of the fleshe the liberty of fre wyll and what so euer is mannes wisedome vtterly caste in the duste Why shuld the holye ghoste rebuke vs yf we were not worthye of rebuke They are all gon out of the waye they be all togither become vnprofitable ther is none that doth good no not one Ye as S. Iohn the baptist saide Esa 40 Mat. 3. All fleshe is as haye and all his glorye as the flowre of the medowe This semed to be rigorously inoughe and more then inoughe spoken to the bysshopes and to those gloryfiers in workes at Ierusalem and also to the papistry of oure tyme if the holye ghoste didde feare theim But he setteth nothing at all for our angre For he was sente to rebuke whiche also hee doth busily And blessed is he that is rebuked of him that by that meanes he may learne to knowe his sinnes For that done the holi ghost leadeth vs further into the faith and knowledg of god so that we being deliuered frome sin through the deseruing and merits of Christ are made the children and heires of god Why the holye ghost doeth rebuke the worlde Secondarily we maye note here wherfore for what cause the holy ghoste will rebuke the worlde Truly for sinne But you will saye Is the worlde ignoraunt that adultrye murdre thefte and suche lyke trespasses are sinne No. But they are ignoraunte that good workes without faith are sinne and that allonly vnbeliefe is the occasion of their damnacion Wherefore it is necessarye and needefull that the holy ghost come that he maye fullye learne and teache vs what sinne is Wherfore let vs considre what Christe calleth sinne Sinne is nothing but infidelitie For they do not beleue in me saieth he Here thou hearest that the greatest sinne vnder heauen is that wee do not beleue in Christ If incredulity be the greatest syn vpō earth then must it needes folow the faith is the most glorious highest thing vpō earth which no mā can deny Faith hangeth on Christ as a faith ful man knoweth that he is saued by Christ so surely doth he good works which are accepted before god for his faith as saith the prophet Thou o lord Iere. 5 lokest alōly vpō faith But incredulity trusteth in his workes Wherfore what so euer goodnes an vnfaithful mā doth outwardli it is not accepted before god for it cometh not of faith For Christ saith He that beleueth not is all ready iudged The worlde Ioh. 5. nature fleshe or reason doth not receaue nor vnderstande this wherefore it is needefull that the holye ghost come to rebuke and teache Moreouer the holy ghost shall rebuke the world of righteousnes How shall we vnderstande that The worlde and reason adscribeth righteousnes to oure workes and both thinke and iudge that righteousnes cometh of mennes workes outewardelye done as the Pharisie boasted himselfe to bee righteous But euer this chaunseth so Luc. 18. that they that wyll mayntaine they re owne righteousnes Rom. 10 bee not subiecte vnto the righteousnes of God Therefore yt is necessarye that the holy ghoste teache shew vs what manner of iustice that is that pleaseth god Frome whence iustice cometh The iustice that pleaseth god procedeth hereoute that I beleue that Christe wente to the Father that is as muche to saye That I beleue that he died for me that he rose and ascended vnto heauen
you sayeth he If you axe the father oughte in my name hee shall gyue it you also Aske and ye shall receaue Here thou hearest that we shall not praye in vaine Who wold now be slothfull and loth to prayer Christe constraineth vs thorow his commaundement And furthermore that wee shall not thinke to praye in vaine he as I sayde before entiseth vs here with a greate and high promise Wherfore two thinges are heere to bee considered and noted The firste is that we shall pray in none other name thē all only in Christs name Then we pray in Christs name Christe is oure mediator only whē we come vnto god in the faith of Christ in such mind and confidence that he all only is our mediatour by whom all thinges be giuen vnto vs and that without him we can deserue nothing thē wrath and indignacion Can there bee I beseche you any sainte in heauen or in earth that prayeth for vs vnto god the father as Christ doth For by his merites and aduocacion we do not all only obtaine righteousnes and remission of sinnes but also wee be made his brethren and pertakers of hys preestly office so that we our selues maye go vnto Christ and call vpon him and seke his helpe in all our necessity and nede And that is it that he saieth here And I saye not vnto you that I will pray the father for you for the father him selfe loueth you for bicause you haue loued me and beleue that I am come out from god Al Christian mē are prestes Seinge therefore that wee haue suche a mediatour yea seing that we our selues are admitted vnto this prestly office by Christ why do we not with true faithe and confidence call vpon him in oure necessitie An other thinge to be noted is this We must considre that in no wyse we do praye that What we ought to desire that shal be against the glorie wyll of god or contrary to our saluacion For it is apparaunt that he wyll not hear such prayer in so much as in the Pater noster he teacheth vs daily to praye that his will be fulfilled Finally when so euer we praye vnto god in our vrgent necessities we shall looke vpon the merites of Christ not vppon oure worthines which commaundeth vs to praye and promised vs to heare vs when so euer we cal vpon him For all the promises of god in Christ are suer and need not to be doubted at For S. Paule saith that all the promises of god ar ye in him and amē 2 Cor. 11 Secondaryly it is to be noted that forasmuch as we are fleshly and know not ofte times what we haue neede of as S. Paule saith to the Romanes Christe voutchsaueth here to learne vs Rom. 8. what oure prayer shuld be And as he himselfe faith we ought to praye that our ioye maye be perfect But what manner of ioye is this Truly it shall neuer be temporal nor wordly but spirituall Of the which Phil. 4. S. Paule writeth saying Reioyse in the lorde alwaies and againe I say reioyse But whence cometh this reioysinge Of faith And how is that broughte to passe That is brought to passe when I heare the gospel preached in the which remission of sinnes is geuen to all mortall creatures by Christ Whiche preaching yf I wyll haue it profitable and fruitful vnto me I must needs beleue it which thing I cannot do except it be geuen me through the word by the holy ghoste which muste worke this faithe in me And when this worde and the holye ghoste worke this fayth in me I shall not dout but beleue the Christ hath all only forgeuen me all my sinnes so that they can neither accuse nor condemne me And further that he hath pourchased me a mercifull father in heauen that will acknowledge me for hys son and bring me into euerlasting lyfe And hereoute commeth tranquilitie of conscience and that spirituall ioye Trāquilitie of cōsciēce 2 Pet. 3. of the whiche this gospell to day speakethe of and it is verye needefull and necessarye that this ioye growe and increase euen as oure faythe oughte to growe and increase yf yt shal be perfecte which thinge doubteles God shal bringe to passe yf we daylye praye vnto hym for it He will that we shall praye alwayes and not with oute a cause For we haue nothinge to geue him But he as a mercifull god creatoure and father forgiueth vs al things And for as much as he commaundeth vs to praye that oure ioye myghte be perfecte lette vs obeye him that wee maye saye withe the virgine Marye Luce. 2. My spirite reioyseth in god my sauioure Thirdelye Chryste sh●weth vs here the ignoraunce of his disciples and witnesseth that hitherto his learnyng hath beene vnto theim as a prouerbe and that if they shuld vnderstande that doctrine it is needefull that he speake no more through prouerbs but playnly to shew thē of his father that Is. it is needefull that he sende them the holy ghoste to make them apte to vnderstand his wordes Such ignoraunce and blindn●s hath not beene all only in the apostles before the ho●y ghost was confirmed in them but also hath ben grafte in all mortall men so that there is not one that vnderstandeth no not one that dothe good Psal 13 Ioh. 3. without they be transformed into a newe creature through the holy ghost We thinke oure selues sub●ile and wise as thapostels saye here in this gospel Beholde nowe thou speakest playne and shewest vs no prouerbe now we knowe that thou knowest all thinges But this is suche an other folyshe presumption as was in Saint Peter Mat. 26 which promysed that he wold go to prison and to death with Christ and yet that nighte before the cocke crew he denied him thrise which presumption brought him to confusion Wherefore all this is written for vs that we shulde not rashely presume but rather to meke oure selues and to confesse that we as concerning godlye thinges are rude and ignoraunte and that we can not perceyue the mistery of the gospell with oute the holy ghost For the wisedome of the fleshe is foolishnes before god And as much the more we go aboute to boaste oure selues of our subtilty and wisedome concernyng godlynes so much the more we declare and shewe forthe our folysshnes The sixte sonday after Easter Ioh. 15. BVt when the comforter is come Ioh. 14 and. 17. Act. 3. d whome I wyll send you from the father euen the spirit of trewthe whiche procedeth of the father he shall testifye of me And ye shall beare witnes also bicause ye haue beene with me from the beginninge THE EXPOSITION After that our lord Iesus Christ in the laste supper had promised his disciples with dyuers promises to send thē the holy ghost now he nameth the same spirit by his propre name and declareth vnto vs what vtilitie and profit he shall bringe into the world and saith
our flesh as S. Paule saith We be buried with him by baptisme into death Rom. 6. c. and this is one part of this new natiuity Furthermore in baptysme the hollye ghoste ys geuen vs whych we beyng so mortefied dothe reuyue and regenerate vs agayne ruleth draweth pulleth and chaungeth vs and so worketh in vs that we sauoure and vnderstande now no more carnall but spirytual thynges Wee desire not wordly things but heauenly thinges lyue to righteousnes And this is the other part of thys new natyuitie Wher oute yt appeareth What it ys to bee borne agayne that to be borne agayne ys no other thing then to dye as concernyng syn and to lyne to ryghteousnes through the spiryt and fayth And wher so euer this is there is the kingdome of god sene and the entring thervnto openeth But I besech you what glory hath here the righteousnes of Nicodemus Truelye before god it is but durte dung Phil. 3. euē as S. Paule did reckene and count all his righteousnes that came of the lawe he beynge a Iew and circumcised for dunge For not that whiche cometh of oure reason but that the spirite worketh in vs pleaseth god For that that is borne of the spirite is spirituall and of greate reputacion before god Therfore S. Paule to the Ephesians saith on this wise Ephe. 4 So then as concernynge the conuersacion in tymes paste laye frome you that olde man which marreth himselfe through deceiuable lustes and be you renewed in the spirit of your mynd How can reason do or comprehend these thinges when in earthly and bodely thinges he is so rude and ignoraunt that he cannot tell namely from whence the winde cometh or whether it will Briefelye to bringe to passe this newe natiuitie we muste needes haue the holye ghoste thoughe the papistes extoll neuer so highelye the righteousnes of the fleshe Thirdely this gospell teacheth vs Thoroughe Chryste we haue obtained the holy ghoste who hath obteyned and geuen vs this spirite by the which wee are newe regenerate and borne againe trulye Iesus Christe the sonne of man which allonly descended from heauen and ascended vp into heauē But wherewith hathe he obtained and deserued this Euen therwith bicause that he was exalted on the crosse like as the serpent was in the wildernes But what serpente was that In times past the children of Israell murmered against the lorde in wildernes then was the lorde angry and sent fierye serpentes among the people whiche bote the people so that there dyed muche people in Israell And Moyses praiynge then for the people the lorde saide vnto him Num. 21 Make the a brasen serpent and set it vp for a token Whosoeuer is bitten and looketh on it shal lyue The serpent is the figure of Christe This figure applieth Christe vnto hymselfe as thoughe he wolde say I shall be crucified and put to deathe and with my deathe the wrathe of my heauenly father shall be pacefied for the sinnes of the worlde that whosoeuer is bitten with sinne and loketh vpon me whiche am crucified that is whosoeuer beleueth in me shall not perishe To beleue in Christe but haue euerlasting lyfe Beholde on this manner Christe is sette forthe vnto vs as hee that only forgiueth vs our sinne and giueth vs the holy ghoste maketh vs newe creatures the sonnes and heires of god so that we beleue and sette oure confidence and truste in him God graunte vnto vs that we may haue a trewe and perfect faith Amen The gospell on the firste sondaye after Trinitye sondaye Luc. 16 THe was a certaine riche man which was clothed in purple and fine white and fared deliciously euery day And there was a certayne beggar named Lazarus which lay at hys g ateful of sores desiryng to be refreshed with the cromes that fel from the rich mans bord and no man gaue vnto hī The dogges came also and licked his sores And it fortuned that the beggar died and was caried by the angels into Abrahams bosome The rich mā also died was buried And beīg in hell in tormentes he lyft vp his eyes and saw Abraham a far of Lazarus in his bosome and he cried said Father Abrahā haue mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the typ of hi finger in water coole my tung for I am tormēted in this flame But Abraham sayd Son Gal. 6● remēbre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receauedst thy plesure contrary wyse Lazarus receaued paine But now he is comforted and thou art punished Beyond al this betwene vs and you ther is a great space set so that they which wold go from hence to you cannot neither may come frō thense to vs. Then he said I pray the therfore father sēd him to my fathers house for I haue fyue brethrē for to warne them lest they also come into this place of tormēt Abrahā sayd vnto him They haue Moyses and the prophets let thē heare them And he sayde naye father Abraham but yf one come vnto them frome the dead they wyll repent He sayd vnto him If If they heare not Moyses and the prophetes neither wyll they beleue though one to se from death agayne THE EXPOSITION FYrste of all A description of the rych man 1. Ti. 6. Mat. 19 What it is to be ryche this gospell treateth of a riche man in whome was neither faithe nor charitye This worde riche is here taken as Paule tooke it when he said to Timothy Charge them that are rich in this world c. And in the gospell of Mathew Yt is easier for a camel to go thorow the eye of a nedle then for a riche man to entre into the kingdome of heauen In this place a riche man signifieth him whose hart is set vppon riches which thinketh on nothing then vpon riches reioiseth in nothing then in riches Finally whose harte deliteth in nothing then in that diuelish mammon And s Paul chiefly for this cause calleth these rich mē the riche men of this worlde for that that they be geuen to transitory and worldely thinges more then to celestiall thinges Otherwise if riches of themselfe had bene euell Abraham Salomon Naaman Sirus had beene damned which were very riche but they did not abuse their riches Therefore this rich man is d●scribed not as a good but as an euell tre Now yf ye will heare the frutes of an euel tree Loe He clothed himselfe with purple and costly linnen c. Doubtlesse he shuld not haue ben damned for his clothing yf he had not had so great pleasure in theim and sought wordly honour and glorye therin vtterly forgetting the poore Lazarus We reade of Ioseph when he was in Egipte Gen. 41 how excellently he was clothed in riche apparell and a chaine of golde aboute his necke and yet pleased god for bicause his hart was not set vppon pompe and riches And that this riche man had his
belongeth vnto the politike ordre may therfore lawfully be done But if I wolde so sticke and cleaue to wordly thinges that I shulde forget heauenly thinges that shuld damne me After this māner we speake of mariag To haue a wyfe is a good thīg lauful But if I loue mi wife better thā god it is to my damnacion Therfore S. Paule teacheh vs ● Co. 7. that they that haue wyues bee as though they had none that is in the acknowledging of the gospel I shall not permit my wyfe to be an impedimēt vnto me but rather for the gospels sake if nede require I shal be readye to forsake wyfe children and all Finally those men outwardely appeare here to be good menne but whyle they wyll not beleue the gospelle of Christe thys sentence goethe vppon theim None of those men that were called shal cast of my supper The calling of that heithens Thirdely we se here that while the chiefe in Iury did dispise this supper how god called thervnto all sinners whores and publicanes oute of euerye strete of the towne that they shuld knowledg there sinnes and are grace and pardon of Christ Also we see here the gentyles that were not named the people of god nowe to be called to this excellente and great supper Here is two thinges also to be noted Fyrste that it hath pleased god to call the pore and the weak that is those that be of a contrite harte a louely spirite and by the preaching of the law be come vnto the knowledge and repentaunce of their sinnes For by those wordes compell them to come in properly we vnderstand the preaching of the law For suche be lette into this supper that is they be comforted through the gospell Luc. 1. as the virgine Marye saythe He filleth the hungry with good thingꝭ and letteth the riche go emptye The seconde that thow shalte marke is that after the resurrection of Christe all prophecies Osee 2. both of the reiecting of the Iews and of the calling of the gentiles must needs be fullfilled To go into the streetes of the towne is none other thinge then to preach the gospel to al men as Christ sayth in the gospel of Iohn Ioh. 10. I haue yet other sheepe that be not of this folde and those must I bringe The calling of the gentiles wel considered in faith causeth a man to haue great cōfort For who wolde now be discomforted when we hear that god all only for incredulity hathe reiected his people whiche didde excell vs withe so greate priuileges and receaued vs sinners vnto his mercye grace that neuer did good at al Wherfore good people lett vs beware that we now being called to this supper of grace be not loth to come therevnto in which supper we shall euerlastingly see and taste howe good and sweete the lorde is Psal 35. and .85 Which god the father graunte vs through his son our lord Iesus Christe Amen The gospell on the thirde sonday after trinity sonday Luc. 15. Mat. 9. Mar. 2. THen resorted vnto him all the publicanes sinners for to hear hym And the phariseys and scribes murmured saiyng He receueth sinners and eateth with them But he put forth this parable vnto thē saiyng Mat. 18 What man of you hauing an hundreth sheep if he lose one of thē doth not leaue nynty nine in the wildernes and goeth after the which is lost vntill he fynd it And whē he hath found it he layeth it on hys shoulders with ioye And as sone as he cometh home he calleth togither his louers and neighbours saiyng vnto them Reioyse with me for I haue founde my sheepe which was loste I say vnto you that lykewyse ioye shal be in heauen ouer one sinner that repenteth more then ouer ninty and nine iuste persones which neede no repentaūce Eyther what woman hauinge ten grotes yf shee lose one doth not lyghte a candle and sweepe the house and seeke dilligently tyll she fynd it and when she hath found it she calleth hir louers hir neigh boures togither saiynge Reioyse with me for I haue founde my grote which I hadde loste Likewyse I saye vnto you shall therbe ioye in the presence of the aungels of God ouer one sinner Luc. 5. that repenteth THE EXPOSITION THis gospel teacheth vs first of al how that publicans sinners drew nigh vnto Christ to heare hym And although they were receaued and defended of Christe Psal 5. yet he is not suche a God that hathe pleasure in synne Therefore it is conuenient that we learn to know a difference betwene sinners Vnshameful sinners There be sinners of such vnshame fastenes that they lyue in open sinnes and in suche wyse encrease therein that they forget god and all honesty and glory and reioyse in moste abhominable things and seke prayse in wickednes And these villanes for the greate crymes and grosse sinnes Pro. 2. whiche they do vse and daylye committe euen the worlde counteth and taketh them for knaues and vagabundes not worthy that any diuine scripture shuld make muche rehersall of theym There bee also other sinners which outwardly faine holynes but ar in their hartes most mischieuous wretches Againste whom both the prophets and the gospell cryeth out Esay 3. Esa 52. Esaias accuseth them for this mischiefe bycause they call good euell and euell good and make lyghte darkenesse and darkenesse light c. and Dauid witnesseth of thē that in their hartes they thinke that there is no god Psal thoughe outwardly they appeare neuer so good and holy Doth not this apeare also in the gospell Christ saith Mat. 5. Excepte youre righteousnes exceede the righteousnes of the scribes and Phariseis ye canne not entre into the kingdome of heauen And suche hypocrits here in this gospell Christ calleth iuste not that be fore god they be iust but that they think themselues to bee iuste and neede not repentaunce Sīnes that acknowledg ther sinnes There be also synners whiche knowledgynge theyr offences bee sorye for theyr euell deedes and drawe vnto Christe for to aske pardone and grace Suche a synner and publicane was Zacheus which ioyfully receaued Christ our lord into his house and at the hearing of his word sayd Behold I geue halfe my good to the poore and if I haue defrauded any man I restore him four fold Of suche sayth Christ in on other place Mat. 9. I am not come to cal the iust but sinners to repentaunce Suche publicans and sinners drawe nowe nighe vnto Christ And why To heare his worde For they feele their sin they knowledge their sinne they seeke grace that they might be delyuered frome the borden of sinne Now forasmuch as grace remission of sines rightousnes and saluacion is offered and giuen vnto them through the worde of Christe withoute any worke or deseruinge Moreouer for as muche as the doctrine of Christe is the doctrine of lyfe it becometh
note howe that his synnes be forgeuen him double Fyrst they be driuen from his heart and grace powred in it whiche alonely God doeth as Esaias wytnesseth saiyng I am he that taketh away your sīnes so that I wyl neuer thinke vpon theim Secondarily forgeuenes of synnes is only declared here which if it be cōprehended with fayth it is not without effect for it hath both a cōmaundement of Christ also a promise Wherout we may note that if we receiue fayth through hearyng of the woorde of God promisyng to vs by the minister forgeuenes of oure synnes do knowlege our offences surely our sinnes be forgeuen vs. For he in that office of preachyng hath the keyes in the name of the Churche as we fynde euidently in the xx chapi of Ihon Iho. 20 Whose synne ye forgeue c. And in the xvi Mat. 16 chapiter of Mathewe Whatsoeuer ye lose vpō yearth c. So that in any wyse we doubte not but do cōprehend the promise of Christ with fayth Another mannes fayth Secōdarily we see here what another mās faith preuaileth howe greatly it healpeth Vndoubtedly it healpeth no more then that he in his prayer may pray for me that I my selfe may attain vnto fayth wherby I may be saued Whiche if I do not obtain and get another mannes fayth shall healpe me but a litle in my last ende in the point death Therfore the gospel here sayth plainly That Christ sawe the fayth of them that brought this diseased man For surely those honest men had heard a good report of Christ and paraduenture had seene also with what great beneuolence and charitee Christ had healed those that were diseased hauyng therby great trust and confidence that he likewyse would not forsake them This their great fayth cōfidence is plainly expressed in that that they were not only not ashamed to cary this sicke man in his bed but also as sainct Marke testifieth insomuch as thei could not come nigh Christ for the multitude of people Mar. 2. they vncouered the rooffe of the house where he was when they had made a hole they let doune the bedde by cordes wherein the sicke of the Palsey laye With this fayth surely they moued Christ to restore this sicke man vnto health to receiue him and to make him the sonne of God And surely it must needes be that this man that had the palsey did comprehend this article of remission of synne that with fayth or els his synne had neuer been forgeuen him as wytnesseth scripture Mat. 17 He that beleueth and is baptized shal be saued He sayth not If another beleueth for thee c. Therfore forasmuche as the praier or intercession of theim that are aliue done made for other in fayth is both a good worke and a charitable Let vs therfore folowe the saiyng of sainct Iames warnyng vs thus Praye one for another Iaco. 5. that you may bee saued For true and perfect fayth breaketh out and is shewed through suche good deedes of charitie if it commeth to passe that sainct Paule sayth Gala. 6 One beare anothers burden c. Thyrdly we see here how that the Scribes Phariseis toke Christ for a blasphemer of God and besides this when Christ knew their thoughtes how he answered theim For he could in no wyse suffre this contumely and blasphemye But consider the Scribes forasmuche as they had red in the Prophetes that God alonely forgeueth sinne and thinkyng Christ to bee but a symple man they thought that Christ with those wordes had highly dishonored and blasphemed God chalēgyng vnto him the honour that belonged vnto God Wherewith they declare and euidently shewe that they knewe not Christ Iho. 18 nor also the father whiche wil be knowen in Christ It is surely true and can not be denyed that God only forgeueth synne But here must be considered and knowen that Christ is very God whiche also hath power to remit synnes Mat. 28 And the same power gaue he vnto his churche that in his name remission of synnes should be annoūced vnto th ende of the world Wherfore Christ doth reprehend here the Scribes forbecause they should comme to the true knowlege He iudgeth their thoughtes which was aboue all mannes vnderstandyng learnyng And finally with this great miracle he declareth him selfe to haue power here vpon yearth to forgeue synne and sayth to him that had the Palsey Aryse take thy bedde and go home And he arose and went home But the Scribes and Phariseis remayned styll in their blyndnes and would not knowe Christes high power Therfore it is mete vnto vs that will be counted faythful men to leaue and forsake these blynde and leaders of the blynd and glorifie God with the rest of the people whiche did geue suche power vnto men Amen The gospel on the .xx. sonday after Trinitee sonday Math. 22. THe Luc. 13. kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto a manne that was a kyng whiche made a mariage for his sonne and sent furth his seruauntes to call them that were byd to the weddyng and they would not come Agayne he sent furth other seruauntes saiyng Tell them whiche are bidden beholde I haue prepared my dynner myne oxen and my fattlynges are kylled and al thinges are redy come vnto this mariage But they made light of it and went their waies one to his farmeplace another to his marchaundise and the remnant toke his seruauntes and intreated them shamefully and slewe them But when the kyng heard therof he was wroth sent furth his men of warre destroyed those murtherers and brent vp their citie Then sayd he to his seruauntes the mariage in dede is prepared but they whiche were bydden were not worthy Go ye therfore out into the hye waies as many as ye fynde byd them to the mariage And the seruantes went out into the hye waies gathered together all as many as they could fynde both good bad the weddyng was furnished with gestes Then the kyng came in to se the gestes when he spyed a man whiche had not on a Esai 6. weddyng garment he sayd vnto him Frende how camest thou hyther not hauyng a weddyng garment And he was euen speachelesse Then sayd the kyng to the ministers take bynde him hand and fote and cast him into vtter darkenes Mat. 13 and. 25. there shal be wepyng and gnashyng of teeth For many are called but fewe are chosen THE EXPOSITION THis Gospell agreeth almoste with the symilitude which is written in the fourtenth chapiter of S. Luke of the which we haue a parte spoken of on the fyrste sondaye after Trinitye sondaye And as the grace of the gospell is there likened vnto a supper so is it here likened vnto a mariage Howbeit the vnion and couplyng of Christ with the church in what wise he hath takē her and maried her vnto him by faith is here more plainly and more
sufficiently approued and he that nowe seeketh any more signes or myracles let him heare this sentence Mat. 12 This aduouterous generacion seeketh sygnes c. Wherfore tokens and myracles whiche were doone in the beginning of the gospell by Christe bare witnes vnto the worde that it was of god and was the truthe The worde that Christ spake here to this Ruler which was Go thy waies thy sonne lyueth is approued by a token insomuch that the seruauntes come and shewe the maister at what hower the feuer had left his sonne And more ouer through this miracle they were all alured vnto the faithe as the Euangelist declareth it Hither pertaineth that Christe spake in the fourtenth chapiter of S. Iohn Ioh. 14 saying Beleue me that I am in the father and the father in me Or els beleue me at the leaste for the woorkes sake Out of all these thinges yt appeareth why in the begynnyng of the gospell were doon so diuers and many myracles God graunte vs the true knowledge of his holy worde Amen The gospel on the .xxii. sonday after trinitie sonday Math. 6. THerefore is the kingdome of heauen likened vnto a certaine manne that was a kynge whiche woulde take accomptes of hys seruauntes And when he had begon to recken one was brought vnto hym whiche ought hym ten thousād talentes but for as muche as hee was not able to paye hys Lorde commaunded hym to be solde and hys wyfe and chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made The seruaunt fell downe and besought hym saying Syr haue pacience wyth me and I wyll paye the all Then hadde the Lorde pitye on that seruaunt and loosed hym and forgaue him the dette So the same seruaunte went out and founde one of hys felowes which ought hym an hundreth pence and he layed handes on hym and tooke him by the throte saying Pay that thouowest And his felowe fell doune and besought him sayinge Haue pacience with me and I wyll paye the all And he would not but went and cast hym ●nto pryson tyl he shulde pay the det So when his felowes sawe what was doone they were very sory and came and tolde vnto their lorde all that had happened Then hys lorde called him and sayd vnto hym O thou vngracious seruaunt I forgaue the all that dette whan thou desiredst me shuldest not thou also haue had compassion on thy felowe euen as I had pitye on the And hys lord was wroth and delyuered hym to the taylers tyll he shulde paye all that was due vnto hym So Iacob 2 Mat. 6. Mar. 12 lykewise shal my heauenly father do also vnto you if ye from your heartes forgiue not euerye one his brother their trespasses THE EXPOSITION THe summe of this gospell is We are bound to kepe the cōmaundemētes of god that by grace our sins are forgiuen vs wherfore we likewise ar bound to forgiue our neighbour their offēces done vnto vs. But forasmuch as it is wrytten here goodly in order in what wise a manne is iustified therefore dilygently we shall entreat of euery parte therof as yt stondeth Fyrste we heare in this parable a certaine part of the lawe There is no man vnder heauen but is bounde to obserue the lawe and yet neuertheles is a transgressour therof Psa 110 in especiall if god woulde contende with vs in iudgement For how shulde a mā here be iustified through his works yea though he had doone outwardly all that were cōmaunded hym It must be fulfilled and done with al thy hart with al thy soule and with all thy might according as god hath cōmaunded it And forasmuche as the saintes and the elect of god often times do stumble here offend and haue need to praye vnto god for to obtaine forgiuenes of their sinnes at all houres how shall an ypocrite then be iustified beefore god through his workes For the prophete Dauid did not pray without a cause Ps 142. when he said Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunte For in thy syght shal no man liuing be saued And in an other place Psal 31. he saith Blessed are they whose vnrighteousnes is forgiuen and whose sinnes ar couered Blessed is that man vnto whome the lorde imputeth no sinne in whose spirite ther is no gyle Wherfore we must needs say that we all are this kinges detters that is we be al sinners For els how can my sinnes be forgiuen me without I felt them and knowledged them Yf thys physicion Christ shal be profitable vnto me so must I needs knowledg my deadly syckenes infirmitie And also yf I shal know my synne and debte so must this kyng bryng furth his reckenyng booke whiche is the lawe wherein my synnes trāsgressiōs be noted to shew me the same to th entent that I may meke my selfe aske mercy where at the last I fall doune prostrate before his feete and knowlege my selfe a very debter Secōdarily Thrugh grace are our sīnes forgeuen vs. after that this seruant was brought vnder synne and had knowleged himselfe a debter the parable sheweth in what wise he was released discharged therof whiche was through mercy and grace For thus goeth the text Then had the Lord pitie on that seruant and discharged him and forgaue him the debt This seruant promised to paye it all as troubled consciences are wont to do but the kyng knewe well that it was impossible for him to doo Wherfore he discharged him and forgaue him of very pitie and mercy the debt frely Out of all this we must learne from whence forgeuenes of synnes commeth For remission of synne standeth not in workes or in any deseruyng but is graunted and geuen vs frely by Christ of mere grace mercy For why would this kyng haue had mercy of this seruant and forgeue him if he had had wherewith to paye But truely Forgeuenes of synnes reason and the fleshe vnderstandeth not this nor comprehendeth it but goeth aboute to bryng this thyng better to passe through workes Surely there is contencion and strife throughout all the worlde of this one article The worlde will not permit and suffre that Christe is true herein and yet notwithstādyng reason shall here bee confounded and Christ shal be true or els wee certainly shal be dampned euerlastyngly For thou must needes bee sure and certaine if you wyll be saued that thy synnes bee forgeuen thee And thou canst neuer bee sure of this article if thou do leane and haue confidence in woorkes or merites Wherfore if thou desirest a peaceable conscience thou must comprehende the great grace and mercy of God in Christe and that through fayth And if thou doest perceiue this thou hast on thy syde the holy Gospel that euery where ascribeth remission of synnes vnto the grace of God not to thy workes Ihon. 1. Dyd not sainct Ihon Baptist declare euidently that Christ was the Lamme of God that taketh away the synnes of the worlde Now
then if Christ taketh away synne through his owne merites and deseruyng how can our workes do it then Further more thapostles teacheth vs so likewse iin the Actes Act. 4. where they treate of this article say There is no other name geuē to mē wherin we must be saued c. And here on this parable we haue howe the kyng of great mercy and compassion forgaue this debt Thirdly this seruant should haue been myndful of the great benefite whiche was shewed vpon him and by right should haue had pacience with him that was in his debte forasmuche as fayth whiche comprehēdeth remission of synnes in Christ is euer wont accustomably to come vnto light and breake furth through charitee But as an vnthankefull forgetfull man of suche great goodnes done vnto him he would haue no pacience with his companiō whiche ought him an hundreth pence Doth this mā seme vnto the a christiā mā although his synne afore was dimitted him No surely For a christian mā knoweth that of mere grace through Christ his synnes bee forgeuen him and knoweth also that in like maner he should handle his neighbor Therfore in that I apprehende forgeuenes of synne by fayth in Christ and for Christes sake serue and forgeue my neighbour in so doyng and cōtinuyng in the same I am a christian man Whiche if I do not I am no christian man Mat. 22 For the scripture witnesseth that all the lawe and the Prophetes hang and consist in the loue of God and my neighbour as in two of the principal cōmaundemētes Luc. 6. Wherfore Christ in another place saith Forgeue and you shal be forgeuen Whiche thou mayst not vnderstande as though thou couldest deserue remission of synnes throug thy forgeuyng The fyrst part of this knowlege is the preachyng of repentaunce declaryng vnto the what thou oughtest to do with thy neighbour namely to forgeue him And the second parte is a promise that thy synnes shal be forgeuen the in Christ by grace and mercy And hereto pertayneth our dayly prayer wherin we say Remitte nobis debita nostra c. Forgeue vs oure dettes as we forgeue oure detters Wherfore if thou haue pleasure to do good workes to testifie by charitie that thy fayth is a right a true fayth in Christe serue thy neighbor as God by his sonne hath serued the. For by this shall euery man knowe that ye are the disciples of Christ if you haue loue one to another as Christ sayth in the xiiii chapiter of Ihon. Iho. 14. Fourthly we see in the fourth part of this parable howe God shall punishe those that leaue departe from the fayth forget the charitee and loue The punishmēt of those that do fall from fayth that they owe to their neighbor For assone as the kyng had heard howe extremely the seruaunt to whom he had forgeuen his debt had handled his companion he was very wrothe Wherfore he called him before him and rigorously rebuked him and deliuered him to the iaylours vntyll he payed all that he ought This worde Vntyl signfieth here tyme without ende As though the kyng would saye Of my great mercye and grace I forgaue thee all thy synnes that thou beyng myndefull of this great benefite shouldest haue likewise hādled thy debter But forsomuche as thou arte so vnthankefull and hast vtterly forgotten charitee thou shalt be dampned euerlastyngly Out of all these thynges consider howe euery thyng ought to bee done in the kyngdome of Christ Fyrst we ought to knowlege our selfe to be synners and that we cannot be iustified in the sight of God by workes And that is the fyrst parte of this parable Secondarily we must knowe that oure synnes bee forgeuen vs of grace through Christ and that teacheth the second parte of this parable And thyrdly wee are here taught that when we haue receiued remission of synne by fayth it is needefull that we by charitee testifie to haue this fayth Fourthly wee bee here taught that if wee do not these foresayd thynges wee shall be dampned without mercy that is the last parte of this parable Geue thankes vnto God The Gospel on the xxiii sonday after Trinitee sonday Mathewe 22. THen went the Phariseys Mat. 12 and toke counsell howe they might tangle him in his wordes And they sēt out vnto him their disciples with Herodes seruauntes saiyng Luc. 20. Mayster we knowe that thou art true and teachest the way of God truely neither carest thou for any man for thou regardest not the outwarde apparaunce of men Tell vs therfore Howe thynkest thou Is it lawfull that tribute be geuen vnto Cesar or not But Iesus perceiuyng their wickednes sayd Why tempte ye me ye hypocrites Shewe me the tribute money And they toke him a peny And he sayd vnto theim Whose is this ymage and superscripcion They say vnto him Cesars Then sayd he vnto thē Ma. 17 Ro. 13. Geue therfore vnto Cesar the thynges that are Cesars and vnto God those thynges that are Gods THE EXPOSITION WE haue in this Gospell a very subtill and crafty inuented question of the Phariseys wherwith they went about to take Christ in some tryp in his wordes wherby they might haue brought him in some slaunder Whiche question diligently considered we shall fynde that the children of this worlde in their kynde to bee no fooles but neuerthelesse their wysedome craft subtiltie euer beyng clothed and myxt with great maliciousnes and blyndnes Therfore fyrst of all the Phariseys tooke counsayl But at what thyng Certainly of an euil matter For when they could fynd no occasion nor meanes wherby to hurt Christ they toke counsayl and with one consent did al agree determyne to take trippe Christ craftely in his speakyng Whereout we may consider the Phariseis to be of that sort of whom the Prophete Dauid had before spoken saiyng Psal 2. The kynges of the yearth stande vp and the rulers are come together against the Lorde and against his annoynted But whereof do they treate in their counsail and what do they conclude They conclude to sende their ministers with thofficers of kyng Herode to aske and demaunde of Christ whether it were mete to pay tribute to the Emperour or not For herein he was cōstrained either to say yea or nay If he had sayd no it was not lawful to paye tribute vnto themperour straight were the officers ready to accuse him before Herode as a sedicious person And if he had sayd and affirmed that they should haue payed tribute then should he haue lost the fauoure of the people because he spake against the liberty of the Iewes so beyng out of fauour in great displeasure thought by that meanes he might be deliuered into their handes This was a subtill deceiptful deuilishe pollice And without a christian mā had not the wisedome of Serpētes The wisdom of the serpētes Mat. 10 whiche was cōmaunded also to the Apostles to haue who could withstand
beholde there came a certaine ruler worshipped him saiyng My doughter is euen nowe disceased but come and lay thy hand vpō her and she shall liue And Iesus arose folowed him and so did his disciples Mar 5. Luc. 8. Leu● 15 and behold a womā which was diseased with an issue of bloud xii yeres came behynd him and touched the hemme of his vesture For she sayd within her selfe If I may touche but euen his vesture only I shal be safe But Iesus turned him about when he sawe her he sayd Daughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe and the woman was made whole euen that same tyme. THE EXPOSITION WE haue two examples of fayth in this Gospel One in the Ruler that came to Christ to get helpe for his doughter whiche Ruler sainct Marke calleth Iayrus And another in the woman that was diseased with a bluddy fluxe and healed by Christe In this woman was a perfecte sayth but the rulers fayth as yet was not perfect but weake Fyrst it was a point of fayth in this ruler because he beleued that Christ could rayse his daughter to life though she were dead wherewith he confesseth Christ to be God and a Lorde ouer life and death Then if Christe bee a Lorde ouer death he must nedes bee a Lorde ouer synne forasmuche as Adam through his synne brought death into the worlde and suche a Lorde dothe of death and of synne is he that both death and synne by his death he hath ouercome abrogated and taken away But howe and to what purpose That they should haue no power to cōdempne vs that beleue in Christ For vndoubtedly we can not liue without synne whyle wee bee in this mortal life as it is written Pro. 24 A iust man falleth vii tymes in a day ryseth vp againe But the synne so that we beleue shal haue no power ouer vs nor condempne vs. Lykewise Rom. 6. although this naturall death is not cleane taken awaye yet is it so ouerthrowne that it is no more dampnable vnto vs but is the beginnyng of the true principal life Iho. 11 as Christ saith He that beleueth in me shal not dye euerlastyngly This must wee surely holde fast if we will be christian menne That is we must beleue that by the death and bloud of Christ wee are deliuered from synne death deuil and hell so that we perseuer in a true fayth we shall haue euerlastyng life through Christ And this beleueth Iayrus partly But in asmuche that he beleueth not that Christe by the might power of his worde could make whole his doughter except he had been personally present we must nedes confesse that his fayth was imperfect But what shall we say of the fayth of this woman She surely had so great confidence in Christ that she cōcluded by her selfe that she should bee whole if she might touche only the hemme of his vesture Not that the vesture dyd make her whole for as S. Marke sayth he felte great vertue go from him and speaketh nothyng of the vesture but only the great fayth that she had in Christ Wherfore Christ highly prayseth and cōmendeth the fayth of this woman saiyng Doughter be of good comforte thy fayth hath made the safe Lo there thou hast an example both of perfect and vnperfect fayth Secondarily we see in this gospel howe frendly and familiarly Christe suffered the weakenes and imbecilitie of this Ruler and with the miracle done vnto the woman augmentyng and bryngyng him to more parfect fayth For he sheweth himselfe willyng at the desire of Iayrus foloweth him straight wayes home declaryng with his dede that whiche he had taught before saiyng Mat. 11 Come to me al ye that labour and are laden I wyll ease you But what happened in the way Beholde a woman that had been diseased xii yere with an issue of bloudde holdyng her peace by fayth gat and obtayned health She had determined also by her selfe that in holdyng her peace and in silence would haue gone home againe Mat. 5. But as a citie buylded vpon an high hyll can not be hyd so likewyse it was neither mete nor yet conuenient that suche great high and excellent fayth should be hyd And dothe not Christe say in the Gospell Mat. 10 There is nothyng hyd that shal not bee openly shewed and nothyng secrete that shall not be knowen So likewyse he wyl that the fayth of this woman should be manyfest brought to light And enquireth and sayth Who hath touched me The Apostles ignoraunt of this miracle answered him and sayd The people thruste thee But the woman feared and trembled for she knewe what was done in her came and fell doune before him and tolde him the whole truth Wherin Christ commendeth her fayth before al the people not only that this should bee an example for the people to folowe but also to strength Iayrus fayth that he should not doubte but that suche benignitee and mercy as was shewed vnto this womā should likewyse bee shewed vnto his daughter Could Christe behaue him selfe more gentely or bee indued with greatter loue mekenes pitie and mercy He declareth with the very deede that he can helpe and succour vs in all trouble necessitee yea in the point of death and is ready and willyng therto But we of our nature are so indurate deaffe and blind that we wil neither with holsome doctrin and teachyng nor yet with miracle be moued vnto fayth Truely it is to be feared lest we take and receiue like ende with the styffe necked and blynde Iewes For wee can not excuse oure selues but the same that was spoken vnto the Iewes might likewyse be spoken vnto vs Ioh. 15. where Christe sayd If I my selfe had not come and spoken vnto theim then should they haue had no sinne Is not Christ come through his gospel and hath shewed the same Do we not heare his worde dayly but when do we heare the same for any amēdement of our life I pray the take it once to heart and remembre the goodnes frendlynes myldenes of Christe howe louyngly through his worde and miracles he intyseth allureth vs vnto fayth Howe familiarly he taketh and suffereth our imbecilitee and weakenes and howe feruently he desireth vs to be iust and blessed Let these thynges so moue vs that by the meditacion hereof we may not only encrease in fayth but perseuer in the same and therby get euerlastyng saluacion Thyrdly wee see in this miracle howe the woorkes of Christe are counted and adiudged in the world for foolishenes yea and are skorned and dispised For Christ saiyng The mayd is not dead but sleapeth what did they but laught him to skorne Doest thou not thinke it a miserable thynge that the creature shuld scorne his maker creatour of all thinges That vngracious and blynde fleshe stondeth well in his owne conceite and thinkinge him selfe to haue done a highe feate when it
doth bothe scorne deride and blaspheme the doctrine workes and myracles of Christe ye his harte in his bodye laughed at it But what get they thereby Herken The people is put forth that they shuld not be present at the raysing of this dead vnto lyfe Lo so it goeth with them that scorne and dispise the gospel of Christ Rom. 1. that god giueth theym vp vnto shameful lustes and blyndeth their foolishe hartes so that they shal neither se nor vnderstand the great misterye of the death and resurrection of CHRIST but shal be euerlastingly dampned Herevnto is to bee referred the saying of Dauid the prophete saying Psal 1. Blessed is the man that goeth not in the councell of the vngodly that abideth not in the way of synners and setteth not in the seate of the scornefull But delyteth in the lawe of the lorde and exerciseth himselfe in his lawe bothe daye and nyghte Scorners calleth Dauid here all those that thynketh all to be both foolyshnes and trifles that god hath spoken and doone Scorners And hee counteth theym blessed that medle not and haue nothinge to doo with suche scorners Out alas howe full is the worlde nowe a dayes of suche scorners They bee counted glorious and goodly felowes in this world whiche scorne dispise persecute and blaspheme the woorde of CHRIST They bee loued and muche made of yee with goodes and ryches accumulated so that they shall lacke nothyng neither cease to skorne Christ and his membres But good menne shall here thynke and haue in remembraunce howe this is not onely chaunsed vnto theim but afore tyme hath suche like blasphemye happened to our sauiour Iesu Christe For if they haue called the good man of the house Mat. 10 Belzebub howe muche more shall they call them of his householde so Besydes this wee haue also a cause of greate consolacion and comforte insomuche as our quarel is iust godly conformable and consonant with Goddes holy woorde For wee can not glorifye God more highely then to adscribe vnto his onely begotten sonne whom he hath for great loue and mercy that he bare vs sent into the worlde to bee crucifyed to bee our righteousnes holynes and redempcion so that we may remayne and assuredly stande nowe in him as oure onely saluacion For if we should adscribe vnto our workes righteousnes or saluacion we could neuer be sure Wherfore lette all the worde skorne blaspheme and persecute this our doctryne Hereof wee are sure that God Christ the woorde of God and all the Angels in heauen bee all on oure syde From the beginnyng the preachyng of the gospel was foolishenes vnto the Gentyles and occasion of fallyng vnto the Iewes 1. Cor. 1 as sainct Paule beareth wytnes and so shall remayne vnto the ende God almightie so merciful geue vs grace through the vertue of the holy ghost that we may dayly more and more increase in holsome doctryne true fayth and godly conuersacion vnto th ende that at the last through Christ we may obtaine and get euerlastyng saluacion Amen The sonday next before Aduent ye shall fynde in the fourth sonday in Lent and is written Iohn 6. Here endeth the sermons vpon the sondayes through the whole yere IESVS Suffre the children and forbid theim not to come vnto me for of suche is the kyngdome of heauen Math. 19. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyll ease you Take my yoke vpon you and learne of me for I am meke and lowely in heart and ye shall fynde rest in your soules For my yocke is easye and my burden is light Math. xi THE SECONDE PARTE of this boke contayneth the sermons vpon the gospels whiche commonly are read on the feastiuall dayes through the whole yeare The Gospell on sainct Androwes day Math. 4. AS Iesus walked by the sea of Galilee he sawe two brethren Symon whiche was called Peter Andrewe his brother castyng a nette into the sea for they wer fishers he sayth vnto them folowe me and I wyll make you to become Ier. 46 Eze. 46 fyshers of menne And they straight way left the nettes and folowed him And when he was gone furthe from thēce he sawe other two brethren Iames the sonne of Zebede Ihon his brother in the shyp with Zebede their father mendyng their nettes and he called them And they immediatly Luc. 5. left the shyp and their father and folowed him THE EXPOSITION ORDINATELY and very fruitful hath sainct Mathewe the Euangelist discribed howe and by whom it were mete and necessary that the kyngdome of Christ wer ministred For inasmuche as the same is brought to passe through the worde of God by ministers therefore he declareth fyrst in what maner of wyse Christ begāne his preachyng and afterward howe vnto the same gift of preachinge he called certaine of his disciples and sayeth From that time forth beganne Iesus to preache and saye c. Here he nameth the man that fyrste preached the gospell yea which by his word offered vnto all men the grace of God vnto saluacion and nameth hym Iesus and that for the same intent and purpose that we might clearly perceaue and vnderstand by the name what manner of preacher he is For he doth not onlye preache and offre vnto all men saluacion freely and willynglye but also hee wyll geue it vnto all those that hope and truste in him onlye by his propre merites and desert without any respecte of our works yee of mere grace and mercy Iohn 1. according to the saying of Saint Iohn which saith The lawe is geuen by Moyses but grace and truthe by Iesus Christe The sum of the preaching of Christe Now peraduenture thou wilte demaund of me what the preachinge of Christe was and the some thereof In shorte woordes he spake as foloweth Amend your selues for the kinkedome of heauen is at hande To amende our selues to walke in a newe lyfe and to forsake our olde vitious lyuynge requireth the preaching of the law of penaunce And forasmuch as the preaching of the gospel of the grace of god bringeth little vtilitie or profite to mā except he first be brought to the knowledg of his offences sinnes Rom. 3. haue a contryte harte therefore it is very requisite necessary that the lawe whereby we be brought to the same knowledge be euer fyrste preached and taught The kīgdome of heauen Whych done the other foloweth namelye this The kyngedome of heauen is at hande The kyngedome of heauen in this place is taken for the godly grace of the gospel As though Christ would say If I may this only thyng obtayn of you that your synnes may earnestly displease you aske for grace with all your whole heart it shal be brought to passe that grace shall not bee denyed you For nowe truely that acceptable tyme and daies of saluacion be at hand in the which remission of synnes is not onely offered vnto you but through my
his spirit so long shall that fayth whiche Christ requireth of vs with so many woordes bee no greater in vs then it was here in S. Thomas Many there be which suppose that fayth is so common a thyng that it is in euery mannes freewylle to beleue who wyll that Christe dyed rose againe the third day Whiche if it were so in deede what needed Christ to saye these words Suppose you that the sonne of man Luc. 28. when he commeth shall finde faithe vppon earthe Moreouer what was the cause that the Apostels in the tyme of the resurrection of Christ were so rude and ignoraunt in the matter of fayth and iustificacion Nor it is not to be thought that suche thinge happened only vnto S. Thomas and not to the reste of the Apostests except that wee wyll saye that all suche tokens and actes which we fynde in the story of the resurrection of Christ fyrst doon through angels and then by Christe himselfe whereby the Apostels in this article were confirmed were vanities and lyes I may suffre euery man to say herein his pleasure Yet doo I thus thinke and can approue yt by many testimonies of scripture that no mortal man how well learned or wise so euer he be how good or sharpe witted so euer he be can learne or be instructed in the faith of Christ The holy ghoste worketh faithe in vs. Esai 54 except the singular grace of the holy ghoste drawe him and instruct him therin The prophete sayth They shal be all taught of god Then if I can instructe and teache my selfe in those thinges that concerne our faythe what need hath god to teach me Vpon this reason S. Iohn the euangelyst saith Hee came into his owne Iohn 1. and his owne receyued him not If faith be such a light and an easye thinge to come by what was the cause that the Iewes were so ignoraunt in the comynge of their Messias whiche were taught and brought vp in the lawe Or for what cause dothe the lyghte shine in darkenes and the darkenes can not comprehende it Wherefore it is meete that wee learne hereout that it is not in euery mannes power to haue fayth but that it is a gyfte and a woorke of God only as we fynde in this place of sainct Thomas that in no maner of wyse he would beleue excepte he sawe with his eyen and felte with his fyngers Secondarily wee fynde in this ensample howe paciently and gently Christe suffereth suche imbecilitee and weakenes in his seruauntes Yea he turneth suche mekenesse into a strong fayth For as we reade in the history of the resurrection howe he fyrst did appeare vnto the women and the Apostles so he dothe seeme here likewyse in this place vnto the vnfaythfull Thomas because he should not styl perseuer in incredulitee but should become faythfull He came the eight daye after his resurrection vnto the disciples and besydes that he saluted theim with his peace he shewed vnto Thomas his handes and his feete saiyng Bryng thy fynger hither and see my handes and reche hether thy hande and thrust it into my syde and bee not faythlesse but beleuyng Is not this a highe and an excellent pacience and gentylnes in suche wyse to suffre the weakenes of his electe And I beseche you howe could bee done vnto Thomas a greatter pleasure For except he had sene and felt he would not haue beleued And yet was Christ so good and so full of pitie that Thomas had all his wylle and mynde For besydes that he rebuked him with most gentle and swete woordes he suffered him to put his fynger in his syde O good Lord what great affection and loue thynkest thou dothe he beare to his electe seruauntes Doth not this place approue and confirme the same saiyng that he vsed whyle he was yet in this mortal life saiyng Mat. 11 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyl ease you Note also here howe Christ throughly learneth and instructeth Thomas bothe with wordes and tokens The wordes wherewith he is taught driueth away and expelleth his incredulite which wordes are so layde against him that therby thou mayest perceiue no greatter synne to be vpon yearth then is incredulitee Whereout Incredulite is a great sinne as out of a fountayne and sprynge floweth all other synnes For he sayth Bee not faythlesse but beleue As though he would saye If thou fall from the fayth thou art vtterly vndone But if thou bee faythfull and beleuest hereafter do not doubt of the merites of my resurrection then trust surely that this incredulitee shall not in any wyse hynder or hurte thee but shall so and in suche maner of wyse be forgeuen thee that hereafter I wyll neuer remembre it more For I require nothyng els for this great benefite whiche I haue purchased for the whole world through my bitter passion then only a faythfull heart whiche shall not putte his confidence in no creature whether it bee in heauen or in yearth excepte onely in my merites and deseruyng Beholde howe with these wordes thapostle is reduced and brought to true fayth And likewyse as he is strengthened and comforted with wordes so also is he holpen with signes tokens Signes confirmeth fayth which for the most part is shewed to confirme our fayth And yet it is done after a most symple maner by reason he may the easyer be brought to a true fayth and beleue Who would not put and set his trust in suche a mercyfull and a gentle Lorde Who would set his hope in any other except him onely Thirdly this Gospel prayseth and commendeth tranquilitee Peace of conscience quietnes and peace of conscience and sheweth likewise howe that Christ hath communicated the same to the Apostles And of this peace Christ speaketh before his passion Iho. 14 saiyng Peace I leaue with you my peace I geue vnto you not as the worlde geueth geue I vnto you c. With the whiche wordes Christ maketh a difference betwene a ciuile a christian fayth The peace of the wolrde lyeth in ciuile and corporal thynges wherevnto if ryches and goodes chaunce plenteously it maketh menne very negligent and careles incase it bee not prouided and preuented through the word of God But a christian peace cōsisteth in spiritual thynges which maketh a man hardy strong in persecution and temptacion and suche a one as when extreme necessitee and the honour of God dothe so require they shall not onely not fear the deuil with the world and all their adherentes but also shal dispise them and set nothing by them Act. 5. as we see the Apostles did after that the holy ghost was confirmed in them Suche a fayth doth Christ worke in his seruantes and is apprehended of theim onely that with a true fayth knowledge embrace Iesus Christ their lord And this peace I haue so longe as I beleue in Christ And nowe if I do not beleeue it
the Angel added And his kyngdome shall haue none ende Suche a kyngdome of Christ is also excellently described by the Prophete Esaie in the ix chapiter where among other thynges he sayth thus Esai 9. His imperie shal be dilated or multiplied and peace shal be without end vpō the throne of Dauid vpon his kyngdome that he may confirme strengthen it in iustice and iudgement frō thencefurth and for euermore Marke that suche a peace shal be in the kyngdome of Christe whiche shal not endure for a tyme but for euermore And how could this peace be referred vnto Dauid whiche neither had this peace nor yet could geue it vnto other Furthermore in this kyngdome iustice shal be made strong in iudgement Iudgemente Nowe howe shall this be Where as is no knowlege of synnes there can not folowe the iustice of fayth Therfore that I may come vnto the knowlege of synne and after that by fayth attayn vnto the righteousnes of fayth Christ fyrst causeth me so to be throwē doune at the preachyng of repentaunce that I shall feale my selfe worthy for my synnes to haue hell and eternal dampnacion But then through the preachyng of free remission of synnes for Christes sake I shal be againe comforted and raysed vp so that in tyme commyng I shall feare nothyng for my synnes but I shal stand stedfast in fayth and wayte for eternal health After this maner is iustice stablished by iudgement in the kyngdome of Christ Vpon this againe it foloweth that this seate of Dauid which here is promised vnto Christ is nothyng els but a spiritual kyngdome of Christ whiche is gouerned and ruled by the scripture of the Euāgely or gospell Neither can it stād in any maner other thyng then in spirite and trueth For it can not bee a corporall kyngdome For why these thynges that wee haue nowe spoken of and the corporal kyngdome that Dauid sometyme gouerned differre as farre as heauen and yerth And to speake briefly Christ him selfe in the gospel of Luke concludeth this saiyng The kyngdome of God is within you Luc. 17 Thyrdly wee haue here a noble ensample of true fayth in Mary For although at the fyrst she was abashed at the Angels worde and afterwarde also wondered right sore Exāples of fayth in Mari howe she should be the mother of the Lord seyng that she knewe no man Yet now when she heareth that the holy ghost should worke all this in her she gladly committeth her selfe vnto the wylle of God with great mekenes lowlynes and beleueth the Angel whiche God had sent vnto her Wherfore also Elizabeth highly praised this fayth Luc. 1. saiyng Blessed art thou which hast beleued for those thynges shal be accōplished in thee which were tolde thee from the Lord. Nature of fayth For this is the true nature of fayth which appeareth here in Mary to beleueue the worde to leane vnto the worde and to cleaue vnto the worde yea though that thyng whiche the worde speaketh of can in no wise be comprehēded by mans reason For why shuld it bee called fayth but that it beleueth thynges inuisible not apparāt yea incōprehēsible to mā Thus did Abrahā whē cōtrary vnto hope he beleued īto hope For as S. Paul saith He was not weake in faith neither cōsidered his own body dead in māner for he was now almost an hundreth yeare old nor the baraine wombe of Sarah He staggered not thorow vnbeliefe at the promise of god but he was stronge in faith and gaue to god the honoure ful certefyed that whatsoeuer god promised he was able to performe it Inlike manner must we do Whensoeuer god speaketh any thing whiche I can not obtaine nor perceiue by my reason or wisedome it becometh me not to dispute by what meanes it maye come to passe but thus muste I saye Behold I am ready the lordes bonde seruaunt and gladly do I meekely submitte my selfe captiue vnto thy woorde althouge I perceiue it not nor can not comprehende it Thus did Mary when the aungell had saide The holy ghost shall come ouer the and the power of the moste highest shall ouershadowe the. c. Marye sayd Beholde the Lordes hande mayden be it done to me accordynge to thy woorde Nowe if yee will doo vnto Marye suche seruice as shall please her beeleue the promise of god as shee beleued it Feare god as Mary feared god liue as shee liued and thou shalt possesse eternall lyfe as Marye doth As Christe promised Who so euer doth the wil of my father that is in heauen he is my brother sister and mother God graunte vs all that wee maye doo well Amen THE PASSION OF OVR Lorde Iesu Christ parted into syxe Sermons The fyrste sermon Mat. 26. Mar. 14 Luce. 22 WHen the euē was come he sate doune with the twelue And as they did eate he sayd Verely I saye vnto you that Ioh. 13. one of you shall betraye me And they were exceedinge sorowfull and began euery one of them to saye vnto him Lorde is it I Hee answered and sayde He that dippeth hys hand with me in the dishe the same shall betray me Psal 61 The sonne of man truly goeth as it is written of hym but wo vnto that man by whom the son of man shal be betrayed It had been good for that man yf hee hadde not beene borne Then Iudas which betrayed hym aunswered and sayde Maister is it I He saide vnto hym Thou haste saide Whan they were caryng Iesus tooke breake and whan he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue it to his disciples and sayde 1 Cor. 9. Luce. 22 Mar 18. Take eate this is my body And he tooke the cuppe and thanked and gaue it them saying Drynke ye all of thys for this is my bloude which is of the new testament that is shedde for many for the remission of sinnes But I say vnto you I wyll not drynke hensforth of thys frute of the vinetree vntyll that daye when I shall drynke it newe with you in my fathers kyngedome Mat. 14 And when they hadde sayde grace they wente oute vnto mount Oliuer THE EXPOSITION WE haue dee●ly beloued not with out cause recited vnto you oute of the gospel of Math. the text of the Lords supper that we purpose at this tyme to treat vpon vnto your louing charity For so it see we think it profitable to councel and helpe the weak which about this time ar wont for the more part of a custome to come vnto the cōmunion of the lordes supper participat of it and therefore they shall loue and more gladlye desire some briefe instruction in this matter The beginninge of this gospell declareth with how greate humanitie and gentlenes Christ prouoked Iudas vnto repentaunce adding also vnto yt Christs pacience calleeth Iudas to repentaunce that except he did repent that dānacion in soul and bodye was prophecied to chaunce vnto hym But who tolde
Psalmes of me Furthermore he opened theyr mynde that they should vnderstand the scriptures c. O howe gloriouslye goeth this preachynge of Christe forthe Christe instructeth these plaine men and vnlearned with the holy scripture taken out of the law the prophetes and the psalmes But as the epistle to the Hebrues sayeth Heb. 4. Preachinge is but vaine if it bee not adioyned to faithe therefore Christe also openeth the eyes and vnderstandynge of theyr mynde so that not onlye they maye heare hys woorde but also they maye vnderstande it Oh good preacher O gentle lorde Christe that thus faithfully teacheth his disciple and bringeth them to the knowledge of hys truth The moste best and greatest lorde our god graunt vs this grace The outwarde prechīg and the hollye ghoste must bee togither Apoc. 3. that the same manner maye be among vs in the offire of preching that is that we may with much seueritie and great diligence inculcate thy worde and that Christ may also as dililigentely teache the same worde inwardely by his holy spirite For suerly it is he that hath the key of Dauid wherwith he shutteth and no man openeth hee openeth and no man shutteth And verelye all preaching is vain except Christ do inwardly teach by his holy spirite Nowithstanding I wold no mā should esteeme as a light thinge the dignity of the vocall worde or the word pronounced and spoken takinge occasion of these my woordes so to doo for thys is myne opinion that bothe the woorde and spirite of god muste be ioyned togyther And who shall dare tontemne the woorde that Christe heere ordayneth and commaundeth and also committeth the same to his beeloued Apostels For thus he sayeth furthormore Thus it is written and thus muste Christe suffre and ryse again from the deade the third day to preach in his name penance forgiuenes of synnes among al naciōs c. In the gospell of sainct Ihon this cōmaundement and office of preachyng is more euidētly described For in the same place the Euangelist sayth thus Iho. 20 And Iesus sayd to them As my father hath sēt me euen so I send you likewyse after that he brethed vpon them saiyng Receiue ye the holy ghost Whose synnes soeuer ye shal forgeue they are forgeuen whosesoeuer synnes ye shal retayne they are retayned The administracion of the worde of God Of these wordes it is euident that Christ commytted to them the office or administracion to teache his worde ouer all the vniuersal worlde Nowe if wee adioyne this place of S. Ihon with these wordes of Christ recyted in this gospel euery mā of vnderstandyng may easely perceyue howe this forgeuyng of synnes is done The lawe That is thus Fyrst must penance be preached that is men must be brought by the knowlege of the lawe of God to cōfesse hate and abhorre their synne True penāce For this is it that the deuine scriptures call doyng of penance as wee may see in the Prophete Esaie Esa 55 Let the vngodly sayth he forsake his euil way and the vnrightwise man his ymaginacions and let him returne vnto the Lord and he wyll haue mercy vpō him Returne I say to our God for he is very ready to forgeue And sainct Paule also Ephe 4 describeth it saiyng He that did steale let him steale no more c. Nowe after that men are brought vnto the knowlege of their synnes also to hate them then must be preached vnto them and set before their eyes the merytes of Iesu Christ For to preache remission of synnes in his name The gospel is to ascribe the remission of synnes vnto his passion death and merites And when this is apprehēded and beleued there is forgeuenes of synnes not by him or for his sake that preacheth declareth this but by him and his merytes that hath geuen that commaundement and cōmission to preache remyssion of synnes in his name To whom bee honor and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Gospel on sainct Markes day the Euāgelist you shall fynde after Alhallowen day The gospell on Philyp and Iacob the Apostles day Ihon. 14. Thomas sayth vnto him Lord we knowe not whether thou goest And howe is it possible for vs to knowe the waye Iesus sayth vnto him Ihon. 1 6.8 and .11 I am the way and the trueth and the life No man commeth vnto the father but by me If ye had knowen me ye had knowen my father also And nowe ye knowe him haue seen him Phylyp sayth vnto him Lord shewe vs the father it suffiseth vs Iesus sayth vnto him Haue I been so long tyme with you yet hast thou not knowē me Phylyp he that hath seen me hath seen the father And howe sayest thou then shewe vs the father Beleuest thou not that Iho. 10. I am in the father and the father in me The woordes that I speake vnto you I speake not of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in me is he that doth the workes Beleue me that I am in the father and Iho. 16. the father in me Or t is beleue me for the workes sake Verely verely I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me the workes that I do the same shall he do also and greater workes then these shal he do because I go to my father Ma. 17 and 21. Mar. 11 Luc. 9. Iho. 15 and .16 Iaco. 1. 1. Iho. 3 and .5 And whatsouer ye aske in my name that wyll I do that the father may be glorifyed by the sonne if ye shall aske any thyng in my name I wyll do it THE EXPOSITION Christ armeth his disciples against the slaūder of the crosse OUr Lorde Iesus Christe in that most excellent sermon made vnto his disciples at his last supper among all other his moste godly exhortacions this he principally endeuored himselfe vnto to conserue his disciples frō the slaunder of the crosse and to prepare comfort them against the aduersaries of it that were commyng For he knewe right well the imbecilitee and weakenes not only of his disciples but also of all men in whom his holy gost and spirit is not yet confirmed And now the tyme was present at hand when Christ by his death should glorify the father and returne into his glorye Nowe forasmuche as the Apostles so sore abhorred the crosse rather would that Christe should after the maner of Kynges and prynces of this worlde begynne his kyngdome in Iewry wherein they might as great Lordes and Dukes rule with him therefore Christe would lead them away from suche imaginacions thoughtes vnto the meditacion of eternal glorye wherevnto there is no entraunce but by the crosse Act. 14. And thus he sayth Let not your heart be troubled nor be abashed needes must I suffre the scripture must needes bee fulfylled whiche testifyeth of my death and passion that by it I shal delyuer all men from eternall death I praye you then
beleue this lette him knowe it assuredly that he shall neuer comme vnto the father neither be partaker of eternal life Lyfe And I beseche you how shal he comme vnto the father that seketh other meanes to comme to him then by Christe Besydes that he rather geueth credence vnto false liyng then to the truth euen that trueth whereof Christe here testifyeth of affirmyng him selfe to be the trueth For I pray you Treuth what are all menne all mennes doctrynes all the studyes and counsels of menne if they bee conferred to Christe and his woordes Truely all lyers and mere lyes are all those thynges that are spoken without the woorde of God as the scripture testifyeth psa 115. Psalme Cxv. Euery manne is a lyar But of the woorde of God the scripture sayth Thy woorde is trueth Nowe if the woorde of God onely bee trueth Ioh 17. psa 118. then it necessarily muste folowe that whatsoeuer menne haue inuented without the worde of God it is lyes mere deceyuable iuglyng Howe can it be but truth seyng the to those that beleue in it Rom. 1. it is the power of God vnto saluacion and eternal health For to beleue the word of God is euen thesame as to beleue Christ For Christ is the same woorde and the woorde was made fleshe Ihon. 1. And to beleue Christe is so excellente and noble a thyng that it taketh away synnes and eternal death and for them geueth righteousnes and eternal life And thus it abydeth true that Christ sayd in this place I am the waye the truth and the life Fourthly consider also what Christe-sayd vnto Philip neither would Christ refuse him because of his imbecilitee or weakenes but rather instructeth him thus Philip he that seeth me seeth my father Philip would see the father Christ is very God but Christ would graue it not only in Philippes heart but also in all other his disciples heartes that he is one thyng and substaunce with the father one God equal with the father in maiestie and glory of a like strength wysedome with him This onely excepte that Christ for our infirmitees sakes to redeme vs was made mā and therefore asmuche as pertayneth to that he is made lesse then the father as it is wrytten in the viii Psalme Psal 8. Thou hast made him a lytle lesse vnder the dignitee of angels c. Philip sayth Christe he that seeth me seeth my father And furthermore I dwel in the father and the father in me Beholde howe earnestly Christ recyteth and bet eth into his disciples his deuine nature and essence with the father also requireth that thei shuld no lesse beleue on him Verely sayth he al that I do or speak I do it not or speake it of my selfe but the father that dwelleth in me he dothe those workes Therfore for the workes sake at the lest beleue me that I am in the father and the father is in me Furthermore Christ highly prayseth this fayth as he most earnestly requyreth it sayth Verely I say vnto you He that beleueth in me the woorkes that I do he also shall do them greatter thynges then these shall he do He shall do greatter thynges then these especially seyng that Christ goeth to the father to receyue his kyngdome and to sende the holy ghost Fayth askyng in the name of Christ obtayneth all thinges I beseche you nowe who date bee so impudent a beast or so styffe necked that he shall dare any thyng at all derogate or minishe the dignitee of fayth seyng that to the beleuer there are made such excellent promises Yea and furthermore here is made a comfortable and excellent promise vnto fayth that is to say that whatsoeuer she wyl aske in the name of Christ shal be geuē her Wherfore shal it be geuē Doubtles that the father may be glorifyed through the sōne And to speake briefely We must thus beleue of Christ that he is of the same essēce of the same power wysedome with the father so that he that beleueth not in Christ that man I say shal neuer come at the father nor at his knowlege For Christ is the way the truth and the life And also noman cōmeth to the father but by Christ as our sauiour Iesus Christe hath testified in many places of his gospel Wherfore that we may come to the knowlege of the father dearly beloued of the Lord let vs diligently apply oure selues to heare the worde of God whereby the true knowlege of Christ is geuē vnto vs. Who knowen and apprehended by faith we may be made parteners and obtayne eternal life Amen The gospel on the Ascencion of our Lord Iesu Christ day Marke 16. AFterwarde he appeared vnto the eleuen as they fat at meate and cast in their teth their vnbeleife and hardnes of heart because they beleued not theim whiche had seen that he was rysen agayne from the dead And he sayd vnto them Mat. 28 Go ye into all the worlde and preache the gospell to all creatures he that beleueth and is baptised shal be saued But he that beleueth not shal be dampned And those tokens shal folow them that beleue Actu 4.11.20 In my name they shall cast out deuils they ♣ Act. 2 and 19. shall speake with newe tongues they shal Luc. 10 and 18. dryue awaye serpentes And if they drynke any deadly thyng it shal not hurt them They shall lay theyr handes on the sycke and they shal recouer So then when the Lorde had spoken vnto them ♣ Lu. 24 Actu 1. he was receiued into heauen and is on the right hande of God And they went furth and preached euery where the Lord workyng with them * Heb. 2 and confirmyng the worde with myracles folowyng THE EXPOSITION SEyng that al thynges in the deuine scriptures ought well to be considered wayed this may not be ouerpassed but must diligently be noted and considered that the Euangelist S. Marke in this place where he descrybeth the ascēcion of our Lord Iesu Christ wherein also lyke at in his passion and resurrection consysteth our whole iustificacion maketh mencion of that synne for the which our Lord Iesus Christe so often before he ascended into heauen rebuked his disciples namely of theyr incredulitee and vnbelief Surely it must needes be that this is an heauye and great synne yea it is to bee estemed and thought a verye spryng welle fountayn of all mischiefe seyng that our sauiour Christ euen nowe when he would departe go to his heauenly father rebuketh it so earnestly in his Apostles For thus sayth the Euangelist At the last as the eleuen sat at the table he shewed himselfe vnto theim and rebuked their vnbeleife and hardnes of heart because they beleued not them whiche had seen him rysen Here you heare what synne this was namely Incredulitee And I pray you Vnbeleife is the spryng of all sin who is so shamelesse to
all his doctrin life after suche maner that by his grauitee diligēce blamelesse irreprehensible liuyng the worde of the gospel may be set forward magnified as sainct Paule also saith 1. Co. 3. This is required of stewardes of the mysteries of God that they be found faythful And on the other part the hearer cōsidering that this ministery is instituted of God he ought not only to heare receiue worde with al humilitee reuerence but also well to esteme honorably to entertayn the minister for his names sake that instituted the administracion lest it chaunce vnto vs as it did to the Iewes to whō Christ sayd I do glorify my father you do dishonor me And sainct Paule saith Those that rule well and faithfully with the word they are worthye double honour And the same testimonies also gyueth hee to the Galathians that they receyued him as an aungell of god yea and yf it had beene possible they wolde haue digged oute theyr eyes to haue giuen to him To baptise is a work of god And in like maner ought that ministery of baptism to be estemed as a precyous godly gyfte for why we se here it is not the inuencion or imagynacion of mā but it is the instytution and cōmaundement of the lord god himself Furthermore this is wel to be noted that the mystery of the worde and baptisme ought to bee communicate vnto all men And I pray you who may here with good cōscience exclude the infantes Baptisme is permitted vnto infants whō Christ excluded not Wee must preach to al men al men must be baptyzed neither ought the infantes by any meanes to be restrained from baptisme For although as yet they are not apte to heare the outwarde worde yet is god able to teach them inwardly by hys spyrite tyll they maye growe and ware able to hear and receyue the vocall and externe outwarde woorde preached to theim The office of the woorde Thyrdely when Christe hath committed to his apostels preachers the ministery of the word hee also sheweth what māner of word it is that they muste preach teach to the people that is that most cōfortable tidīgs of holy gospel Go forth saith he preach the gospel to al creatures Gospel But what is the gospel It is a glad tidīgs wherin ys offered giuē to vs for Christes merites without any deseruing vpon our behalfe but of mere grace remission of sinnes righteousnes and eternall lyfe And this preachyng must he that is come to the knowlege of his sins by the preachyng of the law receiue with faith nether mai he doubt of this promise if it shal do him any profite In like maner saith S. Paule The gospel is the power of God vnto saluacion to euery mā that beleueth it Here you hear that the gospel is the power of God not wtstanding it must be receiued by fayth In the woorde is the power of God of this you may not doubte but beleue if any fayth be in thyne heart Christes promyse shall here in no wyse deceiue vs if our fayth be perfect like as Christ also here requireth fayth saiyng The worde of God must be preched Whoso beleueth and is baptized shal be saued But he that beleueth not shal be cōdempned We must here note two thynges Fyrst that Christ gaue commaundement to his Apostles to preache onely his worde gospel Where this is well considered pondered in the mynde there shortly vanisheth away and are abolished tradicions dreames doctrynes of men I praye you howe agreeth this that in the causes pertainyng to our iustificacion any other doctryne should be admitted but the only worde of God In ceremōies excercises because of youth ther might be obserued tradicions and cōstitucions of menne but in this matter of iustifycacion the woorde of God onely is to be admitted The second note is The sacramentes haue their power of the worde that Christe ioyneth together the ministerye of the worde and baptisme For this wyll he teache in it that baptisme and the sacramētes haue their power of the woorde and can by no meanes bee disseuered from the worde For as concernyng baptisme what authoritee could it haue if the worde were not ioyned with it Doubtles the water shuld be nothyng but styll remayne water But ioyne the worde to it and consider well the commaundement annexed to it then shall not the water be simple water but as S. Paule calleth it it is a washyng of regentracion of newe byrthe and renewyng of the holy gost And therfore is it that Christ sayth in this gospel Who so beleueth and is baptized he shal be saued Signes and miracles do confirme the worde Fourthly Christ sheweth here what tokens shal folowe vpon them that beleue In my name sayth Christe they shall cast out deuils they shall speake with newe tongues take away serpentes c. As he would say My worde is before the world a dispised worde neither haue you whiche must preache it as yet obtayned any authoritee afore men so that they may receiue your preachyng and doctryne without myracles signes wherfore this wyll I do I wyll geue you power to dryue out deuils to speake with newe tonges to heale the sycke c. And whosoeuer that after your worde and doctrine shal be by those tokens and sygnes confyrmed wyll beleue you and be baptized certaynly he shall obtayne remission of synnes and life eternal But whoso beleueth not all excuses set a part shal be damned Vpon this it necessarily foloweth that myracles sygnes were excedyng necessary at the fyrst beginnyng to preache the gospel For if any authoritee and power should be geuen to this dottryne it was necessarye to establishe it and confirme it with so excellent and noble myracles lyke as the lawe also was before confyrmed by sygnes and myracles Notwithstandyng those sygnes wherby the lawe was confirmed were farre more horrible then were the sygnes in the beginnyng of the Gospell For the sygnes that were wrought in the beginnyng of the gospel were very pleasant if you compare them to those sygnes that were shewed in the beginnyng of the lawe And the preachyng of the gospel also is farre more gladder tidynges more comfortable to the heart then is Moses with al his preceptes lawes Nowe in our tyme to requyre lyke myracles and sygnes it is vnsittyng vnreasonable and vnlawfull But if wee wyl so do Christ answereth and sayth Mat. 8. This aduouterous generacion seeketh a sygne and other shall not be geuen to it but the sygne of the prophet Ionas c. For we haue the gospel of Christ confirmed with miracles and sygnes of the Apostles and that sufficiently established surely he that wyll not beleue it can with no miracles nor sygnes be brought vnto the fayth Fyftly The ascencion of Christ we haue in this gospell an article of oure fayth of the ascencion of Christ
we dispaire of all our workes merites and vertues and esteme them as thinges that can not helpe vs and therefore the Prophete Esai sayeth Esai 63 that all oure iustyce or righteousnes are as a defyled clothe And thus dispairyng of our selues to seke our righteousnes in the merytes passion and death of oure Lord Iesu Christ onely of whom Ihon the Baptist gaue this true testimonye that he is the Lambe of God Ihon. 1. that taketh away the synnes of the worlde This fayth I say dothe apprehende by Christe remission of synnes iustyce and eternal life Neither may we in this matter admyt any worke of man except we would plucke away steale take frō Christ his glory Esai 42 whiche he wyl not geue to any other and so stealyng Christes honor burthen our soules vnto the perpetual death damnacion of our selues Surely it is an vndoubted trueth that a christian man must do good workes and haue an honest conuersacion and with good workes confyrme allow his fayth For who would deny this But to sette a fayth and confidence in those workes and to admit our merytes in the cause of our iustifycacion is in no wyse to bee permytted For by that meanes grace were no grace and that whiche before was atributed by verye right vnto the onely loue of God that should we then ascrybe vnto our workes merites Therfore Christ sayth in this gospell He that beleueth in the sonne of man shal not be iudged But he that beleueth not is already iudged because he beleueth not in the name of the only begotten sōne of God Fayth onely abideth in battayle of cōsciēce See ye that in the conflicte and battayle of the conscience fayth standeth sure and is not condempned nor iudged Contrarily that vnbeliefe is already cōdempned the sentēce of eternal damnacion is pronoūced against it For Christ wyl in this gospel as he doth in many other places of the scripture ascribe quietnesse of conscience and saluacion vnto faithe and the disquietnes of conscience perpetuall damnacion to vnbeliefe Thirdely Condemnacion bicause Christe spake of iudgemente and condemnaciō he now procedeth and declareth what is condemnaciō and saith And this is the condemnacion that the light is come into the world men haue loued rather darkenes then lighte And why For bycause their workes were euell Christe him self with his doctrine gospel is this light The lyghte Ioh. 8. as in another place he calleth himselfe saying I am the light of the world Whosoeuer foloweth me he walketh not in darknes The darknes Darkenes is our flesh nature mannes reason and vnbeliefe yea all the wisdome prudencie of man which doth not spring out of faith but spring frō our reasō without faith And now I beseche you to marke with me well at what point our reason our wisdome and prudence is wont to stumble at if it folow not the very word of god as his capitaine and leader Surely when Christ came into this world he was more redyer to saue help then to condemn nowithstanding that the father had giuen into his hand all iudgmente And truely the Iewes had wel eschaped this iudgement or eternall damnacion had by faith obtayned health saluation if they wold haue receiued Christ which is the light of the world and beleued his worde But what doo they They sette more by darknes then by lyght Iohn 1. And as Iohn saithe in the fyrst chap. of his gospel The light shined in darkenes the darknes comprehended it not Ther was no faulte in the lyght but a greate defaulte in the darkenes that receiued it not But what foloweth nowe out of this darkenes Forsoth this Those that neither knowlege nor learne their darkenes nor wyll not geue Christ his due honor they iudge and condempne themselues euen as Christe sayth Whoso beleueth not he is already condempned And truely it chaūseth so by most rihgteous iudgement to him that is vnfaythfull Incredulitee is iudged by his own self that is through vnbeleif For inasmuche as he doth euil and yet can not abide the light or to be reprehended it is right that his owne vnbeleife should iudge or condempne him But so is it not with the faythful man for he can abyde that his workes that are done in the truth shuld come to the light be tryed wayed by the worde of God and iudged by the rule squire of the woorde of God For how should he feare the light seyng that all his workes are done in God Cōsider it well For thus in euery place of the scripture life is ascribed vnto fayth and iudgement and condempnacion to incredulitee and vnbeleife God geue vs grace to receiue retayne with vs his light to the comfort of our soules Amen The gospel on the tewysday in the Whytson weke Ihon. 10. VErely verely I saye vnto you He that entreth not in by the doore into the shepe fold but clymeth vppe some other waye the same is a thefe and a murtherer But he that entreth in by the dore is that shepeherde of the shepe to him the porter openeth and the shepe heare hys voyce and Pro. 10. hee calleth hys owne sheepe by name leadeth them out And when he hath sent forth hys owne sheep he goeth before them the sheepe folowe hym for they knowe his voyce A straunger wyll they not folowe but wyll flee from hym for they knowe not the voyce of straungers This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them but they vnderstode not what thinges they were whiche he spake vnto them Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne Verely verely I say vnto you Iho. 14 I am the dore of the sheepe All euen as many as came before me are theues murtherers but the sheep did not heare them I am the dore by me yf any man enter in he shall be safe and shall go in and out and fynde pasture A thefe commeth not but for to steale kyll and destroye I am come that they myght haue lyfe and that they might haue it more aboundantlye THE EXPOSITION FOrasmuche as Christ our Lord sheweth in this gospell or similitude by conferryng theim together both what the euil shepeherd teacher is also howe he may bee knowen and on the other parte what the good shepeherde and teacher is and by what sygnes also menne may knowe him I thynke it mete fyrst to treate of the good shepeherde especiall for this cause that it is a thinge very profitable and necessary and also a matter of great waight importance For Christ describeth here the good shepheard so A preachers callynge doctrine shal be vpright and law full that he must nedes entre in at the dore into the shepefold that is it is necessary that the preacher be called by some lawefull and godly meanes it is necessary also that his doctrine bee trewe and godly And howe can they teache the trewth that are
is none other consolacion but in the onely merytes of Christ And that those only be partakers of it that take hold of it by fayth and so turne it vnto their owne profite And forasmuche as when the good shepeherde commeth he leadeth them no waye but vnto Christe They knowe also that they are bound to receyue him as a minister of the worde as Christ testifyeth in another place saiyng Mat. 10 He that receyueth you receyueth me And in another place when the thefe and murtherer commeth with his false doctryne preachyng another straunge doctryne that floweth not out of the fayth of Christ then can they by the worde of God know iudge and reproue that doctryne wyll in no wyse receiue nor admit nor heare that false prophet in the steade of a true Prophete of God For they knowe perfectly that Christe sayeth that he that heareth kepeth the worde of God I say the woorde of God he shal be saued Luc. 11. And what nedeth many woordes Doth not the scriptures euery where admonish vs to beware of such theues and murtherers Beware sayth Christ of false prophetes that comme to you in shepes clothing but inwardly thei are rauening Wolfes And sainct Paule forbyddeth the Galathians that they admit none other gospel then that they heard of him insomuch that if an Angel shuld come doune from heauen preache another gospel they ought not to receiue him The shepe of Christ knowe all this wherfore they wyl heare none other but their owne hyghest byshop shepeherd Christ whiche here sayth I am come that they maye haue life yea and haue it more aboundantly Furthermore they heare all the ministers of Christ that come in his name bryng his worde The other worke-doctors they do forsake cōsideryng they are theues and murtherers suche as treate the worde of God both falsely and vngodly Wherfore Christ sayth They shal not folowe the forreyner or strange shepeherd but they wyll flee frō him for they knowe not the voyce of straungers Whiche God graunt that we may also acknowlege Christ our sheherde and folowe his worde Amen The sermon on sainct Barnabas the Apostles day is the same that is red on Symon and Iudes day The gospell on sainct Iohn the Baptystes daye Luc. 1. And it fortuned that in the eyght day they came to circumcise the chylde and called his name Zacharias after the name of his father And his mother answered and sayde Not so but he shal be called Iohn And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kyndred that is named with thys name And they made signes to hys father howe he would haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote saying His name is Iohn And they meruayled all And his mouthe was opened immediatly and his tongue also and he spake and praysed God And fear came on al them the dwelt nye vnto them And all these sayinges were noysed abroade thorowe out all the hyll countrey of Iurye and all they that hearde them layed theym vp in their heartes saying What manner of chyld shal this be And the hande of the Lorde was with him And hys father zacharias was fylled wyth the holy ghoste prophecyed saying Praysed be the lorde god of Israel for he hathe visited and redemed his people THE EXPOSITION SEyng deere christians that the Euangeliste S. Luke hathe doone suche diligence in describing the natiuiti of Iohn the Baptist as it is plainly manifest in the gospell that this daye is recyted it shall be necessary that we diligently consider and well loke vpon the person of Iohn For surely this childe in whose byrthe those so great and glorious tokens chaunsed hath some syngular grace gyft aboue other children The natiuitie of sainct Ihon. Is not this a new and a syngular great thyng that he is borne of parētes very olde yea in maner at the pyttes brynke with age is sanctifyed in his mothers wombe and ordayned to be the foreleaper that is a gentlemā vssher vnto our Lord God Iesu Christ He shal be sayd the Angel when he declared his byrth vnto Zacharye his father what tyme he dyd his priestly offyce afore God great before the Lorde Wyne and strong drynke shal he not drinke euen from his mothers wombe shal he be fylled with the holy ghost many of the children of Israel shal he turne agayne wholly vnto the Lord theyr God c. By these wordes you heare that great excellent and wonderful thynges shal be brought to passe and accomplyshed by this chylde Furthermore Zacharye thus reioyseth in his canticle saiyng And thou O babe shalt be called a prophet of the most highest For thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his waies c. What thynke you was this holy childe afterward Ihon is ane usāple of a good precher He was made a true godly and excellent preacher whiche besydes that moost holy life that he altogether spent in godly and honest conuersacion he so administered and fulfylled his office that he may well be sette furth to all preachers and ministers of Gods worde as a worthy ensample president contynually to be present and sette before them For he not only preached penaunce and by preachyng the law prepared a way vnto Christ but also he shewed vnto the people Christ whiche is moost truely that Lambe of God that taketh away the synnes of the whole worlde As also the holy ghoste sayeth againe by Zacharye To geue knowlege vnto his people But what knowlege Knowlege of saluacion or health For thereto serueth the preachyng of Iohn whiche firste through the lawe feareth the consciences and afterward comforteth them rayseth them vp by preachyng vnto them the lambe of god Wherein then resteth this knowlege In the forgeuenes of synnes Howe then obtayne we that remission of synnes By the bowels of mercy of our Lord god wherein the day starre Christ hath visited vs from heauen And to whō hath he appeared by that so great mercy To those that sytte in darkenes and in the shadowe of death aswell the Iewes as Gentyles Ihon 10 For Christ would as our archcbishop and true shepeherd make one flocke one shepefold of the Iewes and Heathen that the feare of al men if at the least they would receyue the daye starre or day spryng of the gospel and beleife in Christe that theyr feet I say might be set straight into the way of peace whiche procedeth of true fayth Beholde all these thynges appertayne to the office of Ihon whiche was not only a preacher and a prophet but also he was more then a prophete Ihon is more thē a Prophet For he preached not only Christ to come as other prophetes did but also he shewed Christ present And forasmuche as Ihon should thus shewe Christ whiche by his preachyng passion death and resurrection should take away all our sorowes sickenesses it was nedefull that great ioy should
happen in his natiuite For and by assone as this childe was borne al the neighbours and kynsfolke did reioyce with the parentes of the child and vpon the eyght day they circumcised the chyld and at the fathers commaundement and writyng they gaue him a name of grace and mercy and this fame is spredde abrode among all theim that dwelt in the Mountaynes of Iewrye and all that did heare it layde it in their heartes cōfessyng that the hande of the Lorde that is The hād of the Lord. the power and helpe of God was with him Lo thus muste men consider Ihon to knowe howe highly he is to bee estemed Secondarily in this gospell fayth maketh Zachary to speake whiche a lytle before throughe his incredulitee was domme And lyke as in this wee see howe great a synne vnbeleife is euen so on the other part wee perceyue howe precious and godly a treasure fayth is The Angel of God sayd vnto zacharye Thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare vnto thee a sonne To these wordes ought zacharias to haue geuen credite But what doth he Because he was aged and his wyfe well gone in age also therfore he wyll or he geue credite knowe howe these thynges shal be fulfylled therefore he is compelled to silence tyl those thinges were fulfylled that were promised vnto him by the Angel And in lyke maner vnto this day are all they stryken dumme Dumnes in this our time that wyll not beleue the Apostles of God his worde and the Gospell For where as it were their duetye to aduaunce the glory of God the meryte of Christe and to set furth the same there they extoll the righteousnes of their own works as that Pharisei did Luc. 17 God said he I thank the For I am not as the residue of menne extorcioners vnrighteous aduouterers nor yet as this Publycane Call yee this to laude and glorifie the grace of god and merite of Christ Naye truly Thus to boast is worse then to bee dumme For thoughe in this prayer are heard many wordes yet is ther not one heard that seteth vp or magnifieth the grace of god or merite of Christe Nowe thoughe I can speake and vtter many woordes yet as longe as vnbeliefe that taketh away the glory of god raigneth in my heart I remaine dombe afore god as the scripture saith Wysdome hathe opened the mouthe of the dombe that is to say The knowledge of god maketh men eloquent that they knowe how to gyue god his honoure in Christ to praise and glorifie him and fynally to confesse his worde Suche an eloquent Orator was Paul made when he compared his own iustice that he had in the lord vnto myre and dong that by it he might suffre no dammage in that righteousnes whiche Christe hath brought and giueth to the beleuers And such an eloquēt preacher was Zacharias after that the tyme apointed by the angel was fulfilled For by and by after the circumcision of his sonne Iohn he was fylled with the holy ghost and prophecyed praisyng god that had giuen that greate grace vnto him Therfore I saye where faith and the holy ghost are not there muste we needes be dum spiritually yea though we speak many vayne and voide wordes Thirdely the Euangelist heere describeth worde for worde what Zacharias sayd whē he was fylled with the holy ghost and why he so earnestly praised and glorified the Lord his God For thus he sayd Blessed be the Lord God of Israel To blesse To blesse in this place is asmuche as to laude For nowe in as muche as zacharias had receyued the child promised to him also he knewe in spirit what Christe shuld do whose waye this chylde should make ready he praiseth God for that so great and excellent a benefyte Geuyng vs an ensample that wee euermore should thanke prayse God for those his benefites geuen to vs both corporal and also spiritual Now if ye be desirous to heare the cause of this praisyng God of zachary himself For he sayth he hath visited and wrought the redempcion of his people This woorde Visite God doth visite vs ii maner of waies is in the scriptures taken two maner of wayes For sometyme God visiteth vs in his wrath furor as when he punisheth our sinnes as it chaunsed Pharao in the red sea and the Iewes in the tyme of Tytus and Vespasian the Emperor Many tymes he visiteth vs in mercy and grace as it happened to the Iewes when they were brought out of Egypt also when Christ was sent and geuē of the whiche visitacion Christ himselfe speaketh complayneth Mat. 20 because they knewe not the tyme of their visitacion And of this mercyfull visitacion dothe zacharias speake in this place saiyng that God hath visited and wrought the redempcion of his people He knowlegeth also and estemeth this redempcion so certayne sure that he proclaymeth and laudeth it as done already wher in dede it was as then yet to be done in tyme commyng And to this apertayneth the foloweth in this cāticle And he hath set vp vnto vs an horne of health in the house of Dauid his seruāt An horne in scripture An horn in scripture is taken for the power dominion As zacharias would say The corporal kyngdome nowe hath his ende nowe appointed the septer is taken frō the tribe of Iuda But be of good cōfort we shall nowe be better then euer we were For why we shall haue a newe kyng whiche in dede was promised vs long agoo whiche shal set vp a kyngdom not corporal wherin he may reigne with outward power but a kyngdome of helth and eternal lyfe accordyng to the promyse so many thousand yeres promised to the Patriarkes vnto Dauid For doubtles whosoeuer shall beleue in this kyng kepe his word he shal assuredly obtain this helth Now who could doubt in this Dyd not God in tymes past speake these wordes by the mouth of the Prophetes Dissēciō betwyxt Christ the world Dyd not he promyse the same by the Patriarches Notwithstādyng there shall ryse debate discencion betwene this kyng the world For surely he wyll geue sentēce that all suche thynges as the world estemeth right good be vnrighteous and by his worde he wyll cast away all their holynes wysedome vertues and cōdempne them And here out shal begyn this stryfe with contynuance but yet so that at the conclusion the victory shal be Christes not alonly for his owne commoditee or profite but muche rather for al those that beleue in him If thou desyrest to knowe what he shall do He shal deliuer vs from our enemyes and from the handes of all them that hated vs. Furthermore he wyll shewe vs the waye whiche when we entre into we shall not dispayre of mercye for our sinnes for he wyll remembre that faithfull othe that he sware to Abraham oure father Briefely by his owne merites of mere grace without deseruinge of
world hath euer bene ful of mischiefe gylty of sinne neither is no man in it but nedeth the merites of Christe yet doo not all men vnderstande this nor acknowledge thys And especyallye the indurate and hard hearted Pharaos Pharao and after them the hipocrites acknoweledge it not For the indurate synners leade furth their lyues euen lyke beastes not greatly forsyng whether there bee any other lyfe after this or no or whether there bee any Christ to bryng them to that life or no. But the hypocrites Hypocrittes that leane to their own righteousnes in dede they can talke of the wrath to come yet notwithstandyng they leaue Christ take thus muche vpon theim selues that they trust in their owne good workes to obtaine that lyfe and saluacion I praye you what good can Christe do to suche Yea what shuld he do with suche This fyrst sort of people are stubburne necked hard hearted and thynketh they haue no neede of Christe The other sorte of iusticiaryers forsaketh the meryte of Christ True synners lyke as they would deserue heauen by theyr owne workes Christ seyng and consideryng this leaueth these two sortes ioyneth himselfe to suche as acknowlege them selues sinners and desire and seke for tomforte and helpe And they also with all their heart with true loue and gladnes receiue him and beleue his preachyng Mich 7 they doubte not his promise but they say with the Prophet Mycheas He shal be turned and he wyll haue mercy vpō vs and he wyll caste all oure synnes into the deapth of the seas Euen so must we do Let vs adioyne our selues to Christ as synners shewe to him our synnes and with teares require his mercye If wee do this with a faythfull heart surely in this gospel he hath declared in dede that he is ready to help suche sinners And furthermore with this his deede agreeth also his woordes that here he speaketh vnto the Phariseys saiyng The whole nedeth not the Physician but the sicke Agayne I am not comme to call the righteous but synners to repentaunce Fourthly the Euangelist discrybeth howe the Phariseys murmured against Christ wherein they open and shewe plainly that notable pryde of theyr heartes But wherefore murmure they Because Christ eateth and drynketh with synners O great holynes of these Phariseys Tell me I praye ye O holy hypocrites where is it wrytten that suche as knowlege themselues synners do repent it ought to bee fledde and their company to be eschewed Is not this thinke you a good vertuous dede to seke out agayne the lost stray shepe and to bryng him agayne into the right waye But I see you do the cleane contrary for ye iudge it both wicked and vngodly Surely Christ sayd well of you in the gospel of Mathew Blynd guydes coulyng out the gnat and swolowe the Camel Ma. 27 Ye obserue mennes tradicions would men should esteme you vertuous and godly yet can ye very well awaye with it that your neighbour should continue in synne and be cōdempned Nowe if ye were vertuous in deede ye would surely neuer do so For true righteousnes because it cōmeth of fayth and therfore also loueth his neighbor with all the heart it wisheth that all men might be vertuous righteous blessed Wherfore wyl ye knowe what ye want Ye haue no fayth and therfore can ye not loue your neighbour for in very deede that is the fruite of fayth Nowe because ye lacke fayth and loue ye haue not only no cōpassion vpō them that be loden with synne and would with al their heartes be deliuered from their synnes but also euen as the nature of hypocrites and iusticiariers is ye dispise them and caste them frome you But this your dispising can do you no good in this behalf Ye must neds take an other trade of liuing yf ye wyll be taken for righteous Wyll ye knowe how so Learn what this meaneth that the prophet Oseas said Osee 6. I will mercye and not sacrifice For all these outewarde woorkes all these outewarde sacrifices profyte nothynge at all excepte there bee presente in the hearte a true faythe in God and true loue to your neyghboure Behold thus haue wee here paynted vnto vs the arrogancy and pride of hypocrisy and furthermore howe Christe stoppeth vppe the Phariseys mouthes and confuteth theym by the holye scriptures God graunte that the aduersaryes of the truthe in thys oure presente tyme maye acknowledge hys holye woorde and beecome wyth the chylderen of god partakers of hys heauenly kyngdome through CHRIST our Lorde Amen The gospell vpon S. Mychael the Archangell daye Math. 18. AT the same tyme came the disciples vnto Iesus sayinge Mar 9. Luc. 9. Who is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Iesus called a chylde to hym set hym in the middest of them and said Verely I say vnto you Mar. 10 Except ye turn and become as Luc. 18. Actu 2. children ye shall not enter into the kyngdome of heauen Whosoeuer therfore humbleth himself as this chyld the same is the greatest in the kīgdome of heauen And who so receaueth suche a chyld in my name receiueth me But who so doth offende one of these lytleones Actu 9 Luc. 17 whiche beleue in me it were better for him that a mylstone were hāged about his necke that he were doruned in the depth of the sea Wo vnto the worlde because of offences 1. Co. 11 Necessarye it is that offences come But wo vnto the man by whom the offence commeth Wherfore Mat. 5 if thy hand or thy foote hynder the cutte him of cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into life halte or maymed rather then thou shouldest hauyng two handes or two feete be cast into euerlastyng fyre And it thyne eye offende thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee to entre into life with one eye rather then hauyng two eyes to be cast in to hel fyre Take hede that ye despise not one of these lytleones For I say vnto you that in heauen their Angels do alwayes be holde the face of my father whiche is in heauen THE EXPOSITION of this present gospel WE haue againe here in this gospel an example of the Apostles infirmitee ignorance wherin we see howe paciētly Christ beareth their infirmitee And as the goodnes of Christe appeareth in this Gospell euen so the affection of the Apostles sheweth it selfe to bee exceadyng grosse and rude and full of ignoraunce For consider what they do They came to Christ sayd Who is greattest in the kyngdome of heauē What meane they by these woordes Thynke they that Christe shoulde haue a corporall knogdome in this worlde promote his disciples vnto greate lordships as it is done in worldly princes courtes Heard they euer Christ so teachīg Did not he shew them afore Mat. 5. Ye ar blessed whan men shall rayle vpō you
horriblenes of hell that I might deliuer you from hell yea and I haue purchased for you of God my father that he shall take you for his children sōnes and heyres of the heauenly kyngdome And this is the worde by the whiche man is verely purifyed made cleane if it be receyued by fayth Fyrst who soeuer doth receiue this woorde of the Gospell by fayth he is accōpted before God for very iust pure and holy and that not for the workes of righteousnes whiche wee doo but onely for Iesus Christ the sonne of God receyued by fayth S. Paule sayth they be made righteous frely by his grace by the redempcion whiche is in Christ Iesu whiche God hath put as attonement maker by f●yth his bloud beyng a meane Therfore whosoeuer doth beleue the worde of the gospel of Christ although that synne doth styll remayne in his fleshe yet sinne is not imputed vnto him so that he nowe may be iust before God not with his owne righteousnes but with an others righteousnes that is the righteousnes of Iesu Christe whiche is geuen vnto him by fayth For blessed is that man to whom God doth not impute synne Furthermore whosoeuer receiueth the woorde of the Gospell by faythe whiche is geuen by the holy ghost whiche shal mortifie the remnātes of the fleshe The houke is the holy ghost shal so rule synne that it shal not reigne in our mortal bodyes Therfore the holy ghost is the very true houke with the whiche the braunches be purged and that by the woordes of the Gospell Fyrst that by fayth wee may bee accompted before God iust for Christes sake Secondly that the deedes of the fleshe may be mortified the lustes of synne be quenched And although it can not be done in this life that synne wholly might be pulled vp out of the fleshe yet it may bee done through the holy ghost that synne shal be paired away and the fruit of it destroyed so that we shall not walke after the fleshe but after the spirite In conclusion whosoeuer doth receiue the worde of the gospel by fayth he shal be troubled with many afflictions and persecusions in this worlde Christ sayth If they haue persecuted me they shall persecute you And in an other place We must by many tribulacions sayth he entre into the kyngdome of God Tribulaciō and trouble is the houke also Wherfore afflictions are to be accōpted among those houkes with the whiche the heauenlye father dothe purge his braunches The keper of the vyneyard cutteth away the braunches with an houke not for to hurte theim and so to perishe but that they might bryng plenteously furth fruite Tribulacion is sent and wherfore So God the father sendeth to the godly the crosse and afflictions not that they should perish but that they should be preseuerued To this man is sent a crosse that he should bee admonished of the synne yet remainyng in his fleshe to that man because he should walke in his vocacion least synne should reigne in his fleshe to another that he should be an example for the amendement of other men and so to other for other causes not for this cause that they should vtterly perishe but that they should bee deliuered from perishyng and to attayne eternall health When we bee punished with the crosse and misery wee must go to the vyneyarde wee must call to remembraunce the cuttyng knyfe or houke of the keper of the vineyarde and wee must knowe to what ende they cutte in the vyneyarde and that ende is th ende of affliction which is accustomed to chance to the godly that is to say that they should not bee cast into the fyer and so to peryshe in the flame but that they should bee purged and that as well they might bryng furthe more plentyfully fruite as to bryng furth and increase And that it is euen so that they whiche remayne in the true vynetree whiche is Christe might bee purged or made cleane and bryng furth muche fruite Christe addeth vnto it and sayth Tarrye in me and I in you As the braunche can not beare fruite of him selfe except he tarry in the vynetree c. This is as it were an handsonme conclusion of the fyrst exhortacion I haue sayd that I am the verye true vyne tree I haue sayd that the braunche that taryeth in me shall bryng furth fruite plentifully Therfore I besech you that you would tary in me forasmuche as I do tarye in you and ye shal bryng furth muche fruite But tell me howe shall wee tarye in Christe Do wee tary in him when wee do tary in tradicions and commaundementes of men No truly Christ sayth They worship me in vayne with the commaundementes of men But we tarye in Christ when we tarry in the woorde of Christ by fayth Whosoeuer beleueth in me sayth he kepeth my worde and my father shall loue him we shall come vnto him and make our dwellyng place with him What benefite dothe chaunce to him that taryeth in Christ Fyrst Christ taryeth in him for he sayth Tarye in me I in you What thyng better or more greatter doest thou seke Whosoeuer hath Christ hath all the treasure of heauenly goodnesse Sainct Paule sayth Iesus Christe is made vnto vs from God wisedome righteousnes holynes redemption Therfore whosoeuer hath Christ is made before God iust holy and righteous and is deliuered from all trouble Thyrdly let vs cōsider what fruite the Apostles brought whiche taryed in Christ Although the Apostles a lytle whyle after did forsake Christ by fliyng away from him and deniyng of him yet for all that by and by they dyd repent and they were so ioyneth in couple with Christ that they did alway continue in him Wherfore they brought furth at the fyrst beginnyng muche fruite by preachyng of the gospell of Christ After that they had receyued the gyftes of the holy ghost on Whytsonday they did sprede abrode the Gospell throughout all the worlde gathered together the churche of Christ not onely of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles Sainct Paule sayth that the gospel was preached among all creatures which were vnder heauē And againe The gospel hath increased euen through the whole worlde Furthermore besydes many other godlines and good workes they brough furth plentyful fruite in doyng of great miracles which they did in the name of Christ whereby Christ did florishe and the authoritee truth of Gods worde was highly commended They shewed themselues towardes the Magistrates as they ought to doo They loued their neighbours accordyng to the order of charitee Thei gaue not them selues to gluttony and riotous bankettynges or to vncleanes wantonnes Fynally they did aswell priuately as openly leade a godly life and suffereth very muche trouble persecucion for the woorde of God They were tryed by many mockes and stripes They wer cast into prisons and chaynes They suffered much hunger penury at the last they suffered all kynd of persecution
is not possible that I can haue any peace in my conscience towarde God for my synnes sake whiche alwayes accuseth me in my conscience nor wyll not suffre me to come nor attaine to this spiritual peace Fourthly The cōfession of Thomas wee fynde here an excellent confession in Thomas in whiche he knowlegeth Christ to bee his God and his Lorde And this confession is so nedefull and necessary without the whiche no man can haue the true righteousnes that preuaileth before God nor entre into the kyngdome of heauen But note also howe afore that Christe had shewed his handes and his feete vnto Thomas he could not haue this cōfession Handes and fete what it is in scripture Handes and feete in scripture betokeneth often tymes workes and conuersacion Therfore when Christ sheweth vs his handes and feete that is When he hath brought vs to that point throught his spirite and worde that we acknowlege his merites passion death and finally all his workes onely to be the cause of our righteousnes and saluacion then may we saye with the Apostle My Lorde my God and put all our trust in him accordīg to the saiyng of Dauid Ps 54. Set your trust in the Lorde and he shall care for you When Christ doth not in suche wyse shewe vs his handes and fete so is it for vs vnpossible to make any such confession For sainct Paule sayeth not without a cause to the Corinthians saiyng 1. Co. 12 No man can say that IESVS is the Lorde then through the holy ghost Wherefore it is Christe that must bryng vs to this confession Further note that Thomas beyng enflamed with the holy ghost calleth Christ his god This such lyke sentences by the whiche it is proued that Christ is the true naturall God ought diligently to bee noted and surely layde vp in our mindes and especially nowe in this last and perilous tyme. Wherfore it is very necessary when suche errors abuses crepe in whiche God forbid that wee bee well instructed with this confession of Thomas lest wee bee vtterly drawen from the true fayth of Christe With this confession of Thomas sainct Ihon in his canonical Epistle agreeth very aptely 1. Iho. 5 where he calleth Christ very God and euerlastyng light whiche is freely confessed Christ to be the true God He that wyll these admonicions notwithstandyng be deceiued on his perill be it For we truely through the helpe of God wyll stand liue and dye in this article in suche hope and trust that the almightie God of his great mercy goodnes will maintayn vs here euerlastyngly through his only sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Amen The Gospell on sainct Stephin his day the Martyr Math. 23. WHerfore beholde Mat. 10 Luc. 11. Ioh. 16 Act. 6. and. 7. I sende vnto you prophetes and wyse men ● Scribes and some of theim ye shall kyll and crucifie and some of theim shall ye scourge in your synagoges and perse cure theim frō citie to citie that vpō you may come all the righteous bloud whiche hath been shedde vpon the yearth frō the bloud of righteous Gen. 3. Abel vnto the bloud of Zacharye the sonne o● Barachias 2. Pa. 24 whom ye flewe betwene the temple and the altar Verely I say vnto you all these thynges shall come vpon this generacion Luc. 13. O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that kyilest the prophetes and stonest theim whiche are sent vnto thee howe often would 4. Es ● I haue gathered thy children together euen as the Henne gathereth her chickyns vnder her wynges and ye would not Behold Psal 9. your house is lefte vnto you desolate For I say vnto you ye shall not see me hencefurth tyll that ye say * Ps 118 Luc. 9. Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell Christ handeleth the Iewes somewhat roughly like as one that almost had made an ende of his course runnyng and nere to his death ready to be offered vppe Yea he reproueth them in suche wyse of their blyndnes maliciousnes and their indurate heart and that with so great vehemency and so ernestly that he could not hardlyer assault them And that their ingratitude shuld be the better knowen vnto them and be brought to light he reciteth vnto theim the great benefites that God from the beginnyng of the worlde had visited theim with all yea and that whiche was yet commyng before that their great cicie of Ierusalem should bee destroyed And sayd howe he sent theim Prophetes Wysemen and Scribes and euer had sought all meanes and occasions to bryng them through their preachyng to saluacion yet al would not helpe Prophetes He calleth Prophetes those whiche throughe the inspiracion of the holy ghost and by the commaundement of God prophecie and teache the people the will of God And which haue been taught of no mā except of God onely as Moses was Wyse men And he calleth wyse men those that haue learned and heard all their wysdome of other good men and are ready to vtter it againe to all men as was Aaron in the olde Testament and sainct Stephin in the newe Testament Scrybes Scribes he calleth those whiche not onely throughe preachyng the woorde of God but also through their diligent labour in writyng teache other menne and profiteth theim highely as were many after the Apostles tyme and likewyse in our tyme there be many that haue done muche good in the church of Christ and dayly yet dothe Of the whiche in another place Christ sayth Mat. 13 Euery Scribe taught vnto the kyngdome of heauen is like an housholder which bringeth furth of his treasure thynges newe and olde Out of whiche woordes lightly may bee gathered the greate benefites that God had shewed vpon the Iewes And how I pray you can be so wyse or wel learned that can comprehend with words al the benefites that god had shewed vnto the Iewes from that tyme that he had brought them out of Egypt and deliuered them frō bondage A great benefite to haue the word of God And yet amongst all other this was the greatest highest benefite that he had geuen them his worde without doubt a most precious and excellent gyfte Whiche gyfte was so great Rom. 4 that as sainct Paule sayth they farre excelled vs Heathen people forasmuche as God hadde committed his woorde vnto theim And the prophete Dauid boasteth Psal 16 that god had doone no suche thinge to all nations lyke as he had done vnto the Iewes But they shewed them selues againe so vnthankefull that it constrained god to take awaye that same worde from them as wee see in the eight chapiter of the prophet Amos saying Beholde the tyme commeth sayeth the lorde god Amos. 8 that I shall sende an hunger into the earthe not the hunger of breade neither the thruste of water but an hunger to heare the worde of the lorde And the truthe of
glorious name Secōdarily note that the Iewes wyll haue Cesar for their Lord An horrible thyng to refuse Christ but they wyl not acknowlege Christ to be their kyng For thei cry away with him away with him Nowe is not this most ingratitude afore God that when he hath sent to them his only begottē sonne a sauior whō they so many yeres had loked trusted for nowe with suche crueltie to cast him frō them Thei might doubtles haue receiued Christ been deliuered frō sinne death deuil hell but thei will rather refuse Christ serue a forein lorde perishe bothe body soule And for this purpose they more wyllīgly desired to let go a notable murtherer Barrabā to pardon him because of their feastful daies custome then Christ To this ꝑtaineth also that thei sayd to Pylate Wryte not kyng of the Iewes but that he sayd I am king of the Iewes What is this but to refuse Christ to cast him from theim But what is wont to folowe suche cōtempt Truly this Note what foloweth cōtempt of the word of God Mat. 8. Rom. 11 That the childrē of the kyngdome be throwen out and the poore Gentyles bee receyued into their place as S. Paule also sayth By their fal health chaunsed vnto the Gētyles that he might prouoke them to be zelous after them For if the fall of them be the riches of the worlde the minishyng of them the riches of the heathen howe muche more should it bee so if they all beleued yet it is done for theim that shall be receyued that theyr nombre may bee fulfylled For in the Actes of the Apostles sainct Paule sayeth that the Gospell and woorde of God must fyrst bee preached vnto the Iewes Act. 13 but because they thurst it from theim and iudged them selues vnworthy eternal life wee must turne vnto the heathen And this punishment is a plage of the soule And this blyndnes haue the Iewes dearely bought because they persecuted with suche hatred suche stubburnes their Messias kyng promised vnto them so mocked skorned him and nayled him vnto a crosse Besides this thei escaped not also corporall punishement Corporal punishement For they lost their bodyes honours all their goodes wife children and were banished from their owne countrey insomuch that vnto this daye there lyueth no people vnder the Sunne more wretched forsaken and dispised and that for this cause as I haue sayd that they would not receiue this Christ for their king What thinke you shal chaunse vnto vs if we nowe in oure tyme hauyng the worde of God so rychely among vs we reade and heare it dayly yet so yrke and be werye of it that neither would wee heare it or reade it Surely we be like the Gergesines For as they desired Christ to depart vnto some other countrey out of their coastes so we had muche rather that Christ should departe into some other straunge countrey then we wold for his woordes sake lose any of oure gaynes honor or riches Surely God will punishe suche vnthankefulnes in vs except we be turned do penance other wise dispose our selues towarde the woorde of God For euen so sayth sainct Paule to the Romaynes If God spared not the natural braunches take heede leste it come to passe that he spare not thee Thyrdly considre here reuolue in mynde with what wrath wodnes and furour the Iewes drewe Christ out of the citie hanged him vpon the crosse that not at aduenture but of set purpose betwene two theues and murtherers as the worste and one that had most greuously offēded in like cryme with them When thou cōsiderest thy selfe and reuoluest this in thy mynde knowe thou that thou must not so muche consider the malice of the Iewes as thine owne most greuous synnes God is extreme enemy to synne And this lesson must thou learne in this most dispised and villaynous death that God is an extreme enemye vnto synne For is he not moste highly displeased with it is an vtter enemye vnto it when he would receiue none other satisfaction for it but the death of his only begottē sonne Thoughe nothyng els were yet verely this should ouerthrowe our consciences that we might learne to knowe our sinnes and viciate nature and to seke with heartie intercessiō yea with teares the clemency and mercy of Christ Our sinnes crucified Christ For certainely those do farre sorer torment Christ that wil be called christians yet consider not why Christe would dye for theyr synnes then did the blynde Iewes that crucifyed him For if the Iewes had knowen him sayth S. Paule they would in no wise haue crucified the Lord of glorye 1. Cor. 2 But when do wee acknowlege oure synnes When do we apprehend the meryte of Christ by fayth Where is oure thankefulnes for those so many and so great vnspeakeable benefytes Yea wee dare plucke this Christes glory frōm him whiche he hath so dearely bought that it can not be expressed and we seke newe waies whiche we also prescribe vnto righteousnes eternal helth Iusticiaries as al iusticiariers do whiche are persuaded in cōscience that they may by their owne righteousnes and vertues worthily deserue no lesse then heauē it self eternal saluacion But certifie if we by our owne workes and our owne powers might obtayn helth and eternal life then it must nedes folowe that Christ suffered suche vexacion greuous paynes yea offered himselfe vnto so horrible a death passion but vainly for his pleasure and phantasy euen as S. Paule saith If rightwisenes came by the law Gala. 2. then is Christ dead in vain Wherfore if thou wylt bee thankeful vnto Christ for his passion death consider it well and knowlege that thy synnes haue geuen hym those woundes in his body and that for them he suffered that most painful passiō Then pray vnto him that it will please him to geue thee the merite of his passiō vnto thy profite For if thou do this with true fayth then wyll he forgeue the thy synnes washe away all thyne iniquities in his owne bloud Of this there is no doubt for he him selfe sayth in the gospel of sainct Ihon Ihon. 3 As Moses exalted the serpent in wildernes so must the sonne of man be exalted that euery mā that beleueth in him shal not perishe but shal haue life eternal And this is confirmed by all places throughout all the scripture that spake of the passion of Christ as is this sentēce of S. Paule to the Rommaynes Rom. 4 Christe dyed for our synnes hath risen again for our iustificacion And without doubt Note wel this sentēce whosoeuer suffereth this article of the death and passion of Christ of his blessed bloud sheding to be taken from him needes must that man at the houre of death when his conscience shall haue that great conflict with synne dispayre yea thoughe he had
in one heape gathered together the merites of all sainctes that euer were since the beginnyng of the worlde For in this matter that pertayneth to remission of synne iustificacion and eternal health it is not required to worke The Euagelist allege the scripture but to beleue Obserue also and note diligently that the Euangelistes describyng the passion of Christ howe the Iewes entreated him thei many tymes haue respect vnto the scripture which shewed before the selfe same thinges the which scripture thei also alege as in this place where thei shewe howe he was crucified betwene ii theues Also howee the souldiers cast lotte for his garmentes c. Neither do they this for any other purpose but to admonishe vs to direct our eyes vnto the scriptures and euer more in matter appertainyng vnto saluacion to waygh them direct oure iudgement accordyng to the same Fourthly Christ hangyng vpon the crosse doth excedyngly set furth that his moste heartie loue toward vs in this Christ is careful for his elect that he cōmendeth his most derely beloued mother to the Apostle Ihon againe Ihō vnto his mother that he might be to her as a defender and comfortable patrone in that her extreme necessite and trouble For as he nowe is careful for his mother prouideth for her euen so is he careful and prouideth for al that loue his name receiue his gospel and through faith repose it in their heartes and so furthermore shewe it furth of theyr heartes doyng the workes of it through loue And that we might ascertainly chalenge to our selues suche clemency and goodnes in Christ therefore he sayth in another place Who is my mother Luc. 8. or who are my brethren Truely whosoeuer dothe the wylle of my father that is in heauē he is my brother and syster and mother Christes mother By these woordes thou mayest well perceyue that Christ wyll take thee for his brother syster yea and for his mother also wyl euen so acknowlege thee if thou beleue in him and not onely will he defende and surely kepe thee in this life but also he wyll conserue the into eternal life Only let this be thy heartie study to do the will of his father that is in heauen But what calleth he the wyll of his father This is the will of him that hath sēt me Ihon. 6 euen the fathers that euery man that seeth the sōne and beleueth in him should haue life eternal and I wyl againe rayse him in the last day In this place he playnly euidently sayth We must be armed with the scripture against temptacion that he that beleueth in him doth the wyll of his father And truely it is very necessary for vs earnestly to considre those examples that sheweth what mynde Christe beareth vnto vs. For the tyme wyll come yea it is all ready at hand that these places of scripture shall do vs excedyng muche good and singularly comforte vs in all oure necessitee and troubles But if persecucion fynde me here vnarmed sure it is that I shal not cōtinue constant but sodenly forgette God and seeke helpe and cōforte at creatures And what shal then chaunce to me Truly this that for mine vnthākefulnes God wyll forsake me and because I am not armed with his worde therfore wyll he withdrawe his hand from me and forsake me so that I shal fal into destruction and for euer perishe bothe in body and soule Fyftly we see that Christe when he nowe knewe that al thynges were finished and he had tasted the vyneger and had sayd It is ended He bowed his head gaue vp the spirit That he cryed I thrust and by and by vyneger is geuen him to drynke Psa 69 it was done for this cause that we should beleue seyng that all thynges done in this passion agree so wel with the scriture that this mā without doubt is the same Christe whom the holy fathers haue so long tyme before wayted for And that before he dyed he cryed It is ended This is so excellent a worde and so precious All our saluaciō in Christ onely that not onely it is be grauē in oure heartes by fayth but also bee in all places written euen with letters of golde before our eyes Wyll you knowe why Herken We were by nature the children of wrath condempnacion so burthened in synne vnfaythfulnes that wee should perpetually haue perished if wee had not been succoured and helped Therfore onely this Iesus Christe our Lorde assisted vs with his helpe and comforte And bicause afore the heauēly father we could find no fauour or grace without oblation and sacrifice therfore Christ offered him selfe vpon the crosse for vs reconciled his father with his owne blud and obtained of him for vs fauour forgiuenes righteousnes and eternall life Heb. 11. as the epistle to the Hebrues saith With one offering hath he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified I besech you what could we more desier or what greater benefites may be done vnto vs Sin is conquered death is conquered the diuel hel are conquered so that we may now freely sai 1 Co. 15. Death is swalowed into victory Death wher is thy sting Hel wher is thy victory But thankes to god that hath gyuen vs the victory by our lord Iesus Christ Christs glorye must be giuen hym ōly This now is our dueti that we remembre to giue to Christ only this his glory honor to knowledg him for our high Byshop which offered him self for vs and so by his passion and death finished and brought to perfecte ende all our saluacion For if we nowe giue to hym this his honor as our duty is and stedfastly beleue that al this that was done was done altogither for vs and for our saluacion douteles we shall so haue it that this his merite shall not be taken as vaine or frustrate but of most greatest strength efficacy for vs. On the other party if we wyl not giue vnto him this his glorye but rather wyll ascribe to our owne deseruinge merites and workes that thing which cost him that so great and inestimable price that is the effusion and sheding of his moste precious and holy bloud then truly we make our selues vnworthy to haue this passiō and inerite of Christ gyuen vnto vs neither are we lyke except we repent to haue ony other fauoure at Christes iudgement then the Iewes that crucified him The whiche thing the almighty god kepe farre from vs for his greate mercy and goodnes thorow the merites of Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen The syxte sermon on the Passion Ioh. xix THe Iewes therefore bycause it was the preparyng day of the Sabboth that the bodyes shoulde not remaine on the crosse on the Sabboth daye for the Sabboth day was an hyghe day besought Pylate that their legges might ve broken that they myght be taken doune Then came the souldiers and brake the legges
continually therfore is it nedeful that we may haue contynually remission of synnes in the Churche of Christ and the christian ought to knowe that these wordes Thy synnes are forgeuen thee are wordes for all tymes that neuer shal be disanulled but contynue for euer Thyrdly Hypocrites alwayes murmur against God this gospel cōtaineth the grudgynges of the Phariseys against Christ whiche ryse vpon this occasion that Christ receyued the synful womā and forgaue her all her synnes The cheife of theim was Symon whiche sayd wtin himselfe If he were a Prophete surely he should knowe who and what woman it is that toucheth him for she is a synner Of these cogitacions a man may perceyue what is the nature of hypocrisy Nowe this is the nature of hypocrisy Nowe this is the nature of hypocrites to esteme them selues highly to boast crake theyr owne merytes to set vp their owne righteousnes to contempne all other as we may see in many examples of the holy gospell And doubtles this hypocrisy is a thyng borne within all menne yea so soore rooted that it can not bee plucked out tyll the holy ghost come newe create that olde Adam makyng him a newe creature ● 9. as Esaias sayth For all they are wicked and hypocrites and all their mouthes haue spokē foly But Christ in this place could not ouerpasse it but he telleth Symon his hypocrisye Thou sayeth he gauest me not water for my feete as the custome is of this countrey when I came into thy house thou gauest me no kysse thou enbalmedst not my head with oyle But this synner hath done al this yea that with suche diligence that I can not cast her from me for it is done of fayth and loue Thou lothest her as a synner but I for the faythe 's sake that she hath in me do receyue her as a doughter and inheritour of God And thoughe before tymes her sinnes were great Fayth makes vs children of God yet nowe is the loue greater that she hath to me By like maner Christ stopped the mouthes of the other Phariseys that sat at meate with him so that they sayd within theim selfes What is this he that also forgeueth sinnes For Christ by by addeth to this Thy fayth hath made the safe go thy way in peace As who sayth You wonder are offended that I am not offended toward this poore woman but knowe you that I not onely wyll receyue her but also wyll make her more righteous then you are For why she beleueth in me and setteth her whole fayth vpō me Therfore wyll I forgeue her all her synnes obtayne her peace in conscience afore God that she shall nomore be accused for her synnes How thynke you sounded these wordes in the Iewes eares Yet were they made neuer the better by these wordes They were hypocrites hypocrytes they continued euen as we all shuld do if the holy spirit of God bryng vs not frō our hypocrisy vnto his truth God through Christ graunt that we may attaine vnto it Amen The gospel on sainct Iames day the Apostle Mathew 20. THen came to him the mother of zebedes children with her sōnes Mar. 10 worshippyng him desiryng a certaine thyng of him And he sayth vnto her What wylt thou She sayd vnto him Graunt that these my two sonnes may sytte the one on thy right hand and the other on the lefte in thy kyndome But Iesus answered sayd Ye wote not what ye aske Are ye able to drynke of the cuppe that I shal drinke of and to be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with They say vnto him we are He sayd vnto them Ye shal drinke in dede of my cuppe and be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with But to syt on my right hand and on my left is not myne to geue But it shall chaunce vnto them that it is Mat. 25 prepared for of my father THE EXPOSITION FYrst we see here in this gospel the ignorance of the Apostles Iames Ihon whiche had often heard of Christ although thei did not receiue it nor printed it in their memory that Christes kingdome shuld be a spiritual kyngdom euen within them Yea they were yet so ignoraunt that they thought they should without any crosse at all been wholly promoted and made great Lordes and so reigne with Christe accordyng to the pompe and glorye of this worlde But these so fond imaginacions dare they them selues not vtter vnto Christe althoughe they set not a litle by these but moued their mother to go to Christ to proue whether she might obtayn that they desired But what was their request Forsoth that in the kyngdome of Christe whiche they thought a worldely kyngdome one might haue his seate vpō the right hand another vpon the lefte hand and so to enioy the honor of this worlde Here it had been the mothers duetye to bryng her sonnes from this purpose mynde to haue enstructed them muche better But in these matters that appertayne to the kyndome of Christ the mother is as blynde ignorant as her sonnes She would gladly haue had her sonnes promoted and made great men euen as customably many mothers boast the pompe ryches with their children But the kyngdome of Christ is not so ordered to haue in it muche pōpe boasting but as it is a spirituall kyngdome euen so it hath onely a spiritual scepter namely the worde and the holy gospel And nowe this worde is suche a worde that it bringeth with it not a pleasant lyfe but contradiction persecucion 1. Cor. 1 insomuche that S. Paule calleth it the worde of the crosse saiyng The worde of the crosse is to them that perishe folye but to vs that obtayne health it is the power of God If then it be the worde of the crosse how can we haue in the kyngdome of Christe other pleasure pompe or honours of this worlde It is not to be loked for but nedes must wee here suffre by many tribulacions we must entre into the kyngdome of God as sainct Luke testifyeth of Christ also Luc. 24 Esa 53. that he must needes suffre and ryse agayne from the dead so to entre into his glorye But as yet Iames and Ihon vnderstoode not this therefore they iudged it should bee in the kyngdome of Christe as it was in other ciuyl kyngdomes And surely as these Apostles were then ignoraunt of the kyngdome of Christ so doubtles are wee excepte wee bee lightened by the holy ghost Secondarily The presūpcion of man wee haue here also an example of the presumpcion of manne For besydes theyr peticion whiche was against God they dare also saye that they were able to drynke the cuppe whiche the Lorde should drynke and to bee baptised with the baptisme whiche the Lorde should be baptised in What iudge you of this presumpcion Euen so sayd Peter to Christe that he would go with him into