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A54120 The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by Scripture, reason, and authorities against the injurious attempts that have been lately made by several adversaries, with manifest design to rendor him odiously inconsistent with Christianity and civil society : in II parts. / The first more general by William Penn ; the second more particular by George Whitehead. Penn, William, 1644-1718.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1674 (1674) Wing P1266; ESTC R37076 464,302 582

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in all c. Rep. God's Truth is concerned in his gracious Promises both absolute and conditional as well as in his conditional Threats And let it be considered 1st That Man's Dying in the Day he so eat was the Fruit of his Fall into a State of Misery in dying from that State of Righteousness and Felicity he was in before and it was the Natural Effect of his Transgression and yet not so as that God was absolutely bound to bring eternal Death on Man in that day no no nor was divine Justice so narrowly tyed up or short sighted as not to reserve a Remedy for God had the Seed of the Woman in his eye and divine Justice doth not require that eternal Death or the second death shall remain upon any but on the finally Impenitent who continue in Sin under the Power of the first Death for all they who return to God and receive Christ the promised Seed he proves to them both a Just God and a Saviour neither Justice nor the Curse of the Law can limit him from shewing Mercy Remission or Salvation to the Creature upon true Repentance and Faith in Christ Jesus who overcomes the World and the evil Nature from whence those cursed Actions have sprung mentioned Deut. 27. 15. to the end of the Chapter And t is true the Jews outward who rejected the Righteousness of Faith that is received in the Spirit when Christ was set forth and fetcht their Righteousness from the Letter of the Law they did strictly and formally bring themselves under the Curse thereof when they continued not in all that was written But there is no Condemnation or Curse to them that are in Christ Jesus my Opposer leaves out what follows viz. that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. 1. Yet what the Law saith it saith to them that are under the Law that every Mouth may be stopt and all the World may become Guilty before God This Law therefore as thus convicting is Spiritual and tends to man's Conversion in that it is to prepare him for Mercy which divine Justice doth not hinder nor detain the World under the Guilt divine Truth being concerned in the gracious Promises which are Yea and Amen in the Promised Seed that ransoms Man slayes the Enmity crucifies the Transgressors or first Birth which must dye upon which the Law and its Sentence of Death must pass and Man that is guilty must feel this in himself before he be delivered into that State wherein there is no Condemnation or be united to the Lord who Kills and makes Alive So that neither Justice nor Truth in the Law are frustrated the Law is not made void through Faith but established in the Spirituality and Purity of it the Righteousness of the Law being fulfilled in them that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit And 't is said that the Righteousness of God without the Law is manifested being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets even the Righteousness of God which is by the Faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe Rom. 3. Christ came to condemn Sin in the Flesh and is the End of the Law for Righteousness to all them that believe and not for the Continuance of Unrighteousness and where Sin is put an End to by Christ the Curse and Condemnation of necessity ceaseth with it and the Righteousness of Faith takes place in the Soul Obj. Adam hath sinned We are by Nature Children of Wrath in our own Persons We have failed hence God's Wrath is up against us God burning in his Wrath is ready to condemn us to take Vengeance on us to consume us as Fire not to Justifie and acquit from our Ill Deserts c. If Burning ten thousand millions of Years in Hell is not enough to turn away his Wrath c. Rep. Thus he hath defined divine Justice as he thinks which is further spoken to hereafter but upon whom must it be thus satisfied supposeth he S. S. Justice is satisfied upon Transgression p. 103. Rep. Then upon Rebellious Transgressors and not upon Christ who was alwayes Innocent and did the things well pleasing to the Father and therefore divine Justice could never burn nor take such Vengeance on him for Satisfaction and let the Guilty go free for so to do could not be Justice the Satisfaction whereof as it intends the Undergoing the Penalty of the Law due for the Injury done Justice can only require it of the Offender and Guilty for whom the Law was made not of the innocent or Righteous for whom the Law was not made But where then were the Mercy or Forgiveness to the poor Creature that hath sinned if God were so engaged to burn in his Wrath and take the full Vengeance upon lost man S. S. His Truth engageth him to execute his Justice in punishing Sin yea to the full should Mercy offer to pronounce any man absolved his Sin unpunished Truth would stop the Mouth of Mercy and say Hold I have Cursed c. Rep. What strange and lamentable Division would this make in God! and how variable and in Contrariety with himself And how Contrary to the Testimonies of his Faithful Witnesses hath this Man rendered God As if absolute Revenge and Wrath towards all Mankind did bear the sole Sway in him over all both his Love Goodness and Mercy Oh sad Is not his Mercy over all his Works and hath he not Forgiveness in store unto whom it is said who is a God like unto Thee that pardoneth Iniquity and passeth by the Transgression of the Remnant of his Heritage he retaineth not his * Anger forever because he delighteth in Mercy Mica 7. 18. The Lord God merciful and gracious forgiving Iniquity Transgression and Sin Exod. 34. 6 7. So that even in the Law Gods Mercy and Forgiveness as well as his Threats were signified which his Truth must needs be concerned in Is it not evident that God is not engaged under Revenge nor his Mercy and Truth divided or opposite as this Man renders him For both must be received and have their place where Judgment and Mercy meet and men through the Law become dead unto the Law so as to know Christ to live in them and through God's Judgment and Chastisements to find a Ransom and an Attonement and God hath Power to turn away Wrath as he doth upon men's true Repentance Humiliation and Return to him as when the King humbled himself the Wrath of the Lord turned away from him 2 Chron. 12. 12. And also Hezekiah seeing the Wrath of the Lord upon Judah and Jerusalem for their doing Evil in his Sight and turning their Backs c. He said Now is it in mine Heart to make a Covenant with the Lord God of Israel that his fierce Wrath may turn away from us 2 Chron. 29. 8 10. And in the King's Letters be ye not stiff necked but yield your selves unto the Lord
Debtor in Prison if his Debts be all paid by the Surety or to suffe●… the Surety to wait long soliciting or interceeding for his Pardon or Deliverance Q. 3. Doth not your Doctrine of such Rigid or Severe Satisfaction oppose Christ's Intercession Howbeit we still confess the Man Christ was greatly acceptable and most eminently satisfactory considered as a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God and as the first Fruits Quest. 13. What did the Blood of Christ that was shed bespeak and what is our Sense of Christ's Blood and for what End owned Ans. 1st It did bespeak Remission of Sin past to all that truly repent and believe in him 2dly Our Sense of the Blood of Christ is a living and spiritual Sense of the Virtue and Efficacy of it as through it we receive Redemption even the Forgiveness of Sins 3dly We really own and confess to the Blood of Christ both in the History and in the Mystery as most significant to express his Life which he gave a Ransom and the Value of the one Offering we do in the sight of God confess and own the Blood of Christ both as shed for us and as sprinkling and purging our Consciences from dead Works And this We are come to know by his Light shining in our Hearts which as we walk in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all Sin 1 Joh. 1. 7. Heb. 9. 14. To come to the Blood of Sprinkling which speaketh better things then that of Abel is an Attainment and Mystery only obtained by true Believers in and through his divine Light and Eternal Spirit by which Christ offered himself without Spot to God and by One Offering God hath perfected sorever them that are sanctified whereof the holy Ghost is a Witness to us Heb. 10. 14 15. For if a Literal Knowledge and Application of the Blood could either Sanctifie or Justifie without having the Conscience sprinkled with it then how could it be as the AntiType answering and ending the Type or Pattern under the Law where all the People were sprinkled with the Blood of the Offerings see Heb. 9. and 10. Chap. And the Leaper was cleansed by seven times sprinkling upon h●…m the Blood of the Bird that was killed Lev. 14. 6 7. but the Blood of Christ which sprinkles and purgeth the Conscience far excels all those under the Law and therefore as it redeems from the vain Conversation 't is called the Pretious Blood of Christ as opposed to and beyond all Corruptible things 1 P●…t 1. 18 19. Thus in the Blood of Christ there is a Mystery and a spiritual Consideration and Application absolutely necessary beyond the Historical Profession and Faith thereof as well as in the Cross c. as Christ said Except ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood ye have no Life in you Joh. 6. It is the Spirit that quickneth c. The holy Ghost is Witness to us of the Virtue and blessed Effect of the One Offering Blessed be the Name of the Lord our God forever who by his divine Light hath opened our Understandings in the Mystery of Christ Jesus and the saving Knowledge of him which is after the Spirit All these Scriptures relating to Christ's Sufferings as Isaiah 53. Zach. 13. 17. Rom. 8. 32. Phil. 28. 2 Cor. 5. 14 15 21. Gal. 3. 13. and 4. 5. Heb. 2. 9. do all intimate God's great Kindness and Condescension in Christ Jesus and his Humiliation and deep Suffering under the Weight and Burthen o●… Sin and as by the Grace of God he tasted Death for every Man all which fall greatly short of proving our Adversary's ●…harge against him viz. That God poured down his Wrath or Revenge upon his Innocent Son for Satisfaction to divine Justice in Man's stead that had done the Injury I say all the Scriptures alleged by them can never prove this but rather 1. That Christ's Sufferings were of another kind both as he was delivered up by the Father in his Patience to suffer and bear the Burthen Sorrows and inward Griefs by reason of man's Sin for which his Soul also was made an Offering 2. And as the Reproaches Suffering and Death of the Cross that he sustained from the Wicked Murtherers were temporal or had an End and not as infinite Wrath and Revenge from God due to wicked Men. 3. Yet Christ was rendred a Curse and as made to be Sin This he could not properly be a in his own being for Sin and a Curse in this abstract Sense couldnot strictly relate to his pure and sinless being but so made or reputed with respect to his bearing the Reproach and Sin of many the outward Punishment Crucifying Death and Blood-sheding And all that was in him which in any sense might be said to Suffer was offered and given for the Advantage and Good of Mankind and that which he so gave and offered was called his Life Himself a Ransom and all some times in Scripture comprehended and expressed under the Phrase The Blood the pretious Blood of Christ that redeems from the vain Conversation purgeth the Conscience c. and even the outward part of his Suffering most Innocent Example his Cross Death Blood of his Cross his reviving again were so far from yielding either an Indulgence or justification to men as in Sin and Disobedience that they did very eminently preach and openly proclaim to Mankind both the Condemnation of Sin in the Flesh Repentance Mortification Remission and Man's reviving again to real Righteousness and Justification therein and all to be experienced through Faith in the Name and Power of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God in sending of whom the Father's Love was manifest that we might live through him And as Christ's Travil of Soul was inward and so his Suffering inward as well as outward what is more obvious to the spiritual Eye and Mind then that his Travil and Sufferings and his holy Design therein were to have an inward Effect and inwardly to be fulfilled by his Word and Power even in them who receive and believe in the same as that Instance of the holy Evangelist is very plain and pertinent where 't is said They brought unto him many that were possessed with Divels and he Cast out the Spirits with his Word and healed all that were Sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the Prophet saying Himself took our Infirmities and bare our Sicknesses see Ma●… 8. 17. Isaiah 53. 4. And moreover as to Christ's being the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World This taking away the Sins was not only fulfilled by that general Expiation or purging which he made by Way of Sacrifice but also inwardly by his real Cleansing purging the Conscie●…ce and purifying the Soul from the Nature and Being of Sin And God's Reconciling us by the Death of his Son whose putting away Sin is said to be by the Sacrifice of
Pardon or pronounce Man Just upon the account of an Inh●…rent Righteousness Sanctity or Reformation wrought by the Spirit without Satisfaction to vindictive Justice for Sins past seeing those who are the most inherently Holy have not perfectly obeyed God s Law from the Beginning of Life to the End Answ. 1. Both God's Justice Truth and Mercy have a share in Man's Reformation and Restoration to himself and it is in his u●…iversal Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind that he makes know●… his Truth that makes free and the Grace and Truth concurring in Man's Conversion and Restoration and so in making him a New Creature it must needs be consistent with God's Truth to Pardon and pronounce Man Just as he becomes and is God's own Workmanship in whom he beholds his own Image renewed for he blessed the Works of his Hands and still blesseth them 2dly Without such a Satisfaction he doth pardon c. And yet Justice and Truth are not violated nor destroyed but have their place and share in Man's Reformation both in God's Judging Reproving and Correcting Man for Sin Co●…demning Crucifying and Slaying the Transgresfing Earthly Nature and Birth and Christ came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it He came to condemn Sin in the Flesh and to Save Man that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in them who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit The Law forbids Adultery Christ forbids and removes the Evil Lusts and Desires which are the Ground of it The Law forbids Covetousness Christ removes It The Law forbids Murther Christ forbids Envy 3dly But from the Beginning of Life to the End who can say he hath perfect Righteousness inherent in him Answ. He that is born of God the New Creature to whom Christ is made Righteousness and who being God's Workmanship is made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus He that is attained to this New Creature 's State hath crucified and put off the Old Man with his Deeds whom the Law 〈◊〉 that hath been the Offender and Sinner from the Beginning of Life to the End as The new Birth and new Cre●…ture in Christ hath No Guile in his Spirit but is alwaies inwardly Righteous from the Beginning of Life And that ●…or this End God is pleased in his Son to shew forth his For●…earance and Favour to Mankind and for a time to suspend the ●…evere Execution of his Law as not to execute Judgment ●…peedily but in giving Man Grace and Space to Repent be Converted and Renewed in Righteousness This answers the 〈◊〉 of his sending his Son into the World to be both a Sa●…ice and a Saviour So his Forbearance or Suspension of the ●…verity o●… the Law for Christ's sake can be no making void 〈◊〉 Law Justice or Truth which Christ came to fulfil and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Difference between the Terms or Tenour of our Opposers Gospel and ours I. AS to the Sense or Substance of our Opposers the Predestinarians according to their Traditional Faith partial harsh Opinions repugnant to God's universal Grace and Love in Christ Jesus to Mankind their Gospel runs on this wise or in such Terms as these viz. We tender Grace and Salvation to all but believe it is only free for a few Elect Persons for whom only Christ dyed Therefore believe you are Elect Persons and that Christ dyed for you apply his Blood and Merits and you shall be saved though you be Sinners all your Dayes Believe that you are Justified by Christ's Death and Sufferings only though you have nothing but Matter of Condemnation in you believe that you are Imputatively Righteous by Christ's Sufferings and Righteousness without you only and in Comparison thereof do you abhor all Sanctification in you or inherent Righteousness wrought in you by the Spirit Believe that it is God's good Pleasure Sin should be in you all your Dayes to keep you humble and that Christ hath satisfied for all your Sins past present and to come Believe that God hath poured out all his Wrath upon his Son Jesus Christ and punisht your Sin to the full in him to satisfie Justice for your Injury done him Therefore there remains no more Wrath behind for you being Elect and Justified Persons Though you commit Sin as did David and have Corruption remaining in you all your Dayes and and daily Sin in your best Duties and have Sin mixt with your Graces your Salvation is eternally secured for you as Persons whom God has had in his Eye to save you need not fear any final Fall or falling away from Grace once in Christ and ever in Christ. Thus far Presbyterians II. The Sense and Terms of our Gospel according to what follows From the Sence and Experience we have of God's free Love and Grace in Jesus Christ to all Mankind We preach in the Spirit of the Gospel The Instructions and Conditions thereof are on this wise viz. Be converted that your Sins may be blotted out Turn ye from Darkness and Sin to the true Light that shews It and reproves Evil And so turn from Satan's Power to God and receive the Remissions of Sins Believe in the Light that ye may become the Children of Light Labour to make your Calling and Election sure If ye walk in the Light the Blood of Christ cleanseth from all Sin If ye be Crucified Dye and Suffer with Christ ye shall Live and Reign with him Believe and Obey the Gospel and be saved Christ Jesus is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him Confess and forsake Sin and ye shall finde Mercy Depart from Evil and do Good and dwell forevermore Wash you make you Clean put away the Evil of your Doings c. Except a Man be born again he cannot enter in the Kingdom c. If I do not wash thee saith Christ thou hast no part with me And to them in whose Hearts the Work is begun Look diligently to your Standing lest any of you fall from the Grace of God Abide in his 〈◊〉 that you may not fall into the hand of Severity To Unbelievers and Rebellious If ye believe not in Christ you shall dye in your Sins and where He is ye cannot come The Wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness and his Wrath abides upon them that do not Believe nor Obey his Son Thus far Quakers so called Now serious Reader judge which of these whether the Presbyterians or the Quakers Doctrine tends to stir up and excite People to Righteousness to true Fear and Watchfulness And whether the Presbyterians doth not tend to beget People into a Self-Confidence and false Liberty in Sin upon a partial Opinion and Conceit But the Quakers Desire Aim and End is To turn People from Darkness to the true Light and to true Fear Diligence and Faithfulness to God CHAP. V. Concerning ELECTION and REPROBATION THE CONTENTS A brief Introduction
Command which requireth us to be perfect he saith God commands to offer Isaac he purposeth Isaac shall not be offer'd this shews he doth not efficaciously will every thing he commands p. 64. Rep. First This Instance is not pertinent in this Case it being a peculiar Command and Act to Abraham and not common to the Saints nor relative to those Commands injoyning Holiness of Li●…e which they are all concerned in 2dly He is mistaken in saying He purposeth Isaac shall not be offered for the Scripture saith That by Faith Abraham when he was tryed offered up Isaac and he that had received the Promises offered up his only begotten Son Hebr. 11. 17. It is evident that neither God's Command nor Purpose was to kill Isaac but that Abraham's Faith should be tryed in offering him up which by Faith he did in which he said God would provide himself a Lamb for a Burnt Offering Gen. 22. 8. And he accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the Dead from whence also he received him in a Figure Hebr. 〈◊〉 19. But this is no Proof that it is not his Pleasure his Commands requiring perfect Love Obedience s●…ould be kept and they that enter into the Covenant of Grace enter into an Agreement with God in Christ which though it remits Sins past yet gives no Liberty to continue in Sin neither is it any Condition of this Covenant that the Being of Sin should remain to keep the Saints humble for by this Covenant God taketh away Sin not only by Remission but by Receiving the Soul into Agreement with himself Jesus Christ is our Surety Mediator and Advocate both in his being a Propitiation or Sacrifice for the Sins of the whole World that upon the Act of Faith in his Blood and believing in his Name Sins past may be remitted as also in his inabling us to obey the Conditions and Obligation of the Covenant of Grace or Law thereof which we are under and in fulfilling the Promises thereof to us for without him we can do nothing we can obtain ●…o P●…iviledge but in him in whom the Promises of Cod are all Yea and Amen And seeing God receiveth true Believers in Christ into Agreement with himself Christ being their Surety doth not exempt them from the Payment of what is their due Obedience but inables them thereto for to be in Covenant or Agreement with God is neither consistent with disagreeing with him by Transgression or sinning against him When or where Sin shall be removed after Death he resolves not He tells us not How long a time shall be between Death and the perfect Removal of Sin for a Purgatory he seemeth not in words to own how nearly related soever his Doctrine be to it in his saying It sufficeth me to be assured from God's Word it Sin is not done away in this Life it shall in the next But where and what that God's Word is that so assureth him That Sin is not done away in this Life but in the next he hath not yet demonstrated nor proved nor doth he clear himself of the Pope's Doctrine of a Purgatory but confesseth That no unclean thing shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven since Christ is to present us holy unblamable and unreprovable in his Sight a glorious Church not having Spot or Wrinkle p. 64. Mark here how he hath manifestly contradicted his pleading for the Being of Sin in the Saints and saying It is not done away in this Life and yet the Church must be holy unbl●…mable and unreprovable in his Sight not having Spot or Wrinkle but then he addeth further as a part of what Christ hath merited touching this Point and in pag. 67. He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified meritoriously To which I say Hath Christ merited or purchased the Church's Beauty and Perfection even perfect Sanctification and yet is it his Father's good Pleasure that the Church shall not receive such Perfection here Or that the Being of Sin shall not be remov'd in this Life Were it not Blasphemy to suppose That Christ hath bought for man that which his Father will not allow him But I must suppose his Sence of Christ's Merit Dignity Righteousness and Obedience as not to be really partaken of and inherited by true Believers in this Life but only in their Sence of Imputation which can be neither real nor true to reckon themselves Holy Unblamable Unreprovable without Spot or Wrinkle while yet spotted with Sin and inherent Corruptions though still I grant that every Degree of Real Righteousness true Faith and Sincerity to God springing up from his own Life in his Children is owned and accounted of in his Sight for the Lord is well-pleased for his own Righteousness sake Isa. 42. 21. and the Fruits of his own Spirit are acceptable to him from the highest Growth and Maturity to the least Appearance breathing and breaking forth thereof in the Soul yea from Israel's Tryumphing and Glorying in the Lord to Niniveh's believing God and repenting and God commands us nothing but what he inableth us to perform although against this S. S. objects that he commands from the Beginning of Life to the End of Life to continue in all things written in the Law to do them but where this is commanded us in Scripture he shews us not We are satisfied that God layeth no more upon man as to doing or performing then he inableth man for his Commands are gradually and orderly imposed to be obeyed according to the Ability that he giveth the Creature he doth not command a Child to do a Man's Work he is no hard Master So in the Covenant of Grace there is a Growth from one Degree of Strength to another 〈◊〉 Faith to Faith from Little Children to Young Men c. and so according to their Growth and Capacity God requires Obedience and doth not impose Impossibilities o●… them And if so be that the Power and Glory of God be more manifest in the Second Covenant or in the New Covenant of Grace then in the First Covenant by how much the greater man's Priviledge is in this by so much the more he is inabled by the same Power cheerfully to live in Obedience and Faithfulness under it Therefore S. S. his being assured That Sin is not done away in this Life and his Con●…ession That a Believer dyes unto Sin by degrees and so AT his Death the whole of Christ's Merit is immediately applyed whereby Sin is forever totally abolished These are not consistent neither doth he write as a man of Experience of the Work of God what Assurance foever he pretends sor to say That his Sin is not done away in this Life or that it sh●…ll in the next and yet to say It is totally abolished AT his Death These are as Contradictory as to say That S●…n is done away At Death and yet it is not done away till After Death which is saith he to the last Trump will Sin be in the Saints
do namely To save his People from their Sins there is not one Word of Wrath but consequentially Therefore since that Sin is in the Heart and Conscience of Mankind nothing but a Divine Light Spirit or Power can reach Immaculation into those inward Parts and consequently that must be the Redeemer and Saviour But indeed those who have a Mind to Naturalize that strange Figure into the Language of the Holy Truth I mean to understand that to be saved is to be saved from Wrath and not from Sin whose assured Wages is Wrath may have some Interest though no Reason for their implacable Enmity against an Inherent Holiness But I farther confess that his Righteous Life with respect to its Appearance in that Body was grieved by Sin that the Weight of the Iniquity of the whole World with the Concernment of its Eternal Well-being lay hard upon him nor was his Manhood Insensible of it Under the Load of this did He travel he alone trode the Wine-Press that is All others were then Insensible of that Eternal Wrath which would be the Portion of Impenitent Persons as well as that it was his great Care and deep Travel that the Holy yet Oppressed Seed might arise over the Pressures of Iniquity in the Hearts of Men to bruise the Serpent's Head in all And as outwardly he gave his outward Life for the World so he might inwardly shed abroad in their Souls the Blood of God that is The Holy Purifying Life and Virtue which is in him as the Word-God and as which he is the Life of the World This was it which gave that visible Part the Understanding it had which fitted it for so great an Embassy by whose Power alone it Fasted Prayed Preacht Cast-out Devils Wrought Miracles Lived that most Unblemisht Life Patiently Suffered Death was Raised for an Holy Confirmation maugre all the Military Opposition of the Jews and this it was which accompanied the Ministry of his Followers rendring it Efficacious to Conviction and Conversion So that the Invisible Spiritual and Divine Life Principle or Nature was the Root and Fountain of all which is sometimes asscribed in Scripture to the Body by that Common Figure or Way of Speaking amongst Men the Thing containing which was the Body for the Thing contained which was the Eternal Power Wisdom Life c. Not that we would irreverently rob the Holy Body of whatsoever Acknowledgement is justly due nor yet separate that God joyned though I confess with holy Fear I dare not attribute to an External prepared Being which is the Natural Proper and Only Work of the Divine Light and Life to operate and effect But certainly if some Men in Scripture are intituled Saviours because of the Contribution of their Tryals Travels and Labours towards the Salvation of Man-kind of much more Right is that Honour ascribable to him who had the Spirit without Measure For I do freely acknowledge it to have been in some sense a Co-worker and Partner with the Divine Life in many of its Tryals Weights Sufferings and Travels for Man-kind Yet as it was the Divine Power in them that made them serviceable in that great Work so was it the Divine Power in him which made that what it was and therefore ought we chiefly to appropriate the Salvation to Christ as the Word-God and to the Holy Manhood not any otherwise then Instrumentally or by the same Divine Power in and through it I mean as it was a Chosen Instrument or Vessel in and by which God declared the Blessed Glad-Tidings of Love and his Message of Reconciliation to the World in which he gave the most Heavenly Example of Purity and through whose whole Life Doctrine and Death did shine forth the clearest Evidences of Truth Goodness Mercy Patience deep Travel for the World Self-Denyal Holiness and Triumphant Matyrdom No Wonder then if he be called a Saviour who not only came on an Embassy of Salvation and when come did draw many after him who were struck with the Authority of his Sayings when he allow'd for a time to have their Eyes and Hearts upon him as in that State present with them But afterwards he let his Disciples know of how much Benefit it would be to them that he should leave them How Forever In all Capacities No but as with respect to his outward Appearance that being scattered in that Day to their own Measure of Light Pon er and Life they might know him NO MORE AFTER THE FLESH but witness him come into their Hearts a Comforter who could not leave his true-hearted Disciples comfortless He that is with you shall be in you To be brief that I may yet again express our reverent Sense of Christ's Manifestation so far as relates to that Holy Thing that should be born of Mary take these few particulars in my next Chapter CHAP. XXI A Confession in particular to Christ's Redemption Remission Justification and Salvation I. WE do confess that though the Eternal Power Life and Light which inhabited that Holy Person which was born at Nazareth was is chiefly eminently the Saviour for there is no Saviour besides me saith God yet that it was Instrumentally a Saviour as prepared and chose●… o●… the Work which Christ had then to do i●… it which was actually to the Salvation of some and intentionally of the whole World then and in Ages to come suitable to that Scripture Lo in the Volumn of the Book it is written I come to do thy Will O God a Body hast thou prepared me c. II. That as there was a Necessity that one should dye for the People so whoever then or since believed in Him had and have a Seal or Confirmation of the Remission of their Sins in his Blood and that Blood alluding to the Custom or the Jewish Sacrifices shall be an utter Blotting out of former iniquates carrying them as into a Land of Forgetfulness This grand Assurance of Remission from the Wrath due upon the Score or former Offences do all receive in the Ratifying Blood of Christ who Repenting of their Sins believe and obey the Holy Light with which he hath Illuminated them For Paul's being turned from Darkness to the Light in his Heart was one with his believing in the Son of God revealed in his Heart III. This more glorious Appearance ended that less glorious Service of the Jews the Figures being compleated the Shadows they fell He in that Body preacht and lived beyond those Beggarly Elements He drew Religion more Inward even into the Secret of the Heart and made it to consist in an higher State o●… Righteousness called Evangelical and at once became both the Auth●…ro 〈◊〉 Heavenly Dispensation and therein an Example to all as well Jews and Gentiles sealing such a Common and General Religion to both with his Blood as would forever end the Difference and slay the Enmity that they might be all one in Christ. Thus did he end the Jews External Services
they are though once they were as Calenders for weak People to read some mystically Glory by but Beggarly Elements VI. That not only in that Flesh did the Eternal Light preach forth it self the End of these Things by Revealing becoming the Author of a more plain and perfect Way though less easie to Flesh and Blood placing the Stress of all upon an Eva●…gelical Righteousness whereof he became the first Mi●…er and our most Holy Example but he also appear'd in that publick Body so peculiarly prepared a General Saviour by his Life Doctrine Miracles Death of the Cross Resurrection in and by all which he obtained a Name above every Name VII That nevertheless not to the Body but holy Light of Life therein is chiefly to be asscribed the Salvation and to the Body however excellent but Instrumentally for that it was the Eternal Light and Life which gave the Weight to all the Actions and Sufferings of the Body VIII That the Benefit then procured is not witnessed by any but as they come to believe in Christ the Light as he doth appear in the Heart and Conscience to save from Sin destroy the Works of the Devil finish Transgression and bring in of his Everlasting Righteousness Wherefore to fancy one's self intituled to a State of Salvation whilst in Rebellion against the Light within which is Christ's inward Knocking and Appearance must needs be a Delusion most pernicious and destructive to the Souls of men IX That upon the whole it is determin'd and concluded that Christ is that Light which shineth in the Conscience X. That the Light is prov'd by Reason both Universal and Sufficient The first from the Consent of Mankind the Goodness and Rectitude of God the second from both Experience and that it were inconsistent with God to give a Light to his Creature insufficient for the Work for which he gave it Thus in short have I given the Heads and Results of most of the Matter contained in the whole Discourse upon the Light and I intreat our Adversaries they would seriously weigh the Whole before they either reject it or endeavour to reply to it But let them be advised to try the Virtue of the Light before they sentence it to have none And in the Love of God be once prevail'd upon to consider if something in them doth not really Condemn them amongst other things for these brisk Attempts against it Oh! Why should Men covet to Know so far beyond what they do faithfully Practise Let them first out-live the Just and Holy Requirings of the. LIGHT before they put these Barbarous Affronts upon it of a WIL IN THE WISP A DARK LANTHORN-LIGHT NATURAL INSUFFICIENT IGNIS FATUUS THE QUAKERS IDOL and abundance of such like Frothy Prophane and indeed Blasphemous Epithetes which they wickedly bestow upon IT as if they were Its P●…per Names when the Scriptures they would oppose to it plainly tell them that the whole Work of the Apostolical Ministry was To turn People from Darkness to the Light from the Power of Sathan unto God that they might have Remission of Sins As much as to say Such as are turned to the Light are turn'd to God who is Light and those who abide there both have Remission of the Punishment and Purgation from the Defilement of Sin And whatever any may think of us we both believe assert and will maintain against Men and Divels that God is LIGHT and that out of the Light or void of his Divine Illumination no man can Know him and consequently not Worship him unless they should worship an Unknown God That such as receive this Illumination and rebel not against it but improve this Heavenly Talent they have Fellowship with the Pure Eternal God and experience the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse the●… from all Unrighteousness If any think to arrive at Glory another Way and will not be admonisht let them proceed we speak what we know and can but declare what we have felt of the Work of God in our Hearts The Scriptures we highly value But we believe not the things we often quote thence to be true Only because there but for that we are Witnesses of the same Operation and bring in our experimental Testimonies to confirm the Truth of theirs and such truly honour the Scriptures all others are at best but empty Scribes and Pharisaical Babblers So with God I leave my Labour in this Particular desiring that his Heavenly Light may yet more abundantly arise upon the Dark Hearts of Mankind and awaken them to Repentance that since IT hath so long shined in Darkness uncomprehended till even Darkness it self is grown so impudent as to interpret its Inability to see the Insufficiency of the Light he would be pleased to cause it to shine out of Darkness that IT might plead the Excellency of ITS own Divine Nature in the Consciences of Men and Women against the daily Scornes and base Detractions that even great Professors of Christianity stick not to fling upon It so ill are they principl'd and so un-Christianly employ'd which proves to me how little they are Profess●…rs of the True Pure and Undefiled Religion what ever Place their cunning Devices may have given them in the Hearts of Weak and Simple People My Soul pittyeth their Opposition and feareth the Consequence of such Resistance and desires they may see the very Vanity of their Endeavours against the Light Repent of them and be Converted that God may yet Heal them which sincere Desire is my Return for all their Hard Speeches and Ungodly Sayings against us in general and my self in particular W. Penn. AN APPENDIX To the First Part being a Discourse OF THE GENERAL RULE OF Faith and Life AND Judge of Controversie Greatly importing all those who desire to take Right Measures of Faith and to Determine at least to themselves the numerous Controvers●…es now on foot in the World By the same Author For in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but a NEW Creature And as many as walk according to THIS Rule Peace be on them and Mercy and upon the whole Israel of God Gal. 6. 16. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God The Things of God knoweth no Man save the Spirit of God He that is Spiritual judgeth all things 1 Cor. 2. 10 11 15. But ye have an Unction from the Holy One and ye know all things 1 John 2. 20. Printed in the Year 1673. OF THE GENERAL RULE OF Faith and Life SInce there be so many Faiths in the World and perplext Controversies about them and that it greatly behoveth every man if to Contend for then first to Know the True Faith that overcometh the World It may not be unnecessary to say something of the General Rule of Faith and Life and Judge of Controversie at this time And indeed I am prest to it from this weighty
Light of Jesus Christ and secret Power of God that moved in them and opened their Hearts and seriously inclined them to hear the Gospel preached and which Light in them closed with the lively Testimony thereof which did concur with the Light to the opening their Understandings and turning their Minds from Darkness and Sin to the Light shining in their Hearts and when those of the Circumcision heard how well the Gentiles were prepared to receive the Gospel and the Effect of it Act. 10. and 11. Chap. They were then convinced of God's Graciousness to those of the Uncircumcision as well as to themselves their contending with Peter for going unto and eating with men uncircumcised was then stopped when they heard these things they held their Peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted Repentance unto Life And its evident that Cornelius and the rest that received the Word as preached had a Work of saving Grace in their Hearts before which prepared them and begot true desires in them after Life and Salvation Also when Barnabas come to Antioch and had seen the Grace of God he was glad and exhorted them all that with Purpose of Heart they would cleave unto the Lord Act. 11. 23. So this Light of the Grace of God both to and in them was great Encouragement to him so to exhort them but if there had been no Saving Grace in their Hearts what Effect could such Exhortation or Preaching have been of unto them If the Light within be sufficient to save Men then it renders Christs Coming and Suffering needless This is a blind Inference still opposing the Light of Christ within yea and all that is of God in Man as Insufficient and so as neither discovering Christ's Coming nor the Effect of his Suffering or as i●… Men might be saved by his Coming and Suffering without Respect to his Light within which shews gross Darkness as if there were not a Concurrence between the Light within and the End of Christ's Coming and Suffering and he might as well say that if the Ingrafted Word which is within be able to save the Soul then Christ's Coming and Suffering was needless he should rather have sai●… that Christ's Coming and Suffering without was because men were turned from his Light within for if all had walked in his Light within he had not been persecuted and murthered but this man's Argument supposeth Christ's Coming and Suffering to be for the Supply of some great Defect or Insufficiency of his Light within as if man had so well improved it and found it too scanty or Insufficient and therefore by this Christ must suffer and die for his own Light within to supply it whereas Christ dyed for the Ungodly for all men that were dead in Sin who had disobeyed and transgressed his Light within and though there be a Reconciliation by his Death yet the being saved is by his Life whose Life is the Light of men which for men to be turned to in themselves and therein to live to God varies not from the Blessed End of Christs coming and Suffering while he works in man by his Light and Power within both in shewing him Sin saving him from it as he believes in the Light becomes a Child of the Light thereof as Christ exhorted and if we walk in the Light of God the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin The Light within cannot be a sufficient Rule because then there would be no certainty of Truth or Error of Sin or Duty for that which one Man maketh Light to Day the same Man will call Darkness to morrow one Man calleth one thing a Sin another calleth it a Duty by this there will be no such thing as Sin but only in the Opinions of Men. Answ. 1. If there can be no Certainty of Truth or Error Sin or Duty by the Light within how is he certain that there is any real Light at all in him 2. His placing such uncertainties and those various and contrary Opinions of men upon the Light within and rendring it an Insufficient Rule either to distinguish between Truth and Error Sin or Duty this is contrary to both Christ's and the Apostles Testimony as namely that it is a manifesting Light both of good and Evil both of those deeds wrought in God and those that are reproved Joh. 3. 20 21. Ephes. 5. 13. wherefore the Light of Christ within is a sufficient Rule 3. And what Proof is it against the Light if one man calls it Light to day and the same call it Darkness to morrow or that one man calleth one thing a Sin another calleth it a Duty doth this therefore prove the Light not a Sufficient Rule Or doth it prove any more then that there are those that put Darkness for Light and Light for Darkness and that call Evil good and good Evil Isa. 5. 20. or those that call that a Sin which others call a Duty If it must ●…om hence be argued therefore that there is no such certain Discovering Light or Rule in man to distinguish these may it not aswell be argued that therefore there is no such thing as Truth or Duty to be distinguished from Error and Sin And doth not this directly lead into Ranterism and finally into Atheism let the Serious Reader judge If the Light within be a sufficient Rule then I have a sufficient Rule within me because you say every Man hath it and I am bound to obey it In Obedience to this Rule I oppose your Errors and in opposing your Errors one of our Lights cannot be a sufficient Rule because such a vast difference between us then one of us hath not a sufficient Rule Answ. However he hereby grants the Light in one of us to be a sufficient Rule pretending that he obeys this Rule and here he hath found another Rule for a Christian besides the Scriptures and then they are not the only or sole Rule of Faith and Practice though its evident he doth not obey the Light within while he represents it so variable and uncertain and the Opposition and difference between us to arise from Light in both whereas the Light is but one and changeth not that divine Principle of Life which is the Light of men is immutably pure and cannot err however the Creature doth therefore it follows that both of us cannot be led by the Light in such direct Opposition for its Darkness that opposeth the Light After his so grosly and impiously slighting and invalidating the Light within he does not at all tell us what good it can do or understand nor what good End or Use God hath given it for to Man-kind nor what shall be the End of them of what Nation soever that walk up to the Light within them nor what Condition or End do the Dictates and Leadings of it tend to this he has not at all resolved but in his Darkness dealt most
Spiritually minded come to see the Glory of God and Jesus or the Son o●… Man at his right hand XIV Of Perfection H. G. WE do not believe 't is possible to attain to such a Degree of Perfection as to be as pure from Sin as Jesus Christ was p. 62. I know not what such should call one the Name of the Lord for c. p. 63. H. G. Contra. We can experience the Power of Christ's Spirit risen in us for our Sanctification and Renovation p. 54. He doth adopt regenerate make others Children of God by the Effectual Workings of his blessed Spirit in their Hearts by which they are interrested into all the Priviledges Promises and Blessings of the Covenant of Grace p. 91 92. Anim. We believe that the Spirit and Power of Christ working in our Hearts is able to sanctifie throughout and his Blood to cleanse from all Sin and that in Christ who is the Covenant of Grace all the Promises of God are yea and amen and that Covenant is both a Covenant of Forgiveness and therein Sin is taken away as God hath promised Jer. 31. I will cleanse them from all their Iniquity Jer. 33. 8. Ezek. 36. 25. All things are possible with God and we can do all things through Christ that strengthneth us Phil. 4. 13. who commanded Be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect and its possible through his Power Aid to keep his Commands otherwise for what End are they given out to his Church and People and for what End should they pray to take away all Iniquity On whom we believe he does not impose Impossibilities but to such as dwell in the Love of God his Commands are not grievous but joyous XV. The Light within above an Historical Knowledge WHereas to undervalue the Light within which all Men have H. G. affirms that none can make appear that ever any Heathen Aethiopian Moor or Infidel in any remote Parts that never heard the Scripture c. That ever did attain meerly by that Light within to the Knowledge of one Jesus of Nazareth that was crucified without the Gates of Jerusalem that meerly by the Help and Guidance of that Light within came to find out so much as the Name or historical Knowledge of a cruciefid Jesus p. 70. Answ. 1. As an historical Knowledge and Profession concerning Christ and his Sufferings in the Flesh cannot save you so it s very uncharitable in you Baptists to condemn all Nations that have it not meerly for want of the History or that historical Knowledge 2. Though you have a historical Faith and Profession of Jesus as he came and suffered in the Flesh I deny that this Faith will either save you for they have as much Faith at Rome or that you have from thence any real Knowledge of Christ either as in the Flesh or in the Spirit either as crucified as put to Death or as living and reigning It s still your Mistake to count your dark Opinions and litteral Notions the Light of the Son of God Nay if you have no further Faith and Knowledge of him then what 's meerly historical and litteral If you have not a spiritual and divine Knowledge of Christ as inwardly revealed you 'll dye in your Sin and perish for lack of Knowledge And many of those called Heathens who follow the Help and Guidance of the Light of Christ within shall come from the East and from the West and from the North and from the South nd shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom as Children of Faith and Heirs of Promise who have believed God and obeyed his Light in them when you and such like litteral Professors shall be utterly rejected unless you return to Christ's Light within and believe and wait in it to know Christ's inward and spiritual Appearance and Revelation 3. In the Gospel preacht to Abraham in whose Seed all Nations should be blessed It was foreseen that God would justifie the Heathen through Faith and accordingly Christ was absolutely promised and given for a Light to the Gentiles to be God's Salvation to the Ends of the Earth that he might say to the Prisoners go forth and them that are in Darkness shew yourselves Isa. 42. and Ch. 49. Now observe that the Promise of Christ both for a Light to the Gentiles and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth and himself to speak to the Prisoners to go forth c. it s absolute and not restrained or limitted to the spreading of Scripture nor to any such Condition as to be a Light and Salvation or to speak only to such as get the Bible and have the Scriptures or an historical Knowledge and Profession of Jesus Christ but he is given both for a Light to the Heathen and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth and so to call forth the Prisoners where the Scriptures are not he being in himself absolute and perfect and so able to be whatever he is promised of God and this Salvation is absolutely placed upon the Son of God who is given both for a Light a Leader God's Covenant and Salvation and therefore he is to be followed obeyed and depended on for Life and Salvation 4. Moreover It s possible to have both the Sufferings and Glory of Christ revealed by his Light and Spirit without the Scriptures seeing the Spirit of Christ shewed and testified aforehand unto the Prophets of his Sufferings and of the Glory that should follow 1 Pet. 1. 11. to be sure they who first wrote Scripture of these things aforehand had them first discovered or opened unto them by the Spirit 5. And when Nebuchadnezer said Lo I see four Men loose walking in the midst of the Fire and they have no Hurt and the Form of the fourth is like the Son of God Dan. 3. 25. How came this Heathen to have any such Impression or Similitude of the Son of God in his Mind as thus to speak of the Son of God or of the fourth as represented to him like the Son of God And what Scripture could he have for this pray you Or for Nebuchadnezer and Darius to speak so truly and admirably as they did of the Kingdom and Dominion of the most high God Dan. 4. 3. and Chap. 6. 26. Let the narrow-Spirited Litteralists and partial Predestinators who would place all true Knowledge upon the Letter and confine it within the Compass of a few Professors of Scripture consider these things 6. But seeing that Christ dyed for all Men tasted Death for every Man and gave himself a Ransom for all God doth therefore no doubt afford a Way for the universal Conveyance of the Vertue and blessed Effects inwardly of his Death and Blood to Man-kind and that is his divine Light though many have not the outward Description thereof XVI His unlearned Question AS to H. G's Question p. 70. viz. I shall only ask this one Question what things and other Signs were those which Jesus did
disobedient another while only those who have a living and sound Faith and are sincerely obedient who thereby are interested in Christ's Righteousness With this I agree but not with the other which declares the Guilty and Disobedient Just or Innocent p. 91. and what then must the Guilt be charged upon Christ who offered up himself a Lamb without Spot to God and was a sweet smelling Savour to him of whom all our Obedience ought to savour that by him we may Offer up living Sacrifices unto God Both we and our Actions must Savour of his Unction and not of Pollution Sin or Guilt if we be Justified or accepted in the Beloved Whereas he accuseth G. W. with teaching Justification by Faith in Christ and the Works that follow Faith without Christ's Righteousness Imputed p. 91. The End of his Charge is false without Christ's Righteousness imputed are his own Words and Forgery against me and not mine for I have both owned and confessed the Real and Scriptural Sense of Imputation in the 65th Page of Divin of Christ. first Part and several other Places therein The blessed Man's partaking of Christ's Righteousness through Faith and that Justification is in the Righteousness of Christ by Faith in him and that this true and living Faith and the Righteousness of it is reckoned or imputed to the true Believer yet we do not grant that Sinners or polluted Persons in that State are cloathed with this Righteousness or that it is imputed to them as theirs whilst they are out of it These were my Words which clear me from his Charge although he adds thereto that I say Faith in Christ and Works that follow without any mention of Christ's holy Life and Sufferings p. 92. which is false again and the contrary may be often seen in my said Book Divin of Christ. For 1st Living Faith in Christ cannot be without the Participation of Christ's holy Life Vertue and Effects of his Sufferings and Blood which sprinkleth the Conscience cleanseth from Sin c. 2dly We are by Faith in him spiritually influenced with a Sence of his Sufferings Travil of Soul and Fruit of his Intercession therein I bear in my Body the Dying of the Lord Jesus that the Life also of Jesus may be manifest in my mortal Flesh. 3dly In spiritually eating of his Flesh and drinking of his Blood we receive of his Life in us do come to live to God in his Love and Favour and so we partake of Christ AS the one Offering Sacrifice or Propitiation that makes holy in whom God comes near to us in Mercy and we to him in a holy Life and this is the one Offering by which he hath forever perfected them that are sanctified whereof the Holy Ghost beareth Witness unto us Heb. 10. 15. Object You have not from the Beginning of your Life to the End perfectly obeyed the Law what have you to say why you should not bear the Curse p. 92. Answ. This is an impertinent Objection and unsutable for him that does not believe perfect Obedience to Christ attainable in any Part of our Life either Beginning or latter End●… But God will not bring this Charge against them whose Sins are forgiven and blotted out to be remembred no more in the new Covenant who since they have received Remission and Justification of Life have the Answer and Testimony of a good Consciense to plead which gives Boldness in the Day of Judgment the Heart being sprinkled from an evil Conscience there is a drawing near to God in full Assurance of Faith if our Heart condemn us not then have we Considence towards God Howbeit Upon the Charge before as S. S. his chief Objection depends much of his Work and what he pleads to this as his only Defence is Christ's Holy Life and Sufferings Obedience to the Death c. not Sanctification nor Christ's Righteousness or Life inherent in us or the Answer of a Good Conscience c. And why so why thinks he cannot this acquit us or render us acceptable to God S. S. In justifying God doth judge us by the Law though by the Gospel also To be Righteous in a legal Sense is to be invested with a sinless Righteousness from the Beginning of Life to the End thereof this the Law requires it doth require Perfection not only in the End of our Lives but in the middle also and in the Beginning p. 92 93. But the Breach of this sayes he will be the Accusation or Charge that the Law or Justice will bring against us at the Day of Judgment p. 50. Rep. The Man runs upon a Mistake and thereupon makes his Apologies and Defence for there will be no Occasion for God to bring this Charge against his Elect or those whom he hath justified at the Day of Judgment for 1st Against a Righteous Man there is no Law neither doth the Gospel judge such as Transgressors all their Dayes as is vainly imagined And how should you be justified while you are judged both by Law and Gospel Doth not the Gospel acquit and clear such as in the Faith receive it from the Condemnation of the Law that being justified by Faith they may have Peace with God 2dly They who are pardoned of Sins past and justified by Christ from all those things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses are received into a Covenant of ●…ace Mercy Forgiveness Love Peace and Union with God for such is the new Covenant wherein God will remember their Iniquities no more 3dly They who are thus justified and received into Covenant with God have passed from Death to Life from Condemnation to J●…stification through the Law are become dead unto the Law that Christ might live in them and the Life they live is by the Faith of the Son of God which Faith purifies the Heart and the Mystery of it is held in a pure Conscience 4thly The Gospel is preached to them that are dead viz. in Sin That they might be judged as Men in the Flesh but justified after God in the Spirit And God's sending his Son in the Likeness of sinful Flesh was that Sin might be condemned in the Flesh that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. Therefore Justice will not at the Day of Judgment charge us with Transgression and Imperfection from the beginning of Life to the End They that are come into Covenant with God who therein are in a Justified Condition have this to plead We have known and believed the Love that God hath to us God is Love and he that dwelleth in Love dwelleth in God and God in him Herein is our Love made Perfect that we may have Boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are we in this World 1 Joh. 4. 16 17. And doth not this perfect Love and Conformity to his Image which gives this Boldness in the day of Judgment spring
Religion it self What Is he grown so hardy that he can handle Holy Things without Fear and make bold with tender Conscience so far as to abuse it self Is Singularity become so offensive in a Quaker as an Anabaptist must show his little Wit in Deriding it But certainly Reader it can be no small Advantage that both his Bitterness and Lightness give us against a Man of his high Pretences to Religion However our Conquest here will be our Patience Innocence and Truth Not that I will believe he thinks I want Words to whom he more then once makes the having of them Criminal and all that read him may see he hath furnisht me with Matter GROSS enough But I delight not to spend my time upon Invectives did I perhaps I might bestow a Tragick Comedy upon a Railing Anabaptist in return of that Ridiculons Dialogue he disingenuously would fasten on an unconcerned Quaker But my God forbid that I should Sport about Religion or make so much as any Man 's pretended Religious Dissent a Theam for my Railery or Abuse for I think it an ill way to Laugh men out of their Profession as well as I can never esteem that any sincere one which men are Jeer'd into and as Conviction is the most Serious Ground on which to receive Faith so to detract or deal disingenuously with any man may harden but can never Proselyte and this is our very Case with respect to T. H. Yet I would have him know That our so much reproached Light Within he so little concerns the Government of his Life withal incites us not to an Eye for an Eye but teacheth us that Forbearance and Forgiveness which we have some Reason to believe his Principles are wholly Strangers to else what can mean his greedy Endeavours To pluck out others Eyes that never yet assaulted so much as one of his either by Word or Writing Well may we take up the Complaint of God's Prophet of old We are had in Derision daily and almost every one Mocketh us But let the Carnal Christian-Mockers have a Care for though their Cruel Mockings be our Portion in this Life yet also for a Recompence shall their Bonds be made Strong and a Consumption from the Lord of Hosts is determined against them that persist therein Having now rendered with all convenient Brevity my just Exceptions against the manner of the Dialogue and spirit of the Man in general I shall proceed to offer something against the distinct Doctrines of it in my particular Vindication of the Truth viz. The Universality and Sufficiency of the Light Within and Demonstration of the General Rule of Faith CHAP. IV. That a Right Relish of the Manner of the Dialogue is a sufficient Antidote against the Matter of it His Questions stated His Feigned Answer A True Answer to the First What is Salvation To be saved from Sin and Wrath not Wrath without Sin WHat I have already said being duly weighed may be an apt Introduction to what follows For he that relishes the Unsavouriness and Rancour of His Spirit in the Mannagement of his pretended Christian-Dialogue surely can have but little Appetite to feed upon a Dish cook't up with such Poysonous Sauce Enmity and Truth were never Companions and where there appears so great a share of the one as hath been truly observed we may I hope without Offence conclude there can be but very little if any of the other However let us see with Reason and Sobriety whether the Matter of his Dialogue be more commendable then the Manner of it writ with so much Railing and Immoderation For Reader this know I writ not for Conquest but for Conscience sake and what I can grant I shall and what I must oppose I hope to do it with Truth and Meekness being only desirous to approve my self to God who will Reward all men according to their Works and to that Measure of Divine Light in every Conscience with which I shall begin and which as the Lord God shall enable me I will endeavour to maintain against the Angry and Undervaluing Reflections of its Adversaries To overlook then many unnecessary Queries that are set down either to Abuse us to fill up Corners or make the Dialogue glide the better no wayes true in themselves and wholly impertinent to the Matter I receive and prosecute the Main Questions which he propounds thus 1. What is that SALVATION which the Light leads to 2. What is this LIGHT that leads to It and 3. Who this HE or THEY are that Obey this Light and in Obeing attain Salvation Sober Questions I grant and as necessary to be known but I am willing first to set down the Answer he makes the Quaker to return before I give mine own that the Sober Reader may judge how different the Reason of a True Quaker is from T. Hicks's Phantastical one 〈◊〉 Thou runnest into many Words and Carnal Distinctions and wouldst have thy Fleshly Wisdom satisfied but I tell thee that Dust is the Serpent's Food Is this to act the Christian or the Scoffer towards the Quaker 'T is not to be doubted but T. H. knows better and that he hath not herein done to us as he would be done by For all his Pretences to Christianity he is thus far Debtor to and Criminal by the LIGHT he vilifieth But the Truth is he therefore maketh his Quaker to render him no better Reason whatever he knew because indeed it was inconsistent with his Design that he should But I will see if I can supply that voluntary Defect in Rebuk to his Disingenuous Practice on the behalf of the poor Abused Quaker I answer I. By SALVATION we understand as by Scripture is deliver'd to us A being saved from Sin here and the Wages of it which is Wrath to come Whereby we are taught utterly to renounce and reject the common Acceptation of it as the full and compleat Force of the Word viz. barely to be saved from Punishment hereafter In which Security through a vain Expectance of Salvation whilst not really actually sav'd from the Power of Sin and the Captivation of Lusts through the invisible Power of Christ Thousands dye and T. Hicks is one of those that not only is inthroal'd himself but earnestly contends for that Beggarly Faith and Religion to be the most Christian which is so unable to deliver both himself and others that believe in it In short We call Salvation Christ's making an End of Sin Destroying the Works of the Divel Finishing of Transgression Binding the Strong Man and Spoyling of his Goods in the Hearts and Consciences of Men and Women and bringing in his Everlasting Righteousness into the Soul whereby to Cleanse Wash Regenerate Renew and Refresh the Soul in one Scripture-Phrase to Save his People from their SINS These are the Times of Refreshment and this is the Day of Restitution and thus is HE King to Reign Prophet to give Vision and High Priest to Anoint with the
Holy Unction that leadeth into all Truth whose Lips alone preserve Knowledge and therefore is it the Unchangeable Gospel-Rule to Believers And those who are thus freed or saved here from the Power Nature and Defilement of Sin are the alone Persons that are or shall be hereafter saved from Eternal Wrath and Vengeance the heavy Recompenee of Sin All this we understand by that Word Salvation and in this center the Great Glorious Prophecies and Performances of Christ. CHAP. V. The Second Question stated Particularly what is meant by Light It is a Principle that discovers the State of Man and leads to Blessedness THE second Question runs thus What is that LIGHT which leadeth to Salvation and if he pleaseth to give me leave I will add to this Question How doth It Lead to Salvation By Light I understand not the frequent Metaphorical Use of the Word as when Christ said 〈◊〉 the Lights of the World or as the Apostle Speaks Now are you Light in the Lord neither the meer Spirit or Reason of Man but that Glorious Sun of Righteousness and Heavenly Luminary of the Intellectual or Invisible World represented of all Outward Resemblances most exactly by the Great Sun of this Sensible and Visible World that as his natural Light ariseth upon all and gives Light to all about the Affairs of this Life so that Divine Light arises upon all and gives Light to all that will receive it about the Concerns of the other Life Such a Light I mean by That Light which inlightneth every man coming into the World and that leadeth those that obey it to Eternal Salvation The Scripture sayes no less John 1. In the Word-God was Life and that very Life was the Light of Men that inlightneth every man c. But to demonstrate it the most obviously that I can to the lowest Capacities I shall evidence the Nature and Virtue of this Light by the Holy Effects of it which is the HOW or the WHICH WAY it leadeth to Salvation This is so necessary in order to explicate the other that as the Tree is known by his Fruits so the True Saviour by his Salvation If then I can make it appear that the Light as obey'd in all its Discoveries and Requirings is sufficient to Salvation the Debate wil end and T. Hicks must yield to the Efficacy of the Light within I shall then by the Properties of the Light prove it Saving In order to which I shall begin with the first Step towards Salvation namely A Sight of the Cause of Damnation and from whom this most necessary Beginning must be taken viz. The Light within which I thus prove by Scripture CHAP VI. That the Light Within manifests Sin yea all Sin That Apostacy or Sin in any is no Argument against the Light but rather for it That the Additional Services of the Jews show No Imperfection in the Light but the People whose Minds were abroad If Insufficiency against the Light should be admitted of because of Rebellion and Wickedness in M●…n the same would be objected against the Scriptures which overthrows our Adversary's Assertion concerning their Sufficiency THE Light with which Christ inlightens all Men manifests Sin as these Words import for every one that doth Evil hateth the Light neither cometh to the Light lest his Deeds should be Reproved Implying That if they would have brought their Deeds to the Light the Light would have detected them and tryed them To which the Apostle Paul bears express Testimony in his Epistle to the Ephesians That whatsoever is Reproveable is made Manifest by the Light where the Universality of the Apostle's Assertion shows that nothing that is Reproveable is or can be excluded from the Search or Knowledge of this Light which takes in as well Thoughts as Words and Deeds So that nothing being Reproveable which the Light doth not first Manifest How obvious is it to every Understanding that if our Adversary believeth all Men to have committed Sin and so as that they know it which is Reproveable the Light must needs have been and be in all Men in order to such Manifestation and Conviction It is as much as if the Apostle had said Sin is that which Damns all Men now it could not Damn if it were not Reproveable and it could never be Reproveable if the Light did not Manifest and Condemn it as such So that our Adversaries affirming the Light not to be Sufficient to Discern all Sin is a flat Repugnancy and a down-right giving of the Lye to the Apostle For says the Apostle All things that are Reproveable are made Manifest by the Light But sayes Tho. Hicks All things that are Reproveable are not made Manifest by the Light Sober Reader dwell here a while and after a little paws tell me Who deals most Unworthily with the Apostle and the Holy Scriptures of Truth T. Hicks or the Quakers Obj. But T. Hicks objects with some others If there be that Light in all Men how comes it that all Men are not Convicted of their Disobedience and Duty as the Heathens of old and many Infidels at this day Did the Light in Saul reprove him for Persecuting the Church I Answer That this no way impugnes the Light although it greatly aggravates their Evil that so Rebell'd against it But that there were Heathens who became a Law unto themselves through that Light they had by which they did the things contained in the Law and were preferred far before the Circumcision that kept not the Law The Apostle Paul himself is very express in that known Passage to the Romans Nor are other Histories silent but loud in their acknowledgment of very Divine Attainments which by this Light several Famous Gentiles arrived at and for their Belief of One Eternal Being his Communication of Divine Light to Men and of an Immortality with their Strickt Conformity thereto are left upon Record by Credible Historians and their Praises not a little added to by after Ages even of those called Christians too Such are Reputed Pythagoras Timeus Solon Bias Chilon Anaxagoras Socrates Plato Antisthenes Xenocrates Zeno Antipater Seneca Epictetus and others But what if Jews and Gentiles at any time did Apostatize and particularly What if Saul persecuted the Church of God putting Disobedience for Duty Murder for Service Will it follow that the Light was Insufficient By no means but rather that Saul was Rebellious Stiff-necked Resisting the Holy Ghost as did his Fathers so did he and thus much the Words themselves show for he kickt against the Pricks Then it seems there were Pricks And where were they if not in his Conscience And what were they if not the Light of Christ within him which Manifests Evil and Reproves the Deeds thereof otherwise called that Son of God that to the Galatians he said It had pleased God to reveal in him though Paul knew him not nor his Voice of a long time his Eye being darkened and Ear stopt by the God of
all that may be Necessary to be known therefore the Light is Insufficient The first will be answer'd by what I have already said the Reason being the same for the Sufficiency of the Light against such as charge it with Defect because they do not do what they should as against those who so impeach it because they do those things which they should not As for not knowing all that is to be known I deny it utterly For things are necessary in reference to their proper times That may be requisit to morrow which is not to day It is fit for Children to learn to read yet it is most necessary that they should begin to spell first If a School-Master should be charg'd with Insufficieney because he tells not little Children all that he knows as soon as he initiates them in the first Principles of Learning he would think himself unreasonably dealt with What must we then conclude but that the Master may be very capable were his Scholar so that if the Scholar observe and obey his Master he will increase in his Learning that the Defect of the Scholar should not be laid upon his Master that to tell or amuse him about things unsuitable to his present Capacity were the ready Way to overcharge and wholy Spoile him And Consequently that the Tutor not telling his Pupil all that is fit to be known at once implyes no Defect in or Ignorance of those things in the Tutor which to apply Scripturally in short thus If you do my Will you shall know more of my Doctrine I have yet many things to say but you are not able to bear them now In short If for a Man to say that the Light of the Gospel for so T. Hicks thinks Pauls was to be charg'd with Insufficiency because it discover'd not to every Believer all those ineffable things revealed to the Apostle would be both False and Antichristian to what an Extremity doth Tho. Hicks's Zeal lead him in his passionate Endeavours against the blessed Light of the Son of God as he is the Inlightner of Mankind who charges it with Insufficiency because it Reveals not to every Individual in every Age what HE shall ever know it self or shall be known in future times The Light then is not Insufficient though it tell not all at one time which may be a Duty to the End of the World especially in extraordinary Cases whilst it informs me or any Man of Daily Duty Yea the Light is Sufficient in Point of Discovery whilst it shews unto any Person something more then they do and which they ought to perform If T. Hicks will say and can prove that he is come to the Upshot of the Light 's Teachings that he has Learnt whatever it is possible for the Light of Christ to Teach him and yet is able to make appear that there is some thing further wanting he will prove himself not only above Men but God also who is the Fountain of all Light that searcheth the Hearts and tryeth the Reins of Men by the Inshinings of his manifesting Light and which as obey'd leads to God who is the Fulness of all Light and Life But indeed this Light is the Savour of Death the Wages of Sin to all that Rebel against it and the Savour of Life to those only who are Obedient to it For Such shall not walk in Darkness but have the Light of Life But whilst he pleads against a Sin-less State and shows so Sin-full an One in his Scribles let him cover his Face for Shame for all his Attempts against the Lights Sufficiency for in that State he shall never know the Life and Vertue of the Light To conclude If the Light be allowed to Manifest all things that are Reproveable then by the just Reason of Contraries should it be Sufficient to Discover all things that are Approveable with respect to Man's Faith Salvation and Duty If the Light tells it is Evil not to Believe in God it follows that to Believe in God is according to that Light Within And if it Reproves T. Hicks for being Passionate it consequently Teacheth him that he ought to be Patient If the Light Condemns Theft it necessarily Instructeth to Honesty If it Reprove me for doing my own Will it implies I ought to do his Will to whom I ow all and if it Reproves for Sin it Instructeth to Holiness without which none shall see God In short If it Manifest Reproveable Things to be such at the same time It Condemns them and Teacheth Things quite Contrary The Unfruitful Works of Darkness are judg'd by the Light that the Holy Fruits of the Light may appear ●…e were Darkness but now are ye Light in the Lord and The Reproof of Instruction is the Way of Life He that comes out of the Reproved Darkness walks in the Approved Light and who so answers the Holy Reproof unto Such is Sealed up THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WAY OF LIFE And this brings me to the third Property of the Light with respect to Men and that is It doth not only Manifest and Condemn Sin and discover and incline to Purity but as adhered to or rather that Principle which is this Light it is able in Point of Power and Efficacy to Redeem from Sin and Lead to a State of Highest Felicity I am the Light of the World said Jesus himself he that follows me shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life In which it is very evident that The same Light which Manifests Darkness Redeems from it unto a State of Light and Life that is to say Those who confidently believe in Christ as he manifests himself a Light to condemn Sin in every mans Flesh whom he hath therefore illuminated and obediently follow the Holy Requirings and yield to the Heavenly Discoveries of that Blessed Appearance relinquishing the Pleasures of Sin which last but for a season and taking up the daily Cross such shall most assuredly find that Divine Principle which in reference to the Dark State of Men and that Discerning and Conviction it brings is rightly denominated Light to have also Power and Efficacy to Save from that which it manifests and condemns and to bring unto that Glory which it gives a true Revelation of For that same Word of God who is called the true Light that inlighteneth all Mankind is also the Life Power Wisdom and Righteousness of the Father in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and unto whom all Power both in Heaven and in Earth are committed who is Heir of all things who also said While ye have the Light for their Day of Visitation was almost over or as some Translations more truly have it While you have a little Light IN YOU believe or walk in it believe in the Light that ye may be Children of th●… Light Again I am come a Light into the World that whosoever believes in me should not abide in Darkness
is Light 2. Who can have no Fellowship with him such as walk in Darkness that is Sin 3. Who have Fellowship with him such as walk in the Light as he is Light 4. the Reason why is given because such as walk in the Light are there sure experimentally to feel the Vertue of Christ's Blood to cleanse them from all Unrightcousness Where observe that the Light 's leading out of Darkness that is Unrighteousness is the same with the Blood of Jesus Christ cleansing from all Sin Sin and Darkness and to be cleansed from the one and to be translated from the other is equivalent otherwise a Man might be delivered from Darkness and walk in the Light and not be cleansed from Sin which is that Darkness a thing Absurd and Impossible In short they go together By this 't is evident that the Light being walkt in doth directly lead to God and Fellowship with him who is the Saving Light and Health of all Nations and consequently that the Light leads to Eternal Salvation Many are the Denominations that are given in Scripture to one and the same Being or Condition Christ is called The Word the Light the Saviour Emanuel a Rock a Door a Vine a Shepherd c. A State of Sin is sometimes called Darkness Death Disobedience Barrenness Rebellion Stiff-neckedness Eating of Sowr Grapes And Wicked Men Bryars Thorns Thistles Tares Dead Trees Wolves Goats c. On the contrary a State of Conversion is sometimes expressed by such words as Purged Refined Washed Cleansed Sanctified Justified Led by the Spirit Baptized by one Spirit into one Body Regenerated Redeemed Saved Bought with a Price c. And Persons so qualified The Children of God Children of Light Heirs of Glory Lambs Sheep Wheat And that by which they become or continue thus Light Spirit Fire Sword Hammer Power Grace Seed Truth Way Life Blood Water Bread Word Unction that leadeth into all Truth All which respectively is but one and the same in Nature That is Sin or a Sinful State is so variously denominated from the divers Operations and Discoveries of the Nature of it in Wicked Men. The like may be said of the several Vertues in Good and Holy Men and so of that one Divine Principle which so qualifies and preserves them For as the Primitive Saints felt the Operation of the One Holy Principle so they denominated it to men in Darkness they call'd it Light to such as believed and obeyed It became a Leader and those who witnessed their Sins conquer'd their Lusts cut down their Hearts broken and their Souls Washed Redeemed and daily Nourished they called that Divine Principle a Sword Fire Hammer Water Flesh Blood and Bread and Seed of Life In short The same Heavenly Principle became Light Wisdom Power Counsel Redemption Sanctification and Eternal Salvation unto those who believed in it So that the Variety of Expressions in the Scriptures must not be taken for so many distinct things in kind no nor sometimes in Operation And indeed notwithstanding that Light T. Hicks would have lodg'd in the bare Scriptures exclusive of the Spirit all the Men of the World met together would be confounded to give a true Account of the Matter therein contained if they were not Living Experimental Witnesses For as he is not an Evidence sufficient in Laws Humane that was not an Eye or Ear Witness neither are they Evidences for God and Christ who are not Eye and Ear Witnesses of the Light Spirit Grace and Word of God in the Heart And I boldly affirm the Scriptures speak no more for such as are not Inheritors of that Blessed Condition they declare of in some Measure or other then any Deed of Gift would do for a Person no wayes Nam'd or Interested therein It is time then for T. Hicks and his Partners to look about them lest the Midnight-Cry overtake them and their Professing Lamp be found without Oyl For I must needs tell him in the Beloved Disciple's Language He that saith he is in the Light and 〈◊〉 his Brother is in the Darkness even until now And in my own Language That I take that to be their State who shew so much Envious Displeasure against an Harmless People and those in particular that never yet Offended much less Justly provokt them But would they bring their Thoughts Words and Deeds to the Light in their own Consciences and let true Judgment pass upon them and patiently undergo the Heavenly Chastisements for their Disobedience to and Vilifying of the Light they would come to witness a turning from the Darkness to the Light and continuing therein as that Holy Way in which the Ransomed of the Lord alwayes did do and shall walk through all Generations they would know the Injoyment of Eternal Peace Yea such is the Excellency of Christ the true Light that as He was First so shall He be the Last when all Outward Performances Writings Worships yea the whole World shall be at an End the Use and Excellency of the Light will remain forever as saith John the Divine And they shall see his Face and his Name shall be written in their Fore-Heads and there shall be no Night there and they need no Candle neither Light of the Sun for the LORD GOD GIVETH THEM LIGHT and they shall Reign forever and ever Amen CHAP. VIII An Objection against the Light 's Antecedent Being to Christ's Coming It is prov'd to have been known to be a Saving Light from Adam's day through the Holy Patriarchs and Prophets time down to Christ's from the Scriptures of Truth HAving then plainly prov'd from Scripture 1. That the Light is Saving since the time of Christ beginning with its first Appearance as Manifesting Sin 2. Condemning of It. 3. Redeeming from It as obeyed And that the same Principle which is called Light is the Seed Grace Truth Word Spirit Power Unction Water Way Life Flesh and Blood and therefore not a Distinct Being from that which T. Hicks himself if he will own plain Scripture must confess doth Save I call it the LIGHT OF SALVATION OR THAT LEADS TO SALVATION But there remain yet several Objections to be Answered which done we shall immediately proceed to give Judgment upon the Question Who or What this Light is with respect to all our Adversaries Cavils Obj. Though you have thus far evinc'd the Universality of a Saving Light from the Scriptures since Christ's Life Death Resurrection and Ascension yet that which is the Pinch of the Controversie will be this Where was this before Light Had any this Saving Light they had a Light before it came in that Eminent Manner above One Thousand Six Hundred Years since It is generally believ'd that Christ's then coming benefitted the World with it in case the World universally hath such a Saving Light To which I shall give my Answer both from Scripture History and Reason The first Scripture I shall quote is in the first of Genesis So God created
and overturn the Gentiles Idolatries by his one most pure and Spiritual Offering and Worship IV. It plainly preaches thus much to us That as Him whose Body the Jews outwardly slew we by Wicked Works have crucified in the Streets of Sodom and Egypt spiritually so called our polluted Hearts and Consciences So unless we come to know the Benefit of the Inward Life answering to and expressed by that Outward Life he gave for the World it will avail little For so it is and very Marvelous in our Eyes that the Life of the Crucified can only save those who may well be reputed the Crucifiers O Mystery And because those that did not actually slay him Outwardly have slain him Inwardly therefore must every such one really know that Life Inwardly raised shed abroad for Sanctification and Redemption O how great was his Love Truly larger then Man's Cruelty who whilst he dyed by Wicked Men he would Dye for them and when dead they could not hinder him from Rising to do them good who had done their worst for his Destruction thereby shewing Mercy to those who shewed they had no Mercy for themselves O Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thee and thou wouldest not c V. That Expression of his is greatly worth our Notice I lay down my Life for the World All he did was for the Good of the World and particularly the Laying down of his Life that he might both express his Love and our Duty Had he not desired Man's Salvation and for that purpose prepared a Body in which to visit him and by his daily Labours among Men to further their Eternal Happiness the Jew had never been able to put him to Death But being come and when come so hardly used herein did he recommend his great Love to us that besides the Inward Weights of Sin he bore with his deep Concernment for Man's Eternal Well-being he chearfully offered up his Bodily Life to recommend and ratifie his Love for the Remission of Sin and give us an Holy Example to follow his Steps But these Words will bear another Sease too as do those he spoak to the Jews Unless ye eat my Flesh and drink my Blood you have no Life in you Where we may plainly see that as the Jews vainly and carnally fancyed he meant his Outward Body only to which they opposed the Impossibility of the thing so Christ declares their Mistake of his Meaning to his Disciples in these few but deep Words The Flesh profiteth nothing it is the Spirit that quickeneth So that the Words are true and weighty in both Senses VI. And we further acknowledge that in that Holy Body the Divine Principle of Light and Life did discover the Depth of Satan's Darkness encounter Hell Death and the Grave every Temptation it was possible for the Serpent with all his Power and Subtilty to beset him with in which Sense he was made like unto us in all things Sin excepted that he might be sensible of our Infirmities the Divine Life travelled and supported under all administring Strength to the outward Man that it might answer the End of its Appointment in the End utterly defeated and forever overcame the Power of the Tempter bruising the Serpents Head in general as Prince of Darkness and God of the World and in a plain Combat giving him that Foyl which in good measure shook his Foundation divided his Kingdom chased away his Lying Oracles and proved a very Fatal Blow to his whole Empire Which holy Conquest obtained by Sweat of Blood and deep'st Agonies with Holy Patience may not unfitly be compared to that of some Worldly Prince maintaining a Righteous Cause against an Usurper of his Territories whom he puts to rout in open Fields by which I understand the General Conquest yet many Towns and Cities and Cittadels remaining strongly guarnison'd by which I understand particular Men and Women enslaved by Sin they are not thereby overcome though the Approach be easier to them and they be truly more endanger'd then before The One Seed who is Christ who is God over all blessed forever having given that Proof of his Everlasting Arm that it has brought a general Salvation by a plain Overthrow of the God of this World the Enemy of his Glory and thereby weakened his Power in himself which is the single Battel fought in Garments rould in Blood between the two Seeds Spirits Natures and Powers God and Mammon Christ and Belial had many Towns Cities and Cittadels to vanquish who lay strongly guarnison'd by this God of the World which Places as I said represent the Souls of particular Men and Women inbondaged by him So that though their Hearts were or are more accessible by that general Victory over the very Spirit of Darkness it self and Light may be more clear d and broken up yet unless those particular Places or Persons are besieged and taken their Goods spoiled and Houses sackt of all the strange Gods so redeemed from under the Yoak of that Pharaonian Task-Master reclaimed renewed sanctified naturalized by way of an Holy Subjection to him who is Lord from Heaven the Right Heir of all things to receive his Mark and bear his Image Those Places or Persons must needs have yet been and be Subjects of the Prince of Darkness the God of this World who reigns and rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience To conclude We though this General Victory was obtained and holy Priviledges therewith and that the Holy Body was not Instrumentally without a Share thereof yet that both the efficient or chiefest Cause was the Divine Light and Life that so clearly discriminated and deeply wounded this Mystery of Iniquity and that none can be thereby benefited but as they come to experience that Holy Seed of Life and Mighty Arm of Power revealed to effect the same Salvation in each Particular Conscience which none can fail of who receive it first as a Light that manifesteth and reproveth every Evil Way and continues to walk up to all its holy Leadings VII But there is yet a further Benefit that accrueth by the Blood of Christ viz. That Christ is a Propitiation and Redemption to such as have Faith in it For though I still place the Stres●… of particular Benefit upon the Light Life Spirit revealed witnessed in every Particular yet in that general Appearance there was a general Benefit justly to be attributed unto the Blood of that very Body of Christ to wit that it did propitiate For however it might draw Stupendious Judgments upon the Heads of those who were Authors of that dismal Tragedy and dyed Impenitent yet doubtless it thus far turned to very great Account in that it was a most precious Offering in the Sight of the Lord and drew God's Love the more eminently unto Mankind at least such as should believe in his Name as his solemn Prayer to his Father at his leaving the World given us by his beloved Disciple
doth plainly witness For how can it otherwise be but that it should render God most propitious to all such as believe in Christ the Light of the World when it was but a letti●…g of his only begotten Son's Sufferings turn to their account that should ever believe in him Yet doubtless greatly did it influence to some singular Tenderness and peculiar l●…egard unto all such who should believe in his Name among other of his weighty Performances for the sake of that last and greatest of all his External Acts the resisting unto Blood for the Spiritual Good of the World thereby offering up his Li●…e upon the Cross through the Power of the Eternal Spirit that Remission of Sin God's Bounty to the World might be preacht in his Name and in his very Blood too as that which was the most ratifying of all his Bodily Sufferings And indeed therefore might it seem meet to the Holy Ghost that Redemption Propitiation and Remission should be declared and held forth in the Blood of Christ unto all that have right Faith therein as saith the Apostle to the Romans Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and to the Ephesians In whom we have Redemption through his Blood the Forgiveness of Sins c. because it implies a firm Belief that Christ was come in the Flesh and that none could then have him as their Propitiation or Redemption who withstood the Acknowledgement of and Belief in his Vi●…ible Appearance which John tells us some denyed and withstood 2. That he came in order to the Remission Redemption and Salvation of the World 3. That his so Dying was both an evident Token of his Love and strong Argument of Confirmation of his Message and Work 4. That it might the better end the Jews Services by an Allusion to the Way of their Temporary and Shadowy Sacrifices as the whole Epistle to the Hebrews showeth 5. And that by bringing through the holy Light in the Partic●…lar i●…to the Acknowledgment of and Belief in the Blood which was ratifying of that whole Appearance Men might be brought unto the knowing Christ after a more Inward and Spiritual Manner suitable to Christ's own Words It is the Spirit that quickens and the Apostle avers that the Lord from Heaven is that quickning Spirit by which Eternal Spirit he offered up himself without Spot Nor can any reasonably suppose that when Christ so spoak to his Disciples explanatorily of what he had obscurely and in Parables said to the Jews that he meant not something more hidden and Divine then what they and the Jews saw Yet that which hindred those Jews from the Knowledge or Benefit thereof was their Stumbling at him without a Confession unto whom they co●…ld never come into the Beholding or Experiencing of his Divine Life in them To conclude That Body was the Divine Lifes a Body hast thou prepared me therefore all that was done by that Body towards the Redemption of Man-kind was eminently the Divine Lifes yet because many times Actions are denominated from or appropriated to the Instrument as the next Cause though not the Efficient or most Eminent Cause therefore the Scripture speaks forth as indeed is the Propriety of both the Hebrew and Greek Tongues Parabol cally Hyberbolically Metaphorically the inward Substance and hidden Life of things by things more Exteriour and Obvious to the Sense to the End that such Mysteries might be the better accommodated to Vulgar Capacities Consider what I say with this Qualification that ultimately and chiefly not wholy and exclusively the Divine Life in that Body was the Redeemer For the Sufferings of that Holy Body of Jesus had an engaging and procuring Virtue in th●…m though the Divine Life was that Fountain from whence originally it came And as the Life declared and preached forth it self through that Holy Body so who did then come to the Benefit procured by the Divine Life could only do it through an Hearty Confession to it as appearing in that Body and that from a Sence first begotten by a Measure of the same in themselves This is the main Import of those Places Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation and in whom we have Redemption through Faith in his Blood For who is this H E whom God hath set forth and in whom is Redemption Certainly the same H E that was before Abraham the Rock of the Fathers that cryed Lo I come to do thy Will O God a Body hast thou prepared me which was long before the Body was conceived and born But may some say How is it then his Blood Why just as the Body is his Body Those who had Faith in that Blood believed his Visible Appearance inasmuch as they acknowledged that great Seal and Ratification of it to wit the Shedding of the Blood of His Body who came to save the World and who alone is the Propitiation Redemption and Salvation of all who had right Faith in that Appearance and Message so confirmed and therefore so often exprest by it as inclusive of all his whole Life and Sufferings beside And this is my Reason for it that it was impossible for any Man in that Day to confess to and believe in that Divine Light and Life which appeared in that prepared Body but from the Inward Discoveries and Operations of that Light with which Christ the Word-God who took Flesh had enlightened him However though the Apostles might then so express themselves thereby to assert and recommend unto the Faith of all that most Heavenly Manifestation and the great Love of Christ therein as the Visitation of the Heavenly Life through that prepared Body and the deep Sufferings of both for the World being True and Spiritual Witnesses thereof yet it was never intended that any should barely rest in that but press after the Knowledge of Christ by Faith in something farther and beyond that Body in which he appeared not excluding our Belief in that too They who knew Christ after the Flesh were to press after some more Spiritual Discovery of Him and who almost doted on his outward Manifestation it was expedient that they should be weaned from it to the End his more interiour and indeed beneficial Revelation of himfelf might be witnessed Faith in his Blood was requisite that they might confess him whose Body and Blood it was to be Christ who is God over all blessed for ever The great Question with the Jews Whether God was truly manifested in that Body of Flesh which they saw So that the Stress lyes in Confessing to the Divinity come in the Flesh otherwise they would have rejected not only the most signal Suffering of the whole Manifestation but consequently that It self To conclude we confess HE who then appeared was and is the Propitiation c. and in Him was Redemption obtained by all those who had such true Faith in his Blood But still it is to be understood that there must be
counts all such Faith and Worship Imagination made of Men or a meer lifeless Imitation He prefers one Sight begotten from a Sence of God's Work in the Heart beyond the longest Prayers in that State He leaves them all walks as a Man alone fearing to offer God a Sacrifice that is not of His own Preparing He charges all other Faiths and Worships with Insufficiency and meer creaturely Power which are not held and performed from an holy Conviction and Preparation by the Angel of God the Light of his Presence in the Heart and Conscience therefore goes he forth in the Strength of his God against the Merchants of Babylon Woes and Plagues are Rightly in his Mouth against those Buyers and Sellers of the Souls of Men He is Jealous for the Name of the Lord And therefore dares not speak Peace unto them neither can be put into their Mouths but testifies against all such Wayes Freely he received freely he gives Thus is this Man Unravel'd Unreligion'd Unbottom'd as to his former State wherein he was Religious upon Letter Form Mens Traditions Education and his own Imagination He is as a Man quite undone that he may be made what he should be Thus is he convinced of Sin and of Righteousness too and the Joy he once had when he girded himself and went whether he would is now turned into Sorrow and his Rejoycing into Ho●…ling He has beheld God in the Light and abhors himself in Dust and Ashes Sin that was pleasant once in the Mouth he finds bitter in the Belly and that which the World esteems worthy their Care he flies as a Man would do a Bear robbed of her Whelps Sin is become exceeding Sinful to him insomuch that he cries out who shall deliver him He labours greatly and is very heavy loaden He is not willing to fly in the Winter but is resolved to stand the Tryal For this Man not only brings his former Deeds to the Light and there suffers Judgment to pass upon them but patiently takes part in that Judgment who was so great an Accessory to them Nor doth his Obedience conclude with the Sentence given against past Sins and himself that committed them but most patiently endures the Hand of the Lord till his Indignation be overpast and till that which condemned Sin the Fruit hath destroyed the very Root of it which hath taken so deep hold in his Heart and the same Spirit of Judgment that condemned Sin be brought forth into perfect Victory over the very Nature and Power of Sin This Judgment is found in the Light therefore do the Sons of the Night reject the Knowledge of its Wayes and the Children of the Day joy greatly in its Appearance But neither is this all that makes up that Good Man who obeys the Light For a compleat Son of Light is one that has conquer'd and expel'd the Darkness 'T is true he was once Darkness but now Light in the Lord because he hath been turned from Darkness to the Light and from Satan's Power unto God who is Light it self and with him is his Fellowship continually This is the Man who in the Way of the Light hath met with the Inward Cleansing for having been purged by the Spirit of Judgment and the Spirit of Burning otherwise called the severe Reproofs Stroaks and Terrors of the Light in the Conscience he has ever a Watch set up in his Heart A Thought must not pass which has not the Watch-Word but at every Appearance he cries Stand if a Friend and owned o●… the Light who is the great Leader given of God for that Purpose then he lets It pass otherwise he brings It to the Commander of the Conscience who is to sit in Judgment upon It. Thus is Christ the Light King Judge and Lawgiver And by this he grows strong increaseth with the Increases of God Yet he often reads the Scriptures and that with much Delight greatly admiring the exceeding Love of God to former Ages which he himself witnesseth to be true in this and many things are opened to his Refreshment So is the Light the Just Man's Path that in every Age still shined brighter and brighter in which the cleansing Blood of Jesus Christ is felt to cleanse from all Sin Thus doth he bridle his Thoughts so that his Words and Actions offend not Above all he is often retired to the Lord loves Fellowship with him waits for dayly Bread not in his own Words Strivings or Will but emty of Thoughts or the Peace or Comfort that is drawn or imagined from thence he silently waits to feel the Heavenly Substance brought into his Soul by the Immediate Hand of the Lord for it is not fetching in this Thought or remembring the other Passage in Scripture or calling to Mind what has been formerly known but every Immediate Word that proceeds from out of the Mouth of God that can satisfie him In short He that obeyes the Light is thereby taught to deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts and to be Sober Righteous Patient Humble Meek Upright Merciful Forbearing Forgiving Peaceable Gentle Self-denying Constant Faithful and Holy because the Lord his God is Holy Thus have I given a brief Account as well what HE is not as what HE is that is Obedient to the Light within which is Christ's Appearance in the Heart whose Holy Blood is felt to Cleanse Attone and Save all those who believe and abide therein CHAP. VI. The Discourse hithertoo 〈◊〉 up and concluded with an Exhortation to all Professors of Religion esp●…cially our Opposers I Will sum up the whole of this Discourse into these few Heads I. That Salvation is to be saved from Sin first and Wrath consequentially He shall save them from their Sins II. That Christ the Word-God has enlightened all Mankind not only a●…ter his Coming in the Flesh but before And that the Light has ever been Sufficient as well as Universal to lead to God all such as have obeyed it as by its Properties and Effects is demonstrated III. That the Difference betwixt the Time of the Law and that of the Gospel as generally distinguisht was in Manifestation not in Nature God might be as much more propitiou●… and bou●…ti ui to the last Ages be it that they were better able 〈◊〉 receive such extraordinary Discoveries or that it wa●… the alone good Pleasure of his Soveraign Will as he was to the former Ages yet that he gave them a Sufficiency of the same Divine Light to conduct them through the World to Eternal Blessedness IV. That Jews and Creeks Heathens and Christians agree in this V. That still the Preheminence is given to Christ's Manifestation in Flesh both generally and particularly that being both the Fulness of Time and Fulness of Discovery which put an end to the Types and Figures and Car●…al Co●…mandements by shewing forth an Abrogation and Consu●…tion of them all in the Substance it self In which State they are not needed but in Comparison thereof
a certain Decision and if not a certain one then none to the Purpose Nor ought any Person no otherwise judged that is perswaded of the Truth of his Cause to let fall his Belief upon so fallible a Determination since he not only moves without Conviction but against Conviction And which is worse he is not ascertained of the Truth of what he is required to submit to Therefore of all People they are most condemnable who keep so great a stir about Religion and that sometimes use coercive Means to compass their designed Uni●…ormity and yet acknowledge to us they are not certain of their own Faith unless it be those who notwithstanding yield to such uncertain Imposers Since then the Judge must be infallible it will be worth our while to consider where ' this insallible Judge is to be found There is none Good but God said God himself when manifested in the Flesh that is originally or as of himself so truly there is none infaltible but God as of himself yet as the supream Good is communicated unto man according to measure so well sayes Bp. Lati●…er is there infallibility Certainty or Assurance of the Truth of things given to man according to Capacity otherwise men should be oblieg'd to believe and obey and that upon Damnation those things concerning which there can be no Certainty whether they be true or false Immanuel God with men as he is their Rule so their Judge he is the Law-giver and therefore the best Irterpreter of any Point that may concern his own Law and men are so far infallible as they are subject to his Voice Light or Spirit in them and no farther for humanum est errare Man is Errable Nor can any thing rescue him out of Error or preserve him from the Infections of it but the sound or certain Judgment God by his Light or Spirit within assists him with Obj. But is not the Scripture the Judge of Controversie Answ. How can that be since the Q●…estion most times arises about the Meaning of Scripture Is there any place tells us without all Interpretation whether the Socinian or Trinitarian be in the Right in their differing Apprehensions of the Three that bear Record c also the Homousian and Arrian about Christ's Divinity or the Papists or Protestants about Trans-substantiation If then things are undefined and undetermined I mean expresly in the Scripture and that the Question arises about the Sense of it doth the Scripture determine which of those Interpreters hit the Mark As this is absurd to think so must it be acknowledged that if Interpretation decide the Matter in Controversie not the Scripture but the Interpreter is the Judge Now this Interpreter must either interpret by his own meer Wisdom or Spirit called by the Apostle 1 Cor. 2. II. the Spirit of a Man who by weighing the Text consulting the Intent of the Writer comparing places together gives the Judgment which the Scripture cannot do or from the Spirit of God which gives Understanding as Job 3●… 8. and as the same Apostle saith searcheth the deep things of God If the first then a Fallible If the last then an Infal●…ible Judge I would sain know whether it was the Scripture or the Holy Ghost that presided among the Apostles when they were come together Acts 15. when they said It seemeth good to the ●…oly Chost and to us c. If the Holy Ghost give us a plain Scripture to prove we are to have another Judge now If not then we must have the same and consequently an Infallible Judge Obj. 'T is granted that the Spirit is Infallible But how shall I know that any man determines a thing by this Spirit and does not rather obtrude his own Sense upon us under that specious Pretence Answ. By the same Spirit As well said Gualt Cradock The Way to know whether the Spirit be in us is its own Evidence And that is the Way to know it in others too and the man hat hath the Spirit may know the Spirit in another There is saith be a kind of Sagacity in the Saints to this Purpose Which is also true in the Sense of abundance of P●…otestant Writers For as they held That no man could know the Scriptures but by the same Spirit so consequently that the same Spirit only could assure him of the Truth of the said I●…terpretation And Peter Martyr as before quoted tells us The Holy Ghost is the Arbiter or Judge Also D. J. Owen s●…ith That the Holy Ghost is the Only Authentick Interpreter of the Scripture I●… Authentick then Infallible if Infallible then the Judge of the Mind of Scripture is both an Only and an 〈◊〉 Judge But to wave this Does not the same Objection lie aga●…st the Sense of Scripture since one sayes this is the Sense and another that To know God's Mind men must come to God's Spirit else Difficulties of that sort are unsurmountable In short It were greatly to be wisht that all men would hold themselves unconcerned in disputing about what they have not received an Infallible Dictamen from the Holy Spirit upon since they beat but the Air and obtain no solid Satisfaction neither can they God never prostrates his Secrets to Minds disobedient to what they do already know Let all practise what they assuredly know to be their Duty and be sparing in their search after nice and unknown Matters Weighty and seasonable was and is the Apostle's Saying Nevertheless whereunto we have already attained let us walk by the same Rule where he both limits to the present Knowledge communicated and exhorts to live up to that and if any thing be further necessary God in due time will reveal it by his Spirit that gives to know discern and judge of the things that are of God Obj. But how will this determin the Controversie and allay the Fury of Debates on foot Answ. Nothing like it if man adhere to it and if he does not there is no way left but the Wrath that is to be reveal'd But most Perswasions are agreed about the absolute Necessaries in Religion from that Witness God has placed in man's Conscience viz. That God is That he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him That the Way of God is a Way of Purity Patience Meekne ss c. without which no man can see the Lord Nay they accord in some considerable Matters superadded as some of them speak to wit That God manifested himself extraordinarily in the Flesh that he gave his Life for the World that such as believe and obey his Grace receive Remission of Sins and Life Everlasting Now I say since these things men generally submit to let them live up hereunto and forbear wanton Scrutinies after Things or Notions that gender to Strife and Contention and leave not Mankind better but rather worse then they found them and the World would be soon rid of Controversie Holy Living and not Disputing would be the Business of
by thee in shunning those many Evils thou art checkt for and performing the good to which it excites thee thou wouldst both know and speak better of it then thou dost as that which both moves and leads in the Way to Salvation which is from Sin here and from Wrath hereafter and so unto Christ who is the Giver of it But it is probable thou thinkst thou art an elect Person and so in thy Presumption slites the Light within as not only Insufficient of it self to guide unto Salvation but also as a mis-guiding Light And this Doctrine herein opposeth thy Maker and his Universal good to Man-kind How then thinkest thou that the Rebellious can be left without Excuse or God be known to be clear when he judges Sect. V. The Dipper proved a Blind Guide and in gross Confusion in undervaluing the Light within T. H. DId the Light in Saul reprove him for persecuting the Church Doth not he himself confess that he verily thought he ought to do many things against the Name of Jesus Yea doth not Christ tell his Disciples that some would kill them and yet think they did God Service But how could they think so if this Light in them did reprove for it p. 8 9. Answ. Thou having asserted that there are some Sins which the Light reproves not among these thou instancest namely persecuting the Church doing many things against the Name of Jesus killing the Disciples and therefore concludes it no sufficient Rule O! thou blind Guide how darest thou thus accuse and undervalue the Light of Christ within contrary to thy many Concessions elsewhere Is Christ the Life and Light of men And yet does not his Light reprove Persecution and Murther If it reprove not these what are the Evils it checks for What rational Man cannot see thy manifest Folly herein thus to confound Persecutors evil Thoughts with the Light within and to conclude the Light within no sufficient Rule because of some mens Wickedness who have rebelled against the Light and therein thou hast put Darkness for Light And what were the Pricks that were hard for Saul to kick against And where was that Holy Ghost which the Persecutor alwayes resisted Act. 7 Their Envious and superstitious Minds and dark Thoughts were not the Light but such as clouded and obscured the Light in them yet the Kingdom of Heaven was in those Jews and so much divine Light in those Heathen as shewed them that there was a true and unknown God to be worshipped with sincere Hearts and pure minds and that in him we live and move and have our Being had they waited in that Light and listened to it they would both truely have known God his Way and Worship as some did If all things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light how dost thou exclude those gross Sins of Persecution and Murder from being reproved by the Light And why dost thou argue against it from mens persecuting and murtherous Thoughts which arise from their Enmity and Rebellion against the Light But further I argue against thee on the Behalf of the Light viz. That its manifesting all things that are reproved is in order to guide men out of all reprovable Wayes which if they be guided out of they are in their Duty For where man is not reproveable for any thing he is in his whole Duty and so in the right Way T. H. Did the Light in the Heathen-Philosophers check them for multiplying their Deityes and for not believing that Jesus is the Christ Or did it reprove them for their manifold Superstitions And were they thereby directed to the right Way of worshipping the true God I demand an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind c. p. 9. Answ. That which might be known of God which was manifest in the Heathen and which did open the Eyes of many clearly to see the eternal Power and God head Rom. 1. that was able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping the true God for the reason why many run into Superstition and to multiply Gods was because that when they knew God they Glorified him not as God but became vaine in their Imaginations Rom. 1. which was their Sin and not any Defect of the Light given them from above for that Light which gave them the Knowledge of the true God was therefore able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping him And whereas thou demandest an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind that hath been convinced or reproved for not believing Jesus to be the Christ by the meer Light within before any Light of Revelation was brought unto them p. 9. Thou still persists in thy dull course of begging the question while thou takest it for granted that the Light within is but a Creature or natural and so not any absolute revealing Light But this I cannot grant thee while it is revealing God and his eternal Power to man that waits in it However thou slites it under thy frequent Phrase Meer Light within though it be neither opposed to the Spirit nor Revelation as thou wouldst have it while it is Divine and Spiritual And that thousands of Man-kind are reproved for not believing in the Son of God is evident by the Spirit of Truth reproving the World of Sin because they believe not in the Son of God in that they do not believe in his Life or Light within they do not believe in him who is the Giver of it and therefore reproved by the Spirit and surely many Thousands are comprehended in this World of Unbelievers Sect. VI. His Ignorance of the Divine Principle T. H. I Grant that the Light in thee may reprove for those Sins the common Light in all Man-kind will not because thou hast borrowed much Light from the Scriptures p. 9. Answ. It s evident thou understands not the Principle of divine Light within from what thou hast borrowed from the Scriptures with thy Imaginations perverting them wherein is thy great Darkness thou egregiously mistakeest a litteral Notion and Historical Faith for the divine Light within which is given to all which is a pure Incorruptible and Unchangeable Principle of Life and Truth immediately given and shining from Christ the Eternal Word and not mens acquired Notions from the History of Christ's outward Manifestation in the Flesh. But in thy gross Ignorance thou exalts such Acquirements of men above the Principle of Light within And so mens Historical Profession of the Scriptures as their only Rule though they much differ in their meanings therein which they make their Rule many times above the Scriptures and above the Gift of God this is a great Error of you Litteral Professors Thou wouldst not be pleased should I alledge your various Opinions upon the Scriptures to prove them no sufficient Rule though thus thou art pleased contradictorily to deal with the Light within Had the Princes of this World obeyed the Light of Christ within they would not have crucified
the Lord of Glory for it would have given them a Sence and Knowledge of him there were those that grieved and vext the Holy Spirit within would it therefore be a good Argument to say that his Spirit was no sufficient Rule And to what thou sayst of Jesus Christ as come in the Flesh a Person prophesied of born at Bethlehem p. 11. we never said the Light in every man was Christ under these Considerations though Christ considered as the 〈◊〉 enlightens every man Spiritually and Divinely Both John the Baptist and John the Evangelist gave a higher Proof and Testimony of Christ then this you Baptists give When John Baptist said he is preferred before me for he was before me and John the Evangelist saith In the beginning was the Word c. this was Christ. Sect. VII His Madness and Self-Contradiction about the Light TOuching our obeying the Commands of the living Word in us for this thou accuseth us with a mental and mystical Reservation which thou sayst indeed is no other then a meer mystical Romance p. 10. For which the Lord rebuk ethy Prophaneness and Irreligious romancing against the Word and Light within Also thy Blasphemy is very manifest in accusing what we said of the Light within as to the Miracles Wonders or Works wrought by it to be no more then what the Apostle spake of the man of Sin 2 Thes. 2. 9. and also what may as well prove Mahomet to be the true Christ as the Light in us p. 11 12. Here again thou actest the Part of a Bedlam against the Light in us which else-where thou hast confest to be Christ for that he is the Life and Light of Men and is not this Christ the Messiah They that have believed in his Light within and so truely made Tryal of it do know that wrought by it which never was wrought either by the man of Sin or Mahomet for to believe in this Light is the Way to become Children of it the Way to see Darkness and the Power of it to vanish and so to have Sathan overcome by the Power of Christ received in the Light and this did never the Man of Sin nor Mahomet therefore thy Instance herein is most Blasphemous And if we be accountable for every Dispensation of Light according to its kind and degree p. 13. of what kind is this Dispensation of Light that 's given in common unto Mankind thou hast sufficiently answered to thy own utter Overthrough in pag. 36. viz. T. H. Yet all this is no Disparagement to the Light within to say that God doth make any thing more known of his Will than is or can be known by this meer Light within for 't is but to say that each degree of Light is serviccable to its End Reply Where now Mark that the Difference about the Light that is given in common to all and more peculiarly manifest to some is not in the Nature and Kind of it but in Degree and surely the Degrees of the Light do not alter the Property of it The divine Light is one and the same Throughout all Ages both in the time of the Law Prophets of Christ coming in the flesh which was to exalt his mannifestation in Spirit And now in the fulness of time shining forth in a more glorious and powerful Manifestation the same Light hath shined forth more and more throughout the several dispensations of God which were all for the Exaltation and bringing forth of the Light in its degrees and Manifestations of Glory and Power But what Account wilt thou give to God for thy so much undervaluing that Degree of Light that he hath given unto all Mankind as thou hast done One while in judging it a misguiding Light another while comparing our Tstimony of it to the man of Sin Mahomet c. Another while it is so dis-esteemed by thee as not sufficient to discover or reprove Persecution and killing the Disciples and yet we must be acountable to God for it What mean and confused Thoughts thou hast of it the Impartial Reader may easily judge by the tenor of this thy most contradictory Discourse But they who experienced the Increase of Light in them the Superaddition of divine Revelation p. 12. the shining of the Light more and more unto the perfect Day their being changed from Glory to Glory it was through the diligent Improvement of that Degree of Light that sure Word of Prophesie shining in their hearts and not by opposing and disparaging of it as thou hast done in thy Pride and Darkness which covers thee who art one that stumbles at the Ingrafted Word through thy Disobedience In which thou wouldst have us to believe the Light within to be not sufficient to guide unto Salvation while thou hast not followed it to experience the good End of its Guidance as we have done Thou pretends to know what it cannot do but ●…elst us not what it can do and to what end it will lead if truely obeyed Nor what will become of those that improve it who have not the Scriptures or Historical Relation of Christ as come in the Flesh wherein thou art deficient and difingenuous in all thy Work Sect. VIII Christ as the Rock of Ages and the Intent of his coming in the Flesh not known to Baptists while they oppose his Light within T. H. JEsus Christ was a Person of whom there were many Prophesies which should be fulfilled in him p. 11. If this Light within be the true and only Christ then why was there so many Sacrifices in the time of the Law tipifying Christ to come since Moses and the rest of the Children of Israel had a Light in them If you say the Light within was not the Messiah then you deny your Principle If it were what Significancy could there be in those Types respecting Christ to come p. 12. Answ. Thou thinkst thou hast caught us in a learned Dilemma here but what amounts the tenour of it to but to tell us either that the true Christ was not in being in Moses and Israels time or that he was not in them for if he were thou questionest what Significancy could there be in those Types But here thou art very dark for though Christ's Manifestation did differ both in degree and manner of Appearance and though when in the Fulness of time he came to fulfil the Prophesies and Types of him the Power and Glory of the Father was more fully and eminently and signally manifest in him then in any before and the Light more shone forth exemplarily in him yet it follows not that the true Christ was not in being in Moses and in the Prophets time or that his Light was not in some Degree manifested both before under and since the Law If the true Christ was in being and in any degree manifest his Light needs must but the true Christ was in being from Everlasting and in time universally shining and manifest in some degree
throughout all the Generations of the Righteous since the World began being the Rock of Ages that spiritual Rock whereof all Israel drank 1 Cor. 10. 4. who said before Abraham was I am this great and most eminent Prophet God promised to raise up unto Israel of their Brethren which was in a more familiar Appearance even in the Flesh though his spiritual Out-goings were before from of old and he was called the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Rev. 3. 14. who faith behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me ver 20. Now I ask what and where is that Door that he so universally knocks at And is not this the true Christ that thus knocketh And was not his Light or Word in Israels Hearts and his Spirit in the Holy Prophets by which they fore-saw his Coming in the Flesh his Sufferings and Glory that should follow Now though the pure Light and Glory of the Father was more fully eminently and signally then ever before manifest and shining forth in him as coming in the fulness of time to consummate and end the Types and Shadows of the first Covenant whereby he gave a more eminent and signal Testimony of God's Universal Love and Power to man this is no Argument to prove that either the true Christ or his Universal Light was not in being and in some degree discovered before for without this no Soul could ever be saved it was his divine Light that could minister Life unto the Soul and not Shadows Sect. IX The Dipper plung'd in a Laborinth of self-Contradictions and the Light within proved a Rule above the Scriptures T. H. IT will be our Wisdom yea our Duty not only to attend the Light within but specially to those Revelations of God's Mind and Will in the Holy Scriptures p. 13. Answ. In thy granting its part of our Duty to attend to the Light within thou hast plainly contradicted thy Blasphemy in opposing it in other places as a mis-guiding Light and comparing it with the Man of Sin Mahomet c. and judging our following its Conduct as a subverting and anihilating the Covenant of Grace and that this Light doth directly oppose it and ought to be rejected as appears p. 38. Is it part of our Duty to attend upon that that subverteth and opposeth the Covenant of Grace O! that thou wouldst consider and see thy Blasphemy and what a Laborinth of Contradictions thou art fallen into as also in thy Concession of attending to the Light within thou art defective whilst thou dost not place the special Attention to be upon it but upon the Scriptures whereas the Light within is specially to be attended to as that which both opens the Understanding in the Scriptures and discovers the several Conditions which they relate to otherwise men are apt to pervert and mis-apply the Scriptures to their own Destruction turning the Truth of God into a Lye as they did who turned their Backs upon the Manifestation of God in them Rom. 1. 19 21 25. T. H. I conceive enough hath been said to evince that the Light in every man neither is the true Christ nor a sufficient Rule to guide us unto Salvation p. 13. Answ. While Thou are following thy own Conceptions thou dost not follow the Guidance of the Light of Christ within and therefore conceivest amiss of it for it is a true and perfect Rule unto which he that loveth doth truth cometh and bringeth his Deeds that they may be manifest that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. it is a convincing Rule that pure and inward Law or Light which converts the Soul It doth not onely convict man of Sin but upon Repentance evidenceth unto him Remission And this doth not the Scriptures without to men particularly though they testify of the several Conditions which the Light guides the Soul through The Scriptures testifie against all Sin but do not shew unto men their particular Sins many read the Scriptures who over-look the Deceits of their own Hearts but if they Eye this Light of the Son of God within it will manifest unto them their particular Evils and shew them their Thoughts Motions and Actions and the Tendance of each so do not the Scriptures they cannot of themselves convince any as the divine Light can And this divine Light within discovers all the Temptations and mysterious Workings and Depths of Satan to that Soul that waits in it as they are met withall and as Satan attempts to insnare that the Soul may shun his Snares and Wiles upon all Occasions and in all Tryals and this does not the Letter without This Light within also as a perfect and immediate Rule of Faith directs the Soul in all the Operations of Faith against all the Innumerable Temptations and Tryals and Besetments of the Enemy and it opens an Inward Eye of Faith and is the Immediate Guide to see him who is Invisible through all but so is not the Scripture All which being seriously considered the Light within is the Rule of Faith and not the Scripture But if it be objected That the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith is not intended without the Help of the Spirit or divine Light in the Soul I answer This granteth that the Scriptures are not the Rule of Faith alone therefore that they are not to be taken as the Intire Rule of Faith they not being effectual without the Spirit whereas the Spirit is effectual without the Scriptutes and able of it self to lead into all Truth The Spirit or Heavenly Unction considered as a higher Degree Gift or Effusion of divine Life than that degree of Light that is given in common to all is attained unto only by those that faithfully improve the Life or Light in its less Appearance which in some degree appears in every man's Conscience T. H. I query whether all the Generations of Christians since Christ's time until within these very few Years be not eertainly lost and damned forasmuch as they acknowledged not this Light within as the true Christ p. 12. Answ. This shews thou hast very little Sense of all the Christians and their Acknowledgments who thus queriest of them Did not they acknowledge Christ in them the Immortal Word of Life and Light in them And was not Christ both their Life Light and Salvation And was not the Apostle Paul sent to turn the Gentiles from Darkness to Light And did not all the true Ministers preach Christ as God's Covenant given for a Light and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth But in thy dark Thoughts thou seest not the Drift of rheir Testimony but queriest whether all the Generations of Christians till within these few Years be not certainly lost and damned And yet thou wouldst be accounted a Christian in this thy Unchristian Work Sect. X. The Subject Understanding and Obeying
leave to receive the reward of thy work at the hand of God who is just will not let the guilty go unpunished Whereas thou T. H. seemest offended at us for saying Christ is within in whom as such we have living Faith as opposed to their Faith who know not him within but expect to be saved as believing in a Person without them as thy Phrase is p. 44. It appears this is the manner of thy Expectation and Belief expecting to be saved by Jesus as a Person without thee though thou hast no real Knowledge of him as such But it is to be minded how plainly before thou hast contradicted thy Faith as thus declared where in thy 24th page upon 2 Corinth 5. 16. thou dost thus paraphrase viz. Though I Paul when a Jew and in my unconverted State only knew Christ after a fleshly manner to be a King of the Jews and to deliver only from outward Bondage and Captivity yet henceforth from the time of my Conversion I know him so no more for now I know him according to that design of infinite Grace and Love which he came to carry on in the World in being a Saviour of Sinners from Sin Death and Hell which before I knew not Thus far thou Mark here thy Contradiction is plain one while believing in and expecting to be saved by him as a Person without another while from the Time of my Conversion I know him no more after a fleshly manner for now my Knowledge of him in being a Saviour from Sin c. is not after a fleshly manner but according to the design of infinite Grace and Love From whence it follows that he is not now known to be the absolute Saviour from Sin as a Person without or as considered after a fleshly manner but after a spiritual though he was truely a Saviour in the Dayes of his Flesh by the Power of the Father by which the Saving Work alwayes was and is inwardly effected And indeed his going away or dis-appearing after the Flesh was that his Appearance and Knowledge after the Spirit might be the more revealed and the Disciples might the more know and rely upon the Comforter even Christ's Spiritual Appearance within Sect. XIX The End of Christ's Coming Example and Suffering more truely owned by the Quaker then the Dipper AGain thy implying by Way of Question as if we owned that the Word did take Flesh and that the Flesh was crucified for no other End and Purpose then meerly to be an Example p. 47. is very false against us for our owning Christ in the Flesh to be a living Example does not argue that he took Flesh and was crucified for no other End and Purpose then meerly to be an Example for he came into the World both to bear witness to the Truth to shew Light to do the Works the Father sent him to do to war against the Power of Darkness and Wickedness to exalt the Divinity the Power of the Father and to glorifie him upon Earth to pass through and fulfil the first Covenant and end the Shadows thereof and to set up the new and the living Way that the second Covenant or Testament might be established and confirmed that the Living Ministry thereof might have its free Course being inforced above and beyond all the former Types Shadows and Vails under the first Covenant And so in offering himself up freely both to do his Fathers Will and to suffer for Man-kind he gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified of in due time As also he was an eminent Example and Pattern of Innocence and Piety through all which they that slite his Example have no Benefit in his Sacrifice nor are concerned in the Ends thereof otherwise then to their own Condemnation for Christ's Innocency and Righteousness even in the Dayes of his Flesh as openly manifest do both judge and condemn all the Hypocritical Professors of Christianity who refuse following his Example while they are applying the Ends of his Coming and Suffering Sect. XX. The Baptist's Ignorance and Cavil about Redemption and the Spiritual Discoveries of Christ and his Seed WHereas thou makest a peice of thy Dialogue p. 47. run thus viz. Qua. He viz. Christ comes to work Redemption Christi I query for whom or what did he work this Redemption Qua. There is a Seed to which the Promise of Redemption is which only wants Redemption Thus Nayler in his Book Love to the Lost. Answ. Thou perverts his Words for they are not That this Seed only wants Redemption but wherein only it s seen and received viz. that in the promised Seed Redemption is only seen and received by Man or the Creature as he fully after explains Chr. Nayler saith that Christ is the Election and the Elect Seed and Fox in his great Mystery the Seed hath been laden c. which Seed is the Hope Christ. Answ. If God was so prest as a Cart with Sheaves and his Spirit grieved by mens Sins is it otherwise with his Seed in them And it thou wert not willfully blind and hardened thou wouldst not raise such a Consequence from the Words before perverted by thee while the Scripture mentions the Seed under a two-sold Consideration 1st As to Christ to whom the Promises originally are as being Heir of all 2ly As to the Children of Promise the Children of the Kingdom the true Believers who are truely Israel and of Abraham's Seed according to the Faith Now know that Christ the promi ed Seed hath entred into Sufferings and Travel of Soul to bring forth his Seed as it s written He shall see his Seed he shall see of the Travel of his Soul and shall be satisfied So he came not to redeem or save himself as absurdly thou infers but to bring forth and redeem a Seed which shall serve him and be counted for a Generation And the Life of Christ as manifest in mortal Flesh hath pertaken of the Afflictions of the Upright in all Ages and the Spirit of God is grieved the just Principle oppressed and offended with mens Iniquities and Transgressions So Christ considered as a Seed and in that low Estate is capable of being formed in man both of being raised up in man by the Power of the Father of growing up as a tender Plant and as a Root out of dry Ground and so of receiving Power and Help from him as indeed every Seed that 's sown and every Plant that takes Root is capable of receiving Vertue and Nourishment according to its kind or else it cannot be quickned to Life grow or bring forth Fruit And such a Growth of the immortal Seed was both in Christ and in his People which must be owned if the Seed of the Kingdom within and the Spiritual Birth or forming of Christ within or he as a Seed or Plant of Renown be known and owned or a Suffering Crucifying Dying and Living with Christ be witnessed by man For Christ's Suffering Cross Death Resurrection
Life and Dominion are spiritual known in the true Believer who is of that Seed which Christ took upon him yea his spiritual begetting spiritual forming in man and spiritual birth is known within and all for the Redemption and Salvation of man to God or else he falls short o●… L●…e and Glory and he that brings up the Soul out of the horrible Pit first descends thither And though it s not true to say he only comes to redeem raise up or save himself yet it may be truely said he doth arise to scatter his Enemies and to bring man out of the Pit and in conquering his Enemies his own 〈◊〉 brings Salvation to him Isa. 63. 5 9. And thus saith the Lord in an acceptable time have I heard thee and in a day of Salvation have I helped thee and I will preserve thee and give thee for a Covenant of the People to establish the Earth that thou mayst say to the Prisoners go forth and to them that sit in Darkness shew your selves Isa. 49. 8 9. which Promise is of a general Extent So mark here He that redeemeth the Prisoner and calleth forth them that are in Darkness he hath his help of God that sent him we are not to conclude that he helps not others because he is helped himself And Christ's Sufferings both inward and outward for they were two-sold were for man's Benefit as is testified in the said Book Love to the Lost accused by thee The Creature is blessed of God for the Seeds Sake and Redemption from the vain Conversation as Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity c. So if thou wert thus redeemed thou needst not enquire for the Subject of Redemption nor accuse others for owning the Seed of God both in an oppressed State and as raised up by the Eternal Power and Glory of the Father for wor thy is the Lamb that was slain from the Foundation of the World to receive Power and Wisdom and Glory and Might c. However T. H. slites our Testimony of the Seed of God within as in several States and so the spiritual Resurrection of Christ in man his Brother H. G. confesseth thereto in his Book p. 54. where he saith Praises and Halelujahs to God for ever who hath given us that Witness in our selves of which thou speakest that we can experience the Power of Christ's Spiit risen in us for our Sanctification and Renovation as well as Christ was raised from the Dead c. Thus far H. G. Is it not here evident that he hath confest to Christ's arising in man for man's Restoration What thinkst T. H. of this Is this Canting or Gibberish as his Words are against us p. 47. Moreover as the elect Seed is spoken of in the Scripture both with respect to Christ the Anointed and with respect to his Seed and Heritage so also the Seed is Christ not only as in himself a●…ointed with the Oyle of Gladness above his Fellows but also as in Union and Conjunction with his Church or Members As the Body is one and hath many Members so also is Christ and so Christ and the Body comprehensively is one he is the Anointed and we are anointed in him and he that hath anointed us is God By all which it is understood that we are Partakers of the Life Redemption and Priviledge that is in Christ as we are in him and grow up in him so that all our Opposers Cavils which render our Principle as only including Christ and God in the Redemption and not man do fall to the Ground as Groundless and Frivilous As for his groundless Cavills in his p. 48. The little Understanding he hath either of the Measure of God's Gift his Seed within or of Redemption by Christ the Elect Seed is very intelligible from the Tenour of his impertinent and contradictory Discourse throughout his Pamphlet By all which we see the Nature of his pretended Christianity and how Un-christian he is in his appar●…nt Oppositions against the divine Light and Seed within Sect. XXI The Baptist's Imperfect Work against Perfection COncerning Persection which we say is attainable in this Life he attempteth to confute us though very feebly here as will appear T. H. I perceive you are forced as much as any others to borrow from the Scriptures without which you can no more prove any thing either concerning Christ or Perfection then a meer Indian p. 49. Answ. Touching which it appears while thou grantst something for Perfection we proved from Scriptures how consistent with this thy after Work is against Perfection will ●…rther be manifest But while thou concludes that we can prove no more of Perfection then a meer Indian without the Scriptures How agrees this with thy former confessing that Man was alwayes under an Obligation that God's Soveraignity over him and his Inferiority unto God might be acknowledged Now if this be truely to be acknowledged by Man or Mankind in general why are Indians excluded And if God's Soveraignity over man and man's Subjection thereto be known doth not this extend to Perfection If either the Rule be perfect that thus obligeth man or if in God's Rule Power or Soveraignity as over man be Perfection which we affirm is able to evince it self where true Fear and Subjection to God is lived in or Sincerity and Uprightness towards him retained Though to such as thou art who opposes Sin-less Perfection as attainable in this Life there is a need especially of producing Scriptures to prove it while you pretend a Belief of them for the perfect Light or Gift of God within you do not believe in Yet thou hast granted to Perfection as sincere and upright p. 50. and is not this Perfection of Sincerity and Uprightness without Sin Were it good Doctrine to say that Persection as it respects the Sincerity and Uprightness of Saints is sinful But that a perfect Freedom from all Sin in this Life is attainable we intend is by the all-sufficient Power of Christ and no true Christian doth dissent from us herein Nor doth this cause either Pride or Presumption as thou falsly insinuates but the contrary Sin-pleasing Doctrine that 's for Imperfection and Sin while in this Life And while thou confessest a holy Fear Humility Watchfulness and Industrious Endeavours to persevere in a Holy Course to the End p. 50. Either thou dost hereby grant Perfection or a perfect Freedom from all Sin attainable in this Life or else thou excitest People to be industrious and endeavour for that which thou believest is not attainable which is as much faithless Inconsistency as to say use your industrious Endeavours to persevere in a holy Course that is sinless to the End but it is not attainable Were not this a sad and Heartless Way of Preaching to put People upon Impossibilities Again upon Phil. 3. 15. as many as are perfect be thus minded Thou sayst By Perfection no more can be understood in this Text then
Heaven I say yes and these three are one and is not Christ the Saviour that Word which is one of the three which are but one divine Being Thing or Substance though revealed under several Considerations and Diversities of Manifestations and Degrees of Discoveries yet all one divine Life and Being as God is the Word the Life the Light and so is Christ and the holy Spirit is Life to the Righteous and so is Christ the Way the Truth and the Life In him was Life and the Life the Light of Men the Life affordeth Light to all and the Light Life to all that obey it and in it follow Christ such receive the Light of Life and come to walk in the Light of the Living as the Light of Life is received unto Justification and Peace the holy Spirit is received in that glorious Ministration as Comforter after a State of Desolation and Sorrow of whom Christ said He shall receive of mine and shew it unto you Joh. 16. 13. H. G. Did the true Saviour die on the Cross or not Answ. Yes as concerning the Flesh but not as concerning the Spirit or most noble Principle by which he was impowred to his Work of Salvation H. G. I affirm once again That neither the Comforter viz. the holy Spirit nor the Deity of our Lord Jesus distinct from his Manhood or human Nature could be the Saviour and Mediator which dyed on the Cross c. pag. 7. Answ. This is a meer impertinent Shuffle to prove the holy Spirit could not be the Saviour he now tells us that neither the holy Spirit nor the Deity distinct from his human Nature as he calls it could be the Saviour that dyed who of us ever affirmed that his Deity or holy Spirit dyed But seeing the holy Spirit or Deity dyed not with the Flesh of Christ that was crucified then the whole Saviour did not dye but what he calls the human Nature But if we take his Words according to his Doctrine before for Proof that the holy Spirit or Comforter cannot save or be the Saviour only thus viz. Neither the Comforter the holy Spirit nor the Deity of our Lord Jesus distinct from his Manhood or human Nature could be the Saviour This were all one as to tell us that God cannot be the Saviour or that God cannot save if the holy Spirit or Deity be God he should rather have said that the Manhood could not save without the holy Spirit divine Power or Deity which alone is sufficient and only that which is felt and experienced in Man to effect his Salvation and Deliverance from the Power of Sin and Satan Ye are my Witnesses saith the Lord and my Servants whom I have chosen that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Saviour Isa. 43. 10 11. There is no God else beside me a Just God and a Saviour Chap. 45. 21. And we both labour and suffer Reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Saviour of all men specially of those that believe 1 Tim. 4. 10. And how is God especially known to be the Saviour but in saing man from Sin Unrighteousness and all Guile I will mention the loving Kindness of the Lord c. For he said Surely they are my People Children that will not lye so he was their Saviour Isa. 63. 7 8. Now consider whether it be not grosly erroneous to suppose the holy Spirit o●… Deity cannot save or is so deficient distinct or in it self whereas though God was manifest in Flesh God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself the Divinity and human or earthly Nature were alwayes distinct and is not God omnipotent To the only wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power now and ever Amen V. How the Light in Man is a Gift and H. G' s distinction between the Meritorious and instrumental Cause of Salvation examined H. G. ARt thou not able to distinguish between the Giver and the Gift between the Fountain and the Stream p. 7. Answ. Yes I do distinguish between the Giver and the Gift between the Fountain and the Stream between the Fulness and the receiving thereof Grace for Grace bu●… while the Distinction between God and the Gift of his Spirit or between Christ and his Light within seems to be no more then between the Fountain and the Stream how grosly erroneous is it to conclude either that the Spirit cannot be Saviour or that the Light of Christ is not saving For that 's all one as to say that either the Stream is not the same Water with the Fountain or that the Stream cannot wash because not the Fountain or Fulness who in his right Wits will believe this H. G. But again it appears thou distinguishest not between the meritorious Cause of man's Salvation and the Instrumental the killing of the Sacrifice and the sprinkling of the Blood c. p. 7. 8. Answ. Where doth the Scripture make this Distinction or say that the killing of the Sacrifice which he must mean of Christ is the meritorious Cause of man's Salvation Such like blind distinctions are fit to darken Knowledge and blind Peoples Minds and how gross and unchristian is it to place such a Merit or Worth upon that murtherous Act of killing the Sacrifice if he mean Christ as his Discourse implies For though Christ Jesus by that inherent Holiness and original Righteousness and Grace of God in him offered and gave himself up to suffer and tasted Death for every Man yet the crucifying and killing him according to the Flesh was an Act of Murtherers and Persecutors who by wicked Hand put him to death so that the Dignity and Worth was in Christ and on his Part through all his Sufferings and not in the Act of killing him by wicked Hands nor on their Parts howbeit the Sufferings and Death of Christ were of great value with the Father and his Power did appear through all to the bruising the Serpents Head And if it be the Work of the Spirit to sanctifie and renew us is not this a saving Work And doth not this bring us to receive the Attonement and to enjoy Peace Who follow and obey this Spirit for a Reconciliation through the Death of Christ and being saved by his Life and so the Work of Christ in saving and redecming man from Iniquity and in making Attonement Peace and Union between God and Man however these be directly pointed at made way for by the Suffering and Death of Christ yet they were inwardly revealed effected and fulfilled by the Spirit or Life of Christ where the Word of Reconciliation is received in the Heart For Christ's Appearance and Suffering in the Flesh did really and directly point at those spiritual Ends which are for man's Eternal Advantage to be fulfilled by his Appearance in Spirit VI.
It is a vile and wicked thing to say it is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God the great Prophet God promised to raise up 2. It is a vile Error to say it is the holy Spirit or blessed Comfortor for that Christ s●…ith the World could not receive Answ. H. G. should have been so ingenuous as to have cited the Quakers Books and pages first to prove these to be their Doctrines and Principles and that in their own very Words before he had so severely charged their Doctrines and Principles about the Light of Christ in every man which till he doth I must deny him to be either an impartial or true Stater of our Principles and state them in our own Words as 1st We confess that Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightens every Man with his own divine Light or Life which gradually appears in Man and shews it self by Measure but God gave not the Spirit by Measure unto Jesus Christ the great Prophet therefore we do not call every Appearance of Light the whole Christ And according to H. G's Definition of Jesus Christ as consisting of human Flesh and Bone he is not in any Man but we knowing him after the Spirit and that he is God over all he is spiritually in his Saints in Union with them and known to them and his Presence is unlimitted he was in the World and the World knew him not whose Presence enlightens Man-kind with an immedia●…e Light from himself which is able to reveal Christ himself as he is only peculiarly revealed in the Saints who have obeyed his Light 2. The Gift Enjoyment and indwelling of the holy Spirit as Comforter is a peculiar and glorious Manifestation of Life only received by those that obey the Measure of that spiritual and divine Light within which is freely given of God to all wherein they tha●… wait upon God obtain more Power and Vertue from him who giveth the holy Spirit to them that truly ask him from a Sence of its Vertue and Light within in which they are only capable of receiving the powrings forth of the holy Spirit and abundant Shedding thereof on them as those that receive the Measure of his Discovery or Appearance in them And though the rebellious World doth not receive or accept of this holy Spirit nor see his Glory as an indwelling Comforter yet some enlightning Appearances and Operations thereof do at times reach the men of the World to their Conviction and Reproof often striving with Man to perswade him out of his Sins and Iniquities And if the holy Spirit be God his Spirit is unlimitable filling Heaven and Earth c. Whether shall I go from thy Spirit or whether shall I flee from thy Presence see Psa. 139. 7 8 9. and his Presence is to Man an enlightning Presence and Thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things therefore thou chasteneth them measurably by putting them in remembrance of the things wherein they have offended that leaving Wickedness they may believe in thee O Lord. 3. H. G. Abominable it is to say 't will cleanse from all Sin and eternally save those that obey it p. 18. Answ. The Life which is the Light of Men is both cleansing saving in the least degree of it to them that obey it and it doth not in the least deny Christ to be the Saviour to say that his Life or Light in Man is saving being divine and that by which the obedient come to know and follow Christ and thereby receive the Light of Life and Power to become the Sons of God and the Kingdom of God which Christ said is within you is compared to a little Leaven a grain of Mustard-Seed which therefore hath a seasoning and growing Vertue in it he said believe in the Light that ye may be the Children of the Light and this Light Men ought to walk in of which it s said as yet ye have a little Light in you as some read it walk while ye have the Light and in walking in the Light the Blood of Jesus Christ is received which cleanseth from all sin 1. Were it not a vile Error for any to affirm that that Life which is the Light of Men is neither Divine nor a Saving Light of Christ or Holy Spirit in any Degree of it 2. And art not thou H. G. vile and wickedly erronious to give out such Language as This Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ that appears blasphemously to reflect upon the Light and Power within as before in calling it a Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ to cry up Light and Power within And now to refuse believing in the Light which enlightens every Man that cometh into the World for Life and Salvation p. 19 though it be the Word which is Christ that so enlightneth every Man XI His sad and impious Prayer against the Light in all which Light is proved of the same Nature or kind with the Witness in Believers H. G. GOd forbid that I should ever own their Principle of Light in all that doth so clearly tend to the racing out the grand Fundamentals of the Gospel p. 52. H. G. Contrad Praises and Hallelujah to God for ever who hath given us that Witness in our selves of which thou 〈◊〉 est p. 54 55. which Witness his Sister spake of was the Light which reproves for Sin to own and believe in the Light that enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World p. 8. and 29. G. W. Animad See what a sad pass these men are grown to and what kind of Prayers they offer to God against his own Light and witness within and how contrary to the Gospel Spirit and Light they are H. G. Rep. G. W. belics both me and my Sister in what he saith here for the Witness she spoke of is not the Light which reproves for Sin which is in every one that cometh into the World though I confess she bids me believe in the Light that reprov●…s for Sin which lighteth every one that cometh into the World 〈◊〉 contrary-wise she mentioned the Words of the Apostle John 1 Joh. 5. 10. He that believeth hath the Witness in himself p. 19. To this I answer Let all moderate and impartial Readers both thy Sister and others judge whether I have belyed thee or her in this Matter And how quarelsome and peevish thou art could she intend contrary-wise or another of this Witness of God then of that Light which enlightneth every one that cometh into the World Thou shouldst have asked thy Sister if she doth not own the true Light that enlightens every Man and the Witness o●… Word which he that believeth hath in himself to be one and the same And hast not thou confest that Christ AS the Eternal Word enlightens every Man which he that believeth hath in himself as having through the Light given received Christ the faithful and true Witness who stands at the door of Man's Heart and knocketh so as in
true Union with him and Knowledge of him to experience his Indwelling as he dwelleth in us and we in him if we keep his Commandments and thus the true Believer hath the Witness in himself which that thou mightst experience was thy Sister 's wholsom Advice to thee to believe in the Light that reproves for Sin which enlightens every one that cometh into the World and so thou mightst in Love and Humility have received the Witness in thy self which if thou hadst obeyed thou durst never have prayed so wickedly as God forbid that ever I should own their Principle of the Light in all contrary to thy pretended Praises and Hallelujah to God for the Witness within neither co●…ldst thou have opposed the Witness in the Believer to the Light which reproves for sin which enlighteth every man as thou hast done H. G. This Witness through Grace I in measure do Experience not that I believe in that Light which every man that cometh into the World is inlightened with for Life and Salvation that is insufficient c. pag. 19. Answ. If thou rejectest the Gift or Measure of the Light or Life of Christ within thou rejectest the saithfull Witness Christ the Giver and canst not know him to be thy Saviour while thou art disobedient to his Light within and Christ and his Light in man are so inseperable that he who obeys and believes in his Light within he and his Faith must needs have a dependance upon Christ the Enlightner who is the Object Author and Finisher of Faith and so upon God who is the Fountain of Light who shineth in man's heart to give the knowledge of his Glory in the Face of his Son and hereby is the benefit of him as the one Offering and the vertue of his Blood known that both Sanctifies and makes Perfect XII His Groundless Comparison and Distinction between the Light of God in Man and the Light of Christ or Gospel further Refuted ANd whereas in thy other Book from Rom. 1. 19. and Chap. 2. 14 15. thou callest the Law or Light of God in men The Law or Light of the Moon to Guide their Paths by which they are taught their duty to God in morrals but understand nothing of the glorious Mystery of the Gospel pag. 6●… To this I Answer 1. Those Gentiles mentioned in Rom. 1. had a Sight and Knowledge of the Invisible things of God even his Eternal Power and God-head ver 19 20. was this but the Light of the Moon and was there nothing of the Gospel or Mystery of it in this whereas the very reason of their becoming foolish vain in their Imaginations darkned and reprobated in their minds was that because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God ver 21. they did not like to retain God in their knowledge ver 28. Therefore if they had continued in the Light given them glorified him as God and retained him in their knowledge they had been preserved unto Salvation out of that dark reprobate state and out of those gross evils which they fell into 2. Those Gentiles mentioned Rom. 2. 15. were accused or excused according to that Light or Law of God in their hearts and the secrets of them and all men to be Judged by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel but could this be or were it Just if there were no Law nor Light of Jesus Christ and Gospel given men are they and their secrets to be judged by a Law or Light which they never had in secret for my Part I know none so gross and partial as to affirm it on any serious Thoughts or Consideration 3. If the Light of God and his Knowledge be but the Light of the Moon and the Light of Christ the Light of the Sun how doth he demonstrate this difference between God and Christ and the Light of each and wherein the Glory of the one so far exceedeth the other or can any suppose there is a Light proceeding from Christ as man that so far excels the Light flowing from him as he is God or the Eternal Word as the Light of the Sun doth the Light of the Moon what Scripture hath H. G. for this distinction are not God and Christ and holy Spirit One and one Eternal Light and Fulness in their own Being and so the Light immediately shining or flowing thence unto man's Heart and Conscience one Divine Light though manifest by degrees and in several measures being still one in kind in man And this which H. G. calleth the Law or Light of the Moon is granted to be 1st The Light of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word 2dly That which may be known of God manifest in men 3dly That Light which gives the Light and Knowledge of God and his Eternal Power 4dly The Law written in the Gentiles hearts who were a Law to themselves to which I add If men truely believe in and obey the Light of the Eternal Word in them and retain the sence and Knowledge of God as therein they receive it they will find Preservation and Acceptance with God for is the Improvement of any more then what 's given required XIII His belying us with denying the Man Christ Jesus to cloak his own Absurdity and Ignorance of Christ and his Being AGain H. G. To prove thy slanders 1. That we deny the man Christ Jesus 2. That we are found daily in the Sight of all Persons denying that man to be Christ who was born of the Virgin c. pag. 20 21. Thou judgest us insolent for saying we are falsly accused and guilty of this If it be absurd as we judge it is to say Christ doth Consist of a human Body of Flesh and Bone pag. 21. which is thy own absurdity To these I say Though we never deny'd the man Christ Jesus nor him to be Christ that was born of the Virgin according to the Flesh yet I must still count it absurd to say That Christ doth Consist or is made up of a human Body of Flesh and Bone for that 1. because Christ the Son of God was and had a Being before he took upon him that Flesh or Body in the Virgin 2. Because that when he took upon him that Body and even in the dayes of the Flesh he was spirit as well as had Flesh. 3. In that he is ascended up where he was before and far above all Heavens and is glorified with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the World began 4. He was before all things and by him all things consist this is truely our Christ and Saviour But If your Christ doth consist of a human or earthly Body of Flesh and Bone our Christ who consisteth of quickning spirit and heavenly Body of divine Life and Light a spiritual and glorious body is above you and yours so we must leave you Anabaptists with your earthly Christ consisting of a human Body of Flesh and Bone together with your empty and lifeless Shadows
who are not in some degree really and inwardly Partakers thereof by the inward Work of Christ through Faith and Sanct●…fication I am for the real Participation of Christ's Righteousness and against a false Imputation of it but con●…ss the true Imputation of Christ's Everlasting Righteousness to true Believers who inwardly are Partakers o●… his Work Nature and Image which the true Seed of Abraham in all Ages were Partakers of whose Faith was reckoned to him as the Faith of all his Seed is to them for Righ●…ness which was and is both real and inward By the Righteousness of Christ I understand his everlasting Righteousness Holiness Faith Nature and I●…ge from whence his active passive Obedience as in his own Person sprung and that true Believers as Partakers thereof are accounted or esteemed of in the Sight of God being Partakers of his Holiness divine Nature and renewed therein to God in this they are pr●…sented unto God in an absolute j●…stified State and S. S. proceeds thus viz. By the Word Justifie the Scripture sometimes but very rarely useth it to signifie to make Just by inherent Holiness or to sanctifie Tit. 3. 5 7. He hath saved us by the Washing of Regeneration that being justified c p. 89. Reader Be pleased to take Notice here how far this his Concession is to Justification in the Reality of it as springing from the inherent Holiness or Image of Christ in a Soul and how this is effected through Sanctification and it must be from hence that the real Imputation ariseth and note how herein he hath granted to the Truth of our Principle in the first Part though much of his ●…ollowing Work be contradictory to this as will appear for this is to make Just by inherent Holiness or to sanctifie the other is to impute or reckon Guilty or fallen Creatures Just So that this Man's Imputation of Christ's Obedience must be opposed to the real and inward Participation thereof S. S. Justifie It is used in Contradiction to Sanctification 1 Cor. 6. 11. but ye are sanctified but ye are justified c. an●… 〈◊〉 mostly we are therefore to take it in this latter Se I se p. 89. Though Justifie be often in Scripture taken to declare Just or Righteous or to accept of as such as well as to make Just in which Sease there is a Distinction not a Contradiction nor Severation between Sanctification Justification yet God never declares accounts or accepts any as Just and Righteous but such as are really in some Degree Partakers of his Righteousness in themselves by a living Faith and Subjection to him there being also a time of justifying before Men are justified for 't is they who are of Faith that are of Abraham whose Faith or believing God wherein was Obedience was imputed or reckoned to him for Righteousness And true and living Faith is of the same Na●…ure still and so is the real Imputation which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God and is evidenced unto the Soul by his S●…irit 〈◊〉 the Truth o●… this is further confirm'd by the very Proof which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cit●…d be●…ore which proves that Sanctification is previous to and joyned with Justification and that 't is such a 〈◊〉 ●…shed and sanctified that are justified and t●…t in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 〈◊〉 Cor. 6. 11. It was not the Unrighteous Unconverted or Unsanctified that were justified but the Sanctified and therefore it is not the guilty and unsanctified Perso●…s applying or imputing to themselves Christ's active and passive Obedience as performed in his Person that will justifie make or declare them just in the Sight of God out the inward Operation of his Spirit sanctifying 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 changing them from Sin and Impurity into the Image Name and Nature of Christ Jesus that A S they have born the Image of the Earthly S O they must bear the Image of the Heavenly which must be in Reality S. S. Justifie Signifies to declare just Luk. 7. 35. Wisdom is justified c. Psal. 51. 4. that thou mayst be justified c. to absolve acquit or discharge Rom. 8. 33. It is God that Justifieth c. Proverbs 17. 15. He that Justifieth the Wicked and he that Condemneth the Just are both Abomination to the Lord p. 89. He sayes true in the Definition of the term Justifie but whether his after Application or Imputation thereof as to the Creature doth agree therewith or not will further appear However his Definitions being compared intimate thus much to us that to justifie is both to make Just by Inherent Holiness and to declare that Thing or Person Just which is really so as Wisdom is declared Just of her Children God is declared Just when he speaketh who Justifieth his Elect acquitteth and declareth them Just to whom there is no Condemnation Rom. 8. 1 2 3 4. and ver 33. But on the other hand as conc●…rring with the Definition before He that Justifieth the W●…cked that is he that declareth the Wicked Just and so the Unrighteous Righteous the Impure Pure absolveth or acquitteth the Wicked or wicked Workers while such and he that condem●…s the Just are both Abomination to the Lord. And then the next t●…g to be enquired is Whom doth S. S. declare Just and in what State are the Persons whom be Just●…s declares Just absolved acquitted or pardoned as his terms are S. S. This Acquittance to us fallen Cre●…es is a propor Absolution or Pardon we are guilty in our own 〈◊〉 p. 91. Now Moses or the Law of God is the true Accuser of everyone of us Joh. 5. 45. There is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust the only Defence is though I am guil●…y yet Satisfaction hath been made for that Guilt p. 90. Yet God pronounceth us Just and absolves us for the Satisfaction or Righteousness of Christ p. 91. Rep. Without Faith 't is Impossible to please God and without Holiness none shall see him to their Justification or Comfort our Pardon and Absolution from Sins past must be received in our Rising out of Sin and the Fall and by the Power of God Renewing us into the Image of God through a Living Faith in Christ Repentance or a real Change of the Mind and Heart from Evil and so by a true Separation of the Creature from Enmity and wicked Works wherein men are Enemies in their Minds for in that state while you stand as fallen Creatures guilty in your own Persons Enemies in your Minds by wicked Works and in the State of those unbelieving Jews whom Moses accused as before confessed God doth neither pronounce you Just absolve nor pardon you in that Condition And while you so pronounce or declare your selves Just and acquitted you are but Justifying the Wicked wherein you are an Abomination to the Lord as is proved before It 's true he that confesseth and forsakes Sin finds Mercy upon true Repentance and Conversion the Creature obtains Remission of
Sins past and that through Faith in the Name and Blood of Christ which hath a secret Influence upon the Soul and sprinkleth the Conscience from dead Works in order both to Pardon and Justification upon the Act of living and true Faith in Christ yea Christ as the one Off●…ing Sacrifice and Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World which puts away Sin consecrates makes true Believers holy and declares God's Coming near to Man in Kindness I say Christ as thus considered hath an inward Influence and Effect upon the believing and penitent Soul to bring it near to God and render it capable of receiving Mercy and Forgiveness and of seeling the Pardon and Peace upon true Conversion from Sin and Evil yea I further testifie that God looks upon and hath a regard to every Appearance and Effect of his Grace and Spirit in the Heart Soul even from the very first Act of Faith springing up and budding of Grace to the highest Growth thereof even from Davids Repentance to his Songs of Deliverance from Niniveh's believing God and repenting to his Peoples walking in Newness of Life from the Prodigal's Return to his Father's House to his abiding therein yea the first Appearance of true Tenderness Remiss and Brokeness of Heart or godly Sorrow for Sin the Lord hath Regard to the Creature for the sake thereof still from the Respect he naturally hath to his Grace and Spirit that works these in Man To this Man will I look saith the Lord that is poor and of a contrite Spirit and trembleth at my Word The Work of Christ or Grace in the Heart from the Beginning to the Accomplishment thereof is acceptable to God because of the Dignity of him that worketh it and not from any Dignity or Worth of the Creatures own but only the Creature is accepted as in Christ we are accepted in the Beloved and it is for Christ's sake that God forgiveth us and not meerly for our own Howbeit it is so far as we are related to Christ and have an Interest in him and his Righteousness by a living Faith that God owns and looks upon us in a Way of Acceptance he respects his own Image in us and doth not justifie acquit or accept Men only upon the Account of Christ's Sufferings and Acts of Obedience as done in his Person for if he did then were all Men justified for whom Christ dyed and that was the whole World all Men in general he tasted Death for every Man yet his Obedience and Sufferings in the Flesh had a good End and Effect be being through all both acceptable and prevailing with God for the good of Mankind we must needs partake of the Benefit and Effects thereof in our Souls so far as they have an Influence upon us by the Life and Power of Christ considering the Travel of his Soul through all his Sufferings which were inward as well as outward his Soul being made an Offering for Sin and his making Intercession ●…or the Transgressors was that Men might be influenced with a real Sence and Sorrow under their own Sin and be made sensible of Christ's Sufferings and Travil of Soul and know the Fellowship thereof and so be made conformable to his Death through the Operation of his Spirit and Life in them as that they may be raised up in the Likeness of Christ's Resurrection in Dominion and Triumph over Sin and Death and not plead Christ's Satisfaction and Righteousness only as in himself in their ●…ead to absolve or justifie the Guilty whom God will not clear nor acquit the Wicked Christ's Righteousness will not excuse any in Unrighteousness for he was a holy Example as well as a Sacrifice and Propitiation and he that saith he hath an Interest in Christ's Rightcousness or that he abideth in Christ ought to walk as he walked Now the Question is not Whether Christ was a most Satisfactory Sacrifice or well-pleasing to the Father for that is undeniable He was the Delight of the Father's Soul who gave himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Savour Ephes. 5. 1 2. But In what State and Condition are we acquitted pardoned and justified of God and in what Nature whether as fallen sinful guilty Persons in our selves and that meerly by the Sufferings of Christ in his own Person which were finite without respect to his Work in us Or as Converted Believers Sanctified Obedient new Creatures in Christ accepted and so justified in his own Righteousness as real Partakers thereof The latter is the Justification and Imputation which I plead for and not the former I would not have Men flatter themselves nor one another in Sin and Darkness with Christ having done all paid all satisfied God for all Sins past present and to come and that in their stead nor to think themselves thereby absolved acquitted and justified in their Sins and fallen Estate for such Doctrine hath stre●…gthned the Hands of many Evil-Doers and made many Hypocrites who are yet to undergoe a Sence of the Judgments and Terrors of the Lord and to know Repentance from deadWorks before they receive Forgiveness of Sins past or Jesus Christ as the Attonement or their Peace for he came in the Likeness of sinful Flesh that he might condemn Sin in the Flesh before Man be justified from it If the Question be What is it that gives us Interest in Christ's Righteousness Or upon which it is imputed or reckoned to us He answers Our Faith Rom. 10. 10. If the Question be What will evidence our Faith to be living and sound Faith He answers Our sincere Obedience to the Law Jam. 2. 24. You see then how that by Works a man is Justified and not by Faith only we are Justified by Works as Evidencing our Faith living by Faith as giving Interest in Christ's Righteousness by Christ's Righteousness as constituting ●…s Righteous c. p. 91. The Reader may see I take the better part of his Confession as well as the worse He hath truly confest here 1st That it is our living and sound Faith that gives us Interest in Christ's Righteousness and upon which it is imputed or reckoned to us 2dly That our sincere Obedience to the Law or Works of Faith doth evidence our Faith to be living and sound from whence it follows that none are Justified but who are in a living and sound Faith in Christ and sincere Obedience to his Law Therefore Justification was not effected or compleated without us by Christ's Sufferings or Death in his Person for he dyed for our Sins but rose again for our Justification which is effected even in bringing forth in us the Answer of a Good Conscience nor art thou either Justified or pronounced Righteous in the Sight of God whoever thou art who art a guilty Person a fallen Creature accused by Moses unsanctified unregenerate Impure see how manifestly the Man hath contradicted himself in these Passages one while in Justifying the guilty or
from the Life and Work of God in us And is not this our Love or such Conformity inherent in us as we dwell in God and God in us 6thly What the Law saith it is to those that are under the Law but we true Believers are not under the Law but under Grace and shall we Sin because we are no more under the Law but under Grace God forbid for how can we that are dead unto Sin live any longer therein But whereas this Opposer's main Charge is You have not from the beginning of life to the end perfectly obeyed the Law or been invested with a sinless Righteousness Perfection c. This is not stated according to his own Doctrine and Principle which concludes that there is no such Perfection attainable in this Life either in the beginning middle or end of Life so that according to his own Doctrine he should have stated it thus and it may justly be charged upon these Sin-Pleasers viz. You have lived in Sin and Disobedience all your Life long and have preached to others that perfect Freedom from Sin and Corruption is not attainable in this Life by any either in the beginning or end of Life but have preached many into more Loosness Liberty of Sinning by telling them that 't is God's good Pleasure not to remove the being of Sin in this Life but to suffer Corruptions to remain in his Saints to keep them humble so no part of your Life is pure or clean but corrupt sinful What have you to plead or say for yo●…r selves why Sentence of Damnation ●…hould not pass upon you The Sin-pleasi●…g Presbyter pl●…ads viz. Christ's holy Life and Suffering is our only Defence or Apology against this Charge p. 9●… Though I am Guilty yet S●…tisfication hath been made for that Guilt because therefore the same Fault cannot b●… twice 〈◊〉 after Satisfaction t is as if it never were This is the only way of Defence we have at God's Tribunal p. 90. Christ s Sufferings are they for which God will Justifie us they have fully satisfied Justice for our Sins We may be confident they will secure us from Condemnation it being agai●…st Justice to punish those Sinners a second time that h●…ve been punished to the full already p. 106. To all which it may be justly replyed and reflected upon you who are thus pleading and maki●…g your Apology in your Si●…s unholy Life This will not cover nor excuse you in your Sins if you live and dye in Sin your Mouths will be stopt you will not be able to plead Christ's holy Life and Sufferings to resc●… you from Condemnation except you Repent ye shall all likewise perish What Influence or Effect hath Christ s holy Life or S●…fferings upon you only you pro●…ess and plead them So it may be said Christ was ever Holy but you were never holy Christ was a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling Savour to God which neither your Life nor Actions seem any thing of but contrary wise are a b●…d Savour to him Christ was an holy and perfect Example which you never followed no●… ever intend to follow so long as you live for you do not believe it is attainable Christ came to condemn Sin in the Flesh which you keep alive and plead for in your Flesh as long as you live Christ also came to fulfil the Righteousness of the Law in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit but you do not own nor believe its-Fulfilling to be in your Persons but only in Christ's Person Christ's Blood was not only for R●…mission of Sins past but is to cleanse from all Sin to purge the Conscience sanctify c. This you reject and in your Sins and defiled Con●…iences trample the Blood of the Covenant under Foor and add to the Sufferings of Christ and the Sin of his Persecutors by adding Sin unto Sin and so grieving his Spirit all your dayes and pleading his Holy Life for your Defence therein and so the Guilt of his Blood will be charged upon you in the day of Judgment if you repent not And surther you 〈◊〉 charge divine Justice with punishing your Sins to the ●…ull in Christ or punishing him that was ever Innoc●… to the full sor your Sins so that you count it against Justice to punish your Sins again i●… you though you live and dye in them and yet you think it an excellent piece of Justice to punish the Innocent to the full for the Guilty But your Mistake herein is g●…oss as will further appear and you will not be acquitted nor clear'd hereby This will not prove you invested with Christ's everlasting Righteousness nor will this cover your own Filthy Rags or hide your Shame A●…d while you think that you are secured in your Sins from the Stroke of Justice as having been fully executed and that by way of Revenge upon the Innocent Son of God in punishing your Sins to the full upon him I say while vou state this as the Nature of the Satisfaction by Christ's Suffering in your stead the whole World may as well acquit it self from Punishment thereby as you for he dyed for all and is the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World and therefore if this must be lookt upon as the full Punishment of Sin laid upon Christ and that the Sin cannot be twice punished after such Satisfaction this may make a merry World in Sin once punisht to the full in Christ never to be punished again upon the Offender which the Law directly takes hold of Oh Sinner's soothing Doctrine to make the wicked World rejoyce in a Sinful State and say Oh Admirable Justice that was pleased thus to Revenge thy self upon an Innocent Man that never sinned to punish our Sin to the full upon him O transcendent Mercy that hast found out this expedient that we might be fully acquitted pardoned and discharged from the Penalty that is Just and due to us for all our Sins past present and to come Oh! what Glad Tidings are these to the Hypocrites and Drunkards c. And how merry they are apt to be in their Sins upon their Ministers Proclaiming such an Act of Indemnity of all Offences and Injuries past present and to come not only against their Neighbours but against God himself But if it be objected That without Sound Faith which is a working Faith men have not an Interest in Christ's Obedience Righteousness or Satisfaction nor are we Invested with any thing for which God should pronounce us Righteous c. p. 93. 94. From hence it follows then that if they remain in Unbelief they have no Interest in Christ's Righteousness or Satisfaction and then the Consequence is Christ did not make Satisfaction in our stead nor was punished for the Sin of Unbelief nor for the Effects of Unbelief to acquit us therein for what Sins then was he punished to the full But above all it appears wonderful strange that God could not
remit or pardon Offences past without such a severe Payment and Satisfaction as is implyed because as some say he dispenseth not with the Act of Law If he could so punish his Innocent Son to the full who never offended was not this a Dispensing with the Act of Law when the Law was made for Offenders and added because of Transgression and to punish such for it was not made to punish an Innocent or Righteous Man against whom there is no Law But if to pardon former Transgression upon true Repentance and to save Man from Sin and Wrath be not inconsistent with the infinite Goodness and Mercy of God himself and to be both a just God and a Saviour were not Inconsistent then his divine Justice consisted not in such Severity as to obliege him from shewing Mercy witho●…t such a rigid Satisfaction and Payment as that of punishing his Son to the full and pouring out his Wrath upon him for the Sin of Mankind Whereas where Remission of Sin is obtained there is both a Relaxation of the Severity of the Law and a manifest Effect of the Propitiation or sweet smelling Sacrifice of Christ as Mediator and Advocate and not as the Object of Wrath Revenge and full Punishment from God that is due to Sin and that to acquit the Sinners continuing therein And his not sparing his own Son but delivering him up for us all and his being made a Curse for us was neither equivalent to that of Eternal Death Curse and Damnation which Sin and Sinners have deserved nor doth it absolve Man from his Obedience to the Law of the new Covenant or Spirit of Life in Christ though it was for a Relaxation of the Law as to the Bondage thereof and in order to abolish and end the first Covenant and the Curse thereof yet not to pardon or justifie Men in Sin against the second Nor is it any Loosening but a Reinforcing of the Terms thereof for he took away the first that he might establish the second he removed ●…nd ended the Shadows that he might exalt the Substance that was vailed under them he blotted out the Hand-writing of Ordinances nailed it to his Cross that he might reinforce the Law of the new Covenant written in the Heart that we might not be without Law to God but under the Law to Christ He did both fulfil the Law in hs Person and doth fulfil the Righteousness of it in them that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit he did not only remove the shadowy Part of the Law and the Curse thereof through his Suffering and Sacrifice but also he actually delive●…s the Soul from the inward Terrors Condemnation and Wrath of the Law upon true Repentance and Contrition of Heart in Remission and Pardon through Faith in his Blood being virtuously felt and efficaciously evidenced by his holy Spirit unto the Soul that hath a Part in Christ as the Propitiation for the Sins of the whole World whose Blood bears Record in the Earth agrees in one with the Spirit sprinkleth the Consci●…nce from dead Works speaketh forth Mercy and Forgiveness better things then that of Abel Besides Christ was as well exemplary as propiriat●…ry or gracious in his Sufferings which had both a blessed Accep●…ance and Eff●…ct with G●…d and a spiritual Influence upon them that follow him in Spirit further then the Historical Faith and Relation thereof as he said If any Man serve me let him follow me and where I am there shall also my Servant b●… J●…h 12. 26. And thus far is his Example spiritually fulfilled in them that follow him as namely Jesus Christ was outwardly c●…rcumcised baptized crucified put to Death as concerning the Flesh buried quickned raised up by the Power of God c. His Followers or Servants are spiritually circumcised baptized into his Death or crucified with him buried with him by Baptism as Partakers of the Fellowship of his Suff●…rings quickned by his Spirit raised up by his Power into the Likeness of his Resurrection and having suffered with him shall reign with him And now in Opposition to the Doctrine of such a rigid and Severe Satisfaction as is by divers asserted 〈◊〉 must tell my Opposers that though the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and by his Stripes we are said to be healed this is neither of the Nature of Revenge from God Wrath or Punishment to the full that is due for Sin nor doth it exempt or free them who come to be his Followers from being liable at all to God's Chastisement or Correction in their own particulars when there is Cause for it for whom he loves them also he doth correct which is not Revenge as 't is said If my Children forsake my Law and keep not my Commandments then will I visit their Transgressions with the Rod and their Iniquity with Stripes nevertheless my loving Kindness will I not utterly take from them c. Psa. 89. 30 31 32 33. This concerned David and his Seed who notwithstanding did so undergoe the Chastisements of the Lord that he went often in a bowed down and mournful State as when he complained My God my God why hast thou forsaken me c. Psa. 22. which were the same Words Christ u●…tered in his deep Suffering Mat. 27. 4●… plainly i●…timating how he took upon him the Sufferings and Bur●…en of his People and his bearing the Sin and 〈◊〉 of many wherein it 's evident that they that ●…ollow Christ through the Work of Regeneration and obtain the new Birth do spiritually pass through the Fellowship of Christ's Sufferings and do partake of their due Shares thereof both for their Remission and to obliege them to follow him in his own Way of Light and Life whereby they who are faithful to him witnes the Blood Cove●…ant the Coverant that cleanseth from Sin and an Interest in that everlasting 〈◊〉 This is the Way a●…d Passage of the Ra●…somed o●… the Lord who through his Judgment and Chastis●…ments have 〈◊〉 a Ransom received the Attonement and an Interest in the Everlasting 〈◊〉 of Li●… and Glory Having thu●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the Matter in general I come further to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 particular Passages that chiefly concern me to 〈◊〉 S. S. Th●… La●…●…ver a●…ows us to sin if at ten Years of Age a Person commits M●…er a●…d then lives according to the Law of the Land in ev●… 〈◊〉 ●…rty Years then arraigned for this the Judge cannot pro●…ounce him Innocent and so acquit him because the Law did not allow him to commit Murther any Part of his Life p. 93. Answ. A Truth in both 1st The Law never allows us to sin no more doth Grace or the Gospel Shall we sin because we are no more under the Law but under Grace God forbid for how can we that are dead unto Sin live any longer therein 2dly Justice cannot pronounce a Guilty Person Innocent upon the Cessation from the meer Act of Unrighteousness but God's lovin●… Kindness and
Holiness and so the Inward Work of Christ from being our Justifying Righteousness or Redeeming our lost Soul p. 100. Where then and how is the Soul redeemed Is not the Soul within And is not Christ made unto true Believers Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and all these inwardly received and hath not this man confessed that we are saved by the Washing of Regeneration c. and so Justified or made Just by inherent Holiness from Titus 3. 5 7. Can we be both saved and Justified through this inward Washing of Regeneration and yet not redeemed nor Justified through it Oh! Confusion and Darkness to be seen and felt Arg. II. No Righteousness wrought by us is of that Worth as to redeem our lost Souls nor for that are we Justified therefore the Sufferings of Christ only c. This Argument sayes he God enabled me the first Dispute to press with full Enlargement on the Consciences of the People to secure them from the Soul-destroying Error of this man Rep. This Accusation upon me is both groundless false and malitious For 1st I never affirmed any such Doctrine as that any Righteousness wrought by the Creature doth redeem man s lost Soul to God nor place any such Infinite Worth Price or Merit upon any temporal Act or Work of Man but Christ Jesus who is God's Righteousness is the Redeemer Deli verer and so the Redemption of the Soul to God by whom also the Soul is enabled to true Obedience It is by Grace in him through Faith that we are saved not of our selves it is the Gift of God nor of Works lest any Man should boast howbeit Good Works are ordained of God that we should walk in them for we are his Workmanship created in Christ again unto good Works see Eph. 2. 8 9 10. 2dly I never undervalued the Worth of Christ's Sufferings in the Flesh far be it from me so to do though yet I cannot own this man's placing mens absolute Justification on them and from thence shutting out Christ's Inward Work of Sanctification yet thereto both the Travil of his Soul Intercession Sufferings and Sacrifice had a lively Tendency seing that both Remission and Sanctification is known through Faith in his Blood which both purgeth the Conscience sanctifieth and justifieth I do confess that as the Redemption of the Soul or its Salvation is of infinite Value so the Price that procures it must be equivalent and nothing short of infinite But I further perceive my Opposer is confounded in this matter of Satisfaction and Justification as he states it for one while he reckons t is only by God obeying God in our Nature an other while ' t is only by the Sufferings and Death of Christ which he calleth his Righteousness imputed wherein also he contradicts divers of his eminent Brethren who say that Christ could not satisfie divine Justice as Man simply by temporal Death and Suffering because Infinite Justice must be answered with an infinite Satisfaction Price or Payment for Man's Redemption Others again are of the mind that God Being Infinite and Perfect in all his Attributes both in Goodness Love and Mercy as well as Justice and Omnipotent in Power he could forgive or pardon Sin upon true Repentance without such a strict and severe Payment as before as to be sure he both can and doth To his pressing with Enlargement on the Consciences of the People viz. That they are Justified and Redeemed only by the Suffering of Christ and not by his inward Work of Sanctification and Holiness any more then by their own Works or Righteousness wrought by them The Unjustness and Unrighteousness of both such Teachers and People that follow them do manifest what little Effect such Preaching hath upon Conscience neither indeed doth it tend to any reall in ward Conviction or Remorse in order to a true Conversion but to make them believe they are already secure and saved in their Sins and pure in their own Eyes when they are not washed from their Filthiness which is to Justifie the Wicked or declare them Just and to condemn the Just or declare Christ as the Subject of his Fathers Wrath in Man's stead How falsly and corruptly have many Defiled and Guilty Consciences unjustly acquitted and eased themselves on this account But had he in Truth pressed the Necessity of Turning to the true Light in the Confidence Repeatance Regeneration the new Birth Obedience of Faith perseverance in Grace c. this might have had Impression on the Consciences in order to a Reformation and so have manifested and demonstrated the blessed 〈◊〉 and End of Christ's Coming Suffering and Sacrifice for Sinners and God s holy Design therein and his condescending to make a Covenant in his own terms with them to receive them into his Kingdom Government and Protection none of whose Terms or Covenant is Continuance in Sin or Disobediance term of Life for to be received in Covenant with God is to be received into Agreement and Union with him But after this Man hath shut out both Obedience to the Will of God through Faith Sanctification Holiness from being our justifying Righteousness or to redeem or acquit c. he essaies to mend the Matter saying It doth not shut it out either as inconsistent or a needless thing c. And wherein is Sanctification consistent and needful Is it consistent and needful to Justification y●…a or nay Take his Answer It is so far from being inconsistent that they are inseparable and the one a Means to the other Well said Is Faith and Justification consistent and Faith a Means thereof This overthrows his shutting 〈◊〉 Sanctification therein for there can be no living and justifying Faith without Sanctification But then he goes round again viz. Flying out of our selves as seeing nothing but Matter of Condemnation nation in ourselves to Jesus Christ by Faith and apprehending the Purity and Holiness of our Saviour's Heart and Life c. Whether do you fly out of your selves to Jesus Christ And by what Faith can he be seen laid hold on or his Purity be apprehended to your Justification while there is nothing seen but Matter of Condemnation in your selves For 1st The true and living Faith is not enjoyed without some Degree of Sanctification within and if without this Faith you cannot be justified then not 〈◊〉 inward Sanctification true Faith and Love by which it worketh are Fruits of the Spirit and the Mystery of Faith is held in a pure Conscience and he that believeth in the Son of God 〈◊〉 Life 2dly The Righteousness of Faith doth not bid us fly out of our selves to Christ's Sufferings without only for Justification and that while there is nothing to be seen within but Matter of Condemnation which is to impute Christ's Susfering to mens Justification while they are under Condemnation in themselves as if they were imputatively just and righteous even when really and actually damned which is a sad Imputation and none of
rasting Death for every Man was not by Way of Revenge or Wrath from the Father nor the Punishment due to the World's Sin for tasting Death is far short of eternally dying The Prophet said Surely he has born our Griefs and carried our Sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our Transgressions he was bruised for our Iniquities the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him Isa. 53. It was man's Transgression that was his Burthen and Cause of his Grief and Suffering however some esteemed him smitten or plagued of God He hath born our Griefs and carried our Sorrows c. Such as suffer with Christ and lie under the Sence of their Burthen do not lay all both the Sorrow and Punishment O●… Sin upon Christ such do not say Christ was sorry or repented for us therefore we need not or Christ was chastised and afflicted in our Person for us therefore we need not be chastised nor afflicted for Sin past Christ made Intercession therefore we need not pray This were not to know the Fellowship of his Sufferings nor to be conformable to his Death nor baptized with his Baptism Besides the Chastisement of our Peace upon him was not Revenge nor burning Wrath from God Chastisement and Vengeance are two things God's Chastisement is in Love not in Revenge it pleased the Lord to bruise him who had done no Violence Isa. 53. by delivering him up to suffer and bear our Sorrows and Griefs AN ACT OF HIS GOOD PLEASURE NOT OF REVENGE OR WRATH how could it be Justice fully to punish the Innocent for the Wicked's Offence Were it not Blasphemy to charge God with such Cruelty and Inj●…stice Obj. Every known Sin is a wilful Rejection of Infinite Goodness a free Choice of Infinite Displeasure c. It therefore carries Infinite Demerit with it and nothing short of Infinite Punishment or Sufferings of Infinite Wrath can possibly suffice to satisfie for it Rep. Wo unto them that persist in Sin and reject Christ's inherent or inward Righteousness for such a Satisfaction as this of Infinite Punishment c. or that believe their Sins were thus punisht in Christ and thereupon continue in Sin Wo unto you that thus justifie the Wicked condemn the Innocent God's Controversie is against you you are afflicting oppressing and crucifying the Just with your Iniquities treading under Foot the Son of God rejecting the Blood of the Covenant you are Guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ as much as they were that condemned him and said he was Guilty of Death your Doctrine imputes the Sin Guilt and Punishment thereof to Christ you have esteemed him plagued of God but you have pierced him and grieved him by your Iniquity and Hypocrisie Take Heed of wilful sinning and rejecting the Goodness of God lest there remain no more a Sacrifice for you Repent repent repent Return return return to the Lord God before his Wrath sweep you away into Perdition Further he saith None but God's Equal and this is God himself in our Nature that is capable to satisfie God for Sin Christ received the Stroak of God's Justice c. Rep. While he states this Satisfaction to be only by Way of punishing men's Sin in Christ and now it is God himself that satisfies God this is of an absurd and blasphemous Tendence as if God punisht himself or as if God satisfied God with Infinite Punishment or suffering of Infinite Wrath and what is this but to divide God against himself Yet we may find out a better Sense for the Words before that God and Christ were one inseparable in the Suffering Affliction That his Soul bore as the Spirit of God was burthened afflicted and grieved under the Weight and Pressure of Man's Iniquity and Sin howbeit this was not of the Nature of strict Payment made to God by himself in Man's stead much less to punish man's Sin in Christ with infinite Wrath. Quest. Can Faith and the Works that follow without the Imputation of Christ's Sufferings satisfie God's Majesty for our Sin Answ. Here he misseth the true State of the Controversie or Question which should rather be Can your Imputation of Christ's Sufferings without true Faith and the Obedience or Works thereof either satisfie God's Majesty for Sin or justifie Men while he implies No he hath given away his Cause by granting That the Sufferings of Christ alone can not justifie Men without true Faith and Obedience to him By so much was Jesus made the Surety of a better Testament Heb. 7. 22. This is no Proof that your Sins were imputed to him as punish'd in him by the suffering of Infinite Wrath which to affirm renders him no better then a Transgressor guilty of your Sins as your Brother T. D. hath affirmed which is much beneath his being Mediator or the Surety of the new Testament which he was made the Surety of to ensure and make good the Promises and Priviledges thereof to true Believers which are all Yea Amen in him and to enable us to obey and perform those Terms and Conditions of the new Testament or Covenant which concern us for we cannot receive the Promises but in him nor discharge or pay our Duty without him therefore he is the Mediator of the new Covenant he is our high Priest made with the Oath of God and continueth forever and he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make Intercession for them Heb. 7. 24 25 28. But if God's Justice be fully satisfied for your Sins by the Sufferings of Christ and for them only God justifie men and secure them from Condemnation It being against Justice it self to punish those Sins a second time that have been punisht to the full already he saith How then shall God render to every Man according to his Works Indignation and Wrath to them that are contentious obey not the Truth but obey Unrighteousness Will they be able to plead this Doctrine before his Tribunal Lord thou hast punisht our Sins to the full in thy Son Christ It is against Justice it self to punish them a second time for Christ dyed for all Men tasted Death for every Man gave himself a Ransom for all for a Testimony in due Time But if this were a Punishment of their Sins to the full then how could Justice punish them again with Indignation Wrath But Glory Honour Peace to them that do Good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile to them that through Patient continuing in Well-doing seek for Glory and Immortality eternal Life see Rom. 2. Such do not plead Christ's doing Good and suffering only for them in his Person to justifie and excuse them in Sin in their Persons or to cloak their doing Evil all their Life long though Sin-pleasing Hypocrites thus endeavour to indulge themselves and others in their
and after a full Satisfaction and Payment made to the Prince in his stead by a Person of Intrest with him Could it be Just in the Prince to detain his Inheritance from him Or Suppose the Surety hath made full Payment and Satisfaction in the Debtors stead both to what Law and Severity could demand Could the Creditor justly detain the Debtor in Prison for some great and ear●…est Solicitation to be made by his Surety for him Or were it proper for the Person for whom the Satisfaction is thus made to cry out Good Sr. forgive me my Debts c. if all past present and to come be fully payed by the Surety And yet those Persons that are of this Opinion pray to God to forgive them their Trespasses or Debts as they forgive others c. but is their forgiving of Debts either a Casting the Debtors or their Sureties into Prison till they have payed the uttermost Farthing Surely that is not Forgiveness whereas the Intercession made to God doth acknowledg his Dominion Power and Justice as having been offended and a Subjection due to him and also his Grace as that which Man oweth due Obedie●…ce and Respect to Notwithstanding this man who has pleaded such a kind of Satisfaction by Justice or Wrath punishing their Sins in Christ he is not only Rigid or Severe but Partial in his Opinion like a Sect-Maker limiting this Satisfaction and the Extent of saving Grace only to a few and yet that few not allowed the Priviledge to be delivered from the Being of Sin in this Life In his saying That This Satisfaction was designed for all them who through special Grace in time believe these all are delivered here from the Guilt and reigning Power of Sin and so are out of their Fetters and shall hereafter be delivered from the Being of Sin Rep. That Satisfaction that was made and Testimony of God's Love and Mercy that was given by the Sacrifice and Death of Christ and as he is the Propitiation it was for ALL Men by the Grace of God he tasted Death for every Man for the Sins of the whole World he dyed for ALL MEN not only Presbyterians or a few particular Predestinarians but all Men or Mankind in general That as many as live should not live unto themselves but unto him that dyed and rose again 2 Cor. 5. 15. Who his own self bare our Sins in his own Body on the Tree that we being Dead unto Sin should live unto Righteousness 1 Pet. 2. 24. And see verse 21 22 23. It is plain that Christ's Suffering under the Burthen of Sin and Dying for all Men pointed at an other End and had another kind of Embleme in it then Mens living in Sin all their Dayes or their not expecting Freedom from the Being of Sin till after Death this is not to suffer or dye with Christ nor to come to the Blood of Sprinkling which only frees from the Guilt of Sin by sprinkling and purging the Conscience from the Being of it The Ignorance and Absurdity of the contrary Sin-pleasing Doctrine is sufficiently detected before And why Presbyterians Satisfaction of Revengeful Wrath in your stead or the Death of Christ as Satisfaction in your stead to free you from everlasting Burning and forgive your Sins Why for you more then the whole World besides Did not Christ dye for all Men as well as you And yet none are pardoned or in a justified State until they come Christ to ease them and they to have true and living Faith in his Name and Power and so to be led by that eternal Spirit by which he offered up himself a Lamb without Spot to God Obj. Nor can this Writer nominate one of us that encourageth Men to take Liberty of sinning from the Consideration of Christ's Satisfaction the Lord convince and humble Slanderers Rep. What ever you think or pretend your Doctrines are Sin-pleasing and give Liberty therein your disputing for Imperfection and Sin all your Dayes your justifying the Sinner or the Unjust while justly condemned in himself by the Light of Christ your setting sorth Christ as made the Subject o●… God's Wrath and Revenge in your stead and saying that divine Justice which you term vindictive or revengeful Wrath was satisfied in your stead by punishing your Sin to the full in Christ and that thereby you are secured from Hell c. though you continue in Sin or uphold the Being of it all your Dayes and deserve to have your Failings and Infirmities cast as Dung into your Faces as is confest and yet you count your selves imputatively Righteous pardoned and justified c. even while you are saying Let us with Paul abhor all Sanctification in us c. S. S. p. 102. Let us place no Confidence in Sanctification c. p. 103. The very Nature and Tendence of these and such Doctrines is Sin-pleasing and soothing and grateful to Hypocrites encouraging them to take Liberty of Sinning all their Life time if they can but be so credulous or self-confident as to believe they are Elect Persons and secured from Damnation on the Account of your Notion of Satisfaction that pretends and imputes Revengeful Wrath and Severity to Christ but Ease to your selves in your Sins But this your empty devised Notion will prove neither your Justification nor Security in the great approaching Day of God which shall declare every man's Work wherein he will judge the Secrets of Men by Christ Jesus according to the Gospel and every Man must give an Account of himself to God and be Rewarded according to the Deeds done in the Body whether they be Good or whether they be Evil AN APPENDIX Wherein The Controversie is summed up and resolved partly by Way of Question and Answer with a plain Intimation of my Sense thereof as relating unto the 2d 3d and 4th Chapters before Quest. 1. WHat was the Nature and Extent of Christ's Sufferings Answ. Not an undergoing infinite Wrath or vindictive Justice so called at the Hands of his Father for that is the just Reward of Rebels against God Christ and free Grace but 1st The Weight and Burthen of Sin and Grief of Soul because thereof as seeing the Punishment and Wrath incurred by the Rebellious 2. The Fury of his Persecutors in his undergoing that cruel Death of the Cross inflicted on his Body by wicked Hands and Murtherers so that his Sufferings were two-fold both inw●…ard and outward 3. His real Desire Travil of SouI and good Will through all was for the Benefit and Good of all Mankind even for the whole World for whom he suffered and dyed that all who receive him might be spiritually influenced with his holy Life and partake of his Mind and Will which stood in subjection to the Father Quest. 2. What was the true Signification Intent and Ends of Christ's Sufferings Answ. 1. To evince God's long Suffering towards all men for whom Christ gave himself a Ransom for a Testimony in due
Wicked who are Rebellious against him and reject his Grace by rebelling against his gracious Light and Spirit in them And also it was said unto Esau as 〈◊〉 the Wicked of his Posterity or the earthly Edonites and carnal envious Persecutors Shall I not saith the Lord even destroy the wise Men out of Edom and the Understanding out of the Mount of Esau Obed. 8. That every one of the Mount of Esau may be cut off ver 9. For the Viol●…ce against thy Brother Jacob Shame shall cover thee and thou shalt be cut off forever ver 10. Thou shouldst not have looked on the Day of thy Brother c. neither shouldst thou have spoken proudly in the Day of Distress See ver 12 13 14. to the End Are not here plain Causes sh●…wn why God hated Esau Arg. 6. God knows his Elect from others and this not only after but before they are called 2 Tim. 2. 19. The Foundation of God standeth sure The Lord knoweth who are his Joh. 13. 18. I know whom I have chosen Joh. 10. 14. I am the good Shepherd I know my Sheep ver 16. Other Sheep I have that are not of this Fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my Voice Therefore are they particular Persons These and not others that the Lord hath chosen Joh. 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me Answ. This Argument signifies nothing at all sor his Purpose nor would it help him one whit if it were all granted for who questions God's Omnisciency God knows all alike considered meerly as Persons but in a near peculiar Relation to himself he knows his Elect he knows who are his Christ knows them both Men and Women whom he hath chosen out of the World and he saith I am the good Shepherd and know my Sheep and am known of mine Joh. 10. 16. But these latter Words and I am known of mine S. S. is pleased to leave out and quietly to pass by for that Christ is known of his Elect his Sheep but surely he could not be known of them before they were born or had a Being and as for those other Sheep which are not of this Fold which Christ foretold the Gathering or bringing home of they were such as had a Remainder of Innocency in whom Jacob was not wholy destroyed through Rebellion and Wickedness but such as had been seeking Rest where they could not find it but when the Truth and Way of Life came to be manifest to them they were ready to receive and comply with it and hear the good Shepherd's Voice and obey him There were such lost Sheep both among Jews and Gentiles who when the good Shepherd appeared were so well disposed as willing and ready to come to him receive and follow him and obey his Voice which were distinguished from the Murtherers of the Just one in themselves who were Wolves and Persecutors of Christ his Witnesses as he the good Shepherd was distinguished from the Hireling that fleeth Joh. 10. 13 14. And they that come to Christ out of a true Hunger and Desire after him as the Bread of Life are those whom the Father hath given to him who come to him in that which is given to him of which he looseth nothing but will raise it up at the last Day Joh. 6. 37 39. And they whom the Father giveth to the Son are given in a true Desire Willingness and Love in themselves to the Truth to follow obey Christ the Father's Drawings not being resisted by them but having an Influence and Prevalency with them and upon their Spirits for that End as he said Every man that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me Joh. 6. 45. so the Father's Teaching or Instruction was the Way of his drawing to the Son and this was not a Forceing them whether they will'd or nill'd to the Son but a gentle Perswading them to hear and learn of God in his Light that thereby they might come and in a sence of his Love therein be given to the Son Arg. 7. This appears from the very Nature of Election for sect 5 where all are taken or all are left there can be no Election Answ. Election rightly considered and truly stated according to Scripture I never questioned the Nature of which as is by this Opposer implied here is a being chosen out of or from imong and so the Elect or true Believers are chosen out of the World from among Men chosen out of Kindreds Nations and People as the Royal Offspring and Priesthood of Christ But what proves this of a Personal Election and Reprobation particularly decreed and designed from all Eternity But still the quite contrary far from the Nature of Election or chusing a Church or People out of the World or from among Men and that through the Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of that Truth it follows that they were first in the World in the Unbelief and scattered among Men and People before this Act of Election or chusing out was fulfilled in them He hath chosen us that we should be Holy and w●…thout Blame that we might partake of Salvation by Jesus Christ Ephes. 14. 1 Thes. 5. 9. and those thus cho●…en for this end were the Saints the Faithful in Christ Jesus Ephes. 1. 1. who first trusted in Christ ver 12. who alter they believed were sealed with the holy Spirit of Promise ver 13. their Faith was in the Lord Jesus and Love unto all Sai●…ts ver 15. who believed according to the working of his mighty Power ver 19. A●…d that th●… Esta●…e might be attained Faith is offered to all the Power of Believing is given in the free Grace and Gi●…t of God's eternal Spirit and universal Light of his Son It bei●…g the World's Sin that they do not believe in Christ of which the Spirit reproves them sor which they would not be chargeable or reproved if he had not afforded them Light and Power sufficient ●…or them to believe and obey Christ. S. S. Jacob have I Loved and Esau have I hated Though these last Wor●…s were spoken when Esau's Posterity was the Border of Wickedness Mal. 1. yet what ever G. W. saith were they spoken to 〈◊〉 the free Choice that God long before had made os Jacob and his 〈◊〉 pag. 112. Answ. As he intends Jacob after the Flesh and so his Seed who was called by the Name of Israel this is still grounded upon his Mistake and doth not at all make for his Opinion but against him For though I grant a free Love to and Choice of Israel so of the Seed of Jacob as a peculiar People yet this did not secure them as to their eternal States without their Perseverance in the Way of God Neither was the Seed of Jacob as after the Flesh under an absolute Decree of Election to Eternal Life that being known only in the Seed after the Spirit for the contrary was and is manifest
with Intention to leave them without Recovery which though all in curreth the same End as is supposed to a certain fore designed Number of Persons yet the State of the Case as it reflects upon God is as much opposite and contrary as to say God doth absolutely eternally decree Man's Destruction or did reprobate them from Eternity and then that he purposely passeth by and leaves them to destroy or kill themselves whereas his good Will and Kindness and free Proffers of Grace and Salvation to lost Man admits of neither to wit neither of such Cruelty to nor Carelesness of his Creatures his Mercies are over all his Works and his Grace and Mercy in the first place extending to all And that saying He will have Mercy on whom he will is no Limitation to the first extent of his Grace and good Will But that he will have Mercy both by way of Encrease and Continuance to the Upright-hearted even to them that fear him who Love and obey him but those that are destroyed their Destruction is of themselves as it is written But my People would not hearken unto my Voice Israel would none of me Therefore mark the Cause I gave them over to their own Hearts Lusts Psal. 81. 11. and as S. S. in Contradiction to himself saith Nor doth God consume any Man meerly as his own Workmanship but he adds God endureth with much long Suffering unregenerate men and they fit themselves for Destruction pag. 113. See here how the Man breaks the Neck of his own Cause Is his Opinion of God's Eternally reprobating and ordaining partiticular Persons to Destruction come to this That now while he sheweth long Suffering towards them they fit themselves for Destruction that is they rebel against God resist his Spirit and despise the Riches of his Grace and slight his long Suffering and Patience till they bring swift Destruction upon themselves And this God is not the Cause of He doth not unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass Sin and Rebellion in the Wicked and their Striving against him Isa. 45. 9. are come to pass which he is not the Author of Wo unto him that Strives with his Maker thou hast hid thy Face from us and we are consumed because of our Iniquities which God is neither the Author nor Cause of S. S. God's Election is unchangeable he will certainly bring in never finally reject that Soul he had taken Liking to Nothing sect 7 can fall out not Sin it self causing God to alter his Purpose he foresaw all c. p. 113. Answ. His Election and Purpose thereof where made sure and confirmed by his Spirit in his Sanctified ones who are established in his Grace is unalterable But 1st There are Degrees and Growths in a State of Election before Establishment as those to whom Peter wrote his first Epistle were called Elect according to the fore-Knowledge of God through Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience c. 1 Pet. 1. 2. These though Elected so far as they were chosen out of the World through Sanctification and Belief of the Truth yet he both wrote unto them to stir up their pure Minds 2 Pet. 3. 1. and exhorted them to give Diligence to make their Calling and Election sure that they might never fall 2 Pet. 1. 10. But what need of this if they were personally elected from an absolute Purpose of God from Eternity Needed or could they make that more sure which God had made so absolute If so then the Exhortation had more properly run thus viz. Brethren believe that God hath made your personal Election sure from Eternity and then what needed he warn or admonish them concerning the Apostacy of those who denyed the Lord that bought them who had forsaken the right Way or of such who after they had escaped the Pollutions of the World through the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which sure was saving Grace yet were again entangled therein that their latter End was worse with them then the Beginning 2 Pet. 2. Did not then their Sin their falling from Grace and so their Disobedience hinder their Establishment and Security in a State of Election or keep from that Diligence in the Spirit whereby they should have made their Calling and Election sure 2dly His saying That Sin it self cannot cause God to alter his Purpose is not only a gross Mistake as in this Case but also gives a great Liberty to Hypocrites who believe they are eternally elect Persons to continue in Sin and Presumption But in Reproof to such and Confutation of the Mistake see what the Prophet Jeremiah saith in the 18th Chapter where having first declared the Power God had over them by the Instance of the Potter ver 3 4 5 6. He further shews his Purpose and the Manifestation of his Power both in Judgment and Mercy and the Condition on which his declar'd Thought or Intention may be alter'd as where he saith v. 7. at what Instant I shall speak concerning a Nation concerning a Kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and destroy it v. 8. If that Nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their Evil I will repent of the Evil I thought to do unto them v. 9. And at what Instant I shall speak concerning a Nation and concerning a Kingdom to build and to plant it v. 10. If it do Evil in my Sight that it obey not my Voice then will I repent of the Good wherewith I said I would benefit them See also ver 11 12. to the 18th Object If any should thus object That these conditional Alterations of God's Purposes did but concern their temporal Conditions not their eternal c. Answ. It may be answered That it is a Mistake they concerned both except Men repent they shall perish eternally Their persisting in Evil-doing and Disobedience to the Voice of God i●…currs eternal Condemnation as well as temporal Punishments so contrary wise through true Repentance c. both have been escaped by many and Godliness is great Gain which hath the Promise of the Life that now is and of that which is to come 1 Tim. 4. 8. 6. 6. Again my unanswered Objection was and still is Were it not impertinent and vain to warn Men of Destruction sect 8 eternal Death or Perishing if from Eternity they were secured from any such Danger Or on the other Hand in time to set before them Life and Death that they might chuse Life refuse Death c. as Deut. 30. 15 16 17 18 19 20. If God had particularly designed them for Death and Destruction how should they then chuse Life Were not this to mock them with a dissembling Proffer of Life if the contrary be so unalterably designed for them S. S. After his fashion answers God that decrees their Salvation decrees by such Warnings to work in them his Fear and an holy Caution to keep them in his Wayes that they may be saved p. 114. Rep. What Fear A Fear
for he Cursed his Day It is evident that Job's Perfection had none of this Extream in it nor did it consist with Sin for it is thus explained He feared God eschewed Evil. And upon his Loss of Goods and Children being told him it s said of him in all this Job sinned not nor Charg●…d God Foolishly Chap. 1. 22. and when smitten with sore Boyls and tempted by his Wise it is also said in all this did not Job si●… with his Lips Chap. 2. 10. But he Cursed his Day Chap. 3. He was then under an extream Tryal and Grief divers wayes aggravated the most that can be reasonably inferred from thence is that a Perfect or Upright Man that fears God a●…d eschews Evil may possibly through great Tryals Temptations or Provocations be drawn into an extream to express his Grief but this only if God suffers Satan so to affict or deeply to try for he could not have so afflicted Job if God had not suffered him in that he saw the Lord had hedged him about From whence observe that what is granted hereupon and what he argues is not in pursuance of the State of the Question as to grant that a Perfect Job may be tempted into some extream Expressions if God Suffer Satan so deeply to afflict him but Whether it be not possible for such a one to be delivered as well from all Failings or Sin as from the Tryal or Temptation For was not Job a Perfect Man both before and after his Deep Affliction and is not his Patience highly commended of who said when I am tried I shall come forth as Gold Now when I affirm that this refined State was attainable in this Life were it not absurd to object that it is not because Job cursed his Day for did Job do so all his Life time or did his Perfection reach no higher His Instance That God took six Dayes to create the World when he could have done it in a Moment is no Proof that he is only a mortifying Sin more and more in this Life and that he will remove its Being in the next pag. 63. Neither do the Scriptures any where say that the Being of Sin yet mortified in part shall remain in the Saints till the next Li●…e though we grant God took six Dayes to create the World and rested the seventh and so he carrieth on his Work gradually in the true Believer for the perfecting of the new Creation the six I ayes Work thereof as also the Seventh Day of Rest are to be experienced in this Life the Work o●… Holiness is to be perfected while in the Body and he that believeth enters into his Rest or Sabbath to injoy the holy Day in that inward retired waiting upon the Lord in his own Light wherein Man must not think his own Thoughts nor speak his own Words And as for God's Work it is perfect each Day 's Work was perfect as such the first Day 's Work not mended on the sixth Day and he that hath begun a good Work in the Soul is able to perfect it Whereas S. S. states the Question and Answer thus viz. Quest. But why will he not in this Life viz. remove the Being o●… Sin He answers It is his good Pleasure I Reply A damnable Doctrine to affirm that it is God's Good Pleasure that the Being of Sin should remain in his Saints all their Life time or till the next when he hath no Pleasure in Evil therefore doth prohibit all Sin Quest. Can he see the Continuance of Evil good or that his Command should not be kept To this he answers He sees good to suffer Corruptions in par 〈◊〉 in his Saints to keep them humble drive them to his Blood and Righteousness c. Reply Let the so●…er Reader mark the Nature and Tendency of this Do●…rine First How Impiously he reflects upon God as seeing it Good to suffer Corruptions either but in part mortified or in part unmortified in his Saints in this Life for his Doctrine bears the same Sense on both Hands as that God sees it good to suffer Corruptions if but in part mortified then in part unmortified in his Saints And then 2dly What a great Use and Service doth he place upon the remaining of Corruptions in the Saints as namely to keep them humble exercise and drive them to his Blood and Righteousness which is as good Doctrine as to say There is a Necessity for the Saints to sin that they may be humbled to do Evil that Good may come of it and by this the more they sin the more humble the more Unrighteous or Corrupt the more Partakers of the Blood Righteousness of Christ which are gross I●…consistencies Shall we sin that Grace may abound God forbid Christ's Blood cleanseth us from all Sin as we walk in the Light and his Righteousness admitteth of no Iniquity to continue For us to feel the Remission of Sins past through the Blood and Righteousness of Christ when we are come to the lively Act and Operation of Faith therein doth sufficiently render the infinite Perfection of Pardoning Grace both splendent and glorious and not to say That God sees good that Corruptions in part should continue in his Saints to keep them humble for this is a manifest pleading for Sin and a Commendation given to it as to those good Effects vainly supposed of Corruptions viz. To keep the Saints humble to drive them to his Blood whereas when they are truly humbled and Partakers of the Blood and Righteousness of Christ and living in the Sence thereof they withstand all Sin and Iniquity and dare not give way thereto that they may be righteous They that will teach men true Humility must not teach them to be Proud that they may be Humble nor tell them that it is God's good Pleasure that the Being of Sin and Corruptions must remain in them all their dayes or till the Life to come to keep them humble neither is a perfect or holy State so void of true Humility as this Sin-pleasing Doctrine implyeth But this is something like the Papists high Commendation of Man's Fall where in their Saturday-Mass in the Deacon's Hymn are these words O 〈◊〉 necessarium Adae peccatum quod Christi morte deletum est O felix culpa quae talem ac tantum meruit habere redemptorem O vere 〈◊〉 nox quae sola meruisti scire tempus horam in qua Christ us ab inferis resurrexit i. e. O surely the Sin of Adam was necessary which by Christ's Death was blotted out O blessed Fault that hast deserv'd to have so great and such a Redeemer O truly blessed Night which alone hast deserv'd to know the Time and Hour wherein Christ rose from the Hells Again To prove it God's good Pleasure not to remove the Being of Sin in this Li●…e that he sees good to suffer Corruptions c. And in answer to my Objection That his Pleasure is not contrary to his
was further urged against him And he that abideth in Christ sinneth not doth not commit Sin in whose Spirit is no Guile To this he answer So far as Regenerate and acting from the Regenerate part they do no Iniquity This is such Tautologie or as good sense as to say they do no Iniquity so far as they do no Iniquity whereas the Words are positive and plain They are undefiled in the way they keep his Testimonies they walk in his wayes Whereas he still insers the Saints are not perfectly free from Sin for when Paul did NO Iniquity Sin dwelt in him and yet in that State Paul said The Evil that I do I would not Did he do Evil and yet no Iniquity or was Victory over and Freedom from that Evil not attainable by him in this Life What Evil did he live and dye in or what Sin must remain in him now being deceased till the End of the World S. S. Nor will G. W. say I suppose no Man is Regenerate but who is perfectly free from Sin To this I say according to his own words before As while the Saints are Persecting they are not perfected so there is a Regenerating and a Travailing in Birth before Regenerated and born again Of Rom. 8. 1. he saith This intimates there is Flesh in such though Guilt is Removed Herein is a two-fold Error couched 1st Implying the Guilt removed while the Sin it self remains as if a Man could commit Sin and not be Guilty of it 2dly He confounds Sin and Flesh and renders them Inseparable whereas he grants in the Scripture before there is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not a●…ter the Flesh but after the Spirit He perverts Job 9. 19. and 1 J●…h 3. saying If I sin as do the wicked with Allowance here he adds WITH ALLOWANCE for it is plain if I Sin then thou markest me whosoever is born of God doth not commit Sin It is not Doth not commit Sin with Allowance as do the Wicked And the Saints on Earth enjoying Communion with God and Saints in Heaven as he saith is not a Communion in Sin neither is the Being of Sin according to the Will of God in Heaven which is prayed for so to be done in Earth If he grant it our Duty to be Perfect or perfectly to obey while he denyes Power or Possession for that End his Work is Weakness it self and inconsistent with it self God is no such Hard Master as to enjoyn Impossibilities upon us or to require Obedience beyond the Power he gives Will he say None are Sanctified that have any Sin in them I say according to his Concession before There is a Time of Sanctifying as well as Perfecting before the Work be effected which ought to be throughout in Body Soul and Spirit If he cleanseth away all Guilt from Believers and the reigning Power of Sin in this Life Why should the Being of Sin remain till the next He hath wa●…hed us from our Sins in his own Blood before which there is a time of having Sin 1 Joh. 1. 8. yet said he My little Children These Things write I unto you that ye sin not chap. 2. 1. Can the Work of Faith and Grace be sinful He answers Faith it self can be imperfect therefore the Work of Faith Lord I believe help my Unbelief Imperfection is Sin Perfection is Duty p. 67. Rep. By the same Reason Unbelief is Sin but Faith is Duty They ought not thus to be confounded nor Unbelief which is the Creatures Defect imputed to Faith which is the Gift of God a Fruit of his Spirit therefore pure as he confesseth to his own plain Confutation The Work or Thing wrought is alwayes perfect for its Part Nature or Kind the least Draghm of Grace true p. 68. From whence it follows that true Faith is pure in its kind and not sinful nor having Sin mixt with it though it doth grow and encrease Degrees of that which is of a pure or perfect Nature do not alter its Property And the saving Work of the Spirit is carried on by degrees His citing 1 Thes. 3. 10. praying that we might see your Face and perfect that which is lacking in your Faith p. 68. This proves not true Faith to have Sin in it but that in some there might be something lacking in it as to Growth and Increase of Effects and which some read thus FULFILL that which is lacking It is not that we might add more Purity to your Faith but more Joy Comfort Refreshment Edification c. unto you in the Faith for Imperfection where it imports only the Want of full Growth or Maturity of that which in its kind is pure is not Sin and Imperfection and Sin have not the same Signification for Imperfection as it relates to a Thing or Work not fulfilled or finished it implies a Work begun and they who have known the Work of God begun in them and Faith in his Power they dare not plead for Sin nor cast it upon God as his good Pleasure that the Being of Sin should not be removed in this Life but know that the good Pleasure and Will of God is their Sanctification and therefore wait upon him for the perfecting of it His accusing David with having Failings in the End of his Dayes and asserting the Perfection of his War-like Attempts not of his Graces p. 68. This Accusation against David he hath neither proved by Scripture nor shewed what Failings he had in the End of his Dayes nor yet that his Graces were imperfect for God was the Lise and Grace of all his Graces and he said God is my Strength and Power and he maketh my Way perfect 2 Sam. 22. 23. And were not his inward War-like Attempts against his Soul's Enemy both perfect and succesful as well as his outward Did he not confess to the Lord Thou hast also given me the Shield of Salvation and said He is the Tower of Salvation and in his last Words He hath made with me an Everlasting Covenant ordered in all things and sure for this is all my Salvation 〈◊〉 Sam. 23. The Means for a Man to have his Way made per●…ect is to know the Lord to be his Strength and Power a strong Tower and Salvation Thus he is known to them that truly wait upon him If in this Life our Work be not to let Sin reign not to obey it in the Lusts thereof p. 68. why should we either commit Sin or the Being of it remain in us when we have received Power so far to subdue it and bring it under And if the Lusts of it be not obeyed but watched against they will be subdued so far as Sin may neither be brought forth nor have a Being If the Operation or working of the Spirit ●…e alwayes perfect he working by infinite Wisdom and Power p. 68. though the saving Work thereof be not presently fulfilled in all those Degrees of Perfection it is to attain unto
nor the Being of Sin forthwith excluded p. 68. yet by Degrees it comes fully to be effected and Sin put an End to as there is a waiting in Patience and Diligence upon him who hath begun a good Work who will also perfect it That the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us on this he thus paraphraseth Fulfill signifies sincerely to obey the Law 1 Chron. 22. 13. that is sincerely to obey every Precept so far as we attain to understand it Thus far he contradicts his pleading for the Being of Sin and Corruptions in the Saints and his denying perfect Obedience to be attainable in this Life yet I assert that Man in his own Will Strength cannot attain sincerely to obey the Law of God but through the Power and Aid of Christ Jesus he may attain to the Righteousness or Substance of the Law to be fulfilled in him being led by the Spirit of Life for the Law thereof in Christ makes free from the Law of Sin and Death But when this Opposer adds Thus in the other World God's People shall attain to fulfil the Righteousness of the Law p. 69. Herein he perverts Scripture and puts Christ's Work afar off who is the End of the Law for Righteousness not to indulge Men in Sin to them that believe and he came to condemn Sin in the Flesh that the Righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit which State the Apostle did not put off to the other World And if the Gospel or Law of the Spirit of Life free us from the Law of Sin and Death and Christ was sent to condemn Sin in the 〈◊〉 which Words he turns thus viz. Condemned our Sin in him I say First Why should we be subject to the Law of Sin a●…d Death or 〈◊〉 believe a Freedom from the Being of Sin when its Power Law and Rule is taken away These are inconsistent Must Men needs subject themselves to that which is brought under by the Power of Christ and Law of Life in him His saying He condemned our Sin in him will not excuse him from being condemned with Sin if he doth not come to find Sin condemned and destroyed in himself and Man's Disobedience to the Law of God within will not be excused by what Christ hath done and suffered without neither will your Application cause you to be lookt on as if from the Beginning of Life to the End to have obeyed the Law as Creatures to have satisfied it as Sinners p. 69. Surely God doth not so look upon you while you continue in Sin and his Spirit striving with you and reproving of you for Sin and Corruption God and his Spirit do not so oppose on another and yet he is Gratious and Merciful ready to pardon and forgive Sins past upon true Repentance and that for Christ's sake who is the Propitiation c. but the Notion of Satisfaction as it is taken in the severe Sense of strict Payment in Law by undergoing the full Punishment It is not consistent with the Gratiousness of God in forgiving Sins past on unfeigned Repentance but sufficient is said to that Point He is offended that we should say to him and his Brethren You plead for Sin he calls this an opprobrious and gross Slander but hath not cleared himself thereof but verified it as appears in this Discourse of his And his saying Who do more call Men off from sinning then we If he had added Who tell People that to come off or be free from Sin is not attainable in this Life and that it is God's good Pleasure not to destroy the Being of Sin in this Life and that he sees good Corruptions should remain in his Saints to keep them humble Then the World might easily have judged how heartily they call Men off from Sin or rather how they impiously plead for Sin as necessary He sayes Their Light without the Scriptures will help to call men off from Lying Injustice Uncleanness c. They should then obey it for then it necessarily calls unto Truth Justice Purity c. and consequently to Heaven Depart from ●…vil and do Good and dwell for evermore We urge Men to the Observance of the Christian Sabbath p. 69. And what is that Christian Sabbath And how do you urge men to Observe it Was not the Jews Sabbath a Type of the Christians Sabbath or Rest And do they not cease from their own Works and Thoughts being not to think their own Thoughts on this Sabbath or holy Day We press to repent of the very Being of an evil Thought in us But do you press it in the Faith Do you believe that the Being of evil Thoughts can be remov'd in this Life else what signifies your pressing to repent thereof Your Denouncing against men's Allowing themselves in Sin Wickedness Your saying It is the Duty of all to be Perfect to Press after it to watch against all even the least Sins p. 70. What avails all this when you press and preach thus in your Unbelief You unsay what you here pretend when you tell people It is God's Good Pleasure that the Being of Sin and Corruption should remain in his Saints to keep them humble What Incouragement do you here give People to press after Perfection and to watch against all Sin when you tell them A Sinless Perfection is not attainable But he brings an Instance for their Encouragement as he thinks viz. If two Companies of Children were to run a Race and one should say to this Company There are strong Men at the End of the Race if you run as strong and as fast as they can run you are to enjoy a rich Inheritance but if not you are to dy By the way observe he very egregiously doth mistate the Case and Doctrine of those called Quakers for they do not propose Heaven and Salvation upon these Terms as for Children to run as fast as Men but that Children may become Men and in the mean time act according to their Abilities beyond which God doth not impose upon them nor require of them but that the Race that is set before us may be run with Patience which ought to have her perfect Work that we may be perfect and intire wanting nothing It is certain that they who have begun in the Spirit and spiritual Journey who are diligent using their best Endeavours and hold out shall enjoy an Everlasting Inheritance And this is not to cut off their Endeavours by Despair as falsly is supposed against the Quakers upon the said Mistating of their Case but your Preaching tends to Despair when you press People after Purity and Perfection and then tell them It is Not attainable in this Life He further adds against us There must be no Sin at all in you and then you shall obtain Salvation 〈◊〉 I must be quite free from all Sin here or burn in Hell to all Eternity pag.
Seed in any or Christ's Arising who doth appear reveal himself and arise in the Souls that believe in him to raise them also up with him yea and that which the Father hath given him he will loose nothing o●… it but raise it up at the last Day And if you do not come to know a Righteous Seed raised up in you and Truth to spring up out of the Earth and to witness Christ to be your Resurrection and Life you remain dead in your Sins and short of the Glory of this Resurrection But in witnessing Christ to be the Resurrection and the Life unto us we do not assert that it is only the Seed or Christ in us that doth arise as is vainly imagined but we are revived and do arise in and with him as those that have believed in his Name as he said I am the Resurrection and the Life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and he that liveth and believeth in me shall never dye wherein he doth not take notice of the putting off of the earthly Body or Cloathing as his dying or Death And as in Adam all dye even so in Christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order Christ the first Fruits afterward they that are Christ's at his Coming and this is not to exempt Man from the Benefit of the Resurrection nor to say That Christ and the Light within is sown Natural Mortal and Corruptible as T. H. most malitiously and falsly accuseth us by way of Question as asserting Blasphemy To which he farther adds that we intend the Resurrection of something past and witness in our selves What is Falsehood and Deceipt if this be not p. 61. And further saith Thus do you undermine the very Foundation of Faith Hope and Holiness of Life like Hymneas and Philotus 2 Tim. 2. 17. who said the Resurrection is past already To which I answer first What we witness in ourselves of the Resurrection it is this Man 's horrible Blasphemy to call it Falsehood and Deceipt for that we do witness to Christ as being the Resurrection and the Life revealed in us so far as we have a living Knowledge of him and Experience of being by him raised up from Sin and Death that came by it in order to attain to a future Glory 2dly 'T is a Gross Slander that we either intend or say like Hymneas and Philotus that the Resurrection is past already for that it is not yet as to Man compleatly we are not yet raised to what we shall be as namely to that Fulness of Glory and absolute Joy and Tryumph which shall be incessantly possest after our Labours and Sufferings are ended and our Earthly House dissolved for the more we are drawn up into absolute Spirituality the more capable we are of that full Fruition of an eternal Weight of Glory in the Heavens in order to which let us be Spiritually minded and walk in Holiness of Life while here in our earthly House As also we cannot hold that the Resurrection is past already while we or any of us are suffering with Christ and travailing in order to attain unto the Resurrection of the Dead that is perfectly to be raised up with Christ who is the Resurrection and Life in some Degree at least of all that truly believe in his Name and Power Neither is this to undermine the Foundation of true Faith Hope or Holiness of Life while we confess Christ to be that Foundation But to argue for Sin and Imperfection term of Life and so to put off being Perfect till in Heaven as this Opposer hath done this is repugnant to the Foundation of living and purifying Faith and Hope and so excludes Holiness of Life howbeit he thinks to arrive at Heaven with the same Carnal Carcass or Corruptible Cask he now beats about with him only he thinks it will be new drest up and polisht after it is turned to Dust But the greatest Miracle is that it must not be Created a new nor a new Created Body and unless we grant him this he reckons our Religion a meer Cheat calculated only to the Service of the Devil and our own Lusts and that it denies any Eternal Advantage and therefore be opposeth the Christian to the Quaker p. 62. And what is the Marrow of his Matter for this severe Conclusion upon us But First he accuseth us of a palpable Denyal of all future and distinct Beings and Existences after Death pag. 62. which is a palpable and notorious Untruth for as we confess to the distinct Beings of Angels in Heaven so we confess the future distinct Beings and Existences of the Saints and Children of the Resurrection that in the World to come they shall be AS the Angels of God yea They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that World and the Resurrection c. They shall be equal unto the Angels and are the Children of God being the Children of the Resurrection Luk. 20. 36. And what Bodies have these Angels of God Terrestrial or Celestial Carnal or Spiritual let that be considered 2dly The Man 's other Pretence is If the Soul be a Part of God Divine Infinite as before and returns into God being God it cannot miscarry he saith His Abuse concerning this hath been answer'd before both in this Treatise and in my Book of the Nature of Christianity And it was never asserted by us either of the Soul of Man or of the Spirit or Existence of Man or the Creature which may vary in its Affections to Good or Evil according to the Power that acts Man Neither can it be conceived in Reason but Envie that any of us should look upon the Infinite God to be Divisible into so many Parts or Particles as there are Entities or Existences of Men yet that there is an Infinite Life Principle or Seed in the Soul of every Man This we confess as that by which the Soul immortally subsists in its being and therefore this may be counted the Soul or Life of the Soul for without this the Soul of man could not subsist in an Immortal Capacity And this I and divers others can testifie that G. F. did not intend or asscribe either Immutability Infiniteness or Divinity to the meer formed or created Spirit Soul or Being of Man but to the divine immediate Inspiration or Breath of Life flowing from God himself who inspired into him an active Soul and breathed in a living Spirit Wisd. 15. 11. whereby Man became both a living and reasonable Soul indued with Rational Intellectual and Spiritual Parts 3dly I know no other Reason he can pretend for his Charge against us and our Religion as a Cheat and as denying an eternal Advantage but that we do not own his gross and carnal Sense of the Resurrection though it be none of our Phrase to say in these general words That the Body perisheth forever but hereby he plainly implies man's Incapacity of an
tender Mercy can and doth afford Remission upon true Repentance and his Justice can pronounce him ●…nocent that is purged from the Nature Root of Sin washed from Iniquity Have Mercy upon me O God according to thy loving Kindness according to the multitude of thy tender Mercy blot out my Transgressions wash me throughly from mine Iniquity c. Psa 51. 1 2. They whose Transgressions are thus blotted ou●… who come thus to be washed and saved through the Washing of Regeneration such come thus to be justified by his Grace can be pronounced Innocent as being washed and sanctified and such have the Demand of a good Conscience And though Pardon and Justification look not back at the unconverted State with Severity but with Remission upon Conversion yet they require what God's Covenant doth afterward to the End of our Dayes that is not to live in Sin but in Christ's Righteousness The Grace or Favour of God teacheth us that denying Ungodliness and wordly Lusts that we should live godly and soberly in this present World Tit. 2. 12. To be invested with Christ's Everlasting Righteousness p. 93. is the very Thing I plead for and if in Reality the Man stood to this the Controversie would soon have an End And he further assents to Truth viz. If this Righteousness be not put on by Faith we are not invested with any Thing for which God should declare or pronounce us Righteous From whence observe That we must be invested with Christ's Everlasting Righteousness if God pronounce us Righteous Take Justification and Imputation in this Sense and then we differ not in this Matter but how well this agrees with imputing and reckoning Guilty Condemned Fallen Creature JUST or INNOCENT only on the Account of Christ's Sufferings and Death while such condemned Creatures are invested with Sin and Guilt and not with Christ's Everlasting Righteousness Will his telling us of Christ's Death imputed p. 97. make up the Matter 'T is true Christ is our Surety and that of the new Testament or Covenant 1st For that without him we can pay no Debt nor truly obey or fulfil the Terms thereof on our Parts but in and through him that strengthneth us 2dly Of the New Testament also in fulfilling the Promises belonging thereto for all the Promises of God are Yea and Amen in him David describes the Blessedness of the Man to whom God imputes Righteousness without Works saying Blessed is he whose Iniquity is forgiven But then S. S. is not pleased to take notice of but overlooks the following Words viz. Blessed is the Man unto whom the Lord imputeth not Iniquity and in whose Spirit there is NO GUILE See Psal. 32. 1 2. If it were only a Man thus qualified that the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness and Justification were pleaded for we should not have this Controversie but should agree That the Man in whose Spirit is NO GUILE is blessed He is the Man whom God pronounceth Just and Innocent his Transgression is forgiven his Sin is covered And though it is said God imputes Righteousness to him without Works yet 't is to be understood it is not without a sincere Obedience because that in his Spirit there is no Guile and then without what Works 1. Not without the Work of living Faith 2. Not without yielding true Subjection or Obedience unto God in his spiritual Requirings or Law of Faith for Abraham did not only believe God but by Faith yielded ●…o obey him Without what Works then but the Work of the Law of Works as wrought by the Flesh or st●…nly Jew by which no Flesh shall be justified I mentioned C●…rcumcision and others that were Types or Signs wherein the Righteousness of Faith doth not consist see Divin of Christ p. 64 65. in which this Point is opened and cleared But to this S. S. objects viz. He errs calling the Ceremonial Law a Law of Works in giving this the Lord gave a Law of Grace to his People p. 94. Rep. If the Ceremonial Law be not a Law of Works but a Law of Grace he should have been so Ingenuous as to have told us what the Law of Works is which the Apostle distinguisheth from the Law of Faith Rom. 3. 27. as he d●…th between justifying Faith and the Deeds of the Law as wrought and boasted in by the literal Jews And whether the Law of Works be some Law inferiour to that of Circumcision other Types But to shew S. S. his Error in denying the Ceremonial Law as he calls it to be the Law of Works let him consider that after the Apostle excludes Boasting not by the Law of Works and concludes a Man is justified by Faith without the Deeds of the Law he saith Is H●… the God of the Jews only Is He not also of the Gentiles and that it is by Faith that God justifies both the Circumcision and the Uncircumci●…on and that Faith was reckoned to Abraham ●…or Righteousness not in Circumcision but in 〈◊〉 and that he received the Sign of Circumcision a Seal of the Righteousness of the Faith which he had yet being Uncircumcised that he might be the Father of all them that be●…ieve though they be not Circumcised c. See Rom. 3. 28 29. and Ch. 4. 10 11. Gal. 2. 16. and 3. 2 5. and 4. 10. And ●…urther If ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing ch 5 2. From all which 't is plain 't is no Error to say the Law of Works as opposed to the Law of Faith is that enjoyning Circumcision and other Signs and Shadows these the Works which are not imputed unto Justification nay I shall further grant that all Man's Works or working whatsoever before a living Faith are neither available nor accountable unto his Justification with God and on the other Hand that a true and sanctifying Faith and believing in God from a Sence of his living Word or holy Command in the Heart is accounted for Righteousness to him that so believe●…h before he hath performed his actual Obedience even while in the Faith he is passively waiting upon God as being ceased to do Evil that he may receive Strength to act Good even while he is so believing and waiting and breathing to the Lord and saying draw me and I will come after thee lead me and I will follow give me Strength and I will walk in thy Wayes come let us walk in the Light of the Lord c. knowing that it is the Power of God that begets living Faith and thereby changes and sanctifieth the Mind unto a living and sincere Obedience and this Faith is the Gi●…t of God a Fruit of his own Spirit and therefore accounted of by him and reckoned unto us I would not make the Scriptures speak that God imputes Works wrought by us without Works by us as S. S. falsly accuseth me p. 94. But rather that God imputes his own Works in us without any self-Works wrought by us and accepts us in the