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A26829 A treatise concerning the free grace of God the Father and of the love of Jesus Christ in which is contained the fountain of precious consolation to all the saints beloved and redeemed / by Timothie Batt. Batt, Timothy, 1613-1692. 1643 (1643) Wing B1147; ESTC R4156 68,873 192

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have of the answer of mercy and of the treasures riches and wisdome of Christ is because that through the infinite worth of Christs death and bloud they are absolutely reconciled to GOD the Father Col. 2.2 That their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and unto all riches of full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ. Col. 1.21 22. Yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight Contemplation THe saying of Ahaziah King of Israel to Jehu was Is there peace His answer was What peace The reply of the wounded Conscience is Is there not peace The answer is given there is peace God who was an enemy is now become a friend his hatred against sinne was so great that it could not be pacified or asswaged by any humane creature The barres of Hell the gates of death the iron bands of sinne the fiercenesse of the Morall Law is removed by a person infinite the same vertue and worth which hath procured Redemption hath procured Reconciliation The strength of Sampson was more then the gates of Azzah the vertue and worth in Christ hath been above the enmity betwixt God and man What is like to this great and wonderfull worke of Reconcilement As nothing can parallell the work of Redemption and Union with GOD through Christ so nothing can equall the work of Reconciliation to God by the hand of Christ When we see the Rain-bow we admire yet wee cease to admire when we consider the hand that made it When we behold the famous work of Reconciliation we may wonder yet cease to wonder when we consider the hand that did it How comfortable is the calmenesse of weather after stormy times How passing comfortable is the peace of Conscience from Reconcilement to God after the stormy times of temptation Out of the sweet comes Corroboration and out of this comes the greatest consolation When Balacke saw the standing of Israel in the Wildernesse he said How comely are thy tents O Israel and thy habitations O Jacob When the faithfull through the eye of faith behold the fruits of reconciliation to God they say how great delight and comfortablenesse ariseth from that peace which is made betwixt God and their soules Hence from the worke of Reconciliation comes the worke of a Christians moving to God-ward with freenesse of spirit Hence comes the Gospell of Reconciliation which speaks better things then the Law the Law speakes evill as Micah against Ahab as Do●g against the Priests of the Lord as the Jewes against our Saviour but now the Gospell speakes graciously and sweetly of peace of grace of mercy being that man to God is reconciled through the hand of the Mediator Jesus Christ turne therefore thine eare from the Law to the Gospell and walke thou in the comfort thereof till thou come to see thy Redeemers face in Sion and the brightnesse of the countenance of thy loving God and Father blessed for evermore Then shalt thou be satisfied with his favour filled with joyes and his sight and Image shall be thy great contentment Then shalt thou say with the Psalmist Psal 16 11. Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fulnesse of joy at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore CHAP. X Concerning Justification Definition 1. ZAdick Just in hiphill signifieth righteousnesse in hisdi●k justificare that is to account some man just or righteous Rom. 3.26 To declare I say at this time his righteousnesse that he might be just and the justifier of him which beleeveth in Jesus 2. Justification is the gracious sentence of God through Christ apprehended by faith whereby he doth free the sinner from sins death and condemnation and repute them just to life glory and salvation Rom. 3.24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ Rom. 5. ult That as sinne hath raigned unto death even so might grace reigne through righteousnesse unto eternall life by Jesus Christ our Lord. 3. This gracious sentence in Justification proceeds from Gods decree that it might be pronounced in Christ our Saviour to his people and virtually sealed to the soule by the holy Spirit that the Saints might be assured of the condonation of iniquitie and the imputation of divine and heavenly righteousnesse Micah 7.18 Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger for ever because he delighteth in mercy Rom. 5.18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgement came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousnesse of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life 4. By the same grace wherby Christ was called unto the office of a Mediator the elect are called to union and communion with Christ and by that accounted just in the sight and presence of God Hebr. 3.1 2. Wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high Priest of our profession Christ Jesus Who was faithfull to him that appointed him as also Moses was faithfull in all his house 1. Cor. 1.9 God is faithfull by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord. 5. The efficient cause of our justification is the rich and free grace of God the mereitorious cause is themerit of Christ the instrumentall cause is faith apprehending and resting on the promises of God the end is the glory of God the salvation of beleevers and the illustration of divine mercy Rom. 5.17 For if by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gifts of righteousnesse shall reigne in life by one Jesus Christ 6. Christ is dead and all are dead that the righteousnesse of one might be imputed to all 2. Cor. 5.15 And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again Rom. 4.24 But for us also to whom it shall be imputed if we beleeve on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead 7. Christ willingly died and was willingly crucified and willingly bare the sence of his Fathers wrath for our sakes that he might break the bonds and chains of death that he might satisfie the justice of his Father and bring in everlasting peace attonement and reconciliation Isa 53.6 7. All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everie one to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquitie of us all He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is brought as a Lambe to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumbe so he opened not his mouth 8. Christ changeth our estate and condition and clotheth us with his pure
sufficient to salvation and my Vine to make me abundantly fruitfull through fruition am I not bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Should I not enjoy the benefit of his mediation the fruit of his glorification and the priviledge of glorious and sweet Communion who shall separate me from the love of my sweet Saviour shall Satan No shall imperfections and infirmities No shall the Law or the Gaoler of hell No they are of no force to disjoyne them whom God hath joyned by a bond inseparable Now I am assured he will fill me with love confirme with his promise love me with his beloved ones watch over my soule and deliver me from the roarings of the devill though the Charets and horsemen of hell pursue me I shall possesse his glory of inheritance Though I fall I shall rise againe though I was in the vaile of death I would not be afraid for his sweet streames would comfort mee Hence will I take up the resolution of the Psalmist Psal 46.2.3 Therefore will we not feare though the earth be moved and though the hills be carried into the middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and swell and though the mountaines shake at the tempest thereof CHAP. V. Concerning Vocation Definition 1. VOcation is a gathering of men unto Christ by the Gospell of life and everlasting salvation that they may be united unto him by a happie and perpetuall union 1 Cor. 1.9 God is faithfull by whom we are called unto the Communion of his Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord. 2. Vocation is efficatious or inefficatious 3. Efficatious vocation is that through which the faithfull are called from Satans Kingdome to the Kingdome of grace and glory by the sanctifying Word of truth and the effectuall work of the Spirit that they may not want in the appointed time that glorious salvation which Christ their Lord hath purchased Act. 26.18 That thou mayest open the eyes of the blind and convert them from darknesse to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive the remission of sinnes and an inheritance amongst them who are sanctified by faith which is in me 4. Inefficatious vocation is when the sonnes of men are under the sentence of the Gospel of atonement and reconciliation yet never find the effectuall operation of the holy Spirit unto an absolute Conversion Hence many are called and few are chosen 5. Vocation is Universall or Speciall 6. Vocation universall is that whereby God invites all men through the ministery of peace and propitiation that they would come to the knowledg of himselfe and Jesus Christ the appointed Redeemer of his elect and peculiar Col. 1.23 For which cause I Paul am made Minister to preach the Gospel to every creature under heaven 7. Speciall vocation is that whereby God doth dignifie his owne peculiar whilest he doth illuminate their minds working in their hearts effectually by his Spirit Rom. 5.5 Moreover hope makes not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by his holy Spirit 8. Universall Vocation hath been shadowed out by Types or divine Oracles 9. By Types Melchesidecke although he was a Gentile and without the promises of Abraham nevertheles he was the Priest of the most high GOD Heb. 7.1 10. By Oracles he shall be the expectation of the Gentiles Mat. 12.21 And in his Name shall the Gentiles trust 11. In vocation there is Christs oblation and the Christians reception considerable 12. Christs offer is that he will be a sufficient Redemption Reconciliation and Salvation to every one who beleeveth and resteth on him as his assured refuge and eternall Sanctury 1 Joh. 4.14 Whosoever shall drinke of the water which I shall give unto him shall not thirst againe but the water which I shall give unto him shall be in him a fountaine of springing water unto eternall life 13. Christs proffer is internall and externall 14. Christs externall proffer is when by the Ministers of the Word of truth and salvation he proposeth himselfe the onely and absolute salvation in heaven and earth Act. 4.12 Neither is there salvation in any other neither is there any other name given under heaven by which we must be saved 15. Christs internall proffer is when Christ proposeth himselfe effectually to the hearts of the faithfull through which they have assured confidence that Christ hath redeemed and saved them from sinne Satan the Law hell and destruction and that the Lord Christ will communicate to them eternall life peace joy and everlasting reconciliation Col. 2.2 That their hearts might be comforted and they knit together in love and in all riches of the full assurance of understanding to know the mystery of God even the Father and of Christ 16. Reception is through which the faithfull doe not refuse the proffer of grace but receiveth it through the help of the Spirit of glory Act. 10.43 44. To him give all the Prophets witnesse that through his Name whosoever beleeveth in him shall receive remission of sinnes While Peter spake these words the holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the Word 17 Sometimes there is a reception of the Word of mercy and propitiation which is not operative or effectuall to salvation Mat. 13.20 21. And he that receiveth seed into stony places the same is he that heareth the Word and anon with joy receiveth it Yet hath not roote in himselfe but dureth for a while for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word by and by he is offended 18. Reception is either taken actively or passively 19. Actively when the heart resteth on Christ the blessed Redeemer of his redeemed reconciled passively when there is a spirituall being of grace in the hearts of actuall Beleevers 1 Pet. 2.2 As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the Word that yee may grow thereby 20. Sometimes the Saints are called alone by the efficacy of the Spirit of obsignation Sometimes by the Word and efficacy of the Word of Life and Redemption The Word and the Spirit are not seperated in the vocation of the Saints Ephes 1.13 In whom also yee have trusted after that yee heard the Word of truth even the Gospel of your salvation wherein also after yee beleeved yee were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise 21. All the faithfull have been effectually called from eternall by vertue of Gods decree notwithstanding the Declaration thereof is as it may make for their good and the glory of God their heavenly and gracious Father Ephes 1.11 12. In him I say in whom yee have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the councell of his owne will That we may be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ. 22. God calls not all his Elect and Adopted in the same moment to the knowledge of his sanctifying truth and the sence of free and benignous favour and experience Mat. 20.5 6. 23.
not called from Pharaohs dungeon but from the dungeon of darknesse to be a sonne of God the Father and a brother to the Prince of grace and glory therefore I shall see my Fathers face and behold his glory Rev. 22.4 And they shall see his face and his Name shall be in their foreheads Verse the fift And they shall reigne for evermore CHAP. VI. Concerning Adoption Definition ADoption is the gracious sentence of God through which he doth accept of the faithfull for sonnes and daughters in Jesus Christ 1. Joh. 3.1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sonnes of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not In Adoption there is a gracious manifestation of the good will and pleasure of God that he would adopt us in Christ for his peculiar who by sin were the children of wrath and of the devill and were by nature the children of wrath as well as other Ephes 2.3 4. But God who is rich in mercie for his great love wherewith he loved us Ephes 1.5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto himself according to the good pleasure of his will Adoption proceeds from Gods decree it is collocated in Christ and sealed to the Saints through the Spirit of adoption Rom. 8 15. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father Adoption is not onely for Christs sake who hath merited the same for us but it flows also from Gods benignitie and bountie towards his elect and chosen Galat. 4.6 And because ye are sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts crying Abba Father The faithfull do not onely look for eternall life through the title they have by redemption but also through the title they have by adoption Rom. 8.23 And not onely they but our selves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groane within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body The sweetnesse and consolation of the faithfull ariseth when instead of the sons of the devill they through faith apprehend themselves to be the sonnes of God Joh. 1.12 But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that beleeve on his Name 7 As the Lord Christ in justification is applyed as a garment to cover sinnes so in Adoption he is applyed as the Prince of our life and salvation Hebr. 2.10 For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings 8. This conjunction is so strong that although Christ is properly the Son of God by nature hence tearmed the first begotten of God notwithstanding by this grace of adoption and communion with God in Christ all the faithfull are called the sonnes of God 2. Cor. 6.18 And I will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord Almightie 9. Although Adam was the sonne of God by creation yet not by the mysticall conjunction and union with Christ as we are by adoption Joh. 17.21 That they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may know that thou hast sent me 10. The dignitie which we have through adoption doth not onely superabound that common relation which every creature hath to Godward but also that which Adam possest before he relinquisht his puritie and integritie 11. God hath taken the adopted into the number of his own flock or family and given to them his name and hath undertaken to be their eternall protector in the time of danger Revel 3.12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the Name of my God and the name of the City of my God which is the new Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new Name Isa 4.4 5. the 4. When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Sion and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgement and by the spirit of burning The 5. And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Sion and upon her assemblies a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night for upon all the glorie shall be a defence 12. The inheritance to which the faithfull are adopted is eternall life glorious communion and everlasting blessednesse Joh. 17.2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh that he should give eternall life to as many as thou hast given him 13. That blessednesse which belongeth to the Saints redeemed and beloved is not communicated to them for their merits or deservings but through free grace through which they have obtained the dignitie of sons through adoption or filiation Isa 56.3.5 Neither let the sonne of the stranger that hath joyned himself to the Lord speake saying The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people neither let the Eunuch say Behold I am a drie tree The 5. Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better then of sonnes and daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off 14. Divine Adoption is not ordained to succession but to the participation of an inheritance assigned Ephes 1.18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightned that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glorie of his inheritance in the Saints 15. The proper adjunct of adoption is the testification of the holy Spirit which is given to the faithfull Hence they are said to be sealed by the Spirit 2. Cor. 1.21 Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God The 22. Who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts 16. God hath adopted his elect unto himself not that he had no other Son for Christ was tearmed his beloved and onely begotten Sonne but amongst the sons of men he had no other untill they were adopted to be beloved in Christ Gal. 3 26. For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus 17. Through the Spirit of Christ we have faith through which we lay hold on the death of Christ Mediatour and the promise of God our benevolous and gracious Father by which we are adopted to be sons and daughters Galat. 3.26 vide 18. By Adam we were alienated from God wherefore God hath sent his onely begotten and beloved Sonne that through him he might chuse many sons out of humane generation Hence
I will shew thee my faith by my works 26. In the justification of the Saints through faith we must consider the remission of sinne and transgression The imputation of divine and celestiall righteousnesse the gracious acceptation of the Saints prayers and praises and that free and gracious reconciliation with God our bounteous and celestiall Father 27. True justifying faith hath alwaies joyned with it a certain perswasion of the bountie and exceeding mercy of God the Father in Christ Jesus Hebr. 6.18 19. That by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lye we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us Which hope we have as an ancre of the soul both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that within the vaile 28. Though the Saints after their justified estate and condition may aske the pardon of sin and the forgivenesse of iniquitie notwithstanding the end thereof must be the further assurance thereof the exaltation of the riches of grace and the praise of the blood of Christ which is the cause of condonation or remission The grounds are these that diffidence and unbeleef may be removed and the exaltation of the love of God in Christ may be exalted 29. The new creature presented in Christ unblameable and unreproveable in the sight of God through reconciliation made perfect and pure in the presence of God through justification endewed with the heavenly pure grace of sanctification is so freed from sinne iniquitie and transgression that God beholds no more sin in it then in the Lord Jesus Christ Joh. 17.23 I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me 30. O admirable change O garment most sumptuous O royall and beautifull robe of Christs puritie and divine righteousnesse wherewith the Saints are adorned his chosen invested and his beloved friends and brethren enrobed that they may be for ever and evermore presented glorious in the sight of God who is most righteous and holy Revel 3.4 Thou hast a sew names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy Revel 7.13 14. And one of the elders answered saying unto me What are these which are arayed in white robes and whence came they And I said unto him Sir thou knowest And he said to me These are they which came out of great tribulation and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lambe Contemplation THe Church of Christ is all glorious within through the rare induements of the Spirit of grace she is all glorious without through the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to her God her Father beholds her compleat in the garment of her elder brother if she sin she is washed if she is washed she is purified if she is purified she is spotlesse being she is purged by the blood of the Lambe Christ Jesus The robe of righteousnesse wherewith she is attired is not beggerly but rich not impure but pure not finite but infinite Though the world judge her poore naked and miserable yet she is holy pure and cleane she is as she is made to be compleat in Christ who is her head and bridegroome we beleeve there is an holy Catholique Church we see it not for it is invisible notwithstanding Gods imputation is not to be gainsaid by the rabble of unlearned Doctors If God speak the thing it is so if God impute her just shall it not be so If the Son make her free she is free indeed if God account her just she is just indeed If a King forgive a rebell who shall impute that fault to him If God acquit his Church who shall lay any thing to her charge When Jacob was clothed with the garment of Esau his nakednesse appeared not to the sight of his old father Isaac The Church being clothed with the righteousnesse of Christ her nakednesse appears not in the sight of God her heavenly Father through this garment wherewith she is so strongly invested she is worthie to follow the Lord Christ from earth to heaven not onely by the ascent of heavenly meditation but by ascent of soule after her pilgrimage is ended For what ends to participate of all the rich and celestiall treasures which have been prepared for her before the foundation of the world and to see the face of her loving Father in celestiall glory What now shall fear her shall wrath shall anger divine justice or indignation No for she is beloved through her well beloved Christ the very Angels rejoyce because she is rich and full of treasures beautifull and exceeding amiable through the beautie and amiablenesse of Christ which is given to her Had Benjamin a suit passing the suites of his brethren and hath not the Church a righteousnesse passing the righteousnes of Pharisees Hence she loveth knoweth nor acknowledgeth any other righteousnesse save the righteousnesse of Christ she detesteth even her own works in matter of justification she will weare no linsie-wolsie garments for her pride is great and her ambition much in that particular All her glorie is in the Lord her righteousnesse all her thoughts is now to love and praise her Saviour and cease from working any more in the way of justification confessing that of and from and in him she injoyeth it ascribing continually to him the praise of righteousnesse She giveth the glory of glory to the Prince of glory she rendreth the praise of life to the Lord of life she ascribeth the honour of peace to the Mediator of peace and she attributeth the dignitie of righteousnesse to her Lord of righteousnes She is in Christ as a branch in the Vine through union She is in Christ as a man in the Sunne by glorification she is in Christ as a man in his garment through Justification Shee desireth none to rest in her but Christ the hope of glory she requesteth to be in none but Christ her everlasting righteousnesse for his righteousnesse is the righteousnesse of God and it is his Fathers pleasure that he should become the Lord her righteousnesse Upon which consideration he is tearmed the God of her righteousnesse Psal 4.1 Heare me when I call O God of righteousnesse for thou hast set me at libertie when I was in trouble have mercy upon me and hearken unto my prayer CHAP. XI Concerning Sanctification Definition 1. SAnctification is a reall transmutation from the filthinesse of sinne unto the puritie of the Image of God Ephes 4.22 23 24. That yee put off concerning the former conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitfull lusts And be renewed in the spirit of your minde And that yee put on that new man which after God is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse 2. There are two degrees of
Sanctification infancy and strong age the one is in the estate of grace the other in the estate of felicitie and glory 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all with open face beholding as in a glasse the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 3. In Sanctification there are two parts considerable 1. Mortification 2. Vivification 4. Mortification is the first part of Sanctification through which sinne is mortified and the force thereof weakned and abated Rom. 6.6 Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sinne might be destroyed that henceforth we might not serve sinne 5. Vivification is the second part of Sanctification through which the Image of God is restored and renewed 1 Cor. 15.49 And as we have borne the Image of the earthly we shall also beare the Image of the heavenly 6. The efficient and absolute cause is the Father of eternall grace and mercies 1 Thes 5.23 And the very God of peace sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soule and body be preserved blamelesse unto the comming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7. The meritorious or formall cause the precious deare bloud of the Lord Christ that bought us Heb. 10.10 By the which will wee are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all Heb. 10.29 Oh how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be thought worthy who hath troden under-foote the Sonne of God and hath counted the bloud of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace 8. The instrumentall cause of our Sanctification is the precious and sanctifying Word of the Lord Jesus Joh. 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth thy Word is truth 9. The spirit of life and glory is the cause principally working and perfecting of our Sanctification Hence the Spirit of Christ is tearmed the Spirit of Sanctification Rom. 1.4 10. There is an inseparable lincke and conjunction betwixt the act of Justification by or through the righteousnesse of the Lord our righteousnesse and the act of Sanctification through the Spirit of life and Adoption The ground is this Sith the end of Justification through the love of God and righteousnesse of Christ is the holinesse of our lives and conversations 11. Whilest the inabilitie of man is insufficient to mortifie sinne transgression and iniquitie the Spirit of life and consolation worketh faith in the hearts of the faithfull which layeth hold on the deare bloud and precious death of the Lord Christ which draweth strength from thence to the utter subduing and mortifying of corruption Heb. 9.14 How much more shall the bloud of Christ who through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without spot to God purge your conscience from dead workes to serve the living God Rom. 6.8 9 10. Now if we be dead with Christ we beleeve that we shall also live with him Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dyeth no more death hath no more dominion over him For in that he dyed he dyed unto sinne once but in that he liveth he liveth unto God 12. Whilest man is insufficient to restore againe the Image of God which he lost in Paradise to him is given the Spirit of life through which he is freed from the Law of sinne and death and raised againe to live by the life and resurrection of Christ Rom. 8.2 For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the Law of sinne and death Rom. 8.11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you 13. The New Creature reconciled through bloud justified through righteousnesse and sanctified by the Spirit is really absolutely freed from blame reproofe and sinne in the sight of God the Father 2 Cor. 5.17 Coll. 1.22 Vide. 14. As God hath glory by faith in his promise love to his Name and hope in his salvation so he hath glory by holinesse and sanctitie in our lives and conversations Rom. 4.20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbeliefe But was strong in faith giving glory to God Joh. 17 10. And all mine are thine and thine are mine and I am glorified in them Mat. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in Heaven 15. Though the Father of glory and God of all consolation give us life eternall without the desert of holinesse and sanctification yet he doth not give the joy of the Spirit supply of grace without the meanes of sanctimony or sanctification Act. 10.43 44. Vide. 16. Answerable to the sence of Gods divine favour the apprehension of the divine love of Christ and the over-fillings and over-flowings of the joy of the Spirit so is the faithfulls progresse to the high calling of God in Christ Phil. 3.14 I presse toward the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus 17. So farre as our sanctification or holinesse is an assurance of our glory and blessednesse hereafter that it shall receive the crowne of hope and approbation in the day of Judgement and that through it we glorifie our heavenly Father before the sonnes of men we may rejoyce before God with an assured confidence Act. 24.14 15 16. But this I confesse unto thee that after the way which they call Heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers beleeving all things which are written in the Law and the Prephets And have hope towards God which they themselves also allow that there shall be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust And herein doe I exercise my selfe to have alwayes a conscience voyde of offence towards God and men 18. Not the terrors of the Law the feare of hell the dread of Justice nor the affrightment through condemnation ought to move the Saints to the obedience of the Gospel of life and salvation sith they are bound to the obedience thereof by the love of God a reconciled Father and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent Joh. 15.12 This is my Commandement that yee love one another as I have loved you Joh. 14.15 If yee love me keepe my Commandements 19. Though the Saints for their sanctitie and holinesse are not assured of life and immortalitie yet without sanctitie and holinesse they are not assured of beatitude and glory Heb. 12.14 Follow peace with all men and holinesse without which no man shall see the Lord. 20. When the faithfull doe not consider their justified estate and condition and their glorious presentation through the act of reconciliation but opposeth and compareth their works with the Commands and Precepts of the Morall Law It doth possesse them with dreadfull griefe and woefull sorrow Heb. 12.18 19 20
priviledge the Churches admiration because of the savour of thy sweet ointmēts thy name is an ointment poured out the Virgins love thee Is this a small matter to be called Branches Members Spouse to Christ thy worthy and loving Bridegroome to his redeemed and chosen Is this a thing of no worth to be called heires coheires with Christ and sonnes and daughters of the living God Is this thing of no consequence that we should be called the redeemed of the Lord the friends of Christ and the Lords inheritance O my soule shalt thou not rejoyce and rejoyce again to consider that thou bearest the name of God the new name of the Citie of our God even of the new Jerusalem Now thy name is altered and changed thou wast called a child of wrath now a child of favour a servant of the devill now a servant of Jesus Christ an alienate from the common-wealth of Israel now a citizen of the Kingdome of heaven A limbe of the house of hell and death now one of the familie of God thy deare and tender Father A stranger from the Covenant of promise now one of the familiars and acquaintance of Christ Was that a priviledge that Abram should be called Abraham and not this a priviledge to thee that wast a slave to the black king of darknesse shouldst be called a servant of life and light Was that a dignitie that Jacob should be called Israel and is not this a dignitie to thee that thou who wast a vessell of hell and wrath shouldst be called a vessell of blisse and glory O my soule triumph that thou hast a name better then the sons and daughters better then of kings and Princes better then Adam in the day of puritie and integritie for thy name is written in the book of life it is known in the land of the living and ingraven on the breast of Israels Redeemer Thou therefore with boldnesse shalt beare his Name in thy forehead neither principalities nor powers nor dominions shall affright thee neither prison chains nor bonds shall amaze thee neither sword famine nor pestilence shall discourage thee neither shipwracke whips nor reproaches shall daunt thee thou shalt with boldnesse confesse his Name before men and Angels for thou shalt behold his face in glorie with them that behold it Revel 22.4 And they shall see his face and his Name shall be in their foreheads REvel 22.5 And there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shall reigne for evermore And there shall be no night there It was said of Asher that his bread should be fat and he should yeeld pleasures for a King It may be said of this that the fruits thereof will be sweetnes it yeeldeth sweetnesse to Kings washed and beloved It was spoken of Naphtalie that he should be as a Hind let go speaking goodly words It may be spoken of Christ that he came out from the Father uttering gracious speeches And of Joseph that his bowe abode in strength his hands were strengthened by the hands of the mightie God of Jacob the stone and Pastor of Israel It may be related of the Saints that they abide invincible and their faith inconquerable by the hands of the Lord of life and salvation and by the words of the great Shepheard the Redeemer and seeker of Israel By what words by the words of death of darknesse of sin hell and condemnation No but by the words of life light remission heaven and salvation according to the text And there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shall reigne for evermore No night there VVHat no night there What no darknesse there what no promiscuousnesse nor dimnesse there No time was they sate in the region and shadow of death but to them the light of Christ the Sunne of righteousnesse both appeared Time was they sate in darknesse being bound with affliction and iron but to them the brightnesse of glory in the face of Jesus Christ hath been manifested Time was the god of this world had blinded their eyes that they could not behold the glory of the Lord in the land of the living but now Christ the Light of the world the Son beloved of the Father to them hath been declared shall they sit in solitarie places No. Shall their bonds be everlasting bonds under darknesse No or shall their feet stumble upon promiscuous mountains No. For the Gospel of life and light is their claritie the Sunne of glorious righteousnesse their glory and the shining countenance of their heavenly Father their beautie For there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither the light of the Sunne for the Lord God doth give them light and they shal reigne for evermore And they need no candle VVHat not of the candle that yeeldeth light in the hidden and secret places that is a pleasure unto sublunarie creatures that directeth the paths of them that walk in obscuritie No. What not of the word of Reconciliation that is a lanterne to our feet and a light to our paths not of that which sought out man upon the mountains of sinne and the craggie rocks of iniquitie of that which bringeth in life peace and immortalitie There is no need of the terrene and earthly but of the spirituall and heavenly that alone is needfull in the day of grace not in glory the day-starre appearing the lesser lights are extinguished The Sun of light and glory appearing the inferiour lights are deleted Though we need a candle in the day of grace yet we need no candle in the estate of glory for the Lord God who giveth grace and glory immediately enlightneth by his glory For there shall be no night there neither need of the candle neither of the Sun for the Lord God doth enlighten them and they shall reigne for evermore Neither of the light of the Sunne VVHat not of the light of the Sun which is as supreame amongst the Planets the rarest of lights the delight of sublunaries the beautie of the world the illumination of hidden and secret places and the rejoycing of the lower orbs or inferiour Regions No. What not of Christ the effulgencie and character of his Fathers person the Son of the bosome full of grace and truth the Mediatour of the new Covenant the Prince of peace the Lord of life and salvation the great Shepheard of his sheep the Sonne of light righteousnes and immortalitie Yea for as our life is deadnesse without his life our righteousnesse unrighteousnesse without his righteousnesse our glory deformitie without his beautie our riches poverty without his treasure so our light is darknesse without his shining beams of glory Though there is no need of the light of the Sun yet there is need of the light of the Son of righteousnesse For there shall be