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A30537 The principles of truth being a declaration of our faith, who are call'd Quakers: whereby all that wants peace with God, may return into their first estate, through the operation of the Light and power of God in the great work of regeneration. Written by E.B. J.C. W.D. H.S. I.P. and A.P. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing B6018; ESTC R213104 61,291 136

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the World by the things of the World endeavours to blind the mind not the Brain-Knowledge but the Heart F●…eling Sence within in the mind lest the Light within should so shine as God should heal them all the Buslings of Satan with his Gifts are but to blind the Mind within lest God should heal the Soul that complains to him from the true Sight and Sence of his Misery as in himself By this Grace and Gift within we believe That to Us though in the World there be Lords many Gods many there is but ONE GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ witnessed within man only by the Spirit of Truth that manifests both the Father and the Son and yet these Three are One and agree in One and he that honours the Father honours the Son that proceeds from him and he that denies the Spirit denies both the Father and the Son and is Antichrist but he that believes in the Spirit and is led by it is the Son of God Rom. 8. 14. As many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God We believe The Scriptures bear witness unto and testifie of Christ but they say The Witness of God is greater then them The Spirit it self bearing witness with our Spirits that we are the Sons of God For it is not the Scriptures without the Spirit nor the Spirit contrary to the Scriptures but the Spirit 's discovering the Will of God in the Heart o●… opening of the Scrlp●…ures in its own Time and Way and not in or by the Will of Man but as it self pleaseth who searcheth all even the deep things of God and manifests them unto the Soul which gives the Perfect Sound and Saving Knowledge for said Christ The Spirit shall take of mine shew them unto you And as Holy Men gave forth the Scriptures 2 Pet. 1. 21. so Holy Men and they only come truly to understand them and not proud and ungodly men because their Hearts and Lives do not answer the Hearts Lives of those that gave them forth as Face answers Face in a Glass And this we believe to be the Reason why so long Preaching by men of corrupt Minds who have and do handle the Word deceitfully for Selfish Ends and filthy Lucre sake hath brought forth so little Fruit and been to so little Purpose except to their Purses and Bellies for had they believed and therefore spoaken and stood in God's Counsel they should have profited their Hearers Jer. 23. 21 22 23 to the end Through this Gift we believe That Christ Jesus the Son of God was manifest in the Flesh in the Fulness of time And this we know by the same Spirit by which our Fathers believed he should come and Abraham saw his Day by the same we do believe he is come and do see his Day as also by the Prophet and Apostles Writing which two-fold Cord is not easily broken We believe also according to the Scriptures of Truth That this same Jesus hath God highly exalted and given him a Name above every Name that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life and that there is not another Name whereby any can be saved than this Name of Jesus Christ nor is Remission of Sins to be preached by any other Name But as we do not believe that the outward Letters and Syllables are that Name that is to be bowed to by the outward Knee no more then the Letters or Syllables in the words God or Spirit seeing the Scripture faith Unto God who is a Spirit every Knee shall bow Isa. 45. 93. But the Name which saves is the Power and Arm of God that brings Salvation from Sin and makes every Soul that names it to depart from Iniquity This is that Name which was preached and which is preached through Faith in which Name Remission of Sin is obtained Therefore was the outward word Jesus given him as his outward Name Thou shalt call his Name JESUS for he shall save his People from their Sins mark for he shall save c. So that which saves is the Name which is to be believed in which is that Arm of God that brings Salvation when no Eye pities neither is there any Help the Power of God that then saves is that Grace that comes from the Fulness of Christ the Saviour And without this Virtue Christ and Jesus are but empty Names 1 Cor. 12. 3. No man can say that Jesus is the LORD but by the Holy Ghost We believe also That this Jesus dyed for or because of Sin and rose again for the Justification of those that believe in him as well as to manifest to all the World that he was the Son of God and that he thereby spoiled Principalities and Power and triumphed over them openly and led Captivity captive in his own Person yet we believe and know by his Grace in our Hearts that as his Name Jesus without Virtue and Power is but an empty Word so his Dying without man's Conformity to his Death or being planted into the Likeness thereof or being crucified with Christ as saith the Scripture Rom. 6. 2 3 4 5 6. Gal. 2. 20. will not profit man as to the Salvation of his Soul no more then the naming of his outward Name Jesus doth at this day make People to depart from Iniquity For we believe and are ●…ure that man must dye inwardly as well as Christ dy'd outwardly and must be put to Death in his Flesh as Christ was in his for he that is in the Flesh cannot please God Rom. 8. 8. Neither ceaese fro●… Sin but he that is dead is freed from Sin Rom. 6. 7. And yet man 's dying unto Sin and the Root and Principle of it in himself is so far from making void Christ's Death in his own Person that it establisheth it to all those Ends and Purposes for which it was intended of the Father As the Cures which the Physitian doth manifest and establish his Skill and Ability so doth man's dying unto Sin and Self and living unto God manifest and establish the Virtue and Power of Christ's Death for as man manifests his being risen with Christ by his seeking the things that are above Col. 3. 1 2. so doth he manifest his Knowledge of the Death of Christ by his being crucified with Christ and bearing about in his Body the Dying of the Lord Jesus For as it is not an outward Belief gather'd from the Letter that will change the Heart and Life though the Judgment and Opinion it may so it is not a Belief from the History or Letter only that can give man a saving Knowledge of the Death of Christ but he must have the same Glory and Power of the Father in measure working in him there to beget Faith in his Heart tha●… he may believe unto Salvation from his own Filthiness and Righteous●…ess as well as confess with his Mouth Rom. 10. and must have that
believe That all the Prophets gave Testimony of him and that he was made manifest in Judea and Jerusalem and did the Work of the Father and was persecuted of the Jews and was crucified by his Enemies and that he was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures And we believe He is now ascended on high exalted at the right hand of the Father for ev●… and that he is glo●…ified with the same glo●…y that he had before the world was and that even the same that came down from Heaven is ascended up to Heaven and the same that descended is he that ascended And we believe Even he that was dead is alive and lives for evermore and that he cometh and shall come again to judge the whole world with righteousness and all people with equity and shall give to every man according to his deeds at the day of Judgment when all shall arise to condemnation or justification he that hath done good shall receive Life and he that hath done evil everlasting Condemnation And we believe He is to be waited for in Spirit to be known after the Spirit as he was before the World was and that is the knowledge unto Eternal Life which all that believe in him do receive he subdues death destroys him that hath the power of it restoreth from Death to Life and quickeneth by his Spirit all that the Father hath given him and we believe such he justifieth and sanctifi●…th and such are taught of him but he condemns all that believe not and continue in unbelief and are not taught of him And this we faithfully believe And we believe That unto all People upon the face of the whole Earth is a time and day of Visitation given that they may return and be saved by Jesus Christ who is given of the Father to call the worst of men to repentance and the most ungodly of sinners are convinced by him of their ungodly deeds that they may believe and be converted and saved And we believe Herein is the love of God manifested to all mankind and that none wert shut out by him before they were born into the world but unto all men is a visitation given and they that perish it is because they do not believe in Christ and Destruction is of a mans self but Salvation is of God through believing in his Son who takes away sin and reneweth into his ownImage that they may become Heirs with him And we believe That there is a Crown of eternal Glory and an Inheritance of eternal Life to be enjoy'd for evermore by all that believe are chosen of God and that there is an everlasting Misery and Destruction to be possessed by all that believe not but continue in the state of Reprobation and are not changed from the ways of sin and death but walk after the ways of their own hearts lusts fulfilling the will of the flesh in the evil of this world and follow not Christ the Light of the world that they may be saved and we believe upon all such the Wrath of God abides and that they have no part in the Inheritance of God And we believe That it is only he that is born again of the Spirit and that walks after the Spirit who is changed from Death unto Life and who is redeemed out of the world and all its ways such only must inherit the Kingdom of God and they only have right thereunto and none besides even they that are washed and cleans'd from all unrighteousness by the Blood of Jesus by which their sins are remitted for his Blood cleanseth them from all Unrighteousness and Sin yea all such that walk and abide in the Light which Jesus Christ hath enlightned the World withal And we believe That the Saints upon Earth may receive forgiveness of Sins and may be perfectly freed from the body of sin death and in Christ may be perfect and without Sin and may have Victory over all Temptations by Faith in Jesus Christ And we believe Every Saint that is call'd of God ought to press after Perfection and to overcome the Devil and all his Temptations upon Earth and we believe they that faithfully wait for it shall obtain it and shall be presented without sin in the Image of the Father and such walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit and are in Covenant with God and their Sins are blotted out and remembred no more for they cease to commit sin being born of the Seed of God And we believe the Go●…pel of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation and that it ought to be preached freely unto all People Christ to be held forth to all Mankind by the Ministry sent of him And we believe this Ministry is receiv'd by the gift of the holy Ghost and all they that receive it are lawfully called to the Ministry and they may preach the Gospel of Christ freely as they have received it freely and this Ministry is not of man but of God and is made powerful to the converting of sinners and to the bringing of People to God and to the knowledge of his ways And we do not believe that any man is a Minister of Christ without the gift of the holy Ghost or that the Gospel can be received by natural Larning or Education And we believe such as preach for hire and have hire for preaching are not the lawfully called Ministers of the Gospel of Christ such as are proud and high-minded and covetous men who do not profit the people at all such as have run and never were sent of Christ who calls by his Spirit into the Work of the Ministry and as every one hath received the Gift of that Spirit so he may administer to others Concerning Rulers and Governors we believe That there ought to be Rulers and Governors in every Nation City Country or Town and they ought to be such men as fear God and hate every evil way who will judge for God and not for man and will judge Righteously Equally and Justly and will give true and sound Judgment unto all men without bribery or respect of Persons not regarding the Rich above the Poor but being a Praise unto all that do well a terror to all evil doers having knowledge in the pure Law of God and themselves continually exercised therein And we believe That every Law of man ought to be grounded upon the Law of God pure Reason and Equity being the Foundation thereof that Gods witness in every man may answer to it and the Law ought to be known unto all People before Transgression be charged or punished in any man And we believe That every Transgression ought to be punished according to its nature that the punishment exceed not the greatness of the Transgression neither ought Transgressors to escape unpunished neither ought any upon false suspicion or jealousies be caused to suffer without the Testi●…ony of true men or the
keeps the ●…ind pure and the Heart clean through the sprinkling of the Heart from an Evil Conscience by the Blood of Jesus which remits the Sin and justisies the Soul through the Virtue of this Blood received into the Heart by this living Faith which receives all its Power and Virtue from Christ in whom it abides as its Root and Object whereby Justification is witnessed from Sin not in Sin Rom. 6. 22. But now being made free from Sin and become Servants unto God you have your Fruit unto Holiness and the End Everlasting Life We believe That Justification and Sanctification are distinguished but not divided for as he that sanctifieth and justifieth is one so do these go together and when the Son hath the grea●…t Sence of Justification upon it through the Vertue of the Blood of Jesus by the Living Faith then is it most in Love with Holiness and at the gratest Distance from Sin and Evil and whenever there is a Failing in Sanctification there is also some ●…elipse of Justification in the Eye of the Soul until Faith hath received its Strength again which it lost by Sin 's prevailing For as the farthest clear'st Sight is in the brightest Day so is it with the Soul when it is most in the Brightness and Beauty of Holiness its Justification appears most Glorious and its Union and Communion most sweet and lasting and so like two Twins as they are much of an Age so they are like one to the other And what God hath joyn'd together let no ma●… put asunder We also by this Light believe That Acceptance with the Father is only in Christ by his Righteousness made ours or imputed unto us not by the Creaturely Skill but by the Applicatory Act of God's Gift of Grace whereby the Soul feels the Difference between Self-applying by its own Faith and God appling by his Spirit and so making Christ unto the Soul Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption So that we b●…lieve and are sure that there is a great Difference between Imputa●…on as it is the Act of man's Spirit as it is the Act of Free Grace without man's forcing And so we distinguish between Imagination and Imputation between Reckoning or Imputing that is Real and Reckoning or Imputation that is not Real but a Fiction and Imagination in the Creaturely Will and Power And because we are against the latter we are clamoured upon as if we deny'd the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness when it is only unto those who are not made Righteous by it to walk as he also walked For as the Scripture saith it is not he that saith he is Righteous by the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness but he that d●…th Right●…ousness is Righteous even as Christ is Righteous 1 Joh. 3. 7. he that believes otherwise is deceived And yet it is not Acts of Righteousness as done by us nor as inherent in us as Acts by which we are accepted of God and justified before him but by Christ the Author and Worker of those Acts in us and for us whereby we know that we are in him and he in us and we hold him as our Head unto whom all things are gathered together in one even in him We further believe That God is only to be Worshipped and not any Likeness that man makes unto himself of God from any View Sight and Knowledge that he hath had of him but in every Act and Service man is to know what substantially as well as whom speculatively or notionally he wopships as it is written John 4. 22. Ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for Salvation is of the Jews And he that thus worships the Father honours the Son by the same Spirit which is one with the Father and the Son in which Spirit only God is worshipped according to the Form of its own chufing and manifesting of himself in and by according unto the Good Pleasure of the Father who is a Spirit and limits man unto the Spirit's Form but allows not man to limit the Spirit unto his Form though it be not of his inventing originally but of the Father Yet Man must no more limit God unto it then he could command God to appear in it at first For as he chose it himself so he hath reserved Liberty to leave it at his Pleasure who works all things after the Counsel of his own Will which be hath purposed in himself that the Gift of the Knowledge of the Mystery of his Will might forever be acknowledged to be of his Grace and for the Riches of the Glory thereof according to Ephes. 1. and man be bound but God free Man bound to wait in the Light for God's Movings but God free to move in whom to what and when he pleaseth Then man is to go when he saith Go and come when he saith Come and such Servants do serve him And then there is no more Curse as in the days of Will Worship and Voluntary Humility but the Throne of God and of the Lamb Col. 2. 18 23. Rev. 22. 3 4. And they shall see his Face and his Name shall be on their Foreheads We believe also That this Worship is spiritual and not carnal in all its Parts and Ordinances and not to be imposed by any outward Force but performed by the inward Leading of God's Holy Spirit according as the Holy Men of God were led and guided in the days past who gave forth the Scriptures all Impsitions of Worship outward being only enjoyn'd under the first Covenant that made nothing perfect until the Time of Reformation spoken of Hebr 9 10. But Christ being come there is an End as well of such Imp●…sitions as of the Meats and Drinks and divers Baptisms and carnal Ordinances they being all but Temporary and in Order unto an End but all to vail to Christ the sum and substance of all the first pointed at by all and the last ending of all the Amen And he that thus worships God in Christ his Ordinances are spiritual and not carnal and his Faith carries him beyond his Works with righteous Abel and preserves him that he is not drowned in the Form like Cain neither falls he short of the glory of God nor of his assurance of Acceptance with him We believe There is one Baptism necessary to Salvation Ephs. 4. 5. One Lord one Faith one Baptism And this Baptism is Spiritual of which John's Water was but a figure John 1. 31. That he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with Water saith John and 1 Pet. 3. 21. The like figure whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us not the pu●…ting away the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good Conscience towards God by the R●…surrection of Jesus Christ This one Spiritual Baptism into the Name of Jesus Christ is that which saves the Water being but a figure that Christ might be manifest to Israel who had divers Baptisms
him foolishness and madness This is the Wi●…dom of God and the children thereof judged and condemned by man in his day And how can it be otherwise How can the wisdom of men but judge that as foolishness whose beauty and excellency is hid from its eye But this is because the wisdom of man is out of its place not subjected to the Wisdom of God but exalted above it therefore as a Curse unto it is it suffered to lift up it self in its conceitfulness against and so to persecute the pure Wisdom of God and the birth thereof that it might fall and be broken and snared and taken and its day deservedly come to an end and be shut up in the shadows and chambers of eternal darkness But what Ear of Man can hear this Surely none that is whole in the line of Man's wisdom reason and understanding but that alone which is bruised broken and in some measure dashed to pieces by the inroads of a divine Life and Nature This i●… the leading of that Life which hath broken it and in the shinings of the Light eternal upon it and into it may be enabled to take up the Cross to the natural part and to die that Death with Christ which preserves from the second Death with the misery thereof Happy is he who knows and hearkens to the Perswasions of God's Spirit who is born of God and taught to wait upon him and worship him in Spirit who receives his Religion from the Lig●… of Faith into the renewed Nature and Mind and not from the Reason of Man into the natural understanding which is easily corrupted and cannot be kept pure but alone by the indwelling of the Principle of Eternal Life in it For though such may suffer very deeply in this World from the men of this world as the Subjects and Servants to the Principle of Life have done in all Ages and Generations yet their Principle will bear them out in which God will appear to strengthen and refresh their spirits and carry them up above all their Sufferings in the Patience Meekness and Faith of the Lamb And keeping to their Principle they cannot be overcome but must either live or die Conquerors according to the will and good pleasure of Him who ordereth and disposeth of all things well and bringeth good out of every evil in despite of all the Powers of Darkness And he that overcometh whether by life or death in the Lamb's Spirit shall wear the Lambs Crown sit down in that perfect Rest in the Kingdom of the Father which will give the hearts of all his Children full Satisfaction In which assured hope Life stirring in our bosoms and quickning our hearts with Love unto our God and Zeal for his Truth we can freely give up all that is near and dear unto us in this World and lay down our heads in inward Peace ●…n the midst of the greatest outward Persecution and Trouble Even so O Lord thy Will be done concerning this Generation of thy People whom thou hast begotten to thy Self and brought forth by thy mighty Power to testifie to thy Truth in this present day Dispose of them as it pleaseth Thee and let not their Faith in thee nor thy Faithfulness to them fail but let them be a Praise to thy Name throughout all Generations and tendered by Thee as the First fruits of thine Appearance in the Glorious Light of the Everlasting Day after this great long thick and dark Night of Apostacy from the Life and Spirit of the Apostles hath so long ecclipsed and covered the brightness of thy Beauty from the fight of the Earth Isaac Pennington A Declaration to all the World of our Faith and what we Believe who are called QUAKERS Also what Ministers and Magistrates we own and what and whom we deny Concerning God Christ and the Spirit FIrst That there is only one true God who is a Spirit and his Presence filleth Heaven and Earth he is Eternal and Everlasting the Creator Preserver of all things that Heaven and Earth and all things therein by him were framed and brought forth and all things remain unto this day by his Power and whatsoeve●… he willeth in Heaven and Earth he brings to pass by his Word and Power And we believe That this God only is and ought to be feared loved obeyed and worshipped by all Creatures and no other thing besides him in Heaven and Earth and we believe that his Worship and Obedience and Care and Love is to be given in Spirit even i●… what his own Spirit moveth and leadeth his people unto And we believe his True Worship required and accepted of him is not by the tradition of men in outward observances or set days or places but he is worshipped only in Spirit and Truth without respect of times places or things and that none can worship him in righteousness but his Children who are born of his Spirit and are led and guided thereby And we believe that this God hath given his Son Christ Jesus into the World a free Gift unto the whole World and that every man that cometh into the World is lighted by him that every man may believe and be saved And we believe That he is given into the World and no Nation Country or People excepted but to all mankind he is given of God and hath enlightened them And every man through the world that believeth in and receiveth Christ who is the Wisdom and Power of the Father shall be saved with eternal Salvation And every one that believes not in him shall be damned and shall possess everlasting misery And we believe That Salvation Justification and Sanctification is only in Him wrought by him and no other for there is no other Name given under Heaven but him alone by which Salvation is and we believe all that receive him and believe in him are reconciled to God and are made alive to God to live to him in all things and do receive the forgiveness of Sins and are set free from all unrighteousness and from the body of Sin and Death and have the witness of the Spirit in them and the Spirit of the Father they have received and it witnesseth in them of the Father and of the Son and of the things that belong to their peace and it is the Earnest of the Inheritance and the Seal of the Promise of Eternal Life and by it are the deep things of God revealed to mankind and by it the Father and the Son dwell in the Saints and by it they have fellowship one with another and the Father Son and Spirit are one And this we faithfully believe Again concerning Christ we believe Tha●… he is one with the Father and was with the Father before the World was and what the Father worketh is by the Son for he is the Arm of Gods Salvation and the very Power and Wisdom of the Creator and was is and is to come without beginning or end And we
Spirit in him quickning his mortal Body as well as to believe that it was in Christ and raised up him from the Dead Rom. 8. 11. And this man whoever he be Bound or F●…ee that thus believes the Death of Christ and it●… Satisfaction to God as well as its Usefulness to man cannot make it void nor divide it and its Virtue upon the Soul that thus knows it but will say Here is a dying man witnessing the Death of Christ and nevertheless the same man living with Christ and concluding if Christ had not dyed man must have perished in his Sin This being the Way found out by God to recover him whereby he knows Christ and him crucified and what the preaching of the Cross of Christ is which is Foolishness to them that perish but to them that are saved the Wisdom of God and the Power of God 1 Cor. 1. 81. By this Gift of God in our Hearts we further believe That Christ Jesus rose again fro●… the Dead according to the Scriptures and sits at God's Right Hand in a Glorious Body And we believe that our low Estates and humble Bodies shall be made like unto his glorious Body through the Working of his Mighty Power whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself and that this Mortality shall put on Immortality For though we believe that Christ Jesus hath lighted every man with his Light whereby man may come to know himself lost and undone as before is said yet therefore is not every man saved though the Grace that appears to all men is sufficient in it self but some have the Grace of God bestowed upon them in vain not likeing to retain God in their Knowledge though something within them shews them what is good But they reject the Counsel of God within or against themselves to their own Destruction Luke 7. 30. see the Mergant and yet it doth not follow that the Grace is insufficient of it self no more then it follows that Christ's Death is insufficient because he tasted Death for every man and yet every man is not saved Neither doth Regeneration or the believing in the Light of Christ within make void the Death and Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem no more then believing the Scripture testimony without concerning Christ's Death makes void the Work of Regenertaion and Mortification within but as the Apostle saith in another Case so I say in this For as the Man is not without the Woman neither is the Woman without the Man in the Lord even so is not the Death Sufferings of Christ without at Jerusalem to be made void and of none effect by any thing within neither doth the Light within make that of none effect without but both in the Lord answers his Will For though there is and may be a Knowledge and Belief of what Christ did and Suffered without the Gates in his own Body upon the Tree and yet Sin alive in the Heart and the Work of Regeneration not known yet it can't be so where the Light within is believed on and obeyed so as to have its perfect Work in the Heart to regenerate and make all things new and to be of God this man can never make void what Christ hath done and suffered without And yet this New Birth or Christ formed within and dwelling in the Heart by Faith doth not limit or confine Christ to be only within and not without also but both within and without according to the Good Pleasure of the Father to reveal and make him known for he fills all things and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him and yet is he at God's Right Hand far above all Heavens in a glorious Body And we also believe the Resurrection of the Just Unjust the One to Salvation and the Other to Condemnation according unto the Judgment of the great Day and then shall every Seed have its own Body according to 1 Cor. 15. 36 37. which we verily believe For if the Dead rise not we are of all men most miserable But because we dare not be so foolishly inquisitive as to say With what Bodies shall they arise therefore do some say We deny both the Resurrection of the Body of Christ and of all that are or shall be dead But this also is false for every man shall be raised in his own Order but Christ the First Fruits 1 Cor. 15. 23. And we believe they shall be raised with the same Bodies so far as a Natural Spiritual Corruptible and Incorruptible Terrestrial and Celestial can be the same We further believe according unto the S●…riptures concerning Faith That this Faith is only true which is God's Gift and has Christ Jesus the Power of God for its Author and Object and is distinguished from the Dead Faith by its Fruits For though in Description and Definition they may carry a Resemblance yet in Nature are as different as a Living Man is from a Dead which wants not Form or Shape but Life Power So saith the Apostle James As the Body without a Spirit is dead so is Faith without Works even so is that Faith which stands in the Wisdom of Words and not in the Power of God by the one man is kept in Captivity to the World and the things of it but by the other he hath Victory over the World 1 Joh. 5 4. and the Seal and Witness thereof in his own Heart whereby it is purified and God is seen for the Pure in Heart see God Mat. 5. 8. This Faith differs men now and their Worships as it did Cain and Abel For By Faith Abel offered up a more excellent Sacrifice then Cain Hebr. 11. By this Living Faith Abel saw beyond the Sacrifice unto Christ the First Born of God beyond the Firstling of the Flock which he offered and therefore God had Respect unto Ab●…l and his Offering but God rejected Cain and his Offering though he had Faith to believe it to be his Duty yet sticking in the Form and not flying on the Wing of Faith unto Christ the One Offering he missed the Mark as all have done ever since that have gone in Cain's Way of Worshipping as well as Killing men about Worship But we believe that Faith to be only true and saving that flyes over Self Righteousness as well as Filthiness unto the Fountain of Life in Christ which Faith hath nothing of man in it but is as the Breath of Life by which the Soul lives nor a bare Assent of the Truth of a Proposition in ●…he natural Understanding but the Soul's cleaving unto God out of a Naturalness between Christ and the Soul and so live rather by Relation then bare Cerdit or desperate Adventure and Hazard not looking at its doing to commend it but God's Love and Bounty in Christ the Light to receive it and yet Holiness is its Delight he can no more live out of it then the Fish upon the dry Land We believe That this Faith